Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Por siempre mi amor #15 12/23/13: Two Bitch Slaps, An Assault and A Robbery - or- the Baddies Step It Up

Hello everyone! I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas! Let's get right to it:

The Leftovers:
While Gema is passed out on the bed Dante tries to open the safe in Isabel's closet.

Osvaldo has presented Aranza with chocolates and Tita with flowers before heading to the movies. Is this guy dapper or what?

Gabi tells Nicholas and Bruno how successful she and Isabel have been with their interior design firm. They've won some international awards! You go girls!

The Main Course:
Arturo is trying to talk to Isabel. "Are you upset?"
"No. I have no reason to be upset with you. You're a free man."
"Isabel, Sonia's not supposed to be here. She thought there might something between us. But there isn't. Sonia made up everything she told you about me."
Isabel isn't buying it. "Yeah. Sure. Stop lying to me. I have enough problems of my own, I don't need to deal with yours too." Isabel turns her back on Arturo. He leaves in frustration.

At Casa Arte, Tere brings Andrea a big bouquet of flowers. She can't believe it, "For me??" Andrea opens the card and her smile turns to shock.
"What? What's wrong?"
Andrea hands the note to Tere who reads it aloud, "To my faithful wife who will never forget me." It's from that bastard Fernando. How is this even possible?"

Back on the yacht Gabi and Isa talk. Isabel doesn't want another experience like she's had with F-No. "You saw the way Arturo was arguing with her at the hotel. I'm sure there is something between them."
"No, Isabel. She is his wife's cousin. She's family."
"I was a fool. I almost got involved with a guy who strings women along."
Gabi is having none of this. "Sonia is a phony. I knew it right from the minute I saw her. She's lying Isabel. Don't believe a word that she says."

Art has cornered Sonia in the yacht's cabin. He demands to know why she told Isabel those lies. 
"I'm not an idiot, Arturo. That woman is your lover. Eugenia's only been dead three months. You seem to be quite close to a woman you just met. I think you've known her for a long time."
"Are you crazy? I never cheated on Eugenia!"
"How else do you explain it?"
"Why should I have to explain anything to you?"
"You abandoned your daughter to come here with that woman."
"You're the one who abandoned her, pawned her off on my father to come here after me. I can see now that I made a big mistake accepting any help from you."
"You just can't handle the truth."
"That is not the truth! You're making all this up in your in head! I'm finished talking to you." Sonia's phone starts to ring. She ignores it. At the other end of the line F-No is fuming.

The impeccably dressed Osvaldo maneuvers a tray full of food through a fast food restaurant. He sits down at the table with Tita. She puts his coffee in front of him and plops a small container of cream on top. He is horrified by the thought of eating food from paper containers with plastic tableware. "Where's the china?" he pouts. Hasn't this guy ever gone on a picnic? Or does his trusty manservant have to pack crates of Royal Doulton with hand-painted periwinkles in the car like Hyacinth does in Keeping Up Appearances?

I see you have no Royal Doulton with Hand-Painted Periwinkles on the table.

Gabi and Isabel talk and Arturo watches longingly from the bridge. Later, Bruno and Gabi share a quiet moment and he gives her a nice kiss on the cheek. So very sweet. I'm rooting for these two.

Andrea walks home from the bus stop in the dark. A guy in a stocking mask grabs her from behind. He tells her the flowers were from Fernando and that she can expect even more from him. But when he threatens her children Andrea starts fighting back. Agatha hears her struggles and appears out of nowhere to help Andrea fight off the attacker. He runs off as Agatha screams for the police then she takes the gasping and sobbing Andrea to her house.

Arturo, Isabel, Bruno, Gabi and Nicholas dine and talk business. Bruno and Arturo promise that Sonia will not accompany them to the jobsite tomorrow. Speaking of Satan, Sonia spies them from the restaurant entrance. She storms to the table and screams at Isabel, "You have no shame, messing around with a married man!" Isabel stands up. "Pardon?" Sonia slaps Isabel. Everyone is so shocked by what's happened they sit in stunned silence. Arturo jumps up, "Sonia, what is wrong with you?" Sonia accuses Isabel of being Arturo's lover. Bruno asks if the virus did something to Sonia's brain. Isabel can stand no more. She tells Arturo she wants nothing more to do with him, grabs her purse and takes off. Gabi walks over to Sonia with fire in her eyes. "Unlike my friend, I have nothing to lose." She slaps Sonia's face hard. "You stupid bitch!"  Gabi takes off after Isabel.

Back at Isabel's apartment, Gema is still passed out on the bed. Dante' goes to the closet and starts searching for anything that will help him open the safe. He tries a few different combinations to no avail. He calls Gonzo (who has evidently met no police on his way back to his apartment after assaulting Andrea). Gonzo gives him the combination.  Dante' gives the safe another try and Presto! It opens. He starts loading Isabel's watches, rings and jewelry into a bag. Hopefully Karma kicks in here and this is all the phony crap that F-No gave Isabel that will be worthless when they try to sell it.

Sonia tells Arturo that she is in love with him and she has been for years.
"Pardon me Sonia, but I had no idea."
"Of course not. You wouldn't know that because Eugenia was always the most important thing in your life."
"Then why did you make up that story about me being a womanizer? You know Eugenia was the love of my life."
Sonia cuts to the chase, "And now Eugenia is gone and maybe we could have something."
Arturo is gobsmacked. "So you want to take her place?"
"What's wrong with that? Do you think it's crazy that I could possibly want a chance with you?"
"Sonia, I don't see you that way. You're my wife's cousin, my daughter's aunt and nothing more."
Sonia persists but Arturo doesn't want to discuss it anymore. He leaves the table and she follows him yelling, "Arturo! Arturo!"

Tita, Aranza and Lucha are having a good laugh over Osvaldo's fast food freak-out. Aranza hints that Tita and her abuelo would make a good pair. "He's handsome and you're pretty." Tita poo-poos the idea. Lucha asks why Aranza would want a step-abuela when she made her dad promise she would never have a step-mother. They tuck Aranza into bed and shut out the light. Downstairs, Tita finishes a call from Bruno. "He calls me everyday." Lucha says Tita is lucky. Some sons are very ungrateful and never call their parents. As they talk Aranza sneaks out from bed to listen. Tita tells Lucha that Sonia followed Arturo to Puerto Azul and caused quite a problem. "She was sick. Very sick." This upsets Aranza and she runs back to bed. She remembers Dafne's warning, "Your aunt will end up as your step-mother." She clutches her doll as tears fill her eyes. "Sonia lied. Dad lied. Why do grown-ups lie?"

Back at the hotel room Isabel is furious, "I don't even know that woman. I was assaulted and humiliated and I've done nothing but be kind to her."
Bruno tells her, "Sonia's crazy. I've seen her moving in on Arturo and she doesn't get it no matter how it's explained to her. Arturo never cheated on Eugenia. He is a kind, honest, loving man." Gabi wants to know if Bruno is just sticking up for a good friend. She is concerned about Isabel's happiness. "I swear on my mother what I'm telling you is true. I've never found true love myself," he says gently, "but I've seen it with Arturo. I know he has feelings for you. You only have one chance in life. Don't pass by a chance for happiness with Arturo. Listen to your heart."

Grandma Meanie hears Andrea and Agatha talking about F-No. Andrea says her mother warned her about him from the start, but she was stubborn and wouldn't listen. Meanie asks why Andrea wouldn't come to her and let her know what was going on. She's upset to learn that this harassment has happened before. "I'm your mother. You need to trust me. I am here to protect you." Andrea seems confused, like she doesn't believe what she is hearing. But for once Meanie genuinely sounds sincere. "You have listen to your co-workers and Agatha and me. You have to report that bastard."

Dante' leaves the Isabel's apartment building. He tells the security guard he has to go get more supplies so he can finish fixing the plumbing. "The poor girl has no water and she really needs a bath." They share a big laugh. Dante coughs hard. The security guard is concerned but Dante assures him he's okay, then gives the guard a slap on the hand. The other security guard approaches and says there is a problem on the 13th floor and asks guard #1 to go check it out. Guard #1 heads into the building then stops short and turns around. But Dante has already disappeared into the night.

Sonia catches up to Arturo. She tells him she was jealous. "I thought you and me and Aranza could be a family. I thought I could have a place in your heart."
"I'm really sorry that you believed because I let you into my house I was interested in you." He brushes past her.
Sonia gets angry. "Eugenia is dead. And I was stupid to think that I could take her place, that I could have your love. And after all I've done for your daughter!" She realizes too late that she has overplayed her hand. Arturo steps toward her,"No, no. no. Don't tell me about all you've done for my daughter. You didn't do anything because you were concerned. You had this all planned out. Everything you've done has been for your own benefit. I've been so stupid. Don't go near my daughter again."
"You can't do that to me. You can't keep me from my only family."

Isabel cries about her past with Fernando, and now it seems like Arturo is doing the same things to her. Gabi says, "You've been very depressed. But I think you're in love with Arturo. I see it in your eyes. Bruno sees it in Arturo's eyes."

Sonia rages as she throws clothes into her suitcase. It dawns on her that Isabel is F-No's ex-wife. She vows her revenge.

Arturo is at the bar. Bruno joins him. "Sonia thought we had a relationship." Bruno tells him that everyone suspected that was what Sonia wanted. "It seems the only one who didn't know what she was after was you." Bruno thinks Arturo is in love with Isabel. Arturo isn't so sure, "It's only been three days." He remembers their first kiss.
"It doesn't matter what is proper or what people think. I think it was love at first sight. Arturo, you only have one chance at life. Yes, it's only been three months since Eugenia died, but you have another chance at love with Isabel. Don't let this opportunity go."
Arturo muses, "Eugenia's death made me realize we don't know what tomorrow may bring."
Bruno raises his glass, "Give it one more chance, or two, or three." They clink glasses and drink.

In the morning Sonia approaches Arturo, "I'm leaving."
She begs Arturo to let her continue to see Aranza. She says she's sorry for opening her heart to him. He says they'll talk about it when he returns home.

Isabel wants to find another hotel, she doesn't want to take the chance of running into Arturo anywhere but on the job. Gabi will agree to change hotels if Isabel is sure that's what she wants. A waiter brings a big vase of flowers to the table for Isabel. Gabi grabs the card but this time Isabel insists she hand it over. Isabel opens the card and reads, "I cannot find words to apologize for what Sonia did. But I can ask you for a third chance. Will you have dinner with me?"

A voice says, "Accepto?" Isabel gestures, "He's right behind me isn't he?" Gabi nods. Arturo asks again, "Accepto?" Isabel turns and looks into his eyes.

Aranza confronts Sonia about leaving her at Grandpa's while she went to the beach.
Grandma Meanie talks to Mauricio.
Tita hangs out with the bikers!
Muchos besos between Arturo and Isa.


I will go back and finish reading in a second but the picture of Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced Bouquet) caught my eye and made me squee. Now, back to reading. Oh! Great title!

Now that you've said it, I can't help but think of Ozzie as A male Hyacinth. So funny.

I loved this recap. To the point and funny. The super quick translation of Sonia and Art's conversation was so funny to me. "I'm leaving." "Good". Perfect and for me probably the funniest line. Or maybe the speaking of Satan was the funniest. I can't decide.

When did Gonzo get the combination? I thought F-no wasn't going to give it up? Clearly I missed something.

I really wonder what Grandma Meanie is up to by encouraging Andrea to press charges.

Fantastic job, Kathy!

The villains really tipped their hand last night. I'm glad Art now knows Sonia's motives for moving in, and intends to separate her from Ara.

And although I still think Grandma Meanie is playing nice to have access to Andrea's improved salary, I think she's right about F-No, and always has been. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Gabi and Bruno are such good amigos to Isa and Art. I'm glad Art took Bruno's advice. Will Isa take Gabi's? And Gabi and Bruno need to stop worrying about their friends so much, and get their own romance going.

I really enjoyed the light scenes with Ozzie, Tita and Aranza. And the comparison of Ozzie to Hyacinth Bucket (Bouquet!), was inspired. :)

gave me goose bumps, the look Isabel gave Art at the end. Love her but really bothers me she would fall for a guy like F-no


Fantastic recap! I loved the picture of Hyacinth Bucket (Bouquet) lol. Osvaldo is like her ; )

So loving Tita and Osvaldo and I too hope they end up together.

I couldn't believe the whole group was just standing around staring after So-not slapped Isa like that, but glad Gaby slapped the crap out of her. No one can ever get anything over on Gaby and I'm glad for that. Isa really needs the backup and friendship.

So glad that Art finally gets what So-not is trying to do. Glad he also told her to stay away from Aranza. It's great that So-not and Fer-No's plans aren't working.

I too hope Gonzo gets caught, what he did to Andrea was horrid. The poor woman is frightened out of her wits. I wonder if Grandma Meanie is being sincere too? But she has always been right about F-No.

I'm glad that Bruno talked Art into not giving up on Isa, especially after what So-not pulled. I agree with Vivi about the friends that Bruno and Gaby are to Art and Isa.

I too like that long lingering look at the end with Isa and Art. Can't wait to see what happens.

Mads- I could not believe how long everyone just stood around after the slap. I cheered when Gaby slapped her back (and scared all the cats in the process.)

I love love love Gaby and characters like her (like Lucina.)

Vivi-I agree the grandma Meanie is right about F-no. But I still think there's some ulterior and monetary motive to her wanting to press charges. Maybe talking Isa into a better/safer apartment? I can't help but think Granny Grump wants to bilk Isa as well.

Xintperuvian, thank you for a wonderful recap. The Royal Doulton reference was on point. Osvaldo was mortified that he had to eat with china and drink without crystal. Bendito. Tita is an excellent match for him. He resists a little but then goes along with her.
I'm rooting for Gaby and Bruno with you. They compliment each other.
Agatha is becoming somewhat of a Wonder Woman for Andrea, always managing to save the day or speak up for her.
Isabel is a better woman than me because I would not have walked away, no matter how angry I was. Thank goodness for Gaby. She must have heard my screams through the tv.
I hope that Art stays strong and keeps Sucia or So-not away from Aranza but at this point anything is possible.
I loved the conversation with Bruno, Gaby and Isabel, especially when he tried to convince Isa that Art is in love. I am really enjoying the romantic touches in this novela , the flowers with Art standing behind then was over the top!!!!!
Love it, love it!!!!!!
Sara, you,didn't miss anything, I thought that Feo was not giving the combination he had another idea, so I'm confused too.

Great work.

Dante is one of the reasons that Brits who are To The Manor Born forbid their servants from having private lives. Gema will catch hell for this.

What Arturo needs now is to throw Sonia out and get a restraining order.

Thanks TJ.

I do worry for Gema when Isa returns.

Again I'm left wondering about how Sucia will continue to stay in the mix. Art seemed pretty determined to keep her at quite a distance.

Gema should be fired. Did Dante give her some drug? I may have missed that. I expect F-No and Sonia will team up on Isabel.

I like this TN for the little details like Osvaldo waving the plastic fork and the look on his face at the fast food joint. Give him credit for doing it for his grand daughter though he protested.

Thank you Xlntperuvian---A great recap. It was a great show last night and this recap did it justice.

The only humor last night was at the fast food place---paper cups and plastic spoons? How dare they.
I can't believe it, I'm still laughing this morning. I love Osvaldo, yes he is dapper but he's
a hoot as well. Osvaldo and Tita make for a fine couple.

I loved the slap that Gaby gave So-not last night. You go girl.

I have seen So-not before in another novela, she can really bring on the villain. She's just getting warmed up.

Tofie---I'm glad that you came over to PSMA. I hope that you like it, I'm really starting to get into this one. It's good already and it has just barely gotten started.

I just came over from CI where I had to on a daily basis wade through all the this is ridiculous
comments or---this isn't real.
Ok, now here is my gripe and it just isn't here, I've seen it many times. Last night at a nice restaurant So-not comes in and a big, loud fight starts. That can happen, that's real but what's with the other diners just continuing eating as though nothing is going on---and where was the restaurant manager to ask them to either quiet down or continue on elsewhere? Was the manager on break? This is/was totally unreal.

Poor Andrea scared out of her wits
I really feel for her, she's a good person and a good mother, she
doesn't that. There sure seems to be enough evil to go around in this one.
the gringo


Aranza is now being played by Karyme Hernandez, who was Isabel in QBA. I normally hate watching child actors but she is good.

I really don't like Susanna Gonzalez' makeup. It's too harsh on her.

Gringo- What's his name whose name escapes me is the owner of the hotel where the restaurant is located. He is the management.

Sorry, I left out deserve. She doesn't deserve that.
the gringo

gringo, I started watching and got caught up on your recommendation and glad I did. I so far like this one and really like Isabel but she is kinda weak emotionally (I assume this because she fell for a slimeball like F-NO).

I too wondered about the restaurant smack down and did see a few patrons in the back gound look over. Real life would have had a manager over escorting them out in the least. I'm ok with a little warp of reality just pray it doesn't get stupid.

You are right about the makeup UA. They need to tone it down a bit.

Gringo I think we are all willing to suspend some belief when it comes to slightly unrealistic stuff like people ignoring huge scenes in public. Things like that are pretty commonplace in Novelaland. I understand how you feel about having someone criticize something you like. I hate reading the comments from Mexican viewers about Guy Ecker. I don't like reading the criticisms of MPV. I confess that I was a CI critic but I swear I only hated the writers. ;) If this show goes to pot feel free to criticize.

For me there is a big difference between a manager not showing for a near brawl and something like what MariCruz did on CI, insisting she stay in prison even after it was proved she didn't kill anyone nor did Octavio. It was hard for me to make that leap.

Sara C, out of curiosity what are the Mexican viewers saying about Guy. I don't like the hair cut and was beginning to think him a little too tentative until he put Sonia in her place

Thank you for your recap! I especially liked your mention of Hyacinth. I'm glad to know that others watch that show.

Thanks everyone! I too was confused about Gonzo giving Dante the combination to the safe. Fernando did say he wouldn't give it up. Maybe F-No realized Sonia was blowing him off and he changed his mind because he needs the money for a lawyer.

Gema is going to be learning a tough lesson. What I find hard to believe is that someone off the street can get in to "fix" something in a lux building like Isabel's. Wouldn't they have their own maintenance guys. Why did the guards let Dante in on such a flimsy excuse?

Chrisinmiami, I love Keeping Up Appearances!

Tofie- Mainly that he's too old. But considering *my* age he's juuust right ;)

And he did give Sonia hell so he does have some spine.

We are huge fans of Keeping Up Appearances. We considered naming one of our cats Onslow and whenever I nag my husband about his driving I call him Richard...

Oh silly question- did anyone else get queasy during Gaby and Isa's conversation about Sucia on the boat?Looked like there were some rough waters. Lol

Yeah, the rough water gave me vertigo while watching

I think guy is age appropriate for the part and especially when we have the time leap

Kathy: Thank you for the recap. It will be so funny if Gonzo tries to hock Isabel's jewelry and it turns out to be costume jewelry (bisutería de fantasía).

Sara C.: I was beginning to get "seasick" too. That was funny.
Also, Gonzo was looking through Isabel's papers, trying to find birthdays or other significant numbers that he could try.

Gringo: Oh, no! You've learned how to complain!

Urban: Thanks for letting us know where we've seen Aranza before. And I agree with you on Isabel's makeup. I hate the lipstick.

And I expect after the time leap the grown up Esteban and Aranza will provide the typical galan/protagonist dynamic. I enjoy a TN with several different romances. Especially when several age groups are represented.

And I expect after the time leap the grown up Esteban and Aranza will provide the typical galan/protagonist dynamic. I enjoy a TN with several different romances. Especially when several age groups are represented.

Thank you, thank you for this excellent recap. Osvaldo as Hyacinth? perfect!

I like Isabel's makeup except her lipstick. It doesn't seem to be quite the right shade for her - at least on our tv. Plus, they paint it outside her lip lines.

Mike and I were also wondering why the restaurant manager didn't intervene. (Maybe the patrons thought they were on an episode of "What Would You Do.")

Thanks for the recap Kathy. Your comparison b/t Ozzie and Hyacinth was inspired and hilarious.

Yeah Gaby for defending your friend. I hope Isa can bounce back from her robbery. Poor Gema made a really bad decision that could mean her job.

Kathy: This was a fresh and all encompassing recap. I so enjoy your style and humor, your conversation translations are very much appreciated. I laughed at the title - very clever. Also enjoyed "The Leftovers" and "the main course" in addition to other great lines including "Arturo is gobsmacked" great line.

Sonia did indeed overplay her hand and I'm curious as to how she will backpedal. I suspect as we just began, forgiveness on Art's part will be forthcoming. At least temporarily.

Karen, Gabi is a fierce friend, isn't she? Isa is very fortunate. Agatha is also amazing! As you noted gringo, Andrea is long suffering and deserves a caring amiga. Loving these protective, supportive life-saving friends. But, it's not just the women who have staunch defenders - you are right Vivi, Bruno ranks high among the male supporters here.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. Stay warm, safe, happy and healthy.


Sara C---What do they say about Ecker in Mexico. Could it be because his name isn't Gomez or Fernandez? I like him, I thought he was good in Eva Luna.

Tofie---I guess that we will never know why Maricruz decided to stay in prison.

Xlntperuvian---Great point, the building should have it's own maintenance crew. I didn't think of that but you are so correct. Well, it's a novela.

Aleta---Make that two complaints LOL but really My first complaint
had merit.

Emilia---From a man's point of view and I am a big fan of Susana Gonzalez. You are right, that lipstick definitely should be toned down. To red, to bright.

Merry Christmas everyone.
the gringo

xlntperuvian, great job! I really enjoyed your recap! :))

I ESPECIALLY enjoyed your shout to to my dear Hyacinth!!! Can you just hear her now: "Oh, Richard" or "Bouquet (Bucket) Residence, lady of the house speaking". I've seen those episodes a million times over, but I still love them.

I am literally relieved that we didn't have to wait a jillion episodes for Arturo to see what Sonia is all about. What a relief that the writers didn't drag this one one and on.

Thank you, xlnt!


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