Monday, January 20, 2014

Qué Pobres, Monday 1/20/14 (#11): In Which the Nouveau-Poor Experience Hunger, Except for Mom Who Knows Only Thirst.

Frida is feeling very sorry for herself. She whines to MA that her "friends" were just a bunch of traitors. Her pain is so great. (MA and Saul bite their tongues.) Nobody understands her, she says, except for MA. MA agrees to let her stay with him at the Menchacas'.

Leo and his mother check out the family home. He finds that the water, gas, and power have all been shut off. She finds a bottle of gin hidden in the library. She calls a few of her friends to sniff out the situation. She says she's in Italy, having a great time, and her friends tell her that the family's name is mud. She is mortified and humiliated. She'd rather die than grovel to them, she says. Her friends are vipers.

Leo says if he can just get the money for a plane ticket, he can go to Spain. Surely Macarena will put him up. AS reminds him that they can't even afford a ticket to Cuernavaca. "We're the nouveau-poor," Leo moans. They can't even sell the car - it's in MA's name.

To make matters worse, the police have come to the house and they are probably going to seize the car anyway. AS can't bear the prospect of being found trespassing by the police. Leo (who at least seems to have a couple of brain cells to rub together in a crisis) suggests sneaking out the service entrance. (Ooh! Symbolism of their rapid drop in status!)

MA, Frida, and Saul meet with the Menchacas and Tomas, their advocate. Supposedly all of Chuy's monthly payment receipts are irrelevant. It's as if they're supposed to pay a second time if they want to keep the property, Lupita protests in disbelief. She doesn't trust people of the RPs' "class."

Tomas says in that case, they have to move out. Nobody can live here.

Saul says the alternative is that they all can live there. Chuy clarifies, you (MA and Frida) can stay here until we can pay off the debt. The Menchacas confer privately.

Frida tells MA she's going to the kitchen and find for some organic food. Saul warns MA that this isn't going to be as easy as he thinks. MA says people are the same everywhere, and he'll have this family eating out of his hand in no time. Saul is skeptical.

Lupita tells her family that they're going to have to outsmart the RPs. They're lazy and soft, so all they have to do is make them miserable. Hound them until they move out on their own. Chuy doesn't like it, but he agrees it's better than violence!

AS and Leo are fleeing on foot. MA calls. Still haughty, AS assures him that they're just fine. Leo is hungry, but AS thinks they should reserve their remaining funds for something more important, like a taxi. Or gin.

Minerva is picking out her gown. She seems just a tiny bit sad about losing MA, but she's excited that she'll be the envy of everyone. The bridal shop employee remembers that their cards were declined just a week or two ago, but Minerva has a new one from Ahole now. "Alejo? But I thought you were marrying Miguel Angel." Oh, don't ask!

Min is worried about the wedding night. She told Alejo she's a virgin, but he'll know that isn't true. Her mother's suggestion: there are surgeons who can make her "like new."

Ahole tells Wilma to invite all the beautiful people, religious leaders, and media to the wedding. He asks why her voice is trembling. She says she's just overwhelmed with happiness for him.

Lupita's brother, I forget his name, finds Frida and MA in the kitchen and offers to run them a tab for anything they'd like to eat. They decline, and hit the street in search of food. They have 145 pesos, I think, between them. MA remembers being able to eat well at a Vietnamese place in London for very little money. Surely they can find something affordable here too.

A vendor comes by with a cart of sweet potatoes. Frida and MA turn up their noses at that and continue down the street, where they encounter a group of young men who look them up and down and up and down. "I say, good men, it is certainly a nice day in OUR neighborhood. May we pass? Thank you ever so much." Hoo boy.

Lupita goes to Carmelita and complains, she's going to have to look at MA's big stupid face every day. She seems quite heated at the thought. She wonders what her mother would have said about this whole situation. Carmela replies, "She would defend her family." They shed tears at the thought and/or the sliced onions.

Nepo and Wendy receive some bad news. The place where they were going to have his niece's quinceanera is no longer available. The roof collapsed. Hmmm, they will need a new venue.

Frida and MA find a whole row of street vendors with a variety of delicious porky lunches. MA doesn't like the looks of it. Frida scolds him for being so bourgeois, but she won't eat any of this stuff either: "I'm a vegetarian." Next: brains (sesos). NO to those too. Some kind of creepy little shellfish? "It's not exactly shrimp cocktail," he complains. Hot dogs? "Oh hell no," is Frida's reply. They conclude that they're better off eating at the Menchacas' on credit.

Nepo goes to the restaurant and insists that Lupe take 3500 pesos (I think that was the amount) for the restaurant to do his niece's party. She hesitates, but Nepo lays out the money and says, "business is business." Lupita is excited - this will pay Emiliano's tuition!

But now the loan shark is at Lupita's elbow and he wants the money too! He reminds Lupita of the terms of the loan: If she's late with a payment, the interest rate goes UP. "Business is business!" Maybe they have some nice things in the house to give him and he'll deduct from their loan, he hints. (No, it doesn't sound as though he's propositioning her for favors - he's only interested in cash or goods.) Lupita says she doesn't have anything she can give him.

She leaves the room (I didn't catch why) and he takes it upon himself to sneak upstairs, where he sees all of the RPs' stuff. Lupita catches him. Again he offers a discount in exchange for goods, and it's starting to sound as though it might not be optional. Lupita says it's not hers to give.

MA interrupts. Sharky explains about the debt. MA offers him a couple of pricey but useless items.

Ana Sofia and Leo have spent their last pesos on a taxi to Ahole's. AS isn't optimistic, but Leo says they're still family and surely Ahole will give them asylum. (Insert madhouse joke here.) As they (well, Leo) lug their bags up the street to Ahole's house, they see Ahole and Min kissing, and Min's mom shouting about the happy novios.

Next time:
Lupita, if you're going to give this guy free peepshows, he's NEVER going to leave! Also: it's the police! Did the sweet-15 party get too wild? Or have the cops already picked up MA's trail?



Can't wait for your take on this epi.

Ya know, a Quinceanera probably costs more here in the States, I'll go with reasonable.

AS is pickled so I think the gin is fueling her and not much else.

Trusty Shylock sounds better thatn Salomon Ladino, so I think the Shylock moniker is way less offensive.


I haven't watched the episode (so I probably need to hush)...we now have Trusty Shylock? I find both names equally offensive. If I am not mistaken the word "shyster" derives from Shylock.

If this is going to be a running joke, I'm not sure if I will enjoy that and may have to bail.


No, I'm not going to call him Shylock (though that's pretty much what his name implies). My point was that the guy's name is difficult to deal with. I'm just going to javascript:void(0)call him "the loan shark."

I'm sorry I'm off to a late start this morning. The recap is underway now.

Derp. Once I got another shot of coffee I realized that you were being rhetorical. It's too early. I think loan shark works. SLLS- Soloman Ladino Loan Shark. SLLS- sleaze.

Done!! Thanks for your patience.

Thanks Julie. A fun recap of another funny episode. I just about fell out of my chair when AS said they should save their money taxis...or gin.

I can't believe Frida couldn't find anything vegetarian among the street food. There are so many things with just beans, tortillas, cheese, or potatoes. As well as tons of fresh fruit stands or corn on the cob stands. And all cheap! I guess it wasn't their lucky day.

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They did have a chance to get sweet potatoes. I'm not sure what was Frida's issue with those. Maybe she was still hoping to find something "organic" or maybe there was a lot of non-vegetarian stuff on them?

Not looking forward to the sad day when she realizes that she's "bourgeois" too.

Thanks Julie, well done.

I think this show is so delightfully entertaining. I especially enjoy how well so many of these actors pair off to give us such great individual scenes. I love MA and Frida as sibs. They were so cute together on their quest for food. I think I may appreciate her translating almost as much as he does.



Thanks so much for this great recap.

I agree with Sara. Loan shark is the better of the two. I didn't know Shylock had a bad connotation too.

What a tug of war this is going to be over the Menchaca's place. I think Saul said the document wasn't legal cause it had no witnesses or it wasn't notarized or something like that. It isn't fair that none of the payments count. They should count. I can't wait to see how they work this out.

It was nice of MA to give the loan shark some stuff in payment. I don't think it will change Lupe's mind though. This creates a sticky wicket though. That house is collateral for this loan, and if the Menchanca's don't legally own it, ay, yi, yi!

I laughed at Leo's and AS' little adventure, but hey, AS found the gin.

Min and Isela what a pair. Just go to the same bridal shop, different credit card, different groom. The virgin thingy, ay, yi, yi!

And Ahole giving Leo and AS shelter cause he's family? They were so surprised when they saw Min and Isela. Now what will they do?

It is in MA's best interests to get Sharky out of there as soon as possible. If Sharky realizes that MA is a fugitive, he might turn him in just for the reward, if there is a reward. Otherwise, he can probably leverage MA's fugitive status to extort more money out of the Menchacas, or something horrible like that. Ugh.

I sure hope the Sharky storyline is going to be worth our time. He's more annoying than entertaining.

Julie, thanks for the wonderful recap!

I liked:

AS finding her bottle of gin she had stashed away for emergencies.

The Menchacas coming up with their plan to make life unpleasant for the Ruiz-Palacios so they leave.

MA making the "donation" to the loan shark.

Ja, Leonardo and DaVinci witnessing the scene outside of Ahole's house with Minerva and Isela.

Iseal telling Minerva to get some surgery. Just shows how far mom would go to get a buck.


It should have been AS, Leonardo and DiVinci. My tablet and my fingers are not cooperating today.


Carlos -- So happy to see that you have joined us.

Thanks for the recap Julie. AS only having thirst or needing a taxi was funny. I wonder if she will approach Alejo after realizing he's marrying Mini?

Mini's mom suggesting surgery to be good as new was funny and wrong. AS does have her number.

I do think the loan shark could cause some major problems for MA.

I don't know if AS's pride will allow her to approach Ahole now. (For once her pride might actually be good for something.) It was hard enough to go to him at all, but she couldn't bear for Minerva and her mom to see her this way.

AS or Leo might even figure out that Ahole's engagement to Minerva signifies that he'll have no mercy on their family.

Julie-This was so good. I really laughed at your description of MA and Frida's lunch mission. I'm looking forward to watching my recording later today and I'm grateful for the context you've provided. It should help a lot (and Frida's translations...I agree with Carlos that she's helping me, too.)

Julie, I have not seen this ep yet but your recap was a lot of fun to read. Thanks! Loved your description of the trips of MA/Frida and Leo/AS. what a hoot that she wants to save the money for taxis or gin better than food... lol!

I agree about the loan shark being trouble. If he puts the pieces together MA will have to sell a lot more of the family stuff to pay him off.

MA again shows his arrogance figuring that the Menchacas are easy marks for his "charm" and he'll win them over. Unfortunately for him he doesn't realize how street smart they are and he doesn't know that they have very good reason to hate and distrust the RP's.

AS may be pickled but she was smart enough to keep pretending they were in Rome while trying to get a feel for what was going on and she recognized that indeed her "friends" are vipers.

Leo didn't even bother trying to call his for help so maybe he isn't as much of an airhead as I thought.

So Min is going to be revirginized. Guess mama never heard about just getting a vial of chicken blood. LOL

I would have sworn that when Frieda and MA were in the kitchen he was using soap to clean the apple. The RP's are clueless and the food search was priceless. Someone needs to tell them that street venders don't sell Lobster Thermador from carts much fancy salads and gourmet goodies.

Saul and MA have had this conversation at least twice: "You know, MA, poor people in Mexico aren't like the poor people in London." The implication is that Londoners are easy/gullible. I suppose that you can simply introduce yourself to an English family, announce your intention to rip them off, and they'll invite you in for tea and crumpets? Wot??

Decie - I couldn't tell what he was doing in the kitchen. He probably was washing the apple with soap. He would have used hot bleach and a wire brush if he could find them.

Thank you for the recap, Julie.

I think we need to invite Frida to the Caray board. She could translate all the Chilango slang for us on various comedies!

Great job on the recap!

I too think Frida and MA are cute together. It was nice to see some sibling bonding going on.

I loved AS's and Leo's faces at the end of this episode. I hope they rat Mini and Ahole out to MA. It's best everyone knows early on what kind of people they are.


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