Monday, April 07, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- Avenida Brasil, En Otra Piel, Camelia la Texana, et cetera, week of April 7, 2014

Welcome April!! Here's your post for this week!

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AVENIDA BRASIL, Segunda-feira

Line o' the day

Nilo to the cabdriver:

"Follow that car! I always wanted to say that."


At the gate of Casa Serrano, Diego rants at Mondriana as a result of what Valeria and Maite told him: that Mondriana spoke to them during the flight to San Diego about being in love with “Gerardo”.

Elena gets her revenge on Gerardo for not wanting to “service” her the night before by attacking him openly at breakfast. He’s tried to keep Camila from going to see Figueroa alone, but spiteful Elena insinuates that it’s because Figueroa might help Cami and get the will successfully contested. He looks at her like she’s sprouted horns in front of him.

El Chalado and another guy come to the bookstore and ask Gabriel who gave him the guamiza (beatdown). They’re none to happy with him because, according to their “code”, he crossed a line dating Jennifer and forced them into a war with Los Perros.

Mondriana is very distressed by what Diego is saying to her and finally wails that Adriana still loves him, but Mónica loves Gerardo. This pisses him off even more.

At the breakfast table Elena continues to bluntly accuse Gerardo of having manipulated Mónica into that will, that he got her to put him ahead of hr daughters. Camila and Emiliana leave the table. Elena asks Lorena to leave as well, but she eavesdrops around the corner. Elena: “Mi amor, you should see your face.” Gerardo: “What are you up to?” Elena: “That you’ll clearly see that no one rejects me.” Gerardo: “If you tell everyone we’re lovers, it’s on you.” Elena: I can tell everything, even if we both end up in jail. I don’t mind if the whole world learns about us, because I love you. I’ll see you later at the Lake House, mi amor.” Lorena overheard this whole conversation.

Camila is going to see Figueroa alone. [I see Mondriana’s concern. But would Figueroa be crazy enough to try to rape a little rich girl? Wouldn’t people believe either Camila or Emiliana if they told what he did?]

Lorena tries to confront Gerardo about what she overheard, but he blows her off and tells her to talk with Elena.

At the hospital, Ricardo tries to hide what happened to Gabriel, but Rodrigo is too astute and gets it out of him about the beating.

At Mondriana’s request, Emiliana calls Ricardo at the hospital asking him to accompany Camila when she meets with Figueroa.


Valeria is revealed to be an excellent cook. Lupe advises her to pursue a career in cooking. Diego comes in and Lupe insists on his trying what Valeria cooked. Vale senses that he went to see Mondriana.

Gerardo calls Mondriana and says he knows that she heard about the breakfast argument. He says he wants to meet her for lunch.

Lorena tries to talk with Elena about what she heard and is told to butt out. Later Lorena tells Marta she doesn’t understand. Elena was so close to her the night before, and now she’s completely rejecting her.

We see Ricardo stuck in traffic when Camila arrives at Figueroa’s office.

Diego tells Vale what Mondriana told him about Adriana loving him but Mónica loving Gerardo. Valeria has a flashback to when Mondriana told them she had a 20 year old daughter. She tells them she’s almost 53. Then Vale remembers her horrified expression at seeing her face in the mirror. Diego tells Vale he’s going to go back to Mexico. Valeria looks very sad about this.

Figueroa lays some BS on Cami about how legal things take time. He touches her face and asks her to have lunch with him. But Ricardo has miraculously flown over the LA traffic jam and gets her away.

Valeria tells Diego that, thanks to him, she got over her fear of men and no longer has nightmares. She says she’ll miss him so much if he goes back to Mexico. He says he’ll miss her too, but then adds a list of people he’ll also miss, kind of deflating her.

Camila starts on a ricachona rant about Emi’s governess having interfered and having had Emiliana call Ricardo to come be with her. But then she says she is glad he came. She was feeling uncomfortable with the judge, plus he told her he couldn’t guarantee the contesting of the will would be successful, the very opposite of what he said before. [Before he was blackmailed and then had the chance for 30% of the Larrea vineyards.]


Mondriana is at the restaurant with Gerardo. They both have humungous glasses of red wine that would make it difficult for me to do any work in the afternoon! She tells him she’s worried about the argument with Elena. She also says that every time they see each other, she feels it could be the last time. Gerardo whips out a jewelry box with a bracelet inside that looks loaded with precious stones. She tells him she can’t accept it. She sensibly asks him what the people at the house would think seeing the governess wearing something like that. They lapse into lots of kissing. [I think this is a Latin-American thing. People in the US don’t engage in passionate kissing at lunch very much, even if they are in love.]

Gabriel finally shows his messed up face at the hospital. Rodrigo asks him what he’s mixed up in. Gabo says he’s in love with a girl and that, only because she lives in another part of the neighborhood, she is off limits. He says it’s like the people are like cavemen. Rodrigo tells him that men are still savages inside, just like 1,000 years ago. In a way both Gabriel and Rodrigo are right. Gabo says he wasn’t consulted about their gang laws. But Rod tells him he’s young, and the young think they’ll live forever. He asks his son to think long and hard about whether it’s worth risking his life and hers.

At the Lake House Elena tries to smooth over her behavior in the morning. She tells him it’s all in the past and starts kissing him.

Diego and Gabriel are talking in La Malquerida. They notice El Chalado and one of his compinches getting ready to attack the gang Los Perros. Diego tells them he doesn’t want to be involved in this gang fight. El Chalado tells Gabriel that they know who shot his father.

Vicki tells another servant that everyone in the house is blind, probably because of what she knows about Elena and Gerardo. Mondriana overhears this and asks Vick8i what she means

Elena is still trying to placate Gerardo. She tells him they’ll do something “special”, whatever he wants. He tells her he only wants her not to fight with him like that again. Elena: “Then don’t make the mistake of telling me you don’t want to make love with me.” [Whoa! Gerardo better run, not walk, to a doctor for a supply of Viagra.] Gerardo: “Tell me the truth. Did you say those things because I didn’t want you or are you testing me?” [We see Lorena peeking in the window and, apparently the glass at the Lake House is pretty thin, because she hears what is said.] Elena says she was completely serious. At that moment nothing mattered to her. She was two seconds away from screaming to the four winds that they killed her Tía Monica. If he doesn’t love her, it means very little to her if they end up in jail.


I'm doing just the highlights for this episode.

Carm tells Max off in front of the whole family, goes upstairs, jumps off her balcony and gets sent to the "rest home"/ manicomio. Later, Nina goes there and taunts her and Carm chokes her and Tifon steps in to stop her. Carm says that Nina is the devil and bad and Tifon says that Nina is like part of the family. Carm wants to kill her. Later, the Doc tells Tifon that Carm is bi-polar and with meds, should be better. He needs her to stay for a day or two for more observation. Muricy comes to see Carm too and asks about Nina causing this problem. Carm kind of suggests she did, but throws in something about bad vibes and she can't talk about it. Later, Carm finds her purse and wants to call Max but they took her cell phone. She goes out in the hall in search of a phone and the male nurse says it isn't allowed, she goes off.

Carlitos ends up with food poisoning and won't abide by the new schedule. He is at Alexia's and of course Ver and Noemia show up. They fight over him as he is shivering with chills and curled up in a blanket. He is supposed to be at Ver's by this time.

We find out during an argument between Nilo and Mama L, that they were married in the church and she went off with Santiago at some point. Nilo is still pithed about this. Pico, the boy that Jorgito is mentoring, hears that Nilo and Mama L are Jorgito's grandparents. Mama L is Jorgito's Papa's Mama. He tells Jorgito.

Jorgito talks to Mama L, now he finally wants that info on his Papa. She refuses to tell him. She won't tell him if he is alive, dead, or what.

After Max leaves the house, Nilo gets in a cab and follows Max to his new yacht. Nilo is a barnacle on the back of Max, cause he follows the money, and since Carm and Nina can't give him any, it's Max who can.

Suelen does a Lady Godiva, minus the horse, at Roni's soccer game. As before, he covers her with a flag this time and carts her off home. She wants something, something, from him, cause he was so great the first time, but he can't remember what happened, the champagne ya know. She says she'll show him what happened. They get to it.

Mona Lisa, Olenka, Iran and Deborah go to the Zona Sur to that apt. and Mona Lisa is on the fence now. Deborah and Iran look like they are getting closer, but Iran is jealous of Jorgito. Mona L tells him it's natural for Deborah to help Jorgito cause they are friends.

Mama L goes to see Nina at work and wants her to leave the job, now today. Of course Nina won't.

Since Jorgito didn't get the answer from Mama L, he goes to see Santi and wants to know who his Papa is.


Things went crazy last night. I think this was about episode 30 (of 60), so maybe we're going into a new direction, and we'll see the new Camelia.

Aaron comes breathlessly back to Allison, saying he killed Alacran. Before Ali can utter "huh?", there's a loud banging. Seems the scorpion isn't dead. Aaron dumps gasoline on the door to the room in which Mireya is tied up, lights a fire, picks up Ali, and skeedaddles outta there. Alacran bursts in, rescues Mireya, but is too late to catch Aaron and Ali. Alacran is going to take Mireya home.

Benigo kicks out Xiang, saying everyone uses Ben as a puppet, and it's all because he's a "lilo" or gay. Xiang tries to reason with him, but Benigno is resolved. Later, Lu tells Xiang that Benigno betrayed her, by giving her up to La Nacha. Xiang is now incensed at Benigno, and goes back to tell him.

La Nacha is taken aback by the General's unmasking of Facundo. She recovers, offers money (nope), then offers to turn in all the other capos to save herself (still nope). But when she also offers Ottavio Grande, the General agrees. Privately, the General tells Facundo he's playing La Nacha, just wants to get all the capos together, then kill them. In fact, the army is going to level all the homes of the capos, and even their towns, with everyone in it! Facundo can't believe they'd kill innocents, but the General says orders are orders.

Camelia tricks the guard into letting her go into the bathroom, where she hits the female guard over the head with the toilet top, and takes her gun. She overhears some of the General's plan. When she comes back, Facundo grabs her, and tries to convince her he's looking out for her. He knows she's a victim. Later, Carson appears, and Camelia gets it, Facundo is either working with cops, or is a cop. But she also hears him tell Carson to let her go. Carson says after the operation is over, she'll have to face the law.

La Nacha has set up a big meeting at Dionisio's house. Even Ottavio is invited. Unknown to her, he's not going, because he thinks Alma is dead (Alma might secretly be his daughter). Lu proves that Alma is alive, and Ottavio briefly talks to her. She recognizes his voice from somewhere.

Everyone else arrives at Dionisio's, including Antonio, Arnulfo, La Nacha, even Alacran and Mireya. La Nacha makes everyone put their guns in a locked box. Enter the general who tells La Nacha it's all over. You double crossed me, she yells, and he shoot her dead between the eyes! The army enters, everyone's shooting. There's also shooting in town, where Benigno, Xiang, Lu, Facundo, Carson and Camelia currently are.

As far as I can tell, the end result is: Alacran, shot, not dead, Dionisio shot, not dead, Ofelia killed in cold blood by the general, Xiang killed in the town in cold blood as Lu looks on horrified. All the others somehow escape, Arnulfo even giving Antonio a ride in a getaway car!

NOW what?


Avenida Brasil:

Thanks for the recap, Mads.

If Carmina didn't want to be sent to a "manicomio" or should I say, "rest home" why did she jump out the window of her bedroom? She didn't seem to be trying to escape - she wasn't dressed.

At first I couldn't understand why Jorgito could figure out who his father was if he knew that Carmina and Nilo were his grandparents. I thought that Nilo was getting admitted to Tifon's house as Max's father but now I realize that he calls Carmina his "ahijada," "goddaughter" and that is how he is, very grudgingly, admitted into Tifon's house and that no one knows, yet, that he is Max's father.

Avenida Brasil:
The above comment should have read, "At first I couldn't understand why Jorgito could not figure out who his father was...


thanks so much Hombre!

I was pretty lost through most of the show, but things really started popping at the end, where they have thinned out the cast quite a bit.

I still have lots of questions so I'll try to watch this again and comment more later.



looks like "La Promesa will be replaced by "La Prepago",
beginning Monday the 21st.



Part I Highlights

Jorgito does not get his Papa's name from Santi. Santi tells him to ask his Mama, she should be the one to tell him. Jorgito goes to visit Carm in the manicomio and she won't tell him either. She says he's dead. Jorgito is pithed and goes to see Neide, the one that he went to before. She actually tells him his Papa is Max and she isn't doing it for the lana this time, she's tired of Carm. Jorgito is shocked to find out his Papa is Max.

Touching scene of Mama L in Santi's lap as she cries. So worried about Jorgito and about the awful tragedy of the past, she doesn't want it repeated.

Max and Nilo on the yacht and while Max sleeps Nilo goes to sea. Max wakes up and Nilo is drinking and gives him some risotto that Max hurls up again. Meantime Nilo runs the yacht aground. Max and Nilo on shore and Max goes to the cabin and Nilo goes to Tiradero.

We find out that Mama L came to Tiradero to be near Max. Nilo had taken him off to Tiradero when he was six, Mama L had custody of him before then. She wasn't a good Mama to Max but to all the other kids. Max is the way he is cause of Nilo.

Carlitos holds the thermometer up to the light bulb to stay at Alexia's but the women find out from Paloma what he has done. They argue and fight over Carlitos, who will be going to Ver's. Carlitos is sick of them.

Suelen and Roni. Her mission is to prove to all of Divino that Roni is not gay. So she wants to seduce him and he ends up on top of her, hmmmm...........

Carm escapes from the manicomio with Zeze who brought her clothes. She takes money from Zeze for a cab and leaves the poor woman on the street.

Carm goes to see Max, he's back at the cabin, his yacht now broken and she wants him back. She's better than Nina any day, after all this Nina is Rita brought to the garbage heap by them. He isn't budging. Carm hasn't given him much, but Nina sure has. The yacht, the lana, stuff Carm never produced. He's not going back to Tifon's unless Tifon and Ivana die. Sticking with Nina never mind that pact he and Carm made when they were kids. She's pithed, takes his car and leaves.

The Doc discovers Carm is gone and not only that, she hasn't taken any meds since she's been there. He calls Tifon and tells him she is gone and Tifon is pithed. Can't believe the lax security at the clinic. Now where could she be? Doc meets with the familia and they give him hell.


Part II Highlights

Jorgito goes to Tirardero and Mama L and Nina are there. He tells them he knows who his Papa is now. Is this the big secret she was holding over Carm's head. Not just that but pics Nina took. She shows him her cell phone. He is pithed at the pics, these are his 'rents. He isn't happy with them. Nina feels bad that Jorgito found out this way, she wanted to tell him but wanted to protect him so she wouldn't tell him. Mama L the same. Nina tells Jorgito the rest of her story, how Max and Carm robbed her Papa, Tifon hit Genesio with the car, but it wasn't his fault and how Max and Carm got rid of her at Tiradero. Now he knows. Nina tells him she came back for justice. He is overwhelmed. Nina says leave it to her, but he doesn't want to be manipulated. Nina says she is trying to protect not only Jorgito, but Tifon, Ivana and Agatha too. It would kill Tifon and Ivana if they knew the extent Carm and Max went to, robbing Tifon all these years, and Max marrying Ivana. What about Agatha is she Max's. Nina isn't sure. She thought she was Genesio's or maybe Tifon's. Jorgito wants some alone time and goes off.

Carm stops for a drink somewhere and plans her next move.

Muricy goes to Jan's, Aduato is helping remodel the kitchen. Muricy is taking Jan off and Lucio comes outside. Carm snags him and wants him to do a job for her, she'll pay him 50 mil to get rid of Nina. Aduato sees them go off and sees where they go and runs home to the mansion. Between breaths he tells Tifon and familia where Carm is and with who. Carm is in an abandoned building with Lucio trying to convince him to do this job for her, he doesn't want to, she caused him trouble and the whole familia comes in and asks what Carm is doing there and with Lucio to boot!

Jorgito goes to the cabin and lets Max know that he knows that Max is his Papa! Oi, Oi, Oi, what else can happen?

Avenida Brasil

Thank you, perfect time for my coffee break.

This TN really surprises me, all these twists and turns. I would never have guessed who Jorgito's paternal grandparents are, I am wondering what's to come from Cam's side. Each episode I keep wondering why Max is still around,I expected him at least 3 times to be killed off. All that money he owed, and now what surprise does Nina have for him, it can't just be about revenge against Cam. I sit on the edge of my seat wondering what is next.


watching this again with english was, wow!

so Aaron burns down his house, wasn't that everything they had, and Mireya escapes, but what was that explosion, Alacran asks if it was the water heater.

the general was fascinating to watch, talk about 50 shades of evil,

when Facundo was repulsed with the idea of being a snitch for the DEA, this is the guy he went to talk to, that convinced him to do it,

with Nacha gone, the general talks to Facundo about cancer and getting it all, not only the narcos but Anarchists, Communists, Guerrillas, etc.etc., Facundo, not having heard about this operation Condor realizes that a lot of innocent people will die, only following orders the general says, illegal orders, Facundo counters, following orders from a foreign country on Mexican soil, but they make a deal, the general personally promises that no innocent people will be hurt, but he wants Facundo to take charge of taking Nacha to prison, they shake, err, Facundo doesn't.

with Facundo gone the general talks to Nacha, she's made him a millionaire, she has her own moles in the general's army, she is delivering all of the big guys on a silver platter, but she has another card, she will deliver Octavio as well, who has been taking over the Colombian cocaine trade, and besides maybe it is time I retire, it's a deal and they shake, and I want Facundo, Nacha says.

in the bathroom Camelia, who has conked her guard, can hear this conversation,

business done and the general hands Nacha, who's hands aren't really in cuffs, over to Facundo, but Facundo wants Camelia as well, who has disappeared, so the general goes looking, Camelia appears and slugs Nacha telling Facundo the general sold him out.

elsewhere, Arulfo is asking Jacinto how many men they can get together to attack Antonio's, but he gets a call from la Nacha for the meet.

Lu tries to talk Antonio out of going, but he figures that going with Octavio, there will be no funny business. and in talking to Octavio he finds out that Nacha is retiring and he mentions that the first order of business will be to take out Arulfo.

Lu and Xiang talk, he says Antonio took advantage of her, and she says Benigno did the same thing with you, (so Lu has known his preference) I don't mind if you are into men, goats, or cows, stay away from Benigno, he's dangerous.

Facundo tells Carson (who also didn't tell him about Condor), Camelia saved my life and I owe her, like you owe me for getting you into the DEA from what I was doing. Camelia is upset to hear the fireworks are going to be at the Osuna ranch.

so Antonio goes to the meet alone, as Octavio shows up at Antonio's, checking to see if Alma is really dead, Lu is worried that Antonio is walking into a trap without Octavio, he says he will make a call, when he comes back he says everything is fine, (he has his own moles) but tells how the army is going to hit all of the narco ranches and destroy everything, and don't go to Benigno's either because the general has a grudge against him.

at the meet, Nacha says Octavio should be along soon, the general says no, she says but I told him to come, and he says, but I told him not to, ut oh, and Nacha was dead before she hit the ground.

as the shooting breaks out, the soldier next to Antonio says you can leave, courtesy of Octavio, and so the three (with Alacran, not sure if he was shot or just his gut wound from that "cheap copy of Emilio") take off, the guard shoots the lock on the gate, tells Antonio to go, but he grabs Alacran, not you.

when Ben and Xiang hear the shooting, Ben says, they are coming for me, in the street as Xiang helps an older lady, Ben hijacks a car and leaves him there, and later Xiang on his knees pleads silently with Lu to run for it, he is shot dead.


En Otra Piel:
Thanks for the recap, Novelera. I don't have a lot of comments.
I don't know if it is a Latin American thing to kiss passionately at lunch but it seems foolish for Gerardo and Mondriana to do so in a public place.
Mondriana hardly seems to spend any time teaching Emiliana. She is always running off to have lunch or sex with Gerardo or visit Selma, Valeria and Maite.

I agree it was pretty amazing for Lorena to be able to hear Elena admit to murdering Monica through the the window of the cabana. What, if anything, will she do with this knowledge?

En Otra Piel

Thanks, novelera for the recap. I was disappointed that Valeria didn't speak up about what she'd remembered. Those details make the difference between Andriana being in love with someone else's husband and Andriana "thinking" that she is, in fact, the other person. But apparently the writers want us to wait for this importance piece of information.

I'm worried that Lorena doesn't have the backbone to handle what she overheard. She is definitely no match for her own daughter. However, I'm very curious to see what happens tonight.

The Spanish Student


There is a very interesting op-ed piece in the NYT today from the writer in a Venezuelan/Telemundo novela production. It's called: Chaos, Chavismo and Telenovelas by Ibsen Martinez and can be found if you copy and paste this link into your browser:



Thanks Jean. Tal Cual is online at

Avenida Brasil
Oí,Oí,Oí, indeed! What an episode. Thanks so much for the recap, Mads. How is Carmina going to talk her way out of being found in an abandoned house with Lucio?

And Jorgito finally found out that Max is his father. Unlike some commenters, I didn't think that Jorgito was going to blame Nina for deceiving the family. He believes (rightly) that what Carmina and Max did was much worse that what Nina did.

One little correction. Neide told Jorgito that she didn't know if Agata was Tifon's or Genesio's daughter but Nina confirmed to Jorgito that Max is Agata's father.

So is Neide running a male prostitute service now? All these big half-naked guys sitting around reading magazines was very funny.

Speaking of funny, Nilo running Max's boat aground was hysterical. Wherever they were, it was very pretty.

I'm pithed as Mads would say, that we won't have an episode on Friday. I want to know what is going to happen!



Jean, thanks so much for the interesting NY Times article about conditions in Venezuela. It was especially interesting to read that the Chavistas have a euphemistic, upbeat sounding word colectivos for criminal gangs.


I want to thank all those that commented last week. So very many revelations!

Sue 455:

Thanks so much for the phrase of the day. That really was too funny.


I think Sue 455 mentioned that toward the beginning about Nilo being Carm's godfather. I didn't realize it either. For the longest time I thought he was her Papa. Now we know it is Santi. Thanks for the correction about Neide. I was very surprised she gave that info for free, last time she wanted a bucketful of lana from both Jorgito and Carm. Yes, Carm has some 'splain' to do about what she is doing with Lucio in an abandoned house. I wonder what she will come up with, and how she didn't come straight home from the manicomio after she escaped! I'm glad that Jorgito finally has Nina's full story too. It helps him understand, although Nina needs to be smarter now and not just do things on the fly. Yes, Neide is running a male "escort" service, it was too funny when Marcelo opened the door and thought Jorgito was a new guy : )

Anon 3:37:

Me too, about the twists and turns with this TN. That is what drew me to it. It really hasn't missed a step! It is dark in some parts and light in others. I like that, where it isn't dark all of the time, and I too am on the edge of my seat wondering what is going to happen next.

Now to my own thoughts. Carm has given hints of Nina being bad. I wonder if she will eventually spill anything? I too agree that what Carm and Max have done, has been far worse then anything Nina has done. Hopefully Nina will be smarter now. I really felt for Jorgito this epi, he was so dumbstruck when he found out who his grandparents were, all of them and especially when he found out Max was his Dad. The poor guy and those flashback memories he had didn't help either. One seemed so loving and the next so harsh. I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow. So the only big secret now is what is Mama L covering up about Carm. Why does Carm hate her Papa so much? What did Mama L do thirty years ago?

I am loving Suelen and Roni, too funny and so romantic. I wonder what will happen with them.

I think Carlitos is sick of all his "wives", but not so much with Alexia I think. She really is the best one for him. He should have never hooked back up with Noemia and Ver. They are all about the lana, and of course Alexia is like that too, but not so much as the two of them. Noemia and Ver in their jealousy, ruined Alexia's first wedding and her bidness. Maybe Carlitos will chuck all of them. Hmmmmm.............

Otra Piel

Thank you, Novelera!

Kissing in broad daylight because they are so in luvv is a tn staple, but yeah, Mondriana and Gerardo are pretty reckless at this point.

I 'don't care about Gabriel and the gang story one bit. I thought that Valeria was meant for him, but she seems to be smitten with Diego for now. I hope he doesn't pursue her in any way, shape or form, no matter what happens next with Adriana.

Oh, and I am Adriana Noel, writing from work.


I've never doubted that Jorgito would be more understanding with Nina after learning the truth. It's the family who I think will judge her harshly because she has manipulated them, just like Carm has-- with fake tears and all. She has used them as a tool to get her revenge. She did not do this to Jorgito.

I haven't seen this epi yet, but looking forward to Jorgito FINALLY getting his answers. Maybe now he'll stop being such a crybaby drama king.


We do seem to be entering a new phase, with new alliances. Of course everyone's lives are completely intertwined and entangled, which made this episode VERY entertaining!

Not for Benigno, however, who keeps getting dumped on by everyone. He's sad about Xiang's death, and when Lu visits and blames it on HIM, that doesn't help. Second, prostitutes keep getting murdered, and Tomasa demands that Benigno stop it. Finally, General Prieto is in his chair. Luckily, this gets changed, as Ottavio Grande tells the General to let Ben have his chair back.

Huh? Yes, Ottavio Grande is the boss of the General. Why? Because now the Army is going to be in on the action (the drug money). And we thought they were STOPPING the drug trade! Oh well.

Facundo and Carson, however, are NOT on board, and their goal is to bring down Ottavio Grande. So they get Camelia to put on a blond wig, pose as "Violeta", and meet with Daniela (Dani) Guzman, Ottavia's girlfriend. Cami meets Dani, who, although she sees right through Violeta's original story, likes her. Cami says lets start smuggling tequila into the US, the kids will jump for that new drink. They proceed to get drunk on it.

This is all taking place at Ottavio's house. Cami almost opens up a door, and we see that Alma is there in the room! She recognizes Cami's voice.

Unfortunately, Ottavio doesn't trust strangers, Cami is kicked out, and then Ottavio kicks out Dani! But she goes to Cami (and Facundo and Carson), so there's still some hope. I love Ottavio's 70's style, high waisted white bell bottoms, open necked flowered shirt, etc. He's a wild and crazy guy!

Antonio and Arnulfo want to kill each other. But Ottavio is their boss, too, and he lays down the law. You guys have to work together. Antonio (who, for now, cannot have his family or ranch back) will be the leader of you two (Arnie is pissed). If either one kills the other, you'll be sorry. If Arnie kills Tony, I kill Arnie. If Tony kills Arnie, I kill Lu. So behave. Your first job is to take down some guy called El Rey.

Allison is re-establishing her pollera route, to make money. She's not happy that Aaron is acting just like Emilio, even wearing his clothing style, toting a pistol. Just as they get things organized for the next run, a knock comes on the door, and a guy enters, holding a gun to Aaron's head. He tells them they were cutting into HIS territory, and he'll be their boss or else. There's another knock at the door, the guy opens it, and is instantly KILLED! Yes, it was Arnie and Tony, and the guy was El Rey. Job done.

But then they see Aaron and think he's Emilio. He swears he's Aaron, Emilio is dead, buried in the garden, but Tony wants proof. You don't mess with Antonio Treviño!


thanks so much Hombre,
great recap!

I didn't have captions last night and was pretty clueless, of course the editing is complicated as well, showing the scenes, then 5 years earlier.

Aaron is such a misfit compared to his brother,
and I didn't want to see Alacran die.

I was totally impressed with Arulfo/Antonio's entrance at Alison/Aaron's new place, (I guess the director, Carlos Bolado, is an oscar nominated filmaker)



Right, Deb, I forgot about Mireya and Alacran. Facundo and Carson have told Camelia that Mireya is dead (not sure if they know the truth), that's part of why she's working with them, what's left? But Mireya isn't dead (although her sister his, and her Dad's in jail), she's being held in a barn along with Alacran, who never did get that stomach wound taken care of. And now she tells the guard he seems to have stopped breathing!

Also, Camelia now REALLY knows Facundo was a cop, not just someone working with the cops. She tells him doesn't NEED a man to lean on, and trust takes a long time to build up, but very little time to tear down. She's right.


Part I Highlights

Oi, Oi, Oi, Jorgito has just told Max he knows he is his Papa, he has lived in the house all these years with them and he knows Agatha is Max' too. He asks Jorgito not to say anything to Tifon. Let's have a drink and talk Max says. Max tells Jorgito to ask his Mama, he isn't responsible. Jorgito gives Max another beatdown. Max kept saying he was a good Papa, but the only Papa that Jorgito will recognize is Tifon. Jorgito leaves Max a bleeding huddled mess and goes.

Tifon asks Carm what she is doing in this abandoned house with Lucio. She lies her way out of it of course, says she thought the family didn't want her, blah, blah, and Tifon says the cops were looking for her. She thinks Tifon will send her back to the manicomio, but he takes her home. After they go, Jan tries to get out of Lucio what was going on, but he won't say.

At the Mansion everyone is very happy to see Carm, Nina is even there and a bit perturbed. Zenon goes and the family thanks him for everything that he's done. Tifon is still wondering what is going on.

Leleco and Muricy in the sauna almost getting their groove on when Zeze catches them. Muricy goes.

Tifon and Agatha are playing some game like hopshotch but with bottles when Max comes. Ivana is all over him, he says he fell in the bathroom? He asks after Carm and Ivana takes him up there, he sends her to get him a sandwich and goes to talk to Carm. She is very unhappy to see him. He tells her Jorgito knows that he is his Dad. Carm thinks Nina told him, but Max thinks maybe Nilo or Mama L. He asks her again to flee with him but she won't. So he asks for his car keys and she tells him where he can find his car. Before he goes he tells her about the fight with Jorgito and that she will now have big problems with Jorgito so be prepared cause he knows they planned that kidnapping of Carm's. She is fit to be tied.

Jorgito has called Deb who comes over and he tells her everything he found out, Max his Papa, Agatha his sister, and the rest of Nina's story. She tries to calm him.

Max goes to talk to Nina in the kitchen and asks her if she told Jorgito about being Dad, she didn't. Was it Nilo? She doesn't know. He is out of money, que??? He needs more and Nilo wrecked the yacht. She tells him to have patience, and Ivana comes in and finds it suspicious that Max is with Nina again.

Tessa is starting to suspect something is up with Leleco, he is always running off whenever she tries to get cozy with him, he gives her some guys name, family problems, etc, so now she is spying on him and Darson will help her investigate, Hmmmmmmm.....

Jorgito tells Debora that his parents are cons, have been probably all their lives it will be difficult to tell Tifon especially about the "kidnapping". Nina calls to talk to Jorgito but Debora won't let her. Nina was outside the door though and he lets her in. Jorgito asks what is Nina's ultimate plan and she can tell him in front of Deb cause she knows all. Nina says it's for Carm to leave for good, it's better for Tifon and Agatha and the rest of the familia. The claws come out and Deb and Nina argue. Nina is gonna go, but warns Jorgito that Carm is calculating, manipulating and is dangerous. Really think before telling Tifon. Nina goes and Deb thinks that Nina is the one manipulating Jorgito. She wants him to tell Tifon now. He needs time to think he thanks her and she goes.


Part II Highlights

Suelen and Roni, Leandro and Iran are at a newsstand and there is a pic of Suelen in all her Godiva, minus the horse glory, and some guy comes up named Walter Guerra, who it seems is a publisher or photog of a men's magazine and wants her to pose. Roni is really against this, but Suelen thinks there's money to be made. Iran and Leandro have to hold Roni back from beating the guy. Roni takes Suelen off.

Muricy is giving Ivana the excuse she is going to meet friends, Ivana guesses where she is going. Max comes and needs Ivana to sign some paperwork regarding the medical/dental plan she has on him. Carm has come downstairs and now here comes Jorgito and he says we should take a family pic, hint, hint. Nina, Max and Carm all have the deer in the headlights look. Tifon is happy to see him but doesn't want him to provoke Carm. He is provoking Max instead and Ivana tells him to respect him. Jorgito brings up the kidnapping, Carm wants to go to her room, and Tifon wants family harmony.

Nilo is at Tiradero, all pithed and hungry. He can't find anything and steals something from Mama L's chicken coop. Mama L and Pico are doing homework and she gives him hell for whateva he took. Mama L tells him that Jorgito knows about Max. She asks Nilo where Max is and he won't say. Nilo ends up finding him and Mama L has come too. Max is very drunk, Nilo eats and complains there isn't anything good, Mama L wants to care for her boy and runs Nilo off.

Ivana and Tifon are in the sauna and she says Max only comes really when he needs something. They have been married 12 years and she still doesn't know where he is living now. Tifon thinks he's got a lova, maybe he is like Carlitos, could have 3 women, but Carlitos is rich. She asks Tifon if maybe he has someone on the side. He says he is old and married. She picks up his cell and finds a pic of Nina in the garden on it. She thinks there is something, something there, but he denies it. Ivana asks if he is in love with Nina, he denies, denies, denies. They go to dinner.

Zeze comes to tell Carm dinner is ready and here is Jorgito come for a chat. He tells her he knows all about Max, and Agatha being his sis and the kidnapping. He can 't believe the two of them pulled this off all these years, and oh yeah, he knows all about the real Rita and what happened to her and what they did to her. Who does Carm blame? Rita, that's right. She planned this whole thing out, she's an evil genius! She planned to come there to destroy Carm's familia. She's evil and a liar and she planned the kidnapping and took the proceeds of it too! All this bad stuff happened when Nina arrived and hey, ask Nilo and Mama L if he doesn't believe her! She tells Jorgito that Nina paid for Nilo's hotel, and she is Max's lova. Also she tells Jorgito the photos he saw. Carm was drugged another evil plan of Nina's. He wants to tell the family all about Carm, but she stops him. Will hurt Tifon and Agatha. Jorgito goes and Tifon is going down to dinner and Carm thinks she's in hell!

Mama L is taking care of her boy, she loves him very much. He admits to her that he loves Nina. She is so good to him and Carm ruined it when she came to the yacht. He says Jorgito and Agatha don't know a thing about him. He's decided he wants to be with Nina, cause he gave up everything for her, even Carm too. Mama L tells him to forget about Nina, not for him and puts him to bed.


Part III Highlights

Tifon and familia are at table and it's chaos but civilized. They are enjoying the dinner Nina made. Tifon has an idea for a vacation, how about Paris, and invites Nina, which doesn't sit well with Carm. Ivana now really thinks there is something going on there. Carm won't go if Nina goes, but Tifon says its to further her education, so much to learn, chef wise. Carm goes, Jorgito runs to his car, Nina asks what Carm said to him, but he won't say. He goes off.

Carm and Tifon in their bedroom and about to get busy when Nina comes. Tifon tells her she's off now, and Nina whispers to Carm that she is playing with fire with her lies and goes. Carm and Tifon do the deed.

Nilo is trying to get his kids back to work, but it's like talking to the hand, they aren't listening, so he hitches a ride on a garbage truck, goes to the mansion and hits Nina up for lana. She says he has to be patient and after she goes on her moto he says she will regret this.

Nina goes to Max's place and calls for Max. Mama L is there trying to protect Nina. She tells Nina that Max is fragile and tormented, and it's different what happened at Tiradero with Max. Max wakes up and wants to know if Jorgito had his say. Nina says no. Nina tells Max she loves him in front of Mama L and Mama L tries to make her go, but she goes instead. Nina cooks for Max a bit, he wants her to leave that job and live with him. He feels she is like a wife to him without the bennies of course and he wants those. He grabs her and tries to kiss her, but she fends him off. He says he left Carm, left Ivana, all for her. She has to get back to work and Max says she always has an excuse. She says she needs more time and gives him more lana. She goes. Her plan it seems is divide and conquer.

Deb and Jorgito have another chat and he tells her what Carm told him. Seems Deb is agreeing with Carm, and maybe about the kidnapping. Deb has got to go, cause she is meeting Iran and Jorgito has a hissy fit. She goes.

Max is all drunk, runs out of booze and goes to the local bar where Mama L finds him. She tries to get him to go home, but he won't and even pushes her off. She jacks Max's cell and calls Ivana and gives her directions to where he is.

Jorgito calls Nina and wants a chat. She comes over and he asks her how stupid she thinks he is? She planned that whole kidnap and benefitted with all that lana! Answer him! Oi, Oi, Oi!


ok, I watched it again, some minor points, (oh and I meant in the earlier post, 5 days not 5 years)

the soldiers are now occupying the town, as well as all of the big ranches as part of a plan by Octavio, who now seems to be running things, Antonio asks him why the Army did this to them, we never did anything to them, and Octavio explains, because they were not part of the game,
and now they are.

Octavio wants Antonio to take charge of the north,

and I think Octavio told Arulfo he's not taking Alma, so Arulfo must know she's alive, I haven't seen the finger in a while, or Jacinto.

Benigno has blood on his hands, so to speak, Lu accuses him of killing her brother, Tomasa is not happy about the soldiers having their way with her girls and not paying, and she wants big bucks to keep his secret, the locals are praying for la Nacha, and the dead prostitutes have those same cigarette burns, take care of this Tomasa tells him, or your sister-in-law will be found dead.

and in Tijuana thieves have stolen the tires off Alison's truck, it's like that everywhere since la Nacha died, Aaron says.

and we see a flashback to 1940, where Arulfo talks about this new girl, la Nacha, and Antonio asks if he is planning on leaving his father.

ah and Dani Gonzaga, is heir to the Gonzaga Tequila fortune, and that is her house that Octavio is living in, err, only technically, as Octavio calls it his, undercover Camelia wants to introduce the U.S. to tequila.

and Mireya continues to sing/write songs, they are something special, written from the heart, as Alacran dies in her arms.

Arulfo recognizes Emilio/Aaron as the guy with Camelia when they burned his face.

btw, an article I read on this novela said that it was an attempt at explaining why Mexico is the way it is today, and there seems to be a history thread running through here, beginning with the chinese bringing poppies to Mexico, and now we are up to Colombian cocaine, and when did tequila become popular in the U.S.?

tequila- from wiki

"Tequila was first produced in the 16th century near the location of the city of Tequila", Jalisco.

"around 1600, the Marquis of Altamira, began mass-producing tequila at the first factory in the territory of modern-day Jalisco (where Guadalajara is) .

"The style of tequila popular today was first mass-produced in the early 19th century in Guadalajara, Mexico." (where Dani and Octavio are)

and in the I-didn't-know-that category,
"In 2008, Mexican scientists discovered a method to produce tiny, nanometer-sized synthetic diamonds from 80-proof (40% alcohol) tequila,"


AVENIDA BRASIL, Quarta-feira

Yea! Tifón is reading again. At the table he mentioned "The Physiology of Taste" by Brillat-Savarin. I have not read this work but may get to it eventually. Brillat-Savarin's most famous quote is:

"Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are."

Which brings me to the Line o' the Day. Tifón is beginning to think that the whole family plus Nina going to Paris is not such a hot idea:

"Can you see the headlines? Ex-soccer player's family gets thrown out of Europe!"

Well many of our questions have been answered but new ones have developed. Who is the mysterious Clarita? Why does Lucinda have her picture? Oi, oi, oi!



MUN2 will be rebroadcasting UNA MAID EN MANHATTAN starting next monday. Currently reiaring on MUN2 is EL SENOR DE LOS CIELOS and LA PATRONA.

PIEL, Wednesday

We start with a rehash of Lorena confronting Elena about what she heard. Elenas says, “Yep, you heard right” and then blames Lorena and her addictions and the abandonment for all Elena’s doings. We also learn that Elena doesn’t know who her father is (odds on the brother of Cami’s father?). Lorena tries to talk sense into her, but that’ll never work. More yelling about abandonment from Elena and “that doesn’t justify killing your aunt” from Lorena. Finally Elena gets slapped and called a cinica (the all-purpose insult that I’m still not sure I could use properly). But Elena laughs and tells her that’s just what an alcoholic would do.

Meanwhile, Mondriana is apologizing to Camila for crossing the line. Cami tells her she may know about the family but she’s really just a stranger. Mo apologizes some more and Cami tells her not to confuse things. Then Susi (the younger maid who now has a name) brings her an envelope. Mo tried to peek at it but Cami notices and hides the letter. Mo takes her leave.
Martin (the Stand By Me guy) tells Diego that he can’t go to the cops. It’ll just make things worse. “Captas”? (which I take to mean, “got it?”).

Gerardo complains to Ernesto about the bracelet incident and that Elena thinks he’s nothing but her property. Ernesto doesn’t seem too sympathetic.

Cami interrupts the lovely mother-daughter moment with Lorena and Elena. She gives Lorena some support and tells them he has to go see the judge. She then goes to Mo’s room, where Emiliana was researching alcoholism and can’t understand why her healthy, yoga-doing aunt can’t beat it. Cami tells Emi that she has to go with to see the judge. Emi doesn’t want to but Cami insists. Mo tells her she has to go, but to NOT be alone with the judge.

Elena uses guilt to get her mother to not say anything about the whole murder thing, but Lorena won’t be an accomplice. (wanna bet?) Elena starts crying and guilting her mother and blabbing about the poison they’re going to put in her veins, etc. and could Lorena live with that? Lorena sobs (for real, not like Elena’s crying) and Elena comforts her. This will bring them closer, she says. Because she’s nuts. She smirks as she leaves the room.

Carlos has shown up at the judge’s office wanting help. Judge Asshat refuses to take the risk and tells him to go back to Mexico, but Carlos tells him Adriana, who threatened to tell the judge’s wife everything, is there is LA. Carlos wants to kill her. Now does the judge want to help? Carlos thinks the judge can use his cop connections to find out where Adriana is. Meanwhile, Carlos wants to start up another brothel, again with the judge’s help, and offers the old man a percentage.

Gabe and Jenny have met at some secluded beach. He talks to her about leaving the barrio and getting away from all the violence, etc. etc. etc. We do learn that she wants to be a marine biologist.

Ricardo is at the hospital talking to Mart, and tells her he and Camila are back together. Then he gets a call from Cami, who tells him about the meeting with the judge. He’ll go with even though he knows he’ll have to wait outside. Lovey talk. Elena overhears and wants to know what’s up. Now SHE knows Ric and Cami are back together and she fakes nice about it. Ric may not be long for this world. Especially when Cami tells Elena about the mystery check for school. They think something funny is going on in the house.

We get to met Selma’s daughter, Eileen. They talk about love, and Selma thinks Eileen is in love with being in love. Eileen jokes about this saving her 10 months of psychotherapy. More chatting, but Eileen seems like good people.

Diego gets a job in Martin;s auto shop. Ricardo spies Rodrigo holding Marta’s hand and he raise his eyebrows.

Mo brings some soup to Lorena, who looks a little comatose. She comforts Lorena but doesn’t get the scoop as to why Lorena is upset. Lorena later goes to confront Gerardo because she KNOWS ABOUT THE MURDER. But she thinks Gerardo put Elena up to this.


Whoops! I meant that Martin is the Stand and Deliver guy. (Not that Stand by Me wasn't a good film, but totally irrelevant here).


Otra Piel

Kelly, I love your interpretation on some of the scenes, they make me chuckle.

Camila is right to distrust Mondriana; If I were her, the know-it-all governess would give me the creeps, too.
I wonder how much of Elena craziness comes from the fact that she's been abandoned and how much is part of her inner personality. She is a murderer, but her back story makes the way she treats her mother totally fair to me.
The alcoholic who abandoned her with her rich sister and didn't even tell her who her father is? Plenty of reasons to despise Lorena, but that doesn't excuse her behavior towards Monica, her lifeline throughout the years.


Aaron has to prove that Emilio is dead. He's forced to dig up the body, buried behind the house. While digging, he notices Arnulfo, supposedly monitoring him, but dozing off. He raises the shovel, thinking...but Antonio has hold it, but. Tony tells him I DO you want you to kill Arnulfo. But not yet. Aaron says no way. Tony says if you don't, Allison will be buried in that same grave with your brother, so don't fill it! They did confirm, btw, that Emilio's body was in the grave.

You know that guy Arnie and Tony killed the other day, whom I called El Rey. Well, that wasn't his name, but whatever it was, Arnie and Tony still have to kill his brother, too, on orders from Ottavio. Tony tells Aaron and Arnulfo to go kill the brother, he'll stay with Allison. Aaron isn't happy. Tony privately tells Aaron that, after they kill the brother, he has to kill Arnulfo. But Aaron doesn't like this, he tells Allison what's going on, and then they both tell Arnulfo what Antonio was planning! Ooooops.

Lu is staying at the brothel, Tomasa is supposed to make sure she's okay. A surly looking army guy thinks she's a hooker, tells Tomasa he wants the Chinese girl, Tomasa says she's off limits. But when Tomasa goes on an errand, the army guy goes upstairs anyway, chloroforms Lu, kidnaps her, now has her tied up in some other room (not sure if it's in the same building or a hotel). Lu struggles, tells him her husband will cut him to pieces, but he just laughs, says he'll teach her a lesson! Uh oh. I bet this guy is the sargent who's been raping and killing the prostitutes! Tomasa finds Lu is missing, frantically calls Benigno. Noooo!

We find out more about Alma and Ottavio. He's her uncle. His sister was her mother. Ottavio, after praying to some voodoo statues, hears Alma enter. She feels a skull, he says it's the guy who killed her father. Her father was involved in some dangerous business, and both he and the mother got killed, although Ottavio got a little revenge on the guy.

Ottavio hadn't exactly kicked Dani out, she left, tired of his lying. Carson and Facundo think there's no way to infiltrate Ottavio w/o Dani. But Camelia/Violeta goes back, tells Ottavio that Dani is her friend, and he lost her because he treated her like a child and lied to her. Armed with this knowledge, Ottavio surprises Dani with flowers, saying all the right things (after Cami's coaching). He even asks Dani to marry him! This does the trick, and Ottavio is having a big party to celebrate this.

Cami wants to go. Facundo is totally opposed, because he's now in love with Cami. She asks if people only have one true love, and he says no, they can heal from the first loss and love again (thinking Emilio, then him). She doesn't agree. When Cami's not there, Facundo discovers that Carson faked the death certificate of Mireya! Carson says he had to do it.

The three of them get drunk, Cami drinks the guys under the table, leaves. The guys wake up and fight. Facundo wins, handcuffs Carson to the bed. At the party, Cami shows up, dressed to kill. But just as Ottavio is introducing his bride to be, who should show up in a leisure suit? Facundo!!!


And Alacran is not dead! At least not yet. Mireya calls an army guy over, who gives CPR, and Alacarn is better. But the soldier then gets into an argument with Alacran, knocks him to the ground, puts his boot on Alacran's chest. Mireya knocks him out with a shovel! They're trying to get rid of the (not dead) body, when another soldier catches them. Drat!


thanks so much Hombre,
love your recaps!

if I remember right, the two brothers Octavio wants killed are the Reyes.

so happy to see Alacran pop back to life, it's hard to keep all of these people straight but I was hoping that the guard that walked in and caught them was the good guy that saved his life earlier.

and I was wondering if that other soldier took Lu back to the ranch.

(odd that Arulfo and Antonio are being kept separate from their guys and their stuff).

and it looks like the other day, Dani was going to put up Camelia in the bedroom that Alma was staying in, when Octavio stopped them, I don't think Dani knew she was there, and I wonder if Alma will zero in on Facundo being there now.

and as you say Hombre, Octavio is a "wild and crazy guy"!



I think Elena is stretching to blame her crazy on the abandonment. Wasn't she a baby when the fire happened? And really, she wasn't totally abandoned. She was left with a loving aunt who cared for her as her own. Elena probably should have gotten therapy at some point, but her behavior is all on her and if Mondriana doesn't find out soon, then someone is going to get boiled. She sure is beautiful though (if you're in to sociopaths).



Part I

Oi, Oi, Oi! Things are being moving along. I must say, here, before I start that Vivi made an excellent point about the familia not forgiving Nina, and Jori (my new nickname for Jorgito, is having some problems with it too. This epi was so rapid fire that I may have missed somethings. Please let me know if I did.

Yesterday Jori accused Nina of thinking he was too dumb to figure things out. Here is what he believes, she's guilty as hell. Here is what she told him, she bought that yacht to seduce Max, the money came from her inheritance, she and Max never did the deed, and she's coming to the end of her venganza. Jori thinks it's all lies, every word. She wants justice, he thinks all she wants is money, the more the better. She cares about his family, but he's not hearing her, he tells her to get out of his life y punto. Nina goes, he cries.

Max has come back to the mansion with Ivana who picked him up from that bar. Tifon not that happy he's back. Ivana takes him upstairs.

Jori goes to Tiradero looking for Mama L. He sees Nilo instead who says yes, Nina planned the kidnap and got all the lana from it. Jori is believing this dreck and Nilo tells him all women are users. He also tells Jori of course Max is his Papa but Mama L and Carm forbid Nilo from telling Jori. Nilo tells him want to know about Carm ask Gepeto (Santi) all about her. Jori wants to know why all of a sudden Nilo is against Nina. Well Rita loved Patata, but Nina uses guys. Mama L comes and tells Nilo to shut it. She tells Jori that yes, Nina got money from the kidnap, but she didn't plan it. Now Jori thinks that Mama L manipulated both Carm and Nina. Jori wants to know why Mama L never called the cops about the kidnap plot, is pithed and goes. Mama L says she'll kill Nilo for opening his mouth.

Nina goes to see Betania, not for anything this time, but for some emotional support. Betania also tells her she is still with Baldo. Nina says her time of venganza is almost over. She doesn't want the tragedy of what happened to Genesio happen again.

Max and Ivana in the shower and they have a chat in the bedroom. He wants respect and dignity to come back. She assures him that yes, that will happen. He's a galan, a prince, yadda, yadda, they hold each other on the bed.

Nina goes to serve Carm in her room and calls her a witch and asks what Max is doing there. Tifon comes in and wants Tarta tata for dinner.

Nilo and Mama L continue to argue. Nilo is evil and destroys those around him. She tells him he lied to Jori cause Nina got that lana yes, but never planned the kidnap, that was all Max and Carm. Nilo doesn't like the fact that Mama L is doing nothing to help Max. He's their son. Their marriage was miserable and Mama L tells Max she called Ivana to pick up Max. Nilo claims Nina is very bad.

The family at table and Max wants a toast to his return, but Jori shows up and toast to the familia, hint, hint. After dinner, Jori signals Max for a chat, and they go off. Jori wants to know why Max is back, to be near his lova Nina? Nina tries to make them cool it when Tifon and Ivana come. Jori and Max both go off and Tifon is worried about how aggressive Jori has become. As Max was going Carm wanted a chat, but Ivana takes him off upstairs.

Jori is at home when Debora comes with a white hanky, peace she says. He said he talked to Nilo and what Nilo said about the kidnap. He's looking for evidence against Carm and Max but is finding more against Nina. Jori doesn't get why Nina just didn't take off with the lana. Deb thinks she is out to do way more damage than the lana. Jori defends Nina and Deb wants to know why? He still loves Nina right, right???? Deb goes.


Part II

Max and the yacht guy. The yacht is fixable and he gives Max an estimate. It's very expensive, so he calls Nina with the amount. She'll get it and Carm overhears her. She tells Carm not to push her. Carm knows what Nina is capable of. Tifon comes in and Nina goes right to the yacht club and gives Max the lana, but Jori sees and confronts them. Jori says so this is the yacht my Papa Tifon bought. Max admits cuckholding Tifon. The only reason Jori likes Tifon better is the soccer, but Max is a good guy. Now Jori thinks that Nina and Max are accomplices and tells Nina what Nilo told him. Jori advises Nina to go with Max, and never come back. That's the last lana she'll eva get from Tifon. Jori goes off and Nina tells Max she is afraid that Jori will call the cops. Max suggests they take off for the Carribean. Life's a gamble, but it's hard at the mansion with Carm, Max and Nina all together there. Max finally gets that Nina is in love with Jori and that's why she won't sleep with Max.

Nina goes to see Nilo and goes off on him about lying to Jori. Nilo is pithed cause the money train stopped. Just take this knife and kill him he says. Mama L comes and takes Nina by the arms. Nilo accuses Nina of being just like Carm and Mama L tells him no way she is like Carm. Nilo taunts Nina and calls her a ho and a kidnapper. Mama L takes Nina off and tries to calm her. Nina tells Mama L what Jori now believes. So many secrets and lies in Mama L's past, being married to Nilo, being Max's Mama. Nina is having trouble trusting her. Mama L cares about both Nina and Jori and wants them to live their love, together.

All the Barrio Boys are gathered with Suelen and that photog and another guy about more pics of Suelen. Roni still isn't happy, Suelen wants it tastefully done and goes off with Roni and Dio and that photog. Long story short, the pics being taken at the soccer field. The Barrio Boys behind a gate, as Dio and Roni are with the photog and Suelen and a crowd of strange guys form and break the fence. Roni ends up covering Suelen and carting her off.

Carlitos, Noemia and Jimmy, who is in bidness suit, and Carlitos has to sign a contract. Noemia is pithed that Carlitos isn't keeping up with work, cause he's got these three wives ya know! He signs the contract and continues the workout with Noemia.

Earlier Max and Ivana had a convo about how long exactly that Max and Carm have known each other and how is it that Carm or Max claims not to know Mama L? Anyhoo, Carm wants her some Tifon, but Tifon wants his book. He asks about her and Max at Tiradero. Wasn't Max a friend of Genesio's of course he was. And how about not knowing Mama L, Carm says Max is a good guy, why? Is this an interrogation? She's pithed.

Debora and Iran at dinner in a nice restaurant. They will be friends to start. Still getting over Jori.

Ver and the maid doing flowers and Jori comes to talk to Deb, who is out. Iran and Deb come back and find Jori. Iran goes and Jori and Deb chat. Jori can't believe Deb is with Iran. Deb wants to know what he wants. Tells her about Nina buying the yacht for Max. She suggests he tell Tifon everything, cause of the security of the familia. He can't bring himself to do it. Jori says that there is a band of the bad guys at the house. Carm, Max and Nina. Jori says he hates Nina and Deb reminds him there is a thin line between love and hate. Deb thinks he really still loves Nina. He wants Deb to be happy. She can't take anymore and he goes. Ver says if you want advice talk to Carlitos, oh, yeah that will help a guy with 3 wives, no thanks.

Nilo finds the kids eating some of his food and chases them off and goes up his trap door, grabs something and falls down. He's got a lit lantern in his hand.


Part III

Mama L and Nina are sorting through the kids' toys. Nina remembers how happy Jori was with a ball at Tiradero. Nina says she can't do this playing with Max much longer. Nina doesn't want a repeat of what happened to her Papa Genesio. Nina says her ultimate goal is for Carm to leave Tifon, the familia and the mansion. That's what she wants. Mama L thinks Carm would neva do that, she's the devil. Nina asks Mama L if she loves Carm, oh hells noes says Mama L. All Nina wants to do is protect Tifon, Agatha and Ivana from Carm. They go to make dinner for the kids. One of the kids notices the fire at Nilo's and Nina rushes over there and saves his butt. He actually thanks her and apologizes for lying to Jori. Nina asks if he's burned anywhere, and he says no. She tells him even though he lied to Jori she couldn't let him burn.

Leleco is going somewhere and is leaving Tessa behind. She isn't happy, cause Leleco says he's going by plane and it's guys only. I'll just bet it is! He smoochies her and off he goes.

Aduato, Jan and Zeze in the kitchen and he's doing pots and pans to earn his keep at the house. He has to do something. Zeze lets slip a little something, something about Muricy and Leleco and off Aduato goes, before that Zeze was hinting at Muricy going to Church a lot, what is she so sorry for, and then Zeze let that tidbit slip.

Mama L gives Nilo food. He says thanks in French. Who knew?? She thinks maybe there is a small corner of his heart that is decent. Nina helped him so much and he lied. She gave him a nice place to live and fed him and this is how he repaid her with lies. She suggests to Nilo that he go and find Jori and tell him he lied about Nina.

Carm and Nina are alone and Nina is giving her the bidness again. She makes Carm put on a dress similar to what Muricy wears. She also takes Carm's knickknacks and breaks them one by one. Nina also tells her isn't it a darn shame that all the guys she loves, love Nina instead??? Carm calls her a loca. Now she gives Carm her ultimatum. Nina tells Carm to divorce Tifon and leave the mansion or she will tell Tifon all. Oi, Oi, Oi!

***Just A Reminder*****

There will be no episode of Avenida Brasil on Friday. They are showing Zapata instead.


Thanks, Mads! I look forward to seeing this epi later.

I have been thinking about Nina's plan ever since she said what her goal is the other episode-- to drive Carmina and Max out of the life of Tifon and his family, including Agatha. "Nina tells Carm to divorce Tifon and leave the mansion or she will tell Tifon all."

This isn't a real choice. Basically she is telling Carm that she will lose Tifon and his $, or she will lose Tifon and his $. She either leaves willingly, or by force, IF Nina reveals the pics and what she knows. They are both the same thing! Except, if Carmina stays, there is the chance that Nina won't reveal the pics and what she knows. Carm even taunted Nina the other day by saying she knows Nina won't do it because Nina doesn't want to hurt Tifon and the family.

So, what does Carm have to lose by staying put? Nothing. She just has more time to find a way to work things in her favor and to turn the tables on Nina. This is a woman who has held on like a barnacle to Tifon and his family, whom she can't stand, for 12 years! Nina thinks a few days of taunting her is really going to drive Carm off? Please!

Meanwhile, as each day passes, more shade keeps getting thrown on Nina and her motivations.


so many subtle things going on here,

a day in the life of Benigno,
he goes to the morgue looking for the hookers body and finds Xiang's, and throws up, later, Tomasa wants to give the hooker a proper burial, Ben cuts her short, no way, there are just too many bodies to be doing this, he plans to burn/bury them in a mass grave, Lu walks up, I want Xiang's body, (so much for that speech), and later when loading Xiang's body in the trunk of his car, the general slither's up with that evil smile, "is taking dead bodies for a ride your new hobby", he asks. later, we see him and Lu burning Xiang's body, and later we see the two separate services of Lu and Tomasa, so different.

at the ranch Alacran awakes and says do you smell that, it's smoke Mireya says, no it's burning bodies, I know that smell, we have to get out of here, but they are stopped by lt. Ruiz, are we prisoners?, no, you are free to go at any time but I can't guarantee your security, Alacran can take the hint, and stays.

Octavio tells a quiet Alma to come closer, (without turning to look to see who it is, is this a family thing?), and so Alma's mother was Puerto Rican, and her father was Colombian from Cali, they were killed by the grenade that blinded her, Alma does not remember, and asks why someone would do that to them, was he in the same business as you and Antonio, but they are interrupted by Dani.

awakening after their drinking, Facundo realizes Camelia is gone, she couldn't have gone far, Carson says, especially if you declared your love to her, ha!

(earlier Carson wanted to scrap the plan and have Facundo arrest her, but Camelia said she wanted to continue, and that she would turn herself in if it didn't work out)

and all through the story we get different takes on Camelia's love for Emilio, "I know what it is like to fall in love with a liar".



Anyone else see the irony in Janaina having a maid and hiring someone from her boss's family to remodel her bathroom? And all of that before Carmina's raise has kicked in. Her salary must not have been too bad before. I also noticed that Jan was kind of snippy with her maid the other day- she sounded like Carmina. :)

Avenida Brasil:

I also thought it was weird that Janaina had a maid. (I love how she took the plastic covers off the couch when Tifon et al showed up at her house.)

Adauto is just bored, I think and feels like earning a few bucks doing Janaina's kitchen. It is part of his less-than-refined habits like his clipping his toenails in the living room and actually licking his plate as he as doing today.

I think what Tifón asked Nina to make was a Tarte Tatin - an upside down apple pie where you melt sugar and butter to make caramel on the bottom of a skillet, then put thinly sliced apples and then the crust on top. It is baked and then inverted onto a plate. If all goes well, there is a beautiful pie of layered carmelized apples.

AVENIDA BRASIL, Quinta-feira

I did a double take and I had to rewind the tape and, yes, Adauto did lick his plate. I think of him as the child in "The Emperor's New Clothes": not afraid to say the truth. And he's hardly the only "less-than-refined" there! Remember Tessalia having her legs waxed in the middle of the living room at the Cabo Frio house? In spite of all that I still find Tifón's family lovable. Except for Jorito who, as Vivi has pointed out, is a crybaby drama king.

Yes, Tifón asked Nina to make Tarte Tatin. I remember seeing Julia Child make it on TV but I've never tried it myself.


Kelly, thanks so much for your well written and concise recap.

I commented this morning, but the web site seems to have eaten my comment.

I just said that I loathe Elena. I want her to have some retribution before the last week!


This was a very powerful episode. The use of flashbacks, intercuts between related scenes and music dramatically underscored the struggles many of the characters are going through.

Such as Allison. Aaron keeps trying to be a stand up guy, keeps talking about how he, she and Emilito can start a new life, either in San Francisco, or his new idea, in San Diego. He reminds her that Emilio really did treat Allison like dirt, lying to her, being unfaithful. Whereas he, Aaron always is looking out for her. As Aaron leaves with Arnulfo on the mission to kill Mike's brother, Allison finally can't take it, rushes to Aaron, kisses him on the lips, saying Te Quiero. Aaron is overcome with relief and joy, finally!

But no. He knows he still has to kill Arnulfo. They stop on the road, he fakes car trouble, and asks Arnie to stand in front of the car, as Aaron prepares to run him down. But Arnie wasn't born yesterday (and Allison told him about the plot), so he pulls off a wire, and the car doesn't run him over. He then pulls his gun on Aaron, chides him for his amateur attempt, and says it's time to pay the piper. Wait, says Aaron, I HAD to do it, to save Allison. Oh, you fool, says Arnie, she doesn't care a fig about you, she only wants revenge on Camelia. And this is true, as we flash back to Arnie and Ali agreeing to work together to kill Camelia, whom they both hate. At this point Ali shows up, and Arnie tries to get HER to help him pull the trigger.

Meanwhile, the soldier who caught Alacran and Mireya was NOT a friend, he may have been General Urutaprieto, whom I'll call General U. He says killing a soldier (the one Mireya hit may be dead) is serious. Since Mireya's a quinceañera (she yells, I'm 18!), he'll just chain her up and deprive her of food, but Alacrán is in deep doo doo. We later him struggling inside the barn, she outside. She gets a passing young soldier to give her some bread, and asks him to take half to Alacrán, who's once again near death.

At the engagement party for Ottavio and Daniela, Facundo plays the part of Sergei, but he and Cami give different made up stories about how they met to Otto and Dani, respectively. He also accidentally calls her Camelia at one point. They explain it away, but this is not good. They're invited to stay at the house. Cami likes this, she wants to bring down Ottavio, even after Facundo reveals that Mireya is alive. Facundo wants to leave, to protect her.



Carson manages to knock over a phone, dials, leaves a coded message, and eventually his boss, Wilson, comes to rescue him. Wilson is another pig, shoots off the handcuffs to scare Carson, and then they go see General U. At first Wilson lays down the law, but the General says it's GOOD that the army will be in the drug business. We got rid of La Nacha, and now we'll keep the price stable. Somehow Wilson goes along with this crap.

Lu didn't get killed, but she was violently raped by the soldier. Tomasa finds her, tells Benigno. The General knows that the soldier raped someone, tells him to cut out this "undisciplined behavior". But when he hears the woman was Chinese, that's different. He goes to the room, see's that it's Lu, yells at the soldier that this is the wife of Antonio Treviño, and the soldier's in big trouble! But....he also tells Lu to keep quiet or else. And she does, not admitting it to Tomasa, even when she comes in with a rifle. She also swears Ben to silence, and when she does get reunited with Antonio, she doesn't tell him, either.

The next day, Dani visits Alma, and tries to be nice, since she's going to marry Ottavio. Alma says you're just trying to be a good stepmother. No, says Dani, I'm your aunt. Oh really, pipes up Alma, how much do you know about my mother? Could it be that Ottavio is lying, and he's really my father?? Dani is shocked (we have no idea if this is true).

So it's time for the wedding. Just as Ottavio and Daniela kiss their big wedding kiss, Arnulfo, out on the road somewhere, pulls the trigger and KILLS Aaron, as Allison sobs, over and over.

Wilson and Carson have finished talking to General U, when he says there's just one problem. We have a loose cannon, someone who's messing up our whole operation. Facundo Garcia!!

En Otra Piel – Thursday – Part 1
Lorena goes to see Gerardo and tells him to stay away from her family. He protests his love for Elena but Lorena asks if their love extended to killing her sister, Mónica. Lorena tells Gerardo that she knows the whole story and that she is sure that it was Gerardo who put Elena up to it. She warns him to stay away from her family or he’ll end up in jail. Gerardo insists that he didn’t kill Mónica, it was all Elena’s idea. He says that he can control Elena and Lorena shouldn’t confront her or there will be problems for Mónica’s daughters. He says that Lorena has no idea what Elena is capable of.

Elena is giving Ernesto a hard time for falling down on the job of seducing Camila. She tells him that Camila and Ricardo have gotten back together. Ernesto claims that he is trying but he isn’t interested in trying to kill Ricardo again. He mentions keeping Ricardo from becoming a lawyer and Elena brings up the mysterious tuition check from Mónica that appeared. She says that she has to investigate the accounts.

Valeria is all mopey that Diego is going back to Mexico. Maite warns her not to fall for a guy who is in love with someone else.

Rodrigo is ready to be released from the hospital but Marta and Ricardo find out that Rodrigo recently changed his insurance to a policy that only covers surgery and so the he is responsible for his hospital stay - $21,000 (a pretty cheap hospital). The hospital office wants payment in full and won’t release Rodrigo until they are paid (!). Marta and Ricardo decide not to tell Rodrigo about this development but Rodrigo sees right away that Marta is upset about something and she blabs the whole thing. Rodrigo says that he will sell the bookstore. He knows someone who is interested. No big surprise – Ricardo goes home and gets the law-school tuition check from Mónica. [Last year, in-state law school tuition for UC Berkeley, not including room and board was $15,000. My guess is that Rodrigo’s stay in the hospital, part of which was probably in intensive care, would cost more than $100,000.]

Gerardo goes to see Mondriana and tells her that he loves her. She admits that she loves him, too.

Elena meets with Gerardo outside the judge’s office. He is concerned about Lorena’s accusations. Elena tells him to chill. Her mother won’t betray then and anyway she’s a drunk and no one would believe her.


En Otra Piel – Thursday – Part 2

The pervy judge rules that Mónica’s will is genuine. Camila and Emiliana are devastated. Lorena jumps up and says that this isn’t fair and Elena supports her. Lorena tells Gerardo that if he had any decency, he would renounce the inheritance. The judge pipes up and says that the will stipulates that if anyone refuses their inheritance under the will, the whole estate will be sold at auction! [with the proceeds going to whom, the State? This is so ridiculous.] Camila reminds the judge that he told her that it was a slam dunk to overturn the will. He makes excuses. Lorena tells Elena that it wasn’t enough that she murdered Emiliana’s and Camila’s mother, she stole their inheritance. Elena asks if Lorena wants to continue to be Emiliana’s guardian.

Gerardo gets pushy with the judge and tells him to stay away from Camila. The judge warns Gerardo that he has taken precautions and if anything happens to him, Gerardo and Elena will pay. When Gerardo leaves, the judge calls Carlos.

Mondriana goes to see Selma and tells her everything that has happened in the house including Lorena’s fall off the wagon, the will situation and her relationship with Gerardo. Selma asks whether Lorena’s alcoholism is the danger that she foresaw for her daughters but Mondriana says no, it was something much worse. Selma’s daughter (whose name I have forgotten) comes home and we see the contrast between Adriana’s young body inhabited by Mónica’s old soul. The daughter notes that Mondriana is about her age and maybe they should go out and party. Mondriana declines.

Camila, Emiliana and Elena come home. Emiliana tells Elena and Camila that she doesn’t like the judge and that Mondriana told her to stay away from him. Elena wonders why Mondriana would warn Meliana about the judge. Emilana leaves and Elena tries to comfort Camila about the decision on the will by dissing Mónica’s memory. She says that actions speak louder than words. Mónica claimed that she loved her daughters but she went and left the business to Gerardo. Mondriana overhears this and runs [silently on those high heels she wears] into the kitchen. She remembers signing a will with Elena present saying that she has to plan for any eventuality.

Gerardo comes to see Mondriana. She tells him that she can’t understand how Mónica could leave her daughters with nothing. Gerardo claims that he didn’t know anything about Mónica’s will. Mondriana asks him to do something to provide for the girls and he agrees.

Valeria asks a shirtless Diego not to leave town.

The pervy judge meets Carlos and says asks him if he interested in the wine business.

Gerardo asks Mondriana to leave all this complicated stuff and just run off with him.


Does anyone know what happened to Avenida Brasil? Did they change the time?
Sue in Miami



Sue- Mads left a reminder on her last recap that AB would not be shown this Friday. Not sure if this will be an every Friday thing from now on, but the show will be back at the same time Monday.

Thanks Vivi. I thought they were going to leave us up in the air.
Sue in Miami


Great recap Hombre!

I was thinking that Aaron and Alison were working together revealing Antonio's plan to Arulfo, but I guess it was just Alison, (and she should know better from her business, than to make deals with bad guys), so she must have known Aaron was going to die all along, wow.

Camelia saw the General's name on the wedding guest list so weren't they planning on getting pictures of him with Octavio, (but surely he would have recognized Facundo) and I guess the meeting with the new (I'm your boss, not your dad) DEA guy kept him from coming.

that was funny Alma leading Dani to believe that Octavio may be her father, but like Dani, can we believe anything he says, and Alma looked nice at the wedding, looking over at Facundo and Camelia, I'm surprised Facundo hasn't seen her.

and Camelia was in a different world, picturing her and Emilio as the bride and groom.



Sue 455:

Thanks so much for the book info I love the way these writers pick books for Tifon to read. They are very varied. I also loved the line of the day about the ex-soccer player's family getting kicked out of Europe, too funny. They are all so boisterous they would have a fab time in Europe. I liked your analogy of Aduato and the kid in the "Emperor's New Clothes", he is that kid. I like the way he just blurts out the truth. They don't like it, but half the time he is right on the money.


Oh, I completely agree with you about how is Nina gonna get Carm to give all that up? Not likely. Nina has never thought that far ahead. I really think Nina doesn't want to use those pics of Carm and Max and Nina thinks if she threatens Carm enough, she will leave. Nina really needs to rethink her plan. And you are so right about all the shade against Nina. Jori even believes it now and he should know better, Nilo never treated him well, yet he believes him????? Que????? Jori isn't using his brain either. Maybe it's cause too much has happened as far as in discovering his past goes, he hasn't really dealt with it. And believing Carm, that too was que????? Also about Jan's maid, she is way rude to her. I guess she thinks it's okay to be snippy with her maid just like Carm is to her. I was hoping Nina or someone would call her on that. Maybe Nina made Carm pay the bonus right then and there and then add to the salary later.


Thank you so much for what I misheard, the Tarte Tatin. I thought he said tata, lol. I have seen and actually had this tart and it's fab. I too think that Aduato likes doing things cause the poor guy is bored stiff. Now that Zeze dropped that hint about Muricy and Leleco, I wonder what he is going to do? Climb a tree again? I hope not.



Thanks so much for the detailed recap, Jean. I can tell the legal absurdities drive you up the wall!

Why in blue blazes hasn't Ricardo cashed the freakin' check yet? Elena said something about checking the accounts and could well issue some kind of fraud alert to the bank. Of course the whole thing is fishy because Elena, as the business manager, would surely know the check numbers of the last ones to clear. When, and if, the check clears she would logically realize that a check had been written after Mónica's death.

[Jean, you zero in on the legal bad writing; I zero in on the accounting bad writing!]

Selma's daughter's name is Eileen.

I didn't remember Elena being in the flashback Mondriana had of signing a will. I guess I just assumed the person she was speaking with was her now deceased lawyer. Also, she either initialed or signed every page. I think she only signed one fake page that Elena put in front of her before killing her.

I'm starting to wish Diego would turn to Valeria. He'd be SO good for her. But he suffers from the stock deathless love of all TN protags.

Elena has some of the hallmarks of a really smart, narcissistic and calculating villain. But she is waaaaay more reckless than most of them. Instead of insisting that her mother didn't hear she and Gerardo completely, she takes pleasure in telling her the truth.


watching these shows a second time makes it all the more moving, (btw yesterday and today at the telemundo site there were segments that weren't completely shown)

hmm, I didn't know camelia was a flower.

Erik Hayser (Emilio/Aaron) did a fantastic job as the two brothers, Emilio(the bad one) I kind of liked because he was so happy and exciting, Aaron, the good brother, not so much, for all of the reasons Arulfo gave and then some.

wow, Aaron poured his heart out to Alison pleading his case, that she was the strongest, most loyal woman he ever knew, that he should have told her his brother was a bastard, and that he loved her from the first day he saw her, instead he did nothing.

but I guess Aaron's plan was to leave Arulfo out in the desert, on the way back, (they took care of the other brother), run home and pick up Alison, and take off, I don't think he wanted to kill Arulfo.

other things,

the General was talking to Alacran/Mireya about 'attempted' murder so I guess we don't know if the soldier died, but no one seemed concerned, later Mireya yells out to the passing soldiers, yes, I hit the corporal, and if you don't give me something to eat I'll hit something else.

Lu's talk with Benigno, she warns him not to tell Antonio or she will spill on him with Xiang, he says you should respect the dead, she says she respects the living, and I respected Xiang and you did not.

I guess the DEA plan was to get rid of la Nacha, who was getting too powerful, but as far as what the government wants to do in their own country afterwards, that's their business, and the General explains that things will be better now that "we set the rules", but finding out Octavio is taking over Nacha's business, it looks like the DEA guy knows him and doesn't like him. (also Carson told him another name for his partner instead of Facundo),

the wedding scene was incredible because it was a mix of Camelia/Emilio's relationship, Alison/Emilio/Aaron's relationship, Antonio coming back to the distraught Lu, the "I do", by Octavio and Dani, and Aaron's death.

the General hasn't got to the wedding yet, but I think his plane is still waiting, Facundo has arranged with the photographer to get pictures of Octavio and the General together, but Camelia asks him who he will show them too, the corrupt police or Carson, and it kind of looks like as the newly weds leave, that Alma is throwing her rice on Camelia and Facundo.



I'm getting very impatient for Mondriana to get a clue. The signing of the will flashback was a start. I want some feistiness on her part. The sweet and loving 24-7 personality is boring me.

En Otra Piel

Novelera, I agree about Mondriana. I wish she and her team were formidable opponents against the antagonists. It would be much more interesting. But that almost never happens. She, Lorena, and Camilia will need serious cojones to deal with the judge, Carlos, & Elena.

Im hoping that Diego maintains a friendly relationship with Valeria. She's sweet but too naive and weak to deal with his reality. I hope Carlos doesn't find her. I'd hate to see her go through that again.

The Spanish Student

En Otra Piel

Adriana Noel here

Recap will be up later today (hopefully).

Team Good better get smart fast, because Camila is so annoying when she gets started with one of her rants - she's almost making me root for Elena.
Same goes for Cami and Ric together - I kind of wish them not to break up, because together they are easier to ffw, but talk about an unlikable pair!

Does anyone else think that maybe Tranquiqui Bro is gay? He gives me the strangest vibe... Have we ever seen him lust over Elena or any other woman?
Maybe that's why Gerardo is so comfortable with him being close to Elena, doing her dirty work.


Well it's two months before the FIFA World Cup and Rio is having its share of problems. In this New York Times article, the author describes a confrontation, complete with tear gas, pepper spray and looting, between Rio's military police and squatters at a long-abandoned office building that was converted into a favela.

"Favela" translates to "slum" and there are many in and surrounding Rio. I read a while ago that some enterprising people in the better favelas are going to offer rooms during the tournament so that tourists could get the actual day-to day experience of the typical carioca (Rio native).

Here is a link to a story in O Jornal do Brasil:

It sounds like "Occupy Rio" as some of the squatters are camping out in front of City Hall. And here are two "Avenida Brasil" connections: one of the persons interviewed said he is an orphan who collects recyclables from the streets of Rio. And, the building where the squatters were living is known around town as the "Oi Building."



I'm watching Tifon right now in an old movie with Penelope Cruz. He looks so cute and he can sing. Who knew??
Sue in Miami


I'm working on a recap.


Spanish Student, I don't think they're going to have Carlos find Valeria. Since his henchman (forgot his name) showed up last night at La Malquerida bar, the poor girl they're likely to find is Maite. But Maite has some fighting spirit, and I think she'll come out of it OK. But she could be forced to give up Mondriana's whereabouts.

I never got a gay vibe from Ernesto, Gerardo's brother. I was under the impression that he was supposed to be a well-known ladies man, like his brother. And that's why Elena wanted him to go after Camila.

Yeah, Camila is probably guaranteed to believe Elena instead of Ricardo about the check. Plus the whole check thing gets on my nerves. How can Elena be so sure the check was written after Mónica died? It cleared weeks later, but how can it be proved she didn't write the check weeks before it was found? I HOPE Mondriana wasn't dumb enough not to backdate it.

Camelia la texana... (epi 34)
part 1

the wedding celebration is over and it's back to business,

the General didn't show, so Facundo doesn't have his evidence, and spends the entire show trying to get Camelia home out of the house and home to her mother.

Alma has a dream that she is playing with the skull of her parents killer, when it becomes Octavio's head, she screams awaking Camelia, and as Camelia investigates she runs into Dani and they chat about things including Alma, later Camelia reminds Facundo about her, the blind girl sitting next to us at the wedding, maybe she can help me find out why Antonio wants me.

Arulfo grabs Alison's call from Antonio, announces that he is still alive, and they pretty much vow to kill each other the next time they meet.

Mireya comes to the wounded Alacran, tells him Antonio is back in town, you need to decide if you'll be going back to him or will be my bodyguard.

Arulfo and Jacinto get together at Alison's place, Arulfo explains how Octavio made a deal with the military and sold them all out, later he tells Jacinto that Alison knows every route north, and after we get that information, we can get rid of her, Alison hears.

Antonio decides to get his ranch back, but doesn't get anywhere without the General being around.

Octavio/Dani and Facundo/Camelia have breakfast, Octavio is zeroing in on who his guests really are, and we find out he met Dani in San Francisco, she was a hippy, on drugs, at a peace rally... love at first sight.

Dani is being nice to Alma, shows her, her office, Alma says it smells musty, with many secrets, later says, I'm guessing you like secrets or you wouldn't be with Octavio, she then tells about her parents being killed, and Dani is like, what the... why did you tell me Octavio was your dad?

Octavio invites Camelia into his office, for some cuban dominoes, they parry back and forth as he probes, "you are not who you say you are... I can smell the lies coming from you, and the fear", but their conversation is interrupted.

Carson, who has been going non stop with his own probe, who do we really work for, what is the plan, etc. etc. is now in a car with Wilson staking out Octavio's place, shouldn't we have back-up?, are then hauled into Octavio's by a couple of goons, Octavio and Wilson do go way back but not as friends, Octavio says, it's not my fault you thought with the wrong head, as he points his foot to Wilson's crotch,

they move to Octavio's office and chat, and we find out that Octavio is an american citizen, etc. etc, Octavio finally lets him go, sparing Wilson's life once again (but for maybe the last time)

meanwhile, as Carson waits in another room, Camelia distracts the guard while Facundo asks Carson why he is there, Carson can't talk now but spits out that the General wants him dead.

Antonio and Ben are waiting outside his ranch house when the General shows up, they are disarmed, then the General points Antonio's gun at him, and says if it were up to me you would be dead already, Ben's agreeing to anything and can't wait to get out of there, but Antonio is holding his ground.

the General invites them inside Antonio's house, pardon the mess, make yourself at home, (Antonio is really smoking inside), he brings up his deal with Octavio, the General says Octavio can't make those kind of deals, you have to deal with me, so Antonio wants his ranch back and all of the military gone, the General says only if you fall into line, be discreet, and in exchange you have to give me a tasty piece of the pie, to look the other way, final details include Antonio doesn't get all of his land back, and the General leaves someone he trusts with Antonio, who turns out to be the raper guy (these soldiers are confusing to me)


Camelia la texana... (epi 34)
part 2

Arulfo is rummaging around for some food when Alison confronts him, I heard what you said, and you can kill me, but before I help you, you must help me with Camelia, Arulfo tells Jacinto to deal with the lady, and he not-so-politely slams her head down on the table knocking her out, later Jacinto beats her face to a bloody mess, but she's not talking, Arulfo returns, and drops down a picture of little emilio, ut oh.

Antonio and Ben return to Tomasa's place, another girl has been found dead and all of the girls have left, this is the first Antonio has heard about this, he wants this guy caught.

Facundo and Camelia are making their get-away, when Dani announces dinner, it's a family emergency they explain, and on the way out they run into Alma, "tell my dad I said hi", who, "Antonio".

Antonio is moving back to the ranch (will someone please find Alacran and get him to a doctor), when the raper guy comes up behind Lu and whispers, "the one I was with last night was not as pretty as you" (yikes, I don't know why Tomasa didn't shoot this guy but it sounded like today that she hasn't made the connection)

finally, Camelia and Facundo are out of the house and on their way to her mothers, but wait, Camelia stops, she's not going, "I need to find what I am running from, and the answers are in this house", wow, and then she launches in to how she has changed, she is not THAT person anymore, etc, etc, and gives him one HOT sensual kiss, telling him she hopes life will bring then back together some day, and as she walks back to the house, he goes to stop her, whoa,

if looks could kill.


En Otra Piel

hi novelera- my take on the check is, Elena found a check missing, and has no information on it as yet, but since it was numbered, comparing it to the other dated checks in the sequence she surmised the date.


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Thanks, Deb, very nice recap. I really feel sorry for Allison, although she did bring this on herself by her obsession with revenge. At this point, she still shouldn't talk, because they could kill her and emilio anyway.

At least that rapist guy is the one guarding the ranch. So far, Lu won't admit anything, and she denied it to Tomasa, but I think Tomasa suspects. I'm hoping the rapist gets caught trying it again by Antonio.

Carson's really not too bad a guy, especially in comparison with some of the terrible people on this show.

Somehow, I just can't imagine Camelia and Facundo ending up happily ever after. In fact, I have my doubts that Camelia will survive in the end. But you never know.

With both Emilio and Aaron dead, you'd think the actor would be out of work (he's second billed in the credits), but he's doing great in flashbacks.

Dani seems to want to be a feminist, but she's picked the wrong part of society for that, marrying chauvinistic Octavio.

Octavio is just a little too smug. Just like La Nacha. He'll probably end up the way she did.

I miss Emilio and the amusing exchanges between him and Ala ran. I agree with Deb that the soldiers are confusing'. Finding it difficult to have any empathy for Allison as she betrayed the essentially decent Aaron. However compared to Arunfulo and his henchman are so merciless I am rooting for Ally to turn the tables on the despicable duo.
I also hope Lu can take out the rapist, she was pretty tough earlier in the story,


Hey Murilo Bencio fans! I read about his new project this morning in Novela Lounge. I've taken the liberty of loosely translating it for you:

Currently Spanish-speakers [English-speakers too!] are enjoying Murilo Benicio’s performance in the telenovela Avenida Brasil. Now the actor is working on a new project in his native country, as part of the cast of Globo’s new telenovela, Geração Brasil (“Generation Brazil”). The network has launched its first preview disguised as an ad for a company called “Marra Brasil,” which is the hi-tech company where the main storyline will develop.

The original story, written by Felipe Miguez and Isabel de Oliveira has been filming in and around Silicon Valley in California where the great hi-tech companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Twitter, Facebook and others were born. The production will feature cameos by A-list celebrities such as Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt as well as an appearance by President Barack Obama.

Here is the link to the article in Spanish and the preview:

The preview is similar to the opening of The Big Bang Theory and I recall an American show did the same kind of thing with the phony ad but I don't remember which one. Or was it a movie? Murilo is playing the CEO of a hi-tech company so I wonder if he will be in the Steve Jobs mold or the Bill Gates mold? Or his own mold?

Well it's going on my novela-watching docket but I'm sure it will be a couple years before we see it. And doofus Telemundo will dub it in Spanish and put it on during the day when everyone is working. *sigh*


Avenida Brasil will only be shown Monday thru Wednesday this week. Since it is Holy Week, Telemundo is showing movies on Thursday and Friday.

Sue 455:

Thanks so much for the info you gave. I sure will watch his new TN whenever it is available. I really like this actor.

TELEMUNDO... rumors,

"La Promesa" ends this Wednesday,
"La Prepago" begins the following Monday,
(Easter type shows replce novelas daytime on Thursday and Friday).

and I for one would like to bow to Madelaine for her everyday wonderful recaps of "Avenida Brasil", an amazing novela.

"El Señor de los Cielos 2" is 'muy pronto' and will probably follow "Camelia la texana" which has completed 34 episodes out of a rumored 60.

"Reina de Corazones" is stated in wiki to begin July 8, 2014, ??, so,,, probably following "La Impostora", where everyone is a an impostor, and will need this much time to sort things out, although Telemundo could send everyone to jail at anytime.

the ratings for all three prime time Telemundo novelas, according to wiki (and someone has been really good at updating the sites) although starting in diferent places, are now about the same.

other things,

"Camelia la texana"

" the series easily ranks among Telemundo's biggest and costliest ventures, although the network wouldn't disclose the budget, a spokesperson said it was comparable to the $10-million budget of Telemundo's 2011 co-production "La Reina del Sur," "

"audiences, they believe, will be curious to know what happened to Camelia after the events described in Los Tigres' tune but long before Mexico's narco violence attained its present levels of indiscriminate viciousness, an estimated 70,000 people have died in drug-related violence in Mexico since 2006, when a federal government crackdown helped precipitate a murderous backlash."

"It's in part a historic investigation," series producer Tita Lombardo said of the new show. It is "important for us Mexicans to understand what is the origin of this thing that we are all living through now."


Otra Pile

Adriana Noel here

So I couldn't put up a recap for Friday, I had no time to watch the show.
I'm so very sorry, I think I'm going to have to bail on recaps for the time being because I work weekends and I don't seem to be able to find the time to watch/ write.
I will try to comment when I get the chance and if my schedule changes, I will get back to them if they're not taken.


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