Friday, April 04, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 102 - 4/3/14 - Stolen Kisses and Post-Wedding Conversations

Wedding Fiesta
Nadia and Montserrat discuss her pregnancy. Montserrat repeats the old wive's tale that Nadia is having a tough time with her pregnancy because she is carrying a girl child. Nadia repeats that she cannot have this baby.

The wedding reception for Esmeralda and Refugio is lovely. In a sweet touch of ironic whimsy, Angelica has seated her mother at Esme’s ‘special work friends’ table. Amalia has already left behind her upper class snobbery to embrace the good-hearted Esme, but now Angelica is putting her to the test by seating her with a group of pole dancers. Much laughter is heard on the Patio.

In another part of the garden, Adolfo-fito and Dimitrio sit by themselves at a table trading barbed comments. Dimitrio thinks that it is odd that Adolfo is here at the wedding with Virginia when she is Dimitrio’s ex and she got hurt. Adolfo points out that that is nary a woman at the wedding who has not been hurt by Dimitrio, starting with the bride.  Adolfo asks where is Josefina—Is she hidden from Dim’s Navy buddies because Dimitrio is embarrassed that he is married to a woman like her? Dimitrio responds that he wonders if Adolfo ever gets tired of…being Adolfo. With snarky jabs like those, I think we can safely say that Dim and Addled are no longer a happy couple. They look like frenemies to me. With Adolfo breaking bad and Dimitrio leaning good, well, those two are now coming from very different places. Never the twain shall meet.

Speaking of breaking bad, Virginia shows all the signs of moving toward the dark side. I mean, hey, we need more corrupted characters in this telenovela, don’t we? She is wandering around the party in her strapless yellow dress carrying her red wine glass as close to her torso as if it were a Luis Vuitton clutch. She isn’t letting go of that baby of her own accord. She sidles in next to Dimitrio and starts to flirt when her Mom comes up behind her and snatches the wineglass out of her hand. Virginia has had enough to drink! announces Mother Amalia. She did not give Virginia permission to get blitzed at this party! A snotty Virginia replies that she is not a child and does not need her mother’s permission. All true.

Amalia and Virginia have bad juju right now, especially since Joaquin’s suicide. Esme’s special friend with the Ronald McDonald red-head and purple fabric flower in her hair, who looks at though she should only pole dance at the local Happy Hills Retirement Community, starts to give Amalia free advice about how to how to deal with rebellious little Virginia. But by now Amalia has had enough of Angelica’s social experiment that placed her at the pole dancer’s table and she grabs up her toys and heads for home.

Periwinkle Colored Office of Licenciado Cevera

Cervera’s secretary is leaving for the day. He tells her to go home and enjoy her time with her daughters—hi is just waiting for an email from Miami. As soon as he gets the doc and prints it, he’ll be outta there.

More Time At The Wedding Fiesta

Amalia has made her way over to Angelica and she persuades her terminally ill daughter that it is time to go home. Montserrat is wandering around the fiesta looking a bit lost. No wonder. The wardrobe folks have costumed her in what appears to be a simple but quite ugly vintage turquoise Sonia Henning ice-dancing frock. Her hair is in a contrived updo that might make Marie Antoinette proud. No wonder our heroine looks a bit at sea; she does not even know if she is in the 21st century.

Montse finds Angelica who tells her that she is a bit tired after all the frantic party planning.  The makeup folks have stopped putting lipstick on Angelica, and under the strong Mexican sun she does indeed look washed out. Angelica says she put so much into the party to give Esme and Refu something by which to remember her. Montserrat tells her that she has touched the hearts of all who know her. Angelica wants Montse to promise her something very important—She must repair her relationship with Jose Luis. He does not deserve Montse’s judgment. Jose Luis, who has come to take his weary wife home, interrupts their conversation. Montse promises to visit Angie on the morrow to finish their IMPORTANT conversation. Ale walks up and asks Montserrat what the two women were talking about.

“None of your bee’s wax, Mister,” returns Montserrat to her husband.

Oops, that isn’t really what she said. It was what I wanted her to say. In reel telenovela life she gazed adoringly up at her control freak jealous husband and said that it was nothing important. She is worried about Angelica. She doesn’t look good. More foreshadowing and it’s not very subtle.

Angelica takes her loving leave of the newlyweds and leaves the party early. She is VERY tired. Ummm, and to underscore a comment from Eli’s Wednesday recap, Jose Luis looks fabulous in the white-white tux. Wow.

Periwinkle Colored Lawyer’s Office

Now, my friends, I have been to a fair number of lawyer’s offices in my time, but I have never entered one that was painted in such a lovely shade of periwinkle blue. I must say that Licenciado Cervera’s olive colored skin is very flattered by the color. C. is reading a profile of Sandro Navarez that was sent to him by his contact in Miami. The lawyer is shocked to discover that Sandro is a total dirtbag. Huh. Cevera should have sent an inquiry about Sandro to the Patio. We would have told him that Sandro was mad, bad and dangerous to know.

C. hits “Print’ on his computer and waits for the Sandro Navarez doc to emerge from the printer.

Meanwhile, a gloved Sandro Navarez has stolen into the room behind Licenciado C. He picks up a heavy black statue off of the lawyer’s desk and uses it to strike a terrible blow to the back of the lawyer’s head. (Wince. I HATE to see people get hit in the head!)  Cervera falls to the floor. Sandro cleans the statue of blood with a hankie and replaces it on the lawyer’s desk. He takes the copy of the document that is printing on the machine and moves to the computer to clear the rap sheet from the computer screen. Good luck trying to erase any public data that is out on the Internet about you, Sandro. Can’t be done, man.

Sandro again picks up another black object from C.’s desk and considers it.

Wedding Fiesta

A tipsy Virginia finds Dimitrio and tells him that she was looking for him. She chides him for not paying any attention to her at the party and for not sending his condolences to her about her father’s recent death. Dimitrio warns her to stay away from Adolfofito—he is a no-good-nik and he will hurt her. Virginia sobs on her former lover’s shoulder about her losses and difficulties. She wishes she could just die with her sister! Dimitrio looks uncomfortable with this development but he tells Virginia that she is not alone. Virginia can count on him as a friend.

Fabiola, circling around the failing Angelica like a great California Condor, asks Alejandro what will happen to poor Jose Luis when Angelica dies. Ale gives her a cold look. Fabiola has also irritated the makeup department. Her hair is stiff with something that could be pureed viscera, that is, if she WAS a California condor.

Josefina comes to the party, better late than never. Alejandro introduces her to Fabiola and she circulates, looking for Dimitrio. Josefina’s hair is up and the bangs are pushed out of her eyes. She looks modestly nice in Graciela’s restyled rose pink dress. Still, our uncertain Finita crouches over as she walks, like a sea-snail curled into itself, trying to protect her tender inner bits from attack.

Just as she finally she spies her husband with his arm around pretty little Virginia, the not-so-innocent young woman steals a kiss from Dimmy, right in front of Josefina.

“Dimitrio!” Josefina cries in anguish. She runs away and Adolfo tries to stop Dimitrio from chasing her. Virginia prances back to the rest of the fiesta looking very pleased with herself. By the time Dimmy catches up to his wife she is smack dab in the middle of the partygoers. Josefina confronts Dimitrio; she never thought she would see him kissing—that one! Josefina points to a smirking Virginia.

‘No, no, no,” protests an aggrieved Dimitrio. Josefina swears that this time she will not forgive Dimitrio. In her distress, Josefina bumps into a passing waiter, spilling a tray of red wine down the front of Graciela’s borrowed frock. Montse comes to comfort Josefina and the two women leave the party before Dimmy can explain himself.

Amalia berates Virginia in front of everyone and Virginia accuses her mother of only loving Angelica. She asks a lingering Adolfo to take her home.

Jose Luis and Angelica’s House

Jose Luis carries a weak Angelica into their bedroom and lays her on the bed. Angelica asks Jose Luis to stay with her and hold her. She tells him her husband that, in truth, she is sad. She made some plans that have not worked out and she does not think she will have time to fix things. They will discuss it tomorrow after she has some time to think. Jose Luis tells her that he hates to see her sad; what can he do to put a smile on his lovely wife’s face. She was hoping to dance with her handsome husband. They stand up and slowly dance around their bedroom to music that Angie puts on the iPhone. They dance as Angie discusses her death. She reminds Jose Luis that he promised to scatter her ashes at sea. It is enormously sad.

Mendoza Mansion
Carlota and Graciela talk. Josie almost didn’t go to the wedding because she was afraid she would disgrace her husband. Graciela bores us with her talk of the ugly Josefina. Carlota defends Finita. She is not ugly! She just lacks confidence and doesn’t know how to dress! Graciela accuses Carlota of seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. She thinks love has made Carlota lose contact with reality. Alejandro, Montse and Josefina enter the house and Finita turns to face her mother-in-law. Even thought the dress was altered, Graciela gasps as she recognizes it. The left side of the dress is now covered in a red wine stain that is not coming out.

Graciela blows up; Carlota and Montserrat escort a distraught Finita from the room. Gracie demands from Alejandro to know what happened and the whereabouts of her son. Ale tells her she should ask Dimitrio to tell her what happened and then he walks away.

Josefina is beside herself. She thought that Dimitrio was coming to love her. She cannot stand that she was wrong about his, once again. She saw him kissing Virginia. ! No puedo ser! She had seen Dimitrio with Virginia when they were separated but she thought that things were over between the two when they reconciled. Recently Dimitrio has been acting very differently toward her.

Montse thinks that Jose should allow Dim to explain what she saw and Tia Carlota thinks that Virginia just threw herself at Dimitrio. For once, Carlota has it right.  But Josefina cannot get over the fact that Virginia is young and beautiful.  She feels she is ‘less’ than Virginia.

Montse gives Jose a good talking to. The only reason that Dimmy would have changed his behavior toward Josefina is love!  Josefina doesn’t have any money anymore!

But Josie thinks that Dim is acting out of pity. He knows that her brother put her in the street because of Dimitrio. She cries that she loves Dimitrio so much.

Gracie and Ale share another heart to heart talk. Alejandra looks as though he might be nauseous as he talks to his evil mother in law. She is happy he got out of jail. But while there was not enough evidence to prove Alejandro guilty, neither is there enough evidence to prove him innocent. Graciela, as always, brings cheer wherever she goes.

Dimitrio comes in and his loving mother wants to offer him advice. He tells her that the best thing she could do to help him is to stay there and shut up. Nice, Dimmy. Way to get your licks in.

Alejandro’s House

A breeze of wine red breath precedes Fabiola as she teeters into Alejandro’s house in a rustle of tie-dyed silk. Her dress looks a bit like a floor length camo tent, and, if Ale happens to have the good sense to throw her greedy self out on the beach, she could probably set up a tent pole and take shelter under it.

She tells Dominga that the wedding was interesting and very fun as she grabs a bottle of Chilean red and heads for her bedroom. Dominga tells Macario that Fabiola has a very big problem with the drink. They discuss Fabi until Macario almost spills the beans about just who Fabiola really is. Dominga catches the near slip but Macario covers by saying that he was talking about everyone discovering that Fabiola is a drunk.

The Mendoza Mansion

Dimitrio pounds on his bedroom door and demands that he and Josefina talk. Dimitrio outs his previous infidelities with Virginia by saying that he had done nothing with Virginia since Josefina had moved in with him to the Mendoza. Josefina catches this and demands to know how many times Dim kissed Virginia after they were married.

Dimitrio demands that if they are going to talk he will not do it through the bedroom door. Finita wants to know if Virginia also gave Dimmy money. Was he trying to get rid of the taste of having to sleep with Josefina every night?

Ed. I do not know why poor Josefina tortures herself so. With her hair up in a brown bath towel and tears on her face it is obvious to everyone but Finita that she is a beautiful woman. Please, telenovela Gods, do not make us wait until the bitter end to enjoy Josefina’s transformation into a confident, happy beloved woman.

Josefina will not let Dimmy in the room although he screams that what happened before doesn’t matter. Things have changed! She tells him to find somewhere else to sleep. She wants to be alone.

Almonte Mansion By The Sea

Montse and Ale get ready for bed. They discuss Dimitrio and Josefina’s problems and Ale says that Virginia is an immature and confused young woman. Montserrat cannot believe that Ale is defending her brother. He is a married man! Ale proposes that maybe Dimitrio was not taking advantage of Virginia—the way she was drinking Virginia could have stolen a kiss from him!

Yes, agrees Montse. She thought of that. The conversation turns to Ale and Montse and he says that it is not the cheating that hurts so much, but the idea that he has to share her heart with another. Ale, who hoards his hurts and grievances like King Midas piled up gold, asks her if she would forgive a stolen kiss? She doesn’t know. He confronts her about why she did not tell him that Jose Luis kissed her last week.

Jose Luis and Angelica

The two are in bed when Jose Luis asks Angelica why she asked Montse to come see her tomorrow. It’s personal says Angie. She loves Montse very much and wants to say goodbye. Jose Luis asks her NOT to tell Montse that he helped Ale get out of jail free.

Angie says that she had a plan—she asked for them to be godparents to Laurito in order to make sure that Montserrat was always a part of Jose Luis’ life. Who will look after him after she is gone? She thinks that Montserrat is the only one besides her who has truly loved Jose Luis. He insists, no, that if there is one thing he has learned it is that Angelica loved him and loved him honestly. He thinks he is a nuisance to Ale and and the now very married Montserrat. Angel wants to tell Montse that JL helped Ale get out of jail. They argue a bit and then cuddle. But Angie says she is not changing her mind.

Almonte Mansion

Ale and Montserrat continue their discussion. She cannot believe JL told Ale about the stolen kiss. But ale is grateful; he wants to know what is going on. He is upset because she did not tell him. She tells the insecure Ale that he should never doubt her love for him.  Ale has a jealousy hissy fit. Montse tells Ale that she is his, always. They embrace.

Mendoza Mansion

Josefina is looking for her single red rose. Manuela tells her it hasn’t come today. Josefina and Graciela talk and Gracie poisons Josefina’s mind about Dimitrio.

Almonte Mansion

Alejandro confesses to his mother that despite everything that Jose Luis did for him in getting him out of jail, he is about to call Licenciado C. and tell him not to defend Jose Luis. He cannot help himself. Alejandro wishes he had killed Jose Luis in their stupid duel. Alejandro is an idiot.

Victor bursts into the room with news that makes it unnecessary for Alejandro to call attorney C. The lawyer’s office went up in flames last night. All of the files were lost and Licenciado Cervera is dead.

Elna June


Hello Amigos!

I think it is fairly safe for folks to poke their heads out of the Bunker. There was only one murder tonight.

Carlos, you were right to be worried about Lis. Cervera. He did not make it through the capitulo.

Sandro Navarez is now an official murderer in Mexico. Who knws what he did in Miami?

I am completely fed up with Ale's jealous fits. On this subject at least, I declare him an imbecile.

Elna June

Elna, wonderful recap, just what I needed this morning that feels like a Monday for some reason.
ITA Adolfo and Dim-"frenemies".
I cracked up also when the redhead "starts to give Amalia free advice about how to how to deal with rebellious little Virginia".
Didn't you just see that Anvil over Cervera's head? Somehow I thought it'd be Pedro's doing the deed but was surprised it was Sandro.
How lame, do the TN writers really believe the audience thinks internet evidence can be gotten rid of with a fire?
I loved your description of Fab as a "great California Condor" circling her prey, already asking Ale who get's him once Angelica is gone, it seems he gets her meaning. There's no chance Fab could just drink herself to death, is there no anvils left out there??
Good description of Fina, curled like a sea snail. Poor thing, she's my favorite character. There should be a special Karmageddon for that sin, Graciela!
I thought Ale was saying he would call the lawyer and have him try to keep him out of jail. Oops, got that wrong. What a goofball. I'm getting tired of Ale and Monse.

Good work, Elna June.

I think that was the computer modem Sandro handled right after he whacked Cevera. This is a really bad turn of events. Here's hoping that someone will have the intelligence to get suspicious at this murder although for the moment they will probably suspect Pedro.

Elna June, this was lovely. What vivid, brillant observations. A treasure.

"In a sweet touch of ironic whimsy, Angelica has seated her mother at Esme’s ‘special work friends’ table", "With Adolfo breaking bad and Dimitrio leaning good", "her red wine glass as close to her torso as if it were a Luis Vuitton clutch" and "No wonder our heroine looks a bit at sea; she does not even know if she is in the 21st century" were marvelous.

Your "Still, our uncertain Finita crouches over as she walks, like a sea-snail curled into itself, trying to protect her tender inner bits from attack" captured the essence of our heartbreak for Fina perfectly. This radiant jewel must be allowed to shine and yes, well before the end of this novela.

Dimitrio should be ashamed for carrying on with Virgina. And thanks to FarfromFabulous, Ginny has added liquor to her jealousy and insecurity issues.

Amalia's look of barely concealed disgust at her table mates made me laugh. Kudos to Isabel Camil who is playing this part to perfection.

JL looked so dashing and his dance with Angelica made my eyes mist. Was this the last dance? If the writers have an ounce of kindness, they will not take her from JL (or us).

"Alejandro confesses to his mother that despite everything that Jose Luis did for him in getting him out of jail, he is about to call Licenciado C. and tell him not to defend Jose Luis". Sigh. I want my galan to be a true galan. I want the supporting characters to have shades of gray, not the leading man. I want a romantic, kind, loving romantic lead. Ale, you are so not that. Like Emarie, I am tired of his pubescent petulance.

Elna June, your care and attention to detail were evident in every word. Am home recovering from (more) dental surgery and you have already uplifted my spirits and made my day. Gracias.


Thanks, Elna June, for this excellent recap. It was a good read on this gray , rainy morning .

Gah....I cannot believe that the writers killed off the only guy who might be able to stop the madness.

I could almost hear Donna Summer singing "Last Dance" when JL and Ang were slow dancing. Boo

Ay yi yi...Diana! More dental surgery! Yikes. Hope it goes better this time and there is less pain.

Elna June...I hope you had fun writing this, because I certainly had fun reading it.

Adolfo breaking bad and Dimitrio leaning good

Happy Hills Retirement Community (actually I'm rather pleased that the writers have allowed pole dancers to be middle-aged and weary looking, just like flight attendants who are no longer required to retire after their slim and radiant twenties)

Fabiola circling around the failing Angelica like a great California Condor

hair product like "pureed viscera"

[Josefina] like a sea snail curled into itself, trying to protect her tender inner bits from attack

a breeze of wine red breath precedes Fabiola as she teeters into Alejandro's house

and finally...

Ale, who hoards his hurts and grievances like King Midas...

Just superb. Who needs Donna Tartt when we've got Elna June? Thanks m'lady. Sorry to hear that the Josefina/Dimitrio relationship is on the rocks. I'm truly weary at this point from all the dissension and sadness the writers are piling on.

There's enough sadness and evil in the real world, and as Diana points out, our starring galan is coming off more like an insecure, narcissistic teenager than a captivating hero. Back to my Alborada DVD sez I!!!!!

EJ, many thanks for giving us such a wonderful recap of such a frustrating episode.

Could we be in any more of a depressing place in this story?? One day of lightness and we are right back to murder and mayhem. And then to top, we most likely will see the only person that gives us a touch of real grace in this TN leave us in the next episode. I don't see Angie lasting through the "day".

as for Dim and Fina, as much as I hate it, I guess this is part of their progress. Dim needs to really think of who and what he wants, be honest with Fina and convince her he has left behind his old ways. I still have hope for them, but this separation better not take the rest of the TN.

As for Virginia, do we really need a tween Fabs mini-me? My head hurts thinking of her arguing with Amalia, being a pain after Angie dies, all the angst. Make it go away.

So now our voice of legal reason has been eliminated too. Check another off the list. I'm sure the rest of the lawyers in town are probably bought off? Watch...Sandho will take up the business. Shoot me.

Ale enough. Stop. Shut up. Go do some actual work. SR wasn't kidding when he said this character was challenging. Playing a stupid jerk can be hard.


Elna June, how I enjoyed your wonderful recap. Your poetic description of Josefina was perfect. Well done!

Last night's manipulation of Josefina is just another example of why Graciela 's anvil will have to equal that of Pedro Medina. They both may be survivors but only at the destruction of others. The actors are really great because right now it is hard to listen or watch either of these characters.

For that reason my favorite scene of last night was when Graciela offered to help out Dimitrio with the upset Josefina and he told her to stay where she was nice and quiet.

Virginia is turning out to be a real pain.

Fabiola was so very less attractive than her unattractive self when drunk and stumbling.

Angelica should have kept the subject of Montse out of her and JL's bedroom.

With Cevera's murder and Angelica probably on her way out, there's nothing good on the horizon in Aguazul.



I hope Cevera has a partner or colleague whom he left relevant information with. When you suspect the mayor is corrupt you can never be overcautious.

Notice that Sandro is a total pro in that he wore gloves through the murder and arson.

Here's hoping that Fabiola doesn't dissipate Alejandro's inheritance before he gets it back.

I have a bad gut feeling that Angelica will die in her sleep in tonight's episode.

Dear Elna June,

Thanks for the terrific recap! I always love your work, but I think this one was one of my all time favorites. It was filled with so many great lines and such smart observations about everyone: Ale's stupid endless jealousy, Sandro's stupidity re how the internet works, Montserrat's bizarre wedding look making her seem lost in the 21st century. I'm hard pressed to pick a favorite section, but I think this one might win:

"A breeze of wine red breath precedes Fabiola as she teeters into Alejandro’s house in a rustle of tie-dyed silk. Her dress looks a bit like a floor length camo tent, and, if Ale happens to have the good sense to throw her greedy self out on the beach, she could probably set up a tent pole and take shelter under it."

Fantastic and SO FUNNY!

Thanks, too, for your shout-out to my comment on J-L white on white ensemble yesterday. I was surprised no one else else commented on how great he looked, so I am glad you did today.

In that outfit I understand perfectly why Montse couldn't stop looking over at him: in white, José-Luis symbolically became the "BRIDE" she could have had.

Thanks again, Elna June. You are amazing! God, this TN is endlessly depressing, but, you know, it's no longer affecting me like it used to. I guess I've been de-sensitized to the crazy.

Julia, do you ever go to the opera? If you think novelas are depressing, you should catch an opera story now and then.

This one was very operatic in its first half although now it's going into action/mystery/thriller territory. I'm getting whiplash from that.

The weather guy kept interrupting here in Texas so I am so grateful to be able to fill in what I missed with your wonderful recap. Jose Luis is looking more and more handsome to me and loving Adolfo new hair cut. I also don't think Angelica will make it thru the night. Fabiola man what is up with her hair and makeup and wardrobe????

I just want to say I am loving this blog and it makes watching the novelas so much more entertaining.


Thank you so much for this most marvelous recap, full of wonderful little zingers. My favorite is Addled breaking bad and Dimi leaning good ; )

Ay, yi, yi, I love a good mystery, but yowsa who is gonna solve this one. I hate to say it but there are now too many dim characters, except Dimi and El Capitan, to solve this one. Oh, and if Sandho thought that the fire would cover up the murder, well he couldn't be more wrong. He is a professional with the gloves and wiping off the murder weapon.

How sad it is to see Angie decline. I want her around so much longer with JL, they are so very lovely together.

I too am sick of Monse and Ale. Every scene the last couple capitulos he is questioning whether she really loves him. Move on dude, move on, is all I gotta say. Monse is with you, not JL, get over yourself!

Poor Fina. I again loved the Tia this capitulo and the look she gave Graceless when Dimi told Graceless to butt out. Yay!

I got advice for Mac too, loose lips sink ships. He comes so close to spilling every time!

Thanks again, MS Elna June, for this very fantastic recap : )

Elna June – Lovely recap. So many spot-on, vivid descriptions. My favorites are all the ones Diana cited.

Ale clearly felt bad about wanting to call the licenciado off JL's case -- enough to confess his thoughts to his mother -- but I don't think he really would've done it. Telling Rosario was his way of preventing himself from doing it.

Time for a new stage in the TN, where the good guys start pulling the threads together. Who will be the first to figure out the licenciado's death is murder? I would guess Victor, but he's been so stupid lately.

Sandro's cold-bloodedness surprised me. Seems like he will fit right in with Pedro. Ugh, right now EZ is the sharpest tool in this TN.

Thanks for this cracklin' good recap, Elna June. Lot's of clever lines and quips but my favorite was this naked statement of the blunt truth:

"Alejandro is an idiot."

Thanks. No embellishment needed.

With all of the slights, betrayals, and insults that she has endured at Dimitrio's hands and emerged victorious, now Josefina is going to throw in the towel because she saw a lusty teeny-bopper smooching on him in broad daylight? Without even listening to an explanation? Does that really ring true?

I think that Ginnie may have had the best hairdo at the wedding. Certainly the most complex though perhaps a little bit busy.

Well, I think we all realized that Lic. Cervera's days were numbered... but this soon? Yikes!

How long has it been since we've set eyes on our María? Well that's too long.


"How long has it been since we've set eyes on our María?"

Sorry, Carlos, but not long enough. But I'm sure her sourpuss will invade our screens soon. It's only been a day or so since she's had to do maid duty, and for her, I'm guessing that is a day or two too much.

So if the Lawyer worked off a laptop, there could be a possibility that it the drives weren't totally fried. I guess to much to hope for he used Cloud technology. But to get that info on Smarmy, there's a trail of communication out there that he had asked for it. Maybe it's also too much to hope for that someone in Miami will follow up with local authorities since they may be wanting to get their mitts on him too.


Alejandro and Montserrat are tiresome at this point. I shouldn't be this bored with the main couple in a novela. But right now I just DON'T. CARE when it comes to anything involving these two. Also this novela suffers from typical poor novela writing symptom in which babies are nothing but a temporary plot device— useful for 9 months (telenovela time of course), completely forgotten once born. They barely remember that kid, and they spend maybe 10 seconds interacting with him.

It seems hopeless, but I'm still hoping Angelica gets spared. This novela needs her.

I don't understand why Montse hasn't thought to give Fina a makeover. At least pluck those brows. It's laughable how hideous they make her sound because she has a unibrow and bad style, though.
I'm hoping Dimi left early because he's cooking up some beautiful romantic gesture for her. They can't really use this flimsy a reason to keep them apart for long, I hope!

Hello all :) Super excellent recap, Elna June, cuz i missed it last night and have been busy and sick. :(

I felt so bad for Josefina, poor thing she has such low self esteem that she can't see the wonderful person that she is. :( I just want to hug her. And I want to smack Virginia in the face, doing what you did doesn't make you happy, just makes you look petty and awfully stupid, -___-

And now look what happened to the lawyer, just when we started to step in the light, we get pushed back in the dark. it is depressing. :(

And as for Ale, I too am tired of his jealous fits, yes, i feel that Montse should have talked with him but still, Alex, GROW UP PLEASE!! And stop saying that you can't help it, YES you can. JL helped you out of jail, and now he will end up in jail for helping you, that should humble you, shouldn't it? Get some professional help dude, seriously, you are LUCKY that Montse loves you so much. Get some self control on your emotions. I know it isn't easy, when is love easy? But at least make more of an effort Alex, quit questioning your wife all the time. If she didn't love you she would have been gone A long time ago.

LOL Fabiola as a great Califinia Condor, I loved that description of her, but she reminded more like a vulture, like one of those vultures from Snow White. But her love for wine, maybe she would be a drunk condor? Just lazily flying low left and right, lol :)


..."Esme’s special friend with the Ronald McDonald red-head and purple fabric flower in her hair, who looks at though she should only pole dance at the local Happy Hills Retirement Community,..."

Great comment! I hope Esme relegates those three to MILF night.

But those three "working girls" were hilarious. They should be on more often to provide some much needed comic relief to this often dreary story.

Their outfits reminded me more of Wilma Flintstone or Betty Rubble.


Carlos,...Maria and I have both been busy cleaning bathrooms, and perhaps, Maria has been taking a few practice spins around the pole .

Even Ale's hot good looks do not make up for his sullenness. I am more interested in the other novela that I have been watching. On Siempre, we are also witnessing lots of doom and gloom and constant villain victories, but it seems that the tide may be turning now.

Dear Elna June:

I'm starting to see a pattern here. The sillier and dimmer the story, the sharper and more luminous your prose. Not only did I love reading the recap, I actually enjoyed watching the episode a bit more as I wondered how you tell the tale.

I second the praise for all the lines already cited. But let's take a look at this little paragraph (whose parts have justly been admired):

"Fabiola, circling around the failing Angelica like a great California Condor, asks Alejandro what will happen to poor Jose Luis when Angelica dies. Ale gives her a cold look. Fabiola has also irritated the makeup department. Her hair is stiff with something that could be pureed viscera, that is, if she WAS a California condor."

The first two lines use a precise visual metaphor to capture three characters brilliantly. The third line slyly takes us to the other side of the looking glass -- it's only a story and there is a a somewhat erratic (possibly vindictive) makeup department just beyond the camera's eye view.

Friday. The weekend is almost here. And we have another lovely Elna June prose poem for our amusement and amazement. Thank you!

Oh, I forgot to say thank you for the title, Elna June. I'm happy to be reminded of one of my all-time favorite movies, Stolen Kisses.

I watched the last 3 epis of this show in a row and then read all of the recaps. So a big THANK YOU to all of the recappers this week.

I feel like this show is going off the rails. Kinda like CI did. The initial plot line has been dealt with and now to extend the story, all of these bad things keep happening. Piling on the misery. The bad guys win over and over again. As an audience member I'm getting tired and frustrated from nothing good coming. Sure Ale is out of jail but JL is going back in, AGAIN. Does one or the other always have to be going to jail?

Susanlynn...I too have been driven to watch another telenovela just as comic relief from this one.

For my sins, I have started in on the super cheesy Maria la del Barrio, a 20-year-old potboiler that shows its age, sporting a much younger Fernando Colunga (with blondish hair!) and...who knew? the actress who plays Dominga in this a hawt, slutty babe who breaks his heart and changes him into a churlish drunk.(all this in the very beginning) However, it goes on forever and has tons of doldrums ahead. I doubt very much if I am going to stick with the whole thing. Thalia has the main role and neither she nor Fernando show much talent acting-wise. But he actually dances, and of course so does she.

NovelaMaven...interesting avatar!

Ah, just one more churlish comment (and I fear I may be developing Graciela Syndrome) but I DIDN'T think it was cute that Angelica stuck her mom at the teibolera's table.

Her mother is already dealing with a lot of guilt and grief and worry...over her deceased husband, Virginia and above all, Angelica's impending death. But in spite of that, she put in a lot of work with her daughter, pulling together this surprise wedding Angelica decided she wanted to give for her friends. And this is how she repays her? By making her uncomfortable and the object of social amusement? And chuckling about it with her buddies?

Nah. I don't think so. For all her noble qualities, Angelica muffed that one.

After agonizing about it for weeks, I have decided that I will no longer be doing the LPHP list for this novela. I’m barely watching it now. I would have stopped long ago if I didn’t feel guilty about breaking my, admittedly self-imposed, commitment (next time I put a disclaimer that I’ll do the lists as long as I can tolerate the TN). I’ll still be checking in--I’ve watched it long enough to be invested in finding out what anvils are in store for our villains and what endings our good guys will get. If only the damn thing wasn’t extended to the end of time!

Sincerest apologies to those who depended on the lists to refresh memories of “our story thus far.”


Hello, all:

I am delighted that everyone dropped by.

Emarie: Thank your for your kind words. I was trying to think of a word for the degraded Dim and Addled relationship and frenemies was what came to mine.

You know, I kept hoping that Cervera would make it. I should have known better. In this novela, allof those who are disposible—and some who aren't like Angie—receive early releases form their contracts.

Ah, the joys of extensions.

On the email that Sandro erased after his deadly deed—well, if he has a criminal record in the US then it can be discovered on the internet. And, as telenovela audiences know very well, once something is out there, it is out there. Sandro is only gaining a temporary reprieve.

I guess that act established him as another murderer, willing to go the distance in pursuit of his—or Pedro's schemes. Ack.

Ale and Montse have become like a plain vanilla soft cone swirled with a dose of Angostura Bitters.

Urban Anthropologist: I raise a cup of coffee to your hope that the finger will point to the real culprit sooner rather than later.

Disnsz; I am so glad you enjoyed the recap. At this point in the show I put effort into recaps in order to offer pleasure to my Caray Caray friends like you.

I hate that you are going through a series of dental surgery. I know folks who have to endure this trial experience so much pain. May you find peace and ease and healing.

Susanlynn: Oh man, your weather has just been over the top this year. I would have such S.A.D if I had lived through your winter. I may have to host a virtual feast for Patio Peeps out by the cement pond and post some sunny photos for your pleasure.

I do think that that was Angie's last dance. I am SO upset that they look to kill her off soon. Rats!

JudyB: You are so generous to refer to the recap as "just superb". Man, for that kind of feedback I would probably write about the Aguazul City Council minutes. Thank you, thank you. It warms my recappers heart. I think most of us share your sentiment:

"There's enough sadness and evil in the real world, and as Diana points out, our starring galan is coming off more like an insecure, narcissistic teenager than a captivating hero."

Amen and amen, Miss JudyB.

Hi, dear Daisynjay: I am SO glad that my friends have dropped by to comment, You said:

"Could we be in any more of a depressing place in this story?? One day of lightness and we are right back to murder and mayhem. And then to top, we most likely will see the only person that gives us a touch of real grace in this TN leave us in the next episode. I don't see Angie lasting through the "day".

All is can add is my agreement to your statement. No, I do not think we could be at a more depressing place in the show. The impending end of Angie is casting a brown pall over the violent and difficult story.

Jarifa: I am delighted that you cam by to comment. Thank you for adding to the discussion. You said:

"Last night's manipulation of Josefina is just another example of why Graciela 's anvil will have to equal that of Pedro Medina. They both may be survivors but only at the destruction of others. The actors are really great because right now it is hard to listen or watch either of these characters."

Graciela's character is just plain cruel. I do NOT think she is redeemable and her end will be gruesome.

Right now she is just cluttering up my screen. She is bringing nothing to the story right now other than malice against her innocent daughter in law.

Elna June



You are so right to point out that Sandro's gloves and cool demeanor mark him as a seasoned criminal. Good call.

Julia Rold: You are such a dear. I am really glad you found something in the recap funny.

ITA about your analysis of JL being Montserrat's lost love in white at Esme's wedding. Plus, he was stunningly handsome in all white. I was, I confess, completely smitten by his dark handsomeness. I also love how real the actor is with Angelica. Did you notice how he threw his leg over Angie in their cuddle on the bed? He makes you think that he is really in love with his dying wife.

Anon: Thanks for coming by!I hope you and all TExans stay safe in these crazy times of bad weather. I am delighted that you enjoy the recaps. Comments from people like you put a smile on this recapper face! Do come by often and comment.


Novela: I noticed two movies called Stolen Kisses on IMDb. 1968 and 2001. Which one is it?

Judy, I'm with you on thinking that although placing Amelia at the table with Esme's fellow dancers may have been amusing to her, it was definitely a bit mean-spirited if not somewhat malicious. However, it will make for a story that Amelia will fondly tell in years to come. After all, aren't some of our best stories about our own uncomfortable experiences?

What is less forgivable is the way she keeps pushing JL and Montserrat together. Last night I got the feeling that she considers Alejandro disposable and wants Montserrat to take over when she's no longer around to look after him.

She may be cute and vivacious as well as tragic and pulls at our heartstrings, but she is also a thief (remember Alejandro's money she confiscated to buy JL out of jail?) and a conniving manipulator. I know, harsh words for a dying saintlet.




I blush to admit that it is the one from 1968, "Baisers volés" (before 'baiser' became a taboo word and just meant 'kiss'). I love just about anything made by François Truffaut, a genius who died much too young in 1984.

P.S. I will miss your lists, but I completely understand your reluctance to continue creating them. Thank you for all the ones you DID write. They were helpful (and funny!).

Carlos and Judy,

Thank you for saying aloud what I was thinking about Angélica. The seating trick was boorish. And the insistence on manipulating JL and Montserrat from the grave is, well, manipulative. I will add to the litany of complaints that I wish she had chosen the wedding guests more thoughtfully and not included the cruel navy guy (JL could surely have warned her about him) or hideous Fabs (ditto).

Mads! I am so happy to see you on this spring day. I heop the weather in your part of the Atlantic Coast is treating you kindly. We are only at 41% of normal rainfall here and after the past few drought years we have already been put on notice for water rationing in my area. So much for growing my delicious heirloom tomatoes this year.

You are so right; with JL out of a position of any authority there is no one left to discover Sandro's terrible crime. Ale will have his suspicions, of course, because he is paranoid, but I do not think Alejandro can put 2+2 together to equal four.

And what is up with Rulli's hair? He looks MUCH better with the artfully placed blonde highlights.

Niecie: I am delighted that you enjoyed my descriptions in the recap.
I sure hope you ar eright about Alejandro's character. To cut JL off from support when Jose Luis has:
1. Saved his life three times
2. Taken a bullet from Ale in the lung
3. Gotten himself cashiered from the Navy in order to right the injustice done to Alejandro;well that would be despicable.

I think the title of the novela really applies to JL and no one else.

Carlos: So glad you enjoyed the recap. I vote with you, Ginny had the best hair at the wedding, hands down. She is a woman who looks gorgeous with her hair pulled off of her face.

Anon @ 12:25:
I am so glad you came by and enjoyed the recap. And I completely concur! Why doesn't Montserrat give Josefina a makeover? tohose women have closets full of expensive duds that could be remade to suit Josefina. And she should be able to sterilize and then use her own tweezers on the Unibrow. I recently saw something with Veronica J. and her real brows are NOT that close together. I guess that they are using a brow weave or something prosthetic to give her the full unibrow.

A drunk California Condor? What a great image you conjured up there. Can't you just see her black flappy wings teetering in the wind.

California Condors ARE vultures. They are our largest land based birds in North America.
They are not pretty up close—although can be majestic—and they tend to stink from their constant contact with carrion. So far the simile to Fabiola holds.

But they also serve an important role in the ecosystem. Fabiola, not so much. Furthermore, they do not wear hats and are rarely seen enjoying a good bottle of Spanish Rioja.


Whew...glad Carlos and NovelaMaven understood my kvetching about the implicit unkindness of the seating arrangement.

Now as to Angelica pushing the Montserrat agenda, I object also, but on slightly different grounds from Carlos.

Angelica seems to be assuming José Luis will be incapable of handling the grief of her loss without Tinkerbelle at his side.Give him a little more respect! She also assumes no one but Montserrat will love him as he deserves, once Angelica is gone.

On the first point, human beings throughout the ages have demonstrated great resilience in the face of grief. And men especially seem to have the knack of moving on in a timely fashion (and often quite rapidly) after widowhood.

Secondly, José Luis is one hawt package. In real life, there'd be women trying to date him at the velorio, for Pete's sake! So let it go, already.

In general, I am fascinated by how tirelessly and outrageously telenovela characters meddle in other people's lives. I don't know if this is a plot necessity or a reflection of the culture. I don't watch American soaps so I don't know if the same thing goes on there...and to the same degree.

I thought Angelica seating her mom with Esme's friends was a hoot, probably the last prank she will get to play on her loving mom. But at the same time, I did wonder what other table would've been more suitable for Amalia. Dimi's table is out cause he and Ginnie had a thing and Monse and Ale's table is out cause they are a drag with his jealousy. I guess the best Angelica could've done was seat Amalia with her and JL, where her mom would've (understandably) fussed over her dying daughter not tiring herself out. I hope Esme’s friends stay in the picture. Amalia is going to need something to make her laugh.

Yep, JL in white was a sight to behold. Even back in his sweaty days, I had no doubt that he could clean up good.

Novela: I love Truffaut, too: Day for Night, Confidentially Yours (with the exquisite Fanny Ardant).

I noticed the lists were harder to do when I wasn't actually watching the eps. The recap and comments were a BIG help, but watching helped flesh the lists out--and since I can't bring myself to watch it regularly, well . . .

I think that Angie wants JL to be happy and she believes that means being with Mons.

As far as I can recall there are likely only three people who are aware of the contents of Joaquín's farewell message. I doubt that Padre Anselmo read it because of his strong ethics. Of course Alejandro and Pedro know what it declared. I'm doubting very much that Pedro will even acknowledge its existence and of course Ale is the one it exonerates, leaving... ta dah... María as the only reliable (I know... save it) witness as far as the note is concerned. Like it or not, she may be very important to Ale keeping his freedom.


My Dear Novela Maven:

Your compliments are fulsome and they are gratefully received.

Speaking of slyly taking us to the other side of the looking glass, your avatar is quite the interesting little Gartenzwerge. Oh, yes, his gray color means that he may not be visible to the unobservant as he hides in green shrubbery, but the little fellow is always there, always
watching and ready to play you a little trick or two if you are not good. My guess is that he, like the Irish leprechaun, is always willing to have a go at those who might be starting to believe their own publicity.

I find him delightful, and, if we ever have a great Caray Caray gathering of recappers and readers, Herr Leprechaun can call his cousin the Travelocity gnome and get you a great deal on your trip.

Hee hee hee.

Thank you, dear Maven, for coming by. Your words always lift my spirits.

As to all of you who have commented about Angie's mean spirited placement of her mother's place card at the "ho" table, I stand corrected. Angie has an imp in her and imps can tend toward insensitive and over the top behavior. Think of what she put her mother through when she ran off with Jose Luis without a word as to her safety.

Yikes! I would have had a hard time with that if I was Amalia.

Yes, on the manipulative nature of the characters in this novela. Pedro may be the kind string puller but I have not yet seen a sing;e female character in this novela who was not crazy manipulative. Even Josefina's schemes for 'making' Dimitrio love her are contrived and indirect.

Nanette: I completely understand you giving up the writing the high/low lists that are a gift you haven given us in this and previous TNs. Thank you very much for this contribution.

The lists must require a lot of work and a close reading/watching relationship with the show. The story is just not very good right now. Perhaps you will find things more intriguing and can rejoin us in Ultimas Semanas. I hope you still drop by to comment. We would miss you if you were not here.



Nanette, I'm going to miss your lists. They are so useful in reminding me of details that I might otherwise forget about. I do understand, but know that if you reconsider we shall be here for you to lean on during the rough spots sure to come.

"I think that Angie wants JL to be happy and she believes that means being with Mons."

Works for me... thus freeing Alejandro up for María. That should make us all happy... Next!


Oops, these days typos are my bete noire. I should have said that Pedro is the KING string-puller, not the KIND string puller. What wer my cary fingers thinking???


I am still not convinced that Maria gave the 'real' note to Pedro to burn. What is that was a copy? And, being maria, she surely would have read the note. She is not burdened with troublesome boundaries like the rest of us.

i think you may be right. Maria may yet have an important role to play.


Nanette, it's nice to know there is another Truffaut fan out there.

Elna June, so glad you like my selfie. I'm all about hats lately...not sure why.

And oh yeah, Carlos, María will surely rise like a Botticelli Venus from the toilets of La Escondida to save our puerile hero (since it was her machinations that got him in trouble in the first place).

[And I say this in the full sunshine of The Patio. No hiding in the Bunker for me! Not anymore!]

Carlos, as much as I do like the character of Angie,I've been confused with her bringing in her "friend" Monse to soothe her savage beast when she's gone. It was just overkill on the godparents thing. But now that Refugio is married, and it doesn't seem JL has anyone else in his life to "help" in his grief, she's looking to Monse again. For some reason, she has this love/get her goat thing going with her mother. Well both girls do. She loves her, but I always got this feeling Angie had a lot of resentment for all the time in hospitals, etc. and it seems to result in a more "I love you but..." type attitude with her mother than a deep abiding love. In most cases, you would think she would ask her parent to be there for her hubby, but the thought doesn't cross her mind.
So do I lean to a total plot point to perpetuate the triangle, yep 100%. Frankly, a navy career man with only one real friend to his name is a head scratcher in itself. Man needed to go out and a beer with the guys more often. Goes for Ale too.


"María will surely rise like a Botticelli Venus from the toilets of La Escondida to save our puerile hero"

How do I love thy wit?...let me count the ways! That sentence is surely one reason...

Aw shucks, JudyB. Though you exaggerate, I will simply accept your compliment with a thank you -- and remind you that it takes one to know one -- and I will refrain from referring to your words as 'fulsome.'

[Did you think you could slip that one in unnoticed, Elna June? Is it payback for that long ago time when I accused you of a tendency toward hyperbole?]

[SNORT! Whoa -- I almost lost my hat that time!]


"María will surely rise like a Botticelli Venus from the toilets of La Escondida..."

Wow! What an image to nourish my fantasies until she reappears. Thanks.


EJ: thanks. I did them as long as I did because people mentioned how it was a good reminder of what happened. I'm starting to feel really bad about stopping. Maybe I just need a break. I'm being very wishy washy, I know.

Carlos: thanks and it's amazing how you can work Maria into your replies to any comments. Must be love. ;)

Nanette - Thanks for the lists. I was always very late in reading them, but each one brought me chuckles or reminders. Please don't feel bad about taking them on hiatus.

Elna June,
Just finished your wonderfully written recap. It was a pleasure to read.

I am very busy at work, but I had to express my disappointment in how quickly the writers have separated Fina and Dimi. I know it will take a while for Fina to let go of the past and truly believe that Dimi loves her. I think she is more upset because she doesn't think she's good enough for Dimi, or anyone for that matter. She needs to gain some self confidense before she can truly be happy, with or without Dimi.

As for Ale not acting all goody and sweet like a true galan should be. Get over it. The writers have told us time and time again that Ale is not your average TN galan. So you either like the guy or you don't. I like the change in status quo. I have watched TN's for years, and sometimes the sweet galan just gives me a toothache.

BTW, Sandy just made my sh** list, along with Faby and Virginia.

Back to work...hasta pronto!

Carlos: I'm catching up on comments and just read this: "María as the only reliable (I know... save it) witness"--laughed out loud. Good thing my bosses are out of the office today.

It didn't look like a copy. It looked like a half-sheet of paper possibly torn from something. Not an easy thing to fake. I'm trying to remember whether she would have had the time to make copies or even whether she would have known where to go.

Totally agree with all the vulture imagery of Fabiola.

EJ: I realized that I hadn’t read the second paragraph of your comment to me. I do want to keep connected as I noted before--if I’m not doing the lists, I’ll have more time to comment. I haven’t been into this one since Ale wouldn’t give Mons a break after her “betrayal”. Yes, that long ago. I am looking forward to the point where the good guys start winning. Thanks for saying I’d be missed. That’s always nice to hear.

Niecie: thanks. I appreciate it.

Don't mind complex galans, but when the bad personality traits outweigh the good ones, then I can't get behind them. Same with the heroines.


I agree. I think he managed to sneak out with the pen, and then likely tore a blank page from that book to write the final note on. It looked to be about that size. I only wonder about how much weight María's testimony about the content of the note will carry... and being María (I'm loyal, but she is who she is), what she might demand in exchange for that testimony.


Carlos: Loved the comet! Thank you for always making me smile...

I was remiss in stating that Ale is a galan. To me, he has never been and will never come close. I hope we are free to write what we think and feel without chastisement here. I feel no need to "get over" my opinion nor do I expect anyone else to.


I'm sorry, but Monse looked like a heavily made up poodle at the partay to me.
About JL not realizing Angie is his true love...I do think that guys are really stupid about this or maybe undeveloped; does he really feel love for Monse? The way he does about Angie? Girls often realize, "oh, that's lust" appreciate it for what it is, but then choose for a mate the guy who they know they can go the distance with. Guys not so much. They choose the girl that they think will turn them on more consistently.
Anyone guy want to weigh in on this?

At first I liked Mons' dress, but then it did this weird thing on top when she sat down. I also liked her hair. But I do think the makeup was way to heavy for the dress/hair and occasion. I know I'm in the minority on this one.

Totally agree that JL looked faboo in his white suit.

JL has had his moments, but I think he's more galan material than Ale in this one.

Totally agree Nanette. Well said.


Diana: we should commandeer a table on The Patio for the "JL as Galan" crowd.

Carlos: I just now noticed your avatar. Crack me up, man!!! Too funny.


I, for one, cherish your opinions. The only thing I hope you get over is the aftermath of your dental surgery.

By the way, I meant to congratulate you on the alliterative flair in your earlier comment:

FarfromFabulous -- what a great 'apodo' for the hatted one.

Pubescent petulance -- the phrase speaks for itself.

Nanette, let's do that! Wonderful idea.

NovelaMaven, thank you for your kind words - you have lifted my spirits immeasurably - no small feat today! Gracias amiga.


I hope I did not offend you by saying to "get over it". I was just venting. I totally respect your opinion, as well as everyone in the caray community. That is why I love this blog. We get to talk, vent, agree and disagree about our beloved and most hated characters. I for one am curious about how the writers will keep the story going for another 4 months. No spoiler here, but I can't help think that the writers will bring Montse and JL back together.

Back to work...hasta pronto!

Thank you for your post AuntyAnn. If it was the writers intent to engender discussions and debates, they have certainly succeeded! :)

We certainly feel strongly and passionately about these characters and Caray is indeed the perfect place for our lively discussions.


AuntyAnn: Interesting theory about the writers bringing JL and Mons together for a time.

I was thinking about 'love' in the context the characters of Robo.
I think that--
Dimitrio may be learning to love his wife.
Montse is passionately fascinated and entangled with her husband. Given her background she will be lucky if she ever loves at all.
Tia is infatuated with the idea of love. Zeke is the convenient object of her being in love with love.
Zeke loves position, power and money
Graciela's so obscured by her personality disorder that fuctionally she cannot love anyone
Ale is an insecure narcissist who is obsessed with Montserrat but who would not know real love if it walked up and introduced itself to him
Padre Anselmo loves several people and tries hard to care about the others
Macario loves to hear the sound of his own voice
Fabiola loves the shape of a well blown Riedel wine glass
Angie loves her husband, her family, refu and Esme and Montse
JL loves his wife but is obsessed with an image of Montserrat
Victor loves Nadia but he is an idiot
Nadia loves the idea of someone paying attention to her. Victor works for that.
Rosario loves Ale, Montserrat, her grandson and Carlota
Robles loves the idea that justice and order can be found in our deeply flawed world
Preudencia loves Angie but she only had a short term contract with Televisa
Virginia loves her Mom, her sister and most of all she loves getting attention
Amalia loves both of her daughters but she doesn't understand or get the experience of Virginia
Maria is obsessively fixated on Ale. She would love Carlos if she knew him
Esme and Refu love one another
Pedro is too crazy and depraved to love anyone
Adolfo loves being alive

I love seeing my friends on the Patio



I am SOOOO late to this partay! Buy I had to drop in to tell you how much I enjoyed this recap, EJ. Your amazing writing skills and wit were evident in every paragraph.

Coming off of a busy week, I will have many shows to catch up on this weekend, including this one. But it seems that I can skip most of this episode.

As for galans, I don't mind my galans flawed. I just need them to be men of action, and respectful of the heroine. Not do-nothing, insecure whiners, who think of women as objects for them to control. Many galans start out being jerks to the heroine, but learn their lesson and then learn to love, cherish and respect the heroine. Even after a year of separation, and an apology on his knees, Ale still seems stuck on insensitive and stupid when it comes to his relationship with Monse. I guess he still has many, MANY episodes to learn, but I don't think I've ever seen a tn where we've gone this long without the galan making some sort of grand romantic gesture for the heroine. Can anyone remember anything Ale has done?

Elna June: Bravo!

"Preudencia loves Angie but she only had a short term contract with Televisa" and "Maria is obsessively fixated on Ale. She would love Carlos if she knew him" were my favorites.


Ale's grand romantic gesture to Montse was giving her a divorce. He told her she was free. Montse chose to be with Ale.

Yeah, Monse's not too smart...

And it was his mama who talked him into that. It wasn't his first inclination. His first inclination was to never give her a divorce and to make her life hell.

Very true Vivi...
I think the writers brought back the jealousy issue to fill up all the remaining episodes. Maybe Montse will listen to Angie and take care of JL after Angie passes. This will bring them together again and Montse will leave Ale or vice versa. Whichever the case Ale has a few months to resolve his issues.

So sorry to hear about your hi/low lists. But I understand. I hope you still come by and visit.

AuntyAnn- Maybe a third hot option will show up in the second half of this tn for Monse, which would totally freak out Ale and JL. :)

Perry Mason and Paul Drake (with the able assistance of gal Friday Della Street) could discover/resolve any murders, marital indiscretions, financial fraud and the like in every capitulo!

That was over 50 years ago, with no cell phones, fax, internet or the like.

I understand about the evil under-equipped presidente and his hapless henchmen but why can't that happen in Agua Azul? Are not there not good, honest ciudadanos trying to do the right thing?


Vivi, interesting idea. If that happens and Montse leaves both JL and Ale, then the boys can become best buds! A real bromance. Who could be the third hotty? Maybe Sebastian Zurita? Any ideas?

Angelica's deathbed is starting to remind me of Melanie's in GWTW. However, I doubt it will all have the same outcome.

Dear Elna June:

Thank you for your thoughts on our characters and their ability -- or inability -- to love. So very perceptive on your part (not that I would expect anything less of you).

Oxnard Huero,

Yes Aguazul could use a Perry. And a Della too, who would never leave him alone and at the mercy of an evil Miami Cuban with loud clothes and a louder mouth.

Good honest citizens? Have we met any of those?


You are cracking me up today.

"Their outfits reminded me more of Wilma Flintstone or Betty Rubble."

Amen on that one!


Yes, I agree with you. The show is going straight off the rails.

Oh my!

Hi Vivi:
I am so delighted that you took the time to come by at the end of such a busy week. I am glad you raised the question of Alejandro's Great Romantic Gesture. I had really not givem it any thought. This telenovela is practically a romance-free zone !

Aunty Ann, thanks for reminding me that Ale's Romatic Gesture was to offer Montse her freedom. I have to give this whole thing a little thought.

I think I need more examples of great romantic gestures offed by past protagonists.


EJ- Good morning!

I would almost count how Ale helped pay off her family's debt when he first started to woo her as a GRG, but that was tainted by the fact that it was through backroom dealings and bargaining with Gracie to allow him access to Monde. One of the main reasons the Ale Monse relationship was tainted from the start.

In other tns, galan's have come to the financial rescue of the heroine or her family. I just saw the galan in Pasion give up his hard earned fortune in order to pay off the heroine's debt and to secure her freedom. The galan in CME also paid off the business debt of the heroine's family secretly. But he also did more romantic GRGs like make her breakfast or dinner, or his second proposal in the grape vat with the fireworks.

The galan in Dinero would often seranade the heroine with these wonderful romantic ballads. The galan in Amor Bravio left a different kind of flower for the heroine each day, remembering that she was carrying a bunch of sunflowers the day they first met.

Large or small, these GRGs show that the galan is thoughtful and cherishes the heroine, and is willing to sacrifice for her. These stories are supposed to be romances, but this one so far is falling down in that department.

EJ & Vivi,
In AV, Guzmancito saved Niki's life when she was kidnapped. He also tried to help her with eating disorder by trying to convince her to seek professional help.

In Robo, I think that Montse thought it to be a GRG when Ale wanted to talk to Montse's father (to let his intensions be known) after she accepted him as her beau. I think Montse found this romantic because it was what she had asked JL to do.

Nice list of GRG's Vivi. I was thinking of the same ones. Great minds think alike.

Back to sleep...hasta pronto!


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