Friday, April 04, 2014

Por Siempre Mi Amor #87: 4/4/14

Cable was half-way behaving tonight! Woot!

I combined some conversations.

Isa tells Gaby about the "trato." Gaby is gobsmacked. Isa thinks this can buy them time and keep Ara from marrying a little longer. Gaby wonders how much time will it take and Isa tells her however long it takes until she supposedly falls in love and leaves her husband. 

Sonia can't believe that Cuca doesn't work at that job anymore. It took a lot of effort to find her. Javier thinks Cuca probably went back to her pueblo and won't return. Sonia is disappointed by his less than helpful attitude.

Mari is leaving school and Borlas has come by to visit. Mari's classmates and headmistress make fun of Borlas the naco. Ally and Uriel come to pick up Mari and they invite Borlas to dinner. Looks like it's Naco Stew for dinner tonight!

The orphanage is almost finished. Tita is thrilled.

Gaby is worried the plan isn't going to work. If Art finds out he'll kill Isa and he and Ara would never forgive her. Isa is sure it will work. It's a plan to reveal what a scummy womanizer Javier is. (Heeey...this is the same plan! Gaby and Isa already tried this. It didn't work!) Isa is sure the plan won't fail this time. Isa tells Gaby that if her health weren't the best (subjunctive: Si mi salud no fuera la mejor) she would want to know that her daughter wasn't going to end up with an oily fat ba$tard like Feo. Gaby zeroes right in on that "health" business and Isa confesses she has cancer. Gaby, being the intelligent one, asks about treatment? Is she getting chemo? Isa babbles about her "alternative" treatment. Gaby tells Isa if this treatment doesn't work there are other treatments and other doctors...meaning: GET A SECOND OPINION, YOU DOLT! Isa makes clear to Gaby that Ara is her life and whatever happens she's going to make sure Ara doesn't ruin her life. This time they are going to be careful and they will not fail!

Marcela has suggested that she and Art start a new construction company with a new name and that they are the two business owners. No lawsuits or debt to deal with. They can get new clients with the new company and with those earnings can pay any settlement levied against Ikiaki Hackey Sack (whatever Art and Bruno's company is called...and BTW, is this ethical?) Art acts like this is a revelation from God. Seriously, dude? How have you made it in business this long? Marcela thinks this will be a great investment. Art will have to check with Bruno. He can't start another business without Bruno. Marcela agrees. As she leaves she clings a little too much and kisses a little too intimately. 

Gaby really has her doubts but she will support Isa. Gaby is very upset that Isa didn't confide in her about her illness. Isa asks Gaby to not say anything to Art. Gaby goes along with it, but tells Isa she's going to have to tell Art eventually.

Bruno thinks Marcela's plan is great. Art says they just need to hash out the percentages (of ownership I assume.) As excited as Bruno is, he does smell something a little funny. How convenient that Marcela's help seems to have dropped out of heaven, Are you sure she doesn't still love you, Art ol' pal? Art poo poos the idea and says they are just friends.

Dr. Death talks to an old picture of herself with Art. YOU WILL BE MINE! Muahahaha!!

Ara thinks about her "hey you did it with Dafne and not me" conversation from last night's episode. Javier catches her daydreaming and asks her out to dinner. She suggests dinner at her house. 

Dafne is trying to interest Este in some indoor sports, but he's not feeling athletic. (He looks so ashamed of himself.)

Baltazar and Zen at the fair. He's not into fairs. He prefers chamber music (conciertos de cámara.) She drags him off so some wild ride. Did she say "cangarú"?

Duck is still trying to interest Este in tongue wrestling, but Este continues to decline until Ara and Javier walk in. He suddenly feels athletic.

Javier shames Este into apologizing to Art for the fight. Javier continues to throw barbs and Este. They start acting like jackasses at the table and Art has to upbraid them like children.

After dinner Art thanks Isa for being so nice to Javier. Isa says she's doing it for Ara. She wants to regain her daughter's trust and love.

Ara and Javier say good night. Ara is barely back in the house before Javier texts Isa. Inside, Isa has to lie to Art and say it's from Gaby. Javier has sent her his "just for her" cell number. Then he calls just so he'll know who sent the text. 

Baltazar wins a big stuffed bear for Zen

Isa thaks Marcela for helping Art. Marcela wants to do a few more tests to see how the treatment is working. Javier calls. He's annoyed that Isa is playing so hard to get. The deal was she would let him conquer her...which is kind of hard if she doesn't make herself available. He says he might as well forget the deal. Isa agrees to meet him and excuses herself. Marcela doesn't thinks Isa is talking with a distressed client at all.

Tita and Zen talk about the date with Baltazar. Zen isn't sure if Baltazar likes her. Tita thinks Zen needs to be the one to take the Tita had to do with Osvy (who still snores.)

Art wants to talk percentages with Marcela. She tells him to decide. Art tells her that she's putting up all the money. They are only providing equipment, materials, personnel and experience. She thinks they should call the new company "De La Riva Zambrano Constructores". Art mentions that it leaves Bruno out and Marcela finally plays the "the major investor" card. Art caves. She's excited about this new business and new stage of their lives. 

Dante calls Javier and reports Isa gave him the rest of the day off.

Outside a private art exhibit, Gaby gives Isa  little recorder and tells her not to say anything compromising. Javier has to be the one to say compromising things. Unfortunately, Marcela has followed Isa and sees Isa and Javier both go into the exhibit. Marcela finds that suspicious.

Javier confesses to Isa that he knew all along what she and Gaby were up to the last time. He says he's only interested in Isa and hopes she's not up to the same tricks. Oh, Isa...he totally has you pegged. Just quit while you're ahead.

Agatha has breakfast with Gil. They talk about Dan and Agatha encourages him to make up with his son. Agatha tells him about Ileana and Gil is happy Dan isn't with Mari. Cuca hears, too. She looks more sad than happy though. Gil wants Ileana to help him make up with Dan.

Isa tells Gaby that Javier was playing them the whole time. He planned it all to make Isa look bad and destroy her relationship with Ara...and it worked. Gaby is willing to accept that maybe he's not a womanizer, but it's clear he wants Isa. Isa plays the recording.

Javier monologues that Isa will end up in his arms.

Gaby and Isa lament that really Javier didn't say anything incriminating. This guy is slick. They need to gather evidence. Isa wants to use Gaby's apartment. 

Marcela wonders why Isa and Javier met each other.

Isa wants to plant hidden cameras everywhere. Has Isa always been this dumb? Art calls from Casa Arte. He and Bruno are there to pick up the girls for the orphanage opening. Isa says they are with clients and they'll meet at the orphanage. 

Happy orphanage scene. Why are the bikers throwing buckets of water?

Gil calls Ileana and asks her to convince Dan to talk to him. He invites Ileana and Dan to dinner at the house. She suggests Gil comes to the vecindad for dinner.

Art and Isa are home from the orphanage. Art goes to get wine. Isa texts Javier and says she wants to see him. Art returns with the wine (that Javier brought them earlier.) Isa goes to get glasses and leaves her phone. Art sees the "where and when" text from Javier and wants to know what it means.


  • Isa and Gaby plant cameras.
  • Looks like Marcela snitches to Art.


Ok. If wikipedia is to be trusted, episode 130 aired in Mexico today.

TJ did a recap of 122 and we're only 7 episodes behind? They are really doing all this editing for seven episodes? C'mon!! At this point just show the complete episodes.

Si, por favor!

Thanks to having to watch double episodes on this one I haven't had time to watch DTQTQ. Is that one any good?

Does anyone else think that Marcela is going to put Isa into very bad chemo for a disease she doesn't have?

I like DQTQTQ. It's fluffy and sweet (unlike this one.) And for now, there seems to be very little filler and the storylines are developing nicely. There are a few holes, but nothing huge. Marcelo Cordoba's character is getting better and better. Pretty much every actor is fun to watch and I fell pretty invested in a lot of stories/people already.

Glad the cable's behaving a little better Sara.

I thought getting Baltazar and Zen was a little too obvious, but they're cute. DQTQTQ is like cotton candy it's so sweet in comparison to PSMA, which is definitely on the darker side. It's not super amazing but definitely worth checking out.

Cassandra G.

Thank you Sara for this detailed recap. We had NO closed captions tonight. Not even the mis-spelled, lagging behind captions. Thanks Uni, we love you too.

To answer your question: Yes Sara, Isa has always been this dumb. Seriously, I am growing tired of her stupidity and gullibility to the point where I'm thankful this TN is almost over. Whatever happened to the ray of hope we had when Isa, Andrea and Agatha were comparing notes? Javier is the same height, weight, has the same voice, expressions and tactics that Fernando did. To paraphrase that old saying: If it walks like a Feo and talks like a Feo, then it IS a Feo.

Sara, thanks and so clever Ikiaki Hackey Sack.

So disappointed this whole thing is ridiculous. The most entertaining thing about these TN's are the Caray commentators. I realize you have to suspend reality for an hour but these things go on for months and rarely touch the ground. Unfortunately, it seems the closer to the wrap up the crazier it gets. What is downright bizarre is adults in relationships and business settings with the cognitive ability and emotional maturity of junior high school kids. Don't mind lite entertainment at times or a uber serious drama but if I wanted the interplay and hijinks between tweens and teens I'd watch the Disney Channel.


Thanks, Sara. I am wondering if Dante will be the person who finally reveals who Señor Rat really is. Dante has good parents ,but he fell in with a bad crowd...namely Gonzo. Now that Gonza is , and Dante has drawn a line in the sand about killing, he may be the key to unlocking all Favier's deep, dark, deadly, demonic secrets.

It looks as if Borlas will end up with Mari, so that leaves Dan with if the only normal people in this show. Agatha in danger if she hooks up with Gil ? Sono wants all Gil's cash and will not want to share with a stepmother.

I cannot stand looking at Dr. Demon. Isa needs a happy ending after enduring so much terror at so many hands..Ferball, Sono, Dr. Demon, Ara. Poor soul.

Interesting thoughts,Susanlynn. I usually take these things at face value, but it seems very reasonable that Dante would be the whistleblower. Hehe... Dante would be the one to unleash an Inferno.

Tofie--completely agree about the mental acumen/emotional intelligence of these people.

Thanks for the recap! Tofie, I'm with you about watching the Disney channel. I don't get all the time Javier, Marcela, Dafne, etc have to be lurking around overhearing key conversations. Don't they have any other life? It seems they are always just one step away from their prey and never being detected. Who in real life has this kind of time? Even the detective in this didn't have their kind of luck at always being everywhere all the time.

I'm just going to leave this promocional for La Gata right here.

I fear I will not be able to resist the pull of Maite...

Sara, the promo seems enticing and the time slot for me is fine however what I've experienced so far with the last two Televisa TN's, CI and this one, they are great marketers, frequently get it right with casting, have some excellent acting talent to chose from but horrible story tellers.


Sara, one of your finest recaps yet. Excellent and insightful.

"As she leaves she clings a little too much and kisses a little too intimately", "Dr. Death talks to an old picture of herself with Art" and "Dafne is trying to interest Este in some indoor sports, but he's not feeling athletic. (He looks so ashamed of himself.) were among my favorites.

I know Isa and Gaby made a huge misstep in their earlier attempt to catch Feo. But, I would be so gratified if it were Isa that were able to bring him down. Proof positive to the undeserving Ara what she would do for her. It would be justice for her, for Andrea and for all to have her be the catalyst in his downfall. That said, I am afraid for her..

Xint, yes, we need Agatha to reconnect with Isa and Gaby to flesh things out. Enjoyed "To paraphrase that old saying: If it walks like a Feo and talks like a Feo, then it IS a Feo". :)

Susanlynn, Mari and Borlas look like siblings. I can't get past that...

Leave it to the dastardly doctora to insinuate herself in Art's business while catching on to the puzzling Feo/Isa meeting.

UA, agree with Cassandra that DTQTQ is indeed like cotton candy. Great cast though which is why I think many of us are watching.

We need a few more breaks for the good guys here and some major mistakes by Feo.


So funny to watch dindin at the De La Riva house and everyone just ignore they have a lump of a malevolent Shrek at table slurping sopa.

Marcela - that easy button really works

Isabel - How Isabella gets her groove back

Fernando - childs play

Bruno - thrown under that bus size ego of Arts

ABrat - if it weren't for The Duck slut he'd orbit me forever

Art - "friends" my buttocks

Agatha - makeover time

Cuca - still got two expressions, dumb and dumber

Baltazar & Zen - Ren & Stimpy

Ileana - they took your character out back and shot it

Borlas - Bieber haircut and those school girls will sing a different tune


Sara, thank you for the recap in spite of all of your cable woes. Way to go!! If tonight was episodes 124 and 125, then hopefully next week will be full episodes because there will be nothing to double.
UA- I was hoping that the drops were just water, sort of a control substance.
Xint- "To paraphrase that old saying: If it walks like a Feo and talks like a Feo, then it IS a Feo." I don't get it. He only changed his nose for goodness sake. I can't imagine these women being so simple. Where are their gut instincts???
Susanlynn- I agree- Dante keeps hanging around in the shadows, watching. He is slowly gaining Ferball's trust and hopefully is smart enough to use it to his advantage.
Sara- Dante to unleash an inferno- how literal- I love it.

Forgot to add:
tofie- I am still laughing at Baltazar and Zen- Ren and Stimpy- hilarious!!!

I liked the Ren and Stimpy reference too! One thing I don't understand about TNs is why *everyone* has to be paired off with someone; Like Zen and Baltazar. Why do the writers have to come up with some lame storyline for minor characters like these? It's really kind of a waste of time and I can't help but think that the writers get sidetracked by stuff like this and then lose sight of details in the major storylines - which is why we get things like Isa trying to "trap" Javier again when it didn't work the first time she tried it. I think it's okay if some of the characters remain single.

I wonder what happened to Aranza and Tita's dogs?

Sara, why were the bikers throwing water? Might have been fun to see who they were drenching...

xInt, lawd, I hope it wasn't Tita in a wet T Shirt contest

Isabel is just STUPID. She needs to move OUT of Mexico and move to the United States in order to start fresh.

Her stupidity is staggering.

Was this similar to the original ?


A great recap Sara. I liked when you wrote--Dafne is trying to get Este interested in some indoor sports. It seemed that Este wasn't going for it---Poor Dafne, she has been loosing ever since day one.
Sara---Do you get a refund when cable service is bad or out altogether?

Anonymous---As for people lurking around and listening in on conversations, that has happened in almost every novela I have seen

Tablet Jefa---No one could recognize Maricruz either. It's just part of the story.

Tofie---Borlas with a Bieber haircut? You're so funny.

Ok, my turn to sound off. Just about from day one Isabel and Art Dad haven't been the smartest folks on the block. That's part of the story and I am very easy going. Remember I still enjoyed Corazon Indomable when almost everyone was ready to either break their TV's or cancel the novela completely. Both Isa and Art have made some big mistakes that has had the Caray crowd shaking their heads. I was willing to give them some slack because after all everyone is not super smart and we all make mistakes in life don't we? But this last bit of nonsense has even
me crying foul---Now let's see, we'll play a game. The game will be called Seduction. If you can seduce me, well then you win and you can marry Aranza. But, if you can't seduce me, then you loose and you can't marry Aranza. WHAT!!
I can't believe I witnessed that. Even I, the easy going gringo find
that a little hard to take. It's such a ridiculous thing to begin with but, oh well I didn't write it, I'm just watching.
the gringo

Gringo, Isabel needs Victor Newman to bail her out. He's more smarter than both Isabel and Art.


Diana-I hadn't thought of it, but now that you've pointed it out Borlas and Mari *do* look like siblings.

I'm still hoping for Dan and Mari. I guess I'm going to end up unhappy in that respect.

Sara---As you probably know, I'm in the Dan and Mari camp also.
the gringo

We can be disappointed together, gringo. BTW do you think you'll watch La Gata? I read an article about it this morning and even though it will probably end up like CI I can't help but want to see it. Apparently there are high expectations that this will do well.

Here's a link to the article. It's in English.

IMO they are chopping PSMA so they can finish about the same time it does in Mexico so they can start showing La Gata ASAP.

Sara---Will I be watching La Gata
you ask? Absolutely-Absolutamente
I am a RBD fanatic, I love them, they will always be a part of me.
Maite Perroni was the groups third
goddess and not only that, she has the voice of an angel. Although Triunfo del Amor was not highly praised by many, I thoroughly enjoyed it and I thought that Maite did an excellent job. YES! I will be watching El Gato, I wouldn't miss
it for anything.
the gringo

Sara---Thanks for the link.
the gringo

I'm a Dan & Mari together forever booster too.

I may try La Gata but Televisa and Univision makes it hard. I like Daniel Arenas. Lord this time the girl is from a landfill.

Tofie---You are so funny I can't believe it---landfill!!!
the gringo

I'm glad I'm not the only one rooting for Dan and Mari!

Tofie- I had the same reaction to Maite's character! Erika Buenfil is playing her mom, too. I like that actress and I would like to see her again.

I am a sucker for Maite.

As I was watching QPob this morning it occurred to me that the guy playing Saul might have been a good Feo. He was kind of slimy in LFDD and he's got the looks to pull of charismatic lady killer.

Because seriously... I can't get over Fed's looks and my beanie is worn slap out.

Feo's not Fed's.

Gringo, you would think that even the dumbest woman would NOT allow her daughter to marry a guy who seduced her mother. The stupid is to the bone on this one.

When PSMA is over I think I'll be taking a break from TNs. I've been missing the best show on TV for a while - Person of Interest with Jim Caviezel. What can I say, he's great looking, smart and a kick-ass good guy.


I guess with how Fernando is cast, while I have trouble believing any of the women would even look his way, guess the galan does look better. With a real lady killer as the bad guy none of the women would head back to the galan.

Alberto Pavon is playing a real bad guy and lady killer on La Impostora and he is way hotter. Manuel Landeta is no slouch but there are 5 20 somethings and they look like boys. Alberto could have his pick and they would stick.

I haven't seen La Impostora in so long :(

Sara, it's silly right now

Hmm. Is getting like Santa Diabla did?

I didn't see Santa Diabla but the whole Blanca/Vicki thing is still going (had a slight reprieve for a week when she was in a coma) and now Adriano is in jail but he knows Val is still alive. Oh, there was switcharo DNA to show Rafa is Adriano's son but we have no idea who it really is.

I'll have to try and catch an episode this week.

I periodically lurk in the LI thread and someone mentioned how Lisette Morales looked the same longing for Eduardo as she did when talking to Hugo. I had to laugh at that.

Isa your plan is going to blow up on you. In the last novela CI, we had a young lady with little to no education but with a tremendous
amount of common sense. She inherited a small fortune and did well until because of some unknown reason her common sense vanished and she lost everything--
well in the end she did end up with her first and true love. So, in a way, it ended well. In this one we have a well educated woman running a very successful interior design company. You have to have brains to run a successful company with several employees working for you right?
So where did Isa's common sense go? While trying to save her husbands daughter from a mirage of disaster, she invents "the seduction game." Have the writers
over at Televisa been smoking their lunch I ask? Can we get some
women with brains and character please? Let's drop the nonsense ok
the gringo

"smoking their lunch"

That's the only explanation for this ridiculous seduction game plot.

Sara- Thanks SO much for this recap. I has going to comment after watching the episode, but I never got around to it.

Can't believe that we will be all caught up with Mexico soon. By the end of this week?

Isa, Isa, Isa...what a mess you're getting yourself into.

I've been scratching my head over this one. Only two things I can come up with is Isabel wants the attention and to be desired and/or she believes she is terminal and her latent martyr complex has kicked in gear. Seems TN land is rife with seeking attention and martyrdom. Even in CI, MariCruz kept going back and hanging with that wanna be painter Alfonso for the attention (and to punish Octavio) and when that blew up her martyr complex kicked in and she wanted to rot in jail apart from her daughter even when there was nothing to support her being there.

My sister is visiting last few weeks and been watching with me but when she saw what Isabel planned she just said stupid and walked off and won't watch anymore. To be fair she thinks Art and his "friendship" with Marcela borders on cheating and an easy line to cross.

Tofie---Art just might cross that line.
the gringo

gringo, yep, Art is just waiting for a reason and Isabel about to hand him one. This one is all on her.

I also don't see Isabel and Art staying married in the end.

Her stupidity is embarrassing. I'll be watching UConn-Kentucky tonight and tomorrow, the lady Huskies vs Irish.


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