Monday, January 20, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- SANTA DIABLA, week of January 20, 2014

We're moving toward the finish line on this one.  Things should get even crazier than they have been.  Wait -- is that possible?


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Ive said it before but I remeber last seeing Roberto Mateos and Wanda Disidoro in EL ROSTRO DE LA VENGANZA. They were both kind of bland in it. As much as many of you dislike Patricio, Robertos acting makes Pat a damn good villian in this (Seems more evil than Humberto imo). Then again i did like watching Mateos in all the roles ive seen him in.

Wanda Disidoro played a boring news reporter who later died in ERDLV. But in SD she really nailed it at playing an evil narcisstic self-obsessed perra!

Patricio will die (no doubt) but will Babs die? If she doesnt then im sure she'll end up in a nuthouse.

Is Ulises gay? I missed a few capitulos so i mustve missed the one when he came out. I remember the capitulo where he found out his lover was cheating on him but it sounded like there was a woman in the apartment. Did this mean he had a bisexual bf that cheated on him with a woman?

My satellite service returned. Thanks for the recaps of last week :)

Santa Diabla, Monday
Part 1 of 3

In which Santa joins the Gang of Three

Santa peers into the Coletti house and then stares in disbelief -- Pancho is alive!

At first, Pancho isn't happy that Begoña has brought Santa in on the secret. But he comes around and finally admits that he thinks it was Humberto who killed his father.

Santiago wants Alicia out of the Cano house. Now! But Alicia isn't going without a fight. As she and Santi struggle, Inés watches. Does Fran say she's calling the police?

It's Bert who gets her frantic call. Alicia is out of control! If Santi throws her out, she threatens to expose Bert as Franco's killer. Bert glances at Pat glowering in the background (and now in his employ) and he tells Fran he has a solution for their little problem.

When Daniela tells Iván she was raped, he expresses guilt for leaving her alone when she needed him most. But for the first time we have seen, she takes responsibility for her behavior and its consequences. Wow.

Pancho explains how they faked his death so he could go undercover and investigate his father's murder. He doesn't have proof of Bert's guilt, but he has a lot of evidence pointing to him. He shows Santa the video of the warehouse scene. He has analyzed everyone's reaction to the scrolled announcement that someone in the room killed Vicente. Most of them look surprised and confused. But Bert looks frightened and trapped. (Though I would say he looks merely shifty, as he frequently does.)

There is evidence that Bert hated Vicente and had threatened to kill him. That he took Ulises' anonymous call seriously, went where he was told to go, and zeroed in on a sword identical to the one used to kill Vicente is also damning.

Alicia and Santi are still in a shouting match when Bert arrives and asks to be left alone with Alicia. Alicia repeats her threat -- protect her or she'll reveal he killed Franco Garcia. Bert smiles. How is she going to do that? And in walks the Franco2, aka Rene. Whoa.

Part 2 of 3
No puede ser, says Alicia. But she recovers quickly. In any case, she says, she has proof of his money laundering. Sorry Alicia -- her witness Pat broke out of jail and now is on Bert's side. So unless she wants to be shut up permanently, she can pack up and leave right now!

Now that Alicia is headed back to the Diabla house, where can Rene hide out and eat pizza?

Santa realizes that Bert spent a long time planning his crimes and framing her for them. She is full of self-reproach. ¡Qué estupida! To think that she was even on his side. She makes a decision -- She is going to help them get Bert to confess! The Gang of Three has just become the Gang of Four.

Bert introduces Tránsito to her newest lodger: Rene! Bert has one more favor to ask of him: he'd like Rene to find out who is accusing him of killing his father.

After getting thrown out of the family home, Alicia reaches out to Willy for comfort. He gets to the Diabla house as fast as he can and listens to her sorrows. She may have Cano blood, she tells him, but she's not a Cano. The reality is she will always be alone. "What am I, chopped liver?" asks Willy. [ok, that's a loose translation. He really says ¿Acaso no existo?] He kisses her.

The kissing becomes intense. Willy and Alicia are heading towards the horizontal.

Rene isn't interested in doing Bert's dirty work. Bert reminds Rene that Franco may be gone, but his hitmen are still out there gunning for him. He looks at Patricio.

Santi doesn't let Fran glory in Alicia's absence. If Alicia is full of resentment, it's Fran's fault. No more telling lies in their family, he declares. Red-browed Inés has been following Santi, a crazy, silent shadow. But now she speaks. Santi is right to reproach Fran, she says. Santi reminds Inés she is in no position to criticize another woman's parenting. She abandoned her own daughter. Let her go make things right as a mother (as she promised him she would) -- or don't come looking for him again!

Patricio tells Rene that the cartel has put a price on his head. But no one is going to turn him in, chimes in Bert, because Rene will be on their team now. (If you count Tránsito, these guys are also a Gang of Four.)

Part 3 of 3

Alicia confesses to Willy that she is a virgin. (The last man who tried anything with her ended up dead.) Willy is unafraid. He shows Alicia how to be a lover, not a fighter, at least briefly.

Lisette is pleased that Arturo wants to visit their baby. When she goes to get the child, he takes the baby's passport out of desk drawer.

Elisa and Laz say their goodbyes to Mara. They want to drive her to the airport but she insists on taking a taxi. It is obvious to Elisa that Mara is hiding something, but she can't worm the secret out of her.

Willy brings Alicia a breakfast tray. It looks like it's just got an apple and a cup of coffee on it, but Alicia seems touched.

Begoña delivers a breakfast tray to Santa's, but she is not in her room...

...Because Santa is standing in Humberto's office, and she is dressed to kill.

She woke up wanting to see him, she says. She realizes he's the only one who has stood by her, even defending her when she was accused of killing his father. She feels protected in his presence. Bert is surprised. What happened to cause this overnight change in sentiments?

Willy reminds Alicia that Santa is the mother of his child. And despite everything that has happened, he feels respect and affection for her. Alicia isn't pleased. She remembers Santa's recent false accusation. Alone in the house, she makes a phone call. She tells the person on the other end that he is anxious to talk.

Arturo wants to take the baby for a walk in the park. Lisette is reluctant to allow it. But Arturo convinces her: what does she have to lose?

Santa says her change of heart isn't all that sudden. In fact, defending him caused her problems with Santi. They're no longer together. It's probably for the best. Now all she really wants is to find a job. It's so strange -- she keeps getting turned away. Bert says she doesn't need to work. He can take care of her and her son. Nothing would make him happier.

Alicia paces. The doorbell rings. It's INES! Oh no!

Alicia grabs Ines's purse and pulls out her gun. Does she always carry gun in her bag or only when she fakes a kidnaping and blames it on Santa?

Arturo promises to take good care of Felipe. He wheels the baby carriage out of the house.

Santi finds his access to the family laptop is blocked. There's a password that only Humberto knows. Fran wants to know what he's looking for. Work, he tells her. Fran seems unfamiliar with the concept. She holds up his brother as an example. His law firm was bankrupt and now it's flourishing! That reminds Santi -- how did he pull that off? She doesn't know. Hard work, she supposes. Santi is dubious. And why does he have the family computer password-protected? Is there something he doesn't want anyone else to see?

Santa is conflicted, she says. She is moved by Bert's words, but so much has happened between them. Bert agrees they have both made mistakes. It's time to turn over a new leaf. What can he do to make her trust him?

She hated him when she believed he was responsible for Willy's death. But Willy is alive, so she has no reason to reproach him. Or is she mistaken? Is there something she doesn't know, something he has done to harm her?

Bert swears there is nothing more. In that case, Santa accepts his help. She is going to trust him. He kisses her hand and swears she won't regret it. Right.


wow, thanks so much NovelaMaven!

when Humberto said he had a solution to Alicia, I never saw him using Rene.

and Rene ending up at Transito's Hotel for Transients, he actually seems like a nice guy, and doesn't much care for Patricio, but Humberto sure has him cornered, maybe it's the Paula curse. (but doesn't Lucy live there as well, how will she fit in, she already has the attitude and the gun)

so Alicia and Willy seal the deal, oh boy, do we want to be around when Alicia catches Willy with another woman.

did Santiago send Ines home, to the smashed up house?

so we have gone full circle, and the sparkling revenge filled eyes and red lips of Santa will be once again be directed at Humberto, and as much as it is what he wants, doesn't Santa really twist him in a knot, by never quite being THAT girl he is obsessed about.


Great recap, NovelaMaven, thank you!

I guess every modern baby has a passport these days (?)

I wonder if anything will ever come of the gardener Ines killed. Probably not, but if so, the gun that killed him now has Alicia's fingerprints on it, and she could be blamed.

Lisette is really seeming nicer and nicer, and Arturo really is misguided (that's nothing new). Mara is just about the worst person in any scheme, so guilty, glad she's not in on Pancho's thing.

I think Santa is coming on a bit strong to Bert, but maybe he's so smitten, he won't notice.

Will Paula visit Rene at the Trebol de Oro? That would be weird. Maybe Rene and Lucy will become friends. Or more.

The possibilities are endless!

Great job, NovelaMaven. Many thanks! I especially loved your translation of ¿Acaso no existo?

So how does Alicia know that Inés faked the kidnapping of Santiago and her?

Deb, great comment: "oh boy, do we want to be around when Alicia catches Willy with another woman." Indeed, given Willy's propensities, if we weren't already in últimas semanas" I'd expect a string of women murdered by the jealous Alicia.

Hombre, I too wondered about baby Felipe's passport. My son had one at age 3 months (we had to prop him up for the photo), but that was because we were about to travel overseas. I'm not aware of any such plans for Felipe, except on Arturo's part. I doubt that Arturo had an opportunity to arrange for a passport and passport photo for Felipe in the short time since he decided to flee with him to Canada.

All Alicia had to do was flatter Barbara and Barbara was her friend, but I doubt that Humberto will fall for Santa's pitch so easily.

Nice that Santi finally called his mother and Ines out on their nonsense, but his yelling at Alicia is why I still pull for Humberto (despite the questionable team he's put together). Alicia knew her mother wanted her dead, had to kill a rapist, and spent half her life in jail. The girl needs therapy not some super-judgey brother. Fran's one (faked) apology doesn't make up for what she did.

But if Humebrto falls for Santa's latest attept at a scheme, I'll be very disappointed. Can't he see she's wearing the Red Lipstick of Lies?


SANTA, Martes, Part 1

This show is turning into musical houses. I think, with the exception of Inés, every single one of the characters has lived in at least two (counting people who came from out of state), and many have lived in three or more. We only have about 6 or 7, and they all keep switching. This provides plenty of telenovela moments!

We begin with Inés arriving at Alicia’s house (which also used to be Santa’s house, and Franco was there until yesterday, when he moved to Tránsito’s place). These two ladies are both tough, both wounded, both a little nuts. They go through some Alpha Female posturing, as Alicia says they should team up, giving Inés back her gun, showing no fear. We have common enemies, Bert and Santa. We all know you hate Santa, and as for Bert, he killed your father, right? (this isn’t really known, but based on that last note that Bert got). Besides, I know you faked that whole kidnap thing with Santiago (somehow Alicia has guessed this). Well, I don’t need you, replies Inés. Wait, says Alicia. The best way to get to Bert is through Santa. And did you know that Santa killed George? Well, he really didn’t. I did!

Yes, George was behind all those videos of the family. He was my accomplice for years. But he got to be a pain. He attacked Santa, she flipped him, he hit his head. But he wasn’t dead. I just TOLD Santa he was, and despite the fact that she’s a nurse, she was too shaken to check. When I had her go out to get a garbage bag for the body, I saw George was alive. But I broke his neck, and finished him off. Santa, though, thinks she’s a “murderer”. She’s tormented by this. If you don’t help me, I’ll just tell her that she’s not, and you’ll lose Santiago. But both of us know each others’ secrets, so let’s work together. Inés has that weird, gleaming face which means I’m crazy, but okay.

Iván takes Daniela to a clinic to get checked for STD’s. He tells her she could have clymidia, hepatitus B, even AIDS (excuse my spelling if I got those wrong). Dani is terrified, even though Iván tries to reassure her, that even with AIDS, nowadays, it can be treated.

Iván also visits Lisette, his mother, who’s a bit worried, Arturo took the baby out for a walk, and hasn’t been back. His cell is off. Iván says don’t worry, Art is an upstanding guy.

Or not. Art’s at the airport, Mara is there, and the plane’s almost ready to take off, but here come some customs guys. Mara is quivering with fear. They just want to see the passports. Art gets out his and the baby’s, but Mara can’t find hers. The guys ask if Mara is the mother of the baby. Mara whispers to Art, it’s over, we might as well face the music. Art keeps hoping things will work out.

Back at Elisa’s place, she tells Lázaro how she has a strange premonition about Mara, who was too nervous. They discover that Mara forgot one of her suitcases, and upon opening it, they find baby things! Wait a minute, what’s going on, Mara was just going by herself, wasn’t she? Elisa figures out they must have kidnapped the baby! She wants to try to stop Mara before it’s too late. They call the taxi service to find out the airport where Mara was dropped off, and off they go to save the day! Except that the customs guys have decided everything’s okay, and now Art, Mara and Felipe are boarding the plane. Uh oh!

SANTA, Part 2

At Tránsito’s place, Rene has some guys going over phone records to trace who’s making those calls to Bert, his new boss. This is his new job. So far, the phone seems to be a stolen phone. Tránsito thinks those nice boys with computers are so sweet, doesn’t understand when they say the less you know, the better.

Paula shows up at Alicia’s place, looking for Rene. She’s surprised to see Alicia there, since yesterday Rene was there, and Alicia was at the mansion. Alicia puts two and two together. When she had threatened Bert with exposing his killing of Franco, “Franco” had appeared, and she didn’t know what was going on. Now, since Paula tells her that this guy is Franco’s double, Alicia gets it.

Pancho goes to Inés’s (formerly his) house, and finds it trashed, but doesn’t know why (we know that Lucy did it).

Pancho and Ulises are happily discussing strategy, when there’s a knock on the door. Pancho quickly hides, and Vicky comes in (she currently lives with Iván, but still has a key). She wonders why Ulises is so nervous. And why two coffee cups? Well, um, I had one, it got cold, I got another. She smiles, do you have a guest here? He nervously says, of course not, what guest would I have? Satisfied, she hugs her brother and leaves. Two seconds later, the doorbell rings again (Pancho, who lives here now, is hiding upstairs). It’s Lucy, and she pulls a gun on Ulises, saying that rat Pancho left me and I couldn’t pay him back. But I can make YOU pay!!!!

Santa is using her charms on Bert, but telling him not to go too fast. She calls home, and Begoña tells her that Willy is playing video games with willy, which is true. Begoña leaves the room for a minute, and there’s a knock on the door. It’s Bárbara. Willy tells willy to keep playing the game, and goes outside. Barb says are you ashamed of me? If you really love me, let’s make out. They go into her car, and start smooching. Little willy gets bored, looks for his Dad, goes outside, sees the kissing, is shocked, and walks away. By this time Santa has left the mansion, wants to check on willy. She sees Willy and Barb making out, ignores them, goes inside, but willy is gone! Now she’s upset, yells at Willy and Barb, and they have to search for willy.

Little willy walks right to the mansion (where he used to live), runs up to Santiago, hugs him, and doesn’t want to leave. He tells Santi that his Dad Willy was kissing Santi’s sister (Barb). Fran wants him to leave. Santi calls Santa, and tells him willy is there. Somehow everyone ends up at the mansion, Fran, Willy, Barb, Santi, Santa, willy, maybe even Begoña. The insults are flyin’. Santa wants to take willy home, but he won’t go, and Santi convinces her to let him stay for a while. Enter Bert, who figures this is a perfect time to give Santa a giant ring! Yes, in front of the whole family, he proclaims his love, as everyone else is shocked. Fran can’t believe that Barb is with Willy, and Bert with Santa, the two people they screwed over and hate! But Santa really doesn’t know what to do, since her plan is to make Bert fall for her. Which he is. She gives her half smile, which indicates I’m an idiot and have no clue what my plan is, but aren’t I pretty? Bert smiles back, and even though Santa wants to “go slow”, he’s already in overdrive!

Back with her Mom, Santa is being consoled by Begoña, who tells her, you did the right thing, honey. This will be over soon, when we prove you’re innocent of murder. Mom, don’t say that, says Santa. But, dear, you didn’t kill Vicente. Tears streaming down her face, Santa cries out, Mommy, I’m a murderer. I killed George!!!!!!!!!!


thanks so much Hombre!
that was an interesting show last night, as everyone seems to be getting reorganized.

I'm fascinated by Alicia's one-eyed expressions, as well as her (justified ???) evil, and that we are never quite sure how far she will go, Ines seems suspicious as well.

Willy on the other hand doesn't seem to be too good with this revenge stuff, as he makes out with Barbara outside the house, (to keep that thing going), only to lose willy, and get ripped on by Santa, and at the Cano house convention when Barbara, newly empowered by Willy's intervention and seems to have lost her fear of Santa, is only too quick to jump on Santa, only to be reproached in front of the family as Willy's new lover, who is looking for a place to hide, excuses himself, and gets out of there.

and Humberto's swagger into the room with an engagement ring, HA!

if I was willy I'd be looking for new parents as well.

I'm not too worried about Mara, as I think the only way to leave Marrero is in a box, or on a bus to prison, but the poor pilot, being deceived by Arturo. (I don't think anyone stops you from leaving the country, the problem is entering the new country, but I have heard you need a passport to return to the U.S., even from Canada)

I guess this Pancho thing has been really festering with Lucy, (and how long before everyone has a gun), but I'm wondering if Pancho will have to reveal himself to calm her down, but won't this make things worse, wow.


Many thanks, Hombre, for another excellent recap. Perhaps I wasn't paying attention, but I hadn't understood what the computer guys were doing at Tránsito's until I read your explanation.

So will Elisa and Lázaro arrive at the airport before Arturo and Mara take off, or will A and M fly to Canada only to find that Mara can't enter without a passport? I'm afraid Arturo's glued-on grin and Mara's helplessness made me stop caring about the two of them months ago.

I loved your description of Santa: "She gives her half smile, which indicates I’m an idiot and have no clue what my plan is, but aren’t I pretty?"

Kelly, I burst out laughing at your remark yesterday about Humberto: "But if Humberto falls for Santa's latest attempt at a scheme, I'll be very disappointed. Can't he see she's wearing the Red Lipstick of Lies?"

Between a gorgeous but clueless Santa and a scruffy sad sack Santi, I'm more than ready for a new telenovela.


Tks so much Hombre

When are they going to find the old lady that Ines killed? Who knows, she probably isn't dead. I'm beginning to wonder if Gaspar is really dead?

We know Humberto is going down, I just hope he does it with his usual coolness.

Thanks for another snappy recap, Hombre. Juanita already quoted my favorite line, but what the heck:

"She gives her half smile, which indicates I’m an idiot and have no clue what my plan is, but aren’t I pretty?"

Deb, I look forward to your comments as much as I do to the recap.

"I'm not too worried about Mara, as I think the only way to leave Marrero is in a box, or on a bus to prison"

That does seem the Marrero way. [snort]

Ok. I confess. I have grown tired of these fools and their games.

You know how you can be at the table enjoying a rich dessert and then all of a sudden you have reached the point where it stops tasting good? You can polish it off if you are compulsive enough, but you're not really going to enjoy it. In fact, you know you should have stopped eating several bites ago.

Well that's how I'm starting to feel about all things Marrero. Ya basta!

Oh wait. Is there any piece of pie left?

I'll take as much pie as they want to dish out! I like how much these people really enjoy their badness. Even the good guys, except Santi who is just too uptight to have fun with anything. He probably should have stayed in Guatemala where it was safer.

Why would they check passports to get on a private place, except to terrify Mara? The worst liar here is expected to fool the customs people. Ha. And, yeah, she'd be in trouble trying to come back. You need a passport even to walk over to Mexico for the day. Elisa to the rescue!

I am a little confused about the strife between Alicia and Santa. I know they had a falling out, but I can't remember why. Santa doesn't care if she gets with Willy and she shouldn't care about what her brothers do. Or is just because she's a little off?


NovelaMaven, I loved your rich dessert analogy!

Kelly, I'm not sure, but I think the friction between Alicia and Santa came about for two reasons. One is that Alicia told Santa that she (Alicia) was going to have vengeance against all the Canos, including Santi. Santa tried to remind her that Santi felt her absence acutely and used to play music at her supposed grave, but her words didn't change Alicia's mind. Also, when Santa fought with George and appeared to cause his death, Alicia told Santa that now she too was an asesina. This troubled Santa a lot, and she came to feel that Alicia was responsible for Santa's becoming such a person. There may be more that I've forgotten, but those are at least two reasons for the animosity between Santa and Alicia.

SANTA, Miércoles, Part 1

A very tense episode, filled with threats, lies, and hate, begins with Santa repeating, I'm a murderer, Mom, I killed George! No, it can't be, says Begoña. Yes, it's true, it was in self defense, but it's true. Does Paula know? No, Ma, she doesn't know that I killed the father of the baby she's expecting! Our Santa is in tears (and doesn't know she's innocent).

Paula calls Rene, why aren't you at your place? Well, I moved. No, you can't come here, I'll come visit you. I, um, got a new job. In computers. See ya. We see the computer boys working on their laptops, and they hit paydirt! At least one of the calls came from a house owned by Carlos Colletti. He's dead, but maybe a relative of his lives there. Rene calls Bert, who is just about to be confronted by Santi, and tells Rene he'll meet him later to get the info. Santi tells Bert he's a jerk giving Santa an engagement ring. She doesn't love you, bro, she loves me. If she's acting like she loves you, it must be some plan. No, says Bert, you're wrong, she's changed. You had your chance, but this time, I won. Wanna bet?

Cut to the Colletti house, where Lucy is pointing a gun at Ulises, screaming that he'll pay. Pancho has come downstairs, and is watching the confrontation in anguish. Lucy demands to know WHY Pancho broke up with her. You, Ulises, must know. I don't know anything, he replies. This is your last chance, or I'll shoot! Just before she does, Pancho yells out, don't do it, Lucy! She sees him, goes white as a sheet, and runs out the door, right into the street, and is hit by a car! The driver jumps out, she came outta nowhere, they call an ambulance, Ulises tells Pancho, get inside, man, or our whole plan is over. Pancho has to rip his gaze from the bloody body of Lucy, and hustle back inside. The paramedics arrive, take her away, not even telling Ulises if she's alive.

At the airport, Elisa and Lázaro show up just in time to stop Art and Mara. Art is resolved, we're going, period. Are you gonna turn us in? Elisa says of course not, but you'll have to go alone with your baby, there's no way I'll let Mara go to jail. Just then, Lisette shows up, yelling, give me back my baby! Apparently, customs called, wondered why someone had a copy of the passport of Lisette's baby. Art takes full responsibility, says he forced Mara, if anyone should pay, it's he. Elisa implores Lisette, are you going to press charges, send the father of your baby to jail? Lisette DOES have mercy. She won't press charges. I've made mistakes, too, she says. We both have. Now we're even. And maybe we should both look out for the good of our child. She leaves, and Art has a lot to think about.

Alicia is pissed at Willy. Why'd you have to kiss my sister Bárbara? Well, that's my plan, he answers, make her think I love her, then drop her so hard, she'll never recover. Alicia persists, would you sleep with her? The answer had better be no. You have to choose between me and her. Willy doesn't want to get into this. Alicia says if you go too far with Bárbara, I'll KILL her. You know what I'm capable of!

Paula finds a crying Santa. She first says she's just upset that willy and Santi don't want to be with her. But then Santa replays the George thing in her mind. Paula hugs her.


ANTA, Part 2

At the mansion, crazy Inés watches Barb put on her jewels. She says she's sorry about Dani, who must be destroyed at losing her father, and it's all Santa's fault. Barb goes what? Oh, says Inés, didn't you know? Santa killed George! But don't tell anyone. My brother Pancho discovered George's phone in Santa's house, and she admitted it. But now Pancho's dead, and there's no proof but that phone. The only thing to do is confront Santa! As Barb rushes out, Inés smiles demonically. She calls Alicia to give her the good news. Their plan is working. Also, Santa's kid lives here now. Great, says Ali, this is out next step.......

Inés meets willy in the kitchen, prepares him a snack, and decides to tell him a secret. Remember that man George? Guess what, your Mommy killed him! Your Mom is a murderer, willy. Hmmm. Inés shows willy a picture of George, Barbara and Dani, see what you Mom did, she caused that nice girl to lose her Daddy. It's not true, says willy. Yes it is. And your Mommy also killed my father, that's what she went to jail for, remember? Little willy says they let her out. Oh yes, continues Inés that's because she has evil friends, like that guy Franco, who pointed a gun at all of us. Your Mom doesn't love anyone, certainly not you, not even your own father (this fits for willy, whose eyes get wide). But don't worry, honey, says Inés, you're not alone. You have me. (Oh NO!). She takes willy's hand, and is going to take him to another secret place. (Double oh no.)

Bert goes to visit Rene at the Trebol De Oro, and Santi is following. What's he doing there? Rene tells him the calls came from the Colletti house. Bert doesn't know what to think. When Bert leaves, Santi sees Rene come out of the brothel, says to himself, Franco??? He goes inside, grabs Rene by the collar, raging at him, what are you doing here, you slime! Aren't you dead? Rene is contrite, I'm not Franco, I'm Rene, I'm his double.

Lisette visits Padre Milton, tells him about Art trying to kidnap the baby. She says she couldn't turn Art in, couldn't do that to the father of her baby. And she's worried about her son, Iván. He doesn't know it, but the woman he loves, Vicky, is dying. Vicky's about my own age, she says, and Iván doesn't have any idea. Also, he's helping that poor girl Dani, who's addicted to drugs. Lisette is definitely redeeming herself these days, and the Padre understands her concerns. She continues, that poor girl is pregnant, raped by drug addicts who abused her. And maybe because her own parents always fought. I don't want that to be true for my baby, that his parents always fight. She even admits she committed an assault, and even faked that her baby was sick, but she's really repentant. She doesn't even care about the inheritance. Her tears are real, and the Padre forgives her.

Barb shows up at Santa's, SLAPS her, saying you murderer, you killed George! How dare you criticize me and Willy, when you're a thousand times worse. Paula enters, not having heard, tells Barb to leave, but Barb says you didn't know? Santa killed George! Santa is so shocked, so guilt-ridden, she can't speak (actually this is her normal state). Paula screams for Barb to leave. She does. As Begoña comes up in the background, Paula asks Santa, did you kill George, or not? In a little voice, Santa says it was in self defense. You mean, says Paula, you made my baby an orphan? Santa continues. He was choking me. It was my life or his. Forgive me, please, says Santa. Paula is not moved. I never want you near me again. Or near my baby. You're a danger to everyone around you, everyone who believed in you. As Paula walks out, Santa weeps to her mother, Mom, I've lost her forever.


SANTA, Part 3

Ulises, with Pancho wringing his hands in the background, calls Tránsito, explains that Lucy was in an accident, asks her to try to find out what hospital she's in, if she's okay. He tells Pancho everything will be all right. The doorbell rings, Pancho hides, and Bert bursts in, who besides you lives in this house!! Just me, says Ulises. Then, says Bert, YOU must be the person who is blaming me for the death of Vicente Robledo. Ulises denies it, I didn't make any calls. Bert punches him, snarling, I know everything in this town. Don't you mess with me. Or you'll regret it. With Pancho listening in the background, Bert scares the bejeesus out of Ulises, and strides out, saying I do not forgive. Pancho asks if Ulises is okay. He is, but that guy was like a gangster. That's what he is, says Pancho.

Pancho tells Ulises he's going to move back to his own house, nobody's there (I thought Inés lived there, but who can keep track these days. Maybe Inés lives at the mansion. That's right, she was scared from the kidnapping). Pancho tells Ulises he's eternally grateful, you're the one who saved me from marrying Lucy, which would have been the worst mistake of my life. I'd be living a lie. Thank you, Ulises, I'm eternally grateful. Their faces get close, and I almost think they're going to kiss, but they hug.

Back in the mansion, Dani is worried about if she has AIDS. Iván comforts her, one step at a time. She wants to be alone, tells him to go to Vicky. Iván goes to his mother's house (formerly Hortensia's). He tells Lisette, I came from the hospital, they told me everything. You're doing the right thing, son, being with Vicky when she has so little time left. Huh? Iván says I was talking about Daniela. What are you saying, Vicky has little time to live?????? Lisette is shocked, can't speak.

Inés takes willy to a park, and there's Alicia, with a new bike and balloons. She's going to be willy's other new best friend. Yes, now he has the loca sisters as his best pals and twin Mommies. Whoopee!

Santa goes into her bedroom, gets out a little case, there's a gun inside. She cocks the trigger, says to herself, forgive me, and POINTS THE GUN AT HER HEAD.


Thank you for another marvelous job, Hombre.

So what's the score?

Lisette -- redeemed. Even her hair is redeemed.

Dani -- redeemed. Even her eye makeup is redeemed.

Arturo and Mara -- redeemed

Barb -- worthless foolish narcissist to the end?

Rene -- pick a side, buddy

Ivan -- grief will be good for you as a writer

Bad guys currently sitting pretty -
Crazy ladies Ines and Alicia
Freezer mom Fran
Bluebeard Patricio (who in any other universe would be the object of a manhunt -- he just killed two cops! -- and would have been immediately caught in his old hang-out, the Trebol de oro.)
Humberto, getting his groove back

"Good" guys in mortal jeopardy
willy (though the kid has practice slipping away from crazy ladies)

And Lucy -- forgive me, but I would have run over her myself.

What else?

Great recap Hombre,
this really nails it!

I was so sorry to see Lucy get hit, she is one of my favorite characters, but it was cracking me up that the EMT's wouldn't tell Ulises ANYTHING, and in a final try, he asked where they were going, the hospital or the morgue.

Alicia to me is such a fascinating character, she really was good guy (in the tough sort of way) when she got Santa through her prison stay, and she can read and handle the bad guys better than anyone, but then she goes and kills George, pretty much because he was getting annoying, and when Santa turned on her, whoa, Humberto isn't the only one that doesn't Forgive.

and I have been enjoying Santa and Santiago, I think they are playing their parts perfectly, such a different/desperate love story.



but then she goes and kills George, pretty much because he was getting annoying,

…unless, you know, she didn't.

what? did I get this wrong?

didn't Alicia tell Ines, (the first time), that when she sent Santa outside, she broke his neck?


Oh no, Deb. You got it right. I'm just wondering if Alicia is telling the truth to Ines.

I pretty much doubt every word that comes out of every character's mouth. Except for Padre Milton. Maybe.

Wow! A wonderful recap by Hombre followed by some terrific comments by NovelaMaven and deb.

Hombre, I especially like (and agree with) your remark "Santa is so shocked, so guilt-ridden, she can't speak (actually this is her normal state)." I find her guilt-ridden state really irksome: heck, if someone were strangling me and I fought him off and accidentally killed him, I strongly doubt I'd feel anything but relief. (Yes, I know that Alicia has now claimed that she, not Santa, killed off George, but even if Santa did kill George, she was acting in self defense. Of course, this being a telenovela, neither Santa nor Paula seems to care about the fact that George was trying to strangle Santa.

I also enjoyed your remark (about willy): "Yes, now he has the loca sisters as his best pals and twin Mommies. Whoopee!" I think NovelaMaven is right to point out that "the kid has practice slipping away from crazy ladies," but I fear the writers may milk willy's current vulnerable state for days.

Ah, yes, if there were any doubt that we're in últimas semanas, all the sudden redemptions would bring the point home. Blech. I especially hated Lissette's confession to Padre Milton. It had Moral Lesson for Viewers stamped all over it.

NovelaMaven, I loved your checklist of where all the characters are, especially "Ivan -- grief will be good for you as a writer" and "And Lucy -- forgive me, but I would have run over her myself." Your remarks were a welcome antidote to all the soppy redemptions last night's episode offered us.

deb, thanks for reminding us that "Humberto isn't the only one that doesn't Forgive." I do wonder what the remaining episodes have in store for Alicia.


well I would be the last one to swear that George is even dead.

great list you made NovelaMaven!

has willy even met a lady that wasn't crazy? (well there is his speech therapist, but we don't know her full story, she does seem to smile a bit too much, and there was that school they would drop him off at back when he never said a word),,, no wonder he runs to Santiago.

good point about the cops not tracking down Patricio,

and I guess there is also Arturo's EX-friend, the pilot.

I think by the time this is over, Willy will have paid the price for ALL men that have ever played around, but then who will care for his family.

love your comments Juanita!



"Blech. I especially hated Lissette's confession to Padre Milton. It had Moral Lesson for Viewers stamped all over it."

hahaha. It did indeed. Welcome to the misanthrope's circle!

Deb, I also have my doubts about the speech therapist. Remember that nice teacher for the blind that came to La Casa de al Lado? Crazy as a loon!

As for Paula, she is the most terrible of friends. First she got mad at Santa for not being aggressive enough. Now she won't listen when she tells her George (who, by the way, was a majorly horrible human being) was TRYING TO CHOKE HER TO DEATH!

As for Pancho's jilting Lucy -- normally I would hate a guy for doing that. But Lucy was so predatory, that it was more like Pancho chewing off his own foot to break out of the trap. [Will Santi have to chew off HIS foot to break free of Ines?]

Rough day for Santa! Her best friend hates her for killing a guy who was trying to kill her, and her True Love gets pissy over a ring even though he believes the crazy chick that she set up the kidnapping. (Seriously Santi. Pick a side and stick with it. You don't get to still be loved by someone you accuse of kidnapping. Humberto may his faults, but he knows what loyalty and trust are).

Santa needs to put the gun down, pick up her kid, and go to Disneyland for a nice vacation. Maybe take Big Willy since he looked like he might be regretting sex for the first time ever after that conversation with Alicia.

NovelaMaven! Love the list, especially about Lisette's hair being redeemed! I was thinking how great she looked with the ponytail instead of the dramatic feathering thing she usually has going on.


SANTA DIABLA... Thursday (epi 114)
part 1

*casa martinez
Santa sits on the bed, gun to her head, pulls the...
"SANTA", Begona yells,
and she awakes from her dream.

*the park
Diabla and Ines are double timing willy,
Ines talks of how his mother is a murderer,
Alicia, talks of how wonderful they are, and how good his dad is,
offering him the new bicycle,
with balloons.

*casa Lisette
as Ivan talks about Daniela's hospital trip,
Lisette misinterprets,
and lets slip that Victoria has only a short time to live,
Ivan is crushed,
demands the truth,
Lisette gives him the doctora's card.

*Trebel de Oro
Rene gets it across to Santiago that he's not Franco,
but what are you doing with Humberto, Santi wants to know,
oh nothing, I can't really talk now, later... ,says Rene,
and walks off.

Ivan visits the doctora's office,
and demands to know about his novia.

*casa Mara
everyone is amazed Lisette didn't press charges,
Mara thinks Lisette has a thing for Arturo.
(and what about Mara's new job?)

*casa Cano
willy returns with his new bike (balloons still attached)
parks it in the entry room,
Francisca lays down the law, no bikes in the house,
as willy calmly/quietly ignores her and walks away.

Transito visits Lucy, Yikes!
(she looks really bad)
the doctor says the next 48 hours are critical,
whether she lives or dies.
(but we don't see Transito telling anyone)

*casa Pancho,
a shadowy figure, with a cool hat, shades, and long leather coat,
cruises through the darkness,
it's Pancho, home at last, he says
(looks like someone cleaned up the place)

*casa Martinez
Santiago comes calling,
he wants to know what Santa's plans are with Humberto,
(the engagement ring and all)
he is suspicious of Humberto who has taken control of all of the Cano finances,
and seems to have a lot of money,
and seems to be connected with the narcos,
I'm going to bring him down and I want your support, he tells Santa,
Santa waffles, Santiago stomps out,

wow, I'm thinking, but then she explains to Begona,
she has to act like she likes Humberto, for Pancho's plan to work.
and then later you can be with Santiago, Begona reminds her,
it will be too late, Santa says.

*casa Ivan
Victoria is stumbling around in pain, when Ivan arrives,
he has Xrays, Biopsies, Mamograms,,,
(wow, at least the patient got to see these first I hope)
he spills his heart out about being together, for better or for worse,
she tries to get across that she just wanted the last days of her life to their best ever,
he stomps out.

*casa Ulises
Ulises hears something, Pancho? Victoria?
Patricio whacks him over the head,
Humberto circles around, you know what to do,
as Humberto puts on the black gloves and starts searching,
(and in the back of one of the ovens, in a cardboard box no less,
he finds the phone with the voice scrambler)


SANTA DIABLA... Thursday (epi 114)
part 2

*local bar
Ivan arrives, wants a whole bottle, slaps down his wallet full of money,
the bad guys behind him start drooling.

*casa Cano
Humberto arrives home, after a hard day's work,
Francisca jumps him about willy's bike in the entryway,
he shuts her off and moves to the office.

*casa Martinez
Paula arrives home,
to be met by Santa, Willy, and Begona,
Paula, saying it is HER house,
throws Santa out, FOREVER,
I won't live with the murderer who killed my baby's father.
(this is news to Willy)

*and in yet another basement
Ulises is hanging from the ceiling in chains,
Patricio asks him a few questions,
between punches,
when Ulises doesn't talk, he gets a baseball bat,
(wow, and I just watched Pote on LRdS break a guy's spine with a baseball bat)
still not working, so Patricio calls Humberto to let him know he needs to run over to the Trebel de Oro, (he doesn't want to screw up his first job with the new boss)

*casa Martinez
Santa, tears in her eyes, sadly packs into one small suitcase,
the few things she has,
(not much of a wardrobe)
and calls Humberto, I'd like to see my son,
and I need a favor.

*Trebel de Oro
Victoria, remembering that Ivan goes on a bender when he is upset,
rushes over to the Trebel de Oro, and asks Transito for help,
(but apparently she has not heard about Patricio's escape),
who arrives as well,
Transito rushes her out of there before she sees him,
offering to help find Ivan.

Pancho calls Begona,
who says she will go check on Ulises.

*local bar
Ivan is ripped and has become the night's entertainment,
in what would normally be a quiet bar,
and as the thugs move to get Ivan's wallet,
Transito and Victoria appear,
Transito grabbing a big bottle and backing the bad guys down,
they help Ivan home.

Patricio has returned with electric cables,
oh, poor, poor, Ulises

*casa Cano
Santa is greeted by Humberto,
this is your house, he says,
no way says Ines, seeing her suitcase,
but Humberto cuts her off,
as Santiago and willy move into the room,
we can almost see this inner warm glow of the lost, confused, lonely Santa,
as she is about to be reunited her son,

but willy stops short of the hug,

he calls her.....


Thank you, Deb and Hombre, for the recaps. I'm always behind with watching, so I can't comment on time.

Why is Begonia making such a big deal out of the fact that Santa is pretending to like Humberto? Didn't she do this before when she married him? By now she should be used to playing pretend with lovable Bert.
The only twist in this story would be if she actually likes it, too, despite herself, but I don't think that's the case, since she thinks he killed Vicente.

I really don't know anymore, who is teh owner of the Martinez house?? Santa and Willy used to live there when they were married. Then, Santa left to Venezuela for a while and got back for her revenge. Why is Paula saying this is HER house?
They should all move in with the Canos and be done with it. I think almost all cast members have at one time lived there, that house must have a million rooms. And no servants, let us not forget.

I hope Ulises will be ok and we get to see more than just some lingering looks and hugs between he and Pancho. How about a kiss? Ay, Dios mio, has there ever been a gay kiss on a telenovela?

Another great recap, deb. Muchas gracias.

I liked the exchange you quoted between Begoña and Santa: "and then later you can be with Santiago, Begona reminds her,
it will be too late, Santa says."

Nonsense, Santa! You should watch more telenovelas.

I do hope Begoña somehow manages to ruin Patricio's plan to kill Ulises. I have a feeling that Victoria will come looking for Begoña, attempt to save her and/or Ulises, and perhaps be killed by Patricio. My melodramatic mind assumes that Victoria will die a heroic death, rather than suffering a lingering and painful death from cancer.

Thank you so much, Deb. I needed my Friday fix of your poetic take on this nutty, but definitely prosaic novela.

I loved this description (though I hated the scene):

we can almost see this inner warm glow of the lost, confused, lonely Santa,
as she is about to be reunited her son,

but willy stops short of the hug,

he calls her…..

The bad girls are in willy's head, trying to making him a diablito. I think this is a deprogramming job for Willy.

Juanita, you made me giggle with this observation:

Nonsense, Santa! You should watch more telenovelas.

Gay couples are pretty standard fare in Telemundo novelas (Más sabe el diablo, ¿Dónde está Elisa? to mention just two) and they get to smooch now and then.) The drama is usually in the fact that one member of the couple is openly gay and the other is in the closet, so the affair is prohibido. But the fact of homosexuality itself is no big deal.

Great recap, Deb!

I agree, what about Mara's job?

Adriana, I agree, who owns the Martinez house?

I especially liked the scene where willy totally ignores Francisca. I sort of think that for the last two months, every single thing has gone wrong for her (except when she was let back in her house). Over and over, she says things, people ignore her, she fumes. It's great!

I keep remembering that Transito has a gun under her bed. I hope the writers remember this too, to use on Patricio, at some point.

I can't believe how Santiago, always telling everyone not to try to seek revenge, is now making a big production of suing Humberto about the family finances. He should be HAPPY the family has money. It came from some unsavory sources? Like that's new for this family? If he only knew how many people Bert has KILLED. For that matter, Ines, who's killed at least two, maybe more (hard to keep score here). Pat's killed a bunch, too.

Without Pancho leading them, the Marrero police force is very quiet.

great comments all!

even odder about the Martinez house is that no one has a job.

Pancho really can't do much anymore now that he is in hiding, but it's an interesting spin he puts on things describing Humberto (the great white shark) as being SO powerful and connected that he can unravel anything the police do, as the reason they need real unshakable proof, but hey, forget about what he's done, just follow him around for a day.

how many days now has Santa been wearing that same dress, and she is wearing a ring on her left hand, I wonder if it's the engagement ring.

I also wonder if Santa is about done, hating people.


Ditto on the previous comments .... Mr Mena watches from time to time and wondered who owns the house the Delgados and the in-laws live in.... And Santi, should he be suing Bert? Santi has no income of his own that we know about.

Top scoring killers....

Ines has shot twice (Willy and Willy) and been successful at killing twice (gardener and bayou lady).

Bert has unsuccessfully ordered a killing once (Willy) and been successful three times (Vicente, Ricardo and Franco)

Pat has killed three times, two by shooting (random hooker and Carlos) and hooker by broken neck.

Did I miss anyone?

Alicia killed her rapist & George.

Some questions after Friday's show

Santi has a secret -- or so it would seem. What is Fran hinting at when she tells Santi he should go to the doctor, or when she takes Humberto aside and says she's afraid it's starting again?

What is Santi going to do with that rented room with the peeling wallpaper?

Who is this Dr. Murray that Bert called?

Is Santa really beginning to believe Humberto is innocent? Really? I mean -- really???

And poor poor Ulises -- killed by someone he thought had come to save him, someone he knew... Who was it?

"Is Santa really beginning to believe Humberto is innocent? Really? I mean -- really???"

NM, he said he didn't kill Vicente, how could he kill his own father?????

We saw it, but can we believe it?

Remember that truth serum that Santa used on Vicente, time to break that out for Humberto.

Bert also had 3 other prisoners killed, way back, the ones who beat up Willy in jail.

Pat might have killed someone else. Way back when Ivan took Vicky to Pat's house in New Orleans, a woman told Ivan that no Pat ever lived there. This was on Pat's orders. I vaguely remember Pat then deciding to silence her as a witness, but I could be wrong.

Bert tells Santa how can I kill my father? But when he confessed to Fran, and she asked him, he said "Vicente was never my father. Gaspar was always my father". He's a very smooth liar, though, that's why Santa believes him.

Willy keeps having problems with HIS plan, with Daniela begging him to go away with her, kissing him, Barb showing up.

Yes, who shot Ulises (unless it's a dream). The two likely killers these days would be Alicia and Ines, but I don't see how either of them even knows Ulises. So maybe it's a new character?

Variopinta, truth serum--what a great idea! It sure worked on Vicente.

As for who killed Ulises, I think I lean toward Hombre's suggestion that perhaps it's a dream. The writers have resorted to that tactic several times before. I can believe that both Alicia and Inés are capable of shooting Ulises, but as far as I know neither of them has any motive. Indeed, the only people I can think of with any sort of motive are Bert, Patricio, and Lucy. I doubt that Ulises's face would have lit up as it did had the person been any of those three (and as far as Lucy goes, I think she's still in the hospital on death's doorstep (and I hope she crosses the threshold). So I opt for its being a hallucination or a dream. (Which probably means it isn't!)

Hombre, I like that. Bert can pass a SantaGraph with flying colors because in his own mind, HE IS TELLING THE TRUTH. Gaspar was his father, not Vicente. Perfect. (Which means not even Variopinta's truth serum would help. There's a real-world reason this type of evidence isn't admissible in court. Or so I learned from years of Law & Order.)

BTW, let's add George's murder of Gaspar to our list.

Also, there's the person who died as a result of the tag team of silent Petra and Hortensia the Horrible poisoning the sugar in Mara's café.

Juanita, you're right about the possibility of Ulises's death being a dream. But let's say it isn't. Before it happened, Bert heard a noise and was sure someone else was present.

The identity of the murderer is going to be a shock.

What if it turns out to be ONE OF THE GOOD GUYS?

What if Santi shows that he is really a Cano after all? (And wasn't he following Bert?)

What if it's Pancho?

Or what if it's Francisca? (Well there goes the theory that it was one of the good guys. It would be less shocking, but still a surprise. I wonder what kind of shoes you wear to a murder… I'd go with a simple leather pump, mid-high heel.)

Wow. Who would have thought that the statutory rapist would turn out to be one of the good guys? Relatively.

What if the killer is Franco? Still voting for Rene to actually be Franco, beacuse Paula likes him and she's a schmuck magnet. But given that this is Marrero, pretty much everyone is on the list of possible killers.


"But given that this is Marrero, pretty much everyone is on the list of possible killers."

Kelly, I think you've nailed it! In this crazy novela, anything is possible.

Oh, oh, oh, the plot thickens!
You'd think that is no longer possible, but here we are, once again trying to guess stuff and realizing that we know nothing and not even the stuff that we actually see is 100% sure.

The way Bert is playing mind games with Santa is awesome. He is definitely guilty, he confessed to his mother and we've seen him do it and reminisce about it. But, darn, he's so believable!
Something that he told Santa got stuck in my head. After she said that she killed George and was surprised because he wasn't more shocked, he said that he will always love her, no matter what, forget about the past, etc...
Now we heard from her very mouth that she is having second thoughts about his evilness, what if she falls for him after all and when she finds out he is a monster, she just goes along with it?
Because, you know, I love Carlos Ponce and I'm a nut when it comes to Humberto's comeuppance - don't care about it one bit.

Now, onto Santiago. What was that about Humberto sacrificing part of his life in order to help/ cover for his brother? And he says he won't help again but he still calls the doctor.
Is Santi supposed to have a mental condition, a double personality or something? Could he blackout, do nasty stuff and then forget all about it?
Today, especially in that room he rented, he looked psycho creepy.

I am going to assume that Ulises is actually dead for now. The face he saw, it must be someone he knows and since he hasn't been in contact with too many characters so far, who can it be, really?
Bert doesn't want him dead, Santa was with her mom, Pancho is in love with him, Ines was with willy at the park, Alicia I don't think even knows him.
Could it be SantiBad, the evil monster who lived all this time in SantiBore's soul and was awaken by the idea that his Santa has the hots for his big brother?

Also, is Barbara the worst mother in the history of the Universe or what? She almost makes me miss Hortie.

Santa Diabla Capitulo 115

Part 1

Jr accuses Santa of being a killer. “You killed George”, he tells her. Ines throws fuel on the fiery accusations and accuses Santa of having done damage to Jr’s psyche. Wrong thing to say. Santa slaps her a good one THWACK! and then runs out of the room. Outraged, Ines threatens to move out of the Cano house if Santi doesn’t get Santa to leave. The majority in the room are not quick to dissuade Ines. Upstairs Santa despairs that someone is turning Jr against her. Timely Bert has arrived to comfort her. After gallantly giving Santa the “big bedroom”, Bert departs to check on his torture plan in other parts of Marrero. Santi takes the opportunity to pay Santa a visit while she is alone. He accuses Santa of betraying him and telling Bert all about his plan to sue Bert for mishandling the family fortunes and fine reputation. But never mind this, Santi moves closer to Santa and challenges her to tell the truth about her feelings for him. He dares her to deny how she feels about him. He moves in closer and … poof… smoochus interruptus, Bert barges back in. “What is going on here? “ Bert wonders. Santi , devoid of lying red lipstick evidence, slinks away only to encounter Ines in the hallway threatening to move back to her house if Santi doesn’t kick Santa out. Vewerville hums the tune “ .. don’t let the screen door hit you in the …… “

Elsewhere in Marrero, Pat continues to torture Uly. Pat wants Uly to give up the name of the person accusing Bert of Vicente’s murder. “No way!” screams Uly while being electrocuted.

Ivan is sleeping off his drunk back home on the couch. Vicky and Transito talk about Vicky’s future. Transito suggests that if the tables were turned and she, Transito, had cancer, Vicky would urge her to fight to live. Transito wants Vicky to look for telenovela (TN) remedies and try to beat the cancer.

Lisette reviews Dani’s STD test results while Dani chews her nails anxiously. Good news! Dani gets a clean bill of health. Sighs of relief all around.

Next morning in the Cano house, a freshly washed, adorned and coiffed Santa emerges and to Bert’s delight invites him to a special breakfast. Santi, spying from behind the corner emerges and asks what is so special? Bert smirks about Santi’s spying and calls Santi desperate due to feelings about Santa. Santi changes into his big boy face and replies that Santa isn’t worth it. Furthermore, he adds that Santa and Bert are just one and the same – and it isn’t a compliment.

Begona has arrived at Uly’s house to see if she can locate the missing Uly. She knocks and calls to Uly to no avail. Later, she reports to Pancho that she has had no luck. Pancho recalls Bert’s threats to Uly and they speculate Bert must behind Uly’s disappearance. Pancho leaves Lucy out off the suspicion list because she is in the hospital (which viewerville realizes doesn’t mean she isn’t fake laid up, just saying!)…

Willy pays Jr a visit on the porch of the Cano Casa. He explains he cannot go inside because no one in the Cano Casa likes him. Jr reminds him Barb sure likes him. Willy shuffles nervously about being matched with Barb by Jr and explains that Jr will understand why he saw Pops making out with Barb in front of “Paula’s” house. Speaking of Barb, she emerges from the house happy to see Willy and ready to let Jr and all the world know all about their “newly rediscovered love”. Willy shuffles nervously , yet again, and tries to evade this plan of hers. He suggests that her daughter Dani is still at the house and this news may cause a conflict for her. Mom-of-the-year says not to worry, that Dani doesn’t live there any more, she lives with Bert’s mistress Lisette.


Part 2

Flash back to the torture chamber: Pat is trying a new tactic and threatens to torture Uly in front of Vicky. Somewhere in this icky scene or the next, Pat reveals to Uly that Vicky has cancer. He suggests that if Uly gives up his partner, Uly will be freed to go say his final goodbye’s to his dying sister. Uly, like Ivan, refuses to believe the news. Sadly for Uly, there will be no tequila to drown his sorrows tonight.

Sipping champagne together, Santa and Bert nestle in for a meaningful talk. Santa accepts Bert’s proposition of a future together but she insists it progress slowly and correctly, this time. They can have no lies and agendas between them this time. Soooooo, she takes the first turn to tell Bert she killed George. Bert doesn’t blink much and promises not to rat her out. It is Bert’s turn and Santa asks him if he killed Vicente. Bert goes into evasion mode and suggests they talk about happy things instead. Santa persists. Of course not, says Bert unflinchingly. He would never kill his own father (which technically is true since Bert saw Gaspar as his real father). Furthermore, Bert would rather be dead than ever hurt Santa. Awwww.

Back downstairs at the Cano Casa, Santi murders things around the living room. Fran wants to know what’s up with Santi? Santi tells her to butt out while Ines watches from the stairs above. He retreats to the office and makes a call to a mystery person and proclaims that he, Santi, has decided. He needs to get started on some mystery mission right away y punto! Upstairs Ines wonders about Santi’s mental health, it is starting to resemble her own. Hmmmm. She slithers up to Jr and the two of them plan to go off for a day at the park.

Over at Lisette’s, Willy shows up to see Dani. He reports his remorse that she has suffered in the whole mess between him and the Cano clan. He declares that he wants to protect her. Dani, with loads of psychological baggage and unresolved issues, lights up and translates his words of concern as he wants to be her next novio. Willy is back at uncomfortable shift mode. She recollects their illegal tryst of earlier years and proposes they run away together. Willy wonders why she doesn’t have her own life, a boyfriend? School? Something constructive? Dani repeats her wish to run away with him and that by the way, she is pregnant. They hug and then….. Barb barges in through the TN legally required unlocked house front door. She just knew that Willy was up to something and followed him. Mother-of-the-year forbids Dani from returning home, ever again, and smacks Dani across the face. Willy makes a mental note to reread “Stupid Man-Bad Choices Be Gone” ASAP.

Diabla has tea with Elisa who wants to know why Alicia left the Cano Clan. Diabla explains that she was kicked out after being tricked by Bert. He neutralized her threats by having the fake Franco appear to be alive and turned the tables to threaten her, in turn.

Santa and Bert return to the Cano Casa post champagne and killer confessions. Fran enlists Bert’s attention to discuss something, in private. Santa goes to look for Jr. Fran is worried about Santi and wants Bert to help. Bert washes his hands of the Santi problem and tells mumsy that he is done with Santi problems. Thankfully, Bert’s phone rings to divert his attention to his torture project elsewhere in Marrero. Stupid Pat needs to see Bert straight away. Over at the dungeon Bert tells Pat to ease up on Uly’s torture – he needs to be alive so he can give them the information. Bert suggests Pat let Uly recuperate some before Pat returns to his torture tactics. Patho Pat is disappointed.


Part 3

En fin, wild plots warm up even more with those crazy kids from Marrero……

Santi goes to look for apartments. He accepts the first small one he is shown as perfect for his plan and offers to pay in advance with money from his invisible job.

Rene explains to Paula he will be gone for a while on a business trips…” importing computers”.

Santa reports she failed at getting Bert to confess. She wonders if this doesn’t mean that just maybe Bert is innocent and a real swell after all?

Bert calls someone named Dr Morales.

Pat sulks out of the dungeon after being denied the opportunity to whack Uly. Uly comes to life out of his fake unconscious state. He manages to release himself from some of the ropes that tie him up. Someone mysterious emerges in the doorway. Uly is happy to see the new visitor and cheerily asks for help getting untied. Mystery person raises a gun rather than help…. “You?” cries Uly, dismayed that this is foe and not friend. Mystery person aims and shoots. Uly falls. WTQ? Viewer Ville wonders who shot Uly?


There it is folks, a wrap up to another of the closing weeks to our beloved Santa Diabla.

Raise your hand if you are officially bewildered by Santi and and his obsession and crazies about Santa. Is she or isn't she a two-faced liar, murderer and hate filled no-good gold digger? If she is, where is Santi's permanent outrage and rejection. What is the point of "proving she still loves him". If she isn't and is victim of circumstances, where is his loyalty to fight off the devils that want to do her in.

I raise my hand. Santi is a dope.

Also, I am not too keen on the torture scenes. We get it already!

My last commentary (IMO), I would like to repeal the following TN law and its corollary. The law that says that emo moments for men require a drunken night session embracing a tequila bottle and its corollary requires bad guys keep a constant supply of hard liquor nearby to fuel their evil plans. Geez, give this stereotype a rest already.

Mena- Two hands raised! If he thinks she kidnapped him and Ines, why does he so badly want to still be with her? If he lives her, he should trust her more than the chick that everyone, even by Marrero standards, thinks is crazy.

I'm ok with the drunkeness, but the whole bottle? Shouldn't they have called an ambulance? And if anyone needs and deserves a drink, it's Victoria.


Since this thing is way over the top, I predict Vicky shot Ulises, now what could be crazier than that? Except that is Vicky's plan to confuse Patricio, WHY, I have no idea. And Ulises probably isn't dead, only pretending.

Then even crazier,(see, I'm getting in the groove with the crazy writers) I predict that little willy, in cahoots with Padre is responsible for all this. He isn't talking, so that little bad seed mind is working on sth.

thanks so much for the great recap Mena!

I would think that a nice town like Marrero would have a good voodoo bruja to help Victoria with her cancer, or her money.

can Daniela read? (did she even go to school), she keeps handing things to others rather than reading them herself.

It is interesting to watch Daniela's druggy thing in that at any time this could take a turn for the better, along comes Barbara, and everything goes out the window.

on "who killed Ulises" I think I'm gonna go with the pizza delivery person.


Mena, I loved your recap, hilarious!

So maybe Santiago is bipolar? That could explain a few things. I agree, Ines is not the only one with a few screws loose.

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