Thursday, January 16, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robó, Episode # 47, 1/15/14: More happiness for our main lovers, though a smug Team Evil grows in confidence.

Lo de Ayer:  DIM is encouraged by Tía Carlotta as he goes out for the first day of honest work in his life with Alejandro;  José-Luís and Angélica buy a little fisherman's boat to make their escape together;  los papás of Angélica read the the letter she left them, stating her reasons for fleeing the Arechiga Hacienda.  She wants to be free to live her life before she dies.  Please understand and let her go.  Not surprisingly, they don't and won't understand and worry that she's sick and dying and vow to find her.  There is a lot crying.

Hacienda Almonte:  Nadia comes in breezily enquiring of an always watchful Rosario whether Señor Hernández, aka her semi-secret amante, Victor, has arrived yet.  Not that she knows of, Rosario replies, surprised, asking, He's coming?  Yes, says Nadia and hopes he won't be late.  At that moment, Josefina walks in and there are kisses, greetings, and enquiries about nightly rest.  Josie notes that Nadia seems excited to see someone.  Ever a-fanning Tía Carlotta enters, and there is another round of warm greetings.  They then talk about the fact the DIM one and Alejandro got up early to go to the fields to work.  Josefina feels sorry for him, which the others can't believe considering how badly he treated her.  Suddenly, there are noises and voices outside.  Nadia's all in a flutter expecting to have hot, ever suit-vested-Victor walk in, only to discover it's her creepy, constantly clenched-mouthed, probably perverted HUSBAND Pedro instead. 

Pleased at having ruined Nadia's plans for a tryst with Victor, Pedro is all sweetness and whoopee pie with Nadia in front of the others and makes a living room display of kissing her and saying that he knows she happy to see him.   Nadia's reaction?  Some teary-eyed mixture of fear, shock, and disgust.  Enduring Pedro's presence, she looks like it's about all she can do not to projectile vomit all over the sala de estar of the Hacienda Almonte.

Weep, Women, and you will not be comforted: Back at Hacienda Arechiga (aka Angélica's house)  there is still more of the same crying going on from Mamá Amelia over AWOL Angie's whereabouts.  Rightfully, she suspects that her hapless younger daughter Virginia knows something about Angie's plan.  What did she tell you?  Think!  You have to  know where is and with whom.  Virginia is keeping mum to Mamá, though, in spite of crying a lot herself, and vows she knows NADA!  Daddy Joaquin comes in to announce that Angie took a truck.  He's going to into the pueblo to make an official report.  Amelia begs him to find Angie as quickly as possible.  Then there is more crying and along with some sotto voce mumbled prayers to Dios to keep Angie safe.

Then It's Back to Hacienda Almonte where Pedro and Nadio are now alone on the patio, and he continues rubbing it in that he's ruined her plan to meet Victor.  Something tells me you're not glad I came for a visit, he says.  Undaunted, she now tells him, of course, she's not happy.  She left so she wouldn't have to see him every day.  "I ask--I DEMAND you leave now," she says.  For what, he taunts her back.  So you can see your lover?  No, she says, that's over.  He grabs her and insists he knows what's going on.  Pedro says he doesn't think Victor took the little conversation they had a while back seriously enough.  She says she knows the Pedro ordered Viktor to be beaten up.  Pedro swears he'll order Victor killed if he doesn't leave her alone.  Then he says he didn't only come to ruin Nadia's love life, but he also came because he needs to talk to Almonte, meaning Alejandro.  Get your bag ready, though, Pedro tells her.  When I finish, we're leaving.  He asks if she understands and give a belittling and aggressive jab at her forehead.  Still, she was lucky compared to poor Esme.  

Meanwhile, somewhere on the grounds of Hacienda Almonte, the first small helping of divine retribution is being ladled out in this TN:  for having tricked sweet and gullible Josefina into a false marriage, stolen her money, and generally just being a super-loser, DIM-itrio is now pushing a wheelbarrow around behind Alejandro, who, much to the delight of Viewerville, gives seemingly random work orders that DIM has to obey. Clean this up.  Move those rocks from the path.  Why?  DIM wants to know.  They're bothering me, Ale says.  How?  Pick them up and move them and do it right, Ale orders--Don't make excuses.  DIM wants to know why Ale won't help him.  Ale says how can he possibly help when he has to tell DIM what to do?   

Kitchen of Happiness for Others, Hacienda Almonte:   Padre Anselmo has arrived to visit and finds Rosario sitting at the kitchen table.  Rosario fills him in on the now blissful state of her secret son and his wife:  they smile, look at each other, kiss, have great sex (well, she doesn't say the last thing but Padre gets it)  He says it's a miracle and wants to know when it happened.  Rosario comments that, oddly, it all started to happen just when the capataz left.  When did he leave, Padre A. wants to know. Rosario says the other day the police came.  Padre then seems surprised--So Alejandro knows who he is? Who is he, Rosario wants to know since she doesn't know herself.  Realizing the confessional secret he nearly revealed in a moment of enthusiasm, Padre avoids saying more and then Rosario fills him in on how the police came for Antonio/J-L and said he killed the police chief Loreto.  She says Ale defended the capataz and said he didn't do it and helped Antonio/J-L escape.  What did Montse say?  Padre wants to know.  Rosario says she was sad at first and worried that the police would catch the capataz, but then she calmed down after a while.  The low-down given and absorbed,  Padre A. and Rosario indulge in some mutual happy feelings that all ended well.  Little do they know it's only episode 47 of probably 165 or more. 

Hallway, Hacienda Almonte:  We get a brief bitchy scene of María (christened BM by Mads) in the Almonte Hacienda hallway doing her usual thing.  She makes snarky comments to Montserrat about how happy she seems.  Montse claims she has every reason to be.  BM departs quickly wondering how long Monte's happiness can last, though still without putting too much a damper on Monte's good feeling yet.  Montse seems relieved.

Into this scene walks Nadia, fresh from being finger-flicked on the forehead by Pedro.  Montse runs to her asking if she has 'IT' now.  (What this 'IT' is, we don't know)  Nadia says not yet.  Montse then notices something is up and asks Nadia what's wrong.  Nadia doesn't need to answer because in walks Pedro.  Montse is surprised, saying she didn't know Pedro was there.  Pedro is still being all kissy-kissy with Nadia saying he came because he didn't want to be away from his little dolly, Nadia.  Besides, when she's alone she does such stupid little things--Ha-Ha, Kiss-Kiss, and isn't it all so sweet?   Montse looks weirded-out by this.  And just to make things more uncomfortable, Victor Suit-Vest finally walks in just then, too.  Montse says what a surprise since Ale didn't say he was coming.  Pedro chimes in with a comment about how it's so amazing that Victor arrived.  Pedro comes forward and greets Victor, even making a show of shaking his hand.  He asks Victor is having some problems in the factory to which Victor responds significantly that it's more that he's having personal problems.  Pedro comments something about having lios de faldas, which I think translates as a mess with skirts or problems with women, yes?  (Someone help me out if I'm wrong.)  Nadia warns him to watch what he says.  Montse comments that Ale went out and won't be back until the afternoon.

Padre Anselmo and Rosario enter the room at this moment.  Montse introduces everyone after which Padre takes her aside and ask her if they can talk.  She says sure and asks Rosario to escort Victor to his bedroom.  Alone for a few minutes, Pedro kisses Nadia one more time as a provocation to Victor, who is really pissed.  Pedro, on the other hand, looks as animated as I've ever seen him in this TN.  He is clearly never more at ease than when surrounded by the misery of others.

Exterior, Hacienda Almonte:  Padre Anselmo and Montse do some catching up.  So 'that man' left at last, Padre asks, seemingly unable to utter J-L's name.  Yes, says Montse, commenting that thank God, Ale didn't discover anything. Montse talks for some time about how much she loves Alejandro and how she realizes he is marvelous.  As the founding member of the Ale-Love Society, Padre Anselmo comments that this is what he was always trying to tell her.  He's known Ale since he was a baby.  He may have a strong character, but he's noble.  He loves me so much, says Montse.  Of course he does, says Father A.  The only one who didn't know that all along was you.  She comments that she now knows what Ale must have suffered when he thought that she didn't love him.  She claims she would die without him.  Padre Anselmo in one of the biggest anvil alerts of all-time promises that will never happen since Ale is a man of firm sentiments.  Thanks to God, who knows all, everything worked out.  She hopes they will always be happy and have a child soon.  Padre says, of course they will.  Padre then asks a little more about 'that man' J-L and if it's true he killed a police officer.  Montse says she knows that Padre doesn't see things the same way, but she swears that J-L is actually a good man who defended Ale.  The evil police chief wanted to kill him.  Shocked at this news and in a shout-out to our beloved website, I think Padre Anselmo shouts, ¡Caray!

Beautiful Bright Yellow Municipal Building, Aqua Azul:  As the new police chief Basurto polishes his much adored new badge, Don Joaquin arrives in a panic to file a report on his daughter, Angélica, who he claims has disappeared.   Trying to put him off, Basurto wants to know how Don J knows she's disappeared. Don J claims because she left the house.  Basurto points out that Angélica has reached the age of adulthood and if she's left the house on her own accord, there's nothing the police can do.  Don J wants men sent out to find her, but Basurto tells him all this men are already working on some business of Municipal President Medina.  Don J. says that he want to at least file a report for a missing vehicle since Angie also took a truck.  You have an obligation to find a vehicle, right?  He then informs Basurto that he is a close personal friend of Medina and if Basurto won't help him then he can better forget about his fancy new job as chief of police.  We get a resigned but knowing look from Basurto.

Back to Hacienda Arechiga and the non-stop crying and wondering where Angélica could be.  Amelia worries that Angie is sick and alone, and I have to say I felt for her grief and would feel more except for just just then get a nice quick cut to Angélica herself on a little fishing boat in the Sea of Love with the usually Sweaty One, José-Luís, though his brow now is cooled by ocean breezes, and he is looking more handsome and capable than ever in his true element as a man of the mar.  There is jaunty music, and they both seem really happy, and Amelia's more melodramatic grief is forgotten and now seems  self-indulgent, at least to me.   Angie talks about how she loves sea voyages.  She quickly gets serious and asks J-L to promise her that when she dies, he will scatter her ashes into the ocean.  Sad, he doesn't answer at first, and she asks again for him to promise her.  "Promised," he says, raising his hand to clasp hers.  (Dear Amelia, Now THIS seems a moment more worthy of your tears. Sincerely, Viewerville)

Montse's Bedroom, Hacienda Almonte:  Montse asks Nadia to explain to her what's going on .  Nadia avoids the question at first, saying it was just that Pedro came to talk to Alejandro about something, and they speculate it was about J-L's escape.  Montse hopes Pedro didn't come to make trouble for Ale, but soon it's back to the real issue at hand, and Montse says she knows there's something going on that Nadia isn't telling her and by the way, she heard about the load o' flowers that Victor sent Nadia and notes Nadia's nervousness when she left Hacienda Almonte the last time.  Nadia then confesses that she tried to fight it, but Victor conquered her little by little.  She completely gaga for him  She claims she loves Victor with "Todas mis fuerzas" which, as we all know is the only way to love in Telenovela-Land.  Literal translation:  "All my forces"  or "All my strength."   My best idiomatic English translation:  "Everything I am"  OR " Everything I have."  Any other ideas?  Much happiness as Nadia makes this declaration!

Meanwhile in another part of Hacienda Almonte, things aren't so happy.  Victor is drinking alone only to be interrupted by Pedro one again coming to harass and gloat.  Aren't you going to offer me a drink?  Pedro asks.  You want some whiskey?  Victor asks, mostly exasperated.  Yes, a little says Pedro.  He then proceeds to compliment Victor for "having pants" which is I think is what we in Caray Caray would call "having avocados."  Pedro is surprised Victor came back for his (Pedro's) woman after the little talk he and Victor had.  After a moment, Victor says he must correct Pedro and comments that Nadia might be his wife, but she is HIS (Victor's) woman.  He toasts Pedro on this and calls for Rosario to accompany him and walks out, leaving Pedro looking surprisingly unfazed.

Pedro's phone rings at that moment.   It's his new boy, Basurto, with a report on the search for the body of Antonio Olivares.  All the men are looking in the area that J-L told them he and Refugio buried the body, but they haven't found it yet.  Find it!  Pedro insists.  We will, Basurto reassures him.  He then tells Pedro about Don Joaquin's little visit to report his missing daughter.  Pedro hopes Basurto didn't do something stupid, but Basurto promises him that no one yet knows that J-L escaped and that all they did was report the missing truck.  Oddly obsessed, Pedro then goes back to the original topic and insists that Basurto and his men FIND THAT CADAVER.  I'm not sure what Pedro's obsession is with this or what he hopes to gain.  Anyone else thinking now what I'm thinking about the real source of Pedro's evil angst?  I'm officially issuing a totally speculative and non-binding NECROPHILIA alert.  Call me crazy, but you'll be praising my plotting instincts if I'm right.  It's bound to be a Televisa first!  

And as coinkydinkyness would have it AT THAT SAME MOMENT, Nadia and Montse are still in Monte's bedroom now also speculating about Pedro and his sexual hang-ups.  Nadia tells Montse that she (Nadia) has her doubts about Pedro's sexual preferences.  She also tells Montse about how Pedro had Victor beaten up and threatened him with killing Nadia if Victor didn't break up with her.  Montse says she always thought Nadia married for love.  Nadia says she did, but it was all false and Pedro only tricked her and married her to gain the Presidency and will never divorce her now while he wants a political career.  She goes on to say that Pedro has never touched her as a woman and Montse, who is recently feeling very happy with her own husband's touches, is horrified.  Nadia says that Montse has no idea what a hell Nadia's marriage is.  Montse says she knows Nadia and Pedro had problems but never imagined it was this serious.  Anyhow, Nadia says in spite of her problems, that she is still very happy for Montse and Ale and hints that maybe Montse's happiness will be even greater if her 'suspicions' are correct.  Again on cue, Rosario enters carrying a brown paper bag that she says Victor asked her to bring to Nadia.  Rosario leaves and Nadia hands an emotional Montse the package as Montse asks, "Is it mine?" Nadia says here is the solution to clearing up her (Montse's) doubts.  Montse says she is nervous and excited and asks Nadia to accompany her. They run off giggling together.  

On grounds of Hacienda Almonte, Tía Carlotta and Josefina are walking talking about the pretty chapel they visited.  Tía tells Josie to call her Tía since she already thinks of her as a niece, but Josie is still being negative about the prospects of DIM really marrying her.  Tía speculates that after working from sun up to sundown DIM will come around and she and Josie will be planning the wedding yet.  Josie then says she will only have a civil ceremony. Carlotta is surprised that Josefina doesn't want a religious one and Josie says she does, of course, that it's her dream but only if DIM can return her love.  Josie says she knows she stupid but swears there were times when DIM gave her such caring looks that she knows he couldn't have been pretending.  

At that moment, the Alejandro strolls in followed by a lagging DIM one.  Faster, Ale tells him.  Ale says hello to the ladies but excuse himself.  He's dying to go inside and give his wife a kiss. DIM is pretty funny here and comments to Ale that that's TMI.  Tía is having a good laugh at DIM's expense here and asks him if he's sure he doesn't want to change his mind with a significant eye roll in Josie's direction.  DIM is not excited at this, and poor Josie has such a hang-dog look!  

Back in Monte's bedroom once again, Nadia and Montse are talking about how great IT is and Nadia says what she wouldn't give to be in Monte's place.  Still no official explanation of what IT is, but Montse's got something in her hand that looks like a stick she might have just had to pee on.  Her favorite sperm donor of the moment, Ale comes in at that moment to give his wife that kiss he was thinking about, and Nadia leaves them alone.  They talk a bit about how much they missed each other while Ale was away working for the WHOLE day, and Ale says he loves Montse and it's nearly impossible for him to believe all this is happening.  When he first saw Montse, he always dreamed she was this way--loving and caring.   More I love you's all around.  Montse then stands up and swoons a little, saying she feels dizzy.  Worried Ale wonders if it's happened before and if she needs to go to the doctor in Agua Azul.  She admits it has happened before, but it's not serious and it's something really pretty/wonderful.  Ale still isn't getting it but then she says she had suspicions and she asked Nadia to get her a pregnancy test and guess what?  It was the line, not the circle--or rather the two lines in the two different windows.  Or a clear blue line and not a fuzzy blue line.  Whatever, in Mexico maybe it's much easier to read than I remember, and it is POSITIVE.  

Alejandro is beside himself with joy.  Finally, the family he always wanted.  He thanks her, embraces her, tells her she has made him so happy.  She says she had her suspicions for a while but didn't want to get her hopes up.  Something suddenly changes for him as he recalls that they only JUST had their hot, consensual sex scene two episodes ago (he actually says before they reconciled) and that she might have gotten pregnant as a result of that night of rape they swore to erase from their memories.  This was before she realized she loved him.  Was this the reason she didn't want to get her hopes up?  She says no, no--she didn't want to get her hopes up until she was sure, but she was always happy to have a new life growing inside her--and besides, who told him she didn't love him.  Well, not that you showed me, he says.  You didn't, either, she says.  More hugs, kisses, and the saying of mi amor.  

Rosario knocks on the door at that moment to tell Alejandro that Pedro Medina wants to see him.  This is not making Ale happy since Pedro is a major pain.  Montse also tells him about Victor being there, and Ale confesses he knows about Victor and Nadia and that it could cause big problems for them.  Montse asks him to try to help Victor and Nadia since  she has never seen Nadia so in love.  Happy Ale says he will and that today he can't deny her anything she asks.

In the Study, chirpy McChirpy evil Pedro greets Ale with a warm smile, saying what a pleasure it is to see him again.  Ale says he can't imagine Pedro came all this way to tell him this and wonders if Pedro came to try once again to buy the Ale's lands.  Pedro says no, he came to collect his wife and to talk to Ale about a delicate matter concerning Antonio Olivares.  Ale says he already told the police that Olivares doesn't work for him anymore.  Pedro tells Ale that Olivares is responsible for killing more than just Loreto, but Ale insists that Olivares is innocent--loyal and honest.  Pedro says excuse me for saying so, but  Ale is completely wrong about Olivares.  In a few words, he (Pedro) knows that Olivares is not who Ale thinks he is.  Ale tells Pedro that the real crook and killer was Loreto, the chief of police.  Pedro says he hopes Ale has proof of that and Ale says back at you and hopes Medina has proof.  After some evil-Pedro looks and icy-Ale stares, there is a knock at the door.  It's Montse saying to Ale that Don Joaquin just arrived and really needs to see Alejandro.

Both Medina and Alejandro go out to find Don Joaquin the hallway.  He's sorry to bother them but he's desperate because Angélica has disappeared.   Everyone is shocked wondering what happened.  Pedro, who secretly knows what happened, tells Don Joaquin to calm down and that he (Pedro) will be waiting upon this matter personally and they will find her.  Ale speculates that at the reason Don Joaquin came to them is because he thinks Angie left with Olivares.  Don Joaquin replies that that is impossible since Antonio Olivares was just arrested the other night.  Shocked looks from Ale and Montse.  Later in the scene, Pedro says that's what he was about to tell Ale when they were interrupted, and Don Joaquin fills them in on how the police came looking for Olivares and eventually he came out of the place he was hiding on the hacienda and the police arrested him.  Montse chimes in to proclaim Olivares' innocence.  Don Joaquin informs her the police disagree with her. 

On the Hacienda Almonte grounds, Nadia is walking around and comes across Victor who seems to be waiting for her.  She tells him not to come close since Pedro is watching but Victor says he wants to embrace her and kiss her since she's going to have his baby.  Sadly, Nadia informs him that the pregnancy test she asked him to get was not for her, though I did have a wonderful image of Victor meandering the Feminine Needs aisle of CVS Agua Azul, trying to figure out which test to buy, deciding finally to pay the slightly higher price for the one that offers CLEAR RESULTS.  Victor realizes that Montse and Ale at least have good news, though he comments that Nadia seems sad.  She confesses she is envious of Montse since she (Nadia) would like to have a baby, too.  Victor promises that one day they will, though she doesn't know how with crazy Pedro around.  She is really scared about what he could do.  Victor tells her not to worry, but she doesn't seem convinced.

Back in Interior Hacienda Almonte, Don Joaquin says goodbye and Pedro walks out with him to his car.  Montse immediately starts imploring Ale to do something to save Antonio/J-L.  He's innocent and can't go to jail for saving Alejandro.  She begs Alejandro to do anything and to use all his resources to free Antonio/J-L from jail.  Concerned himself for Antonio/J-L, Alejandro promises he will do what he can and go along with Medina to Agua Azul to try to sort things out, but Montse's incessant pleas and over-reacting on Antonio/J-L's behalf are clearly striking a false note for Alejandro, and he leaves her with a look of anxious concern.

In another room, the news is already all over the hacienda about Montse's pregnancy and the woman are speculating about baby names.  Montse walks in to congrats from Tía Carlotta, Josefina, and Nadia, but clearly is something is up with her as she is distracted and not listening.   They ask her what's wrong, and she says suddenly that she needs to pray and wants to be alone and runs out of the room.  Everyone wonders what is wrong with the girl.  

Back at Hacienda Arechiga, we have more of the same conversation between Amelia and Virginia about Angélica's whereabouts.  Where did she go?  With whom?  What does Virginia know.  Nothing.  Virginia hears her father arrive, and they both have hope as do we that he will have something new to add to the conversation, but guess what, he doesn't.  It's just more of the same old stuff we all know--the police are trying to find the truck, have hope, they'll find her, etc.  He doesn't seem especially convinced.  Amelia worries Angélica might die before she can see or kiss her one last time.  More crying.  Some praying.  It's all sad.

At Hacienda Almonte, Montse is doing some praying herself at a very beautiful-looking outdoor shrine.  She asks the Virgin to save José-Luís.  He is innocent and good, not guilty of anything.  Montse can't stand the thought of building her own happiness on the suffering of others.  Don't let him go to prison!  Save him!

On a beach somewhere else in Mexico, José-Luís and Angélica, have reached their destination.  They seem so happy together, and even laughing.  I have to say, J-L has a really lovely laugh, and as he did so, it struck me how little ANYONE has laughed in the TN besides the self-satisfied evil guffaws of Alfie and DIM.  It's nice to see someone laughing for joy.  J-L asks Angie again if she's sure her godmother will help him, and Angie assures him that yes she will.  Her godmother always does what Angie asks.  But something is wrong.  Suddenly taken ill, Angélica is bending over, maybe even coughing up blood.  José-Luís picks her up in his arms, looking worried and very frightened for her life.


Avances:   José-Luís takes Angélica to the hospital.  The DIM one gets a bright idea and even seems concerned when he realizes that Alejandro might figure out the truth of Antonio/J-L's real identity.  Pedro tells Alejandro his wife is betraying him.   


Julia R:

Thanks for this most exquisitely written recap. Loved all the detail.

Pedro, what a slime bucket this guy is. He's not happy, therefore no one will be happy, So Pedro has spoken, So Let It Be Done. What a putz this guy is. He daren't hit Nadia the way he did with Esme, people would talk! So not good for his political career.

I felt bad for Nadia, but she didn't get anything close to what Esme got. This is not only dangerous for her, but also for Victor. I don't think that Pedro makes idle threats. I shudder to think what he'll do next. I did kind of like that Victor thought that test was for her. They are very cute.

I loved the little trip that JL and Angie have gone on, but sad to see she is so ill. I want her to survive and be happy with JL. They are so very in tune with each other. Better than he and Monse were. There is a true connection here.

I think Amelia and Joaquin love Angie, but let her go if she wants to already! We know that Ginny is 18 so Angie must be at least 20 or maybe even 21. They treat her as if she is a ten year old. I understand they hold the reins tightly on her because she has cancer, but still. Since this is her wish, let her go.

Pedro has evil plans for that body, that's for sure, and I loved your idea of necrophilia, I was laughing really hard at that. It would be a first for Televisia, but I think he is going to use it otherwise. He knows that Juventino and his men killed the original Antonio Olivares, so I think he'll place the blame elsewhere. Pedro is so good at that.

Loving Dimwit working. BM, thanks for the shout out, being so unhappy, sniff, sniff, it's like she's having a pity party for one.

Monse being embarazada is wonderful but also an anvil I'm thinking. I love how happy Monse and Ale looked together at the news. I also liked Nadia and Monse skipping off to do the test. So much laughter this epi.

Still loving the Tia and Fina too, poor thing.

Can't wait for tonight to see what happens next!

Julia R,

Thanks so much for this most splendid recap. You had so many well written phrases. These are a few of my favs:

"Nadia's all in a flutter expecting to have hot, ever suit-vested-Victor walk in, only to discover it's her creepy, constantly clenched-mouthed, probably perverted HUSBAND Pedro instead."
"they smile, look at each other, kiss, have great sex (well, she doesn't say the last thing but Padre gets it)."
"Little do they know it's only episode 47 of probably 165 or more."
"He is clearly never more at ease than when surrounded by the misery of others."
"Montse, who is recently feeling very happy with her own husband's touches, is horrified",

And just to let you know Julia, you were right on, on your translations of "Todas mis fuerzas", lios de faldas", and "having pants."

And let me say that Victor does have some BIG avocadoes. To tell his lover's husband that she might be his (Pedro's) wife, but HIS (Victor's) woman. WOW! I was not expecting that, even though you have to admit that Victor was telling the truth. Pedro gives me asco; I feel like throwing up when he starts talking and barking out orders. I am really liking Victor and his pantalones. Even though he is willing to sacrifice for his and Nadia's love, I have a feeling the anvil is coming and fast. I really hate Pedro; maybe he should become friends with BM.

I loved watching Dimi doing manual labor. It was fun to watch Ale giving him orders. Fina, listen to us over here on the patio! "Don't do it! He is a dimwitted ladron. Get yourself a makeover and move on. NEXT!"

Those were some cute little scenes between Angie and JL. I think he is starting to care a lot about her. That really sucks that she got sick. How does that saying go, 'only the good die young' (please correct me if I'm wrong). I really hope she gets better and has some happiness with or without JL before she dies.

I am so happy for Ale and Montse! Just what he wanted, a family of his own. They look so happy, and I fear that this won't last long. I was really looking forward to some more loving between them. Is this it? I hope not. I have been waiting for like 2 months! It's too soon to end. I, ahem, I mean they need some more kissing and loving and spooning and showers. Ale needs to shine those pearly whites a little more, and Montse needs some more riding lessons before the anvil comes calling.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I could not believe the look on Montse's face when they learned that JL had been caught by the police. Poker face, Poker face! I wanted to go and shake her and tell her that she was being way too eager in coming to JL's defense. STOP MAKING THAT FACE! Her begging Ale to help JL in anyway possible is going to come back to haunt her. I know she cares what happens to JL, but she needs to remember that he is part of the past. I understand that she would feel guilty if JL went to prison, but she needs to focus on her present and her future. If she keeps on the way she did tonight, Ale will figure out the truth for himself.

Much more to say, but I must get to bed.

Off to sleep...hasta pronto!

Just wonderful Julia. Your writing style is just exquisite and the detail...amazing.

So many smiles and happy, happy, joy, joys ( well, some villainous) but you can just see the anvil making it's way down on all our lovers. Like you said, only episode 47, so what else do we expect?

My heart really went out to Angie. Gees, they can't have her leave our viewing yet. I want to see her live that life she wanted so desperately. Hoping the hospital stay is a short one and she gets a chance at some time with JL. Speaking of whom, he sure seems happy when he's with her. Even in the early stages with Montse, I don't remember him so relaxed and happy...and this is a man on the run!

A lot of episodes to go, but I'm already getting ready to savor watching Pedro get his in the end, and it better be good. One aspect I find interesting, I thought Nadia came from a powerful or rich she couldn't go to them to escape him or is she actually not from around that area? Strange we never see this influential bunch of folks.

Off to work...blech!


Julia, thank you for the wonderful, detailed laden recap. Informative and wonderfully wry. What an excellent job!

"he goes out for the first day of honest work in his life creepy, constantly clenched-mouthed, probably perverted HUSBAND", "she looks like it's about all she can do not to projectile vomit", " Weep, Women, and you will not be comforted", "the first small helping of divine retribution", "The low-down given and absorbed" and “He is clearly never more at ease than when surrounded by the misery of others" were among my favorites. There were so many great lines, it was almost impossible to choose.

Except for my main man Eduardo Yanez (with Erika in AV and Adela in FELS), I can't remember being as captivated by a romance as much as JL's and Angie's. Pure romance and (hopefully soon to be) love, starting with a seed of friendship and nutured by the rains of companionship and commonality. Sigh. I could have watched them on the boat for hours! As you noted Madelaine, they do indeed have a connection and it appears to be a match made in heaven.

Although we have not seen many (any)) endearing qualities in Amelia, I felt for her here. As you noted Julia, no one can blame her for being concerned. The thought of having your terminally ill child in parts unknown would make the coldest heart melt.

Josie says she knows she stupid but swears there were times when DIM gave her such caring looks that she knows he couldn't have been pretending. I think there was one moment – the night after their “wedding” when he seemed to actually want to kiss her (before his partner in crime burst in the room). Other than that, in reality, there were only one or two looks as though he was touched by her faith/love for him (as when she gave him the safe combination). Josie, she of much faith.

I'm not sure why I have little interest in Pedro and Nadia. Like the actors so I guess I'm still annoyed that Nadia's loose lips resulted in our Esme's abuse. They are playing with fire. AuntyAnn, I like your idea: "I really hate Pedro; maybe he should become friends with BM". And yes, your comment that "only the good die young" is perfect for Angie.

Loved Dimwit toiling in the sun. And Ale was really playing with him, having him move things for no apparant reason. Great fun. So will he break down and agree to wed the lovely Josie? Let's hope.

What does the future hold? Love your quote Daisy "So many smiles and happy, happy, joy, joys ( well, some villainous) but you can just see the anvil making it's way down on all our lovers". Yes, I'm wondering what ones will hit first! I fear JL's true identity may be the first. The repercussions will be swift and very painful.

Julia, this was fantastic. Thank you.


Julia R., of all your amazing recaps I think this might have been the best so far. I got tired of copying my favorite lines and will "ditto" everybody else's faves. However I will add the one that gave me the hugest laugh: "It was the line, not the circle--or rather the two lines in the two different windows. Or a clear blue line and not a fuzzy blue line. Whatever". OMG, So. Darn. Funny!

At the risk of being tiresome, I have to give a shout out to wardrobe, who put Angelica in real sea boots, i.e. something someone actually wears on a boat so they do not slip around on deck. (I spied them when JL carried her.) Speaking of JL, ITA he never looked so happy as in his scenes tonight.

Ahhh...the calm before the storm.

Thanks Julia!

Julia R., thank you for your very complete recap. Your description of Pedro : " chirpy McChirpy evil Pedro" was so appropriate and funny.

Another great episode.

I find Nadia tedious. She still really doesn't get/care how dangerous Pedro is? She is lucky she just got "finger flicked"? Is she surprised Pedro is keeping an eye on her? Invite Victor to Montse's? Really? Does she want to see Victor killed? Just because she stood up to Pedro once with no immediate retaliation doesn't mean Pedro is any less dangerous.

On the other hand, I am so glad that Angelica had some fun being AWOL. Too bad it couldn't have lasted much longer.

Pedro looking for the corpse of Antonio Olivares and in the avances telling Ale his wife is betraying him. Looks like he is to have major role in the action.



Great work, Julia.

You summed Pedro up well in He is clearly never more at ease than when surrounded by the misery of others. He definitely likes to spread the misery around.

When the shit finally does hit the fan (no matter who actually throws it) Alejandro's rage is likely to make him careless and give Pedro the opportunity to strike.

I realize that this is too big a plot point but why does the heroine always have to get embarazada so soon? I realize this story originally happened in an era without contraception but shouldn't she be wanting to enjoy his hotness before she loses a figure she might never get back?

At least DNA testing is around to confirm that Alejandro is the father of the baby. I just hope that the writers don't have him act like Alvaro of Duelo de Pasiones when that time comes.

As to Dimwit working on the estate, raking leaves and moving rocks is too good for him. Alejandro should have made him muck out the stables.

Joaquin almost gave me hope but he's actually as bad as his wife. How is Angelica going to benefit from being dragged home for stealing a family car?

If there is a face to face confrontation between Alejandro and JL once the bomb drops, we have to worry about how it goes. Will Alejandro listen enough to realize the entire truth? I'd love to believe it but I doubt it.

DNA Issues Being Raised by the Writers:

-- Is Alejandro really the son of Don Benjamin?

-- Is Alejandro or Jose Luis the father of Monserrat's baby? We know this will come up and we know that Bitch Maria will throw more logs on that fire.

DNA Issues We've Thought Of:

-- Who is Dimwit's father? Is it Lauro, Don Benjamin, or the late Sr. Valverde, father of Josefina and Tomas?

If it's Don Benjamin, there is certainly novela precedent for one person to have a half-sibling from each parent. If it's Sr. Valverde, it would explain Graceless' illogical reaction to the idea of Dimwit marrying Josefina for her money.

As to what's up with Nadia's parents, didn't Adolfo tell Dimwit a while back that they're in Europe? If so, everyone has cell phones here and there's no good reason for Nadia not to contact them.

This is an exquisitely detailed recap. Kudos.

There were a couple of references to how much longer there is to go with this TN. Does anyone know how many epis there are? Obviously Univision numbering is way different from IMDB, which says that there are 54 total epis.



I don't think that JL is Monse's baby daddy. Too much time has passed. I think she got embarazda that first night with Ale. I hope they do do the DNA but hopefully no one messes with the results like they did in Abismo de Pasion.

I'd say that maybe Senor Valverde might be Dimwit's father if it isn't Lauro. I too can't figure out why Gracie had such an objection to Dimwit marrying Josie. Josie is loaded. But then again, Gracie has spoiled him rotten, he is her favorite and maybe she wanted someone else for him.

Nadia's parents are in Europe. It doesn't seem as if they forced her into marrying Pedro. Besides wanting to keep up appearances, he did marry her for his political career. This means she has the money and prestige, he doesn't. Pedro gets his money through nefarious means, we just don't know what they are yet.

Isn't it funny how Pedro glad hands everyone? Like he's your best buddy or a treasured friend, while he is looking for ways to stab you in the back. I'd really like to see a backstory on him to find out how he became the way he is.

Dear Mads, AuntyAnn, Daisynjay, Diana, Cap'n Sylvia, Jarifa, Urban Anthropologist, and Anonymous,

Thanks so much for reading, praising, and commenting this morning. It's always so gratifying after the labor of recapping to get to read what wonderful and smart people like you all (and everyone on Caray!) have to say about it. I appreciate your ideas, specific quotes about things you liked, and the all-around good vibes you send.

The best thing about doing that DOUBLE recap last time was how much easier doing a SINGLE one this time around seemed.

So happy you enjoyed it!

Another excellent recap, Julia. Thank you.

I really enjoyed watching Ale torture Dim with meaningless menial labor. Perhaps we should start taking bets on how many more days Dim can take it before he gives in and marries Fina. Meanwhile, Lottie needs to take all that extra time on her hands to teach Fina how to carry herself with more grace, tone down the 80s hair, and find more flattering clothes for her tall, lithe frame.

My other favorite part of the episode was seeing Angie and JL enjoying their freedom and each other. That is, until she started coughing up blood. But even that I found touching because instead of recoiling from her blood, JL put his hand under her mouth. Kind of gross and unhygienic, I know. But also a very intimate and protective gesture.

Even though he and the writers are toying with us with the JL reveal to Ale, I also enjoyed seeing Pedro finally come to life. You guys are right that he feeds off of others' pain. He's like a vampire.

I think Nadia not calling up her parents in Europe and having them send her a one way ticket, is one of those things we have to blame on the period source material-- much like Monse's whole predicament. We just have to accept it for what it is. But it would be wonderful if they came riding in, like Fina's brother did, to shake things up for Pedro. Of course, they might not be so happy to hear that their baby girl is having an affair, no matter how big of a jerk her husband is. They did cut Addie off once they realized he was no good, so they're obviously stricter on their kids than Lauro and Gracie.


Julia thank you for this delightfully detailed, substantive yet humorous recap.

"Always-fanning Tia". Is it hot there, or is she going through the change? And Fina feeling sorry for Dim? Bless her heart, she can't keep her mad going very well, can she? Maybe that's best for her. Now that Aldopo is gone, Fina should try to get Dim alone in a room and do one of her massages on him. She had Dim melting when she did that before.

Had to laugh at your observation that Rosario and Padre don't know they're only on episode 47. It's a good thing we don't know what episode we're on in real life!

Julia, your description of Nadia as being freshly "finger-flicked" --that phrase has a (slightly risqué)red-hot sharpness that fits how Pricko wanted Nadia to feel with that hostile gesture! I can't stand that jerk but I'm not enjoying their little fling. Other people already have and will continue to be hurt (even killed, Victor!) because of this reckless affair.

I think Montse kinda went overboard freaking out about news of JL's arrest. Didn't she just confess her undying love and devotion for Ale to him, Nadia and to the Padre? I agree she overreacted and should have chosen a few moments to quietly entreat the Virgincita to save JL rather than bolting out to the sanctuary in the dell, beautiful though it was.

Ah, they keep teasing us. Does it look like they'll drop the bomb today? Thanks again so much Julia!


We know that Monse's baby is Alejandro's; there is no question of this. What gets me is that the question will come up and will cause a lot of conflict before the question is ultimately settled. When we remember the horrible vitriolic argument on the wedding night, this can't play any other way unless this story becomes as insanely inconsistent as CI did.

There are a lot of bad parents present in and spoken of in this tale:

1. Graceless for coddling Dimwit and using Monserrat

2. Don Benjamin for denying Alejandro until the deathbed guilt trip from the padre

3. The Arguelles for coddling Adolfo and allowing Nadia to be used. At least they realized their mistake with Adolfo, but they have to work to redeem themselves with Nadia.

4. The Valverdes for disparaging Josefina. At least they're dead and she's free of them.

5. The Arechigas love their daughters, but being helicopter parents is not healthy for either the girls or their family life. They have driven Angelica out the door by trying to lock her in.

Julia R: Thanks for the detailed recap.

I always have such a hard time understanding Sergio Sendel - what is it about him? He clips the vocabulary sharper than a Spaniard. How does he sound to a native speaker?

Julia R: Thanks for the detailed recap.

I always have such a hard time understanding Sergio Sendel - what is it about him? He clips the vocabulary sharper than a Spaniard. How does he sound to a native speaker?

Julie R.,,thanks so much for your excellent retelling.

It is nice to see our tiny, fertile Tinkerbelle so happy , but we all know midnight is fast approaching for this little Cinderella. In telenovelas , things are always brightest before the storm.

"Meanwhile, Lottie needs to take all that extra time on her hands to teach Fina how to carry herself with more grace, tone down the 80s hair, and find more flattering clothes for her tall, lithe frame."

Amen, Vivi!

Sergio Sendel is usually easier to understand until he loses his temper, which he always does in novelas. He doesn't normally clench his teeth like this.

Anon @ 9:54, IMDb can only list information on what's aired. This series will have anywhere from 165 to 185 episodes, depending on ratings and other production issues. We're a long way from the end.

Anon 9:54:

IMDB is only listing what the has aired in Mexico so far. This TN has roughly 165 capitulos total. We are not that far behind the Mexican broadcast with this TN.


Our comments crossed : )

SusanLynn, I don't know whether it's the actors' talent or their size difference but AB isn't tiny. She's 5'5" tall. She just has a small bone structure.

SR is 6'1". That's why AB is always in heels around him.

Dear Julia R:

Thank you for this fabulous and lovingly detailed telling of our favorite story. I think the line I enjoyed most was your already cited but worth repeating observation about Pedro:

He is clearly never more at ease than when surrounded by the misery of others.

And the most striking moment of the episode itself -- already cited in Vivi's comment -- was when JL put his hand under Angélica's mouth to catch her 'sick.' He realizes she is vomiting blood. He wipes his hand on his jeans and he scoops her up in his arms. It is such an intimate, automatically selfless gesture. A parent would do this with a child. And a man would do this with a woman he loves.

Yes. José Luis has now fallen in love with Angélica. And how could he not?

"only to discover it's her creepy, constantly clenched-mouthed, probably perverted HUSBAND Pedro instead. "

What a great way to describe Pedro, Julia. Says it all.

Other favorite lines:

"Fresh from being
Finger-Flicked on the Forehead" (have you been reading Jardinera recaps again?)

"clearly never more at ease than when surrounded by the misery of others"

Agree with all who said the character Nadia was foolish; Victor also. Truly reckless behavior from the very start.

But I'm always bemused, and rather touched, that the characters in these stories are so eager to have children, whether married or not.

In this country, anyway, you're much more likely to hear that someone hopes they're NOT pregnant, and even married couples seem to have to think long and hard over whether to have offspring.

Cultural differences, and perhaps the influence of the Catholic Church party line. But as someone who is crazy about babies, I am touched by this enthusiasm. Speaks to the Latino love of family and a basic, optimistic hope for the future. A little like the "our love will last forever and I will never hurt you". A charming thought if a rare reality.

NM...yes! I had the exact same thought when JL put his hand under Angelica's mouth. That is a gesture one only does for a loved one. That brief moment was very telling of JL's character....a good man whose life has become a tragic mess. ou have to feel sorry for the guy..Pobrecito.

Judyb...I can remember a novela in which there was a big party at the end and many of the good characters were matched up and the ladies were either carrying babies or pregnant. JOY

UA...Gee, I thought AB was about 5ft. She seems so short compared to the other women. I wonder if she is fibbing a bit about the inches following her 5 feet. Also, thanks for the link you gave me yesterday. it was very interesting .

Ale should have had Dim manuring out the stables or at the very least driving the manure spreader in the fields. He deserves those jobs.

Julia Rold:

This recap was wonderful. I love everything you wrote about Pedro, staring with:

"Suddenly, there are noises and voices outside. Nadia's all in a flutter expecting to have hot, ever suit-vested-Victor walk in, only to discover it's her creepy, constantly clenched-mouthed, probably perverted HUSBAND Pedro instead."

Way to put us in a scene, Julia.

And I loved this sharp observation:

"Pedro, on the other hand, looks as animated as I've ever seen him in this TN. He is clearly never more at ease than when surrounded by the misery of others."

But my favorite, by far,

"Oddly obsessed, Pedro then goes back to the original topic and insists that Basurto and his men FIND THAT CADAVER. I'm not sure what Pedro's obsession is with this or what he hopes to gain. Anyone else thinking now what I'm thinking about the real source of Pedro's evil angst? I'm officially issuing a totally speculative and non-binding NECROPHILIA alert. Call me crazy, but you'll be praising my plotting instincts if I'm right. It's bound to be a Televisa first!"

OMG, Julia, I cannot stop laughing. The idea is so grotesque, so marvelously outrageous that I can only hope the writers have the courage to take us here. Better yet, you should write the alternative plot.

Pedro's sexual preference is for the DEAD? Well, they say that 'Dead men tell no tales."

I have not yet read the comments but I am sure they are filled with loud praise for your recap.

And, for your sense of humor. I will share a laugh with you with plenty of dark humor and existential angst anytime. Let's pour a good bottle of Williams Seylem 2010 wine from my fantasy cellar and (sparkling water for those who do not drink/enjoy wine).

All are always welcome to join us.

Hee, hee, hee.

Elna June


Hey everybody, I'm still bringing up the rear. Sadly the time has passed for further comments on past episodes--I missed contributing to the thorough discussion of tea (so glad someone finally mentioned Earl Gray, but it has to be Twinings, for me), Das Ring der Nibelmontes (shout out to Urban), all the bad language and when we learned it (I left Uruguay when I was 10 and hadn't learned any bad words except puta).

Thank you, Cap'n for reminding me that not only do I want to read The History of the World in Six Glasses, but I'm going to send my son and grandson copies.

Aunty Ann--You need to be recapping, pronto Love your powers of observation and ability to describe action as well as feelings in thoughtful and when appropriate, humorous prose.

OK, back to episode #43 and EJ's wonderful literary medium. Hope to catch up with you all soon.


Dear Vivi, Lila, Pasafino, Susanlynn, NovelaMaven, JudyB, Elna June, and Anita,

As always thanks for commenting! I'm behind on some real work today and haven't been able to comment on your comments as thoroughly as I'd like, but thanks so much for the time you took to read and appreciate the recap. It's great to feel valued by our on-line community.

Really looking forward to your recap tonight, Elna June, and the episode. But I was worried that I got one of the few happy Alejandro/Montserrat episodes we're going to have for a while in this TN and that we're in for some dark days soon.


UA-- you said in #43, "I know that Mexico doesn't have capital punishment anymore but if it did I could see JL and Refugio ending up like the ending of Breaker Morant."

With the corrupt police force in Agua Azul, the influence that Pedro has on the police, they still could.

Whatever Pedro's sexual problems are, none of our speculations seem to hit the right note for me. This novela isn't likely to drop this or make us guess. They've made his attitude toward Nadia too central to their marital problems. It's been interesting to catch the little crumbs of information as they come. Remember when it first began, she was happily in love and back from her honeymoon. I do wonder what they did on their honeymoon, though, since it seems that he doesn't want to talk to her or even be in the same room with her.

It's one of those overused conventions tn scriptwriters use to make one or the other partner do something to avoid consummation when a better partner has yet to come along. I'm trying to think of which one recently started out that way--was it Amor Bravio with Camila and Alonso?


Wonderful recap, Julia R, and this novela is heading in the same direction as its previous version Amor Real. where the characters of Adolfo (Jose Luis) and Catalina (Angelica) steal the show and the preference of the audience over the main couple. Such a great relationship, both in dire circumstances find refuge and understanding in each other. absolutely great must watch TV.

I have noticed that AB always wears high-heeled platforms and that when in scenes with the other ladies, they usually wear flats.

My guess: 5'5" height artistically exaggerated.

Marta: Didn't that happen with Eduardo Yanez and Ana Julia in Destilando Amor? He finally fell for Gaviota.

PasoFino, hi, how are you friend?
I never really felt any pity for Ana Julia other than the woman really was latching to the wrong tree for way too long.

I remember some of us foristas were loving the young actors in Nunca te Olvidare, before the adults showed up and spoiled all the fun.

And the only adult in NTO that we cared for in the end and felt bad for was Sylvia (Eugenia Cauduro), they had already got rid of her lover (Juan Carlos Bonnet, Juan Ferrara's son) so we only had her to root for and she died anyway.

Julia R. - Terrific recap, to the last drop. Thanks.

Kudos to Virginia for keeping her promise to big sis. Everytime they showed mom crying, I thought she would spill the beans. I guess I’m a nag, but I hope Angie at least sends them a letter so they know she's okay, well, at least happy, where she is.

Like others, I'm still ticked at Nadia. I'm ticked at the Padre too. When Montse told him the Aguazul police chief was corrupt and JL killed him to save Ale's life, he looked like he didn’t believe it. Every Mexican priest I've seen has been aware of the existence of corruption in high places. This Padre's Disneyland views irk me.

Ale's felt the lack of family for a long time, so I see why he’s overjoyed having a family right away. The writing of LQLVMR has been first-rate, but I felt sorry for the trite lines they gave SR and AB for the baby announcement.

Diana, EY and Adela in FELS are my all-time favorite couple.

Niecie: FELS is being rerun at 6 EDT. When I am home, I have it on and try to watch a little. The episode the other night was when they got together in the barn after Juan was shot. I would swear there was fire and smoke coming from my TV!

Sigh! I miss her - I wonder if she will ever do another TN?


Camila and Alonso didn't consummate because he couldn't. He eventually could with her sister but I don't remember any good explanation for his impotence. Most of us began blaming Mommy Direst.

Since FELS has been mentioned that non-con was due to rape trauma syndrome.

In FELS didn't Rod, or Hot Rod as I think he was called, have "situational impotence", as in he was only physiologically up to the task with Gaviota? Or am I mixing up my novelas?


Diana...I miss Adela, too. I especially loved her in AR. I wonder why she stopped acting in novelas. I watched her in a very early novela with Eduardo on line. I think that it was called "Guadalupe." They had great chemistry even back then.

Yes, Lila, in DA, Hot Rod the Bod had a problemo. However, true love found a way.

Awesome recap, JuliaR. Thanks. Didn’t see the ep yet (opted to watch Criminal Minds instead).

I don’t get why Nadia didn’t tell Vic why she needed the pregnancy test. That was kind of thoughtless.

Did Maria hear the pregnancy news? Do I get to look forward to seeing her face? I hope she doesn’t try to make her lose it.

Thought I had finished reading Friday’s ep’s comments so missed commenting on the Diego Olivera suggestion for SN’s new leading man. I haven’t seen him in anything (though I see from IMDb that he’s in Mentir). I like his looks. Let’s campaign for him!!

Now on to Part 2: the reading of the comments.



Thanks so much for the compliment, but I am still a 'virgin' here at caray caray. I love all of the marvelous re-cappers and envy all of their writing styles. Maybe some day.

Diana & Susanlynn,
I also enjoy Adela Noriega's acting, especially when she is paired up with Eduardo Yanez. They are really good together. I too watched the TN 'Guadalupe' when it aired back in the 90's. It was set in Miami, and from what I remember it was a long one. An even earlier TN with EY & AN is 'Dulce Desafio' from the late 80's.

Sorry Anita,

The "i" is sticking on my keyboard! Didn't mean to misspell your name.

Julia R:

May I say that like EJ, I applaud your grotesque alternative narrative to explain Pedro's urgent need to dig up the body of poor, forgotten Antonio Olivares. I do, however, find President Pedro a bit too fastidious, too meticulous -- in short, too prissy -- to be a convincing necrophiliac. He strikes me as a man who might wear latex gloves to brush his teeth so as to avoid direct contact with his own spit.

A more pedestrian explanation? Pedro is looking for pruebas contundentes that will make everyone -- and especially Alejandro -- believe that José Luis murdered the man.

After all, who is going to believe the improbable story that JL stumbled over the real Antonio's dead body and only then came up with the idea of impersonating him to gain access to the hacienda?

Alejandro's sense of fairness (the man did save his life three times) may blunt some of his rage when he learns that it was really José Luis in his house. But the idea that JL would murder an innocent man in cold blood just so that he could have access to the hacienda and Montserrat will make the fugitive cabo look like a monster.

Which would have been more convincing in an earlier age. It's harder to get away with stuff like that now.

As for whether Bitch Maria would try to cause Monserrat to have a miscarriage, I'd place a bet on that at Lloyd's. Remember QBA?

I really want to get into JL and Angie, but don’t expect a happy ending for either of them. Will make me sad to watch these characters now.

FYI: Mexico seems to be about 11 eps ahead of us. At least that's what Wiki says.


I’m wondering if Nadia, in her naiveté doesn’t think Pedro would go so far as to murder someone.

I think Angie’s parent just want to protect her. Maybe she’s been sick since a child, so they treat her as one. I know both parents have a “dark” side, but they genuinely love Angie and want to do what they think is best for her (not that I agree).

Novela: “Yes. José Luis has now fallen in love with Angélica. And how could he not?”—which makes what I commented on previously even more hard to take. I want to root for this couple, but it doesn’t look good for either of them.

Marta: “where the characters of Adolfo (Jose Luis) and Catalina (Angelica) steal the show and the preference of the audience over the main couple.”—I almost made the comment to Novela that they were becoming my fav couple—now I’m triply sad.

Maria causing Mons to miscarry. I defy even Carlos to defend his favorite, if that happened ;)

Marta: by "they" I meant JL and Angie (I've never seen Amor Real).

Dear Julia, I am so very late today in thanking you for your work. What a GEM of a recap. Your descriptions of the wretched Pedro were absolutely perfect!!!

All of of your excellent phrases have already been mentioned, but I wanted you to know how much I enjoyed your recap!!

Nanette, I so understand your reluctance to get too attached to JL and Angie. Gosh, darn it, I just feel that they are doomed. I want both of them to have some happiness.


I've not visited the Patio. Is there a JL/Angie table?

Sure! We'll just push the Angie and JL tables together. The more the merrier.

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