Monday, May 19, 2014

Lo Que la Vida Me Robó #134, Lunes, 5/19/14

Chapter 134: The Party's Over

Gun Crazy

Mendoza Mansion: Fabiola continued to hold Gracie at gunpoint as she assaulted Monserrat with a truth that was truly a punch to the gut.

Don't you get it, Monserrat, that when your mother accused Alejandro of murdering Benjamin there were charges brought against him. Then a warrant for his arrest which led to him having to escape and he died in that plane crash.” She watched Monserrat begin to cry as Gracie became anxious. “That is my wedding present to you, Monserrat. Your mother caused the death of the great love of your life.”

Monserrat knew the intent of these words, but Fabiola had been shooting in the dark. Without realizing it she had hit the right target.

Voice in the Wind

Beach: Alejandro sat on the sand, sad and angry at the same time.

Josefina, you don't understand. This is my wife and my son!”

Alejandro, Monserrat is not your wife. Your marriage was declared null and void at the moment that you lost the right to the name Almonte.”

My son has the right to my name.”

No, because it's legally impossible.”

No, no, no; it's impossible. How can they take a man's name away?”

Calm down, Alejandro.”

How do you expect me to calm down?

I agree with you, you have to talk to Monserrat, but you have to understand how things are.”

I have to talk to her today!” He shouted over the sound of the surf.

Today, yes; but not here. It's too risky.”

But this place has too much significance for us. Here was where we met for the first time, here is where she almost ran off with José Luis. You don't get it, Josefina. You don't know what this damned place means to us. From the beginning it was all shared with him. And now she is his wife! This is also where I almost killed him. I wish a thousand times he would have died in her arms and she would hate me forever for having killed him. He got into bed with her first and now she will sleep in his arms? I will kill him!”

But he knew he couldn't and he threw his cap into the sand in frustration.

Too Late For Tears

Mendoza Mansion: Gracie tried to avoid her daughter's accusatory stare by watching Fabiola who by then decided the show was over.

Well, then, love, after all this I imagine you have lots of important things to discuss with your dear mother.” She picked up her handbag and twirled the gun on her index finger as though she were Calamity Jane after a successful kill. “I'll also leave the pistol. Best replica ever. It's a toy.” She left it on the table. “Pair of idiots,” she spat as she departed.

My love – “ Gracie started.

No. I never thought you'd go this far. But don't worry. I won't demand anything. Only that your conscience gets you and that God will forgive you.” Monserrat took a breath as the tears came on again. “It wasn't enough what you've done to me – your own daughter – but what you've done to my son! Your grandson. You took away his father. You killed my husband! Did you ever think about that, Mother?”

I only told the truth! Princess, you have to listen to me. I can't lie.” She turned away from her daughter to gather her mental resources. They exhumed Benjamin's body and found a very strong poison. Yes. He suspected that one of his peons was poisoning him – “

Yes. It could have been someone else. Like Juventino a peon whom you knew or anyone else. But not Alejandro. Why? Why did you enter into this deception with that SOB Pedro who engineered all this to destroy him? Why destroy Alejandro?”

Gracie had to take her last stand.

Forgive me, Monserrat. Forgive me. But open your eyes! We both know Alejandro was capable of killing.”

Monserrat stared.

The Woman on the Beach

Beach: Josefina looked at Alejandro as he stared out into the sea. She suggested they go to her place. There they could meet safely without risk of discovery. She promised to go back to the wedding reception and persuade Monserrat to leave with her. He agreed. She cautioned him to think carefully about what he would say to her and not make any demands. He was not at fault, nor was Monserrat. José Luis had adored Monserrat all this time and everyone – including his own mother – had encouraged her to resume her life. “Tell me what you're going to say or I won't help you. I know this isn't fair to you, but it's not fair to her, either.”

Although you don't believe me, I understand I know you're right.”

Then, let's go.”

She picked up her purse and shoes and they left the beach.

Satan in High Heels

Mendoza Mansion: Gracie had no more shame at that moment than before.

Remember all the terrible things he did that you provoked, my girl?” She shed even more crocodile tears. “He caused your father's death, he shot José Luis, he threatened to kill you with his bare hands when he discovered your infidelity! Monserrat, Puleeze! Pedro Medina made me do it in front of the judge. Everything accuses Alejandro. The forged will. The DNA test that demonstrated he's not an Almonte. What do you think? In my entire life I will never stop regretting making you marry Alejandro! Listen to me; it may hurt but thank God for the death of that damned bastard because you and my grandson need to be happy. I did it all for your good, my little girl. Everything I've ever done – “

Monserrat wasn't going to swallow this. She backed away.

Are you done? Or are you just going to repeat yourself? Very well.” She walked around her mother, just beyond her ability to touch her and looked at her with an expression Catherine Deneuve would have been proud of. Then she walked out, leaving Gracie to collapse into sobs begging forgiveness from Monserrat. However she grieved over her real loss, the ability to manipulate her daughter.

Strange Triangle

Wedding Reception Site: José Luis watched his guests dancing to the salsa band while Amelia Medina sat at her table, worrying about the bride's absence. Her husband-in-name-only returned and sat down.

They haven't found Monserrat anywhere.” she asked him. “I hope she gets back soon; I'm worried about José Luis.”

I'm sorry to bother you with this right now,” he began. “These last years we've spent together. You were content, happy?”

Yes, Pedro,” she said, somewhat confused. “You've been an affectionate man, Pedro. Generous and respectful. You've been a good husband, Pedro.” She stroked his face despite her disgust for what hid behind it.

It wasn't an accident?”

I have much to be grateful to you for, Pedro. You helped me recover when I lost Angélica, but why are you asking me this?”

Amelia, I have a lot to thank you for. You've been a great companion. You were a great help when Nadia died, but... you know now that she's not dead, don't you? Since I”m not a widower after all, Nadia is still my legal wife. So I hope you understand that now you legally are nothing to me. You're in the way. And I don't need you. Nor do I want you at my side.”

Amelia took this pronouncement with all the dignity of a imperial Roman matron being cast aside by a mad emperor husband.

I understand. Don't worry, Pedro. I will remove my things from your house in the morning.”

Amelia, tomorrow doesn't exist. From tonight on, you're no longer under my roof. Do you understand? I've asked Susanna to pack up your things and have them taken to your house. I didn't want the lady of the house to find your things, and the lady of the house is Nadia.”

Yes. I thought it might come to this. Nadia is the mother of your daughter.”

Yes, yes,” he said, smiling. “You know, that's one of the things I admire most about you. You're so understanding. That's beautiful.”

Yes, I am. And remember that I'm also intelligent, and I know that Nadia isn't the woman who returns your feelings. I will miss you, Pedro.”

When you come back to this table I won't be here. I'll be with my wife and daughter. Whether the bride is here or not I don't care,” then kissed her goodbye. She quashed a desire to wipe her mouth with a table napkin as he walked away.

Crime Without Passion

Medina Mansion, Outside: The maid, Susanna, was supervising the removal of Amelia's things. She cautioned the manservant to not lose anything and to make sure he had the keys. As he left Victor Hernández appeared demanding to know where his daughter was. Susanna nearly panicked as she pleaded with him to be careful; her boss would kill both of them if he caught him there. When he said he would not leave without his daughter she assured him that little Victoria was alright. But also told him that Pedro had taken her with him earlier and had not yet returned. He had demanded that Amelia's things be taken out, she told him, suspecting that he intended to reinstate Nadia as mistress of the house. She had always been loyal to Nadia and helped her in all things. She knew about them. Servants learn much about their employers and how to keep their secrets, she told him. He implored her to speak alone to Nadia to assure her that he was alright and was in Aguazul to find her. She was not to reveal to anyone else that he was there. She promised him she would but told him to hurry away because Pedro could return at any moment. She watched him leave with a worried look.

The Sound of Fury

Wedding Reception Site: The band continued playing and the dancing continued. José Luis became more impatient as Carlota told him his bride was still missing. Rosario asked on behalf of the Admiral about when the cake would be cut. José Luis was fed up. He got up from the table and shouted to the band to stop the music. He kissed Laurito and sent him to his grandmother. To everyone's shock the band stopped and he went to the lead singer's mike. After thanking the guests for coming he rudely told them to leave because the party was over. When he stepped down Carlota told him the entire town would remember and talk about this, but he didn't care what anyone thought. It was his wedding and only his bad memories mattered.

Rosario worried about something even worse. She had before sensed something dark in this man's soul and now she was seeing it in the clear light of day. He returned to the mike and repeated his demand. More forcefully this time. As the guests began to leave Rosario told Carlota that she had feared something like this. She went to look for Laurito to take him home. Carlota fanned herself to calm down. Her husband appeared, asking what was happening. She said she'd tell him on the way home. Refugio asked the angry groom what happened, but José Luis didn't feel like talking. He told them he was going to wait for Monserrat there. Refugio and Esmeralda offered to wait with him, but he dismissed them. Discretion being the better part of valor most of the time, they left.

Josefina arrived to find Dimitrio and Monica leaving in their own state of confusion. He told Josefina that Monserrat had left the reception before and hadn't returned yet. Wasn't she with her earlier? Josefina told him no. Monica told him they should wait for her at his place and they left.

The Trap

Nadia's Prison House: Nadia and Victoria were having dinner out of takeout clamshell containers and soda cans. Victoria told her mother about Laurito and his second dad. Nadia explained that yes, Laurito is the son of her Uncle Alejandro. The little girl was confused about why Laurito didn't know that his father was alive and Nadia told her that nobody in this town knew he had been asleep for her entire life. She told Victoria that she was not to talk any more about this – especially with Pedro – until she herself could talk with Laurito's mother. Victoria agreed just as they heard Pedro enter the room. Both fell silent. He seemed to be in a good mood and Nadia asked whether Victoria could stay with her. Nadia directed her daughter to embrace her “father.” He then took her away, handling the doll as roughly as he wish he could have seized the child.

The Woman in White

Wedding Reception Site: Jose Luis sat at the dais, becoming more impatient by the minute. He took out an open bottle of champagne and poured himself a glass when Amelia appeared. She sat with him and told him Pedro had put her out of his home to return Nadia to her hell. “I am no longer necessary,” she explained. There was no reason to worry for the moment that he was aware of their conspiracy.

However, Jose Luis didn't seem to have heard her. He stared at her and said “I am dying of jealousy.”

Monserrat will return. There has to be a powerful reason she left the reception.”

That's exactly what I'm afraid of.” He banged the table and looked away. “It's Nadia's arrival. Monserrat will find out that Alejandro is alive. All this time he's been in a coma.”

In a coma?” Amelia was shocked. “Oh, my God!”

Monserrat appeared, still in the bridal gown.

Be calm. Talk to her and listen to her.” She kissed his cheek, then rose and left. She exchanged a glance with Monserrat on her way out.

Cry Danger

Valverde House: While they were waiting for Josefina to return with Monserrat, Victor told Alejandro what happened at Pedro Medina's house. Neither had known before that Amelia had been Pedro's second wife. They talked about whether she knew that Pedro was responsible for her husband's suicide and Alejandro said they should help her. Just as Alejandro got more impatient about Josefina's absence she arrived. Alone. She told them that Monserrat had disappeared and Jose Luis didn't know where to.

Rage in Heaven

Wedding Reception Site: After a thousand yard stare Jose Luis began the interrogation.

Where were you, Monserrat? Hm. Say something. Where were you? Tell me. Where did you go without saying anything to me?” She started to cry and he held up his hand. “No. Don't cry. Explain. I demand an explanation.”

And where is everyone? Where have they gone?”

You're asking that now? That's the only thing you're worried about, right?”


I sent them home. I went up on the podium to the mike and ran them off!” He shouted. “What would you have wanted? That I stay at the party alone? Pretend that everything was alright? 'Calm down, everyone, all is well. All is great'? Hm?” He got into her face. “And all that time I don't where or who the devil the bride is with? My wife!”

Monserrat was tempted to back away, but didn't. She put up her hands.

Please, Jose Luis.” She began to cry again.

Puleeeze, Monserrat. But where was my wife!” He continued to shout. “To enjoy the party with me! Tell me!” He calmed down, but it was an act. “Tell me with whom I'm supposed to share the cake.” He gestured toward it. “Tell me. Come with me.” He led her closer to the cake, a red and white monstrosity, and rolled up his sleeves. “With whom was I supposed to share this?” He grabbed a handful of frosting and ate it off his hand.

No, it wasn't like that – .” she started.

With whom was I supposed to share this?” he asked as he stepped closer.

No, no!” But she was a second too late. He threw the cake to the ground. She was reduced to shouting. “Let me explain to you!”

OK, come and explain. Come here and sit down. We'll have a drink. I need to hear this.” He poured some champagne as they sat, but she put the glass aside. He picked up the top layer of her dress. “Monserrat, this dress bugs me. It makes a fool out of me. What do you think you can tell me, Monserrat? Tell me. Who do you think I am? The idiot from before? Who's always going to end up pining for you?” He got back into her face again, shaking his finger as though reproaching a child. “No, Monserrat. No. That's all over. From this point on you better watch what you do because you can't play with me again. You hear that? You're not going to toy with my feelings.” He took another sip. “Is that clear? Like it or not, you are going to live up to your vow. You will be faithful to me until one of us dies.”

He was probably just drunk enough to not notice that she looked less than happy.

Among the Living

Valverde House: Josefina explained that Jose Luis was furious at Monserrat's disappearance from the wedding and that he had demanded that his guests leave. Alejandro was sure that she had regretted marrying his rival, but Victor wasn't. Nor was Josefina, who pointed out that the only thing they knew was that they didn't know where she was. Josefina then realized that Pedro had found Nadia and they needed to worry about what he knew. Alejandro was sure that Nadia would have contacted Monserrat and that if they found her they would also find Nadia. He demanded that Josefina tell him Monserrat's address.

Shadow of a Doubt

Wedding Reception Site: Monserrat had had it. She rose from the dais.

Enough! Let me go!”

Very well. Talk.” He poured himself more bubbly. “Tell me your excuses.”

She faced him from the other side of the table. “Fabiola sent me a note saying she was going to kill my mother. She was holding her at gunpoint as I read the note. I had to go right away to see her.. After everything she did this morning I had to worry because she's nuts! I was anxious, Jose Luis.”

Why didn't you say something to me? Why did you run out of here alone? If Fabiola was as crazy as you thought, why take the risk? ”

Because if I had taken anyone else with me, if she saw anyone else, my mother would be the one to pay the consequences. What was I supposed to do?”

Jose Luis hung his head.

Satan in High Heels, the Sequel

Almonte House: Gracie told her audience about what happened at her place, most likely not bothering to explain that the gun was a fake or that she had fessed up to something criminal.

You can't imagine the fear when Fabiola held a gun on me. That's why I didn't get to the wedding.”

You should press charges against her,” said Mónica. “What she did is very serious.”

Yes, I will do that,” Gracie said.

This woman has no limits,” said Rosario. “This morning she showed up here and destroyed Monserrat's wedding dress.”

That means Fabiola was drunk all day since she was here this morning to when she left your place,” Dominga pointed out. “I actually feel sorry for her.”

She has no idea what she's doing, Doña Graciela” said Macario. “If she knew she'd be sorry.”

Gracie looked at her son, who hadn't said anything yet.

And you, Dimitrio? Aren't you going to say anything? Your mother was about to die and you don't even have a kiss for her? A hug? At least not a word of affection?”

Monica looked at him. “Love, aren't you going to say something? Embrace your mother? She needs you more than ever.”

Dimitrio had been thinking about his answer. “What I am prepared to do,” he said, “is to take you home and press charges against that woman so they lock her up. She's sick.”

What a great guy you are,” said Gracie with no praise. “At a time like this when I could have died the only thing you can think of is – I'm afraid of dying and that doesn't affect you? You don't know how much I love you, Dimitrio. You have no idea and look how you behave!”

I'm glad you're alive, Mother,” he said. “It's better than you being dead,”

Gracie was about to go into another selfish scene when the phone rang. Rosario answered it. She told Josefina that Monserrat was alright and they were hoping she would arrive home soon.

Beware, My Lovely

Wedding Reception Site: Jose Luis apologized to Monserrat after hearing the rest of the story. He tried to comfort her.

I'm sorry this happened on your wedding day.”

Our wedding day,” he emphasized. He kissed her cheek and forehead. “Calm down, my love. The important thing is that you're here now. You don't know what went through my head. But you're here with me and you're alright.” He kissed her twice more. “What else did Fabiola say? What did she do? Is your mother alright?”

Monserrat nodded. “Yes. She's alright. Everything's alright.” She was still crying, so she wasn't telling all. He kissed her forehead.

What is it, my love?”

I don't want to talk about all this right now.”

As you wish.”

Where is Laurito?”

He went home with Rosario.”

They then talked about the honeymoon and how she would make it up to him.

I love you, Monserrat.”

They kissed, but she didn't answer him.


I apologize for the bad formatting of the top row of photos; this blog site needs a WYSISYG thing.

Does anyone else think that within the next two episodes Monse will tell JL not to give Gracie any dinero?

Urban, thanks for the wonderful recap since I was shuttling back and forth between The Bachelorette and this I really needed it.

After JL lit into Montse for not being at their wedding reception and him not letting her explain until the end of his rant, all I could think of was what hell Montse's life has been. Yikes!

Loved Demitrio's lack of reaction to Graciela's tale of her brush with death.

Just when you think Pedro can't be any more twisted and sick, he has something else up his sleeve. He was so cheerful and nonchalant in his dismissal of Amelia.

Urban, I sure hope that Montse puts the brakes on JL giving Graciela any more money. It would seem that she would be in the right emotionsl state for that kind of decision.



Jarifa, she made the same request of Alejandro in the beginning, even when they started off badly. He still acceded to it. He had her number from the beginning.

When Monse finds out that Alejandro is alive and JL knew all hell is going to break loose.

I also liked Dimitrio's indifference about Gracie's story. I'm sure she didn't bother explaining that the gun was a fake, but Monse will tell him that when she has the chance. He won't be surprised.

I dearly hope Amelia survives this to find out Pedro's dirty secret.

Thanks so much for your recap UA. I really need to recaps as I can't enjoy the maddening triangle though the other characters and how the villains end up are intriguing to me.

If Pedro does not survive this tn, he must live through the town and state knowing about his "condition" and all his dirt deals.

You and Jarifa have it right on Montse stopping JL giving money to Gracie. I wonder what she's going to do to Fabs to get revenge?

Despite the gun being fake I think Gracie can press charges. Shouldn't be an issue, as Fabiola might have dinero but she's an "outsider" and a known alcoholic and troublemaker.

Whether that sticks or not, Fabiola has cooked her own goose with respect to JL.

What avances were shown on Univision?

I didnt like the ranty JL at all,the writers are starting to turn him into a jeaulus control freak ,yet again. Pedro ,no comment,it would be a waste of bad words.. Atleast Amelia is free from the bastardo ,hopefully she does not receive further " Punishment" from the Sicko.

Loved how Fab gracefully left the room,leaving a fake toy behind and called Monse and Gracie a pair of idiots!

I also adored when Dim completely ignored Gracies pleas.The Witch still expects happy family hugs after she has done so much damage to her family? Next!

Thanks, UA, for a great recap with a spot on title and wonderful section headings.

Kudos to the women tonight! Gracie was at her melodramtic best facing down the cutting (not shooting) Fabiola. Loved the way Montse circled her mother, out of reach, and refused to bandy words with her. Just did her own cutting and left the building.

Amelia was calm and strong. Urban, you gave us a superb word picture: "Amelia took this pronouncement with all the dignity of a imperial Roman matron being cast aside by a mad emperor husband."

Dimi was strong as well, also refusing to fall in with Mommy dearest's manipulations. His attitude there may give Cap. Monica something to think about.

Urban A,
Thanks for the recap. And for putting it up so quickly.

I was so glad that Montse didn't fall for any of Gracie's BS. I was hoping for a slap or finger punch from Montse to Gracie, but Montse took the high road. Montse has more class than Gracie ever thought she had.

JL's reaction to Montse leaving the wedding was a shock to everyone but Rosario and Amelia. Rosario knew he had a dark side, and Amelia warned us (when JL had been released from prison) that JL was a changed man. Of course WE all know that that reaction was because JL thought Montse found out about Ale being alive. I wonder how JL will react when he finds out that Montse came back so upset because she had just found out that Gracie testified against Ale. That is not going to sit well with JL. It didn't bother JL to talk about Ale, and how he was Laurito's father and how Montse would always love him before he found out that Ale was still alive. But now that JL knows Ale is alive, the tables have turned. Any mention of Ale is going to set him off. And if he is not careful, people, especially Montse and Rosario, are going to take notice and wonder why JL has had this sudden change of attitude when it comes to talking about or mentioning Ale.

About Montse telling JL not to give Gracie money. Montse doesn't know about Gracie's monthly allowance from JL. If she did, I think she would have tried to put a stop to it. JL is an idiot for making that deal with Gracie. I thought he was smarter than that.

Jarifa, UA, Demetrios & La Paloma,
ITA with what you all said about Dimi ignoring Gracie's crocodile tears. He has wised up over the years when it comes to his mother. It was awesome to see him stand his ground. Good for Dimi. I wonder if he's going to tell Monica something after she told Dimi to comfort his mother. Will he tell her to but out? I don't think Monica should have said anything. She does not know Gracie well enough. And just because Gracie is Dimi's mother doesn't mean she hasn't hurt Dimi. I think Monica stepped over the line, but I will give her a pass. She doesn't know the real Gracie yet.

The avances on Univision showed a rehash of some scenes from Monday's epi. Plus Gracie telling JL if he doesn't want to loose Montse, to get her pregnant ASAP. Also, Gracie greets Ale at the door to Montse's house. Ale asks to speak to Montse.

Back to paying bills...hasta pronto!

What a great recap, Urban, a masterpiece!
Some of my favorites,
"Amelia took this pronouncement with all the dignity of a imperial Roman matron being cast aside by a mad emperor husband."

And about Amelia, "She quashed a desire to wipe her mouth with a table napkin as he walked away."

About Monse, who "...looked at her with an expression Catherine Deneuve would have been proud of."

Yes, it was the day from H*ll for Monse. I can't help but think some of what she's going through comes from trying to make everyone happy.
She never really seemed like she was particularly anxious to marry JL-and yet she went along with it.
No good deed goes unpunished in this story.


And really, is it true Monse's marriage to Ale doesn't exist because Ale lost his name? They can't let Monse decide whether she wants to remarry Ale or not? The story line just doesn't make any sense to me.

Gracie has no class at all. I've been wondering for ages how she ever survived as an Admiral's wife when officers' wives at that level are expected to entertain important people and socialize within a certain stratum of society.

No matter how he reacts to it JL should be told about Gracie's perjury. It's a repeat of her actions when she and Dimitrio framed him for the murder of Bruno at the outset of this tale and it's a clear picture of what he could expect if he ever ends up suddenly poor. If he still intends to take Pedro down it's also evidence.

It is most unfortunate that Gracie is even allowed to enter Monserrat's house. She will have Alejandro arrested, you can count on that.

Emarie, we x-posted.

It is the law in Mexico that the loss of Alejandro's name nullified his marriage to Monserrat. Marriage is primarily a civil contract in Mexico and a false name (regardless of the type of false) nullifies a contract. That it was executed in good faith doesn't count because the religious ceremony doesn't count as a legal ceremony as it does in the US.

Monserrat didn't have the time to make the decision because the nullification of his identity was immediately followed with a warrant for his arrest for the murder of Benjamin Almonte. We know she would have married him again without his money or his identity and there was likely no legal impediment to that. It probably, however, would have been delayed and no delays were possible under the circumstances.

She never would have married JL without having believed that Alejandro was dead. She shouldn't have agreed to it, of course, and had Josefina told her of her discovery she wouldn't have.

Thank you for the calm, detailed recap UA. If I was even tying to write this today it would have been more like &%#?@##&&*&$$#!!!.

The only highlight last night was watching Monse and Dim still not fall for Graceless' antics. The rest...

We know Pedo is a jerk and he stays consistent. Frankly, I was actually relieved that is all he did, moving Amelia out of his house with a thanks for the memories. I thought we would see worse.

But of course, most of our night is watching the petulant child. WTH was that?? I'm sorry, we have to watch this woman deal with another he-man ranting and raving declaring his undying jealousy? That was bordering on psychotic and threatening. When he stuffed that cake in his mouth, short of an anvil landing on his head, I wanted Monse to walk up to him, slap him across the face ( as we know AB can do well) and tell him in her most sarcastic voice" Thank you for letting me explain myself. But I don't need this, I don't need you. Been there done this with the jealousy." and then as she walked away turn coquettishly and say " Oh, and by the way I had a gun pointed at my head if you care. So excuse me if I'd like to go hug my son instead of you."

I'll stop ranting. Just hated everything about all of that scene with those two.

The thought that she caved and they got all lovey and more than likely we have to deal with a honeymoon scene tonight...thank goodness there's hockey and baseball on tonight.


Why is anyone referring to Pedro as "Pedo"? He's not a pedophile and I don't think he would be.

On the subject of Pedro, he always sees the law as he pleases. His marriage to Amelia is legal on its face as it was executed in legal good faith. There was reasonably certainty at the time that Nadia was dead and the law would still recognize his marriage to Amelia.

Its lack of consummation, however, would give her legal grounds for annulment.

The law now recognizes Monserrat's marriage to JL as legal, but if she declines to consummate it she would be in the same position as Amelia.

When JL destroyed the cake he lost me completely. Monserrat should have taken that as a bad omen. We know Rosario will.

UA, you have outdone yourself once again. This was splendid. The screen shots and captions were wonderful and the recap was spectacular. I so appreciate the conversation translations.

"Fabiola had been shooting in the dark. Without realizing it she had hit the right target" and "She quashed a desire to wipe her mouth with a table napkin as he walked away" were among my many favorites but as La Paloma pointed out "Amelia took this pronouncement with all the dignity of a imperial Roman matron being cast aside by a mad emperor husband" was fantastic.

I thought this was one of the most depressing episodes thus far (which is saying quite a bit).

I am still reeling from everything that occurred, particularly JL's continuing metamorphasis into a jealous, seething, controlling monster. I am beyond upset that the writers have chosen to go this route to a character that was initially noble, loyal, kind and caring. Keeping JL's admirable qualities intact would have made for a far more intriguing storyline than to simply make him a dark, loathsome character. "Like it or not, you are going to live up to your vow. You will be faithful to me until one of us dies". Sigh. I suppose we should now realize how wonderful Ale is and root for he and Monse to be blissfully together. Blech.

"You're in the way. And I don't need you. Nor do I want you at my side.” Pedro – intolerable cruelty.

The comments are excellent today -I enjoyed every single one.


Thanks, UA, for this fabulous recap.

Yikes...JL's temper tantrum and drinking...disappointing and scary. What a way to end a party...and the band was so good. que lastima. . As in real life, people can wear a mask to get what they want. I do not like where this is going. Mony has endured and been controlled and manipulated by the hissyfits of Gracie , then, Ale, and now JL. I would like to see her end up with someone calm and collected.,,but I know that she is destined by telenovela law to end up with Ale eventually.

Thank you, Urban, for another well-written and detailed recap. Great screenshots! I think this is my favorite line (though there were so many to choose from):

"However [Graciela] grieved over her real loss, the ability to manipulate her daughter."

La Paloma, I really savored your comment today, especially this line:

"Gracie was at her melodramtic best facing down the cutting (not shooting) Fabiola"

Daisynjay, I was also relieved that Amelia got out of there alive.

I thought Mónica stumbled twice: once when she nudged Dim to give his mother a hug; and once when she overdid the possessive novia bit just to rub Fina's nose in it. I don't think this kind of stuff buys longevity in a relationship, especially when your novio is still in love with another woman.

Urban, pedo means 'fart.' I called Pedro by that name in an earlier recap. I guess it resonated [heh heh] for some of us.

The only good thing about JL's berrinche is the way it exposes his ugly side and sets him up for a fall.

Just wait until Montserrat finds out he KNEW Alejandro was stilll alive when he pushed her into this hasty and accursed marriage.

OK; I must have missed that.

I don't think Monica was quite out of line. She doesn't know all the crap there is to know about Gracie. Dim needs to tell her more although I'm sure he finds it embarrassing.


Thanks so much for this fantastic recap, I missed the show last night and now I'm kind of glad I did, for the JL scenes that is.

It's like deja vu with JL and Ale. Ale was not nice on his wedding day with Monse either. I'm glad that Fina is reigning Ale in, cause if Ale is seen by Peddy, it won't be pretty.

Vic going to Peddy's was a bad idea too. And speaking of Peddy, how in the world is he going to pull off Nadia being back? Hey, my wife was dead, but I found her alive! I can't wait to hear his explanation for this.

I too am very glad that Monse and Dimi gave Graceless the cold shoulder. Graceless deserves this and so much more.

Urban,they started calling Pedro,Pedo since the scene where Nadia and Victor were making love until when from behind the screen ,a certain disgusting man with a pendant appeared blowing off a ciggarete,watching the scene with delight and we decided to name the fellow "Pedo" .

Urban - You have certainly nailed film noir. Bravo! My favorite; However she grieved over her real loss, the ability to manipulate her daughter.

I went from being angry at JL, to feeling sorry for him, to being in the mood for some hot makeup sex. Guzman nailed his scenes. I don't give JL a pass for hiding the truth about Ale cause he is totally conscious of what he's doing. But his fear that Monse won't love him like she used to [of course, she won't] and all the booze he drank made him act like a perfect a$$, and I'm giving him a pass on that. At least JL still had the good sense to have Rosario take Laurito home before he really went off the bend.

And, etiquette-wise, what does a bride or groom do when the new spouse appears to have abandoned them before the wedding cake slicing? In La Tempestad, the bride got drunk and danced wildly with the handsome guests.

But Monse needs to get an annulment. She spent all her adult life sacrificing to make other adults feel safe and secure. Time to stop.

After Angélica, I wondered if I'd have anyone to root for. Thought it would be Fina, but instead it's Amelia and Nadia. For all her self-improvement over seven years and the way she's dispensing advice to Ale, you'd think she'd realize she’s still in love with Dim.

Well i root for Amelia( Like Urban said she took the news like an empress,if i were you i would be jumping out of happiness,you dont get that opportunity everyday Mujer!), EZ( I know okay he is a villian but i love seeing him delivering the humiliation of the night on that SOB Pedo!) and Nadia ( Poor woman who went siega and has suffered the worst marriage possible and the worst part is she is still the SOBs legal wife. I hope she regains her eyesight!)

Niecie, loved your wise, spot on analysis and comments on JL. Always so well stated...


Nadia can't be Pedro's legal wife anymore.

He had to have declared Nadia legally dead in order to marry Amelia six or seven years ago. Otherwise it takes seven years (in most places) for someone to be recognized as such. Since the action was brought based on a reasonable assumption that Nadia was dead, Pedro didn't commit a crime doing so and Amelia is still legally married to him.

Pedro's crime was marrying Nadia under false pretenses in the first place and treating her like garbage, culminating in his orders to shoot her and Victor dead. They had committed no crime he could prosecute them for. Ezekiel could probably have gotten him on this.

One more question on another subject: If Gracie had inherited Benjamin's estate, how do you think she would have tried to explain this to Lauro?

Dear Urban Anthropologist,

Wow! Thanks so much for the really amazing, well-written, and thoroughly engaging recap with amazing screen shots, too. I didn't get to watch last night, but I don't even feel the need to since your recap was so detailed and satisfying.

Mads: ITA about Pedro and how in the world is he going to explain Nadia. I get that he wants revenge on Nadia for leaving him and this is part of his motivation for making her come back to him along with Victoria, but since his political career is paramount for Pedro, I'm not sure how or why he thinks it's any advantage for him politically to be married to Nadia again as opposed to Amelia.

The whole thing seems weird to me. Wouldn't the other politicians Pedro associates with think it's all weird, too? Wouldn't Nadia's return be a political liability for Pedro in every way?

Thanks again, Urban Anthropologist!
Julia R


This is what I was afraid of. The writers have turned JL into the Ale at the beg of the story. Jealous, controlling...clearing the path for no one to be upset when Montse chooses Ale, again.

Will there be a honeymoon? Will Monse do the deed with JL? Will a pregnancy result? If the writers go in that direction, there is, I think, only one way for her to marry Ale again: JL must die. But at whose hands? Pedro is my guess.
O the humanity of it all!

Julia, Pedro would suffer no political liability over this as long as Nadia said nothing. She's too vulnerable to feel brave enough to protest the situation and he knows that.

Pedro would have long ago figured out something to say about Nadia's departure and "death" which would now be seven years ago. If Elliot Spitzer of NYC could get past a sex scandal involving prostitution Pedro could certainly make people think they were mistaken about adultery.

I'm sure he's figuring this out between last night's and tonight's episodes.

Thank you UA for your great recap. I loved your great pictures as well. Perfect choices.

I can't believe there are any chairs left at the JL table. Everything is about him. The dress is about him. And how sad that Montse couldn't tell him his BSC wannabe girlfriend threw wine on it because she was afraid he'd fly off the handle if he knew it was THE DRESS. And the way he attacked her after what she'd been through? How about "I was sick with worry for you, Montsy, where on earth were you?"

I was equally disappointed in Montsy's character. What a doormat. She gets verbally attacked by her husband, after she's just been held at gunpoint, and she says "I promise I'll make it up to you". She deserves what she gets.

All the characters I've liked on this show have gone round the bend. Fina is now a complete bungler and is making things worse by the minute. If Montsy and JL consummate the marriage I'm seriously going to have to join Fatima in cyberspace and stop watching this show. It's like one train wreck after another!

Sorry to be Negative Nelly but last night was just el colmo!!

Not a spoiler, but I think she will consummate the marriage and not be satisfied. Or feel guilty. It just wouldn't be realistic for her not to unless she knows before facing that music that Alejandro is alive.

Thanks Urban. This was a fabulous recap, and I really appreciated the screen shots, since I didn’t see the episode. Nothing is really pulling me into this tn right now

I do wonder what the writers are trying to say about men. Both Alejandro and JL are supposedly “good” men. Yet, as soon as they put a ring on it, they both turn into jealous, controlling, ragey, abusive monsters. Are we to believe that if these two “good” guys would react this way, ANY man would react this way to the possibility/fact that their wife is in love with someone else? Are we to believe that this is normal behavior for any red blooded man?


Urban! Amazing recap! Last night proved to me once again that JL wont make it out alive and it also scares me because I think his relationship with Montse could become abusive-in fact I consider what happened last night to be abuse, and he messed with the cake, no one that does that to cake can or should be trusted.

Vivi and Eli: my thoughts exactly.
Do the writers just believe that the viewers think that all men are abusive controllers?
And when JL started messing with the cake I thought OK, that's it! Now I'm mad!
I hate when the story isn't logical. Well, ok these TNs never are totally logical, but darn it, my beanie is at the tightest setting with this goofy story.

Eli, the cake destruction was uncalled for.
JL could have said to Montse, "We may be alone, but we can still enjoy the cake!" A slice of cake, a little champagne, a calm moment together--much nicer than the tantrum and appeasement we saw!

Ale also might have told the guests to pick up a slice of cake on their way out the door.
I know--silly of me to think such things would happen in a TN.

Thanks UA, for this very detailed, very well-done recap. You certainly vividly captured last night's dark mood.

For me the most disturbing thing about last night is that not for a single moment did JL even consider that Montserrat's disappearance could be an indication that she might be in peril. He immediately assumed that she had betrayed him in some way. He didn't give a second thought as how Laurito might be affected, relinquishing him to grandma's care. When Montse asked where Laurito was he had to think for a moment about it:

"¿Laurito? ¿Laurito?... Ah... Laurito went home with Rosario."

Shouldn't alarm bells go off in Montse's head over the way that JL behaved? If he acts this way on their wedding day then what can she look forward to? My advice to her... run away, run away!

At least Pedro just dismissed Amelia. I thought he likely had an unfortunate accident planned for her. He's mellowed.

By the way, how did Victor know where Josefina lives and that he would find Alejandro there?


Awesome, UA. Thanks!!! I usually make notes of the scenes I want to watch after reading the recap. But I stopped when I realized I'm going to have to watch this entire ep. So much going on!!


Carlos, I also was relieved that Pedro didn't kill Amelia. His attitude was so perfunctory I thought he might give her a letter of recommendation.
I was also shocked at how JL totally lost it and didn't care about anyone, he was totally in selfish mode. I do wish some of these female characters would stop being so nice and polite. At least Monserrat didn't relent with her Mom.


"His attitude was so perfunctory I thought he might give her a letter of recommendation."

This cracks me up.


Another masterpiece, UA. Loved the Catherine Deneuve comment as well as

" However she grieved over her real loss, the ability to manipulate her daughter."

Lord knows, you aren't going to be taken in by Graciela's crocodile tears.

Well, our downtrodden Montserrat has now been through two really horrid weddings. Maybe we SHOULD blame the dress. And what happened to that other smashing dress she wore for her second marriage to Alejandro?

Oh well, loved the recap, the excellent pictures, all your hard work, in short, as well as the interesting comments.

Have to agree with NovelaMaven that Monica is losing ground with Dimitrio. Partly for lack of information (about Graciela's true nature) and partly because she is very unsure of herself whenever Josefina appears on the scene.

Three cheers for Amelia's regal exit though. Her godchild Fabiola needs to take some etiquette lessons.

Thanks again, UA. Outstanding. As always.

Vivi and Eli and emaire!! Yes, all of what you said echoes my disgust over last night.

If they were clearer in how being verbally degraded and abused by her mother through the years has made Monse just want to shrink and agree to whatever to stop the person pounding on her, I would better see people understanding her behavior. But it's too subtle or just not a plot point at all.

Instead make it look like it's okay for some Neanderthal to just let loose on her and SHE is the one who winds up apologizing. What scares me really is that someone writing this TN might actually think that being over the top jealous is an attribute to show your undying love. The grabbing (Ale) and the sexual threatening JL pulled last night...I'm sorry, I was appalled and HATED that they made her all girly and weepy and apologetic last night. What a horrendous message to send to young women.



"Well, our downtrodden Montserrat has now been through two really horrid weddings."

I'm inclined to say that she's pretty much 3 for 3 since Alejandro was carted of to jail right after the second ceremony.


" one that does that to cake can or should be trusted."

and La Paloma,

"Eli, the cake destruction was uncalled for."

I never would have guessed that pastry abuse would be a tipping point.


Carlos, what can I say, I love cake.

Of all the people who abuse in this story Gracie is definitely the worst. She has no limits and therefore no conscience.

JL's conscience just took a sabbatical.

As to displays of jealousy being evidence of love, no healthy person should be brainwashed into believing this. It's evidence of insecurity.

Well, I guess Monse isn't a healthy person then, because she let Ale get away with this behavior, and now she's letting JL get away with it.

Great Recap as always, UA!

Diana, totally agree with you re JL -
completely ruining the story.

I'm all in with JL on this one.

He is the chief of police for cryin' out loud, and his wife does not even tell him about a death threat to her own mother on his own turf!

She's lucky he did not do with the cake what James Cagney did with the grapefruit in "Public Enemy".


Montse does not know any better. She spent her whole life with Graciela who always treated her like crap, then she was sold to Alex who also treated her the same way and now she's with JL who just wants her to finally score a win. To be fair after the scenes where Alejandro called her every name under the sun I started to wish that she would find another galan who was not a rage monster, I could never forgive someone who treated me the was Alex treated her.

I can't for the life of me remember what the other wedding dress of Monserrat looks like, not the one Fab ruined, the 2nd Ale wedding dress

This was the other dress. Much better.

Eli, that wasn't the first nor do I think it will be the last example of rotten behavior from a galan to a reina. I've been saying for years that I would have never allowed any man to get away with that.

Dimitrio was also rotten to Josefina.

What truly makes me angry is Gracie's accusation of infidelity against Monserrat. She so wants to believe this even after Alejandro realized he was wrong. She really can't face that her own daughter is a better person than she is.

Urban, great detailed recap of a very tumultuous episode. Like a lot of you commenters, I can't get over JL's fit. How much was the alcohol taking over and how much was the jealousy thinking Montse was finding out about Ale being alive and the fear if her leaving him? Also what a perfect waste of cake! And I bet JL didn't even stop to think that Montse may have actually made their wedding cake before tossing it to the floor. He was only thinking about himself.

How long before Montse finds out Ale is alive? I highly doubt Gracie will let him in tonight. Just glad Dim and Montse are not buying her BS anymore.

And regarding Amelia, loved your description of her : "Amelia took this pronouncement with all the dignity of a imperial Roman matron being cast aside by a mad emperor husband." So relieved he let her go without harming her. Now I hope she has something that can help JL bring him down. Can't take much more of Pedro trying to hurt Nadia and Vicky.


See this page for the Roman empress reference.

This series did this before with this actress. Note this photo from an earlier episode I covered.

Hasn't Amelia turned out to be one of our favs? Remember when she first came on the scene? She was such a snob. Now we love her.

A snob and an overbearing helicopter mother. Fortunately she learned from Angelica.

Thanks Urban for the link to the dress, I google imaged it but couldn't find it no matter what I did!

OH MY, the roman empress; separated at birth!

Thank you for one of the best reviews I have read for this novela. It was straight to the point and true to the action and dialouge without a bunch of jokes and side commentary. Not to offend anyone just my opinion.

I can't stomach JL and his psycho @#$!! He is sickening, disgusting and not someone Monse should have in her life. I disagree thay the writers are turning him into something that wasn't his "character" before. It was all there just being highlighted now. I was not a fan from the beginning. The priest called it too. I am looking forward to all being revealed. I struggle to watch the foolishness that this show has become. Please give me my sweet Ale and Monse together again! :)


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