Thursday, December 05, 2013

Por siempre mi amor #4 12/5/13: When Happily Ever After Is Not!!!

El Pasado
Fernando the jerk kisses Isa good-bye and says how hot she looks to her face and behind her back curses about her trying to get pregnant, what is the doctor going to tell her.

Don Hilberto is having a conversation with his maid, Cuca and asks what did Sonia wants because she only comes when she needs money and Cuca the maid asks him for permission to let her go to the Children’s Home with the priest. She tells him that she needs to go see those poor little children because they don’t have parents and she gives them our time and affection. No problem, I wont be home for dinner.
 Agatha neighbor shows Angelica a newspaper with a photo of her baby’s daddy kissing his wife.  She went looking for Angelica because she didn’t want to show the picture in front of her mother.

At Tatita’s house, her maid tells her that she needs some entertainment.  She needs a hobby.

Isa, wonders, how come she can’t get pregnant when she has a change encounter in the elevator with Arturo.  She takes note of how sad he is. The elevator gets stuck and then it moves. He tells her not to worry. They both leave the elevator.  Isa feels drawn to the stranger but goes on her way.

At school, Aranza’s friends ask if they can go to her house, but she is worried, her mom fainted and she is sick. She hasn’t awakened.  Aranza has a dream that her mom gave her many kisses. Her friend reassures her that when people go to the hospital, they get cured. Daphne, the “mean girl” asks if her mother is dead and she has a smirk.  Que the heck!! The teacher overhears the conversation and reassures Aranza, that her mother will be all right. The doctors will do everything possible to cure her mommy.  But Aranza is very worried.

Angelica is crying up a storm over her baby’s daddy.  Her son asks if she is in pain?

Angelica is upset over the picture but even more because her mother was right about Ferny the jerk. Pleaaaazzze don’t tell my mother.
That’s not his wife, I’m his wife.

El presente

Marianela is visited by the maid and the priest.  She has grown.  They have missed her.
Sonia the witch, thought bubbles about when she told her baby’s daddy that she was 3 months pregnant, the seasoned baby daddy, asks how long have we been going out?  For 5 months and you are 3 months pregnant, hmm, are you sure that it’s mine??   Check , please!  I had a vastectomy , so it’s not mine.  I can’t have kids.  I did it to protect myself from women like you taking dvantage of me. (Dude, you must be rich because you are really nothing to look at so be hapy that anyone who wsleep with you)  She is 16 weeks pregnant and there is nothing that can be done.  Cuca sees her baby bump and Sonia begs her not to tell her father, because she was raped.  Hmmmm!  Her father cannot know the truth.  He will kill the guy and I can’t have that on my conscience.  He will never forgive her.  Cuca will keep the secret.  I’ll go away so that my father knows nothing.  Together they will resolve this.  Sonia curses the maid.

Gaby asks about Isa’s GYN visit.  Isa tells Gaby about a man who was on the elevator crying and she was drawn to his sadness.  Gaby wants to know if he was handsome and Isa down plays the encounter. Finally her dreams have come true,  She has a dream house and she and Ferny will have a family.  The house is a done deal and Gaby doesn’t share in her joy.  Isa met the owners and they bought it when they were newlyweds.  Gaby finds it strange that they couple wants to suddenly sell the house after so many years if it means so much to them.  Isa says that it’s too big for them.  Gaby suggests that they give it to one of their kids. That’s what people usually do.  Isa is not happy with Gaby’s negative vibes.  She looooves her man and stands behind him.  (For now)  Gaby, dot make me chose between you and him.

At the hospital cafeteria, Arturo is downtrodden and Bruno suggests  that his brother go home and change his clothes.  Suddenly over the loud speaker, the members of  Eugenia de la Riva Family are called to Intensive Care.
Gaby has had it with Ferny manipulating Isa.  He even tricked her into marrying him.  Why didn’t she have a church wedding, with the white dress, what you longed for? He manipulated her.  Im not a child.  It’s been two years and there is only a civil ceremony.  He didn’t keep his promise.  I wasn’t even able to be a witness, becaseu the wedding was hidden from me.  Snap out of it ,Isa and open your eyes. Even the blind can see what Ferny is doing to you.  Isa claims that he had a reason. Gaby doesn’t want to see her friend hurt.  Gaby comments and doubts are hurting her friend.  They won’t be friends if Gaby keeps it up.  Gaby will sign into “” and wont say a word.  Mauricio has  a copy of the bank videos.

Ferny is with his Naco, friend by the pool and wants to know when he is going to get more money from his wife.  They can go to Las Vegas.  He will make up a story about going to a convention in Las Vegas.

Three people are the accomplices to the one thief.  Mauricio gets ready to show the tape.  Dum did dum dum!

Arturo is at Eugenia’s bedside.  He is at her side like always.  It time for her to wake up and when she is discharged they will take a long vacation.  The three of them together.  You look like you are asleep. The doctor tells him that the tests show that the stroke caused a lot of brain damage.  Eugenia is brain dead.  She is no longer with us.  Arturo will not accept that.  She is his life, the mother of his child.  The doctor needs to do something.  Wake up my love. 

Aranza is at school very sad, and Daphne- “mean girl” not supporting her.  Why did she come to school if she is going to be sad? Your mom is going to die. The other little girl is being a friend.  Aranza goes back to class.

They look at the video and as clear as day is Fernando the Ratfink, smiling and cashing the check.  Isa can’t believe her eyes.  It can’t be.  Gaby and Mauricio are not saying told you so, out of respect for their friend./co-worker.  Isa is devastated.

Arturo can’t believe it.  There has to be something that the doctor can do.  Arturo has to be strong for their daughter. Arturo will have to make a decision about the life support.  Eugenia already had this conversation with the doctor and she wants to donate her organs.  Arturo won’t accept it.  The doctor has oblige her will.  Arturo knows that she can hear him, he needs a signal.  He kisses her and she doesn’t respond.  He needs help in making the decision.  She flat lines.   That was the signal that he asked for.  We see Eugenia’s spirit, telling Arturo that is her time, thank you for loving her and making her so happy and watch over their princess. She needs him.  She will watch over her.  She loves them both.  He will miss her dearly. She was the most beautiful thing in his life and he thanks her for loving him.  He was proud to know her.  She was his everything.  Thank you for being at his side always. He loves her so much.  This is so sad.

Isa wants to know, how could Fernando do this to her??? She needs to be alone.

Arturo sadly signs over the organ donor paperwork to the grateful doctor.
He has Eugenia’s ring and kisses it.

Isa asks Gaby, why???  She gave him everything and denied him nothing.  Why does he have to rob her??    He is an ungrateful,  MF, to put it mildly.  Gaby is not surprised.  Isa feels like a fool and understands why Gaby never trusted him.  They are friends again. 

Arturo leaves the doctor’s office but is consoled by a tearful Bruno.  Can he do anything for him?? Help him with the funeral arrangements?  Its done.  He has to call the house and let poor little Aranza know.  You will need your daughter now more than ever.  Arturo calls the house and Gabino answers.  He tells him that Eugenia has died,  Sonia is right next to him in the kitchen.  He is coming for the car and he get Aranza from school.  He needs a change of clothing.  Gabino hugs his wife.  The Lord has a new angel.  What is going to happen to little Aranza, indefensive and motherless?

At school, Senorita Rocio interrupts Arana’s class.  Aranza has to get her things; her dad is coming for her.  She is happy.  Her mom must have awakened.  The mean girl – Daphne says- your mom died.  The teacher will send a note home to Daphne’s house and it won’t be good note.

Gaby tells Isa that the house is a scam too.  She had it checked out.  There wasn’t a sale.  Isa can’t believe what she is hearing.  It can't be.  The secretary interrupts that someone wants to see them.  Isa wants Ferny to explain to her why???  Come on Isa, snap out of it, you are a smart girl.  HE IS A JERK!!!  COUNT YOUR LOSSES AND MOVE ON!!!!!!

Sonia, the witch, gets the call from Lucha about Eugenia’s death.  She is quite happy that its Arturo’s house.  Does Arturo need anything??  Gabino tells Sonia that Eugenia has died.  She is shocked, she is on her way.  Eugenia is dead and I killed her.  It worked; she went from scared to ecstatic in record time. She is crazy!!! Arturo is hers!!! Woohooo!  Arturo will be hers!!!!!!

Arturo meets Aranza and she can tell by his body language that something happened to her mommy.  Did she awake?  She died???  Yes, she is gone.  The little girl is very convincing.  She wants to know why.

Coming attractions:
Sonia is celebrating Eugenia’s death and Arturo’s freedom, while
Isa meets Ferny’s baby’s mama and Ferny gets clocked upside his head. – MUST SEE TV!!!!


Tablet Jefa- I am so sorry you got this heartbreaking episode.

I started watching this episode without my box of tissues nearby. MISTAKE!

Hi all,

I guess this sad episode makes up for all of the silly episodes that I've recapped lately. I can't believe the sadness and it's only the premier week.


"" BAHAHA!!!!!!

Ratfink is perfect!

Dominika is the absolute queen of BSC. My skin crawled when she started celebrating.

QEPD Eugenia. :(

They so need to give a prota role to the actress who played Eugenia. She was just so real and loveable here that she should get a chance to shine else where. I totally believed her and Gut Ecker's Arturo as a blissfully happy couple. I loved her haircut, too.

I have a question, though. They used a word last night to describe Gaby-it sounded like the Spanish version of the English phrase 'free spirit', but I didn't catch it. Gaby used it to describe herself, as did her friend Edgar. The implication was that Gaby had never been in love and has never had serious relationships so she couldn't understand why Is a would fall so stupidly in love. It sounded like 'Ave' and then another word. Can anyone help? It's driving me crazy.

Also, any of the readers/lurkers who want to improve their Spanish listening skills if the tns speaking is still to fast for you, I recommend a great funny show called Que Pasa USA, the story of an immigrant Cuban-American family in the 1970s. It's really funny and totally
bilingual and like I love Lucy and the Honeymooners, or full House and Family matters, but focusing on how this three generation household navigates life in America. It was apparently the first bilingual Spanish language TV show in the US and it ran here in NYC on galavision in the 1990s, but all the eps are in YouTube.


Thanks so much for this marvelous recap. So sorry you had to recap this very sad epi.

One little correction, Ferny's first wife's name is Andrea, her son is Angelito the little one.

I felt so bad for Art. The poor guy. And for us to know what really happened to poor Eugenia. I too really liked her, so real, so loving of a Mama to Aranza. I wonder if they will do an autopsy on Eugenia to see why she died so suddenly the way she did.

A pox on Ferny, what a waste of space. I am glad that finally Gaby is justified. I really didn't like when Isa accused Gaby of being jealous of the relationship that Isa and Ferny had. I want to see what Isa is going to do to Ferny.

I also liked Ratfink and, so funny : )

This was such a sad episode TJ, it must have been hard to recap. I was holding my breath during the hospital scene. When the doctor said he had to ask Arturo a question, I really thought he was going to ask permission to pull the plug on Eugenia's respirator. I don't think I could have watched that. Eugenia dying naturally was bad enough.

One thing I noticed that was particularly moving was the camera pulling away from Arturo and Aranza sobbing in their grief to include the statue of the Virgin Mary & Child.

J desde NYC- thanks for the TV recommendation. I will have to check it out. Count me as another fan of Eugenia's haircut. I wish I could pull off a 'do like that. Wish I could help with your question. I've already erased my eps and can't go back and listen. And finally, I hope the actress playing Eugenia gets a prota role, too. If we are lucky, the trend of casting older protas will continue and she will.

Thank you all for your compliments.
Thank you Madelaine for the correction.
J- If no one has answered your question by the time I get back from work, I'll skim through the episode.
A sad episode on the day of Nelson Mandela's death. A sad day all around.

Oh, TJ, thanks for such a great recap on this emotional episode. Frankly, I think I'm still spent over losing Eugenia right along with Art. The scene was marvelously done and when Art nuzzled his love for the last time...darn, where is that Kleenex box??? Oh, and add when Bruno broke down. All the actors involved brought it last night.

Mean girl. That is exactly what went through my mind. Note sent to home? Like that will do any good. Like to see this child's parents myself or why she is so hateful. Why Aranza even bothers to have her apparently as a friend is beyond me ( or will keep her around as a friend.)

And boy, did Sonia bring the crazy after that phone call last night. That was chilling to watch.

As for Ferny--may he rot in a nice 8'x10' for awhile. I think an orange jumpsuit will go nicely with his coloring. Of course, for fraud, he most likely with TN law in place, come out to wreak havoc another day?

And are we seeing a possible future plot point being setup? Was Sonia's pregnancy hysterical? And Isa can't get pregnant...if she hooks up with Art and gets preggers? Not a fan of these type baby stories, hope I'm wrong on this.

Lord, tonight we get the funeral. Good thing I went out before the snow hit yesterday and got supplies...and Kleenex boxes were on the list!!


I agree Daisynjay, Last night's performances were great and so believable. Even Guy's hands were shaking believably.

How old are Dafne and Marianela? I wonder if Dafne is actually the child of Sonia and that's why Dafne's mom is so mean to her...not to mention that Dafne is a b!tch.

At some point I think Isa will get pregnant, but I don't know if it will be part of the Happily Ever After or part of the conflict during the run of the show.


Thanks so much, TJ. This was a wonderful recap of a very sad episode.

ITA. The acting was great last night. The scene with Bruno and Art was really touching, because you could see how hard Bruno was trying to hold it together so that he could be strong for Art. But Eugenia was like a sister for him. When Tita finds out, I'm sure she won't handle it as well as her husband's death.

J desde NYC- I don't remember the exact phrases that Gaby used, but I do remember quite a few times they said she was free as a bird. An ave is a bird. Did you ever listen to the La Tempestad theme song? The very first line, as the singer describes the free spirited lover who only stayed with him for a short time was, "fuiste ave de paso". You were a bird of passage. That might have been one of the phrases used about Gaby.

On Tuesday's episode Fern laughed with his buddy about Isa trying to get pregnant because he had gotten a vasectomy secretly. So there is nothing wrong with Isa, just as her doctor said. The good news- Fern can't impregnate Andrea again (as Grandma Meanie predicted), or any other unfortunate woman.

I don't doubt that Mari is Sonia's child. There would have to be some sort of baby switch for the priest and Cuca to be confused and for Dafne to be Sonia's kid. Plus Dafne looks a few years older than Mari. Mari looks to be around 6.

The real question is, who is Mari's papa? Sonia and Fern are accomplices. Could Mari be his kid? That was before he had his vasectomy, after all. Or was her sugardaddy boyfriend lying about his vasectomy? And yes, who are the horrible people who raised Dafne?

Right on Vivi-Fern as dad would still explain Dafne's personality, too.

Tablet Jefa, I am blending my voice in with the chorus to heap praise and thanks for this excellent recap.

It was one tragic event after the other. Death, deceit, heartbreak. The list could go on and on. Your "Dude, you must be rich because you are really nothing to look at so be hapy that anyone who wsleep with you" lightened the mood and made me smile. But, your insightful, heartfelt comments including "What is going to happen to little Aranza, indefensive and motherless?" were so on point...

Thank you for retelling this sad tale so remarkably well.

Vivi, I had to go and get my tissues - this was a very tough one to watch. Can we hopefully assume most of the worst is now behind us??

Sara: "Dominika is the absolute queen of BSC. My skin crawled when she started celebrating." Yes, you absolutely nailed it. It was beyond comprehension. She did a great job with this scene - chillingly convincing.

Liking all the performances here including Guy who I have not watched in anything prior. His acting has been heartfelt but a bit understated and I think he has struck the right note.

Isa must be strong, even though her world has crashed around her. She has wonderful friends and a good foundation from which to rebuild. That said, what about Andrea? She has no money, no support and a vile, loathsome mother. What chance of hope does she have?

Again, let's hope family and friends can help Arturo and everyone else rebuild and recover.

Thanks again Tablet Jefa. You did an incredible job.


I did get a bit of a chuckle last night. When Sonia was talking to her "supposed" baby daddy. The actor playing the supposed baby daddy sure gets around. First he was the wonderful Major Domo on CI, then a Naval Lieutenant on ROBO and now the supposed baby daddy here, ; )

Diana- ITA. As much as I feel for Isabel, Andrea is actually in a far worse situation, with two little ones who depend on her. That scene was so sad as she was crying, and her older son wanted to know if she was hurt, and her toddler was wandering around.

Vivi, yes! Also, I absolutely loathe children upset and crying in TNs. Are they marvelous little actors or are they really upset and/or in genuine tears! Tough to tell sometimes and extremely unsettling.

Both of the boys are beautiful. What a terrible, terrible situation and far too realistic for my taste.:(


thanks, TJ, for a great recap of a very sad and disturbing episode. yikes, if things do not get a bit cheerier, I am afraid I have to abandon this show. I do not need any more angst right now.

Mad..yes! a bright spot amid the tears and fears was spotting our dear Tobias from CI as the purported babydaddy.

The acting was wonderful, especially that heart wrenching scene between Art and Bruno. realistic. However, I am confused because I thought Bruno was Eugenia's hermano.

Dafne is a dreadful little thing. My younger daughter had a little friend like that, and when she finally got away from her in sixth grade , the mother called me on the phone to rant and rave at me. Yikes. I told her that I do not tell my kids who to have as friends. Afterwards, my daughter made many friends, and the crazy mother put her daughter into private school.

I like Gaby. She is a loyal friend, but what is up with that hairdo???/wig??? She looks like the fembots from the original Austin powers movie. It looks like she is wearing some kind of hair helmet.

I like Guy Ecker, but I would like a new hairstyle. Someday, he should play Sebastian Rulli 's dad. SR has the same center part hairdo in Robo, but he looks better in that style. Bruno also has the center part look.

Hey Tablet Jefa,

I just happened upon your blog for the first time today. Bravo! I love it!!! I especially love that your comments are filling in holes left by my lack of Spanish. I love Spanish novelas and understand most everything, but not everything because I only speak a little bit of the idioma.

So, thanks for the link to "Que Pasa USA," your recap, and your little sarcastic comments that are on cue. I am bookmarking this site from now on for a 'DON'T MISS.'

It's getting better and better and now all the ducks are in a row for the rat bastard Fern and Sonia to start getting what they want not what they deserve and for our loving characters to begin the suffering they must endure before they get their HEA.

I do wish that Aranza' little friends didn't look so much like her. It's kind of hard to sort the bitchy one from the nice one and the poor little waif in the orphanage is another look alike. Obviously one of the girls is Sonia's but none of them bear even the slightest resemblance to her — bad casting there.

The adorable little guy playing Andrea's son was the equally lovable child in Refugio and he is a good actor for one so young.

Poor Isabel she got one bad shock with the video and I suspect the woman who wanted to see her at that point was Andrea who is going to drop another bomb on her.

Hated the death scene. It hit very close to home for me since I still remember sitting by my husband's bed watching that horrible monitor and seeing it flat line. No a big fan of Guy but he was excellent in that scene,

Welcome, Michel-Ange! We love when new folks find this blog and comment.

Susanlynn- Nope. Bruno and Eugenio weren't hermanos. They were like hermanos, and Tita was like a mother to Eugenia. But they aren't relatives.

I wonder why Art's family was so against him marrying Eugenia? Do they really think he could have found someone more lovely than her?

Susanlynn: I was also wondering what the heck is up with Gabi's hair. I'm thinking wig - and a poor one at that. Desperately seeking hair stylist. Why do they make actresses with beautiful hair wear wigs - Susana G. in Pasion and Cande in LT come quickly to mind.

Michel-Ange Chevry, welcome! Glad you are here - lots of fun here on the the patio. Happy to have you join us.


Ah, Decie Girl, sorry that scene brought back painful memories for you!



decide girl...yes, that was a hard scene to watch for anyone who has sat at the bedside fob a loved one who is dying. it brings backache flood of awful feelings.

I wonder if Isa will reach out to Andrea and help her out.

Kudos to Gaby for not saying, " I told you so about that so-and-so." What a good and kind friend she is. Love is blind as anyone knows who has tried to tell someone that the person they love is not a good person.

welcome, Michel.

Decie Girl- So sorry that scene brought back such painful memories. Kudos to the actors in that scene for making it so believable.

Susanlynn- Don't despair. We know happy times are ahead because the protagonists have to meet and fall in love, after getting over their heartaches. Of course, then the villains will get to work trying to separate them, but that's what tns are all about.


Decie Girl- I'm so sorry you've had to deal with that kind of loss.

Tablet Jefa---Thank you for such a wonderful job and this very sad episode.

Everyone is talking about how sad last was, I thought so too. It was sad, incredibly sad. I said yesterday that I liked the lady that played Guy Ecker's wife. I think that her name in real life is Luz Maria Zetina. I have never seen her before but she made a big impression on me. What a lovely family. Too bad that she left us so soon. I hope that I get to see her again in a future novela.

Diana---I did see your welcome on day two. Thank you.

Stupid guy. Fernando the con artist doesn't know that banks have cameras? What!

Susanlynn---You brought out a chuckle from me. I had been thinking, can't Gaby do something with her hair? LOL So I'm not the only one who was thinking that.

Yes, and as someone pointed out,
I did notice the Statue of Mother Mary when Arturo told his daughter about mommy's death. That was a beautiful and a well thought out scene.

Can't wait for tonight. Isabel y
Fernando? Must see TV.
the gringo


Maybe everyone will have different hair after the time jump? We can hope.

Certainly, the little girls will be easier to tell apart for those having trouble once they become adults. :)


Art's family wanted him to marry some other girl and when he wouldn't cut him off. I'm guessing her family had bucks or power and Eugenia's did not. Now that his mother is dead the old man would kind of like to mend fences but Art isn't interested. Now that the lovely Eugenia has died perhaps there will be some rapprochement between father and son since they both will understand the other's grief. In any event poor little Aranza could use a new grandparent to spoil her.

The acting was awesome last night.

The Fernando actor has "disgusting jerk" down pat.

Isa's understated, though very emotional, reaction to seeing the love of her life betraying her was such a welcome change from the yelling, screeching, chest-pounding histrionics of other actresses (Blanca Soto, Angelique Boyer, Ingrid Martz, among others) - "Why me? Oh, God, why MEEEE!?!?!?"

And Arturo and Bruno at the hospital ... 'nough said.

Even little Aranza when she got the devastating news was totally believable as she cried with her Daddy.

I always find it funny in this and other telenovelas that when someone is in the hospital with a life-threatening illness or injury, a loved one ALWAYS yells at the doctor(s), "DO SOMETHING, SAVE HIM/HER!" - as if the doctors and hospital staff were just going to sit around and wait for someone to ASK/BEG them to do their job!

Thanks, TJ, for another great recap!

Did anyone keep count of the number of "No Puede Ser's" last night? Numerous, to say the least.

Agree w/ the notion of Luz Maria Zetina appearing in another TN. Lovely. Class. Gone too soon from this one.

Mike-I liked the timing of Isa and Arturo's "no puede ser"s. They seemed to echo each other.

Thanks again, welcome Michel-Ange.
Sorry for your loss Decie.
Gaby is a good friend but the wig has to go. Where are the stylists?
Guy does need a makeover. He was looking rather homely last night but his acting was on point.

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