Thursday, January 16, 2014

Mentir Para Vivir #71 Thu 1/16/14 Regresar para Espiar

Fidelia is pissed at Ricardo for not telling her that he got a butt whoopin'.  She's glad they got Alina away from Francisco and reluctantly agrees not to talk smack about him in front of the kid.  Paloma calls Ric to see how he's doing.  They're both feeling a little down this morning.  Unfortunately, Mariano is in Chihuahua, so he can't be there to console her.  Fidelia, feeling feisty, declares she'll go visit Paloma and screw what that uppity Matilde thinks about it.  Ricardo tries to call somebody…Inésiana?...whose phone is disconnected.

Inésiana and Alina have a tearful goodbye at school.  She asks when she'll see Tito and begs Nurse Berenice to take care of her mom.  Music of impending doom plays as Alina slow-mo walks into the school and then turns around to wave and blow kisses.  Inésiana dissolves into tears by the car.

Dr. Veronese comes by to see Ricardo and tell him about the tests Sebastian had done.  Turns out Sebastian is HIV positive.

Francisco is all sweetness and light when Inésiana shows up.  He doesn't even care that she brought Berenice with her or that Mike hasn't left yet.

Dr. Veronese explains that a person can live with HIV without developing AIDS and that if they administer the antiretroviral therapy, Sebastian could live for many years.  Ric suddenly thinks about how much Sebastian's been spreading it around and realizes he has to tell Fabiola…but first he calls Cesar.  Dr. Veronese tells him to calm down, that there's a chance that Fabi and the baby aren't infected.  He asks if Ric wants to go visit him, but Sebastian hates him and Mariano isn't around to help with the current mess.  Ric leaves Mariano a voicemail message.

Berenice and the maids giggle at each other in greeting.  Francisco explains that the Señora will be staying in the guest bedroom, where she'll be more comfortable.  He agrees to let Berenice stay in the room next door and tells Mike to hurry up and take the bags already while the maids giggle again.  They get berated by Francisco who asks if they don't have anything better to do.  He leans against the wall with a goofy grin on his face.

In Inésiana's room, Mike and Inésiana touch base and Mike explains about the alleged recording that Francisco made and tells her this may be just the thing she's looking for.  He mentions the safe, but Inésiana is hoping there's a text file on the computer.  Mike leaves and Inésiana realizes the phone in her room has the cord cut.

She heads downstairs, where Francisco is hanging out on the couch.  He reminds her about that awesome pollo a la criolla she used to make and Inésiana offers to make it.  She mentions the phone cord in her room was cut and he blames it on the maids, then asks who she's planning to call…assuming, of course, that it's Ricardo.  Inésiana asks him not to bring up that name in this house again.

Mike says he'll fix the phone, but it's going to take a few minutes.

Inésiana goes back downstairs, where Francisco tries to wheedle a massage out of her and refuses her offer to get Berenice to massage him.  He asks, again, who she's going to call, and Inésiana insists she's going to call Paloma, to have Paloma tell Marilu to look for her phone charger when she picks up Alina's things.  She's planning to go by and get it tomorrow.  "No.  Have someone send it over."  He insists that she's just trying to sneak off and see Ric and she reminds him again that she doesn't want to hear that name in this house.  "Tell Marilu that Mike will come over and pick up the charger."  The phone rings and Inésiana makes small talk with Dr. Veronese, reminding him that they met once when he examined her in the hospital.  She has to talk Francisco into taking the call after he insists yet again, that he's not sick.  She reminds him that getting treatment is the only way he's going to get his daughter back.  Dr. Veronese asks to set up an appointment, but since he won't come to the house, Francisco says the deal is off.  Inésiana takes the phone away from him and tells Veronese that her husband is a little upset right now because he had an accident.  She makes the appointment for him and Veronese tells her to be careful.  Francisco complains that she's trying to control his life.  Hola, Sr. Pot!  Inésiana sweetly says that no, she's not, she just wants him to get better, and now she's off to have her therapy session with Berenice and she'll be calling her grandmother from the phone in her room, if Mike has fixed it already, so he's welcome to pick up the extension downstairs if he wants to listen in.

Paloma is reminding Alina to call her every day just as Inésiana calls her and Francisco picks up the extension.  He hears her tell her grandmother that Francisco has agreed to undergo treatment and she's sooooo happy, and also, he's being sooooo nice to her.  His face lights up when Alina gets on the phone.  We don't see his reaction when she tries to get Tito to talk to her mom, but I'm pretty sure there was at least an eye roll in there somewhere.  As Inésiana asks Paloma about the phone charger, Francisco puts the phone down and croons "my little girl."

The same judge who handled the custody case is meeting with Ruben and Matilde.  She argues that he only wants a divorce to take up with the skank he's living with.  Ruben explains that he and Lucina have nothing romantic going on between them.  Matilde insists he only wants to get money out of her, but Ruben counters that he doesn't want anything, even though our community property lawyer, Manrique, tells him that he's entitled to it by law.  The judge reviews Ruben's grounds…abuse, incompatibility...and tells Matilde that  if he doesn't want to live with her and he's not asking for alimony that why not divorce him?  "I don't want a divorce!  Can you imagine what people would say?  We're a high-society family!"  Ruben has to admit that he never asked for a divorce before because he was living comfortably off of Paloma's money, just like Matilde.  He brings up Cesar's attempt to run away from his mother by joining the priesthood and Fabiola's pregnancy and Matilde replies, "That wasn't my fault!  She's just a slut.  It runs in the family, you know, but of course, everybody thinks that Paloma Aresti is such a saint!"  Shut.  Up.  Matilde.  The judge finally grants the damn divorce and tells Matilde she'll have to pay alimony, at which point, Matilde swoons into her chair as she cries "I'm dying, I'm dying."  Ugh!

Fabiola's OB/GYN calls to tell her that there was a mix-up with the blood tests and asks her to please come by and get them redone.  She doesn't think there will be any kind of chromosomal abnormality or that would have showed up on the ultrasound, but it's still important to look at the blood work because it detects other things.  Shenanigans, writers!  Shenanigans!  You're just trying to freak us out!

Alina happily announces to Fidelia that she's back.  Marilu says that Ric has a horrible flu, so she can't see him right now.  Marilu leaves the phone charger with Celio and says someone will come by to pick it up.

Alina's room has been decked out with everything a spoiled girl could possibly want…stuffed animals, dresses, play jewelry.  I thought she was doing ok with the TV, but Fidelia's having fun giving her everything she would have given her own niece.

Lucina, at the inn, and Inésiana, at the house, are treated to their respective sides of a Francisco/Raquel phone conversation.  Raquel wants her apartment already, and Francisco ends up telling her he hurt his knee and he doesn't want to go out with crutches.   He'll send her a check tomorrow with Mike.  Raquel says he'd better…or else!  Lucina laughs that he's not going to rent her an apartment.  Inésiana asks Francisco if anything is wrong and gets permission to use his computer.  Lucina ribs Raquel about Inésiana being back in Francisco's house, but Raquel insists he's not longer interested in that "cold fish."

Matilde has been checked out by a doctor who assures both her and Ruben that Matilde is fine.  "But my blood pressure went up!"  Yes, the doctor agrees, and came right back down again.  She's not in need of any treatment.  Ruben thanks him and tells Matilde he'll give her a ride home as soon as he's paid the bill.  "Don't worry about me.  I'll take a taxi.  And as for alimony payments…forget it!"  She stumbles down the hallway until she can get a nurse to help her.

Mariana calls Ricardo back, but Ric wants to talk in person.  Marilu wants to know what the call was about, but Cesar shows up before he can answer.  Cesar notices Ricardo's beatdown look and thinks Ric wanted his help in setting up a rematch with Francisco, but no.  Ric beats around the bush quite a bit before he comes right out and says that Sebastian is HIV positive and Fabiola is probably infected too.  So, he thought he needed to tell Cesar (not Fabiola) so that Cesar could tell his parents (not Fabiola) and when Mariano gets there, he'll help tell Sebastian (not Fabiola).  FINALLY he says he doesn't know how they're going to break it to Fabiola.  Hey, don't worry, by the time you locate your cojones, her doctor will have told her already.

Piero and Fabiola hang out in Paloma's courtyard. Piero is jealous of Leo, but Fabiola says she's really not interested in having a boyfriend right now.  She's got to focus on herself and her baby.  She tells him that she's got to re-take the blood tests and tries to go alone, but Piero insists he'll pick her up at 8.  Gosh, their dates are always so sexy.  Piero is trying to convince Fabi to give him a chance and be his girlfriend, when they're rudely interrupted by Matilde who tells Piero to just marry her daughter already.  "Her belly is showing more every day.  Marry her or you're not allowed to date her anymore."  Once Shutupmatilde is gone, Fabiola tells him not to listen to her, even though Piero insists he'd marry her tomorrow if it were up to him.

Homero yells at somebody over the phone to get the undercover guy over to Castro's today.  He explains to Leo that they're stalling, but he's sure when the operation is a success they won't be able to get the medals around their necks fast enough.  Leo's been out at the practice range, shooting arrows.  He also went to visit his godfather and tell him that he can't accept the veepship he was offered.  Thankfully his godfather agreed.

At Casa Castro, Francisco praises Inésiana's cooking, but she insists the sauce needed longer to thicken.  She reminds him she needs a job and denies that their life will ever be the way it was before.  Francisco thinks seeing the psychiatrist will be a good first step, after which, he'll try to win her back.  Inésiana says he can start winning her back by giving her more freedom.  "And if you're worried about me needing protection, then just assign Mike to keep an eye on me.  He seems like a nice guy, polite, I like him."  Too bad Francisco doesn't, not that he's ever been able to put his finger on why.  He tells Inésiana that he'll take her to the company tomorrow and introduce her to old man Trejo, and maybe they can get her a job in HR.  Inésiana insists she'd rather work in IT.  Francisco says "we'll see," and asks her to send Berenice to his room to massage his knee.  Um, not without listening at the door, you'd better not!

As he's walking to his room, Francisco sees Mike, who tells him he picked up the phone charger.  "Is the house well-guarded?"  Mike says not really.  As far as the cotton business, Mike says that Joaquin called and countermanded Francisco's order so as not to raise suspicions against Arte Folclore.  Francisco assigns Mike to be Inésiana's bodyguard, since she's got this nutty idea in her head that this is 2014 and she wants to work.  "I warn you, if you betray me and pass reports to Joaquin, I'll kill you."  Mike says that's too bad, he'll have to quit his own job at the factory.  He asks Francisco what he's supposed to do if Joaquin calls and asks how things are going.  Francisco tells him to play dumb.  Mike agrees.

As he's walking out, he notices Inésiana waiting in the living room and hands her the phone charger.  Inésiana says she heard everything and at least the two of them will be together.  Mike calls Homero to tell him that he's now Inésiana's bodyguard.  Homero is grateful, since the idiots he's been talking to all day haven't sent anyone over yet.

Ceferino tells Antonio that he has no way to force the workers to work for Arte Folclore.  Ceferino tells him that cotton is in high demand and everyone is spoken for.  Even the guys who used to supply Trejo Bonfil have found other buyers.

Ruben gets the news from Cesar, who tells him to hope for the best.  Maybe Fabiola and the baby won't be infected.  Ruben says it's only a small chance and cries for his princess.

Francisco and Antonio have a loud argument about whose fault the mess with the workers is.  Antonio blames Francisco for proposing it to Joaquin in the first place, but Francisco blames Antonio for not realizing that they would have a problem finding suppliers.  Francisco screams about the money and Antonio proposes that use it to open some other business.  He reminds Francisco that while he may be working for him, that doesn't mean he can treat him like crap.  Francisco screams at him to get out and starts in on a long rant, "You're all a bunch of useless idiots!  Nobody pitches in!  Nobody thinks in this house!  I don't know why you're working for me!"  Inésiana hears the whole thing from the stairs as Mike shakes his head at her in warning.

Fabi gets done with her blood draw, but the doctor asked her to wait, so Piero goes to get her some juice.

Mariano goes in to see Sebastian, who's just about as polite to him as he was to Ricardo.  The doctor tells him that his wounds are healing and the epilepsy is under control, but he's HIV positive.  Sebastian starts screaming about how this is another one of Ricardo's lies and he doesn't have AIDS, and breaks down into tears.

Out in the hallway, Mariano reports that they had to give Sebastian a sedative and remarks on what a tragedy this is.  He worries about Fabiola and wonders if Cesar told the family already.  Mariano waits for Sebastian to wake up while Ric goes to Paloma's.

Ruben tells Cesar that he thinks that they should tell Matilde and Paloma, but Cesar thinks only Fabiola needs to be told.  Ruben feels hopeful, knowing that the doctor already ran bloodwork, so if anything turned up, they would have seen it, right?  Cesar agrees that if they didn't tell her, she must be fine.

Fabiola refuses the juice Piero brought her.  Her dad calls to asks how she's doing and hears that she's waiting for the results of her repeat bloodwork.  The doctor comes down the hall and asks Fabiola to go with her.

Sebastian wakes up and Mariano is praying by his bedside.  He asks if it was a nightmare.  Mariano tells him that they caught it in time and the medication can help him live for many years.  Sebastian thinks this is a death sentence, but Mariano reminds him we've all gotta go sometime.  Sebastian whines that Ricardo didn't even come to see him.  "Yes, he was here all morning."  "Oh, so he left because he found out I'm infected."  "No, not for that.  A disease like this has consequences. You slept with Fabiola and it's likely both she and the baby are infected."  Sebastian bursts into tears.  Mariano tells him the sooner she finds out, the sooner she can start getting treatment.  "It would be a good idea if you told me who else you had sex with."  Sebastian says he doesn't know…lots.

Raquel looks at some wedding cake toppers and feels a disturbance in the Force.

The doctor sits Piero and Fabiola down in her office and asks for clarification about who the father of the baby is and whether they've slept together.  She explains that the results of the current tests aren't good.  The baby is fine for now, but Fabiola is HIV positive.

Tomorrow: Raquel torments Ricardo, Ricardo torments Inésiana, Francisco tells Inésiana they're going on a trip.


Well, that was depressing.

Very. Hearing slurping sex isn't so bad afterall.

Egad. When MADhilde hears this news we may witness spontaneous combustion.

Ruben cries for his daughter after hearing she may be (is) HIV+.

Matilde will call her daughter a slut who deserves HIV as a punishment for being a slut.

Once that happens everyone will be finished with Matilde.

Dear 5 Ft.

I always look forward to your clear, witty recaps. This one had the added dimension of treating well something very sad. Poor Fabiola.

If we put together the sequence of sexual relationships, we could have an HIV epidemic in Hermosillo. Sebastian slept with Raquel, who slept both with Cesar and JL. Another reason for Ines to steer clear of JL. Were there any condoms in sight in any of these couplings?

I felt like last night we started to get some dramatic payoff for all of the stewing around with the adoption process, but this doesn't seem like the right one! I did love the divorce proceedings. And, once again, I feel like Marilu is too good to be true, or too stupid. She's is in a miserable position and Ricardo is completely tone deaf in how he treats her.

You did a great job recapping this, 5ft. It was indeed very, very depressing and I'm sorry it was your duty.

I don't even know where to start. Seb with HIV, ok. I kind of get it. Not sure how I feel about it, since it kind of feel a little like "HIV is punishment from God" (since this must be his karmaggedon), but if this is punishment why drag Fabi into it? And did he get it from Raq (former prosti)? Or did he already have it and now he gave it to her...who in turn slept with Cesar and JL. And condoms aren't 100% effective.

I'm pithed they did this to Fabi. PITHED PITHED PITHED.

Well now we get the pointed mention of condoms in this TN. It helps us know who's infected and who's not. Traveling Lady, Raquel and JL are avid condom users. JL has insisted on it to Raquel's chagrin since she wants to get pregnant by JL to get him committed to her.

Ric and Oriana are definitely NOT INFECTED since they have used condoms with each other and Ric used one the one time he slept with Raquel before she was with Sebastian. Also he and Marilu had blood tests done before their shamarriage and those came back clear so they don't have it.

Cesar and Raquel may be/could be infected since we didn't see condoms used in their couplings.

Pobre de Sebastian y Fabiola. They can stop the baby from infection with HIV so he/she doesn't suffer from their parents' stupidity, but still. A good message, and a heavy one to give in a tn that sex has consequences.

I don't feel like the tn is saying HIV is God's punishment. It's saying ' don't sleep with so many people b/c you will hurt innocent people' which is the point of Fabi being infected. She was silly in love with Sebastian, who should've known better to protect himself to not get girls pregnant and protect himself, and got hurt in the process. The message is that HIV can happen to anyone-innocent and guilty- if you're sexually promiscuous and don't use condoms. I think it's a good message to send to teens.

Kat- Thank you for doing such a wonderful job with a sad episode.

ITA with you J desde NYC. The message is not that HIV is a punishment, but instead a consequence of unprotected sex. Meaning it can happen to anyone, even a relatively innocent like Fabi and even her baby.

Sebas had a lot of partners, so Raq likely isn't the source, and I'm expecting/hoping that she used a condom with him and didn't pass anything to Cesar. That would be truly tragic. Between the sluts Sebas and Raq, this could become epic.

Of course you are both right, I was thinking very narrowly and in the strictest TN terms; forgetting the PSA element TNs can play. For that reason I hope Madhilde doesn't say anything like "it's punishment for being a slut."

Excellent recap.

On Marilu I too think that she is too good to be true. I have this feeling in the back of my neck that this is a repeat of Gustavo in Zacatillo, un lugar en tu corazon.

With the HIV storyline, it seems all the "innocents" seem to pay a price. I just hope not.

I have not too much too add this well-done sad recap.

ITA with J desde NYC and Vivi in the AIDS interpretation. It is not a punishment.Even if it is sad, I like that there are such TNs, that deals with this serious problem. Unfortunately, everything can not be good and nice.

Despite sad events I appriciated that the writers put in this episode a (at least for me) comical scene, the divorce of Matilde and Ruben. Leticia Perdigon formed a huge.

Kat thanks for recapping a rather depressing episode.

While this new twist in the plot (HIV)can be a PSA, there are also some unfortunate elements that make this troubling. Fabi has "sex" twice w/Seb (for me, neither of these times were completely consensual), she's now pregnant and has HIV. Yes these are consequences but with a mother like Maddie, its hard to not view it as more really bad stuff happening to this kind girl.

There is also the possibility that Cesar might be infected as well b/c when Raquel had sex w/Seb it was NOT protected. Another one of Maddie's abused kids paying a really high price for unwise actions. Seb and Raquel being infected is a PSA but Fabi and Cesar is more tragic based on their lives. ITA w/Sara, I'm pithed and Anon @8:55 am, it seems that the ones who pay the highest price are not Seb and Raquel.

Karen- The situation is enraging, but it happens all the time. In my former life of international development HIV/AIDS work, the vast majority of people we saw infected with HIV were loyal wives and children-- infected by husbands and partners who didn't use condoms with their casual partners and brought it home to their innocent wives. It's all too common.

I hope they don't just let Sebas wallow in self pity and force him to reveal, to the best of his knowledge, who his past/present sexual partners were.

Wow, what an episode. I didn't expect it even though several of the commenters brought it up as a possibility. It seemed like they all got past it and everyone was going to be fine. This is a very complicated disease that affects everyone differently and it will be very life changing for everyone. I sort of thought that this is one way to get rid of all the bad guys, Sebastian, Raquel, JL. I don't know if we know or not if Raquel and Sebastian used a condom or not, or if every time Raquel used one with JL. Remember that she had a pregnancy test. So she wouldn't do that if they used a condom.

5ft - Great coverage of this sad episode.

Poor Fabi. Piero’s stock just went up with me. He has the maturity to help Fabi deal with her HIV+ status. I feel bad for Sebas too, horrible brat that he is. On the up side, both have access to good health care and can live long, rich lives. Magic Johnson is a testament to that.

Mariano is the man, if not the priest. He's definitely the one you want in your corner in a crisis. I thought Ricky was good too - I like him better when he's lowkey and thoughtful.

I hope Ori brought a lot of phones with her, just in case JL destroys one.

The divorce proceedings were indeed welcome comic relief. So funny to see the judge and later the doc just want to be rid of Matilda.

Really, really good work 5Ft Diva!

It was very sad last night. I could have cried right with Fabiola last night I was so sad.

Anon207, I fully expect those words to come out of Matilde's mouth. She has called her daughter a slut on more than one occasion which I think is/was beyond cruel. Fabiola is a gentle and kind young woman. She has received no support from her mother. Granted, she has had incredible support from others, but when it really counts, don't we all want our mothers to be there for us? I think this is the one thing that pains me so for Fabiola. Her mother has no regard for her as a person.

The divorce proceedings were comic relief, but I could not believe it when Matilde tried to blame Mariano for Cesar wanting to join the priesthood! This Matilde has no clue; no life; no nothing.

I thought Mike took a HUGE chance in calling Homero while he was in JL's house. It made me more than a tad nervous.

Was it my imagination or did the camera really linger a good while on Raquel while she was reading that magazine (REALLY liked your "disturbance of the Force, comment 5FT!!!!!)?

I'm not trying to take a cheap shot here, but they had a few close ups of Marilu last night. She really, really looks like a Stepford wife. I don't think the actress has had plastics done, but she just looks plastic to me. I don't know, maybe it's the bangs. :)


Fatima- It's the doll-like features, huge eyes, and flawless skin, and yes, the perfectly cut bangs.

Cynderella - you are so funny and yes slurping sex isn't so bad.

Vivi you are right. I know the transmission of HIV harms innocent people often but I think I'm most irritated about how innocents across tns often pay a really high price sometimes through no fault of their own.

Fatima, I was nervous for Mike when he called Homer from inside JL's.

thanks, 5ft for an excellent retelling of a depressing episode. And so the angst continues and deepens. Blecchh. Maybe I need a break from this sad song or maybe I will just surf in and out occasionally and read the recaps.

Yikes, we need a flowchart to analyze who slept with whom and who used a condom. Fidelity never looked so appealing. What is that warning?..remember that when you sleep with someone, you are also sleeping with everyone he or she has ever slept with...yikes again. Monogamy rocks.

Vivi in DC, yes, I agree, but "perfect" looking just looks odd to me.

Karen, I hear ya! I thought our handsome Mike was slipping there. He had better be careful. JL is dangerous. No ifs, ands, or buts there. He is dangerous.


It looks to me like Malibu Marilu is wearing a wig. She looks a little too plastic to me unlike the real and robust and lovely Fabiola.

Susanlynn, absolutely agree re Malibu Marilu!!!


Hindsight is always 20/20, but Gma really invested a lot in her substitute nieta Oriana, when she had a real nieta right there in the house who desperately needed her care, Fabiola. With the HIV diagnosis, it's like Palomita/Ines all over again.

However, since the lab mixes up their samples on a regular basis, there is still a huge chance Fabi is not seropositiva. Maybe they gave her Raquel's blood test by mistake.

We had a discussion about Mike's acting and I said he's wooden acting because he's supposed to be as Joaquin's sidekick and that's how they act. But he had a chance to act less wooden with Oriana and he didn't. Not sure now if this guy is just not a good actor. That would be a shame if such a cutie couldn't act.

Gracias all, for the feedback. I'm on day 3 of a nasty cold, so that may have influenced my perception of last night's episode...or maybe it really was that sad.

I'm glad I didn't have to deal with Matilde's reaction, cause I'm not expecting any good there.

I was moved by Sebastian's tears, though, which was surprising...both that he seemed to feel bad for someone other than himself and that I was actually affected! Maybe this is his chance at redemption. Maybe he gets his act together, takes his meds like he's supposed to, stops the drinking and, who knows, starts a new career as an HIV/AIDS awareness activist and actively parents his child even if he's not with Fabiola.

Hang in there, cathyx, it's good that he doesn't break out of his role even when he appears to be alone with Oriana. Maybe when this is all over, he'll bust out some casual wear and actually smile for once!

Vivi, is correct. I worked for an AIDS drug manufacturer. I took calls from 99% men who needed help getting the drugs for free. Whenever a woman client (rarely) would call in, she was a wife with kids.

I also had to give out emergency supplies to rape victims or medical workers who MIGHT have been exposed to HIV. OR people who just had a LOT of sex with random strangers and the social workers wanted them on the drug. I wanted to scream and take a shower every day because there are people out there who could care less about you or themselves.

PSA: Trust no one. Wear a raincoat EVERYTIME.

Thanks 5 ft for the great recap. It's very interesting to read the different opinions and feelings about who gets the HIV virus and why. Although most commenters zeroed in on promiscuity, it's far more complex than that. For example, where I live we have one of the highest HIV rates in the country. Although much is attributed to gay and straight prostitutes, much more is due to IV drug use.
Monogamous relationships aren't always 100% trustworthy. Considering all this, it's too complex for me to believe that contracting the disease is a punishment, at least not from God or the universe. For me contracting the virus is all about the consequence of ones own actions. Unfortunately, in every case it seems the consequences impact many innocent lives.


When I first saw Angelique Boyer in Abismo de Pasion, I had to adjust to her features because she looked like a doll to me. Now that I'm used to her, I thinks she's beautiful. It was weird. I think that's what's wrong with Marilu. She looks like a doll and it bugs me. It's freaky. It's like she could be the Bride of Chucky or something. Once I get used to her features, I'll be OK. She's not ugly at all. She just looks to "perfect".

Marilu looked a little less plastic-y in UFCS. But not much.

I don't think anyone has the idea that in real life things like pregnancy or contracting STD's are really "punishments." At least not from what I'm reading.

But this is the telenovelaverse, where the writers get to create their own reality and deal out rewards, punishments, comeuppances, as they wish, with no regard for whether that's the way it would "really" happen. That goes for pretty much everything they do...disregard reality when it doesn't play into the story they're trying to tell. It's too early to judge what that story is w/r/t Sebastian and Fabiola being HIV positive...are they trying to paint it as a punishment, a natural consequence, a wake-up call for Sebastian? Until we get a little farther along, we really won't know what they're trying to say with this, but they definitely are trying to say something. Soap operas originated to sell products. Telenovelas originated as long-format PSA's, and they haven't left those roots behind.

For me, Marilu wear too much makeup and it's the way that it's applied that makes her look fake or like a doll. But I've already said I hated the bangs. When she got married, she had her hair swept up, including the bangs, and she looked beautiful.

Cynderella, who is that guy in your avatar?

Great recap

Oriana crying, Ric wimping, JL yelling, Madhilde haranguing.
Maybe Ric could think to tell Piero about Fabiola. He tells him everything except when it's IMPORTANT.
Tito has the only brains in this.


CathyX, that is Victor Hugo Cabrera! He's my first telenovio.

But your name is novia de Alejandro Avila. Are you cheating on him?

We are on a break. We'll get back together after Robo.

My first telenovio was Jaime Camil, and after watching Que Pobres Tan Ricos, I might just have to rekindle that one. He is so yummy.

Cyn.." We are on a break." You crack me up, girl.

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