Thursday, January 23, 2014

Lo Que la Vida Me Robo #52, 1/22/14: Things just went south, way, way, way south

Oh em cheese. Ladies, gents, get some wine ready because you are going to need it in order to get through this episode. Sh*t just got real.

Oh snap, Alejandro knows, he knows!:

 Our beautiful Alejandro comes to the realization that his enemy was in his home the whole time, hidden in plain view. The memories of his wife crying over Jose Luis play heavy on his mind. He cries because he is heartbroken and angry that he was taken for a fool, there's no doubt that he thinks his wife and Jose Luis carried on an affair right under his nose. He walks over to his desk, his face wet with tears, his eyes red and full of pain and rage, he opens his desk drawer and pulls out a gun, he loads it with two bullets and goes on his way. Folks, put on your seat belts because we are in for a bumpy ride.

Well, maybe Macairo and Dominga can be happy:

 In the kitchen Macairo is trying to summon up the courage to ask Dominga if she had anything going on with the fruit molester who shall not be named. He tells her he has a question to ask her but he needs to know if she will answer him truthfully. Dominga replies that she has never lied to him and before he can spit out his question Alejandro shows up. Dominga takes the opportunity to offer her congratulations on the new baby and Macairo offers Alejandro a hug. Alejandro asks where Rosario is and Dominga tells him that she took Carlota a cup of tea. Alejandro gives both of them the day off, telling them that he needs some time alone with his wife. They don't argue with him and Macairo takes the chance to ask Dominga out on a date. They are going to Red Lobster! Okay, that's not quite right, but they are having sea food, so yay for them-now I want sea food!

Montse, your mom is kinda of a whore:

While her husband is at home about to raise holy hell, Montse is with father Anselmo, she has a strong suspicion that Rosario is her husbands mother, but Padre Anselmo refuses to confirm her suspicions and tells her to drop the subject. He tells her to ask Rosario if she is Alejandro's mother and Montse tells him that she has asked and that Rosario has denied being his mother. "well, if she denies it then so do I! Don't burden your husband with this, he thinks his mother is dead, leave it alone", Montse doesn't miss a beat and jumps in with "ah, see, you say he thinks she's dead, which could mean she's alive!", padre Anselmo puts his foot down and tells her that he is no longer going to answer any questions regarding Rosario and whether she is Alejandro's mother.

They move on to an even more unpleasant subject, and Montse asks him if he knows that her mother is a gigantic whore, who had an affair with Benjamin Almonte.  He says that he was aware of the affair and upon further questioning reveals that the affair took place for years-it started before Graciela married Lauro and continued for many years. Montse wants to know why her mother married her father if she was seeing Benjamin and why Benjamin did nothing to prevent her from getting married. Anselmo tells her that Benjamin found out about her mothers wedding after the fact, and there was nothing he could do at that point. Montse wants more information but he asks her if she is really sure she wants more details. "If you keep poking at scabs you are going to draw blood".

They were just talking about the fresh fruit and then:

Alejandro walks in and asks Carlota where her cell phone is, she replies that it is in her purse, "where's your purse?" "It's here" she answers as she hands it to him, he digs a little and finally finds the phone, Carlota, confused asks Alejandro what's going on and he tells her. "I know, I know that Antonio Olivares and Jose Luis are the same person. You knew this and you never said a word." he turns to Rosario and says "you also knew, you helped her (Montse) with everything". Carlota tries to explain the situation and he tells her that he is not interested in anything she has to say, he then turns and locks both women in the room. And to show us how bat shit crazy he is, he also nails the door shut.

Carlota and Rosario are hysterical, they scream for him to let them out, but of course he does not. Carlota makes things worse by crying and saying that he is going to kill her niece and probably shoot himself after. This sends Rosario into a full on panic mode and she runs to the door while saying "no, mi hijo no". And just like that her secret is out. Carlota knows that Rosario is in fact Alejandro's mother. Twenty bucks says that she spills the beans to everyone within 1.5 episodes.

Mummy I'm home:

Meanwhile in Agua Azul Graciela sits alone at the dinner table, she is remembering the conversation she had with her daughter when her baby (and by baby I mean good for nothing thief/murderer unibrow having loser) walks in. He tells her he arrived in the middle of the night and did not want to wake her or his father. She wants to know what happened with Josefina's brother, he tells her the bad news:he is going to have to marry Josefina. She tells him that's horrible, a total nightmare. Then she asks him why he kept quiet about Jose Luis and he says Montse blackmailed him into it, she threatened to tell Tomas where to find him. He also tells Graciela that thanks to her Alejandro knows that he is responsible for the death of Gamboa. Graciela tells him she meant no harm and also expresses her horror at his sisters behavior. She tells him that they need to keep his father from finding out what's been going on and just then Lauro walks in and asks "what are you trying to keep from me Graciela?"

Daddy is not happy to see his son, and tells him to get the hell out of his house. Graciela tries to reason with him, Dimitrio is his son, he can't just kick him out! Lauro tells Graciela to feel free to get her rags and hit the road with Dimi, because there's no way Dimitrio stays in his house!

Alejandro my love I'm home:

And maybe she should have stayed away, because Alejandro is still angry, scratch that, he's uber angry, and is sitting in his office bonding with his gun when he hears his wife say that she's home. He puts the gun away and goes to see her. She is telling him all about her day and her visit to Padre Anselmo, he was so happy to hear the news about the baby and....then she turns and sees that something is not right with her husband.

Montse: "what's wrong?'
Ale:"You damn liar..."
Montse:"what's wrong...?"
Ale:"I can't believe you even have it in you to ask me that? How could you betray me like this? You brought your lover to my house, Jose Luis Alvarez was living here, under my roof, eating at my table, that bastard shook my hand, the hand that I gave him as a friend!"
Montse:"I can explain..."
Alejandro grabs her arms and pushes her to the ground
Ale:"this is where you belong, on the ground like the trash that you are" Montse is on the floor and looks horrified, and viwerville is scared for her safety.
Ale:"Why, why did you do it?"
Montse has gotten up from the ground now and tries to plead her case
Montse:"I swear, I swear on my life that you're wrong!"
Ale: "Be quiet!"-hey, do you want her to tell you why she did it or do you want her to be quiet?
Ale:"You are a lost cause! I've never met a worse woman than you, and here I was talking to you about love, begging you to turn around and notice me..."

Alejandro is so upset that we have a few casualties in the form of living room furniture, rest in peace lamp and vase,we hardly knew you, but you will be missed. may we never forget the great Alejandro tantrum of 2013, may it never happen again. Fellow readers, let us have a moment of silence in honor of those we have lost tonight.

Montse tries to explain but it falls on deaf ears, she swears on her child's life that she is telling the truth, Jose Antonio was at the hacienda by mistake and that's as far into her explanation as she gets. The mention of the child brings out extra rage in Alejandro and things go from bad to worse because now Alejandro claims that the baby is not his. He is sure the bastard is Jose Luis's and Montse just pretended to be in love with him to fool him into believing   that the child was his. He tells her to leave, and never come back, she has 30 minutes to get out and if she stays even a minute longer than that he will kill her.

Run girl, run!

And run she does, but not away from her husband, instead she runs after him begging him to let her explain, but Alejandro wont listen and he grabs a hammer to take the nails off Carlotas bedroom door, inside Carlota and Rosario cling to each other and cry, finally Alejandro gets the nails off the door and kicks it open, he tells Rosario to get Montse's luggage ready, she has 30 minutes to get out. Montse is still trying to explain but he won't let her, even Carlota takes a stab at it but is told to butt out. Rosario leaves to get Montse's things ready and Alejandro goes to his study, leaving behind his wife who is devastated and her aunt who is still crying. Montse can't believe what's going on and tells her aunt she wants to die.

Victor, the voice of reason arrives:

And sees the broken furniture, Alejandro comes into the living room and the two men chat. Victor tells him Antonio Olivares has not been heard from since he came to work for him. Alejandro explains that Antonio is dead and is in the morgue. Victor will have to call Antonio's sister to let her know that he is dead. Victor wants to know if the police killed him and Alejandro tells him that Jose Luis is the one responsible for his death. He killed him to assume his identity and get into his home, so that he and his wife could make a fool out of him, and carry on an affair under his own roof. Victor is muy "impactado"

In another part of the house Montse is beside herself, Rosarios tells her that it breaks her heart to see her in such a state and Montse tells Carlota and Rosario the news, Alejandro knows the truth, someone told him about Jose Luis and now he has kicked her out and is claiming that the child is not his. She begs them for help and Carlota offers to go speak with Alejandro to explain the situation. Monte tells her to do it and to tell him that Jose Luis was at the hacienda by accident and that she loves Alejandro and only Alejandro. Carlota goes to see Alejandro and Rosario does her best to comfort Montse.

Meanwhile, the rat bastard that's also known as Pedro Mendoza and his minion EZ talk about their plan which basically comes down to this: They set things up so that Alejandro would find out about Jose Luis not being Antonio, when EZ let Jose Luis leave the jail he also had a man follow him and keep tabs on him. They plan on making the men turn against each other and kill each other. I have to say, it's not a shabby plan at all. In a sea side town we see Jose Luis is being watched by a guy who should probably do more to try and blend in with the locals.

Back at the hacienda the men put two and two together, they realize that Pedro was going to tell Alejandro the truth about Jose Luis a few nights before but never did. Victor realizes that that's why Nadia told him to take a hike, she was doing it to protect Montse's secret. Alejandro says that of course Nadia knew and never said anything because she was trying to hide Montse's lies. Carlota arrives and tries to get Alejandro to listen to her, she says her niece is innocent but he tells her that of course she would say that, she has probably been covering for Montse her whole life, he is disgusted that everyone knew the truth and never said anything. He then turns on Rosario and tells her she's just as bad, he is sorry he surrounded himself with vipers who lied to him and he wants them all out of his home. Rosario falls to her knees and begs him to let her stay but he says "no", he wants her out and if she won't leave he will kick her out of his home and lands. He meant that literally, he would actually kick her out, that is so harsh. Carlota tells him not to speak to Rosario that way because he might come to regret it in the future. He again won't see reason and tells both women to get out. Rosario runs off and Carlota does too. Alejandro takes off for his study and asks Victor to bring him the alcohol, hmm I wonder what he's going to be drinking?

Carlota gets to Montse's room and gives her the bad news. Alejandro did not allow her to say anything and even accused her of covering up for Montse, he even fired Rosario. Montse cries some more and tells her aunt that she can't believe Alejandro could think such awful things about her, how could he think she cheated on him and that the baby is not his? She does not want to leave the hacienda, she does not want to leave her husbands side. The best Carlota can do is tell her to wait for Alejandro to calm down before trying to talk to him again. The women hug. Hugs make everything better.

Tequila might also make everything better because it seems like that's what Alejandro is drinking, he shows Victor the gun and tells him that he put two bullets in it, one for her, the other for him. He wanted to kill her. Victor asks him for the gun and he hands it over. He laments that everyone took him for a fool, he says that Montse and Jose Luis probably laughed at him behind his back. When Victor tells him that if Nadia sacrificed herself in order to keep Montse's secret then it must be for a good reason. Alejandro tells him that Nadia kept quiet because she is just as disloyal as Montse, and that they probably felt like hot stuff for having two husbands who were idiots. He says the mere fact that Jose Luis lived under his roof is proof enough that something was going on. People told him that they saw Montse and Jose Luis together, he even found them alone once, and he is hurt that he asked Jose Luis to look after and protect Montse.  He tells Victor that when he finds Jose Luis he will kill him with his bare hands.

Victor asks Alejandro to talk to Montse, but he won't. Then Victor makes the mistake of talking about the baby and Alejandro tells him to drop the subject because thinking about the baby makes him want to do bad, bad things. He says the baby is not his and Victor tells him not to jump the gun, Montse is his wife, the child could be his. Alejandro tells him that Montse was fooling around with JL, that she tried to run away with him and that there's no way her feeling for Jose Luis changed when he came to the hacienda. He feels like a fool and sick to his stomach because he came to consider Jose Luis a friend, but he will find Jose Luis and he will make him pay for everything. He feels so terrible that he wants to take the gun and kill himself. Well, I take it back. Tequila does not cure everything.

Elsewhere, Nadia thinks about Victor and has to put up with her icky husband.

Carlota comes into Montse's room and tells her that everything is ready for them to go, Montse says she's not leaving and Carlota tells her there is nothing they can do, If only Montse had listened to her and had asked JL to leave, none of this would be happening. Montse tells her aunt that she begged him to leave millions of times but he would not listen, she also tells her that nothing ever happened between them after she got married, she was never unfaithful to her husband. "Not even a kiss" asks Carlota, Montse can't answer that and Carlota tells her that she was unfaithful to her husband.

Montse won't leave without a fight and goes off to speak to Alejandro, he allows her the chance to speak and she tells him that she loves him, that she was never unfaithful to him and that JL was in the hacienda by accident. She tells him that she asked for him to leave but he refused and she never said anything because she was afraid of something terrible happening. Yes, she was concerned for JL's safety but she was also worried about something happening to him. She tells him the baby is his because she had only been with him since they got married.

He tells her that her story is bull and that he does not believe her. He says she is the worst person her has ever met, she is a liar, a hypocrite, a gold digger and he can't even call her a prostitute because prostitutes are better than her. He tells her she can go straight to hell along with the baby which he will never recognize as his own. He continues his insults and goes for a low blow when he tells her she's just as bad as her mother, who had an affair with his father, no, he says, you are worse, at least your mother never had her lover under the same roof as her husband. Montse tells him she is nothing like her mother. He then asks if she plans to continue lowering herself and begging for forgiveness when she knows she does not deserve it.

She tells him that the only one that does not deserve forgiveness is him, for the way he has treated and insulted her, she now understands why he kept the knowledge of the affair to himself, he did it in order to use it against her in a situation just like this one. She also tells him that she will leave, but that he will never see her or his child ever again. She exits the room and is met by Rosario who she is taking with her, she speaks loudly to make sure Alejandro hears her and makes sure to tell Rosario that they are leaving because Alejandro refuses to acknowledge the baby as being his. Alejandro hears her words and cries in his study.

Man what an episode! I hope I did it justice!


I was wondering how this dreck fest would be handled and you did so deftly and with amazing humor: first, “Oh snap, Alejandro knows, he knows! And then "Mummy I'm home".

This episode was raw and utterly depressing. There was nary a ray of hope or light in any of the heartbreaking events last night. Yet, you did masterful justice to this Eli with the right amount of wry wit and savvy commentary. Your translating (part of) Ale's tirade is greatly appreciated.

"While her husband is at home about to raise holy hell", "Twenty bucks says that she spills the beans to everyone within 1.5 episodes “and by baby I mean good for nothing thief/murderer unibrow having loser" were among my favorites.

While Ale's anger was understandable, he went too far on many accounts including: pushing Monse to her knees, renouncing his unborn child, unleashing (another) inaccurate, vitrolic diatribe against poor Rosario, nailing the bedroom door shut and taking out and loading the gun.

While Victor meant to help, fueling the fire with alcohol was not the wisest idea. I was very afraid for Monse but relieved she will have Rosario with her when she returns to her evil mother's lair.

And at the other end of the spectrum, poor JL is also under fire of a different nature. How will he fare? I would still rather be in his position right now than in Monse's.

A sad and tragic episode but a marvelous recap Eli. Gracias.


Shit just got real indeed, Eli! Thank you sooooo much! Haven't read it yet (pesky job) but I know it's going to be a treat and a generator of much exciting discussion.

What an explosive episode! Good Googamoogah! The whole nailing the door shut thing was just chilling and Ale's rage awful, frightening and gut-wrenching! The two women who love him most withheld a vital truth and I'm afraid it's going to take a whooooole lotta episodes to resolve this. Montse and Rosie y'all screwed up BIG TIME.

Ale let Montse have it but seriously though Ale, is she the worse PERSON you ever knew? How 'bout yo' daddy!

Also picked up on Lauro in his confrontation with Graceless referring to Dimass as "your" son. Fuel for the baby daddy speculation of yesterday.

And the avances! Oh no! Did y'all see the avances? I'm gonna hafta head to the bunker. My worst telenovela nightmare may be coming true. After CI I'm not ready for a galan who boinks other women. Ok Montse did but she was in love and it was before she married and fell in love with Ale. Please don't let Ale boink Maria! Please!

Thanks again Eli, can't wait for the recap and the insightful comments this episode and recap will generate. Have a great morning, y'all!


R.I.P. furniture! L.o.l.

You are funny!

Why would Victor leave her alone in a room with a man who's that angry. Victor should have stood between them with a Doberman while she tried to justify her reasons for allowing her lover to remain in their home.

Carlotta and Monde are some brave chicks. I would have called or faxed in an explanation.

Eli: You certainly did do justice to the episode. Your recap is snarky yet covers the sad, serious scenes so well.

Now, to those of us who have forgiven Ale for all his sins because we were blinded by his blonde, green-eyed Greek God looks, oh, wow, did he fall of his pedestal last night.

He didn't take the news like a man. He took it like a madman, a roaring crazy lunatic. Not even Victor could talk a whit of sense into him.

Poor Viewerville. We will miss those red hot shower scenes for far too many episodes to come. Boo, hoo.

Dear Eli,

Wow! What a great recap of an incredibly dramatic and intense episode. I SO appreciate your wonderful sense of humor. Your smart writing gave me back some of the ironic detachment I couldn't always muster when watching.

You have great point of view and many fantastic wry asides:

"Well, maybe Macairo and Dominga can be happy."

"They don't argue with him and Macairo takes the chance to ask Dominga out on a date. They are going to Red Lobster!"

"And to show us how bat shit crazy he is, he also nails the door shut."

"Twenty bucks says that she spills the beans to everyone within 1.5 episodes."

These were just a few of my many favorite lines.

God, it was hard to watch. Sebastián Rulli scared the crap out of ME, let alone Montse. He was really fantastic. I felt the character Alejandro's pain, too, and felt sorry for him and understand his anger, but still he was WAY out of line. His real problem to me seems to be that he can't accept the complexity that is inherent in all human interaction. He either tells himself the best possible story about someone--Montserrat is an Angel; or the worst--calling in every awful name he can think of and throwing her and her child out.

But maybe it's too much to ask of him to have a more grown-up perspective given what he just found out. It was awful to learn what he did and in the way he did, too.

The only bright spot for me last night was that it seems Victor might realize that Nadia was pretending to be back with Pedro to protect Montserrat. I hope this is true.

Eli, thanks again! I loved your recap and always look forward to reading your take on events!


Wow, this is the craziest I've ever seen Alejandro get, I feel a little bit sorry for him, but he shouldn't have pushed Montse like that. Rosario should have told Ale that she's his mama before all of this drama because now he can't stand her mere presence. I'm already sick of EZ and Puke-dro, they just aren't satisfied with ruining the life of JL, no señor, they want to ruin the lives of everyone. Thanks for the recap, it was wonderful as always.

Diana, personally, I don't think Alex went far enough! I'm not just saying that because I am the self appointed president of the Ride or Die for Alex table.

I think both Monse and Carlotta were out of line.

1. He already told her that he her boyfriend was living in his house, eating his food, boinking his woman and using his toilet. EVERYONE KNEW IT! He's pissed and kills the furniture. ..R.I.P. She keeps trying to touch him and explain. I know the whole story and I still don't believe her.

2. They insist on talking to him when clearly, he is not in the mood. NOW she wants to explain? I would have shot her on sight. I wouldn't have been rational either.

3. She insists on staying in his home and can't understand why he doesn't believe her. Well...duh! I challenge anyone to act rationally after finding out that the whole world took you for a fool.


Eli, I have certainly enjoyed your recaps before, but I gotta say that all this sturm und drang really brings out your inner writing genius. Awesome recap!! You totally did this episode justice. You recappers just keep getting better and better. I am in awe.

Aha!! So Gracie was doin' it, doin' it, doin' it with Ben BEFORE she married Lauro. Ruh Roh...

And no, I wouldn't bet $20 against Tia spilling the beans.

Lila mentioned some of my favorite Eli-isms, but I also laughed hard at "rest in peace lamp and vase, we hardly knew you, but you will be missed" and "may we never forget the great Alejandro tantrum of 2013".

I also snickered at your snarky "Well, I take it back. Tequila does not cure everything." The Patio can dis my Victor if they like, but I don't think there is anything that anyone could have said to get through to Alejandro in his blind rage. Blind rage. BLIND.

I wasn't sure if our Rulli was going to be able to channel the dark side as well as Colunga did in Amor Real. Now I am sure and I fear for the ugly times ahead. ITA with Lila that his actions were chilling.

Great job Eli! Thank you.

She was trying to touch him so that she could explain B.S. He did not wish to be touched. Why would she approach a growling Pitt bull?

I'm not dissing Victor, I'm agreeing with you Sylvia. My question is why Victor left Montse in a room alone with a man who is one step from committing homicide?

Eli, you certainly did do this episode justice. What a great description of Dimitri; "rest in peace lamp and vase"; and that "rat bastard Pedro Mendoza". Thanks for your excellent entertaining recap.

First a PSA: never stay in a room with a barred window or no window too long 'cause you could get locked or "nailed" in. That was the creepiest part of the whole episode.

Ale's worst insult was that Montse was worse than her mother.

Leave it to auntie Carlota to offer no support but blame Montse for it all. If it were Dimitri it would be a different story.

I loved Ale's reaction to Montse's explanation of how JL came to be employed at the hacienda. He says he could never believe something that absurd. Guess he doesn't watch many telenovelas . . .

I also loved Lauro kicking Dimitri out and telling his wife she could go with him. Too bad he had not been a stronger father/husband a lot earlIer in his life.

From the avance looks like BM is making a comeback.

All in all a great time out on the patio last night.


Yes, Jarifa, BM probably will be back and with child. Remember previous episode when Adolfo tried to get her out of bed and she told him she didn't feel well.

No, no, she isn't going to tell Ale that she is carrying HIS child. Oh, God, no.

Cynderella, my comment about Victor was just a general lob, preemptive strike sorta thing and not directed at anyone specifically. But I'm glad to see you are on point with not dissing him, LOL! (Truthfully, he could have done a better job of helping out, but hey, he has his own demons to battle.)

Pasofino, urf...BM boinks Ale and then claims she is carrying his child? Gah!!! I didn't see the previews but they sound ghastly.


Eli, thanks for handling such a tough episode with humor.

I agree, Rulli's performance was excellent!

Everybody had their part in it, but Monse annoyed me the most. From beginning to end of the episode, she's trying to justify her actions. As a coward and skilled manipulator, she tries to convince him that she is innocent. Sure, he was crazy mad, but she could've accepted some responsibility and waited for him to cool off some.

These apples don't fall far from their respective trees. So I suppose they'll both have to change their ways and emotionally grow up. I'm hoping it doesn't get much worse before it gets better.
Marea Primavera

Pasofino and Cap'n Sylvia, interesting point. That could certainly tie BM permanently to Ale if she has sex with him and is already pregnant by someone else. We really don't know who else she could have been with other than Adolfo. Maybe many. Again, only a DNA test would tell the truth.


Great work, Eli. This episode was truly stomach-churning.

Do people in Mexico really have no restraint when they get this angry? As a self-described Ultimate Gringa I have to say I would never forgive words like that from anyone.

On another note, despite how good Amor Real was, I was thinking of how equally great this series would have been if made 15 years ago with Jorge Salinas and Edith Gonzales as this couple.

Now, on to practical matters. Where is the money Alejandro paid Monserrat for the property she sold to him? She needs that money now. She should not go back to her parents' house unless Graceless leaves it along with Dimwit.

Actually, for her to go back would mean having her father find out upsetting stuff, which it is her goal to avoid.

I didn't see avances, but for Alejandro to boink Maria would be horrible.

Wow, Eli, you really can tell a rippin' yarn. I enjoyed every word and even went back for a second slower read. So very well done.

I have to admit that Alejandro made me wince a couple of times, but even at the time, I cracked up at this little exchange (thanks for your excellent translation):

Ale:"... You brought your lover to my house, Jose Luis Alvarez was living here, under my roof, eating at my table, that bastard shook my hand, the hand that I gave him as a friend!"

Montse:"I can explain..."

The furniture tossing made me wish that Hernán (La Tempestad) could see what a proper destructive tantrum should be like (I'm looking at you you prissy delicate blown glass terrarium).

Monteserrat sounded a lot like her mom when she tried this out:

"She tells him that the only one that does not deserve forgiveness is him, for the way he has treated and insulted her, she now understands why he kept the knowledge of the affair to himself, he did it in order to use it against her in a situation just like this one. She also tells him that she will leave, but that he will never see her or his child ever again."

Nice try, Montse.

Well, it was good that for once María wasn't the cause or even a catalyst for last night but I suspect before the day is out, she will be implicated.


The only thing I will fault Monserrat for here is cowardice in not being up-front about JL's presence. She fainted because she thought him dead and that would have been the right time to tell Alejandro no matter what state their relationship was in. That would have fixed everything.

But left us with no novela.

Having said that she now needs to find out the rest of the truth about her mother and become completely free of her.

Parentage questions:

Dimwit: Graciela and Lauro or Graciela and Benjamin? We're really being teased about the latter possibility.

Maria: Graciela and Benjamin or Graciela and Juventino?

When one stops to think about it, was Graceless foolhardy enough to fool around with both Benjamin and Juventino at the same time? Or intelligent enough to know how to get away with this? Considering the evil natures of both men I have to question this.

If Alejandro and Maria are actually half-sibs will this series go to the possibility of incest? He has repeatedly said in the past that he regards her as a sister, so unless he is three sheets to the wind when she comes on to him I doubt we will go there unless these writers lose their logic.

Here's hoping this latest development doesn't give Padre Anselmo a stroke.

Oh, Eli...this just brought some of those scenes back with a vengeance. I got brave and turned things on here and there last night. Oh, man, did Rulli bring it again last night. He can do raw anger and hurt so was scary.

That said, though I understand where he is coming from, I didn't like the abuse part: pushing, shoving, nailing Tia and Rosario in. I would say an anger management class is in order. And Monse attempt at explanation were sort of lame to me, I would have just been screaming from my lungs so he could hear me, but then I have a big mouth, and Monse is meek and mild. She's also been verbally abused most of her life and there's a tendency when you have known that to just cut your losses and leave.

Tia went right back on my list of annoying people. Making it all about her past suggestions was not really helping that time, that place.

And now, this just open the door to the worst scenario I'm guessing is going to happen---Ale is going to be convinced that dear, darling BSC Maria was his only true, loyal friend and welcome her sick, sorry ass back to the hacienda and we will have to deal with that for lord knows how many episodes. I'm nauseous at the thought ( sorry Carlos).

Viktor, Voice of Reason, just park the alcohol away and go let Nadia you know what she did.

Wait till Ale finds out even Padre knew. Oh, this is going to be sooooo depressing. Gees, Dimwit and Fina may turn out to be our bright spot for awhile. Who knew?


Will be back to share my sorrows later.

Believe me---I've never been so happy to get a commercial break--Mr. Malasuerte made me smile, the rest of the episode had my heart in my throat.

Through all of Ale's pain, I forgot to repeat the mantra, It's only a telenovela, it's only a telenovela.


Splendid, marvelous recap. I too loved the snark you inserted into this recap. I liked the rest in piece lamp and vase.

I couldn't stand Ale last night and he is DEADTOME until he calms down and sees reason. Should he be angry? Yes. Should he behave this way? No! Nailing the door shut on Tia and Rosario? How crazy is that? Loading a gun to kill himself and his wife? Even worse. But the very worst part is he wouldn't listen, not to one word that Monse said to him! Not. One. Word. And on the other hand, did he convienently forget that JL saved his life not just once, but three times? Why would JL do that? Hmmmmmmmmm....... Instead he wants to kill JL with his bare hands.

Monse should have told Ale the truth? Yes. But how was she going to do that with out this type of reaction? Could she ever have told him? Monse is a very gentle soul, she has been kicked around, verbally abused and looked down upon most of her life. Except for Tia and her Papa, she has not gotten any love from her Mama or her Dimwit brother. She doesn't handle rages very well. Her Mama's constantly slapping her and denigrating her, Ale screaming she is a ho, worthless, worse than her mama. When in fact, Monse did no wrong, she wasn't unfaithful to her husband, as in sleeping with JL after she married Ale. Ale wouldn't even listen. He is from the school of it's my way or the highway. Horrid!!!!!! I don't like the fact that poor Monse is headed back to more abuse. I can just see Gracie raging at her again, and with more slaps. I wish Monse could stay with Fina for a bit. More love and support is what Monse needs right now, for her health and that of her bebe.

I really liked Victor here. He was the voice of reason and I did like the fact he told Ale to listen to Monse. Here Victor was bashing her constantly before and now I think Victor is more on Monse's side than Ale's.

What is Nadia going to do when she finds out what EZ did, on Pedro's instigation? I hope she makes Pedro pay in spades and then some. Nadia is very smart and I hope she creates a huge backlash.

I did like the part they showed of Capitan Robledo asking who Angie was going to marry and JL himself tells the Capitan it is I, Jose Luis Alvarez, shock and awe for the Capitan.

Thanks again Eli, for this fantastic recap and taking one for the team.

Ales rage was just majestic,enjoyed the episode quite a bit. When someone both locks and Nails the door you know he is not a very happy fellow! Loved the Dim and Lauro scene. Ale and Monse will have to take a lot of time to recover and eventually get back together.

Super depressing and distressing to watch. Thanks for great recap. The loss of furniture and lamps is indeed upsetting! Hate seeing huge, handsome lamps smashed up. I always wonder if they are made of sugar for these events.

I love how Rulli does the whole over the top rage, drinking, and crying thing. He brings to the forefront in a good, subtle way -- even with all the huffing and puffing! -- the whole subtext of Ale having serious issues as the result of his messed up childhood and parentage confusion. So sad to see him denying his own child when you know that he was the victim of such a thing himself. For different reasons but still. What this man doesn't know about what goes on around him is off the charts and makes it easier for me to sympathize with his super macho Hulk moments. I love me some Montse but she's been very naïve and clueless in dealing with the situation.

Nailing the two frightened and super concerned women into the room was very very ... I dunno ... Edgar Allen Poe!

Had to laugh at the above comments about how I would've faxed in my explanations! Por seguro -- Ale is frightening.

Definitely yes to the myriad complications surrounding other characters' parentage. Wild and crazy horsing around there in Campeche ... Very The Bold and The Beautiful in that the gene pool seems to get narrower with each passing week.

Eli, what an incredible recap for an incredible turn of events.

The rage. The horrible, painful insulting words. The abuse. I agree with Urban. Those words would make me walk out never to return. I would go far, far away (for I am a wimp). I would see no reason to punish myself for what is surely to come: the coupling of that lowlife Maria with Alejandro.

You are right, Carlos, the day hasn't even started and I am ready to implicate Maria in all of this. She has very deftly and in an evil way planted so many seeds in Alejandro's pea brain. In his rage, he will turn to her. It's all so obvious what will most likely happen. He will go on a drunken rage for days. Maria will find out and see her opportunity and all will be well with that FILTHY Maria's world.

Right now, I feel anger at JL. I feel anger at Rosario.

Alejandro's amygdala is on override.

I don't know. I just don't think I can bear to see what is to come.


Maria de Andrade, E A Poe...yes I guess the nailing was a bit Cask of Amontillado-ish, hee. At least the ladies didn't die and wither away behind the locked door.

Interesting how Alejandro is now showing one of the worst of his father's traists (refusing to acknowledge parentage), and Montse is showing one of the worst of her mother's (refusing to own up and take responsibility for actions she has set in motion). But as UA says, Montse owning up to JL's identity early on equals no telenovela.

Well folks, we've got our full-blown telenovela drama now! Thank goodness we are together out on the patio, enjoying good eats and getting to throw nerfazos at both our favorite and most loathed characters.

Carlos, I loved your poke at Hernan and laughed hard at "I'm looking at you you prissy delicate blown glass terrarium." Oh, the dissatisfaction of it all!

Thank you, Eli! for that clever and detailed recap of a very dark and scary episode.

YIKES. This was the part of AR that really upset me. Just like Ale, Manuel went totally BSC when he found out that the lover had been right there at his hacienda all that time. Having grown up surrounded by a dad and uncles who were calm, funny, and good natured, and having married the same type of hombre, that kind of rage is completely foreign to me. When I watched that scene in AR, I can this dude be a galan...a hero. In my book, a hero never reacts that way no matter what. The anger was directed not only toward the wife bit also her aunt and Rosario. Totally out of control.

That would be TRAITS, not traiSts, sigh.

The construction crew just drove up so I'm off to another noisy, dusty, busy day. At least I get to practice my Spanish. are bringing back bad memories of Jeff and Larry at my house remodeling the bathrooms. Sometimes, , I went to work early just to get away from them. In addition to the noise, dust, and commotion, the two used to bicker like an old married couple. Buenos suarte! Amiga.

Susanlynn, I bet your menfolk had good women around them and were never provoked into a rage.

Learning that would be hard to take. I challenge anyone to remain calm and sing cum-by-ya with your deceiver five minutes after learning the magnitude of the deception. Heck, even Rosario sensed from his attitude that now was not the time to tell Alex that sheis his mother. Why couldn't bozo and her aunt figure out that they should come back and approach him when he's been tranquilized and restrained.

Eli, what a great job you did capturing the dramatic explosions of this episode, while adding enough humor to keep us grounded in reality. Thank you so much.

A young man + an explosive temper + a wife's humiliating betrayal + a loaded gun + alcohol = murder/suicide, for sure.

But all the foreshadowing -- the writers might just as well have brought in a soothsayer warning us to 'beware the Ides of March -- was a cushion for us on The Patio. We had time to prepare, lay in supplies in the bunker -- anticipatory grieving, some might call it. And then once Victor arrived and took the gun from Alejandro, we were breathing a lot easier. We knew there were ugly words ahead, but no one was likely to be killed -- at least not that day. Just let Montserrat get out of there with her pregnancy intact.

We knew what number episode we were in (though the actors convinced us that their characters did not).

I know some of you are also Downton Abbey fans. Compare this episode with, say, the shockingly unanticipated death of Matthew Crawley. (The loss of this beloved character caught the audience completely unawares. Like his fictional widow, Lady Mary, I still haven't quite gotten over it.)

So yeah, excellent acting, exciting dramatic turn, but we knew it was coming. The situation is hopeless but not serious, right?

One dramatic quibble: Macario and Dominga may not be geniuses, but they are plenty smart when it comes to reading other people. So how believable was it that they looked right at Alejandro's mask of tragedy and just kept nattering on?

One scene worth adding:
Captain Robledo -- out of uniform for once -- arrives at his sister's house in Mérida, relaxed and smiling. His pleasure turns to shock when he sees Angélica Arechiga. What is she doing there? Doesn't she realize the hell her parents are going through and that the whole world is looking for her? Prudencia reminds her brother she invited him to a wedding -- well Angie is getting married! Who's the groom?

"I am" announces José Luis Álvarez.

How will Robledo react?

Just saw on Hulu what I missed the other night with Graceless and Lauro. She is one cold bitch.

She married Lauro for social position. He was probably a younger son who wouldn't have inherited much of his family fortune and must have been lonely for family life after two decades in the Navy. I wonder whether military wives in Mexico have the same kind of social milieu that US ones do and how she survived that one. It looks like she forswore love forever for the prestige of being an Admiral's wife. How Wagnerian.

No love between her and Benjamin; only lust and money. She boinked him for orgasms and baubles. Obviously he saw her for the slut she really is or maybe he would have considered marrying her; being married would have enhanced his social standing.

Unless Benjamin's business dealings were shadier than we even know about and half of Alejandro's inheritance was built up on a darker base than we have previously speculated. We've got lots of time to find out.

One thing that is bothering me here is the age difference between Lauro and his sister.

Rogelio Guerra is 28 years older than Gabriela Rivero, who plays Carlota. That is less believable than the 33-year difference between him and Daniela Castro, whose Graciela is probably meant to be older than Daniela herself (but not much). Carlota should be at least 15 years older than the actress who plays her unless there are at least five sibs in between her and Lauro.

NovelaMaven, "Matthew Crawley". Oh my, yes. I don't think any suitor will match what Matthew and Mary had. I read recently where Dan Stevens, who played Matthew, was stopped on the streets in England many times by many upset fans. Said fans were literally angry that he had died on the show.

I am so glad, so VERY glad that I am not the only person on the planet that takes so many of these characters to heart.

Thank you for your comments. They were a healthy slap in the face. :))



Robledo, shock and awe, shock and awe ; )

I think his being in civvies has a meaning here. Wasn't there a conversation between him and Monserrat about the money? Where is that money now? If he knows where that money really came from he might be inclined to use his influence to get it back for her.

NM..I do not watch Downton Abbey, but Highlander the TV series fans may remember the shock to viewers when Duncan's beloved Tessa was unexpectedly killed along with his young sidekick Richie. Richie was an immortal and came back to life, but Tessa was mortal. Do you remember that episode , Carlos ? I can still hear Kansas singing "Dust in the Wind" ..."who wants to live forever when love must die?" As Duncan held Tessa's nightgown and wept. Then, he got in his vintage Thunderbird and dove off into his next life. NEXT ..while I sat on the couch in shock . I loved that show and the characters were so strong. Half of each season was filmed in Paris and the other half in Canada. I was stunned that Tessa was suddenly killed off with no foreshadowing in the second season. I later read somewhere that the actress no longer wanted to spend half the year filming in Canada and asked to be written out of the show. When a beloved character is killed off, it is very upsetting to fans, if you have never seen that TV series, you must go looking for it. It is my all time favorite show. ...great writing, memorable characters, traveling back into history..pure escape. Also, Adrian Paul, the star, is gorgeous .

Eli! Yes, you did it justice! Oh man! I had trouble sleeping last night! I'm thinking, ok, this is crazy, its. a. frea-kin. tv show! Haven't read comments yet but it's frightening how Montse also married someone other than the apparent love of her life who found out after the fact. Maybe Gracie didn't start off skanky but eased into it after she was maybe forced by her family (?) to marry Lauro instead of Benny? Didn't Padre say something about a terrible sin Gracie committed? I may need to watch again or read y'alls comments. The action was so intense and the music so loud I missed some stuff.

Just want to say I haven't seen as beautiful a crier as Ale since Jaime Camil in LF. Ale's fury was awesome and touching and terrible!

Thank you, Eli, you did good and even managed to inject some humor for us.

Fatima! Are you all right! Are you in the bunker! See y'all in comments!


One idea she voiced that would be good for Monse to stick to is to go away---FAR away right now. In her condition, going home to that PERSON, masquerading as a mother, is the last thing she needs. After watching that verbally abusive scene just a couple days ago between them, I perish the thought of what the reception would be at home from Graceless now. Lauro may welcome her, but the day in, day out with her mother--not healthy.

As much as she drives me batty, she's better off living somewhere with her Tia, and take Rosario with her, for now.

And for the love of all...someone bring up a DNA test at some point or I'll be testy. At least that accusation has a solution in this modern age and they better use it.

You know, by the time the course of events unfolds over the next few days and weeks, we may all need anger management classes. Or remove all breakables from our homes for awhile. I like my lamps too much.


Whew...exhausted emotionally after watching this. And kudos to you, Eli, for being able to inject a little humor:

"the fruit molester, he who shall not be named..."

..Rest in peace lamp and vase, we hardly knew thee...

Excellent.A relief to laugh a little after all that painful drama.

I have to agree with Cynderella that in the heat of the moment, the searing humiliation, the bleeding wound of betrayal (Remember, Alejandro doesn't know what we know), it's silly to expect him to be all calm and "tell me more" in some reflective listening heroic kind of way. Bull feathers! No way. Testosterone. Rage. Old Brain. Violence. Sorry, but that's how it works.

Infidelity, real or only perceived, can make people CRAZY. I remember a marriage therapist saying once that people who have suffered infidelity come into counseling looking like Dachau survivors. And God knows, Alejandro, at the end of this episode, weeping and exhausted, was a pitiful sight indeed. Just gut wrenching.

Eli, you did a masterful job. I think I'll have that drink now. Who cares if it's the middle of the day!!! I need a belt of something strong!

Eli thanks for this wonderful recap that made me laugh in spite of the horrible things going on.

Daisynjay," by the time the course of events unfolds over the next few days and weeks, we may all need anger management classes."

Ah Lila, thanks for bring up that "terrible sin" of Graciela's. Seems to me, for the Padre to call it that, maybe she went to Europe for an abortion. I don't know that he'd consider giving up a child for adoption a "terrible sin", but aborting the child would certainly qualify in his belief system.

I kind of doubt Maria is Gracies daughter,even though Graceless has no limites to her insanity,madness and coldness.. However the Dimmy being Bennys son kind of does make sense. After he would find eventually find out he would truly begin to hate his mother and then would be blaming Alejandro for taking what belonged to him and it will drive him to the edge. For those who wonder why Benny never admited Dimmy as his son before death,he probably knew he was a good for nothing who would waste his money and instead used it on Alejandro,thats why Gracie was so mad on Benny,leaving her and Dimmy nothing that they "deserved"

Saw the last five minutes and the avances and thought "painful episode, more painful episodes coming.

Re: Ale's raging, for better or worse, in the world of Latin American soap operas, these kinds of wild -- and understandable reactions -- are meant to signal fierce, undying love -- and sexual prowess. He's a tiger in the bedroom, obviously, and a tiger on steroids once betrayed by his pregnant Love Goddess. Not to condone violence towards women at all. But that's obviously the myth behind the drama -- and up until all to recently a man was able to kill both wife and wife's lover on the spot if both caught in the act. He's a few steps up from all that.

There's a reason so many Latin American ladies enjoy being married to North American men.

Have to say, had I found out what Ale has in the way that he has, I'd also be mightily upset and glad not to have a revolver in the house with the tequila armoire right there in my smashed up living room. Rulli was quoted as saying that his character makes a lot of mistake throughout. Good thing he's not alone in that! It's really hilarious how these folks stumble from one bad decision to the next.

It's too bad for Monse that she has no job to go to on a daily basis.

Yah JudyB, Padre said that and I agree, abortion fits terrible sin, adoption does not. And Demetrios and others, it could be Dimass who is Bennie's son but I kinda hope Maria could be Graceless' daughter and have it be revealed so there'll be no Ale/Maria boinking.

How long is this novella? See, I just don't want to endure 125 episodes of the main "lovers" hating each other and the leading lady's bitch rival getting all the love and smooch time with the galan while she (the bitch) throws us all fingers and smirks. I'm like, damn, I know it's about ratings and money and all but can't you make money while showing us what we really want to see?

Close your eyes. Breathe in deeply through your nose, filling your lungs til you can breathe in no more. Exhale while softly saying "it's only a novella. . .only a novella. . . only a novella." Repeat at least twice. Ahhhhh. I feel better.


Lila, I very much agree with you, and others, on Rulli. Knowing his work in Teresa, as much as I dreaded the confrontation between he and Monse from a story perspective, watching him as an actor working at his craft, I had a feeling he could knock this out of the park. He showed again how he can go to a very dark place, very well, and make the viewer forget they are watching a TV show. odd to say, but it's "enjoyable" to see someone just dive into a character so fully. Hard on the nerves, but enjoyable.

I remember the Booo's when he lost to Colunga ( in STUD) after Teresa at the awards shows. Maybe this go-around he'll get the recognition he deserves if he keeps this up. Have a feeling he'll be in a nasty place for awhile.


ooops, I mean Benjamin and Graceless' daughter.


oh heck, just Benjamin's daughter by whomever. . .maybe Bennie raped other of the women living on the hacienda. . .I just want Maria to be Ale's sister. I don't think the writers would do incest. . . .or, have they portrayed incest before?? *Gulp*


I don't know who the Benjamin kid is, but it can't be Dimmie either. Montse referred to him as her little brother view episodes back.

Yikes. I could hardly watch, it was so painful and scary. Thanks for bringing some humor and ironic detachment to this disturbing turn of events, Eli! I really loved the eulogy for the lamp and vase, also.

See, Alejandro? THIS is why no one tells you anything. You have serious anger management issues. Get some therapy and maybe some medication. Also, dude, you claim that JL's presence definitely means he and Mons were hooking up? Well, you had Bitch Maria living in the house and you were caught in the shower with her! Is that proof that you've been having an affair with Maria?

I was relieved when Victor took the gun away.

Montserrat and Rosario should go anywhere except back to the Mendoza house. Maybe they can stay at Nadia's family's country place where the fake wedding was. Then Mons should figure out some sort of job for herself. She needs more productive stuff to do, with or without Ale. Too bad she never got around to developing the clinic and school and whatnot for the peasants.

Well since there are so many things to show,its either going to be 161 episodes or possibly more,has there ever been a telenovela with more then 160/161 episodes? If not then the reconcilation would have to happen fast then,10 episodes could wrap it up because they have to focus on JL then after Angelica possibly dies and more after that.. Im not a huge fan of large telenovelas but this one is an exception and actualy needs 161 episodes to wrap things up with satisfaction.

La Tempestad had so much potential,it got ruined,i dont want the same to happen to this telenovela which is the one of the best Telenovelas i seen in my life.

Maria..Your comments are very interesting to me. I have taught many men and women from Latin America.

I am married to a 6 foot 200 pound guy , and I am small. It would be very scary to see him as angry as Ale was.

@Cyndrella ,that means nothing really ,Gracie could have still pretended she is pregnant with Lauro or bribed the doctors to fake the register.And since Pedro wants to destroy/kill Alejandro ,Gracie could ally with him,if Benny is Dimwits father and Ale dies ,Dim would be the only heir.And since Pedro has contacts with everybody ,he can falsify Benjamins will.

Ah Lila,i forgot about other workers,that is a very possible scenario too..

Yah Daisnjay, Rulli is awesome. I just don't want him being awesome with Maria! Wah!

Also, dude, you claim that JL's presence definitely means he and Mons were hooking up? Well, you had Bitch Maria living in the house and you were caught in the shower with her! Is that proof that you've been having an affair with Maria?

Excellent point, Julia. I don't think Montse will get a chance to make this argument though! :(

Wow, Maria de Andrade re the raging galan signifying "fierce, undying love -- and sexual prowess. Let the writers shorte the fall out time period and let him direct that passion to the right place. Ok. I've beat this point to death!


We have talked about this cultural distinction before, that in Latin America, jealousy and rage tend to be seen as a sign of great passion and virility and strength, whereas in Gringolandia, it is usually interpreted as insecurity and lack of control (therefore a weakness). I wonder how the Mexican audience felt about Ale's reaction.

I really, really hope Ale doesn't run to Maria for some ragey revenge roll in the manure. Not just because I don't want him cheating on Mons, or because I don't want Maria to have the satisfaction, but because it's very objectifying to use someone that way. Even if it's Maria, whom I hate, I would still think less of Ale for the objectification.

Susanlynn -- I probably should not have shared that as it borders on being insulting when I don't mean it to be. I am a Brazilian married to an American of Port. descent from the Central Valley. I like the shared culture aspect through the lense of some North American rights.

I grew up in Rio in the 60s, 70s, and early 80s. I found it tough and, on more than one occasion dangerous, to date Braz. men at that time, and opted for something different. Just one person out of billions. And I didn't mean to be offensive. Fact is, Rulli in this sends me, pure and simple -- and no matter what he's up to!

That being said, things in my mother country are much much much better for girls and women now than they were when I was growing up. And I watch all these novelas out of that prism.

One of the reasons this novela seems to stir up so much in me is that it taps some primal stuff. If you notice, the ONLY working women in this fable are the domesticas and cooks -- and the supposed stripper in the world's tamest men's club. The rest are deeply compromised donas de casa who are utterly and completely miserable in their private lives and spend their days scheming, either benevolently or not.

If I had to pick a part, I would definitely go with Carlotta! Carlotta with a job -- Maybe Esme who oddly seems committed to her pole dancing life when, well, you know ...

The other sly dig I think the story makes is towards the Church. I LOVE Padre Anselmo and the actor who plays him but it borders on parody how the confessional prevents him from actually truly helping anyone. He HAS to look the other way and pretend not to know. Brilliant, really.

Maria..I love to read your comments. They are always insightful and interesting. I worked with a woman from Brazil for many years , and I have had many students from Brazil. In fact, I just found out that I will be tutoring a Brazilian businessman whom I tutored last summer again this May. He has given me many interesting insights into the Brazilian culture. A few years ago, i had a young Brazilian dentist in my class. She made a wonderful tape of Brazilian music for me. A young doctor I had in class still drops by now and then to sit in my classes. I also tutored a beautiful! young Brazilian woman who was working with an American company in Brazil. She was a fascinating person..very intelligent, gracious, confident, and independent.


Thank you for a terrific recap of a dreadful capitulo. I thought it was Julia Rold's night and sent her condolences but I had that wrong—sending you appreciation and my condolences for catching such a nasty episode.

Pasofino said:

'He didn't take the news like a man. He took it like a madman, a roaring crazy lunatic. Not even Victor could talk a whit of sense into him.'

Absolutely agree, Pasofino.

Experiencing shame and embarrassment tends to bring out the worst in people. Ale was SO shamed by the idea that he had been had by EVERYONE but Victor that he could not control his rage.

Ale's rage, however much he has a 'right' to be furious, is completely destructive. It was horrible to watch SR last night.

If I was a friend of Alejandro, tomorrow I would send Ale an email message warning him to calm down and quickly look to his future. (As Cynderella advised, up and close contact with the madman might be dangerous to my health.) Our kids can make us just as angry as our spouses and he, even if he doesn't believe it, is about to become a papa. He needs to get a grip—and quick.

Montse didn't get a chance to explain herself but she really doesn't have much to say in her own defense, does she?

When should she have told Ale the truth? Arghh...


Eli--before I go through the comments, let it be known by one and all--your recap was spectacular, seeing what you had to deal with. I could almost feel Ale's teardrops falling on the screen. Brava!!!


Note to need some help with anger management....but the online kind just does not fly... And the tequila just fuels your fire, hombre, and makes things worse. Anger and alcohol is not a good combo.

I feel for tiny Mony. She just had that big fight with her horrible mama and got fingerbutted in the side of the head three times , pushed on her tiny mouth, and slapped , and now her husband throws her on the floor and verbally abuses her. No one deserves that type of physical abuse.

Number 1 that was a great recap. Number 2 I wish Victor and Nadia were the protagonists of this novela, because Victor has almost as much reason as Alejandro has uncontrollable rage. Seriously, if Victor wasn't there to play referee Alejandro might have actually killed Monse. Scary sh*t. Bless you Victor.

The whole episode was painful to watch, but I think Alejandro's rage proves that Montse has a valid point. Had she told him Jose Luis was in the house he would have killed him and maybe he would have gotten killed in the process.

I loved the small change in Montse when Alejandro was telling her that she was worse than her mother. You just see her stand up a little straighter, her eyes get wide and you can just tell that that is the moment that she decides to stop being his door-mat.

Marea Primavera:

Montse, living in her glass castle, threw quite a few stones at Father Alselmo last night.

I was not pleased at that.

Pasofino and Syl:

I HATE the idea of Maria passing a child of Adolfito's as Alejandro's . But he should know the she cannot trust Maria from his own experience of her lying to Montserrat about them already being lovers.

Montserrat will be sure to believe THAT in the future.

Daisynjay: Think nerfazos, not new lamps. Hee hee.

Plus, Montse needs to be alone for a whole, stuck with her own thoughts. How funny. If Montse were to do such a thing, would it be at an, ahem, REAL convent? Not Canyon Ranch Spa, mind you, but a nice quiet austere place that allowed no tacones. That would be a twist, for Montserrat to learn truth-speaking and for Ale to carry out his crazy acting-out with no audience.


Eli: Thanks for the recap. I’m going to have to continue to just watch the end and avances (can’t resist) and read the recaps before watching the whole ep for a little while. It’s just too hard.

I have to say I liked how SR looked at the end. He looked like a man who’s been crying with a broken heart should look like, not some “Hollywood” version of the same.

I hate story lines where the parents are estranged during a pregnancy. No one gets to enjoy the pregnancy. Or when the father doesn’t realize he has a child until later. He misses out on the pregnancy and early months/years of being with the child. That always makes me sad.

Was going to ask where I’d seen the actor who plays Benjamin before, but I’ve just now realized it was in CME—I think he played SN’s uncle?

Call me crazy, but I’m less concerned about Ale’s and Mons’ separation, than I am about Ale hooking up with Maria.

I don’t think anyone thinks clearly in the heat of the moment.

I thought Dim was older. Didn’t someone establish his age at 28? Mons is supposed to be 19—if she’s older, then that would make Dim 18 (?) and I don’t see that.

I’ve watched TNs that have 180+ eps. Hope this one doesn’t go that long.

Ale better not pull the baby isn’t mine (Mons), the baby is mine (Maria—possible storyline) not with with DNA testing available.


Dim is 28.

Wow! Fantastic recap, amazing episode, great comments, and not enough time to make a long comment.

I agree with almost everyone's points, but I tend to side more with those who think Ale needs some anger management classes. No matter how hurt you are, this is not a healthy way to react. The way he manhandled Monse, terrorized the women, threatened to commit murder-suicide, and called his wife the worst of names, would make me never want to see him again if I were Monse.

OK. Monse hid the fact that the new capataz was her fugitive ex boyfriend (not her lover), and they shared one kiss when they reunited after she thought he had died. Big mistakes. But, Ale hid the fact that the woman whom he had moved into the house, claiming she was like his "sister", was in fact in love with him and had blatantly tried to seduce him, and that they had kissed right there in the house while Monse was upstairs. I say they're even. But when Monse finally got confirmation with her own eyes, that Maria was more that a "sister", and found her man kissing her naked in the shower, she did not assume Ale had been lovers with her all along, she let him explain, and she accepted his explanation as the truth. I think Ale owes her as much.

Cyn- Dimitrio is 10 years older than Monse. It was said a long time ago. Hermanito/a can mean little sister/brother, but can also just be a term of endearment used with an older sibling too.


I can totally understand the level of Ale's rage if measured as a response to the level of the betrayal he had just experienced and I don't think it matters where you are in the world. That is what makes the novella so appealing: its universality. Was it a desirable rational response? Of course not but then Ale was feeling he was the only one who didn't know the secret of JL's identity and all that that entails as a husband, the owner of his hacienda, as a human being. What is his reality?
What was his reality? The final and worst cut: Montse ( his now pregnant wife with the sketchy background that he was finally feeling that he could trust; the person who was supposed to love him the most. The person he loved the most) knowing it was JL from the start. UA, I agree with you that Montse's only fault was a lack of courage but she has been bullied and beaten down by both her mother and Ale. The fault for it all is Graciela's for using her daughter as a commodity: the "cash cow." At least Ale knew when to take his hands off his wife and didn't beat or kill her or himself. A lamp or vase, who cares? I feel that Montse was trying to live in a fairy tale world where the secret would never come to light. So, Montse is being dragged into adulthood and Ale will most likely return to someone he knows cares about him unconditionally: crazy BM. For me, Ale is still galan material. It is just going to be a long and painful path for him and Montse. This is one quality production--and I usually don't like telenovela dramas.



You have that backwards. Dimwit is 28 years old and Monse just got out of convent school. She is roughly 20 to 21 years old.


Totally agree with everything you said : )

Susanlynn -- How wonderful to know that you have such deep and fun connections to Brazil and brasileiros. The Brasil and USA connection is fun and real -- We have a lot in common really -- from the matter of being broken up into many different, distinct states and regions to the matter of slavery. And once upon a time great music.

I'm sure your Braz. friends and colegas love you. And the American ones too.

When I was growing up our really good novelas brasileiras brought the entire country together and spoke in code to people living under dictatorship and confusion. Just as our music did. Living in code tends to make for great art. You have to find a way to say it.

I turn now to the Mexican stories because, while Mexico is certainly not where we were decades ago, they do appear committed to classic telenovela tropes and these remind me of my childhood and young years. And they also seem determined to focus on the America Catolica aspect. I hope this doesn't sound horribly pretentious and fey! They do so without passing judgment for the most part and I like that. "I don't want to see an imitation of life -- I want to see life!" (Peter O'Toole).

I know I watch because I'm trying to stay connected to stuff I was raised on, right or wrong, and because I want to experience the incredible allure and seduction of the remarkable faces on Mexican tv. Along with the beautiful landscape and architecture. Wish we could see more of the comida in the comedor!

I NEVER let any man guy or anyone take a hand to me ever without taking a stand and making it clear but I would be less than honest if I couldn't admit that the cultural mythology hasn't shaped me in ways that become only more apparent in old age. I'm the ideal audience for this stuff.

And the recappers here are just first rate. I have promised myself only to come here once a week because I fear getting booted out, like the other Maria!, and both the soap and the recaps and the great comments take me to another place altogether.

EJ I don't know when she should have told him, BUT I think it should have been before she willingly slept with him and declared her love for him. Now it looks like she slept with him and gave him besos in order to keep him off of JL's scent. If JL was on his property while she claimed to hate him and wasn't boinking him, he could understand. In this case, it looks like she was playing with his emotions. I probably didn't explain my self right.

Jarifa said what I meant.

Ale also needs to understand that he's not the center of the universe. Both JL and Monse had other issues to deal with, JL especially. He had the navy and the police after him; he had Angie stalking him. Monse had her brother and his drama to deal with, and her dad's health to be concerned about. It's not all about Ale all the time.


Poor Monse has been there, done that already. She just got of convent school, just before this story opened. The poor girl, although the nuns would be very comforting to her in her time of need, better than her hideous, head thumping Mama I have to say : )


I think yo explained yourself quite well. I agree with you; that would have been the best chance she had for a decent hearing.

Before having made passionate love to her husband (with her former lover still living in the house outside!) would have been the most honest and heart-filled time to talk to Alejandro.

Montse has a lot of explaining to do. Plus, she needs to really consider her part in co-creating this disaster.


Vivi, I had the same thought about Ale when he was raging "they did this to mock me! She was taking advantage of me! Everyone will think less of me!" etc. Me, me, me. Alejandro, not everything is about you.

Vivi, the difference between Ale and Montserrat? She knew Maria was there. She knew that Maria would do or say anything to get to Alex. Maria's disrespect for her or the house was not a surprise. Alex didn't have the same information. From his point of view, people are only nice to him for employment or a place to live. I think he handled himself well.


I also agree with your second comment too.

I want to expand a bit on why I am such a defender of Monse. Poor girl just got out of convent school. On a personal note, my Great Aunt was a Mother Superior of a convent school in Switzerland. The girls lead sheltered lives there. Then Monse comes home and with the first bit of freedom she has, she meets JL falls in love and then is expected to drop JL and marry Sebas, whom she clearly doesn't love. Then her Mother forces her to marry Ale to save the family fortunes. So when has Monse had the time to experience life, or any freedom so to speak with everything that has happened to her? None! The girl, and she is basically a girl, has had no time to experience life on her own. Just pushing and shoving from one matter to another. No wonder the girl has no way of coping, she hasn't the skills. That's my defense and I'm stickin' to it.

Vivi..good point about the pot calling the kettle black concerning Ale kissing his "sister, on the living room sofa while his wife is upstairs.

I think that all of these messed up folks could benefit from some talks with our Elna June. What made these people who they are ?

I just read an interesting article about the actor portraying William Masters( who evidently had a bad childhood )on the TV series "Masters of Sex." Quote...,..."the things that allow us as children to survive as children end up being the things that threaten to kill us later on. is as if an unspoken deal gets made : here's a way out, and you go through that door, but when you grow up, you have to pay the price."

P.S. I only said that Dimmie was younger so that everyone could feel smarter than me this morning. :-)

What makes this so great, epic, and totally sexy is that OF COURSE Monse has reasons of her own that defy! Reasons that make sense given everything she has been through.

The Monse-Rosario-Ale moments are the ones I live for.

We will know she's on the mend with Ale when another gorgeous lamp gets shattered and Ale is forced to confront the whore-wife-Madonna trifecta of Monserrat and Rosario.

In the meantime, JL and A can live the B story of Navy official and idealistic dying daughter of the estancia.

Off to take my meds and to enroll in Anger Management.

Hear Hear, Mads! I agree and furthermore, Ale has to be about 6-8 years older than Montse and had years of hard living to boot. He should have tried to be a little more understanding of her age and experience and taken into account her convent education and her mother's treatment.

I did hear Montse remind him that he'd sworn to believe her. That was short lived. So much for swearing in the light of such revelations.

We were privy to Ale making the mental connections between Montse's actions and his reconstruction of the relationship between her and JL. It all points to GUILTY. I don't know where else his anger could have gone. More furniture?

Ah, Carlos--how we wished for a dramatic demise for those terrariums.

Cyn..good point about Mony knowing Malra was there. However, Ale still should have left the building..gotten on his horse and taken a long ride winding up at the padre's for a loooong talk. Staying in the house and terrorizing the women was not good. Better to walk away for a while when you are that angry.. As my grandmother used to say, "Words once spoken can never be taken back." One can apologize endlessly and be forgiven, but words said in anger never go away .

Fantastic, Eli! What a funny, upbeat recap. Perfect to balance last night's tragedy. My two faves have been quoted several time but I also loved:

"JL is being watched by a guy who should probably try to do more to blend in with the locals!" HAHA

Ale has obviously never been a father. I know he's in a rage, but if he were thinking clearly, some rational part of his brain would acknowledge that there is a POSSIBILITY that Montsys baby is his. But if he slaps a scarlet A on Montsy's chest, he is also calling the baby (HIS baby) illegitimate. And those types of actions can't always be undone. You would think, as the unacknowledged heir who was raised as a laborer, he would be extra sensitive to this unfair treatment.

Remember when Montsy told JL she could be pregnant with Ale's baby and he said "I'd love him as if he were my own?" Again, I get that Ale is in a fiery rage, but he needs to get over himself. Even if his feelings for Montsy have died, at least consider the baby who currently DOES bear his name, whether he likes it or not.

Eli, I think this was your best recap ever. You totally rose to the occasion.

NM, OT re: Downton Abbey, I was devastated to lose Matthew but, call me fickle, I'm really liking the dark haired suitor who's been coming around. Timing, unfortunately, is everything.

I didn't get to read all the comments, so others might have already voiced what I'm going to say.

1. Oh GOD PLEEEEEEAAASSSSSEEE don't let Malria, Malaria, BM sleep with Ale, (already) be PREGNANT and blame it on HIM!

2. I'll bet that DIM is Ale's half brother. I think that Maria is supposed to be of a similar age to Monse, if not younger. If she was a product of Graceless and Ben, she would be older than Dim.

3. Sebastian Rulli doesn't do the Pretty Cry. Wow, red, swollen eyes, snotty, running nose! It was fabulous! I noticed in one scene that his tear streaked, snotty face was suddenly clean from one scene to the next.

4. I didn't like JL too much at first because I thought he was a weenie when he wouldn't talk to Monse's dad. I've changed my mind. I like him with Angie.

Small a anita

Susanlynn, he snapped back and went to his office with Victor. They came to him. Anyways, if I knew a secret like that, I would have left that house because i would know that the crazy was about to go down. Carlotta is mature, what was her problem?

Alejandro is 30. Rosario was raped by Benjamin and was pregnant when she was framed for murder and sent to prison for 30 years. He was born in a women's prison and handed over to Rosario's father at her request. Rosario served every year of that sentence.

Monserrat was 19 in the opening episode.

Dimwit is 28; that was stated in some early episode.

Maria and Alejandro know each other "since childhood" so they can't be more than a year or two apart in age if there is any age difference at all.

While the "great sin" that Padre Anselmo referred to could easily be the adultery Graceless committed with Benjamin during her marriage it could also be abandoning a child she gave birth to before the marriage. That can easily mean leaving a defenseless infant in the forest or other place in a rural area like this, which is not bringing it to an orphanage.

Here's my theory: Graceless was involved with Benjamin prior to marrying Lauro. She conceived, bore, and abandoned Maria prior to marrying Lauro. Infant Maria was found by Gaspar or his wife shortly after being abandoned and was raised as their daughter. Per usual TN rules, they never told her she was a foundling.

Now that Gaspar, his wife, and Juventino are all dead, who is left who knows anything resembling the truth about this? Maybe Macario will remember something.


Cyn..Carlotta is a pill. She likes to give other people advice She seems to be an observer.

Eli - Muchísimas gracias.

Can't read the recap and comments till later tonight. See ya'll in the bunker. Thought I'd feel sorry for Ale but after he renounced his unborn kid, I snapped.

Who's left who remembers? Graceless remembers what she did, of course. Not that she would voluntarily give up the information, but she might slip and be overheard talking to herself, or she might have an old diary or box of memorabilia somewhere with information. Padre apparently knows a lot more than he is saying. Macario might have an idea. Graceless's buddy Amelia, who apparently introduced her to Benjamin, could very well know what happened.

Thanks for the recap. I enjoyed the comical breaks in between a very intense filled epi.

My favorite Eli quotes have already been mentioned by everyone.

We all knew it was coming. The day Ale would find out the truth. I think it was worse that he figured it out himself. Had Montse told him, yes he would have been raging mad, but at least he would know that she was trying to he honest with him. In stead, all Ale knows is that Montse was lying to him 24/7 for several months. Not only did Montse deceive him, but anyone who knew, including Tia Carlotta, Nadia and Dimi, to name a few. Everyone is commenting on how angry to was and his rage, but I don't think anyone mentioned how hurt he was. I think that his heart was broken in a million pieces and the only way he can deal with it is to be angry. I understand his anger because I am looking at it from his point of view. You need to put yourself in his shoes. As JudyB mentioned, we have to remember that as the viewers, we were privy to information that Ale is unaware of. Ale has a right to be mad and hurt. He would hold back the tears in the presence of people, but when alone, he cried because he had just experienced the greatest pain and loss of his life.

Montse is an idiot if she thinks that she can explain away months of lying and deceiving. I know that she didn't want anyone to get huet, but I didn't like the fact that she said JL's arrival at the hacienda was an accident. QUE? Accident? What accident? The only accident I remember is when JL and Refugio found Antonio Olivares' body by accident. It was no accident that JL showed up at the hacienda. HE WAS GOING TO THE HACIENDA TO TAKE MONTSE WITH HIM! That is NOT an accident and Montse knows it. Why did she say that last night. I felt bad for her until she said that. It was like she was still lying. I just don't understand why she would say that his arrival was an accident. Can someone explain that one to me.

ITA, "And now, this just open the door to the worst scenario I'm guessing is going to happen---Ale is going to be convinced that dear, darling BSC Maria was his only true, loyal friend and welcome her sick, sorry ass back to the hacienda and we will have to deal with that for lord knows how many episodes. I'm nauseous at the thought ( sorry Carlos)."

ITA, "I challenge anyone to remain calm and sing cum-by-ya with your deceiver five minutes after learning the magnitude of the deception. Heck, even Rosario sensed from his attitude that now was not the time to tell Alex that sheis his mother. Why couldn't bozo and her aunt figure out that they should come back and approach him when he's been tranquilized and restrained."

ITA, "I have to agree with Cynderella that in the heat of the moment, the searing humiliation, the bleeding wound of betrayal (Remember, Alejandro doesn't know what we know), it's silly to expect him to be all calm and "tell me more" in some reflective listening heroic kind of way. Bull feathers! No way. Testosterone. Rage. Old Brain. Violence. Sorry, but that's how it works."

Back to work...hasta pronto!

Julia, Dominga might know too. Is she old enough?

J, as usual you hit the nail right on the head: "That would be a twist, for Montserrat to learn truth-speaking and for Ale to carry out his crazy acting-out with no audience." ITA that Montserrat needs to woman up and stop fearing the truth, and Ale needs to learn how to behave like a sane man. They really do need your skills at the Hacienda and Aguazul.

I give Ale a hall pass, however, on swearing to believe Montse "from now on" a few episodes back. She tricked him into swearing that when she knew all the facts and he did not.

Susanlynn, luckily our workers do not bicker. They just have a lot of loud and completely awesome tools of destruction.

-Sylvia, taking a break from home improvement to visit the bunker and The Patio.


That would be EJ, as usual...

I don't think Dominga would know. Someone asked her earlier if she had known Rosario from back in the old days, and she said no, she was too young. She might have been in the area as a child back then but she probably wouldn't have been privy to the adult gossip.

Ah, OK. I am impressed with those of you who are able to keep everyone's ages straight. I am bad at ages in real life too.

John Gottman, Ph.D. has written some very good books on marriage and on why, during a very emotional and angry moment, men cannot even HEAR what you are saying because their heart is beating so rapidly,their blood pressure is so high, and they are in such a state that the cognitive part of their brain just shuts down. It's called "flooding" and we just saw a dramatic version of it last night. And this is for ordinary angry stuff...not finding out that allegedly your wife, whom you love madly, your capataz, whom you trust completely, and everyone else in the hacienda has been putting one over on you for months.

Alejandro's reaction makes sense from a human standpoint. He doesn't fit the Prince Charming mold but I like the reality of it. Painful though it is.

Thanks, Judy B. that is very interesting info and sure fits this situation.


Thank you, Eli, this episode was so depressing and all I could do while reading your recap was laugh out loud over and over again.

That was some powerful acting coming from Rulli last night. I think Ale could have been worst, he could have seriously hurt Montse, and not just the furniture.
He has some legitimate reasons to be upset. Killing his wife and then killing himself is not such a crazy idea; many cheated men go there at first, especially since they are very passionate/ slightly crazy. Nailing the door... yeah, that was creepy.


Jarifa...long before I ever read any of Gottman's books, I saw this in my own family. If the girls and I had a dispute, we could resolve it right away. They might go off to their room and slam the door, but as soon as you knocked and said, "Let's talk about this some more. I didn't like the way it ended..." they were ready to open up and heal the breach.

With my son, no way. He needed time to just be in there and glower. And then, at his own decision,and in his own time (much later) he needed to be able to rant. And be heard. Without defensive reactions or justifications. When he would finally wind down, then was the time you could help him see better decisions to make, or other things to consider.

As a parent, you learn by trial and error. And painful experience.

There is an ongoing theme in novelas of people repeating their parents' -- and other adults' -- mistakes and other toxic behavior:

In EPDA the pregnant Luciana was tossed out by Ana Joaquina who then tried to prevent her getting any work. 20 years later Victoria does this to Maria, whom she doesn't realize is her own daughter.

Alejandro is now denying his own child just as he was denied by his sperm donor.

I want to know why Benjamin denied him until the last minute.



Most of the time I find myself in agreement with you but I must take issue with this:

"Killing his wife and then killing himself is not such a crazy idea..."

I'd concede that it's certainly understandable, but under just about any circumstances it is a crazy idea and should be rjected immediately as an option.


Carlos, you're right, wanting to kill someone is crazy; I didn't express myself well enough, what I meant to say was that "thinking" about killing the wife is not so unexpected, as in this is a first reaction for many.
Actually going through with it - yes, crazy.

Urban, I don't know if Gracie was in love with Bennie, but she married Lauro and Bennie finds out just after. Same with Montse marrying Ale and then JL finding out.

Aunty Ann! I kept meaning to mention the whole JL accidentally being at the hacienda thing. Thank you for bringing it up! That is really outrageous. He went looking for Montse and yes, accidentally found the murdered Antonio but the rest of it certainly was not an accident. Yah. That was weird and she said it several times. But, I agree, she's little more than a kid, has been simultaneously sheltered and abused and who can mount an eloquent, well-reasoned defense in the face of that pain-fueled rage? A whole lot of badness all around.

Nanette, anita, Daisynjay and Aunty Ann and others. . . ITA I do NOT want to see Ale sexually with Maria. . let him turn to her as a friend if she must, let her keep lusting after him if she must or even get him drunk and take a selfie in bed with him but please don't let him really boink her. Of course, if she fakes a boinking and blames her Adolfo-spawn on him that will be maddening too.

Oh hell. Just let me in the bunker!


*let him turn to her as a friend if HE must. . .


While in medical school, during my psychiatry rotation, I attended a psychiatry department conference in which one of the residents gave an update on his progress with a severely depressed patient who had decided to commit suicide. He had apparently gotten the patient to agree to intensive psychotherapy for three months at which time they would reevaluate the patient's decision. Incredibly, he reported that after three months of working with the patient he had come to the conclusion that suicide was indeed the patient's best option.

Believe it or not, serious discussion ensued.


Good grief, Carlos! Incredible!


WOW. What would lead a doctor to that conclusion?

Did he actually recommend that to the patient? Surely not.

I can understand that Ale's reaction is pretty normal and human and all that. I just find that sort of reactionary personality very unappealing. Personally, I like 'em all cool and collected, like Captain Von Trapp.

Lila, I think I will still be at the HIAH table, but the bunker is looking good. Thank you so much for thinking of me!


Fatima! :D


Lila...welcome to The Bunker. May I get you a drink ? You took me on a trip down Memory Lane with " take a selfie in. bed with him." Ah , Pestercita! we knew her better than we wanted to know her. I bet she could give Malria a run for her money.

Carlos...May I just say...YIKES.


ITA,I was laughing by myself like a crazy chica at work when I read this, "...let him turn to her as a friend if she must, let her keep lusting after him if she must or even get him drunk and take a selfie in bed with him but please don't let him really boink her. Of course, if she fakes a boinking and blames her Adolfo-spawn on him that will be maddening too."

We are all in denial to think that BM won't try to boink Ale. She will find out about Montse's lies and find her way back to the hacienda. It's just a matter of time. If it happens, at least Montse is not at the hacienda to be a witness. Unlike, Ale, who unknowingly became friends with his wife's ex.

Rulli really did bring it in last night's epi. He was exceptional in his portrayal.

I just wanted to cry when Ale told Victor, with tears in his eyes, that he felt so bad he wanted to kill himself. What took us weeks to injest, Ale had to deal with in a matter of seconds. It had to be earth shattering.

Back to work...hasta pronto!

Maria de Andrade, I have enjoyed all of your comments and your cultural perspective! It has been most enjoyable. Please share more. Thank you!

Vivi in DC, agree with your points.

Aunty Ann, yes, excellent point re Montserrat and the "it was an accident" line.

This is going to be a most painful coming of age for Montserrat. Thank heavens that she has Rosario.

I really had anger at JL this morning and I'm not sure why. I think it was going back to those early episodes when he simply refused to leave the hacienda. He had tunnel vision. So many horrible things had already happened in his life, but he could only focus on Montserrat.

Montserrat has some painful growing up to do which I don't mind, but her endless abuse needs to stop.

I think it would be incredibly emotionally abusive if Alejo allows filthy Maria back in the hacienda. Emotional abuse can be so much more hurtful than physical abuse.

I can't find who said that their grandmother always said that hurtful words said in anger are hard to forget. I absolutely agree.

Look at this! Yet another day of over 100 comments!!!



That is so true, Fatima. You forget spankings but always remember the ugly words.

And if Ale does go looking for Maria, as the previews indicate, it just shows how stupid he's become. Maria still stole money from his desk, she still lied to his face to upset Montsy and she admittedly lied to him about helping Montsy escape. So if it's truthfulness he's after, he ain't getting it from BM.

Let me in the bunker too. Just. Can't. Take. This!!!!


Thank you, Susanlynn! Just give me a plain ole' gin and tonic! Come on down Katy! I'm afraid Aunty Ann is right. . .we're in denial about Ale/Maria boinkage but if we all hold hands and wish real hard, maybe it won't happen! (Insert crazed, desperate, manic smile here!)

;D Lila

Does anyone know how many episodes are left. ? AR was much shorter , and I have no idea how the writers are going to stretch out the storyline. I think that they will have to spend more time on the secondary characters Nadia and Vestor , Josefina and Dim , Ang and JL, and perhaps even Esme and Refugio and Dominga and Marcario.

I'm guessing 165 total. That's the standard now for dramas with this configuration of characters.

Ack! Before I forget, I went to the "Novelas y Series" site last night. I can't remember where I clicked on the Robo page, but it shows photos of Rulli, Boyer, and the woman playing Nadia. I thought I read that the novela had been extended on that page! Holy cow! Could they really make it longer than 165 episodes?!

Could someone confirm that? I will see if I can link to the page and the section in question.

I don't think I could take more than 165 episodes. This is going to be crazy as it is.


Ok, I hope this comes through, but you will have to paste. It says that the producer has extended the TN by one month. Of course, I can see NO date as to when this was posted.



Yes, it says it was extended a month, but there was no number of episodes or date.

Thank you, Aunty Ann. Maybe it was just extended to the number of episodes we think we are going to get ((165 at last count?)


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