Saturday, January 04, 2014

Mentir Para Vivir #62 Fri 1/3/14 Chitty Chitty Crash Bang!

Lo del Pasado:

Jose Luis has ordered Eliseo to follow Oriana now that she’s gone back to live with her “abuela”.  He’s also warned Els not to say a word about this to El Ho-boy Jefe de Joaquin.  El Tito can follow instructions better than Eliseo seems to cuz once Elis got back into the service van, he immediately got on the phone to Hoquin complaining.  Hoquin tells him to knock off either JL or the wife and kid.   Dun-dun-dunnnnnn!!! 

Lo del Nuevo:

Lucina is waiting in the living room to speak to Oriana to give her the moral support Oriana had asked her for.  Lu is anxious cuz she’s worried about Oriana’s decision to go back to live with JL; she’s certain he’ll demand his marital privileges.   “—I’m so sorry to have gotten you involved in such a mess.”  Oriana reassures her she doesn’t blame her for trying to help her out of a jam cuz nobody could have imagined somebody would come looking out of the blue for Ines Valdivia and she did agree to go along with it.  As for sleeping with JL, say Ori, she’ll cross that bridge if and when she comes to it. (Cue the ostrich feathers and the sand.)    Lu asks how Ricardo’s taking it and figures he must be furious feeling so trapped [llevarse el tren= fig. to feel cornered, on a road with no exit, no way out] considering.

Speaking of the King of Rome, in another part of the manse, he is telling Paloma that he’s definitely a reluctant participant in this crazy plan of Homero’s, but they’ve got no choice and just hope that the situation doesn’t last long.  Pal’s worried about him marrying Marilu, especially since they used to be an item once.  Ric gets agitated. “--At least Marilu realizes it’s [a sham marriage], but Jose Luis will be continually insisting [fregar = to scrub at, rub at, do something nonstop] and constantly haranguing on Oriana  to comply.” (Yep, Ric, it does suck to be you about now.)  

Lucina warns Oriana that she’s got to be really cunning [abusada=wary, have one’s wits about them] around Jose Luis because he’s so sharp and the chore she’s got to do is really dangerous. (I guess Ori didn’t pick up on this while she was living with him.  He’s obviously not half as smart as they give him credit for or Ori wouldn’t be in this mess to begin with.)  Lu is suddenly curious.  “--What will you do if the guy figures out you’re sniffing around [husmear] and digging through [hurgar] his things?”  Oriana naively (painfully so) answers that she just hopes he won’t realize what’s up.  (Yeah.  Riiiiight.  Mariano will just mix her up an extra-large baggy of his special hope-and-a-prayer angel dust before she goes.)  It seems Oriana’s more interested in Jose Luis’s current relationship with Raquel.  

Lu tells Ori that Raqi’s after what she can get from JL.  He, since he’s got money, doesn’t mind giving her goodies here and there to make her happy.  “--He’s given her a diamond bracelet, a car, and now he’s giving her a house.”  Oriana is wide-eyed impactada.  She asks if she doesn’t think that he’s actually in love with Raqi.  No, replies Lu, she thinks he’s simply using Raqi, but he still wants Oriana cuz of the macho thing with Ric and it’s pretty obvious that he hates him.   “—But would Raquel help us?  Maybe a name of some man he talks with, or with anything she might hear?”  Lu says she will try to find out, but she can’t promise anything.  (Seriously?  After that scene at the fortress the other day?  Viewerville astutely agrees there’s no way Raqi gives up a sugar daddy like Jose Luis to the feds—and for damn sure not if Oriana is the one that takes the bennies!)

Meanwhile, over at Aresti, Inc.  Piero chit chats with Ric’s secretary, Paulina, and finally finds out about the slugfest Ric had in the office with Fakecisco a few days back.  He takes this most intimate care ‘n share moment to ask her for the name of a gynecologist …er… for a “friend” of his.  She obliges with the name and number for her sister’s practice.  (Age-appropriate relationship alert!!)  

In Ric’s office now, Ric and Mariano argue over his sham marriage plans with Marilu.  Mariano is opposed to the idea and feels it won’t be fair to Marilu, and that too many others will almost certainly come out hurt from this.  Ric declares that if she were still in love with him she’d never have agreed to work for Oriana or help out when they hid Ori and Lina from JL.  Piero comes in and right away asks why Ric didn’t tell him about the fisty-cuffs.  Piero feels snubbed cuz they’re supposed to be best buds. Ric says he didn’t think to and then gets uptight when Piero keeps whining.  Ric turns to Mariano then and asks for his pistol back.  Piero doesn’t like the sound of that. 

Marilu, meanwhile, has a heart-to-heart with Fidelia regarding Ric’s strange proposal.  She admits she still has feelings for Ric and that she knows people will gossip once they adopt Oriana’s 6 year old daughter (–not that it’s any of their beeswax.)  That doesn’t bother her as much as the fear that, after trying so hard to get over Ric, she’ll fall for him   again once they begin living together.  Fidelia suggests that the same thing could happen to Oriana once she begins living with her husband. He trusts Marilu because he knows she cares about Lina; and the little girl is the one who’ll be hurt unnecessarily if they don’t make the effort.  And, if Marilu refuses and Ric has to marry somebody else, she muses aloud, who knows how that other person will treat Lina!  That settles it for Marilu.

Back in Ric’s office, Mariano cautions that if they don’t do what Homero suggests then Oriana will be stuck in prison for years and Lina will be placed into a foster program.  “—Dios forgive me, but so many lies are necessary to do a good deed!”  Piero objects to the idea also.  He says he thinks Ric’s nuts for letting Oriana do such a dangerous thing and then asks if Marilu is okay with the idea.  Ric says he hopes so cuz otherwise he’s got nobody else but prostitutes to choose from.   Piero gives him grief for suggesting something so ridiculous.  “—Then, the only thing left is for me to kill Jose Luis Falcon!”   Mariano gets on Ric’s case for saying something else just as absurd.  Piero’s brain kicks into gear.   He gets miffed.  “—So that’s what you want that pistol back for!”  Ric answers he only wants it for protection there in the office, but adds determined and resolute as ever, that if that becomes his only option, then he is going to do it!  Caras de utmost concern and alarm de aforementioned BFF’s.  

Somewhere else around this high-toned neighborhood, at Snoop Mansion, Homero tells Leonardo that he couldn’t get over how old his godfather looked.  “—Must be from worrying so much about his business and his sick wife.”  The one thing he’s certain of is that the fella doesn’t realize he’s gone into business with a gang of criminals.  Leo wonders how he’ll react once he finds out he’s dealing with swindlers.  Snoops says he doubts he’ll do anything cuz he’s left everything in the hands of those others not to mention that he drinks like a fish now.  Leo says he noticed he sounded drunk on the phone.  “--And now the guy’s upset with you for getting in between Fabiola and Sebastian.  Why? Because he believes she should marry the baby’s father.”  

Leo replies irately that no way he’ll allow Fabi to go back with that idiot!   And it doesn’t matter if he’s got to get in his padrino’s face, or go fisty-cuffs with that clown, Sebastian, or deal with that Piero dude who’s constantly circling her.  Grampa Snoops asks if Leo is thinking of marrying her then.  Nope, says Leo.  He gets on Leonardo’s case for wanting a relationship with Fabiola but without necessarily wanting to marry her, even though he knows she’s preggers and emotionally fragile. (Gotta say Gramps has a point.)  Leo insists they don’t even know each other very well yet and anyway, he adds.  “--What if things were reversed? Matters of the heart are always risky.”

A bit later, Ric calls Oriana with the news that Marilu agreed to marry him.  They decide  another chat session at his place is called for, namely to discuss Jose Luis.  She’ll come once Alina’s asleep, she offers.  (Excuse me???  Meeting up at his place after telling her estranged obsessive other half that it’s over between El Rival  de Ric and  her????)   She’s weeping now and says she knows he’s jealous.  He asks if she thinks that so strange.  No, she replies, but their trust has got to be a mutual thing.   Yeah, he says, but Marilu’s is a totally different set of circumstances.  She sighs at his hard-headed response, obviously not registering this thorny diadem of truth and disagreeing utterly.

Outside the manse meanwhile, Fabi and Ruben discuss his decision to go ahead with the divorce from Malhilde.  There’s no love in their marriage, along with numerous other important things that he also lists for her.  Fabi expresses her concern  that she’s not in love with either Piero or Leo; so she might as well stay a single mother.  Ruben says he’s fine with whatever she decides and adds that, if she tries being friends with the both of them, eventually she might find she’s fallen in love with one or the other.  Leo shows up about then and meets Ruben who’s now heading back to work. 

Leo chats with Fabi and mentions Piero, her galan, testing the waters.  She insists they’re just friends.  He grins at that, encouraged. “That gives me a chance to have you accept me and then you would be my girl.”  He moves in for a flirtatious kiss on the lips but she moves away and blocks him/  (Can't blame her. Leo is just not my idea of swoon-worthy. AT ALL!)  “--You and I are just friends also, Leonardo."  For a quick second or three poor Leo looks like he’s just been kicked in the…er… gut.   She promises that if their friendship grows into something more serious she’ll be sure to let him know.  He ditches the frown, backs down, and then smiles good naturedly.  “—Whatever you say!”  She returns the smile, more than a little relieved.  (Aren’t we all!!  Yawn.)

That night, Oriana has her own heart to heart with Paloma.  Tearfully she asks if Marilu might still be in love with Ric and if that’s the reason she’s agreed to marry him.  Paloma is certain she’s only agreed to this to help them both out.  “--She is a good soul [de buen corazon] and though it won’t be easy for her, Ric was very clear with her about his intentions.”   

Oriana, still weepy eyed and drippy-nosed, jumps in her car, ready to head off to Ric’s.  (BTW, haven’t these people ever heard of a kleenex?  I am sooooo tired of this revolting kind of uber-reality in art.  It’s like all right already!  We are very well aware that crying causes emission of mucus.   How many close ups of snot running down a person’s upper lip must Viewerville need suffer through?  Hmmmmm???  But, I digress.)  Of course, as everyone except Oriana suspects/expects, Eliseo is parked on the opposite side of the street in a service van per JL’s instructions, waiting to track her every move.  (All together now class: “What was she thinking????)  Elis dutifully follows her to Ric’s and then makes the obligatory phone call to Jose Luis who goes BSC and races immediately over to Ric’s, eager for another confrontation.  

Inside Ric’s Bachelor Blue bungalow of luhhhhv, meanwhile, Oriana and he talk over the details of the adoption prep drudgery and then he asks how it went with her and JL.  She says fine and that she’s asked for a job in the Trejo Bonfil office, either in data processing or bookkeeping where it would be easier for her to follow his movements and any paper trails.   They become locked again in another verbal battle over potentially getting sexually re-involved with their respective exes.   He loses it first.  She angrily replies that she is certain Marilu still has hopes of reconciling with him somehow.    Ric heatedly reminds her that he's just as full of jealous angst and anger, knowing that she’s returning to her husband.   Even if she no longer has feelings for the brut, Jose Luis has feelings for her, he insists, and is desperate enough that, if pushed to it, he could force her.  He could, even would rape her!  

Oriana (a bit too self-righteously for this part of Viewerville’s tastes) angrily replies that JL would never do anything like that!  “—Jose Luis is not as savage [tal salvaje que] as you think!”  Ric scoffs at that and sneers.  “—No-o-o-o.  Of course not.  He only kicked the heck out of [agarrar a patadas] a defenseless little animal and almost killed him!”  (Bonus points for that one, Ricardo.)  Oriana knows Ric is right and backs down.  She tells him she is just as desperate and frightened; that she has no other choice except to turn herself into the police.  He doesn’t want her to and asks her to forgive him.  

Ric changes topic and begins giving Ori the particulars about Antonio and his old accountant, Lic. Escalona, who he says are now working for Trejo Bonfil at Arte Folklor.  He warns her she can’t trust Antonio, but he’s certain neither Escalona nor Trejo Bonfil, have any idea they’re part of a money-laundering operation now.  He tells her that Trejp Bonfil is Leo’s godfather and adds that she can probably count on Escalona becoming an ally. 

Before Oriana leaves, she and Ric visit Fidelia.  Marilu assures her that she’s going through with the sham marriage with only the heartfelt wish of saving her daughter from being forced into the foster system.  “—I told you before and I say it now: you are the perfect woman for Ricardo.”  One less worry for Oriana which she acknowledges and thanks her for. 

Afterwards, she and Ric share another sad, sorrowful hug.  They swear their love for one another and to never forget no matter what.  (Where have we heard that one before?)  They walk to the street holding hands and stop for a last kiss good-bye.  Ruh-roh!!  JL sees it all and seethes.   He notes that Ric intends to follow her back home.  Eliseo is ordered to block Ric at the traffic light and then pretend his van’s broken down.  

Ric, blocked by the van, gets out and starts screaming at Els, who has covered his face with JL’s fedora.  Suddenly he notices JL racing up and banging on Oriana's car door, trying to get her attention.   She panics and peels away, racing full speed towards the intersection, ignoring any traffic light, and a huge truck with the right of way is about to enter.  The trucker can’t stop in time and neither can Oriana, who smashes headlong into him--and the windshield while she’s at it.   Both men race to the scene in hopes of helping their one true love.  

Eliseo can’t believe his good luck cuz it does seem like the gal does look like she could be dead.  Hoquin should be delighted.

[Last part follows.]

Viewerville sees a first as Oriana’s two galans actually work together to free her from the smashed up car.  Ric jumps on the hood and has JL help him pull out the cracked windshield.  Then JL yells that she’s got one leg twisted under the steering wheel.  They manage to pull her out from under it.  There’s a loud cr-r-run-chhh!  Ric looks over at JL (--and Viewerville looks for the nearest place to barf.  Ugh!  Too much blood and ick so soon after din-din).  Manolo and his copper cuz drive up and ask what’s just happened.  A witness says the lady entered the intersection.  Manolo looks over and groans in disbelief. “—It’s Sra. Ines!”  

JL grabs Ori and lays her down on the ground to wait for the ambulance.  Ric races to her.  “—Hang on, mi vida!  Hang on!” JL looks over at Ric, hatred oozing from every pore. Ric stares back at him, full of anger and loathing over the latest tragedy this arrogant, narcissistic, irrational and grasping (and, yeah, muy studly) bully has caused. 

At the hospital they learn that Oriana’s got to undergo brain surgery for various edemas [watery swellings due to excessive fluid accumulation in the connective tissues of the organ?].  Will she make it, asks Ric?  The doc says he hopes so.  Manolo walks over and asks for the details regarding the accident.  “--This guy says she ignored the intersection.”  Ric spits out that JL approached her and apparently alarmed her, so she raced off without paying attention to the signal.  JL defends himself, saying he thought it was odd seeing her there and he was only trying to speak with her.  Manolo tells JL he recognizes him.  JL says he doesn’t know him, that he’s not from around there.  “--Yeah, well me neither!  Fancy that! [Fijase].  I’m from San Carlos.”  “--How nice.”

Ric calls Marilu, explains what just happened and has her ask Maria’s neurologist to come over and clarify the situation for him.

Manolo gets hold of Snoops to relays the details of the situation to him.  He mentions that he knows this Francisco Castro guy from back in San Carlos, but back there he called himself Carvajal. Snoops tells him to play dumb and go along with the act for now.  They have other priorities right now.  This accident and her going into emergency surgery on her brain is the last thing they needed, he carps.  Manolo asks again if they shouldn’t detain Fakecisco, and Homero growls back a “NO!”  Pissed, he carps at his cousin, El Inspector Gadget.  Gadget reports that the truck driver was blameless.  He couldn’t stop.  He wonders if Manolo knew 2nes had a husband.  He barks at him again. “—What?  You didn’t???”

The neurologist arrives.  Ric and he determine not to tell Paloma a word of this until her nurse is there to tend to her in case she has a bad reaction.  He heads into the operating room to get what news he can.

The neurologist exits and JL barks over to Ric.  “—Could I know what my wife was doing at your house?”  “--No you can’t know and BTW, she’s not your wife!  She’s Ines Valdivia and you are Francisco Castro!  And, what she went there for isn’t what is important now.  What is is that she survives through this!”  A surgical nurse comes out asking for donors of O positive blood.  Ric has it.  Tough nuts for JL.  He races after her for information.  She’s not authorized to tell him what’s happening in surgery and he goes ballistic.  

Ric calls Mariano during the dust up to donate blood.  He’s also O+ and is on his way.  Marilu arrives.  She’s got the wrong blood type and cannot help out.  Ric and she walk off to wait for Mariano and to check with Piero.  JL has another anger episode and Gadget thinks the guy is muy loco.  He wonders if they shouldn’t take him in.  Manolo whispers back, still irritated.  “—Heck no!!  We’ve got other stuff to do!”

Outside the hospital, Ric tells Marilu it’s not the first time JL has gone over the bend and acted so irrationally.  He describes how he’s continually having her followed.  This time, he tells her, there was a truck that drove out of nowhere and blocked him while the guy approached Oriana.  Marilu asks if he possibly ordered the other driver to keep him away from Oriana while he started for her.  Ric says he’s inclined to think so.  Just then Piero and Mariano show up to give blood.  Ric tells them that this kind of injury can have after-effects.

JL gets on the phone to Eliseo and threatens that if she dies he’s going to die next.  Eli complains that he only did what he was asked.  JL ignores this and orders him to paint the van and erase the signage.  Where’s he supposed to find an body shop this time of night, he asks him hysterically.  Just do it!  Click.

The neuro comes back to the waiting area to explain to Ric.  JL interrupts to tell him he’s her husband.  The neuro says sorry, he doesn’t know him or who he really is, and he’s there on Sr. Sanchez Breton’s request, as a friend of Paloma and the Aresti family in any event.  He turns back to Ric and explains that there’s still one troublesome edema that is in a location too difficult to operate on, so they’ve started administering medicine that should dissolve it, but they can’t know if she’ll survive till she regains consciousness.  Either her heart or her brain could be damaged beyond repair but they won’t know til then…..  Could be she wakes up unable to remember any number of things.   Caras de "Thanks for nothing, JL, you jerk wad" de Ric and his posse.   

Eliseo reports in to Hoquin who ain’t none too happy about being woken up in the middle of the night.  He’s even less happy once he finds out about the accident and that the police might detain JL for questioning.  They’ll all be in a mell of a hess if they do, he tells him.  “--Is the wife still alive?” Dunno, says Els.  Hoquin screams back at him to find out for cripes sake!  Click.  He turns to his second in command, Mike, and tells him to take a flight ASAP to Hermosillo to get rid of Eliseo who’s too dumb to live, and then see what’s what with Falcon and to be on the lookout for anything and everything where this guy’s concerned [ponerse de abusado].  He’s been acting like an ass because of his wife.  Ho goes back to bed and slips in next to his snoring pig of a wife and we finally learn why Hoquin simply cannot understand JL’s obsessive need to keep Oriana his, and also why Ho’s such a male chauvinist boar.

The next morning JL overhears Ric tell Marilu that there’s no way he’s leaving 2nes’s side.  They all learn then that Oriana’s going to be sedated for a few more days.  No visitors, period.  JL demands his right to see her as her husband.  As Manolo observes from the other side of the waiting room, Dr. Neuro tells JL he seems overly irritable, aka loco.  He suggests both of them go home till her situation changes.  He worries that Paloma still needs to be told.  

JL demands to know if she’s going to live or not and goes ballistic when nobody is willing to say.  Ric leaves with Marilu and Mariano offers to stay.  Manolo sticks around to keep an eye on JL who looks more and more like he’s about to go postal.  

Later on Paloma is up.  Lina’s up tight since her mommy didn’t make it home last night.  Nobody knows why or why the doctor’s been sent for.  

Manolo goes to Snoop Mansion to follow up personally with Homero.  Leo hears the discussion and learns about the accident and it’s consequences. “—This puts a wrench in our operation, big time.”  Leo yells at him for being so impersonal and unfeeling towards 2nes’s life and death situation.  

Back at the hospital, JL keeps harassing the nurses about not getting to see his wife.  Mariano steps in and tells him that the staff is only following doctors’ orders.  “—Stay out of this!” 

JL would make a few more choice suggestions, but he’s stopped by an incoming call from Antonio.  He tells Fakecisco he’s needed at the office right away; that there’s some dude named Mike Rodriguez there demanding to see him, on orders of Hoquin.  Fakecisco says he can’t leave cuz he’s got major problems.  Antonio tells him that’s what they’ll all have if he doesn’t get his backside down there ASAPP!  JL says he’s on his way.  

Paloma’s in the middle of breakfast when Ric and Dr. V show up.  The nurse brings in all sorts of equipment and knows something major is up and she’s about to find out what it is.  They try to soften the blow about 2nes, but the old lady’s still very upset at the news and figures out from what they say about intensive care and not getting ahead of themselves with any unfortunate prognosis, that it’s damned serious.  She turns to Ric, heartbroken and worried.  “—If anything happens to her I will die.  I simply will die!”            


Hi everybody, I am now again. So far I had to much learning and there were many housework, e.g. wood-cutting, here is winter. But I read your funny and helpful recaps and your valueable comments.

With this acostar matter ric and ori seem to teenagers than adults. They can't get on this. And marilu said yes, and ori is so grateful.
For me it is not clear how the accident happened, and that is the most incredible, the picking off of the windscreen. On indirect way I have a fireman acquaintance, who watched this scene and he laughed. He said it is not so easy, when they showed in the tv, it is a difficult procedure. And I heard a big crunch, when the two enemies tried to making free Ori's leg, I hope it was only the wheel.
And we could saw a bit Joaquin's wife, who is not a model construction as her husband's pussycats and she routed aloud. Joaquin sent a guy to Hermosillo to square matters, I am waiting for nothing good.


But what I loved was the looking each other of JL and Ric, when Ric said to Ori 'resiste mi vida, resiste'.


I thought that was a great scene too, AlejoP. The rest of the scene made me angry! They really could have done more damage to her. They should have waited for the real professionals.

I'm kind of excited by this turn of events. I think this is my first bout with TN amnesia. What will this mean for Ines and Ric?

They've got less than 40 epis to go, so this amnesia can't last long. Perhaps she's faking it?

Would that help her situation? How would she know to fake it? I assume she knew nothing about the prognosis. She wasn't in the room to overhear.

This is what it means...lots and lots of.....,Who are you ? Who am I ? Where am I ? Who is that ?
Ines won't remember that she is in love the Ric or that JL is a skeez. Let the games begin.

Well, it's all in previews so we don't know what happens in the scenes that lead up to it. It might be a red herring and two minutes later she's back to herself, so we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves. But there are all kinds of possibilities.

I wonder if they'll tell Lina about her mom's accident.

All true, Vivi. But still so many possibilities! Take what Susanlynn said and add the fact that Padre is plaidless and we've got a love square! I mean there has to be a reason he's soul searching. Not a spoiler. Just conjecture and I'm always wrong.

Also, I've been waiting forever for that portrait of Palomita to come into play. It's been too prominent for me to ignore it.

Believe it or not, amnesia is real. I looked it up during FELS and most cases of amnesia are partial and recovery is relatively fast and happens on its own.

The "accident" (if it was that) allows Oriana to get out of the "witness protection" thing and protects Ric from having to marry Marilu. However, it won't protect Oriana or Alina from JL (or whatever his real name is).

Where did the amnesia issue come up? It wasn't in my episode. This ended with Ric telling Paloma about the accident.

A friend's/co-worker's mom had amnesia for a few months. My friend took leave from work to go home and help her dad out. And then her mom's amnesia went away as mysteriously as it had come on. It was bizarre.

I hope amnesia won't be long, because I hate this cliche. I see the possible of playing amnesia as Vivi, but it is true, she got a big punch to her head.

Otherwise I liked the accident as happenings, because for me it was unexpected. What will happen now?


Cathyx- It was in previews. We're getting ahead of ourselves.

That rescue scene was so ridiculous on so many levels. Ric would never be able to kick out a windshield like that. Then without worry that she could have spinal damage, they just drag her out of the car. I was surprised they didn't add a fire in the engine and possible car explosion to the drama.

Vivi- I thought the family doc did mention there might be some issues and JL asked if Ines could lose her memory. I assumed from there we were heading toward amnesia before the avances even happened.

Yeah. But the docs said the same thing about Lucina's employee after Beto's murder, and he was just fine. So I really didn't think much about what the doc said until the previews, which might still be deceptive.

I have a friend whose husband had temporary amnesia that only lasted for a few hours. We are going to dinner with them tonight, so I will refresh the details. I had never heard of this type of short term amnesia until it happened to him a few years ago.

Oh no, did Mejia show up with the amnesia cliche, ¡por favor!

Variopinta, I have been meaning to tell you that we got a shot of "my" wonderful Tito El Bambino wagging his tail the other day. I'm blanking on which day, but yes, my Tito wagged his tail. That dog is wonderful! I want to take him home.

AlejoP, glad you are back, my friend. Too many odd jobs at home, eh? You need to "waste" your time here with us. Much more productive here. :))


Happy Saturday Everyone!! JL forgot himself last night. He and Ines are not married. Jose Luis Falcon and Ori are but not Francesco Castro and Ines. He also forgot his encounter with Luciana's friend from the beach. (I forget his name) Sucks to be him.
My neighbour's 12yr old hit her head running into her garage door. When she came to, she couldn't remember anything or anyone for a few weeks. She is better now, but it was a very strange experience. Hopefully with only 40 episodes to go,this one will not be prolonged.
Awaiting your masterpiece Jardinera. Thank you in advance.



"I have a friend whose husband had temporary amnesia that only lasted for a few hours."

That was almost certainly a condition called transient global amnesia. It rarely lasts more than a few hours up to a day, we have no idea why it occurs, and it rarely happens more than once in a lifetime. The person it happens to usually functions perfectly normally throughout its duration but will never have any recollection of any events during the episode. A close Dr. friend of mine had it happen to him and he even performed surgery that day but he has absolutely no memory of anything that happened that day. Scary, huh?

I think this case of TN amnesia could be very interesting as well as a lot of fun... at least for us.



So, Joaquin is FINALLY sending someone to deal with El Zorro...and it's not Luis Gatica. Why? Why? Why?!!!!! *sob*

Carlos, my friend is a school psychologist , and he had never heard of it before it happened to him. he told us that he was taking a shower, and the next thing he knew, he was standing in his kitchen telling his wife that he did not know where he was or what he was doing. His son, a police officer, drove him to the hospital where he was given the diagnosis. I thought that he told me a few circumstances when this condition might occur. Do you know of circumstances that can normally cause this to occur ?

I like the man who Joaquin sent to Hermosillo at first sight. His face seems to be cold and emotionless, who just follows the instruction.
What did Joaquin said exactly? Square matters OK! But he mentioned Eliseo.
I have never seen the actor before.

Thanks Fatima your kind words!



It just happens... to apparently perfectly normal people. I suspect that everyone that has this happen ends up having an exhaustive neurological evaluation including an MRI. It's one of those great mysteries that is fortunately quite uncommon. I've only seen 2 cases (3 if I count my Dr. friend) of it in over 40 yrs. of Family Practice but a neurologist friend tells me that he usually sees at least one or two cases a year.

Amnesia as result of head trauma is quite common and quite variable.


I like the man who Joaquin sent to Hermosillo at first sight. His face seems to be cold and emotionless, who just follows the instruction. Mike seems to more dangerous than Eliseo, who is enough rash.
What did Joaquin say exactly? Square matters OK! But he mentioned Eliseo.
I have never seen the actor before.

Thanks Fatima your kind words!


Oh, no! Not amnesia! I'll only buy it if Phoniana falls in love with a third man. Perhaps Leonardo or grandpa. Yes, grandpa. That'll should make for an interesting plot twist with thunder hips and granny as rivals. Because lately it's been getting a bit dull. The writers seem to be killing off or marginalizing all the interesting actors and actresses. Even Tito is underutilized.

AlejoP, I'd like to read a recap written by you!

Sorry for double message, but this smart phone is stupid, and idiot device.


It is so far away. :D Caraycaray is a good place for me, where I can develop my english (thanks everybody) and spanish (thanks Paquita). I collect the unknown words and phrases in a writing-book, and I learn its, when I have enogh time to do it, and I understand only the TN spanish (it means not everything, therefore recaps are big help for me) and I can´t watch its with Cc in Uni, only the TM shows. (I want to follow another Tn in January, it would be La impostora.) And I would need a normal net connection, that is only in the city where I learning, at home I can write from my mobile phone.


Since amnesia for Oriana/Inez is pretty much a given, I'm hoping for a complete and total amnesia:

"Who am I? Where am I? Who are you? Whose kid is that? I don't remember a thing but I don't think I like dogs... or kids... or old folks... or sex..."


Carlos...I am with you, amigo. If they are going to play the amnesia card, let's have the full on Who-am-I? kind like Hippolita had in Alborada. who knows who might start looking good to Orianez if she is now lost in space...??????

Jardinera...I forgot to say that I love your title.

I did see Tito wag his tail. It was when he was outside playing with Alina. It made me so happy, he wags when he plays & has fun. ¡Ya se armo!

Variopinto, I know!!!

Fatima :))

Jardinera - Hilarious title.

I got a kick out of the look on JL's face realizing Ori with amnesia could be a boon for him and then the look on Ricky's face realizing it could screw him. I too see an opening for Padre Plaid -- he has the best bedside manner for soothing a frazzled woman.

AlejoP, that's weird about the big crunch when Ori's leg was freed. I wondered if the writers were winking at Viewerville with this.

Who's to say Orines amnesia is not part of Inspector Gaget's way of getting Ori out of JL's bed, and still allow her to secrectly spy on him. Since the retired inspector shows up everywhere that JL is about to wreak havoc on Ori, or pretty Ricky...(examples- the sea side beach cafe, Fabi's birthday party) Maybe he was near the scene of the accident, and was in the ICU unit, and told Orines to have amnesia for a while....

Just my two cents, which makes as much sense as any other scenario so far...

Side Bar, Orines/Mayvin, wears some of the shortest, tightest mini skirts on any TN I have scene. Close up shots of her face, show she is not in her 20's or 30's any more, but the full body view show a very sexy woman. Raquel Ray has a nice body, and younger looks, but don't hold a candle to Orines.....


I am so happy that you have decided to join us.

OK, I didn't see this epi. I have to wait for the recap to find out what went on. So, Ori has amnesia? Did she forget Ricky poo? Did he just die right there when she couldn't remember him? This means that he won't be able to get his kisses and he will have to work hard to get in her pants again. The horror!

What happened with Marilu? Did she say yes? Did she turn out to be a freak like I predicted? Do we know yet?

Cyn.l..Yes, I decided to check out this show now that it is on earlier. I am not a fan of the galan David Z., but I must say that the villain is very Goodlooking even though he is a nasty, dangerous dude. I saw him in a novela where he played a gentle priest. I can't believe how different he is in this novela...yikes

Looking forward to the recap as I missed the episode. Saw only about 10 mins on the NyS site because it went back to the beginning after the bumper like in a normal tv commercial.

As we all wait to see how this plays out, I like Lee Fox's idea that maybe Homero could be behind the amnesia situation. We need to see if Homero visits her in the hospital. No one, not even Ric can know she's faking it. And the advantages are numerous. She wouldn't have to sleep with JL,(she doesn't 'know' him well enough for that intimacy). JL can forgive her last meetup with Ricardo and believe that they aren't a couple anymore, she'll be more trusted to infiltrate Arte Foklor, and JL will trust her more if he thinks her memory of all his past indiscretions are erased.

Cynderella, the amnesia situation was from previews seen, not this episode.


Again, great recap. Yes, indeedy, why oh why would Oriana put herself into this situation? Only Homero seems to get how dangerous it all is, and perhaps Padre-not. Not even canny JL seems to get what a mess he's in with Joaquin.

We are either headed off the rails on this one or in for a fun ride with lots of twists and turns. I sure hope it's the latter. Amnesia always raises doubts in my mind about the quality of the writing, but as several people have said, it may be brief or a sham!

Mayrin is indeed a beautiful woman and can wear whatever she wants, but I still like her in the simpler, more natural outfits she had on at the beach. Oddly enough, for me cupie doll Marilu looks better with Ricardo than Oriana does. She's petite, he's not a big guy -- they fit well visually. This says nothing about their relationship and the sham marriage-to-come . . or not! Looking forward to Monday.

Great part one, Jardinera. I'm glad Ric pointed out JLs animal abuse, too. That's a huge red flag.

I loved the "Caras de utmost concern and alarm de aforementioned BFF’s." line.

I got the same vibe from Piero and the secretary. Maybe they will end up together.

I would really be fine if Fabi ended up a single mother, too. It's not the easiest job in the world, but she has more support than most and I think it beats being married to the wrong guy.

Okiedokie! It's finally all posted. Wheeew!

Traveling Lady:

I expect a few switches, twists and u-turns out of this one. JL's mental state is really taking a hit. That will prove to be a major factor for the fin of this one IMHO.

Sara: I wouldn't normally agree, but this situation is one of those exceptions that proves the rules sort of thing. I agree the girl doesn't have much choice other than another sham marriage or giving the kid up for adoption. Personally, I don't know if I were her that I'd be able to manage a kid with Maria, Antonio, AND Sebastardo's demon seed genes!! Good luck with that!

Gracias, Jardinera! Mr. 5ft and I both had a cara de "oh how convenient" when Paulina gave Piero her sister the gynecologist's phone number. Let's hope you're right!

You never disappoint us, Jardinera654!!! I loved all of your "caras de..." riffs. It was great!!

I think we have to be in for some real twists and turns here, don't you think? Who would have imagined Oriana in this condition at this point in the story?!

Agree with Sara re Fabiola ending up as a single mom. I also agree with Jardinera regarding that poor baby's genes.

I am still loving this show!!


I agree Fatima! I'm glad I took a chance on this, too! Hard to believe there are less than 40 episodes left.

Jardinera- Ay! I hadn't thought about the Maria and Sebass genes. I wonder if Maria would have been better if she had proper care. I never thought she was crazy as much as just lacking in proper therapies/care. I got tired off everyone calling her "la loca". I still the Barfnigno is Sebass' dad. Peas in a pod those too.

Thank you, Jardinera! Lots of laughs!

Like others, I have trouble following all the dialog in this one, so I appreciate and rely on the recaps to de-mystify things for me.

I am hoping that this writing team doesn't take us over the cliff with some of these recent twists ... but I'm beginning to wonder.

Jardinera- Wonderful recap. You really highlighted all the ways and times JL's sanity became questionable in this episode. I don't blame Ori for speeding off in a panic when he was banging on her window.

Traveling Lady- Homero may understand how dangerous the situation is, but he's the one putting her in it, and is eager to do so. I'm glad Leo called him on his insensitive reaction to the news of Ori's grave health being a setback to his plans.

I was glad to see Fabi finally decide to slow down her relationship with her two galans, and to accept the possibility of being a single mother, instead of her previous plan to marry before anyone could see the baby bump. This is progress, and I hope she continues to show these signs of growing strength.


Jardinera- Could you add a page break to this recap? It's pushed the Telemundo posts off the main page.

ViviDC: Ooops!-- Done!

Thanks for this most excellent recap, Jardinera. Well done. Here I was thinking that everyone here adores and drools over Leo, but apparently, our Jardinera... not so much.

Congratulations to the writers for coming up with some completely inexplicable medical situations. Surgically draining edema from the the brain? Must be a Mexican medical thing.

Poor JL... could he have committed any worse crime than kicking Tito? The little dog after all did viciously attack his ankle. He should have plead self-defense, arranged for Life-Flight to transport the little canine to College Station for the world's best vet care at Texas A&M, and invested in a thick pair of socks. Whatever he might do now to redeem himself, he'll always be known as a puppy-kicker.

Poor little Alina, the facts she's eventually going to need to be told just keep piling up.


Carlos, I'm not feeling Leo either. He's a tree hugger who trolls the park at night. Frankly, that disturbs me.

Thanks Jardinera. I can't wait for Monday to see what happens next. So interesting that Manolo knew him by even another name in San Carlos. I wonder if he can find any more info on him there.

I think that Leo is a cutie. If I were 20 years younger, actually make that 30, yikes!


yay, Carlos..and a puppy kicker is right up there with being a tialoving abuelokiller.

I am not thrilled with either of Fabi's suitors.

Jardinera...I always love your recaps. Thanks for your time and talent. Nice to be watching a novela that you are recapping.

thanks the recap Jardinera, it was very enjoyable. :)

Senora Zarattini wages war against aliments. In Sortilegio we could see the mysterious brain-washing or in LFDD Lucia's Dengue-fever about Cap30, that was very simple, when I think it is more dangerous, one of my acquaintance went after.



You are so very right about Homero, getting the danger in part because he's unleashed it! He is like Holmes (or House), all evidence and no human sensibility. Leo does a good job of trying to reign him in, even if it's close to impossible.

I like the contrast to Manolo, our slow-moving but intuitive cop. That reminds me that I got a big kick out of him trying to fix his fan while talking on the phone to Lucina, I think, in a past episode. Maybe we will see more of Homero and Manolo working together. Our Holmes/Homero meets his Watson.

OT - Speaking of "tialoving abuelokillers"...Marcelo Cordoba just posted that Alma Muriel (the tia in question) died.

Traveling Lady- Excellent! Yes, Sherlock Homero needs his more intuitive/emotionally intelligent Watson/Manolo by his side.

5ft Diva,I just checked to see what they said about Alma Muriel. It looks like she died of a heart attack today in Playa del Carmen. She was only 60, if I am reading everything in Spanish correctly.


Jardinera654, I neglected to tell you how much I appreciated the vocabulary! I know this is an additional step in terms of time. Please know that this person out in Viewerville loves the vocab!


Jardinera - Muchas gracias. Fine recap.

The guy Joaquin sent to Hermosillo looked like a GQ model, the opposite of Eliseo and his T shirts.

Yay, Fabi is starting to think for herself, just a little bit.

Thank you all for taking the time to read and to comment! If it scratched your telenovela itch, then all the better. Je-je. ; ? )

The crash was good theater and I didn't see it coming despite the 1001 previews--must be oldzheimers setting in.....

OMG, I first saw Alma Muriel in YCEM. This is a great loss.

Thanks Jardinera for your take on a truly thrilling episode. I also enjoyed the pre-recap discussion. I ditto Fatima's 09:36pm remarks about the helpful vocabulary. For example, when I saw the word "fregar" in my captions I knew it meant to scrub. But "scrub" didn't make sense in the context it was used. Your interpretation was so helpful.
[fregar = to scrub at, rub at, do something nonstop] Thanks


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