Wednesday, May 07, 2014
Por Siempre Mi Amor #109 (Mexico-#148)- May 6, 2014- That's Gonna Leave a Mark!
(T'is my final PSMA recap. I will miss my team, Tofie's lists and the novela! On with the show!)
fART has put the pedal to to the metal and is on the phone with FeVer. He tells him to not even think of laying a finger on Isabel and that's when FeVer begins to push fART's berkserk button 'til it's stuck. (He gets to the point where he even says Isabel could be excepting a FeVer baby.) FeVer says if he wants to see Isa again, to take a detour and come alone (I guess you know what that means.)
BonBon and 'Za are together and she is kicking herself about leaving BonBon for FeVer. He states that FeVer had guille. 'Za says she knew the whole time FeVer wasn't right for her, BonBon asks why didn't she call it off with him? 'Za states she didn't want to give Isabel the right to say I told you so. She always lived her love life with him. They kiss and from what I see are back together!
fART does as he was instructed and changes roads when Gabs and Bruno stop and she asks where is Arturo going? Bruno has no idea when fART calls and lets him know it's best for them to split up; G&B go to the clinic to find Marcelash, fART will swing by her departamento. Bruno states they called and were informed she wouldn't be there the whole day. fART suggests that means she could be on another floor or performing surgery (well I wouldn't want her performing my surgery but I think she only is capable of collateral damage when it's a vixen or adoring woman ready to move in on fART. I don't see her killing anyone for the hell of it.) Bruno agrees now and he suggests the first person of the 3 who finds out something about 'Lash should keep in contact. To that fART agrees and will see him at home later.
Mauricio and Edgar are at the delegacion and they have people out on FeVer patrol. Agent Roses suggests they don't go looking for Fernando (well the jig is up so I guess he is Fernando again) themselves since he is lethal. Edgar agrees and thanks him for his work. AR also mentions Marcelash being charged. Mao calls 'Drea and he lets her know FeVer's jig is up, 'Lash's got a presentacion and charges in the process and Methuselah is soon to be locked up. (Can I say Mao's angry side is sexy? What prompts it is he is anticipating FeVer's lockdown and rotting in jail and says about it to 'Drea on the phone. Mauricio really is SuperDad.) He asks about things on her side and 'Drea says Mike, Lu and Og (Bruno, Gabs and fART) went to go find Marcelash. Mao kinda abruptly hangs up and Edgar just looks at him like, "You need a phonebooth?"
At la De La Riva house, Illeana is beating herself up for not going with Mike, Lu and Og. 'Drea comforts her and lets her know that she isn't a tonta and who really knew Marcelash would be there. (Illeana went out of her way to smuggle Isa out of the asylum. She is SuperGirl!) In waltz in the re-incarnated couple hand in hand literally walking in bad news but first with the good news. They're back together! 'Za explains that Daffne's falsification was what prompted the break-up and why Daff. was kicked out (Illeana gets a quip in. She says no era para menos!) BonBon mentions the fact he was almost hoaxed into marriage due to fabricated disablities and 'Drea mentions that would have been a bad decision. 'Za pledges eternal happiness with BonBon. 'Drea says there is some news they must deliver.
In her red car and dress drives our prescription for trouble; Marcela Zambrano. She is decked out in a crimson car, dress, hair, skin when yelling (the monotone automated response recived when someone can't answer their phone was interrupted by a shrill DONDE ESTAS ARTURO?!?!?!?) Gourd this woman is a walking talking period (down to the primary color!) She says he is home awaiting her and now all she has to do is dispose of Isabel (you keep telling yourself that you bloody coochie you!)
Illeana (who I'm glad I never had to baptize with the apodo Ill.) is telling 'Za that she liberated Isabel from the asylum and that FeVer had Isa held hostage ever since she was dispatched from the hopsital which she was in due to her accident. 'Drea then says that our villains wanted to inject Isa and drive her crazy so she'd lose her baby. What baby? Isa's pregnant with Art's baby. Drea says tht the only thing Isa wanted was to separate 'Za from "Javier", 'Za slowly shows remorse for talking smack about Isa and now BonBon asks the million dollar question; Why did "Javier" want so much revenge and inflict so much pain among them? Illeana (pats 'Drea's knee and) says, "It's time to tell him everything." Now for the event of the night; Javier Castillo no existe. It was an alias used to destroy Isabel and I (Andrea.) Something Something Monster; Javier Castillo es...Fernando Cordoba! Looks of impact all around.
fART (pink tie and all) is right where Fernando wants him. Where's Isabel? I don't have her on me but if you want her, follow me. I'm not moving from this spot until you show me the Isa! You're going to have to take my word for it. After all the treachery you've committed? The jig is up, FERNANDO CORDOBA! Well you know my name, I'd better tell you my story; I don't emptily threaten! Name your price Fernando Cordoba, whatever it costs I just want Isabel back! Fernando puts a dip in his pace as he walks towards fART and drops the ball. He is sans Isabel, MARCELASH HAS HER! (fART probably heard it like this.) Fernando then states the one and ONLY thing we can agree with; Marcelash sure is a crazy one (and wants Isa dead to boot) and will need to turn in fART to receive Isa. That push on fART's berserk button was just one too many and he gives Fernando a good ol' 1,2 punch as hard as the buckle of a shoe. Suddenly, Fernando is in street fighter mode and has a look on his face that says. "You want fisticuffs? You GOT FISTICUFFS!" and gives fART a good one in the kisser. fART then throws a punch but misses and is on the ground. However, he isn't over as when he was parking the car, he hid a screwdriver in his sock and does a dramatic spin to leave a mark on Fernando's arm (Did anyone notice the tiger noise when fART was being given an intervention via Bruno, Gabs, Illeana and Andrea? Or the tiger noise when Minerva had witnessed Fernando hurting Andrea and proceeded to beat him with a frying pan? I think it's symbolic as they fought like tigers and left marks like one would.) Dante comes out of nowhere to crack fART on the head with a gun and succeeds. Fernando orders for Dante to get the car, they gotta make the getaway! Fernando then bends over pain in arm and all to pat down fART for his phone.
BonBon notes Fernando died in jail. 'Drea clarifies that was a fabrication and he escaped. 'Za is having a hard time accepting this and Illeana synchronizationally comforts 'Za and explains everything; Fernando wanted to ruin everyone's lives and specifically Isabel's. 'Za cries and finally says the words, "Fui la mujer de tu papa!" (I would say anything from here on is gravy because I'm a fan of train wreck but this very news is just devestating. I guess if I want train wreck, I'll go to the Disney Store on a Saturday.)
BonBon and 'Za re just sitting across from each other. Drea and Illeana are still there and D tells 'Za it isn't her fault. 'Za feels dirty and used and once again says she slept with the father of her boyfriend. 'Drea follows BonBon (who needs some air) out. 'Za asks Illeana where is Isabel because she wants to beg her for forgivethness! Illeana says that that's the proble; Isa was coming to clear things up with Arturo and her but it's unbeknowst to anyone if anyone was home or if she ran into Marcela and was injected. Why would Marcelash do something like that? 'Za is now ready to fight like a lioness and Illeana lets her know that Marcela falsified documents that stated Isabel has schizophrenia. Marcela and Fernando are united in this plot and Isabel is in danger!
Marcela is at the clinic when she gets a call from fART's phone. It's Fernando. He says that he has fART and if she wants him, he's going to need Isabel. Marcela is furious. Gabs and Bruno who just so happen to be at the right place and right time (but FACED THE WRONG WAY!) asked about Marcelash and she has no surguries planned for the day. Marcelash dashes out the door when the deskwoman who talked to Gabs and Bruno sees her and calls her name.
'Za and BonBon go from ruff to fluff outside on the stairs.
Back at Casa Creepy, Marcelash is saying Isa is to be let go. Not because she wants to let her go but bcause Art's life is on the line and Isa is the payment method.
Edgar and Mauricio are at the DLR house and BonBon lets him know he is in the know about his dad.
Isa is begging for mercy and tries to reason with Marcelash who scoffs and says Isa's insanity has began. Isa tells Marcelash everything she should (not that it could possibly help. Or could it?)
fART wakes up and is kicking the back of Dante's seat (Dante is the chauffeur so I guess even with Fernandevil in the passenger seat and fART gagged and bound he must drive.) He pulls over and Fernandevil calls Marcelash who doubts he has fART. After some punching administered by Dante, Marcelash hears the screams of pain and all she cares about is sounding good to him. She hopes Fernando didn't tell fART about the Isa situation. He lies about telling not telling fART anything. Blah Blah Blah-Yap-Yap Yap-Drivel-Drivel-Drivel. Here comes the best part. Dante asks why wait to make the trade? Fernando says he has things to do. Dante says they can't possibly leave them alive since they know everything already and who is behind this treachery; they gotta loosen their load. Fernando then says that'e exactly what he is going to do. He pulls up his gun, aims it towards Dante and cocks it. No, no, boss. BOOM! That's one. BOOM! That's two. (This fool actually tried walking towards him on the second shot.) Fernando just utters a glance at Dante and shuts the trunk but of course not with Dante in it. He leaves Dante on the ground with his mouth open (I can't say flies will enter because I'm sure he has had them in there before and probably harbors them in there.)
BonBon hugs the true-blue-coo' father he has all along-Mauricio Narvaez (SUPERDAD!)
Blah Blah Blah Arturo-Yap-Yap Yap Arturo-Drivel Drivel Drivel Arturo- That is ALL I hear when Marcelash talk and what she exactly is saying right now.
Gabs and Bruno are looking for 'Lash at her departamento but to no avail, she isn't there. Oh well, Bruno now sees this as his chance to let Gabriela know he and Dena are split up and he is still in love with Gabs and never stopped loving her, Pulga Nuria is with Dena and Chilaquil Uriel is with Bruno and Gabs who doesn't mind having 2 kids now. Some more love professing (thye were better in La Madrastra but Martha Julia was playing a villana there albeit redeemed.) and you may now kiss the bride!
We leave that tenderness (if you can really call it that) and onto this heavenliness (NOT LIKELY) with Marcelash and Isa bound and gagged. She is yammering on some more about how ARTURO IS HERS! (Who is more annoying? Marcela with her ARTURO ES MIO or the lady from the infamous El Talisman with her EL CHEQUE ES MIO? I'm extremely afraid to watch El Talisman due to how much slander I have heard towards it LOL) Some more babbling and Marcelash is dangling a syringe over Isa.
We leave that heavenliness and have encountered GODLINESS(NO WAY NO HOW) in Dante on the ground; a bloody bloused disaster and to add insult to injury, he coughs up blood (Yep that's some Godliness alrighty!) However he retains enough strength to get his phone out of his pocket to call his momma (Hey, if anyone is to call her aside from Gabino and tell on him, I guess it might as well be Dante himself.) He lets mommy dearest know what has happened and she begins to cry (this woman rivals Victoria Ruffo) and his confession(s) is (are) just beginning. (Lucha is crying a river and Dante is bleeding a hell; of a lot.)
Back to Can You Really Call That Tenderness? (FF)
Fernando has pulled up to a- I have no idea what to call this location. It looks like a construction site mixed with a castle. (And isn't it awesome how he has access to all these remote locations? I know Methuselah had rented him that place he was Isabel hostage at but this place is something else complete with a cage room he now has Arturo in and everything! However, that is soon to come.)
At the DLR house, Illeana is now tired of waiting and wants to take action when Lucha dashes in as fast as her legs can take her and lets everyone know what Dante has let her know.
Arturo wakes up and Fernando says welcome to one of my favorite places! (I'm guessing #1 is (or was) either inside Aranza coitally or something else.) Fernando leaves and then Arturo looks outside the tiny window in the cell where he sees Fernando walking by (how'd he get outside so fast?)
Lucha is letting her maternal hormones out which I don't blame her for. 'Za is concerned about how Fernando has Arturo hostage. An ambulance is called and Illeana walks away for a minute.
Marcela is walking up to a covered table and pulls the sheet off. She later wraps herself in it and the creepy jack-in-the-box rendition of Here Comes the Bride plays as she looks in the mirror (My Oh My. Marcelash you are a sore for eyesight!)
Illeana calls BonBon to let him know about Arturo's state and that 'Za needs him! Agente Rosas calls to let them know Dante is soon to be at Red Cross.
Fernando is digging holes and that scar Arturo left on him (which totally redeemed him in my opinion) is a bother. He thoughtbubbles if only he had known this would be so much work. He would have spared Dante.
Ah here we are- For the first time in a while, Ren and Stimpy! Balthy goes to see 'Ida becaus ehe doesn't feel well. She thinks he needs a remedio. Not that kind of not feeling well; he doesn't feel well with her leaving her job because of him. She tells her pet not to fret and she is fine where she is at. You sure? Yes and especially since I'm not criticized constantly! He wants to take her out and says his criticisms were to improve her! Some silliness later and he is going to escort her to her friend's place where she is staying.
Dante is in a hospital bed and Gabino and Lucha are at his side. He is sure he is going to die. 'Za asks about Arturo. Dante now between life and death sings like a canary and says that Fernando has Arturo and Arturo followed through with Fernando in hopes of regaining Isabel. "Una Vida por La Otra."

Labels: siempre
Your descriptions of Este and Ara-"In waltz in the re-incarnated couple hand in hand literally walking in bad news but first with the good news. They're back together! "and the witch doctor -In her red car and dress drives our prescription for trouble; Marcela Zambrano.
She is all. Kinds of crazy and scary, especially as the bride of Skankenstein.
Finally Ara's anvil. You slept with your man's dad. Ewwwwww! Good for you, you wanted to be spiteful. Here is a true example of cutting off your nose to spite your face.
She seemed a little dismissive when she found out the truth about Isa, oh and I treated her so badly and I was so rude. I guess when she confronts Isa, there will be a slew of perdonames.
Feo's reign of terror continues or does it now that Dante is barely alive but talking? His anvil finally fell.
You are hilarious-"Arturo wakes up and Fernando says welcome to one of my favorite places! (I'm guessing #1 is (or was) either inside Aranza coitally or something else.) Fernando leaves and then Arturo looks outside the tiny window in the cell where he sees Fernando walking by (how'd he get outside so fast?)" I can't stop laughing.
Thank you for the advances, must see TV!
Nobody seems to realize yet that Sucia was FeVier's accomplice the whole time. We only have three episodes in which to clear that one up.
Thus far the following lines are on the Villian Scorecard. One rates them on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the worst. Not all these items will apply to every villain:
Murders committed by own hand:
Murders ordered or instigated:
Attempted Murders
Knowingly becoming a criminal accomplice
Mistreatment of minor children:
Mistreatment of own/adopted children (any age):
Mistreatment of animals:
Physically abusive of others by oneself:
Physical abuse demanded to be done by others
Emotionally abusive:
Perversion level:
Level of greed/twisted ambition:
Animals count as murder victims when applicable (Carlota in ENDA).
If anyone wants to add to this, please make suggestions.
I stayed up late to watch my recording of this epi. Lots of folks were getting unpleasant surprises-- Art knocked out and trussed up like a pig; Feo with a surprise slash to the arm; Dante with surprise shots to the chest and gut; and Ara and Este with a sock to the gut and kick in the teeth, learning just who Javier is. Can't wait for Sonia's anvils to start falling tonight!
I appreciate your details since my husband interrupted me several times last night. I loved "prescription for trouble". Marcela certainly was cray cray last night!
Surprise; fArt didn't fight like a girl, Marcela able to function everyday for years with not a bit of crazy seeping out and Sonia MIA. Dismay; Gabi seems to have forgotten Bruno a manchild (still), Esteban providing excuses for ABrat he is so desperate to have her back and Isabel instead of conking Marcela one with a pipe tries to choke her out. Hilarity; Fernando bemoaning killing Dante before digging a grave and Marcela's mock wedding gown was so not working.
Andy - oh, silly me, almost forgot there is one more tiney winey thing
Esteban - You make me weep and wanna die
Just when you said we'd try
Lovin', touchin', squeezin' My Father
ABrat - I know, I get it, 20 years constantly reassuring him he is a better lover than his dad is so not worth it
Sonia - Marcela makes you look like a girl scout
fArt - screw you Fernando
Fernando - wait a minute, wait a minute, I wasn't ready
Ileana - why you even associate with these dysfunctional people beyond me
Dante - and I didn't borrow but stole that tricycle, the fire in the closet, me playing with matches, uh, what else.....
Gabi - I give it 3 weeks
Marcela - and this is my bestie Harvey, Harvey say hello
Gabi? She kicked Bruno to the curb in no uncertain terms and now so easily just rolls over. She deserves the whiny titty baby.
Aragant, actually seeing the gross factor in being with Este.
Marcela no longer being able to control the craziness after all these years.
Have these people just been sleep walking through life and suddenly just wake up?
Somehow it all just seemed to be thrown together just to tie up loose ends. Too disjointed.
Gee, fArt wakes up , grabs his screwdriver, and goes street fighter. So out of character, no ?
Dante got hit by his anvil. Ow.
Ara..."Ew...did I do that ?" I can see Bonbon being his usual understanding and forgiving self as they ride off into their happy ending. Note to the Bonbon: be prepared to do this over and over again as you head into the sunset with your spoiled PRincessa. Buena suarte with that.
tofie..,that was an inspired list. you just get better and better.
The place where Ferd locked up fArt looked like an old prison to me. Handy.
The Crazy Witch Doctor has gone completely bonkers. I believe that some people can conceal their mental problems for a time and then.....BSC. There is a padded room ready fir her...and her dolls. The scene of her with those sheets draped around her like a wedding gown was muy creepy.
So...Will Sono confess to Eugenia's murder , or will Ferd enjoy telling fArt that tidbit himself. What a demented sadist . That screwdriver boohoo seems to be bothering him a lot. Is that sound some how going to figure in to his demise ? I hope that he goes out with a bang and not a whimper.
Are we going to find out what happens to Daffy Duck , or have the mean streets just swallowed her up ? Maybe she could live in the hood in MiniMean's old apartment.
you brought smiles and laughter to me---Great Job!
I wouldn't want her doing my surgery. LOL me either.
In her red car and dress drives our prescription for trouble, Marcela Zambrano.
And how could anyone not like---Za
and BonBon go from ruff to fluff outside on the steps.
Another good one--Back at casa creepy. Corazon, you sure got that right---Casa Creepy, get me outa there.
Only 5 comments so far? There should be 55 by now. Is everyone sleeping in this morning?
Dante with two bullets to the chest, should be dead but ok, he isn't---so how did the ambulance find him out on a country road?
Tofie your list is magnifico as always.
Back to Corazon---Magnifico too with---The lady from El Talisman
with her el cheque es mio? LOL I remember that.
Fernando tells Art welcome to one of my favorite places. Interesting that he said one of my favorite places. Another favorite?
I don't know why but I enjoyed Dr. Crazy in her make believe wedding dress last night and her talking to her mama and papa at the table last night---she's completely lost it.
And that brings up a question that I've had for awhile. If you married an actress, how would you ever be able to know real from acting by your wife? These actresses are so good at portraying non reality, make believe. How would you ever really know how she feels? Real or just acting?
Thanks for the advances---I can't wait to see Sonia/Dominika in action tonight.
the gringo
"well I wouldn't want her performing my surgery but I think she only is capable of collateral damage when it's a vixen or adoring woman ready to move in on fART. I don't see her killing anyone for the hell of it.)" and "My Oh My. Marcelash you are a sore for eyesight!) were a few of my favs.
I have to give Feo credit. He realizes he has been exposed, yet he continues on unabashed and as relentless as he continues to wreck vengence. No fear, no remorse, no hesitation. He has but one purpose: to continue inflict as much harm as possible. Shiver.
"'Za slowly shows remorse for talking smack about Isa". Tablet jefa, I am totally with you! I'm sorry but she showed far, far too little and far too late! I realize she had a shock but most would be heartbroken for what they had done to such a loving, innocent person who truly loved her as a daughter. Ara is dead to me. Este took the news like a trooper and took immediate steps to let Ara know his feelings hadn't changed.
"Sadly, Sonia - Marcela makes you look like a girl scout" is so true tofie.
I hope Dafne fares better in the future. She was a light weight in this sea of devilry.
I swear if Isa gets one more hypodermic needle, I will scream. Will her strength match the insane doctora's?
Thanks again CS. This was great.
"I don't know why but I enjoyed Dr. Crazy in her make believe wedding dress last night and her talking to her mama and papa at the table last night---she's completely lost it."
Yes, she has, hasn't she?? I have to give credit to the actress. The wedding dress scene could have evoked snickers and scorn if not played perfectly (which it was). It gave me the chills and was rather horrid.
gringo- I thought the same thing. Where is everybody???
I'm just wondering was anyone else bothered by the fact that it was Esteban asking Aranza for another chance? That made me so mad! It should have been Ara begging for another chance! I laughed when Ara blurted out "Fui la mujer de tu papa" hahahaha I was so happy she got a little of what she deserves for her arrogance but then I got mad again when Esteban was so willing to forget that little disgusting fact and it was Ara pushing him away. I wanted Este to push her away with disgust like she kicked him to the curb but no it was the princess pushing him away. although it is understandable but I think both of them should have decided to take a step back.
The wedding dress was true crazy and well done by the actress.
Diana, ITA no more needles for Isa.
tofie, your lists continue to amuse me.
Lily, yes I was mad that Este seems so desperate to get back w/that twit he is willing to do most anything. Ara and fArt are not worth it.
Did I hear correctly Fer telling Art that he was also responsible for Miguelito's death? My Translating skills aren't very good. Linda K
Now it's time for Sonia's secrets to come tumbling out.
Remember one of the first things Ara said about Javier is that he made her feel like a woman. While Este, Art, and Isa made her feel like a little girl. She was trying to prove something to them, and she admitted this episode that she stuck with Javier mainly to stick it to Isa and Art. It was gullibility, stupidity, arrogance, and stubbornness that led her to Javier, but I don't think she ever fell in love with the guy, as much as she tried to make herself and others think so. I think she was bored with Este (they had been together since they were 10 and he wouldn't give up the bonbon), and was looking for some excitement, which Javier provided.
The question is, was this enough of a horrific set of events that she truly appreciates what she has in Este and won't once again look for excitement elsewhere? I don't know. But it seems that Este is willing to take that risk.
And damn marcela has gone cray-cray! Lol SHE'S the crazy one as FeVier said! XD So is she the one who's gonna end up in a mental hospital? o.O
~ FeVier fan ;) P.S. Diana, that is why he is such a badass villain! ;) He will show no mercy to his enemies! He's just that determined to get his vengeance against those who wronged him! He must make them all suffer! Mwahahaha! And I like how he doesn't really care about the ppl he harms like dumb art cuz this isn't about him or the others, it's about his revenge against Isa! Isa is all he cares about inflicting pain to and the others just happened to be the unfortunate victims of his vengeance scheme which is so funny - er, I mean, how terrible for them! XD omg what's wrong with me? O_O
On Dante: I do NOT feel sorry for that twit. He knew what he was getting into when he started working with Feo.
I'll add him as the 11th victim on the Dead Pool Hit List
1.) Eugenia
2.) Miguelito
3.) The 3 surgeons
4.) Some dude in prison
5.) The real Javier Castillo
6.) Javier's boss
7.) Sugar Daddy
8.) The Padre
9.) Meanie-watching her getting killed was very sad.
10.) Gonzo
Maybe FeVier will have Marcela treat his wound. He could wake up with a limb, or five!, missing. That would be a pretty good anvil for him.
~ FeVier fan ;)
Had to laugh at pudding pudgy Fernando trying to dig a grave. Too fat to work hard. He needs to spend some time on my farm digging fenceposts. What a wuss.
~ FeVier fan ;)
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