Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Que Pobres tan Ricos #56, 25 Mar 2014. I am afraid, Emiliano, that you will only be able to have half-siblings... or is that a blessing?

Mini threats MA … plays the amazon girl script… he insists he only wants to get the proof she found against A-hole. MA gets it.. ‘you didn’t find anything, did you?’ Outside, A-hole points the gun at the house… the driver and Vilma keep trying to make him change his mind. Driver says his woman did the same to him, ‘peleselo!!’ (go for it, shoot him!)

At fonda kitchen, Lupe is cutting some poor small green pumpkins like she is killing bugs… Lupe swears to Carmelita that MA is two-faced. What did he do? He is playing with two women. One of them married. He said ‘I only care about being with you’ to her on phone. Carmelita can’t believe it. Lupe is mad at herself for having jumped into the wolf’s mouth. Carmelita says what if you are wrong and you are making the wrong conclusions? Maybe this all has an explanation and you will save your liver some pain if you listen to him. Lupe insists that MA is two-faced, he is meeting the woman at a field house (casa de campo). Noone will play with me again. Carmelita insists until you ask him and find out the whole story you are hurting yourself.

Isela and Chabela and Geno… tells them she will soon be grandma… They tell her A-hole was here the other day with tons of red roses looking for them. And he was a bit miffed when he did not find them. Isela keeps playing it cute, it was just a misunderstanding. Chavela is glad it was jus tthat. Confusions sometimes break up marriages. Isela says she wants to make a generous donation (on her son in law’s name) to the foundation. (Isela looks away a bit miffed, not sure what this is about)

At the casa de campo, Mini has taken off her coat and jumps on MA wearing just the nighty… then she dances a bit the seduction ‘tararadada!’ song to him… she has missed him so much… his hands are a bit rough… She starts kissing his neck, he begs her to control herself. She says she will make him feel fireworks… Mini keeps trying to get MA to remember their past moments of passion… MA only wants her to get off him… what is wrong with you?? … she is nothing short of raping him… he just begs … please! … please! (get off me!)

At the new room in attic, Leo has put a huge huge painting tha his dad bought, Leo asks his mom how it looks, she has never liked that painting, and it doesn’t look good here… Leo says he is only looking to add beauty to this smelly drain. Maca calls his cell… She suggests they advance the date of the wedding. Leo not thrilled with it, if we advance it we won’t be able to invite as many celebrities… he wants her to wait a bit… He would prefer to have a wedding like this.. (blows with his hand) super nice… than not. Leo hangs up with Maca, AS asks him if Maca wants to advance the wedding. Leo is desperate for his mom to give him some advise.

A-hole still ranting with his mouth about how many holes he will put on Mini and the guy… Vilma punches him silly to the floor… She asks him (he can’t even say where he is) to promise he won’t kill anyone.

AS tells Leo it is not such a bad idea to advance the wedding. (love Da Vinci’s sweater in AS’ arms)… Leo reminds her the house and all their properties are repossessed by the government. In the other side of the room, Mati finds a bottle of champagne and AS runs to grab it, then kisses it… Leo says we should save it for the wedding. AS says no, the most logical thing is to chill it and drink it (myself) (bebermela). She can’t wait to feel the champagne bubbles explode in her head…

Mini continues playing on top of MA… then stands up offended, you are rejecting ‘THIS’?? you are such a little man… you used to want me, you told me you could not live without me… Mini keeps saying she has info he can use.. but MA can’t believe her anymore… She tells MA A-hole is meeting with some guy named ‘Bambi’. MA opens his eyes wide… who is Bambi?? … Mini says ‘now you are interested, right?’

Back at Fonda, Carmelita now is arguing with AS, who wants to put the bottle of Champagne in the fridge of the Fonda. Carmelita says there is no room for it. AS says if you break it you will pay for it. Carmelita says you better leaving, this kitchen is not big enough for the three of us and we have to tend to our customers. AS insults them, would never hire them as waiters, not even as house help. Lupe says those that work for us do the best they can, and they are very good people. AS will wait for Carmelita at her ‘aposento’ (quarters).

Vilma tells a still confused A-hole some story fable. A-hole tries to give Driver Beto the gun to hold, but he won’t even touch it. Vilma tells A-hole that the devil holds the guns… A-hole says he has held guns since he was a kid, ever since he has never had an accident (until now, he just shot his gentle areas with the gun). Inside MA gets scared of hearing the shot… Mini says lets go to the bedroom to be safer…

A-hole is helped out of the yard by Beto and Vilma.

At the attic room, Carmelita tells AS that the fabric is not for clothing… but we will have to see what we can do… AS nags that the fabric is from Paris… Carmelita says it is not so easy to manage and cut… AS tells Carmelita she does not know how to sew. If you do it wrong, that is how I will pay you. Carmelita tells her she is hard to deal with as a customer. Again Don Chuy comes to vow for AS in front of Carmelita. AS insists she will pay for the job. Don CHuy again sides with AS, ‘al cliente lo que mande’ (give the client whatever they want)… Carmelita excuses herself… AS keeps downtalking Carmelita to Don CHuy who just smiles looking away.

Downstairs at restaurant, a client gets mad at Lupe, claiming she took his order wrong… he also claims ‘the client is always right’… Tizoc comes to defend Lupe… the guy stands up and faces Tizoc. Tizoc insists the guy must respect the women… Lupe has to stand between them and send Tizoc to the kitchen. Then she tells the guy she will serve him right away to get his mouth busy instead of talking nonsense.

Back to MA and Mini… she is STILL on top of him… Mini asks what MA was planning on paying her with for the info. MA says ‘thanks’? Mini says not enough… But eventually MA manages to get her off him. She says ‘I hope when I give you this, you will know how to thank me… Again she takes the coat off after giving him the USB. They are both in bed… she asks him to close the door… but he stays out… She gets angry when she realizes he tricked her…

Back at the fonda, the guy has finished eating, she keeps claiming he must respect… Tizoc comes out again to defend her… Lupe doesn’t need defender… she gives the guy a head bump right on his nose, he falls to floor and gets up a lot more willing to pay quietly…

AS has seen the whole scene from one of the holes in the stairs, and tells DaVinci that Lupe seems to need some lessons in manners. (DaVinci is so cute tonight, closing his eyes as AS kisses him)

Chilaquiles comes to visit, Carmelita smiles, Don Chuy is not so happy to see him there at this hour… He came to eat some… Carmelita says she had put aside some food for him, since at lunchtime he told her he would be back. Don Chuy leaves, telling Chilaquiles ‘I will leave Carmelita here in your hands’… Carmelita is not that happy to be left with him.

Outside the ‘casa de campo’, Mini reunites with MA… She wants to drive him wherever he is staying. MA refuses. He will take a taxi. Again he takes off and leaves her behind.

At the hospital/clinic, A-hole keeps treating Vilma like crap… doctor tells her they have to operate on A-hole immediately… tells her he will do everything he can to save her husband’s … (yeah that ‘thing’). She is impactada that the doctor referred to A-hole as ‘her husband’… ‘mi esposo??’

Back at Fonda, everyone is merging in the fonda dining room, they have set up a long long table. Leo and AS come down, Leo complains it smells like grease… Don Chuy says you got down right on time, the pozol is great. AS sits down with an attitude, Tizoc pulls out the little notebook again. Carmelita is leaving, MA comes in. He is glad to see them all together. Don CHuy asks Lupe to serve MA. Lupe refuses. She says the pozole is all gone. MA leaves to go upstairs.

Mini arrives home and is really mad. Her cell phone rings. She plays the wife who can’t wait to see her husband again. ‘ah, its you, Vilma. What do you want?’… Vilma tells her A-hole is at hospital. Mini is on her way. Isela arrives, asks if A-hole discovered her… Mini tells her A-hole got shot ‘there’. Isela will go with Mini to go see A-hole. Mini is in no hurry, she might take a shower, take a nap, eat something, all before going to see A-hole.

MA meets with Lupe in kitchen alone, questions her change of attitude.. what is up with you? … nothing. She calls him a liar… She confronts him ‘you have another woman!’

Frida and Tizoc in their favorite spot, the bathroom door… She is in no mood for him to mock her again. She says one day you are behaving cool, another day you are unbearable. Tizoc says ‘who understands women? If you are nice to them they get mad, if you treat them bad they get mad’. Frida asks if he found other guys to play with him. You have to find more folks. I have experience in organizing events. Tizoc says that would be nice, to tap into your social networks and your ‘hash-tags’. It would be ‘chido’.

Vilma calls Bambi. He is angry, A-hole stood him up. Vilma tells him A-hole had an accident. Bambi could care less. A-hole should have called to say he was not getting there. Vilma asks him to deal with her. Bambi says that is not possible, this deal is private and confidential. Tell A-hole this is the last ‘letdown’ he will accept from A-hole. Next time A-hole will regret it.

Back to Fonda kitchen. MA assures Lupe it is not what she is thinking. He begs her to give him a few minutes to explain. She reluctantly accepts.

Chilaquiles is walking Carmelita home… She says when he kissed the ‘guerita’ she did feel jealous. (seems they went to the movies, the bucket is almost empty). Here comes a guy selling ‘camotes’. (corn on the cob?) The cart makes such loud screeching noise that Carmelita goes in her house in a hurry.

Mini still at house putting lotion on legs… Isela nags at her ‘you almost ended up a widow and you don’t care one iota’. Mini says ‘the mourning colors would look good on me’. She only cares that MA did not give her the time of day. Don’t know what to do. Isela keeps nagging… as a good blonde you are so dumb (mensa!).

Lupe asks MA to go ahead and explain… Lupe had warned him that she does not want men to play with her, MA is waiting for her to let him speak… what are you talking about? What makes you think I have another woman? I am missing something… Lupe says your life is private, and you can do with it whatever. MA says he only has private life with HER… MA explains that that ‘woman’ is Mini, A-hole’s wife. Mini had offered her help to find evidence to prove his innocence… I no longer feel anything for Mini, I only have one woman who not only moves the floor on me, she moves the whole world for me, and that woman is you.

Isela tells Mini if MA rejected her, surely there is another woman taking her place. Mini threats… if there is another woman trying to take MA from me, I will kill her, because they have not seen the real Mini… the real Mini is violent… Isela downplays her.

Lupe says its not a good idea to trust that ‘guereja’ again. MA says he does not want A-hole to know MA is investigating the case… Lupe says you are trying to confuse me… MA says you are jealous… He gets real close to her… She complains she does not want him to get that close, he finally manages to plant a good smooch on her before she can escape… he smiles the way she left…

At hospital, A-hole slowly wakes up ‘is it you my love?’ (to Vilma! She blushes) … Doctor comes in, says we were able to save ‘Pepe and Tono’… (apparently he was able to save A-hole’s avocados… but the enchilada…) unfortunately, Don A-hole, you will never be able to have any children.


A-hole is talking to the police at hospital, accusing MA RP of the attempt on his life.



Thank you so much for this splendid recap!

I laughed at Mini trying to seduce MA with just about everything she had, lol. She is very aggressive who knew? At least she gave MA the USB, hopefully there is something on it for him to use.

Leave it to Ahole to shoot himself in the avocadoes, lol. And now he can't have anymore kids, Ruh, Roh!

Vilma really made me laugh with that punch to Ahole, she sure can hold her own, I must say.

I was glad that MA and Lupe cleared the air. She sure was murdering those squash. Carmelita is such a voice of reason.

So Maca wants to move the wedding up. I wonder what type of plan Leo and AS will hatch now. Leo was in a panic.

I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow with Ahole and his accusation.

Thanks for recapping this spicy episode.
I think camotes are sweet potatoes.

This was great! Surprising how funny I thought Ahole shooting himself was- - with Vilma and Beto dragging him off scene. And Lupe headbutting the rude customer! I usually frown on violent comedy...

Mini is in a much more compromised position than she realizes. I wonder how she's going to recover.

yes, sorry. i was thinking elotes. yes camotes are sweet potatoes. thanks.

Marta, your title says it all ! Thanks for the great recap.

Wow! The women were so physical last night with Minerva jumping on MA; Vilma punching Alejo; Lupita head-butting the customer; and Carmela bumping don Chuy after him supporting AS; Lupita poking MA in the head and going after him with her little slaps (she reminded me of a little kangaroo.)

Loved : Minerva's reverse strip performance with her providing her own music and performing as she put ON her coat.

AS with dreams of bursting champagne bubbles dancing in her head.

Vilma and Beto assisting and dragging Alejo after him shooting himself. Pretty stupid putting a gun down the front of his pants.

Carmelita flirting with Chilaquiles in front of don Chuy.

Vilma enjoying that the doctor mistaking her for Alejo's wife.

Minerva asking with anticipatory glee if Alejo was dead when Vilma called her and later saying how she wished she were a widow because she'd look good in mourning.

The fury of Minerva Fontanet "the goddess."

MA telling Lupita she was jealous.



Marta- Excellent recap.

Jarifa- You listed all my favorite moments as well. I was very pleased that these writers picked up on one of our standard pet peeves-- men sticking guns down the front of their pants in shows and movies. Hey, idiots, you might just shoot yourself in the family jewels! Alejo learned the very hard way.

Thanks for the recap, Marta. Very thorough coverage of an action-packed episode!

I had a feeling Ahole was going to shoot himself the way he was waving the gun carelessly, but was expecting something far more mundane - like a flesh wound to the thigh. But no, he really hit the jackpot.

Now he's going to have to be VERY nice to Mini - or SHE will dump HIM. (That is, if she knows exactly how badly he was wounded. Perhaps Ahole will be smart enough not to tell her. Or he be smart enough to listen to Vilma when she suggests not telling Mini.)

Thanks, Marta for the great recap.
Jarifa, I liked your list.

I shouldn't have found Alejo's shot so funny, but I did. He'll have to set up some therapy sessions with Pedro over on Robo--not that Pedro would be willing to participate.

Each character has his/her own little moments of comedy in each episode, creating a rich tapestry.

Loved seeing MA winning back Lupita.

I don't feel bad at all for laughing at Ahole's injury; but after the similar injury in PEAM, I'm wondering if it's necessary to launch an informational campaign warning male TN characters to be more careful with their, ahem, "gentle areas" as Marta so discreetly described them. :-)

I'm missing most of this show - can't stay awake! - but I'm thoroughly enjoying the recaps and comments. Thank you, thank you!

Thanks so much, Marta! I haven't seen this episode yet, but with your recap I'm not missing out on the fun. And by fun I mostly mean the most tragic (sniff! sob!) loss of Ahole's delicates. Though Minerva might argue they are about as useful now as they ever were! But your description of the event was funny and I especially cracked up when you called him "Don A-hole". I wonder if Vilma will quit trying to seduce him now, or keep on that path. He is going to be really furious now when he finds out Mine isn't really pregnant!

Glad Lupita let MA explain.

I'm still thinking about Macarena. She lives in a nice place - or at least has one nice room for making phone calls - but either she has no money at all, or she's the biggest cheapskate in the world. And we still can't tell whether she's calling from actual Spain, or someplace not far from La Nopalera.

It's easy enough to understand why she's in a hurry to get married; she's probably running out of wine. It's harder to understand why Leo isn't equally eager. Even if Maca's not his... "type"... he ought to be quite desperate to get out of the Menchaca house. You would think he'd be glad to sacrifice a "super nice" wedding for a bedroom that isn't full of relatives.

And why is Chuy still pressuring Carmelita to make AS a dress??

I don't like the way Chuy pressures Carmelita to do stuff for AS. Volunteering other people's effort is so rude! If he wants AS to be spoiled, he should do it himself!

I'm waiting for either Maca or Leo to crack and suggest to the other that eloping would be so cool and romantic. Right now Leo still thinks Maca will pay for the whole thing, so he wants the big celeb royal blowout. When he figures out that she expects him to pay, he might be more willing to do the quickie. I wonder if either of them will figure out before they get married that the other just doesn't have any money.

I think AS would try to bluff her way into putting on a huge wedding the same way she got the hotel stay and the shopping, but I doubt a lot of wedding vendors are going to cough up goods without a deposit, no matter what names she throws around.

AS has bounced enough checks by now that word may already have gotten out that she's a deadbeat. That could be her first anvilette.

I guess I'm eager for this plotline to pay off because I just need SOMETHING to pay off soon, and especially if it means that AS gets a pie in the face. (A humble pie!)

Thanks for the recap!
last night was a very funny episode. I did not feel bad at all for Alejo
shooting himself 'there'. It was funny how Vilma and Beto carried him away.
Now Minerva will have some explaining to do though if/when Alejo decides to confront her.
Also liked Carmelita telling AS that the fabric was too hard and wasn't good for dress making. What I didn't like is how AS is always insulting the 'lower class' and don Chuy just laughs everything off. He should stand up for Carmelita at least once in a while.


Chuy is so tolerant of AS's nonsense that I sometimes wonder if he knows something we don't.

Maybe he knows that she was born in a barn and raised by wolves and that her hifalutin' Romagnoli airs are nonsense.

If that's Chuy's secret, he should share it with the rest of us. It would be so much more fun that way.

Maybe he's keeping the secret to avoid embarrassing the wolves.

AS is all wallpaper and no bricks.

She claims art is her thing, but remember the hideous "art" she bought back before her world came crashing down? Her claims of taste are clearly baseless.

Marta thanks so much for this recap. I also love that the writers poked fun at themselves with this shooting. How many times on Robo and other tns do you see men do this? When the family jewels are so precious, it is clear these men know nothing about fire arms.

Julie and Julia, yes, even if Don Chuy is trying to cover for the wolves, he needs to stop volunteering Carmelita. I wonder if his attitude will change if he ever learns AS took the money?

Thanks Marta, great recap.

I really enjoyed last night's episode with the exception of Alejo's unfortunate mishap... ouch!

Minerva and Isela were both hilarious last night. I cracked up when Minnie announced that she was going to bathe and nap before going to the hospital. Wasn't that a striking outfit that she chose to wear to the hospital. Both Minnie and Doris (CI) have the best taste in clothes and look good in just about anything.

I simply can't dislike AS. She is so genuine in her sense of entitlement. She will have to kill someone (and even then it would depend on whom) before she loses my support. I just love how she blankly stares at MA when he's trying to get through to her. I loved it when Mati found the Champagne. AS was so delighted. It's the little things that mean so much.

How refreshing is this little mating dance between MA and Lupita? Love at first sight? Maybe... but let's get to know each other before jumping into bed.


I would think if Mini needs an out from her pregnancy she will suffer a "miscarriage" from the shock of A- hole's accident. He would be none the wider and she would not have to explain what happened to the baby.

I wonder how this will play out. Still LOVE Mini and Iselea.

OOOOPS, meant wiser, but perhaps wider as well.

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