Wednesday, August 06, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #149 - Tues 8/5

De que murió hoy, murió hoy

Well friends we knew this was coming but that doesn’t make it any better.  Grab your beverage of choice, get tissues if you need them (I know I will, it’s sad and very well acted), and hunker down.  Sadly there is little to celebrate this evening.

Mushroom Man (MM or Paul) shows up at the fonda, finds the note Mali wrote for Carmen revealing El’s clue, and learns Carmen and El have never been intimate.  He’s already gross so finding this out just makes me ill.

Little Al and Diego give the tampered meds to a colleague of the former.  Diego calls Irene’s cell, and of course Nat picks it up and lets him know that Tad is spending his last moments at home.  While she’s on the phone, someone is at the door (any guesses?).  It’s Andres and he looks miffed.  Does he have supernatural hearing?  Die he hear her talking to Diego?  We know he doesn’t have this gifting because if this were possible, he wouldn’t be in this situation.  As our David noted, he was the last person in Nat’s world to find out about Tad and only knows now because he called her.

Carmen, Irene, and Tad continue to look at Nat’s baby pictures.  When Irene goes to get water for Tad, he starts telling Carmen how thankful he is that she took Nat in.  Of course, Carmen says that Nat has been a blessing in her life and had good genes.  Tad says she brought out and nurtured the best in her genes and I need to pause several times to get through this scene. He’s just so wonderfully gracious and noble and little Al is so ignoble and ungracious...though I don’t usually write fiction,  I don’t understand creating a great character like Tad and killing him off. As Kat reminded us, Tad didn’t start off perfect but has become the best thing in this tn (with Big Al a close second).  I try not to get mad at the writers again.

Andres and Nat chat and he encourages her during this difficult time.  Irene greets him and they go into Tad’s room to look at pictures.

Hilda calls Lala on her cell and Mr. T actually says Lala.  Since no one checks to see if they are being listened to of course she gives Rod most of the info he needs to find Mr. T.

We return to Tad’s bedroom and Carmen is leaving.  She promises to come back tomorrow but Tad doesn’t think he’ll be there (sniff).  He tells her again how important she is to him.  They hug (sniff, sniff).

MM is finally leaving the fonda and sees Carmen walking home.  They chat briefly but since I know MM’s motives I just want this scene over.  He takes her home.

Andres takes his leave and Nat shows him out.  Tad thinks Andres looked serious and asks to smoke a cigar.  As Andres is leaving, Diego shows up.  Awkward moment compounded by the fact that Diego tries to go alone to Tad’s room and Nat says Andres is leaving.  Andres sweetie por favor realize she is not that into you and never will be.  You’ll be so much better off when you do.

El shows up at Carmen’s so we can have our second awkward moment with Carmen and MM walking in together.  Thankfully the news about Tad seems to quell any potential foolishness on El and MM’s part.

Nat and Tad wake up and chat.  She asks how he feels and I think he lies tells her he’s ok (sniff).

Brat tells Carmen she quit Caprico and Carmen wants to know if she’ll look for work.  Brat says she won’t be able to work with her pregnancy (she’ll get fired once they find out/she tells).  She tries to get Carmen to ask MM to pay for her expenses.  Thankfully Carmen won’t and she doesn’t accept Brat’s pregnancy excuse as she worked until she gave birth.

Rod visits Grumps.  I’ve been meaning to say this and please don’t think I’m evil but the past few days when we’ve seen Grumps his hair has been completely wild and out of control.  If the producers wanted to further demonstrate how out of sorts Grumps has been by his hair they were spot on.  Today only a few strands are out of place perhaps reflecting the fact the he’s getting the right meds.  Grumps is still afraid of Rod.  He smugly gives Grumps his meds not knowing the switch.  We have to be thankful over the little things as the writers seem to want to kill off the older men in this tn.

Diego and little Al visit Hilda and Mr. T.  Later they talk about how exciting the progress Mr. T is making.  Diego wants to impersonate Rod and to get other info on his crimes.

Rod has his secretary look for Mr. T.  And its no surprise he tells us he plans to kill him.  I must admit I’m getting a bit weary of bad guys (Rod, leukemia, MM, Brat) still winning the day.  I need more Lupita, Paolo, and Mara stat.

Irene, Nat, and Tad in a wheelchair go to his studio.  He takes pictures of his two loves and the sad music plays.  He has Elena take a family photo and the music swells.  Tad faints (sniff).

Andres calls Nat and let’s her know he’s there for her.  A friend of Andres (if someone knows who he is please share) says he should be with Nat.  Andres doesn’t want to be a nuisance and the “friend” ask if Nat is not giving Andres his proper place.  I’m giving this bozo a pass b/c his age could by why he’s talking so crazy but dude, HER dad is dying.  Even if she were married to Andres, Tad takes priority.  Andres starts to rant about Diego being there 24/7 but at least the friend tells him now is not the time to be jealous.  Though he does tell Andres, Diego’s presence is another reason Andres should be with Nat.

Tad’s back in bed, looking paler than ever.  He’s very tired.  Nat comes in and starts to cry.  Then Irene starts (and me too).  He tells them he loves them very much and encourages Irene to help Nat grieve.  Nat leaves the room and calls Carmen.  Carmen tells Paolo and Lupita she’s off to comfort Nat.  They send their love to Nat.  (Brat was there too but she just sulked)

Diego tries to impersonate Rod but can’t figure out his password.  He finally gets in and transfers his files to a hard drive.  Yeah!!  Meanwhile Rod gets the info on Mr. T.  Later that night Rod does an insane female voice impersonation to deceive Hilda to leave Mr. T alone tomorrow

Carmen comforts Nat.  They talk about Tad’s great qualities and how its unfair he’s dying now. Meanwhile Tad and Irene talk, well he talks and she cries (sniff, sniff).  She tells him he made her the happiest woman in the world.  He tells her she has always been the love of his life (sob).  Diego arrives and then Andres does.  The latter is about to get crazy –  when Nat tells them she’s going to her dad’s room, he wants to come.  Fortunately, Carmen is there and tells him no.

Tad asks Irene not to be a depressed widow when he’s gone. She smiles at how his mind works.  Nat comes in and Tad wants them to be with him as he sleeps.  He peacefully passes onto heaven (sniff, sob, sniff).

Nat tells them Tad has passed.  Carmen goes to Irene, who mentions how Tad gave she and Nat peace.  Carmen is also sad he is gone because he gave her something great. (sniff, sob, cry)

At Tad’s funeral, Andreas asks why Tad was cremated so quickly and Nat lets him know its what he wanted.  Diego asks how Nat is and Andres acts defensive.  Nat tells Diego both she and Irene need him.  Andres observes them holding hands and leaves to make his phone call.

Irene recalls Tad asking for a cigar to Padre Juancho, Carmen, Nat and Diego.  Diego wants to know if she gave him the cigar (she didn’t).  Irene wonders where Andres is and Nat goes to find him.  Diego and Irene share a conspiratorial smile.  Ok kids so not the time or place.

Forgive me friends but having to endure/watch Rod kill Mr. T is too much.  Needless to say, it seems that Rod does smoother Mr. T to death.  As I noted earlier, I’m really tried of evil winning especially at the expense of the old and infirm.


Ha, ha, ha. I can't believe Rodrigo actually came into Tiburcio's room RAPPING! The rest of that scene was scary, but I couldn't help laughing at how he came in.

Karen, thank you. Thank you so much for taking on this terrible terrible episode.

It was very sad and I bawled, but they treated the death of Tad with so much dignity and grace. The actors did a marvelous job of keeping it low key. This is probably the best death scene I've seen in a TN. Cancer is the true villain in this show.

And Tiburcio dies too??? Why wrters? Why???? We don't deserve this.

Just commenting again because I forgot to click the box to get follow up comments.

Thanks so much, Karen! Such a sad episode to recap, but Tad went out with dignity and surrounded by love. I thought it was sweet that Nat slept over cuddled by his side. Tad also forbade Irene to wear black or to do the grieving widow thing, hence she was wearing royal blue at his funeral.

I have hope that Tib is not dead. Rod was still in the midst of smothering him when the episode ended, so there is still hope that Tib can be saved.

Good morning, Karen,

Wow, you had one of the most difficult episodes ever, and you did it with style and grace.

I wonder if Mr. T is dead. It takes quite a bit of time and effort to smother someone, and we didn't see Rod checking for a pulse afterward. Ironic how Rod at the very least attempts to kill someone who was only a witness to a self-defense killing, and Morales sees him come out of the building after the murder/attempted murder. Good old Morales.

Karen, your pointing out that the state of Vicente's hair as an indicator of his state of mind was great.

Paul the mushroom man; what can I say. He has certainly been given a pass by some level of society for his social ineptness, and so far, my understanding is that this is the result of a single discovery. Is this single discovery the result of a lifetime of hard research, or a blundering into a realization? This distinction is relevant to me because it could define whether he is in reality a highly intelligent person or merely cunning like his daughter.

Tad's passing was one of the best, sensitive and caring scenes of this sort I have seen. For him to soothe the feelings of Nat and Irene, and smooth their way into the future was so mature and loving.

Thanks again, Karen. I really appreciated your treatment of this sad episode.

David sorry you had to recap this poignant, heart-breaking episode. But sometimes, having to write about it gives you a little emotional distance. I hope that cushioned the blow a little bit. We've lost the one reliably good character IMO, other than Papa Juancho.

Actually, the person I felt most sorry for in this episode was Andres. It was clear to him each time he arrived at the apartment or the funeral home that he wasn't wanted or needed. Diego yes. Andres no. The ultimate rejection.

And I'm hoping Tiburcio makes it. After all that work slowly regaining movement and speech, he's going to be smothered!!?? Say it ain't so, writers.

Missed parts of this so I especially appreciate the thorough and compassionate recap, Karen. Muchas gracias.

Karen, in the six plus years we've known each other, you have always recapped and commented with dignity and kindess. Despite the utterly devastating content of last night's depressing events, you did an amazing job. I know how difficult this must have been for you to write yet you handled this with sympathy, empathy, compassion and wit.

"He’s just so wonderfully gracious and noble and little Al is so ignoble and ungracious" and "Andres sweetie por favor realize she is not that into you and never will be" were my favorites.

I cried hardest when Carmen put her head on Tadeo and cried. I don't know why. It was heartbreaking all the way around. Agree with you and Kat that the two best men here have died.

Sara, "Cancer is the true villain in this show". Yes. How true!

"As I noted earlier, I’m really tried of evil winning especially at the expense of the old and infirm". Well stated.

I really thought with all that Tiburcio has gone through and suffered that he would make it out of this alive. I am and must hold onto a glimmer of hope there will be a last minute rescue (??)If not, his death would be truly tragic.

Karen, thank you for crafting this superb recap, heartbreaking as it was.


If Tib makes it (please let it be so) I hope the writers decide not to be realistic and that there is no further damage to Tib's brain and functioning. I assume that an attack like that on a stroke victim could be very devastating.

Rod was really good at doing that lady voice! And the murder rap was so bizarre, but it made me laugh, I must admit. Just like how Grumps' wild bed head makes me laugh.

Karen. Tad is fortunate you wrote this eulogy.

I'm speechless

Tad - "My life has been a poor attempt
To imitate the man
Oh, I'm just a living legacy
To the leader of the band"

Andres - fifth wheel

Rod - Kid Rod

Irene - penny for your thoughts

Nat - hydrate hon

Paul - so what knat

Brigitte - couch tomato

Alonso - missed you at the funeral

Tiburico - don't just sit there

Diego - this is working out for me great


Good morning friends. Thanks for your kind words. While the episode was difficult, it was very done. As most of you have mentioned, Tad was grace personified as he died which was quite nice.

Anon @ 4:28 - I understand your comment but in light of Tad's death Rod's rapping was ridiculous especially knowing it was a prelude to his murder attempt. In another situation it could have been more amusing but for me it was just repulsed.

Sara - I too was impressed with how low key the whole event was. TNs are known for often being over the top and this was anything but. And yes cancer is the true villain in this show.

Vivi - Yes Nat sleeping next to her dad was cute as was Tad not wanting Irene to wear black. When she asked what color, he told her he trusted her judgement. It was quite touching. I too am hoping poor Mr. T is not dead.

David - thanks for your kind words and your insights. I'm hoping Morales can save Mr. T. And Paul's true position/value is intriguing. Since his work has not really been the focus of his narrative, its easy to believe he stumbled upon his "discovery." Perhaps he compartmentalizes his life well and is a jerk in his personal life and different in his work life.

Judy - I did try to focus more on the performances of the actors/actresses than the story so there was distance there. Also your insight about Andres is spot on. I hope he can get that revelation.

Diana - thanks for your kind words and I also felt moved by Carmen's interactions w/Tad. Aside from Cynthia K. being a great actress, her Carmen had such love for Tad because he created Nat and it was so evident as she interacted with him.

I have a meeting most of the day but will return in the pm to chat and mourn with you all later. Thanks again for your comments.

tofie - thanks for another great list!!

Vivi - Grumps bed head. so funny

Karen, amiga, what a wonderful recap of such a sad episode. You did this so very, very well!!

Carmen was perfect last night during that scene with Tad. It was a beautiful and heart wrenching scene. Tad's passing was perfect in the way it happened. Of course, I was crying throughout as I thought the actors did such an incredible job.

I think everything else was a bit of a fog after that, but thank you so much dear Karen for such an excellent recap.

I am going to miss the Garcias.

Thank you, Karen! You really captured the poignancy of this episode.

QDEP, Tad. You will be sorely missed.

I was annoyed with both the way Andres was treated last night and the way he was starting to behave. As I said to Mr. 5ft, "Now they're going to turn him into a jerk so Nat can go back to Diego." He's been talking himself into being patient and not being "that guy" and last night he started to slip. When he asked about the cremation, my thought was that it's rude to ask a family member why certain arrangements were made in the middle of the funeral/memorial service. I don't know if that was written in as harmless exposition, but it didn't come off that way to me.

Inserting the humorous? little moments with Rod into this very serious episode made them especially gross. I hope Tiburcio just passed out and isn't actually dead.

Andres is doing ok, despite knowing he's on a sinking ship but also afraid he'll be made to pull an Angela. Shame he isn't treated better especially since he has been a fixture around the Garcias since Nat and he played as children.

I thought it was rude of Nat when Diego came to the door and wanted to see Tad. He starts to excuse himself saying she needs to be with her bf and she quickly blurted oh he is just leaving. The look on Andres face.

I'm pretty sure Nat is done with Andres at this point. I just hope they don't drag it out to where the two of them can't even be friends anymore, but it might already be too late for that. It's going to start with "I need time, my dad just died," and get worse from there. Not looking forward to watching it happen.

Thanks Karen I agree that even though we knew we were losing Tad, it was a tear jerking episode.
Sara, I thought for sure that Tiburcio was being rehabilitated since he is the only eye witness to Alberto's murder. Now you got me wondering. Looks like it's time to start harping on the writers until we find out for sure. (Although I have had enough of that pitiful grunting).
I know I'm going to hell, because I found that scene with Lala falling for Rod's scheme hilarious.
But I might be redeemed because I had seen the scene with Rod suffocating Tib in the coming attractions and looked away in disgust when it replayed.

Karen: great recap of a very difficult ep.

I thought maybe Rod would be interrupted again before he could finish the job. Then I saw "the hand fall"--typical movie/TV body language for dead person. I hope that isn't so this time.

Wondered why Irene wore blue. Thanks for clearing that up.

I think Andres asking about the cremation was to explain to Viewerville why such a famous painter did not have a grand funeral.


OT: Karen, do want to discuss rom/coms with you. Just have to get through a busy time in my life right now. Looking forward to it.

Thanks, Karen, for that excellent recap,of a very sad episode. I could not watch Tad's sad final moments, so I surfed in and out..Mostly out. Unfortunately, I did catch Rod deciding that putting his cap on backwards made him a rapper and his subsequent smothering of poor old Tib. Geez..enough with the terrorizing the old guys. I. Hate. Rod. A. Lot.

Vivi..I loved your comment about Grumps's bed head. Hah I also managed to catch a glimpse of his bad hair day...,too cute.

Tofie....your lists always give me a giggle spot concise.

P.s. As an artist, color would be very important to Tad, so I appreciated Irene's choice of favorite color and perhaps it was Tad's fav, too. I am very affected by color as many artists are.

Natalia was finished with Andres the moment she found Brigitte's wig hiding in the closet.

Anon207: that still doesn't negate the fact that Diego didn't believe Nat when she told him it wasn't her. But knowing Nat, you're probably right.

Anon207, I think that was exactly the moment. And, Nanette, that's why I'm guessing they're going to ruin Andres now--to cement the decision Nat has already made, if who she's more enthusiastic about hugging for comfort is any indication.

No, it doesn't negate Diego's distrust, but made Natalia see WHY Diego was distrustful, because he saw somebody who looked like Natalia screwing Rodrigo. Now that's she's discovered Brigitte's intrigues, and that Diego was actually seeing somebody who looked like Natalia "cheating" on him with his brother, it's making her rethink things.

There is little justification for Diego going to her mom's house and calling her a slut but this is the same twit who went to a hotel room twice to talk the person who tried to rape them (twice) out of suicide instead of just calling the police or mental health services.

Great Karen, tks
I needed my tissues more reading your recap than watching, sniff, sob

OK, 2 people died & this is a COMEDY, ¿Qué what?, anyone laughing?

I did not like Tadeo at 1st, didn't even like his looks, but I am a convert to the actor.

Do we know when this ends & what is coming after?

BTW, this never got to my RSS feed, so I just now read it. Wonder why?
I decided to search Caray & got it that way, thinking the recappers always post early & so they had.

This isn't a comedy. It's a light drama. The kind shown in the afternoon or early evening in Mexico.

Fatima, thanks for your kind words and ITA that the actors/actresses were fantastic in this.

Kat, sadly it does seem the writers are trying to make Andres "that guy." And your predictions on how Nat will treat him are most likely spot on. If the writers hadn't ruined Angela, they wouldn't have to ruin Andres.

Anon @11:45 am, Rod tricking Lala was so unusual and weird. I think I could have been more amused if it didn't mean the possible death of Mr. T.

Nanette, thanks for coming by and I hope in spite of the "hand fall" that Mr. T lives. Once your busy time is over, please let me know as I love to talk movies with you.

Susanlynn, I don't know why the writers would think Rod's actions would be funny or amusing perhaps it was to show how crazy he is. But we already know that so its just abusive now. Looking forward to his demise.

Anon207, ITA that since Nat found that wig, Andres was done for though he never had a chance any way.

Variopinta, thank you for mentioning the body count in this tn. Though we know "comedy" in the tn world does not guarantee anyone will live to the end. I haven't heard of a replacement for this (what happened to La Gata?). Hopefully Uni is going back to a 3 hour tn cycle.


So far, they're still saying La Gata is up next, but they haven't confirmed the actual date, just "September."

Oh no, La Gata?, CI continued, count me out. Actually that is good, 7PM is a little too early for my novela watching.

Well the body count is higher, 2 was just for last night. Alberto was murdered by Rod. Was there anyone else? If Rod had succeeded in all his attempts, it could be off the chart.

Anon207: good points about Nat. Also, her character is very forgiving and always has been throughout the TN.

Death count:
-Diana- accident
-Alberto- manslaughter
-Tad- cancer

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