Saturday, February 15, 2014

Lo que la vida me robo Cap #69, 2-14-14, Finally, some regrets, apologies, and comeuppances . . .

Lo que la vida me robo Cap #69, 2-14-14, Finally, some regrets, apologies, and comeuppances . . . 

Get used to that position, ON YOUR KNEES, buddy, because you're going to be having to do a lot of it if you hope to be forgiven!

BUSTED! You can't so easily dismiss all the crap you've done this time!


Refried of Maria and Monse giving each other the stinkeye. Monse tells Bitch Maria that Ale is all hers, Monse doesn't want that douchebag anymore. Monse gave him a perfect out by filing for divorce, but the idiot wouldn't sign the papers! Bitch Maria seems uneasy about that. She tries to convince Ale to sign the papers, but now that Ale knows that he's the baby daddy, there's no way. Bitch Maria also informs him that JL won't be pressing charges.

Ale confesses to Bitch Maria that he's been an idiot, he's been wrong about anything and he hopes he can prevent losing his wife and child. He needs to get out of prison ASAP! Bitch Maria does not look happy about this.

Rosario is telling Tia how exciting and emotional it was when she outted herself to Ale as his mom, and how wonderful it was to hear him call her "Mom." She's going to try to convince Ale that Monse was never unfaithful.

Angelica's mom is worried about Angelica's wellbeing, with JL being in the hospital and not doing well. Mom wants Angel to look after herself, but Angelica won't be happy if she's not around JL. Angel tells her mom that JL is in pretty bad shape and needs her, and furthermore, if JL kicks the bucket, what reason does Angel have to keep alive herself? Off Angel goes to look after her hubby and her mom doesn't try to stop her.

Angel's dad visits Ale and they discuss his situation. Ale is starting to think that maybe JL and Monse were not betraying him after all. Angel's dad will help Ale get out of jail. Medina can help do it. Ale doesn't trust Medina, but Angel's dad asks, "You trust me, don't you?" Angel's dad wants to make a business deal with Ale—the lands that Medina is after, don't sell them, but let Angel's dad (don't recall his name) well, let Angel's dad oversee them and use them. It would be good business. Ale looks like he's considering it.

Ale in jail.

Monse visits JL and Angel in the hospital. Angel says that the doctors are concerned—he's got a collapsed lung and he seems to be going downhill. Sad faces.

Graciela is bitching to Tia because Monse went to the hospital to see JL, surely causing gossip. Gripe, gripe, gripe. They are interrupted by the Police Chief, who has visited to tell them that Ale is sprung from jail. But it really seems more like he visited to flirt with Tia. Tia gives a beaming, beautiful smile, but Graciela is her typical bitchy self and orders him to leave as soon as he delivers the news. He leaves, nonplussed, and Graciela grumbles that he's just after Tia. Tia likes the idea of this, but Graciela tells her don't even go there, that guy is just some nobody, not from our social class! People will gossip! Tia's beautiful face falls. Graciela is a BITCH. (If it weren't for the fact that the Police Chief is a scumbag, I'd be rooting for him to get with Tia. . . )

She's happy to see him . . .

But Graciela gives him the bum's rush.

Tia goes to give the news of Ale's impending freedom to Rosario, who is very happy and tells the baby that his daddy is coming soon!

Joaquin (Angel's dad, finally remembered the name) is gloating with Medina about getting Ale to consent to handing over that special land. But alas, it's only renting, and Medina wants it in his possession! But Joaquin has a plan . . . surely that old S.O.B. Benjamin, with all the raping and ravishing he did, has spread his seed elsewhere and there's another heir hiding under a rock somewhere. All they have to do is find this heir, and try to wrest some of Ale's lands away from him! Uh oh . . .

Monse and Nadia are sipping drinks, relaxing, and recapping some of the main plot points to those who missed a few episodes. JL is doing poorly, Nadia advises Monse stop visiting him in the hospital every day. Monse has given Ale divorce papers and she wants to wash that man out of her hair. Nadia doesn't think it'll be that easy. Monse says, look, I got over JL before, now it's time to get over Ale. Again Nadia doesn't think it'll be that easy, in fact she suspects that Monse is in love with both guys. At this Monse finds and excuse to leave and they depart cordially.

Ale's sprung from jail, and Macario and Viktor are there to greet him and take him home.

Joaquin tries to pump his wife (who has been pals with Graciela since forever) for info on Graciela, obviously hoping he can find out something that he can use. The wife has got nothing. She urges Joaquin to reach out to Angel, who needs her dad at such a trying time. Joaquin isn't winning father of the year when he replies that as far as he's concerned, Angel is already dead. Yikes!

Monse returns from a visit to JL, and Graciela is there to bitch about it. She forbids Monse visit him again, forbids it! She's causing all sorts of gossip. Monse reminds Graciela of how shamelessly she behaved, carrying on with Benjamin all those years. There's some back and forth bitching at each other. Monse tells her mom that if JL dies, she'll blame Graciela, Ale, as well as herself, for all that happened!

Refugio at JL's bed. JL asks for Monse, which annoys Refugio, who thinks JL should be calling for his WIFE, dammit, the girl who has looked over him day and night! JL has a spasm and is looking bad, as Ale walks in the hospital room. He wants to know The Truth from JL. Refugio is angry at him (por supuesto.) Ale explains that part of the reason he's free is because JL didn't press charges.

It takes a while (a few scenes) to spit it all out, but the sum of it is, JL and Monse never betrayed Ale while Monse was Ale's wife. Ale even asks if JL "forced" Monse. JL says, hey, that's not my style, women should be treated delicately! (UNLIKE HOW YOU TREAT THEM, ALE! *Viewerville gives him the stinkeye*) JL admits that he pleaded, cajoled, tried all manner of ways to get Monse to leave with him, but he saw her slowly detach from him as she fell for Ale.

Straight from the jail cell to the hospital: Ale must know the truth now!

JL tells him the truth, because he's a gentleman. Unlike a certain blonde hottie in the room.

Angel busts in on them as they finish up their conversation. She's righteously pissed. Ale offers to pay for the hospital bills, but she says never mind, I can pay, and you can't buy your way out of this one! She rips him a new one for buying a wife and all the other stuff he pulled, and tells him if JL dies, then she'll die soon after, and he'll have both their deaths on his conscience! So there!

She rushes to JL, who tells her he told Ale enough to keep him from bothering them again. He asks Angel what the doctors say, she lies and says that he'll be awesome, but he knows it's a lie. He looks like death warmed over. She has hope still, however, that he'll recover.

Dim "breaks up" with Angel's little sister (can't recall her name either). She suspects it's because he's fallen for his wife. Of course Dim denies it, but still he tells her, it's better for both of us if we cut this off. She cries.

Angel's mom is visiting her best friend, Graciela, to talk about Graciela's "secret," which is her being Benjamin's lover for so many years. Dim happens to creep up right then and overhears them talking. His mouth is agape and his eyes widen as he hears his mom admit that she was Benjamin's lover but it's revealed that Ben wrote her out of the will at the last minute. "That money's MINE! MINE!" Graciela exclaims. It's why she bamboozled Monse into marrying Ale, because he inherited the money instead. Angel's mom warns Graciela to be careful, something about Medina wanting Ale's land, and how Angel's mom has been keeping this secret for a long, long time. But be careful, we don't want any gossip about this! Angel's mom then leans in and asks, "Who else knows what you had to do to marry Lauro?" "No one, except you and the padre, and he can't talk because he can't break the confessional!"

Ale returns home. Bitch Maria rushes to him, tries to kiss him, but he's having none of that. She gets the hint. He tells the news of JL's condition to Viktor, who looks distressed. Ale's told that the padre is waiting for him in the office. The Good Father is there to rip him a new one for being such an a-hole. Ale knows, he has been a fool. He's in tears. He falls to his knees and asks forgiveness. Padre says that God in His infinite goodness will forgive Ale if he is sincerely repentant, but now it's time to try to undo some of the damage he's done and start acting like a good and decent man! Ale seems really, really, REALLY sorry and like he wants to do that.
"I thought I raised you better than this!"

He's sometimes a pretty crier, and sometimes not. . .


We now have the big showdown between Graciela and everyone else. Dim confronts his mom. He overheard the conversation with Amelia (Angel's mom). Graciela wants to speak about this in private, but no go. In come Tia and Monse. It's all out, Graciela was Benjamin's lover for a long time! Tia is so disgusted that she slaps Graciela across the face. (YAY Tia!) Graciela keeps on trying to shush Dim, but he's on a roll. He tells how in Graciela's pea brain, she feels she was entitled to Benjamin's money, which is why she pimped Monse out to Ale. Then Dim wants to dig deeper and demands to know—what was the big secret that Amelia is hiding, the one about how you got to marry Lauro? Monse wants to know this one too. Graciela looks crushed and humbled and in over her head. She doesn't want to talk about it and is in tears.

Quite a lot is wrong, as it happens . . .

He tells the rest, that his ho of a mom lied to everyone!

But Monse already knew.

Tia is heartbroken and disgusted that Graciela did this to Tia's beloved brother.

But Dim thinks he already knows. HE'S the secret! He's Benjamin's son! That explains why Lauro never warmed to him. Tia is distressed by this. Graciela just tearfully says, "Forgive me, my son!" She says they can talk about it later, when he's calmed down, and she'll clear up any doubts he has. He doesn't want her to go, but she walks away anyway, shame in every step. . .

Graciela, finally humbled.

In shock by the news.

Back with JL and Angel in the hospital. He nags her to go eat. She won't go. Esmerelda visits and convinces Angel to get a bite and she'll babysit JL for a while. Angel goes and JL says to Esmerelda that he knows he's fading fast, but he wants to plead a case for Refugio, who is a good guy and really loves Esmerelda. Esmerelda seems to be softening. She promises to give Refugio another chance.

Tia is still reeling from the news about Graciela's infidelity. At least Tia's brother (Lauro) didn't know. But oh wait, it turns out he did. Both Tia and Monse regret and mourn how book Lauro found out all the ugly truths (and malicious lies) before he keeled over on Ale's rug. He found out about Graciela being a cheating ho. He was also told that Monse was cheating on Ale with JL. Monse tries to convince herself that her dad loved her and understood her and wouldn't have believed that about her. But Monse cries with the anguish of it all.

Monse asks Tia when Dim was born. Was Graciela knocked up when she married Lauro? Of course not, that would have been scandalous! Dim was born a few years later. Monse concludes then . . . they have to accept the possibility that because Graciela was sleeping with Benjamin all the time, that Dim could be his son, and not Lauro's . . .

And with that the episode ends.

AVANCES: A picture will show it all. AWESOME! Must see TV!

From the avance. Enough said.



Fantastic screencaps! Can't wait for your always fabulous recap.

I love the that screencap with Ale on his knees and your caption under it, perfection!

Elvira, I'm already enthused about your spot on title and amazing screen shots!

What a night! Of course, your "Get used to that position, ON YOUR KNEES, buddy, because you're going to be having to do a lot of it if you hope to be forgiven!" was on point and perfect.

Watching Ale drop to his knees in anguish seeking forgiveness was definitely a start. And of course, an apology to the good padre who has loved and supported Ale all along was an excellent place to start. My first thought was however, the first person he should have begged to forgive him was Monse. I am somewhat buoyed by the preview which seems to indicate that will occur.

But, will it be too little too late??

What a bombshell Dimi overheard. A major revelation certainly destined to change the complexity of relationships forever.

What a week for Ale. He finds his mother, his son'spaternity is confirmed and a half sib is revealed. All that, with miles of groveling to go.

Elvira, I cannot wit for your summary!

Another foot plus of snow is coming later today. Wishing all of you safety and warmth as this hideous winter continues without showing any sign of abating.


Elvira, I cannot wait (not wit) for your summary.


Diana -- Best wishes to you and yours as you deal with yet more snow, wherever you are. It's been quite a winter.

Thanks for the screen caps, Elvira, and I too cannot wait.

I hope Oscar B gets some major props for his great performance in confronting the terrific Daniela Castro. What a scene! Loved it. Let full on Dimi redemption begin, along with acknowledgement that he's fallen for his lovely wife. The actor was terrific in that scene, starting with the lonely desolation on the corridor bench before the ladies showed up.

I get Ale and think that, excesses aside, he's genuinely done the best he could given his psychological issues, so I didn't feel I had to see him on his knees, except to Jose Luis given the murder attempt. But am happy to know we are now switching course. It's been hard to watch in the last several weeks. If begging Monse on rodillas gets the job done, let's do it ahorita!

Ale needs to grow up for sure but I wouldn't have reacted terribly well to any of that either. No guns in our house, mister. Speaking of explosives, I can hardly wait for Maria to find out that Rosario is who she is. Sweet sweet sweetness.

Love Padre Anselmo. I want to see him have some peace of mind and happiness too! Nobody ever seems to ask him how HE's doing, ever. Poor fellow. It's a lot to carry. Also, beautiful silver hair.

Elvira: Thanks for putting up a discussion page - and the screen shots to boot.

This was a tricky episode. Dimi assumed that he was Benjamin's son because he also assumed that Lauro didn't love him. But, I think I heard some conversation between Carlotta and Montsy to the effect that Dimi wasn't born until a couple of years into the marriage with Lauro.

So, the other sibling could be Maria as many of you have guessed already. Maria with money and power is terrifying.

Sadly, it seems that JL is on his last legs. He keeps going downhill, and, he's already revealed the pivotal truth.

Your'e right, Elvira. Ale will be spending a lot of time on his knees.

alPS -- Just to say that, high drama aside, my favorite moment this chapter was when Ale was sitting there, pouting that he'd spent a week in jail without Anselmo coming to see him. Anselmo gives him a well-deserved smackdown, basically saying, Dude, takes awhile for word to get to me and you're not my only parishioner! Pretty funny. Ale's problema in a nutshell. He's basically a good guy but locked into tunnel vision when hurt.

Anselmo has put a lot of time and effort into trying to get Ale's -- and everyone else's! --head screwed on right and Ale has resisted time and time again. It was fitting that he should beg forgiveness of the priest and the Lord above.

Pleading with Monse would also def. be in order but one can already see her starting to get her petulant doll routine going on all over again. In my book, she too has yet to fully come clean with him in person in a way that he can really hear. She needs to ask Ale about the letter!

Love me my Montse but, if Dims were my brother, estranged or not, I would have been tracking him down to see how he was. Brutal blow he took.

Not too over eager am I, huh? I need someone to tell me get out!

Thanks for the photos, Elvira. I fell asleep during this episode. It must be a natural instinct to try to hibernate through this dreadful winter. I awoke to hear Dim yelling at Mommy Dearest as Mony and Tia watched. I figured that DAim had found out he was a son of a son of a gun. This plot line did not happen in AR, so I have no idea where it is going.

It started snowing here last night. Hub is shoveling again. He says that we will still get out to our favorite restaurant tonight for a belated Valentine's dinner with our daughter. I am doubtful.

Diana...sorry! it looks like the snow is headed your way. Courage.

Hot Damn! What a show! Y'all who called it about Dim, take a bow! There is no way I thought that would be revealed last night! The shock on his face as he began to hear what his mom was growling about and when what's her name said it it was like he was hit in the stomach! The actor did a great job. I felt so sorry for Dim Dim. I've been wanting this boy to reform since he's married Fina but I don't know if this will make him eschew eevil because of his mom or take him to the dark side to become a pawn of Pedro and Joachin to try to disinherit Ale. I have no idea if that legally makes since in America or Mexico but it seems a possibility since the despicable duo was discussing it.

And we got Ale on his knees with tears in his eyes before Padre (how purty he looked in that posture) and we get him kneeling and beggin to Montse on Monday?!! And I've got Monday off!! Whooo Hooo! I'll be back later I know there's going to be some great discussions even before the recap gets up.

Thank you Elvira, take your time honey, we'll be fine!

I know it is irrelevant, but having a bullet to the lung and having the lung collapse just means you'll get a chest tube in the hospital-not seeing why they are acting like it might be fatal other than it is another chapter in the TN medical journal. Just saying.

Great screen shots, looking forward to your recap. Was a great episode!!

Elvira - Fine starter. Gracias.

But, I think I heard some conversation between Carlotta and Montsy to the effect that Dimi wasn't born until a couple of years into the marriage with Lauro.

Pasofina, that's the way I heard it too. So Dim could still be Lauro's, as presumably Graciela was getting on with her husband as well as Benjamin. Hope Dim has a DNA test done.

One of my favorite moments was when Ale asked JL if he'd tried to force Montse and JL responded something like that's out of your playbook, not mine. A woman needs to be treated with delicadeza. I sure hope JL falls in love with Angie, cause it'd be a shame to waste this manly sensitive hunk on pining away for a woman that's no longer in love with him.

Thanks for those screen shots and captions, Elvira. Great start to what I'm sure will be a no-holds-barred recap.

So impressed with Daniela Castro's acting ability last night. She has always projected a bullying aura much larger than her body. And
last night you could see her literally shrinking into herself. She left the room much smaller than she entered it. Amazing.

Diana, love, I am SO SORRY! Twelve inches MORE! It's the Apocalypse. Praying that you have President's Day off.

JudyB: Did you notice that when Dimi was raging at Graciela with Carlota and Montsy as witnesses that Graciela was standing one step higher than the three of them. It could have been for emphasis because she does appear to be a small person, but, with a big mouth and loud voice.


I look forward to your recap. What an episode!

Susanlynn and Diana:

I feel for you guys—your winter has just been abysmal. Another 6 inches of snow—that just ain't right, my friends. I am sending you warmest thoughts and kind wishes as you ride out this epic winter season.


Pasofino: I DID notice that positioning! I think Daniela Castro is a very petite person.

And JudyB. - great observation about the actress shrinking in on herself. The weather channel made it look like you folks in Ohio are also in for another winter hit. I am so sorry.

Here in Northern California we continue to be desperate for precipitation while my friends in the UK are deluged with rain. Ay Caray!


Thank you Madelaine, Maria, Susanlynn and Judy - the snow that has already started (several hours early). And of course, hub is traveling up from North Carolina facing his own weather demons so looks like Juliet (my beloved sheltie) will be helping me with shoveling!:)

I agree with all the comments about the stellar acting job Oscar is doing with his halfwit/Dimwit role.

Of course the marvelous Daniela Castro was once again showing why she is one of the best "last night you could see her literally shrinking into herself. She left the room much smaller than she entered it." Amen Judy, Amen.

And Niecie, thank you for translating that all important exchange between JL and Ale regarding forcing Monse. Let me echo "I sure hope JL falls in love with Angie, cause it'd be a shame to waste this manly sensitive hunk on pining away for a woman that's no longer in love with him". Huge sigh.

Stay safe all.


Niecie -- So glad too that JL mentioned delicadeza to Alejandro. Though the first to do so was actually Dimi some chapters ago when he urged him to think it through from his sister's eyes. And urged that he begin to understand women and speak with directly.

Ale never had a mama so we are meant to excuse, I think is the message. And Dimi had a dreadful Bebe mama who appeared to love him above all else but really not so much in terms of guiding him. Forget about her daughter.

I was happy to see Jose Luis be the good person he is and tell the truth to Ale. BUT I'd also like to see JL apologize to Ale. I think a lot of Alejandro's crazy hang up is not just that no one else can have Monse but that he thought of JL as his true friend -- and that he has owed JL his life over and over again. And JL for all his gentleness lied to Ale repeatedly and with a bald face.


Pasofino and Niece--the "conversation between Carlotta and Montsy to the effect that Dimi wasn't born until a couple of years into the marriage with Lauro," doesn't mean he *isn't* Bennies. Remember that relationship went on the whole time Graceless was married to Lauro.

What we have failed to learn is what was Gracie doing in that convent for 5 months before
she got married.

And--if we are to believe tn convention, wouldn't Lauro have *noticed* that she wasn't a virgen? OTOH, they used to tell me that a good horsewoman, riding astride will often seem like she isn't a virgen on her wedding night.

I will have to watch Gracie's reaction to the accusation because I didn't see her acknowledge or deny the Bennie paternity. For me it is a given that he was, but not that convent pregnancy or whatever it was she's been hiding.

Paso--"Maria with money and power is terrifying." Amen to that thought.

Emarie--I was going to point that out, too, about the chest tube. I had a close relative who had a collapsed lung resulting from an accident and to keep his lung from filling up with fluid, they inserted a big tube in his chest to drain the fluid that was accumulating. He was in more pain than JL trying to move around.

I am thankful this story has so many fun characters that I can ignore the craziness of Ale. He may have asked Padre for forgiveness and on Monday he'll beg Montse but...

The first person he visits upon release from jail is JL to ask about Montse fidelity. Since he clearly still believes she's Satan and doesn't trust her, he had to clarify.

Thanks so much Niecie for showing us the conversation where Ale is still talking about taking women by force. He keeps saying and doing things that push him into Pedro territory. And since he's such a rage monster, I have to question what Montse loves about him. Yes he can be kind but so is Jocquain.

Finally b/c he hasn't dealt with his rage, what will set him off next time. Life isn't going to be lollypops and rainbows; if another baddie comes up with a good enough story, will he blow a gasket again? I know Ale's just starting he road to redemption but I don't know if I'll ever be able to buy it.

JL can't die b/c it will kill Angelica. Why give us hope he may live and then have him die and crush that poor girl?

Wow, the Mendoza family had quite a night. Carlota slapped Graceless. Crazy. It's going to be fun to find out who the convent baby is.

If JL dies, I'll "die" too. It will ruin the program for me.
I don't know if I will be able to keep watching. Sadly,I got
that feeling last night,. Here's hoping it's just my inability
to understand Spanish.

What if instead of Dimi, Monserrat was actually Benjamin's daughter?
Then she would be Ale's half sister! (Reminds me of the situation between Mariella and Daniel in Por Siempre Amor).

Dimwit wasn't the baby in the convent pregnancy which in my understanding would be the only reason to hide in a convent and lie about visiting relatives in Italy.

That baby has to be Maria:

1. Alejandro had said more than once in the early capitulos that he thinks of her as a sister.
2. Not only has he not boinked her he can't even kiss her.
3. Maria has never spoken of a mother.
4. She has the same attitudes as Graceless and just as much class (i.e., zero).
5. Juventino got pervy enough around her so he must have known she wasn't a blood relation.

Niecie I loved that line too, thanks for pointing it out!

TN vets--will JL live or die? I just assumed he would make it but there is certainly a lot of foreshadowing going on. Him making Esme promise to take Refugio back, him putting on a brave face for Angelica...

I'll admit, as much as I've been bashing Ale, I found myself getting sucked in to his corner during the jail scene when he was so accepting of Rosario. But if JL dies, I don't see how Ale could possibly be redeemed. Cold blooded murder of an innocent man? No amount of kneeling, begging or shirtless towel scenes could make up for that.

Susanlynn and Diana--good luck! I feel for you guys. Diana I will bet that Shellie is great moral support for any task!

Can't wait for your recap, Elvira! I'm sure it will be great.

UA: great points! It would make that showdown between Maria and Mony even more significant if they were actually mother and daughter.

I mean between Maria and Graceless

Urban, you are so right! They haven't really allowed Ale and Maria to have a physical relationship, this is probably why!
Now that Ale has seen the light it is probably time for Monse to become the difficult one as it is not time for them to be happy yet, no?
Loved the scene with Dim dumping on Gracie, fabulous.
I don't really see why JL has to die other than for convenience, pity. They should keep him alive for Angelica. I suppose if they use a bruised lung as an excuse to get rid of JL then Angelica will probably join him rather quickly.

Can't wait for the recap. Thanks for letting us discuss beforehand.

Best scene of the night. Carlota slapping Gracie! YES!!!!! Finally Gracie was on the receiving end.


If Maria is Gracie's daughter, I want a chocolate milkshake -- Just because.

Anon -- Hang in there. I don't want JL to check out either. I have NO way of knowing but I would be shocked if he does so before Angelica. I expect we are in for at least a few scenes of JL realizing, eventually, that she was his true love.

In that way, Monse and Ale can do whatever they want really and being as crazy as need be. We assume that they will be together by the end.

And that the real love stories, as in "what's the moral of the story?," will have to do with JL and Angelica really being the couple she wanted them to be. And Dimi and Josefina doing the same. Except I predict the D and J will be left alive. Again, I know nothing -- just speculating.

Maria and Monse, too. It's always super ugly when two sisters go at it over a man. Remember Carlota and Macarena from ENDA?

Alejandro's background didn't prepare him for anything that's happened to him since the curtain went up. We don't know what kind of abuse he may have experienced from Benjamin, we don't know when Alejandro's abuelo died, and he doesn't seem to have had an abuela.

This very much sounds like he came up from childhood without much exposure to or guidance from women. He had a "sister," (Maria), but she's the same age or a year younger at most (based on their early interactions).

He believed that his mother died in childbirth. This was because Rosario may have feared she would never get out of prison alive.

We also have no idea how or who framed Rosario for the murder she did time for. That we may never know. Juventino and Loreto are dead (not that we are sure they knew) and since Pedro isn't much older than Alejandro he wouldn't even know about this. I'm wondering whether Joaquin does.

Hey y'all. Great show wasn't it. Urban, I thought it was established some time ago that Bennie killed Rosie's fiancé and he, Bennie, framed her and had her sent to jail for it, knowing she was pregnant from his rape. Anybody else recall that?

Yes, Mads, is that you?! I remember the same thing...that several times they've referred to Don Benjamin sending her to jail unjustly.

Sorry, Katy, thought I was signed in. It's Lila. Rosie was engaged and old Benjie, the bastard, wanted her for himself so (and I'm not sure of the timing) but he raped Rosie and killed the fiancé.


Haha! The "Y'All" made me think Mads!;)

Hee Hee! I'm also the "Hot Damn!" Anon above. I cannot wait to see how this revelation of mommy being a mujerzuela will effect Dimmy. Will this make him look at himself in the mirror and resolve to turn to righteousness or, IF he is Bennie's son and somehow the law allows, will he fight Ale for his inheritance working in cahoots with the eeevil Pedro, Joaquin and EZ? He is money hungry you know!


Yes Katy and Lila that's how I remember things went for Rosie - Evil Ben rapes Rosie, kills her fiancé and frames her for it.

Diana and Susanlynn, hang in there. We are also getting snow but nothing like the foot they are predicting for Boston. However, by the end of the week we should see 50. Though I'm a complete wimp regarding cold, now that temp is like a heat wave.

Thanks Karen! Finding out that his dad not only raped his mom but framed her for the murder of her fiancé should help Ale also take a look at himself as he has been being a chip off the old Bennie block for the past several months! Bennie was a monster and so has he been.


Now I feel like a total idiot for missing that.

As for whether the law will allow Dimwit (or Maria if my theory holds) to claim any of Alejandro's inheritance, I have no clue. He recognized Alejandro as his son and that's what counted a year prior to the current events.

Any sensible lawmaker would put a statute of limitations on this, like a year. That would make it impossible for Dimwit or Maria to make any claims. Let us assume, for the purposes of this tale, that there is no such law. Here's how it could play:

1. Dimwit will try to make a claim on his own. Graceless would try to stop him pending the outcome of the reconciliation attempt by Alejandro in order to protect her own reputation.

2. By this time I don't think Dimwit will listen to Graceless.

3. Whether Dimwit does anything or not Maria could be talked into a revenge scheme by Pedro or Basurto.

4. Alejandro could stop both of them because of their combined guilt in the theft of the money from his desk.

Yes, my understanding was Don Benjamin framed Rosario for murder, had her sent to jail. And was probably the one who told everyone she had died.

That was a pretty shocking conversation when Ale challenged JL that hadn't he forced Monse. Now I understand why Ale was so convinced Monse had "cheated" on him. Because he just assumed JL must have forced her - just like he did. Wow! I hope he got it when JL pointed out that women needed to be treated with some delicadeza. Ale has certainly been lacking some basic delicadeza.

JL also pointed out to Ale that he didn't love Monse, because if you truly love someone you trust them (at least enough to listen to what they have to say and give them some benefit of the doubt). These concepts just seem to be beyond Ale.

I'm really going to be upset if JL dies, and they sure were signaling that last night. They've made it clear several times that JL is the better man, in spite of the big mistakes he also made. Kind of wierd when your galan is shown up not to be the better man. Shades of LQNPA.

Osvaldo Benavides - wow, what a performance! He has been so great in his role and last night - so fantastic. Yes he and Daniela Castro light up the screen when they interact - you can just feel the energy between them. Terrific scene!

This TN was really starting to drag, but the last three episodes have been riveting. Amazing they packed that much in.

I'm pretty sure that in Mexico all children have claim as heirs to an estate unless specifically excluded from the will. Unless Don Benjamin spelled out that Ale was to be his only heir the field is probably open to other claims.

I don't think we ever heard the will being read. I think it was just Benjamin talking from his deathbed and Padre Anselmo confirming his paternity.

This opens the question of whether he knew of any other offspring at all.

Graceless may not have told him that Dimwit is his and is unlikely to have told him about Maria.

Yah, tsk tsk. Ale's question about whether JL forced Montse certainly said more about him than it did about JL. I remember early on when there was debate as to whether he raped her the first time: this kinda settles it. Ale really has been being Benjamin's son. JL's talk with him and Rosie's revelation should definitely make him let go of the macho raging bull-shit role he's been playing!

Now if Montse takes him back does that mean the struggle will be between him and his half brother like Corazon Salvaje -- not over a woman but over the inheritance? This should be good. Shouldn't be anymore dragging. And I don't want JL to die either! :-(


Hey, now we know the real hidden message when Gaspar was cautioning Maria--his daughter--that Alejandro Almonte was not for her, to forget about him. Too bad he didn't tell her why at that time.

It certainly would have saved us a lot of grief, worry and frustration over her antics to land Ale.

Good point, Anita. Except that begs the question of how he would have known and why he wouldn't have tried to get Benjamin to recognize Maria as well.

There is a small possibility that he left something behind in the capataz' house that would tell Maria this. She didn't seem to have gone through his stuff very thoroughly.

I always thought that Alejandro's statements were the foreshadowing of this discovery.

I think JL will recover. Unless there is a miracle waiting for Angelica (and I'd like for there to be) he has to outlive her to fight with Joaquin over the inheritance that JL doesn't even want. Wouldn't it be great if he gave it to charity?

Yes, I doubt Gaspar would have known without demanding rights for María.

It might explain María's "natural" sense of entitlement though. :) not to mention her instinctive servant abuse.

That's for sure. She definitely dishes out that abuse with as much gusto as Graceless.

Still hoping that her Karmageddon will be to whore herself out to support Graceless.


I thinking of you Amiga. I hope the storm goes more towards the sea so you don't get as much snow. Be careful shoveling and I know your doggie will be excellent company : )

Best scene last night was the wonderful, huge slap that Lottie gave to Graceless! Now how did she like that for a change? I wish Lottie had finger pinged her forehead a couple times too. That would have been even better!

About Dimi, he may be Benny's son. Graceless never answered him, when he asked, and then she kept saying she was sorry. Hmmmmmm............ I still think there is another bebe that was born in Italy. Why did she go to a convent for five months? Graceless in a convent, can you just imagine it? I can't! Not willingly anyways.

And since Don Benny never married, why didn't Graceless marry him in the first place? He must have had money, he has that huge hacienda that generates all the money, along with his factory in Aguazul? That is another point to ponder.

I assumed Don Benjamin wasn't interested in marrying, so refused to marry Graceless, and she had to settle for someone else.

That's probably why she feels "entitled" to his fortune. She feels she should have been his wife.

Also, she would have been very young when all this went down.


I think she feels she is entitled to Don Benny's money cause she must have had a child with him. Since this Dim, might the be son, came out, she is still hiding something. What could it be? She can't feel she is entitled just cause she had an affair with him. I don't think she ever knew Ale existed until the will. She knew he worked at the hacienda, but not that he was Don Benny's son. That shocked her at the time and that's when she kept saying she was entitled to that money.

So many questions. Was Rosy raped when Graceless was in Italy? You are probably right Audrey, that he never wanted to marry. Why bother when he had access to all those women on the hacienda? He was an abuser of the female help! Plus Graceless was always available any time he wanted her she came right on over.

I am guessing that the sequence of events was something like this:

1. Rosario was raped, framed, and shanghaied to prison.

2. Graceless and Benjamin became lovers (or what passed for such).

3. Rosario gave birth to Alejandro in the women's prison; her father took him home with him.

4. Graceless became pregnant while her parents were planning her marriage to Lauro.

5. Graceless' parents found out and shipped her off to a convent where she gave birth to Maria.

6. Graceless abandoned Maria.

7. Gaspar found Maria and brought her home. Perhaps his wife was infertile.

8. Two years later with her affair ongoing, Graceless gave birth to Dimwit.

I also think that Benjamin never wanted to marry. It would have cramped his style.

P.S. I don't think the convent was in Italy. That she was visiting relatives there was the cover story. The convent was likely in the next state.

It's easy to imagine that Graceless attempted to "trap" Don Benjamin by getting pregnant by him, but he refused to marry her and she was forced to get rid of the baby - thus the convent stay followed by marriage to Lauro.

She remained his lover for the obvious perks, but it was a love-hate relationship (using the term love very loosely here). Remember all the hateful things she said to him on his deathbed? And she and Juventino were poisoning him to kill him. She hated him and wanted him dead, and not just to get his fortune. Making Ale his heir was Don B's way to flip her the bird from beyond the grave.

Just back from a belated Valentine's dinner at our favorite local restaurant with hub and daughter. it was nice to get out a bit after being snowbound since Wednesday night.

The storyline has been changed so much. I am confused. if we think Gracie went to a convent in Italy to hide a pregnancy , would she have brought the baby back to Mexico with her ? Perhaps the family only told people that she went to Italy, but she actually stayed in Mexico hiding out somewhere until the baby was born. Do we know for sure that Maria is that baby , or is everyone just guessing ?


Susanlynn: We're just guessing.

The convent was in Mexico.

Graceless would have had a very hard time hiding a baby she was coming back with. She would have dumped the baby in an orphanage along with some hush money or she would have abandoned her somewhere away from town.

The way she reacted when baby Lauro was crying in last night's episode says she is just cold-blooded enough to do exactly that.


Graceless didn't go to Italy. That was just an excuse for her disappearance.

We're just guessing about María. Several folks speculated a while back, and lately they've been dropping more hints that makes it seem likely.

And those are speculations about Dimitrio as well. Graciela has not told anyone who Dimitrio's father is. Her reputation is very important to her, she'll probably deny Lauro is not his father. Otherwise she would have probably already tried to go after the Almonte estate that way.

All we actually know is that:
- Graciela was lovers with Benjamin before she married Lauro and they continued to be lovers afterwards. It was a very long term relationship.
- She disappeared to a "convent" for 5 months right before marrying Lauro.
- Dimitrio was born a couple of years after her marriage to Lauro.
- Dimitrio feels like Lauro didn't truly love him as a father and now suspects that at some level Lauro knew he wasn't his son. (no call of the blood?)
- Lauro never indicated he knew otherwise and protested whenever Dimitrio complained he didn't love him.

Joaqin is going to try to figure out whether there is any child as a result of Graciela's affair to bring in one or more new inheritance claims against the Almonte estate.

This means that Dimwit could be talked into making a claim if it doesn't already occur to him as of the opening of Monday's episode.

He might use this as a means of getting back at Alejandro over the menial chores on the estate (although we all know he deserved worse).

Osvaldo B didn't do much for me in LQNPA, but he's been quite impressive in Robo. Especially last night with Gracie and she was equally dynamic. What a scene! Carlota's hard slap was a moment to cheer as well.

Where are all the younger men getting their shirts with the contrasting facings? That's a light hearted look for all the tragic events we're seeing.

Not sure if anyone already commented on Pedro's neck chain and pendant--a big scorpion. Perfect for his personality!


La Paloma is your power back. I hope you are warm.

Thanks for asking, Karen. We were back in business yesterday morning. Thankful for lights, heat, phone, computer.

Loved the episode ,especially when Carlota slapped Gracie and then Dim with brains procceded to own her.It was just fantastic! Now one would hope Monse and Carlota would move somewhere else,stupid women sold the hacienda for the parasitic Gracie,i cant believe they still maintain her who is a bigger PARASITE then Dim ,come on

And Pedro is INFERMO with big capitals on,how can he suggest something like this to Nadia and if his plan would work he obviuslly wont be taking care of the baby,i fear for its childhood.

Let's not forget that Padre Anselmo also knows Gracie's secret. No spoiler, but maybe Gracie gave her baby (Maria or BM as we like to call her) to Padre A, and Gaspar and his wife adopted the baby. Of course when I first commented that I thought BM was Gracie's daughter, I also commented that perhaps Juvie was BM's dad. But it could also be Benny. All of this is speculation.

It is looking more and more like Dimi is not Lauro's son, and that Gracie's secret about her convent stay is about to come out. And the whole business about Gracie being so pure when she married Lauro. I am guessing that she found a way to fool him regarding that too.

La Paloma, I'm glad you got your power back. It was probably out when I posted speculation about that scorpion pendant. It could actually belong to Sergio Sendel because he is a Scorpio. That is a popular sign at Televisa.

Demetrios, I agree that Graceless is actually a bigger parasite because she raised Dimwit to be one whether passively or actively. She is responsible for his lack of any sense of responsibility. As to the idea of Nadia having a baby to pass it off as Pedro's, that is completely sick and I'm sure she will not comply with that.

One more time: Where the hell are her parents? It's been a least a year since the opening episode and they're still in Europe? I don't recall anyone saying they decided to live there permanently.

AuntyAnn, despite Juventino's pervy moves on her I don't think Graceless ever boinked him. He definitely would have had no problem reaching for something that far out of his grasp.

She would have engaged his services to help with the murder because she needed someone who was close enough to him to be there all the time. He was involved in BA's dirty business dealings and Graceless would have known that.

Whether Padre Anselmo gave the baby to Gaspar and his wife is a good question. If so why hasn't he been more forceful with Maria about her obsession with Alejandro? [Obviously because the writers hadn't thought it through that far?]

As to how Graceless fooled Lauro, that would have been easy: Just get him a little drunk and put some blood on the sheets. I also think he saw what he wanted to see when he married her so she wouldn't have had to do very much.

With all the foreshadowing dialogue I am betting that both Dimwit and Maria are the children of Graceless and Benjamin. Which is pretty interesting considering that they hate each other.

How interesting Urban,i am a Scorpio as well but not as Infermo as Pedro! As for her parents ,even if they came they wouldnt be able to do anything on Pedro,he can put them to prison/kill them whenever he pleases if they would dare
to oppose him.But i want them to appear too,if not to help Nadia but help Adolfo because Nadia is a lost cause and nothing can really help her except Pedros death/imprisonment

Pedro will meet some ugly fate by the finale. What that is will be determined by what evil deeds he has yet to do. We have yet to see whether he relishes the idea of actually committing murder or whether he just delegates that to others. Legally it's equal, but his psychological sadism seems more interested in tormenting the living.

I doubt he would kill Nadia's parents; their position in society is too important to him. They do need to know what this SOB is doing to their daughter and they do have the money to help free her of him.

I doubt they can do much for Adolfo. He needs a wake-up call and since he's probably close to Dimwit's age it is more likely to come from someone or something other than his parents. They cut off his allowance and that didn't help.

Pedros fate will most likely be death and Gracies fate would probably be that she is left alone by others,Maria would either face redemption or manicomio.

No redemption for Maria. As for the manicomio she could end up there if my theory plays and she turns out to be Alejandro's half sister. However, at this stage she is just pure evil and deserves a fate she would be aware of.

I'm hoping everyone survived the storm and is warm and safe. LaPaloma, I join Karen in saying glad you are all right now.

Appreciate everyone's kind comments and good wishes. Southeastern MA was especially hard hit but the snow is over and I have finally unearthed the cars, porch and driveway. It's cold but mercifully the sun is shining.

Very astute and insightful comments.

There are so many plot twists and turns and so many secrets not yet revealed. While I sense redemption for Dim and Adolfo, I think it may be out of reach for Maria, and definitely for Pedro. I have no idea what fate awaits Graciela. I do not see Monse rejecting her completely but see no happily ever after in her future.

I watched the last 2 episodes on demand last night and enjoyed the Fab Rulli and Espin's reunion scene once again.


About the inheritance--
I don't know what would be more fun for the Patio to watch--a fight for the inheritance by Dimi (if he is Ben's son) or Maria (ditto). Who's likely to cause the most trouble? Probably Maria. Dimi, if he reconciles with Josie, won't need the money or the land. Maria has nothing except her ill-placed delusions of grandeur.

If it turns out Gaspar is the adoptive father and knew Maria was the offspring of Don Ben, it still stands to reason he hadn't told her, even when Don Ben was dying. He had raised her to be the daughter of a capataz with those values and morals (which didn't take) and expected that to be enough.

Maybe he meant to tell her at some time in the future, maybe not. And he certainly hadn't anticipated being assassinated on the road home. From what little interaction we saw of the two, he truly loved Maria and except for her attitude towards the servant class, she wasn't evil, just nasty, feeling entitled and obsessed with Ale. Everything was still possible until he came home with a wife HE hardly knew.

One thing has been getting me that I keep forgetting to post: If Graceless had inherited Benjamin's fortune how would she have explained it?

Excelent question,Urban .From what i heard Benjamin and Lauro were friends so if Benjamin gave the inheritance to Gracie,Lauro the poor fool would think Benjamin would be doing him a favour for his friendship. At the time i think Benjamin knew Lauro was in a financial disaster.

Lauro would have been very naive or of lesser intelligence than his rank requires to have believed that, especially if Graceless was inheriting the fortune instead of himself.

Benjamin didn't live far enough away for anyone in as high a position as Lauro to be unaware that his business dealings were less than above board. Surely he would have heard something along the way from officers on active duty.

UA--Good Point, "Whether Padre Anselmo gave the baby to Gaspar and his wife is a good question. If so why hasn't he been more forceful with Maria about her obsession with Alejandro?"

If PA knew the parentage of both, he should have been in despair over their coupling and he hasn't.

If Gaspar didn't know Ale was Ben's son until after he was recognized his discouraging Maria would have been based on other factors. Up until that point, Maria and Ale were about equals, playmates in a bro-sis relationship. Then Ale went away to school, came back educated (but why back as a peon?). Gaspar may have discouraged Maria at first because she deserved someone better than a farm worker, then after the recognition, that he was too good for her.

I'm not sure why Alejandro settled for being a peon after graduating from wherever. We were not privy to any conversation he had with Padre Anselmo over this; it would be interesting to know.

However, when Alejandro inherited the estate it wasn't surprising that Gaspar tried to get Maria to see that Alejandro was out of her reach. He was far too calm and logical to have known of any blood tie between them and he certainly would have seen that Alejandro never showed any lustful intent toward Maria.

I'm guessing that Alejandro's abuelo died when A was a teen; A would have been old enough to know what he wanted to study or to do for the rest of his life but not yet old enough to legally be on his own. Gaspar was a friend of Fugencio, so it was natural for him to take Alejandro in. I'm further guessing that they had lived near each other anyway and so A and M were childhood playmates. Hence, A felt like a brother to her despite not hearing the "call of the blood."

However, his statements that he saw her as a sister can also be assumed to have been vocalized before Gaspar at some point.

It's a long-winded way of saying that Gaspar felt this, too, and being the sensible man we thought him to be, tried very hard to discourage Maria from pursuing Alejandro.

Elvira, I look forward to your engaging recap of this fascinating story. I just now read that Carla Estrada's Amor Real was a predeceder to this Bodas de Odio remake. What ever time period, the plot elements are intricately woven with skill.

That being said, I am just back from bird photog. in Ecuador and trying to catch up with the current scenes. Friday night was an emersion reentry with stellar acting by Benevides and Castro. Rulli on his knees was touching too but he needs to suffer some more.

I love that you all have suggested so many outcomes still to be determined. This should keep us all going until the end.

There was no choke in her voice, no hesitation in her tone, when she cursed him to die with all his wealth but with no one who had ever sincerely loved him. “Die alone, Benjamín, without family, without children, with nobody to cry for you!” [Methinks she – like Pharaoh Ramses – here predicted her own fate]. She then withdrew, saying “May you never rest in peace!”

I'm quoting myself from the premiere episode; I think it will be Graceless' fate to be shunned by all.

With regard to the money, the smartest thing Monserrat could do now is reconcile with Alejandro, at least superficially. Graceless does not deserve to get her hands on any of that money. Angelica took the bribe money from Dimwit's suitcase and she should tell that to Monserrat, which will give her the weapon she needs. Angelica should not want to see her sister mixed up with Dimwit no matter how his eyes are opening to his mother's true nature.

Graceless love child could be some person who has yet to appear good to see that you will be joining us on this wild ride. How did the photo shoot go ?

Emarie: You could be correct. Telenovela writers lead us astray all the time. I'm not convinced that either or both Maria or Dimi are the spawn of the deceased Benji.

Pasofino...ditto. I have no idea where this story is headed because so many plot points in AR have been changed while others remain the same.

Oh course, Maria has that nasty personality she could have inherited from Graceless.

CherylNewMexico, what a beautiful bird you have there on your avatar. What bird is that? He is so incredibly colorful!! How was Ecuador? Did you feel safe there?

Have you ever seen or photographed a Flying Trogon?


That is a matter of necessity and not just because the story is now contemporary. It's because of the double-length of the series. The subplots are bigger and the parentage issues make the main plot more complex.

Wow! So much speculation about baby daddies and baby mamas today. :) I'm sure the writers have lots of surprises planned.

I just watched the episode. Loved the scene of Gracie being taken down a few pegs (figuratively and literally) by Dim and slapped by Carlotta, and Ale being shamed by JL and humbling himself in front of Padre. I did not see enough shame pass on Ale's face though after JL pointed out that forcing a woman is something that Ale does, not him. Ale has not shown sufficient shame for his two most beastly acts-- raping Monse and goading Lauro into a deadly heart attack. I'm glad Monse finally told Carlotta about what prompted Lauro's death. And no one other than JL knows about Ale's lack of "delicadez" the first time in the bedroom either. I wish Monse would spill Ale's dirty laundry so that folks can better understand why it may not be so easy for her to kiss and make up with him. I look forward to him being on his knees in front of her next episode.

Osvaldo B. is a great actor, and he and DC are excellent in their scenes together. I wish AB would play Monse a little less teary and quivery. I hate how she always weakens and starts crying in front of Gracie when she berates her.


Monse is only 20 years old and went to a convent school. Had I been the head writer of this series I would certainly have wanted to make her a few years older but if she were to stand up to Graceless more intensely then a lot of the past events wouldn't make a lot of sense. But after this revelation she should get tougher.

Has Televisa tried to remake the Columbian series El Inutil yet? Osvaldo B could knock that one out of the park.

"Teary and quivery" the description of our little rabbit, Vivi

I hate to say it, but I think that FC did a much better job of portraying the damaged , tormented soul that is this character. He was despicable at times, but he also could be sweet , protective, and charming , and I could believe how sorry he was for things he had done and how much he loved the leading lady.


Great comment on how AB is playing the character of Montserrat. You made me think—are we supposed to LIKE Montserrat?

I find that compared to the character of Angelica, I find Montserrat—insipid. Before I am rained under a hail of nerfazos I will try to explain. AB is doing good work with portraying our flawed heroine. She is beautiful and elegant and terribly earnest. But I would like to be a little entranced with Montserrat, and, sadly, I am not.

Montserrat is a survivor and she will toughen up over time. Be she does not beguile, engage or charm me. I wish her well but I find I don't really CARE about the character. I CARE about Angelica, Rosario, Josefina, Dominga and Macario. Even though he is mostly a conflicted jerk, I am more moved by the scoundrel Dimitrio than I am by his sister. I also cannot quite believe that Montserrat is in love with Alejandro.

I am not blaming A Boyer for this, you understand. I think it may be that the character of Montserrat is not really developed—despite the fact that the writers have had 68+ hours of television to do so! She is a victim and survivor of (continual) parental abuse—they hit us over the head with that in practically every capitulo. I want more snap or substance from our heroine.

Call me crazy...


It always irks me when Gracie begins to talk about the ruin they are in and begins to blame others.This is the 21st century and the perfect solution of that is finding a JOB,not jumping betwen rich men like they are on a flea market and the very reason why they are in the crisis is because of Gracie spending money on jewerly,fashion and Dimwit for spending it on for his "walks" with Adolfo. I understand though that this novela is based on the 19th century though,it is just annoying.

Elna June,
I was much more engaged with Boyer's gypsy girl character in Corazon Salvaje '09. Her search for her mother and her ingenue romance drew my interest. Montse has a little similarity with Virginia, who loves and sneaks off to meet Dimi like Montse loved and sneaked off to meet JL. I hope to see her escape Gracie's domination and grow as an independent woman.

As you all know by now that i depend only on recaps and comments.

Are we speculating that Dim, BM and Monsy are all Graceless offsprings?

Just an observation from Friday's epi; I really didn't like Montse going to visit JL everyday in the hospital. And it has nothing to do with what Gracie says, or the town gossip. She needs to leave that to Angie, his wife. Montse is only going to give JL false hope. As it is, he already asked for Montse before asking for Angie when he was talking to Refugio. I wonder how Angie feels that her husband's ex (whom he is still in love with) goes to see him daily. I hope she's not suffering because of it. That would suck.

Thanks for the extra screencaps Elvira. I loved Carlotta's smile. She really bloomed, thinking someone was interested in her. Here's hoping the writers provide a mid-life romance for our beloved Blurter.

Susanlynn...I agree, Colunga's portrayal was much more sympatico. Don't think it's Rulli's fault. This story is written differently.

On revealing the truth of Lauro's death to Carlotta. I disagree that "it was a good thing". This knowledge caused her immense pain--knowing her brother suffered the ultimate disillusionment and damage before dying. What possible good does this do? Hurtful knowledge of that sort is better kept quiet IMO. It's like poison in the soul.

Elvira, thank you for the fine recap and screenshots. I always love seeing "stinkeye" used. It made me laugh this a.m.

Auntie Ann, I so agree with you about Montse's visits to the hospital just for the reasons you gave. For me the most important is that it is wife Angelica's place to be there. I sure hope JL doesn't end up dying. I liked Angelica telling Ale that if JL dies she would too and then he would have two deaths on his conscience.

Good for Dimitri that he broke it off with Virginia. Also good is that now he knows the truth about his "mommy dearest."

The absolutely best scene was Carlota slapping Graciela. That was so long in coming. Might have the slap put the poking finger to rest??? I wonder how long Graciela is going to keep a low profile.

Well now that Ale has put the pieces together and realizes how out of line his rage was, he has begun to feel a tsunami of guilt and his "apology and reparations tour" has started. Sebastian Rulli may not be a pretty crier but he has done such a convincing job of portraying a totally broken and pathetic Ale. Tonight he takes the tour to Montse and starts a probably interminable journey of apologies and eating crow trying to get her to take him back.

This novela is the gift that just keeps on giving!



Dear Elvira,

Thanks so much for great recap with the wonderful screenshots, too. I especially loved this observation you made re Tía Carlotta and Police Chief Basurto:

(If it weren't for the fact that the Police Chief is a scumbag, I'd be rooting for him to get with Tia. . .)

I can't agree more! This guy is awful but in his scenes with Tía he came across as pretty smitten. I can see why Tía is all smiles since I am, too, in their scenes together, and I even know the truth.

Susanlynn and Judy B: I'm with you about FC's performance in AMOR REAL and still maintain that it was because the writers gave the character of Manuel an interesting backstory: he was a doctor who worked for the poor; he'd been beaten by his own father as a child for learning to read.

It's been pointed out before, but these writers have never told us anything about how ALE got educated, achieved his degree, etc I think SR is doing a fantastic job, but the character would be much richer and more sympathetic with some more basic information. It's always seemed to me a real oversight.

And as Elna June points out it's much the same with Montse. How long was she in the convent and what did she do between getting out and meeting J-L/Ale? I know she was engaged to that other guy but what was she doing while he was in London? Was she in the convent at the same time? We've never found out. At this point, I guess we never will.

Thanks again, Elvira! Your recaps are always great fun to read and really interesting and informative.

Thanks Elvira! Great recap from memory and wonderful screen caps.

Judy- I know what you mean about the knowledge poisoning Tia's soul, but I'm tired of people minimizing Ale's behavior. Only Monse knows the full picture of all he has done and said to her (and her father). Yet everyone else, including Tia, feel they have a right to tell her she should take him back and lay a huge amount of the blame for the breakup at her feet.

The way Lauro died was horrible, but in my book Alejandro was the one with the least responsibility. The order of responsibility was:

1. Dimwit for trash-talking his own sister, causing Lauro to go to the hacienda
2. Maria, for trash-talking Graceless
3. Alejandro, for confirming what Maria said.

Attempting to deny the truth about Graceless would not have done any good and wouldn't have changed the outcome. It would just have made the scene longer and more painful not just from our perspective but from Lauro's.

Where Alejandro really failed there was in not tossing Maria out on her arse for this. He has thus far failed to notice the delight she takes in the suffering of others, but that might change if he sees that she is also enjoying his suffering. That might fire up the memory banks to past incidents where he missed the evidence. She has said all along how much she loves him, but he hasn't quite seen that it's really obsession that might have Fatal Attraction overtones.

In fact, it does.

Good recap, and I agree that Joaquin is no candidate for Father of the Year. His greed is on par with Graciela's. His rejection of Angelica is also criminal in view of her prognosis.

Demetrios, I completely agree about the whole theme of financial ruin in this series. However, although Graceless is not the age that my mother would be today if she were alive, she is just as useless. Nobody seems to have suggested to Graceless that she get a job but I suspect that's because it would be an exercise in futility.

Graceless would think that working would be beneath her and she is deliberately blind to the fact that she has to all intent and purposes prostituted herself to both Don Ben and Lauro. I think that Esmeralda's purpose in this story is the contrast of her raw honesty vs. Graceless' shameless hypocrisy.

thanks, Elvira, for that informative recap.

A little more snow is predicted for us tonight just in case we forgot that it is still winter and we are still at the mercy of Mother Nature. Oh sighhhh.

I can't wait to see what will happen tonight as the story moves forward.

Oy, thanks for the reminder. My weather report says it's 18 degrees F right now, more snow tonight, and the temperature gets above freezing tomorrow. Which means more messy streets and having to use a cane so I don't fall and further damage my knees.

Does it snow anywhere in Mexico? I don't recall ever seeing any snow in a novela except in foreign travel scenes.

Elvira, thank you for the excellent recap. The screen shots were amazing, particularly the one of Tia "our beloved Blurter" (perfect Judy).

"JL tells him the truth, because he's a gentleman. Unlike a certain blonde hottie in the room" was a wry and spot on observation. " He's sometimes a pretty crier, and sometimes not. . " also made me smile.

ITA that Colunga's rendition of his AR role rendered the complex character so that he was more palatable. I keep wondering if Rulli is deliberately portraying Ale so that we are not enamoured of him (which as it should be).

Vivi, "Ale has not shown sufficient shame for his two most beastly acts-- raping Monse and goading Lauro into a deadly heart attack" echo my feelings. I'm not certain he can ever fully atone and that is where this storyline veers off into the improbable.

Let's hope this darkness does indeed forshadow the dawn. We need JL to return to health for our sakes (if not for his beautiful wife's). We need Dim to appreciate his long suffering wife and we certainly need Ale to crawl and grovel to Monse and his son. Perhaps she can forgive him even if we can't.

Welcome back Cheryl!


Yes, Diana...Welcome back Cheryl!

And also "maybe she can forgive him even if we can't".

I'm going to sound terribly Old School here, but Montserrat has one very powerful reason for trying to forgive Alejandro and form a loving couple once again--they have a child together.

Although José Luis says he can love another man's child like his own, in real life, that seldom, if ever, turns out to be the case. Heck, your much wanted, much desired kids go through stages where even you don't like them very much. Imagine how you'd feel, if the rebellious, disrespectful child were the son of your greatest rival.

So, for that reason alone, I'm rooting for both these characters to grow up, make amends, forgive, mature, and make a go of things.

Good Morning Elvira:

Splendid recap! I love all the screencaps and the captions you put under them, priceless!

I can't wait for this little talk Dimmie and Graceless will have. I wonder what she's going to say, cough, lie about now? This will be interesting.

About Monse and Sebastian, it seemed to be understood that Monse and Sebastian would marry once she was done with the convent school. In the beginning of this TN, she was already engaged to Sebastian, and he was away in London, finishing his degree over there when she met JL. We were given the impression they had known each other all their lives.

About Monse being weak. Poor girl is only 20 years old. She goes from convent school, to her domineering Moms, Monse has a brief fling with JL, right to being Ale's wife. She has no life experience and I don't blame her for being weak and weepy. She really hasn't made any decisions on her own until now. No one has ever let her have her say without ripping her a new one, so to speak. I'm giving her a pass. Now that she is a Moms, I think she may just find her way and make decisions she wants to make with out being bullied.

Yes, I've been on snow in Mexico, and in April no less, but I was above 11,000 feet. You can see snow capped volcano peaks from Mexico City.

Supposedly it snowed in Mexico City right before the conquistadors arrived. It was considered a very bad omen. Mexico City is above 7,000 feet, still, snow is extremely rare. But there are lots of high altitude areas in Mexico and some mountain peaks have perpetual snow.

Hi EJ.

No, I don't care for Monserrat. And for me a big part is that I don't really care for AB and her quivery-voiced teary heroines. I understand why Monse is a little fraidy-cat and operates from a position of weakness most of the time, especially her youth. But I just don't find the little barbie-doll princess appealing even though I think she is basically a good person run over by the dominating people in her life. Her best thing has been her total acceptance of Rosario. I don't understand her "love" of Ale either - that always seemed more like Stockholm syndrome to me.


“1. Dimwit for trash-talking his own sister, causing Lauro to go to the hacienda
2. Maria, for trash-talking Graceless
3. Alejandro, for confirming what Maria said.”

Actually, Ale not only confirmed what Maria said about Gracie, HE added to it by telling Laura that his daughter was also a ho and was having another man's child. Maria didn't do that. And looking at the list of those three people, Maria and Dim are supposed to be villains. Ale is supposed to be the hero.


Great recap, Elvira, you have done this fascinating capítulo justice! Perfect screenshots, too.


The problem with the situation at Alejandro's house is that once Maria opened her vile mouth there was no turning back. There was nothing Alejandro could have done to save Lauro at that point. It was a slippery slope and Dimwit gave the first push.

The only thing Alejandro could have done would have been to find a way to make Maria leave the room (preventive). If he had a cooler head he could have sent her to the kitchen for something, then escorted Lauro into the study and closed the door. From that point he would have needed to keep his voice down.

The trouble is that he's a hothead and this is likely to have been the first general situation where this had really heavy consequences.

He is strong enough to not become an alcoholic, so there is hope for him. Manuel, his counterpart in AR, was actually worse in the sense that he was a doctor and should have known better in the same situation. He also became an alcoholic for a stretch of episodes and he did boink the ama de llaves.

There is a reason Alejandro isn't boinking Maria and while part of it is that she is evil incarnate I think she is also his half-sister. The good thing is that at the current pace it's not likely to take long before we find out.

There is something I've come to realize about our heroine's quick change from being in love with one galan to another, or thinking at times she might be in love with both. I don't think Montsy was ever in love with JL, he was a form of rebellion for her. Gracie is a very domineering mom. Montsy breaking her arranged engagement to the rich and socially accepted Sebastian, who was obviously picked by Graciela was part of her rebellion. She had already been assured by her beloved and respected dad that marrying someone without status or wealth, as long as love was involved was perfectly fine with him so Montsy was only going against Gracie. by becoming involved with JL. When Ale was telling Montsy about his humble beginnings, Montsy actually warmed up to him and said she would have preferred to have known it from the beginning and she would have understood him more. It seems Montsy, while enjoying the trappings of her privileged birth, has a hang-up about it, thanks I'm to Graciela's greed and obsession about it.

Good point. We know nothing of JL's background and he appears to have no family. This was the perfect rebellion against Graceless but... he was a Navy man so that would make him acceptable to Lauro.

I doubt we will ever meet any of Graceless' relatives, but what a bunch they must have been to produce something like her.

Anonymous: Good insight. I hadn't thought of that.

UA: I hope we find out before March 9 because I'm leaving the US at that time.

waeBSShThings are getting super caliente!

I love AB in this role. I think her look is super unusual and I enjoy it, whether it's God-given or not. I think she totally brings it as the heroine and big love interest. Think too that the team doing her wardrobe, make-up, hair are beyond awesome. She doesn't look real. Space-alien beauty which when put against Rulli's just ignites the screen.

Their chemistry is off the charts -- another crucial factor in any novela. (Look at the sad spectacle of La Tempestad ... or the coulda been great mess that is Santa Diabla.)

Whether or not she loved JL is, I think, up to her via writers to have determined. She thought she was for that period of time. I would imagine she was. I was in love with every guy I was ever in love with when I was in love, mistakenly or not.

I get huge relief from this particular soap because, in its way, even though it's based on older work, and has had, what?, two or three editions, it's really pretty awesome in throwing big chunks of morality out the window and just getting down to the business of what it is to be consumed by big, sexy, lustful, irrational and stupid, crazy love.

In a long season of cold, winter, the usual nutty moralizing about American celebrities and tons of pearl clutching about who knows what, it's like an antidote. Love and sex are nuts! Looking good takes work! The Gulf Coast of Mexico is staggeringly gorgeous. And these actors are awesome -- Long life to all of them.

I don't find AB's look unusual; that kind of blond hair and blue eyes is all over my family. I hate the bangs, though, because they make her look about 14.

I've seen a photo of her and SR in which she has dark hair and it's captioned with the title of this series. If she actually changes her hair color I hope there is a justifiable plot point for it because I'm tired of seeing blonds dye their hair darker for these series.

Looking good is way easier for some than for others.

Where are the fairy madrina Prudencia and El Capitán Robledo hiding?

They need to be at JL’s bedside as well. After all Prudencia set up this whole “temporary” marriage thing and El Capitán is JL’s boss and cleared his name.


What makes AB's look unusual is the shape of her face and the proportions of her body. It's got less to do with blonde hair and what I think are actually not blue but huge brown eyes.

Her facial features are unusual and go against the typical type found on screen these days... Very small mouth, thin lips that it seems she's not plumped or had altered. Huge eyes in a round face. She looks like a doll. Or like a silent screen actress.

As for the rest of her, it's hard to say what is going on there. Big bust, birdy legs. Very pretty shoulders and arms.

She's got the blonde going on but I don't see her looking like any other blonde-blue-brown eyed starlet out there. It's a very unusual look and the actress makes good use of it. Mileage varies, but I find her look very odd and different. With some significant dressing down she could easily have played Josefina.

She has small bones and she's had a boob job since CS09. I'm glad she hasn't had the collagen lip thing that looks so wrong most of the time. I will never get the heavy-lipped thing.

I'm glad most of the men don't go to those extremes.

Elvira - Thanks for a fun recap.

I'm feeling "eewww!" about the possibility of Maria turning out to be Ale's half-sister. The two haven't boinked, but they did share a deep tongue kiss on the couch a while back when Ale was mad at Montse about something and Maria plied him with booze.

Me too, UA! And I was wrong about the blue eyes. Thought they were brown.

I've kinda liked how whoever thought about the overall look of the novela made a decision to harken back to its origins. If you look at some of the very strange stuff Daniela Castro has been made to wear, it's like the costume people decided to collapse centuries into some odd looks -- including her hair.

Think they have also done this, to a certain extent, with Dimi's not great hair -- and Josefina's inexplicables --and to a certain extent Monse's. And Monse's walk seems to have been inspired by a hoop skirt we never see. I think production is totally playing with us.

We all have our leanings. I have always since a little girl had an inclination to go for tough girl making it by hook or by crook in a nasty man world but don't fault actresses for doing whatever is needed, within limits, to make it and keep on working. I think it's just harder and they have to carry more weight.


Elvira: thanks for the great recap and screencaps.

I think it makes Mons more interesting if she really is in love with both of them. I like that idea.

When Tia slapped Gracie, I yelled "yes!!" and scared the cats nearly to death. They shot off the couch. Poor babies. Mama did a lot of apologizing (keeping one eye on the TV).

I hope JL isn't dying. I can see the writers doing that in order to put another obstacle in Ale's and Mons' path to reconciliation. But I hate for Angie to have to go through that. Also, Mons. She'll blame herself.

Don't even get me starter on the selfish bastard who insists on getting the information he wants from a man, who not only did you the favor of a lifetime, but who's obviously in no condition to talk and in horrible pain. Jerk! (sustitute another four letter word starting with D--that's what I really meant).




Maria de Andrade, I so agree with you about AB/Montse character and her different look. She appears very fragile and delicate. I also love how Montse always "dresses" (just love her clothes/costumes)every day which also harkens back to a different era when people were much more formal even in their own homes and ladies were very much "ladies".



Elvira--After all the insightful comments over the weekend, here comes a very insightful recap and the episode is fresh all over again. The screen caps and the captions are wonderful. Loved the *On Your Knees* to Ale and *Busted* to Gracie and the *REALLY, really sorry* to Padre. If I only had them and no recap, I'd still understand and gleefully enjoy the whole episode. So glad it had a fabulous recap to go with it.

"Gripe, gripe, gripe." That should be Gracie's theme song, if one could ever be written. But she's also always bitching. She does a better job than BM. They both have some mean face slapping but Gracie goes one better with finger pokes. So glad she got a feel for what one of her face slaps are like.

"Graciela looks crushed and humbled and in over her head. She doesn't want to talk about it and is in tears." ISO have no feelings of sympathy for her. All I can say is the anvil is hanging by so slender a thread right over her head. The entire Patio volunteers to cut it loose.


Kana in TZ:

Yes, all kinds of speculation. We like to speculate. I don't know if we are right, but it's fun to guess : )


Yes, where is Capitan Robledo and the Tia Pru? I miss Tia Pru especially. At least Capitan Robledo sent guards to guard JL, cause he knows just how corrupt Pedro is.

Week of February 10, 2014:

Low Points:

Angie has to be a little bit hurt by what JL says when she reveals Mons and Ale have broken up.
After everything Ale has done, Tia still wants Mons to grovel.
Ale: bore, bore, bore.
Ale has nerve to wonder why Mons never came back to the hacienda.
Ale: bore, bore, bore.
Fina still pines for Dim.
Alpo makes moves on Fina.
EZ is creeping me out, if not Esme.
Angie gives JL leave to be with Mons. The most intelligent character in the whole business.
Ale now bores Vic with his accusations (as well as Viewerville).
Angie suggests herself and JL as godparents. The reasons are generous, the idea is not.
Gracie uses the baby card to try and convince Mons to accept Angie’s offer.
Ref puts himself and the team in danger.
Ale reaches a new low (if that’s even possible at this stage) by spouting his filth to Angie.
EZ slimes on Esme.
Esme rejects EZ. He’s dangerous.
Ale bore, bore, bore.
Ale bores Mons with his rant.
Pedro throws a tantrum.
That bitch Maria did not just threaten a new born baby?!.
Dim and Virgie make out.
Mons lets Angie know Ale is out to kill JL.
Pedro tells Nadia to get preggers by Vic.
Mac is helping Ale.
Ale bores Mac.
Gracie pimps her daughter—again.
Dim bolts out of bed after making love to Fina.
Gracie and Dim break Fina’s heart when she overhears their conversation.
Ale bores Vic again.
Mons continues to try and reason with Gracie.
Maria slaps Rosario.
Mons pathetically waits for Ale.
Gracie should be a madam in a brothel, preferably in another country.
JL comes to visit.
Ale comes to visit.
Ale leaves.
Ale finds JL.
JL and Ale do a show me yours moment.
Though Mons starts to get through to him, Ale stars the boring again.
Ale calls Mons a whore.
JL lies to Angie.
Ale bores Vic and Mac.
Ros still seems to blame Mons for everything.
JL’s goodbye to Angie.
Jl’s goodbye to Mons.
Ale wants to give the baby his murderous name.
Vic and Mac aren’t doing anything to stop this insanity.
Angie realizes JL lied.
EZ after Tia?
Ale, the cowardly skunk, shoots JL.
Mons mentions that JL saved Ale’s life several times to the wrong person and when it’s a little too late to do any good.
Poor Little L is left crying.
Pedro sends EZ to kill JL.
EZ is the Pillow Killer.
EZ is asking questions about Tia.
Poor Fina is in agony.
Gracie again shows how low-class she really is.
Angie is in torment.
Esme rejects Ref.
Gracie abuses Mons—to be continued.
Pedro plots against Ale—to be continue.
Ale actually wonders why Mons hasn’t visited him in jail.
Ale might be considering Joaquin’s business proposal.
JL isn’t doing so well.
EZ is interested in Tia.
Pedro and Joaquin are going to look for other heirs.
Joaquin says his dying daughter is dead to him just because she’s happily married to her soul mate.
Ale going to the hospital to harass a possibly dying man. Why am I NOT surprised?!
Tia learns the truth about Gracie, Ben and that her brother knew all before he died.


Frank discussion between JL and Angie. So refreshing.
Mons stands her ground re: trying to get Ale to take her back.
Catfight between Dim and Gracie.
Another “I don’t mind” finger punch.
Like that Dim is standing up to his mother.
JL is disturbed by Angie’s insistence that he see Mons.
Mons reminds Gracie about the truth of who’s to blame for their situation.
Another refreshingly frank talk between Angie and Mons.
Mons shows up at the hacienda (unexpected in this TN, so very welcome).
Mons threatens Maria.
Dim murmurs Fina’s name when making out with Virgie.
Virgie bolts.
Nadia regains her poise after Pedro’s tantrum.
Pedro is stood up.
Viewerville is happy to see SS destroy a cell phone (inside joke I’m not privy to).
Mons refuses to seduce Ale.
Dim had a good time with Fina.
Vic finally gets it into Maria’s head that Ale’s plan is not a good one.
Looks like Fina finally has had it with Dim.
Dim tells Gracie to butt out.
Maria’s treatment of Ros is going to come back and bite her on the ass.
Vic celebrates Ale going to Mons, in Maria’s face.
Mons once again comes to her senses and remembers Ale is a monster.
JL lies to Angie.
Mons won’t beg. I hope she sticks to her guns this time.
Ale leaves Maria without saying goodbye.
Pedro pissed EZ off.
JL galan doesn’t shoot first.
JL lives.
Ale tells Maria to shut-up.
Ale is still a d**k, but at least he’s listening for a change.
Tias Fina and Nadia to Little L’s rescue.
Tia and Mons tell Ros she needs to step up and tell Ale who she is and be by his side.
Esme to the rescue.
Alpo declares his love for Fina (this triangle should be fun).
Ale and Ros scenes.
Dim is jealous.
Ros slips naturally into mama mode with Ale.
Ref has guards put outside JL’s room because he doesn’t trust EZ.
JL says Angie’s name first when she and Mons are both in the room.
JL, galan that he is, says he will not press charges (partially LP because it means Ale won’t be in jail for very much longer—and he really deserves to be).
Ale learns he’s Little L’s papa.
Mons gives Maria Ale on a silver platter.
Ros is going to do her best to convince Ale that Mons never cheated on him.
Tia enjoying being flirted with and not realizing until Gracie told her that’s what was going on (the person doing the flirting is an LP, of course). Wanted: a decent guy to flirt with Tia.
Tia telling Ros about Ale being freed and Ros telling Little L.
Man hugs.
Angie rips Ale a new one.
Dim breaks up with Virgie.
Dim overhears about his mother’s affair with Ben.
Gracie’s secret must be a doozy!
Ale finally asks someone for forgiveness (to even try coming to me, buster!).
Tia slaps Gracie a good one.
Gracie gets one of her anvils when Dim rejects her.
JL convinces Esme to give Ref another chance.

Nanette, loved your suggestion that Graciela be a madam in a brothel. Up to now, I was thinking there were just no career opportunities for her in a little place like Agua Azul. But of course, she would be wonderful! She'd run a very tight ship, no one would slip by without paying the just price, and the establishment would make pots of money. Financial problem solved.

As for the "perdoname". That always gripes my soul. No one has the right to ASK for forgiveness. All one has the right to ask is HOW CAN I MAKE AMENDS?

Every time one of these telenovela characters whines "perdoname", often within 2 seconds after the wretched wounding act, I want to slap them upside the head...or worse.

Now off to confess my mental sins and ask the Good Lord "How can I make amends?"

He'll probably reply "Just get over yourself!"


Thanks so much for you high/low points this week. So very wonderful and I love your snark with them.

I will let you in on the inside joke about SS and the cell phones. You see he was in a TN called "Destilando Amor" and every time his character (Aaron Montalvo) would get pithed off, he'd throw a cell phone and sometimes even a cordless phone or two. I never saw that TN when it originally aired, but it was shown in late night sometime in 2011 and I watched it then and read the recaps. The recappers for that TN and the commenters were keeping track of how many cell phones he destroyed and that Televisia's budget for cell phones must have been through the roof. It was too funny. I can't remember the number of cell phones he destroyed by the end of that TN.

In the latino world, perdao is everything! Making amends is a wonderful concept but doesn't necessarily follow. Different world views springing out of the same impulse.

Perdone-me means just that. Forgive me -- Likelihood is that I will forgive you too when the time comes, which would negate the reasons for amends.

Amends are fantastic but spring from another culture -- Not to say another culture shouldn't or hasn't already taken root. And amends are, again, wonderful. I believe in them myself but they have been awkward for us because they are a Protestant concept. And this soap is doing something unusual in pretending to be right now when in fact it's harkening back to the past at full throttle. What makes it so great is they are using these amazing faces to confuse us. There is nothing modern about it.

Alejandro is getting a lot of heat for having gone off the rails but, I'm an old chick, and I would have had to take a minute or two to get over my destructive anger had that been brought to my front door. WE knew what was taking place but he did not until late in the game. This was, in his mind, the deepest betrayal on the part of wife and the guy he thought was his good, life saving friend. YIPES!

And I loved the moment when Rosario, who cares and sides with Monse says, WHOA --You did the boy wrong! It's only LOGICAL that he would go there in his thought process. Which is only part of the reason Ana Bertha Espin is so terrific in the part -- cause the writers are taking care of her too.

Jose Luis is a good guy and that's clear and he didn't deserve to be shot. No one does really under most circumstances but fact is one of reasons, in latino world, he didn't get the girl is that he couldn't really go get her. He
s noble because he lives in a kind of behind the scenes courage. One may think that Ale is a this that or the other but he does not get what he gets because he goes for it. He knows this and so does Angelica. Good for them.

Just to say, I love me some amends and do the and receive them but they are asking in this go for forgiveness because this is not your regular soap opera, influenced by more modern trends.

It's obviously a classic and very old novela that had been brought into odd modern times cause they have to prove they can still provide it.


Elvira, thank you for the stupendous recap. I especially enjoyed the screen caps. Thank you for adding those; I know they are a pain to do.

As usual the comments are fascinating and insightful. And Nanette, your lists are the best!

Cheryl, great to "see" you amiga. Glad you had a good time in Ecuador.

To all of you enduring the harsh weather, I was interested to notice that news of it was in a local spanish-speaking newspaper, but nary a word in the Gringo Gazette. My fingers are crossed that the wretched cold and harsh conditions will improve soon and make life a bit more comfortable for y'all.

Thanks for pointing out the differences in culture, Maria. You're right--making amends comes originally from the Oxford Group, which I believe originated in England, and then morphed into AA and the 12-step groups which are everywhere in the US and are also penetrating the modern Latino world. But you're right in the sense that "perdoname" hearkens back to the Catholic culture that we must do this for others, just as Christ has interceded for us with God in order to obtain our forgiveness.

JudyB: she just reminds me so much of a madam. Her dress, voice, demeanor, actions. It really is the perfect job for her.

Mads: thanks for the info on the cell phones. For you all it must be like waiting for the appearance of the pear robe.

Sylvia: I'm glad you like the lists. I enjoy doing them.

Cold weather is nothing unusual in the northern US. Many of us are used to it and don't mind it as long as it's not too extreme.

Back on topic: I think sometimes that the Televisa actors get stuck with cliches attached to themselves. This is the second toxic mother played by DC who does the personal touch invasions and Sergio Sendel's third character who takes his anger out on technology. Which others can we think of?

Not te preocupes; I won't rant about forgiveness again.

Had to pause reading comments to say to Maria de Andrade: Damn, girl, just AMEN!


Thanks, Elvira, for the recap and screenshots. I especially appreciate you capturing Alejandro in a rare humble moment. I would like to savor that image because I do not see it happening very often in the future of this TN. Hrummph.

Maria de Andrade:
Your comments about Angelique doing what is necessary as an actress in this part are well taken. Like you, I prefer the Sylvia Navarro-type heroines who do what it takes but are still feminine.But Boyer is showing her range with the fragile seeming character who is still a survivor.

A Boyer has an unusual look, indeed. She is very lovely if not very natural. She has a great 1950's style shape to her figure even if she is, as UA says, very small boned.

And you are completely right about the show's stylist's knocking it out of the park. Daniela's character is supposed to be OTT.


Urban -- Nao seja assim, querida. You weren't ranting about anything and no one took it that way.

Nao faca isso -- Faca with soft c as in s. Don't do that.

There is nothing wrong in any of this.

I'm an old Brasilian woman ... Doesn't mean I'm right about anything. Just emotional and political in a good way just like you because those things are good.

Thank you Elvira! Agree as someone said, your recap helped me relive the episode and invites me to enjoy favorite parts again: Tia walloping Gracie upside the head was the best! I've already chatted further up in the comments so I won't repeat myself but just want to say it will be interesting to see how people's self expression and realization changes now that the dynamo that is/was Gracie has been exposed and broken down! She was in the very first scenes of our little drama and had the first and last word in the lives of her family and moved so many others with her negative force! She's so concerned about image yet she was pulling off the most shameful deception imagineable! Kind of a beanie moment that nobody at the Almonte joint or even her frenemy what's-her-name never let the cat out of the bag. Anyway, we're poised for some great action!

Nanette thank you for your always amazing lists! Whew! I'm glad the action picked up and I look forward to seeing purty boy assume the position tonight!


Image, indeed. You'd think she'd learn how to dress better instead of looking like a madam who wants to believe she's still 28 years old.


Graceless has now been slapped by Carlota, but we should have at least one instance each from her children before this is over and Monserrat should get at least two.

I wonder whether AB's character was named that because of how DC pronounces it and uses it like a curse word.


Thanks so much for the recap. I always enjoy reading them because your writing is snappy, snarky and entertaining.

Thanks for your wonderful Low/High points list. I always look forward to them.

Maria de Andrade,
ITA with what you said about the latino culture and making amends. Also, I liked what you said about Ale: "WE knew what was taking place but he did not until late in the game. This was, in his mind, the deepest betrayal on the part of wife and the guy he thought was his good, life saving friend. YIPES!"

Someone noted that when Dimi revealed Gracie's secret to Montse and Tia Carlota, that Gracie was standing a few steps higher than everyone. I think this might be symbolic. Gracie has always thought of herself as better and above everyone. After her secret was revealed, she took a step down and walked away. It was like she was dethroned. Her title was stripped and she had to come down and walk amongst the commoners.

Thanks Elvira, I really enjoy your recaps and the photos and your clever captions.

Poor Alejandro, he gets out of jail but still has a very very bad day.

My favorite line:

"She suspects it's because he's fallen for his wife. Of course Dim denies it..."

Fallen in love with his wife? Oh the shame.

I am no big Alejandro fan, but I feel that he is being unfairly saddled with guilt for Lauro's demise. Lauro went looking for answers... he got them. Too bad. As I've alluded to here before, if he was so fragile, perhaps he should have been kept on a shorter leash by those who were concerned. He was like an unattended child who wandered into a busy street. The folks over at MPV have the right idea. Any time that bad news is given to Paloma, they arrange for her cardiologist on hand.


Thanks very much Elvira!

Maria de....Yes, AB is not your typical blonde. She kind of reminds me of Tinkerbelle minus the pixie dust or Miley Cyrus without the twerking.

Elvira, you are just wonderful! Thank you for the super, dooper recap and those photos!!!

I had to see the scene again between Dimwit and Graciela. That was one fantastic scene. The Dimwit actor is going to continue to get good roles after this. He just has to! My feelings for the Dimwit character have not changed, but my word, what a powerful scene that was.

At one point, Castro's voice was very Exorcist in nature. My first thought really was about the movie "The Exorcist" when I heard her voice! I wonder if she is a smoker in real life. I would agree that she has a naturally alto type of voice, but it has that "smoker" sound to it.

I know this also sounds a bit off the wall, but even during that scene, I found myself distracted by her hair, then the dress, and then those shoes. Holy Cow!

I also got a kick out of Montserrat's outfit. They claim they are running out of money, but those clothes tell me otherwise. :)

JudyB, thank you so much for your words of wisdom. :))


Fatima- Actually, those clothes tell me WHY they are rumming out of money so fast.

Lila: longer lists mean more going on. The plots are ramping up. Good.

AuntyAnn: thanks. Even though we don't agree about Ale :) very much enjoy your comments.

Carlos- I lay a lot of the blame on Ale because he knew about Lauro's heart condition, saw that the man was already having trouble, and still, with a LOT of malice in his words, threw another log on the fire. I actually don't lay any blame on your girl Maria at all. She had no idea the old man had heart issues. The folks on MPV know about Paloma's heart condition and so they do everything possible to soften the blow of any bad news, and to have medical care on hand in case she can't handle it. There were many things Ale could have done to slow down that whole situation that led to Lauro dying, but he instead chose to accelerate it. He knew fully well what was happening to Lauro.

Maria de Andrade- I do understand why Ale would feel blind-sighted and angry when he found out about JL. But then he had 7 months, SEVEN, to cool down and to start investigating to get some answers. That's longer than his entire courtship and married life. He has chosen to live in ignorance, stupidity, and rage all this time.

Thanks for all the friendly greetings Caray2 is always welcoming to come back to. The new avatar is the American Pygmy Kingfisher, and is as tiny as he is colorful. They range frm southern Mexico to Ecuador but can be found in Brazil, Bolivia and Trinidad. Africa has one too. About Trogons, yes I have snaps of the masked trogon, both male and female and have Many-banded Aracari and so many more. Ecuador was divine.

On to new episodes tonight!

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