Monday, February 03, 2014

Lo Que la Vida Me Robó Lunes 2/3/14 #60

Chapter 60: Unholy Deadlock

Almonte Manor: Lord Alejandro told the good Father Anselmo that Lady Monserrat married him only for his wealth, then attempted to abandoned him for her lover, whom she had housed on his estate. He did not believe her explanations. Father Anselmo attempted to force him to listen to reason regarding his lady wife and forthcoming child. He did finally tell him that he is being stubborn and should think about these matters as the backwash could be dire.

Lord Alejandro told the good Father that he was taking his leave of him prior to a long journey. A long journey with Maria. Father Anselmo did not hesitate to tell him that this was a grave error compounding that of permitting Maria to reside in the manor. This time he did not allow His Lordship to stop him, telling him that this infidelity solves nothing, as it was the same sin of which he was accusing his wife. To the priest's horror, Lord Alejandro explained that he began proceedings for an annulment. He did this without consulting him because he knew that Father Anselmo would object. He expected that this matter would be concluded by his return. His departure would be as soon as Maria was ready. The good priest could only grit his teeth in exasperation.

Aguazul Residence / Almonte Manor: While this took place, Rosario refused to answer Sir Victor's questions. She would answer only Lord Alejandro's questions. She handed him a letter for her son, requesting that he deliver it personally and only to His Lordship. He was not to reveal her true identity to him. Although he did not agree with her instructions, Sir Victor hastened to comply, only to find Macario in residence. The telephone service had been disconnected and the cellular left behind; he was too late. Despite the obvious critical nature of the missive entrusted to him, he left it on the desk in the study.

Arechiga Manor: Lady Angelica prepared for her wedding with the aid of her mother, sister, and godmother. She was not concerned that the groom would change his mind, but Lady Amelia was concerned that her own husband would not be present. Lady Prudencia attempted to maintain her usual optimism, but it was evident that Lady Angelica knew her parents well. Despite her delicate state of health, she looked as radiant as her name implied. Both Lady Amelia and Lady Prudencia implored her not to weep so as to appear beautiful for her groom and their guests.

Mendoza Manor: As Dimwit sat in his usual state of petulance on the divan, his friend Adolfo arrived, jesting about his forthcoming marriage by referring to it as his wake. Dimwit clearly considered this comment offensive, hurling something at his friend as his reply. “But, it will only be for a year!” was the response. Dimwit, however, was in no mood to jest. Adolfo laughed, telling him that he was merely jesting, as he had planned his friend's escape. He displayed papers indicating he had booked passage to Brazil for an early escape.

Valverde Manor, Garden / Lady Josefina's Bedchamber: The guests gathered for what they probably expected to be the most gossip-worthy social event of the season. Countess Graceless showed her best face though it must have pained her greatly; she was the only lady clad in black despite it being set off by a white blouse that displayed more than was correct for the mother of the groom. Lady Josefina nervously prepared for her wedding inside with the aid of her good friends, Lady Monserrat and Lady Nadia. Due to her age and extended state of maidenhood, Lady Josefina did not wear the usual bridal gown and veil, choosing instead to wear a tea-length dress of a past generation, with a hat reminiscent of her grandmother's time. Lady Nadia looked every note the great lady in her pale coral gown styled after those of ancient goddesses while Lady Monserrat wore a red gown designed for her comfort. She was at that time beginning to display evidence of her impending motherhood, which both her friends saw fit to graciously envy. Lady Josefina spoke of wanting to bear the child of her dear friend's brother, a declaration that would have horrified her own. Lady Nadia mentioned that her own desire for a child may not be satisfied. Lady Monserrat beseeched her not to speak in such a manner, as the future was still an unknown quantity.

Almonte Manor, Kitchen: Sir Victor took his repast with Dominga and Macario, as had previously been his custom. They had not seen him for some weeks prior. The visit was ostensibly for business, as Macario reported that the estate prospered. However, he did not hesitate to explain that the master of the house did not appear to be the person he had known before and Dominga displayed her disapproval of Maria's apparent status.

Valverde Manor, Garden: As the guests awaited a ceremony they perhaps wished to mock, Countess Graceless enquired of Lady Nadia about her husband, whose absence she noted. The reply was vague, assigning the reason to that of public matters. Countess Graceless commented on the honor of being married to the Lord Mayor, which Lady Nadia ignored. Instead she changed the subject to Lady Monserrat's delicate condition. In her usual manner, Countess Graceless parried the question back to its origin, provoking a brief response from Lady Nadia that would have alone been noticed by Lady Monserrat. The Countess did not hesitate to expound on the necessity for maintaining the appropriate image as a politician's wife. Before she could cross more beyond the line of propriety she was interrupted by Sir Tomás, enquiring as to the whereabouts of the groom. Countess Graceless was not pleased at this enquiry, reminding him that this marriage was taking place at his instruction. He pointedly but discreetly displayed the presence of his duelling pistol so that Countess Graceless would understand that this matter was of the gravest importance. She condescendingly told him all would be well before returning to the company of the other ladies. When he was beyond hearing she pulled her daughter aside, demanding in her raspy voice to know where Dimwit was. Lady Monserrat replied that she did not know. Adolfo was to arrive at their home to escort him there. Countess Graceless was displeased, but could not impart guilt to either her daughter or to Lady Carlota, who correctly disavowed responsibility for her disgraceful nephew's behavior. Despite her customary willingness to ignore the peccadilloes of her son, Countess Graceless correctly guessed his intentions of the day.

Mendoza Mausoleum: Adolfo became impatient with Dimwit's visit to the Admiral's crypt. However, Dimwit insisted upon this moment alone and Adolfo indicated he would await him in the vehicle. Dimwit remembered the last reproaches from his father. He was to work to pay his debts back or leave their estate. The words echoed in his ears from the moment of his arrest until the last vitriolic words he hurled at his father.

Valverde Garden: Both generations of ladies became perturbed at Dimwit's failure to arrive in a timely manner. The younger ladies looked back at the mansion to see Lady Josefina emerge in her white dress and hat. The guests began falling silent as she approached her brother asking him to cancel the wedding. Countess Graceless defied her name briefly to attempt to reassure her. However, Lady Josefina – who clearly had no stomach for social hypocrisy – began a speech that would certainly be remembered. That once again she would be laughed at. She turned to her brother for comfort as her friends grit their teeth for the worst. Which happened in the form of Dimwit's arrival and his request that all be calm. He then took the bride's hand and suggested they proceed. Countess Graceless let out a small sigh of relief, and resignation. Whether this was at his tardiness or his failure to wear a cravat and to tuck his shirt into his trousers was not to be known.

Beach: Lady Angelica, escorted by Captain Robledo, approached the priest and the waiting groom, Lieutenant Alvarez. Both gentlemen wore their dress blue uniforms proudly. Esmeralda reminded Refugio that he was to have the rings and the unfortunate young man seemed to realize that he had neglected to bring them from their vehicle. The priest began the service. No one at that moment saw Lord Joaquin aiming a sniper's rifle directly at the groom's back. No one except Refugio, who aimed his pistol at Lord Joaquin's head from merely inches away. Even more accurately aimed were his words of caution, reproaching Lord Joaquin for intending an act that would inflict the greatest sadness on his beloved daughter. He reminded him that his daughter was happy and deserved to live her remaining days with the man she loved. Although there was some resistance, Lord Joaquin was eventually distracted sufficiently for Refugio to take the rifle from him without a struggle. Perhaps thinking better of his immediate intention, he nonetheless vowed before parting that he would make Lieutenant Alvarez pay for stealing the last days of his daughter's life. The ceremony continued, the bride smiling as radiantly as her simple diamond stud earrings shown in the sunlight.

Valverde Garden / Beach: The magistrate began the ceremony over a bride whose expression was as subdued as her pearls. He expounded on speaking openly of one's feelings, words that caused Lady Monserrat to stare at her own wedding ring. The registry was signed, but there was no nuptial kiss. Countess Graceless smiled smugly at the brother of the bride. In contrast, the ceremony of Lady Angelica and Lieutenant Alvarez was moving; Lady Amelia had accepted her daughter's wishes and was moved by her happiness as she and Captain Robledo laid the bridal knot over the couple.

Adolfo chided Dimwit for not making his proposed escape. Dimwit pointed out that this would have been foolish without money. Lady Monserrat wished her friend well, cautioning that she would need to be very patient. Countess Graceless, ever conscious of the opinions and conversations of others, explained to the enquiring Sir Tomás that Lord Alejandro could not be present due to a necessary business trip and that her daughter could not accompany him due to her condition. However, Sir Tomás was not fooled; he did mention that there were rumors of separation. Countess Graceless denied all, with an explanation that did not fool him though he did not directly comment to that effect.

Lady Prudencia's Mansion: Her Ladyship presented Lieutenant Alvarez with a wedding gift, a checque in an unknown but considerable sum. His pride would not permit him to accept it, saying that payment of the wedding trip was more than enough. While this took place, Lady Amelia implored her daughter to take care of her health and not to fault on the taking of her medicines. Lady Angelica thanked her for respecting her wishes and told her that she would take care because she intended to be happy.

Valverde Mansion: Lady Josefina and Dimwit formally bade their guests goodnight as they departed. Countess Graceless and Lady Carlota were the last to depart, the former asking Lady Josefina to address her as “Mamma”. Even Dimwit found this hypocrisy difficult to witness but said nothing, merely escorting them to the door. Sir Tomás took that opportunity to tell his sister that he wished to speak to her husband immediately in his study. This would be a conversation about money, a subject fit only for private discourse. Lady Josefina would have preferred to delay this until after the wedding trip, but her brother would not hear of it. He escorted Dimwit into the study whereupon he informed him for what was likely the first time that he had assumed control of his sister's inheritance so that he would not be able to dissipate it. This caused Dimwit to inform him that he intended to make his life miserable. The gauntlet thrown, he left the study and walked past his bride, saying there would not be a wedding trip.

Lady Prudencia's Mansion, Outside: Lady Amelia implored Lieutenant Alvarez to inform her if anything went awry and to see to her daughter's happiness in her final days. He thanked her for the opportunity to do so. Lady Amelia and the others shed tears that combined their joy for Lady Angelica and their sadness at the bittersweet moment of her departure with her husband.

Mendoza Manor: Countess Graceless and Lady Carlota talked about how despite their assertions of the reasons for Lord Alejandro's absence no one appeared to believe them. Lady Monserrat entered having overheard a few words, only for Countess Graceless to tell her with an air of triumphant irony that the paternity of her child was in doubt. Lady Carlota attempted to forestall yet another conflict but Dimwit was able to claim credit for that with his unexpected return to inform them that the wedding trip had been canceled.

Countess Graceless followed him into the adjoining room where he revealed that his wife's fortunes were not only not entrusted to him but in the hands of her brother, who would give them nothing. Dimwit was then on the receiving end of the irony of his mother enjoining him to be the perfect husband to his freakish but wealthy wife, just as his sister had been lectured so after her own wedding. Being older and somewhat more experienced than his sister, he fired his own salvo at his avaricious mater, telling her that perhaps she should approach Sir Tomás on these matters. She demanded that he not display such disrespect, asking him whether he thought it was easy for her to marry his father, a man so much older than herself. He answered in the affirmative, saying “Because you loved him.”

After a pause Countess Graceless made a most surprising confession, that she had never loved the Admiral. Dimwit was shocked into silence at the lecture that followed, that some people need to make sacrifices to get what they wanted and that “Your sister, your aunt, and I are alone” and that he was to do his duty because from the moment of his father's death he would be responsible for taking care of the family. He had better begin immediately to address this because he had no idea of what she was capable of if he faulted.

Outside, Lady Monserrat and Lady Carlota spoke of their misfortunes and errors. It had been some time since Lady Monserrat had sent the letter to her husband. She had come to a place where she accepted that he would not return to her and that she would have to care alone for her child.

Some Time (perhaps two or three months) Later

Garden: Lady Carlota knitted while Lady Monserrat thought of her husband and the child who would soon be born. As she displayed a newly-completed infant sweater, Lady Carlota asked why her niece did not call her husband. She replied that her child did not have a father and would depend solely on her.

Almonte Manor: Lord Alejandro arrived home to be greeted by Macario and Dominga. His mood and manner of dress appeared unchanged from before his departure. Maria, however, followed him in in a most haughty manner, dressed as though she had stolen from Lady Monserrat's closet. However, she displayed no grace or even ease in the high-heeled shoes so that he cautioned her against falling in them again. Macario and Dominga – after noting amusement at this – walked out of the parlour with His Lordship into the study, saying that the estate was doing well. Maria, who had sat on the sofa, wore an expression indicating that the trip did not proceed as she had wished. Upon entering the study, His Lordship reached for the mail that had accumulated in his absence.


As I said in a previous discussion my free bandwidth on Photobucket may run out this month and that's because of this blog! If so I will pay for a year of unlimited to cover that.

This was so beautifully written, Urban, so beautifully, beautifully written.

Thank you so very, very much.


UA, thank you for another creative and very entertaining recap.

What didn't Victor understand about putting the letter from Montse in Ale's hand per Rosario's directions? She was so clear and serious. So now since the fool left it on Ale's desk nobody knows it has been sitting unseen all of these months and of course Montse expects the worst.

I loved that we had dueling weddings in this episode. It was really a study in contrasts. Angelica's being all about love (except for her psycho father)and Josefina's about grudging obligation, Just when I thought Dimitrio had redeemed himself after a visit to his father's grave, he proved himself to be unchanged. At least his mother Graciela, gave him a taste of what her life had been like "with not having loved Lauro ever and let him know what his familial responsibilities were. Another wake up call for the poor baby. Thank goodness Josefina's brother has power of attorney over her money and properties because she definitely has problems.

I was impressed with the pacing of this episode. Several months came and went. Ale is back from his trip and Montse looks like she is ready to have the baby.


I really felt the difference while watching the two weddings. Angelica was as radiant as Josefina was awkward and Dimwit's sloppy attire was such an insult compared to the spit-and-polish of Jose Luis' dress uniform.

As to Victor's failure to follow instructions, every telenovela -- like every opera -- as someone who screws up in a way that will have a domino effect.

Urban A, thanks for another charming and detailed recap. The two weddings were indeed a study in contrasts.

Dim provided the most suspense for me. Interesting that he took counsel from his deceased father before deciding. His dramatic entrance and his sloppy clothing provided a note of scandal to the wedding. How will Fina tame him if she can't reward him for his favors with money?

Angelica was a lovely bride. Let's hope she has a little happiness in store.

Can't believe Victor failed to place the letter in Ale's hand. Of course, Ale was gone by then, but still... This is typical of the "vital missed message" that usually happens at some point in most TNs.

Maria obviously didn't get to attend "high heel school" as did MariCruz in CI. Her hair looked good in the braid, but I doubt there were any inner adjustments to her character.


Urban Anthropologist,

Another stellar recap. I so enjoyed every written word. Thank you so very much, and what a pretty fan. You are such a devoted and loved re-capper; I feel horrible about you having to pay to post on this blog. Is there anything we can do to help?

No spoiler here, but I understand why the original version of this TN (Bodas de Odio) got its name. And I did not watch BdO, so I'm not sure if all the storylines are the same. I think there have been 3 or 4 'bodas de odio' in our current version. The first being between Graciela and Lauro (Since we just learned that Gracie NEVER loved Lauro). Second, Montserrat and Ale; third, Fina and Dimi; and Nadia and Pedro could be a possible fourth.

I always had a feeling that Gracie married Lauro for social status, or pressure from her family, and not for love. That explains why she doesn't care if her children don't marry for love. She expects them to suffer just as she did.

Loved Angie and JL's wedding. It was perfect, and she looked so happy. I'm glad that Joaquin's plan to shoot JL failed. Refugio to the rescue, again.

"As Dimwit sat in his usual state of petulance on the divan, his friend Adolfo arrived, jesting about his forthcoming marriage by referring to it as his wake." I felt sad watching poor Fina cry before her wedding. She would have been better off had Dimi bailed on her. I really like Fina, but I just don't get why she insists on being with Dimi. Maybe she's physic, and knows something we don't know, because from where I am standing her future is DIMIr than the night the lights went out in Georgia.

Also, ITA, "...she was the only lady clad in black despite it being set off by a white blouse that displayed more than was correct for the mother of the groom."

There were so many other awesome and beautifully written phrases that I almost wanted to quote your whole recap!

Montse looks really cute preggers. She is maturing and coming to the realization that she is paying back for all of her mistakes (mostly lies), and unfortunately her mothers too. I wander what she wrote in that letter. I am going to assume that she doesn't even know that Ale is out of town because she mentioned that she had not heard anything from him when she told Tia Carlotta about the letter. She is going to be pithed when she finds out he went with BM.

THANK YOU WRITERS! I am so glad that I did not have to see BM packing for her trip with Ale, and that I didn't have to witness any of their trip at all. Although come to think of it, she didn't look too happy when they came back. Ale still looked depressed and BM looked totally disillusioned. I don't think things are going according to her plans. And there is no way she can look or walk in heels like Montse. I don't even know why she bothered. LOL, when Ale told her not to fall again in those tacones! Hee!Hee!

Why Victor, Why? You should have taken that letter with you back to Aguazul. You should have waited for Ale to come back and personally hand it to him, just as you were so kindly asked to do. I think I saw BM reading a letter in the avances. I hate that BITCH!

Going to bed...hasta pronto!

UrbanA, thank you for the fabulous recap. Though exhausted, I couldn't go to bed until I read it, so I appreciate the early post.

Dimwit is a jerk, but he seems conflicted. How interesting, but not surprising, especially after mommy dearest's revelation.

At first I thought Josefina's hat was frumpy, but when I saw the whole package I rather liked the retro look. She can pull it off.

Damned Univision, the last couple of scenes were cut off of my DVR!

I knew from the outset that Graceless hadn't married for love and once it was revealed that she had cheated on him during the entire marriage with a man she had been involved with before the wedding, that sealed it.

I doubt we will get a flashback to her youth and her mysterious stay in a convent but I am almost willing to bet that marrying someone that much older was a punishment, like when things like this happen in the Middle East.

Great wedding photos! Have to go out but looking forward to reading this in depth, and doing justice to your beautiful writing

Off to work, but read thru your wondrous recap UA with my morning coffee.

Loved how they played out this episode as others stated. The contrast of the two wedding was perfect. And could Angie have been more well....angelic? She positively glowed. JL didn't look like the ecstatic groom, but he'll do right by her and I think he has a true love/affection for her. Hope she's with us for a long run yet.

I thought Dimwit knew he wasn't going to have his hands on Fina's money...oh well. Led to some surprising little news for him. This twosome will be interesting.

Monse looked fab...the sweater on the tummy gave me giggles. So cute.

Maria--yeah she looked miserable. I too love that we just got the time jump and deal with her hanging all over Ale during their Trip. She needs to be kicked to the curb and soon.


Oh Urban Anthropologist, this was utterly sublime. One of your finest recaps to date (high, high praise). Your screen shots recaptured all of the events to perfection - especially the glowing Angelica.

"Despite the obvious critical nature of the missive entrusted to him, he left it on the desk in the study", "As Dimwit sat in his usual state of petulance", "Lady Josefina – who clearly had no stomach for social hypocrisy" and "he fired his own salvo at his avaricious mater" were among my favorites. Your comments are so clever and on point. Marvelous!

Like Aunty Ann, I extend sympathy that you have to pay to post! Your dedication is greatly appreciated, thank you so much.

Angelica was luminous, was she not?? She radiated love, pure, trusting and beautiful in its simplicity. How could JL not return such lovely emotion? It was joyful just to watch her, beaming with happiness. This is one of the reasons I watch TN. For pure, unadulterated, unselfish love and commitment.

Yes Daisy, Angie did indeed look angelic!

Thank heavens Refugio saved the day! If JL had been hurt or killed, I'm certain Angelica's death would have occurred in very short order.

I was hoping that we might have a Maria free episode and glad she did not darken our screens until the end. What a wobbling, pitiful excuse for a woman. And friends, (no tomatoes please), I must admit that it did not pain me to not see too much of Ale. At the moment, he does not exist for me.

And Victor. Jarifa, I was yelling at him not to leave the letter lying on the desk. Alas, he did not hear me and it pains me to say Maria has the letter (shown in the preview). Another chance for Monse and Ale to meet and talk evaporates in the wind.

La Paloma "His dramatic entrance and his sloppy clothing provided a note of scandal to the wedding" - well said. In view of what had transpired, I had hoped he would take Tomas' news in stride but he regressed once again. Poor Fina!

Sylvia, you are so right! I thought Fina looked quite pretty. It is really absurd that they keep trying to make her look mousy and unappealing, but she is a beautiful woman who could look amazing in the proverbial potato sack.

I thought a name for this episode might be "Two Reluctant Bridegrooms". However, that would not have been fair. JL cares for Angelica and know he will do everything to make her happy.

There is not much to look forward to at the present, but I suspect a romantic honeymoon will take place for JL and Angelica and that there will be some shifting emotions and great happiness.

We can only hope.

UA, thank you again. You made my day.


Thank you UA, detailed and inspired as usual! The screenshots are lovely. By the way, I thought Tia Carlotta looked lovely, that's a beautiful color.

Advice to Montse:

She had come to a place where she accepted that he would not return to her and that she would have to care alone for her child.

Yes, do it Montse!!! You've lost nothing. So Ale has been pouting and fuming all this time? His relationship with Maria doesn't even make me angry. It's just unnecessary and stoopid, just like his immature bull-headed insistence on doing unto Montse as he thinks she's done unto him.

I wish JL and Angie every happiness and peaceful, loving bliss.

Jerky brothers sure is a theme here. Tomas knew he had POA. Couldn't he have let his sister have a honeymoon and enjoy her fantasy just a little while? I am sure there is some deep and wild passion locked up in this lady just waiting to break free and strong enough to get Dim to continue to re-think his ways. This is the couple I remain hopeful for.

Thanks again, UA, see y'all in cyberspace.


Finally had time to read your recap, Urban, elegant and riveting.
I was yelling for Victor not to leave the letter, but POR SUPUESTO he did! What was I thinking?
ITA Fina is a stunning woman, I can only guess she was chosen for her acting ability, also because there are no ugly TN actresses to choose from. Perhaps they needed a Unibrow to match Dim's. did anyone notice that Tomas called Dim "Unibrow"?

No, I didn't notice that. What has been getting me is Graceless referring to Josefina as "el phenomenon". It occurred to me while writing this that this may be a way of referring to circus freaks because they are remarkable in a repulsive way. This is certainly how Graceless feels about Josefina.

Just looked at our forecast for tomorrow and so depressed. 8-12 more inches of snow---I need a Caray break to cheer up.

The one scene I thought most interesting last night was Graceless' little revelation to Dimwit. I think in her warped little mind, she thought this would bring him around to her way of thinking...that it's all about the money. But for someone who has been struggling with feelings of being unloved by his father, finding out your mother had no affection for the man and she used him may not have been the best news to hear. And add to that, her threatening him in a way to insinuate that his purpose in life is only to continue her ability to live comfortably. Sorry, kid, mumsy doesn't really "love" you either. So where does that leave him and what direction will he take? He has a wife, that actually does love him...will that give him something he never had and turn him from Graceless? I'm kind of hoping that is how this plays out.

I'm slowly losing my patience with Tomas. At first I thought he was protecting his sister, but he treats her like a unintelligent child and has no regard for her feelings. We have seen her glimpses of warmth and intelligence...lord, how I want her to start stunning the men in her life, and not with looks. Maybe Monse's new "I can do this on my own" will rub off on her and she will start taking charge of her life ( and Dim along with her).

What the blazes was that preview with Maria and the gun? Yeah, dear, that will win Ale over if you off Monse. (Somehow I would think after all this time, if he was going to fall for you, it would have happened already.) Someone just throw that thing away already.


Fabulous recap as always, UA! I also always enjoy the lovely fans that you post on here, too. I wish we ladies still carried fans!

Who is the kitty in your avatar?

Also, on a totally unrelated subject, does anyone know anything about Jorge Salinas starring in a novela called The Fifth Sun? I can't seem to find anything about it.

UA: Thank you for another beautiful recap.

When Refugio left to get the rings (I think), and I saw the pistol he was wearing, I knew he would save the day. Thank God he did do that. Joaquin is annoyed on two fronts it seems. One, he cursed JL for taking Angelica from him during her last days on earth, and two, because now Angelica's inheritance will go to JL, and not him or his family. He is a real badass who has not been fully revealed.

And, Tomas: why on earth did he have to tell Dimwit about the power of attorney before the honeymoon. It seems that his looking out for Fina involves berating her and making her unhappy.

OK, I must comment on Victor. What on earth? He is an educated insider who knows what goes on at the hacienda. Why on earth did he leave a very personal letter on Ale's desk that we know Maria will find.

Maria actually looked great in city clothes. That is, until she wobbled into the sala on a pair of ankle breakers that she couldn't handle.

Good Morning Urban:

Thank you so much for this very lovely recap. You have such a gift. You could be a romance writer.

I agree with what DaisynJay said about Dimwit and Graceless. She really doesn't love anyone I think. She keeps reminding Dimwit that he better get with the program cause he is the man of the family and unless he starts making inroads with Josie, Tia, Monse and Graceless with be in penury. I too wonder if he will man up or give up.

I loved the wedding of JL and Angie. It was so beautiful and the bride and groom were both gorgeous. I am so glad that Refugio is JL's wing man. He'd be dead without him.

Fina and Dimwit's wedding I really thought would ever happen. I too liked Fina's look. She can pull off a potato sack, so agree ; ) I too want Fina to be independent of both Tomas and Dimwit.

Monse looked lovely at the wedding along with Tia. I too loved that color on the Tia. She ought to wear brighter colors.

I had to laugh at Ale with that shirt, and BM thinks she has Monse's class? Neva happen! I had to laugh when she was tripping all over herself with those heels. I too liked what Ale said to her about the heels.

I too am wondering why Vic left that letter for Ale on his desk. I'm hoping Ale gets to read it and BM finds it later.

Have a great day everyone, I'm off to celebrate my birthday on a harbor cruise with Mr. Mads.

katy: "I can feel the wheels of redemption slooooowly turning for Dimwit. Josefina will be his salvation." Yes, I agree!


Madelaine: Happy, happy birthday amiga!

Hope you and Mr. Mads have a wonderful time.


I found Graceless's reaction to Dim's news about having no access to Fina's money oddly unconcerned, I would have thought she'd be more upset. Does she know about a loophole I missed here?

Happy Birthday Mads! I hope you and Mr. Mads have a great day. A harbor cruise sounds fantastic.

I enjoyed your recap enormously, Urban, and I was especially grateful for the screenshots. For some reason, I was not invited to either wedding, but your photos made me feel as if I had been there.

So. Two weddings, each with a crazy parent rampant. Angie gets Sniper Daddy and Dim gets Sniper Mommy.

At least Refugio was able to abort Joaquín's attempted murder. But no one saw Graciela coming when she stepped smartly between husband and wife, keeping Josefina from getting her nuptial kiss.

One of the darkest moments of this novela so far (and there have been plenty of dark moments) was Graciela's snarling to her son about Lauro:

I never loved him!

As for Montserrat and Alejandro, I feel the way Lila does -- Montse should declare her independence from the lout she married and get on with the business of raising her child. [Of course she won't do this. But a Maven can rant, can't she?]

It's your birthday Mads? How nice! Have a good one!

Yes, Maven, you certainly can rant! What a big, frickin' baby Ale is. One (real) child is enough for Montse!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MADS!!! Have a great day!


Happy Birthday, Madelaine!

Graceless clearly cares for nothing but money. For Monserrat's sake I hope she can cut her off at the end of the story so she can't poison the rest of her life. She is wise to her mother in ways that Dimwit is just learning about. Remember how she initially told Alejandro not to give her mother any more dinero?

Maybe Graceless' Karmageddon should be to head to another place and become the town ho, like Justina in Mi Pecado.

JL doesn't want to inherit anything from Angelica. The problem is that no matter how many times Joaquin hears this he will never believe it.


I found Graceless's reaction to Dim's news about having no access to Fina's money oddly unconcerned, I would have thought she'd be more upset. Does she know about a loophole I missed here? There no longer seems to be anything in it for either of them.

Thanks, UA, for another fabulous recap and another glimpse of your fan collection

Did Viktor tell Mony that Ale was on a trip or Rosario that he did not see ale to give him the letter ?

I got a kick out of Tia tapping the knitting needles together pretending to knit. You can tell when an actress really knows how to use knitting needles. All the women in my family knitted .

I think that the actress's posture has a lot to do with Josefina not looking as good as we know she will after the makeover. She does not stand up straight and proud . She always has her head down and her shoulders hunched over. it makes me think of my dad who was always saying "stand up straight!!!"

Are we to presume from MALria's sour look that she and Ale did not do the deed ?

UA, thank you for a beautifully written recap with no profanity or vulgarity. I absolutely love this story and
not being a Spanish speaker am totally dependent on
these recaps.

Graceless won't stop trying. She's like a dog with a bone when it comes to dinero.

Not only do I think she is incapable of love, she has contempt for people who are.

Happy Birthday, dear Mads, and wishes for many more.

Loved the recap!! But this ep seemed kinda slow for me. I guess I wanted more Alejandro. Lol.

I couldn't believe victor left that letter. But it looks like BM and ale didn't do anything cause it's been months and her planned pregnancy is not happening.

I agree with everyone that monse looked super cute preggers.

I really hate that bitch maria!! The previews show she's gonna try and kill monse.

Also, someone was asking about grace saying phenomena. I thought it was her way of calling Fina really ugly. Fea-nomena. Idk that's what I thought.


"I found Graceless's reaction to Dim's news about having no access to Fina's money oddly unconcerned, I would have thought she'd be more upset. Does she know about a loophole I missed here?"

Even though Josefina has signed over control of her fortune to Tomás, she can revoke that control at any time. Graciela is convinced that if Dim keeps working on her, eventually Fina will do just that -- revoke Tom's control and hand it over to Dim.
BTW, fenómeno/fenómena can be "phenom" or genius, just as in English; but it can also be "freak." I have no doubt Graciela is using the word to mean the latter.

That would also make sense.

I think Graceless' attitude about this is probably about there being another female who might lead Dimwit away from her.

Dear Urban Anthropologist,

Thanks for yet another marvelous recap. So detailed, interesting, and filled with well-turned phrases. Many have been mentioned, but two of my own favorites were this one for Victor:
"Despite the obvious critical nature of the missive entrusted to him, he left it on the desk in the study."

So frustrating for all of us!

And this one for Father Anselmo and Alejandro:
"He did finally tell him that he is being stubborn and should think about these matters as the backwash could be dire." Loved it!

Thanks to the writers, though, for the wonderful wedding of J-L and Angélica. The most beautiful wedding of the telenovela, for sure--probably because it was the only one in which BOTH of the participants were happy.

She was radiant; he was handsome. It was a huge treat to all of us on the Patio.

Thanks again, Urban. It's always a pleasure to read your recaps!

Susanlynn, I have noticed Fina's poor posture as well. I guess it really reflects how her soul is dragging the ground most times. She also does this odd thing with her hands bent at the wrist and clenched. She really pulls at my heartstrings.

It would really be a miracle if Dim takes the full realization of his mother's cold-heartedness and decides to NOT be like her. Or, I hope he finds his own motivation to try to return Fina's love and fall in love with her in spite of himself. I still believe she's got magic powers in those hands and combined with her true love for Dim. . .sigh! If this happens I think we will see them both pluck their unibrows, Fina lift up her head, straighten her back and unclench her hands and be the beautiful woman we know she is.


Just had to get this image out of my mind, then I'll be back to semi-normal comments.

Eeuuwwwwww! Bridezilla-Not pushes the blushing bride out of the way and kisses her bebe groommy. Her job is done, or so she thought.


Why did Refoolio just let Joaquin walk away? Makes no sense to me.

UA thanks for the eloquent recap. And thank you for the pics and your commitment to us through Photobucket.

Graceless jumping in the kiss her son at his wedding epitomizes the icky vibe in their relationship. I hope the writers allow Fina to assert herself to her brother, Dim, and Graceless.

So happy Refugio saved the day again for JL. The JL/Angie wedding was lovely. I'm looking forward to Joquain getting his anvil.

Happy Birthday Mads. I know you and Mr. Mads will have a wonderful time.

Mucho mucho congrats and Happy Birthday Mads!!! Hope you have a day filled with sunshine for your cruise.


SoniaPC, "Fea-nomena", I like that little twist. It pairs very well with the freak translation as explained by NovelaMaven.

Has anyone seen the A&E (when it was worthy of that name) miniseries The Magnificent Ambersons? Not the heavily censored film that Orson Welles virtually disowned, but the miniseries with Madeleine Stowe and Jonathan Rhys-Myers? That has a very icky mother/son vibe that comes from the opposite direction, so it's actually almost more creepy because of the casting.

If Dimwit does turn around it will not be overnight. I did like, though, that he finally saw Graceless for what she truly is. She is more of a ho than any of Esmeralda's co-workers.

UA...I think this was your best yet. And you've done some humdingers.

The title was brilliant.

And the pic of Graciela's shameless cleavage...hilarious.

Two phrases stood out as particularly sublime:

"...Dimwit sat in his usual state of petulance."


"a bride whose expression was as subdued as her pearls."

Works of art, those.

My stomach hurt watching Josefina suffer through even more hurts and humiliations on her wedding day.

And I wept, right along with Angelica's mom, when it came time to bid her good-bye. The actress playing Angelica did a wonderful job of appearing supernaturally radiant. Wow.

Graciela is a canny competitor. She's going to find a way to sweet-talk Josefina out of that money, using Demetrio as her proxy. Frankly I like the idea of his earning his keep by being passionate and loving. Works for me!

And Happy Birthday Ms. MADS. Have a blast partying with your husband and don't come home pregnant.

UA--Thank you for your sacrifices in the name of the Caray community. We value your time and effort and delight in the results.

Uuufff! UA, Jose Luis in his dress blues deserves a prime spot in your gallery of Men in Uniform. We haven't seen too many of those lately that would make the cut.

Happy birthday, Mads!!! Have a great time today.

Urban- Thanks for the great recap. I also loved seeing the two very different weddings. Creepiest moment was Gracie jumping between Fina and Dim before the kiss. If I were at that wedding, THAT would get me gossiping more than anything else. Although there was plenty to gossip about at that wedding!

ITA about how radiant Angie looked, and how handsome JL looked. It was nice to have a happy boda in this tn for a change. So glad that Refugio saved the day, quietly. Emarie- I think Refugio did the best thing he could do without causing a scandal and ruining Angie’s day by making a stink about her father trying to kill her novio—disarm Joaquin and send him on his way, without telling anyone. However, I do think he should have taken JL aside and told him, so that he can watch his back from now on.

I really enjoyed Gracie taking off her mask and laying into Dim in the same way she usually reserves for Monse. Now he knows how his sister feels/felt. As for this pressure on Monse about the rumors flying around about her marriage—I don’t see how a rumor about Ale not believing the baby is his would leak out. They need to do a preemptive strike and make Ale look like the deadbeat husband and dad he is. People already saw him around town with his lover. Play on that. Talk about it far and wide. Talk about how he had his lover living in the same house with them, and has now taken her on a trip, leaving his pregnant wife behind. I am sure they can get everyone’s sympathy firmly in Monse’s court. The baby’s almost born, and if Ale tries his b.s. story about the baby being another man’s, just do a Maury on him and flash the DNA results in his face and in front of everyone. Let’s see who ends up looking worse in the court of public opinion.


It wouldn't be Monserrat's way to publicly humiliate Alejandro like that. Not to mention that it would drag her down to Bitch Maria's level. What she can do is make a go of the ranch that Graceless mismanaged. That will go a long way toward her self-esteem.

I like that Rosario is sticking with her. When it comes time for the next Big Reveal she can hold it over Alejandro's head, saying she is taking care of the grandchild rejected by its own father.

Daisy.....I hear you, girl. Well, I hope we get an interesting episode tonight because I am down in the winter doldrums without much hope of climbing out any time soon. We shoveled out from the 8 inches of snow poured on us yesterday, but now the prediction is for snow starting at midnight tonight ..from 3 to 6 inches followed by sleet. Then, another storm on Sunday into Monday. Help

I think that this show has a bunch of guys who would be good shovelers..Viktor, Jl, Refugio, Marcario! and brawny Ale if he can shake his depression. However, I am pretty sure that it would be almost impossible to convince Dim and Addled to do their share of the shoveling. Although, Ale did get Dim to shovel some road apples, didn't he?

Check out IMDB for the latest on Jorge Salinas in The Fifth Sun. Apparently it is in pre-production (2014). From the blurb, it sounds very interesting. What isn't clear is if it is a movie or a telenovela.
Anita (the one with the capital A)


Thanks for another elegant recap, UA. Well done. The photos are excellent and judiciously selected.

Last night I especially enjoyed that powerful scene between Graciela and her son. I have to admit that her advice (orders?) was spot on. I was astonished at the combination of courage and disrespect that Dimitrio displayed by answering her with:

"Well, if it's so easy, then you go sleep with Tomás."

He actually said that to his own mother...Wow!

Something that caught my eye was the way way Angelica's hair was in her goodbye scene with her mom and sister. She had the same two dangly tendrils that her mom sported as Ingrid in AdP.

I felt sorry for María last night. She definitely has not mastered high heels and I much prefer her former peasant girl look.

I thought that Josefina was lovely in a rather awkward way. I so hope that Dimitrio takes his mother's advice and treats her like a pampered princess. It would be a delightful irony to see these two happily wed even as our main couple continues to struggle.


UA, I really enjoyed the recap. I loved the way you brought out the contrast between the two weddings, especially with the poignant imagery like the bride as radiant as her diamond earrings and the other as subdued as her pearls.

I thought the same thing, Vivi...Graceless stepping into the bride's place to kiss her son would certainly stir up at least as much gossip as Dim's showing up late and sloppy.

Dim keeps showing little glimmers of redemptability, but it's always one step forward, two steps back. I did like the way his pensive interlude in the columbarium gave me a chance to admire his subtle, nuanced acting. He's doing a great job! It would be easy to take this role a more hammy and broad direction, and I appreciate the restraint.

Tommy is such a bully, although I loved his expressions during the wedding. I don't think he was done any favors by his upbringing, either. His sister isn't the only one with issues.

I'm a little sorry we didn't see any of Ale's and Maria's travels, but I'm glad for the time jump.

Veronica J. is doing a marvelous job of showing how insecure Fina is through her speech pattern, posture, and the hand curling thing. She seems to always want to curl in on herself and disappear. Even in that portrait painted of her, that we saw in the study as Tomas spoke to Dim, her hands are curled in that weird position. Loved that little detail that the set designers threw in.

Haha! That line was very funny, Carlos!

I was hoping that Ange's "love can work miracles" when she was saying goodbye to her mother was foreshadowing, but the music was melancholy and seemed more likely to indicate that this was a final farewell. Sigh. Miracle, please!

Urban- I know Monse would never be so classless as to call Ale out publicly like that. But I don't trust that HE (and/or Maria) wouldn't do that to her. If Gracie and Carlota are so worried about the rumors about Monse, then THEY should take on this preemptive strike. I don’t see why they feel that Monse is the one who needs to be so concerned, and go begging to Ale to take her back.

I wonder if Monse and Carlota have taken more of an active role in the management of the hacienda they inherited in all these months?

I'm glad you mentioned that painting, Vivi. It shocks me that anyone would paint her with her hair like that. Her makeover should happen soon.

Dear Urban:

I have not had time to read comments. First I want to thank you for such a beautifully crafted recap. It was so clear, but not over-long.

Thanks for all the work I know you put into the recaps. The screen shots were a wonderful extra bonus.

Now, on to read comments.

Elna June

Wedding episodes -- and fashion felonies -- always require screencaps. Isn't it great to have both in the same episode? ;)

Here’s my input after seeing the last half of the ep and reading the comments.

I can’t believe that Vic wouldn’t make an effort to get that letter to Ale. Whether it came from Mons through Ros or it came from Ros, both women have important reasons to talk to Ale and Vic knows it!!! Sorry, beanie moment for me.

I thought that Mons, Nadia and Tia looked great at the wedding and agree that color that Tia wore and her hair up looked really good on her. Contrast the lovely spring colors they were wearing with Gracie.

I loved Angie’s going away outfit. She looked radiant. I missed her wedding dress. I’ll be watching that part of the ep tonight. I noticed UA packed her recap with loads of yummy pics—maybe I’ll see it there.

I agree that nothing happened between Maria and Ale. And she’s not happy. ☺

Tomas looked like he was a little sorry for being so hard on Fina. He should have waited until after the honeymoon to break the news to Dim.

I’d like to see the action move to Mons’ and Tia’s hacienda once the baby is born.

I’m wondering what’s happened to Dim’s and Fina’s relationship during the jump. And is Angie still alive?

Are our hero and heroine due for a reconciliation? Aren’t there a few break-ups and reconciliations before the finale?

OT: those who watch Telemundo on a regular basis. What’s the average TN ep count for a non-narco? Thinking of watching the new Maria Elisa Camargo one, but not if it’s going to go for 160-185 eps.

Now on to the recap. Sounds like an envy inducing one.


Happy Birthday Mads!!!! Have a great day!!!

Happy Happy Birthday, Mads:

I hope you and Sr Mads have a perfect day.


Elna June

Oxnard Huero:

You have raised the second great mystery of last night's episode:

1. Why did Victor just leave Montse's letter on the desk?

2. WHY did Rufugio just let Joaquin just walk away from an attempted assassination? You are right, it makes no sense.

Now we know that Rufugio is not the sharpest knife in the drawer and that each story needs it's fool (insert EJ's rant against general stupidity) but I totally agree with you, Oxnard Huerta, Refugio's behavior beggars belief.

So glad you are joining us for comment, and good luck with your studies. I am fascinated that for you, watching a telenovela was an assignment. Many of us started watching TNs as a way to improve (or learn) Spanish. Do you mind giving us the context of the assignment?

Kind Regards,

Elna June

Thanks UA for an excellent recap as always.

1. DimDim character is times you see a glimmer of hope for redemption in his actions and at others he is such a scoundrel. I really like the way the actor is portraying this character....I didn't care much for him in LQNPA but he is doing excellent here! His mother is such a bad influence...boy can that women scheme to get what she wants!

2. I laughed when I saw Maria change in "fashion" sense....not to be mean spirited but it would have been even funnier if she fell on those heels.

Ok back to recap!!

Urban – Delightful recap. My favorite: “She turned to her brother for comfort as her friends grit their teeth for the worst. Which happened in the form of Dimwit's arrival…”

I like that tough geek thing that Tomás has going. He looked stricken at Fina’s hurt when Dim announced there would be no trip, but my take is he believes he’s being strong for his sister as his parents would have wanted. Tomás is older, not married or involved with anyone [despite being rich] – he’s got issues too, likely from the same influences that made Fina who she is. Still hoping Tomás and Carlota connect.

Angie’s champagne going-away dress was my favorite of the night, then Nadia’s.

Nadia and Montse helped Fina get dolled up, but they didn’t touch her unibrow and she was lovely except, as Susanlynn said, the bad posture. Maybe there will be no makeover outside, just inside. I’m waiting for the day Fina rises up and slaps the crap out of Graciela.

But did Graciela ever love anybody? She seemed to have only lust for Benjamin, his bod and his money.

it did not pain me to not see too much of Ale.

Diana, me too. With the two weddings and swooning over JL and Angie, I’d forgotten all about Ale till he showed up. And during his trip, did he even bother checking on the running of his estate? Doesn’t seem so.

Madelaine, Happy birthday! Wishing you and Mr. Mads all the best, which I know will include just the right music.

EJ: Let's hope that Refugio remembers to tell JL that his suegro tried to assassinate him just prior to the boda.

Just looked at the screen cap close-up of Fina/Veronica in her wedding hat again. She would actually be quite lovely to paint in profile. Really, all Fina needs is an attitude/confidence adjustment, and the rest will follow. She has pulled of both her offbeat retro wedding looks. She could even pull off a more polished version of the 80s look she so loves, and totally rock it.

Josefina just needs cooler people to hang out with, people who are less judgmental and appreciate her vintage vibe.

Nadia and Montse are a start, but they're both kind of not that helpful. I think Esme would be a good friend and pep-talker for Fina.

Nadia and Monserrat have some serious problems of their own right now but both of them have great taste in clothes.

However, I'm not liking what Monse will do to her hair tonight.

“So glad you are joining us for comment, and good luck with your studies. I am fascinated that for you, watching a telenovela was an assignment. Many of us started watching TNs as a way to improve (or learn) Spanish. Do you mind giving us the context of the assignment”?

Elna June, Thanks for the kind comments.

It’s a self-assignment, a post-retirement challenge to learn the language better.

My city, Oxnard, has 200,000 residents; 70% are of Spanish heritage.

También, la familia de mi nuera es de Michoacán.

These are the main reasons I undertook this "assignment".

Madelaine, Feliz Cumpleanos! And many more. I hope you and Mr. Mads have a wonderful time!

"However, I'm not liking what Monse will do to her hair tonight." I must have missed that avance. Does Montse change her hair? I like the way she has been changing it lately. Straight some days and wavy on others. Montse and Nadia have great hair. They need to give poor Fina a lesson. The other day my husband asked why Fina's hair was hanging over her face and why she looked like she was living in the 80's. I just told him it was a long story. I still love her character though. I know no matter what happens she will come out a stronger person in the end.

Another observation about Victor and the letter. We all know that if BM gets her hands on it first, then Ale will never see it. Victor is not privy to all the information we know as the viewers. So even though Victor knows that BM is no saint, he does not know everything she has done, and would do to keep Ale and Montse apart. So he probably doesn't think that BM will go through Ale's mail. If Victor could not personally hand that letter to Ale, then he should have given it to Mac. He would have kept that letter safe and away from BM because he knows how manipulative she can be. Macario would have given that letter to Ale and no one else. Just a thought.

back to work...hasta pronto!

Oxnard H--Buena suerte. It's a good start, but listening isn't enough. You have to find or establish a conversation group, then you have to go on "research" missions to Spanish-speaking countries and absorb Spanish by immersion. Never give up telenovelas and do continue to come here to discuss the goings on.

Julia--You slayed me with your math problem at the end of Friday's comments. You forcefully returned me to my 7th grade math class. Oh, how I hated those word problems. Of course, judging by last night's activities, the right answer would have been zero. Instead, they probably ran into each other, since there is only one two-lane road in and out of the Almonte Hacienda,no?

Mads Feliz cumpleanos and all that folderol. Did they have a piñata for you on the boat?

Totally agree! Macario's primary loyalty is to Alejandro; he always has his back.

I agree; travel to Spanish-speaking countries, especially ones with warm weather, beautiful scenery, and great food, is essential to learning Spanish ;). I wonder if the IRS will let me deduct airfare and hotel costs as educational expenses. It's more effective than any language class I ever took in school, for sure!

I love word math problems. Always did.

I forgot earlier to give compliments on the recap title. Unholy deadlock. Perfecto!

Oxnard Huero:

Great self-assignment! Especially as a post-retirement gig. This group is quite diverse in interests and backgrounds. Generally speaking, however, you will find bright, witty, kind and opinionated folks here on the Blog.


Thanks, all!

UA: just finished the recap. Thanks so much. If you ever publish, let me know. I'd love to read anything you write.

I hope when Ale decides he wants to reconcile with Mons, she says no because he slept with Maria (which, from the looks of it, didn't happen) and he can't convice her otherwise. Karma, baby.

OK. I was going to let this go, but . . . Maria has been gone for a few months and she still doesn't know how to wear heels?

I wonder where they went. How did Ale last a few months with her?

Hi again..finally home after a trip to the grocery store for supplies before the next snowstorm (tonight).

I loved Angie s wedding gown and low classic and elegant but simple,

Wouldn't it be poetic justice if Tia ended up with rich Tomas , and Gracie had to live with them as the poor widow. HA. Malria could be a servant in their house. I enjoy seeing the good souls rewarded and the bad ones getting their anvils.

Julia: I hope he was freakin' miserable. Bored out of his gourd. Missing Mons like crazy.

That would be great Susanlynn but I wouldn't want Malria working in my house!


Thanks again for the kind advice, compañeras.

I have the luxury to be able to speak the Spanish language everyday with fluent speakers, from the “paisas” at my gym to my in-laws.

This telenovela is another tool that helps me gain a better understanding of el idioma.

And I did get to spend a month in Spain back in the 80’s.


Malria needs something more permanent she can't escape from.

Urban and the rest of us (me included) dying to see a Fina makeover:
That painting makes me think there will be no makeover. So much of the story seems to depend on her being a freak, and they are having a hard enough time convincing us she is one as it is.
The painting, which shows her with her hands hanging down in that clumsy way, seems to indicate it is not just the things that can be made over that make her unattractive.

What an interesting idea! No makeover for Josefina. Hmmm...

I still don't like Dim for Josefina. I guess he has plenty of time to be redeemed but his models for partner behavior have been so BAD, it will take a leap of faith for me to believe he can do a permanent turnaround.

Now, the actors are GREAT together. They bring out the best in one another. Also, Osvaldo shines with Daniela Castro.


This is why I think Fina needs to take up a sport rather than just getting new clothes and hairstyling. It would help her carry herself with more confidence.

Well clearly Malria wasn't knocked up by Aldolfito, and hasn't had a chance to spring an "hijo tuyo" on Alejandro either. LOL!

Thanks much UA!

Susanlynn, you have a deliciously evil mind: "Wouldn't it be poetic justice if Tia ended up with rich Tomas , and Gracie had to live with them as the poor widow." The answer is YES!

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