Thursday, May 08, 2014

Pobres, 5/7: my first one!

Hi guys! This is my first time watching this show, so please forgive any mistakes I've made!

We open on Wilma and Alejo - Alejo gloats about how his son loves luxury (just like his dad) and will be easily won. Wilma favors a legal battle, but Alejo prefers his current plan.

Lupita attempts to convince MA that she wasn't involved in the hair pulling fight. She wasn't even there. Alibi - she's been with Alejo! He doesn't love that..

Money launderer guy (Adolfo) has made a nice dinner for Vilma. Alejo imperiously demands that Vilma bring him wine. Adolfo helps in a very friendly hands-on way, and Alejo snaps a pic with an evil look on his face and hiding his phone sneakily.

Flashback/dream for the kid of the amazing rich-kid room he'll have with his Dad. He shows off the expensive school photos to tizoc, with some easy commentary on the difference b/w rich and poor. How swiftly the boy has decided to be spoiled and obnoxious.

The king counsels his daughter re: money/what alejo offers her kid. He says the love of the mother is worth more than anything in the world. Blah blah blah, love of a monther will be worth more than Alejo's nicknacks, the cliches rain down.

Adolfo needs documents to get out of country and escape the "talons" of the cops. Alejo is skeptical, acts haughty. Adolfo reminds him that if he falls he'll take the other man with him.

Bilma has a solution. -Zip 'em up boys! Adolfo isn't ready to put it away yet - he has an incriminating recording for blackmail.

Lupitaa fixes her hair. Her family is shouting from outside the bathroom - everyone wants something. She frets about debts and bills.

MA seems to be washing clothes on the back porch. Wendy comes to poke fun of "her Mike."

Tomas the young lawyere calls MA. He has words that must be spoken in private. He comes over to Guendy's to tell MA about his hacker Guato who might be able to find some evidence about the big fraud, you know, bank deposits and stuff. Now Tomas wants to show MA how to wash clothes and gets really into it!!! Dominate the pants, he says! But you know, there's a laundromat around the corner.

Saul and Wilma have a scene. She's trying to get some information out of him, but he won't tell her what he's up to with his fancy client, and he gives a little speech about how the two of them are both like little slaves, running around on errands.

In the halls of the Banana King: Trofeo has a gun and wants to shoot Lupita's new man. Guendy catches him scheming with the gun!

MA here's some of Tomas'' particularly colorful slang ("granny, i'm your grandson") and charmingly tells Tomas "I just don't understand you."

Back to the lawyers. She's a modern woman, enjoys her solitude. He wonders why she's defending a jerk like Alejo. She wonder's why he's working for a jerk like Minerva . He reveals that his client only got married w/ regards to the will and a scheme for money. He reiterates what a jerk alejo is, she is cute and spunky and wonders how he could be so naive about the job.

Guendy takes trofeo's henchman by the air and gives the both of them a stern talking-to about being stupid. "if you kill him, you think she's coming back to you?" If she's not for me, no one can have her."you used to be better"

Trofeo is not remotely moved.

Frida complains about the fat in traditional Mexican. Lupita and Carmelita look on incredulously. This food is about Mexico and it made me strong. Lupita is the voice of PSA today. We get a few minutes of basic health information in a stupid conversation.

MA asks the banana king for money, then we go back and the psa is still going on.

Ana Sofia drops in to try to make sure everyone goes to her sneakky manners classes. Everyone has an excuse. Frida suggests they put it off for the duration of a few reincarnations.

Emiliano's school - the kids are making fun of him for his bad shoes. "you play better with good shoes."

Alejo is pissed - it looks like Minerva might get chosen as the new directora! That blonde, pallid cockroach... he gets a call from the kid and unctuously offers him anything he wants. Vilma admires his acting.

King of Sumatra wants his family to take the classes, no more excuses. They are not confused. Leo barely manages to shut Frida up before she spills the beans about thhe plan to make the family serve at the wedding.

Mike is not impressed with the juice stand. If you do it too fast, it's no good. Trofeo (henchman) comments that his ex told him the same thing.

Mannerrs classes are a little lame but goofy. "Only Mariachis and footballers hug like that." "who needs knives and forks, all you need is a tortilla to scoop."

Nepo/Trofeo will follow Lupita to find the guy.

Wilma gives Alejo a backrub and is clearly into him.

Mike also wants to visit Emiliano at school, and he spies Alejo there. He wonders if Lupita knows.

During the school visit, Alejo amiably listens to his son and attempts to bribe him with promises of riches that "always should have been his."

Tomas consults with Lupita about the papers and Emiliano - he reminds her that if they go througgh with it Alejo will have to play child support. She thinks she wants nothing from him.

Tomas and Peerla flirt, but Chuy shows up to threaten Tomas a little and tell his daughter to do her homework.


So...are Ezra and Cerberez one and the same? Or are there telenovela-like identity shenanigans afoot? :)

Thanks mucho!

So Perla has started to take notice of Tomas? He's a cutie.

AS may be able to connivingly get the Menchacas to practice serving skills, but how is she going to get them to actually work at the wedding? Does she think Chuy is going to strongarm his kids into actually doing that? Actually, he is so slavishly devoted to AS, he just might do that. Can't wait until he finds out she is the one who stole the money.

I don't normally get that excited about telenovela weddings, but this one cannot come soon enough. I bet the fireworks are going to be spectacular.

Not at all surprised that Emiliano is swayed by all the gifts. He goes to school with a very snobby and materialistic crowd. Personally I say let him have all the lavish stuff he wants. He'll figure out what a slimeball his father is, especially if he has Mati, Ahole's own granny, cluing him in on things and mentoring him.

Ezra (alias Cerberez) congrats on your first recap! It was great. I got a kick out of "in the halls of the Banana King."

Looks like Adolfo has lost his leverage with Alejo now having gotten a photo of him. Not looking good for Adolfo.

Nepo is just getting worse and worse with his if "i can't have Lupita , nobody can" talk. Loved Guendy telling him how disappointed she was in him and leaving.
Too bad he has started following/stalking Lupita.

MA was funny with his stating that he didn't understand Tomas, he didn't understand Saul , he didn't understand anyone.

Saul and Vilma had so much in common especially agreeing upon that they as lawyers would defend anyone who paid their fee.

Don Chuy was at his "fawning best/ worst"at the beginning of AS's etiquette class. AS got him for slobbering on her hand when he kissed it. At least he did have the good sense so take offense when Leonardo compared teaching them to training dogs.

Loved DaVinci with his little jewel to match AS's dress and broach.


Julia, ITA that the wedding is going to be a real interesting event. I wonder if Diego will be in attendance . . .


Don Chuy is an idiot. I thought his eyes had been opened when AS told him her son MA shouldn't mix with Lupita or "people like them." But no ... he for sure will have the Menchacas serving at the wedding. I only hope that they all (including Frida, who will offer to help) gang up on AS and Leo and make a huge farce out of the wedding (well, more than it already will be). They can (loudly and in front of her friends) thank AS for teaching them how to serve in exchange for their room and board WHILE THE RPs WERE HOMELESS.

I'd like for Vilma and Saul to end up together. There seems to be some chemistry between them, even if at the moment it's a hate/hate relationship, but I have a feeling (IMO only, don't know for sure) it can turn into love/hate with plenty of sparks and eventually a love/love.

Wow! How long have you been watching the show? You seem to have a pretty good read on all the characters already. Nice work!

So did Saul seem to be flirting with Vilma, or at least warming up to her? (I didn't see this one, so I'm curious!)

I don't know that I want Saul getting involved with Vilma. He is a totally decent guy, and she is up to her eyeballs in Ahole's frauds (since she is the one who has actually been doing all the work to steal and hide the money). Although a love/hate relationship could have some fun sparks. I'm not sure how they could be endgame, though, unless she gets off really easily and redeems herself.

Saul and Minerva? That could be fun!

But I mostly think we need another option for Saul. There aren't many available ladies of the right age range for Saul, at least ones who aren't scheming greedies or criminals or both. (There's Guendy, but she and Nepo are such a clear pair.)

Thanks Ezra/Cereberez!! I finally got to watch the episode.

I wondered if Alejo was going to use the picture of Vilma and Adolfo to blackmail Vilma...should she get out of control or something. The picture is pretty compromising for her, too.

Thanks for your recap Ezra.

Yes Saul and Vilma had an interesting interaction but as the real brain behind Alejo's wicked deeds, I'm not sure she can be redeemed.

I'm w/you Anon 5:54 pm Don Chuy continues to be very foolish about AS.

The interaction between Saul and Vilma was interesting. No sparks, but I did see a certain respect for each other. This is the first time that saw this i their interactions. I hope the story explores this relationship further.

Yes, Vilma is clearly with Alejo, although she is blinded by (ridiculous) love or infatuation, much like D Chuy is with Chofi. Wait till both of them see the real person and I am sure both will regret their actions.



Wow, this recap is stellar! Thank you so very much. I've missed your recaps : )

Everything I wanted to say has been said, but this recap is awesome. I am so looking forward to your recap next week.

Excellent job, Ezra! Good to see you recapping again. How are you?

Alejo is definitely setting Vilma up. He better watch out because she won't go down without a fight.

Maricela about to get whacked on PSMA.


great recap, thank you!

loved MA explaining to trofeo that when you do something too quickly it doesn't come out right. then trofeo understanding what his girlfriend meant when she told him the same thing.

Ezra, great to see you back on a recapping team. Nice work here.

Too bad Vilma is so stuck on Alejo she can't see the possibilities of Adolfo.

Welcome back Ezra!! and welcome to some new names I see commenting.
Adolfo helps in a very friendly hands-on way, and Alejo snaps a pic with an evil look on his face and hiding his phone sneakily
the cliches rain down
Frida suggests they put it off for the duration of a few reincarnations.

I think the kids at school were trying to convince Emiliano to ask his dad for new better shoes.
MA can’t understand Saul’s elegant lawyer jargon NOR he can understand Tomas’ street jargon… poor MA he is so confused about the legal stuff.
talon = heel of the foot (Adolfo basically said he has the cops on his tail/track)
there's a laundromat around the corner - (actually he said we can use the washer (which was right behind them LOL!!)
The one you refer to as Trofeo is Nepo, Trofeo is the shorter guy who works for Nepo.
who needs knives and forks, all you need is a tortilla to scoop." (yeah, Chuy telling that to AS was one of my fav lines of the episode.


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