Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Por Siempre Mi Amor #57 US 2/24/13 - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? It's that Elephant Again.
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Aranza ties to pretend that Javier isn't a big stinky problem. |
Dafne brings Aranza's clothes and her dog to Javier's place. Aranza wants to know if it's true that Dafne is dating Esteban.
"Well, you're in love with Javier, right? So Esteban is free."
"I thought you weren't into him because he was poor. You always called him a loser and a fool."
"He's good looking. I wanted to tell you what was going on before you found out from someone else." Aranza protests that it isn't cool that Dafne broke the "woman's code" but Dafne counters with, "A woman has a right to change her mind." As Dafne leaves she turns and kisses Aranza's cheek. "You know I love you."
At Tita's, Mari is facing off with Borlas. He wants to know why Mari is involved with Daniel. She tells Borlas that Daniel is in love with her. And Borlas has failed her. Twice. He is involved with the wrong people and there will be no forgiveness from her.
Gema has had enough of the city and wants to go back to her hometown. Agatha sympathizes but urges her to stay and clear her name. Somehow they need to make Meanie 'fess up and tell the truth.
We are at a Mexican military facility. There is lots of marching, the sound of bugles, and crisp uniforms and demeanor. Dan takes his written test, then goes through his physical exam for the military college. He fails the running test and several obstacle tests due to problems with his knee.
Arturo and Isabel talk about Gabi testifying against Nick and about Aranza. They snuggle and kiss. Arturo tells her that she's his calm center in the storm.
Mari is getting the kids ready for bed. They all beg for forgiveness for their adventure in the garden. Mari notices that one of them is missing. Pimienta is in her bed, she has a fever and isn't feeling well. Mari runs for help.
Mauricio and Andrea confront Meanie about the missing jewelry and her gambling. She's outraged! She's insulted! How can they even suggest that what Gema and Agatha said was true? Gambling?? ME?? Those two are jealous liars! How dare they suggest that she stole anything! Meanie plays the guilt card, "After all I've done to help you and your sons. It's just not fair! I'm your mother and you believe them and not me." Why, she's going to Agatha's right now to confront those two liars!
Fabricio visits Katia. She has her bags packed and she's going to Merida. She has fixed her mistakes and apologized to Osvaldo. Now Fabricio has a chance to have a father and a brother, to finally have a family. She hopes he'll grow closer to them, but now it's time for her to leave.
Borlas and Dante talk about Mari. Borlas saw lots of good stuff in that big house she's living in. They laugh as they eat and talk about stealing from Tita.
Dr. Caranza tells Tita and the others that Pimienta has a viral infection. Chicken pox to be exact. Keep the other kids away from her because it's contagious.
A timer goes off and Gabi checks a pregnancy test. Her face says it all, it's positive. Just at that moment Art and Isa arrive. Art wants her to testify against Nicholas. She agrees saying, "It won't be hard for me to do it."
Ileana and Dan meet for coffee. He seems so troubled she asks what's wrong. He is supposed to introduce Marianela to his father. Gil is expecting a society girl from a good family!
In the meantime Cuca is freaking out at the Padre's office. Daniel is going to introduce Mari to Gilberto! What are we going to do? The Padre has an idea. We need to get Sonia to own up being Mari's mama ASAP! That will put the kibosh on the relationship! Well, good luck with that idea! Sonia didn't want Mari as a baby, so why would she want her now? Especially when acknowledging her would literally cost her a fortune (or two!)
Isabel notices that Gabi is acting distracted and asks her what's wrong. Arturo gets up to go use the bathroom. I can't help wondering: Is Art one of those people who snoop when they use someone else's bathroom? Will he find the used pregnancy test in there? If he does, will he actually pick it up and confront Gabi with it?
Gil asks Daniel how the physical exams went. Dan lies, "Good. Very good." Ooops, wrong answer. That isn't what Gil heard. "You're lying to me! You failed!"
Isabel pleads with Gabi, "You were there for me when my parents died, through Fernando's lies, and the death of my son. Please tell me what's wrong."
Gabi starts to cry. "I'm pregnant. With Nick's child."
Isa asks, "Are you sure?" Art comes out of the bathroom (sadly, without the test stick. I just wanted to see him pick it up.) He overhears Gabi, "Yes, I'm sure. I'm having a murderer's child." Arturo joins them and he and Isabel urge Gabi to go to a doctor for another test to be certain.
Gil is angry that Dan lied about failing his tests and even angrier that Dan didn't get in to the military college. "You disappointed me." Dan says, "I did my best." He tries to tell him about the problem he was having with his knee but Gil won't listen. He never listens! And besides Dan didn't want a military career anyway! That was Gil's life, not his! The argument rages on with accusations on both sides. Finally Dan says he will bring Gil a list of other college options tomorrow. Gil cautions Dan about getting sidetracked by his new relationship; his professional future is much more important. Love can come later.
Gabi knows she'll be testifying against her baby's father - but she'll still testify. "Nick killed his wife for insurance money. He needs to be punished."
Isa asks, "Does Nick know that you are pregnant?" No, he doesn't know and Gabi's not going to tell him. Isabel hugs Gabi and says she's very happy for her because a baby is a gift from God. Gabi looks stressed and unsure.
The doctor gives Tita a prescription for Pimienta. I think Bruno has been told to leave the house because he's never had Chicken Pox. Looks like he's heading for Arturo's.
Art gushes on and on about how wonderful it will be for Gabi to be a mama. Mr. Sensitivity piles it on so much poor Isabel ends up feeling bad. Did he totally forget Isabel's sad experience? Gabi asks them not to say anything to Bruno. They agree, that's Gabi's news to tell.
Back at home Isabel says she's happy for Gabi, but sad about her own experience. She'll have to content herself with being Aranza's mama.
Javier comes home and finds Aranza with a suitcase full of clothes. Is she going somewhere? Well, it seems Aranza has sooo many clothes that that she's been forced to put some of them in the guest closet! And look, she's also got her dog Grenitas at the apartment! Javier thought bubbles his disgust about Aranza "invading his space" and the "damn dog". Who wants to make a bet that the poor dog is going over the balcony at some point in the future? Javier seems to kill everything he touches, I doubt he'll spare the dog.
Meanie doesn't understand how Mauricio and Andrea can possibly suspect her! Andrea and Mauricio just want to clear things up once and for all. Well Meanie isn't worried. She has a clean conscience! Meanie goes upstairs just as Esteban comes home and asks, "what's going on?" Angel tells him the parental units have a problem with Ol' Granny Sticky Fingers.
Dafne confesses to Arturo that she took Aranza's clothes and her dog to Javier's place. She feels conflicted because Aranza is her friend and she wants to support her but she still thinks Aranza is doing the wrong thing by moving in with Javier. Dafne thinks Aranza isn't coming back home. Art tells her not to worry. They know she is Aranza's best friend and if it wasn't for Dafne they would have lost contact with their daughter.
End of First Episode
Aranza thinks everyone at the university is talking about her behind her back. Christian says, "Yeah, they are. You had a big argument on campus with your dad and you've moved in with some weird creepy old guy. What'd you expect?" Okay, he didn't exactly say that... but it was close. They talk about Esteban and Dafne. She says it doesn't really bother her that Esteban is with her best friend, but Christian says it's hard for him because Esteban was like a brother. And now he's a no-good, rotten, fake girlfriend stealin' traitor.
Meanie, using her best whipped dog posture, limps across the dining room. She wants Andrea to know she resents being called a thief (I guess the truth hurts). Esteban overhears and says they can't judge her without any evidence. Meanie hugs him, "You're the only one in this house who believes me." She turns to Andrea, "If you don't trust me, then I'll leave."
Gema sweeps the floor. Gonzo comes in and tells her they followed Meanie to some really fancy place. Should he try to talk to her? Agatha overhears and interrupts him. She lets them both know in no uncertain terms that if anyone is going to talk to Meanie, it's going to be Agatha.
To avoid the Great Chicken Pox Epidemic of 2013, Bruno is staying at Arturo's. As Dafne leaves the dinner table she returns to kiss both Art and Isa. Bruno wants to know about Dafne. Well, she's a friend of Aranza's who moved in with them, and Art and Isa think Dafne is the bestest, most grateful fake daughter ever! Speaking of ingrates, the conversation turns to Aranza who has moved in with Javier.
Ozvi visits Fabricio at his office. Fabricio lets Oz know that his mom has moved on. Osvaldo wants to get to know Fabricio better. Fab thinks Arturo is going to be a great brother, so maybe he should give Ozvi a try as a father. Ozvi has heard that Fabricio is investigating Aranza's boyfriend. Osvaldo says Aranza is charming, but impulsive, stubborn and proud. All the things that make a de la Riva a de la Riva. Osvi asks if Fabricio will consider taking the de la Riva name?
Isabel and Andrea do a Home Depot commercial. It's easy to shop here! You can order stuff online and then pick it up from the store! This would have been much better if Andrea sang while Isabel danced with one of the store clerks.
The Padre visits Sonia. It's time for you to fess up! Mari needs to be told that you're her mother.
At Casa Arte, Gabi and Isabel talk about pregnancy, Nick, etc.
Borlas and Gonzalo talk to a security guard at the casino. Later on, they talk to Corine about working at the casino. She says there's only one position open, as a waiter. The wages aren't the best, but the tips can be good. Of course they need the proper paperwork to apply... work histories, background checks... you know, things like that. Gonzo looks uneasy and tells Borlas that he should apply.
Meanie shows up at Agatha's. She screams at Gema, "Thief! Liar! How dare you tell Andrea that I stole from her!"
"I know you've been gambling with Gisele!"
Meanie grabs Gema by the hair and wrestles her onto a bench. I guess that leg of hers isn't hurting much... Agatha comes running and has to pull Meanie off. They scream at each other and Agatha orders Meanie to get out. Meanie warns them not to mess with her. She slams the door behind her. Agatha turns to help Gema. "She's crazy!" Not only crazy, but as my mom used to say, "Meaner than cat piss."
Meanie leaves the tenement. Borlas and Gonzo are standing in the doorway and she bitches at them as she passes. They recognize her as the woman they saw at the casino.
Dafne finds Esteban at the coffee shop and nails him in a lip-lock. He tells her Chris is avoiding him now. Dafne says she told Aranza all about them dating, because she's Aranza's bestest friend and Aranza needs to know.
Ileana wants to know what's wrong with Aranza. Aren't you over Esteban? Esteban's been my friend for years and I can't believe he's dating Dafne! Ileana asks, "Are you jealous?" Aranza denies that she still cares about Esteban as she picks up her things and leaves. Ileana knows better.
Sonia wants more time before she owns up to being Mari's mother. The Padre says, nope, you gotta tell her now because your half-brother from your same mama is about to present your daughter, his niece, to his father, your step-father, as his girlfriend. Well, since you put it that way Padre... Sonia agrees to visit Mari. As Sonia closes the door behind the Padre she says, "That stupid Daniel isn't going to ruin my plans."
Isabel tells Gabi that Arturo wants to invite Aranza and Javier to the house. Gabi wants to know where the hair-brained idea to accept Aranza's relationship came from? Well from that meddling opportunist ho' Maricela. (kidding... we don't know that she's a ho...)
Ally teaches the kids arithmetic. She goes to get the kids a snack and when she returns, the kids are gone. She asks Zenaida if she's seen the kids. They're probably out playing with the dog. They both go looking for them, but can't find them. Meanwhile, they're all in the sickroom with Pimienta. They get into a big pillow fight.
Esteban almost runs right into Aranza. He tries to avoid her but she grabs him. She wants to know what he's doing with Dafne. "She likes me. She's been with me through the good and the bad. We have chemistry." Aranza gets close, "Do you miss me? My kisses?" Don't fall for it Esteban!! He tells Aranza that she is his past. He asks her how much she really knows about Javier. He just wants Aranza to be happy. He kisses her cheek then leaves. We all breathe a sigh of relief.
Tita goes to the Padre for advice. I actually sighed typing that. It's like she's boarding the Titanic for a nice relaxing cruise. Tita tells the Padre about Osvi's past, that he was unfaithful to his first wife and had a son out of wedlock. What should she do? Padre tells her she needs to forgive Osvi. She freaks out. He explains that forgiving is not excusing. The innocent can be excused, but the guilty need to be forgiven. She thinks that his explanation makes sense. The Padre wants Tita to give Sonia another chance as well. This confuses me. When did Tita learn that Sonia is Mari's mother? Must have been another scene that we were denied.
Aranza sits and remembers her "wedding" to Esteban in grade school, how he kept the mementos of that wedding for all those years and gave them to her for their anniversary. Yes, Aranza. Esteban IS too good for you. Her cell phone rings. Art wants Aranza to bring Javier to the house tonight. She is suspicious of his motives. Arturo says, "Isn't that what you wanted? For us to accept your relationship with Javier?"
"Well, everyone's talking about you yelling at me on campus." He reminds her that gossip is one of the consequences of her actions. She agrees to bring Javier to dinner tonight.
Ozvi and Fab talk about Tita.
Sonia visits Mari who is excited and nervous about meeting Dan's father. Sonia offers to take Mari to the beauty salon and shopping for new clothes so she'll be presentable. Well I guess if lies, child abandonment, theft, adultery, and murder don't bother Sonia, why would incest?
Aranza calls Isabel and asks why Art invited her and Javier to the house? Isa tells her the same thing Arturo did, "Isn't that what you wanted, for us to accept Javier?" Aranza wants them to meet on neutral ground, like at a restaurant. Isabel says Arturo is sorry for losing his cool and punching Javier. Aranza agrees to come to dinner. She calls Javier. He can't believe they've been invited to Arturo's house. But if it will make Aranza happy, he'll go. He hangs up and laughs, "Oh Isabel. My revenge is best served cold."
That night Isabel and Arturo wait anxiously in the foyer. Aranza enters with Javier. Isabel and Arturo give a cautious greeting. Javier takes Aranza's hand and says, "Thanks for the invitation."
Aranza and Javier run into Dafne and Esteban who are kissing outside Arturo's house.
Labels: siempre
And the Emmy goes to GMeanie- what a drama queen. It's just a matter of time before she is exposed for the liar that she is.
Good riddance, Katia. That should have been a delete scene.
Chicken pox- oh no! I guess the kids were not vaccinated for that and it's highly contagious but I'm glad that Bruno moved into Art's. Does he have Daphne's number? Hmmm.
Gabi pregnant, I was wondering will she keep the baby or let Isa raise him/her.
I'm glad that Dan spoke up to Don Gil.
So, true about Sucia accepting Mari into her life, why would she?
I don't want to admit it but you maybe right about Javier, he poisons whatever he touches.
Daphne is such a two faced beyotch and yes she broke the women's code. You don't date your friend's ex.
Sorry that we missed the Home Depot commercial- hahaha!
I looked the exchange between Este and Aranza. He has her number. He is truly Estebonbon. (Thanks Corazon)
"Aranza ties to pretend that Javier isn't a big stinky problem" (HA!), "Sonia didn't want Mari as a baby, so why would she want her now? Especially when acknowledging her would literally cost her a fortune (or two!)" and "It's like she's boarding the Titanic for a nice relaxing cruise" were among some of my favorites.
And, “Art comes out of the bathroom (sadly, without the test stick. I just wanted to see him pick it up)” – made me laugh out loud! Simply great.
Have to give Dafne her props, she is a cool, conniving customer: “As Dafne leaves she turns and kisses Aranza's cheek. "You know I love you." Oh brother…Talk about a Judas kiss.
Appreciate your relating so much of what we missed.
Agree Tablet jefa, Este handled Ara masterfully and gave her a taste of what she is missing. Again, I think Javier is so repulsive, it makes their romance completely unpalatable and just impossible to believe.
Poor Gaby! Oh dear.
Isa and Art allowing Javier the snake into their home was painful to watch. Isa was cringing and you could see the pain clearly on her face, her heart breaking. Can't wait for Javier to get everything that is coming to him.
And Meanie weasels her way out of yet another tough situation. She will undoubtedly align herself with Este, who believes and trusts her. Ack.
Thank you again Xint! This was wonderful.
Gaby's nightmare continues: not only did she date a psycho in Nick, she's PREGNANT with his baby.
Daphne the ultimate master manipulator in getting what she wants. Aranza is too STUPID to see through Daphne's BS.
Ilena will expose Daphne for everyone to see sooner or later.
Mari: you've been WARNED because Sonia sees you as a threat . The Padre and Cuca better do something.
I fear for that poor little dog. Really, writers, you don't need to make FeVier any more repulsive. Just read our comments; you've done your job.
Good riddance to Katia; her only reason for existence was to cause problems between Os and Tita.
Dafne is creeping me out more and more all the time.
Minerva's anvil was just upgraded.
Poor Gabi; st least the baby should be good-looking. Everyone is lucky that FeVier had a vasectomy way back when.
To answer your question, Padre told Tita about Dan and Mari likely being related when she wanted to know why he was freaking out about them kissing. Later, when she spoke with Mari she got more info on Dan and realized that he's Sonia's brother.
Good for Dan for finally telling Gil what he really feels. Gil is a good man, but overbearing and has super high expectations of Dan, while letting Sonia run over him.
Urban- Neither Este nor Angel suffered in the looks or personality department, and they have Feo's genes. And I'm still leaving the possibility that Mari is his too. That would make three of the cutest and nicest characters the spawns of Satan.
Didn't comment about Daniel before but you're right; he needs to stand up to Gil about the military career he doesn't want. No parent should choose his child's career and this has to be one of the worst possibilities when it doesn't work out.
You got it right on with Ol' Granny Sticky Fingers. Your statement about So-not really caught me.--- I guess that if lies, child abandonment, theft, adultery and murder don't bother Sonia, why would incest? WOW! that says it all.
I'm really worried for Mari, is the body count going up?
Oh Isabel. My revenge is best served cold. Oh, that is chilling when you know that it came from FeVier.
As always, I can't wait for more.
the gringo
I hope CD's predictions come to pass sooner rather than later. Feo's arrogance will be his downfall.
Now that we've become attached to Ally I will be very mad if the writers kill her off (a guess). Over on MPV one of the best characters died and it was so pointless.
Diana, ITA regarding poor Gaby. Perhaps she will have Isa and Art adopt her child.
Vivi, thank you for reminding me how Tita learned about Sonia. I remember it now. Somebody's going to have to spill the beans about Mari and soon. Wonder if it will be Tita?
Gabi - marry Nick, the child will have a name and you can't testify against your spouse
Esteban - you're a murderers child
The Duck - not quite breaking the "code" if your bff dumped the guy and shacked up with a new one
Dan - you're pushing a boulder up a hill
ABrat - you didn't want him but no one else can have him
Meanie - bloodsucker
Sonia - eat your own young
"Smith, Wesson and Me" as Dirty Harry pulls out his gun.
Isabel needs Dirty Harry to solve this conspiracy against her
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