Monday, May 19, 2014

Qué Pobres, Lunes 5/19/14 (#95): Three! Three Grifters! Bwahahahaha!!!

Would you like to see three Counts this evening?

Would you settle for one Count, three times?

Beat the Time

Count Sheep

Counting Service

Bonus en Español

Those are all the Counts you will see tonight!

Outside the market with MA, Lupita breathes a sigh of relief. Now Nepo will leave them alone for sure! MA is not so sure about that... if Lupe so much as speaks to Nepo, he'll just get his hopes up all over again. MA wants to talk to Nepo as soon as he calms down. Lupe urges MA to avoid Nepo: what if Nepo finds out that he's wanted? And speaking of which, Lupe asks, what was all that talk about a gun? MA changes the subject: "You look pretty."

AS needs more money for the wedding. Sharky agrees to lend her some money, but she'll have to sign for it. AS is offended: she never had to sign for anything before! Sharky explains that he was "holding" her stuff before. This is an unsecured loan. AS is taken aback by the very high interest rate and calls him a (gasp) usurer. (To his face, I mean.) He says she can try getting a loan from the bank if she doesn't like it! Defeated, she signs the contract on his back. (She will end up doing something on her back too if she isn't careful.)

AS wishes she was getting more money in this deal, but doesn't want to borrow any more from Sharky than she already has. But she also needs to hire someone to pick up the Counts at the airport. "Oh, I'll do it for free," Sharky offers.

Mini is getting frustrated by how long it's taking to finalize her divorce. However, it amuses Isela that the longer the divorce takes, the longer "that eunuch" has to wait to marry his baby mama. And Mini really doesn't want to leave Ahole until she gets MA back anyway.

In La Nopalera, someone is honking a horn outside. It's Sharky! He's rented a stretch Hummer with a driver for the wedding. Or should I say a Hummmmmmmmmer. Leo and AS are saying how tacky it is when Perla and Tizoc come out to admire it. Leo goes to his room to die of embarrassment. What does Sharky want in exchange for this fine conveyance? A romantic evening, including dinner, with AS. Otherwise, she can forget about the car!

Lupita and Carmelita rehash the MA/Nepo confrontation. Hopefully Nepo will get over it; "He's a good person," they agree. Suddenly, AS blasts through the living room and out the door without offering even a token insult. Chuy wonders what's up. Lupe keeps her mouth shut, but Carmela tells him that AS just left with Sharky. She nods knowingly as Chuy grimaces.

AS has brought a chaperone on her date with Sharky: DaVinci. The Hummmmmmmmer is even tackier on the inside than on the outside: it's lit with a LOT of neon lighting.

Sharky clarifies the deal: It's not JUST a dinner. It's going to be the whole night. With a "happy ending"!

MA and Saul rehash the Nepo confrontation. "Ha, ha, he thought we were a couple!" Both MA and Saul feel that if they were gay, they could do a lot better! Saul worries that Nepo might retaliate against MA. MA is more optimistic: "Nepo is not a bad person... I think?"

Back to the Hummmmmmmer: AS says the champagne isn't what she's used to. It's more like cider, she says politely, as if she doesn't want to sound suspicious. Sharky admits he's just trying to loosen her up. He makes his move, and DaVinci bites his nose! Sharky threatens to throw the dog out the window. He's afraid he'll get rabies. AS seizes the opportunity to end the date early.

Gwendy goes to Nepo's house, where Diego is looking sad. OMG I LOVE GWENDY'S BLOUSE IT'S SO LOUD!!! And I never noticed before that Nepo has a poster OF HIMSELF on the wall not far from the front door. Ahem. Nepo tells Gwendy that "Angel" and "cousin My Name Mike" are the same person and he's not even gay. "I knew he didn't look like a Menchaca," Nepo sighs. Gwendy remembers how cozy MA was with Lupe on that trip to Chalma and wonders if maybe they even slept together. Gwendy and Nepo agree that MA is definitely a "son of... his mother."

The Hummmmmmmer is back at Italy Street. There is a bandage on Sharky's nose. AS makes a gracious apology: "Gee, I'm sorry my dog bit you, but he was just protecting me. And after you've been so nice to my family!" Sharky suggests that they finish their date without the dog. She lets DaVinci into the house, but says goodnight to Sharky too. Undeterred, he steals a kiss before returning to the Hummmmmmer to disappear into the night.

Gwendy tells Nepo to just be glad he didn't do anything foolish with that gun. "I'll be single forever," he moans pathetically. "Oh, I'm sure someone will love you again. There are plenty of women who'd do ANYTHING for you."

Nepo seems to be a trance, smelling Gwendy's neck (is he drunk?). He sends her home.

In the Menchaca bathroom, AS is brushing her teeth, spitting, gargling; "How low I have fallen!" (Don't look down, AS! Don't look down!!)

Gwendy comes home to find MA sampling a selection from the bakery. Gwendy confronts him about his name and not being gay and all his big secrets. He tries to tell her his side of the story, starting with the fraud, but now she doesn't want to hear any of his big secrets! All she cares about is how Nepo is suffering. And there is no time to discuss this further, because Carmelita is coming through the door and Gwendy wants to confronts her too. In private, leaving MA to dunk his conchas (or cuernitos, juarever) in his coffee alone.

Gwendy is full of indignation. "How dare you not tell me about this? You're my best friend!" Carmelita reminds Gwendy that she can't even keep her own secrets, much less anyone else's. All the wind goes out of Gwendy's sails as she agrees that it's all true.

At home, Nepo is singing a song about a sock. He tells Diego about Lupe and MA. "You can't pretend to be one thing when you're something else. People who do that only hurt themselves," Nepo philosophizes. He explains to Diego, "He's not Lupe's cousin, he's not my friend, he's not Mike, he's someone else, and I CAN'T TAKE ANOTHER DISAPPOINTMENT!! Oh and why are you so bummed, is it Perla Ivette? Another Menchaca woman!"

Diego tries to say that he's upset about something else. Nepo replies, "Well, if it ain't one woman, it's another! So who is it?" Nepo tries to guess. He asks if Diego needs any advice.

Diego says, "No, you said you couldn't take another disappointment tonight, so we'll talk again later." Nepo reassures him, "It's okay! I'll support you no matter what... just as long as you don't say you want to quit fútbol!" Diego joins his father in singing about the sock.

Morning! I hope the sock has had some time to air out. MA is already back at the market. He apologizes to Trofeo and offers to pay him back for the gun. He also wants to see Nepo about the juice business, but Trofeo warns him away. MA tries to leave all of his juicy wisdom with Trofeo to pass on to Nepo: something about blenders, and accounting formulae, and advice for pricing premium juices over regular ones. Trofeo shows him the sign for the business: "El Inocente." I'm too tired to get the joke, but I assume it has something to do with Nepo feeling sorry for himself.

Some of the other guys who work at the market come by to say hi to MA. They're surprised when Trofeo says that MA is leaving. MA apologizes to them for being such an ignorant jerk when he was new, and even thanks them for teaching him. He doesn't want to ever forget them. The friends suggest sharing some snacks and tepache.

At the Editorial, Vilma shows Ahole on his computer that they've received Bambi's money as usual, and it's ready for Ahole to launder. He complains to her that the divorce is taking too long. He thinks he'd better call the kid, but can't remember his name right away. He talks to Lupe, who says she's too busy to arrange a meet just now and warns that he'd better not try at the school. And she doesn't want him coming to the house, either. But she promises that she'll take Emiliano to visit him one of these days.

Lupita tells Carmelita she doesn't think Ahole really cares about Emiliano, but Emiliano sure cares about him!

At school, Emiliano's friends are still teasing him about his old shoes. His one good friend, Paco, tells them not to make fun if Em's family doesn't have a lot of money. But Em insists, "My dad has loads of money!"

Tizoc is supposed to find a truck to take the stuff to the hacienda for the wedding. Tizoc wants to ask Nepo... Lupe says NO. They'll have to borrow from someone else. They know someone who never uses his truck any more.

Frida goes to school. Tizoc walks her to the bus stop, pays her fare, and discreetly bribes some guys to give up their seats for her!

Leo's a nervous wreck. The wedding invites aren't even ready yet. Maca calls. With her parents! She wants Leo to put her on speaker. And video, too. They're calling from their castle! It looks like a cartoon castle, or one of those funny costume photo setups you see at the fairgrounds where you put on silly outfits and sit on a stage... Leo and AS are too giddy to notice anything odd about this.

While Leo struggles to position the coat hanger for better reception, AS brags to the Counts about all the preparations and the fine gourmet Mexican dishes. Count Dad approves, and tells her to spare no expense. They'll pay back every Euro. Count Mom says she'll email the family crest to put on the invitations. "We wanted her to marry Prince William, but Kate got to him first!" cackles Count Mom. AS promises to have their chauffeur pick them up at the airport to take them to the hacienda. She says goodbye to them in Italian.

At the cloob, Chabelita and Ana Leticia (whatever her name is) say they haven't received their invites yet. They taunt Isela about why she's not invited, because her daughter dumped AS's son to marry his cousin. Isela says that's nonsense; she's already received her invitation, and she can't wait to meet the King of Rome. Ana Leticia mocks Isela, "That's just an expression. Italy has no king!" Isela backpedals and says yes, that's just her joke! But she IS looking forward to meeting the Queen of England. And speaking of Queens, she feels like playing poker!

At the market, the ex-coworkers (who have eaten an awful lot of snacks) say goodbye to MA. When MA is finally alone at the table, Bambi's aunt Queta discreetly tries to get MA's attention: "¡MIKE!"

After the phone call, Counts Mom and Dad wonder how they're going to pay for the wedding. Macarena says it's no problem - Leo's family are millionaires.

Oh, did I mention? The Counts really WERE on a stage for that phone call. A theater stage. (Kindergarten theater, I'd guess.) They're actors, and they're going to have to give their very best performances to pull off this scam, or they'll go on being poor forever!

"They mustn't find out that we're not real Counts!"

Next Time: Nepo talks to the police. Who cares? I want to know who wins the poker game.


Ha ha! Super title, looking forward to the recap!

The predictions floating through our comments look like they'll be coming true, regarding Maca and the social wedding of the year. I'm as happy as the Count with a room full of clocks!

That's four! Four hilarious videos! Ahahahaha!

I love Sesame Street. Five minutes until showtime here. I get to see Maca again? Can hardly wait!

I saw a movie today. I won't tell you what movie it was. Maybe I will drop some subtle hints, but I won't give it away!

I only mention it because, even in the haze of my post-cinematic bliss, I was worried that I might never be able to enjoy anything else ever again. Surely it would all pale in comparison to the awesomeness of this afternoon.

But then I saw Maca's parents! Woowoowoowoowoo!! And I was cured.

Oh, and the movie? Godzilla.

Thanks so much!! It's been mentioned, but the title is great and thanks for the videos.

I'm so excited that Mariana Karr is in this!!!!!!!

Looks like we're in for an interesting week!

Mariana Karr!!

That's who that was? I knew I recognized her, but I couldn't place her. Pasion is the only thing I've seen her in before, and she was wearing a ridiculous wig. But I certainly knew her voice!!

Perhaps she is not playing royalty in this particular role, but she is telenovela royalty for sure.

Yes, It was kind of odd to see Mariana with blonde hair. I've seen her in Alborada (with a reddish wig) and Amorcito Corazon (with a cute red bob that I assume was her natural hair.)

Woops, I should have posted last night (before Godzilla) that the full recap was done. Quite a bit after midnight this time, but it was a busy episode. (Also, I got distracted watching YouTube! Apparently, Ernie has a history of counting things at bedtime.)

Julie, thanks for your recap. Thanks for the videos of a "real" count! :)

I haven't seen the show yet but want to see DaVinci protecting his mom. And, I'm not sure I really want to see Diego's sad face after Nepo tells him he can do anything but quit fútbol. Hey, I guess that means Nepo wold support him if he dates Leo.

OK, I guess it's beanie time concerning the invitations. A few days before the wedding and they haven't gone out yet?



Julie, I also saw Godzilla on Monday. It was awesome!

Your "count intro" was so original and fun. Thanks for the excellent recap.


AS's date with don Salomon. Sure liked DaVinci doing his job and biting don Salomon on the nose.

AS brushing her teeth and saying neither bleach nor pesticide would remove the germs from the libidinous don Salmonon. Porca miseria!

Nepo's sad silly drunk song: Como si fuera un calcetin/me pisas todo el dia/en el suelo me trae/arrastrando por su amor. ( As if I were a sock/ you step on me all day long/on the floor you bring me/dragging me along by your love.)

Poor Diego (sad and tormented by not being able to tell Nepo the truth) whistling along with Nepo's goofy song.

Alejo complaining about how long the divorce is taking and asking Vilma to just bribe a judge. Her answer that the legal process and bribes take their own time.

Alejo not being able to remember his son's name.

The reappearance of doña Queta aka Bambi's auntie

Of course, the setup headed by Maca the grifter. You guys sure called it early on!


wow Julie!
awesome title, awesome videos! and awesome recap!!
I knew it!! ever since we see Maca on the phone to Leo in a room that is as bare as a college dorm room is when the student walks in the first time... i knew that could not be a palace!
Anyway, loved when the Count was telling AS to go spend/splurge all she wanted and they would pay her back Euro over Euro... then they hang up and Maca says she could not wait to marry Leo to start enjoying their MILLIONS!!! boy are they in for a surprise!!
it should be GOOOOOODDD tv the few episodes!! and just wait to see how Tizoc and Perla and Lupe mock AS for all her insults and bragging that they would go back to their rich life soon... BWAAAHAHAHAHA is right!!!

I love your photo, Marta. And thanks for Friday's recap.

Add me to the list of people who would like to see Saul end up with Gwendy. And I still like the idea of putting Mini with Nepo, even if we don't seem to be anywhere near that happening yet.

Jarifa, thanks for the details about the sock song! I'm not sure what's worse: sad, self-pitying Nepo, or angry, gun-waving Nepo. I wish someone would find a polite way to tell him to get a life.

The scene with DaVinci biting Sharky was weird. I played it back as slowly as I could, hoping to see how they did it (because the dog certainly did not bite!). I was trying to figure out if they used a puppet or something.

But the way it plays out, Sharky reaches for AS, and DaVinci seems quite placid. Then we cut to an over-the-shoulder shot where the avenging dog snarls and springs at Sharky's face. Then we cut back to the side view and the dog is again quite, content, and oblivious in AS's arms.

I meant "quiet, content, and oblivious."

I hope the wedding coverage lasts long enough for all of us to recap a piece of it!


Such a fantastically funny recap and I especially loved the Count Videos Bwhaaaa : )

So we were right about Maca! What a shock this will be for Leo, but especially AS. I can't wait to see their faces or Maca's for that matter when she finds out they have no millions.

I liked the goodbye snacky time with MA and the guys from the market. It was cute and I liked Dona Queta trying to get MA's attention.

Nepo and Guendy so good together. Even though it'd be a hoot for Mini and Nepo, I like Guendy with Nepo.

Thanks again Julie for this fantastic recap and the awesome title : )

As far as I can tell, Maca's family has spent very little money on their con. They do seem to be in Spain, or at least their accents are FROM Spain even when they talk amongst themselves, so maybe they've had to spring for plane fare and a cell phone, but that's about it. And for all we know, maybe they've had real millionaires on the hook before and that's where Mac got her clothes and stuff.

But AS has committed grand theft and check fraud, hocked lots of stuff and now signed a binding loan document and endured an icky kiss to work this scam. When it all blows up, Mac's family will be only slightly inconvenienced. AS will be devastated. I might even feel sorry for her, a little.

awesome title for this recap... I love the count!

I loved how the fake count told AS to splurge...If only she knew she'll be on the hook for every dime she is spending/borrowing right now.

so many things could go wrong with this wedding, should be fun to watch!

Bwahahahaha!!!! I am salivating in anticipation to see this wedding blow up in AS's face. :)

I didn't get to watch this epi, but have it saved on the dvr. How much longer till the wedding? I'm looking forward to seeing Mariana Karr. Who plays the count?

It makes me worried that everyone keeps having to remind themselves and us that Nepo is a "good" man. Hmmmm...Seems to me that means he's soon going to do something that makes everyone doubt that (if they haven't already started to doubt).

Vivi, I'm not sure if Count Dad was anyone or not. He didn't seem familiar to me, but maybe he's the kind of actor who disappears into the role.

As for what Nepo might do to cast doubt on his goodness: I was thinking if his fingerprints are already on file someplace, he could be accused of Adolfo's murder. (Oh! Maybe that's why he was at the police station in the avances!)

Lupe knows there was a gun, but doesn't know what that was all about. She and others will be apt to jump to conclusions. MA might be able to explain it all to Lupe, and Tomas ought to be able to help Nepo out; but Nepo is going to be REALLY unhappy with MA, and MA won't dare explain the situation to him then.

This is all pure speculation on my part, but we all knew there would be a problem when that gun showed up.

Thanks so much for your recap Julie and those great links!!

So are the Counts really Maca parents or just hired actors; I thought the latter but they did keep calling her hija.

Vivi, ITA that some many people saying Nepo is a good person is really bad foreshadowing.

Soooo happy to see Marianna Karr once again. I would love to see her and Raquel Pankowski together in a telenovela and Ingrid Martz for good measure.

Saw the promo for La Gata, can't wait for that to start airing.

I thought the Counts said they were the best actors in Madrid--hired, not blood, parents. They could be calling Maca hija just because they are so completely into their roles.

Agreed, Paloma. i heard the same.

The only reason I thought they were her real parents was because they seemed worried about how they'd pay for the wedding. But I guess that works as an acting question, too!

i think the 'mom' was worried but he said to keep the skid going and by the time they (AS, Leo, et al) find out the truth its way too late for them.

Thanks La Paloma, Marta, and Julie. Since Maca was a bit rude to them, I'm going with actors too.

Marta, I know I'm way too late on this, but I just finished reading your recap from Friday. "Nepo, I am your father" made my day. :-)

You'd think grifters would do better research on their targets.

Fantastic recap. Love the Hummmmmmmmer descriptions, and the cartoon castle. Did Leo and AS ever see the "counts" on video? I thought they just had speaker. I think the cheap phones MA got them don't do video, so the castle stage set was for nothing, and they didn't see it. I wonder if they would have gotten suspicious if they did.

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