Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Por Siempre Mi Amor #53 US - Liars, Cheaters, Low-Lifes and Crazies Everywhere!
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Global Warming Protesters on the hunt for Al Gore |
This episode is a combination of episodes 67 and 68 in Mexico. Deleted scenes that weren't shown in the US episode are in italics. I hope I got everything right. These episodes had a lot going on! Some scenes have been combined.
Katia tells Fabricio that his father is still alive.
Main Dish:
All these years Katia has been protecting Fabricio. She made up the lie that his father was dead to protect him from what people might say if they knew he was the son of a single mother. She claims her lover never told her that he was married.
"He denied me?" asks Fabricio. "Yes, I was in love with him. But he threw us out."
Katia saw him at the church service and he followed her afterward. He threatened that he'd tell Fabricio the truth and even wanted to force her into leaving town!
In the meantime Osvaldo is telling Arturo his side of the story. Katia knew he was married and had a son. Years ago Ozvi offered to financially support his illegitimate child. He even just now created a trust fund for his long-lost hijo, but both times Katia refused! "She doesn't want money, she wants to marry me! She thinks she should be Mrs. de la Riva!" Katia saw him with Tita and ruined everything! The woman is nuts!
Arturo is angry, "All this time you've presented a perfect image of yourself. But it was all fake. You lied to us for years! You're going to have to figure out how to fix this yourself."
Dafne and Chris are relaxing at poolside. Esteban joins them. Has he talked to Aranza? No, he wanted to be alone to think. Ileana comes over with a note from Aranza. She hands it to Esteban who reads it aloud, "I've gone back to Mexico City with the only person who supports me, loves me and understands me - Javier." He crumples the note and throws it on the ground.
Ileana thinks they should cut the vacation short and go back home. Dafne doesn't want to go. "Aranza is the one who left. She's the one who'll have to explain. We should stay." Esteban sadly agrees, "Well it's obvious the only one who is important to Aranza is Javier."
Katia tells Fabricio she wanted to marry his father, but he never told her he was already married! Fabricio asks, "Who is this man?"
"Osvaldo. Osvaldo de la Riva."
"Is he related to Arturo de la Riva?"
"Yes. He is Arturo's father. Arturo is your half-brother."
Fabricio can't believe what he's hearing. He is livid. "He can't threaten you! I'm going to talk to him!"
Katia pleads, "Don't! He'll just lie to you!"
Arturo tells Isabel about his talk with Osvaldo. At Ozvi's, Baltazar says that Arturo is a good man and he's sure Arturo will forgive Osvaldo's past misdeeds. Ozvi agrees and hopes he can get back into Tita's good graces as well.
Tita is still angry about Osvi's lies. She would like to find a man who is "transparent."
Meanie urges Andrea and Mauricio to search Gema's room.
Gabi calls Nick's cell. "Where are you? Why haven't you returned my calls? I'm getting really worried about you."
In Spain, Nick's not sayin' nuthin' without a lawyer. Doesn't he have a right to make a phone call? The officer hands him the phone. He calls Gabi and lies to her. He's been delayed because of complications, he couldn't call her back because someone stole his phone, he'll be staying at the Hotel Valenciano, he'll get back to her as soon as he can. The officer says, "You shouldn't have lied." What he should have said was, "You shouldn't have lied in front of a police officer who can testify that you lied." Nick, like all lamebrains, thinks lying is no big deal. "It will all work out in my favor."
Andrea and Mauricio come into the dining room with a little cloth bag they found in Gema's room. He dumps the contents on the table... bracelets, watches, jewelry. Meanie says, "I told you so. Gema's a thief."
Isabel calls Dafne who tells her Aranza is in the shower. "Please tell her to call me will you?" After the call Lucha wants to know how things are going between Aranza and Arturo. Isabel smiles. "Things are better. I think they'll make up very soon."
Aranza and Javier arrive back in Mexico City. Javier wants to know if Aranza is still upset. Does she want to go to her grandfather's house? No, she's still angry at Osvaldo for what he did. This is altogether ridiculous considering Aranza never even met her grandmother, nor was Aranza ever harmed by any of Osvaldo's past deeds. All he's ever done is spoil her. I'm thinking that the real reason that Aranza is upset is because she's got a bit of a problem here. She can't go home or to Osvaldo's either because then she'll have to fess up as to why she cut her spendy beach vacation short. No, she'd better call Sonia and see if she can stay with her. Javier says he'll look for a porter. He goes around the corner and calls Sonia and tells her to ignore Aranza's calls. "Have Wilson tell her you're out of town."
Esteban thinks back on reading Aranza's note. He tells Chris it was his fault he and Aranza broke up. He never would have come here if he'd known that Aranza was with Javier. But what hurts the worst is knowing that Aranza slept with Javier.
Dafne and Ileana can't figure out what Aranza is doing. Ileana thinks Aranza's getting too serious about this Javier guy. Dafne thinks Aranza will do whatever she wants and besides, it's her life anyway.
Gema arrives at Agatha's in tears. She tells her madrina that she's been fired by Andrea and Mau. They think she stole from them! But Gema insists she is innocent. She thinks the real thief is Meanie. Gema knows Meanie has been hanging out with that woman from the casino. Meanwhile back at the crime scene, Meanie is remembering how she framed Gema. Now she has to find another way to get more gambling money.
Aranza calls Sonia and Wilson tells her that Sonia is not available. Javier asks he if should rent a hotel room for Aranza - or - should they go to his place?
Fabricio arrives at Arturo's house. His mother told him about Ozvaldo and that he and Arturo are half-brothers. He wants Osvaldo's address so he can go talk to him. Arturo is sure that Osvaldo wants to meet and talk to Fabricio as well. Art asks "Do you want me to take you to his house and introduce you?"
Mari calls Agatha and asks about Borlas. She wants Agatha to keep an eye on him because he's alone now. Borlas himself is in the Storeroom of Stolen Things being harassed by a very guilty conscience. Dante approaches and calls to him. Borlas slides down the wall and tries to hide next to a table. Dante asks him what's wrong. Borlas can't believe what happened! He'll be accused of murder! Dante tells him to chill, man, it was an accident. Get it? An. Accident. Period. Now come on, let's go. Borlas sits by the table and cries.
At the pool Dafne tells Esteban that she's in love with him. Esteban doesn't feel the same way about her and he doesn't want to hurt her. "Esteban, you have to accept that Aranza is with someone else." She asks Esteban to please, give her a chance.
Chris wants to know what Ileana is thinking about. She answers, "Aranza." They talk, he flirts with her. She looks at him like she's seeing him for the first time.
At Isabel's, Gabi says she shouldn't have worried. That bad vibe she was getting about Nick was silly. He called from Spain and everything's okay. He's staying at the Hotel Valenciano. Silly, silly Gabi.
Javier opens the door to the penthouse for Aranza. "As of this moment consider this your home." She seems nervous so he tells her he doesn't expect her to sleep with him. He'll respect her. As a matter of fact, she can have the bedroom and he'll sleep on the couch! Aranza is touched and calls him mi amor.
Before they leave for Osvaldo's, Arturo introduces Fabricio to Isabel. He doesn't remember her from Raisin's funeral. No matter. What's important is that you two are brothers! She welcomes him to the family. Smiles all around!
Osvi practices what he's going to say to Fabricio in the mirror. Baltazar assures him that everything will be fine. It's more important for Osvi to be sincere than it is to get every word correct and clear. "Speak to him like you did to Arturo. From your heart."
At home Gabi looks up the number of the Hotel Valenciano. She calls and asks to be connected to Nicholas Belmonte. The voice on the other end tells her they don't have a reservation at the hotel for anyone under that name.
Christian tries to talk to Dafne and gets nowhere. She leaves him sitting by himself again.
Gabi arrives and tells Isabel that Nick's not at the hotel. She needs to go to Spain and look for him. It's an emergency! Isabel suggests they call Ally and ask for her help. She has family and friends in Spain.
Fabricio is overwhelmed by the grandeur of Osvaldo's house. Arturo agrees, "Yes, it's enormous."
Pointing to a picture Fab asks, "Is that your father?"
"Yes, it is."
"We have the same photograph at my house."
Osvaldo enters and Arturo makes the introduction. "Dad, this is your other son Fabricio. He wants to talk to you." They shake hands. Osvaldo smiles. Fabricio doesn't. Instead he asks why Osvaldo threatened his mother and why he didn't tell her he was married. Osvaldo protests, "I've never threatened her. She knew I was married and she still continued to see me!"
Fabricio listens to Osvaldo's story. He doesn't know what is true and what is a lie. Katia has her version, Osvaldo has his. Arturo backs up their father's story. "I've read some letters your mother gave me that she wrote to my dad. And I've read some he wrote in return."
Fabricio can't believe that Katia told him over and over that his father was dead. But that was a lie! She manipulated me! Osvi asks for his son's forgiveness for leaving him as a child and for showing him now what his mother is really like. Fabricio shakes his head. He isn't sure he can forgive either one of them.
Aranza and Javier sit together on the couch to watch TV. She thinks back on the fun moment when Esteban played mariachi music from his car speakers outside Arturo's house. Javier asks Aranza what she's thinking about. "Oh, nothing really."
Dafne finds Esteban in the hotel bar and makes another play for him. It works just about as well as every other attempt she's made.
Apparently Isabel has called Ally and told her that Gabi is really worried about what's happened to Nick in Spain. Ally tells Bruno she will call her contacts in Spain and find out what's going on.
Back at the beach Ileana asks Esteban to dance. Chris wants to dance too. Will Dafne dance with him? She hesitates at first, then joins him. As they all dance Dafne grabs Ileana and spins her toward Chris and then slips quickly to Esteban's side where she smiles and flirts. I'll give this girl one thing, she never, never gives up.
Aranza and Javier cuddle and sweet talk on the couch. She gets up to get something from the kitchen. As she goes she says she has to go to back to her grandfather's tomorrow. Javier thought bubbles about what a stupid girl she is.
Ally hangs up the phone and looks at Bruno. "It seems Gabi's bad feeling was correct. Nicholas was arrested at the airport." "QUE!!" Ally wants to call Gabi with the news but Bruno thinks it would be better for him to deliver it personally. He dashes out leaving a shocked Ally behind.
Tita isn't eating, she's hunkered down in bed having a very serious conflict. Her head tells her that Osvi is a good man, but her heart tells her he's a rat bastard. Ally tells Tita that Bruno took off to see Gabi and tell her about Nick.
Bruno enters Isabel's kitchen with news for Gabi. Nick was arrested at the airport! "No puede ser!" Gabi faints into Bruno's arms. They revive her and she tells them that Nick went to Spain to deal with some money problems. Bruno hugs her and tells her to calm down. Gabi really thinks she should go to Spain and find out what's going on with Nick.
Neither Isabel nor Bruno thinks Gabi should go to Spain alone. Quickly Bruno offers to go with her. After all he spent 10 years there... Isabel doesn't think that's a good idea. "What would Ally think of you going to Spain with your ex?" Isabel offers to go, but Gabi nixes it because someone has to stay and run the business. Bruno decides that Ally can go with them. Isabel is okay with that. Gabi wants to think about it.
Back at home Fabricio tells Katia he had a face-to-face talk with Osvaldo. "What did he tell you?"
"It was eye opening! How could you lie to me my whole life?"
"Don't believe him! He'll turn you against me!"
Fabricio has had enough. "I talked with Arturo. He told me about your letters. I don't understand your behavior. For once in your life be honest with me!"
Katia didn't know how to tell Fabricio the truth. She wanted to be Osvaldo's wife. He owes her that! He can't just throw her away! Osvaldo should have been hers! He was the love of her life! Now Osvaldo is in love with another woman! What about me? What about ME? Fabricio thinks maybe his mother is
Fabricio tells Katia that she shouldn't have waited for Osvaldo. She should have made a life with another man. But Katia insists there could never be any man but Osvaldo. She only wanted him or a small part of him. That's why Fabricio was so important to her. She loved Osvaldo, but over the years her love has turned to hate! She will never allow Osvaldo to marry some other woman! Fabricio asks if she's planning some kind of revenge? She simply says, "Well, nobody's perfect." Okay, this nutcase is Crazy Lidia's sister and we know Lidia popped two shots into the Raisin with no regrets. Osvi needs to getouttatown. And Tita too!
Katia insists that everything she did was for Fabricio. "You are my reason for living." He ain't buying it and storms out of the house.
Arturo talks to Isabel about the meeting between Fabricio and Osvi. He asks about the suitcase next to Isabel. Gabi tells him she is leaving for Spain to find out what's happened to Nick. He's been arrested. Bruno has offered to go with her... with his wife of course.
Osvaldo phones Tita. She takes the phone and holds it in front of her. She's not going to listen to anything. She speaks loudly, "I want nothing, nothing to do with you Osvaldo de la Riva." Baltazar urges Osvaldo not to give up; talk to her with truth from the heart.
After Gabi leaves Arturo takes Bruno into the study. "What are you doing? Stop kidding yourself. What you feel for Gabi isn't friendship. It's love."
Isabel calls Dafne and asks her about Aranza. Dafne lies and says Ara has gone to listen to music or something. "Tell her I called."
Ally isn't going with Bruno and Gabi because she has to help Tita with the kids. Bruno sheepishly asks, "How is my mom, by the way?" He thanks Ally for understanding.
Gabi thinks back to when she overheard Nick's phone call about the money problem.
Feo calls Dante and tells him, "First thing in the morning take Isabel to.... "
Arturo asks Isabel, "How are we going to tell Aranza she has an uncle? And that he's involved with Sonia?" They look at each other, "Oy, no."
Bruno storms into Gabi's apartment, "Do you want me to go with you to Spain? Yes or no?"
The next morning Aranza is ready to go back to Osvi's. She tries to call Isabel but reaches her voicemail. Javier wants to take her to a restaurant for breakfast.
Arturo and Isabel are seated in a nice restaurant talking and enjoying their breakfast. Javier walks in with Aranza trailing behind him looking at her cell phone. He walks up to their table. "Arturo! Isabel! What a surprise! May I present to you my novio!" Aranza realizes too late what has just happened. She looks nervous and uncomfortable. Arturo and Isabel stare at them in horror. Javier grins smugly.
Labels: siempre
You injected wry wit just when needed most. My favorite lines included "What he should have said was, "You shouldn't have lied in front of a police officer who can testify that you lied" and "Fabricio thinks maybe his mother is possessed obsessed. Looking at her crazy eyes I'd say that's an understatement."
"Her head tells her that Osvi is a good man, but her heart tells her he's a rat bastard" made me laugh out loud. Unfortunately, Osvaldo still seems to be in denial for the grave error he committed. He had an affair while married. Did he really not expect any fallout? Especially as you noted "Okay, this nutcase is Crazy Lidia's sister and we know Lidia popped two shots into the Raisin with no regrets". Yes, 'nuff said!
Glad that Art and Fabricio handled the situation like adults and with grace, being cordial and accepting one another as brothers. Perhaps Katia should take a lesson from this.
We all know Gaby jetting off with Bruno is so not a good idea. I am surprised Ally did not go but her devotion to the kids is apparant. She is service oriented and Bruno? Not so much. I suspect (no spoiler) these events will contribute to a major break in her relationship with Bruno.
And the Ara/Feo situation just gets more depressing. I have no love for Ara but she certainly does not deserve this. I can only imagine how Art and Isa are feeling. We will see more for ourselves tonight.
Thanks again for the excellent, detailed recap Xint!
Osi was right NOT to leave his wife for her crazy ***, even though he was wrong for cheating on his wife.
Daphne must have raging hormones when she's with Esteban, her eyes are googling at him.
Isabel and Art meet up with Aranza and Feo and the look on Art's face is PRICELESS
Katia is one scary dame. I pity Fabricio not just for his totally horrible haircut but mostly because he is now in an asylum with a crazy mother, aunt, and sociopath girlfriend. Arturo needs to clue him in about Sonia.
What's with all these Russian names, anyway?
Was I the only person who was wondering who would pay the bill when Aranza left the beach vacation early?
The little details are what I like about this TN and too bad they cut so much out. When Christian was swimming underwater and you could hear the shouting only to realize when he surfaced it was The Duck.
Bluto - you're back, I missed the town idiot
Gabi - don't, just don't
World of Art - Fab & Osvi should talk alone, but you always have to add your two cents
Fab - yes, dealt a bad hand but unlike Meanie don't play it
Katia - you are nuts but playa's don't marry the mother of their sons
ABrat - detestable twit, how dare you thought bubble about Esteban
Esteban - repeat after me, she gave it to him, she gave it to him, she gave it to him
The Duck - like a bullduck sunk that duckbill into him and won't let go
Ileana - why wasn't it you that loves Esteban
Tassels - oh well, take the starch out your britches and can't stand up
Fernando - you guys looked cute in matching neon pink
I agree- Aranza being angry at Osvy was meaningless. That is not her battle to fight.
Nick is a jerk, period. Good riddance. Bruno going to Spain with Gaby. Things are heating up.
The storeroom of stolen things was hilarious.
The Ara and Feo scenes are truly nauseating. It's too bad that we missed the scene with Ara thinking about Este. She does love Este. That lying, little heffer Daphne!
As predicted Gema will take the fall for Gmeanie.
I agree UA- Katia scars me in more ways than one.
I'm glad that Art and Fab talked.
Tonight's episode should be explosive!
Yes Katia is cray, cray. Poor Fab! And he attraction to Sonia means he's attracted to crazy. Poor guy.
Feo's arrogance will be his downfall. He thinks he's too smart and everyone else is stupid.
My favorite part of last night's episode was the matching bright pink outfits on Ara and Fav. QTH ????. Sometimes, Hub and I accidentally wind up wearing the same colors , and our daughter gets a big kick out of that and snaps a picture of us. So embarrassing.
I am looking forward to Pinky getting a giant anvil on his little , bald , pink noggin. That smarmy smirk of his is repulsive. .....arrogant ass.
Poor Fab. Tofie- It was actually a good thing that Art was there when he spoke to Os, otherwise he would not have believed Os and would have gone on believing his crazy mother's version of things. This way, he was able to get at the truth a lot faster. I like the relationship the two brothers are developing. I think Fab was pleased and taken aback by how Isa greeted him with open arms as her brother-in-law. He'll need all the support he can get, now that he knows his mother is nuts, and once he learns his girlfriend is a murderous nut.
Can't believe they cut a sweet moment between Ileana and Cris. She's one of the characters who I think will be most affected by Uni's cuts. Not important enough for them to show when half an episode has been chopped.
I don't think Osvi a monster and he is trying to do the right thing. There was the comment by Fab he finally understood why his mother never allowed another man in her life but also cautioned against love turning to hate and revenge so at least Fab is a quick study.
Nick like all lamebrains thinks like lying is no big deal---in front of the police? What? Yes, that is a lamebrain.----I also liked--Ok, this nutcase is crazy Lidia's sister and we know that Lidia popped two shots into the Raisin with no regrets. I add, is
Ozzie in danger?
Diana---I agree, Bruno and Gaby alone together on a flight to Spain---well, I guess we know where this is leading us.
Conservative---LOL, raging hormones? I thought only men had that problem.
Urban---Who pays the bill? I didn't think of that. Feo? Or maybe it was paid in advance.
Fabrico with a crazy mother, aunt, girlfriend---OMG! This guy's
in trouble.
TJ---Another bit of laughter---That lying little heffer Daphne.
It has already been mentioned but I couldn't help but notice the two pink outfits last night, I had to blink twice to see if it was really true.
Susanlynn---YES!!! That arrogant smirk is sooo disgusting. I can't wait for the big anvil to come and take it away from Feo.
I'm a bit disappointed with the comments---This weekend 147 for Robo and today 62 for Robo. I know it's a great novela but so is this one---come on guys/gals and help out. This is a great one, it deserves more.
I complained to Univision twice about the poor editing but got no response, I will try again.
One thing that we all agree on is that tonight is must see TV. Feo makes his move and spills the beans. YUCK!!!
the gringo
Borlas is having regrets about taking the criminal path. Hope it isn't too late for him. He needs to get out while/if he can.
The editing on these two episodes was weird. They cut minor things in the first episode and almost the entire second half of the next episode. The first episode actually ended when Osvaldo and Fabricio met and shook hands.
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