Friday, March 07, 2014

Thursday, March 6th, 2014-Por Siempre mi Amor Recap # 65- Oh, The Way We Were....

Recap by CorazonSalvaje

This is the first half of the episode- feel free to add any missing parts.

Daffne Duck is going off on 'Za about how she has always been in love with BonBon. 'Za calls BS; she would always insult the boy. (right on the money there) Daffne then says she did it to hid how she really felt (LIES!) and 'Za then says anyone who heard her could automatically suspect she was a spiteful bitch (some paraphrasing LOL) More back and forth about BonBon and then she says she hated feeling that way about him while he was 'Za's BF. She had to think horrible about him to shoot him out of her heart. A little more chit-chat and Daff states they've always been like sisters and she would never go against her, EVER.
-Dena is telling BrunBrun how she feel sabout Tita's arresting. She states it feels like an exaggeration and Tita doesn't deserve that after all the good she has done. To finalize this scene, she states none of this would be happening if it hadn't been for that stupid anonymous call. BrunBrun laments unfortunately, they will neverknow who made it. Ally gives an expression that screams, "Watch 'while I SMH. (for reals sistah!)"
-On the stairs, 'Za is apologizing for having things happen the way they did and she didn't mean for them to occur. Daff then states times they are a'changin'; BonBon is single (and not really ready to mingle), you left him for another (more like one who is in need of a Lorena Bobbit job) and I had to go be his shoulder to cry on. It was hard spilling my guts though and watching him in pain the way he was. She asks if she is over BonBon and just into FeVer. 'Za says yes but BonBon is her ex and her first above all things, he will always be her first love. 'Za never thought they'd be having that conversation (LOL) but isn't jealous. Daffne Duck thanks her for understanding that her love for BonBon is the purest of pure love (water.)
-Dena is wondering about Bronce Mari. She is about to grow into legal age; therefore, they can't place her in an institution. Brun explains what's up and that Bronce Mari was accused of working with a delinquent gang (Dante, Gonzo and unfortunately, Borlas) which leaves Dena shocked. Some chit-chat later and Dena says something about they ending up with all the enanitos. Brun slightly blows a gasket at the thought of all of them being theirs.
-DannyBoyl is astonished (negatively) with what Bronce Mari did with the kids and she then laments they will be taken away from her now. DannyBoy then says something about a few more years and BM says at least she had somewhere to take them. DB then says when she is a mother, she'll be excelente (positively) and BM says she doesn't want any other ones. She is happy with los enanitos and she was so close to them.
-Dena is getting mad since Brun is showing cold feet at the thought of adoption (hace poco, he was ecstatic about it...) He isn't regretful about adoption but he wants a baby; a newborn! Dena explains a baby would be nice but there are five kids who need them more than ever (y ademas, they're loved by the kids!) Dena says they haven't a moment to lose. Let's get to the police and adopt the kids lickety split! If not, then other couples are going to take them. Brun then says they have to get DannyBoy and Tita out of jail. Dena agrees but he had to promise to make sure those kiddoes will be their after all! He tries to turn her off about it by describing the situation as drastic but she is resistant and mentions she isn't alone. She had him and Zenaida and TITA! She gave them classes, she is ready. Brun is surprised by all this. Dena says she has never been able to have kids and this would fulfill her dream of being a mother. Some sympathy later and the two hug (I think it's the most inimate they have been in this entire novela.)
-FeVer stares pensively outside the window thoughbubbling about how he made out with 'Za and that he has to watch his back for his son due to the fact that 'Za and BonBon are still in love. Hell no, he is thinking out loud about how he is going to dispose of his son. (You won't get away with this FeVer.)
-BonBon is laying down on the red couch when 'Drea comes to ask what's up.BonBon denies and she states he is a good liar and should speak his mind. He says he doesn't wanna worry her. Is it that bad? OK so he went to the movies with Daffne and coincidently, 'Za and FeVer were there. 'Drea then agrees that is bad but changes opinion(s) when she hears that FeVer told them to be civilized and that it was Daffne's idea. Daffne and 'Za are best friends who live together;inseperable. The least FeVer and BonBon can do is stick it out and mature (only one has to mature but he who does is beyond redemption so it's too late.)
-Isa and Art Dad are worried about Tita being convicted. Especially with how happy she was earlier when annoucing her wedding with Oso.
-'Drea and BonBon are talking some more and about gMeanerva. 'Drea plans on asking someone to keep their eye(s) on her. BonBon says she seems redeemed and that she plans on taking therapy. 'Drea requests he help her since they have always been close and he is happy to oblige.
-'Za drops the ball and let's Isa know about Soni's ways. At dinner, she figured everything out. She gets everything from a face Soni made when Tita said she has always wanted to be Missus De la Riva. She also lets it spill that Soni influenced her with bad behavior plans and asks for forgiveness but Isa states it happened years ago and she will always love/forgive/ give love (to) her. 'Za swears she will never let Soni ruin her life again. That is, Isa lets her know she has been talking with Soni lately and the girl acts changed.


Great recap, Corazon Salvaje. Snappy and sassy as always. A good thing about Por Siempre mi Amor is that the writers don't excessively fall back on cliches. They could have EASILY made Ally out to be some heinous, insane, child-hating b**ch to really push the Gaby/Bruno romance but instead they made her a normal, modern woman who likes children but just doesn't want to give birth just yet. She's good with her mother-in-law and is even friendly with her husband's ex girlfriend. It's really refreshing. I like Abby, she's just not compatible with Bruno. I do hope she ends up happy though, maybe with some guapo hombre on a beach somewhere. Great closure here with Aranza and Isabel, Aranza's starting to return to the light, but she's still friends with that duck and girlfriend to that motherf***er. So close yet so far. And Dafne, don't you know you're breaking rule number 1 of Girl Code. You have shamed us. I agree CS, Favier needs to be neutered.

Cassandra G.

Wow. I called her Abby, didn't I?

Cassandra G.

Thank you Corazon Salvaje. This was spectacular. You composed this with great heart and emotion and captured the essence perfectly.

"'Za then says anyone who heard her could automatically suspect she was a spiteful bitch (some paraphrasing LOL), "Dena explains a baby would be nice but there are five kids who need them more than ever (y ademas, they're loved by the kids!)" and "FeVer stares pensively outside the window thoughbubbling about how he made out with 'Za and that he has to watch his back for his son due to the fact that 'Za and BonBon are still in love. Hell no, he is thinking out loud about how he is going to dispose of his son" were among my favorites.

Cassandra, totally agree with you about Ally. Kudos to the writers for making her likeable although we have every reason not to as it appears to be predetermined that Bruno should and will be with Gaby. Ally wanting to adopt the children and Bruno clearly uncomfortable with it is just one more scene showing they are not really truly compatible. As you noted CS, this situation did show them in the only "close" moment they've had together to date. It will be interesting to see what occurs but please, let's not let Ally get too close to Feo or Sonia. We want her to be happy with someone else, not joining the long list of fatalities here.

Feo wanting to kill his son is evil incarnate. Shiver.


Thank you Corazon, better late than never. :-)

Corazon- Thanks for giving us a recap of part of the episode. I just watched the episode, and was also impressed by Dafne's ability to turn the situation around on Ara, and in her favor. What a skilled manipulator!

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