Monday, March 03, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- Avenida Brasil, En Otra Piel, Camelia la Texana, et cetera, week of March 3, 2014

Here is a page for this week's musings.

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San Diego We again see Adriana/Monica setting fire to the yellow sofa in Carlos’ Pimp Bedroom.

L.A. Camila can’t believe her ears about the will and gets in the face of the “notary” about it. [And, speaking of this, why is a notary handling the reading of a will instead of a lawyer? I know Mónica’s lawyer has been bumped off, but they’re making it seem like this reading by a notary is normal.] Camilia yells that her mother told that that the house would be hers and Emiliana’s; and that the winery and vineyards would be divided equally. The notary interrupts and tells her there’s more to the will. Mónica’s daughters will get 10% of the winery business, $15,000 per month, and the royalties of her music. AND, the 10% share and royalties will be controlled by her dear niece Elena until Camila is either 30 years old or married to a man with a good income.

San Diego Mondriana is choking on the smoke in the room. She almost passes out, but tells herself she has to live for her daughters.

L.A. Ricardo tells his mother that the notary coming so soon makes him suspicious. He wants to go to Camila, and tells Marta that he’s studying law and could help.

The will says that Lorena will be the tutora (guardian) of Emiliana. Camila is free to resume her studies in Europe or to stay in LA. Camila says that Gerardo brainwashed her mother.

Ricardo comes in saying he overheard raised voices. Elena tries to get rid of him but Camila says for him to stay. Ricardo asks if the document was notarized. [OK, I’m confused. The notary has brought the document. A notary in the US merely witnesses the signature to a document, gets identification that it’s really that person signing, and then enters the information in his or her records. If the notary brought the will, then why isn’t it notarized? How can it be notarized after the person signing is already dead?]

Ricardo goes on to ask if it can be verified that Mónica signed it. Elena has a flashback to getting Mónica to sign some innocuous document that was doubtless a page to be attached to the fake will. Ricardo says it’s very odd that such a will has appeared after Mónica’s death. He says there are some anomalies in this whole thing and that, even if it’s completely in order, Camila is within her rights contesting the will!

San Diego Carlos smells smoke. The door to his room is hot, but he manages to get in. He trips and falls face down, and Mondriana gets out. She frees the other girls and then is searching for Valeria.

Sadly, Carlos does not burn up in his bedroom. Jerónimo lets him out. He tries to get the “clients” to go back to their rooms despite the fact that the building is on fire! Then he orders someone to make sure the women don’t get out and to shoot them if they try. One of Mondriana’s allies lights the bar on fire saying, well, then we’ll all die here! When Mondriana finds Valeria, V knees the sadistic judge in the jewels and the two of them run out.


L.A. Outside in the garden Camila reverts a bit to being a brat and rants against her mother for the awful inheritance. Ricardo tells her to keep a cool head. There’s something very odd about this will. We see Elena eavesdropping and glowering a few yards away.

San Diego Valeria and Mondriana enter the office of the bordello and find the passports of the women and a bunch of cash. Carlos and Chantal are trying to get in. Mondriana breaks down the door with a clothes rack and they escape. Chantal notices the empty box, and tells Carlos the cops will be here in a minute and they need to leave.

L.A. Elena and Gerardo snipe at each other. He sarcastically congratulates her on cheating two young girls. Elena thinks they have to get rid of Ricardo. She also says that there might be an original will. [She mentions Carrasco, and I can’t remember if that’s the notary or the lawyer they killed.] Anyway, Elena is worried Mónica might have a copy and they need to look for it cuanto antes.

San Diego There’s chaos outside the brothel. We see one of the women telling a cop that they were kidnapped and forced into prostitution. The cops have grabbed up Jerónimo. Mondriana and the other women don’t want to be interviewed, and they run off. Carlos is escaping out the back way in an SUV, and he refuses to let Chantal come along. As soon as he pulls out, she’s arrested.

The girls teeter along on their tacones when it would have been smarter to run barefoot. In classic telenovela coincidence, Carlos drives right up, jumps out, points a gun at them and orders them to get in the car. Mondriana is defiant. She says she’s not afraid of him; he’s a nothing and a nobody. He advances on them, but we hear a siren approaching. He gets away, after telling Mondriana she hasn’t seen the last of him. [And knowing how they hate to kill off a good villain until the last week, I’m sure that he’s right.]

L.A. Camila looks at some photos with her dad and remembers him talking with her about the vineyards and the winery. It appears she had the same love of the land.

San Diego Adriana and the others hide out in someone’s backyard. Their clothes make them conspicuous. But, one of them notices clothes hanging on a line, and they take them. A friendly truck driver offers them a ride to LA.

L.A. Ricardo tells his mother, Marta, that maybe Elena falsified the will. [His instincts are good!] His mother reminds him that Elena didn’t get anything at all. Later Elena pretends with Camila to be sorry about the will. Camila is outraged her cousin didn’t get anything and says she’ll contest the will and get justice for Elena!


México, D.F. Mario tells Diego why he is helping him. He says that he had a big business. Some of his dealings were illegal, and he placed a young accountant, Saúl, as the front man for those dealings. When this was discovered, Saúl took the rap and went to prison. Mario planned to get him out, but he committed suicide. Mario says that Diego reminds him of Saúl. Some guard approaches them to say that the director wants to see both Mario and Diego.

L.A. Selma sees Mónica in a news program showing the big fire and bust at the bordello. She takes a picture of the paused screen on her TV and asks the private investigator, Frank, to email her the picture of Adriana.

Lorena tries to distract Emi by planting some tomato plants. Camila approaches and tells her about Lorena being made her guardian.

The truck full of bushels of fruit drives right by the Larrea vineyard. Mondriana screams stop and gets out running. The others get out as well, I think. [And no one thanks the guy for the ride?]

México, D.F. As we suspected the sneaky looking guard takes Mario and Diego into a room in the prison, obviously not the director’s office. And Rayado and his compinches enter. Rayado says he has a message from Carlos Ricalde. If I remember correctly, Carlos wanted Mario killed so that he can’t provide a lawyer for Diego and stir up trouble about Adriana.

Mondriana runs right up to the gate of the mansion, sees Emiliana, and calls her name.


Part I

We left Tifon and Leleco having a chat about Tifon being in love with Nina, the chef. In the end Tifon says he doesn't think that Nina would have anything to do with him, and he's going back to Carmina, she is the mother of his children, he's been with her all this time, yadda, yadda. Leleco gives Tifon some advice. Age is just a number in other words, look at he and Tessalia, they love each other. Leleco tells Tifon not to let this opportunity pass him by.

Nina is at the grocery, paying for her purchases and Jorgito still wants a chance with her. She isn't giving it and they run into Ivana on the way out. Ruh, Roh, Ivana wants to know why Jorgito is crying. Oh, it's nothing. He ends up going, and Ivana is thinking there is something, something between Nina and Jorgito. Nina tells her that can't be cause he is the son of her employers. Ivana doesn't think that is so bad.

Carmina is packing her suitcase as Max comes in again to try and talk her out of it. He is unpacking her things. She tells him he is wrong, she needs to go with Agatha, Tifon is off with Mona Lisa, yadda, yadda. Max wants to eventually marry Carmina and be the king of the castle so to speak. Carmina says he's wrong. I didn't catch all of what they talked about, but Max did say that he was leaving Ivana I think, like in a month. Carmina continues to pack.

Carmina finally goes into the Sala and tells the family that she and Agatha are leaving, since Tifon isn't coming back. Agatha doesn't want to go at all. But Carmina wants her to pack. Nina sees this and is overjoyed that Carmina is leaving, but not happy that Agatha is going too. The family tries to talk her out of it, but she is determined. Agatha is crying her eyes out in her room with Muricy and Ivana. Muricy is cuddling her and it's time to go. The car is all packed up and they get in. At this point Tifon comes home, finds out that Carmina and Agatha are going and begs her to stay. He loves her he says, please forgive him and stay. He has her come out of the car and he begs her again. She finally caves and they are back together. Carmina did mention that Agatha is Genesio's child. The family is happy that Tifon and Carmina are back together, but Nina is so not happy. She runs back into the kitchen. Carmina is all over Tifon and she wants him to sleep with her again. There is a photo taken of the whole family. Carmina wants Jorgito to rejoin the family also.

Diogenes and the Barrio boys, which are part of the soccer team of Club Divinio, rehash the humiliation of Suelen. Roni is still not happy with what happened and tells them the girl has nothing and no one. He goes off to look for her.

Carlitos is with Alexia and they couldn't be happier. Alexia still wants that contract. The terms are still the same, 15 million for a dalliance, 30 million if he has an affair, and 10 million per letter if he is caught texting another woman. He is so on that contract, but he has to do some stuff first.

Carlitos goes to Noemia with a bunch of flowers. I think he tells her she can stay in the home. Tomas is there and he tells him he'll continue to pay for his schooling. Carlitos plays up to Noemia and then tells her she's better off without him. He goes. She wonders.

Next, Carlitos goes to Veronica's with the identical bunch of flowers. Debora is there too. He says basically the same things he said to Noemia. Veronica is better off without him. He goes.


Part II

Roni is at Diogenes' Roperia when he sees Suelen walking along. She is crying and very upset. Roni decides to follow her. She meets Roman (this is the same guy she paid money to during the beginning of this TN). Roni watches her as she tells Roman she doesn't have the money. He opens his coat and shows her a gun and makes her get into his car. Roni sees this and runs back for his scooter and follows the car as it takes off. The car stops at a residence and Roni watches as the car goes through and the gates shut. He makes a note of the address I think and takes off.

Mona Lisa talks to Olenka and has decided she wants Silas back. Olenka is not happy and tries to hide her tears from Mona Lisa. Mona Lisa goes to see Silas at work. She tells him she's there to talk to him calmly and like adults. He is letting her go he says. She cheated on him on their honeymoon for goodness sake. She tells Silas that she didn't cheat with Tifon. That is all water under the bridge now, there is nothing romantic there. Silas is firm with her and doesn't want her back. She is a little puzzled, but goes.

Nina is in the kitchen, sharpening her knives, when Janaina asks why she ran off like that earlier when Carmina and Tifon came into together. Nina says it was because she's worried about her Mama, who is so ill. Nina thinks back to what Mama Lucinda told her about leaving that house and going with Jorgito to be happy. What will Nina do?

En Otra Piel

thanks so much novelera,
what a wonderful recap!

I'm thinking the dog will be instrumental in identifying Monica, but I was amazed that Elena didn't kill him earlier, when she was attacked, with the gun in her hand.

anyone else think there might be a will in the hidden room safe?

(and I'm also thinking putting Adriana's necklace back on, will bring back Adriana)

so glad Selma is figuring this all out, but not good that Monica hasn't remembered Elena killing her, and that she still trusts Gerardo, who is getting creepier every day.


En Otra Piel

Thank you, Novelera! I just watched the show, too and I share your confusion about the notary and the will.
One thing is for sure - Monica has another copy of the one that was destroyed.

Deb, I like your idea about Adriana's soul returning to her body if she puts on the necklace. I don't think it will be as easy as a Clark Kent/ Superman identity, though. Can you imagine?
Necklace on - Adriana loves Diego
Necklace off - Monica loves Gerardo
Or could it?

I hope Mondriana thinks about asking Selma for help. I don't think she should appear in front of her family, later on it would be impossible for her to infiltrate the house.

Elena's plan was pretty clever, directing all accusations towards Gerardo. But what does she plan to do if he turns against her? Is she counting on Camila going to court and sharing the fortune with her? We know that Elena doesn't want to share, she wants it all, so I'm still not sure about her endgame.

Gerardo is not the good guy and is not the despicable villain that everyone loves to hate (see Humberto from Santa Diabla in the early days). So what is he? An easily manipulated gigolo? Yeah, that's about it, in my opinion. Not very swoon worthy for now.

En Otra Piel

Oh, and about the dog

Deb, I think the dog will immediately accept Mondriana, because it can see who she really is. And I'm guessing that he will save her more than once from problematic situations, like possible attacks that will come from her many enemies.

Avenida Brasil

I've taken advantage of the long weekend to watch A LOT of AB. I'm on episode 13 now (so, basically, I've watched 24 simple episodes) - it feels like a huge deal, but I mostly ffw through a lot of the secondary plots, just staying with them the minimum amount of time to understand what is going on.
I've had my share of Brazilian tns, I can manage without seeing every little detail about those boring soccer trainings (and I am an European girl who loves soccer).

All of you are far more advanced, but I wanted to share my first impressions. The main story is good, nothing out of the ordinary, but I like the actors, so that keeps me interested.
I couldn't help but read some of the recent recaps when the tn first got me interested, so I know that Tifon is in luvv with Nina.
I thought that was a little icky, since they used to play father and daughter in O Clon.
But imagine my shock yesterday when I read that the actors are together in real life! And expecting a baby, apparently.
They hooked up during filming (apparently for Murillo Benicio this is the forth/ fifth time when he starts a relationship with his costar; he did it in O Clon, too), broke up with their existing partners and went public a little after filming finished.
So, I have to wonder if the producers meant to have Tifon fall for Nina from the very beginning or they picked up on a certain level of chemistry that they shared. I have more trust in Brazilian writers than the rest of the bunch not to let themselves influenced by any off screen drama when writing their scripts, so I think I might be wrong.
So far the good relationship between Tifon and Jorgito is pretty clear and the father/son duo fighting for the same woman is a classic story that sometimes works.

So, if someone could share their opinions (without spoiling other stories for me, if possible) I'd very much like to know what you think.
I'm doing my best to stay spoiler free, but once I get into a tn, I become anxious. This already having an end available online makes it even harder to take it one step at a time.

Avenida Brasil

I'm sorry, I think all this binge watching is causing me some brain damage, because I haven't watched 24 episodes, I only watched 12. Still a lot for 3 days, but not psycho levels, right? Right??


Adriana- LOL! Don't you just love weekend binge watching? I haven't even gone back and watched the beginning epis, so you now know more background on the characters than I do. I've just been picking it up as we go along.

From what I've seen, the writers intended all along to complicate the plot by having Tifon fall for Nina, and it had nothing to do with what was happening with the actors in real life (and congrats to the actors!). Tifon and Jorgito have such a great, unshakeable relationship. But this will certainly shake their relationship to the core! It will not be easy to overcome.

Mads- Thanks for another stellar recap. Nina, and we, should have known it wouldn't be so easy to defeat Carmina. She is the queen of manipulation, and she's manipulated the whole family and Tifon to where she wants them. Now, she just needs to find a way to bring Jorgito around. Nina needs to kick a real plan into gear, if she wants to bring Carmina down. How about finding some real proof that she and Max are lovers?

When Max and Carmina were talking, he was proposing that she divorce Tifon, get the house, and the two of them could live free of that damn family in the house. Carmina pointed out that the house has a mortgage and costs a lot of money to upkeep, with servants and all, and neither one of them would have enough money to maintain the house and their lifestyle. They need Tifon (and his money). She has mentioned before that she and Tifon married with separate assets, so she's not going to get some huge fortune if they divorce. Since I didn't seen those early episodes, what made Tifon smart enough to do this? Well done! Of course, if Carmina became a widow...I'm surprised she hasn't decided to bump him off.

Carlitos is up to his old tricks. He's using reverse psychology on his women. He also told each that he hasn't slept with the other one in YEARS, and only stayed with her out of obligation. And it looks like they are falling for it!


Avenida Brasil

Vivi, I started reading your reply and then I couldn't stop. I guess I'll just have to hurry with my watching if I don't want to lose any good discussions in here.

About the prenup - it was never explained on screen, I think Tifon was just smart in that situation. Both he and his sister Ivana are pretty business savvy as far as I can see; just yesterday I watched the episode of Jorgito's engagement dinner and someone started counting all the riches that Tifon will leave to his kids - apparently he has more than 3o apartments to rent and other stuff, too.
When he married Carmina he was basically motivated by guilt (and hormones), I'm glad his business sense didn't suffer.

I think you're right about Tifon/Nina being planned all along, there are a lot of hints suggesting this will happen - and since I know the outcome, I can look for them.

Pfiu, for someone who is about 50 episodes behind I sure write a lot...




Thanks so much for what I missed : ) I too am surprised she hasn't bumped off Tifon. I am so glad that Tifon is bidness savvy, but Carmina has been ripping him off for years. I can't wait for him to find this out.

Nina didn't plan this out very well, but she set a lot of this angst for Carmina in motion. Nina didn't count on hurting Jorgito. I too wish she would get some proof that Carmina and Max are lovers. I can't stand Carmina's rants about how she has always been so faithful, gag!


No worries. I know you will catch up soon. This TN really is so good! So much happens even when it's slow : )

En Otra Piel

Thanks for the great recap, Novelera.

The whole will business is a mess, legally speaking. I don't know about other latin american countries but in Mexico, notaries do all kind of things that lawyers do here. My grandfather lived in Mexico and when he died, it was a notary who handled the sale of his house. I don't remember now if a will was involved. So the writers seem to have brought in the Mexican concept of the notary.

But it still doesn't make any sense that they are talking about finding the "original" of the will somewhere. Did the notary make a fake "copy" of a will?

There are basically two kinds of wills- those where the signature of the testator is witnessed and holographic wills where there are no witnesses. Witnesses can testify that the testator actually signed the will. It seems very unlikely that a savvy businesswoman like Monica would have made a holographic will but that would certainly have been easier to fake.

It also makes no sense that Monica would have put the original of her will in the safe in the secret room because nobody knows about it and no one would be able to find it when she died.

If the holographic will faked by the notary is found to be valid, it would supercede the terms the will Elena destroyed since it was made later.

Finally, California is a community property state and Gerardo is entitled to half the property acquired during the marriage regardless of the provisions of the will. This right is only abrogated by a pre-nup.

End of Wills and Estates 101. Best thing is to just tighten our beanies and go with the flow.


Avenida: Best case scenario: Tifon does not act upon that love for Nina. And if Nina finds out she may not reciprocate the love so I don't think there will be any father/son rivalry, my guess. I think Nina and Jorgito is the end game. I may be wrong.

En Otra Piel

Thanks, novelera, for the excellent and helpful recap. I had decided not to watch this telenovela, based on the first episode, but I watched last night's episode and am now reconsidering. It looks more enjoyable and, for me, it offers a more understandable Spanish than Camelia la Texana. I'm still not wild about the supernatural premise, but after the craziness of Santa Diabla, the supernatural seems downright normal.



Part I

The family is eating together for the first time in a while, and Carmina brings up to Tifon, she wants him to end his bidness association with Mona Lisa. She is a ho and tried to steal her man! Muricy is on board, Leleco comes in and isn't on the team. Carmina goes into a spiel about how Muricy and Leleco are like the parents she never had, can you say manipulation? Anyhoo, Tifon will take it under advisement.

We next see Carmina dancing in her bedroom, like all happy, happy, joy, joy, and did anyone else notice she was wearing jeans this time, but with a white shirt? She has broken the white wearing! Max comes in and isn't pleased with her. He thought she and Tifon would surely be done already. Max wants her to break these ties with Tifon, it's been ten years already, and he wants to move on! Carmina isn't ready, too many Tifon bennies! He goes.

Roni talks to Leandro and tells him what he saw, as in Suelen leaving with Roman. Leandro thinks it may be for the best. Maybe she'll go far away and never come back. Roni isn't happy with this he doesn't want anything bad to happen to Suelen.

Leleco and Tifon have a chat outside. He's talking to Leleco about how family is important to him, as did Carmina earlier, and so he's staying put. Leleco tells him at least he's near Nina! Leleco tells him, it's Tifon's life, do what he wants to do.

Veronica and Noemia are at Jimmy's office again. They have come for another meeting/bill paying session. Jimmy gives the both of them checks and they are substantially better than the last time. They both crow over the amounts and there is a bit of rivalry about how much each got. The meeting is coming to an end when Jimmy gives them both an invitation to the civil ceremony for Carlitos and Alexia, QUE??? from both of them!

Nina is in the garden, which has grown pretty fast, and is snipping herbs for dinner as Tifon watches her. He asks if she has a boyfriend, how obvio no? She doesn't have one she says. He says he missed her, er, meals, yeah that's the ticket. He thanks her for everything and he goes calling himself an idiot while Nina watches him go.

Jorgito and Tesslia are meeting Leleco and Leleco gives Jorgito the news that Tifon has returned to the family home and Carmina. Jorgito is so sure that Carmina manipulated Tifon into coming back and Leleco agrees.

Ivana and Max are having a chat in their room and Max thinks it's a good idea if Tifon cuts all ties to Mona Lisa. Ivana doesn't think so. Ivana has to open her mouth and tell him all about Nina and Jorgito in the grocery store. Max's antenna is up and he goes to the kitchen.

Agatha has come into the kitchen so Nina can take her to the dancing thingy. Max follows them. Agatha is dancing with the group, it's a street performance, and Jorgito comes. His excuse is that he wants to talk to Agatha, but really he is just there for Nina. He wants to be her novio and for her to be his novia. She can't right now, he knows why, as in Debora, her job, etc. Max watches as Nina and Jorgito hold hands. Jorgito is leaning closer and closer to kiss Nina, as he tells her he loves her, but backs off at the last minute. He is about to go when Nina grabs his hand and tells him to wait for her, as in someday they will be together. Max sees everything.

We finally see what Roman is up to with Suelen. She is very unhappy but can't do anything. Roman has bought food for two months and clothes for Suelen. She can't go anywhere. He is worried he'll be deported to Bolivia. Seems Roman is a very bad dude. He is either an assassin or a weapons trafficker, cause he has one huge gun in the closet, as in military assault weapon. It's huge. Seems he wants to marry Suelen. She can't, she doesn't love him. Suelen cries.


En Otra Piel

Thanks, Jean, for Wills & Estates 101. I had never heard the term holographic will. I could envision the words floating in space above the paper!

I believe you're right in that, assuming Mónica actually signed that sheet of paper that became her will, it has a later date and supersedes the one Elena burned. But we have to believe that, somehow, since Mónica's memories have survived, she will know and somehow prove that the later will is fraudulent.

Vis a vis community property, it's true that assets earned after the marriage are shared, barring a pre-nup. But, as I understand it, the clock of accrual of assets starts AFTER the wedding. And Mónica had all her wealth inherited from her husband and from her musical career long before she met Gerardo. So, wouldn't he only be entitled to earnings after the day they married? And, I got the impression they'd only been married 6 months.


Part II

Tifon is back to reading in bed again. Sue 455 I need your help again. Is he possibly reading Romeo and Juliet? They only gave two or three lines from the book he was reading. Carmina has other plans. She wants a little horizontal mambo with Tifon and has dressed seductively just for him. Well at first he looks like he could care less, then somewhat gets into it as she slithers all over him, but when he comes to doing the deed, he sees Nina's face and just can't. Carmina is rejected! Well, she's none too happy, but Tifon tells her it was such an emotional day and all that he isn't up for it. They both go to sleep.

Nina is in the pantry stocking up when Max comes in and shuts the door. He is all over her again, and gives her a spiel about you scratch my back, I won't say a word to anyone about you and Jorgito. He'll even help her snag Jorgito from Debora. He even unzips her uniform and goes in for the goodies, when she tells him she just can't. What about Ivana. He isn't into Ivana anymore and wants a little something, something from Nina. He said something about Nina just wanting Jorgito for his lana, por interes. He kissed her too, ewwww! She again tells him no and he tells her he could rat her out. Zeze comes in and thinks that Max and Nina are fooling around on Ivana, but Nina tells her to stuff a sock in it and goes into her bathroom, runs her shower and gets in with all her clothes on, and then rips them off. She cries.

Debora has come to pay Jorgito a nightly visit. She wants to get busy, he's all for that, but he wants to put a condom on. She says why bother, she wants a bebe. He tells her again, he isn't ready. She thinks this is all about Nina again, and tells him when he's ready for Debora she'll be at home.

Tifon gifts Carmina with a necklace of black pearls. She is over the moon he got those for her. She so loves Tifon. She goes out to where the family is having breakfast and shows them off. She feels like a movie star. Everyone is happy but Max of course. He gets onto Aduato about something and Aduato goes and Muricy isn't happy. Tifon comes and takes the pearls from Carmina, cause he wants to lock them up in the safe. They go to the study, now I don't know if Tifon changed the combo, or only wants he and Carmina to have the combo, but there are so many important things in there. Agatha tried to hug Carmina again, which she does kind of half heartedly, but brushes her off.

Nina is in the garden again, snipping herbs and Tifon comes upon her crying. He wants to know what is wrong? He understands what it is like to be far from family and friends, he's there for her, whatever she needs, she isn't alone. She hugs and cries on his shoulder and he tells her again she isn't alone. What will Nina tell Tifon?

En Otra Piel:

Novelera: You are correct about community property. So I guess Gerardo would be entitled to half of what Monica earned a performer and half of what the company earned during the time they were married. Not a tremendous amount considering what I assume to be the size of her estate but probably not chump change, either.

En Otra Piel

Also, Gerardo has been doing some shady stuff at the winery. He tried to convince Elena they ALREADY had enough to make a clean getaway. And he was talking with some guy on the phone about getting him his $2 million. This sounded like under the table. And I was wondering if he pulled a fast one with the company's wine, selling it as their top label when it was basically bad grape juice. Just speculation on my part.

But he's gotten a lot illegally on top of what community property would have entitled him to if Mónica's real will had not been burned.

En Otra Piel

Oh, yeah, the guy on the phone with Gerardo was his brother, If I remember correctly.
That was supposed to be his getaway in case Elena went rogue or something.
But now that he has 90% of the company... those 2 millions are pocket change for him.



I laughed a lot today:

The look on Tifón's face while Carmina was seducing him. He looked turned on and off at the same time.

From the captions: "Me siento como estrella de cine, Max." Of course "Cinemax" was unintentional but I found it funny.

Carmina: "Do you know where Polynesia is?"
Ágata: "I don't remember."
Ivana: "I think somewhere near Canada."

Was Diogénes modeling women's clothing?

Sorry Madelaine. Tifón wouldn't show me what book he's reading and I can't tell from the one sentence he read: "Juliana y él se quedaron solos en la alcoba..." (He and Juliana remained alone in the bedroom...) Does anyone else think it's odd that Tifón reads out loud?

Poor Nina. Jorgito, Tifón and now Max too


Adriana: Yeah, I read that about Murilo Benicio too. I also read that he has a child with Giovanna Antonelli (Jade) and he is fighting for custody. She is married to an American and she wants to bring the child to live here in the US while he does not want him to leave Brazil. He also had a relationship with Carolina Ferraz (Alexia). I note that their characters don't interact. He sure gets around! In the first scene of AB I couldn't believe it was him. "Wow did he put on some pounds!"


Thanks so much for the great recap. It was a super episode, too.
I loved the scene at breakfast when Carmina showed off her pearls. There was so much going on - Carmina preening and gloating, Max jealous, Carmina being nasty to Agatha, Max and Adauto having a spat and Tifon looking like he was reconsidering his relationship with Carmina if a string of pearls could make her that happy.

Like a real family, everyone was talking over the others. You rarely ever see scenes like that on our novelas where most conversations seem to be between two people unless there are children present.

Concerning the safe, Carmina said that jewelry ought to be worn. Tifon replied that she has the combination of the safe and can take the necklace out and wear it whenever she wants.

Poor Rita. Max has got her by the short and curlies. If she just quit the job, and took up with Jorgito, she could continue to be involved with the family. Just her presence would be revenge on Carmina. But that would be too easy.

I just love Carlitos and his 3 women especially now that they all know the score. It is a hoot to see him go from one to the other with the same stories.


Great job, Mads. I felt so grossed out by that scene with Max and Nina. She has to figure out a way to get him under control. He's becoming quite the loose cannon, and Carmina doesn't seem to be aware of his growing impatience, resentment, and jealousy of Tifon. He accused her a few times of being in love with Tifon. I don't know what he's whining about. He doesn't work and he's living a very sweet life.

Carmina was a real hoot this episode, dancing around, singing, and gloating.

Due to the ice front, the power to my house is out(Been out for 3 days). Please keep posting what happens in EN OTRA PIEL.


Sue 455:

Oh, I wish we had seen the title. Tifon is always reading such interesting books. I didn't catch the "CineMax", lol. Thanks so much for catching that. I am still laughing. And yes, Diogenes was modeling women's clothing. It looked like either a bra or a bathing suit top. That alone was funny too : )


Thanks so much for the info on the safe. I too like those family meals, its chaos but so much fun, most of the time. I too like Carlitos and his three women. I really want to see if he will be faithful to Alexia. Now that would be a hoot.


I am so with you about that scene with Nina and Max, it grossed me out too. He has always really been a loose cannon and he has also been jealous of Tifon, for quite a while now, and Carmina continues to ignore it. I too laughed when she was dancing around her room, like nanny, nanny, boo, boo! Oh, and even if Max were to get all the money he wants, he'd blow thru it in no time! He is that stupid. I have to say, Carmina is way smarter than him!

Anon 12:39:

I like your thoughts about Nina/Tifon. I too don't see how it can happen. Nina and Jorgito are so in love, I hope by the end of this TN they are together.


What did Y'all think of Tifon's pants this episode? He looked like he had old man's pants on. You know the ones I'm talking about, polyester, ugh! I wish he'd wear loose hipped jeans, and nice shirt and some sandals. He'd look way hipper that way, than he does now. Same with Carmina she needs to be in jeans more. And how about Jorgito without his shirt on? That guy is so hawt!

Avenida Brasil:

Mads- I didn't notice the pants. LOL! But in general, I think Tifon carries himself like an old man. He seems tired most of the time-- like he's carrying around a huge burden (Carmina). That's one of the reasons I'm so disappointed he and Monalisa didn't work out because he came alive with her and seemed almost like a little kid as they goofed around and flirted on their dates. He may think he's in love with Nina, but his interaction with her this episode seemed more paternal to me. Even when she popped into his vision while Carmina tried to seduce him, she looked very innocent. I guess we'll see.

Jorgito shirtless was yummy. I would have jumped him too, just like Deborah did. But this mania to get pregnant (do they both even have good paying jobs?) seems like desperation to hang on to him, since she can sense him emotionally slipping away.


En Otra Piel:

I will do a quickie recap from memory for Tues. capitulo.

Modriana is at the gate of Monica's estate. She sees Emiliana, calls her name and seems surprised that Emiliana doesn't recognize her.

The 3 refugees from the San Diego bordello: Modriana, Maite and the other one whose name I can't remember, go to the bar where the aunt of one of them worked.

The TV at the bar is showing Selma's call-in-your-paranormal-experience show. Modriana calls in and says that she has found herself in the body of a younger woman. She blows it when she says that she is Monica Serrano. Selma ends the call convinced that somebody at the station is trying to play a sick joke on her.

The girls find out that the aunt has been deported. The girls don't know what to do until Modriana remembers that she took big wad of cash along with their passports. She foolishly pulls it out in front of the sketchy guys at the bar.

The girls go outside. Modriana divvies up the money and says that she will see the girls later.

Diego and Don Mario are attacked in the prison. Diego defeats a bunch of the guys but ultimately is stabbed. The guards come. Diego needs surgery. He has a vision of Adriana coming to him. Later, Don Mario's guys attack and stab the guy who led the attack on him and Diego.

Carlos has shown taken refuge at the house of an associate. I’m not sure if the house is in San Diego or LA. Carlos wants to find and get revenge on Modriana. He gets a call from the bar in Mexico City that he had better show up the next day for the inquiry on the death of Jacinto and the disappearance of Adriana or all his businesses in Mexico will be closed down.

Elena and Gerard are looking everywhere for another copy of the will that Mónica might have put somewhere. They seem to think that if there is another copy, they are cooked. As I said in Trusts and Estates 101, this doesn’t make any sense because the notary must have dated the false will after Mónica’s will both to include Gerardo as a beneficiary and to supercede the earlier will. However, it seems likely that Mónica did put a copy of her will in the secret room and that it will be discovered.

Ricardo and Camilla go to see Gerardo get a copy of the false will and to tell him that have hired a handwriting expert to examine Mónica’s signature. Elena and Gerardo agree that Ricardo is a danger to them. Elena has a plan to get rid of him.

Camilla is upset that Lorena has been named Emiliana’s guardian. Emiliana isn’t happy about it either. Elena tries to tempt her mother to take a drink.

Modriana shows up outside Selma’s studio. When Selma comes out, Modriana asks if Selma recognizes her. “Of course I do,” replies Selma who has gotten the photo of Adriana and Mónica together in the car in Mexico City.


Avenida Brasil

Tifon does look tired and resigned. I haven't watched as many episodes as the rest of you, but this is my impression, too. He's just passive, using the pretense that he's a family man.
His clothes are the usual soccer player clothes, I think he wears them all the time to feel comfortable and because he just let himself go.
I can't talk about his feelings for Nina, but Monalisa should have been his one and only; it's obvious for me from the few interactions that they've had - he's sorry he didn't go after her when he still had the chance to change something. Instead he preferred to follow Carmina to the beach, therefore sealing his faith.
I find it interesting how Nina always says that she wants to protect Tifon and his family because they're innocent. The thing is - he was the hit and run driver and everybody in the family has been covering for him! Maybe her father died because of the hit in the head or maybe the car helped, too, but I bet Carmina will use this information when the time comes / when she's cornered.
If Nina ever falls for Tifon, that would be quite a hit for her.

The Murici and Leleco shenanigans are hilarious to watch - this is something that Brazilian tns pull off perfectly; the comedy with them is just right and the family's reaction is funny, too.

Carlitos and his 3 wifes is entertaining to watch, too.

What I don't really like is this so called great love between Nina and Jorgito. He should have told Deborah the truth from the very beginning. Instead, he got the galanitis deasease (inability to make any sane decisions when it comes to women); the angst is good and they have nice chemistry, but story wise, it's nothing that I haven't seen before.

En otra piel

Jean, thank you for the recap!
Finally, Mondriana will talk with Selma. I bet she will sound like a crazy person at the beginning, but Selma will be a great ally for her.
In the meantime Adriana keeps appearing in Diego's dreams. His brain sees her with her normal body, the one that he knows of, but I wonder where is that soul right now...
Deb, I think you were the one who said that maybe when Mondriana starts wearing the necklace again, the soul will find its way back to the body.



Adriana- I too am annoyed with Jorgito doing the usual tn galan thing of keeping one woman dangling, while pursuing the other. Never just making up their mind, and taking action to cut the other woman loose. At this point, I would like to see more action from him in general. Instead of using all his energy to stalk Nina/Rita and bugging her friends about whether she has a boyfriend, he should be trying to find out why she's working in his family's house, what she has against Carmina, and what her plans are.

En Otra Piel

thanks so much Jean!

Maria Elisa Camargo (Adriana Aguilar / Mónica Serrano), really pulls this off well.

an amazing scene with Adriana calling to Emiliana, where we can see that Emiliana senses that this is her mom, but of course this can't be.

and I wish Monica would have hugged the dog.

so the girls end up in ex-alcoholic Rodrigo (Gabriel and Ricardo's pa) favorite bar (and where would he ever find another ex-alcoholic) who stops that ever present nasty guy from jumping on the girls when he sees their money. (should Monica have recognized him)

and such a disappointment that Monica's call to Selma ends up a disaster, but interesting that later Selma is friendly with Adriana, didn't Selma explain early on that she doesn't really believe in this paranormal stuff, so I imagine there is a rough road ahead.



wow, that darn Emilio, with his calm smooth talk,
has finally reeled in Camilia,
(and what did her mother say about getting into a car with strangers)
but not to worry,
the Mexican cop is hot on the trail,
thanks to shotgun mom.

(so glad we didn't get to see a root canal)

so when they show Wong's (rip) real life painting, are those poppies?
it's not always easy being chinese in the americas.

this is quite an interesting and different novela.



Part I

Oi, Oi, Oi, what a capitulo! We left Tifon and Nina in the garden yesterday, and they are talking. He wants to know why she is so sad. Is it her Mama? No it's a guy she says. He thought she didn't have a boyfriend, he looks so sad. She doesn't like spilling her personal stuff, you see. He gets it, but anytime she has a problem he is always there for her. He has brought her some tomato seeds to plant, I think, for her garden. She corrects him and says our garden. How sweet, he goes and she watches after him very sad.

Max is in the library looking for the safe, and Ivana comes in looking for him.
Ivana is trying to think of a nice way to tell Mona Lisa the family, as in Tifon and she, to buy Mona Lisa out of her salon. She tries to enlist Max's help, but he is rude, calls her names and generally disses her. She is very upset and goes to see Carmina in her bedroom. Nina is serving Carmina breakfast and Ivana cries and thinks that maybe Max has a chippy on the side, and if that's the case she'll kill him. Carmina wouldn't let Nina leave, so Nina hears all of this and both Carmina and Nina are pithed.

Tifon has gone to see Jorgito play soccer. Afterwards they have a bit of a chat, and the truth, on both sides, almost comes out, but damn the bad luck, they don't tell. Tifon tells Jorgito he is in love with a young woman, he's too old for her and it's a dream. So he will continue with Carmina and the family. Jorgito says he too is in love, but has no hope with this other girl. Tifon tells him he's a young guy, and if he really wants this other girl to fight for her, he still has a lot of time, whereas Tifon doesn't. Talk about a downer, I think Tifon is quite hawt, as long as he loses the polyester pants, jus' sayin'.

The Barrio boys are yet again dissing Suelen. I wish they'd shut up and try and figure out what happened with her.

Max has gone to the bar for a drink or some drinks I should say. He asks Lucio for a word. So they have a game of pool, and Max wants Lucio to break into the safe at Tifon's. Lucio isn't real down with that, his Moms works at Tifon's but Max says he'll give him 30% of those pearls in the safe. Lucio agrees to do the job.

Ivana goes to Mona Lisa's and tells her that Tifon went back to Carmina. Mona Lisa can't believe it! No puede ser! Now Ivana launches hesitantly into telling Mona Lisa about the offer of buying her out. No way, no how from Mona Lisa. Mona Lisa thinks this is all Carmina's idea, and she's not selling y punto!

The family is all eating together discussing how Mona Lisa isn't going to take their offer. Tifon can understand why. She developed a formula for hair I think and she has the exclusive rights to that. Carmina isn't down with that, she thinks they can just take ownership of that too, but Tifon tells her no. That is Mona Lisa's alone. That's why her salons are so successful. Muricy sides with Carmina of course, but Tifon and Ivana don't. Nina hears all this and rolls her eyes. Max comes in ten sheets to the wind. He is so drunk. He greets everyone and says he is going to bed. Carmina also gets up to go to bed and follows Max. Nina watches.

Max and Carmina have an argument in the library. He is all needy wanting some bennies he never seems to get. Carmina basically tells him to shut it, she is the brains after all, and if he keeps this up, they will be outed. She tells him to leave it to her and to shut up. She goes.

Max goes to the safe and uncovers it. There is like a little faux shelf in front of it. He goes outside and Nina sees him. She is working on her computer and looks to see what he is doing. He is disarming the alarm to the safe. Nina watches and then goes to check it out. She sees the window to the library is open and she goes outside and reconnects the alarm.


Part II

Silas has come to see Olenka at home. He is done with Mona Lisa and now wants to pursue Olenka. She isn't comfortable about this because this is Mona Lisa's home. He is all over her and then suddenly Mona Lisa comes home. She sees them just sitting there. He uses the excuse he came for some therapeutic something for his leg, I think. Mona Lisa wants to talk to him, like adults, but he has nothing to say to her and goes. Mona Lisa fills Olenka in on what Ivana told her about Tifon going back to Carmina and how now they want to buy her out. Mona Lisa tells Olenka neva gonna happen. She'll find a way to buy them out y punto. They are not getting what is hers.

Lucio is all dressed in black with a hood over his face as he sneaks into the garden of Tifon's house. The guard dogs start to bark and he throws them some tainted meat, I think with drugs. As he goes into the house there is a noise and Janiana wakes up and goes down to see what is going on. No one else heard it, so she encounters Lucio and is pithed. She pulls the mask off and sees it's him and now she knows he came to rob the place. They struggle, she is talking loudly, he pushes her and she bangs her head on the table and is out cold. He is panicking and takes her to the downstairs bathroom and puts her there. He goes into the study with his handy, dandy drill, covered so as not to make too much noise, and is drilling when the alarm goes off. I forgot to add in the prior post that Max told Lucio he would disarm the alarm. Now Lucio is pithed. So he is looking for a way out, but there isn't any. Max wakes up, as does Tifon. Tifon arms himself, thinking this might be another kidnapping attempt, while Max is downstairs trying to find Lucio. Nina finds Lucio first and tells him that Max and she are together in this, put the gun down and come into her room to hide out until the coast is clear. At first he isn't buying it, cause he knows she is a good person, but she talks him into it. She says she'll come back for him, gets him to get under her bed and locks the door behind her.

Tifon has come downstairs and is checking around and sees the safe has been tampered with. By this time Max is there too as is Carmina. Tifon thinks it had to be someone inside the house to tip off the robber. Why was nothing else taken and why was the safe the first place the robber went to? Carmina thinks it must be the necklace, as she gives Max a dirty look. Tifon opens the safe and stops the alarm going off. The ladies have all come downstairs along with Aduato. Agatha runs to her Papa and hugs him and Carmina actually flings her off of him. What a beyotch! She runs to Ivana. The guys will do a search as it looks like the robber hasn't left the premises. Aduato has found poor Janaina, groaning and in pain on the bathroom floor. He takes her to the living room and sits her on the sofa. Tifon wants to know what happened. She tells him about coming upon the robber and that he knocked her out. Tifon wants to know if she saw his face? Max is really panicking now, but Janaina says she didn't see his face, it was covered. Tifon is almost sure she knows more than she is saying, and Carmina tells him she doesn't think Janaina had anything to do with it.

Nina comes in and tells Tifon she thinks the robber is gone, Max is almost relieved and she tells them to come see. It looks like the guy scaled the walls. Tifon calls Hercules, the guard, over and wants to know if he saw anything, Nopis from him. Tifon is going to call Zenon his police guy, and Max tries to talk him out of that. Max tries to tell him it was probably some amateur thief. Tifon goes and Nina comes out and tells Max that now he owes her. She saved his bacon, so there, nanny, nanny, boo, boo! He owes her big time! Now who owes who! Oi, Oi, Oi!



Debora works at a Cirque del Sole type of job and is also a model. Jorgito is on a big league soccer team. They both seem to make decent money.


Thanks so much for the recap, Jean. That's above and beyond the call of duty. We have recappers for En Otra Piel for Monday, Thursday, and Friday. We do need volunteers for Tuesday and Wednesday. Really quick, practically bullet point ones would definitely be fine.

The third young woman is Valeria, who was a virgin until that rotten Chantal used that to up her price. If I were writing this novela, I'd write in a scene where we see Chantal get a beat-down in women's prison!

Thanks, Deb, for pointing out that half smile and slight look of recognition that Emiliana got when she saw Mondriana at the gate.

I was SURE that young punk was going to rob our three babes in the woods. Nice touch that Rodrigo interfered.

That was a ghastly scene where the truly twisted Elena tries to tempt her own mother out of 20 years of sobriety. Hopefully, she won't succumb tonight. Elena left a full glass of whiskey in plain sight.

It was interesting that Evil Carlos has a partner whose clean-cut appearance and good looks probably means he's the front man for a lot of their dealings.

The contrasts between El Cuerpo del Deseo are as interesting as the similarities.

Contrasts: 1. No Walter 2. Female protag rather than male 3. Person likely to be the one to know the truth is NOT a fake psychic as in ECDD, but rather a skeptic who only hosts a show about paranormal activity as a job.

En Otra Piel
Thanks Deb for recognizing the guy in the bar who prevented the robbery of the girls as Rodrigo, the father of Gabriel and Ricardo. I totally missed that.

Novelera: Gaetana in ECDD and Selma are the same in that although they both deal in the paranormal as their jobs, neither of them really believes in it. It will be interesting to see how long it takes Mondriana to convince Selma that she really is Monica.


Not too many of us have been commenting on this show (I did see your comment, Deb), but I am watching it. I'm enjoying the 70's time setting, along with the flashbacks to 1941, where Arnulfo cruelly mistreated the Chinese workers.

I also like the irony that Emilio seems to have a twin, Aron, who lives with Alison, and I find her especially attractive. They are raising a boy whom I think is actually Emilio's son.

Rosaura, Camelia's Mom, is one tough cookie, although I wish she would reveal her past to Camelia (and to us!). We know it had something to do with Don Antonio. He's being portrayed as a more noble druglord, but of course Rosaura sees it quite differently.

And I can certainly see Camelia falling for Emilio. Which is more fun for a young girl, dental assistant, or see the world! Especially since she thinks Emilio has changed from whatever dark deeds were in his past. But can he really change? Or will he change HER?



I so agree with you about Tifon and his enormous burden (Carmina), it's very true. I wish he had stuck with Mona Lisa, and I agree with you that he was acting like a kid. I like the character of Tifon. I hate that Carmina and Max have been swindling him all these years and he hasn't a clue. He still carries the guilt of hitting Genesio with the car.

Adriana Noel:

Nina doesn't know that Tifon hit her Papa with the car. When she finds out she will be devastated, I agree.

Jorgito and Nina/Rita do have a great love. It started in the Tiradero, when they were kids. They had this huge attraction even then. I think Nina has told Jorgito some of her story before she got to Tiradero but not all of it. She has told Jorgito the reason she is still working in the house is for Justice and not revenge, although I think it is a little of both. Nina does want to protect Tifon from Carmina and was really happy when he left her, now Nina will have to come up with a Plan B, but will have to come up with a way, that it won't hurt Tifon or Jorgito. I really wonder what Nina is going to do now?

As far as Jorgito telling Debora it is over, he did try that once, but Nina rejected him time and again. Nina doesn't want Carmina to find out she cares about Jorgito but Ivana and now Max sure have an inkling. That talk with Jorgito and Tifon in this capitulo was a close call. I thought for sure they would name the woman they are both in love with. No such luck.

I also think that Tifon isn't in love with Nina, not a passionate love, I think. He may be confused in his midlife crisis. Maybe they will introduce a new woman for him eventually. I can't see him with Carmina or Nina. Mona Lisa feels he doesn't love her, so I don't know where they will go with that.


thanks for your comments Hombre!

new cast,

"La Nacha (Arcelia Ramírez): The oldest and most important smuggler on the border, she controls the busy crossings at Tijuana and Ciudad Juárez. Nothing happens on the border without La Nacha knowing about it and giving her OK."

little Alma sure is intriguing, it looks like don Antonio has cassette tapes of her dreams (which he hides from his wife Lu) and as he listens, does she talk about a half man / half women with a serpents tongue, and the more I look at don Arnulfo's bruja the more she looks like she needs to shave.

also intriguing is how EVERYONE has their own agenda, even the two cops have different ideas, except for maybe Lu and her brother Xiang, who seem to be on the same track.

so a day on the road and Camelia learns to shoot, and drive, and maybe working on her drinking a little too, and that smooth narco Emilio asks her to marry him, and she says yes, oh what will Emilio's wife, Alison, have to say about this.

so those were poppy (amapola) fields, now mostly destroyed by Alma's predicted ice storm, but wasn't don Arnulfo's bruja/o commenting on how poor his crop was.

so everyone shows up at the dentist office looking for Camelia, who's not there, and a shootout occurs between the cops and the scorpion who stayed to get his festering arm wound taken care of, and I don't know why but I find this doctor creepy.

but anyway Emilio has called in his intent to don Antonio to bring in Camelia, who looks happy, and I think he called off his loyal dog the scorpion, who steals horrible cars compared to Emilio.

and Camelia's shotgun mother, Rosaura, is worried, having been told that Emilio is a wanted killer, she goes off to reclaim her daughter.



Thanks for another great recap, Mads. I’m so glad Nina now has something else she can hold over Max’s head! Maybe now he’ll keep his hands to himself.

I know she doesn’t want to hurt Jorgito, Tifon and the family, but how is that to be avoided? Finding out that Carmina and Max are lying, thieving, treacherous snakes will hurt everybody. But it will also be good for them in the long run. Time for Nina to stop focusing on making gourmet meals and kissing Carmina’s butt, and start gathering real evidence on Carmina and Max and their shady dealings.



Loved your comments, Deb, especially about Alacran stealing horrible cares compared to Emilio!

I sort of got the impression that Antonio still hates Emilio, and sort of wants Alacran to intercept Emilio's "delivery" of Camelia, kill Emilio, and Alacran will bring him to Antonio. But of course that won't happen.

It's funny, but after the way Alacran treated that dentist (and others), I hate him, and I'm sort of rooting for Emilio!

As for Antonio, Benigno, Lu and Chaing, I sort of like Lu and Chaing the most now. Antonio is certainly way better than Arnulfo, but I'm not so happy with him these days. And Benigno just can't change with the times, I guess. Go with the marijuana, man!

Of course I hate Arnulfo. I think his "bruja" is Lupito, who is a gay guy. It was interesting that Alma saw visions of an evil person, half man, half woman.

I'm not sure what I think about La Nacha, who seems to be playing both sides. It's cool to have a bunch of strong women in this show.


I've only surfed this TN lately, but did catch Camelia's mom holding a shotgun on Emilio and that was fun.

Also saw don Antonio listening to the cassette tapes and thought QTH. So thanks, Deb and Hombre de Misterio, for clearing up what was going on there.

Can't stand Emilio but I do believe he's in love with Camelia, at least as much as he's capable. The Chinese angle is interesting and it's nice to see the actor playing don Antonio's brother-in-law have a bigger role after all the brief parts in other TNs.

En otra piel

Kind of a slow night, in my opinion, nothing much happened.
Maite (one of the girls that Mondriana escaped with)is going to get into troubles with that big mouth of hers. I can't believe that someone who just escaped from a brothel would think about boyfriends!

Mondriana needs to stop going to her house ASAP - Gabriel has already seen her twice.

How long before Elena sleeps with him? Or maybe she will just string him along? Not sure that can work on the long run,since Gabe appears to be quite a horny fellow.

En Otra Piel

and Geraldo has also seen Adriana, in the driveway.

and so the two girls lost their purses to the thugs that saw the money roll earlier, but didn't Adriana just give them a small portion of the money.

Geraldo reveals to his brother that Elena killed Monica and got him to finish off the lawyer.

slowly Monica is wearing down the skeptic Selma.

and don Mario swears to Diego that he will locate Adriana.

btw, rumor is that Laura Flores (Monica) has taken a role in "Reina de Corazones", that is said to have begun filming early last month.



Part I

Oi, Oi, Oi! Another great episode.

We left Nina and Max in that darkened garden talking about who has the most goods on who. Max knows he is in some deep doodey so to speak. So she tells him that Lucio isn't gone, and claims she doesn't know how those footprints got on the wall over there, but come with her. She takes Max to her room and gets Lucio to come out while the guys fight it out over why Max didn't shut off the alarm. Max thinks Nina reconnected it but she denies it and she makes it seem as if he did it wrong. Anyway, the plan is to get a change of clothes for Lucio so it seems he came to see his Mama at work and hasn't been there all night.

Tifon tells the family he will be contacting Zenon in the morning cause he just knows this was an inside job. Max looks like he isn't feeling so well.

Next morning,Lucio can't believe Nina continues to help him. It isn't for him she says but for Janaina who has always been so kind to her. Max comes with a change of clothes for Lucio. Seems Max is going to take off what he is wearing and give it to Lucio to wear, I think they exchange clothes, while Nina says she doesn't want to see this playboy moment and goes.

The family is at breakfast and talking about Janiana getting knocked out like that, the robbery and Tifon is still all kinds of upset. He goes to the library and Ivana and he talk about the breaking of the partnership with Mona Lisa. Tifon feels he has to do it, even though he really doesn't want to, and Ivana thinks maybe this isn't such a good idea. Tifon is going to talk to Mona Lisa himself. Ivana thinks that's a bad idea, but he goes anyways.

Roni and Leandro have returned to the place that Suelen is to get a look see. Roni has a very bad feeling about her where Leandro really couldn't care less. Inside that house, Roman and his cohorts are meeting. Suelen is also there. These guys are all packing some kind of heat. Those guys and Roman are about to leave, when Suelen comes out and says she doesn't want to go along with this anymore. Roman punches her in the face and says too bad, she's in. Roni and Leandro see this and Roni wants to check to see if Suelen is okay. Roman and those guys take off in car, as Leandro and Roni hide so they won't see them. After those guys go, Suelen is still outside and Roni calls to her to see if she's okay. She can't believe they came there. She warns both of them off, Roman is very dangerous and she is staying. Roni wants to help her but Leandro wants to leave.



Part II

Carlitos goes to see Debora at work. He just wanted to say hi and see how she's doing. He wants her to know he is a great Papa, no matter what happens with Veronica and he. He wants Veronica to find a new guy that she deserves. Debora cracks a joke about Carlitos being like a sultan with a harem, but the visit is nice, and he has even got a picture of them when she was little he gives to her. They have a nice hug.

The family is eating again and Carmina thinks the robber was so incompetent as she gives Max the stinkeye. Here comes Lucio in those borrowed clothes that Carmina seems to recognize right away. Janiana is flabbergasted he has the nerve to show his face after what happened and says she's working right now, but will talk to him later. He goes.

Roni and Leandro went back to Roni's and they are still talking about Suelen. Leandro still thinks Suelen is bad, but Roni not so much. Diogenes comes and says that Roni is very sensible. Roni goes off and Diogenes tells Leandro that Roni is in love with Suelen.

Roman and the guys come back and Suelen tells Roman enough already. She won't put up with this anymore, she isn't going along. She'd rather go to Bolivia and do the prison time. Roman punches her once again, and two of the guys drag her off and put her in a hole in the floor and lock her in.

Carlitos goes to visit Tomas and Noemia is there. Tomas is still very pithed at Carlitos while Noemia isn't at all. She is still loving her DuDu. He got a new pickup truck for Tomas, which Tomas clearly doesn't want. Tomas tells Noemia either Carlitos goes or he goes. Carlitos wants Noemia to find a good guy just for her. Tomas also cracks a joke about Carlitos being like a Chinese Emperor with a bunch of concubines. Noemia asks after Veronica. He says he saw her the other day, and wants a guy for her too. He massages Noemia's neck and for a second there, it looks like he is going to cheat, but nopis, he wants to be faithful to Alexia. He goes.

Muricy and Agatha have gone to see Jorgito and Debora. They stay for lunch and Agatha brings up the street performance and Nina. Debora is so pithed she didn't know about Nina being there and Jorgito never said. After Muricy and Agatha go, she accuses Jorgito of having lied to her yet again about Nina. Jorgito tries to explain he was with Leleco when he came upon Nina and Agatha but she thinks this was planned. He is a lying liar that lies, just like her Papa, but she isn't an idiot like her Mama and goes.

Zenon is questioning Janaina about the attempted robbery, but she is overcome with anxiety, he wants a description which she says the robber had a mask on and she couldn't see who it was. ZeZe is also there and witches about Nina, trying to make her out to be the inside job person. Tifon cuts her off, as does Max and Janaina. Max is trying to give or suggest a false description. Zenon and Tifon tell ZeZe to go. Max tells Zenon that ZeZe is jealous cause Carmina likes Nina.


Part III

Jorgito calls Tifon about his woes with Debora. Tifon is going to talk to Mona Lisa about that partnership.

Club Divino is having a meeting about funds and Mona Lisa is there and Tifon comes. Everyone goes and they sit and have a chat. She can't believe he went back to Carmina, she thinks he is sick in the head. He thinks he did the right thing and she happens to mention she was going to have a bebe, and then shuts up. Tifon is flabbergasted. Seems when she was on that bus to Rio, she was preggers with Tifon's bebe and due to the accident she lost the bebe. Tifon can't get over that and is saddened. Mona Lisa doesn't want to be partners with Tifon anymore. As a matter of fact, her name is on these salons and she'll find a way to buy him out cause this is so much trouble for him. He's pithed he didn't know about the bebe. She tells Tifon, name your price and I'll pay it. Tifon thinks she is a bad person for never having told him and she goes and cries outside the door.

Janaina comes home and Lucio is there. She is very pithed at him. After all she's done for him, how could he want to rob her employer. Isn't what she's done, work her tail off for him to have things he does this to her? She wants to know who the inside person was, but he won't tell her. He claims he didn't have an accomplice. She throws him out cause she can't trust him anymore and she checks his bag and finds her jewels in there and takes them back. He disses her very badly and goes and she cries.

Max is in the library and Carmina comes in loaded for bear. She can't believe he used Lucio for this job, her best employee's son. He witches about how he gets no bennies but she always does. She slaps the crap out of him and he's shocked!

Nina is in the garden snipping those herbs when Tifon comes. They talk about the fresh herbs. He thinks the house is bad, first that kidnapping of Carmina and now this attempted robbery. He also tells her about breaking his partnership with Mona Lisa. He also mentions Jorgita also has relationship problems he is in love with someone else. Is it that barrio girl (Rita)? Tifon doesn't know. Nina asks Tifon if he is in love with Mona Lisa? Not her he says another woman. Will Tifon tell Nina? Hmmmmmmmm......

@Vivi regarding AVENIDA: This show has so many twists and turns, and to me baffling developments, that made me hate many episodes. I am going on record saying Carmina is one of the craftiest villain I've seen on a novela. Love her or hate she is as smart as she is dangerous so the road ahead is long and hard.


I'm a little confused about the little Alma. What is her back story? How did she come to be with Antonio and Lu? Is she their biological child ? Thanks to Hombre de Misterio and Deb for the recaps. I thought I was the only one watching.


Avenida Brasil

I am guilty of complaining when this novella ran for 2 hours. Now that it's one hour, I'm really missing the two hour time slot. I'm left wanting more. I don't see why they have to air Camelia 3 times a day. They give it at 10 p.m., then rebroadcast it at 2 a.m. and 1 p.m. Does this mean it's doing good or bad? I wonder how this affects the primetime ratings.

Agatha is such a sweet girl. I wish both Tifon and Carmina would be more affectionate with her. I know Tifon loves her but he's not really shown being loving with her. I guess the novela is more focused on his relationship with Jorgito.

I'm glad Monalisa didn't sell her share of the business. Carmina gets her way too often. It drives me crazy.

I hate Carmina but the actress who plays her does an amazing job.


I am happy to see comments on Camellia. I have not been sure if I like it but am intrigued. I am also wondering who Alma really is and why Arnulfo has her. Also not sure why Beni has a problem with Lu's brother. The brujhaho is different, interesting twist. Keep talking to the screen, wake up to this dirt bag Camellia, oh well guess that would mess up the story.


Miranda- they seem to be putting this story together a little piece at a time and I don't know if they have actually covered Alma but a character description posted earlier says,

"Alma Treviño (Ana Paula D'León): adopted by Antonio Treviño after the death of her parents, little Alma has a special gift: Her dreams foretell the future. Her strange talent comes in handy during times of crisis and enables her more than once to save her family, but Alma soon realizes that it also gives her the power to manipulate the destinies of those around her."

but so cool that Alma has one blue eye and one kind of greenish-brown.

and bmc, I'm guessing that they haven't jumped on don Arnulfo who kidnapped Alma because they are afraid Alma will be hurt.

but on tonight's show, wow, I was really lost.

I didn't get what Alma's new dream was, but apparently she wasn't doing Lupa brujo any favors.

not sure how the poppy damage thingy turned out, but I'm guessing that don Antonio played them and now the governor is dead and his body guard had a good payday for doing nothing.

not sure why Lu / Xiang need a "pollera" and want to hire Alison.

and the whole border crossing thing, I was totally lost on that, but it sure seemed to work so well, was Emilio selling out on Camelia, and what did the note say, and that american guy, so funny how he turned the tables on El Alacrán.

but we just know mom is not far behind.

love how that phone booth shows up in the most desolate places, it's better than a cell phone.

and the dress shopping was a hoot, did Camelia ask Emilio where he got the ring, and he said, from the same place you stole the dress.


This comment has been removed by the author.

En Otra Piel - Friday - Part 1


At the end of Thursday’s capitulo, Mondriana remembered what Monica gave to Selma to investigate. She goes to Selma’s house and tells her that Mónica gave her a “dije,” an amulet that is a “soul catcher.” Selma is still not totally convinced. She takes Modriana inside and sits her down in front of a piano and tells her that the only thing that no one pretending to be Mónica could fake is her ability to play the piano. Mondriana plays the piano and Selma is convinced that she really is Mónica.

Selma brings her colleague Esteban over and fills him in. He first wants to take Mondriana to see doctors, etc. but she refuses. He offers to hypnotize Mondriana to see if they can find out more about what happened. He does this and a hypnotized Mondriana tells them that she was signing papers in her house, she heard a voice that she doesn’t recognize (and in the flashback we hear it all distorted), then she couldn’t breathe. She hears Camila’s voice and has a terrible fear that her daughters are in danger.

Then there is the usual long, dark tunnel with a light at the end. She wants to go there but she can’t leave her daughters unprotected. She describes how she feels herself flying, she sees a woman below who appears to be dead and then she is falling. We see her heading down into the body of Adriana. Then she describes how she saw Adriana’s face in a mirror. “¡Yo no soy tu!” “I am not you!” she says over and over.

When she wakes up from the hypnosis, she tells Esteban and Selma that all she wants to do is go back to her old body and be with her daughters again. Selma asks Esteban to leave them alone and presumably breaks the news to Mondriana that Mónica’s body is dead and buried. We see her visiting Mónica’s grave.

Maite and Valeria:

They only have one quick scene in this capitulo. They are upset about being robbed of their money and decide that they have to get jobs.


Emiliana comes home from school, rejects Lorena and overhears Camila and Ricardo talking about the will and that Gerardo inherited everything. Emiliana goes to basketball practice and two girls mock her being an orphan (what? is the 19th century when being an orphan carried a stigma?) Emiliana gets in a fight with one of the girls, then kicks the headmistress and is expelled from the school.

En Otra Piel - Thursday - Part 2

Camilla and Ricardo:

They get notice that the signature on the will is confirmed to be Mónica’s and decide to contest the will in court not as a fake but presumably as Gerardo had an undue influence on Mónica. [That would be a very heavy lift since Mónica was in full posession of her faculties when she supposedly made the will.] When Camilla tells Elena about the handwriting expert’s determination on the signature, Elena tells Camilla that Mónica was totally infatuated with Gerardo and that had she known about the new will, she would have tried to reason with Mónica. She also tells Camilla that Mónica gave up her career as a pianist to be with Gerado, not for her daughters.

Camila tells Elena that even though the will is apparently valid, she is going to contest it. Elena offers her support and help and regrets the injustice that has been done to Camila and Emiliana.

Through one of his professors, Ricardo gets an appointment with a judge who is willing to advise them on contesting the will. They go to see the judge and, of course, it is the pervert judge who was the customer in the San Diego brothel. (He was there when the girls escaped but I guess he got out of there without being identified or he paid somebody off.)


This bobo falls hook line and sinker for Elena’s act that she is attracted to him. She teases him by showing her sexy underwear in the window and invites him up to her room whereupon she starts crying for help in the time-honored “he tried to rape me” scenario.

Gerardo and Elena:

The notary brings Gerardo and Elena a document that transfers to Elena half of what Gerardo inherits from Mónica. He says that the probate of the will is proceeding. He gets paid off and leaves. Elena tells Gerardo that she is sure that he would never betray her.

Mexico City:

Diego is still in the prison infirmary. Don Mario tells him that he has found out that Carlos is one of the biggest traffickers of women and operates on an international level. He has bribed various Government officials to look the other way. Don Mario says that he is working on finding out what happened to Adriana.

Don Mario’s guys grab a guy who works at Carlos’ bar and torture him until he confesses that Adriana was taken to a brothel in San Diego.

Carlos can’t get out of his interview with the prosecutor. He puts some money in a briefcase and tells his associates to continue with the business. He has brothels in several other US cities.


En Otra Piel - Thursday - Part 3

Carlos is arrested for the attack on Adriana and suspicion of kidnapping. He is taken to the same prison where Diego is. His lawyer bribes a guard to bring him the briefcase from which he gives Carlos some money. Carlos tells the lawyer to use the rest of the money to get a favor from the judge. When he is being processed, Carlos offers the guard a bribe to find out where Diego is being held.

Don Mario’s lawyer tells him and Diego that Carlos has been arrested but this does not mean that Diego can go free. The lawyer says that Carlos has many ways of getting out from under the accusation but he hopes to use the time that Carlos is in prison to build a case. He says that they really need Adriana’s testimony. Don Mario tells them both that he has found out that Adriana was taken to San Diego but that is all he knows. [They seem to be building a case against Carlos for kidnapping. I don’t see how any of this is going to get Diego off the charge of murdering Jacinto.]


Many thanks, Jean, for another detailed and insightful recap. I'm still playing catch-up, having decided only a few days ago that I'd switch from Camelia to En Otra Piel. Your recap was thus especially helpful.

I don't have much to add at this point, but I was surprised at the brutality of the torture scene. It looked as if they might have taken out one of the guy's eyes, and I think they were planning to take his tongue, but at that point he decided to tell them what he knew. I hope we don't have too many more scenes like this one.


Great comments, Deb! One thing we know is that Lupito's predictions didn't work out for Arnulfo, so he WHIPPED him. That Arnie is terrible. Then, after burning the governor/mayor with a hot iron, followed by the gov getting squeezed by Antonio, Arnulfo shoots the gov dead. What a guy.

Of course I have no sympathy for Lupito, who's been super cruel to Alma, making her drink psychotropic drugs to get her visions (but she's double crossing him).

Yes, I do think Emilio had abandoned Camelia, and was thinking he'd get cash and heroin in exchange. Alacran thought he'd get the gringo's van, but was outfoxed. Still, rather than a $200 reward, Alacran convinced the gringo to join him, and it worked. For now. Alacran has Camelia, and Emilio is the prisoner of the gringo.

But do we think that's the end of it? No WAY! Deb, you're right, Rosaura's on her way. And Emilio has a knack for getting out of things. Same with Camelia, who could kick Alacran where it hurts.

Maybe Lu wants Alison, the pollera, to move the marijuana with the immigrants she smuggles into the US.

I think Alison remarked to Aron, "I sure hope Emilio (her husband) isn't with any other chicas." Wow, she has a rude awakening coming!


thanks for clearing some things up Hombre,
and for adding your nice touch to the story.

this don Antonio is turning out to be a pretty clever guy,
I still chuckle over the scene the other night with the bad tequila.

I guess we are also witnessing the birth of the DEA, which according to wiki "was established on July 1, 1973".


En Otra Piel

wow, terrific recap Jean!

it's interesting how Monica isn't getting that Elena killed her, but yet senses above all that her kids need her, (I can really feel her upset and frustration and I'm amazed at how much Adriana is becoming Monica) and although Camilla will get along, Monica and Emiliana were more like soul mates, and it bugs me too that vegetarian Lorena keeps butting in as the mother she never was.

I thought Elena's rape scene was a bit off, there really isn't anyone around to hear her and it will really clue in Gabriel as to how evil and manipulating she is.

I thought I heard where Ricardo took a phone call and was told that Monica's lawyer was dead, I hope there are some loose ends there that will cast some doubt on the new will.



Part I

We left Tifon in the garden yesterday, where he admitted he was in love with a woman, but it is a sweet dream and nothing more. He can't believe he told Nina this. She's okay with it. He is staying with Carmina, nothing will ever happen with this woman. Nina tells him anytime he wants to talk she is there for him. Zeze comes to tell her someone has called for Nina. She goes.

Nina goes out the gate of the house and it's Betania come to check on her. She asks Nina for five minutes and they go to a café. Mama Lucinda and Betania have been worried about Nina. She tells Betania that she is in love with Jorgito and it's the same with him. She also tells her that Tifon came back to Carmina. Betania wishes that Nina would give up the job already and get with Jorgito and be happy. Nina is still on her mission to get Max and Carmina. She wants no mercy for them. She feels for Tifon as if he were Genesio. Nina then tells Betania she needs "Rita" one more time. Betania refuses. She won't do that again. Nina is on her own.

Max can't believe Carmina slapped him. They argue back and forth about the bennies again. How she reaps and he gets nothing. She has stored up the treasures she tells him, he's not buying it. She thinks he is stupid for having gotten Lucio to do this and is sure that Janaina knows it was Lucio too. Max is sure not. Max wants some money to call his own and is trying to get Carmina to have Tifon go in with him in an investment in a resort. Carmina tells him hell no and goes. He's pithed.

Mona Lisa, Olenka and Iran are having a meal and Mona Lisa tells Iran how she is buying out Tifon. She will find a way to come up with the money. He is floored. She says the only owner of the salons will be her.

The family is gathered, not at a meal this time, in the Sala and Tifon tells them about Mona Lisa buying them out. Carmina is way more than pithed! It's a money maker, don't let this go. Muricy agrees with Carmina, but Ivana and Tifon want to let Mona Lisa buy them out.

Lucio is at the beach checking out a cougar. They finally introduce themselves to each other, I didn't catch her name and end up spending the day together, she even buys him a drink and tells him her place is nearby.

Suelen is still in that crawl space underneath the floor of that house. Roman comes in and tells her he'll get the money and that he loves her and then gags her. Poor thing is all tied up and gagged and can't make a sound. Roman and the guys go.

Max is caterwauling for Nina. He wants the best wine in the house and a dinner to go with it. He also takes a Cuban cigar from Tifon's stash. He wants the best, the very best of everything. I think Nina said this wine was sweet and then Ivana comes in and wants to know what Max is doing. These things are all Tifon's best. Well, he has nothing. Ivana tells him lets go to dinner, just the two of us and spend some time together, she'll pay of course. He goes with her.

Zenon is still questioning Janaina about the attempted robbery. She is still upset and crying. She tells him she was knocked out, never saw the guy's face and woke up in the bathroom when Aduato came in. Zenon is a mite suspicious but Janaina can't continue and Nina takes her off. Jan admits to Nina that it was Lucio and after all the things she's done for him he's turned into a bandit. Nina comforts Jan.

Betania is working at the gas station when she gets a visit from Mama Lucinda. She's come for info on Nina. Betania tells Mama Lucinda about her convo with Nina. Mama Lucinda wants Betania to talk to her again, but Betania tells her it's useless, she won't listen.



Part II

Max and Ivana have made it to the restaurant. He says the place is nice good wine, good food and he's with a vulgar woman! He insults her and humiliates her in front of the whole restaurant, mimicking her eating with her mouth open. She is so degraded. The waiter asks him to leave, on the way out he tosses the place settings off the table and says Ivana will pay for the damage, he goes and she is totally destroyed.

Carlitos has come to see Debora and Veronica. He has fixed some wires on the TV and Debora goes. Carlitos is getting snuggly with Veronica. They can have a friendly relationship. Looks like more to me. Hmmmmm..... Jorgito calls Debora for a meet. She goes.

Max has gone to a hotel and wants the Master Suite, the best of everything.

Tifon and Carmina are making out on the sofa in the Sala as Aduato sees this he pulls Muricy out and then Ivana comes crying her eyes out. She tells Carmina, Tifon, and now Aduato and Muricy what Max said and did in the restaurant. Carmina is pithed and Tifon hugs Ivana and Muricy and Aduato are just as upset with Max. Carmina runs upstairs and calls Max. He doesn't answer the phone and she's pithed.

Max has gotten the suite and he's over the moon, it's his all his, the best of everything. He gets on the phone and orders room service and drinks.

One of the guys at the hotel talks to the hotel manager about how Max's credit card is maxed out. He has ordered all this food, drinks and the suite he has. They call Max who says that he has unlimited credit what are they talking about. He hangs up and panics and decides to leave, he is drunk. He doesn't see the security cameras in the hallway and he sneaks down the service elevator to the kitchen where security nabs him. Busted! They want to call the police but Max says he'll call home and get the money for the bill.

Max calls or the hotel does and says the bill is 28 mil. They can't believe it. Ivana is upset as is Tifon. Carmina says they really need to take care of this cause Max is considered like a bro to Tifon and this can't get out. Carmina wants to go, but Nina volunteers to do it.

Nina goes to Nilo's with a check for him. She reminds him to pay his bills and not to waste all this money on his little bennies. She gives him the check and he is floored by the amount. He says Carmina must be paying her well. She says she has some money of her own (remember that ransom money) and that's what she paid him with, not her salary. Nilo is floored. Nina has changed and wow! what a difference. She is in glittery black dress, makeup and she is gorgeous. Nilo is floored and then Mama Lucinda comes. She came by to talk to Nina. Mama Lucinda wants to know about Max. Mama Lucinda can't believe Nina is helping him out. Of course, Nilo argues with Mama Lucinda too. He can't believe that Carmina and Max are together as in together.



Part III

Tifon is on line in the library thinking about what Nina told him, when Carmina comes in dressed in that lingerie again, wanting to continue what didn't happen the other night. Tifon still isn't in the mood. He says so much on his mind. Mona Lisa, Max and Jorgito and his girl problems. Debora and Jorgito are done again. Carmina can't believe it. Tifon spills the beans and tells her that Jorgito is in love with someone else and now Carmina of course wants to know if it's Rita, but doesn't say. She wants details. Tifon doesn't know.

Security at the hotel, tells Max they have waited long enough and are calling the cops. Then a guy comes in and tells Max his wife is there and will pay the bill. Max can't believe Ivana came down there. He slowly walks out, Max doesn't see Ivana and the Security guys point to Nina. He sees her from behind and doesn't know who it is. Nina pays the bill in cash and then turns and Max is stunned. She runs up and hugs him and whispers in his ear she paid the bill. Cara de impactada de Max!


Thanks so much, Jean. Terrific recap. I'm really enjoying the pacing of this one. I thought the scene where Selma realizes her dear friend is in another body was well done by both actors.

Maybe it's the actor, but one part of the novela that bores me and turns me off is Camila ranting and raving about what her mother did to her. She also managed to further damage poor Emi, who was eavesdropping.

Elena is just completely hateful. It's not enough for her to have concocted a plan to get Mónica's money. She has to pour salt on Camila's wounds by telling her how besotted her mother was with Gerardo and that Mónica was planning to retire for HIS sake.

I remember Elena saying she had a plan to deal with Ricardo. Not a spoiler - just a guess - but I think her plan is to cry rape and try for getting the entire Cantú family fired.

I agree that Don Mario's plan to pin the kidnapping and forced prostitution of Adriana (among others) on Carlos doesn't really get Diego off the hook for the incredible, just jaw-dropping stupidity of his picking up the knife at Jacinto's crime scene.


Elena really did jump the gun a little on the "rape". I'm sure everyone will get fired anyway, but it seems she could have waited until the boy had his pants down at least. Now the brothers have been warned about what she's really like and will tell Camila.

She's horrible and I hope Monica gets her body at the end of this. And if not, then I want it. Pretty sure I could better things with it than she's doing- first stop, Christian de la Fuente's house!



when don Antonio asked about Lupe, the brujo who was in charge of Alma, the governor said he was "muxe".

(from wiki)
"In Zapotec cultures of Oaxaca (southern Mexico), is a physically male individual who dresses and behaves in ways otherwise associated with the female gender"
"the word muxe is thought to derive from the 16th-century Spanish word for "woman", mujer."

in rewatching, it looks like Emilio set up the exchange (car, money, drugs) on his terms, which don Antonio relayed to el Alacran who tweaked the plan, (and it also looked like the third guy took out the drugs when the american dude got in the trunk). By leaving the white mustang keys with the guard, Emilio had to drive up to get them, and so he sent Camelia across the boarder first on foot, (where el Alacran was waiting for her).


Otra Piel

Kelly, your idea about Monica getting Elena's body is awesome!!! And what YOU'd do with with a body like that - PERFECT! Can I join?

That would work pretty well, actually. Gerardo is hot for Elena anyway, and he gave some signs that he kind of cared for Monica, too. Best of better worlds! (not that he deserves anything resembling the best right now but we shall see)

Adriana's soul will get her body back, Monica's soul will get Elena's youthful and over inflated booty (what is that, anyway?) and Elena's soul will burn to ashes, because she doesn't have much of one to begin with.

Otra Piel

I hit sent way too fast.

Jean, thank you for the recap, it really shed some light onto the parts I missed - mostly Carlos and Diego and Mexico in general. I hope the prison story ends soon, it's pretty boring compared to the rest.
The judge was there during the brothel fire, but when one of the cops approached him, he threatened him with "Do you know who I am?" and the guy left him alone.

Novelera, I totally agree about Camila. She is so annoying, always jumping to conclusions, ready to think the very worst about her mother.
Remember when Monica fainted the night of the piano recital and Camila felt so bad because she'd been harsh?
The next day, when she had the chance to make things right, she preferred to pick another fight instead; then her mom really did die and again, she felt baaad. And now, yet again, she starts judging and making assumptions.
Bitter and grating on my last nerve.

I don't like Monica's sister, either. Elena might be a beatch, but I think she's right to be upset with her. Now THAT's a mother who didn't care. After her stint in rehab she preferred to live like a hippy and eat plants (no offense to vegetarians, but I really don't like her trying to impose her eating habits on Emiliana). If she couldn't stand to live in a mansion with her sister's family, she should have taken her daughter and built a life for the two of them somewhere else. I can't stand it when deadbeat parents use excuses like "it was better for you like this" blah blah - if you're not in jail, a child is never better off without a good parent, the stress being put on 'good' here.

There was a bit in this episode about Elena's father. I wonder who is is.

Avenida Brasil

Thanks for the great recap, Madelaine!

About the wine at Tifon's house. Nina tells Max that the bottle he has is Romanée-Conti and is very expensive. Tifón tells her that he knows that. An Arab sheik gave the wine to Tifón and he has been saving it for 10 years but he, Max, is tired of waiting.

When Max goes to the hotel, he orders 2 bottles of Romanée-Conti and it is his order for the third bottle that causes the hotel to check his credit card.

According to Wikipedia:
Romanée-Conti is an Appellation d'origine contrôlée (AOC) and Grand Cru vineyard for red wine in the Côte de Nuits subregion of Burgundy, France, with Pinot noir as the primary grape variety. It is situated within the commune of Vosne-Romanée and is a monopole of the winery Société Civile du Domaine de la Romanée-Conti, which takes its name after this vineyard. The AOC was created in 1936.

Wine from the vineyard is among the most sought after, and expensive, in the world. In October 2010, 77 bottles sold for a total of US$750,609 at auction; 3 bottles of the 1990 vintage were sold for US$72,000 in 2013.

So the money that Nina brought to the hotel was Tifón's?


@Jean: Yes, technically that money is Tifón's. It was the ransom that Max was supposed to deliver to Carmina's "kidnappers". Nina followed Max and saw where he hid it and then stole it from him. She was hiding it at the tiradero but I'm not sure if it is still there. I remember Ma Lucinda wanting her to get rid of it but Nina said she was going to keep it for Tifón.

I hope Ivana signed a pre-nup. I want Max to get nothing! The family has been rich for quite some time but they still live modestly, or as modestly as you can in that huge mansion. Carmina had better rein Max in.

Thanks for the information about the wine. One of the things I like about novelas is learning something new.



Thanks so much for the research on the wine. Wow, that wine is expensive. The money that Nina brought to the hotel to pay Max's bill off I think came from Carmina and it is probably Tifon's of course.

I wonder how she is paying Nilo though. I thought she hid that money at Mama Lucinda's and except for taking bits here and there it was still at Mama Lucinda's. Maybe Nina has more money in an account she has stashed away. She never really buys anything for herself. She lives at Carmina's now and occasionally at Nilo's. I know she is supporting Nilo, so maybe she just deposits the pay that Carmina gives her and uses it for Nilo. I'm not really sure.


I forgot to add this gem from the captions. Ivana walks into the house crying and Tifón asks:

¿Qué hizo ese estupendo de Max para que...?

Tifón actually said "estúpido".

P.S. I like your little joke Madelaine: Max's credit card is maxed out. lol.


well, Emilio's plan worked like a charm in that Camelia was delivered and he got away with the car/money/drugs and as far as Camelia saw, he had trouble crossing the border and had to run for it, so it was all perfect, except for the dude in the trunk with the gun.

I saw Antonio's guy take the drugs and maybe the money out of the car so did this guy do all of this on a promise? I thought he would drop Emilio off with the police and get that $1000 reward as well, but he brought him home instead, tied up, and then went to meet el Alacran, w/o Emilio, asking for more money, but el Alacran was ready for him this time and went and collected Emilio himself.

(btw Emilio escaped and politely introduced himself to the dude's bedridden father on the way out, but was caught by this other Antonio guy, this guy is definitely a ladies man)

Meanwhile Camelia was dropped off at a friendly farm and locked in a cell in the barn, and we meet a new character,

"Mireya Osuna (Estefania Villarreal): This outgoing, strong-willed 18-year-old becomes Camelia's best friend..."

anyway they do become friends, and as Camelia talks about the wonderful Emilio, who taught her how to drive, how to change tires, and... as she reaches through the bars and grabs Mireya (with the keys) around the neck, how to look out for herself.

at don Arnulfo's Lupe drains a bowl of blood out of tiny Alma's arm and drinks it, but that doesn't work either, and with his constant pestering, Alma gets real sick. He has the house keeper call a doctor (what kind of brujo is this)

and don Antonio has gotten one of his guys past the Lupe brujo worker inspection and hired on there.

at don Antonio's, Xiang suggests that brother Benigno be the next municipal president, hmm, the one guy that don Arnulfo couldn't influence, everyone likes that idea.

(and while none of Arnulfo's crop survived the ice storm, some of Antonio's crop did, and he plans to trade it for Alma, but Lu and Xiang don't look so good about that)

(with my bad memories of Arnulfo comforting the governor's wife)

Lu and Xiang bring in Alison (the self-proclaimed "owner" of Emilio Varela according to the cast list) the "pollera" , to talk business, (I don't think Antonio knows who she is but Lu and Xiang do) The idea is to create a new route across the border that neither don Arnulfo or La Nacha know about. (and they have a different tequila now) She'll think about it, and as Antonio gets a call from el Alacran, a trip to the bathroom and a discreet pick up on an extension phone Alison hears, el Alacran is on the way back with Emilio. She excuses herself and leaves.

so will our love birds re unite?


Avenida Brasil:

Thanks Mads!

Wow. Max is a real idiot. It doesn't take much to make Ivana happy and to keep living the good life as a kept man, but he's doing his darndest to ruin it. If Ivana had better self esteem, she would have tossed him out long ago. Thank goodness she has such a supportive family. Time to bring in a new man for her.

Thanks for the explanations on where the money came from. I didn't see the kidnapping episodes.

One correction. The family refused to bail Max out. Carmina was leaving to go meet with the priest to go "pray" for Ivana and Max and the family. Of course, we know she was really going to Max. But Tifon put his foot down and said they all needed to be together right now. Then Nina asked to leave so that she can visit her "mother", and they let her go.

That was quite the outfit she put on! I hope Max doesn't get any ideas. Boy, if Jorgito and Tifon could see her like this!

Part 1


Diego and the lawyer talk about the fact that they couldn’t find out what happened with Adriana after she left San Diego. Diego is very frustrated, but the lawyer asks him to be patient, because these things take time and the type of men that abuse women like this also know how to hide them very well.

In the meantime Carlos gets acquainted with the prison dynamic. He forces Diego’s cell mate to tell him which are the gangs that rule the place (and then punches him in the nose for not being prompt enough).
He tries to go after Diego, too, but the chief guard stops him.

He somehow manages to kill the leader of the gang that has the rivalry going on with Don Mario and his troop. Then he tells the men left without a leader that he can be their new boss, because he has the money and the power to lead them. They don’t accept him at first, but eventually, they hear him out, when he starts lying that he avenged the death of their leader and he can kill Don Mario, too.
Who would have thought that becoming a gang leader in prison can be so easy?

Don Mario finds out that Carlos paid a judge to end up in jail, close to Diego.
One of the guys who used to work for Carlos is killed and found with a post it on his forehead that says: Por Abusador De Mujeres (for being a woman abuser). His right hand man warns Carlos about the danger and Carlos tells him to take precautions, so that something like this doesn’t happen to any of his other men.

Carlos finds out information about the chief guard’s family and threatens to harm them if he won’t do what he says.


Selma and Mondriana are at Monica’s grave. Mondriana is sobbing, she can’t believe this is happening, it all seems like a nightmare.

Elena is still screaming “rape” when Gerardo rushes in and pushes Gabriel (with a little bit more rage than a normal family member would; you know, the hidden lover type of rage). Marta arrives, too and drags her son away.
Alone with Gerardo, Elena starts to laugh. He’s preoccupied (and a little bit turned on, I believe), he wonders how far she’s willing to go.

In the kitchen, Gabe tries to explain his mother that Elena provoked him, but that’s what every rapist usually says, so Marta doesn’t believe him. She’s upset that he would jeopardize her job, their only income, for his hormones. He’s just as irresponsible as his father!
She goes to talk to Elena, to try to apologize. Gerardo hides in the bathroom and Elena plays the role of the victim: she loves Marta very much, but she feels so ashamed, Gabe practically saw her naked, can you imagine that? She doesn’t say it, but she implies that she can no longer live in the same house with him. Therefore, Martha understands that they need to leave, so she goes to pack their bags.
Gerardo gets out of hiding as Elena rejoices her triumph: getting rid of the three estorbos (nuisance, obstacle) at the same time.


Part 2

While all this is going down at the house, Camila and Ricardo are with Pervy Judge. He says that Camila might have a legit reason to contest the will, but he has to research the situation a little bit more; so far, what he can say is that Monica probably didn’t have the right to dispose of the girls’ inheritance.
This brings up something I thought about, too. When her first husband died, did he leave everything to Monica? The girls were young and Monica was obviously left in charge, but shouldn’t he have left stock and money and properties for the girls to inherit when they’d be of age?
After Camila and Ric leave, the judge gets his pervy smirk – I think he plans to get more “acquainted” with Camila down the line.

Maite and Valeria manage to convince the patron of the bar to give them jobs. At first the guy doesn’t want to help them because they don’t have legal working permits, but Rodrigo, the boys’ father is there and helps them.
Maite fits right in with the new job, but Valeria is still traumatized after her brothel days. So, when the leech that stole their money tries to touch her, she drops the tray she was carrying and runs from the bar.

Arriving home Camila and Ricardo find out what happened in their absence. Ric goes to Gabe and his brother explains him exactly what happened, how Elena called him from the window and seduced him. He is a dog in heat most of the time, but he’s not stupid or a pervert.
He barges into the office where Elena is putting up a show for Camila. He screams at her that she provoked his brother (again this expression that never works), Gerardo jumps on him and they almost get into a fight. Camila takes Elena’s side, she can’t believe that her cousin would lie about something like this. Gerardo asks Ric to leave the house, too, if he’s taking his brother’s side. Camila sides with Elena and Gerardo, which Ric takes personally (he says something like: “You are one of them, so you’ll side with your people.”)

Emiliana and tia Lorena and in Emi’s room. Lorena tries to talk homework, but Emi is more interested in the shouting that she hears (who wouldn’t?). Lorena keeps her in the room for now.

Ricardo tries to explain to his mother that Gabe isn’t guilty, but she won’t hear it; she thinks Gabe is just like his father, fickle and thoughtless. Ric thinks that she should at least stay, be there for the girls, but she is too ashamed to remain in the house. They set out to go to Rodrigo’s place.

Emi sees them leave, so she runs outside, begging Marta to stay, because she promised. Camila insists, too, so Elena has to play nice – she asks Marta not to leave, since she loves her very much and she has nothing against her. Marta accepts, but she has to go for now, help her sons get installed in their father’s house. As Emi says goodbye to Gabe, Ric and Camila exchange an angsty look.


Part 3

Mondriana is with Selma, telling her about the bits and pieces of memory that come to her mind; everything is very chaotic, still, but of something she is sure: her need to protect her daughters and her everlasting love for Gerardo – when she saw him at the house, all she wanted to do was run to his arms (wouldn’t he have liked that?).
Selma wants to know why she thinks that her daughters are in danger. Well, it’s the dreams that she has – a distorted voice is threatening to hurt them. She doesn’t know why she got the chance to still be around or how much time she has, but she wants to take advantage of it and fix the things that she left hanging.
She needs Selma’s help to get inside the house. Selma promises to think of something, but it won’t be easy. She invites Mondriana to stay with her, but M prefers to go back to her friends.

Arriving home, Mondriana finds Valeria crying. She tries to comfort her, but I think the girl needs some therapy.

Ricardo, Gabriel and Marta arrive at Rodrigo’s, who just burned his dinner. Instead of jumping to the chance to be there for his sons, he’s reluctant to receive them. The boys leave the parents alone to talk and Marta reproaches Rodrigo his abandonment once again. He is still obsessed by his script and how rich he should have been.

The next morning Elena complains that she didn’t sleep well. Camila is worried that she won’t find a new school for her sister in the middle of the year. Lorena offers to home-school her (ugh), but Camila thinks Emi is better off outside, with kids her age.
After she leaves to talk to Marta, Elena attacks Lorena on her inexistent mothering skills.
Camila is happy that Marta is still living with them. She honestly can’t believe that Elena would lie about such a thing. Marta agrees with her and asks not to talk about this anymore.

The boys are having breakfast with Rodrigo. He plans to buys some mattresses for them, but Ric says he won’t stay too long, because school is about to start and he will live in a dorm room. (So, Emi is in the middle of the school year, but Ric is only now starting? Is he talking about a new semester or is this a plot hole? Moving on…)
Rodrigo worries about the tuition, but Ric thinks that Monica paid the year in advance, like she normally did.
Gabe finds bottles of beer in the fridge, but doesn’t say anything. For now he’s team daddy, apparently.

Mondriana is chatting with the girls about the bar and Valeria’s problems. She will get a job, too, but so far she has been investigating something about her. And what she found out is just too sad.

Pervy Judge calls Gerardo and the accountant, Carrasco, to talk business. This looks like a match made in Greedy Hell.

Selma comes to visit Lorena and snoop around. She finds out that Emi was expelled, but that’s not the worst that happened. Camila bitterly tells her that their mother abandoned them, by leaving all the fortune to Gerardo.
Later Selma talks to Mondriana about it. She tells her about Emi’s school problems, but also asks why she left all the money to Gerardo. Cara confused de Mondriana.
I hope she remembers her last will and quickly realizes that someone is messing with her money.


En Otra Piel

Great recap, Adriana Noel. Many thanks. I wish I had something to add, but having only recently decided to watch this novela, I'm still putting the pieces together.


Thanks for the recap, Deb! I didn't realize Mireya would be a recurring cast member, but I'm glad, because I like her.

I guess that gringo guy misjudged things. Emilio TOLD him not to trust Alacran, and now the gringo has nada. Who knows if he'll even live?

That worker of Antonio's, Nopalito, who is infiltrating Arnulfo's in order to spy and find out about Alma, is taking quite a chance, what with how ruthless Arnulfo is.

I wasn't sure exactly what Alison heard when picking up the phone, but I guess it convinced her not to work with Antonio (and also not to work against La Nacha).

Lu and Chiang are happy that Benigno will be mayor, not for his influence, but because it will get him out of their hair, and they can proceed with their marijuana plans.

I feel sorry for Alma, but see certainly is taking her abuse like a trooper.

I definitely think Emilio will escape. In fact, maybe Camelia will save him.


I meant to say "she" is taking her abuse like a trooper.

We also saw that Facundo agreed to work with the newly organized DEA, and preferred to call it "Dea", as one word, rather than the mouthful "Drug Enforcement Administration".

En Otra Piel:

Thanks, Adriana, for the excellent, quick recap.

I'm going to make a prediction here - Gabriel and Valeria will fall in love.

It also seems pretty obvious how Mondriana is going to get back in her house since:

Emiliana was expelled from her school;
Lorena is Emiliana's guardian and
Lorena and Selma are old friends.

When Mondriana does get back there, prepare yourselves for her continually amazing people by knowing things about that house and its inhabitants, etc. that she shouldn't. This happened all the time in ECDD. "How did you know that?" the other characters will ask over and over.

I'm already tired of the prison story but we can't have Diego turn up in LA too soon.

I wonder how the amulet (dije) will work in the story. There was nothing like that in ECDD. When Mondriana gets in the house, she is going to go to her secret room. If she is able to remember the combination of the safe, presumably she will find the amulet. We'll have to see what happens then.

Avenida Brasil:

According to my DVR, we go back to 2-hour episodes on Wed.

Nina sure looked fantastic in that dress and make-up. Wow!!

Thanks Vivi for clarifying that the $$ to pay Max's bill at the hotel didn't come from Tifón. Max is really going to be in Nina's debt now.


Hombre, I think what Alison over heard on the phone was don Antonio talking with el Alacran, el Alacran was saying that he was crossing the border at Juárez (that same crossing) and headed to the los Osuna ranch (where Camelia is) and don Antonio warned him to not let Emilio escape,

so I got the idea that Alison was off to get her man.

I'm really enjoying this thing that Emilio and el Alacran have going, el Alacran could have killed Emilio long ago, but like that one time he put his gun away and they went on to settle things like men, of course he had a big club in his hand at the time.


En Otra Piel

wow, thanks so much Adriana, love your summaries!

I too noticed the perv judge checking out Camilla, and I think in looking over the case he has figured out the scam and is looking for a piece of the action,

but at least Monica knows this guy for what he is.



Thanks so much, Adriana. I thoroughly enjoyed your recap.

I think Selma finding out that Mónica's will left the house and 90% of the business to Gerardo will be crucial. Mondriana appears to have 100% recall of her former life up to the moment that Elena killed her. So I assume she'll remember the will that Elena read out loud to Gerardo in the car after they killed Mónica's lawyer. So, when she joins the household to protect her daughters, she will be forewarned that someone in that house betrayed her.

Jean, ITA about the prison story. As I said before, the actor playing Carlos is doing a good job, but I loathe him and don't enjoy his successes. I'm also a bit underwhelmed by David Chocarro in this role.

Camila continues to disappoint. She swallows everything Elena says hook, line, and sinker. And she didn't raise the slightest objection to Ricardo and Gabriel being ejected. ¿Que? One episode ago she's telling him that what's different about their relationship from 5 years ago is that now it's deeper.

I like Gabriel a lot better now that he doesn't have that stupid, sex-addled grin on his face. I'm rooting for Rodrigo to completely reform and establish a good relationship with his sons.

Somebody give Valeria a fistful of anti-depressants! I know she's traumatized, but the constant terrified face and trembling all over is getting on my nerves. She even does it when they're safe in the room they're renting. Speaking of that HUGE room, who in Los Angeles has rooms to rent in a very nice house with three beds? Only in novelaland, so that the young women's converstions can move the plot along!

Thanks for the comments and recaps deb and Hombre. Having a hard time following the story. Your comments help a great deal. I do find some of the predicaments of Emilio and the Scorpio amusing. Emilio is so cocky that when he is taken down, even temporarily the way the actor plays it amuses me.


Gabriel used a word I haven't heard before in a TN, but I read a book with that word in its title: picaflor. It literally means hummingbird, but it's used in Spanish speaking countries to show the sense of someone being a Don Juan or a man who continuously chases women.


One of the aspects of this novela that I like so much is that it looks like a feature film. And I love seeing the scenes of Rio.

Rio, of course, is hosting the World Cup (El Mundial) later this year and the Summer Olympics in 2016. Excavation has revealed some disturbing artifacts as described in this article from the New York Times:

Rio's Race to Future Intersects Slave Past

If the link doesn't work (copy and paste), or you have used up your 10 free NYT articles already as I have, you can google the title of the article.

Now I'm going to iMaps to see if I can find precisely where this port is in Rio.

Oh there's the Avenida Brasil, where Genesio met his Maker at the accidental hands of Tifón, and where Rita's fate was sealed.


Here's some more Rio news from O Jornal do Brasil. It seems the trash collectors are on strike ("a greve") and the rain isn't helping matters any:

Com chuva, lixo acumulado no Rio se espalha

(With the Rain, Garbage Gathered in Rio is Spreading)

(I've always been interested in words and their origins. "Greve" also means "strike" in French. The Spanish word is "huelga." Hmm.)



Sue- Thanks so much for the link to the article. I got chills reading about the massive graves for the discarded slaves, and the irony of the Museum of the Future being built above the place of such inhuman suffering and injustice. Whenever I see how late Brazil abolished slavery, after the rest of the Americas had finally left it behind, I am amazed.


"Reina de Corazones", the latest news and pics here,

Juan Soler looks like he can be a pretty mean guy, maybe his wife Maky (the 1 or 2 eyed Alicia in "Santa Diabla"), has been giving him tips.

original writing by Marcela Citterio, ("Corazón Valiente", "Aurora")

I'm looking forward to seeing Catherine Siachoque again.


Reina de Corazones

Thanks for the link, Deb. I just can't get into these young galanes, like Sebastián Zurita and Eugenio Siller. Neither of these "boys" makes my heart go pitty pat. They're also too agringados for my taste. I like my Latin Lovers with dark hair and dark eyes!

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