Saturday, January 04, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó—1-3-14, Cap 38 & 39. Something with a fire.

Lo que la vida me robó—1-3-14, Cap 38 & 39. Something with a fire.

AM GOING TO TRY TO WRITE AN ON-THE-FLY RECAP as I watch. Wish me luck! Will add screencaps and clean things up later.

Scenes may be condensed or whacked. Please forgive.

Refried: What's her name is talking with her mom about not wanting to be cooped up even if she's sick. Monse and her dipshit brother are talking, bro thinks that she's playing Ale just right, she huffily replies that she's falling in love with him. Bro advises to not string along both guys for too long. They are called upon to get into a car.

Visiting with Angie. Dipshit Bro is kissing up to Angie. She tells him and Monse that she's been grounded. Angie wants to talk alone with Monse, Dipshit Bro says Por Supuesto. Angie wants Monse to send along JL to visit. "Don't get your hopes up too high; I don't want you to get hurt." Antonio (aka JL) can't offer more than friendship. Angie wants to fight for JL, because Monse is married, yadda yadda.

Juvie-Dude is visiting JL. JL is working on a report. Juvie is hovering over JL and JL wants him to leave.

Dipshit Dim begging Angie's mom to lift the grounding. He wants to court Angie. Mom thinks they're both too rebellious. He wants Angie to kick up her feet and forget she's ill for a while. Mom doesn't think that's a good idea. She says he can visit Angie at her home, though.

Refugio is upset with JL for letting it out that he was in the navy. Loreto (the police guy, right?) wants to meet JL alone. Uh oh. Juvie wants to talk with JL, Refugio is worried. JL wants to know where Juvie stands. Refugio says to be careful.

Loreto is reporting to Medina about the job they have planned for (against) Ale. Medina wants Loreto to look up the phone # that came on his wife's cell (which we know is from Victor).  Loreto confides that Medina's wife is having an affair, with Victor! Uh oh! They call the number (Victor's) as he is is getting busy in bed with Medina's wife right there. UH OH!! Medina hears a woman's voice, who Victor hastily says is his secretary. Medina wants to meet with Victor, over some paperwork or something. Wants to talk to him PERSONALLY. Don't trust him, Victor! Victor assures Nadia that it's just business, but she's scared and worried. Medina calls for Nadia at their home, hears that she's out. He knows the truth, and he's super pissed! OH NO!!

JL talking with Monse alone. She's angry that he let it slip that he was a petty officer. He'll out himself, and he might get himself killed. She wants him to go, she wants peace, this is too much drama for her. There were some nuances that I missed.

Victor is attacked by a bunch of guys as he's walking at night. They really beat the snot out of him. Loreto looks on from a window.

Monse asks Ale for money for clothes. And she asks for a large sum, 200,000 pesos. Well, clothes cost a LOT, don't you know. Ale seems to go along with this, as he loves to spoil her. He's surprised by the high amount. She explains that it can add up. He goes to see JL for a report that JL apparently has for him.

Monse drags her auntie into her room, she says they're going to go back to Aguazul tomorrow. Auntie thinks that Ale has finally kicked her out. But no, it's something else, but I missed that because I was interrupted.


Josefina's brother is telling Josefina that he's got to deal with Dim the Dipshit, for what he's done to her. Josefina is just embarrassed. The brother wants to settle things with the family. Josefina doesn't think Dim Dipshit will marry her after all of this.

Grizelda (or whatever her name is, Monse's mom) is complaining to her husband about how the whole town knows what Dim the Dipshit did to Josefina, and Grizelda is embarrassed. The husband thinks it's justified and that Dim needs to man up and do the right thing if he doesn't like the public censure.

Dim the Dipshit is drinking with his buddy Adolfo and they wonder how long things will last before Monse is kicked out by Ale. Buddy wants to make time with Maria before they have to leave. Dim the Dipshit is talking about Angie and about how she's different from all the other women he's known.

The auntie is glad that Monse will get money from Ale, which they'll use to get Dim the Dipshit out of town. Auntie is worried that Ale will notice that all this money he gave Mose didn't actually go for clothes. He may ask for receipts and stuff. Dim can help them get a fake receipt, Monse thinks. They can get some old clothes and Ale will be fooled. Auntie is not all that convinced. Monse just wants the dipshit brother gone, so she can have peace finally.

Ale is meeting with Juvie Dude. How much severance pay do you want, to get the hell outta here? Juvie begs for Ale to not do this. He blubbers and whimpers about how he can't leave his niece and stuff. Ale is unmoved. The money he gives Juvie Dude will help heal the wounds. He just wants Juvie Dude gone. Juvie will regret it if he ever gets near his or his wife's family again!

JL meets with Esmerelda at her strip club place of employment. She asks about Refugio; he assures her that Refugio still cares for her, probably still loves her. She's glad. Loreto comes into the club and LJ has to pretend to be a patron and lounges on a couch. He and Loreto chat. Loreto wants to hire him for something. Loreto says he looked him up in the navy and his name does not show up. That must not be his real name. So Loreto is kind of blackmailing JL. You don't want to get on Loreto's bad side!


Monse tells Dim Dimitri that she'll have his money, he should prepare to leave, and also find a way to fake a receipt for all the clothes.

Meanwhile, she visits Ale, who guilelessly (only not) says that he'll accompany her when she buys all these expensive clothes. When she falters, he tells her that he is suspicious about her claim that this is all for clothes. He says he'll have all her clothes ordered or brought to her, but she's not to leave the house. She's unhappy.

She tells her aunt that Ale is too much, too jealous, and he doesn't want to give the money! She bitches about what will she do. Without the money, Dim won't leave, and then neither will JL.

Josefina is crying to Nadia about how Dim did her wrong. Nadia is upset with her brother for his part in it. Poor Josefina is crying about all the crap that's going on, everyone is feeling sorry for her. She's sick of being the ugly chick who was fooled. She tells Nadia the whole story about how she was wooed by Dim and her fake wedding day, and so forth. But it was all a lie. She tells Nadia that her brother Tomas has threatened to kill Dim.


Ale is out by the stables, grooming a horse. The new guy (Macario) is chatting with Ale and he's really nice and friendly. Ale says he has a fight with his wife. Friend says a few kisses will fix that. Ale says it's more complicated. Friend marvels that Ale is pouting over a woman; that's not how he used to be with women (which was pretty good, apparently). Ale says the usual tactics don't work with Monse.

A phone call for Monse from Nadia. The maid/cook Dominga had to screen the call (I think?) per Ale's orders.

Victor is being taken in by the cop guy. Creepy music. This will not go well for Victor. He's all beaten up and Medina is waiting there and has to talk to Victor. Victor asks what do you want. Medina wants to talk about the affair with his wife.

Monse now knows that Tomas, Josefina's brother, is after Dim and his buddy, and so they're hiding out, but daring to blackmail her at the same time! Dim laughs at Monse's situation, living in a house with her husband while her lover is there too! Dim threatens Monse by saying he'll out JL to Ale. They both breathe threats to each other.

Medina is blaming his wife for her part in the infidelity. Victor claims that Nadia only succumbed because he kept chasing after her, but now they are in love! Medina wants Victor to call her up and dump her, and never contact her again. Victor refuses but the cop puts a gun to him and Medina makes it clear that Victor will do it or he'll end up taking a dirt nap. Victor wants to do it in person, not over the phone. No, dirt nap, remember? So they watch as Victor painfully breaks up with Nadia via phone, telling her it was all physical and he just wanted a roll in the hay. He's getting sick of her, she's boring him! She should have never trusted him at all, it was just a game for him. She buys it. He's almost in tears as he tells her to get lost. It's difficult to watch. Medina seems satisfied and threatens Victor again to stay away from Nadia. Victor is beside himself and distraught. So is poor Nadia. Well, that sucked.


Refugio is upset because the Police Chief is onto JL and suspects he's not who he says he is. JL smoothly says the Police Chief (Loreto) just wants to be friends and he won't out him. JL is just playing along. He wants to find out what Loreto is up to, because then he can find out when they plan on attacking Ale again.

Ale comes in and tells JL that things are going great at the ranch. He's pleased with JL's job! Come to the house tonight for a drink. Later, Refugio wonders what Ale wants. JL doesn't know.

Macario visits the father's house and sees Rosario. He seems to recognize her. The Father comes home and sees Macario. Happy reunion. Macario talks to the Father in private; he remembers a bit of Rosario's story and is asking the Father about it. Father is uncomfortable. Macario introduces himself to Rosario, "Don't you remember me?" He asks her about the murder accusation against her and all that. Very stiff and uncomfortable as she avoids his question. Macario now is remembering and connects the dots! Rosario is Ale's mom! Father says no, that was another Rosario. Macario seems to buy it, but as he is recounting things, Rosario looks so distraught that I think Macario is suspicious.

Juvie Dude being rude to Refugio. He is up to no good. He climbs into a back of a truck and brings big containers of gasoline out. Uh oh!

Nadia comes to Victor's house, wants to see Victor. The servant sends her away. Victor was hiding and thanks the servant for getting rid of Nadia.

Father tries to talk Rosario into outing herself to Ale as his mom, but she doesn't want to. Same old story. She doesn't feel worthy to be the Mother in Law of a fine girl like Monse. For real? Okay whatever. Father says that Rosario won't get rehired as a servant, so the only way to see Ale every day (as she wishes) is to tell him that she's his mom.

Macario meets Monse. What a fine girls she is. She's so pretty, he says, with all respect. He introduces himself. Ale comes in and he tells the story about Rosario, how she was falsely accused of murder by that old douchebag Benjamin, Ale's dad. They now know the story about how Rosario was put in jail all those years. They're impactado.

Macario congratulates Ale on his hottie wife. Ale wants to know more about Rosario. They talk about how another woman named Rosario was his mom, not this Rosario. Macario says that Ale wasn't told that Benjamin was his dad, implying that maybe they're not being truthful about which Rosario is his mom. Ale looks thoughtful.

Nadia having flashbacks of Victor's courtship. All the good memories, the besos, the flowers, the protestations of love, the falling into the sack. She cries. Can't believe it was all a lie. Medina looks on behind her.

Ale asks about Monse's phone call. Not much happened or was talked about, she says. Monse asks him to rehire Rosario, but he says he will if he finds out how she's contacting her boyfriend. He's worried and jealous. But she won't tell him who helped her contact the guy. He's angry and she explains that she's afraid. He wouldn't hurt her, he assures her. He explains passionately that he needs to know, he's plagued with doubts. She swears that she won't run away again, but he's not sure. Lather, rinse, repeat. We won't be hearing the last of this song and dance. She walks off after telling him she's sick of it all.

JL walks up right after she huffs off. Ale says they'll go inside to talk.

Dominga in the kitchen tells Monse that Rosario wants to meet her, in the stables. Meanwhile, Juvie Dude is spreading all that gasoline all over the stables. Douche. Rosario is unfortunately hanging out at the stables at this time, and is hit over the head by Juvie Dude and then dragged into one of the stables. he lays her down and keeps pouring gasoline everywhere. You will burn in Hell, Juvie Dude! He casually lights a cigarette and we cut to Ale, who is drinking with JL and talking about while JL has proven himself to be trustworthy, he has some questions. He thinks that JL knows Jose Luis even though JL said he didn't. Ale says he knows that Monse is helping JL win the heart of Angie, and he's thinking that maybe JL is helping Monse contact this Jose Luis fellow. Uh oh!

We cut to commercial.

Monse wandering out to the stables, calling for Rosario. This is not good. She sees Rosario prone in the stable. Meanwhile, Juvie Dude finally lights the fire. They cough and Monse sees what's up and cries for help. The smoke gets thicker. Other workers discover the fire and are running around, getting help. Monse continues to scream to help and calls for Ale. They're trapped in that one stall and the fire is getting worse. Rosario is out like a light. Monse tries to drag her away.

Adolfo, Dim's friend, is getting busy with Maria and they're on her bed. But the sounds of everyone rushing to the stables to deal with the fire interrupt them. Ale and Macario are running out to the stables. Ale goes after Monse. Juvie Dude is acting like he cares. He's holding Maria back as she cries after Ale. Refugio, Ale, and JL are all fighting over who gets to rescue Monse. Ale gets the honor of picking her up and carrying her away, as Refugio picks up Rosario. The guys bring the women into the house. Ale is so worried about Monse and he kisses her and says Te Amo (I love you) as a jealous and soot-smeared JL looks on.

Juvie Dude is apparently trying to look like he's helped out and "rescued" everyone. Refugio doesn't look so convinced.

Rosario comes to and they ask her what happened. She's feeling a bit better. JL asks Rosario how the fire started. She said she smelled something like gas and then someone hit her other the head. Monse wants her to stay overnight at the house, but Rosario doesn't want to. Ale says she should stay. But she says she should leave. She'll be taken to the Father's house. Ale is really attentive to her.

Auntie tells Monse to rest and Auntie will make her a tea. But Auntie doesn't want Monse alone with JL in the house. JL says he'll go.

Maria is bitching to herself about how Monse doesn't deserve Ale's love and Maria wishes that Monse had died in the fire. Adolfo wants to finish what they started earlier, but she kicks him out of the room, screaming like a banshee and crying.

Monse is able to talk to JL. They're both streaked with soot. He tells her more lovey-dovey talk and moans about how he can't kiss her, whine whine, I can't take it anymore, he moans. She says suck it up, that's how it is, don't get any closer and we can't be alone again. Ale will be back soon. JL says that Ale will be back and he and Ale had an unfinished conversation. Monse wants JL to swear not to tell Ale anything, because she's afraid that Ale will kill JL if he knows who JL really is. JL wants to know who she's worried more about, him or Ale? She says she's worried for them both. She wants him to swear not to spill the beans.


Rosario returned to the Father's house, as Ale explains about the fire. Rosario cries that she's sorry that she "risked Monse's life" but she was afraid to step into the house, that's why she asked Monse to come to the stables. Ale says it's okay. But he wants to know why she wanted to talk to Monse. She explains that she was wanting to get her job back. Ale says they'll talk about that later. He's got to go but he wants to talk to the Father. Rosario again thanks Ale for everything.

Ale wants to know why the Father didn't tell Ale that it was Benjamin, Ale's father, who falsely accused Rosario of murder? Father didn't want Ale to hate Benjamin even more. Father thinks that since Benjamin gave Ale life, that he owes him something, or something. Ale doesn't think he owes Benjamin love. Ale is also suspicious about Rosario's name being the same as his mom, no one else remembers another Rosario in that area. Father explains it all away, blah blah blah. Father begs Ale to rehire Rosario-who-isn't-his-mother; Father asks as a personal favor. Ale says okay. Father is pleased.


Macario visits Juvie Dude. Wants to havea chat. They get out the beer. Macario wants to know where Juvie Dude was when the fire started. Juvie feigns offense. Macario says that Juvie is acting weird, that's all.

Auntie talking with Monse about what a coward and loser Dim is, and how it's all their mom's fault. Monse agrees and is angry about how Dim trash talks Josefina. Auntie then talks about how JL won't get out. Monse explains that Dim is the one keeping JL from leaving, and that she's worried that Ale will go ballistic if he finds out the truth, and there will be tragedy all around.

Ale and JL talking about the fire. It was not coincidental. Rosario was hit over the head. JL tells Ale that he doesn't trust the Police Chief and thinks he's up to no good. Explains how the Police Chief wants to be friends. Ale then says he needs to know if JL has been helping Monse keep in contact with Jose Luis. JL says no. Ale seems satisfied.

Back with Auntie and Monse. She's saying that she gets all fluttery when she's around Ale, but she also still feels something for JL. Tia is telling her to be ashamed and confess to the priest! Monse is just confused, she explains. Ale overhears this. Tia chastises Monse for being in love with two men at the same time, as Ale still is listening in, his mouth agape.


Ale comes in and wants to talk to Monse. He says they'll go tomorrow to clothes shop. She's changes her mind; she doesn't need the clothes anymore, especially after knowing that he doesn't trust her. She promises never to betray him again. She tells him that she doesn't like to ask for money or explain what it's for. He says that he can fix that, he gives her a key to a drawer, she can get money from that drawer and this is a way for him to show that he trusts her. Dim is listening in to all of this. UH OH!

Monse is at the same desk, as she has a flashback of arguing with Dim as he's blackmailing her for money. She opens the desk with the key Ale gave her.

Ale visiting the Police Chief. Police Chief says he heard about the fire; what caused it? Ale says he hasn't had time to investigate yet. Police Chief is offering Ale "protection," but Ale is not interested in that. He wants to report his suspicion that JL is still alive. Impactado look from Police Chief.


AVANCES: Police Chief pulling a gun on JL. MUST SEE TV!!

Screenshots coming later.


Juventino should be the prime suspect; Alejandro just fired his ass. However, he should have just handed him some severance pay and made him leave immediately so as not to allow time for anything like this to happen.

Maria still needs to be kicked clear across Mexico and into whatever the farther body of water is.

More after breakfast.

Urban A:
ITA that Ale should have told Juvie to leave immediately. It won't be easy to get rid of him.

Thank goodness for Macario! He does not seem to be intimidated by Juvie.

As far as BM goes, let's make sure that body of water is shark infested.

I sure agree with both of you re: BM. Great to see her upset finally realizing Ale just might love his wife and not her.

If everyone would just listen to Padre Anselmo!


After last night's episodes the character I'm most ticked off at is Alejandro.

Despite knowing how horrible Rosario's life has been, that she has nowhere else to go, and that he despot father had her imprisoned wrongly, he first tries to blackmail Monse in exchange for giving Ro back her job, and then Ro and the Padre have to cry, beg and plead before he gives in.

Despite numerous attempts on his life, the burning of his property, and the near death of his wife, his ONLY concern is still finding out who was the go-between for his wife and her ex. Priorities, dude.

Despite knowing that Loreto (in collusion with the municipality president, and likely Juvie too) is corrupt and more than likely behind the attempts on his life, and also knowing that JL was innocent and framed, Ale has now enlisted the help of Loreto to hunt and trap JL. That was a true douchebag move, in my mind.

Oh yeah, and he has stupidly let Juvie hang around the ranch, and hasn't informed anyone else that he fired Juvie. Everyone still thinks he has a right to go and do whatever he wants.


Telling JL/Antonio was the first thing he should have done after firing Juventino.

Obsessive jealousy is a huge theme in TNs and it's truly sick. I know a few people who have had to deal with it in partners and it is a special form of hell.

Yeah, instead of the multiple conversations with "Antonio" about knowing JL, Ale should have been having major pow-wows with him about the attempted murders and the fire. That last conversation between them, when Antonio told him how Juvie was the messenger from Loreto, should have never swung back to the stupid JL issue. That's when Ale should have told Ant that he fired Juvie, and asked him to tell all the workers to keep an eye on Juvie (instead of having them all spying on his wife).

Good morning. I completely Agee with you both, Vivi and UA. Ale seem to be in a trance. His obsession with JL and Monymony is making him weak and careless. He needs to wake up to the dangers around him . He is not a large and in charge galan right now.

My fav parts if this novela are watching Malria have Hissyfits. Girl needs a hobby other than stalking Ale. Get a life.

Poor Viktor got the cookies kicked out of him. Well, Viktor, play with fire...get burned. Pedro is a stone cold guy. Yikes.

Good morning all. Mads, I can't wait to read your recap, but it's going to be a busy day so I'll have to watch the episode and enjoy your recap later. I did have time to see Victor get the cookies kicked out of him as Susanlynn says. Poor guy, and with creepy Loreto watching.

More later, I just wanted to pop in to say good morning.

Monsy to Ale: No, no, I'll never lie to you again, as in NEVER. But, will you - pretty please - give me 200,000 pesos so that I can go into Agua Azul and buy some designer clothes? What? You want to go with me? Of course he smells a dead fish. She is our beautiful blonde angel who just wants to be left in peace at whatever price - except the truth.

God Bless Adolfo. You can't blame a guy for trying. He came "this" close to having his way with Maria, but, it was a case of love interrupted by a fire and then a hissy fit. The princess of darkness still just doesn't get it.

Please someone out there, do you think that Ale is just more than a little bit suspicious of JL? Agreed, Ale is making a pact with the devil to satisfy his obsession. But, this is Novelaville and stuff like that happens here.


I like how Alex kissed Monse to death and told her how much he loved her. That was cute.

P.S. I graduated from the University of South Carolina. Our mascot is a fighting game cock. So, sometimes, I really do like a good "cock fight". Did anyone see us beat Wisconsin on New Years Day?

Alejandro apparently has no idea who JL is, however he knows that JL (whoever he is) wants his wife. His wife has made several attempts to escape to run off with JL. His wife has lied to him time after time. Would not just be possible that the number one suspect in all these horrible things just might be... ummm.... JL?

Of course I know what we all know, but Alejandro does not. I think that there are three people (maybe with the arrival of Macario... now four) that he can be certain are not trying to kill him... Victor, Padre Anselmo, and yes... María.

I'm not a huge fan of Alejandro, but I'm trying to look at things from his present point of view. Of course Antonio did save his life... but Antonio is, after all, JL.

Lots of room (not to mention lonely) here at the María table guys... guys?...


Ale knows that JL is on the run. It should be perfectly understandable to him why Monse wouldn't give up his location, and also why she wouldn't give up some poor employee's name who Ale would fire unjustly, like he did Rosario.

Last night he overheard Monse say she's in love with both of them. He should be celebrating. He's gaining ground, despite being a controlling, angry jerk to Monse. Just think how much ground he could win in this struggle for Monse's heart if he was actually nice to her for longer than two minutes at a time! JL would be long forgotten.

Carlos- It would be logical if Ale thought JL was behind everything. But that's not why he went to Loreto. In fact he's had a few conversations with Ant/JL and others now about believing Pedro and Loreto are trying to force him into the same shady deals they had with his father by creating these dangerous situations. Then he does nothing about it.

I think Adolfo is sitting at the Maria table with you. :)

Vivi, I think Alex is kinda sorta justified with Monse. Every time he tries to trust her, he finds out that she's lying. She kisses him...a few minutes later, while he is on cloud nine, he finds out that she tried to escape the night before. She's admitted that she's in contact with JL. I'm sorry, but she would drive me crazy too.

Carlos, I can't stand Maria, but you are welcome to join me at the Alex and Victor table.

Hi, not quite sure if the recap is coming from Elvira or Madelaine but am salivating to read it as both of you are marvelous recappers.

Vivi, you read my thoughts and put them beautifully in written form. I'm quoting "Despite numerous attempts on his life, the burning of his property, and the near death of his wife, his ONLY concern is still finding out who was the go-between for his wife and her ex. Priorities, dude", but I could have easily cut and pasted everything you wrote.

Ale is just not your typical galan. In some instances, it would be refreshing. Not here. I want to like him, to be enthused about he and Monse getting together but there is too much raw pain at the moment.

Will wait to comment further until the recap is up.

Great comments - and yes, UA, AuntyAnn, Jarifa, Ale should be concentrating on finding out who set the fire and the prime suspect is right under his nose.

Carlos, if Ale doesn't get his act together, I might start wishing he would indeed go with Maria. So, leave a seat for me. They may well deserve each other.


If all this other stuff weren't going on, then I could understand the crazy fixation on who passed notes between Monse and JL on the school yard, but damn, people are pulling guns on him and burning his property. Time to focus.

He thinks its the highway robbers. AND when the guy pulled the gun at the fair, there were several people in front of that gun. I know that I am wearing a beanie, but I am trying to look at it from his point of view.

Yeah, he goes overboard, but his foreman was "robbed" and killed. I would be crazy too. I know I would. He wants to love and trust her, but every day she proves that she can't be trusted.

Carlos, por favor, can you explain to me what men see in women like Maria? Why are they so blind to their poison?

A college buddy of mine always gets involved with obsessive ones like her and ends up getting more grief than passion.

Vivi in DC, I really like your observations this morning and am in total agreement.

Before I make any further comment, belated huge thank you to Elna June and Novela Maven for their so nicely written recap from yesterday. There are times when I am literally amazed at the creative writing talent on this blog and the HUGE, huge efforts to write the most entertaining recaps. I think Julia did two episodes on her own on New Year's day no less! You are ALL so dedicated and talented. Simple words really cannot thank you all enough for the daily gifts you present to us in Viewerville.

Novela Maven made an excellent observation yesterday in the comments which brought to mind something I have been thinking about since the New Year's Day episode. She said this:

"In general --

I've been thinking lately about how subversive this novela really is. Look at the world it depicts: a corrupt civil government, a corrupt police force, a military that considers itself honorable but is easily seduced by social pressures, the powerful landowners who collude with criminals, the dearth of honest men and women who, when they do try to speak out, are likely to be silenced permanently.
(And let's not even get started on the playful treatment of spousal rape.)"

This was excellent and worth repeating again. After I finished watching the New Year's Day episode, I asked myself what in the heck was I doing watching a two hour episode that left me feeling frustrated and "down". I agree that the actors are excellent. I agree that there is a lot of tension in the story, but as someone who only has 3 or 4 TN under the belt, the darkness in this TN is almost too much for a relative novice to absorb.

The novelas are a way for me to improve my Spanish and my understanding of Latin American culture. They are, for the most part, an enjoyable escape for me. I look forward to the episodes and so enjoy the comments on this blog.

However, I have never seen a novela which is inhabited by so many dark and dangerous people. The dark side seems to rule on all levels in this TN with the exception of the Padre and Rosario. Yes, there are minor characters who are not so dark, but they are related to or "ruled" by main characters who are deeply, deeply flawed.

Maybe I just expect to see one villain. Maria is more than enough for any program, but I only see the dark side of these characters and NO ONE is in a healthy relationship. This novela is how many episodes long? 180? Do we expect this level of intensity and darkness to last throughout?

The actors must be so very good if they can illicit this type of response from a viewer. A good example is Maria. This character is just as repulsive to me as Pedro. She is a dangerous person. I don't think Alejandro is totally safe from her, either. I see no goodness in her whatsoever and, like Pedro,she is willing to kill to get what she wants.

For now, I think I will have to limit myself to just reading the superb recaps and take a break from the actual viewing. Maybe I am just your average, ordinary wimp, but this average, ordinary wimp is really just a gentle viewer who will just read along for now.



Also, Susanlynn: "Girl needs a hobby other than stalking Ale. Get a life." Still smiling.



Sorry, looks like it is just you, Aldimfo,,and UncleIcky at the Malria table. Here's why....Malria is the type of chick who will cut you and then throw you under the bus if you get between her and her goals. Yikes I would be afraid of being stabbed with a fork at that table if I asked for the salt.

Also, Carlos...Did you notice that our JL/ANT has taken a page from Nikki last of AV fame and started voicing his frustrations with an "OKAY ?"
The other night on The Soup, they showed the clip of that weird scene of from AV of Gorilla and Nikki in the field with the owl and the female saxophonist .

Well,hub is,pestering me to get my second cuppa coffee so that he can finish off the pot. Later.

Fatima, what a thoughtful analysis. I have been watching TNs for almost six years now and I have to ruefully state that while there are many dark characters here, it is not atypical.

I might offer though that there have been an amazing array of characters that have transformed in various novelas and ultimately, been redeemed. Part of the enjoyment is watching the changes, subtle at first, and then hoping (where you never thought you would), that the character will become "good".

Things are dark and dismal right now certainly but the ray of hope and of light may certainly be in store for many. I hope you might consider watching but if not, the recappers and commenters will certainly bring all of the events to life for you (and us).


Had to laugh at Montse and her teeny-bopper "I need 200,000 pesos to buy some cute threads" plot! That was so silly. Her flouncing around and pouting after the plan fell through was funny!

Like others, glad to see Maria have a pissy fit over seeing Ale show loving concern for Montse. I'll stop by the table if I can slap her, or at least stick out my tongue at her!

I'm in Ale's corner all the way. No, he doesn't know what we know. I think for Ale JL is THE DEVIL and the hidden hand behind all his misfortunes. Ever since Vic showed him that cell phone clip of Montse meeting JL on the beach and trying to escape on their wedding day, from his perspective, his dreams of love and happily ever after with a girl he could've never hoped to win have been circling the bowl and JL is the one who flushed. The unseen (for him) JL is the villain behind the shooting, burning and pillaging and with every threat or act of violence the mysterious Devil JL becomes an ever more focused in Ale's cross hairs. The thought that his wife has had contact with this DEVIL drives him crazy and to make a deal with the devil he knows to get the one he doesn't.

Vic. Man, you're lucky your cookies weren't crushed and burned. Dumb move on both you guys parts to be carrying on virtually in the open. And Nadia, if you couldn't figure out that Vic kicked you to the curb under duress (Pedro) then you're as dumb as Vic. What's the body count so far?



Well said about Alex, Lila.

Diana, thank you for your very kind response. I believe that I am just stunned at how I have responded to a simple story!

Do you think that the writers are coming at this from a pure fantasy standpoint or do you think that the writers believe that these various scenarios (Ale "buying" Montserrat) could theoretically exist in modern day Mexico or Latin America? Is there still an ingrained class system in Mexico/Latin America?

Thanks so much, Diana.


Lila- I would actually understand Ale's obsession if he actually thought JL was behind all the bad stuff happening on his lands, but he doesn't. His only beef with JL is the fact that JL won Monse's heart first, and is trying to "steal" her back. That's kind of pathetic to me.

Fatima, OK, I think men "buy" women here. I used work for a foundation. At first, I thought that the wives were just lived in luxury, but then I realize that they had a purpose. They joined particular causes or "boards" in order to meet certain people. Once they were part of the cause or the board, they would bring their husbands along and introduce him to someone helpful to the business. So, I think that some of those men, picked certain wives. The choice was strategic.

Fatima, good for you for wanting to learn Spanish. Watching telenovelas has been a great help to me in learning the language. I think the upcoming new telenovela, Que Pobres Tan Ricos, is supposed to be more comedic. Hopefully it will remain funny and not spiral down into stupid, nonsensical drama/horror, as did Porque El Amor Manda. You might try giving QPTR a chance.

The ingrained class system is alive and well in Mexico, but in my limited experience I haven't seen it displayed in quite the same way as in the telenovelas. I view the telenovelas as I do opera, that is to say, over the top and an overly-dramatic version of real life.


Vivi, he knows that JL was on his property. Dimitrio told him that he saw him there, remember? I didn't see last night's epi, but it is possible, that JL is causing him grief (in his mind).

Wow, Fatima! Just read your comment and yes, NovelaMaven's comment yesterday was piercing and insightful. I was touched by your statement "After I finished watching the New Year's Day episode, I asked myself what in the heck was I doing watching a two hour episode that left me feeling frustrated and "down". I understand where you're coming from and this very motivation is why I stopped watching tv pretty much altogether, especially the so-called news. Well, that and a lot of what's offered on tv is, for me, just plain stupid.

I've only watched novelas off and on since 2005 and do so for the Spanish but if ever I felt down watching them I would be out of here real quick and wouldn't read the recaps either.

I try not to get too cerebral with the novelas, or read too much into them. The bad guys usually get their comeuppance, the various couples generally hook up and the main lovers generally live happily ever after. For me, it's an escape. I like to see well-matched chemistry in the main couple and some close to soft porn love-making scenes. I don't mind a few fights, smack downs, could do without murders but they're part of the package.

I have a huge, crazy, normal family, deal with the impact of disability and injustice on a daily basis and just do not take the content of novelas too seriously. I know it's not real life and if it starts feeling too much like it, I'm outta here.

I hope you do continue to read and comment as a part of this astonishingly literate, sensitive and creative community.



Cynderalla, my amiga, excellent point. I was thinking in terms of the Latin American culture, but I suspect that what you describe could be extrapolated across all cultures and levels of society.

It's no different that a prince marrying a given princess (both in the past and in the present) in order to preserve and increase the strength (physical and fiscal) of a given family line.

Yes. I certainly see your point.


But Vivi, I think somehow he does think JL is behind everything. He doesn't know what JL looks like, for him JL is like the Illuminati with an evil hand in everything and the attempt to steal his wife is numero uno: his manhood is at stake. No, it's not rational but I think he does somehow think JL and his unknown accomplice on the ranch is behind all this stuff.

Okay, chore time. Man, once the recap actually gets up we're going to really be on fire!



I really do not like Alejandro, and have not done so for some time. As you all know, I keep referring to him as humorless, rage-filled and rigid, three near capital emotional crimes in my book.

Yesterday Novela Maven wrote that our little melodrama is subversive. As usual, she is dead right. The only redeeming quality Ale has shown so far in his relationships with women is no quality at all, but an accident of nature—he is excessively good looking.

Any good qualities Ale HAS shown have been demonstrated in his generous relationship with Antonio, his (unseen) enemy.

And back to the question of subversiveness raised by NM yesterday—it appears that the writers expect us to fall for and root for a Galan simply because he is immoderately attractive.

C'mon, fellows, give me a little more to love in Alejandro than a great jawline and some pretty fine thighs.

I am reminded of the experience a decade (or so) ago of falling slowly for the character of Tony Soprano and then catching myself, saying, "Yikes. You are rooting for a brutal serial killer."

I am finding that Robo is thoroughly engaging and our community for this show is delightful. It is so much more fun to complain about subversiveness than about poor writing, scripts and acting.

The actors are doing a great job.


PS: Sigh. Carlos, I cannot join you at the Maria table. In appreciation of our friendship, I must content myself with sending you a drink from here at the table of Existential Angst and Ale Bashing (EAAAB). Today I am enjoying a bottle of our friend Don Baumhefner's 'En Tirage 1992 Extra Brut Sparkling Wine (Champagne)'. It has gotten wonderful reviews and I think it is an absolute knockout.

And what cocktail am I sending our head mixologist Carlos on this wintry day?



Cyn- When you watch you'll see a conversation between Ale and JL/Ant after the fire where they solidify their suspicions about Juvie and Loreto. JL was never mentioned as a possible suspect in the fire.

For JL to be behind Ale's first shooting, he would have had to somehow have found a band of criminals to join him, as Ale clearly saw it was a gang of men. Everyone saw the guy who pointed the gun at the fair (why didn't Ale follow up on that) and Monse was the eagle eyed person who spotted him. I'm sure Ale doesn't think that guy was JL, otherwise he would have asked a lot more questions. The fire would be the best bet, since no one saw the culprit. But again, in his conversation with Ant, Ale seemed to think this was just Loreto trying to intimidate him into accepting police "protection", and he's right.


Can't wait for your take on this episode. Will wait to comment then.

Cynderella! It's me and you girl at Ale's table. Let's stand (or sit) strong!

:D Lila

Cap'n Sylvia Sharkbait, thank you for your reply. :) My Latin American friends tell me that my vocab is improving all the time! They laugh at me for watching the novelas, but with what I hear on the television and what I read here in the recaps and comments, my vocab is improving!! Thank you for the heads up on the new comedy starting Monday. I saw Jaime Camil recently in a movie in the theatres and he was very good (nice on the eyes, too!).

Lila, thank you, thank you for your comments. I need to lighten up! I was probably over thinking this, but my reaction to Wednesday's episode was honest and true.

I wonder if the actors ever think their characters or the story lines are too dark or if their TNs are sending out "wrong" (totally subjective, I know) messages?



I sure hope that Juventino takes his "family" Maria along with him when he finally leaves. I wonder how long that is going to take.


I don't think that Maria is menor de edad; legally she wouldn't have to leave with him.

However, it would be smart of Alejandro to insist he take her.

We do have a class system in the US; the problem is we are in denial about it as a culture.

UA, I just wouldn't want either of them to be "lonely " since they seem to be the only family they have. LOL

So true your comment about a class system here in US.


Wow...already a passionate discussion, and we don't even have the recap and pics up yet! Take your time Elvira. You're always worth the wait.

Well, I've got to admit I'm just overlooking all of Alejandro's character flaws. He's gorgeous. Montserrat is gorgeous. They could be having such a great time making love, if things would just go right. And that's what I'm waiting for!

Okay. Shallow as hell. Can't help it. I'm also learning Spanish. So I'm not just fluff. But when it comes to this couple with such hot potential chemistry, I just want to strike a match and light that fire.

Wow..interesting comments . Once again , you are keeping me from my tasks.

I wrote long response to Fatima, but it disappeared. Ipad and I are having issues. I have got to find that stylus.

Anyhoo, I agree with Lila. I started watching novelas six years ago as an escape after my mother died and my mother-in-law started needing more care. I found Alborada and then this site even before it was called Caraycaray by our blog mom Melinama. I continued to try to,watch at least one novela because I like the folks here so much. They are smart and funny . Sometimes, I give up on a novela (CQI I, PEAM) sometimes, I have to surf away for a minute like when Viktor was getting that beat down or there is domestic abuse or a child is in danger. That is where the remote comes in handy. This site provides a little respite from the sometimes harsh reality of everyday life! not to mention the fun we have. it was fun choosing a pirate name when we were watching Pasion, and I loved the DamAdjectives we created. It is also informative. for example, Cyn pointed out to me why miss Vikki on Av never wore Capri pants. thank you, Cyn.

Somehow I'm just not seeing the evil in María that the rest of you are seeing. She did indeed say that she wished that Montserrat had died in the fire, but I see that as more metaphorically than literally. She's hopelessly in love Alejandro and has had good reason (perhaps until this episode) to cling to that hope... what with Montserrat's rather erratic behavior and Alejandro's ambiguities. She hasn't killed anyone, and even though she implied that she was on board with Uncle Juventino's plan to make Montserrat disappear, I don't think she actually realized that he was serious or how evil he is and what he is actually capable of doing.


"Carlos, por favor, can you explain to me what men see in women like Maria?"

Well, first of all, I certainly don't speak for all men, but fortunately I do have the capability to separate fantasy and fiction from reality, so while I might not choose María as someone to invest in emotionally in real life, she is certainly a fascinating (never mind gorgeous) character.
In contrast, Nadia may be beautiful and sweet, but she is dull, dull, dull... in every sense of the word.


Judy- ITA with you amiga. I would just like Ale to stop yelling and whining about JL, and put those lips of his to better use- kissing Monse, and any other creative thing he can come up with in the bedroom...

Thank you Susanlynn! How very nice of you to respond to my thoughts for the day. You always have so many nice comments on this blog. :)

Fatima...who can separate fantasy and fiction from reality, but just asking honest questions.

Hey Gang! I hope you all had a wonderful New Year. I'm catching up on these double episodes and must thank our crew (UA, Gloria, Julia, EJ and NM) for your great work. My trip to Senegal to visit my sister was great but the return to PA and real winter weather has not been as fun.

Fatima, while you may be taking a tn seriously, it is good you are aware of the aspects of it that upset you. ITA understand you considering not watching the show b/c I'm in the same quandary myself; I'll keep reading the recaps b/c I love our group here and I truly love looking at SR. But there are times when tns just push certain buttons of mine and I realize I must walk away from the show and recaps, LQNPA was that one for me.

I'm with Judy--Wow, no recap and saw there were 24 comments so just had to see what the fuss was about. What a great discussion. Perfect for my lunch break and taking the holiday decorations down. (anything not to go out in the frigid cold).

Fatima, I've watched TN's for @ 8-9 years now, and I have seen a few that seems to have a town full of low-lifes sprinkled in with just a few good people. But as pointed out, there are usually changes in characters along the way, some new positive folks are often thrown in later during the show and the balance begins to shift back to the light and away from the dark side. Reading the recaps is a great way to follow to see if you ever feel like jumping in again to watch. Hang in there--just keep saying "it's an alternate universe" and take the stories for what they are, which is often exaggerated and a bit over the top. But what fun to discuss that type of show!

Love the analysis of Ale, and admit that I do tend to "understand" him. This is a guy thrown into the world of being a patron, of rubbing elbows with the upper classes and dealing with the intrigues heonly saw from afar before. I think he clings to Maria as a means of holding on to his old life. Right or wrong.

As for his behavior towards Rosario, who he should sympathize with, tying her to his need to find this mysterious JL who he thinks, as Vivi pointed out, is the core of all that is wrong with his life ( incorrectly) just imploded his usual understanding. You can see it in the Padre's frustration since he continually states how this is not the Ale he knows. It will also be so much more dramatic when he realizes he treated his own mother this way. In his own way, Ale is struggling with this new-found power he has. He wants to do the right thing in most of his dealings and basically has a good heart, but his jealousy over Monse is opening that door to use some of his new found power too. And not in a positive way. It's like watching an early study of perhaps how Pedro may have turned into what he is once upon a time.

As for Monse. Long ago she should have just fessed up and really put her foot down with JL to get the hell out of dodge. But then, even though she was raised a princess, she was still belittled by Graceless and seems to not be able to stand up to her brother. Me, with his blackmail tries, I would have first hit him where the sun don't shine, then went to their father. It would be no surprise that his son is a loser, heart or no heart. And I don't think Tia is all that helpful either.

Sorry Carlos...I just can't with Maria. I knew a girl just like her that always wanted the guy someone else had. She played that sweetcheeks personality to the guys and often adults, and behind the scenes was a viper and spread mind-boggling rumors on innocent girls for no other reason than just because she could. She even looked a bit like Maria ( we all that long "surfer" hair back then). Right now, I don't see anything the least bit redeeming about her yet. I'll give her a slight benefit of a possibility, but until I see that spark I'll have to pass at sitting at that table. Right now, I'm sitting over at Vik's--yeah,he played with fire, but dude needs a hug bad. He's got no one right now.

Can you tell I don't want to go back to cleaning....ok back I go now.

How apropos: my text entry is Paranoia.


Lila: ITA with everything you said about our Ale. If you look at it from his point of view, he grew up pretty much alone, mistreated, and without the love of a family. His biggest dream was to one day have the love and comfort of his own family and he had that hope crushed on his wedding day. So yes, our galan is very flawed but that shows that he is human. His bitterness and anger is what is driving him right now. I agree he should focus more on the fact that everyone in the tn is trying to kill him right now but that would make too much sense....and this is a telenovela after all(LOL).


I agree. We certainly do have a class system in the United States. But our class system is more fluid than some others in a couple of key ways:

1.The 'class' to which you MAY belong in the United States is in many ways determined by your ambition, race, access to education, and available free capital. Our President is the product of some of our finest Universities—Columbia and Harvard. Although there are notable exceptions (Bill Gates comes to mind as does Mark Zuckerberg) most folks who transcend a certain 'class' in our culture have access to education and obtain University degrees. And, although neither Gates not Zuckerberg bothered to graduate from Harvard, they still got into the University in the first place.

Public service (in the realm of politics) can allow one to transcend class. But, in our system, cash is required to make oneself visible enough to be seen by potential voters. Again; access to capital is necessary.

2. Downward mobility is also quicker in our society than in some. In 'Robo', for example, the family Mendoza is dead broke is a good part of town. They are not able to keep up with their peers without a large infusion of, yes, capital. But the Mendoza's birth in a 'old' or 'good' families (read wealthy or formerly wealthy and powerful) can carry them for a certain period of time—say, a generation.

In America, class perception can change much more quickly. Broke playboys like 'Dim and Addled®'would not be able to skate for long on their family names, good looks, or charm—maybe one generation, at most. Then the bill comes due at the Gentlemen's Club or Yacht Club or Golf Club and if you do not pay, you do not play. Such old-style conservative American institutions representing membership in a certain class DO NOT extend credit.

One of the many fascinations of the telenovelas for me is watching how the Mexican media portray 'class'.

This is such a complex and fascinating subject. I am not well educated on the realm of race and access to class mobility in Mexico and Latin America, but we certainly do not see many indigenous men playing lead or galan or high-powered business roles.

Alejandro is a case of a 'new man' who is fabulously wealthy but whose birth is an impediment to his class mobility. I do not see 'illegitimacy' as being a serious impediment to class mobilty in this country.



Ay, dios mio....

Alejandro has told Maria many times that she will never be the love of his life. She is clearly not intelligent enough -- or willfully ignoring what she sees -- to understand that he's not going to get more direct than that. She throws herself at him at every opportunity and makes a point to do this in front of Monserrat. The first time that's bitchy and after that it's evil.

True, she doesn't know the depth of Juventino's evil as she doesn't know that he killed her father. By TN law she will have to find out eventually, unless she gets her Karmageddon before he does. However, she didn't appear to mourn her father all that much and we have no evidence her father was less than a decent human being.

She seems to have been ignoring a creep vibe about Juventino as well. However, even that will have to end.

Re: Class

We may have better upward-- and easier downward -- mobility here, but class is more than money. It's about education and how one carries oneself. As for illegitimacy, since there now seem to be as many births to unmarried women as there are to married ones, this is a bogus reason to prevent anyone's advancement.

Karen, thank you for understanding my own quandry. Coincidentally, I think I saw 4 episodes of "La Que No Podia Amar" and had to leave. I didn't even follow on the recaps.

DaisynJay, thank you so much! I really like your analysis of Alejandro and absolutely agree with your comments re Montserrat. I think that once I see a little more "light" in the action that maybe I could start watching again.


With regard to the title of this novela, do you (collectively) feel that it refers only to JL or are there other possibilities?


Susanlynn and Lila: I started watching novelas again as a way to reconnect with my past. I grew up watching telenovelas with my mom and grandma. When life gets too real, I find it's the perfect escape from reality. American television has really bored me for the last few years. I think the last great show I saw was The Sopranos.

Judy: Your comments really make me smile. I guess I'm just as shallow as you are about our Ale.

Cyn and Lila : Please save a seat for me at the Ale table, I,ll bring my pompons!

I think almost every character could make a case for having been robbed:

Graciela: Robbed of her social position because of impending poverty; robbed of opportunity because she is no longer young

Monserrat: Robbed of her free choice

Jose Luis: Robbed of Monserrat and of his freedom and future

Nadia: Not so much robbed as baited and switched (thought she was getting a gentleman instead of a monster).

Juventino: Robbed of his big payoff from Don Benjamin

Maria: Robbed of Alejandro (whom she never had in the first place)

Rosario: Robbed of her child and 30 years of her life

Josefina: Robbed of her dignity (and possibly some cash)

Dimwit/Adolfo: Robbed of their chance at easy money

Alejandro: Robbed of a family of origin

Excellent, Urban. Excellent!


You make a good case for them all UA. Even Dominga was "robbed" for many years of the man she loved, Macario. I'm hoping for a happy ending for those two, by the way. I love their cozy little kitchen chats. And I love Macario, grizzled old, plain-spoken fox that he is.

FATIMA, in the first few years, I had to exit a number of telenovelas also. When a theme hits your "squishy spots", as KAREN noted, it's best to exit. We all have some pain or deep hurt in our background and these stories hit them all.

Also, they are deliberately designed to leave us anxious at the end of each episode. Every show is a contrived cliffhanger and we're desperately awaiting the next one to see how our fave gets out of his or her delicate or dangerous dilemma.

My first telenovela was La Fea Más Bella and I was in SUCH A SWIVET over whether or not Lety and Fernando would end up together, Melinama, our BlogMom, had to keep saying, "the two leads always end up happily ever after. Stop worrying!"

But if we're sensitive, empathic, compassionate, and weighed down by the very real evil and pain we see in the world, then the fictional evil and deliberate emotional maiming we watch in these may do us real damage.

I am hopelessly empathetic so my solution is this: I never watch at night. Otherwise, I go to bed worrying and roiling about these folks like they're real people. Instead, I watch during the day (I only work part-time) when I still have high energy and am involved in a lot of other positive interactions.

That may not be possible for you. If not, then take frequent breaks but keep up with the fun discussions and watch, maybe once a week, when you're feeling particularly strong.

I vowed to hang in there because I really really really want to become fluent in Spanish. And this is a lot more fun for me than textbooks or hopelessly slow adult ed classes.

Hey VICTORIA L. join me at the Let's-get-it-on table. Vivi's already there and will help us remember anything we forgot. Cynderella is no doubt in charge. Susanlynn has the appetizers, and Lila's bringing drinks.

Fatima: If you would like to see a lighter, more comedic novella may I suggest Bella Calamidades. It just finished its run on tv but it's available on daily motion. It's basically a modern day retelling of the Cinderella story. Once you get past the annoying mother and daughter characters, it's really funny. The Colombians have a great sense of humor. My macho husband even watched the whole thing with me and loved it (although he will never admit it to anyone).

Judy....Have you been reading my thoughts about Ale..The Let's Get It On Table!! ..I'm so there!

I know...Victoria. I mean just before this episode, Montserrat told him she was falling in love with him. He was so blissed out. Couldn't stop following her with his eyes. And she flirted with him all over the place. Things were looking soooo good. Once home from the fair, and being tenderly cared for, Ale was about to suggest forgetting the separate bedroom idea and then DANG DANG DANG THAT DANG MARIA, may she ROT FOREVER (sorry Carlos) interrupted and the mood was broken.

I need AT LEAST some more flirting. And I'd like a lot more, frankly.

Wow...I managed to break away from here long enough to do some chores and take a shower. Couldn't resist taking a peek to check out new comments.

EJ...well said concerning class in the U.S. it is mainly based on money and power. Knowledge , education, creativity, and hard work are the key to upward movement here. I teach people from countries where people are locked into the class they were born into with no chance to break out. Despite the flaws in our system, people come here because they will,have a chance at a better life that they could not have in their native countries.

UA..that was a great list of robberies.

Judyb..great comments. As to joining the Ale table...right now Cyn has me in the corner. We will have to see if I get a seat at that table. He is an Adonis, a lion of a man ..what a classically handsome face.....not to mention those shoulders and that chest....have mercy.....however, I cannot see him as a hero with that bad temper. I need my heroes sweet and fair and kind. We'll see. We have to remember that this young guy has suddenly been propelled into wealth and power and that the object of his desire is only 19 years old. They both need someone older and wiser to get them to calm down and start over . padre, Rosario, and Tia are trying, but those two young hotheads are just not listening. In the meantime, evil forces are circling them. Yikes

UA, your list of "robberies" was an excellent analysis. Thanks for giving us that.

Judy B., Fatima--I've had to skip over or even quit some TNs. I love Ana Martin and Susana Gonzalez, but am on the verge of dropping Siempre Mi Amor. Evil Fernando, cruel/crazy Sucia, Meanie Grandma, and even our little Aranza are depressing me. I'll probably check in from time to time. I never started Mentir para Vivir because our two lead actors don't engage me that much. I'm hoping for good things from Que Pobres tan Ricos.

Hi All!

Love the healthy discussion today! I love this blog so much because Vivi bashes Ale and ISTA with everything she says but then Lila defends him and I agree with her too. These characters have a lot of layers and nothing is black and white.

UA or anyone, please put me out of my misery and tell me how much 200,000 pesos is?! Was dying to know the shock factor of what she was asking to spend on clothes.


Ok just googled it and it's 15,000 and change. That seems excessively high for shopping but pretty low for blackmail. Maybe Dim and Dimmer decided to hedge their bets since they didn't think Monsy could get more $$$.

Oh my, we need Schoolmarm. She always looked up things like that. My mind goes blank whenever business matters or money is mentioned. I bet though that NovelaMaven, if she's around, will look that up for you. Or Jarocha. Are you out there, Jarocha?

I'm reading and savoring all of the remarkable comments today. My heavens, what is going to happen when the recap gets posted? :)

I freely admit I get far too emotionally involved in most TN story lines. I feel passionately about certain things and feel not just the joy but the pain of many of the characters and have to reign myself in occasionally and remind myself this is simply a story.

As Judy wrote so brillantly "But if we're sensitive, empathic, compassionate, and weighed down by the very real evil and pain we see in the world, then the fictional evil and deliberate emotional maiming we watch in these may do us real damage". I agree. We sometimes walk an emotional tightrope. It is a fine line and we have to know when to remove ourselves - whether to take a temporary or full break from our source of consternation.

I love that we all have differing points of view and that we can discuss our feelings and sometimes agree and at times just agree to disagree.

Welcome back Karen! Glad you had a wonderful visit with your sister and look forward to seeing more of your always fascinating comments.


JudyB,oh wise JudyB, you have said what I have been thinking, but have not wanted to say because as a know. One hates for our words to sound contrived or phony, but I know that I am an empath. My parents told me this, but I ignored it. Events have proven their words to be true. The hardest part for me is in controlling my own reactions. I am becoming so much better at it, but Robo has been an almost overwhelming flood of feelings coming at me.

Maria and Pedro are truly repugnant to me. As you say, they are reminders of people in real life. You, JudyB, fully understand that I can distinguish between fantasy and reality and I thank you for putting into words what it is that I feel. Thank you for acknowledging and appreciating how this TN has made me feel the past few days.

Victoria L, thank you for that recommendation! I will look it up on Daily Motion!! It sounds good!

La Paloma, I know EXACTLY what you mean about "Amor". Hopefully, we will see each other in the new Camil Comedy!


Well, there ya go Katy. Did it yourself. Yay.

Yeah, designer duds be damned, nobody but a Hollywood star needs that much dough for clothes.

But notice that all she had to do was be nice to him and ask in a quiet little voice, and our "dreadful despotic galan" gave over immediately.


I guess it depends on where Montse goes to shop. One long day at Barney's could eat up $15 grand and more. That doesn't include jewelry and accessories. Wink, wink.


Oh , Judyb..I wonder what happened to Schoolmarm. She always made such interesting comments. Didnmt she work with deaf children ? I miss her contributions to the discussions. She was in on the heated conversations about poor captioning, remember ? Carlos led the charge, I believe.

Vamos ao despacho! Forgive my Porto-Spanish. Would make for a great drinking game alert. Acompane-me ao despacho! You got it, Alejandro! Glug and glug.

I'm am so happy that Rosario,
having been conked on the head, concussion style!, is coming back to La Hacienda of Comic Misunderstanding!

I love Padre Anselmo and the actor's rendition of "She can't stay with me here any longer!" Por supuesto que no ...

Everything else has been said far better than I could muster it but, wow, Sebastian Rulli is really really good at conveying flat out don't touch me or I'll explode Jealousy Vibrations. Ai, caramba, and Caray Caray indeed!

He has some crazy chemistry with AB for real which is why this nutty story is working as well as it is after all these days and weeks of what on earth, really?, business. A great telenovela.

I would LOVE to see Josefina come back as a super sexy femme fatale bad girl, hook up with Pedro (if he's up for it) and take most of these nitwits down!


You do not sound contrived or phony when you describe yourself as an 'empath'. Empathy is a tremendous gift to the world. But most empathic people are quite sensitive and need to have good boundaries in order to protect themselves from life—and fiction's—vicissitudes.

JudyB said it best; "But if we're sensitive, empathic, compassionate, and weighed down by the very real evil and pain we see in the world, then the fictional evil and deliberate emotional maiming we watch in these may do us real damage".

Good on you, Judyb, Diana, Fatima and other compassionate ones! May you be richly blessed for your good hearts.



Loved the robbed list above. For me, the two really robbed are

Rosario and Jose Luis. Both victims of the criminal justice system being used in nefarious ways.

The rest are just folks whom I like and hope to see happy who made decisions that didn't turn out as expected.

Susanlynn...Schoolmarm is alive and well. She is ultra-busy heading up the State School for the Deaf in Florida, a far better climate for her and her husband, at this stage of the game, than in Iowa. She is as dedicated as ever and that takes all her time, really.'re not a Newbie. You're Family. We all are on this line. Welcome Home.



Maria de Andrade, have you seen Avenida Brasil? It starts this Monday and I'm wondering if it's worth seeing. I heard it was a huge hit globally.

Wow! What a great discussion! You guys are motivating me to get all kinds of stuff done around the house, and thanks to Ole Man Winter I may get another 2 or 3 days here at home, I pray, with electricity!

"Well, I've got to admit I'm just overlooking all of Alejandro's character flaws. He's gorgeous." JudyB, I hear ya sister! I'll be shallow right along with ya! The galan has got to be gorgeous and sexy, to me. This is in the eye of the beholder, of course. The only novella I ever watched where I didn't think this was the case was Cuando Me Enamoro. Juan Soler is ok, but especially after having portrayed Aldo in LFMB I couldn't look at him without spitting. Well, I made it through but he was much easier to find fault with because he was not "go-jiss."

More Ale defense: "This is a guy thrown into the world of being a patron, of rubbing elbows with the upper classes and dealing with the intrigues he only saw from afar before." Excellent point, Daisynjay!

". .agree he should focus more on the fact that everyone in the tn is trying to kill him right now but that would make too much sense....and this is a telenovela after all(LOL)." That's right Victoria, and an alternative to a beanie (which kinda bites at my ears) is remembering this is supposed to be a love story: a heart-pounding, bodice-ripping, deep-kissing, crying, fighting and love-making fantasy story, everything else must flow around the "logic" of passion.

Susanlynn and Katy, come on over to Ale's table and just let that Maria try to come over! Carlos, you make some great points about Maria, the actress is doing an absolutely stupendous job because I'm sure her character is written to do just what she's doing to most of us, rile us up and make us want to beat the sh*t out of her.



Victoria! "Maria de Andrade, have you seen Avenida Brasil? It starts this Monday and I'm wondering if it's worth seeing. I heard it was a huge hit globally."

I know the question was meant for Maria but where can I see this?


Will look up Avenida Brasil, minha querida, and when I do, Vamos ao Despacho! Thanks for the heads up.

It's fascinating to read the comments and what they bring up in viewers. Novelas are powerful instruments -- powerful personally for women especially because we are forced to confront our dismay when older over how things turned out, and very powerful for young girls and young women as expectations are set in the realm of romance.

And they have always been powerful in any country, including the USA, in helping to set social and political agendas for change and in highlighting social, sexual, political problems and inequalities.

Beyond that, Sebastian Rulli is just too much for me sometimes. I surrender to him and his study or his office or his despacho or whatever. And there is that aspect -- Novelas were and are meant to arouse the female population. And I say OK to that as a 60 year old woman who would have found Ale difficult to deal with in my youth and beauty... Would not have been impossible but I think that AB in the character of Monse is making some good points while continuing to be a nitwit most of the time.

It's really just about those two most complicated and all encompassing political equations anywhere at anytime -- Love and Sex.

I am a little confused about Ale's life journey so far. He was raised by Rosario's father and worked on the hacienda without knowing that his patron was his father. Padre was also a guiding force in his life. Do we know how he managed to go to college and what he majored in ? Did he return to the hacienda after college or was he working at another job when his father named him his heir before he died ?

Well, time to meet dear friends for dinner and talk to people I can actually see. I hope I don't say LOL or BSC.

Is there room for one more at Ale's table, or as JudyB said, the Lets-Get-It-On table?

Lila: ITA with everything you said about Ale. He does think that JL is the devil. And maybe subconsciously he thinks that JL is behind all the evil doings that surround him.

JudyB: ITA with you, I too am waiting for things to go right between Ale and Montse. They have such great chemistry, even when they are fighting. Also, I hated when BM came and interrupted a sweet moment between Montse and Ale after the fair. He was being so kind and genuine; thanking her for going with him and healing his wound. He kissed her hand, then BOOM! Moment lost. GoAwayMaria!

Vivi in DC: Loved your line "I would just like Ale to stop yelling and whining about JL, and put those lips of his to better use- kissing Monse, and any other creative thing he can come up with in the bedroom..." ITA, he needs to talk sweet to her, (as he did on Thursday's epi, before BM came in), then he can put those lips to use.

BTW, there have been some good kisses and glances between Ale and Montse. I need more of that!

Daisynjay: I like what you said about tending to "understand" Ale. He was thrown into an unknown world. He was now responsible for so much, after having so little. I DO NOT LIKE MARIA, but from his point f view, you can see why he "clings to Maria" as Daisynjay said. It's a way to hold on to his past. But I still think that BM needs to go.

Victoria L: ITA when you said, "So yes, our galan is very flawed but that shows that he is human. His bitterness and anger is what is driving him right now. I agree he should focus more on the fact that everyone in the tn is trying to kill him right now but that would make too much sense....and this is a telenovela after all(LOL)."

UA: It's like you read my mind when you said, "The first time that's bitchy and after that it's evil." Yup, BM has gone from bitch to Evil Bitch. Ever since she had that smirky smile while she "cried" to Ale, I knew she was evil. I can't stand her!

I have to say that I think Ale loves Montse, and I think that JL is an obsession for him. He feels that he can not find peace until he knows where JL is, and that he won't take Montse with him(JL). To Ale, JL is the root of all evil. All Ale ever wanted was a family of his own, and JL was so close to ripping that away from him. Ale wants to make sure that JL will never do that again, and that is why Ale is willing to make a deal with Loreto to find JL. Ale is realizing that the workers at the hacienda can't find and capture JL, much less Juvie or Dimi, so he has to find another way to find JL.

Some of you might think that Ale's obsession is going too far, but take a look at me. I am so obsessed with this blog. I HAVE to read it everyday. Sometimes I read it several times. I HAVE to read ALL the comments before I leave my comment. Sometimes it takes me hours to finally get through all the comments, but I do it. Why? Because I am obsessed. I ignore phone calls, pretend to listen when my husband is talking, and loose sleep because of my obsession. I also have an obsession right now with SR. What will he do next?

Anyhoo, I love this blog, and all of you are an awesome group!

Back to work...Yes I am at work...hasta pronto!

Aunty Ann! Your true confession is so sweet: "I ignore phone calls, pretend to listen when my husband is talking. . ." I love this blog, too. Except with me after I have seen the episode I can't wait to react and fear I'm trashing blog etiquette by blabbing before seeing what others have to say. I'm also guilty of reading the blog at work and feel terrible doing so but can't help it. What I've been doing of late is reading the recap or first comments if the recap is posted later like today and trying to make one comment. Then I do work duties or chores and errands at home fueling myself with the delicious anticipation of checking in to see what everybody is talking about. Once I'm all done with my work I generally have 2 or 3 hours to just sit in front of the tv and computer and OD on novella and reading the blog even if I don't comment.

Bless your heart! Have a good work day!


Oh yea, Aunty Ann, come on over to Ale's table honey, always room for one more!



You can't offer a seat at the Alex table to just any old body! Alex table patrons like and defend "Lord Alex" NO MATTER WHAT HE DOES. We are "ride or die".

Cap'n Sylvia, I read some of the comments from yesterday. I'm sorry that I stole your T-Shirt patent. You can have it back if you like. I'll just use the USC logo.

I do hope my boyfriend gets well soon. He is so romantic.

Lila, we should make up an Alex table pledge or something. Have them swear absolute allegiance or something. Victoria L is already in. We'll put our heads together and come up with one.

Hey Cyndi, always room for one more loyal, loving, passion-filled fan, Aunty Ann's got the creds! Thanks Cyndi! Girl, you are LIVE!


OMG! I just saw the I Luv Cockfighting icon. You are a mess, I love it!


I am totally in. What are the requirements to join you at Ale's table. I have always been on Ale's side no matter what. With those eyes and that sexiness that pores out of him, I am willing to wait in line for a seat at Ale's table. Please notify me when a seat is available.

I pledge allegiance to the hotness of Alejandro and all of his beauty. I swear to uphold that he is a honey pie whether his is ripping off his shirt or throwing a fit. I declare that his rage is what makes him attractive because I, like Monse hope to be reap the benefits of that rage when he finally explodes. I promise that I will defend him when he is shirtless as well as when he is psychotic. I agree that insulting Alejandro in any manner is grounds for my immediate expulsion from the table. Signed_____________

Aunty, sign the pledge and you are in.

I pledge allegiance to the hotness of Alejandro and all of his beauty. I swear to uphold that he is a honey pie whether his is ripping off his shirt or throwing a fit. I declare that his rage is what makes him attractive because I, like Monse hope to be reap the benefits of that rage when he finally explodes. I promise that I will defend him when he is shirtless as well as when he is psychotic. I agree that insulting Alejandro in any manner is grounds for my immediate expulsion from the table. Signed, AuntyAnn

Is everyone at the table going to sign the pledge?

It's been fun reading all the comments. Carlos, sorry I can't go to Maria's table. Her dissing Rosario is the deal breaker, but I do give her points for persistence [which I understand since Ale can't bring himself to ban her from living in the house] and realizing JL is no experienced capataz. JL must've learned fast though cause his report passed Ale's test, but then Ale *is* a bit distracted.

Wondering what Ale's plan is for JL if he does find him. Kill him in a duel? Banish him somewhere, like prison? If so, he'd never know for sure if he won Monse's love only by default. I admire SR (to all the attributes you've all mentioned, he has great buns too), but not feeling the love for Ale right now. I suggest he take a good hot shower to think things through and maybe my feelings will change.

OMG Cyndi you are a full-on riot!


Yes. Everyone who comes to the table will have to sign the pledge.

I pledge allegiance to the hotness of Alejandro and all of his beauty. I swear to uphold that he is a honey pie whether his is ripping off his shirt or throwing a fit. I declare that his rage is what makes him attractive because I, like Monse hope to be reap the benefits of that rage when he finally explodes. I promise that I will defend him when he is shirtless as well as when he is psychotic. I agree that insulting Alejandro in any manner is grounds for my immediate expulsion from the table. Signed, Cynderella


If you are not for us, you are against us Niecie in MD. Although we agree that Alex should take a extremely long hot shower, we also believe that EVERYONE should love and adore him. When he does take his extremely long, hot, soapy shower, please avert your eyes. Only people at his table should be able to watch him taking his extended, long hot soapy shower and then watch him rub oil all over his chest afterwards.


Ninety-five comments and we don't even have a recap yet.

I pledge allegiance to the hotness of Alejandro and all of his beauty. I swear to uphold that he is a honey pie whether his is ripping off his shirt or throwing a fit. I declare that his rage is what makes him attractive because I, like Monse hope to be reap the benefits of that rage when he finally explodes. I promise that I will defend him when he is shirtless as well as when he is psychotic. I agree that insulting Alejandro in any manner is grounds for my immediate expulsion from the table. Signed,JudyB (and please, don't let me think about this at church tomorrow when I am providing the Anointers with oil)


So many comments...and lovely discussion! You all are a hoot...I am in the in between camp. I wish Ale could stop being so hotheaded every two seconds but then I also understand where he is coming from.
I relate to his trust issues ..its hard to forgive and forget when someone you care about consistently lying. He is very insecure right now and perhaps that among many other things are fueling his obsession.
However, he also should tone down his crazy, controlling, jealous ways...especially since Monse admitted to falling in love with him. He should be jumping for joy at that revelation. I need more of the sizzling sneaking glances, pre/post fair Ale, and just saved the love of my life Ale to appear for more than 5sec at a time and I will be a happy camper :)

Okay, so far we have three at Ale's table. JudyB, Cynderella, and me, AuntyAnn. Anyone else willing to take the pledge for his hotness?

Elna June and JudyB, thank you so much for your lovely comments!!

Fatima :))

Cynderella, novia de (fill in the blank)??, you are HILARIOUS my dear. I love that wacko sense of humor!!!



Thank you very much for interest in the Alejandro table, but unfortunately, your application has been stamped denied due to your negative comments.

We wish you well in your future endeavors.


The Alejandro Table


WOW! I leave he blog for a couple of hours and when I get back, there's like 20 more comments!

"...remembering this is supposed to be a love story: heart pounding, bodice ripping, deep kissing, crying, fighting, love making fantasy story, everything else must flow around the "logic" of passion..." Lila, I have to hand it to you girl, you should write romance novels! BTW, Avenida Brasil starts this Monday on Telemundo (12 pm est). It's supposed to be critically acclaimed and it looks really good.

Aunty Ann, I know exactly what you mean when you say you pretend to listen when your husband is talking...I do that too..the only problem is that I've been doing that way before this novella started... Come over to the dark side and join us on The Ale-obsessed, "Let's get it on table" (as JudyB likes to say). It's getting pretty crowded but there's always room for one more.

Victoria L,

AuntyAnn, has signed the pledge. She has declared her undying support for Alex. Are you willing to sign the pledge or all you stalling?

Cynderella, I just read your pledge...Count me in!!...OMG! are totally speaking my language! When Ale is running around the house screaming at the top of his lungs,I get the vapors....and when he is psychotic..
THAT is when he is the sexiest! I know, I know - I need help, but I am just totally loving him and this novella.

Cynderella - No fair!

Thank you Victoria for the Avenida Brasil information! 12pm, hunh? Dern! Once work starts back I won't be able to watch that. Have never seen a Telemundo story on hulu+, maybe I'll check the Telemundo site. Gracias, again!


200 thousand pesos is ALOT of money to spend on clothes.

Alejandro probably never spent more than 1 thousand pesos on clothes on a single shopping trip before he became an Almonte. Realistically, he would have had a salary in between 6 and 4 thousand pesos a month for his work at the hacienda before he inherited the Almonte fortune.

The monthly minimum wage in Campeche is 1 841 pesos per month at the momenth.



Bah humbug on Ale, amiga mia.

You have a nice crowd over there at the Ale-fanboy table, I will admit that. I like your friends, but I am going to hold court over here at the 'Existential Angst and Ale Bashing (EAAAB') table until he cleans up his act.

Over here at EAAAB we have plenty of empty seats and you may come and go, depending on your immediate attitude toward Ale. We are opening a couple of good bottles of Kosta Browne 2010 Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir, and will discuss and consider tonight's topic, 'Anti-Galans In The Mexican Telenovela'.

Romance? I'll take some romance from Ale when he flashes me some likeable behavior, charm, and humor, as well as some of that fine beefcake.

EJ, sending greetings and raising a glass to my old re-capping buddy Cynderella.

Elna June



Drats! I thought I would be able to play both sides like Joaquin until I am able to make up my mind. There are truly positive sides to the Ale Table and EAAAB club. I hope the ink has not dried on that application...just in case I changed my mind ;)


I definitely want a seat at the anybody but Ale table. "Pretty is as pretty does" and I find his actions appalling.

I emerge from Lurkdom only long enough to make a brief visit to Carlos’ Maria table, and I should preface my remarks by saying that I have not watched this TN consistently from the beginning—I became a regular only after Ale and Montse were miserably married (I missed the questionable wedding night coupling).

But as for Maria . . . I think we should cut her a little slack. As I understand it, she has had a thing for Ale since long before the Wonderbra years; and since his major status upgrade, she has definitely been getting mixed messages from him: live in the big house, eat at the main table with him and Montse, “sure we can have a drink together,” and no protest when she drapes herself across him on the couch. And didn’t Montse herself solicit Maria’s collaboration in her first (?) attempt to flee the hacienda? Hardly the behavior of a loving and dedicated wife. Why wouldn’t Maria see a clear path to her lifelong dream?

Now there’s no question that she can be an unadulterated bitch and needs a major upgrade in her interpersonal skills (I have been particularly annoyed by her treatment of Rosario), but it seems that she is almost unique among the characters in having no discernable alternative (however unsavory) to pursuing the course that she has set herself. As far as I can tell, she has no “job.” Because of her history with Ale, she doesn’t regard herself as a servant (he certainly does nothing to clarify this), and she doesn’t seem to have any role in the day-to-day running of the hacienda (I’ve never seen her doing anything in the kitchen, for example). With the possible exception of Dimitrio and Adolfo, every other character seems to have some function, some role, some responsibility, some potential choice. So she’s really in limbo, and she’s pursuing the only path she sees with the only advantages she has—her beauty (undeniable from the male perspective, I hope I will be pardoned for adding) and her history with Ale. And, as someone (Carlos?) mentioned, other than the UB behavior, she hasn’t really done anything all that terrible.

Just one further comment, which is NOT A SPOILER. I’m predicting that when JL finally outs himself (and I think he will be the one to do it), Ale will not believe him. This guy has saved his life not once, but twice (so far) and has turned himself into a real asset in running the hacienda. Antonio simply cannot be the driving force behind Ale’s self-constructed nightmare!

As long as I’m here, I would like to add my voice to the chorus of appreciation for the marvelous intelligence, humor and wit of Caray Caray. It’s an incomparable treat! Deep thanks to all the recappers and regular commenters.

Otro Gringo


Really enjoyed the recap and the comments! It took SO long to read, but far more worthwhile than the tedious news I try to slog through.

Ale must not have taken business classes in school. You can't fire someone for serious behavior problems and then let him continue to hang around! Ale should have given him enough severance to appease him and then put him on the first flight to some faraway place, one-way! And alerted everyone in the area that he is not allowed back on the hacienda.

Anyone want to join me at the Esmeralda table? I think she's my favorite right now, although I'm also fond of Dominga.

I can't join the Ale table or sign the pledge. If I were willing to vote on the basis of physical appeal above all else, I'd have to sit at the Refugio or Dimitrio table, and they've both killed people!

Nope I can't ever be on Maria's side. She has no redeeming qualities at all and gets worst and worst each episode. I like a good villain but they have it be at least interesting and entertaining and that's not her.

She is rude, whiny and a total bitch to the majority of people without any good reason. Her treatment towards Rosario is disgusting! What has she ever done to deserve the way she talks to her?


I just finished reading your recap. It was so entertaining to read. There were several memorable lines, but I think my favorite was, " Refugio, Ale, and JL are all fighting over who gets to rescue Monse. Ale gets the honor of picking her up and carrying her away..."

The worst scene of the epi for me was when Victor had to break up with Nadia over the phone. He was so pissed and hurt at the same time. I felt so bad for him. I didn't know whether to cry or throw something at Pedro's face. And WTH, Pedro started talking again with his mouth barely open. I had to rewind like 4 times to understand him. Anyway, I hope that Nadia realizes that her stupid husband is behind this. She needs to remember that Pedro called and wanted to speak to Victor in person. And then, what a coincidence that after that, Victor doesn't want to see her anymore. Think Nadia, Think!

Best scene of the epi was JL wanting to rescue Montse, but Ale putting him in his place. Then, Ale picking up Montse in his manly, muscular arms and whisking her away from the dangers of that fire. Then, as Ale puts Montse down on the sofa he asks her if she's okay, then says Thank God you are okay mi amor, you don't know how scared I was at the thought of losing you. Then he gives her kisses all over her face while saying I love you. The glances given by BM and JL were the best. Particularly the face that BM made as she listened to Ale profess his love for Montse, and the look of jealousy on JL's face as he looked at them hugging on the sofa.

I think that the frightened look on Ale's face was an honest look at how he feels about Montse. He does truly love her. The look on his face was so genuine. I just started to melt. I think Montse did too. Who wouldn't? Don't you ladies sitting at the Alejandro Table agree?

Back to sleep...hasta pronto!

Aunty Ann...yes, get back to bed! Goodness girl, you've been working all day. You need your sleep.

Otro Gringo...How wonderful for Carlos to have a colleague. Please comment more often. Loved the "Wonder Bra years". THAT was clever.
You make a good case for explaining Maria's obsession and why she still hopes she can snag Alejandro.

In addition to her ugly treatment of my dear Rosario, my main complaint about Maria is she gets in the way of them (Montse/Ale) Getting It On!

But no murders.

And the scaffolding of these stories still remains Christian and specifically Catholic. So repentance, redemption, forgiveness and joy are possible...for all the characters, actually.

I don't believe that everyone can be redeemed. Most of us have been watching novelas long enough to have seen villains beyond the realm of normal evil. Maria isn't there only because she has never actually committed a murder. You guys have to hope that she will never cross that line.

Alejandro should send her away. College or work, it doesn't matter. That would be the only way she could make anything of herself. The real test of what sort of person she is in the end is yet to come.

How old do you think she is supposed to be? Alejandro seems to be about 30, but I can't see Maria being that age (although I know the actress is older than that).


Thank you for this breathless recap. Wow. I can't wait for the screencaps.

AuntyAnn, if DamFab had been there, I'm sure he would have been able to sweep up Montse with one manly muscular arm and Madre Rosario with the other. In this case, it was a good thing Refugio was around.

Well. Thank goodness the horses got out safely.

A glance at yesterday's comments explains why my ears were burning all day.

Fatima, I enjoyed reading your response to my comment from Friday about the subversive nature of this novela. For me, one of the most striking things about it is that these people live in a state of civil chaos. They have no one to turn to in a world where the people in power are totally corrupt.

When I'm not recapping, I frequently opt out for several days or even weeks when a story is venturing into territory I find too upsetting. (You'd be amazed at how easy it is to do this -- even the best of novelas have an amazing amount of redundancy and rehash the main points of the story for those who have been dozing or absent or who have just arrived at the party.)

We need to decide which imaginary people to invite into our homes -- and our brains. Personally, I find this story more compelling than most, better acted and written than most, and more beautifully framed and filmed than most. There is also a lot to laugh at (from flying tigres de peluche to Refugio's mugging to Graciela's tablecloth couture and Marge Simpson voice). But I could understand why someone else might be overwhelmed by the negatives and make a different choice.

Otro Gringo,
You are a very skilled advocate for María. Carlos is in good company. But neither one of you has convinced me. María may be pretty, but she is fundamentally unkind. You are both right, though. She hasn't killed anyone, not yet anyway. So the novela gods may be forgiving and set out a path of redemption for her. Stay tuned.

Elna June

Is there room for me at the table of Existential Angst and Ale Bashing (EAAAB)?

I used to get lulled into rooting for Tony Soprano too, just as I get lulled into rooting for Alejandro. Bada Bing!


Good morning, everybody. Snowing pretty good here but it's not matching the weather channel hype. My son and I are hoping for a couple of snow days to extend the Christmas break. Oh well, we'll see what happens later in the afternoon.

Thank you Elvira, La Dama del Salon! Wow! You did that as you watched? Impressive! Thank you soooo much!

I think Dipshit (love that handle for this jerk) really has a sincere attraction to Angelica but you know what? I don't care. He and Adolfo are beyond scrubs. I can't even think of anything apt and bad enough to say about these useless bastids!

"Macario says that Ale wasn't told that Benjamin was his dad, implying that maybe they're not being truthful about which Rosario is his mom." Duh! Figure it out, Ale! You essentially have been given the answer! Sheesh! I am so glad Macario has come back, he can connect some dots and serve as surrogate brain cells for some folks.

So, Ale has a history with the ladies and it obviously doesn't include Maria who refuses to accept her role as play sister. I am so glad Macario has come back, he can connect some dots and serve as surrogate brain cells for some folks.

Thank you again, Elvira. Look forward to the screenshots!



Catching up on comments. Welcome Otro Gringo! Interesting comments on Maria. Ale has told her she's like a sister to him so it's not strange that she be invited to live in the big house: siblings generally live together. As for the draping herself on him, kissing him and, let's not forget the undraping her (stolen) bra- and pant-clad body in his bedroom, er, um, Ale should have realized she needed relocation and a redefinition of the brother-sister dynamic. He warned her through clenched teeth never to pull this stunt again and he finally started sticking up for Montse and drawing boundaries for Maria. Yes, Maria is physically attractive but perhaps her acceptance of inappropriately intimate, bordering on sexual touch from her uncle has skewed her understanding of how as a "sister" or "friend" she should relate to Ale.

UB tendencies? Make that Uber-Bitch. Her very presence in the house, her barging into Montse's room at every turn, everything she does screams "I can f*** your man anytime I want to." Doing that with those smirks and tosses of her head when she thinks she's scored a point just tips we ladies' bitch-o-meter and we have ganas to beat her drawers right up into the crack of her. . .sorry, phew, she just makes me so mad!

This is also interesting Otro Gringo: "Just one further comment, which is NOT A SPOILER. I’m predicting that when JL finally outs himself (and I think he will be the one to do it), Ale will not believe him. This guy has saved his life not once, but twice (so far) and has turned himself into a real asset in running the hacienda. Antonio simply cannot be the driving force behind Ale’s self-constructed nightmare!" BINGO! I like this and this fits with my speculation that JL will himself be instrumental in saving Ale and Montse's marriage after this major bomb goes off! It has already been duly noted how well the men get along in our little drama and I saw JL "falling for" Ale some time back. This betrayal by "Antonio" will be a tremendous blow to Ale. I don't know, this BIG LIE is just so potentially explosive, I hope it doesn't play out in a whimper.

Thank you, Otro Gringo, though it wasn't your intention,you helped me desahogar about Maria, and I hope it helped some other ladies, too!

;D Lila

Aunty Ann at 4:21 a.m. To your whole comment, a big dreamy Ahhhhhh! Yes, my dear, replay worthy!


Dear Elvira--Thanks so much for the wonderful and funny recap. Very impressive work. I will look forward to your screen shots but love it already.

Like AuntyAnn, I enjoyed your description/observation of the way Ale and J-L were fighting over who would rescue Monte.

And my favorite section of the recap was your description of the phone call Victor was forced to make to Nadia:
"He's almost in tears as he tells her to get lost. It's difficult to watch. Medina seems satisfied and threatens Victor again to stay away from Nadia. Victor is beside himself and distraught. So is poor Nadia. Well, that sucked."

I have been reading the hysterical and insightful comments from everyone. So many wonderful things to comment on, but just want to say, you are all the BEST. I love this group. Feeling like I'm watching with you is my favorite part of the experience. I began watching TNs for my Spanish a year ago, but I find I really get sucked in and the characters' experiences are often so painful to have to go through. Having you all around brings me joy and perspective. Thanks to all!

Elvira, thanks for the wonderful recap.

Funny how women see right through Maria and her act but men not so much.


Wow! So many amazing comments since I left yesterday afternoon. Welcome, Otro Gringo. You make some good points about Maria and actually made me compare Ale and Maria in my mind.

Maria thought Ale was all hers and only hers, when all of a sudden he shows up with a wife she's never heard of. Ale thought Monse was all his, when all of a sudden an ex boyfriend he's never heard of shows up out of the blue. Ale sends Maria mixed messages. Monse sends Ale mixed messages. Ale won't let go of Maria or Monse. Monse won't let go of JL or Ale. Monse has become the focus of Maria's hate and obsession. JL has become the focus of Ale's hate and obsession. Maria has yelled at and been mean to Rosario because she thought she's Monse's ally. Ale has yelled at and been mean to Rosario because he thought she was helping Monse contact JL. Hmmmm...

Elvira- Thanks for the wonderful recap of these dense episodes. There was a lot to cover and you covered the major plot points.

Dear Novela Maven, thank you for acknowledging my comments. :))I am in agreement with you that this is a civil chaos. Very well said! To me, it seems a chaos in which there is "No Exit". It's like looking into one of those snow globes where nothing ever changes, but there is tension nonetheless.

Welcome Otro Gringo!Appreciate your comments re Maria, but as nicely stated as it was, you have not won me over to your table, I am sorry to say. :) Lila has said it best in her reply to you. :)) We hope you come out of Lurkdom more often. The male perspective is always appreciated. :))

Lila, absolutely the best comments re Maria and WHO SHE IS! Excellent!!! ITA!!

Elvira, MIL GRACIAS!!! Really, really good writing!


I should clarify that my comparison of Maria's and Ale's behavior does not mean that I like or accept Maria. Just the opposite. It just shows Ale's behavior in an even poorer light when it can be compared to crazy, obsessive, bitchy Maria's. Theses two obviously did not see very good examples of functional male-female relationships while growing up on Ben's ranch.

Vivi: Amazing all the mirror/parallels between Ale and Montse you highlighted! Those two crazy kids are meant to be together.

Thanks Fatima! It's pretty bad when the best we can say about somebody is they haven't killed anybody yet!


Elvira, GREAT recap! I apologize because I thought Madelaine was doing the recap, but of course as soon as I started reading it I recognized your unique style. So thank you Elvira, for recapping this two hour episode. I laughed hard at "Lather, rinse, repeat." You summed things up nicely in those three little words.

You and all the other recappers are going above and beyond. Looks like the one-hour episodes start again on Monday. Whew.

I loved how Juvie kept trying to snoop in JL's business, how JL covered his computer screen with his bandanna and such.

UA, thank you for the great list of robberies. That is a thoughtful analysis. After reading all the amazing comments I'm thinking we could also have a list for each character's obsession. There is a lot of obsessive behavior going on. I had a good laugh at Aunty Ann's comments about having to read ALL the comments before leaving hers. I have to do the same thing, LOL!!! So funny.

I cheered Alejandro when he didn't fall for Montse's ridiculous lie about the cost of clothes. I think it kinda sucks that she has no money, but I'm glad he's not a complete dumbass.

JudyB answered the question about Schoolmarm, and I would add that she is the first female president in the history of that prestigious school. Go Schoolmarm!!!

Cynder, I'm laughing hard at your I heart cockfighting avatar. Well done! You see, that is exactly why I'm willing to share my boyfriend Victor with you.

Otro Gringo, thank you for commenting. I truly enjoyed reading your words on Maria's behalf, and your prediction about JL outing himself. Words to ponder...


Thank you so much for doing the recap. Two hours requires a heroic effort and takes absolutely forever. (EJ offers her fellow recapper a bow). I liked how you described the scene with Montserrat and Tia Carlota talking and Alejandro eavesdropping. I felt like I was right there.

Should you get to the screen shots, great. But I think a recap of an event filled two hour episode is more than enough work this week fro your volunteer job. Conserve your energy, Elvira, this is a marathon length novela, not a sprint.

With gratitude,


Novela Maven:

We are delighted to welcome you to Table E-Triple-A-B. I predict that your trenchant analysis will give the rest of us something to ponder and discuss.

Furthermore, your wit will have us all laughing out loud.

EJ, with a smile

So, the scene of Pedro in his office with the horse head statue looming in the foreground...was that supposed to be subtly connoting The Godfather? Or did the art director screw up...because a horse's ass would have been more appropriate.

Otro Gringo:

What a marvelous apologia you gave us for Maria's character. You were so eloquent that I was almost persuaded. Wonderful argument on her behalf, well stated and considered. Please comment more. Your perspective is most welcome and I think Carlos get lonely over at the Maria table.


This was a brilliant analysis of the Maria/Ale dynamic. I must quote the whole section in compliment:

"As for the draping herself on him, kissing him and, let's not forget the undraping her (stolen) bra- and pant-clad body in his bedroom, er, um, Ale should have realized she needed relocation and a redefinition of the brother-sister dynamic. He warned her through clenched teeth never to pull this stunt again and he finally started sticking up for Montse and drawing boundaries for Maria. Yes, Maria is physically attractive but perhaps her acceptance of inappropriately intimate, bordering on sexual touch from her uncle has skewed her understanding of how as a "sister" or "friend" she should relate to Ale.

Incisive and well considered. Thank you for your comments. It is so great to have you here.


Ditto EJ, ditto!

Julia, wasn't that horse's head weird? Horse's ass notwithstanding, the head reminded me of Pedro, very sinister and Pedro's hair is brushed back into a sort of mane look. But then I realized Pedro and Loreto were in Victor's house, so that lovely bit of decoration is Victor's, not Pedro's. I wonder if we can add it to the collection of telenovela curios that keep popping up. I don't recall seeing it before.

Elvira, great recap, don't care if it is off the cuff, don't care if you combine scenes, and don't care if you skip scenes-IT WAS GREAT!

I love when recappers consolidate and shorten scenes, and i love the snarky comments.

I find it hard to be sympathetic to ANY of the characters in this TN and my sucky attitude about this story makes it hard for me to watch it.
I like Macario, Josefina, and the Padre, that’s about it.
Monse, Nadia, and JL are whiny, Ale is abusive and hates himself for it.
Adolfo is amusing.
The guy playing Juvie is a good actor, you can almost smell him. Amazing.


I am going to watch the episode again just to see the horse's head.

Elvira, mistress of the spectacular recap. Loved every word. "He blubbers and whimpers about how he can't leave his niece and stuff. Ale is unmoved" and "guilelessly (only not)" were among my favorites. You did masterful justice to this action packed episode.

Poor Rosario! The person who is the kindest and sweetest person here earns yet another hard knock (literally and figurtively). Oh dear!

Juvie is continually carving out a deservedly painful ending for himself. I must confess if I didn't like Alberto Estrella so much, I would be hoping Juvie goes away permanently very soon. But, he is so entertaining and devilish here, he is great fun to watch.

While I totally respect my fellow commenters opinions, I must honestly state that I am not feeling Ale at all: “He says he'll have all her clothes ordered or brought to her, but she's not to leave the house” and “The maid/cook Dominga had to screen the call (I think?) per Ale's orders” – Really? Monse is under house arrest for all intents and purposes. Rulli is indeed hawt but handsome is as handsome does. He's not all that enough to excuse or in any way justify his behavior. But I'm enjoying all the comments in support of Ale, which are great.

Elna June, I have joined you at the 'Existential Angst and Ale Bashing (EAAAB') table (along with Novela Maven). Julia, I am scooting over to Esme's table as well. Hoping we see more of her shortly.

And, damn Dimwit! He has lovely Josie but is now swooning after Angie? He is cruel and abusive to Monse - he has hurt her as badly as her mother has. I hope Tomas finds him soon - he deserves a good smackdown.

Thanks again Elvira. This was excellent.



Just finished reading your recap. What a funny, irreverent recap it was! I laughed the whole way through. I loved your references to "Dipshit bro", "What's her name", and "Juvie Dude". My favorite tho was when you described the scene with Jl whining and complaining (as usual) and Monse basically telling him to stuff it. Well done.

The best scene of the night of course (IMO) was when Ale repeatedly told Monse he loved as he kissed her all over her face...sigh.

thanks, Elvira! for that snappy recap.

Emarie .."you can almost smell him.,...HA..exactly so. !!!!

hi, Diana...." Damn dimwit"....put me in mind of how much I miss all our Damisms that were so fun during LT.

I like this show , and so far, none of the evilness is bothering me too much...although Viktor's beating and poor , gentle Rosario getting beaned by that greasy demon was hard to watch. I sometimes have to stop watching novelas in which the villains seem to be always successful in creating chaos and pain and the good guys are helpless to stop them. The casting is good for most of these roles..I still think the role of JL is miscast. To me, this actor makes a much better villain. he will always be the despicable Diego from Alborada for me.

I think that one reason people like novelas is that they are about the human condition, but we can watch and say to ourselves, "Well, I have some problems and some difficult people in my life, but at least no one in my life is setting my barn on fire or kicking the cookies out of me or combing my hair with his/her icky comb .

well, we had planned to go to the grocerystorentonightnbut but Imam watching what appears to be freezing rain fall as I look out onto the deck , do we may just hunker down for the evening. Stay safe and warm whenever you all are.

EJ! I am honored and appreciative of your recognition of my efforts to describe Maria while remaining somewhat "ladylike" in the expression of how much I abhor this. . . .young lady! Hee Hee! Seriously EJ, it really means a lot! The way you wield your pen with deadly clarity and wit, your admiration is truly treasured!

I respectfully nod my head to my friends at the 'Existential Angst and Ale Bashing (EAAAB') table and while I have not taken Cynderella's breathless, hilarious, and heart-felt oath, I remain Ale's most ardent, heart-throbbing, willfully-astigmatic-to-his-faults-devotee! The poor baby must feel as if he must best the "upper class" at their nefarious schemes and fight for his manhood all at once!

We are all sisters under the skin! Ale will win you over in the end!

;D Lila

Sorry, meant to say Ale told Monse he loved her...

Sylvia...about Monymony's lack of money money..remember that suitcase full of cash that she handed over to JL to finance their great escape. The police confiscated it when JL was framed for murder. I think Monymony told the authorities it was her money., so why didn't she get it back. ?

Susanlynn, good point about Montse's money! I suspect once the Mexican authorities get a hold of money they are hard-pressed to return it. S

Which police confiscated it? If they are in any way connected to Loreto, Monserrat can forget about that money.

Great job recapping this double-whammy episode, Elvira. This is hilarious.

I have just one minor thing to add... it was Adolfo, not Dimitrio, who overheard the conversation between Alejandro and Montserrat in which he presented her with the desk key.

Welcome Otro Gringo and take a seat here by me at the María table. Let me buy you a drink... Tequila? Cerveza? I'll have to go and get it for you... even the waitstaff here on the Patio generally ignore me. Thanks, you very eloquently expressed some of the things I've been trying to point out about our much misunderstood María.

UA, you said this about María:

"The real test of what sort of person she is in the end is yet to come."

So have I missed any tests that Montserrat (or Alejandro for that matter) has taken (and passed) to demonstrate what kind of person that she is?

I feel very badly for Victor, but give Loreto credit, he gave him fair warning that he was playing with fire.


When JL was arrested in his room on the base, both the gun and the money were confiscated and handed over to Capitán Robelado. I think that he presumed it was from the robbery of Bruno. I don't recall that he turned it over to the police.


It should be noted that Monse took the key and unlocked the money drawer, but then changed her mind and locked it again. So she is still reluctant to take Ale's money to pay off Dim. Unfortunately for her, Addie already knows she has access to the money and will either tell Dim, or will steal the key and keep the money for himself.

And yes, I think it's ridiculous that Monse has to beg for money, for anything, like some child. I'm glad Ale loosened the chains enough to finally gave her a key to the cash drawer.

Carlos and OG, I am not a Maria fan and will not go into the numerous reasons that I find her abhorrent. However, (and there is always a however, isn't there?), although I gleefully enjoyed Ale's recent smackdown of her for interrupting his and Monse's "moment", I had to admit to myself that he was quite rude to her in that scene. I didn't feel it was the appropriate moment for him to scold her like that, or to make up the new rule about her never interrupting him and his wife after allowing her to spend the entire evening with them. I felt bad for Maria's destroyed giddiness. For about 2 seconds. So I am bringing over a round of tequila shots to your table to acknowledge that I once felt sorry for Maria, because you are such gentlemen, and to make sure you don't feel ignored.

Per the Alejandro Table by-laws, Lila membership has been permanently revoked. Please return your card at the door.

Elna June, while your attempts at buttkissery of Cynderella is commendable, it does not excuse your creation of the anti-Alejandro table known as the EAAAB club. Your application will be denied automatically at such time when Alex does change his ways.

Ale knew Money had that cash...he is the one who bought the land from her. He also paid off her family's debts, so he knows she didn't use it for that. Does he know what happened to that money? If not, shouldn't he wonder why she doesn't have any?

Dang Cynder, you are strict. I think it's going to be a long, long time before the hunkalicious Alex changes his ways. No spoiler, but I'm guessing he is going to get worse before he gets better. Alex is lucky to have friends like the EAAAB Club. He's going to need them.

Julia, I forgot that Ale is the one who gave Montse the money. Duh. Both he and Montse seem to have totally forgotten about that money.

Great point, Julia. Monserrat hasn't forgotten about that money, but may not know who now has it or how to get it back.

I don't think she ever told her parents in the first place that she sold that land. I can just imagine Graciela holding out her hand for that money if she knew.

Cap'n Sylvia,

Please see my comments to Elna June if you have any questions regarding your status at the Alejandro table.

We at the Alejandro table believe that Alex does not have to change if he doesn't want to because he is perfect the way that he is.

However, we also believe that he will eventually choose to change in order to accommodate the needs of his spouse because he is a giving and unselfish person, unlike her.


I must admit that when Montserrat was trapped in the burning barn, I thought that Juventino would take advantage of the situation and rescue her himself. That'd probably have worked to get him reinstated. Fortunately he's also something of a coward.

I wonder if arson forensics experts will get called in, recognize that gasoline was sloshed around, and find Juventino's cigarette butt at the point of ignition?



There does not seem too much unemployment for TN character actors in TNs. I just noticed that Macario in Robo is played by Juan Carlos Barreto who is also currently playing Ruben in Mentir.

Mentir is over in Mexico, so he may have gone from one to the other in a day or so.

Carlos, what I think is more likely is that Refugio will remember that Juventino prevented him from uncovering the back of the truck.

I've already said it twice, but one would think that Juventino would not normally smoke in that area because of all the hay. When JL saw him smoking he should have ordered him out of the building or to put out the cigarette.

Big grin Cynderella! I've got my passion for Ale to keep me warm!

;D Lila

UA, I remember you mentioning about Juvie smoking around all that hay and what a bad idea it was. There ought to be a rule.

So will Ale suspect Juvie at all since 1) he fired Juvie and told him to leave and 2) he's seen Juvie smoking around the stables?


Elvira m'dear...worth the wait. Just getting around to reading your tell-it-like-it-is recap because reading the comments alone is an afternoon's work!

In addition to Juvie-Dude and the various affection "douche" references, my favorite part was your growing annoyance with the ads. They come quicker and quicker as the episode continues, don't they? Just about every friggin' five minutes as we near the climax (hmmn..maybe a better choice of word needed, but you know what I mean)So I'm with you, lady. And thank you from the bottom of my heart (and every one else's, lurkers included) for a fine piece of work. These dual episodes are killers. God willing, there will be no more.

Now, now, Cyn. The Patio has always been a raucous place where Patio Peeps can wander from table to table at whim, with drinks in hand, dropping in at tables for a few minutes or for longer stays, depending on what's being served up at each table and how entertaining a character is being at that particular time. Is there a velvet rope across the Ale table, with bouncers on either side? Is this the VIP section of the Patio? Do we have to dress up, Monse style, to get past the velvet ropes? Ay yay yay! The Patio may be getting a little too high class for most of us. :)

Sylvia....evidently, Ale has forgotten all about that money he gave to Monymony for her land because all he thinks about 24/7 is finding JL. He doesn't seem to be doing much except freaking out about Mony's other man. I have been thinking about all those unpicked oranges on CI and hoping that we are not having another case of a hacienda owner not taking care of business. Ale, snap out of it and work that ranch.

Vivi... I am with you. I plan to mingle. ...tablehop. Do we have those plates that let you attach your wine glass so that you can walk around while you sip and snack and chat ?


Sylvia, thanks for the drinks.

I see lots of room for agreement here on the Patio. I would first encourage María to give up on Alejandro. Except for looks and money, there's really not a lot to recommend him. I can't imagine him carrying on an intelligent conversation and he certainly isn't funny (well... actually he is... but not intentionally).

Maybe she should concentrate on Adolfo. Granted, he's something of a fixer-upper but I see potential there. Sure, he's indolent, but she has enough ambition for the both of them. He's a little bit shifty but only out of necessity. I think they could make a cute and almost functional couple. Let's face it, the standards for that have been set pretty low in this TN.


Vivi, don't worry, The Patio still proudly maintains its strictly No Class standards. Patio rules dictate that all participants must play nice, or mostly nice, at all times, or most times. We do allow darts tournaments (telenovela characters only allowed as targets) and the occasional arm-wrestling match to settle disputes. Nerfazo launching is always encouraged. Our annual Avocado Smashing Jamboree is very popular. Don't forget in addition to The Patio of Lowered Expectations we also offer The Foyer of Dashed Hopes for those who wish to have more privacy or wish to hold meetings of any Clubs Within The Patio.

Vivi, no velvet rope and bouncers, but thanks! That is a great idea! I'll get started immediately.

Good points Carlos. Adolfo is somewhat indolent, yet he has no problem going after what he wants. Adolfo lacks focus and Maria could help him out with this. He also lacks shampoo. Judging by Maria's gorgeous locks she could help him out with this too. I think Ale and Montse should fund a beauty salon for Maria. It would keep her busy, her looks would be great advertising, and there is an obvious need for hair and skin care, shampooing and shaving specifically.

I think Gabino would make a fabulous bouncer. What do you think.

Sylvia, "Don't forget in addition to The Patio of Lowered Expectations we also offer The Foyer of Dashed Hopes for those who wish to have more privacy or wish to hold meetings of any Clubs Within The Patio".

Excellent amiga!


Yes, Judy - a bouncer would be perfect for Gambino! Oh my...

Diana (still giggling)

Yes, Judy! Now we are cooking with grease. Gambino and Antonio Negrete (El Talisman) AND Jose Angel.

We need to send over a drink to Vivi for giving us the great idea for bouncers, don't you think? Also, I'm uncomfortable with uneven you have any juicy ideas for a fourth?

Gaspar from Duelo de Pasiones?

Hmmm...that was so long ago. I don't think I can remember Gaspar. Was that the fellow who was played by two different actors? Or was it the hunkalicious hulk who had that Dogpatch vibe. If it's the latter, YESSSSSSSSS!

Hey, Diana:

You are so welcome.


Yes, it was hunkalicious hulk with the dogpatch vibe. What a great description.

JuneB, if you insist.

OK, this is just a suggestion, but I watched a couple of episodes of Amor Real on youtube recently. Let's invite hire Fernando Colunga as the last body guard BUT only if he wears his costume from Amor Real. He also has to come with that attitude.

If I had seen him in that TN, I would have watched PEAM. He was soooo sexy.

Judy- Make that drink a Bailey's over ice.

JudyB, are you taking suggestions for the Alejandro table from an active member of the EAAAB club?

Judyb...Gaspar was the overalled hunk...nice boy but a little..dim. Do not get Sylvia and I started on him.

" Foyer of Dashed Hopes".....I am standing there right now.

With all this talk about drinks..I am thinking of the whiskey sour on the rocks I enjoyed last night and Carlos's Dark and Stormies that we drank while watching Pasion.

Cyn...We are on the same page. FC was hotty Machoterson in AR..except for the hairdon't. However, have you seen him as Don Luis in Alborada ? if not, go to YouTube IMMEDIATELY . Don Luis is my número uno telenovio of all time. If he rode into my backyard on his noble steed, I would burn all my capris. Have mercy.


It was Sylvia who taught me Dark and Stormies. Thanks for reminding me. I've got the makin's for those here but hmmm... I wonder if the Lovely Linda is is the mood for fixin' me a nice Martini?

AS for Gaspar, don't forget that he was responsible for that Sidebar quote:

"Me gustaría un tequila antes que yo vaya ver la hada." = I would like a tequila before I go to see the fairy."

Carlos won't know unless you ask the lovely Linda. I am drinking mint tea. it is cold and rainy here.

I remember Gaspar wandering all around looking for his Munica.

I remember the hussy didn't deserve his devotion. Gaspar might not have been the brightest bulb in the house, but he was a good fighter. I loved it when he would threaten to squash someone like a worm.

Oh Cynderella...I am glad you didn't watch PEAM. They must have castrated Colunga. He played a total wussy, milktoasty, nebbishy wimp in that one. I didn't know whether to weep or vomit. They damn near ruined him for me.

Still, Colunga would make a fabulous bodyguard...either in his Alborada guise or à l' Amor Real (I'm not as picky as Susanlynn)

But I love the fact that you'd burn all your capris, Susanlynn. In fact, there's another great idea. A capri-burning party.

On your other question, Cynderella--Well, Vivi DID give you that great idea about bodyguards and velvet rope (we haven't explored all the things we could do with that rope and those gentlemen either). But if you want to be a hardliner about it, what can I say? You're the boss, Boss.

Now Carlos...I must have missed that episode. And the sidebar quote has always mystified me. What the hell did it mean? And in what context?

I can't remember the hussy , but I remember Liz Vega..girl could dance. I also remember the cave, the green , glowing cofre, and Captain Frank.


Ah yes, the magic green box. Chris Ferro did quite a riff on that useless plot device and what a disappointment it was.

Judyb...I had to stop watching PEAM. How could they put that beautiful man in that awful role in that terrible show ?

As for AR! I loved the novela, my second fav, but I did not like FC as ManueL...not my idea of a hero.

we are full of good ideas here at CAraycaray, no ?

I wonder if Ferro ever lurks here ? he was a funny guy. U

We're so full of good ideas, I think we're going to end up with about 200 commentsm Susanlynn. But while you all settle down with a Martini or Whisky Sour, I'm going to settle for a hot shower. It is brrrrr cold here, and I've been reading about avascular necrosis and suddenly my hip is hurting!

Added bodyguard: Emanuel Ruiz y de Teresa from Llena de Amor. In Lirio de Plata form, but he could take off the mask and leather jacket for US.

Super weird: I typed "Emanuel" and autocorrect filled in "Ruiz y de Teresa" by itself. Then I typed "Ll" and it filled in the rest of the title. How did it know that? is very cold here, too. The freezing rain kept us from our weekly trip to the grocerystore. The Farmers' Almanac predicted a bad winter.brrrrr

Julia...spooky, no ? I do not trust my Ipad. It seems to have a mind of its own.

Does anyone think that Maria enables Juventino's perverted obsession with fruit?

Well, I hotfooted it to the grocery store early today when it was just raining. And if we have to, we can survive on rice and beans for a week and really save money! But I'm sure not liking the weather predictions.

Yes, Julia. Great idea. But you know, the boss, Ms. Cynderella, is the final arbiter on all recommendations. DO NOT MAKE HER MAD!


Ahem! "I can't join the Ale table or sign the pledge. If I were willing to vote on the basis of physical appeal above all else, I'd have to sit at the Refugio or Dimitrio table, and they've both killed people!" Direct quote from Julia.

Please refrain from voting on the Alejandro table body guards. I'm sure that the Dimitrio and Refugio tables would appreciate your opinion at this time.

Actually, I think this is a particularly clever form of Product Placement, UA. Have you noticed, there is ALWAYS a bowl of fruit on every table in every telenovela. And people are ALWAYS drinking orange juice. Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Now fruit is not just portrayed as healthy but oh so sexy and perverted and wowza...makes me want to go to the grocery store right now, but I've already got a big bowl of fruit on the kitchen table and a big ol' bag of Honey Crisps waiting just waiting to be loved in the fridge.

I get such kitchen envy when I see the ones on the set. Of course they have to have the best produce on the tables!

Doesn't the kitchen in this novela look familiar?

I think I saw that kitchen in Mi Pecado. And there was a similar one in Cuando Me Enamoré.

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