Monday, February 03, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: SANTA DIABLA -- Week of February 3, 2014

Here's a new page to chronicle the craziness that is Marrero as Santa Diabla careens toward…well who knows where it's going.  But you can be sure we'll be around to find out if there is ANYONE left to root for at the end of the day.


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Here is the easy link to last week for anyone who needs to be reminded of the insanity that was Marrero.

In case anyone is wondering why I do this, it's because depending on what device you use to get into Caray, last week's SD recap and comment link gets "buried" ...Being an impatient sort, I like to be able to get back to it with one handy link

George is lucky he's dead because no way could he keep up with all this. Unless, of course, he's not dead. It's a 50/50 chance, really.

Maybe everyone is zombies. That would explain why Paula can't pick a winner: They ate her brain.

I'm still loving the (planned and intentional) insanity that is this show though!


Monday – Part 1

Kudos to those who predicted that Lázaro would be the next hero-minor-character to bite the dust. Otherwise, there’s a lot of lying going on and we still don’t know who’s telling the truth (except for Inés, of course).

After knocking the knick-knack off the table, Lázaro hides in a closet. Santi comes out of the room, picks up the knick-knack, puts it back, looks around and leaves. Lázaro comes out of the closet, picks the lock of the door to #8 and goes in. “What is this?” he says. Then he turns around, someone comes in and stabs him to death. Poor Lázaro dies doing a favor for Elisa. Bummer.

Daniela wakes up and she has had a nightmare. She says that she can’t take it anymore. She goes to see Ivan. She tells him that she can’t forget the guys who raped her. She says that she’ll never forget what happened to her while she is carrying this baby. He suggests that she get professional help but Daniela responds again that the problem is the pregnancy and Ivan figures out that she wants to terminate the pregnancy. Daniela asks if Ivan thinks that getting raped was her fault since she was high on drugs at the time. Ivan gives the politically correct answer that rape is never the woman’s fault but he points out that the baby isn’t at fault either. Daniela has made her decision, however and Ivan says that he will support her whatever.

Santa finds Bert hitting the bottle and prissily tells him that drinking won’t solve his problems. Bert replies that tomorrow he has to court and respond to a suit from his own brother. Santa says that Bert and Santi have been fighting their whole lives. Bert tells her that’s not so. He has given his life for Santi, given up his plans and dreams all to save Santi’s skin. Naturally, Santa asks what he is talking about.

Arturo is still bummed out that he isn’t Felipe’s biological father. Mara comes in and suggests that maybe this is for the good. They can go to Canada, start a new life and not have to worry about a baby in Marrero. Arturo replies that fatherhood is more than blood and no matter what happens, he will always be Felipe’s father.

Elisa is trying to reach Lázaro but he’s not answering his phone.

Paula is at the police station trying to get René released. Santi comes in and Paula turns to him for help. She says that René was forced to be Franco’s double and is innocent. Au contraire, replies Santi, the guy in prison is Franco. It’s René who is dead. He tells her that when he was forced to work for Franco, he was able to tell Franco and René apart by their speech patterns and gestures and that the guy in jail is definitely Franco and Paula should have nothing to do with him.


Monday Part 2

Inés shows up at the Cano house and Fran tells her about her terrible, horrible, really bad day including spending the afternoon at the hospital with Babs. Inés feigns innocence and asks what happened to Babs. Fran tells her and Inés offers to go see Babs. Fran tells her to leave Babs alone and goes to make her some lemonade. Natch, Inés goes right up to Babs’ room, where she is lying in bed with a towel on her face. Inés switches out Bab’s face cream jar and leaves before Babs knows she was there.

Then Inés calls Alicia and tells her that she has switched the face cream and now Babs will have sores (llagas) on her face. Alicia tells Inés that she is going away for a while but someone she has confidence in is keeping an eye on Santi. She’ll call in from time to time to report on Santi. Then she tells the mirror that this is last night she will have her eye patch.

Alicia has asked Willy to come over. She tells him that she saying goodbye to him. Willy asks if she is breaking up with him. Alicia says no they aren’t breaking up but she has to go away for a while and she will be much better when she comes back.

Bert tells Santa that Santi is a pathological liar and that she shouldn’t have any confidence in what he says. Santa says that there seem to be two Santi’s. Bert agrees but says that Santi is pretending to be two different people on purpose. He says that Santi never does anything by accident – it’s all planned. Santa responds that her first meeting with Santi was by chance. She went to the cemetery and Santi was there playing his saxophone. Bert asks if she is sure that Santi didn’t set up the meeting to look like it was by chance. Bert tells her that Santi is a manipulator without equal and that she shouldn’t believe anything about him. Santa has her usual blank look with maybe a hint of confusion. Bert goes on to say that Santi is capable of deceiving his own mother. Does Santa remember how Bert introduced Santi to her as the black sheep of the family? Does Santa think that he was referring to the fact that Santi played the saxophone? Santa’s not sure she wants to hear more but now Bert says that she should know. He tells her the kitten incident – Santi got a kitten when he was 6 years old, Bert distrusted the gleam in Santi’s eye and sure enough, Santi hung the kitten and killed it and Bert took the blame for it with his parents. He has always had to take the blame for Santi and he is fed up.

Paula goes to see René and tells him that she knows he is really Franco and she doesn’t want any narco-guys around her and her baby. René protests but to no avail.

Santa comes out of the room and there is Santi. She asks where he has been and he tells her that he went out for a while after she told him how furious Bert was when he was served with the summons and complaint. She asks Santi why he initiated the suit against Bert. Santi replies that he had his reasons. Santi parrots back what Bert told her and accuses Santi of doing everything in a calculated way. Santi replies that she must have been talking to Bert. Doesn’t Santi want to know what Bert told her? He doesn’t. Bert comes out, rips up the summons in Santi’s face and says that he isn’t going to show up in court. No problem replies Santi, the police will bring you in if necessary. Then Bert punches him. They start to fight. Inés comes in and drags Santi off.


Monday - Part 3

Elisa calls Santi and asks if he has seen Lázaro. He hasn’t.

Lisette calls Bert and asks if he has had the DNA test. Bert has magically transported himself to the hospital. He says that he has had the test and the results will be ready the next day. Lisette tells Mara and Arturo this news. [I don’t see what difference it makes who the father of Felipe is. Nothing is going to change the fact that Arturo isn’t the father.]

Santi goes to see Pancho who tells him how René/Franco was arrested at the Trebol de Oro. Santi suggests that René/Franco shouldn’t have any visitors, like Paula, since he is very crafty and might escape. Pancho replies that he can’t do that until they know whether the guy is Franco or René. Santi says that he is sure it is Franco but Pancho wants scientific proof and has sent the guy’s fingerprints to Guatemala where René’s prints are on record. Santi doesn’t seem too happy about this development and asks Pancho how long this will take.

Elisa calls Santi again about Lázaro’s whereabouts. Elisa makes this call from Alicia’s hospital room. She tells Alicia that Lázaro volunteered to follow Santi and now she can’t reach him. She says that if something happened to Lázaro, she will never forgive Alicia. Alicia doesn’t want that to have that kind of guilt when she is about to have surgery.

Santa is served with papers about the accusation of child abuse. Bert steps in as her lawyer. He tells her what the process is. Inés is listening. Santa reminds Bert of the awful things that willy said about her and says that if she loses her child, she will die. Bert says that he is on her side and will help her.

Fran tells Babs that she is looking better. Babs denies this but says that whoever did this to her is going to pay because people don’t harm her without consequences.


Monday - Part 4

Vicky packs up Ulises’ stuff with Begoña and Tránsito in attendance. She is going to get rid of everything and start anew. Pancho shows up crying and says that he can’t handle his terrible grief.

Daniela comes to see Lisette and asks her help in finding a doctor to do an abortion.

Santa calls Willy and tells her about the child abuse accusation. He tells her that no one will take her child from her.

Santi comes back to his lair, #8. He notices that there is a wire in the lock. He goes in and finds Lázaro’s body. He says, “who did this?” Then he crouches down and says, “Qué hago?” “What did I do?” We finally see the interior of the mystery room which has a bed, a mirror and an Ikea chair – hardly the room of horrors we were led to believe.

Willy, Santa and Bert show up for the hearing with the social worker. Willy is concerned that Bert is there. He doesn’t think that Bert is on her side. Santa assures him that Bert is there as her lawyer.

Inés tells willy that she just found out that Santa wants to send him away to a school in a foreign country. willy replies that his Dad wouldn’t let that happen. Inés tells him that Santa will grab him and send him away without Willy’s knowledge. She tells him that Santa considers him to be in the way between her and Bert. willy wants to talk to his Mom and helpful Inés offers to take him to her.


Jean, thank you for the wonderful recap of an episode with many developments.

I interpreted Santi's Que hago as "what should I do now". Although I do think he is crazy, and has a split personality, and is lying or wrong about Franco/Rene, I don't think he killed Lazaro.

Somehow, with both the killing of Ulises and Lazaro, I thought the killer's feet or hand looked small. So I think it's a female. Previously I thought it was Begona, but her recent behavior has me doubting that. But there's another short female, who has motives for all of this - Francisca. She always seems to be home, just puttering around. But she's made remarks in the past that she decides who lives or dies. And she wants to protect both her sons. She could have killed Ulises to help Bert, and Lazaro to protect Santi. Or this could be totally wrong - the writer is doing an amazing job of keeping us in the dark.

Ines has to pay. She's the worst. The face creams, the anonymous complaint against Santa for child abuse, her two murders. If I'm right that Fran is behind some of the recent murders, then Ines should look out. Because Barb is also a child of Fran. And there could be payback.

thanks so much Jean!

wow, so many times last night, someone was convincing another, that a third person was evil, this is never good, (but who in Marrero could you trust to tell the truth?)

why would Humberto NOT rig the dna test, and thus get saddled with Lisette and her baby, jeopardizing his chances with Santa, is he turning over a new leaf?

hmm, why is Santiago trying to cut Rene off, unless Rene knows something about him he doesn't want anyone to find out.

it seems like Santa's child abuse case will get sticky if willy starts talking about Santa killing George, and before the hearing, a supportive Willy shows up and Santa intoduces Humberto as her lawyer, and he flips out, reminding us how blinded Santa has become.

and Santa is wearing that BIG engagement ring Humberto got her.

did Santiago2 kill Ulises?

(ah yes Hombre, I too was wondering about Fran, and you make such a good case against her)


Thank you so much, Jean, for that superb detailed recap.

For some reason, out of all the many lines to love, this is the one I loved best:

"Santa finds Bert hitting the bottle and prissily tells him that drinking won’t solve his problems."

I mean where does she think she is? In some normal universe where this kind of this even matters? Sheesh!

So did Santi kill Laz?

1. Yes, but he doesn't know it because he was in a weird fugue state when he did it.

He seemed genuinely puzzled the second time Elisa called him.
He seemed surprised to find the wire in the lock and then to find Lazaro's dead body inside. (I also understood him to say: What do I do (now)?)

2. No. One of the other crazies did it. Hombre makes a good case for Fran.

You can't write off Ines, though. She is a stone-cold killer and innocence means nothing to her. Would knowing that Santi is also a psychopathic murderer be a turn-off for her? I think not.

[Let's face it. You can't write off anyone -- not Father Milton, not Mara, not the puppy Horti killed, not Horti herself (who could be faking it)…]

Well okay -- you can take Alicia out of the suspect pool. She is in the hospital about to go under the knife and probably about to suffer some fatal anesthesia complication.

And also Barb -- because she wouldn't be caught dead going out to commit murder with her face looking like that.

Thanks, Hombre. You are right, Santi is asking 'Que hago?' not Que hice? I have never believed that Santi is responsible for any of the murders. You make a good argument for Fran. It doesn't seem possible that a big guy like Lazaro could be stabbed to death by a small woman like Fran but hey, that's the least of our problems.

I also wonder what Santi's issue with Rene/Franco is. He clearly doesn't want the guy to be Rene.

So we heard that 20 years ago something bad happened with Santi that nearly got him committed. 20 years ago, Santi probably was 6 years old. So all this is about a dead kitten? That's bad but hardly seems ground for committing an adult to an institution 20 years later. Also, Bert said that HE took the blame for the kitten incident, so how did Santi get blamed? Either there's something other than the kitten incident or I don't know what.

Thanks very much, Jean, for a wonderfully complete recap. I was a bit puzzled by your describing Ivan's response to Daniela as "the politically correct response," which to me tends either to demean it or to suggest that he didn't really mean it. Perhaps, though, I'm misinterpreting your words. If so, please forgive me.

Hombre, I too had the feeling that the killer was a woman, though I can't believe it was Francisca, both because I doubt she knew where Santi's apartment was (if she was simply following him, she would have continued to do so after he left the apartment) and because I can't picture her getting the better of Lázaro, who is bigger and stronger.

NovelaMaven has also provided definitive proof that the killer couldn't have been Barbara: "she wouldn't be caught dead going out to commit murder with her face looking like that."

So who is left? Inés, Alicia, Santa, Paula, Begoña, Mara, Elisa, Lucy, Tránsito, Victoria, Lisette, the silent woman who works for Lisette (whose name escapes me at the moment), and the speech therapist. And the winner is...?

I am absolutely LOVING where many of you seem to be going with this, by means of making Francisca our resident evil psychopath!!! Good job, for coming up with this as... I LIKE IT! I LIKE IT!!!

In fact, if this IS the direction in which we are going, I think it would be a stroke of brilliance on the writers part, in so far as being a way for all of this to wind up okay. Picture this:

Neither Humberto nor Santi have EVER been evil. Humberto has been trying to protect his brother, and Santi has been mentally and emotionally manipulated by his mother into a state of mental illness. I LIKE the idea of Francisca killing Ulises and Lazaro to protect her boys (and, as has been pointed out she DID famously say that she "was the one who determines who lives and who dies" (or words to that effect...))

Francisca, also, has been part and privy to ALL of Bert's 'evil' doings- the death of Willy, AND Vincente- were all Francisca's initial idea (chanelling Lady Macbeth, here), and Francisca is the ONE person with whom he seems to be always completely in lock-step with. He does what Mommy commands! Actually Bert, increasingly, seems to be a pawn for other people- in the case of Francisca- kill Willy and get the family out of trouble. Kill Vincente. Protect your brother. Get our fortune back. Save the family. And Santi, increasingly, seems to be in such a mental state that (as my dad would say) he doesn't know if his ass is punched, bored, drilled, or counter-sunk!! What if his MOTHER helped make him that way?? What if Santi DIDN'T kill the cat? What if it was Francisca who killed the cat and who made Santi think (and, more importantly, made BERT think) that Santi was this kind-of basket-case individual who NEEDED protection! That he was a danger or a threat or a helpless individual who needs someone to watch out for him... when, in reality the person that he needed protection from... was HER??? (Could there be a "Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy" kind-of thing going on here? Fran did say that Santi was her favorite...)

And to think of Francisca as some sort of psychotic 'Mommie Dearest' who is and has been the REAL reason her boys are the way they are also could provide us with a good and logical ending. Picture this:

Fran is exposed and/or arrested/committed or (more likely) killed. The brothers both realize the extent of her evil and how THEY- like Alicia- were her victims all along. Thus, after a lifetime of enmity... WHO and WHERE are they now?? This joint, sudden, realization enables them to 'start from scratch' and to discover and realize for the first time- not just who EACH OTHER is- but who THEY are, for their entire lives have been based on their mother's manipulations and perfidy. This could also, of course, incorporate Alicia into this-whole 'broken child redemption'-type theme. And, to bring it all home, in regards to Santa, it would make sense for ONE of our brothers to die heroically in the final confrontation with their mother, to set us up for a deathbed reconciliation between the Cano children (well, okay, not Barbara... she's another story altogether!) before said 'heroic brother' (I'm thinking it will be Bert to die heroically) expires, leading Santa to pursue a life of happiness (or whatever) with the other brother, with said-expired brother to live forever in their memories (yadda, yadda, yadda).

Now, I have a natural tendency to 'run away with things', if you will... but I'm curious to hear what you all think of this!

My continued best regards to all! :-)


Juanita: My "politically correct" comment was not intended to suggest that Ivan was either cynical or disbelieving. I just meant that he could have just said, 'no he didn't believe that she was responsible for getting raped' but the writers put the general statement in his mouth.

Jean, thanks for clarifying the "politically correct" remark. What you say makes good sense.

Tks so much Jean, I bet this one is fun to recap.

I don't think it's Fran, how would she know about apt. #8? But too small or old, I don't think so, he was stabbed in the back. Remember Jodi Aries a small woman that really did a number on her Mormon boyfriend, he was not a small man. Ines is tooo obvious. Who knew what Lazaro was doing, Elisa, Alicia & Santi, after the figurine dropped.

Could be Alicia, we are on Marrero time, after all. She finished off George.
I'm not discounting the least likely in this craziness, the bad seed kid or Padre in any of this or Daniela. I can't remember if there was any explanation of the reason willy started talking again.

Still nada on the old lady in the woods that rescued Santi, I bet she survived.

Can we forgive Hum for the murders of 3 criminals, I don't think he killed Vicente.

Variopinta, Lázaro was facing his assailant when he was stabbed. He had had his back turned, but when he heard a noise, he turned around, saw the person, said "¿Tú?" and was stabbed in his chest.

Right Juanita, so now I really think it is Santi. Did Lazaro even know Alicia or Fran?
Of course I am wrong.

Steve, I thoroughly enjoyed your speculation on Fran being the Chief Sociopath in this TN. Here's to you if we discover you nailed it at El Fin!

One comment however. I too thought that Santi was Fran's favorite son. One show, however, had Fran going on about how Bert was the one she was closest to (not necessarily the those exact words) and so I revised my impression. On another note, Fran, being the sociopath that she is doesn't have much feeling toward anyone I suspect!


Questions about these crazy kids ...

Who is watching Jr, really? His storyline is so unbelievable despite the dialogue. His mother pretend marries for revenge (lives away from Jr for a time and pleads with her mute kid to understand why she is doing this).. tries to run away with Santi and Jr til Santi is jailed.... goes to jail herself and then moves in with Diabla (without Jr while she tells Jr how important he is to her)...gets briefly engaged to NarcoFranco who holds Jr and Grandma hostage .... comes home for a short time and yells at Sr about smooching up Barb and Alicia ..... gets kicked out by Paula and goes to live at Bert's (without Jr) .... lets Jr run away from Sr's to live with Santi and the gang at the Cano Castle while she lives there on Bert's hospitality as Jr proclaims he hates Santa ....

Shouldn't Santa be spending more time with Jr getting to the bottom the problem than letting him run off to the park with Ines and Alicia? Shouldn't she know who Jr is with when he isn't with her? The grownups and their crazy story is a hoot, but Jr's story is just a mess.

Mena, excellent points about Santa's irresponsibility vis a vis willy. And there's little doubt, these will be brought up in her child abuse hearing, to her dismay. In her defense, she did these various maneuvers for revenge, love, and sense of duty to catch a criminal, none of which is easy to explain to a child willy's age. But she does love willy, and he loves her, deep down. He just has to discover that Ines has been lying to him, and that should bring him back. But that won't be easy, as Ines is so sneaky!!

If it's Fran, who is Santi talking with in Apt. #8? Of course, instead o "Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy," perhaps it's more the "Manchurian Candidate." If there's a deck of cards in Santi's apartment, beware the Red Queen. ;)

Great posting, Mena, about Santa and Jr. With all the awful stuff you've documented plus the mindgames Inés and Alicia are playing, I hate to think what Jr. will/would be like as an adult. (Though I guess he'd be nothing out of the ordinary in Marrero!)

This novels is crazy, have no idea of Laz's killer, but ITA it cannot be Barb due to her vanity. Have been reading the blog for sometime. A lurker. I think many recappers here could out write the paid novels staff,

Hi gang! I'm LOVING how worked up we're all getting over this! ;-)

Yeah, my idea about Francisca was just a 'plausible theory that I'd LIKE to have happen' more than anything else...

Realistically, I'm thinking that the writers are just assuming that we're all total idiots and that the revelation that Santi has some 'Dissociative Identy' / 'Multiple Personality' disorder will be new and shocking to us.

If ONLY they knew!!! ;-)

Ooh "Manchurian candidate"! Good one! "Manchurian Cano" in this case. Come to think of it Fran dresses in that classic style that Angela Lansbury did in the movie. Updo and all.....

Stevey, I like your theory, it would explain a lot and it gives us a nice scape goat that nobody really cares about.

Mena, I'm glad you're addressing the willy situation, because I've been wanting to mention him, too.
What is wrong with Santa and even Willy, allowing their son to be unsupervised all the time like this? Who takes him to school? Who feeds him? When he lived with Begonia and Paula, at least we got to see him at the table once in a while, but now all he does is ride his bike in the park and take nice strolls down Hate Lane with Ines.

Where is Santa when all this is happening? Trying to figure out if Bert is evil, if Santi is sick, if she should maybe change outfits once in a while and buy a regular lady purse?
And where is Willy? Seducing Barbara, romancing Alicia... Granted, he does seem to be taking care of his baby girl.

In my opinion, the worst part about this story is the fact that when everything is said and done and Ines and Alicia's lies and manipulation are discovered, willy will forgive Santa and she will continue to feel entitled to call herself a "good mother", because everything was Ines and Alicia's fault.
Maybe that's the show's message, but I don't buy it. I tend to give Willy a sort of a pass, because the boy doesn't live with him now and wouldn't his mother watch over him, since they are in the same house? willy has been treated badly by Santa ever since the venganza started, if it weren't for Bert's self-serving action, the kid would still be a mute.

SANTA, Martes, Part 1

The fun continues. Well, only Inés is having fun, everybody else is going through hell, although I guess hell hath many colors. This will be out of order, and corrections are welcome as usual.

Santa and Willy are meeting with the social worker, and Bert’s there as Santa’s lawyer. The guys are getting along just fine, given that they used to hate each other’s guts. But they both want the best for Santa. Willy says Santa has always been a good mother, loves willy, has never been violent towards him in any way. Bert wants to know who filed the complaint, and of course the social worker won’t tell. Bert then says then there’s not a shred of proof, what are we even doing here? The social worker plays the tape where willy said he hates his mother. Bert says it could have been faked. Santa says, no, that was willy’s voice, and he has said things like that recently. I’ve made mistakes, but I’ve always loved my child, and taking him away would kill me. Bert still thinks it’s a slam dunk case, but the social worker says the judge will decide.

Out into the lobby they go, and who should show up, but Inés, with willy! Santa immediately realizes that Inés is behind this whole thing, and goes into a RAGE. How DARE you put those ideas into my child’s head! She lunges towards Inés, and doesn’t really connect, but Inés, having watched various soccer videos, knows how to fake a fall, goes flying down, and starts crying, I’m hurt, please help me! The social worker sees this last part, of course. Santa pleads, I never pushed her, but the social worker doesn’t believe her. Willy tells willy, don’t believe Inés, she’s a liar, and remember that she’s abandoned her newborn baby? But I don’t think willy is listening. He just knows he has to stay away from his “evil” mother. Inés smiles slyly.

So what’s up with the good guys? What good guys, you ask? Well, there’s Pancho, Tránsito, Begoña and Vicky, who are sort of a team now. Pancho is really sad about Ulises, and he flashes back to when Ulises said he was gay (which made Pancho question his OWN orientation). Pancho tells the others that Ulises really woke him up, made him question his life, and now he has a new direction. Yes, this is why he didn’t marry Lucy. But his life will be different now. You mean revenge, asks Vicky, thinking about Pat. Pancho nods. You got it.

Speaking of Pat, he calls Bert to complain, he needs money. Bert says no. No money. Don’t worry about Rene, he won’t talk. Pat threatens to reveal Bert’s association, but Bert says, who’d they believe, a prominent lawyer, or a crook on the loose? So leave me alone. Our partnership is OVER. Pat says to himself, I’m gonna KILL that bum.

Barb is still sad about her red face. Fran is commiserating with her when Lisette shows up, demands to see Barb. Your daughter needs you. Did you know she’s thinking of having an abortion? Barb doesn’t care. Well, she’s an adult now, and she can make her own decisions. No, says Lisette, she’s still a child. A child that needs someone to guide her. Yeah well, says Barb, she seems to have elected you, so go for it. Lisette is appalled at this, and begs Fran to talk some sense into Barb. Fran’s not getting involved. Like mother, like daughter, says Lisette. Later, Barb consoles herself by putting on more face cream, once again tainted by Inés. This time, her face REALLY looks bad, with huge sores, and she’s goes crazy! Fran’s going to take her back to the doctor. (Inés will be sooooo happy).

SANTA, Part 2

Iván is in his current sad state, when there’s a knock on the door. It’s a guy from the publisher, how come Iván hasn’t returned their calls, he has to attend the grand book opening, the tour, etc. Iván says I’m just not in the mood. The book guy says if you don’t comply with your contract, we’ll SUE you! Iván goes, whatever, just leave. This is not good.

Mara and Art are awaiting the results of Bert’s DNA test. Mara doesn’t understand why Art is so nervous, they pretty much know it’s going to show Bert is the father, right? (Maybe not).

Alicia goes under the knife for her plastic surgery. Earlier, Elisa had viewed the eye, and was not able to control her horror at her appearance. Oh well. After the operation, Alicia wakes up, and Elisa is there smiling, telling her the operation was a success. In fact, she can take off the bandages right now. She does, but Elisa screams, Ali’s face is ruined! Not. It’s just a dream. Alicia wakes up, wants to see her face, but since they’re trying to be a LITTLE realistic, is told she has to wait til it heals a bit.

Elisa has been distraught about Lázaro. She finally confides in Art and Mara that Alicia asked her to follow Santiago, and Laz volunteered to go. But he’s not answering his phone, and that’s not like him. Something terrible might have happened. Art says he thinks Santi is a good guy, but if Bert knew about it, yes, there is something to worry about. They consider calling the cops.

Meanwhile, Santi has to clean up Laz’s body. He happens to have lots of plastic to wrap it, and cleans the area. He has his usual sad, sappy look, but at one point it seems to change to his new evil stare. He gets the body into his truck (no longer that old white one, he has a new nicer one), and dumps the body on the outskirts of town. He then makes an anonymous call to the cops, telling him where to find it. The cops do, and Pancho later gets the call. He has to break the sad news to people he knows AGAIN.

Dr. Murray is meeting with Fran in her study. He tells her you really have to commit Santiago. Fran says no, I think his crisis is over, he’s fine. But remember last time, continues the doctor? At this point, Inés happens to be at the half-closed door. Dr. Murray says, the last time we thought everything was fine, and then Santiago KILLED a human being. Fran notices Inés, says what are you doing here, and did you hear anything? Oh, I was just in the neighborhood, and what do you mean, hear anything, did something happen? She’s very good at playing little miss innocent.

But she later confronts Santiago, did you kill someone? Santi has just come back from dumping Laz’s body, and wonders which time she’s talking about. He’s relieved when he realizes it was the old time. He says, yes, I did, but it was an accident, and Bert, Fran and Dr. Murray, they always blame me for everything. We see him flash back to driving his truck a few years ago, not looking, crashing into a teenager on a bike, killing him. He puts on his weepy face, Inés you’ve got to help me. They’re all against me. Don’t you worry, Precious, she replies and they hug. We then see Santiago SMILE. Yes, he’s totally faking! He tells Inés she has to tell no one, and do exactly as he says.......

The news comes back from the judge about Santa’s child abuse case. It’s not good. Bert reads the paper, brought by the social worker. The judge has found that you’re not a fit mother! Well, we know that Santa is certainly physically fit, and her clothes fit. But after this news, she’s gonna HAVE a fit! Inés, your perfect day is now complete.

You have outdone yourself, Hombre! What a terrific recap. I especially enjoyed your riff on Santa's fitness and on Inés having watched enough soccer videos to have learned how to fake a fall.

Didn't you love the way Inés reacted to the news that Santi had killed someone? The horror!

They sure teased us with Barb's facial gel -- will she or won't she? She will!

Little willy is about to have a rude awakening. [But you have to be impressed by the speed and efficiency of child protective services in Marrero. One anonymous complaint and BINGO! The machine goes into action.]

Did Santi have a different truck? I didn't notice that.

Has Pancho solved even one Marrero crime?
Let the insanity continue!

thanks so much Hombre,
you are such a master at this!

Ines' tumble after Santa's push, I think in professional basketball, is referred to as flopping.

I was loving how interruptions were keeping Barbara away from her newer, extra strength, Ines' special face cream, until she proved to us, without a doubt, that she deserved another dose.

being a Cano mother is really something else altogether.

hmm, I thought for a second, that Santiago might be taking the body to Ruth's, the bayou lady's, house, but I guess not.

that evil gleam that crosses Santiago's eyes is so cool. (he and Ines must have spent hours in front of a mirror practicing)

when it comes to willy, Santa always goes ballistic, Alicia and Ines read that so well.

but wow, what a scene when Santiago mentions Pancho, and Ines didn't know he was back with the living, I at first thought she was worried that he had suspected her earlier, but apparently what set her off was all the effort she put into mourning him and he wasn't dead, how could he do this to her?


Super, super recap, Hombre!! I too loved the fit-ness riff.

Now that you mention it, Santi put the body in the back of an SUV, I think, not the open back of his old truck.

Qué the heck is this hitting a bicyclist story? Only Inés would accept such a story without a lot of questions. Santi says that he was having trouble with the brakes on his truck and in a moment of inattention, hit a bicyclist. He wanted to turn himself into the police but to avoid scandal, his family had him committed to Dr. Murray's mental hospital until the incident was forgotten.

Let's not even go to the fact that it is extraordinarily difficult to commit someone who does not want help to a mental institution. So the police never found out that it was Santi who hit the bicyclist? Insanity is not a defense to careless driving.

The proper response to Santi's story would have been, "Try again. I'm not an idiot."

Speaking of idiots, you use a face cream and you have a reaction to it. The first thing the dermatologist tells you is DON'T USE THAT CREAM AGAIN! THROW IT AWAY. But not Babs.

Wow, Hombre, what a super recap! Add me to the list of readers who loved your fit-ness riff, and also the remark about Inés and soccer videos.

Deb, loved your comment: "that evil gleam that crosses Santiago's eyes is so cool. (he and Ines must have spent hours in front of a mirror practicing)."

Jean, thanks for applying a modicum of reality to the novela. The fact that none of what you said happened says a lot about how much reality the novela has. :-)

Good one Hombre .... Santa was indeed, "fit to be tied" ...

Is there anyone that doesn't have something against Bert except Fran and Barb and Dani (and mostly because he got Barb and Dani out of trouble)? Ivan doesn't count as he has had issues for years with dear old dad.

It is good to know AD has a look besides red & teary.

This has probably been noted before, and apologies if it has already been hashed over.

But I was thinking last night that perhaps nearly everyone is crazy because every night in Marrero features a big ol' full moon. We always see it in the establishing night shot.

According to folklore, full moons trigger odd behavior, perhaps even lunacy.

SANTA, Miércoles, Part 1

Yes, Santa is QUITE upset at the news that she lost custody of willy. Bert asks the social worker, just like that, are you going to take the kid away from his mother, put him in a home? Whoops, willy is right there, hears this, runs upstairs and hides. No, says the social worker, he’ll be placed with his father. Now get the kid right now so we can transfer him. Santa wants to go to willy, but Bert knows problems could result with the state she’s in. Enter Santiago, our “saint”, who goes upstairs, and calms down willy, explaining he’s not going to a home, just to live with his Dad. He adds that his mother loves him, doesn’t he remember? Think how hard this must be for her. I’m not so sure willy gets the message, as he says, well, can I take my new bike?

As willy is taken away, Bert defends Santa some more with the social worker, promising Santa it’s not over. Little willy goes back to Paula, Willy and Begoña’s house, with the bike, and they’re sort of surprised to see him, but happy. Begoña isn’t so happy when Willy says the judge gave him sole custody.

Back at the mansion, it’s getting to be night, and with that full moon.....Santa is really upset, Bert is saying all the right things, she kisses him. As usual, the door is half open, and Santi sees this. It sets him off, he goes downstairs, and throws just about every single book off the shelves in Fran’s study. I’m thinking about the interns who had to pick up all those books, especially if there were several takes, but whatever, Santi’s mad. Upstairs, Bert says you kissed me on your own. I’ve always loved you, I’ll do ANYTHING for you, does this mean you love me too? No, replies a weepy Santa, I’m just fragile now, thank you for supporting me. But I want to be alone now. Bert’s happy, though, he’s making progress. And you know the funny thing? I’m starting to root for Bert, too, and I’ve been a Santi supporter for a while. This show really toys with us.

Lisette takes Dani to a shelter, where other women who are pregnant are living, supporting each other, not getting abortions. Padre Milton is there, too. They explain to Dani that there are alternatives, you don’t just have to get an abortion, there’s something called adoption. This is news to Dani. They really want the ladies to keep their babies, but they have choices, and support. Dani later goes to visit Ivan, who’s down in the dumps about Vicky’s illness, and he tells her about the threat of a lawsuit from the publisher. She supports HIM this time, telling him his life isn’t over, he should do the book opening. She also relates about the shelter, the adoption thing. Iván says that’s better than ending the pregnancy, but just think, if you carry that baby for 9 months, how are you ever going to be able to part with it?

Speaking of parting with babies, Bert, Art, Mara and Lisette finally get the news about Felipe. Yes, it’s Bert’s kid. Bert offers to pay Lisette’s expenses with a monthly check, and even offers to buy the house from Art, for Lisette to live in. This is because Horti’s will provides that if there’s no kid, the house goes to Art. Art and Lisette are a bit outraged at Bert, but to me, he’s really doing the right thing. He doesn’t oppose Art being the father, he’s trying to help everyone. After he leaves, they wonder if he’s changed.

SANTA, Part 2

Pancho has to give the sad news to Elisa, yes, Lázaro’s body was found dead. No, he didn’t suffer, he died instantly from a stab wound. Elisa’s world is crumbling, but she vows to get answers to this, if it’s the last thing she does. She strongly suspects Bert, and tells this to Pancho.

Vicky talks to herself about Ulises, saying she’s not going to cry, his death has given her strength, a reason to fight, to go on, and she’s going to find his killer if it’s the last thing SHE does. She strongly suspects Bert.

Alicia tries to take off her bandages, using a surgical tray as a makeshift mirror, but the doctor stops her just in time, telling her it’s still swollen, she should be a patient patient.

Pancho goes to Rene’s cell, they checked fingerprints, and good news, you ARE Rene. Also, your family vouched for you that you were forced to be the double. So you’re free to go. Rene is relieved. However, he seems to hesitate for a second when the family thing comes up. Could he still be Franco anyway?!!

Lucy is discharged from the hospital. Tránsito says she can live a the Trebol de Oro. No way, says Lucy. Pancho is going to be responsible for me, he’s the one who caused my accident, by being alive! So he’s not getting out of this. Tránsito can only roll her eyes.

Things continue to go downhill for Pancho as Inés SLAPS him! How DARE you be alive. I suffered so much, thinking I was alone. I’ll never forgive you for this. In fact, since you pretended to be dead for me, from now on, you ARE dead for me. I never want to see you again!

Inés also has another snag in her clever plans, when she’s talking to Alicia on the phone, telling her it went perfectly, the social worker took Santa’s kid away. But Santa overhears this, and ATTACKS Inés, holding her around the throat, threatening her. Santiago comes in to break it up, and Santa recoils, saying what am I doing, I’m not a violent person. But Inés says yeah, didn’t you kill George? Santa seems to agree, as she goes into the other room with Santi, telling him, maybe Inés is right. At this point, I have nothing left to lose. They took away my child, I might just KILL Inés! I wouldn’t even mind going back to jail, because my life is OVER.

No Barb, no Pat in this episode. I know it’s unlikely, but those two would REALLY make a wild couple. This episode was sort of setting things up, I think the action is getting ready to go again!

thanks so much Hombre,
another terrific recap, and so well done!

wow, Santa losing willy couldn't have worked out better for Humberto,
if he had planned that himself.

so much tension on the dna test, were they really hoping Humberto wasn't the father, wouldn't that mean Lisette was sleeping with yet another person.

Humberto is really lining up the people that suspect him of killing someone, but now that he didn't,
er, I think he didn't, did he?, of course not as we are all learning to trust him.

haha, Alicia should be a patient, patient, and how many Marrero lives are better now that she is out of action, well, I guess Lucy getting released from the hospital, will pick up the slack.

not only did Santa hear Ines on the phone confessing setting up the willy thingy, but she sees that Ines was also talking to Diabla, wow, and as Santa throttles her, I was hoping the ex-con Santa would appear and start planting those little fists on Ines' cheek bones, stamping out her signature raccoon look, but as our part-time Saint-iago pulls her off, she pretty much gave Ines a public declaration that she will kill her, I hope Ines wasn't recording.

I'm really glad Pancho is back on the job, I think he is a great detective and love watching him make things right, but as we all know, the wheels of justice can be so slow, so slow, so slow...

that magical one room Martinez house has so many bedrooms (that all seem to look the same) I wonder if Rene will move in there as well, now that he is free free, would he really go back with Patricio, whom Humberto has fired anyway, hmm, but that brings us back to why Saint-iago wanted Rene fingered as Franco, could it be that Saint-iago is telling the truth, between those evil gleams.


Hombre, Just a super recap, tks

I give up trying to predict anything in this one, even when you see it with your own eyes, you can't believe it. Go with the flow.


SANTA DIABLA... Thursday (epi 124)
part 1

*casa Cano
Francisca is on her way out, Ines stops her,
please don't leave me alone in THIS house, (with Santa)
Francisca leaves anyway.

Santa is sitting on her bed, reflecting over her situation,
now is the time, she says, and gets up...

*police station
Pancho has called Santiago in, wants to know about Lazaro, gulp,
Lazaro, I hardly knew him, Santi says,
Pancho relates the story about Alicia asking Elisa to follow him,
because Humberto/Francisca where going to commit him, is this true,
yes Santiago confers,
so Humberto could be responsible for his death, Pancho asks,
you KNOW what Humberto is capable of, Santiago responds.

*casa Martinez
Begona is irate over Santa losing custody of willy,
Willy is uneasy,
Paula throws in, well she KILLED George,
(this doesn't help)
Begona rips into Paula, ending with,
you are alone/single, and you will always be alone,

a knock at the door, it's Rene,
Santiago has convinced Paula that he is Franco,
but Pancho has scientific proof, fingerprints/family/records, Rene counters,
(and I'm thinking, yeah, we know how narcos can manipulate these things)
Paula bends, but for the sake of her baby she doesn't want to get involved,
Rene leaves,
and a desperate/alone Paula has a face of regret.

*casa Cano
(the house is all in shadows tonight),
as Ines comes down the stairs,
a shadowy figure is flitting about,
a nervous Ines makes it to the kitchen and gets a glass of water,
the figure comes at her with a knife,
a slash to her arm, but she runs,
upstairs she is caught,
slash, they struggle, slash, but the knife misses,
Ines makes it to a bedroom, locks the door,
the assailant is right outside, pounding,
Ines calls the 911Pancho hotline, he's on the way.

Francisca is visiting Barbara, chatting with the doctor,
the doctor asks about any extreme measures like skin peals, botox,
that Barbara might be doing,
Francisca wants to know if it will scar.

a scared/alone Barbara, lays in her bed, face bandaged,
and in another room, Alicia also lies alone, worried, about her face.

*casa Cano
things get quiet, so Ines takes a look around,
at the bottom of the stairs, she is surprised by a hand on her shoulder,
it's Santiago, whew!
but he has the bloody knife in his hand, ut oh,
I found this on the ground when I was coming in, he says,
Ines doesn't know what to think.

Pancho arrives, they find the hooded clothes in the office,
and once again his attention is on Santiago, or someone in the house.

Humberto arrives,
but then along comes Santa,
and where were you, everyone wants to know,
out, is all she will say,
Ines jumps her about threatening to murder her earlier,
Santiago heard her, Ines says,
as wild-eyed Pancho quickly confirms,
and lawyer Humberto steps in to deflect the interrogation.

the Padre and Lisette are showing Daniela around,
they put a small baby in her arms and drift away,
Daniela finds herself all alone with this tiny child, and freaks,
and then she awakes,
it was only a dream.


SANTA DIABLA... Thursday (epi 124)
part 2

*casa Cano
Ines wonders where Santiago went,
Humberto gets Santa alone in the bedroom,
did YOU do it, he asks,
Santa is stunned,

but then he explains how he just wants to help, he cares,
(are we seeing how the Cano's work)
she kisses him.

*room 8
Santiago sneaks in, careful not to be followed,
and that odd room 8 conversation starts up,
you are a killer and you must never leave this room,
but we get a glimpse of who he is talking too,


it's a full length mirror,
but then it gets freaky,
Santiago is quiet/still, as the angry/animated Santiago in the mirror is yelling at him.

*police station
Lucy fights her way into see Pancho,
(with a cop twice her size trying to control her),
you OWE me big time Pancho, and you are going to PAY,
but I don't love you, he says,
not important she says,
with or without your name I will live in your house,
with a servant, with, with...
Pancho just lets it slide,
(how could anyone accuse Pancho of being a bad person)

*casa Ivan
Ivan has been typing away, is it a letter / new book / ??
Daniela arrives, and wants to take him to the book launch,
but he's not interested.

*Trebol de Oro,
(where the bar is always open)
and Patricio is having a few, as Transito cowers in the background,
pleading innocence,
he gets a call, someone he doesn't know, is it a job, he needs the money.

*casa Lisette
Daniela tells her about Ivan and the book launch, today,
Lisette joins up to help,
but Ivan is no longer home.

*police station
Humberto arrives as requested,
Pancho wants to do a lie detector test,
what?, Humberto hedges, but Pancho has a court order,

and they start with questions about Ulises,
Humberto talks about the anonymous phone calls,
yes I hit him,
yes I threatened him,

did you kill Ulises, Pancho asks,
and all eyes are on the print out...

*room 8
and things are really getting freaky,
as the two Santiagos walk us through the Ines attack, with flashbacks.

*casa Cano
Ines confronts Santa about attacking her,
it wasn't me?
so where were you, Ines demands,
and Santa shows her the three tickets she was out buying,
so you were going to leave with willy, and.... Santiago? , Humberto?...

a torn Elisa tells Alicia about Lazaro,
Alicia assures her, they will FIND the killer.

*casa Cano
Santiago arrives,
he wants 5 minutes of Santa's time,
(Ines reluctantly leaves)
and they move to the office,
as Santiago's hand slides to a hunting knife tucked into the back of his belt.

(and where did he get those pink pants, from George)


Thanks for the great recap, Deb. (and thanks for yesterday's recap, Hombre) I didn't get a chance to comment and really what is there to say?

I didn't notice the pink pants until you mentioned them, Deb. Wow, Santi has a lot of problems - a split personality, murdering people and bad fashion choices.

I knew when Inés couldn't see her attacker that she was going to survive it. Too bad.

Unless Pancho asks Bert about Vicente, he is going to pass the lie detector test because we know that he didn't kill Ulises.

Great recap, Deb!

Wow, we finally know who the killer is, mild mannered Santiago! I guess he killed Ulises and Lazaro. And no one suspects him. What a delicious switch they've pulled in this show.

I'm amused by how the outfits change with the personalities. Both Lisette and Daniela are dressing WAY different from a month ago. Lisette used to be a slut, now she miss prim and proper, and Dani used to be goth girl, now she's on the society pages. When did they have time to do all that shopping?

As we all know, lie detectors are not admissible in court, because they're unreliable. They don't measure lies, just physiological response. So a nervous person can seem as if he's lying, when he's telling the truth. And a stone cold killer without emotions can trick the operator into thinking he's telling the truth. But I think, in telenovelaland, the lie detector IS reliable. Bert sure is lucky he DIDN'T actually kill Ulises. Or Lazaro. But yes, if they ask about Vicente.....


Hombre, somewhat belated thanks for your excellent Wednesday recap. I wasn't able to see the episode until late yesterday, and I didn't want to read the recap until after I'd seen it. (And I haven't yet seen Thursday's episode, so I'm trying not to read that recap and discussion.) I too found myself wondering what's up with Rene, he seemed so hesitant or tentative or something when Pancho was telling him he was free. Perhaps he really is Franco and is wondering what the trap is and who is setting it?

Speaking of Pancho, he should count himself fortunate that Inés wants nothing more to do with him. But of course he instead feels only guilt, not luck. Sigh.

Deb, loved your remark that although Alicia is for the moment out of commission, Lucy will pick up the slack. How true! Poor Pancho, with Inés and Lucy....


Deb, thank you! And thanks to Hombre for Wednesday's recap. The fact that your voices are so different from each other makes these recaps even more fun to read.

WE knew the hooded figure was Santi by the curve of his spine, right? Besides, if Santa had been in Diabla mode, I doubt Ines would have gotten away.

I promised myself I wouldn't say anything about my outrage at the writer's using the 'good' Lisette to make a relatively young woman feel responsible for the being stricken with aggressive breast cancer [while condoning her choice to forgo treatment even when it is precisely in the arena of treatment that real progress is being made]; and I said I would keep my mouth shut about the 'holier than thou' bullying of a young girl who wants to terminate an early pregnancy which resulted from a gang rape.

So I won't say anything.

But I will say that I enjoyed the juxtaposition of the two sisters with their bandaged faces; and I was glad you included that in your recap, Deb.

And on Wednesday -- wasn't it hilarious seeing Lucy stealing everything that wasn't nailed down before leaving the hospital room? She hasn't changed at all since we first met her. hahaha.

NovelaMaven said:
"I promised myself I wouldn't say anything about my outrage at the writer's using the 'good' Lisette to make a relatively young woman feel responsible for the being stricken with aggressive breast cancer [while condoning her choice to forgo treatment even when it is precisely in the arena of treatment that real progress is being made]; and I said I would keep my mouth shut about the 'holier than thou' bullying of a young girl who wants to terminate an early pregnancy which resulted from a gang rape.

So I won't say anything."

And I made a similar promise to myself, so I won't say anything either. :-)

I've been thinking for several episodes now that Santiago has a split personality, now it's pretty much been confirmed.

I hope Daniela changes her mind about having an abortion and decides to give the baby up for adoption. There are so many couples out there who can't have children and want a baby to love. I have a friend going through the adoption process right now.


Well I'm saying something. If they want to help, how about getting this traumatized girl some actual therapy instead of just making her feel guilty about a pregnancy that is giving her nightmares? I get it that Telemundo still needs to be a little Catholic, but come on. She can continue with the pregnancy if she must from an in-patient care facility, not this home for wayward girls. Sheesh. Since Elisa is preoccupied now, maybe they could bring in the speech therapist. She seemed nice, and probably more helpful than Lisette and the priest.

On a happier note, what if Humberto DIDN'T kill Vicente? Maybe he just took the head off. If so, then he's off the hook with Pancho and they can just STOP accusing him of everything. With all the pressure he's under, he could probably use that speech therapist too. Poor guy.


"On a happier note, what if Humberto DIDN'T kill Vicente? Maybe he just took the head off."


Kelly -- yes, that's called looking on the bright side. In Marrero.

We take what we can get in this town!


Speaking of taking the head off, what was the purpose of Vicente's head on a platter? Under the original scenario, Humberto was trying to frame Santa.

But now that we know that Santiago was there (and may have been the actual killer), why the spectacle?

Wouldn't it have been better to bury him or dump him at sea and let everyone think he'd simply run off, as he had been planning to do?

interrumpo algo?
(nothing a sharp knife won't fix)

Humberto's happy face, how does he do that, it hurts when I try.

and his call from Francisca showed up as mama, when are we going to see someone get a call on their smart phone that says bitch, asesina, perra, or...

speaking of faces, bandaged Barbara is reminding me of one of the Muppets, I bet she just can't wait to get that special cream on her face to make it all better.

and yes, Alicia's face, did she say once the deformity included no eye?

and if you want to be a bad guy in this story, all you have to do is hang out with Patricio, this guy (played by Roberto Mateos) totally SCARES me.


Deb, many thanks for Thursday's excellent recap. I finally have watched Thursday's and Friday's episodes. I've been fighting the idea that Santiago has a split personality or some other equally serious mental illness, but I guess that's the case. And out the window too are my assumptions that this telenovela will end up as the vast majority do, with one or more happily-ever-after weddings.

The plot parallels and reversals are interesting. At the start, it was Humberto coming upon Santiago and Santa embracing, kissing, whatever, and he'd invariably say "¿Interrumpo algo?" Now it's Santiago who has been coming upon Santa and Humberto, and asking the same question. There's also the two sisters--Barbara and Alicia--in the hospital because of their face. My guess is that the once-beautiful Barbara will wind up disfigured and Alicia will be gorgeous, though exactly how that will happen if she has only one eye isn't clear. Moreover, it's Alicia's (and Inés's) fault that Barbara's face is a mess, so I can't believe the Telenovela Rules of Karma will let them get away happy.

In other words, I've got no idea what will happen.

Deb and Juanita,

I loved your comments!

Was there ever a flatter, more affectless "te amo" than Santa's to Humberto?

BTW: You heard it here several months ago -- I predicted way back in the beginning when all we knew about Bert was that he was a stone-cold killer...

...that Santa would fall in love with him eventually

I also said that this Beauty and the Beast interlude would be brief and end tragically with Humberto either dead or in prison.

[In other words, I expected it would follow the playbook of La Casa de al Lado.]

We'll see.

I wouldn't want to be Alicia's doctor right now (or ever). It's her own fault though for not doing a psych eval before operation. She DID tell Alicia that she might need at least one more procedure, but apparently Alicia wasn't listening.
I guess in the Republic of Marrero, lie detector results ARE admissible in court and DO determine innocence or guilt.

And I guess that kidnapping and torture are not crimes in the Republic of Marrero.
Patricio seemed taken aback by Santiago's malice. How bad do you have to be to surprise Patricio?

NovelaMaven, I agree, it's reminding me of La Casa de al Lado.

I was surprised that now willy isn't so afraid of his Mom. Huh? And the third ticket was for Bert? What about Willy, the father of the kid, who's been fairly responsible lately.

How can you get a court order for someone to take a lie detector test when he hasn't even been arrested or charged with a a crime? Oh right, this is Marrero.

It's true that Alicia is missing an eye, but one would think they'd put an artificial one in. I think they're toying with us, and the operation was a success.

We previously thought room 8 was just a plain room. Nope, it's your typical serial killer hangout.

Of course Santa is falling for Humberto, who wouldn't & what took so long.
Santi has traded in his red, teary eyed look for his menacing look, frankly I prefer menacing.

Why did Santi kill Uli?

If Roberto Mateos ever plays a good guy, it will be hard for me to accept.

Fran was quite tough with a knife in her face.


"Why did Santi kill Uli?"

According to what Santi told Patricio, he did it to hurt Humberto. He knew that Humberto would be blamed.

Hombre de Misterio said:

"It's true that Alicia is missing an eye, but one would think they'd put an artificial one in. I think they're toying with us, and the operation was a success."

Oh, I'm sure it's a success. It also wouldn't surprise me if they had an "eyeball transplantation," and she'll be able to see out of it as well! Maybe the donor will turn out to be Uli, even though he was dead for some time before he was found, and a part of him will live on. ::sniff::

Great comments, all. I guess I have to give up my belief that this one is going to end with Santi and Santa in a telenovela wedding. Even in Marrero, I don't believe that you can get away with killing people even if you have a split personality. Santi doesn't even have the classic split personality where the "good" personality doesn't know what the "bad" one is doing.

Maybe, as someone suggested, all the Canos will kill each other and Santa and willy will go off into the sunset older and wiser.

I don't believe this was planned from the beginning because there were multiple ways that this could have been set up much better.

Santi killing Ulises, a perfectly innocent guy that he knew just to hope Bert got blamed, is much worse than almost anything Bert has done. Bert had a motive to kill Vicente, who had done a lot of bad things and Franco was a narco guy, a killer himself.

I agree with Hombre that Alicia's operation will be a success. Willy's face when he came in the hosptial room was happy surprised. It is altogether fitting that Babs' two daughters switch roles in the beautiful and hideous categories.

were the pictures in #8 of
Santa, I was watching on a small TV & couldn't tell.

Yes. Every picture was of Santa.

Jean said

I don't believe this was planned from the beginning because there were multiple ways that this could have been set up much better.

This is only the second telenovela I've ever watched, and the other one was years ago. So, I have been somewhat confused by storyline direction.

I was under the impression these were storyboarded out, scripted and filmed before they ever went on the air.

But some of 'Santa Diabla' seems as though it was written on the fly and maybe changed from how the storyline originally was intended to go.

Is that possible?

Hi Sue: Normally, novelas are not totally filmed before they start to be broadcast. They usually film a month or so ahead. And the storyline can change during the broadcast. An unpopular novela can be cut short, a popular one can be lengthened. New characters can suddenly be introduced to provide a new romantic interest.

My guess and I could be totally wrong, of course, is that there was zero romantic chemistry between Gaby Espino and Aaron Diaz. Carlos Ponce is a much better actor and could achieve some kind of chemistry with the very wooden Gaby Espino but he was already a bad guy. So they make Santi a serial-killer guy with mental problems and I guess we don't have a happy ending. I don't know. It's weird. La Casa de al Lado was clearly set up as an atypical novela - SD wasn't. It started off as your normal humble woman seeks vengeance on rich family love triangle.

Jean, Thanks for the explanation!

The only foreshadowing I detected that Santa and Humberto might be set up as a future couple was when Santa was telling Alicia that all she wanted was a normal life in a home where she could send her son off to school and so forth. Then, Humberto echoed that same sentiment in a later scene when he said he knew what she wanted. They seemed more on the same page there than she did with Santiago.

I don't necessarily need a sunshine and puppies "happy" ending. But I do hope we at least get a satisfying one

Great comments around here, guys! I just watched Friday's episode - just like the rest of you, I really have no clue about the end.
Thank you for the great recaps, also!

Kelly - Bert only cutting off Vicente's head - hahahha - this could actually work!

Sue, the head on the platter seems like something that could come from Santi's twisted head. I distinctly remember Bert's shock when he saw the head on that table - now I see it in a totally different light.

Juanita, I believe this is teh first telenovela I have ever watched when I have absolutely no clue what will happen in the end. Now I'm even suspecting that Victoria won't die. So, I'm just as confused as you are and I'm making NO guesses.

NovelaMaven - I don't remember your prediction about Bert and Santa, but I have been patiently waiting for her to stop seeing him as a monster for a very long time. It looks like I got my wish and you got your prediction. Yey!

Variopinta, I wonder why it took Santa so long to fall for Bert, too! Really, there is no question between the two brothers. Aaron Diaz is handsome, but he does no favors to Santi in his portrayal.
I actually watched Roberto Mateos as a good guy in a in some years ago, still for Telemundo. And in 2000, I believe, he played the galan in Peru, he was a very dark galan, but at least he didn't go around killing people like Bert and Santi.

Jean, I am ABSOLUTELY sure this tn wasn't supposed to go like this. And I totally agree with your analysis on the story change. Santa Diabla fans were very vocal on twitter, I didn't follow them, but maybe they were making it clear how much they prefer Carlos Ponce to Aaron Diaz as the lead for Gaby Espino. And it's not like someone from the outside had to say anything about it - anyone could have seen what is what on screen.
If they had set it up from teh beginning to have S&S together, we woudl have seen signs of Santi's crazy much sooner, I believe, or, at the very least, the Canos mentioning it.
Up until a few weeks ago the story played out pretty straight (HA, yeah, all things consiedered) - a lot of twists and turns, yes, but Bert was doing all tha killing, Santa was doing all teh worthless revenging and Santi was moping around, trying to make people sing Kumbaya or something.
Of course the rewrite still leaves many holes, but we are all so willing to love Bert, we really don't care that Santi is thrown under the buss in the process.


Jean, I totally agree with you that this crazy TN was totally rewritten. Bert is going to end up a nice guy . But how will they clean up the fact that he killed Santa's chauffeur ?
And that he drugged her and left her in the woods?
Santiago did it?

Who did Ines kill? I can't remember.

I don't get to read your comments all the time but when I do I really enjoy them. Thank you all.

Sue from Miami

Alicia will be beautiful and Barbara will be ugly. Bert will be a nice guy and Santiago will be a crazy murderer. Lissette is now a wonderful person. Next Patricio will lead a boy scout troop or feed the homeless.

Sue from Miami

Inez killed the old lady that rescued Santi in the woods. She shot her with a shotgun, so not sure how she could be alive. Odd that we never heard of anyone finding her body.

Vario and Sue, Inés also murdered the gardener who had the misfortune to show up when she was faking her own kidnaping at the cabin.
I love it when Arturo says he wants Felipe to continue to live in the mansion because "it is the only home he has ever known." Pfff! As if a baby could tell the difference between a trailer park and Snooty Town. As long as he has a bottle, a blankie, a dry diaper and a kind, consistent, hands-on person to take care of him, the kid would be fine anywhere.
Sue, I don't think we're supposed to believe the Humberto is "good" or even a "nice guy," but only that he has really fallen in love with Santa. Maybe he would like to become a good person for her, but there is no wiping out his past. Even if all we knew about him was that he had ordered Patricio to torture Ulises, we would know he was a bad guy.

The kicker is supposed to be that Santiago is a WORSE bad guy, after we have all been lulled into thinking he was a good guy.

"Alicia will be beautiful and Barbara will be ugly. Bert will be a nice guy and Santiago will be a crazy murderer. Lissette is now a wonderful person. Next Patricio will lead a boy scout troop or feed the homeless."


Watch out for THOSE Eagle scouts!

Imagine Patricio in a Mister Universe type contest, wishing for world peace when asked...


Adriana Noel said...
Now I'm even suspecting that Victoria won't die.

Spontaneous remission!

Of course the rewrite still leaves many holes, but we are all so willing to love Bert, we really don't care that Santi is thrown under the buss in the process.

This reminds me a bit of when I was in Buffy the Vampire Slayer fandom years ago, and there was a group of us rooting for the vampire Spike to be redeemed - even though he had been going around killing people since the Victorian era!

NovelaMaven said...

Vario and Sue, Inés also murdered the gardener who had the misfortune to show up when she was faking her own kidnaping at the cabin.

And many of them, including Willie, know at the very least, she shot at Santa and put Willie in the hospital. Why is she still running around free? OTOH, who would have guessed that Inés would end up being the saner one in the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Santiago Cano?
I love it when Arturo says he wants Felipe to continue to live in the mansion because "it is the only home he has ever known." Pfff! As if a baby could tell the difference between a trailer park and Snooty Town. As long as he has a bottle, a blankie, a dry diaper and a kind, consistent, hands-on person to take care of him, the kid would be fine anywhere.

For all Arturo’s talk about wanting to remain like a father to Felipe, how is that really going to work out with him in Canada? I’ve been wondering if he and Mara might end up adopting Daniela’s baby (provided she gives birth before the story’s end.)

Sue, I don't think we're supposed to believe the Humberto is "good" or even a "nice guy," but only that he has really fallen in love with Santa. Maybe he would like to become a good person for her, but there is no wiping out his past. Even if all we knew about him was that he had ordered Patricio to torture Ulises, we would know he was a bad guy.

The kicker is supposed to be that Santiago is a WORSE bad guy, after we have all been lulled into thinking he was a good guy.

We need a flashback showing Santiago killing that woman that he woke up in bed next to from the beginning of the telenovela. That way, the producers could at least pretend they had intended for Santiago to be bad all along.

As for Humberto, the only thing I can think of that might help is if he made some grand gesture - like getting stabbed by Santiago - to save someone not Santa. We know he would die for her, but if he’d put his life on the line for some innocent he previously had been indifferent to, it could be seen as a redemptive gesture.

Santa Diabla Capitulo 125

Part 1

This is going to be a quick recap of the choppy show we all know and love……

Rerun of Santi requesting a meeting with Santa in the Cano Office. Santi promises it will only be five minutitos.

Bert is wired up for a polygraph – he says he is innocent! He has passed the polygraph. Pancho has tried to question Bert about the murder of Vicente, but Bert handily reminds Pancho that the warrant is only good for questioning pertaining to Uly. Too bad for Pancho!

Eliza wants justice but doesn’t have the strength to do seek it. No worries .. Alicia swears she has enough strength for the pair of them. Alicia begs Eliza to stay in Marrero and prove it to her. Alicia loves Eliza like a mother and wants to do this for her. Quite a Valentine’s Day gift, that is!

Lisette and Dani worry that Ivan will be a no-show at the press conference for his book and ruin his career.

Fran tries to keep the meeting from happening, but Santi commands “not now Mom”! The pair of them retire into the office.

Santa tells Santi to snap it up as she has things to do. Santi confronts Santa about who she loves most. Quien is mas querido. Bert or Santi. Blah blah blah (this recapper is weary of Santi and his badgering) Santi persists and Santa stares. The scene lingers to the point that the color of Santa’s lip gloss was becoming more a point of interest than this sorry exchange.

Pancho breaks the news to Vicky and Begona that Bert has passed the polygraph. They got their sights on the wrong guy – Bert. They wonder what their next move should be to execute their vengeance.

Bert visits Art and offers to buy the Hortensia’s big house so that Felipe can continue to live in the style to which he has become accustomed (in his 6 or so months of life, that is). Art hesitates. Bert persists and tells Art he has no intention of competing with him over Felipe’s attentions. Bert is okay with Art being Dad2 if he wants. Bert figures it can’t hurt for Felipe to have two dads that care about him. Feeling even more generous, Bert is okay if Art wants to take Felipe to Canada for a visit. Art is pleased and the pair strike the deal over the sale of the house


Part 2

Back with Santi and Santa, Santi insists that Bert is unstable and has brainwashed Santa. He whines that maybe Santa never really loved him or believed in him. Santa insists that she did. More blah blah blah. Fran conveniently barges in and insists that the meeting is now over. An agitated Santi tries to resist Fran’s interruption with no luck. Fran kicks Santa out of the office, tells Santi to hold his thought, then leaves the office to talk to Santa. Fran tells Santa to beat it from the Cano Castle if she values her life – she even does it while holding Santa’s hand (a move that is not unnoticed by Santa). Fran returns to the office and asks Santi what he was planning to do with Santa. Santi insists that he loves Santa. Fran disagrees, telling Santi he doesn’t love anyone. Fran tells Santi he can’t fool his own mom, nosirree. Santi turns his back to Fran revealing the knife he has stashed in his belt. A horrified Fran asks Santi if it was Santi that attacked Ines. She adds up the evidence of the trashed Cano office, the quick change of the mystery stabber in the Cano Office and the suspicious knife in Santi’s belt. Yessiree, it was Santi, she deduces. Santi accuses Fran of being on Bert’s side against him – Bert has lied to her about giving up his life to protect Santi. Santi pulls the knife and holds it up to Fran’s face. Fran suggests a call to Dr Murray, to which Santi responds that Dr Murray is a clueless bast@#$.

Lisette and Dani worry about Ivan. They exercise Plan B and call Victoria.

Santi leaves and Fran tries to stop him. Ines shows up and wants to know wutz up?

Willy keeps trying to communicate with Alicia by cell phone and gets nowhere. Paula wonders who he is trying to talk to. After ruminating, Willy tells Paula to watch the kids and leaves..

Santi makes a phone call to another mystery person. They need to meet, pronto!

Alicia need another favor from Eliza ( uh oh!). She needs cash and asks Eliza to go get it from her secret hiding place at her house (seems Marrero doesn’t take plastic and has a pay as you operate plan).

Bert comes home and Fran scolds him for not answering his cell phone. She tells him Santi is back at his “old ways” (wink wink) again. She tells Bert that Santa doesn’t realize that Fran saved her life by interrupting the meeting between Santa and Santi. Fran tells Bert that there is a bright side and a dark side to Santi (does it really matter at this point?). They discuss something about when this started – something about Santi arguing with Pops about going to school, leaving the house and hitting an innocent person.

Santi meets with his mystery caller at his Apt 8. It is none other than Pat! Pat reports for work. Santi inquires if Pat can keep a confidence? Santi reveals that he knows all about the kidnapping of Uly by Bert and Pat. Pat insists he did not murder Uly. Santi smiles and says, of course not, I did! Even crazy Pat is a little unnerved by Santi’s admission and wonders why. Santi wanted to complicate Bert’s life – suspecting that everyone would blame Bert. Pat wants to know how he can help Santi – who needs to be eliminated? Pat wanders around Apt 8 and is astonished to discover the Santa shrine that Santi has created – a wall of photos and a burning candle and altar that looks ever-so-slightly-occultish.


Part 3

Santa shows up at Willy and Jr’s and tells Jr to pack a bag. Paula insists Santa is violating the order that prohibits her from visiting Jr. “Who’s gonna tell on me?” replies Santa. Santa tells Jr that they are going on a long trip. Santa’s phone rings. Bert tells Santa to be very careful and not answer the door- Santi is dangerous and her life is at stake.

Plastic surgeon doctor comes to visit Alicia and cut off the bandages. An agitated Alicia isn’t ready and threatens violence if the doctor proceeds to remove the bandages before Alicia is ready. She calls Eliza - on another errand to collect money at Alicia’s house - and Eliza agrees to be there for the big reveal. Willy, who has followed Eliza to Alicia’s house, now follows Eliza back to the hospital.

Over at the press conference, Vicky shows up and takes the podium. She announces she is the Victoria in the book. She tells the press that Ivan is currently struggling with something he cannot overcome. Mortality. Hers. The press are muy impactada and applaud. She charms the press and then lo and behold, a well-dressed, coiffed and professionally responsible Ivan shows up to the press conference after all. There are smoochies and hugs and lots of rainbows in this scene.

Bert arrives at Paula’s house. Santa tells Bert she was planning on leaving Marrero with Jr. She tells Bert she has three tickets and that one of the three is for Bert, himself. Bert is kicking-his-heels-couch- jumping happy. The pair declare mutual love and rainbow. Suddenly a cloud named Santi barges in, ready to rain on their parade out of Marrero.

Barb argues with the doctor about going home. He relents as long as Barbara agrees to rest and use no makeup. Sure, promises Barb.

Willy follows Eliza to the hospital. Alicia, meanwhile, admits she is afraid to see the results. Doc unwraps the bandages. Willy barges past the nurse to see “the woman he loves”.


Here is the Friday recap .... I didn't have time to reread and check so sorry in advance for any boo-boos.

Thanks for catching us up with the swell recap, Mena. Yes, Santa's lip gloss seems to be the focal point of many a scene.

After Burt passed the polygraph by answering truthfully that he DID NOT kill Ulises, Pancho tried to ask him if he had stabbed Inés the night before. Burt pointed out that he was under no obligation to answer the question since the warrant only covered Ulises' death -- but he would answer anyway: NO. He DID NOT stab Inés.

Thanks for the fill- in. There were a few parts that I had to really zero in on to understand Bert.

What else did Fran and Bert say about Santi and his history? I am not sure I picked up on it all.

Thanks, Mena. I think Fran and Bert were just talking about the fact that Santi seems to have two sides, and the last time, he was driving his truck, all angry (we saw this flashback the other day), and crashed into a bike rider, killing him.

Of course, to me, that's not quite as bad as killing Ulises, killing Lazaro, and stabbing Ines :)

Thnxx Hombre ... I wonder how the accident matters in the entire psyche of Santi ... Still not clear to me.. Hmmmm..


thanks Mena, great recap!

the part about running over the bicycle guy that struck me, was that Santiago described it to Ines ?? as an accident, but Francisca's description made it sound intentional.

I would think if Santiago had helped Ulises escape, Humberto would be in worse trouble.

also with Hortensia's house, Humberto's wanting to buy it shows his good intentions, but it seems odd to me because Arturo now owns it and has Hortensia's money, so why not just put it into Felipe's name, or do nothing.

what is jumping out at me lately is how Humberto has been treating Santa all along, [basically making her nuts, causing her to do something that she regrets (killing George, she thinks), and then sharing her secret as confidants, (while never revealing his own evil actions), etc...], as an insight into his past relationship with his brother, Santiago.


Thanks Deb.. You made me wonder about a few things...

"I would think if Santiago had helped Ulises escape, Humberto would be in worse trouble."

- That is such a good point!

.. "Arturo now owns it and has Hortensia's money, so why not just put it into Felipe's name, or do nothing."

- Does Art own it? Did Hortensia say the only heir was to be Felipe, otherwise it goes to no one in the family? I thought that may be what was explained, but am not at all sure. That would be why Bert needs to buy it.

"what is jumping out at me lately is how Humberto has been treating Santa all along an insight into his past relationship with his brother, Santiago."

- I was wondering about the Bert storyline too. He definitely has had a love/hate relationship with Santa and has certainly not consistently acted out of her best interest.

About Humberto and Fran's conversation:

Bert says it's like the time, years ago, when dad kicked Santi out of the house because he refused to continue his studies, and then Santi was in such a rage that he went out and ran someone over with his car (and yes, it sounded like a deliberate act of aggression, not an accident).

About Hortensia's house:

A day or so back, we were told that Arturo would get the house, in accordance with the stipulations of his mother's will. ["If there is no grandchild, the house reverts to my son, blah blah blah…"]

Arturo wants to give the house to Felipe outright. Bert thinks he himself, as Felipe's biological father, should take on the financial responsibility for the house by paying Arturo for the house and then giving it to Felipe.

After a little discussion, Arturo accepts Bert's offer. He intends to continue having a relationship with the child and Bert has no objection to that.

Thanks NM for clearing that up. Is it me, or does Bert (Carlos) mumble just a bit?

De nada, Mena.

I think Bert talks very fast (which makes sense -- he IS a lawyer). And yeah, I think he mumbles sometimes.

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