Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos Tues 3.18, #52 ... Who needs chicken broth when you can have kisses, hugs and fireworks as treatment for high fever

Nepo/Diego… Diego about to get sick from his dad’s ‘breath aroma’. Again Diego leaves him alone and he listens to ‘que voy a hacer’… and keeps on drinking tequila.

That same night, at the fonda…

MA and Chuy admiring the finished work. MA thanks Chuy for the help. ‘acerquese a mi calor’ CHuy invites a hug. We have never got along that much but I know you are a good man. That is why I feel like giving you one good advice. All that bad vibe you have around you would end if you were willing to find a good woman to share your life with… the bad, the good, the hard and the mature (las malas, las buenas, las duras y las maduras)… when you fall in love you are willing to share in the good and the bad. In my good days the girls would follow me around everywhere. I did my best to fill the gigolo role. But one day my Marcelita came along. She changed my life… After that I did not want to take a step without her. I loved her lots until God decided to take her with him. And I love her still. MA asks Chuy how did you know she was the one? The heart will remind you every day. And her face will be in your head all day. You will feel happy when you are with her. And then you will realize you are helplessly in love. Chuy says good night… enjoy the cold… MA thanks him again… I don’t get it when you talk your slang… something about Guadalupe’s belly button… ah!

Morning, MA is fixing coffee in kitchen. Lupe comes down, she I surprised he got up so early. He says he did not go to sleep. MA asks her if she spent the night thinking of her fiancée. Lupe gives him the news she is not dating Nepo anymore. MA surprised, nada de nada de nada? (MA gestures/shrieks happily) MA asks her if she wants some coffee with a technique of chocolate? Lupe ends up accepting … then MA burns himself. Lupe puts egg on his hand and he asks why. MA says he would not mind if someone beat him up in the ring but he would do anything to hear her laugh. These two get along so well… I love it!

At Alejo’s house… they are enjoying the three-some breakfast… A-hole is headed to office. ‘adios, mamita suegra!’ ‘ byyyyyyeeee!!!’ Mini nags that he slurped her cheek. Isela says you can use disinfectant on your face. It kills 99.9% of the germs.From Paloma: Mini compared Ahole's slurpy kiss to a mollusk!

A-hole will drive the car himself today. A-hole tells driver to instead follow Mini around. Discreeetely. Driver is a bit confused.

At the Mercado, MA faints carrying the sack of limes.

Mini wondering what to wear to meet MA. Isela keeps mentioning women who have ended up badly or dead for trying to follow their hearts… Mini says she and MA will reminisce on their past…

Trofeo pours water on MA and wakes him up. Makes MA sit on a chair. Trofeo says MA looks yellowish. Trofeo sends him home. MA reluctantly leaves ‘don’t push me’…

Mini keeps modeling dresses for her mom… Isela still thinks it’s a bad idea… Mini says the usb key drive is her excuse to see MA… and will have MA eating out of her hand… Mini calls MA, MA asks if she could find something in A-hole’s laptop. Mini says yes got some things, we need to meet ASAP. They hang up. Mini says she plans to kidnap MA and take him to a place and… (tango)…

Carmelita is trying to talk to Lupe about how well it went for them business-wise. But Lupe has her mind away looking nowhere and Carmelita notices. She knows it is MA Lupe has in her mind. Lupe says I can’t risk another relationship. Carmelita says you can’t hide from men all your life, besides, MA is nothing like his cousin. Said MA comes downstairs. Lupe notices MA looks bad… He falls over her, Lupe notices he has a high fever and gets really worried.

AS wakes up, takes her eye cover off and says it is true! We are in the porca miseria!!... MAti nags at her. You have not admitted your current situation. Leo comes in, also nagging about the place.. Mati says they both do nothing but complain. AS tries to claim they were with the Condesa de Valladolid.

Lupe takes MA to the couch, Frida comes out. In between moments of consciousness, he says he is not that bad, then jolts and looks up and says he does feel pretty bad. Leo, AS and Mati come out… Leo says MA loves being the center of attention. Frida nags at him. AS leaves saying she will pray for MA. Lupe goes with Frida to get some ice to lower MA’s temperature. Mati is left alone with MA and gets alarmed at his high fever.

Nepo still saying his blues about his ‘chaparrita’. He remembers her small apple mouth… Diego comes to check on him and gets irritated Nepo is still glued to the ‘bottle’. Nepo keeps insisting Diego should be in training. Diego swears he has not missed the trainings. Diego says give it time, you will get over Lupita just like you got over my mom. Nepo says you’re right, maybe I have been drowning in a glass of water. Diego corrects ‘you mean a glass of tequila!’ Nepo can barely say a full sentence, he is so wasted.

Gwendy is teaching Perla how to color hair. from Mads: Guendy holding the ears of her client when Perla was asking about Nepo and then Deigo.Perla asks how close are you to Nepo? Gwendy says there is nothing but a very cute friendship between them. Perla wants to know how long Gwendy has known Diego. Gwendy says she has known DA since he was very little. He was not that shy as a kid, he always hung around the street playing. Nepo arrives. He is cleaned up and shaven… He wants to talk about what happened the other night.

Mini is leaving her house, Isela keeps following her, trying to make her change her plans. Mini uses the sure way to shut Isela up, she will give her a ride to a shopping center on her way out. The driver sees them leave and calls A-hole immediately. A-hole asks him to follow them and don’t lose track of my wife, otherwise you will regret it.

Frida and Mati are watching over MA. Mati is worried about his temperature. MA wakes up, asks what time it is. Mati thinks he wants to leave, what he wants is to make a call. He calls Saul to ask him a favor.

Gwendy nags at Nepo that he was about to spoil the beans in front of Perla. Nepo says never mind. He says nothing happened that night, he still wants to try for Lupita. Gwendy and him shake hands, they will keep their secret. Nada de nada happened! I can’t remember! Nada de nada happened! (seems she is not that happy that he wants to make it look like nothing happened between them).
Jarifa added:
Guendy telling Nepo that Lupita is her BFF and that she Guendy would become a nun first (Guendy?) rather than tell her about what happened last night which of course was nothing(!) as prompted by Nepo.

Lupe brought MA more tea… she suggests they take him to the hospital, he is not looking forward to the hours and hours wait at the public ER. Chuy says you should go, to make sure he won’t get worse. Anyway, Chuy will go for the son of a neighbor, ‘El tintas’ who is a ‘medico’.

Mini arrives at a restaurant, but it is Saul and not MA waiting for her. Saul explains to her MA sent him. He wants to see the evidence she got. Mini is irritated/angry at the ‘trick’. She refuses to give Saul anything. Mini and Saul get into a denigrating argument. Mini won’t give Saul anyting, she wants to deal directly with MA.

‘El Tintas’ arrives at the couch to examineMA. MA wakes up and gets scared as if he was facing Sasquatch. MA asks why he is in jail… Lupe explains to MA. Chuy asks him to calm down. Lupe apologizes to Tintas for MA’s reaction. MA pulls Lupe close and tells her he does not want this doctor to take care of him.

Driver keeps telling A-hole where Mini is but stays outside the restaurant. A-hole is yelling at the driver to keep Mini in his sights, wants him to go inside and find out what his wife is doing… A-hole keeps calling him ‘Animal’. Driver warns if he went in, Mini would see him. A-hole says then stay outside like a watchdog!

Back at Fonda living room, they are all caring for MA and waiting… suddenly he jolts up and yells as if someone was crushing his head. El tintas keeps explaining what MA has.. tells MA he has only a few hours to live… PSYCH!!! GOT YOU!! MA not very appreciative of this…
from Jarifa: At least he got his lollipop at the end after his shot and being teased.
Driver keeps telling A-hole she left the restaurant and Driver notices Saul is also leaving the restaurant. Driver wonders if the coffee or the Milanese and potatoes dish is THAT great in the restaurant. A-hole hangs up. Vilma urges him to calm down… If you want, we can schedule a meeting with Saul for tomorrow. Yes.

Looooooooooooooong commercial break…

Lupe talks to Perla, ‘orders’ her to loan the room to MA for the night.. Perla nags that when she becomes a famous model, Lupe won’t be able to nag at her so much… A while later, Lupe goes to the bedroom with some chicken broth in a tray but seems MA escaped on her like Mati escaped on Perla.

Isela is looking at some catalog. Isela thinks Mini is irritated because MA stood her up and sent Saul instead. A-hole gets home, Isela gets alarmed. ‘what did you do all morning, dear?’ Mini gives him a whole pot of B.S.excuses… that A-hole doesn’t quite buy but nods…

MA admiring the new room again… Lupe comes in, is irritated that MA escaped from the room and came up here on his own… MA claims he is better. Lupe touches his forehead… the fever has not broken. They get into their word games again…

MA: You take advantage of me, right? I am not well. I am hallucinating… (they get real close).

Lupe; those looks of yours make me nervous..

MA: what looks?

Lupe: Those… and that smile that you burst suddenly

MA: you are not that far behind… your looks make me nervous too.

Lupe: this chicken broth will make you feel better.

MA: I know something that will make me feel better… instantly.

Lupe: what is that?

(nice lovely long smooch).

A-hole is giving Isela a massage on shoulders, Isela looks afraid he will choke her to death… A-hole moves to Mini to do same… A-hole squeezes Mini’s neck as he says MA must be hiding in Italy planning to do something against me… Mini says don’t worry about that. A-hole says MA must be trying to defend himself from what they are accusing him here in Mex. Isela follows A-hole’s lead… they all will end up in jail. A-hole says it will be so… him and all his accomplices.

Back to fonda ‘new room’… Lupe does not pull away this time,

Lupe: And… now you feel better?

MA: Well, I will need another dose so the treatment won’t stop half way.

(another smooch… they keep talking about interrupted treatment and kissing again)

Lupe: feeling better?

MA: Better… (another hug and kiss) the temperature is coming down.. .you felt it?

(they hear fireworks… then they go to see them closer… )

MA: Must be a signal…

(another reason to smooch… she is enjoying it as much or even more than him… they continue kissing)

(and we leave it there in the cute kissy kissy treatment double overdose).

Lupe telling someone no one had kissed her like that, with so much passion…

VO: But there will be others who will not react so nice… (we see Mini and Nepo )

Mini continues telling Isela MA will be hers… at any price…


Thanks, Marta, for your enjoyable summary with smiles.
Mini compared Ahole's slurpy kiss to a mollusk! Laughed at him blowing a kiss to mamita-suegra!

No problem with MA and Lupita's kisses! Long and sweet, but not sloppy!

Also enjoyed Mati's lecture to AS and Leo. She has it all together, most of the time.


Thanks for this most marvelous recap. There were so many funny parts in this capitulo.

I really laugh anytime I see Ahole, he is such a cartoonish character, he reminds me so much of Snidely Whiplash! His little mis planes don't work very well, except for the fraud that is.

I wonder if this kissing with MA and Lupe was a hallucination of MA's? The fireworks threw me, but maybe it was due to Carnival? You know Fat Tuesday, the day before Lent starts. Those kisses were so sweet.

I had to laugh at Guendy holding the ears of her client when Perla was asking about Nepo and then Deigo. Also funny cause I think Perla heard the part about the hotel and Nepo, not what happened there but that they were at a hotel. Nepo and Guendy are so destined to be together, the holding of the hands too long, the looks and especially the DE NILE of what happened that night. They really are in DE Nile!

Ahole has many names for Mini, but tonights was so funny when he called her his porcelain doll too funny! She needs to start watching her back. I like how Mini continues to threaten her Mama Isela by telling her she'll send her back to her penthouse so she can't enjoy the bennies with Mini and Ahole.

I too think Mati is with it most of the time. I am glad she called AS and Leo on their whining. I can't wait for them to find out that maybe Maca is broke. That would serve them right!


Marta, thank you for the recap.

I also think doña Mati is with it more with it than not.

I really liked:

Don Chuy telling MA he needed the love of a good woman. I wonder what his reaction will be when he finds out that woman is Lupita.

Minerva cleaning and disinfecting her face after the slobbery kiss. Seems that she and Alejo are able to tolerate less and less of each other.

Doña Mati telling AS and Leonardo they should be grateful for what they have. Talking about doing something useful, doña Mati was crocheting.

Guendy telling Nepo that Lupita is her BFF and that she Guendy would become a nun first (Guendy?) rather than tell her about what happened last night which of course was nothing(!) as prompted by Nepo.

Don Chuy telling MA that he needed to be cared for at the hospital or he would need a cemetery but then going for El Tintas.

The whole house-call with El Tintas and MA's fear because the doctor didn't look as he expected.
At least he got his lollipop at the end after his shot and being teased.

The kisses and the fireworks.


Wow folks! thanks for all the funny details I missed! I usually concentrate on the dialogue and don't even get to look up at the tv when i recap real-time... so thanks for all the pointers when I rewatch tonight...
yes, Camil was at his best comedy last night with the doctor visit.

Thanks Marta, this is great. Your recaps really rock. I didn't quite finish watching last night's episode so you have me looking forward with great anticipation to meeting El Tintas.

I'm glad that the pilgrims (AS, Leo, and Da Vinci) have returned safely. Leo manages to keep me smiling. Last night his description of Maca's departure by tossing up an imaginary baseball and sending it aloft with a hearty swing of an imaginary bat.

I can't decide whose fashion I'm enjoying more, Minnie's stylish outfits or Güendy's more stylistic choices.


Marta- Gracias, amiga!

I watched this episode last night and I was glad I did. Loved those kisses between Lupita and MA. So sweet. Will he still try to fleece the Menchacas out of their money, even now that he's playing kissy face with Lupe? Shouldn't he at least tell her about the million dollar clause?

Loved Dr. Tintas, the hair, tattoos, and his sense of humor. He reminded me a bit of Dr. Armando from UFCS.

Not sure how often I'll be watching this show now, as I just have too many tns on my plate. Lado a Lado started last night (Carlos, are you watching?), and it looks like that will trump Por Siempre most nights.

Thanks for the recap! I'm getting a real kick out of Arturo Peniche in this show. At first I was annoyed by his character, because I never like the older guy (wow--the actor is two years younger than me) going after the young heroine with the approval of most of the onlookers. And I still wince when Nepo persists in pursuing Lupita.

But there are times when Peniche really shows his galan credentials--one scene a ways back when the potential chemistry between Nepo and Wendy was most evident (and as you watch, you're thinking to yourself, that's how a professional does it), and of course the mariachi singing. And he's also been doing a great job with the drunken scenes. (I hope that Jaime Camil is watching for tips on physical comedy should really be done.)

Thank you, Marta! Your recap is like strong chicken broth to cure a dull morning.

Now that MA and Lupita are openly into each other, I hope he'll give up the million dollar scam.

I thought that Leo's "she's gone" baseball joke was about Mati. She was trying to talk sense into him and AS and tell them to be grateful for what they have and that lots of people are worse off, which clearly means granny is LOCA!

Mati was also scoffing at the idea that Maca is the countess of Valladolid. Mati got around with the social set back in the day...is it possible she knows something about this that Leo doesn't know?


Marta, thanks again for one of your wonderfully thorough recaps written with so much fun.

I didn't hear a name (but I miss a lot) but I actually wondered if Mini's mom was doing a product placement advert for dininfectant!

I enjoy DaVinci's fashion choices the most.

I don't think it has been brought up, but you would think Lupita would feel at least a little bad about kissing a guy she knows her girlfriend Guendy likes and wants.


I think since My Name Mike has made it clear he has no interest in Guendy, he's fair game. It would be dicier if MA and Guendy had actually dated, or if had been leading her to believe they might, but I don't think you get to call dibs on anyone and none of your friends can consider dating that person.

I do wonder if MA and Lupita will let everyone know they're schnoozling, or try to keep it a secret from their families. I think a few of the Menchacas might go a little ballistic.

Anyone else notice that Perla's room had nicer furniture than the rest of the house? A matching set, even. She's a bit of a princess.

I'm excited to see how the new room looks when it's done. I hope they will make it homey and comfortable with some of those furnishings. Of course, AS will be horrified at her fancy stuff being used in a (everyone say it with me) porca miseeeeria!

LOL Julia!!! good post!!
I agree on your take on Lupe/Gwendy/MA triangle. If MA has shown no interest or dated Gwendy in the past, you can't take something away from someone if they never had it in the first place.

I don't think Guendy should be able to call "dibs" on MA, but I don't think your close (supposedly) girlfriend should go out with him, after him, whatever without at least talking to her first.


Well, I got to meet El Tintas. Not exactly your typical physician. What a cute scene.

Julia, I watched that scene with Leo over again and of course you are right, he was referring to Mati as gone. I wasn't paying close attention last night.

Vivi, I don't get the channel that Lado a Lado which seems strange since I thought that I get most of the Spanish channels.


Thanks, Marta. These characters sure do love to talk. I don't know how you keep up with them. I wish they'd slow down.

I'm very skeptical about all the kissing and fireworks last night. He was very, very sick and I doubt that the fever would have broken that fast. More likely he's just having very vivid dreams, yes? He will wake up confused, and Lupe will wonder why he's staring all googly-eyed at her.

But IF it was real, then in Lupe's defense, she wasn't exactly going after him except to make sure he hadn't fallen unconscious and hit his head again. Then he kissed her - and once you start, you can't stop. It's like eating Fritos.

But still, I kinda doubt it really happened that easily.

I loved El Tintas!

I hadn't thought of it, but since Julia mentioned it... I bet Mati knows plenty about the real Valladolids. That is, maybe there was some big gossip many decades ago when/if they lost their fortune. Or maybe they were disgraced, or who knows what. So, at best, even if Mac is who she says she is, she's not what Leo and AS think. (And regardless of what they think, she's obviously a bum!)

Or maybe the Valladolids died off years ago, and that's why Mati is so amused by this talk.

I'm not sure there really is a count or countess of Valladolid currently, but I have no idea what is true in the universe of the show. If they were going to have a character be royal it makes sense to make up a title that doesn't belong to some real person.

Anyone think maybe Maca has granted herself the title of Condesa of Valladolid, Mexico? Not to mention, if her parents were living and held the conde/condesa titles, that wouldn't actually make her a countess, would it? She'd either be given another title of her own or she'd just be the daughter of the count and countess. And she makes too big a deal of her supposed title for someone who really is a countess.

Regardless, I hope we see her again soon!

I hope the kissing doesn't turn out to be a fever hallucination. It's time for a little progress. I think he was lying about the fever coming down. I wonder if Lupita will get his illness and then they will have to convalesce together. Maybe Doc Tintas will give her a lollipop, too! He was funny.

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