Thursday, January 09, 2014

Por siempre mi amor #26 1/9/14: Close Your Eyes And Make A Wish. I Wish That I Was Ten Years Older!!!

El Pasado
 A tearful Bruno is telling Tita that he is leaving Mexico; he is going to stop being breast-fed and live the way that he wants without pressures from anyone.  Funny, he was doing the pressuring if my memory serves me correctly. 

Ara has been instructed to cut up 5 of Isa’s favorite pieces of clothes and the brat that she is complies with her evil Aunt’s wishes. There is something very disturbing about this scene.  Ara has no filter between what right and wrong, she continues to emulate her aunt’s sociopathic tendencies.
 Del Presente
At The Stadium- (I mean Sonia’s Apartment)
Sonia’s BFF asks the drunken wench, what did she do that she has to leave the country?  She lies, surprise, surprise and says that she hasn’t done anything but to go into an agency business with Efrain who swindled some clever people who caught on and had him jailed. He is saying that I’m involved so that I can be in jail with him.  I’m may have to leave the country because I’m not going to jail for something that I didn’t do.  Really????  She insists that she didn’t do anything.

At the Mansion
The honeymooners return glowing from their honeymoon, Lucha lets Isa know that she has placed all of her things in Art’s bedroom, oops the master bedroom.  Art has to go and see Bruno who just called him and asks Isa to give her a kiss for him.  (Come on Art, no one taught you that children are like plants and need to be nourished, watering them here and there causes me sometimes irreparable damage)
Isa asks Lucha how did Ara behave, how is she? (Isa is more concerned about the child than Art, so much for the evil stepmother)  Oh, she was soooo good and she is in her room. She asked if she could stay home from school so that she could be here when Art arrived, Isa wonders why she didn’t come down to greet them, oh well never mind she will show the rude girl the gifts that she bought for her. (Wow, I could only stay home from school if I was really sick)

At The Big House
Feo, (who I thought had restrictions on his telephone use) is calling Sonia only to find out that if he hadn’t of called her he would not have known that she was leaving the country.  She cries the victim blaming it all on Efrain, who had the travel agency and was falsifying passports, airline tickets and they are heading to Brazil.  Feo, has the nerve to ask how could they do something so stupid and get caught.  Whoa- is he kidding??? Since when did he become a rocket scientist and spend time in the lab?  He is in jail calling someone else who cons people stupid.  AMAZING!!!  Sucia has no idea when she is returning.

Lucha leads Isa into the master bedroom where we see mountains of torn fabric on the floor.  Isa doesn’t want to blame anyone Aranza, Aranza, Aranza but…. (Hmmmm, se cut up more than five pieces.  Isa wants to know, what did she do to make Ara hate her so much?  Lucha has had enough and is going to have a long overdue talk with Ara.  Isa is more heartbroken than angry.

Aranza is playing with her dog as if she didn’t have a care in the world.  Lucha bursts into the room and let’s Aranza have it.  Why did you cut up Isa’s clothing and don’t say that you didn’t because you were the only one in the bedroom.  I personally hung up and folded her clothing.  Of course, at first Ara denies it but due to Lucha’s insistence that she stops.  Lucha asks, what did Isa do to her; she has spoiled her and shown her nothing but affection. This is not longer a mischievous prank, this is evil. Ara begs to differ. She is not evil.  I beg to differ, yes, you are evil!! Ara promises that she is not evil and Lucha wants her to prove it. Lucha tells Ara to apologize to Isa and do it before her dad gets home and she tells him what happened and he will be furious and cancel her birthday party.  (That sure caught Ara’s attention)

A fake Ara apologizes once again- perdoname to Isa. Isa wants to know why did she do it, why does she have so much hate for her and Ara says because it was my mother’s closet and she doesn’t want anyone to take her mother’s place.  Isa reassures that taking her mother’s place was never her intention.  She wants to know why she married her dad, and Isa explains because they love one another and can make each other happier than anyone else in the world. She asks once again if Isa is her stepmother and once again Isa says no.  Come on, this is ridiculous; let’s stop lying to this child. Your mother was a marvelous woman, who loved you and your father and no one can take her place.  She has a special place in your heart.  Isa only wants to be her friend.  She will understand her, give her advice and love her because her mother can’t.  Ara gets mad and says that Isa wants to take her place and be her mother and Isa says that she will earn her love and be more like a second mother.  It seems as if Ara is digesting what she is saying for now, until she talks to Sonia.

At the Office
Bruno explains why he is leaving and Art doesn’t agree.  Bruno breaks it down that he loves Gaby for the long haul but she didn’t feel the same.  He is going to open up a branch of their office in Spain.

At Tita’s
Tita tries to coax Bruno into taking a trip to the mountains, he appreciates her effort but he needs to leave Mexico.  Staying in town being near Gaby and seeing her would be torture for him.  A sobbing Tita agrees that leaving would be best in order for Bruno to heal his wounded heart.

At the Stadium- Sonia’s apartment
Ara calls Sonia who is packing her suitcases and tells her that she was caught cutting up the clothes.  Sonia reminds her that she was to cut up 5 pieces of clothing and hide them. Ara tells her that she cut up everything because she was very angry to see all of Isa’s clothes in her mother’s closet.  Sonia tells Ara that was a bad thing that she did and she should have followed her instructions.  She can’t talk for too long because she is going to travel and will call her every Sunday at 7.  In the meantime, she must tell Auntie Dearest absolutely everything that goes on.  Ara liked that Isa wants to be a second mother to her and Sonia shoots it down, by saying yeah, she is trying to make nice, since she made your mom so unhappy.  Sorry, I’ve got to hang up.

So Ara gets her birthday party.  Wow, even Daphne is smiling.  Ara makes a wish and blows out the candles.  She must have wished to be a teenager because a teenaged Ara is blowing out the candles to the same cake, 10 years later. This is great, only the children have aged; all of the adults stayed the same.  (Wouldn’t that be splendid if it really happened?)
There’s a surprise for Ara in the garden.  It’s a car and from the gestures and the music Ara hasn’t changed emotionally.  She gives Isa a half smile and hug, and hugs her dad.  Of course Daphne, sits her ornery self in the driver’s seat.  Gaby, Andrea and Tita are planning a baby shower for Isa.  (Everyone’s hair looks incredible but I digress.)

And guess what??  Ara tells Sonia who lives in a tall building, now that she received  a car for her birthday.  Sonia feigns joy, bad mouths Isa, by saying that she is smart and gives her whim that she wants to keep her close, Ara disagrees. Sonia reminds her to remember the type of woman that Isa is. Sonia has to hang up because her boo will be there soon.  Ara will pass by her house tomorrow to show her the car and Sonia will give her her gift then.  It won’t be as spectacular as a car but…  It’s going to be a gift given with love and affection, yawn.

Tita and Osvaldo chat about how just yesterday Ara was a child and now she is a woman.  Oso tells Tita that age agrees with her.   Life is short.  Oso has been travelling and Tita hasn’t seen Bruno in years, he lives in Spain. She still doesn’t have any grands so she continues to spoil Aranza.

In The Hood
A young couple is looking to rent an apartment, they are Marianela and Erbolas.  Agatha is the super and wonders how they can pay rent, they are so young, but they have money.  She shows them an apartment.

At The Church
Cuca has cooked some delicious tamales for Padre.  Cuca keeps dreaming about Marianela.  It’s been 3 years since Marianela escaped from the orphanage.  She is still very unsettled.  Where is her baby???

At Sonia’s new apartment
Panfilo minus a broom, oops, Sonia’s boo comes home.  She is kissy, kissy but he is not.  He asks for a drink and she calls the maid, he wants her to serve him.

Since the party is boring to the young adults, Ara wants to go to a club. Esteban would rather wait until the weekend, Daphne is her usual bitter self and Liliana is still the one with some common sense.  Bruno (minus his wig) calls from Spain to wish the birthday girl, Happy Birthday.  Art looks for Ara and Isa hears that Bruno is on the phone and tells Gaby.  Turns out Bruno may have been the love of Gaby’s life but it may be too late.  Art looks for Ara, and Liliana lies and says that they took the car around the block.  She is waiting for her parents.  Esteban likes to let his mom know where he is going and he doesn’t want any problems being it with a new car.  Daphne teases him, they are grown and don’t have to ask for permission anymore.  The party ends.  Art calls Ara and she doesn’t answer.  Mauricio calls and Esteban answers and tells the truth.  They want to go to a club.  They have a 2:00 am curfew.  Of course Daphne complains.
Art is a wreck.  Mauricio will have a chat with Esteban because the teens went out on the sneak.  Tomorrow- Art will have rules on the car use.  Yep, Art, always a day late and a dollar short when it comes to Ara.
Gaby goes home to an empty house. What a fool she has been.  A lonely house and a lonely bed because  she wanted to be alone.  A pity party of one.

Back in the hood
Marianela shows 5 orphans the new apartment.  A room for the girls and a room for the boys.  The children are ecstatic.

Tita has a beautifully groomed dog, who missed her.  His name is Don Porfirio.

At the club, the young adults are drinking shots.  A guy asks Daphne to dance and she accepts, leaving the boy that she came with at the table.

Bruno told Art a secret that we can all guess.  He must be coming back to Mexico.  He is going to tell Isa, who cannot tell Tita.  Yep, Bruno is returning to Mexico for good.

Ara is drunk and Esteban is not happy.  She asks him if he loves her and of course he does.  She wants to take it to the next step, they kiss.

Coming attractions:
Feo is still in jail, and has a plan to escape with Sonia’s help.  Where is Isias Huertas when you need him?


SQUEE!!! Time jump! I'm headed off to bed, but I'm looking forward to your recap! I can't wait to hear what everyone thinks about our characters and the new "lukes".

Thanks Tablet Jefa, for bringing us into the PRESENT with style.

A few thoughts/observations:
-The young people are not teens. This would be Ara’s 21st birthday. (Before the 10 year jump, almost a year and a half had passed. Ara was 9 when our tale began.) But I guess since they all still live at home, they have to follow the parents’ rules.
-Loved the hair on all the ladies. Andrea was looking particularly fetching.
-Loved that Esteban called Mauricio Papa, and said te quiero to him on the phone.
-Loved seeing Mau and Andy cuddling sleeping Angelito on the couch, and Mau even smoothing Angel's hair. He’s obviously a great dad to the boys.
-Isa is pregnant! They waited a long time. I wonder why?
-Gabi realized too late that she missed her chance with Bruno, but he seemed pretty content in Spain. I guess we’ll see what happens when he comes back.
-Looks like Ossie didn’t pursue things with Tita and started travelling instead. Is Ossie like Bruno and Tita like Gabi? Except, Tita seemed pretty happy and content with her life.
-Marianela has been living on the run/streets for three years! I’m still mad at Cuca and Padre. This could have been avoided. Glad to see the boy she made friends with in the orphanage is with her. He’s a big guy, so I’m sure he protects her. Now that they’ve met Agatha, I’m sure she’ll look out for them too.
-Did anyone else think that the little case that present day Sonia got out of her purse while talking to Ara was a cocaine kit? Wow. She’s the kept woman of an old dude. How far she’s fallen. I guess Gil never did start bank-rolling her again.
-When drunk Ara wondered why Esteban didn’t push them to move to the “next step”, Esteban automatically thought she meant marriage and she quickly corrected him that she meant sex. Seems our boy is an old fashioned guy.


Loved the recap Tablet Jefa! I loved the part where you called Soni a "drunk wench!" I also laughed when I saw Panfilo there and it made me wonder what would Chatita say.

I like how Esteban is kinda a mix of his Cachito role and UFCS role. Just the other day, Pepe was jumping in the sack with Monica on UFCS and here he is enjoying getting slobbered on by Aranza but he is resisting anything else LOL.

Am I the only one who is just realizing Dante the creeper guy who liked Gema was Ivan, Luisa's BF from/on Un Gancho al Corazon? It must've been the loss of hair that made him so different.

@ Vivi in DC-I can't believe Soni is on cocaine! I feel as if she will have A-death like Fedra Curiel or B-a final like Kendra Ferreti. I would like one like Marjorie de Sousa had in Amor Comprado.

TJ, you're amazing for the quick recap. You're always so prompt unlike me.

I loved everyone's hair too on the time jump. I watched much of this week's eps ahead of time over the weekend and the time jump does make the story interesting. I love the transition that showed Ara's b-day at 11 and then 21. It was a well-done touch by the writers.

Corazon, thanks again for taking over for me for last night's cap. I'm just recovering from bronchitis and should be rearing to go for next Wednesday. I now know that Mucinex and prayer works!

Vivi, I like Andrea's hairstyle, but not the color--it looks too dark as if it's a wig. I'm not surprised Mau is a great father. I wanted to squee like Andrea seeing him smoothing out Angelito's hair. And Esteban calling him papa and telling him he loves him was even better. I didn't notice wedding rings on he and Andy's fingers, though. I'm thinking since Andy was divorced from Fer, she and Mau had to get a civil marriage, hence no rings?

I am not at all surprised Sucia is a kept woman or that she's on drugs. It wasn't a far stretch for her to be living off some rich old dude when she did the same thing with her father. She obviously has daddy issues and her sugar daddy, who she calls el ruco--word reference says it means old, worn-out and useless--looks an awful like the older man she said was Marianela's father. I'm just very glad that Don Gilberto stuck to his guns and didn't bankroll her again. Good on him.

Esteban, of course, is a sweety. I'm sure Mau's example and Mau's birds-and-the-bees talks to Este have made him be that way.

I'm pretty sure Isa waited to have a child to make sure Ara didn't feel as if Art and her were replacing her with a baby. Given how clueless Art is, Isa was the one who decided to delay having kids; Art probably wanted to knock her up as soon as they got married. Yeah, I'm not an Art fan.

Sara- I hope that you had pleasant dreams.
Vivi- thank you for the age correction, I will edit it shortly.
Sonia on cocaine, I didn't catch that. You are good!!!
J- I'm glad that you are feeling better. I try to post as soon as I can its a weekly challenge that I set for myself. :-) Thank you, too for the age correction. Yes, Art remains clueless and Esteban is a true sweetheart.

Great recap Jefe! I was shocked when I saw Sonia's Old Man. Panfilo! Yuk, memories of PEAM. I so wanted to forget that. I thought Gaby looked great because she had about half the usual makeup on her. Is that the "trick" to making women look "younger"? Pile makeup on and as they "age" put on less and less? I remember Lucero wore tons of eye makeup in MEPS. It was always jarring to see her in those scenes where she had little to no make-up on. She looked about 12.

Advances show Sonia visiting F-No in the pen. If she's been gone 10 years why bother? There must be some backstory we still don't know about that connection. Someone has probably asked this, but I wonder if he's Marianela's father?

I find it kind of hard to believe that Sonia and Aranza have kept up a weekly conversation for 10 years. And harder still to believe that no one has found out about it.

What a treat to wake up with! I enjoyed my coffee and savored this delicious recap. Wonderful from beginning to end. I really liked your opening line about the breast-fed Bruno and your description of Gaby's pity party of one. Yesterday we were all pretty down on her (rightly so since she played her cards badly), but I felt bad for her last night.

I also thought everyone's hair looked great...even Sonia looked good.

I really hope Aranza and crew don't spend a lot of time in antros. I have a hard enough time understanding them in a normal situation. I understand even less with techno pop blaring. Sofia Castro is really a fast talker to me.

Xintperuvian- I think that Feo is Marianela's dad because Sucia and Feo's bond is a little too strong to just be casual friends. I was disappointed with the time jump n the fact that certain things were not addressed, such as the weekly conversations with Auntie Dearest and Ara's bad behavior.
Sara- I'm glad that you enjoyed the recap. As for Gaby- sometimes we just don't know what is best for ourselves.

Tablet jefa, Loved the recap. "he is going to stop being breast-fed” was hilarious and very clever. “(Come on Art, no one taught you that children are like plants and need to be nourished, watering them here and there causes me sometimes irreparable damage)” and "Of course Daphne, sits her ornery self in the driver’s seat" were just a few more sensational lines. Excellent recap.

Your “Ara has no filter between what right and wrong, she continues to emulate her aunt’s sociopathic tendencies” was an excellent and spot on insight.

I liked Marianela and Erbolas from the minute I saw them and think they are going to add a lot to the storyline.

Aranza is now a young woman and should realize after the 10 year time leap that Isa is a good, loving wife to Art. Further she has treated Ara with nothing but affection and kindness. None of Sonia's poisonous words about Isa and her evil intentions have come to pass. Ara has no reason in the world to dislike Isa. Thinking Isa was with Art before her mother died seems to be the only evil seed that truly took root. If it weren't for that lie, what has transpired over the past many years should have told Ara Sonia is a liar.

Agree that all the adults looks great "Bruno (minus his wig)" especially.

Tablet jefa, I seem to recall a scene in the beginning where Sonia tells her child's father she was pregnant and he rebuffed her. It wasn't Feo. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Amazing job Table jefa.

Happy Friday all!


Diana- That guy had had a vasectomy, so he wasn't the daddy. Just a guy Sonia was tying to scam/trap.

The actress playing Marianela was head over heels in love with the actor playing her grandpa Gil in Refugio. Kind of funny. And the age difference wasn't gross at all. However, he never reciprocated.

Excellent TJ

If only Bruno had taken my advise and backed off a little and give Gabi space she would have been putty. But if only all of us knew then what we know now. I'm assuming however Bruno is a changed man and an adult now. Gabi way more attractive and looks younger

I too thought there was drug paraphernalia and was not shocked nor thought it out of character for Sonia to shack up with an old man

Estaban why you dig Aranza? Really bet she was hell on wheels as a teen. There is evil in her and even Sonia only suggested 5 outfits but Ara went after everything like a rabid dog.

Hey Art, Hey You. Yeah You. See Mau? That's how you parent, butthole

I'd like to see a Estaban & Marianela hook up. Sweeter and hotter

Ten in the Pen. Fernando is gonna be kicking ass and taking names when he does get out

Who was the other dude in the car?

Tofie- Maybe we should wait on a Marianela-Esteban hookup until we know for sure that she isn't also Fer's kid.

Vivi in DC yeah I thought that after I sent my post and yesterday did muse that Fernando her father. If Marianela is what irony for the children of Fernando to be decent human beings and you have spoiled rotten children like Aranza become beast.

I stand corrected. Thanks Vivi.


Tofie- The other guy in the car is named Cristian. He seems to be sweet on Dafne. He must be crazy. The actor played the brother of the heroine in Refugio and had a really sweet romance in that tn. I'm sure they'll give him more of a role in this-- hopefully, not as Dafne's boyfriend!

Tofie, Bruno is giving/gave Gaby space by moving a continent away and she didn't try and get him back. She could've went to Spain, too, or contacted Bruno. Gaby didn't know what she wanted, or didn't want to fight for it. I totally agreed with her self-assesment when she went back to that empty apartment, she's alone because she wanted to be alone. I hope it didn't too late for her and Bruno, but a hard head makes a soft behind every time.

The adult Ara and Dafne are barely intelligible. I understand one or two words out of ten they speak. Thank goodness for Esteban and Liliana. Are the actresses who play Ara and Dafne from the Southern Cone (Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uraguay)? I always have a problem understanding their accents.

J- Ara and Dafne speak like "fresas"-- the spoiled rich valley girls of Mexico.

The Dafne actress is Sofia Castro-- daughter of Jose Alberto Castro (producer of tns like LQNPA, Teresa, etc.), and of former popular tn actress Angelica Rivera (Destilando Amor), the wife of Mexico's current PRESIDENT. Yeah. She's Mexican. :)

Thanks, TJ. I loved your title. I guess that is a wish you only make if you are under twelve, no ?

I loved Andrea's new look, and we knew that Mau would make a great partner and a loving dad to those two boys. It looks as if they formed a happy family despite MeanieMin.

As in real life, some people make good decisions and others just keep making one bad decision after another. So-no, I am looking at you.

We knew that Gaby would be sorry for pushing Bruno away. I have kept quiet about my opinion of Bruno. I am with the group who feels that Bruno is just a really attentive , protective good guy who fell hard for Gaby. I was in her position and luckily made the right decision about my Bruno. He has been a great husband, helpful son and son-in-law , and a wonderful father. Just saying.... Not every guy who is attentive is a clingy, creepy stalker. Some are just good guys. Perhaps Esteban is a young Bruno..serious, kind, committed, rational. What's not to love. He would be every parent's dream son-in-law. I do not think Ara deserves least not at this point.

I wonder if Isa had trouble getting pregnant since she and Art have been married for ten years.

Vivi, thanks for the info. I really do not like their accents at all. It drives me up a wall and I'm guessing that's the point they're supposed to immature and pretentious. . Liliana and Esteban don't sound that way and they are the most down-to-earth of that group. Dafne and Ara sound like pin-pricks ice-skating--pretentiously dainty but fast.

J- Nikki Briz in Amores Verdaderos would have made you want to shoot yourself. She had the strongest fresa accent/fresa-speak I have ever seen in a character. The youngest rich girl daughter in the new Pobres Ricos also has the same accent. It's just as annoying as American valley girl accents.

I hope Estaban is not totally like Bruno and judging by Aranzas move on the dance floor doubt he has been all smoothery. I believe Estaban wants her but would lean toward chivalry instead of lapdog. However, I give Bruno props for realizing he needed to find himself and strike out on his own with props also to Tita for wanting him to be a man and letting go.

Yeah... Frida's accent is super, neta, mega , híper annoying.

Susanlynn- I had the same thought regarding the pregnancy.

Vivi, thanks for the extra info.

For Gaby's sake, I'm hoping Bruno doesn't arrive with a wife in tow.

I imagine Bruno with his worldly experience will be less emotional, more dashing and a chick magnet. Not married but carrying a torch.

I too think Isa waited to get pregnant till Ara was grown to avoid more problems with the brat. On the other hand the first time she crossed paths with Art was when she had bad news about fertility problems. She was trying hard with Feo and no luck so that could be part of the decade long delay.

Hate to say it but I really dislike the grown Ara. The sweet child really only had a problem with Isa and I could never see her growing up to be the spoiled immature young woman we saw last night. With the drinking and driving I see a car accident coming. The little beyoch also was less than pleased when she found out that Isa had chosen the car. Really at this age she needs to grow up a bit but I suspect her attitude and behavior are a big combo of Tia So-not's poison, Daphne's jabs, Art's benign neglect and Ozzie's spoiling. Also I don't think pretty little olive skinned Ara would grow up to be so fair.

The hair on the women was a great tell but really shouldn't they have had the long hair when they were young not now when they are all around 40?

So Bruno says he has a surprise and is coming home for good. That surprise has to be a wife setting up a painful scene with Gaby or maybe not. I found it extremely odd that Tita said she hadn't seen Bruno in years. Come on it isn't as if she doesn't have the money to travel, and Spain is certainly not a third world country.


Isa's hair was long, black, and staright; now it's long, wavy/styled, with highlights.

Andrea's hair was long and stringy/unstyled; now it's long, darker, full (extensions) and styled.

Gabi's hair was short, flip with bangs; now she has long, styled hair.

Sonia's hair was long and curly; now it's short, curly, and a bit darker.

Tita's gray wig was a short bob; her wig is now shorter, and a bit fussier.

Bruno had a center part and long bangs; he now has his hair slicked back.

Art also had a center part and curly bangs; now his hair is shorter.

Mau had a typical guy/supercuts haircut; now he's wearing his hair slicked back and has glasses.

Decie, Isa had problems conceiving because Feo had gotten a vasectomy and hadn't told Isa. It was reveal the cap before she went the fertility doc and met Art in thee elevator.

I'm not surprised Ara still hates Isa even though she has been the best step mother a kid could ask for. Ara's feelings, emotions, well-being were totally ignored when Art decided to marry Isa and Ara is carrying around that resentment nourished by Sucia.

That's why when Ara damaged Isa's dress, I thought the marriage should have been cancelled. That was Ara 's cry for help in addition to the two fights, running away from Isa in the mall and threatening to kill herself several times after Eugenia died and Art's failure to get her help. I'm surprised she didn't kill Isa in her sleep, honestly. And I blame Art 80%, Isa 10% for marrying art seeing that Ara wasn't ready and Ara 10%. I cut Ara a LOT of slack for her behavior because she's the one who discovered eugenia's brain dead body, and she never got to say goodbye to her Mom like Art did, only in a dream. And Art and Isa ignored her trauma. I'm not saying Ara should get away with murder, but Isa and Art didn't handle the transition the right way.They are reaping the benign neglect they sowed with ara.

Look at Mau and Andy. They worked because Mau, Andy and Esteban clicked as a family. Right after May took Este to the football game, they went to look for apartments as a family. They all decided basically, that yes, this is a great fit for us as a family. We can parent and raise the boys together and for Esteban decided that Mau could be his Dad. Art and Isa did it the wrong way-they basically decided since Ara was so traumatized, Isa wouldn't be her mother, just her friens while Art would be the parent. That is not a cohesive family unit. Until ara decides that Isa will be her second so mother, and not some usurper, she and Isa will always have problems.


J desde NYC agree totally and you could see how engaged Art was when they returned home from the weekender and he just ran off without even saying hello to Aranza

Even Meanie, as awful as she is, has good sense. She was right about Fer was a scumbag and she facilitated the Mau/Andy love connection by getting Mau to drop Andy home because she could see Mau was the father, protector type with money. That's why she got some act right really quickly to move out the barrio. She did what was best for herself and her daughter. I think Andy got the better deal still. Art only acted in his interest when he married Isa.

Thanks T.J. It's hard for me to get acclimated after the time jump, you helped a lot.

Xlnt---It's strange how people see things so differently. For me, the first wedding gown was by far the best. I saw beauty in it's simplicity, no lace or fancy frills just pure simple beauty. It made me sick when Aranza poured paint on it.

Yesterday and today almost no time has been spent on Aranza's punishment for her two terrible acts, if any. Maybe there was no punishment and we now see time has moved on. I wonder if Isa has been able to make any headway with her?

When they were all in the car, I couldn't tell who was who. They are young and seem to be wild all accept for Esteban. He uses good judgment. He seems to be a fine young man.

Andrea's hair looked sooo much better, I almost didn't recognize her.

T.J.---Loved your pity party of one. That was sad last night.

I'm liking Mariana and Erbolas a lot. Didn't know who they were at first but now that I know, I really like them. Children from the orphanage, 5 or 6, where do they get their money. That place isn't much but still all the children $$$

Will Gaby and Bruno hook up again?
I can't wait for tonight.
the gringo

J Dresden NYC...well said...I am guessing that you are some kind of therapist, counselor, or social worker. I am always amazed at the discussions these telenovelas generate here at Caraycaray. We have so many wise folks commenting here.

sorry about the ,Dresden...Ipad keeps changing what I type..grrrrrr

J desde NYC

You are spot on with the Art, Isa, Ara dynamic. In addition to the trauma the poor child experienced when she found her dying mother she was also told by all the adults, Art, Tita and the servants that her mother would be fine and would come home. That didn't happen and as you say she never had a chance to say good bye.

I too cut her a lot of slack as a child because no one seemed to pay attention to her for more than a fleeting moment. Even with the multiple times she talked about joining her mother it was like water under the bridge for the adults. Every one of them is in part responsible for turning her into Arabrat and while I don't like how extreme her behavior has turned into I don't feel much pity for the havoc she is sure to cause all the adults who failed her so badly. I do wonder if she will ever learn that her dear Tia actually killed her mother.

Gringo...I liked that simple wedding dress , too.

I like Mari's strapping, guaypo beau. He kind of reminds me of a young Eduardo Yanez...tall, dark, handsome, and smiling. They seem to be a goodhearted pair to care for those orphans. Did they meet in the orphanage when they were young ?

I am not looking forward to Fer-no and So-no getting together and stirring up more trouble. Bleecchh

Susanlynn- The young man Marianela is with, is the boy who was playing ball who she met in the last scene we saw in the orphanage. Obviously, they must have really hit it off, and also escaped the orphange together. Still mad Marianela was in an orphanage most of her life.

The sad thing is the one person that really does care for her will be the one dealing with the fallout. Poor Esteban she will turn on you too and just like last night will have to clean up the mess.

Art I salute you mission accomplished

Gringo- I think Isa and the others did not tell Art what Ara did to the wedding dress and Isa's wardrobe. Isa is letting her get away with murder because she feels sorry for Ara (the tears do it every time), wants to be her friend (wrong!), and I think she also feels guilty. I did not feel bad for Ara during the wedding reception at all, like some did, because she had just gotten away with something major with no consequences.

I liked the simple wedding dress too. But SG/Isa can pull off wearing anything, and so a fussy 60s dress worked just fine too. No one noticed, because the bride was gorgeous regardless.

I thought it was horrible that Art went right back to work after the honeymoon without sp much as a word to Aranza.

But we have to cut him some slack. Isa, Tita, and Lucha withheld information from him, first about the ruined wedding dress and then about the closet full of clothes being ruined. He's the parent, and he should have been told.

Well, there was a reason the original version of this was titled “Mi Segunda Madre.” The focus of this tn is a girl/young woman who was royally screwed up by the death of her beloved mother, the quick entry of a stepmother (although a good person), the mistakes of her father, and the way the villains use her and the situation to their advantage. Aranza is not going to be a likeable person, but I am hoping that by the end she will be redeemable. Learning that her aunt was the one who killed her beloved mother will go a long ways in helping redeem her/change her for the better.

But Sonia committed the perfect murder. She didn't drug but only withheld medication so unless she just has a come to Jesus and confesses all how will Aranza ever know. I wonder how many times over 10 years Aranza attacked Isabel where she hurts, in the wardrobe. How do you keep that from daddy?

Having said all that I'm overall pleased with how this TN has me engaged. (absent someone pulling a Mari Cruz in CI-Oh you mean someone else really killed them and you have my deconfession on tape, but, but I wanna stay in the can you can't make me leave)

I was just thinking about that this morning, Vivi. That title ("Mi segunda madre") really puts the focus more on the stepmother/stepchild dynamic.

I agree with everyone that Tita et al have really left Art out of the loop with some of Ara's behavior. It doesn't excuse him completely, but I wish he had more info. Not that's he's done much with the info he does have.

Tofie- Feo knows Sonia killed Eugenia and how she did it. He's threatened to spill the truth before, so I'm guessing somewhere way down the line, he'll betray her and the truth will come out. But I really don't think that will happen for a really long time.


So-not and Feo will have some kind of falling out and he will hold it over her head. But i'm thinking that the only way the truth will ever come out is if the two of them are talking and are overheard. It would serve no purpose for Feo to tell anyone but So-not could blurt it out in one of her drunken moments. I agree we'll be down to the wire before it comes out.

I'm certainly curious to see how Arabrat reacts to being a big sister especially if the child is a boy. If i were Isa i'd keep my baby away from her.

Vivi DC I forgot about that, thanks for the reminder. I actually thought Sonia may tell her girlbud when she was drunk the other night

Susanlynn, lol at me being a counselor..I'm not trained in helping people, just a keen observer of human behavior. I'm a grad student in history..funny you wrote Dresden then.

Art should've been told about the clothes incidents, but I doubt he would've handled it well. He's just been written as callous and stupid since Eugenia died. His change from caring husband and Dad to basically ignoring Ara makes no sense. This is a man who dropped his mom and dad for Eugenia and then systematically ignores his daughter's feelings when he's remarrying so soon the grass didn't get a chance to grow on Eugenia's grave? I just hate it when TN writers move the story along by making an otherwise smart galan dumb as a bag of hair.

I'm looking forward to Ara kissing the ground Isa walks on and naming her first-born child with Esteban Eugenia Isabel after she finds out about Sonia killing her mother. Those sarcastic sighs and eyerolls Ara gives Isa behind her back are completely uncalled for given how kind Isa has been to her.

Feo and Sucia are going to have to double-cross each other for the truth to come out.

I don't remember it ever coming up but does So-not know that Feo was married to Isa? He has sworn to make Isa pay and So-not would certainly be a willing partner in that endeavor.

I seem to recall that they did connect the dots and they know that Feo was married to the same Isa So-not hates.

Jump in and correct me if I'm wrong.

TJ-The more I have thought about it, there are some issues with the time jump.

**So-not and Methuselah are in so much legal trouble that they need to flee the country seems to imply that law enforcement is involved, but in the 10 year interval did no one question her friends and family? Did her friends and family not wonder where the heck she was?

**I really just can't believe that Art,Isa and Aranza have been living in the same house for 10 years. Holy crap it must be miserable. I really thought there would be an internado in Aranza's future.

**Why did we have the scenes with Tita and the bikers?????

Sara- Yep. Sonia connected the dots back at the beach and kept Feo informed about how the Art-Isa relationship was progressing. This has fueled both their desires for revenge.

The police weren't after Sonia and old scammer dude yet. The guy they scammed threatened to call the cops if they didn't give him back his money. He looked more inclined to beat it out of them, to me. We don't know if he ever called the cops after they fled the country.

Regarding the biker dudes, I wish that when they did the ten year leap, we would have seen Tita in a black leather jacket and jeggings with a pink pixie haircut sitting on a Harley. Now , that would have been a real leap.

Ooo! Yeah! Ana Martin could pull that off!

Thank you Diana and tofie for your compliments and thank you Vivi for answering Diana and tofie's questions. You are a plethora of knowledge. Tofie, I love your ironic visions.
J. Desde NYC- so true about a hard head- LOL
Susanlynn- thank you for the compliments and I a glad that your Bruno worked out.
Decie Girl- I wonder if Bruno returns alone and I totally agree about all of the adults enabling the Arabrat behavior.
Vivi- regarding the hair- Gaby wore a full head short weave, this new hair looks like another good weave job. Bruno wore a wig, like Eva. ;-)
I'm glad that I could help you, gringo
Aleta- it bothered me that after the honeymoon, Art didn't even see Ara.
Sara- I thought that Sonia got off of the travel agency scam too easily.

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