Monday, March 03, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: LA IMPOSTORA, week of March 3, 2014

Here's your page for the week!  Enjoy!

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On PSMA: Feo is pulling the Nixonian charm on Aranza again.


Almost did the coffee spray-spit when Chris said to Catalina "oh, so you are playing the victim now? How about you and Ramon?" He was saying the incident was no reason to call off the wedding. Right.

And so then Tita tells Ramon and Karina about the two bodies in the charred wreckage...then the cops come to talk to Adriano about the Padre...just then I was called away from the TV and missed the entire second half. Hope someone can fill in the blanks!

J in Oregon


Ugh. I haven't watched in two weeks. I'm going to try to watch today. None of the Televisa shows are floating my boat right now (and I'm recapping one of them!) and I think I'm having withdrawals.

Julieta Grajales is earning her pay as an actress. Wow, her facial expression as she walked down the hall you could see the sick hurt, knowing what she would discover but kept going. Also as she was weeping in the fetal position by the door. I'm now a fan.

Chris - you poor mistreated....dumb prick

Mariana - Merry Christmas

Karina - just shut up and oh your plan B may be in jeopardy

Ramon - fickle finger of fate? Cat would never cheat, is smart and prettier

Jorge - Sherlock? Not

Ed - made a fool of by nothing more than an escort

Adriano - easy to fool Ed all the time but now he'll never sleep

Vicki - vaporware

Governor - So What


Laughed at the skank throwing shade Ramon's way when he was comforting Cat. Wonder how it feels to have the shoe on the other foot. I like the Cat Ramon combo and think the skank who can't make up her mind should be alone running the fonda with gossipy Tita once Rafa is offed or sent to the carcel for complicity in the dual murders.

Victoria who usually thinks fast on her feet dropped the ball telling Ed that there was a problem with her credit cards. In any event the waiter should never have said anything about who was paying for the room. Liked Adriano's answer much more, I'm in love with her but there is nothing going on. We know he is no such thing but Ed is a tad smug and needed to be taken down a peg.

I am seriously concerned about the chip. Mariana has the phone and will probably not give it back to Sofia. Sofia is concerned that she made a promise and it is a secret mission with her and the boys. Hugo has Snoopy's blabbermouth tendencies and tells Victoria there is chip that shows that Raqhell is a mala mujer. I think Snoopy overheard that and will run to Rafa thus putting everyone in danger all over again. Jorge also heard Hugo.

What planet is Leo living on? He tells Jorge all the stuff about his mother is just rumors. Jorge is much more suspicious than Ed who is in denial and Chris who won't believe anything until Raq goes to prison for murder.

Raqhell isn't as smart as she thinks. She smugly told Adriano there were hospital videos of him visiting Memo but apparently it never occurred to her that there were also pictures of her. Loved the look on her face when the governor told her she killed Memo and showed her the picture.

Mariana wins the battle but loses the war when Chris begs her to run off and marry him and he will quit the business. As if Raq will ever let that happen. Oh an now we have another impostor that fake name Chris gave Mariana when talking to his mother. Can't for the life of me remember what it was.

J in Oregon,

I don't recall when in the episode the police came to talk to Adriano, so perhaps some of what I'm about to say happened before that and thus isn't all that helpful. Anyway, among the things that happened in the second half:
Eduardo shows up unexpected at Victoria's apartment. They wind up making love. I like Sebastien Zurita, but Lisette Moreles leaves me cold, and so the lovemaking scene didn't do much for me.

Shortly after the lovemaking, while Victoria is in the shower, a guy from room service (?) shows up with food for Adriano. When Eduardo expresses surprise, he's told that this is Adriano's apartment. He's furious that Adriano is paying for Victoria's apartment, and when she's not able to explain this seemingly compromising arrangement to his satisfaction, Eduardo storms out.

Cristobal, meanwhile, proposes to Mariana. He says they should get married secretly and that he'll leave the family business. This is not exactly what Mariana is hoping for.

Hugo tells Blanca about Tuerco's chip. Blanca/Victoria heads off to Raquel's to get the chip from Sofia.

The episode ends with Raquel visiting Clemente (her lawyer?). He had originally told her that there was evidence implicating Adriano in Memo's death. But now he tells her that he's learned that Memo died from a poison that is slow-acting, and so therefore Adriano did not cause Memo's death: she did! I think Clemente just signed his death sentence.

I hope some of this helps you fill in the part that you missed.

J in Oregon

Clemente is not Raqhell's lawyer , he is the governor and Diego and Catalina's father. Raqhell's new lawyer is none other that Fernanda/

Thanks so much Juanita and Decie! (I should not have answered the phone during the commercial...

So the Governor knows that Raqhell poisoned Memo from the security tape? Woo-hoo! That's gonna be awkward.

I loved seeing the flashback of Mariana and Eduardo as newlyweds, making out on the beach....she is saying "won't it be fun to be married, no kids, just having fun all the time". (Eddie, she told you what to expect, were you surprised?)

J in Oregon


I ignore the phone when it rings during this show. There is so much info coming at us that if you turn away for a couple of minutes you miss key stuff and it isn't as if they repeat things over and over and over like most TN's do. The pace of this one moves so fast I fear i'll be spoiled for novelas in the future. As it is I'm having trouble with Pobres which while cute and funny is inordinately slow.

So I'm 3/5 of the way through and not completely lost. I may pick it back up again for the pacing alone.



There is never a dull moment. if you need any fill in just post and one of us die hards is sure to have an answer.

Thanks, Decie Girl, for correcting my misidentification of Clemente.

Thanks Decie! I'll be sure to ask if I feel like I'm missing something.

You guys are great and your help always much appreciated! Sometimes it takes many pairs of eyes to catch what is going on.
J in Oregon

I'm continually amazed at one trait that a number of the characters in this telenovela share: if someone knocks on the door or rings the doorbell, they'll open the door without trying to find out who's there. Given what complicated lives Mariana, Blanca/Victoria, Rafa, and others lead, I'm surprised that they're so cavalier about opening the door.

Quick question: is the Valentina/baby plot resolved? Or are we still in the dark about who it is?

Sara, the only thing we know is that Vals child is a boy. She is back in the sanatorium and haven't seen her nor has she even been mentioned by anyone.

Well we got to see the ugly green handbag used for it's intended purpose; a door stop

Ed - fighting a straw man

Vicki - awe come on take one for the team

Adriano - what do you expect? Blanca lies to everyone

Simona - will never forget your first

Mariana - add tough negotiator to your resume

Clemente - spineless

Cat - chattel

Karina - you're Jorge's sign from God

Rafa - who's side you on anyway

OMG it looks like Victoria is shopping at Tacky R Us again. The Christmas tree combo accessorized with the cheap mint green plastic bag and black pumps yuck. OK you can wear pumps with pants but why not while ones or sandals especially in Acpulco. SMH

Obviously for Mariana one Altamira is as good as another for her. And I wonder what lovesick stupid Chris will think if she immediately moves on to his bro. I think those flashback are supposed to tell us that she really loves Eduardo and if you believe that I have a bridge to sell you.

I continue to remain puzzled about where Rafa really stands but I don't care since he participated in the Padre's murder. He really is living on the edge.

Somehow I doubt that Mariana will turn over the phone once Victoria breaks it off with Eduardo. I was however surprised that she turned down three million for it. I guess her fear of Richie is stronger than her desire for money.

Now that Raqhell knows that Chris dumped Cat for Mariana, not the mysterious Marcella all hell is going to break lose on that front.

I do wish we would see more of Valentina and how she is doing. I had a thought the other day that Leo and Socorro might be the ones who rescue her and bring her back to Adriano and their son. Sooner or later that doddering old fool has to wake up to what Raqhell really is, just as it seems Jorge is doing.

Decie first thing popped in my mind was Christmas tree too.

Guess Chris will now need to put the full court press on to get Cat to marry him if Vicki sends Ed packing.

I'm betting Karina and Jorge get it on again pretty soon (if they can get Somina out of the way) and hopefully Ramon won't be so forgiving after a second humiliation.

Still not fond of Jorge however at least the blinders are off and he is allowing for the possibility mama has no soul. Going to the old slobbering fool Leo ain't helping and hopefully he'll end up homeless, toothless and picking up cans on the beach.

I thought it sweet Cat came to Ramon and openly talked about Chris cheating on her however she is hung up on the piece of crap and Ramon way below her socially to be considered a beau.

It's horrible Raquel blatantly tells Cat that all men cheat, it is to be expected, means nothing and live with it. Just swap her for a couple favors like it was the 18th century.

Rafa has been able to ride this much farther than I expected and always makes decisions and alliances in his best interest. He has yet to rat out Blanca but if that was his last card he'll play that one too.

Well for that matter our fashionista Vicki does the same and she wins my Turd award of the day for going to see Sofia only for the memory card and quickly excused herself when it was known to be with Mariana.


I too was surprised about Vic's visit to Sofia and rapid exit. I could only chalk it up to her bing uneasy after her last time with the little girl who was so snotty about her father and his novia and how she wanted to be with her mother. As oddly as Vic has acted with Sofia the little girl acts oddly as well loving her BFF one day and then drop dead beyoch the next. Sofia does seem upset about her mother not forking over the phone of fate.

Rafa is a true survivor but he is playing a dangerous game with Raqhell. She doesn't take betrayal well. He really can't afford to out Blanca since he gave Raq the picture of FB in the first place and then told her the girl was gone. He'd be cutting his own throat if he later told her who Victoria is. He is checkmated on that one. His bigger problem is Ritchie and I suspect Rafa will not be on the scene ay the time we reach the end.

totally forgot about the checkmate and the FB

Wonder how much longer Richie will be patient with Mariana she better get moving and doesn't look like a girl in a hurry nor frustrates easily. With all her machinations it puzzles me she doesn't just take 3mm and disappear unless she likes the game and really scared of Richie's boss and her former lover. I think if she put her mind to it she could kick Raquel's butt.


Back a way Richie gave her one month to get into the Altamira house. It seemed to me that she said something about two weeks either to Rafa or when she was trying hustle Chris to the altar. I certainly hope Eduardo the soon to be dumpee has more sense than to go for the revenge marriage - so popular in TN land.

Turd of the Week Award! We must have one. Except that we are more likely to have a Turd of the Night every night.

Rafa is aware of the thin line he's walking on. Thus why he is so desperate to be the one to identify the carbonized body of the passenger with Padre. Seems to me dental records would be more appropriate in this case. If he does get his wish, it'll be the second time Blanca dies in the barrio without dying.

I felt a little sorry for the folks who were trying to reach Blanca last night while she's having her heart-to-cold hearted Adriano over falling in love with Eddie. I guess it was only Domingo she shared that with earlier.

Raq twice reminded Clemente that it was her money made him what he is today and he owes her. Another poor chap, wonder what he'll do, change the autopsy report to show a fast acting poison rather than a slow acting one so Addie can be blamed. Decisions, decisions.

Wasn't it to Victoria that Mariana gave the two week deadline to get rid of Eduardo? Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but if Richie is coming back in two weeks, she should only have given Victoria one week, cause she would need at least a week to recapture Eddie (in her dreams).

I also thought it was abrupt for Vick to up and leave Sofie when she found out Mariana had the phone chip. They were beginning to get along better. But partly was her promising to go to Mariana and get the chip back.

ITA on Vick's latest stage attire. The problem is that she doesn't have a very ladylike gait to her walk. Last night, she looked as though she was charging ahead, even when she and Eddie had their arms around each other.

Someena is soooo old school novella torpe, drugging a guy to make him think he had sex with her. You'd think Jorge would be savvy enough not to fall for that one. I thought he had until he looked around at her disappearing self and said, It was your First? DumbA$$.

After last night's episode, my advice to Eduardo is--

Congratulations on Victoria dumping you, even if her eyes told you she was lying about not being in love with you (and one day after some hot $ex).

I don't think you'll like the real Blanca much better (although I like her without that inch of contrasting lipstick). She only goes back to the barrio for 10 min. every few days to put out chismes. And, she's not a businesswoman.

Ah, and don't get sucked in by Mariana. That little bit of blood on her chin was just for show for us. She's still a manipulator and the couple of tears she shed for us because she's facing death at Richie (or boss man's) hands isn't enough to make her a good partner and mother. (Personally, I loved Rafa calling her out on her acting skills.)

Instead, take a closer look at Catalina. You two would make a good pair. And Daddy ain't too bad himself (for me, that is).

So Raquel has a heart after all. She let Rafa live, at least for now. I could have sworn she threatened him with permanent disappearance if he betrayed her. He did, big time.

Raq and Addie are playing each other like first and second violins. Enjoyed their get-togethers very much.

Last, but not least--

What *was* that b&w dress they put Victoria in? Don't they recognize that her ample bosom doesn't need to be pushed out on display in quite such an unappealing way?


Ed - "So blame it on your lying, cheating, cold deadbeating, two-timing, double dealing. Mean mistreating, loving heart".

Mariana - thanks a lot Raquel, didn't want the kid

Rafa - lucky you, fired but not terminated

Raquel - horsetrader

Adriano - just fire them all and start over

Tita - hear there is a new bar/restaurant opening that may need a manager and Rafa can bus tables

Clemente - redeemable but risky to support your child

Cat - at least someone has boundaries you do not cross

Richie - thanks she needed that

Karina - I know what you're doing and in the church no less

Vicki - It's Only Make Believe


My nominations for a couple awards after last night

Turd of the Day - Blanca wins back to back for her missed bonding moment with her brother, focusing instead on that damn memory card

Scruples of the Day - This was close but my nod goes to Cat whom not only called the wedding off but was self aware enough to leave her employ. Shout out to Ed for opening his own business to support himself

Anita, I agree with what you've said about Catalina. She'd make an excellent wife for Eduardo, but it seems clear that Blanca and he will be united at the end. Of course, after the switcheroo that was pulled in "Santa Diabla," I can no longer assume that Telemundo plays by the stereotypical telenovela rules, but the passion between Blanca/Victoria and Eduardo has been strong and reciprocal from the start.

I just hope that Catalina has enough sense not to marry Cristobal.


Telemundo does break the rules which makes watching their TN's fun because there is always a chance something off the wall will happen and they do tend to move faster than Televisa.

The one scene I'm dying to see now is the little dinner between Chris and Ed when little bro tells Ed i'm going to marry your ex. Yeah in your dreams. Feel no pity for Chris but he is going to get hit with the karma anvil immediately and now Cat has told him to hit the road. He now has no future wife, no lover and no job. Oh and mommy thinks, correctly, that he is an idiot.

I hope that Cat keeps on remembering that betrayal and doesn't let the worm sneak back into her life. In any event i'm pretty sure that Diego and Daddy will make sure that doesn't happen. Looks like Chris is going to have to suck it up and head for the barrio where there is one skank and one wannabe just waiting.

Poor Victoria dressed in something that made her look like a busty whale and carrying that black suitcase yet again.

Adriano was cold hearted when he told her Ed didn't love her, he loves someone who doesn't exist and he would never have looked at Blanca from the Barrio. We can't be really sure of that since he was attracted to her as herself at the New Years event. I don't think he enjoyed doing it but it had to be done.

Rafa now can be a problem for Blanca if he thinks revealing her secret would get him back in Raqhell's good graces and I wouldn't put it passed him.

If I were Marina I would duplicate the info on the chip as a back up cause I don't think she will be long for this world once Raq gets her hands on it. I really do wish someone else would get their hands on the damn phone and make a switch.

Gee that marina or whatever the hell it is is not only doing poorly from a business standpoint but Raq can't seem to keep the help. Chris and Eduardo quit, Rafa got fired, Cat quit, Puerto is swimming with the fishes, Memo's gone to his heavenly home — it's just Raq, the thug and Fernanda.

If I were Raq I'd have my minions watching whoever goes in and out of the Guerrero house in an effort to see what Blanca looks like. For a while I though she would just go to the house and look for pictures but I think even Jorge now knows there is a problem and will keep them hidden.

So Ed is now going into the restaurant business, the most failure ridden business you can get into. A 95 percent fail rate in the first year. SMH

Decie Girl,

But do failure rates really apply in TN land? Not often I find, lol. Also you're right I can't speak too much for her daddy because he's busy handling Raquel but there's no way in hell Diego's just gonna let Chris waltz back in with Cat's good graces. Not unless Chris goes behind his back like the slimy snake he is.

Cassandra G.


Even at the NY eve party Blanca was in a mask and crashed the party so Ed may never have met her nor given her the time of day in the barrio. Blanca has nothing more to offer except what Karina and Somina (faux roll) haven't given to his brother.

Wish I had a nickle for the restaurants that have come and gone in the resort town I live, most never make it through off season. Ed, according to mom, is one of Mexico's finest business minds so luck to him.

Guess the shipping company near bankruptcy needed a reduction in its workforce in an attempt to hold the bankers off for this extended negotiating period. Raquel could now sublet the condo too with Rafa moving out.


I'm now more convinced than ever that Eduardo is the missing son. He hates Adriano first because he knows the other man despises the Altamira's and now because of what he falsely believes is true about the man and Victoria. Any good story worth its salt will have that revelation come out of nowhere and throw his careful little life into complete chaos. Finding out his mother isn't and what a witch she is should really make for some interesting interpersonal relationships. Eduardo totally has the wrong end of the stick on everything.

It would be almost anti climatic if the son turned out to be Ramon. I've also considered that the babies might have been switched and Ramon is actually Jorge and Chris' brother.

Decie--Unless there are some additional males who haven't come on the scene yet, we are stuck with the ones we've already seen. All this to say, I think Eduardo is also the missing son. Too bad we don't know more about Raquel's early married life.

I love the idea of switched babies, though. That makes it possible for Raquel not to know she has Valentina's baby.

OTOH, we've heard her and Leo talk about taking the newborn away from Val and telling her it was dead. Unless someone tells us otherwise, it is unlikely that Raq was pregnant at the same time and delivering at the same time as Val.

It's still a mystery, if he is the missing son, why Raquel would have kept him (he's the eldest child). She's not the maternal type. How would she have explained his presence to her late husband and the household help.

Wardrobe Malfunction: Victoria's black and white dress was like "Shamu meets fetish bargain basement", ugh.

Sounded like Raqhell last night instructed Massage Killer to take care of Mariana and "hang her up beside Rafael". But I may have misheard.

Clemente ended up supporting his daughter even at the risk of Raqhell's threatened blackmail, yay! Also Raqhell alluded to an affair Clemente had while his wife (QEPD) was still alive, are we to think that affair was with her?

It seemed a bit icky to have Adriano, a father figure to Blanca, come out in his little bathrobe and pretend to be her lover.

But I did enjoy the flirtation between Adriano and Raqhell. I'm pretty sure that every time Adriano flashed her that big smile, my undies were melting...

J in Oregon

J in Oregon

That flirt scene between Adriano and Raq was fun to watch because she so wasn't buying it although years ago she sure would have. And you could almost see him grinding his teeth to keep it up. It is always fun to see some real professionals work because they know how to underplay scenes like that.

I wasn't too bothered with the Blanca and Adriano in bathrobes. It was the easiest way to get the message through to Eduardo without them having to do anything physical which would have been creepy. I always laugh when I see people parading around in those big fluffy robes — they are so absolutely sexless.

Raqhell with her unsubtle blackmail attempt on Clemente is what always trips her up. She doesn't know how to use the cards she has and just bulls ahead.

JnO "Shamu meets fetish bargain basement"
Oh, that must be the new spring fashion. LOL

J in OR--
I thought it was the real Blanca that Raq wanted
Massage Killer to "hang her up beside Rafael." I deleted the episode already, so I can't check. Whoever of the two it was, I wasn't particularly worried. If it *was* Mariana, though, why spend the bucks to hire Fernanda to get custody away from Ed and to Mariana if she wants her out of the way--why not just get that done without all the folderol.

Raquel needs the "cheep" with the video from Mariana before she offs her. Her plan of action will only serve to hurt Eddie to the point that he will never forgive his mother.

Clemente supporting his daughter in her decision not to go ahead with the wedding, risking Raquel's blackmail isn't the end of it. What she really wants from him is to change the results of the autopsy report on Memo. We don't know yet what he's decided to do, but I'm hoping he doesn't change it.


You are correct Raqhell wants Blanca hung up with Rafa but we all know that for the moment Rafa is safely back in the barrio. If thug comes after him he might just give up Blanca.

I really don't get why both Raq and Mariana think it is a good idea to go after Sofia when surely even Ed who can be dim knows neither of them give a rat's behind about the girl. Obviously it is to force the issue of him remarrying Mariana as her price for the "cheep".

Anita, Decie: yah you are right---it was Blanca that Raqhell ordered the hit on, not Mariana. My lapse. I was surprised when Raq let Rafa walk out with no repercussions for his betrayal, but she obviously has plans for revenge.

J in Oregon

Thursday PM:
Okay, I'm a little hazy---isn't Mariana using the "cheep" to blackmail Raqhell and hoping as a result to marry Ed? So then Raq told Mariana she should threaten to sue for custody of Sofia and thus force him to marry Mariana? But then Raq actually still wants Ed to marry Victoria because of her supposed wealth?
But Mariana actually also promised the "cheep" to Adriano if Vic would break up with Ed.

The only thing I'm not confused about is Jorge wants to become a priest. What? I didn't see that one coming!

J in Oregon

I'm confused, too, by Jorge's sudden turn away from ART and the poor artist life. There aren't enough nice, goodlooking men to go around as it is without losing one to the priesthood. He may be thinking that 3-squares a day and a roof and a bed for free doesn't sound too bad.

OTOH, in Fuego en la Sangre (which I'm muddling through), Oscar tried that to get Jimena to realize how much she loved him. It almost backfired on him.

They need to get rid of Victoria's b&w dress. The black parts made it look more like a horse harness. I guess we're lucky they don't recycle these drapos--oh, they are; cutting them up and making the scraps into new drapos that still don't fit Victoria.


Don't know what is wrong with me but I laughed so hard throughout the episode last night my ribs hurt this morning.

Cat - right, once a cheater always a cheater

Karina - you want to be a what?

Ramon - take your own counsel, given enough time she'll even sleep with a priest

Jorge - little drastic though bro

Vicki - next time quick pic, a text and out less than 30 seconds

Rafa - smack talk

Chris - no shame

Adriano - every girl wants a millionaire from Manhattan

Fernanda - so, back on the A team

Ed - feeling like Shamu's play thang

Mariana - just a heads up, you ain't got time to be a shoulder to cry on

Raquel - somebody, anybody hit this bitch in the back of the head with a brick


The wardrobe once again. Victoria brings Fernanda to Adriano's (and how they met up is a mystery to me) and she is wearing a flowered tablecloth, minutes later she is once again dressed in her whale dress. Am I the only one who wonders if things are being cut or just edited out of sequence. In any event they didn't do Eduardo any good either. All he needed was a bag of golf clubs to complete his mustard and blue number. Oh and what was with Raqhell's outfit. It looked like it had two boob pockets but one was just a flap.

I'm increasing on Team Eduardo as the son. Leo seems to be especially fond of him and if he was Val's child that would make sense. It also occurred to me that Raqhell's insistence that Adriano never find out who his son is makes more sense if it is Ed since I doubt she would care if it was one of the barrio candidates.

I felt Jorge's new plan just before he said it. He has become so involved with the orphans, he has no family support and maybe he really is being called. What ticked me to the max was the skank saying he couldn't be a priest. I guess for a slut like her a priest might be off limits but she obviously likes the idea of two guys panting after her. On the other hand I do enjoy how uptight she gets whenever Catalina is near Ramon. Payback is a bitch.

Clemente is a toad. I can't imagine any father being so concerned with avoiding a scandal (and isn't it the 21st century, not the 15th when a broken engagement would have been a scandal). Telling his daughter that everyone deserves a second chance is ludicrous considering what she saw. I'm wondering if she told her father and Diego that she caught Chris in the act, not just learned he had a lover. Under the circumstances my father who was a politician and my brother would have gone to Chris shot gun in hand and never would have told me to give the rat bastard another chance.

Do not get me started on Chris I love Mariana, oops I love Cat. Eye roll here.

What the hell is Fernanda, dressed in her ragged number again, up to this time.


I don't know but last night I floated by to it possibly being Jorge again but I was laughing so hard at the skank it did change my brain chemistry.

I keep thinking Cat and Ramon may hook up. She has started to run to him when she is upset though that wouldn't please Clemente.


The skank really is a piece of work isn't she. I detest Raqhell, Mariana and this bitch all of whom think people are just to be used. This is becoming must see TV for me because you never know what to expect and it never drags. I was glad to see that despite her begging Ed still wants nothing to do with his baby mama. I wonder who if anyone told her to spread the lie about Blanca and Adriano.

Decie, When Adriano wanted the memory card from Mariana and the three of them on the boat one of the conditions was she wanted Vicki to back off Ed.

Well Ed learned first hand about Mariana and hope it gets out she had the dalliance with Chris and the reason the marriage to Cat is tentative. Ed on the other-hand is in love with vapor and who knows when she files for custody and if he becomes susceptible to a rebound. This better happen in two weeks or Richie will do more than split her lying lip.

It makes me wanna puck when I see the ole misty eyed look from both Karina and Vicki. Two dreamers, one greasy the other pasty, with princes just outta reach.

Decie--the scandal that Clemente fears isn't the broken engagement of his daughter---it's that Raqhell threatened to reveal he cheated his way into the governor's office...with her help.

Yah I think the Skank is feeling like the dog in the manger...she broke up with Jorge, but doesn't want anyone else to have him. In case she changes her mind.

I'm ready for the Shamu dress to disappear. The only woman who dresses normally on the show is Socorro. And of course the crew at Dona Tita's restaurante.

J in Oregon

If the skank gives the ole stink eye when Cat is around Ramon no telling what she would do if someone other than Simona were to flutter around Jorge. How she gonna fight The Church for Jorge's mind, heart and body? She better hit the beauty parlor, put on a new dress and take him to the beach for a roll in the waves real quick.

Jorge - atone for the sins of the mother

Fernanda - dig in the bowels of hell for a clue

Clemente - what's it gonna be a father or a pimp

Karina - couldn't happen to a better skank, work on that plan C

Ramon - oh hell yes, kick her to the curb. psst, Cat is gorgeous

Cat - rooting for ya, steady, steady

Vicki - now that wasn't so hard was it and likely to bear fruit

Mariana - smacked a lot lately

Tita - childless or trollop, at least it's not trollop

Rafa - throw mama from the train

Leo - nah, it's more than an old man thing

Raquel - so you got lots more ideas to pull outta your ass


But okay now, if Raqhell wants Rafa to impersonate Adriano's long before he is spotted by Sofia and recognized as her kidnapper? I guess Raqhell doesn't know about that little episode.

Did Mariana tell Raqhell what was on Tuerto's phone...or just hint?

What is Melania's game? She gives nothing away as she quietly and efficiently manages Raqhell's house. I bet she knows all the secrets... My guess is she will have a card to play in the last hand.

J in Oregon

JnO What is Melania's game?

Wonder the same thing and if Socorro was in the middle years ago you can bet Melania knows everything. She is kinda creepy too.

There is reference to some big thing and the reason for all the coverup and killing and need to protect the big secret. What is the big deal letting Adriano know who his son is? Everybody knows he has a son, people are dying and threatened daily. Leo is old & could go any day, Raquel needs cash and Adriano could just write her a check and two of the sons want to know too. I hope I'm not let down.

If his son is Ramon who cares, if it is Ed who cares, if it is Jorge who cares none of them are setting the world on fire. Now if the son was some wiz kid zillionaire or up and coming political protege maybe.

What am I missing? Is it politically motivated through financial support for Clemente? Did they build the shipping business running contraband? Did Leo have an affair with Jackie O and Val their love child?

You are a scream.
You left out poor Cris from the mix. If he turns out to be the missing son, maybe he'll get a make-over...shave his head, grow a mustache, get contacts and loose the business suits.

I thought about including Chris but know should he be the son it will be a catch and release. Possible Chris is Tita's son (and an unknown donor) and Rafa's brother. Both live in a fantasy land of groupies and captains of industry wheeler dealers.

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