Thursday, January 09, 2014

Qué Pobres, Thursday 1/9/14 (#4): Discuss and Enjoy

Posting my notes a week and a half later, just for posterity's sake:

- MA and Minerva try to have their engagement party. It's difficult because Leo loudly takes a phone call right in the middle of MA's speech. Then Leo announces to everyone that he has a girlfriend. ("I thought he was gay," Minerva's mother mutters.) MA protests; this is his party. Frida backs him up. But AS and Leo are adamant that everyone should hear all about Leo's new girl, the Countess Macarena, no I'm not kidding, that's her name.

- The loan shark pays Lupita a visit with a "friendly reminder" about the Menchacas' debt.

- The board of directors likes MA's proposal to open an office in London. They praise him lavishly and openly snub Ahole.

- MA wants to buy a castle in England. Just in case Ahole is the first to fulfill that goofy clause in Grandpa's will, MA wants to make sure he and his family have something of their own.

- Adolfo, an old friend of Grandpa's and of the company, helps MA with all the legal and financial arrangements for the London office. MA and Saul are comfortable with Adolfo's help because they know Ahole hates him. (I think there's some talk of the company putting up 30% of the money and MA is putting up the rest personally?) Adolfo suggests giving MA power of attorney to expedite things. The board of directors agrees.

- While Grandma snoozes in her darkened bedroom, Ahole gloats to Grandma's nurse: "I'm paying you a fortune to keep her over-medicated. With any luck, she'll lose her marbles in no time!"

- It appears that the deal to create the London office is just about finished. The business partner from London praises MA and snubs Ahole. (This seems to happen a lot.) He says it will be a big success. "And we owe it alllll to Miguel Angel," Ahole points out with greasy sincerity. "And Adolfo," MA adds.

- Ahole gives MA a manly hug and hisses in his ear: "I've supplied the financial records for the audit. I hope this will clear up any remaining doubts about my honesty."

- Meanwhile, back on Italy Street, Lupita worries about Emiliano's school. His tuition is past due, and there's no money to pay it. Sure he could go to public school, but that won't give him the education he needs to prepare for college.

- The audit of the company's finances is finished. The result: the company has failed to pay 30 million pesos in taxes, and they're also short an additional 60 million pesos. MA accuses Ahole of fraud, but the auditors say: all of the evidence points to just one person - Miguel Angel!


Thanks for posting this! I'm hoping to watch this episode today. I'm really liking it and I see potential. I just wish it weren't on so darn late.

Julie, thank you for yesterday's recap and for posting the header today.

Thank goodness Camil had an opportunity to finally do some of his terrific comedy. MA and Saul play very well off each other, as of course we knew they would.

I thought the engagement/dinner scene was hilarious but also sadly indicative of this dysfunctional family.

The Minerva character is interesting. On one hand she plays to be an airhead, on the other hand she is obviously educated, constantly correcting her mother's malapropisms and incorrect facts. Makes me wonder what Minerva could be if she lived for herself rather than trying to snag a man.

Finally, Luis Gatica! Yay!!

Julie, thanks for posting the header. Cap'n Sylvia, ITA about the engagement dinner. MA was sure reminded of his lowly place in the family unless it comes to supplying them with money, of course. Clearly another reason he was better off abroad.

Also very telling when Minerva asks MA if he loved her and his tap dance around a real answer that ends up with that luke warm: he must feel something for her since they've been novios for so long.

Well, looks like the set up worked and MA is in hot water. On the other hand, Lupita is in hot water feeling the pressure of no money and payments due to Salomon and her son's private school. Can't wait til these two worlds collide!

So far so good.


I appologize, I was tired last night, too tired to try to list recap bullets here, but there is one thing that is significant.
In the previews for tonight, MA and Saul are sort of on panic mode and MA recalls there is only one property that is not in his name, it is still in grandma's name and that happens to be where the Menchacas (sp?) live. So that is how they all end up there. lol

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By the way, I agree with everyone, it was emotional when Lupita got nervous about whether they will come up with the money to pay for Emi's school. She even begged for a 2 wk extension so she can get her business opened and running to get the money.
Also ITA that the engagement dinner party was very telling of the dysfunctionality of these folks.
Luis Gatica on the show! another bonus frosting ont he cake!! he seems to be going to be a comical character more than dramatic. And that is fine with me. Glad to see him doing well.

Need to play catch up on this......late nights are a pain because I'm sleepy and my brain can't translate as well when I'm tired. Hoping they move this earlier or I will watch next day on Hulu :)

All I saw last night was up to the first commercial break. So I did see the engagement party, which was really, really awful. I wanted someone to smack Leo in the head. Maybe his mom too, but especially Leo. (And I laughed when Min's mom said "a girlfriend? I thought he was gay!")

Other than that, all I saw/remember was the Menchacas admiring their soon-to-be restaurant.

We did sort of know about the RPs' connection to the Menchaca property because it was in the synopsis Melinama posted last week... but I still can't quite picture how MA is going to approach this. "Hey, Menchacas! I have an idea to discharge your debt on this property instead of losing it. Just let me and my sister and two other people who you'll really hate move in for some indefinite period of time, the duration of which will depend on ratings, er, I mean how long it takes me to prove that I didn't cheat someone. What do you say?"

I also thought the engagement party was funny. The comments by Mini's mom, especially about Leo. The looks on the faces of the Bishop and some of the other guests. The guy falling asleep at the very end of the table.

If I were MA, I'd say screw them all, and take my little sister somewhere else to live with me to see if she's salvageable. She has a good heart, but is just shallow. It was funny how she and her rich friends drove to a protest in their fancy car, and then left before things got violent—when they actually had to show their commitment to the cause.

Even though one family is functional, and the other dysfunctional, the character traits of the various family members are very similar.
-The Menchacas are headed by a colorful, widowed parent/the RPs are headed by a colorful, widowed parent.
- The Menchacas rely on the wits and intelligence of its eldest child, who happens to be very prideful/ ditto for the RPs.
- The Menchacas have two teens/young adults who aren’t applying themselves as much as they should/ditto for the RPs.
-The Menchacas have a beloved grandson/the RPs have a beloved Chihuahua. LOL! Ok. Not really similar.


Martaivett, no need to apologize. You and the other recappers can do only what you can do. I am happy we have the headers and a chance to discuss this one.


Martaivett, no need to apologize. You and the other recappers can do only what you can do. I am happy we have the headers and a chance to discuss this one.


Sorry for the double post!


Shannon-I almost wonder if this will move to an earlier time after MPV ends (which is soon), but I suspect it will stay in this late spot since I think it is doing well.

I didn't finish watching this episode yet, but I can't wait to. Maybe it's just because I always love the "wooing stage" of TNs (you know, the first few weeks when they are trying to win the viewer over), but I am liking this a lot.

Am I the only one though who struggles to comprehend the comedies? I can go CC-less with typical melodrama and even with MPV I've only needed the CCs in the last week or two, but comedies are my kryptonite. Is it just psychological?

Vivi, Ana Sofia calls her doggie her son, so SHE would agree with your comparison.

It's not just psychological. Comedies have puns and other word-play, and it's harder to follow the pace of "witty banter." And often there is more slang.

I think with comedies, some of the punchlines are related to how words are spelled/pronounced, so with the translation you get some percentage of the comical aspect gone by translation. But yes, the comical situations also tend to make them speak faster, which does not help things at all for people who need the slow speaking to be able to understand.
for example, when Minerva's mom was telling her 'lejos de alejo' (stay at a distance from Alejo, he is no good, [better keep focus on MA]) you lose that rhythmic comical part of the line/moment...

Julie, you and I were on same page on responding to Sara.
Also, great theory of how MA will present the situation to the Menchacas... LOL!
Vivi, great point! the parallels are definitely there, and I agree with Julie, even the son/dog since AS considers him a 'favorite son'.

If we remember back last episode, Don Chuy got really evasive when Lupita asked him for the deed to the house/gym so that they could get a loan from the back to open the restaurant. His excuse was that a bank would just give them the runaround and it was better to go to Salomon (which we know is a huge mistake). But it seems pretty clear that he does not have the deed, and that ownership of the property is not cut and dried.

The bank, not back. :)

Anyway, we're in for a struggle between the two families over that property.

Vivi, ITA, and i think the one caught in the middle of that struggle will be MA with his guilt trip and his sense of justice/fairness.

Great list, Vivi. I love watching the parallels in TNs

Well, at least now we know how the merging of the families will take lace. I laugh every time I think of AS having to move to the barrio and how she always looks like something smells around her. Don Chuy will take her down a peg or two.

One of the best engagement dinners ever. This family is a total mess.

I'm wondering if Robert Blandon will be a villain or a good guy. I've seen him do both.

Love the interaction between Saul and MA. As has been said we knew that was a possibility.

Loved how every time MA scored points in the meeting the secretary would hand Ahole a little soccer ball to squeeze.

It took me a few weeks worth of watching PESE to pick up on the comedic lines. Jaime Camil is so animated with his acting that it really helped me pick up on certain things that I wouldn't get right away from words.

I usually have my spanish dictionary open and list out the words that sound like slang or ones I don't get right away. Thankfully words get repeated often in these shows so I can pick up after I've looked it up and hear it a bunch :)

I can't remember who suggested it but Ahole for Alejo is perfect.

I have to go back and enjoy rewatching last night's engagement party and work meeting but have to say I will sign the line on the 'Ahole for Alejo' nick used from here on out. (sheesh! and to think it is Mark T, whose char I adored in Mariachi -most of the time, that is.)

Marta Sara

Thank you the moment I saw how this was playing out Ahole was so perfect for Alejo I simply couldn't resist although some people might be offended.

I liked "Delito" for Alejo too, but it's probably too far off from his real name and would probably confuse people.

Julie, I agree. I like Delito too but Ahole is so similar to Alejo that we won't confuse anyone.

I admit I was a little confused by Delito, but I figured it out. I like Ahole because I confess I'm pretty crude.

PS I like that Ana Chofi has named her children (canine children included) after artists.

Regarding Delito, no worries. It's all good.


All after famous artists how pretentious and how like her. LOL

I have been catching up with the show, I was out of town until today. This one is a true comedy, yeah!


I too think it is funny that AS named her two boys after two Italian artists, Michael Angelo and Leonardo da Vinci she is liking Italy isn't she ; ) and her daughter after the great Frida Kahlo.

I too like that the two eldest children in the family have the smarts. I also like Ahole for Alejo. What a jerk he is!

I find the comedies are easier for me to recap. The physical, and there is a lot here it seems, can tell you a lot about what is going on. I am really liking Jaime Camil in this one. Zuria Vega is surprising me. She was so great in "Refugio". I am also liking Arturo Peniche in this one.

Really liking this one and can't wait to recap on Monday : )

I love Arturo Peniche, period. I wish I could have gotten into QBA.

What is the dog's name? I missed that.

Da Vinci. In a way her two favorites have the same name.

LOL, she must really like the Mona Lisa. No wonder I was confused.

I was hoping for Raphael or Donatello. Sort of a Ninja Turtles reunion. ;-)

Julie, lol! we're thinking alike!
can't wait until Ana Sophy has to move to the barrio and deal with Don Chuy on a daily basis and get her hair styled there as well.
MA will just feel awkward for a while but she and Leonardo will have a harder time 'adjusting' lol.

I'm hoping it doesn't take long to get the two families together under one roof. :) It's gonna be fun!

I definitely need to catch up on this show on the weekend! I've only seen the first episode so far, and it sounds like it gets more entertaining. I'm looking forward to MA snapping out of the daze he's apparently been in (accidentally getting half-heartedly engaged, etc.) and bringing us some charm and laughs.

Question about the engagement party scene: Ana Sofi was telling Minerva's mom she was opposed to the relationship from the beginng and then got interrupted. Will this end up being a plot point?

Sara- She was making it clear that she opposed, but because of the clause in the will... She was interrupted before she could reveal that MA has to get hitched and have a male heir. Right now Min and her mom don't know about that.

I wonder how long it will be before Minerva finds out. And how she finds out. That's a very powerful thing for her to know about!

Thanks, Vivi! Now for more stupid questions....

MA wants to open a branch of RP in England and enter the English-market. He's putting up his personal capital. The accountants found evidence of embezzlement/defraude of muchos pesos and the evidence points to MA. Were there any details that I need to know. I understood the overall picture.

MA was worried about Alejo complying with the will first and not taking care of MA's family, right?

I think MA could live with the possibility of his brother having to take care of himself. ;) It was Ana Sofia who pointed out that Ahole wouldn't support her family if MA didn't win this idiotic competition. But Grandma could be at risk too, and it was clear enough that she was worried about what might happen if Ahole continued to run things himself.

Because of my limited Spanish,I am still trying to sort out the various characters. What is Minvera's mom's name in the story and what is the name of the actress? She looks very familiar.

This is going to be a funTN. Thanks Julie for keeping the blog going.

Thanks for reminding me, emeraldrose....

Let me thank you again, Julie for all you've done this week. So much happens the first week and thanks to you, Marta, Vivi and many others I've been able to keep track of most things.

I can't remember Min's mom's name either. I know the actress was in Cachito (Coca) and was a fellow inmate in CI.

I don't know her name either, but we'll get it eventually.

I'm glad I was able to do the recap and mini-recaps this week, and it was no trouble at all to put up the discussion header last night.

As for last night's episode (which I still haven't seen yet)... in my experience, anything important we missed will be repeated, both in dialogue and in countless flashbacks, until even those who know no Spanish at all will know it backwards and forwards. As will your goldfish and plants.

Come to think of it, if you have a bird that talks, you might want to keep it away from the TV or you'll be hearing this story for the rest of your life.

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