Thursday, July 31, 2014

Mi corazon est tuyo, Capitulo 9, 07/31/14 Hashtag: Love is in the air

Hello, my Caray friends!
It’s been a while since my last recap and I might be a little rusty around the edges. None the less, here is my retelling of last night’s episode, in which we see how love stories start – telenovela style.

It's the first time I see the entrada, have they shown it before? It's made of a bunch of scenes with all the characters playfully running through a maze. We get to see some of the characters that are yet to appear in the show and the band who plays the main theme. It's cute, but the kiss between Fernando and Ana at the end looks fake and doesn't make me swoon.

The episodes picks up with the sad news that Ana and Maria are not related, after all. At first Ana refuses to accept that her lifelong dream hasn’t come true, but Maria tries to comfort her – she is sure that one day Ana will find her mom, so she shouldn’t lose hope.
They hug and Ana’s song gives the scene an extra edge:

si sientes frío / If you feel cold
y hay mucha niebla / And everything’s foggy
si las estrellas / If the stars
esconden su brillo / Are hiding their brightness
si mi princesa / If my princess
perdió su Castillo / Has lost her castle
jugando en la arena / Playing in the sand
solo recuerda / Only remember
yo voy contigo / I am with you

Ok, I need to take a quick break and call my mom – this song is always making me cry.
Lascurain Mansion
Fernando wants to talk to Fanny about how she feels. She is impressed that he actually cares about her feelings, but then he immediately starts telling her how he feels: very alone and attracted by Isabel. But since the kids are the most important thing for him, he also feels very guilty and doesn’t know what to do. The two seem to be bonding, but then Luz interrupts them, because she is looking for Ana. Fernando takes her to bed, after reassuring Fanny that he loves her very much.

Chicago Club
Ana is doing her usual dance routine, but she looks very sad. As the people in the bar applaud, you can see that she’s on the verge of crying, her heart is not into it tonight.
Back at home and with an entirely different but more appropriate nanny coiffure, she finds the twins and Luz in her bed, waiting to hear news about her mom. The other kids (except for Nando) show up soon after and Ana tells them that she didn’t actually meet her real mother, it was all a false alarm. The kids try to comfort her, Luz even tells her a sweet bedtime story before going to her own room. Once alone, Ana can’t hold back her tears anymore: she is sad because she couldn’t find her mother, but she is also grateful to have found these wonderful kids.

May – December Love
Back at Chicago, Nicolas has come for a drink and he meets Jennifer. Apparently it’s love at first sight for him. First he asks her to have a drink with him and then he asks her out to dinner. She can’t do that, because she’s working the nights, but she agrees to lunch (he doesn’t dare suggest breakfast because she might misinterpret -hehe).

Protagonistas love….or at the very least, the beginning of some mutual care
Ana can’t sleep, so she goes to the kitchen for some tea and that’s where Fernando finds her. She tells him about her day and he tries to cheer her up. But Ana isn’t the type to feel sorry for herself, she doesn’t thinks she’s had more problems than other people have, just her fair share. But everyone needs love, she remarks and her fingers almost touch his, but it’s just a false alarm, because then she stands up and leaves.

Puppy Love
The next morning Fanny asks Ana for help to get Leon’s phone number. Ana thinks that Fanny is “bien clavada” with Leon (head over heels), so she agrees to help. Fanny has some doubts, though, because she’s afraid that her father won’t approve and because Leon is poor. Ana strongly objects - love has nothing to do with money.
Later she calls Fernando’s secretary and makes up a lie to find out Leon’s phone number for Fanny.
In the meantime Leon is at home, in his very nice bedroom, doing push-ups, when he receives an e-mail: they just rejected one of his job applications. That means that he’ll have to keep working as a messenger, which prompts him to remember Fanny and how beautiful she was. He makes a drawing of her face – the boy is an artist, Fernando will love his artist soul almost as much as his empty pockets, I think.

A few other happenings at the mansion in the morning:
Lichita wakes up with a pimple and makes a huge fuss about it.
Bruno and Manuela have their daily seduction routine… I wish they would drop this, it’s not really funny, it’s not even bad funny. Just put them together and let them have their own army of children - the show could turn into a Upstairs/ Downstairs kind of mess, which can't be worse than seeing 50 years old Bruno acting like a flustered virgin every time Manuela whispers in his ear.
Nicolas tells Fernando that he is sick, sick with love, that is. Fernando seems worried, but Ana is pleased to hear this.

At the mysterious college that is both an university and a high school Fanny is telling her girlfriends that she met a gorgeous guy. He works for her father, she says, and the girls assume he is one of the executives, which Fanny doesn’t deny.

Nicolas and Jennifer meet for lunch and go on a shopping spree. When Jenny finds out that Nico has the same last name as Ana’s boss, she gets a clue and asks him further questions about his family to make sure that her suspicions are correct.

Back at home Ana encourages Fanny to send Leon a text once and for all. Fanny is nervous about the whole thing, but she finally types “Hola Mensagerito :)” and clicks send. Then they both start screaming like a pair of crazy teenagers, which is only appropriate for one of them.
Leon received the text and wants to reply, but he doesn’t have enough credit on his phone. 

At night Ana and Jennifer are at the club, behind the bar, serving drinks. Ana is wearing some sort of corset, which looks very good on her (and I’m sure I wouldn’t wear outside of a bedroom). Jenny is trying to tell Ana about the new man in her life, but she can’t bring herself to say who he really is, so she wants to give Ana clues to guess. Never mind that, though, because Nico shows up at the club. Ana freaks out, but manages to hide under the counter and Jen manages to keep Nico busy with a lot of kisses enough time for Ana to disappear.

Luckily, it appears as though Nico arrived after Ana’s dance, because in the next scene she arrives home, talking to Jennifer on the phone about the situation. But she has to hang up, because someone is in her bed – again – and this time it’s Lichita, who is going through another early teen crisis – now she’s upset because she doesn’t have boobies yet. Ana wisely tells her that everything will happen in due time and for now she should just try to enjoy her age, every moment is beautiful and precious etc.... All good advice, but nothing that can actually work on a teenager. Lichita seems convinced at least for the moment, but only after she makes Ana promise that she’ll be with her every step of the way.

The next day at breakfast Fanny mentions to Nando how Ximena told her that she finds him handsome (muy guapo); he is very happy to hear this, and later in the day, when Ximena says hi to him at school, the poor guy almost faints.
Back to the breakfast table, though, Ana hands the younger kids colorful envelopes with money, for their Sunday treats. Bruno rightfully guesses that the money came from her own pocket.

Nicolas goes to the company to talk to Fernando about his new lady friend, but he only finds Isabela. He makes the mistake of confiding in her, telling her that his new girlfriend is younger than him. She acts like an understanding ally, but she doesn’t waste any time in telling Fernando that his father needs to be put in his place because he’s doing crazy things. Fer is ever so grateful to have her in his life (blech).

Ana is talking with Johnny on the phone; she is very upset with Jennifer, she doesn’t think that Jen should see Nico anymore, because if Fernando finds out about the Ana – Jenny connection, she might lose her job. Jenny hears part of the conversation, she tells Johnny that she actually likes Nico, even if he is older – and after all, he’s not that old, anyway.

Fanny is at school, telling her girlfriends that she sent Leon a text, but she didn’t get a text back. Whatevs, she doesn’t like him anymore… until he shows up, that is. He is on his scooter, asks her out for lunch, which she gleefully accepts. Ximena notices how Leon doesn’t look like a rich kid, but the other girl doesn’t think that’s important.

Nicolas is telling Ana how happy he is, how in love. Oh, love…. Ana murmurs when Nicolas goes away. I have a feeling she is not exactly thinking about Johnny.
Nico wants to talk with Fernando and asks Ana to stay with them, as moral support for him.
Fernando is already upset because of Isabel' venom earlier in the day, but then Nico says that his new girlfriend is not only younger, but she’s also working at Chicago, the sleaziest club in the city (Note to Nico: that is NOT the way to win over your rigid son’s approval).
As expected, Fernando jumps through the roof, he says a bunch of nasty things about the type of disgusting, undignified women who would work in such a place – and all right in front of Ana, who is doing all she can not to burst out crying because of what I can only assume is a mix of shame and indignation.
Nico storms out and Fer apologizes to Ana for having had to hear this discussion. Ana is very sorry to have heard him, too, but unlike Fernando, Viewerville knows exactly what she means.

Next: At Chicago a stunned Fernando is taking off his sun glasses when Ana is presented as the next number on the stage.


Thank you for this recap! You did an excellent job in covering everything important.

I feel so bad for Ana. Of course we know how heartsick she must be. Fernando has a lot of cluelessness to overcome!

I am loving this show, and I don't care if it's corny and cliched. Silvia Navarro and Jorge Salinas are fabulous.

I can hardly wait until tomorrow's episode! The avances look very tantalizing!

Adriana, very well done and saw no rust

Ok, I know it happens, May/December romances, but Nic & Jennifer, come on.

The thing I like so far is the interaction between Ana and the kids. Not buying a potential Fernando/Ana romance and know why we have to hear the snap crackle pop when they touch because otherwise no chemistry. Now, I am buying chemistry between Fernando & Isabela

Bruno - what purpose do you serve

Fanny - caught in a lie

Ana - in all fairness, you strip for money, work at a seedy club and your bf a pseudo pimp

Jennifer - give him up, not on your life, you see that handbag

Nic - what's love got to do with Viagra

Isabela - nasty works

Fernando - well Fanny a man got needs

Lichita - naw honey, you're beautiful, but for that third eye in your forehead

Leon - get ready for the pain


Thanks, Adriana Noel, you are not rusty at all. The recap was wonderful. I am really enjoying this one. Another fun episode.


Good work, Adriana.

Oh, the pain that's coming to all these peeps.

Is anyone else bugged by the idea of two best friends getting involved with a father and a son? That is so wrong on so many levels.

Isabella is the one who needs to be put in her place. She has no business getting involved in this, which will only cause trouble between Fernando and his dad.

It may be a comedy, but Bruno's jacket doesn't fit properly. Rene Casados is a man who could wear tail coats appropriately, but it's way too formal for daytime.

I still haven't caught the names of Fanny's friends, but the one with the shorter hair looks like a younger clone of Diana Bracho. I guess that means she will become the Mean Girl.

Leon poor? His room does not reflect that. He also looks like he could teach Nando a thing or two about relating to girls.

And Nando needs to lose the Greasy Kid Stuff and the glasses. With dry-look hair and contacts he'd be a handsome kid.

Adriana- You aren't rusty at all. Great recap! I am planning to watching all these episodes next week when I'm on vacation. I really can't believe that Fer is going to find out about Ana's night job this soon.

Adriana, great great recap! i wish i could summarize like you do.
Lichita wakes up with a pimple and makes a huge fuss about it. cute way to summarize a scream heard 'round the block and her screaming about her life ending... comparing a tiny lentil size pimple to a huge mountain... i never had major zit trouble but still ... a bit of overreaction?

I agree that some of our nicest characters are set for major pain, beginning with Ana and Leon.
I agree that Bruno is a bit weird dressed and naive in the romance dept...
and I also agree with UA on the makeover we would give Nando.


also agree that Isabela is minding someone else's business. she doesn't even know Nic beyond greetings to even have an opinion, let alone coach Fernando into messing Nico's best days in ages...

This was wonderful Adriana. Like riding a bike, you just got right back on and sailed through.

This is a TN comedy. Haven't seen one yet that I didn't cringe at some attempts at the slapstick humor. Some never win me over, but on this one, I just can't get enough of the kids and Ana. Those seemingly mundane little incidents they show (i.e. pimples, boobies, girl and boy crushes). That's every day Mom things that is being handled with the right blend of understanding by the adults and seriousness by the kids. These are big deals when you are growing up, and it's sad how many adults suddenly poo-poo these moments once older as not important. I enjoy how they are doing those.

Now the intrigues with Isabella--her stick-her-nose-in-it attitude is her attempt to ingratiate herself into Fernando's life and Lonely Boy is falling for it. Hey, have to have the contrast to Ana or this wouldn't be a TN.

Not buying the Nico/Jennifer older/younger match up, but I've seen worse. (Sortilegio anyone?). Would have preferred a Fernando best friend who fell for her, but I guess we got what we got.

I can get the room Leon has. That might be a dorm room if he's still studying for his degree and working. Some can be nice. Furniture comes with the room and he might have been able to fix it up with money from his job.

One real complaint--Rene is being wasted so far. I love this man...give him a decent plot and lessen the antics with what's her face.


Adriana Noel, this was great. You haven't lost your touch - this was great fun.

"but she agrees to lunch (he doesn’t dare suggest breakfast because she might misinterpret -hehe)" and "Fernando will love his artist soul almost as much as his empty pockets, I think" were among my many favorites.

Hello Elvira! Along with you, I am also enjoying the show - I love Rene (although I agree Daisy, he is not being used to full capacity at all). Jorge is doing a wonderful job as is Silvia.

UA, agree that besties dating father and son will likely be best with issues...In fact, think they are already starting! :)

I'm sure Fernando's pompous attitude will undergo a huge transformation. It will just take a while to get there. With Ana's help of course.


AdrianaNoel: Hashtag//Love the title. Gawd your mind is so organized and the breaks and subtitles were so on point! I had to giggle about Mr. and Miss Mayto December, cuz I was more of a mind to call it March-December with the age difference so far apart! I was as mad as Ana at that "dulce"-duo.

I am not so taken off by the Nico/Jenn duo, i actually think they could be perfect since she adds the spark/spice he needs but he is not shy/taken off and not prejudiced, as is Fernando.

i also liked that Ana told Ceci that she might be nagging about lack of boobs, but then after you have them you will be dragging the weight and won't like that as much either.. loL!

Hi, all,

I began watching this telenovela to help me learn Spanish, devoting one hour per day to at least listening to it being spoken, and I stumbled on this blog. Thank you very much for the recaps; they help me out tremendously with the translation!

I was wondering, does anyone suspect that Isabela's mother will turn out to be Ana's too? Hmmmm. . .

Adriana, it's like you never stopped recapping. Great job and lots of detail. I loved it.

I was a bit shocked too that they were pairing up Nicolas and Jenny. The age difference is huge. And I was hoping it was going to be more a friendship relationship instead of love, but it does look like they are going to be serious. But it certainly happens in real life, so I guess they are making things real.

I think that the actress playing Fannys is quite good and natural. I really like her. I think Leon is sweet, so that will be a nice side story.

So cute were the kids waiting in Ana's bed until she got home to hear how her meeting went. It seems more poignant since they lost their own mother, so they we sweet wanting Ana's reunion to work out.

I think it's too early to tell about the chemistry between the leads. They need more intimate moments before I can judge.

Can't wait until Fernando sees Ana's other job. He can't exactly fire her since the kids would rebel completely.

Thank you, Adriana! You are a master class pro, for sure! Funny title, too.

I laughed when Ana said "love is in the air". The English phrases she deploys are always so random. I'm not sure what Nerdando is teaching her...although some of things she says sound like she could have learned them from movies or something.

I like Leon. He's nice, he's good-looking, he's working hard to develop a career instead of being a layabout jerk like some people, and he's funny. Like when Fanny asked if she was supposed to get on the motorcycle and he said "no; I just gave you the helmet in case there's a meteor shower".

Ximena reminds me of the rich snotty girl in She's All That. I fully expect her at some point to enter a pageant or something and say, "I could win in fluorescent lighting, on the first day of my period, cloaked in tacky rags!"

Welcome, Ecuador Bound! Watching telenovelas is a fantastic way to learn Spanish. It got me from cero to a functional level. The risk, of course, is that they can be addicting, especially with this fun crowd to discuss them. Are you moving to Ecuador or visiting short-term?

It would be difficult to fire her now however he shouldn't let her stay in the house any longer. Ana works for some pretty unsavory people. Her house is almost ready anyway.

I watched Wed's ep last night and I don't think that Ana spit meat out at Isa. She took a look at the meat and did a spit take with--my guess is water, or white wine (since there wasn't a stain on the dress). That isn't quite as gross as spitting out meat--to me at least. I like spit takes.

Julia, I am with you on the joke from Leon. that was so cute... and she took it in stride, she could have acted totally offended but she was so smitten she kept on going with him without hessitation... so cute...
when he tried to respond to he was in the same 'hashtag' fashion she had texted him...
'hola mensajerito' / 'hola bonita'. so cute.

The Leon / Fanny couple remind me of 'what a girl wants'...

A spit take...because of meat on a spit. Funny.

And yes, they hadn't served the meat yet. Ana was drinking something, probably just water. I don't know why she was so surprised by the boar, though...seems like roasting animals would be something she'd see in the old neighborhood. Maybe she didn't understand why they went whole hog (so to speak) for the dubious occasion of a work session dinner with a woman none of the family really likes. Even Fernando seems to merely tolerate Isabela rather than being really into her. So he called the house and told them to spend the day roasting a whole boar?

Marta, you're right! Fanny going off with the poorer guy on the motorcycle did have the vibe of that movie!

I just fear Leon in for a lot of heartache from Fanny. There will be peer pressure from at least one of her friends and certainly Fernando. Her ally, Ana, is about to flash her money maker in front of dad so not much help in either hiding the relationship or defending it.

I watched Wednesday's episode last night, and I still can't get over how stupid Sebastian's "hip-hop" outfit looked. I've never seen this hip hop look with tight jeans and then extra-large boxer shorts yoinked up and bunchy practically to the armpits. With suspenders. I think Fernando was right to be concerned about Seb's fashion sense. At least help him get some proper hip hop clothes!

Are we really supposed to believe Chicago is the seediest club in the city? It seems so clean and almost wholesome, aside from the ghoulish stage makeup and the boss. But seriously, does their clientele find that look attractive? Ana looks consumptive when she's made up to perform. Showghouls. So hot.

Also adjusting my beanie to believe that Nic would go to a showghouls club when he was looking to meet women. I mean, he did happen to meet Jen at the bar, but I wouldn't think he would expect a lot of women in a place like that other than the ones on stage.

Julia, I would pay money watching JS posing in front of the mirror with tight black leather pants like Colin Firth did in the movie... wouldn't that be something! i would not do as good as Alejandro Tomassi did in that scene of Alborada where 'Luis' took his shirt off and viewerville began drooling.. you could tell AT was holding back a giggle...


EB: "I was wondering, does anyone suspect that Isabela's mother will turn out to be Ana's too? Hmmmm. . ."--I do, and it's my biggest fear.

Julia: didn't mean to pun. A spit take is when an actor spits out a drink as a reaction to something. There's a great bit on that in an episode of Studio 60 on the Sunset strip.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Thank you, Julia, for the kind welcome!

I visited Ecuador (Quito, Cumbaya, Tumbaco) a few weeks ago, with the intention of finding an area in which I would like to permanently relocate. I plan to return in December to visit some places along the Pacific coast.

Even though this tn can be silly, it seems to be sucking me in to its over-the-top, Sound-of-Music-Meets-Flashdance plot!

Bruno might just be a 50 year old naive virgin.

Nico falling for Jennifer: Nico is trying to relive the youth he missed out on by being like Fernando. He probably would've gone out with a girl like Jennifer when he was Nando's age or a bit older but he was always studying and doing the right thing and being appropriate.

Now that he's older, he figures he's gonna do what he always wanted and he probably always wanted to go out with a girl like Jennifer, someone who is probably the total opposite of Fernando's mom.

Jennifer's motivations? Him buying her purses might be one. I'm not sold on her liking him as much as he liking her.


Bruno 50 years old? I think he's more like 60.

AdrianaNoel: Always loved your comments/recaps on "Pasion Prohibida"...thanks for another great one.

I was mystified by the fancy dinner...They have whole crabs and roast pig...for a "formal" sit-down? Really? However, I'm always a sucker for a well-done "spit-spray", and Ana's was pretty good.

How could we dislike Isabela any more than we already do? We will find out, I look forward to it with anticipation! :o)

J in Oregon

Adriana - Thank your a wonderful recap, succinct, thoughtful, funny and with some lovely song lyrics for good measure.

I can see why this is a big hit in Mexico, both a comedy and a story of adolescent troubles and triumphs. The scenes with the kids really are sweet and help me, anyway, to forgive some of the frantic, antic humor. SN must be exhausted after every taping, she works so hard in such a physical role.

I doubt that Ana and Isabela have the same mother (por favor Dios, no!!!) but I am betting that Ana's mother has some money and she will have something to lord over Fernando at the point that things inevitably come apart between Fernando and Ana. Just basing this on my long history of novela watching!

I am so tired of mothers who are "forced" to give up their children! There is nothing and nobody in the world who could make me do that. What? You'll tell so and so my deepest, darkest secret? Tell away, if I don't beat you to it first! You'll disinherit me? Don't need your money under these conditions. I'll never hear from you again? Bye, bye ... don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you! You'll discredit me at my job? I'll move away and get another one. You'll make the love of my life leave me? If you can do that he/she wasn't the love of my life. You'll send me to jail? I'll publicize my situation on TV, radio, the Internet, newspapers, YOUR job, YOUR social contacts, etc, etc, etc!

Anon, I agree. The only time I understand it is when the mother was made to believe her child was dead (and conveniently buried or cremated before she woke up from anesthesia or coma, with actual (corrupt) doctors certifying the death. Or if the child is forcibly kidnapped and she can't find him or her.

But mothers who "had" to give up their children, not because they didn't want to have children and put them up for adoption in a planned and willing fashion, but "had" to because some jerk was being jerky to them about the baby? That's weaksauce.

Pfiu, I'm finally able to comment again! I managed to read all of your lovely comments at work, but I couldn't go as far as comment back. No casual Friday when you have the boss breathing down your neck.
Moving on...

Tofie, I don't buy Nico with Jen, either. What's up with the instant love?

Urban, I didn't even think about the nastiness of two besties with father and son. Can you imagine the girl talk they could share?
Have you seen the actor playing Nando in real life? He's a cute boy, my guapo, as Fanny would say.
I had a note about Leon's room not being that bad, it must have gotten lost when I put the recap together. Sure, he doesn't have a million "cool", bright things, like Fanny's does, but I bet she will like it just fine when she visits (ooops!)

Vivi, I don't think Fer will find out, I'm guessing the preview is just trying to trick us - we do see him at the table, but we never actually see her - For all we know Johnny might go on stage to help her not get discovered.
I have the feeling that we are moving into episodic stories territory... the other night it was Fer's birthday, then the dinner, now Nico and Jennifer. Sure, the main story advances a little bit, but each episode seems to focus on a particular situation, having a few characters more involved then the rest.

Jardinera, I'm nothing if not organized:)
Sometimes I wonder how much of a good friend Jennifer really is. Ana is working two very tiring jobs to pay the bills - what is Jen doing, serving drinks at the bar and chatting with Johnny and/ or romancing grandpas?

Marta, I don't like Jen with Nico, but I like the prospect of what their relationship might bring to the show - can you imagine Jen being invited in the house for dinner (hopefully not lobster) and Ana being around, playing the nanny? Something funny has to come out of this.

Beautiful recap! I haven't been back in a while, but awesome as always.

Thank you for all of your work.

Ecuador Bound, welcome to the board. I hope to see you again soon.
I started learning Spanish little by little, without even realizing it, by watching tns with my mom as I was growing up. Now I don't need captions to understand dialogs, I even get like 99% of the slang, which I have no idea how I picked up on.

Cathyx, I think chemistry is either there or not. It might develop in time,I guess, maybe some couples have to work at it, while for others it just comes naturally (Silvia & Cristian de la Fuente , Maite Peroni & William Levy, Sebastian Rully & Angelique Boyer).
Oh, and Rene Casados is actually 52, I checked :)

Julia, I think that if they showed a truly seedy club, this wouldn't be a 8pm comedy anymore. I don't think that Nico finding a woman in a bar is outrageous, but wanting to be serious about her is another thing.
Are we supposed to see Fer as the bad guy for not wanting his father to be with a much younger woman which could very well be a gold-digger?

J in Oregon, I will never forget Pasion Prohibida, it was my first experience here on Caray Caray. And you know what they say about your first...

What I have been wondering about is whether Jennifer might ultimately get Diego. That actress was the female villain of Duelo de Pasiones back in the day, so it would be ironic.

It would not surprise me if Ana and Isabella would end up being related somehow. That wouldn't be a first.

There have been seedy places in other early shows where you could tell it was seedier even though they didn't directly show anything gross. But they looked more run down, and the clientele looked more dirty and lecherous and intoxicated. In this show, the bar looks almost more like a frozen yogurt shop, it's so clean and brightly lit and not crowded with drunks. And the biggest star dances in gym shorts, not the skimpier outfits we have seen even in the family-rated shows.

Rene Casados is only 52 in real life? Sorry, but he looks at least 60. Usually actors look younger than they really are. I'm shocked.

I would have thought he was older, too. Are we sure he's telling the truth about his age?

Part of what is aging him in this role is that he moves very stiffly, like he has a back injury. Plus he just has kind of an old-guy style. But then he gets around Manuela and her randiness and acts like a flustered middle schooler.

You have them all pegged. Brilliant. Finally, someone I can agree with on here. Not that these blogs are meant to cater to me, but it is nice when I don't feel so "out there" in comparison to the way everyone else thinks.

Who cares if the strippers are wearing shorts? If a naked woman was doing the Hokey Pokey, would it entice and excite others? No, of course not. The way Ana and the other dancers move make it a highly sexual program. With moves like that, this is not a family show.

I'm pretty sure that if Sylvia Navarro were doing the hokey pokey naked, it would entice someone, lol.

Still think there is a strong resemblance between Ana and the portrait of the deceased wife of Fernando. Anybody else see it?
Do we know the deceased's name?
J in Oregon

yes, JnO, I have always thought the two look similar and wondered why no one on the show has commented

Why, thank you Katie. Just be comforted that here, I dial it way back and paint only a little outside the lines.

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