Friday, July 04, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 168, Friday, 7/4/14: What's in a name?

Many of you, I imagine, have stepped away from the Patio to celebrate this most precious of American holidays -- I like to think of you at your parties and picnics and parades, grilling your tofu hotdogs, gasping in delight at the local fireworks display.  (That fewer than usual will be reading this recap is a thought I find oddly liberating.  Hm?)  A safe and happy 4th of July to everyone at every table on and off the Patio!

And a gentle reminder:  NO SPOILERS, PLEASE!  If something hasn't happened on the version aired in the United States, we don't discuss it here.  Let's allow ourselves the small pleasure of being surprised at twists and turns of the plot.  Thanks, everyone!

The monsters of entitlement have taken over Aguazul.  They are heartless and soulless and their only thought is to protect themselves and what they believe they have coming to them.

Graciela is entitled to the late Benjamín Almonte's money -- or so she tells herself.  

She watches with satisfaction as Fabiola finishes transferring many millions of dollars into Graciela's personal account.  Fabiola rests her head on Graciela's shoulder and smiles.  The younger woman knows her mother will return all her money once the danger has passed.

Meanwhile Graciela's other daughter -- her golden child, Montserrat -- also has cause to rejoice: Graciela has given her Benjámin's will and has renounced any claim on Alejandro's inheritance.  (That the inheritance has been stripped clean is something only Graciela, Fabiola and the Patio are aware of.)   

Montserrat has sent the will along to Alejandro.  Now they gleefully discuss the latest developments over the phone, the secret cell phone they use to escape José Luis's spies.  Montserrat is impressed by the change in her mother, she tells him.  Something must have happened to her, something painful enough to shake up her priorities. Graciela is showing Montserrat that she really loves her.  

Alejandro, not quite as credulous as Montse, hopes that she isn't setting herself up for another disappointment.  

Montse is excited and wants to tell him all the details in person, but she can't get away at the moment.  José Luis's goon is watching.  That's okay.  Alejandro has to hand over the will to Judge Esperón right now.  He'll call her afterwards.

Ezequiel Basurto, duly elected Municipal President of Aguazul, is entitled to his prominent position in the community -- or so he believes -- and will do whatever it takes to protect his standing.

Admiral Ignacio Robledo calls on his old friend Carlota.  

The admiral realizes, from Carlota's good cheer, that Ezequiel has not unmasked himself to her as he had agreed to do.  So he broaches the subject of Pedro Medina.  Carlota is offended at the very mention of that man's name -- she has already told Ignacio that Ezequiel has nothing to do with that criminal...

Robledo cuts her off.  "It appears that Pedro Medina has been murdered," he tells her.  "I'm worried about you," he continues.  "You may be facing some difficult things, and I want you to know that you can always count on me."

Carlota is confused and frightened by this warning.  Robledo won't elaborate.  He tells her to talk to her husband and insist that he reveal what he has kept hidden from her all these years.

You shoot a man like that in the HEAD, animal!
Ezequiel is furious.  He can't believe that after 7 years in the Murder Academy of Monterrey, Adolfo is still making rookie mistakes.  "I shot him in the heart," protests Adolfo feebly (feebly since first, no one can be sure Pedro has a heart; and second, if he does, it must be vanishingly small and therefore, a nearly impossible target.)

Then it's Adolfo's turn to show a little temper.  DID EZ HELP PEDRO GET AWAY???  WHERE IS HE HIDING HIM???  Pedro was in bad shape when Adolfo left him, so someone must have helped him get away.

Ezequiel and Adolfo agree on one thing:  they have to find Pedro before the authorities do, or they are both screwed.  Adolfo warns EZ not to sell him out to the Marina again (he knows very well it was EZ who tipped them off about the warehouse operation) because when he shoots EZ, he WILL be shooting to kill:
Porque a ti, sí te doy el tiro de gracia.

EZ reminds Adolfo he did him a big favor:  he told Admiral Robledo that Pedro Medina and The Scorpion are the same person.  And since favors don't come free...

Adolfo sits down and rubs his head wearily.  "What do you want me to do?"

[Oh no!   What now, you bastards?]

At last, the authentic will is in the hands of the authorities:
Alejandro turns over Benjamín's will to Judge Esperón.  The judge will have its authenticity verified.  Meanwhile, he will  order the freezing of all Fabiola's assets, and he will issue an arrest warrant for Fabiola and for Sandro Narváez.  

"Narváez has already left the country," Alejandro tells him.  The judge declares that Sandro will still have to face justice in Aguazul (unaware that he already has, though it was administered in a Kangaroo Court.)

"Pedro Medina was also involved in the fraud," says Alejandro.  The judge has just heard that Medina has been killed.  "Personally," he says: 
Me Hubiera gustado que ese delicuente pasara el resto de su vida en la cárcel.
(I would have liked that criminal to spend the rest of his life in jail.)

Alejandro agrees.  "Death isn't punishment enough for someone like Pedro Medina."
La muerte no es suficiente castigo para alguien como Pedro Medina.

[A sense of foreboding pervades the Patio.  Watch your back, Judge!]

Fabiola thought Graciela disapproved of her drinking.  
So she is surprised when she pours her a glass of wine.
Graciela explains that the occasion merits a toast, now that her money is safe in Gracie's account.  [Perhaps something like "Congratulations on Getting Scammed Big-Time by your Bio-Mom!"]

Tell me a Gracie
"Where would you like us to travel first, darling?" asks Graciela.  Fabiola would like to start with Italy, where her mother's roots lie.  Gracie explains that her parents were born in Italy, but the family later settled in Mexico.  Sadly, Fabiola can't meet her grandparents -- they are now deceased.  Fab's grandfather -- Gracie's father -- was a successful businessman, a multimillionaire; and her grandmother -- Gracie's mother -- was a famous fashion designer.  They came from a charming little town near Florence.

Fabiola listens dreamily.  She will be the first of Graciela's children to travel with her to her birthplace!  And her grandmother was a designer -- no wonder Graciela has such impeccable taste.

[It is okay to pause the show here for big, whooping belly laughs.  Take your time --there may not be too many laughs up ahead.]

Graciela accepts the tribute without false modesty.  She can't help remarking that Fabiola needs a little help in the fashion department.  Oh there are so many things she wants to teach her.

Fab kisses her mother's hand and tells her tearfully that she loves her.

Graciela instructs Fabiola to pack her bags and be ready to leave the next day.  She herself will take care of all the details.  She can't allow her daughter to be arrested.
[Is there a hint of regret -- of sadness, even -- in those dead eyes of hers?  Nah.]

Admiral Robledo meets with the garbageman
He drives up to the restaurant on the malecón and joins Ezequiel at a table.  Has Basurto brought his signed letter of resignation?  Basurto whines about having to give up his political future.  Robledo has no sympathy for him.  He should have thought about that before getting mixed up with Medina's dirty dealings.

Robledo reluctantly hands over an official guarantee of immunity to Evil Ezequiel.  The admiral knows that EZ hasn't met all his conditions: he still hasn't talked to Carlota.  But if he doesn't do it tonight, the admiral himself will talk to her tomorrow.

Graciela finally brings happiness to the Mendoza-Basurto Mansion.
Both the servant Manuela and her sister-in-law Carlota are thrilled at Graciela's announcement that she is going to Italy for a very long time.  If all goes well, adds Graciela, one of her children will be going with her.

The Final Moments in the Life of a Man Who Tried to Do the Right Thing, Who May have Stumbled Now and Then, But Who Certainly Didn't Deserve This Terrible End:
Admiral Ignacio Robledo leaves the restaurant.  As he walks up to his car, he presses the button on his key.  We hear the familiar electronic sounds as the car door unlocks automatically.  Robledo settles into the driver's seat, adjusts his cap, and then pulls the car door closed.  He pushes the ignition button.

KABOOOOOOOOOOOM!  The car explodes in flames.  It is obvious that no one inside could have survived the impact.

Adolfo Argüelles thinks he is entitled to love.  He never intended to be one of the bad guys -- or so he tells himself.  And his terrible sins?  He isn't responsible.  Someone else was always forcing his hand. 

Not far from the scene of the explosion, two men sit in a dark sedan -- Adolfo and one of his killers for hire. They watch debris flying.  They see the car roll over.  They observe the total fiery destruction.  They exchange a look devoid of emotion.

Montserrat's visit brings unexpected tidings.
Dimitrio opens the door to Montse but blocks her goon from following her inside.  "Pets aren't allowed in the house," he tells the man.  Once the coast is clear, Alejandro comes out of hiding.  He and Montse embrace and start murmuring sweet nothings -- on their way to a major make-out session really -- until they hear Dim's muttered ¡Que asco!  (How disgusting!) "Why don't you go to your room?"  

[The guy is still in mourning, but he's starting to get his snark on.  Was Mónica Dimitrio's Angélica?  A Love the One You're With kind of girl?  Will his thoughts turn back to Josefina as quickly as JL's turned back to Montserrat?]

Montse says she has something to tell them that affects all three of them:  Fabiola Guillén is the daughter that Graciela had with Benjamín.  That means she is their half-sister.

Alejandro and Dimitrio think that is crazy talk.  Dim reminds her about the lock of hair his mother used for the DNA test when she (and Dim himself) first tried to bamboozle Ale out of his inheritance.  At that time, Graciela said that her daughter with Benjamín was dead!

Montserrat explains how Graciela only recently learned the truth.  She is convinced that her mother's suffering is real.

"So that's why she gave you the will?" asks Alejandro.

"Yes.  And it wasn't easy for her.  She knew that she had my fate in her hands, and by helping me, she was going to be destroying Fabiola.  She'll go to jail when her crimes come to light."

"Our mother gave YOU her support?" asks Dimitrio suspiciously.  
Pues por algo será*, ¿no?  ¿qué trae entre manos?
(There has to be a reason, don't you think?  What does she have up her sleeve?)

[This is the future of possibility or conjecture.  See Grammar Nerd Note further down.]

Montserrat plays Devil's Advocate.
Montserrat says that their mother seemed very sincere and very repentant.  She even agreed to give up her claims to the Almonte inheritance.  Graciela is truly sorry for hurting them in the past, and she wants to make it up to them. They should give her a chance.

Both Alejandro and Dimitrio are dubious.  Dim says he doesn't want to be around when his sister realizes she's been duped again.

Alejandro tells them that the judge is about to issue a warrant for Fabiola's arrest.  Montserrat isn't sure if Fabiola knows they are her half-siblings.  They have to talk to her, she says. 

"So now we have an alcoholic sister," says Dim with his old puckish smile.  "Just what we wanted Santa Claus to bring us."

Oblivious Fabiola packs her suitcases and dreams of her new life with her mother

Baby Angel comes home.
Esmeralda is grateful to Amelia for bringing her home from the hospital.  Amelia offers to stay for a few days and help Esme settle in with the baby.  After all, she loves Angel as if he were her own nephew or grandson.

Refugio surprises the women when he walks out of the baby's room -- no one knew he was in the house.  Esme immediately orders him to leave.  He says he just wanted to be sure Angel's room was ready for him.  He has painted the walls blue, just as Esme wanted.  Esme, unimpressed, continues to sulk.  Amelia distracts her by suggesting she take a look at what Refugio has done.  

As soon as Esme sees the room, it is obvious that she loves it.  But a moment or two later, when Refugio brings the baby and his bassinet into the bedroom, Esme won't admit to her feelings.  "That's not the blue I picked," she says crankily.  Refugio says he'll repaint it any color she likes.  

Amelia says the room looks beautiful.  Then she notices a photo of Angélica close to the baby's crib, and she is moved by Refugio's explanation ("so she can always look after Angel").  With great gentleness, Refugio sets the baby in his crib.  Then Amelia walks him out of the room.  Esmeralda, left alone with the baby, is on the verge of tears.

The Terrible News About the Admiral Makes the Rounds

Refugio has just told Amelia about Pedro's apparent death when he gets a phone call bringing him the dreadful news about Admiral Robledo's dreadfully undeniable death. All three -- Esme, Refugio and Amelia -- are grief-stricken.  "I have to call Prudencia," says Amelia.

Montserrat, Dimitrio and Alejandro are debating whether Fabiola is sorry for hurting them now that she knows they are siblings (Montse says yes, the guys say no) when Dim gets the call.  He passes the news along and then leaves the others behind, stunned.

Ezequiel locks an official document in his safe (his signed guarantee of immunity, no doubt).  Carlota informs him with unwonted seriousness that they need to talk.  "Ignacio was here this morning, and he left me feeling very disconcerted," she tells her husband.  "He says you aren't the man I think you are -- that you are hiding something."

"You know we have no secrets," answers EZ with easy smarm.

"He gave me to understand that you were mixed up with Pedro Medina."

EZ tries to laugh it off.  "You know how much I despise Medina!" he says.  "How could you think such a thing?  He may be a political ally, but I have nothing to do with his dirty business.  Who lives with me?  Who knows me better than anyone?  I love you!"

Before EZ can take his little farcical protest any further, Carlota's phone rings.  It is Montserrat with the news about Robledo.  And the news hits Carlota hard.  "They killed Ignacio," she sobs.  "It can't be true!"

"Are you sure?" asks vile EZ.  "Calm down, honey." 

The Police Chief will interrogate all his subordinates.  Someone must have seen something.  He is told the security cameras have yielded nothing useful.  All José Luis Álvarez needs is one single witness, and that witness will lead them to the party responsible for the attack on Admiral Robledo.

One of his officers brings him the newly issued arrest warrant for Fabiola.  He'll take care of it, says JL.

Night falls.

Graciela calls on her son with a generous offer.  
"How handsome you look in that uniform," she gushes to Dimitrio.  "You remind me so much of your father when I first knew him."

Dimitrio has no time for this, he tells her impatiently.  Admiral Robledo is dead and he is expected at his funeral.   

Robledo's death is news to Graciela.  She shows mild surprise, but quickly brings the conversation back to her own agenda.  Dimitrio doesn't want to hear it -- he knows all about the lock of hair and that it came from Fabiola.  "Can we go now?"

"If you know the story, then you also know what I just did for your sister's happiness."

"I do know," answers Dimitrio, "and I don't believe you.  What are you really up to?"

Graciela is in full operatic mode now.  "It breaks my heart that you still can't see what a great woman* you have for a mother because you don't know me!"

[Una gran mujer.  No kidding.  She actually says this.] 

Dim raises his impressive brow.  [We on the Patio follow suit, though in most cases, less impressively.]

Graciela says again: "You don't know me."

"You mean you transformed yourself when you crossed the threshold?"

"Don't be unfair! I need you more than ever, but you don't realize that you need me too.  I know that Mónica's death affected you and that you're suffering."

"There's nothing you can do."

"Of course there is.  I came here to beg you to come to Italy with me.  Let's travel together!"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, wouldn't you love it?"

"I'll pack my bags and I'll be right back," says Dimitrio.  He makes a brisk exit, leaving his delusional mother and her tears of self-pity.

Alejandro brings Victor and Nadia up to speed on the Fabiola story.  
He recalls how he offered to share his inheritance with her, his only living relative on his father's side of the family, when she arrived in Aguazul years ago.  

"And then she did you dirty and robbed you of everything," says Victor.  

Alejandro admits he can't overlook what she did.  Montserrat has said she'll support whatever he decides.  Nadia thinks they should sit down and talk and try to work things out.  But Alejandro just doesn't trust Fabiola.  If she had no qualms about taking everything from him when she thought they were cousins, why should it be any different now that she knows they are half-siblings?

Alejandro has to get ready for the admiral's funeral.  Everyone expresses grief and shock over Robledo's death. 

Nadia wonders if Pedro Medina might be responsible...
¿No será* que Pedro está detrás de todo lo que pasó?
(I wonder if Pedro is behind everything that happened.)  

[Grammar Nerd note:  Será is the future of ser, to be.  Here, the future tense is used to indicate possibility or conjecture and is often rendered in English as "I wonder."  We could also translate this line as "I wonder if Pedro isn't behind what happened," but I just decided that the English was more straightforward without the negative.]

Victor assures her that Pedro is dead.  She doesn't have to be afraid of him anymore.  But Nadia says she won't feel safe until Pedro's body is found.  Victor embraces her protectively.

Montserrat gives Rosario the tragic news about Robledo, a man she had known all her life.  He was her father's best friend, she says, and he stood by her many times.  Rosario tries to comfort her.  As Montserrat wipes away her tears, a weary-looking José Luis enters the room.

"Admiral Robledo was very important to me.  He gave me so many things," he says.

"I'm so sorry," says Montserrat.  "I know how painful this is for you."

"Well let's go," he says.  "They're waiting for us at the funeral home."

But Montserrat would prefer to go on her own.  In any case, she has her personal bodyguard following her everywhere she goes.

José Luis switches into ogre mode:  "Montserrat, you're my wife and you're going with me."  He takes her hand and refuses to let go, even after she protests that he is being ridiculous.  He walks her out in lockstep.

Rosario sighs.

Josefina and Adolfo sit at dinner in a restaurant overlooking the malecón.   
He chews apathetically.  She grouses that he isn't much fun to be with tonight.  Maybe they shouldn't have gone out at all.  But he tells her he needed her company to put his mind at ease, to give him a bit of peace.

She thinks she knows why he is so somber tonight.  "Have they found Pedro's body?" she asks.

"It seems they haven't," he answers.

"Do you think Pedro is dead?" asks Josefina.

But Adolfo doesn't want to talk about Pedro tonight.  For him, nothing exists but the two of them.  They lean toward one another and kiss lightly.

"When?" he asks.

"When what?"

"When are you going to spend the night with me?"

Josefina isn't ready to take that step, she tells him.  She realizes he sees her as a challenge, but she doesn't want to end up as another bedroom trophy.

Adolfo assures her his intentions are serious.  He wants to marry her!

Josefina says that she keeps discovering things that she loves about him.  She feels real affection for him.  She is starting to know the real Adolfo.  But she doesn't want to make a mistake.  She needs time...

Adolfo listens, rapt, smiling.

...but Adolfo is heading in the right direction.  She wasn't sure before, but now she knows she could fall in love with him.

They kiss again.

Fabiola notices that her mother looks a little sad.  
Is she sorry they decided to go away together?  Graciela says no, but she is sad about everything she is leaving behind. Dimitrio didn't want to come with them, she says.

Fabiola says she is glad.  She doesn't want to share her.  Her other children had her for a lifetime.  Graciela owes this time to her.

Nadia sits on the side of her bed, exhibiting her usual exemplary posture.  Victor joins her, having just put Victoria to bed.  They talk about how much they have missed being together.  A tender love scene follows, which may be invisible to Poor Blind Nadia, but not, alas, to us.

A full moon.
Daybreak over the Mansion of Broken Hearts on the Sea

Fabiola's bags are packed.  
She smiles as she holds up her glass and contemplates its translucent contents, the color of venous blood.  When the doorbell rings, she hurries to answer it, expecting her beloved mother.  She is obviously disappointed to see Amelia instead.

Sounding more like a spiteful adolescent than a woman approaching her fortieth birthday, she boasts to Amelia about her travel plans.  Her mother is taking her to Italy, she says, so she can show her the town where she was born and the little house she once lived in with her parents.

Amelia can't suppress a giggle at the tall tales Graciela has been spinning.  
But she pulls herself together and tells Fabiola the truth. Graciela was born in a no-name village near Aguazul. She lived in a little tin shack.  She never knew who her father was.  Her mother's name was Juanita, and she was a humble woman who earned a living mending other people's clothes.

"Liar!" says Fabiola.

"No," says Amelia quietly.  "Graciela is the liar.  Everything about her is a lie -- even her name.  I made it up myself one day when we were playing together.  Her mother had come to my house to mend some clothes.  We pretended that she was a society girl like me.  I started calling her Graciela Giacinti."

"Then that's not her name?"

"No, Fabiola.  Her real name is Gaudencia Jiménez."  

Avances:  José Luis clings to Montserrat like a barnacle.  (So what else is new?)  


I am here, dear NovelaMaven!! You didn't really think I would miss this, did you? :))


Thank goodness, Fatima. I felt so alone.

NovelaMaven, thanks for the wonderful recap. Your comments about Pedro's heart were hilarious.

What is wrong with Montse? Is she drinking the kool aid her mother is serving? You would hope ahe had learned her lesson by now.

I was sad to see Robledo get blown up by a car bomb but am happy the writers are going all out to make the plot interesting and unpredictable.

The highlight of the episode for me was Amelia filling Fabiola in on the true family roots of her mother.


Great work, NovelaMaven. Too many great lines to quote!

I had such hopes that Carlota would end up with the Admiral. I will miss him. And now this means that Adolfo will end up in hell.

Or is he already there?

At least Dimitrio has no more illusions about Gracie. Which brings me to....

Why are the writers telling us now that she's been living under an assumed name all these years? Not that this should be any surprise, but I guess it was the one thing that could make her even more sinister than she already is.

Of course, why wouldn't have Lauro or someone vetted her back in the day? Oy, vey.

NovelaMaven, this is the first episode all week on which I've been able to comment. What a treat your recap was! Also enjoyed each one this week--thanks to Urban, Gloria, Julia R., and Elna June as well.

The whole descripton of Fofito, his error after 7 years in the Murder Academy of Monterrey, and Pedro's heart as a non-existent target, etc. was a great laugh.

Is Fabiola just that gullible, or is she still in a haze of wine fumes? Her praise for Mama Graci's impeccable taste was indeed an occasion for a big laugh.

I was upset at Robledos's death. The captions showed "explosion" ahead of time, tipping me off. So much for Carlota's next husband.

Refugio was really trying with baby Angel. That scene was worth about half a tear.

"A tender love scene follows, which may be invisible to Poor Blind Nadia, but not, alas, to us." I think this was my favorite line of the recap. I actually switched channels for a few seconds.

How helpful that Amelia filled in the details of Graci's background for Fabi. Didn't Amelia's family give Graci a bit of a social boost by inviting her to a few parties, introducing her around, etc? Not sure if I remember this correctly.

Pulling my leg, aren't you,NovelaMaven?!

Ni modo. This was your USUAL excellent work with the wonderful subheadings and the most appreciated grammar lesson.

I was stunned when the good Admiral's car was bombed. I was stunned and I was so totally sad. I never saw this coming. I fear that Carlota will end up alone (NO SPOILER) and almost right back where she started.

The other very sad thing was when Graciela poured that glass of wine for Fabiola. Fabiola is so drunk with love for her newly found mother that she cannot see clearly. That was upsetting to watch.

Dimitrio was in good form tonight. I wasn't sure, so someone please clarify for me, but was Dimitrio joking when he said he would go with his mother? Surely he was, wasn't he?

Thank you, NovelaMaven. :))



I'm so glad you enjoyed the recap. Yes, alas poor Montse. Bamboozled again.

I wasn't really expecting anything like a car bomb, or for that matter, any attack at all on Robledo. If I had been, you can bet I'd have been hunkered down in the Bunker of Ironic Detachment for this episode.

Amelia has waited a long time to tell someone about the con artist formerly known as Graciela, hasn't she?


I could imagine Lauro knowing all about his wife's humble origins (though not her pregnancy) and never letting on that he knew. I'm sure you remember that scene not long before his death (I think it was a flashback) when he told Graciela he had always known she lied to him about going to Italy.

La Paloma,

Thanks! And I think you're right about Amelia's family going along with the social charade. I remember something along those lines.

"Is Fabiola just that gullible?" Good question. She went from vicious harpy to pathetic mewling half-wit within five minutes of finding her mommy. Maybe the chronic drinking DID damage her brain.


Yes, I was joking. And yes, so was Dimitrio.

OK, good, NovelaMaven. I was half waiting for you to tell me you had some land you wanted to sell. :))

Jarifa, I am SO glad the guys weren't buying was Graciela/Laurencia was selling. What in the heck was Montserrat thinking?!

I wonder (again, no spoiler) if the good judge will live long enough to sequester (I can't believe I just used that word!) Graciela's/Laurencia's jackpot. I fear for that judge. If they can bump off a good man like Robledo, I don't think they will hesitate to bump off a judge who initially fell for Pedro's schemes.

NovelaMaven, I DO think that Lauro knew all along that Graciela/Laurencia was a phony.

Honestly, I have NO idea what Graciela's anvil should be, other than it be a very good one.

She does show signs of slipping,though. I nearly gagged when she told Dimitrio she was a "gran mujer". I think that money is going to her head. Maybe she will have a psychotic break very soon.


One more thing, I also fear for Amelia. I think she is in danger. I can't put my finger on it, but I think she is in danger. If you think about it, the only man who could protect anyone is now gone. Who is going to protect all of these people? Mad Dog JL?

I think not.



This recap rocks and rolls, thanks so much for this absolutely shining, jewel of a recap!

I felt for Fabs, all the tall tales Gracie has told her. I am so very glad Amelia is trying to set her straight.

I agree with you NovelaMaven about maybe Lauro knowing Gracie's true origins. So Gracie didn't know her Papa either! Hmmmm....

I didn't expect Admiral Robledo to meet a fate like that! He was another noble man taken too soon. He may have been misguided at first, but he did the right thing. I will mourn his passing. I hope whoever replaces him is as honorable and goes after those responsible.

Addled, I just can't with him and Fina. Now I am really worried about her. I am so happy she isn't sleeping with him. That's a very good thing. I want her to continue to be cautious.

Where is Peddy's body? I hope it is found soon, and that he truly is dead, otherwise, danger for every one.

I worry about Carly too, she doesn't know the half of what EZ has done.

Thanks again Ms NovelaMaven for this shining recap : )



I do think JL will protect Amelia. He has the utmost respect for her and still kind of thinks of her as a Mama. She has always given him good counsel and I think he will continue to watch over her.

Oh, I did like that picture of Angelica in Angel's bedroom. That whole scene with Refug, Amelia and Esme and the bebe had me teary eyed. I want them to get back to together again and for Refug to grow up and let Esme be who she wants to be. One can hope ; )


There are going to be so many comments, I don’t know where to begin except the following.

1) It looks like Robledo/Carlota isn’t going to happen. Que lástima! EZ showed his true colors in yesterday’s episode because he accepted conditions (1) and (2) of Robledo, but not (3) which was to save his political career. He didn’t care about condition (2) – Carlota!

2) Now we know that Gracie found a way to get her hands on the money and, like most bloggers have commented on: no love for anyone except for money. I just hope Alejandro gets the money back even though he has said the money doesn’t matter; but to not get it back would be an injustice. Let’s hope there is justice for Gracie also.

3) And it seems as if Monse will be Ale’s legitimate wife after he recuperates his name. So MDJL will probably go Ape Sh*t and do something horrible and not end on a heroic note. Based on the previews, it looks like he now locks Monse in the house!

4) Alfonso is doomed now.

Oh how I hate the previews!


Fatima and Mads,

I can see José Luis stepping up into the protector role. Yes, he is tragically flawed -- his obsession with Montserrat is likely to blight his personal life forever. But he is a very effective strategist and fighter. Actually, I can see JL and Alejandro in an uneasy alliance to protect the innocent.

Neither of these guys can serve as a moral authority, though, or a father figure to anyone older than ten. Paging Padre Hook, Paging Padre Hook...

Novela Maven:
The denizens of the Patio would have to be crazy to miss one of your great recaps.

This one was so detailed and, as always, I really appreciate the grammar clarifications. I would totally have glossed over those very subtle but pertinent details.

This was my vote for favorite paragraph of the night:

"Montse says she has something to tell them that affects all three of them: Fabiola Guillén is the daughter that Graciela had with Benjamín. That means she is their half-sister."

Montserrat is such a mistress of the obvious, isn't she? The above quote was so dry and wry that I laughed out loud. "Their sister", indeed. Hee hee hee.

I was sorry to see the Admiral go.He was a flawed man but heaven only knows he was less corrupt than most of the characters in this TN.

The local navy base is now missing a Captain and an Admiral. Who will they bring in to replace these two who were so committed to rounding up Aguazul's resident drug traffickers?

I have a bunch of late post comments that I will add to my recap of yesterday—later. I think episode 167 left the entire audience in no doubt—Graciela, or, The Woman Formerly Known As Graciela, is a monster.

Urban has been warning us for months about her coming and inevitable ending. I think it will be something to see.

If Graciela was a real person her biggest comeuppance would come at her last breath—she will find that she cannot take one cent of her ill gotten gains with her. She will die alone and with nothing to show for her life but some really bad karma to carry into her next.

Thanks again, beloved Novela Maven, for this wonderful recap. I am so glad to find myself back home on the Patio, with you and our fellow recappers—and all the commentors and visitors for the final stretch of the show.

I hope all had a wonderful Holiday.

Elna June


I haven't read all the comments yet so I don't know if this has been asked.

Why didn't MDJL give orders to arrest Fabs immediately! Should a police chief have given priority to the arrest of someone?

Oh, Maven, you said it so well. Neither Ale or JL has a moral leg to stand on. Bless their pea-picking hearts. And I am afraid that Padre Hook, should he be located, will be too old to have much time with little Lauro.

Where do we think Pedro is? It is too soon for the baddest of bad guys in our TN to be dead. As several others have mentioned I would not be surprised if Amalia helped Peddy escape for her own reasons. I predict that she will still take her revenge on Pedro.

I was delighted to see glimpses of the old Dimitrio tonight. Perhaps he WILL be end game for Josefina. They have both done a lot of maturing since their first marriage. I love the actors together. I did not think Dimitrio has an ounce of chemistry with the beautiful but rigid Monica.



Hi Victoria Gomez,

"Why didn't MDJL give orders to arrest Fabs immediately! "

No, we haven't discussed this yet. I'm betting the Chief of Police would say that given limited resources, he was concentrating on finding the Admiral's assailant(s).

But I would say that if he police force has enough men to provide round the clock surveillance of the police chief's wife, it has enough men to arrest crooks like Fabiola. (But who know? Maybe he DID give the order and they are about to show up on her doorstep.)

Dear Elna June,

Montserrat is kind and beautiful. Isn't that enough for you? And besides, consider her audience.

I think it will be very hard to bring in a new character at this point in the novela and integrate the actor and the role into this complex whole. Unless they are planning to make Refugio or Dimitrio into an Admiral (gasp!), I suppose they will have to bring on someone else, at least nominally, but the person may be marginal to the story.

I have no idea where Pedro is. I do take some comfort in the idea that he is gunning for Adolfo, EZ, and Maria.

So Robledos car went farting,there goes my peaceful sip of coffee at Aguazul Cafe! EZ really showed his full colors,he is a monster.Now that Peddy is "missing" i guess EZ will be now doing some more of his evil. I laughed at Pedros non existant heart,i thought the same thing after watching the scene! Dimitrio was so hilarious last night " Dogs arent allowed" ,"Now we have a drunk sister,just what we wanted Santa Claus to bring us!".

I was very shocked when Amelia revealed Gracies real does that mean Laurie registered Gracie as her official name? Or is it like in Corazon Indomable where Maricruz had two different documents for each name? And did Lauro knew of Lauries humble origins and her true name?


Thanks for posting the reminder about spoilers. I know a some bloggers see the episodes ahead of time (especially those on the West Coast with access to Mexican TV channels). But I'm getting tired of seeing bloggers comments with spoilers posted as guesses/comments/opinions.

By the way, your recap was so great!

Did anyone see on the computer screen how much money Fabs was transferring from her account to Gracie's. I was wondering exactly how many pesos or dollars (more likely) we are talking about.

How will Ale get the money back now that it's in Gracie's account? Anyone with banking or law experience know?

Will we have to wait and see if Gracie dies at the end and then the money goes to her children through inheritance?

Its not even that hard to find that Fabiola transferred her money geez,just ask the bank she contacted and they can easily locate the current owner of the money.. Hopefully that after Amelia learns about the transfer that she goes straight to the Judge and tells him about everything,


My guess is that MDJL is postponing the arrest of Fabs because he knows it may help Ale and/or Monse/Ale-- and that he doesn't want to do.

Novela Maven, what a great holiday gift you gave us. A complex episode with an Imelda Marcos bag of shoes dropping, what next? I wonder if Gracie/Laurie will leave Fabi sobbing over her suitcases and try to get on a plane to Italy herself but then she seems to really, really relish the fawning new found daughter routine since her other children are so on to her (ahem, Montse, wake up silly girl)

Thanks too for pointing out the future/conditional expressions which I have read or heard only a few times in Instituto Cervantes classes here in Albuquerque (you travel in special circles) and I was excited when I heard them and further thrilled for you to point them out to us. Thanks for the scholarly treat, I always can use a brush up grammer moment.

I fear for Victor and Nadia and the child if Pedro decides to slouch toward them instead of Adolfo or EZ. Lots to think about over the weekend.

Victoria Gomez,

I think it was more than 650 million pesos which is more than 50 million dollars, I think. Fabby also had other accounts, but with smaller amounts.

I think this might be the currect exchange:
$1.oo US dollar= 12.97 pesos


Oh my gosh, $50 million dollars! That's like Warren Buffet money!
Oh I hope Ale gets it back, just for the justice of it all.

I don't understand why CountXAlacran says all one has to do is call the bank. I thought banks didn't give out that information (except maybe in Mexico)was confidential; but we don't know where the money was transferred from: an off-shore account or Mexican account. Picky detail I know, but the plotline here seems unfathomable to me.


Victoria,the investigators with enough authority could easily access Fabiolas online account ,surely there they could see who she transferred the money to.And the money Laurie has now was obtained by illegal means( dirty money) ,it never belonged to Fabiola in the first place because it was obtained by a fraud,meaning that the Judge could take Lauries money and give it back to Ale or to Monse/Dimitrio or to Laurito. It depends on what is in Lauries will if she even has one.

Actually pardon, never mind the Lauries will comment,it has nothing to do with it,Lauries money was not obtained legally because that money was obtained by Fabiola's fraud ,that money belongs to Ale but since he said he is not really interested in money but Laurie still needs to be prosecuted for the crime.


We seem to have quite a conversation going on about the money. I see it going several ways.

But so far with regards to your comment about the police, the police in Agua Azul have proven to be so incompetent that I don't see them helping Ale get the money back (forensically or otherwise. I think it will done another way. If you know, please don't tell.

Victoria The police were mostly corrupt during the time they were under Pedro.I guess they should call the NCIS ,Gill Grissom,Horatio Caine and Mac Taylor all together to break down this tough case in Aguazul!

You're so right. Maybe they can help find Peddy also. He'll probably pop up at the end.

With 27 episodes to go we have a lot to resolve. Getting Alejandro's inheritance back in full is only part of that.

I'm sure that there are federales with the authority to go to banks for this information. Not sure what they could do if the accounts are off-shore, though. However, we do know that Gracie isn't disappearing from the story now.

It would be hilarious if there would be a scene of her trying to buy jewelry in Paris and her credit card being declined. At least that's what the police on Law & Order would have done. Freeze the accounts, a word or two to the French authorities and she'd have to come back to face the music.

No way will either she or Fabiola get away with this.

As for Fabiola, I don't feel the least bit sorry for her. She is naive about Gracie because she didn't have the exposure to her toxicity all these years like Dimitrio and Monse. The latter has been a little too optimistic about this, but she will find out what's up very soon.

Don't be so quick to question Monse's intelligence over this. We have a human expectation and even a need to be loved by our parents. Monse wants to believe her mother can change. She wants another loving grandmother for her son.

She should read some books on narcissism.

She is at least healthy enough to know that none of this is her own fault, which is a common trap that children of narcissists fall into. Of course, she had a loving father who adored her and wanted her to be happy.

I do remember the scene where Lauro revealed that he knew Gracie never went to Italy. Poor man must have been really besotted with her for their entire marriage to have forgiven that lie.


Yes Monse's saving grace was her father. A father/daughter relationship is sacred. I had a sick mother most of my life until she died by her own hands when I was 18, one month before going to college in Mexico.

If it hadn't been for my father's love and my boyfriend's (now my husband of 40 years) compassion and love, I'd be a very mixed up adult.

This is why I understand Monse's desire to always want to believe in the best of everyone. Her father was always forgiving as with Gracie's lie about Italy. For example Monse didn't reproach Macario.


About Fabs' not being arrested yet. JL didn't give the order because he just got the paperwork from the Judge. That's what the guy brought into him when he was talking to the other cop. His men are spread thin because they are still searching for Peddy, wherever he may be, searching for whoever did this to the Admiral, and now this arrest warrant for Fabs. Oh, yeah and the one guy farmed out to watch Monse.


JL would definitely want to find the Admiral's killer; Admiral Robledo was always good to him.

Pedro is a blight on society. Adolfo should have buried him alive, but with this many episodes to go that would have been a premature Karmageddon for him.

Which brings me to this: Since it's already begun I will post the Karmageddon discussion on Friday.

Oh my, oh my...haven't seen this yet. But am SHOCKED by Robledo's death. Wow. I'd been holding out hope all this time that he'd be Carlota's Happy Ending.

These writers are diabolical, aren't they? Hinting at the tender complicity between this two, getting Robledo divorced so we could harbor hope, and then WHAM! out of the picture.

My track record on predictions is woefully poor, and this just confirms it. (I don't see the previews, so this literally came out of the blue for me.)

HOWEVER, I would never miss a NovelaMaven recap and clearly none of the rest of the patio would either. That's like skipping dessert. (nobody does that, do they?)

"I shot him in the heart," protests Adolfo feebly (feebly since first, no one can be sure Pedro has a heart; and second, if he does, it must be vanishingly small and therefore, a nearly impossible target.)

Now a paragraph like that is why I won't skip over any of your writing. Just too delicious to miss.

Loved the quip about Dimitrio arching his impressive brow, and yes, mine is considerably less impressive. Thank the Lord!

Nadia, exhibiting her usual exemplary posture... Indeed. She's the Queen of Good Body Alignment. And thanks for the heads up about the love scene. I will happily fast-forward.

Poor Fabiola, regarding her glass of wine "the color of venous blood". What a telling line. She will be drained dry by her cannibalistic mom.

I agree with UA's empathetic explanation of Montse's willingness to be duped once again by her mom. We all wanted to be loved by our mothers. And we all want a reason to respect and cherish our parents. So yes, it's easy to fall into the trap. And Graciela is so gifted at setting those. A real pro.

And speaking of professional, I still say you should be a professor of Spanish, NovelaMaven. I loathe grammar but always enjoy your grammar nerd lessons.

You instruct, you amuse, and yes, you dazzle! You're the prof we always wanted. And we get all this for free.

Thanks, amiga mia. Will look forward to watching this later.

And Victoria Gomez, thanks for sharing your story about your mom. Leaving for college and living away from home is such a vulnerable time. I'm glad you had the support of your father and novio to help you get through that loss.

A close friend of mine in college had a depressed mother who eventually committed suicide. And she was the one who found her. Those traumas mark one forever. But it sounds like, in your case, you were able to handle it with resilience and wisdom.

My bums are sleeping in, and I can sit back with my morning coffee, watch the episode and relish this brilliant recap. Wish I could do some patio fireworks for you NM. This was wondrous. And what an episode you got.

I was stunned that it was Robledo in that car. All our speculation for Carlotta's possible future rebound happiness went up in the smoke of that explosion. I mean, we know the kids will take care of her, and she will possible have some legitimate money if EZ meets his maker as we suspect. Perhaps she and Rosario can do some good together since they are BFF's.

Frankly, someone should take that $50 million and just do something good with it and make it go away. Has it ever made anyone happy in this show? It's like poison. And any self-respecting banking institution would be looking at such a huge transfer of funds...ooops. What was I thinking, this is a TN. But I like your idea UA that she goes abroad, tries to use the cash only to find it is no longer available to her. Wonder if Amelia will be the one to squeal the truth to authorities or will it be Fabs in her disillusionment.

Dim is my hero. Bless him for NOT drinking the Kool-Aid and keeping his guard up with Mumsy. Monse is still grabbing at straws to try and feel like her mother really loves her, Dim knows better what that means when you supposedly have it. Wouldn't mind seeing him come full circle and attaining the level his father once held.

Please don't have Fina hook up with Adolfo. Right now, I feel more like he's a selfish bastard and delusional himself pulling her into his harrowing life as it continues to plummet into more and more evil depths. Pretty but a douche bag.

So we need our missing characters to come back from the dead, and I'm holding out the Padre is one of those people.



Judy B:

Thank you for your kind words. And yes, I found her with my father. It was a terrible experience that I haven't forgotten. My faith in God made me understand that she was in a better place and finally at peace.

I love novelas now that I don't work anymore, because I feel like I can get lost in the characters and storylines, as I am a romantic at heart. Plus they don't go on forever.

Unfortunately, I didn't know about novelas all the many years my husband and I lived in Central and South America. The "Bionic Man" and "Super Woman" were it!

I understand and see the many concerns re spoilers disguised as guesses. With that in mind, I would like to make the following

--I have queried the authorities on this list re the rules regarding discussing avances. I understand those rules and will abide by them.
--After months, nay, years, of not being able to access a station that broadcasts Univision, I finally have an over the air antenna that allows me to do so. No more Hulu Plus! However, I do not have access to the Mexican stations doing their current TN broadcasting.
--I don't know where to find future episodes
--My guess are simply that, weak guesses which are probably way off the mark.
--You can search my premises if you'd like. :))

My Questions are as follows:

--Amelia has been doing a lot of visiting over the past two episodes (Fabiola, Pedro, Esme, etc)Do we know how much time has actually elapsed? If Pedro did not get up and move about on his own, Amelia seemed to me to be a logical choice as to being his helper simply because she was to return to the house with her things With all of her visiting, could she have actually found the time to work helping Pedro into her schedule?

--At what point could Fofito havemade the CHOICE to walk away from Pedro? He keeps saying that Pedro "made" him turn bad. Did Pedro make specifics threats to Fofito such that he could not turn away from a life of crime? I do not recall this.

NovelaMaven and Madelaine, I agree that Mad Dog JL will always protect Amelia. It was the REST of the little Blue Water town that concerned me. MDJL's obsession with Montserrat does not allow him to see much further than his own desires/concerns.

At the moment, I do not see anyone in Blue Water with moral authority to protect the populace and the peace.

Who is going to step into the vacuum?


NovelaMaven, I could not fathom that anything short of a catastrope would keep anyone from running to read your recap today.

Divine? Inspired? Intoxicating? All of the above.

"The monsters of entitlement have taken over Aguazul", "Perhaps something like "Congratulations on Getting Scammed Big-Time by your Bio-Mom!"]", "[It is okay to pause the show here for big, whooping belly laughs. Take your time --there may not be too many laughs up ahead.]" and "Admiral Robledo meets with the garbageman" were perfection. But "Daybreak over the Mansion of Broken Hearts on the Sea" was pure poetry.

I so appreciate your translating many of the pivotal lines. But most of all, I continue to delight in your amazing insight: "
Was Mónica Dimitrio's Angélica? A Love the One You're With kind of girl? Will his thoughts turn back to Josefina as quickly as JL's turned back to Montserrat?]". Outstanding...

Like everyone else, I was shocked at the Admiral's horribly premature, unexpected demise. Adolfo, watching the aftemath as he and his henchman "exchange a look devoid of emotion" was chilling.

I had thought and hoped Robledo would be there to catch Carlota after the fall, but it appears as though (as in real life), she will need to pick herself up and survive on her own.

I have caved my friends and do want Esme to forgive Refugio. I have no doubt she will not forget (nor should she), but his tenderness with the child made me tear up. I believe they can recapture their love, especially blessed with their own Angel. The picutre was a lovely touch.

I have yet another confession. I still feel for Adolfo. Yes, no tomatoes please. I hate what he has done yet I am not yet willing to throw him to the wolves as I am Pedro.

I am confused about Graciela's intentions. So, it was Demetrio who she had hoped would go with her? Is she really intending to take Fab or is she hoping Fab is arrested and is planning on sneaking away on her own?

And Pedro...I am wondering if someone totally unexpected is hiding him...I have a theory but I don't want to upset anyone who has been perhaps the sole defender of this particular individual...

I had mixed emotions about Amelia's discussion with Fab. Should she just have waited until Graciela revealed herself (which will be shortly)? Did she need to disillusion Fab after the only few hours of happiness the poor woman has ever known? And even more upsetting, why am I even trying to protect Fab?

Great comments all.

NovelaMaven, thank you, thank you.


This morning, I am still sad at the loss of Robledo.

I am angry at Adolfo's pressuring of Fina to sleep with him. Fina still has a naivete about her that Adolfo can sense. If she only knew of his own preoccupation (I don't think it to be an obsession) with BM, Fina would drop him like a hot potato.

I think now that Graciela has Alejandro's money, she is already showing signs of being "tired" of Fabiola. Did you catch the look on her face when Fabiola was kneeling on the floor kissing Graciela's hand (Graciela was on the couch). Graciela clearly did not want to be touched and had a look on her fact bordering on disgust.

I think Graciela/Laurencia is a worse mother than the witch I just saw in the FELS re-run. That mother had a horrific ending. I cannot wait to see Graciela's anvil.


Ah, Diana, amiga, you just jogged my memory about another point!

What was Graciela's purpose in going to visit Dimitrio and invite him on the trip?

Did she do it only to set up her plan of escape so that no one would suspect her of her bad deeds? Was Dimitrio to be her foil? Her alibi? What?

Given his public rejection of her, Graciela HAD to know he would not buy her phony tears.

What was her purpose in visiting him and making the travel offer?


Diana,i know who is the person you are talking about( Maria)',and no i think Maria was in jail at the time when Peddy was shot,there is no way for her to be able to save Peddy while in custody,besides she has a great fear of him for that nasty beating.I totally cant wait to see the helper reveal himself! Amelia being the helper is possible but i dont find it convincing,i think that her visiting Peddy was in an effort to calm him down,she doesnt love Peddy.Why would someone like her help an utterly unpredictable man who wants to destroy everything that breathes ( Not literarly but men like Peddy on a revenge is a very dangereous thought).Besides i wouldnt think that Amelia would go into the Scoripons nest the 2nd time.

Money is only an inanimate thing. In the right hands it solves problems. It is only when greed enters the situation that it causes problems.

The only taint on that money is Gracie's and Fabiola's lust for it. It has nothing to do with Pedro's delusion that Alejandro was responsible for the accident that made him a capon. When he initially inherited the money and Monse found out he paid her family's debts she told him after the wedding "Don't give her any more." And he didn't until he found out that Juventino was blackmailing her, which he began dealing with himself.

Upon inheriting the fortune Alejandro began reviewing employee payrolls to correct inequities. He began improving the factory workers' lives, and he began to build a community for the rural workers. All things that Ben wouldn't have done. Then Pedro came along with his revenge scheme and Gracie with her schemes was always there.

They are the curse, not the money. Once they're out of the picture there is no reason for Alejandro and Monserrat not to enjoy their wealth as well as doing good things with it.


And i cant believe that Peddy was shot in the heart,you cant really survive a shot like that and i viewed the shooting video many times and you can see clearly that he was shot in the left shoulder,was it a script error or Adolfos lie in fear? Surviving a shot in the heart is very very difficult,even if you have the medical assistance the victim can just die on the table. Even if someone helped Peddy ,that plotline sounds very unrealistic.

I agree. There is no heart to hit.

There wasn't even remotely enough blood on the carpet for Pedro to have been shot in the heart. I've seen other characters walk away with shoulder wounds like his (although considering his lifestyle I'm surprised he could). Again, Adolfo bungled it.

What will probably always be a mystery is Pedro's backstory. It had to take more than the loss of a combo plate to make him the soulless, evil thing that he is.

This comment has been removed by the author.

I agree so much, especially that Monse and Ale would do so much good with the money as happened in the past. This is why I've been asking or wondering how the money will get back into Ale's hands

I think Pedro was a narcisst before losing the comboplate ( Why drive the motorcycle at full speed ,thinking that you wont get hurt? The accident was his own fault Thats already a sign of narcissm)and the loss made it much more worse,his parents probably refused to offer him solace and they agreed to the operation.At that point he might have had some serious relationship with Nadia or he just met her at the time

I think that happened long before he met Nadia. He has never mentioned his parents or any relations.

However, I suspect he was a narcissist already. Narcissism is only ever ended by death.

NovelaMaven thanks for this excellent recap! I loved several lines including: "after 7 years in the Murder Academy of Monterrey, Adolfo is still making rookie mistakes." and "It is okay to pause the show here for big, whooping belly laughs. Take your time --there may not be too many laughs up ahead."

Well I guess no Robledo for Tia Carlotta. :( I know, Carlos didn't think he was such a great guy anyway, but I still kinda liked him.

Fabi's performance is so over the top, even Graciela can't seem to take it with out a glass of redwine. I think she was hoping to take her bebe just so she wouldn't have to be alone with her oversized, ridiculous, lost baby! I don't care that she (the character formerly known as Graciela) got the money, because we know (no spoiler, just TN inevitability) that she is going DOWN before the end of this, and, well... you can't take it with you!

going to read the rest of the commments. Have a wonderful day!

To those concern about spoilers do not Google the show because I was able to read and see clips up to episode 178 so be warned. That is I don't comment because I know what will happen and it would be disingenuous to post shock, surprised and fake guesses(I am not saying anyone is doing that) I enjoy reading the recaps and opinions.

Daisynjay-- I am just now reading the comments and the money did one good thing. Remember early on, Ale gave money to the poor people in his community via the good Padre Hook. I think surely the writers can't afford this early in the show to give back the $. However, wouldn't the money reasonably fall back to her children if some untoward anvil were to fall upon her at the end? And wouldn't it be delicious if she had not thought to stick her long lost hija into that testament?

Gracies testament is irrelevant,the money was not legally obtained ,it was obtained by a fraud and it belongs to Ale.Fabiola empowered herself the fortune with a fraud,a fake will and Gracie supported her by a false testimony and when Fabiola was in the process of losing her money she gave it to Gracie to keep the fortune intact.But thats obviosly not going to work with an emotional manipulator like Gracie/Laurie.

Speaking of the testimony,wasnt that a crime under pressure.When Pedro saved Dim from jail,he said to Gracie that she owes him a favor,i guess the wicked deal in his head was that in exchange that he doesnt reopen the case about Dim,Gracie will have to falsly testify against Alejandro.

Oh and why did the authorities/Navy never investigated Bennies shady dealings? He must have had some deals with Peddy,maybe thats how Pedro and Juvie met in the first place.I hardly believe that a sociopath like Benny obtained his fortune by legal means..If they investigated,Ale would never be able to obtain his fortune or not?


Excellent, hilarious, and including painless (almost) grammar. You always rock.

I especially appreciate your mention that Adm. Robleda was somewhat flawed. I'm a little bit saddened that he's gone but I think that with his demise, Carlota has dodged a major bullet. He said:

"You may be facing some difficult things, and I want you to know that you can always count on me."

Am I the only one who saw that as a little bit creepy and a whole lot predatory?

And JL said,

"Admiral Robledo was very important to me. He gave me so many things,"

Indeed, were it not for the Adm.'s generosity, forgiving nature, and deficiency of scruples, he and Refugio would both be rotting in a Navy brig.

Shouldn't Adm. Robleda's funeral be an important event with lots of dignitaries as well as his sister Prudencia in attendance? At least I hope that he's not short-changed in this regard.

María helping Pedro? Heh heh. Sure.

Montserrat didn't even offer JL a comforting hug over his loss of the Adm. She must be really miffed at him.


"I still feel for Adolfo."

Believe me... I understand.

And it's time for Esmeralda and everyone else (you know who you are) to forgive Refugio... Next!


What a wonderful holiday weekend we are having! Wonderful discussion; wonderful writing, and wonderful comments.

There is excellent sport on the TV and the footballers are driving me crackers! Argentina just scored with an absolutely beautiful goal by Hinguain at 8 minutes in against Belgium.

At Wimbledon, the first time that two ladies born in the '90s played for the Ladies' Championships (which was won by Kvitova, the Czech player) against the first ever Canadian female in the final, Eugenie Bouchard.

I don't have to work today and I am enjoying it all. Hope all of you out there are having fun this holiday, too!


Carlota would have known the Admiral for a long time, as Lauro was his commanding officer before the curtain went up on this tale. Back when Ignacio was a captain Gracie framed JL for a murder he didn't commit and she also took advantage of her position as a (retired) admiral's wife to ask him the favor of transferring JL out of Aguazul. He had no idea what she was really up to. He bent the rules to help JL when he learned the truth.

I don't think he was at all predatory and I think he and Carlota would have made a great couple. That would also have been a thump on the head to Graciela when the time came.

As to the whole issue of Benjamin's will, we don't know where his fortune came from. We don't know what previous dealings he had with Pedro and there was no paperwork about any possible sale of the land on which the marijuana (or whatever ) was being grown. I hate the thought of it all coming from crime; we know the ranch has produced over the years.

But Gracie's last will and testament is a moot point if she even has one. It's stolen money that had been stolen before from its rightful owner.

Who still might have a problem getting it back because remember that Pedro stole the archival copy of it from the relevant government office. Does anyone remember what he did with it?

Wow! I guess a few people ARE plugged in this weekend. What fabulous comments, everyone -- thank you so much for taking the time to read the recap in the first place and then for having the generosity to leave a few words here. The Patio is THE place!

I think I intimidated myself with my NO SPOILERS warning. I had a couple of thoughts that came to me as I was puttering about, making my coffee, doing the dishes and I wanted to share them here. Since most of my speculations are wildly off-base anyway, I figured no one would believe I was posting spoilers. But let me join my friend Fatima and pledge to you that I haven't looked ahead. I offer my Patio archives up for inspection, if necessary. So...

Not spoilers, just guesses:

1) The only person I can imagine helping Pedro is the character formerly known as Graciela. They both hate almost everyone. As long as Pedro agreed to lay off her bebé and her golden girl, I think Graciela would readily ally herself with Pedro.

We know he has safehouses in Aguazul like the one in which he kept Nadia. He could be hiding in any nondescript little house in town.

2) How often have we met a character named "Laurencia"? Isn't it suspiciously close to "Lauro"?

What if young officer Lauro had a romance with a pretty seamstress named Juanita?

What if the Marina sent Lauro away for many months (or years) and by the time Juanita learned she was pregnant, she had no way to let him know? She named her daughter after the girl's father and then languished for the rest of her life awaiting the return that never happened.

What if the beautiful young Holly Golightly creature that enchanted the now middle-aged Admiral Mendoza was, unbeknownst to him, his biological daughter? [He may have known she was a charming fake, but had no reason to connect her to his past with Juanita. He probably never met Graciela's mother -- she would have told him her parents were dead, and maybe by that time, Juanita HAD died.)

I agree totally with you Urban and yes Benny cant possibly gotten 50 million dollars of a fair ,hardworking buisness,he must have had some deals with Peddy,Joaquin said that he was a good "friend" of Benny after all,they must have struck a deal that if Benny allowed Joaquin to traffic the drugs on his hacienda ,Benny would gain some of the riches too.The deal worked for some years until Benny grew tired and decided to stop the mess. Peddy listed Juvie in his deals too because Juvie always wanted the hacienda for himself.I wonder how deeply Gracie was involved in all this since Juvie began poisoning Benny under her orders.And Benny did say in the beginning that he would rather trust more his employed rather than these damn wolves..

And i dont understand the last part of your comment Urban,An archival copy of what,the testament of Lauro? I dont really have that great memory..

@NovelaMaven: Are you trying to say Lauro married his daughter(Graciela) Laurencia Jimenez? Or I am confused? Isn't Lauro her kids dad? Because I heard Amelia say Laurencia is Gracie's real name. Sorry if I got it wrong

Yikes NovelaMaven...are you speculating that Dimitrio and Montserrat are products of incest? Baby, baby, what was in that coffee!? I do like the idea that Graciela might be Pedro's Escape Enabler.

And, what the heck... we ARE free to speculate. I'm honestly not sure what "spoilers" the anonymous poster was worried about the other day. I didn't see any.

I'm still trying to figure out if Graciela already had two tickets, and was figuring on leaving Fabiola at home, and just taking Dimitrio, or what? Was she hoping he would request a compassionate leave of absence while he grieved Monica and re-connected with Mom? Narcissistic yes. Delusional. Also yes.

The look on her face, to me, said she was feeling bad about conning Fabiola. But probably Fatima is right, and that was just annoyance at having to spend any more time with the poor, fawning at-long-last-I've-found-you daughter.

There's a song from the 80's that starts out "She's a cold-hearted bitch..." Guess we can dedicate that to our Not Mom of the Year Graciela.

NovelaMaven, amiga, you bring up an excellent point re the name Laurencia! In fact, I was planning on asking just how common that name was in the Hispanic world. I was ready to look up all of the names of the Saints to figure that one out.

As you know, I've been distracted by the footballers, so I dropped the ball on that question. I still think I am going to look up the names of the Saints just in case, but I so agree with you that you propose an excellent theory!!

...but, Graciela is NO Audrey Hepburn!!! Amiga, no, POR FAVOR!!!


Omg Novela Maven you always astound me with your theories!,it would hilarious if Laurencia was Lauros daughter,that would make him the father and the grandpa of his children :) Laurie ,at some point must have made her official name Graciela Giacintti, it wouldnt benefit her having Lauro know of her true origins. And as for the paperwork for the sale of Bennys part of hacienda,Peddy must have eliminated the papers or there werent any papers at all and all the deals were commited in secret,with no actual documents signed. Maybe these documents were on the computer that Adolfo formatted .

This comment has been removed by the author.

OK, just took my eyes of Lionel Messi to find:

That there are at least two St. Laura's (possibly 3) that are listed as Catholic saints and one Laurentia who was beatified by Pope John Paul in the early 2000s.

Still...there is that "Laura" connection.

HOLY COW, NovelaMaven, what if you are right?!



CountX, I guess we'll have to wait for the story to unfold to learn how Graciela assumed her new identity, although at this point, with Lauro dead and his inheritance squandered, it wouldn't change anything.

Victoria Gomez, you could certainly be right that José Luis is dragging his feet on arresting Fabiola. Putting her in jail, however, wouldn't really give anyone joy, probably not even Alejandro and certainly not Montserrat. Freezing her accounts was the important thing. Unfortunately, by the time the order was issued, the accounts were empty.

I am so sorry you had to live through such a terrible tragedy. What a blessing that you had your father and your partner to help you work through your sorrow and loss.

AuntyAnn, thanks so much for answering Victoria's question about the amount of money being transferred. Not chump change, but Graciela could easily blow it all on a little place on the Côte d'Azur and be back in Aguazul with her begging bowl in months :D


"Don't be so quick to question Monse's intelligence over this. We have a human expectation and even a need to be loved by our parents. Monse wants to believe her mother can change."

You are, of course, completely right in this. Thank you for the reminder.

OY. That was ..."off of Lionel Messi".


Yeah NovelaMaven we need to see more of Gracies past,on how she assumed her identity,like i commented before i think Laurie had her name made official ,so that she has two official names,Laurencia and Graciela.Just like in Corazon Indomable where our protangoist has two different names .I am convinced that Bennys fortune wasnt made by legal activities but from a life of crime.We need to see more off his past life activities as well.

Sometimes, parents don't love their children. I've never understood this.


Romy, yes, I am suggesting/speculating wildly that Lauro Mendoza unwittingly married his own daughter, Laurencia Jiménez. It is the stuff of Greek tragedy...and Mexican telenovelas.

Cheryl, I'm always delighted to see you here. I don't see how Graciela can take Fabiola with her without immediately exposing herself as a fraud. It's one thing to boast about the ancestral home from the safety of Campeche, another to sustain the lie on Italian soil.

About that future (and conditional) use -- I learned about that from a teacher in Guatemala when I was just starting to study Spanish. When I started listening for it, I discovered that it was actually very common. In my mind, I call it The Book of Love Future (Oh I wonder, wonder, wonder wonder who... ). Sorry. [snort]

Wow. It's not like incest hasn't been dealt with before in novelas. And by Daniela Castro, no less.

The idea that she is also Lauro's daughter is monstrous, but it would fit right in with this story. I don't think she knows.

Did the writers even think about this until now?

Maybe hiding Pedro is the favor he demanded of her and the trip to Europe is a sham.

About Benny's money. Some of it was legally made. Remember the factory Benny had in Aguazul that Ale had Victor run, while Ale and Monse were living at the hacienda? This factory was doing so well, Ale was about to expand it.

Oh and Peddy and EZ reminded me of Frank Underwood from House of Cards ,that guy is insane,he does so much harm to people only to further his political carreer and what can be better,he is the protangoist and in the series he is now the President Of The Unites States!! He will certaintly have a huge anvil falling on him,i cant wait to see it:)

My dear JudyB,

Thank you once again for your astonishingly generous close reading. Your comments make me feel that I have just gotten an A+ from the cleverest, kindest writing prof on the faculty. We on the Patio are all your adoring students, Miss JudyB!


I love the image of you enjoying a rare lazy Saturday morning at home with your guys sleeping late in the next room. I'm flattered that you chose to fit this recap in and delighted that you enjoyed it.

I suppose the Robledo-Carlota happy end we all hoped for was too easy and too obvious. This story just keeps going darker and darker.

"Please don't have Fina hook up with Adolfo."
Maybe I am reading too much between the lines, but I continue to see Fina as a sort of double agent. She knows Adolfo is one of the bad guys, though she doesn't know HOW bad he is. She is holding back because, in her inimitable and gentle fashion, she is PLAYING him. (Or that's what I hope, anyway.)


Thank you for your beautifully composed and thoughtful comment.

"I had thought and hoped Robledo would be there to catch Carlota after the fall, but it appears as though (as in real life), she will need to pick herself up and survive on her own."

Yes! Exactly! We keep getting lulled into expectations of a fairytale ending here and there; over and over, our expectations are confounded by these diabolical writers.

"I had mixed emotions about Amelia's discussion with Fab."

I did too. I thought Fabiola needed to be told, but when Amelia actually laughed out loud I thought OUCH!

I am so glad you liked the recap, my friend.

And the factory might have be doing great but not so great that it would earn him 50 millions..Companies on average barely earn a million,much less 50 millions unless you are a corporation,then i understand.

been doing great*


In the absence of a "Días/Meses/Años Después" banner on the screen or a manic-speed repeated series of suns and moons, I gauge real time by what clothes people are wearing. Even so, I'm not sure if Pedro was shot the day before Amelia was supposed to return with her 'porquería,' or on that very day.

She could be the person helping him. We know she hates him and wants to see him destroyed. But she also wants SOMETHING very specific from him. I don't know what that is. Does anyone?

Once Adolfo accepted Pedro's offer of work, there would have been no EASY out.

And as I said above, this is the opportune time for Padre Hook to show up and fill the moral vacuum in Aguazul.

Thank you for reminding us of the good that Alejandro did and was planning to do with his newly acquired wealth.

CountX and others,
I'm not really into the speculation about the money because the writers will dispose of it in a way that has little to do with practical reality or law. Telenovela law, like telenovela medicine, is entirely inscrutable, I've found.

"Fabi's performance is so over the top, even Graciela can't seem to take it with out a glass of red wine."

Hah! Not only that, after a while I wondering if Graciela might not be succumbing to the lure of the grape herself. Maybe before we're done, she'll be a pathetic drunk too.


If I have made a grammar point (almost) painless for you, my work is done.

"Am I the only one who saw [Robledo's speech to Carlota] as a little bit creepy and a whole lot predatory?"

Um. Maybe.

Amelia did say she was going to call Prudencia. I'm sure Robledo will get the pomp and circumstance befitting his position, though we may not be invited to the services. [How many more big, expensive crowd scenes can this production afford?]


"I still feel for Adolfo."

Believe me... I understand."

Hey Diana, you know where that puts you, right? :D

Ok, for goodness sakes, I FORGIVE REFUGIO. Now can we move on?

Thanks for reminding us about the factory in Aguazul. It would take some pretty shrewd forensic accountants to disentangle the Almonte holdings to decide which monies were tainted and which were legit. I'm not holding my breath.

Hello, all! Thank you, Novela Maven, for that excellent, detailed recap.

I celebrated the 4th north of the border,so it was a very quiet celebration. I am currently sitting on a balcony listening to steel drums from a nearby festival. If daughter would bring me a Mojito , I think that I could almost convince myself that I am in the Caribbean.....but I am not.

I cannot believe that the Captain is gone. Many of us had such high hopes for him and Tia . C'est la vie, n'est ce pas?

As I read about Fab and Mony falling hook, line, and sinker for Gracie's lies, I thought of Michael McDonald's soulful lyrics "What a fool believes he sees."

And where oh where has Undead Ped slithered off to , and when and where will he pop up again ? advance. not give in and sleep with this tragic character. You have no idea what he gas become. That handsome exterior hides a stone cold heart.

Well my hopes for Carlota ending up with a kinder, gentler life were dashed in that blow up, but man they must have had fun setting up that explosion for filming! Carlota is so silly and hare-brained, but won't her neice and nephew look after. Another thought I am just now having. Wouldn't it be fun if the tickets to Italy are really bought but Graciela and Fabi get busted and can't go, well why couldn't Carlota and Rosario get a well deserved break from Camp Blue Disappointment?? Why not? And maybe get an extra ticket and take poor long suffering Amelia along. She sure suffered enough humiliation when Pedro summarily dismissed her as wife when he recaptured Nadia.

And how oh how can we save Adolfo or at least his eyelashes, longest by far in all of Telenovelaland???? I know he has been an assassin too often and I know that he doesn't understand enough about human anatomy to understand that hearts don't ride up above the left collar bone, but isn't he just looking for love like all of us? Sure he picks unlikely candidates like Ali-blinded Maria and out of his class totally Josefina but he is nice to his sister and niece. And I just bet those eyelashes make great butterfly kisses that we all miss from our childhood...

Rebecca and all: Oh, I do agree that at first, Ale tried to do positive things with the money, and that is basically what I implied in the "giving it away". Put it where it can do good and live simply. He's an educated man, though we've not ever been told what his degree is in, and Monse has a successful business. That could keep them happy, healthy and take care of any kiddies. Put the fortune into a foundation and to good use.

Fatima, I saw your question on Adolfo accusing Pedro that he "made" him have the life he does. It was more presented to him that this was his way out of his past troubles and ineptitude, but I've seen moments along the way where he could have stopped, turned people in, waken the money he earned and got the hell out of dodge. I think when he thought Nadia was dead, it could have been viable for him to take a powder and get lost in the States or Europe. Maybe go on a crusade to find his long-lost parents, who knows. If Adolfo has shown one enormous ongoing trait in his path to his demise, it is cowardice. He is a follower for all his bluster, and it's just easier for him to blame someone else than admit he really made the mess himself.


I am just getting over some major dental work, plus there have been some great soccer games on and yes, a big holiday, so I didn't comment yesterday but Elna June I want you to know that I really enjoyed your "The Sting" scenario

Today---NovelaMaven, loved your commentary today also, so very complete. Your line "daybreak over the mansion of broken hearts on the sea" really caught my eye.

Victoria Gomez and others---I am a West Coast guy but do not have cable access to Mexican television
Also I don't speak Spanish but I do watch novelas on Univision. However---you will never get a spoiler or a disguised spoiler from me. I don't want to be spoiled and would not want to spoil things for other people. Besides---I'm late to this party.

Daisynjay---I like your comment about Adolfo---Pretty But A Douche
Bag. Didn't he murder or kill two people?

Why is everyone turned off with Nadia's love scene? Isn't Nadia one of the good people?

NovelaMaven---Tofu hot dogs? I am
married to a Chinese lady who eats a lot of tofu but tofu hotdogs??? Never heard of them.

Carlos---Just want to let you know that I am still laughing at
your mosquito net skirt comment. You out guessed us all. Gracie was wearing it to protect her lovely legs. You're the best Carlos.
the gringo

Yes, Gringo, Nadia...Poor Blind one of the good guys. But a lot of us find her and Victor to be incredibly boring. Sorry.

Vegetarian hot dogs are made with soy products...hence tofu hot dogs. I like my tofu very simple, a few drops of sesame oil on top and some chopped green onions.

And I agree, Carlos' theory on mosquito netting for Graciela's gams was pure genius.

Now back to the Netherlands and Costa Rica!

Since we saw the advance, you could tell that Robledo was going to have a bad day as soon as you saw what he was driving, a piece of crap Mitsubishi it looked like.

Another tip off was that he parks in an unpaved weed-infested lot next to a 20 year black car to go into one of the best restaurants in town.

He was doomed.

BTW, how come they always meet at that same restaurant and sit at that same table, plus with hardly anyone else ever in there?

Graciela's real name is Gaudencia Jimenez.

Holy Cow. 102 minutes in between the Netherlands and Costa Rica and still no score!

Anon@6:08, did you hear "Gaudencia" when Amelia said her name? Gaudencia. That is sure a new one on me. Is that a common name?

NovelaMaven, thank you so much for explaining the time sequences. There are moments I catch myself wondering where we are in terms of days/weeks, etc. It is really hard for me to tell.

Daisynjay, thank you so much for your very well thought out comments about Adolfo. I think his looks go a long way towards fooling people. It was clear he had no heart when he did the job on Robledo. In fact, I was really struck by the look on his face.

What really struck me about your comments was about his cowardice. You are so right. It has been about his cowardice all along, hasn't it? Thank you again. :))


Gaudencia is not what I heard cause I was not watching that capitulo.
I catch up by reading summaries on Univision and facebook and Rullinatics blog, for the novela and they have Gracielas real name as Gaudencia Jimenez.

Graciela's real name is Gaudencia Jiménez, not Laurencia.

Thank you so much, anon @ 06:20 PM EDT. :))

NovelaMaven what thinkest thou re Gaudencia?



When I watched, I wasn't sure what I was hearing. So I googled the reference and found both Gaudencia and Laurencia. I listened again and it sounded more like Laurencia to me, so I went with that. However, I just checked the Televisa summary site that the anonymous commenter refers to (I think) and they do, indeed say that the name is GAUDENCIA.

So Gaudencia may very well be correct. I'm sure we'll have an opportunity to hear the name many times again and know for sure.

Oh, well. If that's it then there's another theory shot.

But, let's face it: Neither Monse nor Dimitrio would deserve that.


Oh well. [heh heh]

Well, it was a darn good and exciting theory while it lasted!!! I liked it. :))

Costa Rica has just lost to the Netherlands in penalty.

I'm bummed, but Lionel Messi and company of Argentina move to the semi-finals. :)


NovelaMaven: "That fewer than usual will be reading this recap is a thought I find oddly liberating. Hm?"'s only Saturday evening here, and with 94 comments so far,I think a lot of us have been reading your recap! I'm a little late, but wouldn't miss it! :-)

Your first paragraph summed it up quite nicely. Everyone has already mentioned a lot of what were also my favorite lines, but this one stood out for me big time:
"Ezequiel is furious. He can't believe that after 7 years in the Murder Academy of Monterrey, Adolfo is still making rookie mistakes. "I shot him in the heart," protests Adolfo feebly (feebly since first, no one can be sure Pedro has a heart; and second, if he does, it must be vanishingly small and therefore, a nearly impossible target."

It reminded me of the Grinch, but in reverse. Also, as I mentioned on the comments that day, Adolfo has shown us that he is an expert marksman, yet he seems to have failed in killing Pedro. No spoiler here, I also like being surprised, but I don't think Pedro is dead. When he is least expected, he will strike. There is a lot of speculation that it could be Amelia who helped him, but I doubt it. She has been too busy going back and forth. Even offering to stay with Esme for a few days. So if she were helping Pedro still, wouldn't she be at his side, faking obedience and tending to him?

By the way, I loved the scene with Refugio and little Angel. I hope Esme forgives him soon and they can work on being a family again.

As for Robledo's death, that was very unexpected. I too had high hopes that he would be there for Carlotta. Hoping to see Prudie at the funeral. Maybe she'll stick around for a while and do some good in Aguazul.

Speaking of funerals, I noticed that at Monica's funeral the other day, only people that knew her from work or Dim's side were there. When she was introduced I don't remember what they said about her family. Did she have any parents, siblings or relatives that would have come to mourn her loss? Just strange I guess, unless they forgot to notify her kin.


By the way, regarding Gracie's real name, I thought I too heard Laurencia, and the captions said the same. Had never heard of the name Gaudencia, so I looked it up and was surprised that it does exist. According to, "the Spanish name Gaudencia means - happy, content". Ironically, that is not who Gracie is, far from happy, and not matter how much money she has, never content.


Maricruz, thank you so much for that tid bit on the "Gaudencia" name. We always hear so many interesting names on the TN. I love it. :)


Gaudeamus Igitur - Let us rejoice therefore

There are lots of versions of this traditional graduation song on YouTube, but this is the only one I found with the words in both Latin and English.

"Gaudy Night" is a festive night or an annual dinner, especially a university dinner. It's also the title of one of my favorite mystery novels by one of my favorite writers, Dorothy Sayers.

Unfortunately, as much as I'd like to say that "gaudy" (as in ostentatious and tasteless) is related to Gaudencia, Gaudeamus and Gaudy Night, I can't say for sure. My favorite sources say it is questionable.

Maricruz, this is all your fault. Well, maybe not totally -- Fatima was egging you on. (Not to mention our anonymous friend).

And I still think it sounds like Laurencia. [snort]

I hope that someone managed to make you that Mojito or something equally evocative. Let's hope that Fina can hear your advice. She is one of the few people in Aguazul who still has a real shot at happiness.

It's good to see you here! I hope your mouth is feeling ok after the dental ordeal. Yowza.

Yes, tofu hot dogs are a thing, as JudyB explained.

And yes, we all like Nadia, but at episode 168, she and Victor are just a tad less interesting than they once were. Sorry. We get a little punchy and irreverent around here, as you know.

Oxnard Huero,

I also found my thoughts wandering to the restaurant. (Is this really The Only Restaurant on the Malecón in Aguazul (TORMA)? I don't have a great visual memory, so it's easy to fool me by switching the decor a bit. But I couldn't tell whether they even tried to do so.

I'm sure you're right about the car -- if the Admiral had been driving a Tundra, the Toyota people would never have let anything happen to him.


"I noticed that at Monica's funeral the other day, only people that knew her from work or Dim's side were there. When she was introduced I don't remember what they said about her family. "

I don't remember anything being said about her family. Poor Monica. Minor characters get only minimal background (heck, we're still scratching our heads over the mysterious Argüelle parents).

Come to think of it, who but the cental figures have any family at all? Not Esmeralda or Refugio, not JL, not Victor, not Dominga or Macario...

Thanks for the sleuth work on Gaudencia!

Daisynjay, I know Fatima already alluded to it, but I'm going to quote your comment about Adolfo because it is so apt:

"If Adolfo has shown one enormous ongoing trait in his path to his demise, it is cowardice. He is a follower for all his bluster, and it's just easier for him to blame someone else than admit he really made the mess himself."

But then again, he sure has pretty eyes. :)

NovelaMaven!! Dorothy L. Sayers and "Lord Peter Wimsey"!!!!!

Yes. I admit it. I WAS egging Maricruz on. :)) I want to get to the bottom of this name.

Can you believe that they had poor Robelo, an admiral no less, driving that little heap of a car?! I almost started laughing when I saw it.


Robledo. Robledo. Robledo. OY!


Great recap, I find myself asking....are some of you recappers profesional writers, screenwriters. Pretty good commentatirs too . NovelaMaven, you had me going with your theory about Lauro and Laurencia, my mind was racing. Well, we still dont know what the end holds do we?
I was shocked to see the Admiral stuffed into a small cheap auto. No respect there. Btw, I found him to look so hot when he was wearing the khaki uniform at Pedros house. He turned my head, what a man. (He was). It would seem kinda logical that JL would be next Admiral, because he possesses certain leadership skills, but hopefully he wont get corrupt. He is too focused and obsessed w Montse. It wouls almost seem expected that he would promote Refugio. I agree with the person that at some point Dimi could also get Admiral position , just not quite yet. As i think about Fina, I also agree and hope that Fina is playing Adolpho because they need his help. It eould not surprize if she confessses ti him that she knew he was Alacran. In S.A. I can still hear firecrackers going off. Nite everyone

Fatima and NovelaMaven, glad to be of service ;-)
I actually went back and rewatched that part a few times, and momentarily I heard Laurencia, but then it sounded more like Gaudencia. Go figure! Perhaps she can be known as Gaudy Gracieless. Lol!


Gauda is in my country a type of cheese so Gracie is now a Cheese Filled Gracie!!. Cheese Gracie nobody is gonna eat you!

Its always better to be a Cheese Filled Gracie then a Lead Filled Gracie!!

Which would explain her cheesy fashion sense, I guess.

Just a heads-up that tomorrow's recap will post automatically at 10 right as the credits are rolling. It's long with a lot of pictures.

Thats nice Urban,wait does Blogger has some sort of timer that you can set that it posts the recaps at that exact time? Thats amazing! Oh and Caray Caray and the recaps now gives me no more reason to read WikiPeddyia which is always nice!

Yes, it does. I learned about it a few years ago when I was going to be at the Met for Das Rheingold on a Monday night. I set the timer to coincide with the credits so that anyone jazzed by a serious cliffhanger can read immediately.

NovelaMaven and Elna June - Gracias for sacrificing your time away from the July 4th fireworks to give use the fireworks going on in Aguazul. It's been a pleasure poring over every word.

Also fun catching up on all the comments. My dearest Karmageddon wish for Graciela is that she winds up in dire straights fleeced by some bogus Italian nobility and none of her bebes come to her rescue cause she's already cried wolf too many times. I want to see her suffering alone.

A highlight for me was Dim getting his snark back. As for Fabiola, I didn't expect her to be so gullible, but then she had been neglected all her life.

Poor Robledo. He was so naïve about how low the bad guys would go, but at least he got a chance to alert Carlota. Might we see the return of his sister Prudencia? Hate to see her in mourning again, this time for her brother, but she's one smart chick and maybe could rattle JL.


Great point about Prudencia. She went to bat for JL back in the day and has a great perspective on the injustices in these situations.

However, I don't think we were invited to the funeral.

I do hope we get a new admiral who gets curious enough about his predecessor's death to investigate. And maybe he's a widower with teen kids who need a nice madrastra.

Hey everyone, you'll be happy to hear, I'm sure, that a few chairs have opened up at the Table of Crackpot Theorists on the Patio.

Of course, you are always welcome to graze from table to table, or use your EZ-Come/EZ-go chairs to roll on over and chat. No commitment, no money down, and nothing to pay EVER.

Novella Lover, it is nice to hear from you. I think the admiral would be pleased to know you thought he was looking hot the other day.

I agree that though JL may be mad as a hatter, he is a natural leader. But he has been kicked out of the Marina twice, so I'm not so sure he would be in line for the big guy's chair.

Niecie, I do love the idea of Graciela meeting her match in the form of REAL fake Italian nobility. Ha!

It would be hard to see Prudencia grieving again, but she might very well the one with enough gravitas to be able to "rattle JL's cage."

Fatima, Lord Peter Wimsey would have had No Nuts Medina and the Garbageman in gaol seven years ago (but then we would have missed this AWESOME extension.*)

*Just Kidding (JK™)

I am THRILLED, thrilled, I tell you, to be a part of The Crackpot Theorists!!!

Yippee!! I love it!! I can have a pretty wacko sense of humor, so this is just up my alley. Thank you, NovelaMaven!

Plus, I can just see our Lord Peter Wimsey up against No Nuts Medina! Can't you just see it now?! :))


P.S. I think The Crackpot Theorists need to be trade marked. Could you please see to that, NovelaMaven? Mil gracias. :)

Fatima, I keep my Intellectual Property Specialist on speed-dial for just such occasions.

The Crackpot Theorists™

I wonder who is worse Frank Underwood ( House of Cards) or WikiPeddyia No Nuts Medina:). I wonder if they could be frienda,atleat Frank doesnt torture his wife:) But he is corrupt too and he is also the President of The United States in the series and he is also the protangoist..




Member, The Crackpot Theorists :))

Dear Novela Maven:

I am running to take an empty seat at The Crackpot Theorist's Table. Whew.
As someone who has posted many a wrong guess at to TN outcomes, most of them more gruesome than the actual plot, I feel—referring to your THEME—even ENTITLED to a seat.

I am QUITE sure I belong here, and not at some SpoilersRUs support group. "Hello, my name is Elna June, and I have a predilection to post actual spoilers and pretend that they are the products of my fertile imagination."

To the best of my knowledge I am the only Blogger of 'Robo' who lives on the West Coast, although there may be (are) many commenters who so reside. I do not have access to Mexican TV channels, I have not watched ahead, and have never, to the best of my knowledge, posted a spoiler.

So, I trust that that qualifies me to join The CCT.

May I first say that I truly admired your crackpot theory, Maven, that involved a possible incest plot. It was—inspired. You should check out some conspiracy theory websites—they have been an immense help in the development of my Crackpot Theory creation skills.

There you may find out the TRUTH about JFK's assassination, the Illuminati and Roswell. I know you have been (secretly) dying to know the answers to many such burning questions. Don't deny it.

My Crackpot Theory of the Hour is that Amalia is helping Peddy because she wants to get the Truth from him, about her husband, the late and unlamented Joaquin Arechiga. How long was he involved in trafficking? What other dirty business might he have been up to? She, being from a wealthy family herself, never questioned the source of Joaquin's millions. I theorize that she still feels shamed and duped and wants to try to sort out her feelings for and beliefs about her husband and fahter of her children. Pedro is the only person who can answer those questions as Don Benjamin Almonte, another close associate of Joaquin's, is long dead.

What say you, dear Novela Maven? What say you Patio?

Elna June


The Crackpot Theorists™--Love the idea NovelaMaven!!! Speaking of which, you brought up a theory, that Graciela could in fact be Lauro and Juanita's daughter, when the discussion was on about her name being Laurencia.

Here's another crazy idea (no spoilers, just me having nothing to do on this cloudy Miami day): what if Ben, took after his own dad, in his mean spirited and love for raping the servants, and therefore also came across a young Juanita, mending his own family's clothes, and Gracie is the product of that? She could be Ben's sis!


Elna June:
"I am QUITE sure I belong here, and not at some SpoilersRUs support group. "Hello, my name is Elna June, and I have a predilection to post actual spoilers and pretend that they are the products of my fertile imagination."

OMG, you are too much! I can't stop lauging!!! :-)


Dear Elna June and Maricruz,

It is abundantly clear that you BOTH deserve a seat at The Crackpot Theorists' Table. And yes, EJ, you are even, as you point out ENTITLED to one.

Maricruz, your kinship theory has legs, I admit, but just puzzling out the consequences is giving me a headache. So Graciela would be Alejandro's tía? And he and Montserrat would be primos hermanos? I can't do this in my head. I need charts! I need visual aids!

EJ, as to your Crackpot Theory of the Hour, I like it, but with some reservations. I have the sense that Amelia wants to get INSIDE THE HOUSE because she is looking for something tangible that will give her answers to SECRET QUESTIONS.

BTW, does anybody mind the cinematographer at the table? We're working on a docudrama about Crackpots on the Patio.

It is quite an honor to have a seat at The Crackpot Theorists' Table. Thank you NovelaMaven! ;-)

I don't really like the storylines dealing with incest, but that came to mind as a possible reason why Gracie thinks she deserves Ben's money as well. But boy would that make her even more sick than she already is!


Novela Maven:

I am OK with the cinematographer; as long as he catches me from my good side.

Oh, and no shots showing the extra chins, either. They are such a disappointment.

Maricruz: I see that we share a wicked sense of the ridiculous. They are many of such here on the Pation. Fist bump.


Sorry for posting so late, but I'm finally home where I can comment on something besides a iPad.

Wonderful recap, NM, I enjoyed reading it between flights. Written like the chapter in a juicy novel-I would have to quote the whole thing to tell you the parts I loved.
But, particularly:
He can't believe that after 7 years in the Murder Academy of Monterrey, Adolfo is still making rookie mistakes. "I shot him in the heart," protests Adolfo feebly (feebly since first, no one can be sure Pedro has a heart; and second, if he does, it must be vanishingly small and therefore, a nearly impossible target.)
and of JL, "He walks her out in lockstep." What a picture, subtly states it exactly.

I keep seeing comments about Robledo as being corrupt; but I don't remember seeing any actions that were corrupt. He did some things based on personal bias and some on ignorance, but I didn't see any abuse of power at all that was like Pedro or EZ or even now JL.

Robledo's death was caused by Adolfo and that other henchman in the car with him--is this the favor EZ wanted from Adolfo?

I think Pedro just got up of the floor after Adolfo left and before the Navy and the JL police arrived, and is hiding in his estate. That place has hiding places and plenty of electronic surveillance. Amelia might be helping him as part of her subterfuge to ultimately destroy him.

Really puzzled why Gracie asked Dim to go to Italy, it seems evident that Gracie has no intention to go to Italy; but will offer to meet Fabs there, perhaps. Then she will simply let Fabs be arrested before they go and feign surprise and ignorance. My contribution at The Table of Crackpot Theorists.

Fatima and DaisynJay: In addition to Adolfo, Pedro is also a coward. Bullies are generally cowards.


To the best of my knowledge I am the only Blogger of 'Robo' who lives on the West Coast, although there may be (are) many commenters who so reside.

Oxnard Huero is very sad.


I am so sorry to have offended. Lo siento.

I thought that the earlier comment about us West Coasters referred to those of us with responsibility to write a weekly blog, as opposed to the wonderful folks who blog their comments and conspiracy theories.

I DO remember your locale, and treasure your blogging comments.

Again, my apologies.


Am i the only one who still remembers that Graciela was the one who PAID juventindo to slowly posion benjamin almonte i hope this comes to light one day and graciela pays in jail for what she did...somehow maybe maria might say it was graciela.....she does not deserve forgivness

Emarie. I'm so glad you got home safely and are now able to turn your full attention to the things that really matter.

"I think Pedro just got up of the floor after Adolfo left and before the Navy and the JL police arrived, and is hiding in his estate.".

I like it. Elegant and simple. Well done, my friend. Have a seat with us -- our motto is "You don't have to be a crackpot to sit at The Crackpot Theorists' Table, though it doesn't hurt."

I have no idea why Gracie invited Dim to Italy. Wishful thinking? The scene DID serve as a way for the writers to show us her complete indifference to the news of Robledo's death (compared to everyone else's horror and grief). I suspect you are right about Gracie's plans for pathetic Fabiola.

About Robledo: early in the story, because of his personal relationship with Lauro, he allowed Graciela to steer him into making unwise and unprofessional decisions.

EJ, you raise a good point about flattering camera angles and redundant chins. I believe we will need a good supply of paper bags at the table; also we can count on strategic blurring of identifying features (you know, the way Uni likes to obscure the naughty bits on classic statues).

Oxnard Huero,
How could you think EJ was overlooking you? ¡Jamás!

Maricruz, yeah, incest isn't exactly my favorite either, as plot lines go. But we are so far past unsavory and shocking (a car bomb is as hideous as it gets), that, well...

Is anyone aware on how the filmers made the scene with the car explosion? How did the actor got out of it safe and sound? I understand how they film shots but any kinds of explosions are pretty much very hard to understand for me,could anyone explain?

Anon, no, you're not the only one who remembers. We've alluded to Graciela's responsibility for Benjamin's death several times. The last time was when she went to see Maria in jail and threatened to accuse her of murdering Sandro (she had the gun and the disguise) if Maria said anything about it to the judge.

Maria obviously took the threat seriously because her testimony put the blame on Juventino alone.

I can see Gracie more easily as Pedro's accomplice. She has far more motive:

With Alejandro stripped of his cash she wouldn't care what happened to him; she knows that Pedro is out to get him although she has no idea what for. She would help give him Alejandro on a silver plate. If Pedro succeeded in killing him she would still have her prize Barbie doll married to someone with much dinero.

JL needs to tell Amelia that he has the suicide note that incriminates Pedro. She can confirm the handwriting and that's the end of Pedro.

I believe something very sinister will be revealed about Grace's beginnings, not just that she was raised by a single mom in little tin hut. Since we are having fun with madcap theories, can I dare suggest that maybe Gracie's mom was like her too. Maybe she participated in selling of her daughter at some level. I think we automatically think of Gracie's mom to be like Rosario, a victim who loves her son deeply. I mean where does Grace get that venom from? Why is she so damaged? Perhaps she is just a "bad seed?" I remember thinking how Padre used to be around her, uncomfortable, well she makes everyone uncomfortable, what I am trying to say is he reminded me of a priest approaching an excorcism. Very eery to me.

Urban, agree that JL needs to show that note to Amelia, but he only has bursts of clear thinking. I think his bad thinking is rapidly overtaking what ever good thinking he has had (in this particular point in the story).

Emarie, I think Graciela's going to visit Dim and ask him on the trip was simply to set up an alibi. I do think Graciela capable of indirectly harming (physically, mentally, and otherwise) Fabiola. I got a very bad vibe off that Graciela as they were sitting there planning that trip.

If we think about it, Graciela was getting a little high on herself telling Fabiola the "story" of her upbringing in Italy. Even though she know she is making it up, what worried me was that she figured no one would find out (yes, we know that Amelia knows the truth)about this story because Fabiola just might not be around to tell that little story.

As to the cinematographer, NovelaMaven, absolutely bring this person on board! I love artistic types. :))

Member, The Crackpot Theorists

elna june, I think Nanette is a West Coaster!

Member, The Crackpot Theorists

Dear NovelaMaven--At last I am reading you in real time. You are up to your usual above par recap. Can't compete with 125 comments saluting you and the goings on in Aguazul. So, just accept my gratitude and know that I savored and enjoyed every word.

The best scene in the whole episode was Graciela walking in on Dimmy and their exchange. It actually sounded better in Spanish, but it was still funny in English where she claims to have changed and he wonders if she was transformed just walking through the door.

I didn't see the avances, so I wasn't prepared for the shock of seeing Adm. Robledo go up in the explosion. Especially after all we speculated about him and Carlota being uno para el otro at the El FIN. In this case, we can't say that "if there's no body, he's probably not dead," no?
Still, I mourn him more than I did Monica.

Did Graciela really think Dimmy would drop everything and pack his bags to leave with Mommie Dearest the next morning? I think she knew he would say no, but it was probably so that when she DOES leave Aguazul, everyone will think she went on to Italy by herself.

Meanwhile, poor deluded Fabs. Notez Bien: This is the first time I have EVER seen a character have 3 (three) items of matching luggage to go on a trip. I recently watched a dejected and ejected and rejected Melania over on La Impostora leave the household employ after 30 years with one suitcase. Bah! Fabs comes across as much more realistic. Does anyone wonder how many suitcases it will take to hold all of Graciela's tablecloths, lace, mosquito netting, jewelry and make-up? Maybe she plans to buy fresh when she's out of Agua.

I think Montse and Ale will be the most surprised of all when the judge tells them there is no cash to speak of to freeze in Fabs bank accounts. They won't be blaming Gracie, at least not at first. They'll blame Fabs for spending it all at once and in one place.

Good for Amelia for filling US in with Graciela's backstory. Even her name was fake. I just can't see Amelia having stayed her friend for so long.

Hurry up and re-appear, Pedro. We can't stand the suspense. That goes for you, too, Padre.

Now, on to read the comments! Sorry if this sounds like rehash of the previous 125.


Ha! Now it's 133!

To EJ and all of the excellent writers, you are "recappers". The rest of us, we the masses, are bloggers.

Anyway, I think that Padre Anselmo is the key to solving all of the unresolved herencia and paternidad issues.

But where is he? I thought his spirit was infused in the Tundra that appears in all of the most scenic locations in Aguazul and that he would reappear when Ale reclaimed the Tundra. But when Ale got climbed into a different Tundra, I did not know what to think!

Novella Lover,
More sinister secrets about Graciela's past? ooh, bring them on! We need Padre Hook NOW! He is the memory of this tribe!

Fatima, I like the way you are using your title. Are you having business cards printed too?

How great to see you in Bluewater! We've missed you!
I do love your observations on Fabiola's matched set of luggage. It's usually just one to a customer -- and if you're poor, you get a cardboard box held together with twine! (I'm thinking that wherever Graciela is going, she's planning on buying new. And of course in the reclusorio -- or the grave -- wardrobe shouldn't be a problem. (Though I'm not sure whether there is a dress code in hell.)

Since Italy was her cover for the time she hid out in the convent gestating Fabiolush, it has to be her cover now.

You'd also think that she'd realize after 30+ years of marriage to an Admiral that a military officer can't just drop everything for a vacation. Her offer to Dimitrio was a total sham. After what happened at Monica's funeral she had to know he'd refuse.

Oxnard Huero, I so agree that The Tundra has taken on a life of its own. It is a bit of a jolt, though, when we've just witnessed a suspenseful scene and then that driver less Tundra appears.

Which brings to mind, I guess the TN are no longer into Suburbans and 3/4 ton Ford pickups loaded to the max?! In watching the FELS re-run, it was strictly Suburbans. Guess the tastes are changing in Mexico.

Anita, so glad that you are back! I absolutely agree that Dim was at his funniest when he asked Graciela if she had transformed herself going through the door. The look on his face was priceless. :))

NovelaMaven, funny that you mention my business cards as I was thinking I could have some made up to crack up my colleagues! I was thinking of a cracked black kettle as the logo, but if you could come up with something more interesting, please let me know! My colleagues think I'm such a jokester anyway.

Great minds, NovelaMaven. Great Minds. :)

Member, The Crackpot Theorists

P.S. How do I put that little trademark on there?



Were you really considering cards? That's impressive.

I'd stay away from a black kettle logo though, if I were you. Too witchy, no?

Maybe you should wait and consult Carlos. He is, after all, a genius of the visual metaphor, as his constantly evolving avatars can attest to.

To make this sign ™ on a Mac laptop, you hit the OPTION key and the NUMBER 2 simultaneously.

On a PC, you hit ALT + 0153 on the number pad, making sure the NUM LOCK is on. (I think that will work. It's been a while since I've used a PC.)

NovelaMaven, YES, I was considering the cards! Sometimes, we need to bring some hilarity to our work lives. It can't be all serious all the time. :))

Good idea re consulting Carlos on my logo!!

Thanks for the instructions. Let's see if I can get it right.

Member, The Crackpot Theorists

Thank you NovelaMaven, other recappers and bloggers.

I am simply delighted at the fun and theories being exchanged here.

The sharp, witty retorts have me smiling away and enjoying every word!

The talent here defies description.


Fatima, that's as good a theory as any on Gracie's asking Dim to go to Italy, and Urban I thought the same that she would know he'd say no. And I haven't seen her putting any dresser scarfs, tablecloths and mosquito netting into a matching set of maletas, unless I missed something!

Wow, lots of theories floating around here today.

I am never good at making predictions. When my mother, aunt, sister, and I watched mysteries, they often guessed the murderer, but not me. I must not be very good at observing.

I suppose Ped is off licking his wounds somewhere. He has no relatives or friends , but he does have paid thugs and bodyguards , so perhaps one of his minions found him and dragged him away.

I just hope that Refugio is not in line to take Rob's position. . I want Esme to forgive and take him back so that she does not have to raise little Angel alone. Being a single mother is not easy. However, Ref is dimmer than Dim, so I do not think that he would be up for this challenge.

Susanlynn, on the balcony again listening to the sounds of the African music festival...still no Mojito , but I had a whiskey sour on the rocks at dinner out last night. It is cooler and breezy here...perhaps some rain is coming.


P.s. That three piece set of matched luggage of Fabulush's must be very heavy...all those wine rbottles. Uff

Emarie, I'm glad you liked my "alibi theory"!!

Susanlynn, I make a VERY good Mojito. Just pretend I am sending one to you NOW. :))

Member, The Crackpot Theorists


I think your cards sound grand. Only, like the wise Novela Maven, I would avoid the "Double, double, toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble" allusions.

Heaven forfend that someone mistake YOU for a Weird Sister. Anita,my friend, great to see you. Emarie, welcome back.Susanlynn, I hope you are enjoying your time in wonderful Canada.

NM, I agree. Emarie's theory is by far the cleanest and most elegant.


So true, Elna June.

Besides, A Crackpot Never Boils.


If Fabs is going to Paris and flying First Class, the flight attendants can keep her topped up all the way to gay Paris.

She may be able to avoid paying for the extra weight of all of those bottles. Now that she gave all her money to Mommy Dearest she can no longer afford the overage.

Have I said lately how much I dislike this storyline? Really, I can hardly think of a mother treating her children as Graciela does hers without feeling like crying.


Novela Maven:

That is the funniest pun I have heard in, well, weeks!

"Besides, A Crackpot Never Boils."

Hee hee hee! Haha!


Novela maven...I don't know about that....I have seen some crackpots boil. Gracie is most definitely a crackpots who is constantly bubbling and boiling. addition to snarling and growling.

Elna June..hub and I are having a relaxing and joyous vacation here visiting our older daughter, son-in-law, and 18-month-old grand girl. However, the 4th was eerily quiet for us here....just a greeting of "Happy 4th" from some American gardeners here for a convention or something.i did sing "The Star Soangled Banner" for my Canadian son-in-law while we were on a walk along Lake Ontario. He told the grand girl not to listen to Nan. Humph.

It looks as if those instructions for ™ don't work for you, so try this:

Open this webpage:

Click on the character you want (the ™ happens to be on the lower left side of the page), and then simply paste the character into your document.

Of course, you can just copy and paste this:

Member, The Crackpot Theorists™

Yes, of course you are right. Well what can you expect from a Crackpot Theorist?

EJ, are you, um, cackling?

Back atcha!
I love your comments. They are always smart, always kind, and always exquisitely written.

elna june, I am SO glad you like my idea for a business card. I agree with you and NovelaMaven that I do need to avoid the black kettle. I might be goofy, but I am definitely not weird (at least, in my mind, I am not!).

NovelaMaven, you are right. I couldn't get the PC to budge an inch when trying to put in my superscript "TM". I will copy and paste and will save that page you posted for future reference!!

Now, Carlos just has to come up with a logo for me.

I LOVE it!!

Member, The Crackpot Theorists™



is this the type of logo that you pictured?


Cap'n Robledo more or less went along with Gabriela in railroading JL for the killing of Bruno Gamboa and then illegally held him incommunicado not even allowing him access to a lawyer, arranged his illegal transfer in which Refugio aided JL in an escape during which a completely innocent Lt. Avellenada was murdered by Refugio, then later at the behest of him domineering sister, Prudencia, Angie's godmom took both JL and Refugio back into the Corps without so much as a slap on the wrists, and shortly thereafter promoted JL. In my book that is both criminal and corrupt... of course... opinions may vary.



You genius of the visual metaphor, you!

However, what in the heck is it?

Member, The Crackpot Theorists™


Thanks for the excellent recap. As always it was awesome and so well written. Sorry I am late to the party, but I had to work (as usual) and was short on time. I just finished reading the comments. WOW! At last check It think it was at 154. I think the record for this TN is 200+?

I love reading everyone's thoughts on how Peddy got away and Fabby's future. I have to agree with those who say that Amelia helped Peddy. She wants to gain his trust again, and what better way than to help him. Besides she was going to move back in the house, and we didn't see her show up later. So logically, she showed up after Adolfo left and before the police and Marina got there and she helped Peddy get away. Question is where is he? Maybe in a private hospital, or as someone already mentioned, one of Peddy's safe houses. If Amelia took him to a hospital, she could have told the doctors that some narcotraficantes were after the governor and tried to assassinate him. Or Amelia simply paid some corrupt doctors off.

Fabby is in for a big surprise. I think that the cops will show up to arrest her and she will go to jail. Also, since we all know how sneaky Gracie is, I wouldn't doubt that she transferred all the money to an off shore account, where the authorities won't be able to touch or trace it. If the police are able to get a confession out of Fabs about where she put her money, then she will realize what a mistake she made in trusting Gracie. Poor, Poor Fabiola!

Need to feed the dog...hasta pronto!


The logo you created for Fatima is absolutely fabulous.

I predict that Fatima will be thrilled with it and demand a JPEG immediately.

I also appreciate your careful recreation of the late and (by some) lamented Admiral Robledo's 'Ductile System of Ethical and Honorable Behavior'.

NM, yes, you have me cackling today.

Elna June

Dear Fatima,

Look closely and you will see a clay pot in shards or a cracked pot.

Carlos, you never disappoint! Thank you! And thank you too for your detailed (if not entirely objective) account of the sins of poor old Robledo.


Thanks for stopping by. So glad you enjoyed the recap. So you are of the Amelia school on the question of WHERE'S PEDRO? You could be right!

EJ, as Sylvia would say --


How about this?



...and here I thought I was looking at a cracked skull!!!

Carlos, you have an incredible imagination and I love it!!

I think I like the first one better, but I am going to sleep on it; look at it in the morning,and then you will have to send me the jpeg!

THANK YOU, dear Carlos!!!!!

Member, The Crackpot Theorists™


Aunty Ann,

Thank you for joining me in my "Amelia Helped Pedro" Crackpot theory. :))

Member, The Crackpot Theorists™


Thanks for the recap, Novela Maven.

What did Monse have to do with the con? I don't get still don't get it. Gracie did not harm her. She gets Alex, and he gets his name back. Though why he is fighting to prove that he is the son of a sadistic rapist, I will never know. He wants his son to have that name and I don't know why.

I think I remember Gracie telling the maid to pack her luggage as she was returning home from Fab's and going up the stairs at Carlota's.

Boy are the theories flying fast and far-fetching! I don't understand why so many think Pedro had help. There wasn't that much blood on the floor where he fell so obviously Adolfo hit him in the shoulder, as previously blogged. Making it easy for the SOB to get up on his own. But how he knew about the police raid is beyond me since they hadn't gone into the household grounds yet.


I will attempt to answer your question.

The reason I saw Montse as Graciela's mark is because Graciela, offended by her offspring's public rejection of her (and preference for Rosario) at the Admiral's funeral, decided to make a last ditch effort to get her kids back under her control.

She set Macario up to tell Montserrat that she had the will. She also set Macario up with the dramatic idea that she had to choose between her two daughters—To whom would she give the will?

Montserrat, upon learning from her mother of Fabiola's identity as her half-sister, bitterly imagines that Gracie will give the will to Fabiola as some kind of reparation for not being there for Fabiola.

Instead, after stringing Montse along with the sad story of Fabiola's dreadful life that was calculated to pull Montse's sympathy in Fab's direction, Gracie praises Montserrat and hands the will over to Montse.

Having 'chosen' her favorite daughter by choosing happiness for Montserrat she begs Montserrat for another chance. Montse, even though she has a soft spot for her Mom, has learned some things about her Mother.

As a condition to prove Graciela's sincere repentance of her greedy, money grubbing ways, Montserrat asks her Mother to renounce the deal she made with Ale—the deal that he will give Gracie his entire fortune if he can only have the will back and prove his innocence of the crimes with which he is charged. This would also return Montserrat to him as his legal wife, and the Almonte's can live happily ever after.

Graciela agrees to Montserrat's condition by saying she now does not want anything from Alejandro.

Can Montserrat believe that her avaricious mother has changed her ways? Of course not. Montse forgave Graciela because she believes her mother is giving up evil Don Benjamin's millions.

In reality, Gracie gives up her deal with Ale because she has already set up Fabiola and is going to scam HER cash.

She gave up Ale's (theoretical) money because Ale's money is currently Fabsie's money, and she planned to con Fabiola out of her cash with the threat of Alejandro going to the police to demand that they arrest Fabiola for fraud. Fabiola must HURRY to do something to protect her money from the police.

So—Double or triple con, depending on how you count it. She stung Fabs for the $50 or so million that Fabiola stole from Alejandro AND Montserrat is giving her another chance because her Mother renounced her deal with Ale and Ale has no fortune to recover from Fabs.

Graciela gave up exactly nothing in return for her daughter's trust.

She has her cake and is eating it too.

Elna June

Sorry,everyone but i find the Amelia theory to be complete nonsense,you do not know what it is to go to the scorpions nest for the second time,do you even imagine living with the "man" for seven years and who is also responsible for the suicide of her ex husband and many other things like almost beating Esmeralda to death,ordering the beating of Victor,kidnapping Nadia and Victoria etc ? The thought of Amelia celebrating anniversaries with a murderer,each time she makes the dinner,each time she holds a knife she has to combat the thought of killing him for good.. Being married to a non human like Pedro can prove to be very emotionaly difficult. Not only that but why would Amelia go to Pedro again when she is perfectly aware on what kind of danger Pedro is to anyone,she is not so retarded that she would think that Pedro would spare her.Also she has Virginia abroad ,she must be dying to see her ,why after these seven years would she abandon her again?

I am wondering that perhaps Countxalacran has point. Then i thought that maybe Pedro was wearing a bullet proof vest or that Fofo really messed up.

Thanks Carlos for reminding me of exactly what Robledo did to JL and how he didnt seek justice for the innocent marine that Refugio killed. I had totally forgot about that, I couldnt figure out why the negative towards him, now I understand. I was glad when he let JL and ref back into corp, and promoted JL. However that sure was not right about the murder of Ofcr Avellando, as if his life didn't matter.

Maybe Pedro was wearing it and the wound was not so big,he could have gotten up and there is just not enough blood for him to be shot in the heard ,like Fofito said. And besides JL was early on the crime scene before the rest of the Marines showed up,he could have helped Peddy stand up and flee the scene. Im sure Peddy somehow convinced JL to help him with his revenge and Jl in a moment of weakness/insanity accepted it .

shot in the heart*

I still can't figure out why a Navy Admiral like Robledo would be leading armed raids and negotiating directly with criminals and suspects. Is this usual in Mexico? Or, is the Admiral rank not comparable to Admirals in the US?

Cynderella, Gracie harmed Monse by conning her. She handed her the will by trying to make her believe that it means that Fabiola is thrown under the bus. She also had every intention of stealing the cash first.

When Monse finds out that her mother has the money despite her promise she is going to feel like an idiot. She and Alejandro should bring conspiracy charges against her and Fabiola in addition to the fraud charges he will file against Fabiola.

Fabiola was a total bitch to the sister from another mister (Monse) and to her brother from another mother (Alejandro). I wouldn't cut her any slack.

Dear NovelaMaven,

I'm super late to what has been a great party on the Patio this weekend. 170+ Comments! Thanks so much for the fabulous recap, as always.

There were just so many great lines: "Graciela finally brings happiness to the Mendoza-Basurto Mansion;" "Nadia sits on the side of her bed, exhibiting her usual exemplary posture;" and "You shoot a man like that in the HEAD, animal!" were three of my personal favorites, but the whole thing was a delight to read. I'm always in awe how smart, funny, and insightful your recaps are. Thanks again!

Looking forward to watching and also to reading everyone's recaps this week.

Julia R.

Sara over at DTQDTQ posted yesterday that Alborado will be showing on Hulu Plus starting this week.

I think I am going to check it out given all of the good press it has gotten here.

Demetrios,that's OK if you think my "Amelia Theory" is nonsense. That is what crack pot theorists are all about. :)

Member, Crackpot Theorists


That should have been Alborada


Fatima...You will love,love,love Alborada. Do not miss an episode of this amazing novela. Enjoy it from start to finish. I always loved to hear the swelling theme song and Placido Dominga's beautiful voice. You are in for a fabulous adventure. I can watch this novela over and over again. Just wait until you see BSC JL as the wacky and evil Count Diego dressed in brocade and sporting a long pigtail and a widow's peak.

Has anyone tried the free language teaching website ?

please watch Alborada. I've watched it at least 6 times in the past two years. Alborada, Amor Real, and Pasion are the Novelas that addicted me to being a full time novela fan. I watched these three after seeing STD and fell in love with FC.

Alborada is great! Plus the Caray Caray page is fantastic. you know if Hulu Plus is also showing Amor Real? That is the one I want to see over again in its entirety. I like it even better than Alborada--although both are SIMPLY GREAT.

I watched Amor Real on YouTube and DailyMotion. Look for the episodes uploaded by 66Angelanna. They recently played Amor Real on Univision. I believe Angelanna re-uploaded most of the episodes on DailyMotion.

You will cry your heart out!

>,Best novela of all time>

Previous message was for JudyB.

Thanks Victoria. I'l check it out.

Being shot in the shoulder, Pedro simply got up and ran to hide in his secret compartment behind the bookcase in his office, which is well stocked with food, water, bandages, antibiotics and pain pills. He is watching the frantic search for him by the marina and the police on his monitor through his cleverly placed and hidden cameras throughout his house, evilly giggling as he pets a life-size replica of little Victoria.

He will return to wreak more havoc when the time is right.

My theory, no spoiler.


Love, love, love your theory Naima!!! That sounds like something Pedro would do!!!

Ditto...I like it!

Cynderella, Gobluefan, Julia Rold and Naima,

Thanks so much for your comments!

Urban and Elna June -- thank you both for answering Cynderella's question about the scam.


I don't know about the Mexican Marina, but in terms of the narrative here, Admiral Robledo just stepped up to fill the on the field leadership vacuum after Captain Monica was killed so suddenly and she had not yet been replaced.

As for dealing directly with Ezequiel, he was the only one with the authority to grant immunity from prosecution. Before immunity was an issue, EZ dealt only with Monica. After her death, Robledo was the ONLY ONE who knew about the deal and that EZ had been an informant. What WAS odd -- and ended up costing him his life -- was his agreeing to meet EZ in a public place. The previous meeting was at the Naval Base, I think.

Does that make sense?


I love Duolingo! You should give it a try.

Naima, I like the way you think!


Love your theory. It is hardly CRACKPOT at all.



Susanlynn, and Victoria Gomez I hope to start "Alborada" this week. Thank you SO much for the encouragement!!

JudyB, I don't know about "Amor Real", but I plan to look as I do want to see it. Work has gotten in the way of things this Monday, but I will scope things out later. Stopping in briefly.

NaimaI agree with the others that yours is a VERY reasonable theory and probably the most likely one! However, seeing how I enjoy Crack Pot Theories so much, I'll stick to my "Amelia Theory" for now.

Member, Crackpot Theorists™

Fatima, thanks for you recomendations fir those 3 novellas. I dont have hulu plus or know how to get, but will look into it. I am very excited since I havent seen them or see anything new that appeals to me coming up. But pls tell me what do the abreviations on your last sentence stand for ? Thx, Leticia

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