Monday, December 30, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #59 Mon 12/30/13 Ric and JL get a makeover that involve their fists and fancy office furniture

Happy New Year! 

Some scenes are combined, for a better flow

The old: Raquel and JL are kissing. JL asks Raquel to find out who Homero really is – if she doesn’t know how, she should maybe try using her pretty little head.

Boys will be boys
At Aresti Breton – Ric is in his office, for once appearing to be busy with work. Not for long, though, because JL is on his way to pay him a visit. The secretary announces his presence and Ric allows him in. JL looks serious, Ric looks serious... This can’t end well.
The talk starts harmless enough. JL wants the two of them to make a deal, because he needs to find out who Homero really is. But Ric isn’t willing to help, he thinks JL should go ask for himself.
As both men start to lose their temper (with Ric and JL this really isn’t all that hard), Oriana becomes the topic of their conversation.
JL: “Oriana es mi mujer.” (Oriana is my wife /or, considering the specimen talking/ Oriana is my woman)
Ric: No, Oriana is a widow, and I am with Ines.
And so the screaming starts. Ric demands JL to give Orines her freedom back, especially since she doesn’t love him anymore. JL reminds Ric of his past mistakes (the supposed rape) and accuses him of having brainwashed his wife.
This prompts Ric to jump on JL and a real fight ensues, just as theatrical and choreographed as the one they had a few months ago, in the rain. Somehow I got to recap that one, too, so I feel I’m an expert in JL/ Ric brawls.
Anyway, they throw some punches, some in slow motion, some in fake motion (as in - you can totally see they’re not real punches); JL falls over Ric’s round bookcase thingy and then it’s Ric’s turn to lose his balance. He’s on his back, on the desk and JL is trying to choke him. So Ric pulls out a gun and points it at JL, just as Mariano (sand Plaid, just Plain) comes to stop the carnage (not really). JL screams “Te vas a repentir, gusano!” (You’ll be sorry, you worm) and leaves.
Mariano looks shocked that Ric would have a gun. Was he going to use it?
Who knows, Ric honestly answers. This guy won’t stop until one of us is dead.
Just then Oriana calls Ric to tell him about JL latest outrageous act: she called her a drug addict in front of Homero. Ric is for once in no mood to talk to Oriana and appease her poor nerves, so he makes up an excuse about having to work and hangs up.
He doesn’t look too good, though, so Mariano takes him to the hospital.

The walls have ears and long, blonde locks
At Casa Bonita, Manolo shows up wanting a room or to talk to Lucina… or both, their relationship is what I’d call friends with half benefits – that includes the gazing, the teasing, the occasional double entendres, but no actual smooching (unless I missed something).
Lucina cries on Manolo’s shoulder – she’s afraid she’ll end up in jail because Homero knows the whole truth about Oriana’s fake identity and the forged passports. Manolo tries to comfort her the best way he can, they end ends up talking about who Homero really is: a very powerful retired Federal Intelligence Director. Raquel eats up the entire conversation – she’s eavesdropping from behind the door.

You should see the other guy
Ric is at the hospital, apparently he has two broken ribs. Mariano is with him and Marilu, too. She came to bring him a shirt from the ones he had at the office. She offers to drive him home and keep him away from Fidelia’s vigilant eyes.
Arriving home, Marilu helps Ric inside his bedroom. She’s very chirpy and friendly, says good bye with a sickly sweet te quiero. As that was not enough for the huge alarm bells ringing in my head, this is the moment Ric chooses to remember what Homero said about Alina’s possible adoptive parents: a married couple between the ages of 25 and 55.

Later on, as Ric is still in bed, Oriana calls him. Again she tells him what JL told Homero about her and asks why he didn’t visit her. Well, Ric explains, I’ve been busy. Oriana realizes there is something more going on, she thinks he is hiding her something about her legal situation – she once again states that all she cares about is her daughter’s well-being after she goes to jail. This gives Ric even more food for thought.

JL doesn’t look better, either. He’s at home, in pain, when Raquel calls to tell him the information she found out about Homero. But first, she wants JL to buy her a house, and not a small one, mind you. He’s in no mood for her games (when is he in the mood for Raquel, anyway?), but when she tells him who Homero de la Garza really is, he tells her she can start looking for a house.

Later Antonio visits him and when he finds out the fighting was with Ric because of Oriana and Alina, he thinks JL should forget about them. Ha, that’s not something JL is ever willing to do.
They talk about Homero, Antonio knows him by reputation: he used to be a very powerful man, now he’s retired, but he still knows a lot of people in very high places. Is he interested in our business, Antonio wonders? He could turn into a problem.
No, this is about my wife and daughter, JL explains, prompting Antonio to express his displeasure again.

Madhilde has left the building
The next morning Oriana, Fabiola, Alina and Tito go to the vet. Fabiola is taking driving classes from Oriana. As they drive off, Madhilde comes running, screaming that nobody gave Fabiola permission to go out. She takes her complain to Paloma, who explains that Fabi only went to the vet and she’ll be home in no time.
And speaking of, when does Maddy plan to leave? She has enough money from the shares she got, so what is she waiting for? Maddy makes the effort to appear hurt; does tia Paloma really want her gone after all those years of keeping her company?
Paloma is grateful for that, but she now sees that Maddy will never change – she is a bad mother and a bad wife, who doesn’t understand what is going on around her. Maddy attacks Ines again and this upsets Paloma very much. Maddy can’t wait for Ines to get married and leave; she is taking Fabiola with her, anyway, so this way soon enough Paloma will be all alone.
No, Paloma makes it clear, when Ines is getting married, I’m leaving her my house and she and her husband will live with me; also, Fabiola is not coming with you.

Returning from the vet (Tito has permission to run again), Leo calls Fabiola, who is driving and can’t answer. Oriana takes a message for her, he wants to see her (or something similar, I forgot). Anyway, they do meet the next day and talk about books and play kissy faces.
Arriving home, the girls meet Maddy who is all packed and ready to go. She tells Fabi to pack, too, because Paloma has just thrown them out. Oriana can’t believe this to be the truth and Paloma comes out of the house to say that Fabiola can stay with her as long as she wants. Maddy pleads with Fabi to come with her, but Fabi chooses to stay with Paloma.
When they are left alone for a moment, Maddy tries to convince Fabi to come with her by promising to change and to allow her to do whatever she wants (hah), but Fabi still says no. This prompts Maddy to slap (!!!) her daughter before finally leaving.

Manly man talking about a teenager’s love life
Ric is still in bed, when Mariano visits him. Ric calls JL a beast for having attacked him (I distinctly remember Ric jumping on JL after JL provoked him).
The two friends talk about their other friend’s possible marriage to such a young woman. Mariano thinks the age difference alone shouldn’t be an impediment if they are in love. Yeah, but what about the other guy, Leo, Ric wonders? Does he know that Fabi is pregnant? 

Later on they start discussing the fact that they don’t know any couple willing to adopt Alina. Actually, I don’t think they know any couples AT ALL. Mariano wonders if maybe Ric shouldn’t get married. But to whom, Ines or Oriana? No, JL might try to do something against one of them.
Ric also asks Mariano to give him his gun back.

Long distance call
JL is on the phone with Joaquin, telling him about Homero de la Garza’s involvement. He could turn into a problem, since he is a very influent man, so for now they both agree to keep the new company’s activity as transparent as possible. JL further explains that Homero knows him as Francisco Castro and he’s interested in his wife, not his business. This infuriates Joaquin, who demands JL to leave Mexico immediately.
After Joaquin hangs up, JL calls Oriana and asks her to meet with him because they need to settle their situation once and for all.

Reunited and it feels so good
Leaving her tia’s house, Madhilde went to live with her husband at Casa Bonita. She demands to be escorted to his room, which Lucina agrees to.
Then, in the room, she complains about everything: not enough space, only one bed (?!), what a horror. Lucina promptly puts her in her place: Maddy is free to go stay at a fancier hotel if she doesn’t like this type of accommodations.
When Ruben comes to his room he is less than happy to see his wife already installing herself. After a brief fight with her, he goes to talk to Lucina. She offers to put another bed in Cesar’s room, but Ruben should really make up his mind and get a divorce. Tomorrow they’re going to see a lawyer!

His special charm – talking a good game
Oriana tells Paloma she has to go run some errands and leaves for her rendez-vous with JL. Paloma is very suspicious and considering the circumstances, I understand why she would be worried, but she’s acting kind of creepy - can Oriana even breathe anymore without Paloma being right behind her, counting her breaths?
Arriving at JL’s place, Oriana notices his bruises. JL explains that Ric beat him because of her and because he’s a mad man. He also threatened him with a gun, by the way – is Oriana sure she can trust Ric? After all, how long has she known him?
Oriana tries not to listen, but some of these accusations kind of stick with her. After all, JL continues, she lived with him for years and he never showed her a darker side until now. People can change, so why wouldn’t Ric, a rapist, change, too? So what if he says he’s innocent, there is nothing that money can’t buy.
So, what he suggests is for the three of them (Alina included) to leave the country once and for all.

Law & Order Hermosillo
Homero, Manolo and Inspector Cousin talk about their plan with the Aresti/ Breton clan. The only one still not aware that Oriana=Ines, the Inspector, is quickly put up to speed. Homero understands why Oriana had to lie and he has a plan to help her. He knows about a certain company, Artefolclor, which received a major investment from Caribbean Investment Company. So he wants to investigate Artefolclor, because he’s sure something shady is going on there, but to put this plan into motion, first he needs to speak to three key players: Paloma, Oriana and Ricardo, who will be the hardest to convince. Also, maybe Manolo could squeeze some information out of that pretty blonde, Raquel, JL’s girlfriend.
Homero calls Ric, asking him to meet up at Paloma’s to explain to all of them the solution he found to keep Oriana out of jail. Ric pretends he has the flue and can’t really make it, so Homero asks him to put on his big boy pants and come to the meeting. Then he calls Paloma to let her know to.
Before Oriana can arrive at the meeting, Homero explains to Ric and Paloma his plan. They can keep Oriana out of jail, if she agrees to go into witness protection / spy for them inside Artefolclor, by going back to live with JL. And since officially Oriana Caligaris has disappeared, that only leaves Ines Valdivia’s identity to use.  
Ric is absolutely against the idea because he loves Oriana and he couldn’t resist knowing her in the same house with JL. What if the guy asks her to sleep together? What if he rapes her?
Just then Oriana shows up and sees his bruises, too.
After she finds out what the plan is, she wonders if JL somehow knows what they want to do and that’s why he asked her to leave the country together. If there is a spy among them, it can only be Raquel.
Ric mentions the documents Oriana found, all addresses to a certain Joaquin. Homero seems to know the name, but can’t quite remember from where. Oriana is worried that Alina won’t like the new plan, either and Homero agrees that Alina’s situation will be difficult to handle. Oriana cries, she can’t give Alina up for adoption, the girl will be too scared and won’t understand what is happening. Homero further explains the necessity of her getting infiltrated inside Artefolclor and the fact that Paloma is too old to adopt.
As Ric just listens on, Oriana thinks that maybe jail would be better, because she simply can’t allow for her daughter to go to an orphanage.
(What I don’t get is why this is an issue. If Oriana is supposed to go back to JL and pretend in front of him, how will she explain the fact that Alina is not with them? What am I missing here? She is supposed to spy for Homero and then go into witness protection?)

Oriana accepts to live with JL again.
Raquel makes a scandal outside of JL’s house.


Ok, guys! I hope you enjoy it, I really have to go to sleep now, it's 3 a.m. in France.
Tomorrow I'll go over it again, try to polish it a bit.

Adriana, you're amazing. Thanks for this-dream sweet dreams!

Thanks Adriana,

Why doesn't Joaquin just kill Jose Luis? I don't get it? Jose Luis is messing up the business and getting the feds all involved.


Excellent recap, Adriana!

In any part of these plans, Alina is a problem. She is too terrified to live with JL. If they don't find a couple that she knows and trusts to live with, then the only other choice is an orphanage. And if she ends living with another couple, or in an orphanage (which I don't think Ori would accept), JL is NOT going to be very happy about Alina not being a part of the deal if Ori returns to him.

Choice 1: Ori goes to jail for ID theft, Lina gets adopted or goes to an orphange. After jail (we don't know how long), she recuperates her daughter. Will they give her a deal and the witness protection new identity if she testifies against JL?

Choice 2: Ori returns to JL, without Lina (like JL is going to let that happen). She spies and gathers intel for the feds, and in exchange gets no jail time. Lina is adopted or goes to an orpahnage for as long as it takes Ori to gather info. Once her mission is accomplished, she gets her new identity and her daughter back.

Option 2 seems like it would take less time than Option 1, but it also seems WAY more dangerous for Ori, and I just don't see how she would convince JL to accept Lina living with other people.

I do like the idea of Inez being Ori's witness protection name. It takes care of the issue of the name change officially. But it really only protects her against JL's enemies in Colombia. The DR mafia know her new identity.

Thanks so much, Adriana. I'm just as confused as you are. I don't get this "spy" plan either.

And I agree with Cynderella, Joaquin is the most patient bad guy on the planet. JL *is* screwing things up and all because of personal issues. I'm actually feeling a little sympathy for Joaquin. It appears he's surrounded by idiots.

Poor Lina. Did you notice how she started to cry when Palmona and Matilde were arguing about Mati leaving and taking Fabi? Poor kid has been traumatized by all the fussing and fighting among these adults. I worry how she will handle Ori either going to jail, or going back to JL.

I've just read your explanations, Vivi and I get it...but I don't get it. It all seems pretty flimsy to me and I can't see JL would fall for any of it. He's gonna have to know that Ines is up to something...isn't he??

On a lighter note, I'm going to pull out my copy of Bajo La Isla del Mar and finally read it....

Digo..La isla bajo el mar... ay ay


Now that the money laundering biz has been established in Mexico, I think Jaoquin will have more motivation to bump JL off. Especially with his personal problems bringing the Feds down on them, and JL not saying "how high" when Joaquin tells him to jump his butt back to the DR for a dance session with the bongos.

The demise of JL would solve a lot of problems....

Sara- Love the new avatar. Does it mean anything?

Is it a pig in an ascot? An homage to Ricky?

OMG, I hadn't really thought about the ascot aspect!!! Now I'm even HAPPIER with it!!

It's just a character from Ranma 1/2 (Japanese Manga) that I think is cute....

Hey, the little guy even looks a little like Ric when he's mad. (For the record, I agree with and love J's assessment of Ric's actions.)

How on earth does spying on JL qualify as Witness Protection? That would put Oriana right in the line of fire.

Considering the link I put in one of yesterday's discussions this should not even be a suggestion.

Poor Fabiola, too.

Adriana Noel, this was absolutely EXCELLENT!!! Mil gracias!!

Vivi in DC, thank you for deciphering some of this Krazy Plan. In some ways, I feel we are back at square one all over again with just about everything.

I will be really worried if Oriana goes back to JL. There is something not quite right in JLs handsome little head. He is a Ticking Time Bomb.

Cynderella, you will be the one to tell us what is going to happen to Rhodalina! I can't wait!

Anywho...this plan...I don't know.


Adriana Noel - A great recap and up so fast. Thanks a bunch.

Joaquin remarked in awe earlier that JL can pass for one of "them," sophisticated business folks. I don't think the outfit has many JLs. The rest are like Joaquin; they look like enforcers and are too low brow to infiltrate legit society. At least that's my theory on why they haven't bumped JL off. But once they see Homero is on their trail because of JL pestering his mujer, who knows?

Homero doesn't get how unstable JL is to suggest Ori go undercover. I get Ricky's worry. But, Ricky, why worry about just rape? There's a zillion other things JL could do to Ori. Kidnap, murder, block her from custody of Alina, etc.

Niecie- I know, right. JL could beat her; be emotionally abusive; his mob friends could murder her if they find out she's spying. There are just SO many other things that could put Ori in harm's way, other than in the bedroom with JL.

Sara, I agree with you when Ric gets mad, his eyes do turn ovally as the pig in the ascot.I like Ric, but I can see his faults too. he is whiny, but I think the bland way Mayrin is playing Oriana highlights his whinyness. The fit time they had mutual spark as after their non night of passion in Palomia's room she said their relationship was doomed.

Thanks Vivi, for making sense of Ori's choices. Now the Ric/Marilu spoiler bumper makes sense, at east for Option 1.

Adriana, you were so fast and very good, and really liked your small titles.

Now my favourite scene was the fighting. I liked now Ricardo pulled the gun, when cap 39 Jl . And when Ori saw them, I love Ricardo's reaction, and Homero's bad joke, on that only he laughed.
Ori looks forward difficult weeks, months and it won't be easy for Ricardo, if he doesn't make something crazy. I am afraid a bit, because I saw the killer anger in his eyes much more than Jl.
I really regret Ruben, he moved out from Aresti-Breton because of her wife and now again together.


Sorry, I wanted to write he moved out of Villa Aresti, but for me it is to early, I am getting up now, and I was in bed. BUT I started my morning with this recap, because recaps fill me with good feeling, after it I have a better mood. :)


Adriana, you wrote: I distinctly remembered RIC jumping on Jl. No, no, no, no, no.

I distincly watched: Jl started again the combat like last time in the rain (cap39-40) . Jl got off Ric behind his desk and threw onto the sofa. Very memorable moment for me, I love slaps and fighting in series. And the mpv's facebook profile have a video, how made Ricky's rousting our behind the desk. It longs a half minute.


Btw where did Ric's gun come from? He seemed to pull it out of nowhere. Did I miss a scene where he had it nearby?

Alejo, I was sure Ric started, but you must be right - I was pretty tired when I started the recap.

Vivi, thank you for teh clarification. What you said makes sense, and somehow, it doesn't - just like Sara said, too.
No matter what she chooses to do, Oriana has to give up on Alina for the time being. So now her biggest issue is finding reliable, adoptive parents - but how is she supposed to explain Alina missing from their "happy" household to JL?

Sara, OMG, your pig in an ascot is to die for. If you didn't choose this on purpose, your subconscious must really be into Ric.

Niecie, ITA agree with you about Ric's first worry being the fact that Oriana would have to sleep with JL. I wanted to make a point of this in the recap, but I forgot to add it - no guy wants his lady love in bed with another man, but Jl can do far worse to Oriana than just ask her to sleep with him.
It's little things like this that bug me about Ric. He talks a good game when it comes to his love and commitment, but he always comes off as a horny, insecure teenager.

I'm pretty sure my confusion stems from the fact that Homero keeps saying "witness protection." As UA pointed out, how is sending her into the lion's den keeping her "protected".

I thought the writers were pretty obvious last night "thanks for your help Marilu"..... Flashback to Manrique convo about adoption....."I'll marry anybody".

Ric just hasn't connected the dots.

Marilu might just get too comfortable playing happy family with Ricky and Lina while Ori is playing spy or in prison. I don't see her happily handing them back over to Ori when she returns.

Alejo is right that JL started the fight by dragging Ricky up from, and across his desk and tossing him. Not the first push, but the first violent move in that fight.

Not the first punch...

Homero's options really suck for Ori. She has to do the near impossible task of convincing JL to take her, but to let Alina go. How is she going to do that? Then, spying on him. As tight of a leash as he kept her on last time, this is going to be really difficult. Plus, she's worried sick about finding a home for Lina where the girl will be happy and can feel safe. Jail is starting to look better all the time, but still doesn't solve the Alina problem.

Great job Adriana. The fight scene was too much. The slo mo and shaky camera work was annoying and it seemed like it went on forever.

This plan seems crazy. She should go into witness protection with Alina and tell everything she knows about JL and where he is and let the police take him back to Columbia. How would she get involved in Artistica Folklor when JL has nothing to do with the company anymore? He's not an officer in the company, so wouldn't he wonder why she wants to have anything to do with that company?

Vivi, totally agree about Marilu-in the spoiler bumper she looked satisfied while Ric looked like he had indigestion. Adriana, Ric does come off as a 'horny, insecure, teenager' with Oriana.

I'm just glad Ric is willing to do anything to secure Lina, especially since he has had a better relationship with her. Even with such an adoption, though, Lina will still be heartbroken.

Adriana -- You are so kind to get this done so quickly. I think we are all eager to comment as the action heats up. Great recap, by the way.

I figure that the only way that JL accepts Ines-the-undercover-agent without Alina is if Joaquin is pressuring so much that he has to get out of Dodge immediately. Otherwise, no deal, as it looks now. Things can certainly change on a dime.

Ric might have been able to get away with just shooting JL, a man coming into his place of business, attacking him, etc. Certainly the secretaries would vouch for him. But with Homero out there, the truth might have emerged (with a little prodding, of course).

It seems that Ricardo's greatest objection to Ines returning to JL is that they would resume marital relations. While certainly objectionable, it makes Ricardo seem so adolescent in his approach to the relationship -- something that others have mentioned before.

Raquel would be so much prettier without the long hair extensions. Where do they get these production/costume ideas? Sometimes it seems like they are "dressing" people to be caricatures of themselves.

I've had the same thoughts about Raquel's extensions. I don't quite get why that did that.

I'm really annoyed this is not airing tonight.

I agree with Vivi in DC that Marilu might enjoy this game of happy family way too much. Cynderella, novio of you know who, has commented many times that Marilu and her generosity towards the woman who "took her man" is not real.

In fact, don't you think that this has been a point all along and why they have portrayed Marilu in this fashion? Like Cynderella, I am not so quick to assume that Marilu is innocence and light when it comes to her true feelings for Ric and the Ric/Oriana relationship.

I have thought this over since last night (can you believe it?! It is a STORY and I am thinking it over!! OY!) and I think putting Oriana back with JL is throwing her to the devil himself.

JL's anger is showing more and more. Oriana would be a prisoner. How much more truly valuable information could she possibly get by going back to JL?

I so hope that she does not make this choice. I would simply choose to go Directly To Jail and Not Pass "Go". Period.


Sara, tell me it is not so! Really? No show tonight? Why?


STOOPID New Year's Eve programming. Juarever. 2013...2014. It's all the same. I want to know what will happen to Ines.

Um... Most of my inner dialogue is spent pondering the TN plots. Sad but true.

Marilu not giving up Ric is probably what we're headed for, but was her plan all along to just sit and wait?? I completely agree that she has been way too sweetness and light, but that the writers didn't even hint at her dark side is a little odd to me.

You cynical ones, I'm still holding out hope that Marilu is true.

I can see Oriana telling JL that she would go back on one condition, Alina gets adopted to another couple so that she stays out of harm's way.

Lol, Cathyx! Maritrue.

Good one Sara. That will be what I call her until/unless she lets me down.

I don't think Marilu has been faking or plotting. I think she really is trying to get over Ricky and accept his relationship with Ori, even though it hurts her. But, if Rick enlists her help in the adoption plan, they get married, and start living with Lina like a family, I can see Marilu falling back into deep feelings for Rick-- deeper than before. This will either break her heart when Ori returns, or make her do some stupid and/or bad things to hang on to her new family. I'm hoping more for heartache, but either way, I don't see this deal ending well for Marilu.

cathyx, yeah, I think I am a cynic when it comes to Marilu/tru (Insert "wink" emoticon here), but I agree (oy, again!) with Vivi in DC that I don't think she has been actively plotting, etc, I just don't totally fall 100% for the sweetness and light bidnez. There is just a little something that makes me pause when it comes to Marilu/tru.

Ric marrying Marilu/tru even for the best of intentions (Rhodalina) just reeks of trouble down the road to me.

Sara, New Year's Eve celebrations dumping our TN?! We were planning on having the TNs run tonight as part of our evening fun. I am bummed.


IKR? What could be more celebratory champagne and ascots?

Gracias, Adriana! Big boy pants, indeed. I think Ric made ascots out of his and they don't have the same effect.

Marilu or Maritru...let's see what her reaction is when someone proposes the plan...will she say "What? No! I can't do that!" and if she does, will I still find her reaction suspicious? Where would the drama be in Marilu not-really-sacrificing herself and marrying Ric if she doesn't end up trying to keep him. Will it be that she falls in love with someone else and has a really hard time explaining that "Yeah, I'm married, but it's only so my stepdaughter's mom can spy on her, really, I'm not with, I swear, you can come over for dinner and meet him and everything, I think he'd really like, baby, don't be that way, me!"

And Matilde. Seriously. I do not know what to do with her. Paloma's right...she has shares, and thus income. Where does she get off mooching off Ruben, who has finally located his spine and is working for a living? Cause I have a funny feeling she's not planning on splitting the cost of the room. And I'm sick of her lashing out physically at Fabi. Once again, I was on the verge of feeling sorry for her and then she has to go and be a bully. Shut up, Matilde! Go cry in a bag of dividends.

Time for a mushy moment, so bare with me:

I guess we can all agree that we spend too much time thinking about silly tn plots. I've been doing this all my life (or for the last 20 years, to be more exact) - I'm so happy I finally have someone to share this experience with.

Whether you are here to learn Spanish, gaze at Latino biceps or generous Latino cleavages, I'm SO HAPPY to have found you.

I discovered this blog last year while searching for info on Amor Bravio, but I became addicted only in January - so this is kind of an anniversary for me. After an awful 2012, 2013 was a a very complicated year, tense and filled with different experiences, not all good. Caray Caray helped me manage my time better (3 recaps in 2 days - NOT easy!), put me in contact with people far far away, broadened my horizons in the most literally way.

Thank you all for allowing me to be part of this amazing community! You are all so kind, friendly and generous, I can't believe such a place actually exists on the INTERNET.

As some of you already know, English is not my first language, so for me this site is a way to keep up, not forget.
Basically, I'm watching Spanish telenovelas because I don't want to forget my English... if that makes any kind of sense to you all.

Being a recapper for some Telemundo shows and then here, for CI and now Mentir, has been such a rewarding experience... I lack the proper vocabulary to express just how utterly happy I feel to be one of you.

Ok, enough of that...
How about that fight, huh? Again no shirt ripping??? Bad move, show, BAD MOVE!


Maritrue, ;)
Oh' I was happy because I thinked the tomorrow day will begin with recap of Cyndarella now I am :( :(:( :(

And on wednesday will be MPV on Uni or another missing episode?



Adriana- What a wonderful comment. I'm so glad that you went from lurker, to commenter, to recapper of multiple tns, in record time. Thank you so much for gifting us with your presence and your talent. We are so lucky to have you, and it has been a pleasure to "meet" you and to get to know you. :) Happy New Year to you, and to all our Caraymates around the world!

tks so much Adriana Noel

Hair extensions are beginning to annoy me as much as fake boobs. Why does Oriana need fake hair down to her waist, she would have pretty hair w/o them.

Ruben & Cesar can move back to Paloma's.

Some good news, after MPV we will have Quiero amarte.
Carlos Moreno Laguillo is the producer, Amor Bravio & Cuando me enamoro. So it s/b good
Karyme Lozano
Cristian de la Fuente, for Adriana
Diana Bracho, the best
Flavio Medina, AB
Salvador Zerboni, Reina del Sur


Thank you for the lovely comment. It's so wonderful to hear about other's backgrounds and paths to this blog. We come from different directions, but all love communing here. I don't get to post as much as I would like but always enjoy reading your work and that of the other generous recappers.

Back to MPV for a moment. I am guessing that if Marilu and Ricardo hook up (if only in name) for the adoption, this will give Mariano (of some of the best snarky names -- thank you, recappers) an opening with Ines. It won't lead anywhere, but it will give him some food for thought in terms of his vocation which will, I am guessing, prevail in the end.

Happy Anniversary, Adriana :D

So now we have Piggy Ricky? ;)

Thanks, Adrianna, for another great recap. It's great to have you here.

Ok, so it's been a month that I've seen an episode, so I have a lot of catching up to do. Quick trip report: 27 days in Mexico. My Spanish didn't feel rusty at all this time, thanks to my TN watching and especially this blog. Garibaldi was a bust as we got robbed/ripped off and barely had money to limp to a taxi to get us the heck out of there. Tuxla was interesting. It's a dump of a town, but we happened to stay in a hotel overlooking the square that was used in LQNPA for the square in the little 'village' near the hacienda, the one that never had any people in it and where Miguel was shot. It looked way dumpier IRL, lol, and a lot more crowded. Chiapas in general was just ok. Maybe the buckets of rain (during 'dry season' and the DH who was seriously ill with the flu for 10 days and counting affected my POV. Compared to my first trip there 30 years ago, details of which I barely remember, it is now overrun with tourists. That is what I expected, and, of course, it is good for the local economy and for comfortable travel, but it still was hard to take at times. I liked Ocosingo and Comitan, both off the beaten track a bit, the best. It was also fun to go to many of the places filmed for Camila and Daniel's (AB) honeymoon.

Now for my questions. How is it that Orianna is in such hot water for ID theft when there is no victim or no one complaining about it. It seems to me that the charges would be dropped unless Paloma was willing to press them, and of course she isn't. Or at least that's how it works in our system and/or reality land. Orianna (and Lucina) would still be charged with falsifying the passport, but I am not understanding why folks here (and on the show?) keep calling it ID theft.

In a similar vein, I don't understand why Lina would have to be adopted. If O goes to prison, it's not like she would be going forever, at most, what, 5 years? So it seems to me that Lina would not be adopted, which is a permanent arrangement, but would have to be assigned some sort of foster care. And that foster care could be with whomever, married, not, old young, whatevs, that Orianna chose.

As for the 'witness protection' biz, it seems like they are misusing that term. What is sounds like to me is more like a plea bargain: You do this for us, and we drop or reduce charges. The witness protection part would come later, as in, afterwards, we will protect you as necessary.

JL's logic escapes me. Did he really say that O should be wary of Ric because he could be hiding his evil side, just like I did for so many years. How is that an argument to stay with him? A known asshat is worse than a possible one just exactly how?

I would be disappointed in the plot development of O returning to JL. So far, this TN has spared us the typical rinse, spin, repeat cycle.


Variopinta, I did see some scenes from Quiero Amarte one evening. Not enough to know what was going on, so no spoiler danger, but enough to say that Cristian was looking very fine with longer hair and seemed to be delivering in the acting department. I was a bunch of actors that I recognized … in addition to the ones you mentioned, there was also Augustina from AB and others that I can’t remember now. I’d say it looks promising.

Agreed, this isn't "witness protection," it's spying. Homero is making it sound like they can finesse the false identity by turning that into her protected witness identity. The timing with sending her back in there is bad, though. She would have made a more effective spy when she first went back to him than now. The only way she's going to be able to spin a return now is relying on his narcissism, and I still don't think there's any way to do it minus the kid.

Thanks Adriana for a terrific recap. And as we all know, great recaps brings great comments. I like Vivi's take on the possibilities. But if Lina is adopted by Rick and Marilu (as the bumper leads us to ponder), isn't it ironic that Ricky would be willing to enter a marriage where sex is part of the commitment. Yet his biggest fear is that Oriana might have sex with JL. Seems a bit chauvinistic. Just saying ...

There are so many possibilities for estupideces with the Ric and Marilu nuptials. I'm adjusting my beanie big time with this turn of events. Like child services and the courts are going to go along with it; like JL won't smell a rat; like Marilu will be willing to do get married and divorced without a fight (and probably a payoff, too. I bet there won't be a prenup.)

Suuure. It will all work just as planned. Hold on to your ascots, folks. It's gonna be bumpy in Hermosillo.

Foxy- Do you really think Ricky would make sex part of the deal in a marriage of convenience to Marilu? I know he's a horndog, but he's been totally loyal to Ori since they began their romance. It foolhearty to say a galan would never stray. We've seen it often enough. But Ricky has never even for a second allowed himself to be tempted by another woman once he started courting Ori.

I don't think Ric will make it part of the deal, but Marilu might orchestrate a moment of weakness....but I guess that's a little too cliched for this one, huh?

Does anyone know if there's a foster care program in Mexico? In tns, it's always either an orphanage (religious or secular), or adoption. There doesn't seem to be an in between. Also, the laws do seem to vary by state, just like in the US. The lawyer told Rick what the law was in the State of Sonora-- married couple between age 25 and 55.

Nothing is too cliche for a novela, so I can definitely see a drunk, drugged, at least with Marilu , night of amor & maybe even a pregnancy. hmmm, this isn't a Mejia novela though.

Um, I know a lot of people who are involved with orphanages in T.J., I've never heard them talk about adoption agency options either. Good question, Vivi.


Not too clear, I meant Marilu would ply Ricky with alcohol while he is pining for Oriana or drug him.

Cyn- I used to volunteer with orphanages in border towns in Mexico too, in high school and college. Lots of kids in orphanges. Never heard mention of foster care.

There was also a weak point in Lfdd with Maripaz. Will it be perhaps the same thing?


Oh, AlejoP...I wish you hadn't brought up that. LOL. Hopefully Ric is stronger.

Perhaps there needs to be a distinction between "cliched" and "Mejia-esque." :-)

When I raised the topic, I didn't mean a formal foster care program necessarily. I just meant that when a woman goes to prison for a relatively short period of time, normally any children she has are not permanently lost to her. That would be barbaric, imo.

Women in that position would most likely leave their kids with the father or other family members. If there are no family who could take the kids, then with a close friend or whomever she decides. It is a temporary situation, so I don't understand why laws about who is eligible to adopt or why any official foster care program that may or may not exist in Mexico would be involved, unless the mother requested it. I don't see how it would happen over her objections and when she is willing and able to make arrangements.

There are certainly no shortage of kids in Mexico with much more pressing needs - I'm thinking of all the kids I just saw who don't even have shoes - than Alina would have if she were to be taken care of by a wealthy old lady who loves her dearly and has a bunch of servants, for example.

Now where did I put my beanie, anyhow?

Thanks for this great recap, Adriana. Well done. Good luck to you and good wishes to the sick kiddie for a speedy recovery. As a physician, I know that nothing beats a warm, loving mother's care in the recovery of an ailing child.

So Rick wears a scarf and totes a gun...can this guy get any more macho?

Well, my hero was Homero, but the direction this latest scheme of his seems to be taking is more like the brainchild of a squirrely old man.

If we're looking for and adopting couple for Rhodalina, too bad that Matilde and Rubén aren't on better terms... they reared two pretty good kids.

Cathyx, you asked if I'm not enjoying this as much as I did CI. You, yourself, know that nothing can quite compare with the CI experience.


There is no way MADhilde should be in charge of any more children. She is a controlling female dog and has already been abusive to Alina.

I'm with Carolina on this one. There is no good reason why an older lady with lots of money and live-in servants should not be allowed to take care of Alina. This is just a contrivance to create a bad situation for Ricardo and Orianna.

I don't think Ric would stray on Oriana with Marilu unless some serious amounts of liquor were involved. As Vivi noted, Ric has been single-mindedly devoted to Oriana since he started courting her. He proposed to her right after he found out she was Oriana and before he was sure she hadn't killed his father. All the newer spoiler bumpers show him as Mr. Mom to Lina-so I don't think if they go the adoption route Marilu will be living with Ric and Alina as a happy couple. It's just gonna be a marriage-in-name only. Marilu should look to be with Piero or Cesar. Ric is not into her.

I also don,t think Marilu has been faking approving of the Ric-ori relationship. I think once she found out Ric told Oriana about her as an ex and still was fine with Marilu working for Oriana, Marilu knew fighting for Ric was pointless. However, I think she'll turn scheming and obsessive if Oriana goes to jail/goes undercover.

Carlos, now that doesn't quite answer the question. CI was special in it's own way, so special that I hope it's never repeated ever, but this show is riveting and exciting. And I like a lot of the characters, unlike CI. But it doesn't sound like you do.

OK, just so I'm clear...I am not responsible for a recap tonight?


Happy New Year!

Cyn- I hope you realized there was no show last night, in enough time to head off and do something fun for New Year's, or to get some deserved sleep. :)

About the custody thing. If Ori was just a mom going on a long trip, I'm sure she could leave her kid wherever she wants. But she is about to become a convicted criminal, and she has no family, Lina will become a ward of the state. No one has any legal or familial ties with her. No one, not Paloma, not Ricky, has any legal right to keep her in their home. If Paloma were her real great grandmother, then the state would leave her with the old lady and all the servants and such.

But she is not related to Alina. Unless they create a legal link between Alina and someone in their circle, Alina will belong to the state, just like her mom. And there won't be anything that Paloma and crew can do or say about it.

HAPPY NEW YEAR. My sister is out at The Rose Parade, but I will have to settle fir watching it on TV.

I am getting interested in this novela now that it has been moved to an earlier time. Will it stay in this time slot ? I am confused about Paloma. Is she the abuela of the woman whose identity Oriana took ...Inez ? After seeing the guy playing JL as a weepy priest , it is a surprise to see how threatening and smarmy he can be.

Susanlynn- The Rose Parade is one of my faves. I've been there on the route twice. But now on the East Coast, I have to settle for watching it on tv every year.

Paloma was the grandmother of a real woman named Inez, who died of a drug overdose in the first few episodes. Paloma had been searching for her daughter Palomita, and granddaughter Inez for years, but they both met bad ends. Oriana, who had been on the run on false laundering charges (a mess her husband got her into), and false murder suspicion (of Ricardo's dad), took Inez's identity, with the help of Lucina and Raquel. Just when Ori had settled into her new quiet life as fake-Inez, Paloma's private detective found her and she was propelled into the life of the long lost granddaughter of the very rich Paloma.


So Paloma thought that O. was Inez . How and when did Pal find out that Inez was Oriana and what was her reaction ?

Ori came clean with Paloma and confessed who she is, just before moving in with JL. Paloma reacted better to the news than everyone thought she would. They had delayed telling her because of her heart troubles. She was more heartbroken to learn that real Inez was dead and how she died. She blamed herself for not finding Inez sooner. She very quickly forgave Ori for the deception because she loves Ori and Alina for who they are, and she considers them family, no matter what. She feels like they have brought more to her life than she has given them. And she also understands why Ori would do anything to protect her child- something she failed to do when she did not stand up to her tyrant husband who drove their daughter off, and then disowned her.

OT prompted by Susanlynn's comment: I wonder if the ratings for this have gotten better since the time change. I know it's a much better time for me.

Susanlynn- I should add, that everyone came clean to Paloma all at once. Mariano, Lucina, Ricky and Ori, with Lucina and Mariano laying out how everything happened. So part of Paloma's initial reaction was anger that they all kept her in the dark and felt like they couldn't bring her into the loop. But again, not as bad as they all thought she would react.

How does Mariano figure into the equation? is he a priest? I haven't seen him yet. This is the first time that I've been a little interested in three novelas at once , and I do not know if I'll be able to keep,the characters and plots separate.

Yes. Mariano is a priest, currently on suspension, or whatever priests are put on when they've done wrong. His bishop/confessor decided that Mariano needed to think about what he really wants after Mariano defended himself from a physical attack from Sebastian (the jerk who got Fabi pregnant), and also after he had confessed that he has feelings for Ori. All of us feel this is ridiculous, considering he never acted on those feelings, and defending himself doesn't seem like a sin either. Mariano is also one of Ricky's best friends, and a trusted advisor to Paloma.

Viva...thanks for catching me up. You have such a good memory and are excellent at summarizing. I will surf into this one as long as it is in this earlier time slot. I need to get to bed by 10 when I have to get up at 6 or earlier.

Variopinta, I was wondering when they'll air Quiero Amarte. Thank you for the good news.

I watched the first 2 episodes, curious to see what is what, but then I stopped, so I can watch with all of you at the same time.

CdlF is looking as fine as ever and rocking some pretty intense colored pants (think Ivan Sanchez!)

Can't wait!

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