Friday, January 10, 2014

Por siempre mi amor #27 1/10/14: So-not Has A Mini-Me And Her Name Is Aranza

El refrito 
  • Marianela welcomes her five little handfuls into the new apartment. They talk about "la mercancia" and decide to use one corner as the warehouse. 
  • Tita interacts with her new mascota Don Porfirio 
  • Aranza and her mush-mouthed crew party it up in the loud Antro, much to the consternation of the recapper. They are tossing back the tequila as Esteban the responsible designated driver looks on. Aranza wants to “do it” with Esteban. She lays a sloppy kiss on him. They officially have a theme song. (Yo Puedo Esperar por Mickael Carreira)
  • Art tells Isa that Bruno is returning to Mexico for good. 
Lo Nuevo 
El Antro 
Aranza is still in the loud antro with Esteban. She is drunk as a skunk. Dafne's date has passed out in a corner. Ara asks Esteban if he remembers what else they are celebrating this month besides her birthday. Being the complete caballero that he is of course he remembers. They've been novios six months! He has a surprise for her, but he’s not going to tell her what it is. Then she starts falling all over herself and has to sit down. Dafne comes back with a new galan explaining that Cristian (galan #1) pitched a little fit and probably left…which is just what she’s going to do. Esteban is left to take care of Aranza alone. He calls his dad (Mau.) 

Departamento de Sonia 
Sonia’s Victor Borgia look-alike sugar daddy is getting ready to leave. He throws a stack of bills her way. That should hold her until the next time they see each other. He tells her not to call or look for him. She tells him he always says that. He wants to make sure she doesn’t forget it. He leaves. She makes like Harvey Korman and Counts de Money. He returns later and is pithed that his kept lady is looking unkempt. She says he should let her know when he's coming around. He doesn't like to be called "baby." He can come and and go as he pleases. He demands she get his dinner and fix herself up. He can go his house if he wants to see a a slovenly woman.

Departamento de Mau y Andrea 
Esteban takes Aranza to his house to try and sober her up before taking her home. Mau and Andy fuss at Esteban for not taking better care of Aranza. He argues that he tried to stop her but she wouldn’t listen. Andy calls Art so he won’t worry. He comes right over to get Aranza. Aranza acts like a spoiled twit. Esteban offers to drive the car to the University the next day. Art says he’ll send someone to get the car. Then he fusses at Esteban and says he can’t trust him. Poor Esteban. 

The Hoosegow-Take One 
Feo can’t sleep worrying about the outcome of his appeal which will be decided tomorrow. His cell mate asks him if they will continue with The Plan if he gets out. Feo assures him that he will. He won’t leave his buddies to die alone. This appeal is his last one. If it doesn’t work they will have to continue with The Plan. 

Mari arrives with one of her little charges. Mari explains that she and El Borlas take them off the street. The little girl explains that Mari and El Borlas are like parents to them. They take care of them. La Pulga and she are the smartest. “La Pulga?” asks Agata “How many are there?” It seems there are 5: Tlacoyo, Pipian, Chilaquil, La Pulga and the little girl Pimienta. Mari and the girl head out to set up their puesto. Apparently they are selling perfume today. A mysterious biker comes by and drops of a bag of snacks. I wonder who that could be? We see the Angeles de la Tierra patch and a flash of manicured nails and purplish hair. Mari won’t let them eat the food. It might be poisoned. She eventually relents and lets them eat it. She says she’s not hungry. Mari wonders why the motorcycle person didn’t show their face. The boy must be La Pulga because he very intelligently replies that the person had a helmet on (Really, Mari. You should have figured that out.) Mari is suspicious 

Casa de la Riva 
Aranza is hung over and Art is still pithed about the night before. Isa tries to defend Aranza and reminds Art that Ara was with Esteban. Art doesn’t care if she was alone or with others, that doesn’t excuse her bad behavior. He says the next time Ara pulls that borracha crap he’s tossing her out on her keester. Until she can behave herself like a responsible adult, he is taking away her car! Aranza thinks that’s totally unfair. It’s HER car they gave it to her for her birthday. Art reminds her that they thought they were giving it to a responsible person, not some irresponsible, adolescent ding dong. She is really upset and turns to Isa for help. Apparently the little shrew is more than happy to use Isa to get her way, but she’s barely civil the rest of the time. Isa tells Aranza she will talk to him when he’s calmed down a little. 

The Part Where My Heart Sinks
It seems that Mari and El Borlas are selling “La mercancia” for Dante. Yeah. THAT Dante. Sales are going well, but El Borlas would still like some stock on credit. He and Mari had to move and with deposits and other things they are a little strapped. They had to leave since apparently the folks in the last place were gossipy and they snitched and called social services. He and Mari had to leave. Dante doesn’t get why he and Mari take care of 5 kids that aren’t even theirs. El Borlas explains he doesn’t want the same thing to happen to them that happened to him and Mari. Dante is going to give him that merchandise on credit and suggests the perfumes or purses (so I guess this is a counterfeit product kind of operation.) While El Borlas is there, Gonzo stops by and wants to know what happened with the merchandise. The need to know who the snitch (soplón) is. There’s going to be a raid and they need to get rid of all the goods. If the police notice the stuff is from the trailer they got a few weeks ago, they are all going to jail. El Borlas thinks they should try and rent a room where he lives. (I totally had to cheat and use the English CCs for this entire rapid-fire idiom filled diatribe/conversation. Grumble grumble stoopid criminals and their fast-talking idiom-laden selves.) 

At the Uni 
Ileana fusses at Dafne for going off with a stranger. Dafne fusses at Esteban for not taking advantage of Aranza’s drunkenness. Esteban is offended. He would never do something like that, much less with his girlfriend. Hungover Arazna arrives and more blabbing. Apparently, Cristian is pretty serious about Dafne. Ileana says Dafne only goes out with him when it’s convenient. Dafne thinks Ileana is jealous, since she’s suffering from a galan drought. Aranza can’t remember much of the night before; just the 80 shots and Dafne leaving with someone else. She doesn’t remember telling Esteban she wanted to “do it” with him. 

At Casa Arte 
Gaby thinks Isa needs to get Aranza under control. Isa thinks everyone has gone off and gotten drunk at least once, but Gaby reminds her that leaving in the middle of the party was rude. Isa tells Gaby that Bruno is returning to Mexico for good. Gaby wants Isa to convince Art to let her pick up Bruno at the airport. At first Isa says no, but she gives in (she does that a lot) and calls Art. Isa thinks they owe Gaby and Bruno this chance since it was the two of them that convinced Art and Isa to get together. Art agrees and says he'll let Gaby go to the airport, but they have to keep Tita from going out so she'll be home when Bruno gets there. Isa says to leave it up to her.

The Hoosegow-Take Two 
Feo’s appeal was denied. He’s not going to sit around doing nothing. He has a Plan and he needs Sonia’s help. 

At Gil’s Avocado Abode 
Gil plays chess with the Padre. Gil tries do stall the Padre’s departure. Padre thinks Gil is lonely and should reconcile with Sonia. Gil agrees the house feels empty. Padre thinks Sonia must e lonely too. Gil reminds him Sonia only ever came around for money. Cuca overhears and later goes to visit Sonia to try and convince her to visit Gil. Cuca lays on a pretty good guilt trip. No one knows how long Gil has, but if he should pass away before the reconcile, it will weigh on Sonia's conscience. Sonia didn't seem very receptive to me. She looked more calculating; like she was thinking how much she could get out of him.

Lounging at the Uni 
Aranza continues to suffer from her hangover. Her drinks must have had something put in them. Esteban says they weren't "alteradas"; she's just not used to drinking...and she did a lot of it. She swears she’s never going to drink like that again. Esteban asks again about what she remembers. She says she remembers Dafne with some guy. Cristian being pouty. Esteban tells her about her *ahem* request (tú me pediste que lo hicieramos.)  She can't believe it. He can't believe she can't remember it. He tries to jog her memory with a big smoochie. Art calls and tells and tells her to get to Tita's house. She acts like a brat and baby talks to Esteban. It is not becoming.

At Tita's
Isa arrives to see Tita and to gently hold her hostage, but she isn't home. Tita is out ridin' her hog for sure. Isa aks if she can wait for Tita. Cenaida calls Tita and says they have a code 214. She'll take care everything so no one finds out, but Señora needs to hurry! When Tita finally arrives, Isa tells her she needs advice about Aranza.

At the Hoosegow-Take Three
Feo and company talk about The Plan. It will go down on Father's Day next Sunday. And yes, his viejita will help. She's just as eager for him to get out.

Ouch!! Awkward all Around
Gaby is waiting at the airport for Bruno with flowers. He arrives...with a blonde...and he's kissing her. He sees Gaby. He introduces her as Isa's best friend. She tries to save face. Art couldn't come, she came to pick them up. The blonde introduces herself in a thick Castellano accent as Almudena Quejana, Bruno's WIFE! Ugh. It's just a TN, but I'm uncomfortable. Pobre de Gaby. They head for Tita's house.

At Agata's Again
El Borlas and Mari discuss bidnez. She reports sales are great. He reports he got some merchandise on credit and that Dante is a stand up guy. What a dolt. At least Mari didn't seem to agree. She must be the brains. Mari tells El Borlas about the snack delivery. Blah. He goes on about how it could have been poisoned. FF>>

And It's Still Awkward
Tita is advising Isa and Art when Bruno, Almudena and Gaby arrive. Tita is thrilled to see Bruno. Bruno introduces his wife Almudena. They've been married 10 months, but they were living together for 5 years before that. Tita seems a little cool if you ask me. Don Porfirio makes his entrance and Bruno asks when mom got a dog. "Since I got lonely" Tita quips. "You were only supposed to be gone a short while and you were gone 10 years." 
Art congratulates the couple. Isa greets them and then goes to console Gaby. Aranza arrives with Esteban and is thrilled to see Bruno. She gets introduced to Almudena la Esposa. 
Cenaida annonces dinner. Tita tells her to set a few more places. She didn't expect extra company. Methinks Tita is not too pleased that Bruno got married without telling her. 

Feo puts The Plan into motion. He's going to hit Isa where it really hurts.
Sonia doesn't like Esteban for Aranza. Sonia thinks she needs a real man...cut to Feo. Ewww! and Yikes!!


What is getting me is how could Sonia have been calling every Sunday at 7 for 10 years and not been caught. That involves a major suspension of disbelief.

Gabriela looks harder despite the improved hairstyle. The overly pink makeup on Isabel isn't right either; she needs something more peach. Andrea needs a bit more makeup; she still looks washed-out.

Tita had to be the one on the bike.

Sonia looks cheap with her present hairstyle and dark roots. And if she is really going to start Aranza on cocaine she should get one of the most creative Karmageddons in novela history.


Andrea was ready for bed, so I think that's why she didn't have much makeup on. Tita is for sure the mystery biker giving food to street kids. Awesome.

Gabi was hit in the face with cold hard reality. And she was wearing a horrid outfit. You should always look your best when seeing an old flame for the first time in years.

Recap is up. I little dry. The snark wasn't in me tonight.

Sara, NOT to worry re the snark. It was a darn good recap; DARN GOOD!!!

Thank you!!


I should probably go back and put this in the recap, but I want to go on record and say that I would be super, mega, híper enojada if my child was gone for ten years and didn't bother to visit once and then had the nerve to show up married. Seriously?


Thanks so much for this fantastic recap. Dry??? What you talkin' about Sara??? You could never be dry!

I'm fed up with Art, really! Now he lowers the boom? He should have done that ages ago! I like the idea of him kicking Ara out, but we all know right where she'd go, don't we? Too bad he hasn't realized she's been talking to the Mala Tia all this time!

And why is Ara Isa's problem? She is Art's problem, he created her by not getting her the counseling she so badly needed or spending enough time with her. I guess Ara changed her tune in front of Isa all this time, and that hug Ara gave Isa was very telling, same old, same old, resentment.

I too felt so bad for Gaby, but ten years had passed. Didn't Art hear from him in all that time? I guess Art didn't know Bruno had gotten married either. I didn't like Ally's face when the dog approached her. I too agree about Gaby's dress, the hair is better, but the clothes, not so much.

I think Art has put Esteban in a place in his mind the same as Feo. He knows he is Feo's son, but despite the fact that Esteban is nothing like Feo, in Art's mind, he equates him the same way. He had no bidnez chewing out Esteban that way. This was squarely on Ara. At least Esteban took her to his parent's house and not some hotel to take advantage of her.

I too agree that was Tita on that bike. I like that she is giving out food to kids on the street. I hope she gets off that bike and gets to know Marianella and those kids. I don't like it that they are mixed up with Gonzo and Dante. Bad luck!

Oh, yes Tita was pithed about Bruno getting married and not telling her. She so didn't look pleased. I also think she felt bad for Gaby. I can't wait to see if Bruno has changed any.

Thanks again Sara, for this most fab recap!

Great work, Sara. Thanks for helping with some of that dialogue on the street.

Somebody is going to have to figure out who Mari really is, but that will probably take a while.

Putting Aranza in Feo's hands is about as dastardly as it gets.

I'm on board with the rest of you now about Arturo. He's a real idiot for not figuring out what's really up with his brat.

Excellent, thanks Sara with all the accents and fast talk I am struggling to keep up.

Marianela, El Borlas & the kids. My heart also sank. When I first saw the kids I thought they were selling trinkets and things, not most likely, stolen goods and provided by Dante & Gonzo

Tita Boooorn to Be Wiiiiild... and to have a code so she can keep all this secret. Reveal I gotta see

Bruno I'm gonna go ahead and call it now. You are still a manboy. You pulled this stunt because you got rejected and couldn't get your way 10 years ago. Grow Up

Gabi you look worse for wear and desperate doesn't look good on you

Art you are still a punk ass and you will ruin the bun in the oven too

Some said it yesterday and find it hard to distinguish Sonia and Aranza (only difference is Estaban but that will not last) Soanza, I call her, uh them, uh it

Estaban god noooooooooo. Please don't let Fernando defile your squeeze and you take her back.

Fernando I say this for you, you be a stud and likely before this is all over will have been the lover of every woman on the TN

Right now the goodness of Tita, Estaban, Mau & Andy, Isabel (but I only count her as 3/4 because she is an enabler and married two bad guys Fernando & Art) and hopefully Marianela counters so much evil. When the devil (Fernando) escapes hell there will be no balance

This was an exciting episode but paled compared to the recap. Sara, you have outdone yourself - thought this was one of your best summaries to date. Sensational.

Dry? Not at all! Your comments had me smiling in delight: "five little handfuls", "Victor Borgia look-alike sugar daddy", "She makes like Harvey Korman and Counts de Money" in particular. Loved " Grumble grumble stoopid criminals and their fast-talking idiom-laden selves.)" This was fab.

"He can go his house if he wants to see a a slovenly woman." Oh my, what a catch this man is! How repulsive. Sonia must have been utterly desperate to hook up with him. Shiver.

So many interesting comments on how our characters appearances have altered over the years and some, for the worse. UA, your coments on the makeup were spot on. And tofie your "Gabi you look worse for wear and desperate doesn't look good on you" said it all.

Vivi, ITA, Gabi's outfit - yellow and white striped shirt with blue pants with the black stripe was beyond comprehension. The stylist should find a new line of work.

I'm sitting on the patio of lowered expectations as far as Bruno is concerned. He tells no one - not his mother or his best friend that he is married? Beyond beanie time.

Madelaine, welcome back! How do we know Ally is "bad"?? "I didn't like Ally's face when the dog approached her" - exactly! I felt the same way - the first of likely more ahhh haaa moments giving clues to her character.

I also think you are correct in that Art considers Esteban in low esteem because of Feo...

And Ara. I fear there will be do redemption if Sonia suceeds with her evil plans. And putting her with Feo/drugs show she deserves nothing but terrible retribution.

Sara, thanks for this truly wonderful recap.


Oh pullease, really this was a GREAT recap!! I'm missing something here. Who is Ally and what is the dog-scene convo about?

Ally=Almudena. She looked mighty uncomfy when Don Porfirio came out to greet the company.

I fixed a few embarrassing grammatical and spelling errors (seriously? "way" for "weigh"?)

tofie-I just love "punk ass" and I think of Art in these terms.

Mads-I'm with Diana about PAArt (Punk Ass Art) and why he doesn't like Esteban. Just more proof of his punkassery.

I got a real 80's vibe from Gaby's outfit. Very colorful and stripey. Still not the best "luke". I was actually kind of surprised that Bruno was married. I fully expected a triangle since we've got that shot of the three of them during the entrada, but married? Were they married in the Church? I am assuming no. Wow. If they were Tita is going to go ballistic.

For some reason I don't want So-not to be on drugs, but so far everyone has been spot on with their conjecture.

Some ratings info for those who are interested (from Masquetelenovelas)

1/2/14: 2.843
1/6/14: 3.418
1/7/14: 3.477
1/8/14: 3.000
1/8/14: 3.209

Normally I don't give a hoot about ratings, but Uni seem obsessed with them so I've started paying attention.

In Mexico PSMA seem to hold around 12-14, but I notice the share is increasing (like I have any idea what that means *eyeroll*)

ugh. That should be 1/9/14 as the last date and PSMA seemS.

Oh, did anyone here watch Friends? The whole Gaby in the airport scene reminded me of the final episode in season 1 when Rachel goes to pick up Ross after he's been in China and he comes back with a girlfriend.

Great recap! I thought you could see Bruno's marriage coming down the tracks. What man carries a torch alone for 10 years! You can just bet that his wife is due to be bumped off, though, because TN writers will not allow a humiliated Gaby, the lead's best friend and confidante, to languish from unrequited love. She will get Bruno in the end. You could also tell by Tita's hesitation that in the end the wife will be gone.

Sara, did see the Ross/Rachel scene "Friends" you referred to and yes, this was culled directly from that. Not that they had a monopoly on that of course. :)


I'm not feeling much pity for Gaby. She told Bruno in no uncertain terms that she would NEVER marry him, that he had no hope and to get out. To think that some 10 years later he would be pining like some Victorian heroine was stupid. That said she did get a terrible shock which could have been avoided if big mouth Art had done as Bruno asked and kept his mouth shut and if equally big mouthed Isa had done the same. That way Art would have picked up Bruno and Bride and could have told Isa who then could have told Gaby privately. But no Art and Isa talk when they shouldn't and don't when they should.

As for Ally pulling back with that monster dog I would have done the same. I know those dogs are gentle but she could be afraid of dogs or allergic to them I also had the feeling that she was very uncomfortable as the vibes were way off and she had no way of knowing why.

Yes it is odd that Tita apparently knew nothing of the bride or the fact that Bruno had lived with her for 5 years. She had said that she hadn't seen him in years and she could easily have gone to Spain. His not visiting her in Mexico especially in the beginning made sense. The lack of communication on both sides was a TN plot only moment.

I can only guess that Tita (our earth angel biker) was uncomfortable with Bruno's announcement since Gaby was there and she had pushed him at the woman and vice versa from the beginning. Considering that she wants grandkids she better get with the program and welcome the girl lest Bruno take off for Spain again.

OMG not Feo and Arabrat. Only So-not could dig up something that perverse.

Oh, hey Art, you so silly. That boy you hate, Esteban, the one not good enough for your princess of a daughter...uh his father..."knew" your current wife in the biblical sense. I won't tell anyone shhhhhhh zip it.


The only person that will really be hurt with a Fernando, Aranza tryst is Esteban. Oh yes Isabel will be appalled and Art's ego bruised but Esteban devastated. Telling you that Fernando is one hot stud with the women and all Sonia has to do is provide an introduction. But then maybe Isabel and Aranza can compare notes and have something really in common.

Another scary thought: I assume Feo and So-not know Isa is pregnant? Feo knows how badly Isa wants a child. That could be what he meant by "hitting right where it hurts." I almost hope he just goes after Arabrat.

Sara thanks so much for the recap. Aranza has taken truly become So-not's minion and its not pretty.

And thanks to Kathy, CS, J, and TJ. I have to catch up during the weekend on this one. I shouldn't be trying to watch all four of these tns but this one keeps me coming back.

Add me to the list of those fed up with Art. You can't control your own daughter but you expect her boyfriend to keep her from drinking. And then blame him when he could have had his way with her like his wretched father would/possibly will do. Art is an idiot!

Yeah Tita was not pleased with Bruno not telling her about his marriage and if he also had a church wedding, she will go ballistic.

ITA w/UA that So-not's end will be really bad and setting Ara w/Feo along w/drugs is lowest rung in hell material.

This was fantastic Sara! Don't worry that you used the closed captions for 5 minutes, I have to depend on them for every episode or there would be no recap!

I didn't catch the part in the advances that Sonia wants to pair Aranza with Feo. Ick! Ick a thousand times + infinity! Excuse me while I barf.

I don't like the fact that Cuca and the priest are trying to push Gilberto to reconcile with Sonia. Just stay out of it people. Someone needs to introduce Gilberto to Tita.

I thought that Bruno was weird about Tita's dog too. He seemed resentful of the fact that she got a pet.


xlntperuvian- "
I thought that Bruno was weird about Tita's dog too. He seemed resentful of the fact that she got a pet".
Well, Bruno is a lap dog and knows who the alpha will be when he moves back in with mamma.

OK I don't get where all this drug talk is coming from. So-not is usually a little loopy but it is on booze. I've never seen her shoot up or even talk about drugs. I know someone mentioned it looking like she had a kit when she packed that suitcase but i've got a manicure set that looks just like that. I missed some episodes during the holidays so did I miss it there? And eve Feo and his cohorts have never mentioned drugs.n

I'm hoping it's not drugs either. I went back and watched that scene over and over, but I couldn't figure out anything. My eyes aren't very sharp though.

Thanks, Sara. Well, it looks like I got my wish....Tita in a leather jacket on a motorcycle. I couldn't tell if she was wearing jeggings, but I guess there will be no pink pixie haircut as I had hoped.

I don't know if I can stand watching this novela anymore. Aranza is frustrating to watch. So-no and Fer-no are scary evil and belong in the inferno. I may have to bail because this show seems to be getting more and more depressing and frustrating.

Susanlynn, it is depressing and Fernando isn't even out of prison yet. There is not enough good to outweigh the shit storms. The few good people get blind sided by intended and unintended consequences. I keep going back to Esteban. He had a bad father, poor but given a break by Isabel but his love and association with Aranza (though she be used as a tool of another to enact revenge) will get him pounded into the dirt. Bad things happening to Aranza will roll off her back just like Sonia, bad things happening to Esteban because of her will leave a mark.

The entrada certainly makes it look like Fernando will be courting Aranza to get back at Isabel. But in the long run, Aranza doesn't have much to offer him. She's no sugar momma like Isabel was. Aranza is still living at home and has no income.

I feel sorry for Estaban, but Aranza isn't good enough for him anyway. I would like to see him with someone else in the end. But I don't suppose that will happen.

Esteban should be with Ileana. Those are the only two youngins worth a durn right now.

Thank you Sara for the recap. I thought you did a fine job! My favorite was Counts de Money. I love Harvey Korman.

Someone (UA)? asked about Mari (Marianela)- she is Sonia's daughter that she abandoned when she was a baby. That is why Cuca has always cared about her.

Tita's dog looks like a Newfoundland. My friend has one and he is really sweet. More like a pony though with his size.

Is Feo going to somehow change his identity and appearance? Otherwise he is just an escaped criminal that the police will be looking for.

Wonderful and entertaining recap, Sara, thank you.
Feo will probably walk right out of prison past the guards because to date the police and the prison system have been more like Keystone cops and a country club with no follow through. I can't believe Dante and Gonzo are doing the same dirty business and apparently have been doing it do 10 years without the fear of an arrest. Sonia is still freely slithering around and hasn't been imprisoned yet, so who is going to look for Feo.
I don't understand why Bruno couldn't have shared with his mother that he had gotten married.
Everyone looked uncomfortable meeting Bruno's wife, so this should be interesting.
Add me to the camp of Art being wrong to chastise Esteban about his daughter's bad behavior.
As for Tita- you go girl!!!

SoAnza is a good name for the Sonia/Aranza pair. I also like Arania (Araña = Spider)!

The airport greet and get-together at Tita's was, indeed, awkward. But for some reason, I don't feel bad AT ALL for either Gaby-come-lately or formerly(?) Mama's boy Bruno. I feel bad for his wife. I hope he really loves her and didn't get with her as a "I'll show all of them" gesture.

good point about the new wife. It would be very stressful moving to a new country with no friends or family and dumped right into that situation. Bruno should have done everything he could to make the transition as smooth as possible with at least a little planning-like telling someone. Instead he was so hell bent on his revenge he just shows up. Can't even imagine how hard it was for her to just stand there bombarded with all the stares and all after a 9-10 hour flight.

TJ I completely agree with your performance assessment of the police!

I do feel sorry for Almudena. She is an innocent victim. The blame for this is squarely on Bruno. They lived together 5 years and it didn't occur to him to tell anyone? Why did he cut ties so completely? Jerk.

FYI the first 20 minutes of La Impostora is available on the Telemundo app. I assume that it's available on the website, too. I'm about to go watch it.

Sara, just saw the 20 min La Impostora clip and looks good with a lot going on

I want to see it, too. I don't know how I'm going to keep up with 5 novelas!

Thanks for the recap, Sara. A lot of people were put in uncomfortable situations this episode.

Ally- She certainly must have picked up on all the awkward vibes. When she was introduced to Isa, and she said she had heard all about her, and Isa couldn't say the say. It was clear Bruno has spoken to her about everyone, except Gabi, yet in the five years they have been together, he has never mentioned her to them in his calls back home. I hope she tells him off for that.

But, I don't necessarily think it was an act of revenge. On whom? He didn't even know Gabi was coming to the airport and I really don't think he had any intention of seeing her or getting in touch with her.

Tita has every right to be ticked off at Bruno, and she clearly was.

The other person put in an awkward situation was Esteban. He did all he could to keep Ara sober and safe, and he was getting blamed on all sides, not just by Art, but also by his parents. But I love that he has a good enough relationship with his parents that he could call on their help with his drunk girlfriend in the middle of the night.

Decie Girl- Just like how the camera lingered over Sonia's tequila shots as we saw her relying more and more on the booze before the end of the first act of this tn, in the first post-time-jump shot we saw of her, we saw he fondling something that looked suspiciously like a small mirror and other things one would use to snort cocaine. The camera lingered on it, and I don't think it would have done so had she just been about to do her nails. Plus, she even looks like she's on drugs. Since this was an afternoon tn, I don't think they will show explicit use of drugs, just like there are no love scenes. But I think the implication is clear.

I didn't see he planning to get Ara hooked on them in the previews, but it does seem like she's planning to connect Ara to Fer once he's free.

I was not happy to see Marianela and Burlas connected to Dante and Gonzo. Those two will only bring them trouble-- just ask Gema.

Hey, Cuca and Padre-- Don Gil wouldn't have been so damn lonely, had he had his granddaughter with him all these years. Just a thought.


I don't think he married for revenge either, but he must have some subconscious anger or something if he didn't at least talk to his mom about his life in Spain. The way this is playing out it seems like Bruno left and dropped off the planet. He and Ally we're close enough to live together for 5 years and Tita didn't have a clue. I completely understand his not wanting to communicate with Gaby or Isa, but Art and Tita?

I'm not saying Sonia isn't on drugs, I'm just saying I don't want that to be the case and I sure don't want Aranza getting involved in them.

Did anyone get a romantic vibe from Mari and El Borlas? I'm hoping not because I want to hook him up with Ileana. I'm pretty sure Arabrat is destined for Esteban, but Mari can be with Daniel.

As gringo would say, this show is must see TV (at least for me it is.)

Oh and I love your message to Cuca and Padre, Vivi. I had the same thought when I watched.

Mari and El Borlas, All I get is a brother sister vibe and not romantic at all. Hate to say it but EB is not the sharpest crayon in the box and like Gema easily fooled. Seems to me Mari is a little more street wise but not a rough girl.

Bruno- is a very typical manboy that was shoved around and runs off only to return later and try and wave his success in front of everyone. I agree he did not expect Gabi to show up at the airport but knew she would hear of the new improved, married Bruno ultimately. Under the circumstances I think Almudena performed well under uncomfortable circumstances and found it funny that Gabi was odd one out (and bet Bruno wrote that tidbit in his diary that night) What will be interesting is if Almudena is evil or a sweetie.

I reviewed the earlier episodes and how Fernando had Isabel eating out of his hand and absolutely love struck dumb. I hope, god I hope it is not so, but Fernando got game with women and not too far a stretch if he set his sights on Aranza that she would be putty. It doesn't bother me about Art or even Isabels reaction but our poor boy Esteban. Why can't he pair up with a decent girl?

I keep thinking Sonia on something more than alcohol to numb herself. Her reaction when she realized that by her hand Eugina died was one of surprise, revulsion and glee and think she goes through the day like that and self medicates.

I also only picked up on a brother-sister vibe from Borlas and Mari. But just as a Mari-Esteban hookup would be questionable since there is a chance that Fer could be her daddy; a Mari-Daniel hookup is out of the question because he is her UNCLE! Hopefully, we'll get some more young men to pair the young women up with. Really, I only care about Iliana and Marianela. And I'm more concerned about getting Mari connected with her grandfather and the wealth and home that should rightfully be hers (Padre and Cuca!).

I wonder if Dafne's sexual behaviors (going home with random guys she meets at clubs) will have any consequences? Cristian should focus his attentions on another girl.

Daphne and her promiscuity could get her hooked up with all kind of guys even a Dante or Gomez. Especially if Aranza hooks up with Fernando. Ugh forget I said all that.

It could very well get her in trouble. Has anyone seen her father? All these nefarious connections is making me paranoid

Oh my gourd I'm a dunce! I completely forgot Daniel and Mari are related.

El Borlas is difinitely a little dull, but he's a loveable lug.


But isn't Daniel Sonia's stepbrother?

I think it's half brother, which means they share a mom.

Who was it that said this was a pretty incestuous TN? LOL

What I think I know (based on what smarter people have said):

Eugenia and Sonia are cousins. Which makes their mom or dad siblings.

Eugenia had lost both her parents. She was very close to Tita, but there is no blood relation.

Sonia is not related to Don Gil by blood. He is her stepfather and he had a son with her mother whose name is Daniel.

Art is Ozzie's son, but they were estranged for years.

Aranza is really Sonia's 2nd cousin(?), but calls her "Tia" as is the custom of the culture.

Sonia had a baby. We suspect Mari is that child. We do not know who the father was. Daniel is Mari's uncle and there is a blood connection (his and Sonia's mom: Mari's grandmother q.e.p.d)

Mari was screwed out of a decent life by Cuca and Padre. Cuca must have more loyalty to Sonia, since Sonia made her promise not to tell Gil. Vivi is pithed about this ;-)

Fer was married to Andrea and had two sons: Esteban and Angel.

Isa was married to Fer and had no children. Isa employed Gema, who we think currently works for Andrea and Mauricio.

Gema slept with Dante, who we believe is the son of Lucha and Gabino.

Lucha and Gabino work for Art.

Sonia is not related to Don Gil by blood. He is her stepfather and he had a son, whose name is Daniel, with her mother .

The character list shows Eugenia's name as Eugenia Arenas de de la Riva; Sonia as Sonia Arenas; and Aranza as Aranza de la Riva Arenas. That means the fathers of Sonia and Eugenia were brothers.

Thanks, Vivi!

Sometimes I wish TNs came with family trees, but that might get spoilery.

Sara- Thanks for acknowledging my ire at Cuca and Padre. :) I don't expect Sonia to care about her kid. I expect better from Padre and Cuca, than a few visits to the orphanage to see that the kid is still alive (what it amounted to).

Honestly, Vivi, the more I think about it the angrier I am, too. Cuca has been with Gil all these years and has watched him become lonelier and lonelier. She has heard from the child how abusive they are at the orphanage and yet she and the Padre did NOTHING!

Now Mari, El Borlas and 5 other orphans are on the streets and caught up with not nice people.

I'm kind of hoping that Tita gets a hold of them. (I wouldn't mind a Tita/Ozzie/Gil triangle, either.)

Oh, and Don Gil even seemed to have some interest in the child 10 years ago. He was really asking Cuca a lot of questions. All she had to say was "hey, why don't you come along and visit with me?" Grrr.

Ok maybe a list of what I know I don't know

How did Eugenia's parents die and is Sonia's bio father dead or just absent? That assumes Eugenia's and Sonia's fathers were brothers.

Are Sonia and Daniel really half siblings with a common mother?

Who is Mari's father and assuming Sonia the mother, was it rape or was she in love and they ran off or did she try to capture a guy (not the one that had the vasectomy) or was Fernando a friend with benefits?

Who is Daphne's father? Does it really matter?

Is Dante that Dante?

Any body ever seen Ileana's parents? She is a nice well adjusted girl.


Tofie- Not all your questions have answers yet, but here's a start:

-We don't know how Eugenia's parents and Sonia's dad died. I don't think it's important. When the tn started, they spoke of being each other's only living family.

- Yes. Sonia and Daniel share a mother.

- We don't know who Mari's father is for sure. It is very doubtful it was a rape. That was just a story she told Cuca to prevent her from telling Gil about the baby. Mstery to be solve at a later date.

- We've never met Dafne's father. he's off enjoying life with his second wife/former secretary and his new son (10 years old by this point).

- Yes. We can be pretty sure that this Dante, is the same Dante who swindled his parents, Lucha and Gabino, and was corrupted by his friend Gonzalo. It would be pretty strange to have another swindling Dante-Gonzo pair out there.

- We've never seen Iliana's parents, but by her accounts they seem happy and well-adjusted people.


"Any body ever seen Ileana's parents? She is a nice well adjusted girl."

I guess they are boring so we won't know anything about them. ;-)

I have always assumed that Mari's father was just some guy Sonia slept with specifically to get pregnant. OR she was cheating on Sr. Vasectomy and figured she would pin it on him since he had more money. Sonia had no idea about the vasectomy, so she was definitely two timing. IMHO she was not raped, but just made up that story for Cuca.

I have also assumed that Dante *was* "That Dante" because the writers took the time to make us privy to the conversation between Lucha and Gabino.

Beware: I make all sorts of wrong assumptions and conjectures about TNs and I am wrong 99.9% of the time.

I'm not hating on Bruno. Ten years have gone by and I see no evidence of revenge against Gaby. He has been with Ally for almost six years. He has clearly moved on although it obviously took him five years. Gaby oddly enough has not. She was the instigator of everything that happened. She told him she would never marry him, after stringing him along for a year. She was very clear there was no hope. Bruno was hurt and left to avoid experiencing more pain. In his last pre Spain conversation with Tita he did not show anger towards Gaby just pain. I am puzzled by what seems to be a lack of communication between him and Tita and I blame both of them for that.

Gaby is coming across as a bit of a dog in the manger. For some reason she appears to have though that just because she decided she had made a mistake that Bruno would be waiting for her. I know all of us women would like to think that when we reject some guy that they will pine away for us but in reality they usually hook up with somebody new within weeks (LOL) something Bruno did not do.

I do suspect that when we get to the end of this Bruno and Gaby will be together probably because poor Ally will be dead. I can't see Tita putting up with a divorce.

As for the awkwardness that I place the blame for squarly on Art and Isa who should have kept their mouths shut and not dragged Gaby into it.


Thanks. That helps and didn't realize Dante and done wrong by his parents because they never bring him up now. Or maybe I miss a lament or two.

Guess it doesn't matter who Iliana's parents are, though she seems to be the only normal one of the bunch, and not likely anyone's romantic interest. (I think she is cute without the glasses)

I don't want to wait much longer for Tita to swoop in and grap Mari and those kids off the street. I need a "goody, good" fix or I'll throw myself in front of the train wreck about to happen when Fernando gets out.

Tofie- It's the one and only conversation Gabino and Lucha have had about their son. The reason why they cut ties with him was because he did them wrong and was led astray by his good for nothing friend Gonzalo.

I think Ileana is very good looking. It's too bad she's been overshadowed by her more extroverted friends.

I also think that the writers need to fine-tune the balance of good vs. evil. There has been a lot of bad behavior and there hasn't been a lot of "nice."

you know, Decie Girl, it is Art and Isabel's fault. The two of them deserve everything coming their way. I recall how high a mighty Isabel was toward Gabi when Gabi was trying to warn her about Fernando but Isabel is one of those people that is a know it all.

Art. don't even get me going again about that worthless piece of.... sugarplum

Sara---I read your recap yesterday
but am late commenting---your recap was very good even though the show seems to be swinging over to the dark side. Your Victor
Borgia sugar daddy remark had me laughing.

Novelas often swing over to the dark side before the sun shines for a second time. It looks to me like we are starting to move into a dark period. Aranza and Feo YIKES!!!

I haven't seen any drugs, I'm not sure about the white stuff and So-not but she sure hits the tequila hard.

Tofie---When I read your post, I know that it's you before I even see your name at the bottom. I used to think that you were pretty hard on Art Dad but I'm starting to swing around to your point of view.
I mean at times Art comes off as the good caring father--he rushes Aranza to the doctor when she has nothing more than a little scrape
on her knee but then at times when she really needed help and guidance from him. he was missing in action.

Esteban watches out for Aranza when she flies out of control and he gets chewed out for it. QUE???
What is Art Dad going to do when Aranza ends up with Feo? OMG!! What if he get's her pregnant? Well, let's not think about that.
Yes Tofie---Esteban will get hurt.

Bruno a mommies boy? I thought so before now I not so sure. Ten years away in Spain and a marriage to boot but mommy knows nothing? That doesn't sound like a mommies boy to me.

Bruno's wife and the dog. If a large strange dog came up to me, I would be hesitant as well.

One last thing---The look on Aranza's face as she was hugged by Isa said it all. After ten years, Aranza still Isa as her enemy.

Will Feo escape from prison Monday? Must see TV.
the gringo


Esteban will get hurt.

Yes, gringo and it will kill me. I keep hoping no, but Aranza has offered to consummate her relationship with Esteban and think that will somehow be waylaid by a smooth talking Fernando. He will take what cannot be returned in the same condition for refund.

I'm sorry I didn't say this sooner, but many thanks for the comments and compliments each week. I find it a little challenging to recap this one. There aren't a lot of opportunities for light snark as it is a darker show and it is easy for snark to become a little angrier than it should. I tend to get a little too into these TNs.

But didn't Feo get a vasectomy after knocking Andrea up the second time?

I don't think he'd have it reversed to knock Aranza up, but the idea of him boinking her is disgusting enough.


I know what you mean and I'm starting to waver a little on this one. It is dark, the vast majority of characters are on the nasty side or incorrigibly stupid. The meddling priest for once didn't and just think of how much Don G would be if he had a loving kind girl like Maranela in his household.

With La Impostora running at the same time and Probes I just don't know how much watching I can do when my regular stuff like NCIS is being taped as well. Add to that the Olympics and for a sports fiend like me that is must see TV so something has to give and it may be this one.

He did.

I can't see Ara getting preggers. I'm still hoping that Fer was referring to Isa's pregnancy not Ara when he made his threat. That's just as vile. Really whatever happens it's going to be ugly. And Ara is 21 so Isa and Art can't even threaten to press statutory rape charges. Do they have such a thing in Mexico?

Sara- Yes they do. That's why Fer married Andy in the first place, so that Meanie wouldn't have him thrown in jail since she was underage.

I know what you mean, Decie. I watched the first 20 of Impostora this morning and I want to see it. I'm also getting back into Santa Diabla and there's MPV and there's Pobres. Right now the least compelling for me is Pobres. I'm hoping maybe I can juggle them all. MPV should end soon and I think Santa Diabla is in its final weeks.

I wish I had your ability to remember details, Vivi. Now I remember Andrea telling that to Isa (?)

Good guys: Ileana, Tita, Ossie, Esteban, Andy, Mau, Don Gil, Lucha, Gabino, Zenaida (Tita's maid), Marianela, Agatha, Balthazar (Ossie's butler)

Good guys (who have made bad choices): Art, Isa, Bruno, Gabi, Padre, Cuca, El Borlas, Gema

Bad guys (who can be redeemed): Aranza, Dafne

Really bad guys (no redemption possible): Fernando, Sonia, Gonzalo, Dante, Minerva

But Mari & Esteban are near the same age and Fernando surely a cheater

Anon 3:59- Considering that Fer was married to Andy when he married Isa, and conceived Angelito with Andy when he had already married Isa, I think it's been established that he's not a one-woman-at-a-time kind of man. :)

I think Mari is a bit younger than Este/Ara/Ile/Daf.

Just a thought- I remember during AdP Jarocha had mentioned that at one time TNs were a little darker; or rather, Cañaveral de Pasiones was darker than Abismo was. Anyhoo, I wonder if Mi Segunda Madre is part of that "darker period" and this updated version decided to keep that feeling.

Vivi---What has Minerva done that puts her on the non redeemable list. I have forgotten about her early story.
the gringo

Gringo- We just haven't seen any good out of Meanie yet. Everything she does is based on self interest-- even pushing Andy towards Mau. And she hates her grandkids. Who hates their grandkids?!

Ara and Dafne are both very young, and we have seen how the actions of the adults around them have twisted them. We've seen the hurt little girls. Depending on what they do as adults now, they may become irredeemable but I'm hoping for the best.


She could hate her grandkids because they're Feo's and their presence messed up her and Andrea's lives. There is no other explanation that makes any sense.

On another note, it's refreshing to see a butler in a novela; they're rather rare in Mexican ones. It's also nice to see the actor who played El Gordo in LFdD get to play a decent fellow for a change.

I think Meanie just a bitter middle aged woman who's 16 year old child had a child by a no good Fernando who ran off but came back for an encore. Meanie has no life

I think she does: A life of guilt-tripping and micromanaging her daughter.

I wonder if she is still faking her bad leg.

Ha! That apartment has stairs! I wonder how her knee is holding up.

She slapped the stew out of Esteban. She needs a big karmageddon.

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