Saturday, March 29, 2014

Lo que la Vida me Robo #98, 3/28/14: Unholy alliance?

Adolfo is put in a teensy bit of a difficult position here...


It turns out Ezequiel was bluffing with the whole Kill-Bitch-Maria-or-Else threat on Adolfo. The bullets in the gun were blanks. Maria is not amused. I think she'd be less amused if she actually died. But I digress. Ezequiel has this idea to take down Medina, so he needs Maria alive to witness against Medina when the time comes. Ez says that it's just a matter of time before that happens, as JL is already suspecting something. Ezequiel explains that he doesn't want to wait around for Medina to knock him off, he's going to get to Medina first! Adolfo is very contrite for pulling the trigger (which we know now had blanks) but Bitch Maria is not feeling forgiving. Ezequiel arranges for Bitch Maria to hide out with Esmeralda, who isn't too keen on hanging out with Maria. She assigns Maria maid duty for room and board. Maria feels this is "beneath" her. Esmeralda says well, leave then, and see how that works for you.

"Don't do it!" she begs him. Well, all things considered, maybe ...? She is such a pain in the neck, after all...

After the gun has proven itself to be full of blanks, Ezequiel, with a sadistic sense of humor, laughs at both Bitch Maria's and Adolfo's distress. He then tells them that they are in it with him—they both get to live, but they have to help him take down Pedro Medina! It's an offer neither are in a position to refuse.
Fabiola and Sandro (aka Hot Lawyer) meet with Pedro Medina, to tell what they know. Interesting meeting between various traitorous snakes....

Fabiola, she with the less than fabulous hats, and Hot Lawyer, aka Sandro, meet with Pedro. Pedro starts out by saying he had nothing to do with Joaquin's death. It was all Ale's fault. Methinks he protesteth too much. Anyway, Sandro and Fabiola tell Pedro about how Ale won't hand over Benjamin's will. They're hoping to rectify that. Also, Fabiola tells how she hid the "drug money" at Ale's request and how later it was burned. They have no evidence against Ale! Bummer! Fabiola also reports seeing JL help Ale, but she wasn't close enough to hear what they were talking about. Pedro is impactado to learn that JL was there when the drug money was destroyed.

Monse tells Rosario how bummed Ale is in prison, and how the Padre blames himself for losing Joaquin's letter (which would have exonerated Ale).

Medina goes straight over to JL's office to give him a chewing-out for "helping" Ale (by covering up the drug money evidence). JL is all calm and collected, saying he "only did his duty," denying any wrong-doing, and pointing out that the bottom line is, Ale IS innocent of drug trafficking, bottom line. Medina is all outraged. He'll see Robledo about this! JL is like, yeah, yeah, whatever.

"Talk to the hand" JL doesn't really seem all concerned about Medina's threats.

There's a scene where Ezequiel visits Esmeralda in "her" new strip joint (now that she's an owner) and talks her into taking in Bitch Maria and hiding her from Pedro. Esmeralda is not too happy about this, as she's scared of Evil Pedro and not too crazy about Bitch Maria either. But Ezequiel talks her into it in the end. Also we have a scene where Adolfo and Bitch Maria talk about what has just happened, and what were their options? If Adolfo hadn't "shot" Maria, he would have been shot. He wasn't given a choice. Running away wouldn't have really helped either, as they both would have been caught. Yadda yadda.

Ezequiel convinces Esmeralda to take in Maria. Now this should be interesting!

She with the less than fabulous hats is touching base with Hot Lawyer (Sandro). He hasn't had luck getting a copy of Benjamin's will, and Monse isn't going to help. They worry about trusting Medina with the info they had about Ale. But Medina said he wouldn't tell anyone where he got his info! Oh yeah, I'm sure it'll be fine to trust Medina . . .

Poor Ale and his vivid imagination: While rotting in prison, Ale has this "nightmare/daydream" where he's watching Monse smooch JL and laugh about how they pulled the wool over the Ale's eyes. In mid-smooch, Graciela interrupts. Instead of being outraged at seeing her daughter kiss another man...

... Gracie is all in favor. 'Cuz you know, JL is going to be in big money soon, and Monse needs to get on with her life! I just love the outraged/despairing expressions that Sebastian Rulli (Ale) is able to get on his face during this scene.

Poor Ale is full of indecision and doubt about whether Monse is still on his side or not. She is at home vowing to her kid that everything will be okay. Later, Ale has a dream/daydream about how JL and Monse are getting close again, if you know what I mean. Ale snaps out of his "dream" and vows to get out of prison.

Fabiola, she with the less-than-fabulous hats, recalls seeing Viktor open the safe and remembers the safe combination. Thus she is able to sneak in and open Ale's safe. A satisfied gleam is upon her face.

JL arrives at the meeting with Medina and Robledo. After some back and forth, he admits to being in on the whole burning-drug-money thing. Robledo immediately fires him. Medina smiles smugly. JL asks for some alone-time with Robledo. Medina doesn't care and goes, satisfied that things are going his way.

With Medina out of the room, JL tells Robledo a combination of the truth and not-so-much-truth. He has documentation which establishes Ale's innocence. He tells mostly the truth about the whole drug-deal setup thing being cooked up by Joaquin, but lies like a rug about the drug-money-bonfire. "It was all MY idea! Ale was all about turning in the money, but I wouldn't let him! Blame me!" And Robledo seems to go for it.

Robledo promises to keep this a secret until Angelica dies, because she doesn't know anything about it and JL would like to keep it that way. But Robledo says, my hands are tied, you committed a felony . . . JL understands. It was nice working for you, he says, all choked up, and he salutes one last time.

Dim is off to work. He gives Josefina a nice beso which leaves her all swoony. They talk about Adolfo, who is working for Medina for the MONEY, por supuesto. Aldofito is all about money, don't you know. He was the one that had the idea to scam you, dear Josefina. Not that it makes me less of a douchebag for going along with it, but I care about you now and I want to make that distinction . . . Josefina is still all swoony about the kiss. Gracie overhears all of this.

Dim is showing himself to be decent, and is loving towards Josefina. Graciela sees the writing on the wall and butters up Josefina, saying, "You are responsible for my son growing up! I was wrong about you! Please forgive my rudeness before." Of course Josefina is totally forgiving, but I am screaming, "DON'T TRUST HER!!!!1!"

During her chat with Graciela, it comes out that Dim would get really jealous of Adolfito's attentions directed towards Josefina. "Do you think Adolfo really cared about you?" Gracie asks. Josefina replies, "Nah! He stopped coming around as soon as my brother cut me off. All Adofito cares about is money!"

Medina has been convinced that Bitch Maria is dead and gives Adofito a big fat check as payment for the deed, which makes Adolfo to raise his eyebrows.

Adolfito seems bored with his meeting with Medina, until he sees how large his "payment" is for the offing of Bitch Maria (who is currently scrubbing Esmeralda's floor, I'm assuming). But still, Adolfo isn't completely comfortable with this whole evil Pedro situation.

And that is the END OF THE EPISODE!!!

AVANCES: It looks like JL is packing his stuff and is kicked out of the Navy. Some scenes insinuating that he's going to kiss Monse . . . but we know they're probably not. MUST SEE TV!!!!


Thank you Elvira! I missed this episode tonight and I wanted to know if I was right, I knew it was a fake out. Pedo is going down! After what BM did though, I couldn't care less if she got shot like the B***h she is! I'm glad EZ seems to be changing into a good guy but I don't know if it will be enough to redeem him and make him good enough for Lottie. If he hadn't shot that poor henchie I would be rooting for him but I think he'll have to do some jail time to atone like Salsa dude in AV. Just dropping in on ya'll, had to give my 2 cents :)

Morning! I'm just thinking that it's hard to see EZ as a good guy. What's all that fondling of the pre-fake-killed Maria? He maybe working to bring down Pedo, but he is def not good enough for Tia C.
Looking forward to reading the comments this weekend. Hating Fabbi and wondering how and when the wine will bring her down....

Knew that Maria wasn't meeting her maker but I agree that EZ will have to atone for the killing of the narco that tried to rape her. That guy might have had a mile-long rap sheet but we haven't been told that.

Fabiola stealing the wills is a very bad sign. I hope someone catches her and tosses her out on her skanky ass.

If this series runs another hundred capitulos they have to get Alejandro out of that jail toute suite.

I dont see EZ as a "good" guy at all,he is the same as Pedro,he is determined to take his prestige and power whatever it takes.They are either setting him up as a tragic hero or the next main male villian of the show..

Thanks Elvira! Looking forward to your whole recap, but you pretty well hit the high spots. And boy do I agree with you on Graceless--everything with her is for selfish purposes, so this is either an attempt to get Dim back under her claws, or she's using poor, trusting Fina for some purpose. After all, the girl does have a lot of money, she just needs to get it back to put Graceless back into her fine lifestyle. Hopefully Dim is smart enough to know if he sees this "change" in Graceless, he will know to tell Fina not to trust it.
I also wonder, that rose, could she use that to some end means?

The whole hiding Maria right in town--honestly? That's his plan? Medina use to frequent that joint, who's to say he won't again. What a stupid idea. And I'm guessing Adolfo will be the pawn stuck in the middle who will begin to resemble a ping pong ball being used between Pedo and Bazurko. Hope he enjoys that cash for awhile.


First off, Fabiola is losing her limited fashion cred with the choice of hat for her summer dress. It was way too heavy and masculine looking as well as the color being off. Montse could give her some pointers.

Maria's bad attitude returned so quickly after the fake execution. Esme never should have taken her in. All I see is trouble ahead in that arrangement.

Adolfo was pretty shaken up by the whole incident but now will he cave to Pedo given the chance for more $$$$$.

Fabiola had a photographic memory. Who would have thought ? Her in control of the wills is a very bad development.



I am so looking forward to your take on this epi!


About those wills. In real life, the one that Lic. Cerveras wrote and attested to, while Benny was on his death bed, would have been filed in probate court. Since this is in Telenovelalandia Ale would have both bills in his safe. Still the Lic. should have had the original and Ale the copy. As it stands now Ale is screwed big time once Fablush and Sandho get through with them.

That should have read wills not bills, lol.

The high point of last night for me was Esme informing Malria that she would be cleaning the bathrooms in return for her room and board and if she did not like the terms, she could leave. It was great seeing Esme in control of the situation. I think that the only thing that will halt MALria's signature snarl will be death...maybe not even that.
I am waiting for Fabulush's the Fashion Police.

It was fun to watch disgraceful Gracie trying her best to purr and charm Josefina. It must have been very painful for her to put on a smile and schmooze someone she feels is so ugly and below her. What is her plan for poor, gentle Josefina.

Gee, I thought there would rejoicing here on the Patio... Maria cleaning toilets for Esmeralda? Yikes!

Let's see, Pedro found out about the existence of Joaquín's note and that María possessed it because of the carelessness of Nadia and Victor. Now Fabs has the wills because of the carelessness of Victor. I'm glad Victor is Alejandro's friend... no telling how much damage he'd cause as an enemy.


Elvira...sorry... I forgot to say thanks for your recap.

Good one, Elvira.

I was also scratching my head over Maria being at Escondida. Hiding something in plain sight works for things, but people (insofar as we can call Maria human) is much more difficult.

Of course sending her to the next town would make EZ lose control altogether.

"Of course sending her to the next town would make EZ lose control altogether."

I think that's it. Maria is too much of a loose cannon. Anybody else would be scared out of their minds and if given a chance would get away from there as far as possible and never comeback but Maria has shown time and time again that she can't help herself. If he sent her away she'd try to sneak back and get her way somehow so at least this way, in theory, she stays hidden where he can keep tabs on her and away from mischief until he can use her.

Elvira - Thanks for the highlights, or lowlights.

Can't help but admire Graciela's tenacity -- sucking up to Fina, wow.

EZ likes lording power and making other people feel small, just like Pedro, but I love that he is taking Pedro on.

Hmmm, who will be the first person to discover Maria secretly scrubbing toilets at La Escondida?

Nicie--I'm more curious as to how the news is going to get out that Maria is DEAD or will she just go missing? EZ isn't going to say Dead, Doofusito isn't going to say dead.

Is it likely that Doofus comes out with--she went on a long trip? Ale and Monse aren't going to believe that, neither is JL, Nadia or Victor.

The writers are keeping me on the edge of my seat until Monday, or Tuesday, or Wednesday.

I think Maria is MIA is going to be on the back burner while the missing will documents get front and center.

Elvira--love the screen caps--can't wait for the recap.

Sort of ironic that BM is being hidden at "La Escondida" "The Hidden One".


Basurto is absolutely not turning into a good guy. He's using Carlota the way Pedro used Nadia - for credibility and social status. I wouldn't put it past him to marry Carlota and keep Maria on the side for his sick pleasure. Like Pedro, he'll give the appearance of deserving to become the honest, upstanding mayor by bringing down the criminally corrupt one and then sliding right into Pedro's shoes to do the same, if not worse.

Thanks for the highlights. Can't wait for the full recap.

ITA with those who said EZ is a bad guy. Even though I applaud and support his efforts to want to bring down Pedo, it doesn't change the fact that he is a corrupt police official and a murderer. If he killed that guy (the one Fofito was supposed to kill) so easily, then it's safe to say this isn't his first rodeo.

More comments later.

Back to work...hasta pronto!

Hi, Elvira:

Thanks for your highlights recap of last night's episode. I was in San Francisco for dinner last night with my kids and I missed the capitulo.

So, the Patio was right, and Maria is not dead but cleaning toilets at La Escondida. Oh, she'll never be spotted THERE. Hrumph.

I cannot see how EZ can be made into a hero. Several weeks ago he killed Maria's attacker with a quick gunshot to the head—we saw that! How does a stone killer turn into a hero? They rehabilitated Dimitrio after the 'accidental' shooting death of Bruno Gamboa, but EZ shooting that thug in the head was NOT an accident.

I guess at this point I should break out the box of fancy colored beanies. I will probably need them for the whole of the extension until ultimas semanas.

Elna June

EJ..I hope that you had a lovely time with your kids. I have never been to San Francisco, I am guessing that there are some great restaurants.

Do you think that Fabulush would wear one of your fancy, colorful beanies or do you think that she is strictly a fedora kind of gal ?

It seems to me that nobody who knows her would suspect Maria doing any type of cleaning anywhere. I am sure that as I clean my own toilets, I will smile thinking of Maria doing the same. Do you think that she will be tempted to swing on one of those poles just to try it out? Didn't she sneer and tell Esme that she was not a prostitute like Esme. Que ? I guess she is drawing a fine line because she doesn't charge.

Thanks for the recap Elvira. Glad the patio was right about Maria.

EZ is following in the footsteps of his boss Pedro, he's a cold-blooded killer who can manipulate naive women about his attention.

Carlos, thanks for your amusing and spot on comment about hapless Victor.

It would've been better if they hadn't shown the aftermath of Maria's "shooting" to us. I would've loved it if they had just shown Basurto telling Adolfo to keep his mouth shut about what went down and kept Maria hidden from Pedro AND viewerville until the time comes for her to pop up and testify against Pedro. With his acting skills, AA could've made us believe she had, in fact, been killed - even showing a fake "grave" and him (EZ) leaning against a tree while Adolfo is all grimy and sweaty, finishing up the "burial." Adolfo is a bundle of nerves anyway, so Pedro would've attributed it to his squeamishness and not to the fact that they dared betray him.

Uh, Elvira, I really think your mini-cap pretty much covers the episode. What more is there? Ale ruminating over Monse and JL over whether Monse still has feelings for him.

I agree, DON'T TRUST GRACIELA! The whole times she's purring at Fina I'm thinking that scorpion stinger of hers will come around and zing Fina. Has to, eventually.

Don't think EZ is redeemable. He's an opportunist, and an egomaniac, too. Wish it were different for Carlota's sake.

Anonymous at 9:23-I have often over the years thought of neat plot twists but I guess TN writers can't hear our thoughts because they just keep writing the same old plots.

EZ may take out Pedro, but that doesn't redeem him. He gets off on violence and if he were to succeed at the 75% mark (unlikely) he wouldn't be any better than Pedro because his violence would escalate for the same reason: Control.

He is unlikely to mistreat Carlota the way Pedro has treated Nadia (and I'd love for him to know that secret) but Carlota would be in huge trouble if she were to find out everything about him after having married him (which I hope she doesn't do).

Graceless can't be trusted. I realized a few minutes ago she is buttering up Josefina because she is realizing that she won't get any of Alejandro's money if Monserrat has anything to say about it.

Also, if Fabiola gets anywhere with her attempt to get her own greedy mitts on the Almonte inheritance it's a moot point, anyway.

I too don't understand why EZ brought BM to La Escondida either. Peddy has frequented the place quite often. But Esme did tell BM she would only work during the day when the place was closed. Still Peddy could come in at any time.

I too don't trust Graceless. She is buttering up Fina for something and it won't be good.

I wonder how much Peddy paid Addled cause his eyes just about popped out of his head. Addled does look torn up, porecito! I so don't want to see him kill someone for realz.


As long as Maria is careful enough,Peddy will not find her ,he doesnt even care about Esmeralda anymore unless she is an direct interferance.But Maria encountering Peddy again is inevitable..

It is some justice, however small, that Maria will be cleaning for Esmeralda. It puzzles me that she did no work when her father was alive; he didn't seem the sort to tolerate laziness in anyone.


When Gaspar was alive, BM did work cleaning some and with the horses. I do remember that from the very beginning. She was always wearing jeans and those about to slip off the shoulder blouses ; )


excuse me, but what evidence is there that María did no work while her father was alive? Gracie has mentioned that she remembers her as a criada. Certainly she had an attitude which alienated her from other hacienda workers. I recall her refusing to take orders from Dominga but I can't recall anyone specifically saying that she didn't work. She was, after all, the one who discovered the illicit cultivation.


I recall Maria grudgingly bringing Graceless coffee or a drink in the opening episode and she ate in the kitchen with her father and uncle. She also seemed to understand the paperwork aspect of her father's job, but that's a natural under the circumstances.

Discovering the illicit cultivation was later and wouldn't have required work; the discovery seemed to have been accidental when she was taking a walk or a ride.

The prominence of whatever work she might have done is overshadowed by her attitude.

Hi again.

Two things: first, didn't Graceless make a deal with Thomasto split up Dim and Fin? I think she's going to try to use the jealousy Fin told her about to drive them apart. She'll cash in and getrid of Fin (or try to at least) because she just can't stand the thought of Fin with her "be be."

Carlos, what makes you think she was working when she found the drug farm? My sense is that she stopped working the minute Ale invited her to live in the big house. I figured she found the drugs while on a pleasure ride....


Carlos, I sure do get a kick out of you trying to get us damas all riled up about Maria. It always brings a smile to my face. :))

Elvira, thank you for the recap!


Hi Becky,

I'm sorry I wasn't clear, I know she wasn't working per se when she made her discovery, but she wasn't just sitting around moping about her situation. I suspect that similarly situated, Montserrat would have been more concerned with looking after her nails. My point was that she is not lazy. Someone (specifically Macario or his designate) should have been paying more attention. That she discovered it at least indicates that she has initiative and curiosity, something which the the other women (and men) surrounding Alejandro are woefully lacking.


Becky, thanks for the reminder. Graceless did make a deal with Tomas to break up Dimitrio and Josefina. There was just no subsequent conversation between them to remind us.

Which shows that at least some of the writers can remember things they've started.

I was just about to post about Graceless' double standard regarding her children but we've already agreed that her objection to Josefina is really about her influence rather than her looks. She hates the idea of losing control over her "bebe" whom she has mostly infantilized because she now knows she no longer controls Monserrat.

This leads me to the crystallization of another conclusion: She cares for Dimitrio who has largely been immune to love until recently but despises Monserrat because she wants the romance-novel kind of love with her significant other, something that Graceless never had. Whether Graceless is driven by envy or contempt or both in her view of this I'm not completely sure.

The way she sarcastically refers to Monserrat as "princesa" or "princesita" suggests envy, hatred, and contempt. Like the Evil Queen in Snow White or Cinderella's stepmother.

When Pedro goes into La Escondida for a lap dance, how does he mask his shortcoming, as all of the working girls would surely talk about it?

With a roll of quarters or a jackknife, perhaps?


I think EZ is very literal and decided that The Hideaway was just the place to hide Maria away from Ped.....hence the name !

Pedro used to pay Esmeralda to just privately hang out with him and say nothing about his "no touching" requirement. She assumed that he was gay and trying to hide it, but no one ever got close enough to figure out his little (or no) problem.

Hiding Maria at La Escondida is a stupid move. Angie is part owner also, so even in her last days she may want to show up and catch up on the business with Esme and, of course, it will be JL who will take her there. What if he sees Maria there? He may inadvertently tell someone who will tell someone who will tell Pedro.

Thanks for fleshing out your recap with those marvelous screen shots, Elvira.
Love, "Maria is not amused. I think she'd be less amused if she actually died. But I digress." Yes, I thought Maria was strangely ungrateful for being alive.
I can't imagine that Pedro won't find out about this high treason the way everyone is flapping their lips. Carlota knows, Fina knows some of it, Esme knows. I hope they don't tell Monse-she'll blab to someone.
Macario-he is one of the worst a keeping secrets and has been the devils advocate.
I guess JL is taking the, "Tis a far, far better thing I do..." route.

Elvira, thank you for the fantastic recap and screen shots.


Thanks Elvira, Nice job. I was expecting the Talk to the Hand shot and caption and you didn't disappoint.

Maybe we'll get to see some lady-bonding between María and Esme.



Carlos, point taken. I still can't stand her, but Maria doesn't sit around eating Bon bons. Too much spiteful planning to take care of for that!

Elvira, thanks for your recap with screenshots.
Graci really knows how to suck up to people she despises, doesn't she? It's all about surviving for her. I hope Fina uses her good sense to detect the underlying phony-ness.


You forgot Ale didnt get Monstes letter because of Victor.

A great friend he has here

Kana, Victor had no clue at that point that Maria couldn't be trusted to leave that mail alone.

But it is also typical in novelas to not realize the presence of evil until it achieves a certain level.

Thanks, Elvira. "talk to the hand" made me laugh out loud. true about Victor..... despierta ! This guy is walking around in a fog and does not have Ale's back. Is he lovesick or what ?

As to the effect of media, I am quite sure that my view of the world and my place in it was shaped by the TV shows and movies that I watched and the music that I listened to which was all pretty positive and nonviolent. I listened to songs like "When I Fall in Love , It Will be Forever" and believed the lyrics. I worry about the kids listening to some of today's song lyrics and watching TV and movies that depict so much sex and violence. Their view of what is normal and accepted is very different from what kids saw and heard n the past. No matter what your own family is like, what you see presented in the media gives you an idea of what is normal and accepted in society. Yikes.

UA..Let's face it, in real life, evil often goes unnoticed for quite awhile. People can wear masks to disguise their true selves for a long time....unfortunately. I also think that people who are positive and good tend to see that in others and not suspect that someone would lie, cheat, steal, and harm others because they would never do those things. As the quote goes..the world is a mirror and what you see in it is reflected by what you are. If you are not evil, it is hard to recognize evil. When Gracie grins at gentle, trusting Josefina, I hope that Jo sees those cold, hard eyes instead of the big , toothy smile.

Thanks so much for fantastic recap, Elvira! The whole thing was hysterical and the recaps were the best. Love the ones with Adolfo and Maria and the JL talk to the hand one made me laught out loud on the subway! Thanks again-Julia R

So, this steamy, slimy story runs until August, is that correct? The evil jerks are winning left and right. JL is no longer in a position to help Alejandro. Montserrat is just as stupid as Nadia, etc, etc.

Yes. I know the good guys will eventually win, but is the TN recipe that the evil jerks are in control right up until the famous Ultimas Semanas?

Is this pretty much what we can expect?

Your screen shots were great, Elvira!!


Elvira - Thanks. Great photos and recap.

Fina has too much desire to please others for me and no defense mechanism. The hairs on the back of her neck should've stood up when that bully Gracie fawned over her. Sure hope Dim schools his wife.

Well we have the same recipe in Por Siempre Mi Amor.The bad guys are ruling the show and the good people get more stupid and stupid ,they all need some good IQ dosage..

Thanks, Demetrios. I figured that was the plan. Such a deal, eh?


Elvira- So sorry to be late to the party. Thanks so much for the recap and the fun screen caps. I didn't watch this epi, nor do I feel the need to. Glad to see that we were all right and Maria is still alive. But, in La Escondida?! Let's take bets on the first person to discover her hideaway.

Since I didn't see this, can someone explain to me why/how JL feels he can be of help to anyone if he is no longer in the navy and has no job at all? He and Angie are living on his salary. What's he going to tell her? Will he now finally accept her money? Why couldn't he just deny the burning of the money (where's the proof?) and be done with it?

Not happy about the way Adolfo reacted after receiving the big check. He seemed much too happy and I thought he might blurt out EZ's plan right there. Knowing how much he will receive, I almost wonder if Adolfo would be willing to kill now. He gave some indication of it.


Great comment about Adolfo. I thought I saw a greedy and EVIL glaze come over Adolfo's eyes when he got his check from Pedro.

Adolfo is such a lame brain that whether he tries to mess up Pedro or EZ his plans will probably fail and cause untold fallout.


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