Friday, April 04, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos #63: 4/3/14: Let's Make a Deal or Not..............

Hola Mis Peeps! We have a mixed bag this capitulo, the funny, the sweet and the dastardly. Want to know more. Please read on and find out what happened ; ) I also have an earworm for you I hope you enjoy : ) Crush This little earworm is dedicated to Frida and Tizoc.

We had almost fifteen minutes from last night included in this epi, which I am skipping and going right to the new.

Saul calls MA and MA gives him the news of Mini discovering where he lives. Saul wants him to be calm and that Mini is obsessed with him.

Vilma and Ahole are chatting, he is royally pithed that now he can't have a true heir, no presidency, no fortuna. But, But, Vilma says there are ways to obtain a bebe and to twerk, er, tweek the ADN (DNA) test to make it seem that the bebe is his. Ahole thinks that Vilma hasn't got a brain in her head, this bebe has got to be AN RP y punto. When Dios said brains, Ahole thought Dios said rains and ran, jus' sayin'. Now MA will win, the horror! He doesn't want to hear anything Vilma has to say y punto! Porca miseria!

Mini and Isela have slummed back to that clinic to hitch a ride back to the house with Beto. Mini is still upset about MA. Islea tells her to shut it and let's go.

Vilma informs Ahole that Mini and Isela are back, he tells her to git, go, get out! She reluctantly leaves. She goes outside and waits with Beto. They have their ears tuned to every word.

Mini comes into the room and Isela too and Ahole wants her to come closer, she stabs her in the tummy with a letter opener, while she fakes pain and then she sees the jig is up. He knows that they have swindled him all this time, the fake preggers, the money for the penthouse of Isela's. Ahole insults Isela and calls her an old naca, and Mini wants him to apologize this instant. He tells them to both to get the hell out of his house before he calls the cops and tells the cops they are swindlers!

Lupe has been trying to get ahold of Guendy, there is never an answer, so Lupe borrows Carm's phone and calls and viola Guendy answers. When she finds out it's Lupe, Lupe has been concerned for Guendy, she misses her, Guendy turns on the hair dryer and pretends she is with a client, can't hear you, click! After Guendy hangs up she says ayi Nepo, she is still riddled with guilt. Lupe is in a kerfuffle, what was that all about???

Isela and Mini have gone into Isela's room and Isela is now very worried about thier situation, no monies will be forth coming, boo, hoo. Mini basically tells her to shut it, she has a plan, not gonna be kicked out on her ear. Isela cries.

MA is packing up his stuff. Frida has ruined a suit jacket and shirt, but no matter, MA packs them anyways.

Ahole and the Brothers Guacamole (Ya know, Jose and Joaquin, they been smashed, dashed and trashed) is gathering up Mini's things as he limps along. Mini comes back into the room and she has something to say, as in Let's Make a Deal kind of way. Ahole calls her a villian and wants her out toute suite. She's not going but she has an option. She wants half of everything he owns, including but not limited to, his property in Miami and that secret bank account in Switzerland. And on top of that she'll rat him out to the cops about the fraud he instigated against MA, including naming Adolfo as his go to guy. Ahole tells her to get out already, no deal. She assures him she will call the cops on him. That's okay cause Ahole has the goods on her and will accuse her of adultery, so there! He calls for Oyuki!

MA is having a little convo with Frida about Tizoc of course, she is or isn't she into Tizoc and what is going on there? At Frida denies it and then tells him that yes, she has feelings for Tizoc and that they kissed. MA shouts but not for joy, he is pithed!

Tizoc is talking to Raphael on the phone about the band when Perla comes in. They talk about the Chalma and she shows him the bathing suit she wants to wear at the beach. He tells her that Don Chuy will put her in the convent if she wears that to the beach and she goes.

MA is leaving and talking to the familia. AS tells him to avoid, ya know, the society folks and don't appear on the streets or he'll be seen. Frida can't believe it. AS ends up giving him the benediction and saying Ciao Bambino (Bye Baby). Granny comes and wants to know where MA is going. MA explains to Granny that he has to go and she asks him about Lupe. Is he in love with her? She even wants him to look her in the eyes to deny it. He can't. They also talk about that missing paperwork, but Granny backtracks on that and starts talking about bulls and crocodiles. MA also reminded Granny to take her meds. She feels being at the Menchacas has made her better.

Back to Mini and the hubby and she asks Ahole what lova? He says it was Tato with her at that country house. She denies that she has a lova and certainly not Tato. She informs Ahole he is the worst of men in the bedroom department and not because of the Brothers Guacamole, she tells Ahole that in fact MA is a much better lova than him any day of the week and that Ahole, well he stinks in the bedroom departmento! Ahole is pithed.

Beto and Vilma hear Ahole just screaming at Mini when Saul comes and wants a word with Ahole about MA. Vilma claims he isn't there, but Saul can hear him screaming at Mini, so he tells Vilma just tell Ahole I came to see him and goes. Vilma wants to go into the house but Beto stops her and tells her to let them be.

Short scene with Don Chuy and Chilly talkin' bout girls I think.

Ahole is throwing Mini's clothes at her and then ends up hitting her in the face with his fist as he had grabbed the clothes. Mini tells him he'll pay for that and she accuses him of being a brute, but she goes. Ahole calls for Oyuki and has her throw Mini's clothes off the balconey onto the lawn. Beto gets a pair of red lacy panties in his face.

Trofeo and Nepo are in his office talking when Diego comes in all pyched out for this Chalma trip. He's all packed up. Nepo asks about the course that Deigo is taking at the University, but Deigo dodges.

Mini rejoins Isela and the whole side of her face hurts especially her nose and she swears Ahole will pay for this, she will use this against him. She tells Isela that Ahole knows about that rendevous at the country house but not about MA.

Lupe tries to call Guendy again, but no answer, so Carmelita will go over to see her. MA and Lupe have a chat. She doesn't want him to leave. He'll miss her. Lupe tells him that maybe Mini won't out him, wait a bit before leaving, but Saul calls MA and tells him about Ahole and Mini fighting and it's best if MA left there just in case.

Mini is leaving the mansion, is accosted by Vilma being mean and tells Isela, Ahole is gonna pay, but big time. Vilma just happy she is going. Isela and Mini are taking a taxi and Mini tells Beto off. Vilma laughs. Inside, Vilma and Ahole have a chat and he wants a divorce. He can't get the express one, it will be awhile. He needs proof of the adultery also. Vilma says it is easy to get proof and she'll help him, no problema!

Lupe and MA are still chatting and she tells MA while she is at the Chalma she will ask El Senor to help MA. Lupe kisses MA and she tells him when she gets back she wants to see him and in walks Nepo for My Name is Mike.


It's a war between Mini and Ahole. Mini brings the cops to Ahole and he is accused of spousal abuse! Will Ahole be carted off with the Brothers Guacamole to la carcel. Tune in Este Viernes and Marta will tell you all about it!


Hola Y'all,

I hope you enjoy the recap. I didn't go into much of the detail this evening. The earworm fits Frida doesn't it?

Does anybody know if Univision is cutting this?

This episode was so funny. Isela getting her trademark "baaaaiiiiii" in even as Alejo has just kicked her out and called her a scheming naca was so great. So was Minerva's no longer disguised contempt for Ahole.


Welcome to this wonderful little comedy. I haven't seen you comment before. As far as I know, they are not cutting this. It is still on track with the Mexican broadcast, if anything there are capitulos that are a little shorter than others, so they use what was shown the evening before as filler to lengthen those here. The editing is a mite strange. They show the ending scene and then it shows up after ten minutes of the broadcast.


Isela is a marvelous character so funny, and I will miss her screaming at Oyuki if they are kicked out of the mansion. I too am glad that Mini doesn't have to pretend with Ahole anymore.

Madelaine, thanks for the fabulous recap and your reprise of "porca miseria"!Tthat expression will live long after this novella is over. I loved your earworm. "Crush" is another one of my faves.

The writers did an outstanding job this episode.

My favorite line:

"Tu vientre es más vacía que las cabezas huecas de Uds. dos."

"Your womb is more empty than your two hollow heads."

My favorite new verb: "anopalarse": to become like someone living in La Nopalera???? In her conversation with MA about her realationship with José Tizoc, Frida says she knew she was wrong but "Me anopalé." MA asks "¿Te anopalasté? and says he could understand probably thinking about his own relationship with Lupita. She then adds for the punchline: "También en La Nopalera." So funny.

My favorite scene: Doña Mati and MA's conversation where she tells him he needs a good woman and that he couldn't find one better than Lupita and conveniently lapsing into dementia when pressed about the missing papers.

My favorite possibility: MA could be headed to staying with Güendy and Carmelita.

My least favorite sight: Nepo with those flowers. I hope they aren't for Lupita.




Thank you for the Spanish dichos. I always enjoy them.

Ayi no, can you see poor My Name is Mike living with Guendy????? Now that would be a hoot. But since Carm lives there too, she'll have to protect Mike from Guendy. I can see the very funny possibilities.

Thanks, Mads. I didn't see this last night, but I will have to watch it for Ahole's scenes at least. Especially Mini telling Ahole that MA was better in bed!

Ahole should be a lot nicer to Vilma. HE is the one who has no brain. He'd better warm up to Vilma's suggestion of obtaining a baby. He'll also have to be much nicer to Mini and Isela, too.

As for Beto, he really should look for a better job!

Madelaine, especially with Guendy still feeling so guilty about her night with Nepo.


Thanks, Mads. Great recap and I appreciate having recaps since I'm always behind on this show. I hope I can watch a few episodes on Hulu this weekend.

for Saul wants him to be calm and that Mini is obsessed with him.
i remember MA was very concerned that Mini had given A-hole the info that she was seeing him (MA) and thus blown the cover that MA was in Italy. But Saul told him to not worry, that it seemed the argument was not at all related to him (MA)[he asked the service and they told him MA's name was never mentioned], that it seemed it was more something else that Mini had lied to A-hole about. This calmed down MA quite a bit. But he is still leaving the fonda.

now that i got a chance to read it... LOVE LOVE your recap, and this ...
Ahole and the Brothers Guacamole (Ya know, Jose and Joaquin, they been smashed, dashed and trashed)

yes, i too loved the Frida/MA convo:
Me anopale.
Te anopalaste?

that and the oyuki scream will live long after the 'FIN'.

seriously, who do you think those flowers could be for?
it was so funny that he walked in just as Lupita was telling MA 'you need to hide' (or stte) and when he heard Nepo come in asking 'who do you need to hide from?', MA tried to hide down by the counter behind Lupe.

Marta, I know but every time I see Nepo I just want to groan. What a knucklehead! That was a great last scene though.


It makes me wonder, why did Nepo even BOTHER to ask Lupe if she was breaking up with him? It doesn't seem to make any difference to him... he assumes they're getting married whether she breaks up with him or not!

Every time I see Nepo I also think about all of the money that the Menchacas still owe him and HOW are they going to keep him a friend in spite of his "cringeworthy" pursuit of Lupita.


So funny, Madelaine. It was plenty of detail. I loved the bit about Ahole hearing "rain" and running when Dios was handing out brains. Also Ahole and the Brothers Guacamole.

Nepo is like one of those clown punching things with the round weighted bottom. No matter how many times Lupita tries to knock him down, he keeps popping back up, como si nada.

Madelaine, thanks for the wonderful recap.

I'll catch up later tonight. I'm still ruminating over the scene from the day before, of Saul tidying MA up in front of Nepo and then MA saying we barely know each other about him and Saul? And now Nepo is going to find MA trying to hide behind Lupe? Nepo started out being jealous and now will probably miss the serious developments between Lupe and MA.

Thanks for the vocab/grammar lesson. I could have completely missed anopalarse

Fishknits, something that I enjoy so much with the comedies is their playing with the language.


¡Muchísimos gracias, Jarifa! I paused the show and used all my (meager) resources trying to find the meaning of "anopalarse" - to no avail.
Ann C.


Thanks so much for the correction. I had a hard time keeping up : )


I am so glad you are still watching. This one is so very funny.


About Nepo, right right!!!! I guess he doesn't know the meaning of no.


I too wonder how the Menchacas will be friends with Nepo after all of his pursuits of Lupe, especially Don Chuy.


Agree with you too about Nepo. He just bounces right back doesn't he? I wonder if Lupe would just smack him one, he'd wake up then? Nah, not so much!


At least Nepo didn't catch them kissing! I wonder what they will tell Nepo about My Name Mike hiding behind Lupe? This should be fun.

maybe what Nepo needs IS to catch Lupe and MA kissing. Certainly it will cost MA his job, but maybe when he sees her 'happily/willingly' kissing some other guy HE WILL GET IT that she is not meant for him.

Thanks so much for this recap Madelaine. So much fun.

How much fun was the confrontation between Alejo and Minnie? I had high hopes and wasn't disappointed. If the bullet hadn't neutered him, Minnie's words certainly did. It would be difficult for me to choose between Minnie and Doris (CI) and fortunately I don't have to.
Ingrid Martz is such a comedic treasure.

I know that Nepo is a stalker and that stalking should be discouraged, but I find his stubborn persistence to be so hilarious. In real life this (and many other things here that I find so amusing) would be so wrong but here I don't think that any of us could imagine Nepo as dangerous or threatening.

Perla's swimsuits should be fun. I can't imagine don Chucho approving. I'm so ready for this trip. I only wish that Güendy were going. Picture her in one of those bikinis. Yikes!


I don't know if Nepo would get it even if he saw them kissing. He would just assume, again, that MA is the problem and if he can just get MA out of the way, Lupita will be his.

He likes having an excuse for why Lupita doesn't love him. It could be MA, the type of restaurant, the presence or absence of a ring, the time of the month, etc etc etc, but these are all problems that can be solved. Nepo apparently doesn't have much experience with the kinds of problems that cannot be solved.

Until Nepo understands that Lupita does not love Nepo, and that Nepo is the person that she does not love, and that Nepo is always going to be Nepo and there is no way around it, he will continue to come up with all kinds of dumb ideas.

That's IT Julie! Nepo could just try being someone else. Great problem solving.

Nepo will try to wear a MA costume...

I think Ahole should appriciate Vilma more, she has been really patient with him. Also when will Nepo give up on trying to win Lupita back.... he just doesn't take no for an answer. Why would Lupita be attracted to Nepo, a 50+ year old man that could probably be her dad.
- Tricia

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