Monday, February 03, 2014

Mentir Para Vivir #83 Mon 2/3/14 The kidnapper was wearing heels and had highlights

This is going to be a short recap, unfortunately. I'm terribly sleepy and a difficult day awaits me tomorrow. Besides, nothing important really happened.
Later edit: 3 hours of sleep later.... I'm up, starting my day. I should be out the door right about now, but I remembered I had forgotten to add the date to the recap title, so ... here I am (The the "Being a recaper" Files)

Homero is explaining to the judge who Ines Valdivia and Francisco Castro truly are. The two go way back, Homero knows all about the judge's dirty laundry and isn't above blackamiling him. The judge agrees not to investigate Mariloca’s accusation about the fake identities, but the little girl will have to go to an orphanage.

On the phone with Sam, JL is upset because he can’t talk with Joaquin; also, why does he have to be spied on by John, the new “Mike”? Sam asks JL to deal with it and Oriana hears part of the fight and asks JL what is going on. He says that getting out of the business is not as easy as he thought and now he has someone watching his every move, too.

Lila, Mady and Tony, or the Trio of the Greedy, talk about the investment in the new Real Estate Business. Even if Ric doesn’t want the association to happen, Tony thinks it would serve both he and Paloma right, for the way they always treated Mady and Lila. Francisco Castro becoming an associate at Aresti Breton is the perfect revenge. Lila and then Mady shake on it and get ready to sign the contract.

Alina is enjoying a bunch of presents in her room with Oriana, until Jose Luis shows up; the child’s attitude changes, so JL leaves the room. Alina says that she wants to go back home, she misses Fabi, Tito and a bunch of other people that I believe are the servants.

Seb is at school, apparently he wants to resume his studies. He meets Fabiola and he apologizes to her, but she isn’t willing to forgive him just yet; she thinks he is the most horrible person in the world.  

The judge and the Neuro/ Psy Doc talk about the fact that the judge has decided not to give the custody of the little girl to his father; even if Francisco Castro is following his treatment, it’s a little too late for the judge. He seems more worried about the way the mother took off with the child; he wonders if this has anything to do with Castro asking for custody. Could Ines and Lina be with him?
Ric is wondering about the same thing and is reluctant to believe in JL’s change; he thinks that as soon as he stops taking his pills, he’ll become a monster (excuse me, but bipolar people who are not on their meds are not monsters, they are just sick!); the Doc tells him that the judge refused to give Alina to Francisco Castro and she needs to go to an orphanage.

Oriana calls Fabiola to ask her to bring Tito to her the next day, because Alina misses him very much. They decide to meet at 10 in the morning, Fabi will say she’s taking the dog to the vet. Mariano overhears the conversation, he’s at school, too, because he needs to take 3 more exams to complete his medical training. Then, he can be a General Doctor, specialized in everything, from plastic to open heart surgery, too.
Oriana’s plan is to have JL hand Tito over to Alina. She wants the two of them to have a better relationship, but she herself wants nothing to do with JL, anymore. All she wants now is some peace and quiet for her and her daughter, she doesn’t need a man to be happy. (And this is exactly the problem, something that has been discussed just this weekend on the patio – Ric looks like a desperate buffoon every time Oriana is not with him, but Oriana seems to be just fine without him; her main concern is Alina, which in real life is normal, but so many years of watching larger than life situations and sacrifices in the name of tn love have probably messed our brains into rooting for a twisted, complicated couple).

The three musketeers talk about Oriana’s whereabouts. Ric feels that he failed in his quest to protect his beloved and that is why she went to ask for help from another knight. But why that guy, has she forgotten how dangerous he can be? How scared Alina is of him?
Most of all, he’s afraid that the Falcons might try to leave the country; even if they board a private jet, they would still need passports.
From Manolo, Ric finds out that the orphanage filed a complaint against Ines Valdivia for having kidnapped her daughter. On the plus side, there is no investigation about the fake identities that Mariloser mentioned – Ric realizes Homero is behind this.

Lucina finds out from Manolo, too, what has been going on with Oriana and Alina. She can’t believe that the mother can be accused of kidnapping her daughter, but Manolo assures her that this happens all the time.
Then Manolo asks about Raquel and for a minute I have the feeling he’s actually interested in her. Lucina tells him that Raquel is still on cloud 9, totally in love and that JL changed his tune, now he wants the baby. Manolo knows about the hacker story and thinks JL wants something from them and that’s why he’s playing nice.

Raquel calls JL, but he doesn’t waste any time getting rid of her and telling Oriana it was just a business call. She doesn’t care if he has a lover, but he doesn’t want an open marriage. Oriana thinks theirs is NO marriage, since they are now legally Francisco Castro and Ines Valdivia. They are only together to help their daughter. After Oriana leaves, JL has a crisis in front of his phone – he’s upset because Raquel called – she calls all the time, why can’t she stop calling?

Ric makes Marilooney another offer – no to the divorce, if she agrees to go with him to the judge, say they got back together and ask for Lina be returned to them. Marilust agrees to this, if and only if Ric agrees to a real marriage, sex included. Fidelia, who witnesses the talk, is shocked by such audacity, but Mariloca explains that she is an esposa enoamorada and if they don’t consummate the marriage, then the marriage doesn’t exists.
Ric seems bored, he just says fine and leaves, but Fidelia is still having a hard time understanding how a woman could want a man who feels nothing for her. Marilame thinks Fidelia is an old, romantic fool – no wonder she lost Ruben to fiery Madhilde back in the day. If there is deseo and pasion (desire and passion), even a bitter victory is still a victory.

John places a microphone in JL’s house.

The next day Piero calls Ric to tell him that everything is under control at the office, but Lila and Maddy have asked for a reunion.
Brief intermission where we find out how amazing the Oggi jeans are, from Piero, Cesar and two licenciados importantes. Is this tn so expensive that they had to agree to this?

As Oriana leaves home and refuses John’s company, the guy finds out about a little girl being locked in her room.
Oriana goes to meet Fabiola; she takes Tito from her and tells Fabi that if Paloma asks, she should tell her the truth. Alone with Tito, Oriana gets a surprise – Ric has come to the meeting, too. He admits that Mariano heard Fabiola talk on the phone. He apologizes for not keeping her safe enough and warns her that she is being accused of kidnapping her daughter. So, she has to get out of hiding and allow for Alina to be places in an orphanage, if only for a few days. Marilu has agreed to go to the judge to ask for Alina back. Oriana thinks that JL might have a chance, too, but Ric knows the judge will refuse this, even if they won’t be investigated for having fake identities.
Ric urges Oriana not to leave with Alina and stop kipping the girl hidden. He is willing to help her no matter what, even if they can’t be together, because he loves her forever.

When Oriana finally arrives home with Tito, JL is very inpatient. Oriana says that Fabi was late at the meeting and gives the dog to JL to hold. Then they both go to Alina’s room – the girl is very happy to see Tito, but she barely acknowledges her father, giving him a small, halfhearted kiss.
JL is furious because he doesn’t know what else to do to make Alina happy. Oriana thinks the girl still needs time, but JL’s patience is running out. As John listens to the whole conversation, Oriana tries to prepare JL for the bad news that he won’t get the custody. Then they talk about how all of Oriana’s friends know his real identity, but nobody will talk. JL has a hard time keeping his calm, Oriana keeps asking him if he took his pills.  

When the Neuro Doc calls with the bad news that the judge refused to give him custody, JL hangs up and looks like he is about to burst into flames.

Sam is taking a bubble bath when John calls to tell him that a bunch of people in Hermosillo know Zorro’s real name – his little daughter included. (Duh!) Sam orders John to kill them all. ALL OF THEM.
John calls some other guy, asking to talk to Joaquin, because his brother Sam just asked him to kill a lot of very important people and he simply can’t do that and bring so much attention to them. The guy asks him to play it cool, postpone Sam as much as he can. We can see that he is in a hospital and Joaquin is in bed, apparently in a coma.

Oriana calls Paloma, tells her that Tito is with them now. She doesn’t tell her where she and Alina went, but then the little girl takes care of business: her papa brought Tito to her and they are living with him, she promptly shares with Paloma on the phone. 
Paloma can't believe her ears, she asks Oriana what she is thinking, going back to that man.

Fidelia is looking at some pictures of what seems a love story comic, when Ruben comes for a visit. He brings truffles (I hope they are the chocolate kind, not the kind dig up by pigs in the woods). He notices that she’s reading La Amante de Lady Chaterey (all that sex talk earlier must have made Fidelia curious). Fidelia tells him about Ric and Marilu getting back together and asking to keep Lina’s custody. Ruben has no clue what that is all about (neither do we, Ruben, neither do we), so Fidelia briefly explains him. She doesn’t know what will happen with Ric and Ines now, she just knows that Ric is very sad.

Ric has set up a meeting with the judge and is telling Piero that he decided not to get a divorce anymore.

JL comes to visit Raquel. He looks like he has problems, like always, so Raquel suggests a drink. At first he refuses, but then he accepts the glass. And then he also accepts Raquel’s marriage proposal!  

With the judge, Ric explains that Ines never kidnapped Lina, since he allowed her to take the girl. But the judge no longer believes him and has decided to investigate the matter; in the meantime, the child needs to stay in the orphanage.

Preview: Alina is being taken from Oriana. They are both crying.


Looking forward to it!

Recap is ready.

Thank you, Adriana! I loved the title and Marilooney and Marilust were awesome.

What is JL up to, agreeing to marry Raquel.

It was nice to see Knuckles of AC fame if even only for few moments.

Sam is even scarier than Joaquin!


Glad to see Ric not asking Oriana if she slept with JL. He seems to have gotten why she ran to jl's. Our horndog has grown up, finally. Marilu is pathetic-I refuse to believe she can be that blind. Fidelia needs to slap her some more for sense to get through.

Seems JL is gonna lose it because of losing Lina.

Excellent recap, Adriana. Good luck with all your tasks tomorrow.

Yes. Ori said exactly what we all have felt about her. She doesn't need to have a man (Rick or JL). She needs her daughter, and that's it.

J- I also happy to see Rick being reasonable, instead of a jealous horndog when he spoke to Ori.

Perhaps this new henchie can do us all a favor and kill Marilu...But that Sam is a piece of work. Kill everyone, including the kid (and probably her little dog too). Yikes!


Thanks for the recap Adriana. Your title gave me a chuckle.

JL's lies are so numerous its quite scary. I think his lies to Raquel are just a set up.

Sara & Vivi, yes Sam is even scarier than Joquain. Killing everyone is not a good business move. I'm thinking Joquain had an "accident" b/c of Sam as well.

Why do Ric and the judge act like its no big deal to put Alina in the casa hogar? Do you really have to be a parent to know that it will unsettle the child and how does this help her? The judge should not punish Alina just because all the adults around her are foolish and crazy.

Yes J, Fidelia needs to slap some sense into Mari. At this point I wouldn't mind if she isn't with us at the end of the tn.

Thank you so much, Adriana Noel! LOVED "Marilust"!!

I don't know. All of these shenanigans are just frustrating me. I could slap Plastic Face Marilu from here to Kingdom Come.

I'd like to slap Oriana, too.

The story is just frustrating me right now, so thank you for all of your effort today, Adriana Noel!


Thank you, Adriana!

Dear Adriana,

Thank you for an excellent recap, particularly when you have a lot to do. You recappers never fail to deliver.

I do feel sympathy for Oriana, with Ricardo and Paloma uncontrollable, JL pathologically evil (rather than suffering bipolar disorder IMO), and Homero single-minded in ways that don't necessarily work for Oriana. I am wondering how the authorities get to Oriana and am assuming that either Ricardo or Paloma inadvertently contributes to this turn.

It will be interesting to see the extent to which Fabiola and Sebastian reconcile.


Thank you, everybody, for your nice words of appreciation.
This recap has been particularly hard to write because the show no longer inspires me and and I can't truly get into it anymore.
I just got back home from a very busy and exhausting day. And it's not ofer, yet, I still have to go out tonight, visit an appartment that we might move into.
But for now, I'll just crawl into bed and try to doze of for an hour or so, before Mr. Noel finishes a very important job interview he has today.

Thanks for the recap Adriana, now Univision has messed with viewing the show. I can't see the current episode until a week has passed. So now I"m back to recording it at home to watch it. I hope comcast hasn't somehow messed with that too.

I loved your Marilu nicknames too. My favorite is Marilooney.

This show has really derailed. I'm glad it's almost over. Why couldn't they have told us what happened to Joaquin? He disappeared then appeared in a coma.


I still think that Raquel's days are numbered. Since JL has killed someone already, the second time is much easier, or so they say. He gets his drunk on and then kills her.

I'm still betting on Sebastian re-wooing Fabiola. If they're going to school together, then they'll see each other more often.

Mariano sure got back into medicine quickly. Just a couple more classes and he's all set to do brain surgery.

Adriana Noel – Muchísimas gracias. Hope you can get some quality rest after your tough day. My favorites:

“Trio of the Greedy”

“specialized in everything, from plastic to open heart surgery”

“she calls all the time, why can’t she stop calling?”

ITA, Ricky has grown up! I’m relieved he was understanding with Ori.

I should feel sorry for Raquel, but she is about as nonsensical as Marilu. She knows the baby is likely Cesar’s and that Cesar would make a decent father, plus he stands to have a nice inheritance – and, who knows, maybe his designs will blow up with Oggi. But she hangs onto JL for the flash and trinkets. She knows both she and JL shouldn’t drink alcohol, but there she is serving it up.

Niecie, she clearly likes a bad boy.

Cesar deserves better, anyway.

Good work, Adriana.

I also love that Fidelia isn't taking Marilooney's crap.

Thanks for this, Adriana. Good luck with your very busy day and good luck to Mr. Noel with his important interview.


"Glad to see Ric not asking Oriana if she slept with JL... Our horndog has grown up..."

and Vivi,

"I'm also happy to see Rick being reasonable, instead of a jealous horndog..."

Heck, I was disappointed that he didn't hit Inez up for a little lovemaking right there on the street as he was holding the little dog. I like consistency in my TN characters, even though I'm happy to see the positive changes in Sebastian.

Did anyone else see the Audi Doberhuahua commercial during the Super Bowl and immediately think of Tito and Neron?


Gracias, Adriana! Sometimes the best snark is born from being tired, inebriated, and/or totally over a show.

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