Bundle of Joy, er
Un bebé? Un bebé? Estas loca!? Raquel tells him she is most
assuredly preggers. Yeah, well there may
be a baby, but it’s not mine. Who knows
who’s baby that is because he’s sure he always used protection (preservativo). She tells him she hasn’t slept with anyone
else and even condoms can fail. He
refuses to accept this. She tries, and
fails, to get his attention by repeating she is preggers. “If you want the job I’m offering,
abort!” She’s shocked to hear he would
want her to abort his child. He repeats,
adamantly, “NO ES MI HIJO!!” Raquel
foolishly threatens to tell Oriana. He
pounces. Grabbing her by the throat, he
assures her that if she breathes even one word of this to anyone, she can fuhget about the depa, el coche, not to mention the
presidenta job! He throws her aside and
storms out with her screaming after him, “Eres un imbecil! UN IMBECIL!!!”
Bungalo Azul
Speaking of Imbeciles, in his only appearance tonight, Seba is enjoying some time out in the
sun. Alina introduces him to Tito and
she asks Seba not to harm him like Daddykins did. Seba promises he would never harm a dog. They share some small talk and we see a
softer side to SebAsTiAN. He
shares that he once had a dog that he loved very much and kept him till he died
of old age. He tells her he’s now living
in the Bungalo Azul. She promises to
show him how to play chess.
Depa 302
JL knocks on the door, saying he shouldn’t have talked to
her that way. He’s trying a softer
approach, telling her to understand how shocking it was for him to hear this
news. It wasn’t that he expected her to
hide it but, as a married man, this kind of news is always a surprise. (I’ll bet) Raquel thinks his problem is that
he’s afraid Oriana will send him to the devil if she were to find out. Yes, he admits it. She doesn’t know Ori like he does. Ori’s a vengeful woman. He’s no longer interested in her. What interests him most now is his
daughter. This kind of news could prompt
Oriana to take her from him forever.
Raquel wonders why that’s important when he’s going to have a child with
her? (**cough, gag**) He’s speaks softly to her. A child would only complicate their future
together. He reminds her of their dream
to move to a grand seaside house. He
still plans to keep his promise (**cough**) but for now he wants her to see a
doctor. There are lots of couples who
decide to abort because it isn’t a “convenient” time for a bebé. He promises nothing will happen to her and
they can have babies later. Besides, she
is too young to disfigure her beautiful bod.
He tells her not to listen to anything Lucina may tell her. They proceed to suck face, sans the slurping. Thank goodness.
Cueva del Zorro
Oriana continues searching for the tape. She hits pay dirt in a hidden compartment in
Alina’s closet. THE CD…..Voila! Unfortunately, as she’s putting the closet
back in order, the shelf falls to the floor.
The noise can be heard throughout the house – as JL returns. What’s that?
He tells the Matias the butler to go see who’s in the house as he arms
himself. Inside Alina’s room, Oriana hears
JL’s voice as he’s ordering Matias to check the guestroom. She runs to her bedroom, puts the CD in a
pillow and hides in her bathroom just as JL enters. He next runs to Alina’s room and finds the CD
missing. “Maldita sea!!” He runs back to Oriana’s room, gun drawn and
demands that she return what she took.
Oriana plays dumb, she doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Mike comes in suggesting the culprit might
have come in through the back. JL points
out the obvious, how would they know where to look? Unless……it’s Mike! Mike reminds him they were together all
afternoon, Señor. JL knows Mike was sent by Joaquin to spy on
him. Mike suggests he speak with
Joaquin. Oh yeah, he plans on speaking
with Joaquin, after he’s killed Mike! He
puts the gun to Mike’s head and Oriana pleads with him to stop and at least
tell them what they’ve supposedly taken from him. JL calms down for the moment and tells Mike
to leave. He then starts ransacking
Oriana’s room, pulling out drawers, emptying boxes, etc. as she tearfully looks
on. He picks up the cushion she hid the CD
in but apparently doesn’t feel the disc.
He confronts her, asking her what she did with the video. What video?
He tells her not to act dumb.
Surely she must have heard his conversation with Joaquin. She continues to deny everything and he tells
her she will regret this. I thought he
was going to try to suffocate her with the pillow but he just shoves it at her
and thankfully walks away, leaving Oriana crying as she’s clutching the pillow. She runs to the phone and calls Paloma to
come get her and bring the police while she’s at it. JL runs back in, demanding to know who she’s
talking to. She tells him and he repeats
that she will regret this. “Te lo
juro.” eeek!
Aresti Breton
Paloma calls Ricky and tells him about Oriana’s call. He tells her he’ll be right over and instructs
her to call Homero. He tells Mariano,
who happens to be there, that Oriana is in danger.
Geriatric Spy 000
Paloma next calls Homero who explains he can’t possibly
implicate himself in this. She calls him
out – calling him a coward. What, her
granddaughter’s life isn’t more important than his so-called operation? He
assures her they’re equally important.
Why, he’s gonna call Teniente Hernandez right now. Yeah, that‘ll fix everything. Before he can make the call, Leonardo walks
in the room. He asks Leo to run over to
Castro’s house to find out QTH is going on.
Cueva del Zorro
Ricky and Mariano speed up to the house.
Mariano is trying to calm down a very anxious Ricky, telling him they’re
not going to let him inside. They bicker
over why Mariano hasn’t given him back his gun.
Mariano gets to the door first and tells Ricky to let him do the
talking. Mariano tells Matias the butler
that he’s there to visit with la Señora over a mass for her grandfather. Matia tells JL that some nice guy and a joven con cara de pocos amigos (a face with
few friends) have come looking for Oriana.
JL instructs him to tell them Oriana is ill. Ricky refuses to accept this excuse and poor
Matias explains he’s under orders not to let them in. Leo is observing this from the corner. While all this is going up, Paloma rides up
on her white horse, er, Cadillac. Oriana
runs out. “Abuela!” “Hija!”
JL is hot on her heels, telling Oriana she’s not going anywhere! He snatches her purse and pulls out his
gun. Leo, watching from the corner jumps
into action and pulls out his trusty bow and arrow (I knew this was going to
come in handy). Meanwhile, JL is
forbidding them to enter his home. Ricky
shouts that she no longer wants to be with him.
This is now a kidnapping. JL
tells him to prove it! Paloma, Oriana,
and Ricky tell him to stop. This will do
him no good. JL angrily tells Ricky he’s
not taking his mujer anywhere. Paloma
repeats she no longer wants to be with him.
JL cocks his pistol and points it at Ricky, saying everything is Ricky’s
fault and he’s fed up. Leo sneaks around
a vehicle and takes aim. The arrow takes
flight and his aim is true. It hits the
gun right out of JL’s hand. Leo gets
back in his car and takes off. JL looks
accusingly at Oriana. If she leaves,
they’ll both go down. She doesn’t
care. Sirens are blaring and the police
have arrived.
Geriatric Spy 000
Leo returns with his bow and arrow and Homer immediately
assumes he went to target practice rather than going to JL’s. He breathlessly recounts his amazing feat and
reminds Grandpa he’s a good archer (archero) Grandpa sits him down. He wants all the deets.
Cueva del Zorro
JL is inside now, much to his neighbors’ relief I’m
sure. He’s empties Oriana’s purse all
the while ranting and raving that they kept his gun. Mike explains he wasn’t there because he was
guarding the back door. Matias tends to
the jefe’s hand. Mike is instructed to
search the garden for a CD.
Convoy to Safety
Back in Paloma’s caddie, Oriana explains she found the CD
but got so scared she threw it out the window.
She calls Mike, who just then is searching the garden and tells him to
look in the plants. Mike finds it but
tells JL there was nothing there.
Casa de Espías
Leo gets a call that his godmother just passed away and his godfather
wants him to come over.
Casa the Paloma
Mariano, Ricky, Paloma, and Oriana gather in Paloma’s
bedroom to debrief. She tells Mariano
that Mike, who in reality is an undercover agent, told her about the
video. Seriously, does anyone not know
that he’s undercover? She assures Ricky
she doesn’t plan to return to JL. She’s
really afraid of him now. Even though
he’s taking his meds, he drinks and this puts him in a bad state. She’s afraid that at some point he may lose
control and harm her. Oriana calls Mike
about the CD. He lies and tells her he
didn’t find anything. She’s surprised
because she threw it out her window. It
has to be there. She tells him to check
Cueva del Zorro Desarmado
Antonio arrives. He’s
been to see Trejo but he was in no shape for visitors, with his wife dying and
all. He’ll give him a few days and he’s
sure to get his signature on those forms.
In his grief, he’s sure to be drunk all day.
Casa de Paloma
Homer has arrived.
Ricky speculates that maybe Mike has gone over to the dark side and
returned the disc to JL. Oriana repeats
that she threw the disc out her window but Mike says it’s nowhere to be
found. Homero asks Oriana to tell him
everything and she does. JL found disc
gone. JL asked for disc. Disc gets thrown out window. JL goes berserk. lather.
rinse. repeat. She’s fed up. She will no
longer collaborate with him. She’s done. Ricky chimes in about her safety as does
Paloma. Mariano asks for calm. Homero must respect her decision. Homero reminds Oriana she’s not doing this
for him, she’s doing it for herself.
Doesn’t matter, she’s done. She’s
not going back to JL. If this means
going to jail, so be it.
Cueva del Zorro Desarmado
Antonio asks if JL trusts Mike. JL doesn’t trust anyone at this point and Mike
was hired by Joaquin to check on his performance (desempeño). He’s sure it
wasn’t Mike. They were together when
they heard the closet shelf hit the floor.
JL is sure Oriana has it. He
searched her purse but maybe she had it hidden elsewhere. They have to force her to return that
CD. If Joaquin gets his hands on that
video, he’s fried. And Tony too, because
he works for JL and knows everything. JL
has a plan, but first he asks Mike to move Tony’s car. Once Mike is out of the house, JL explains
only Joaquin knows what’s on that video.
JL told him about the video’s existence as insurance against getting
off’d by Joaquin. Tony wonders why Ines
was looking for it. Unless Joaquin told
Mike and Mike told Ines (about the CD)?
Casa de Paloma
The debriefing continues.
Oriana is telling Homer about what she was able to glean from the few
pages she was able to read when JL left them behind in her room. There is another business in the works. This was the purpose of JL’s visit to SD – to
present the project to Joaquin.
According to these documents, Caribbean Investment will withdraw the
investment funds in Trejo Bonfil and convert them to the new real estate
business (inmobiliaria). The plan is to
remodel old buildings at inflated costs and resell them. Ricky asks how much confidence Homero has in
Mike? Well, undercover agents have been
known to sell out. Oriana refuses to
believe that of Mike. He’s a good
guy. That’s why she finds it so hard to
believe the CD hasn’t been found. She
didn’t hide the CD, it was just thrown there among the plants. Homero thanks her for the info. He tells Paloma that Oriana will not have to
return to JL, for the moment anyway.
Ricky refuses to allow Oriana to return to JL. Homer tells him it’s not
his decision to make. He takes his
Out in the hallway, Ricky asks Homero if Leo is an
archer. Oy, says Gramps. That Boy, he’s an archer, he cares for dogs,
he does so many things that he does nothing!
Casa de Homero
Homero talks to Manolo, saying he needs reinforcements. He already has an undercover agent at Falcon’s
(he’s not so undercover now, if you ask me) but he’s wondering about his
loyalty. This is why he is now looking
to Manolo, providing of course that he’s not for sale. Manolo
understandably takes offense to this and tells him he can only promise he is
loyal and honest. Homer explains Oriana
has returned to Paloma’s house and Ricky is hiring protection but it wouldn’t
hurt for Manolo to have the house put on his rounds. He also asks that Manolo keep an eye on
Raquel and Lucina. He’s asking all this
because it’s likely JL lost a CD and may look to kidnapping or something as
payback. He tells him to be wary of
Mike. he knows evertying but he can be a
double agent.
Cueva del Zorro
Tony’s nervous. He’s
never done anything like this before. JL
tells him there’s always a first time for everything. Tony tells him about a bodega behind Aresti
Breton that’s never used. JL tells him
to get “it” done.
JL calls Oriana and asks for forgiveness. He tells her if the CD gets in the wrong
hands, he could be killed. She tells
again she doesn’t have that damned CD and never to call her again. JL next gets Mike in the room. He points a gun at him, making sure he
explains he’s ambidextrous. He gets Mike
on his knees, hands behind his head. He
looks through Mike’s phone and sees Homero’s number. Mike explains he got the info from one of the
servants but denies giving Homero any info.
JL doesn’t believe him. He knows
Homero is somehow connected to Oriana.
Mike also tells him he tried to gain Oriana’s confidence but wasn’t able
to determine what that connection may be..
Again, JL doesn’t believe him. He
speculates that Ori gave Mike the CD to turn it over to Homer. How did she know about the CD anyway? Mike doesn’t know, Señor. Maybe Joaquin told
her and promised to spare her life if she delivered the CD.
JL wonders if Joaquin would
order Mike killed if he were to know Mike had Homer's number on his cellphone.
Mike responds that he does his job to the best of his ability, trying to
prevent problems. JL decides to give him the benefit of the doubt.
For now, Mike will not be allowed to leave the house without JL nor will
he be able to use the landline because it's now disconnected. He throws
the cellphone back to Mike. Still holding Mike at gunpoint, he now says
they're going to search his room. Maybe he's the one with the CD.
Casa de Paloma
runs through the courtyard, carrying poor Tito and screaming for her mama.
Ricky informs the butler/doorman that the armed vehicles that have
arrived are bodyguards hired to watch the house.
Fabi has told the good news about her HIV -free bebé. He and Cesar are
overjoyed. She explains the doctor will put her on meds to keep the baby
HIV-free. Alina and Ricky arrive and Alina goes looking for her Mama. She
eventually finds her in Paloma's room. Oriana can't promise she won't leave
again. Alina asks to spend the night and everyone is happy, for now.
asks Fabi about her plans for school. She hasn't made up her mind but
could use the distraction. She admits
she is somewhat concerned about what people will say. Cesar encourages
her to face the world now that she's decided to keep the baby. "No
way," cries an off-camera Matilde. She somehow thinks they're going
to a Magdalene house (do they still call them this?) and when the baby is born,
it will be given up for adoption. Fabi doesn't agree. She alone will
decide the future of her child. Matilde begins again with wanting to
protect Fabi's good name. Fabi tells Matilde it doesn't matter what she
thinks. Matilde asks her to at least think of her honor.
"What honor?" asks Ruben. "When we were married, you
were already preggers. We only had premarital sex because you seduced
me." Really, Ruben? You're gonna go there? He goes on to
say he was the stupid one because in reality he was in love with Fidelia. If
Matilde had any dignity at all she would have left a long time ago. But
noooooo. It's much easier for her to live off Paloma. Matilde could
easily rent an apartment. Matilde tries to put on a long face. What?
And live alone like a dog? Ruben thinks that may not be such a bad
idea. Her problem is that she just always wants to be underfoot,
complaining. Fabi agrees with her father. Matilde asks if Cesar
also plans to abandon his mother. Cesar tells her she's done enough
damage. They're adults now. She needs to let them live. But,
she explains, she's always loved them. Cesar tells her there are some
types of love that can kill. She has such a negative character that she
can't control herself. He doesn’t mean to say she's loca but does think
she should see an analyst. She tells them all they'll regret this and
carry this on their conscience. They'll see. She leaves the room
and Fabi wonders what she meant by that. Ruben says it’s just her way,
always melodramatic.
Back in
her room, Matilde goes through her supply of pills and chooses one. She pours out
a handful (I think I read the label Moperimoxin????). She only takes one.
She calls Nadia to bring her a glass of milk in about an hour and then
positions the pills and herself on the bed, letting the empty pill bottle fall
to the floor.
Tia Fidelia's
gets a call from Ricky about Alina staying at Paloma's -- along with Oriana.
They talk about Alina's clothes and such but more importantly, is Oriana
gonna stay there from now on? Ricky's not sure. Marilu tells him she'll
be waiting and he promises he won't be long. She sends him a beso AND HE SAYS ME TOO!!?? Fidelia
knowingly eyeballs Marilu who predictably falls apart. She cries and
tells Fidelia she fantasized that she and Ricky would somehow end up together.
It's not that she dislikes Ines but Ricky has been so kind and gentle
these past few days. And the child is so sweet. Fidelia agrees they'll
miss them both. Oh well, gotta go to bed. Marilu can wait up for Ricky if
she'd like but she should try to pull herself together. Marilu cries.
Casa de Paloma
scene with Ricardo, Oriana and Alina about bedtime stories, yada, yada, yada.
sees Ricky out. She tells him Marilu loves him. He's aware of that but he
doesn't love her. He doesn't want to appear cruel and it does hurt
him but she knew the score before they married. He could have married
anyone, a wife-for-hire, but he had to think of Alina. But they may be
getting ahead of themselves. If JL is successful in starting up this new
business, it is unlikely he'd hire Oriana, putting her place on the witness
protection program at risk and she'd have to go to jail. His understanding
is that she's facing up to 5 years in jail and may be released on bail.
The same would go with Lucina and Raquel. More good news:
with this type of conviction he doubts she could regain custody of Alina.
Life is a constant battle and one must never give up. They love each
other. She repeats her battle cry: maybe it would be best for them to forget
about each other. He refuses to give up. She needs to trust him.
There are always unforeseen forces in life. There's always a light,
and that light will come. What if it doesn't, she asks. He assures
her it will because despite the errors they've made, they're both good people.
Casa de Ricky
waits nervously outside Ricky's house. He talks to one of his goons.
The first thing they need to do is silence the guard. The goon tells a
comrade, Prieto, to take care of that. One more thing, the goon suggests they
don't take him to that bodega (the one behind Aresti Breton). Antonio
agrees. He calls JL and says Ricky hasn't arrived. JL is sure she's with
his mujer. Antonio relays the change of location. JL asks why but we don't hear
Antonio's response. He asks if Antonio's goons can be trusted.
Tony's sure. JL warns him not to mention his name. Antonio turns
back to his goon and tells him it is very important that he not be seen.
Ricky knows him.
Casa de Paloma
Nada is
outside Matilde's room with the glass of milk. She asks for Oriana's
help. They enter her room and find Matilde dramatically posed on her bed, out
like a light. Oriana tries to awaken her and orders Nada to call an ambulance.
Meanwhile, back at the Ranch......er,
arrives and as soon as he is out of his car, three goons come up from behind.
He's hit on the head, hood is placed over his head. He’s dragged away as Antonio looks on.
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@ 11:21 PM

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