Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Mi corazon es Tuyo, #23, 20 Aug 2014...Fernando commits the # 1 IDIOT MOVE of a man in his middle age crisis EVA!!! Bruno gets some truth serum under coaching from Ana and Nico

Refrito: Fer tells Nando what he feels for IsaSkank and they talk about Ana… exceptional… a bit different from Isa or big Fanny, but Ana gave Fer back the will to live… up until the moment he learned he was going to be a daddy… Ana is a wonderful angel who changed his existence.

At Lasc mansion, Ana introduces herself and the kids… Manuela almost messes up the whole plan… twice. They tell grannie that the painting is a cousin of Manuela’s… Ana says the story is long.

Lo Nuevo:

Nando asks Fer what he will do… no idea… no, that is not true. Have to do what is correct, the straight, ethical, perfect thing to do… you have to be aware of the consequences (of what you do). Nando reminds him of a variable that turns everything incorrect, imperfect… love.  (now, who is the grown up and who is the teenager here?  Sadly, it seems the melting process melted the brain cells in Don Hielo's head!!)

Back to Lasc manor… Luz tells grannie she wants to be like her mom (points to the painting) who is in heaven… everyone skips a beat… Manuela tries to fix things, but overdoes it a bit. Manuela tells grannie she is chef as a career, a very famous fine chef.

Back to Malinalco. Nando is talking about Ximena and how she used him, and what he felt… Fer says you are right when you say love is the variable that turns the world upside down… Nando tells Fer that Ximena apologized and then kissed him… and he admits it was his FIRST kiss… what did you do next? … kick her out… but have to say it was…. It was GREAT!... (Fer remembers his first kiss with Ana and smiles)

At Lasc manor… Nico reminds Ana what we are doing is for Bruno… but… it is wrong… Ana agrees that one should not fake who you are not…. Least of all in front of someone you love. Nico says he hurts to see that someone is so uncomfortable with themselves that they have to lie to their mom.

At dinner table, Bruno a.k.a. the man of the house and Manuela are talking to grannie. Grannie loves seeing them in love… (grannie has a name! its Ofelia!) Manuela keeps whispering bedmanners promises to Bruno and pinching him… LOL!

Luz questions to Ana why they are lying to grannie… Ana says there are some lies that are white lies, to not hurt others like in this case Bruno’s mom. Lichita turns it on Ana about the lie denying the kiss between Ana and Fer.. Lichita tells Ana to admit it… Ana keeps talking about brushing Luz’s hair.

At Malinalco… Fer asks Nando what about Briana, Alicia’s friend? She is a bit young… and he still is thinking of Ximena. Honestly, he loves Ximena. But he can’t date her after what she did to him. He likes Ximena and she likes him… but that’s where it stops. They laugh that it seems they are living parallel stories. ‘de tal palo tal astilla’ (the apple does not fall far from the tree)… Fer repeats to Nando he loves him very much… Nando says me too… and thank you so much for this moment… (embrace, kiss)

At Johny’s, Jennifer has packed up her things… she tells Johny she does not want to keep witnessing his self-destroying … Johny whines that he is suffering… Jen yells at him that he can’t go on like this. Life is hard… there are loves, pains, happiness… you got no choice!! You have to go on!!

John yells that he loves Ana… Jen asks him if Ana will love him as he is acting… by pitying him… by him drinking and laying around doing nothing… beaten…. ‘I doubt it’.

Next morning, Bruno tries to kid around ordering Nico around… Nico does not appreciate it.. But Nico wants to have a serious talk about what Bruno is doing to his mom.. Bruno says it started as a little white lie and it got bigger and bigger like a snowball. Nico tells him he has to end the avalanche…your mom will love you any way… she does not deserve what you are doing… In comes Manuela in a negligee… Nico yells at her to get dressed.

At Chicago, Ana is doing her show… she is visibly sad. Meanwhile we see Fer staring at pictures of his late wife and remembering his last kiss with Ana. He is pensive, sad looking… back to Chicago… Johny is staring at Ana and remembering the words of Jennifer asking him if he thinks Ana will love out of for pity.

Bruno and Manuela talk… She is also trying to convince him to talk to his mom with the truth. He thinks being a mayordomo is not good enough… Manuela tells him there are so many people here who love you. Bruno mentions he hasn’t even been able to give grandchildren to his mom… She makes a pitch for herself in that department too… Bruno admits Nico is right… it is ugly to lie to people you love. Manuela confesses that she lied when she told him she was going to work for the neighbor, she did it to get him to react. Bruno gets really angry at her. But his lie to his mom was different, to not hurt his mom. Manuela’s lie was for another reason… he does not want to see her again … and leaves.

At Chicago, Jennifer again is telling Ana Johny is strange. Ana tells her what happened with Fer… the dreamy night and then this morning Fer was very nervous, did not want to make eye contact… as if he tried to make little of what happened… or like he wanted to tell her something but could not get to it. Jennifer has another sharp pain… all the other dancer girls also get concerned. Ana has some money set aside and wants Jennifer to go see a doctor. Promise me you will. Jenn has to promise she will go.

Back to Malinalco… have to say both Fer and Nando treat the staff there with lots of respect and appreciation. Suddenly Fer gets really pensive and sad upon touching a ladies riding hat (is this how big Fanny died? Or maybe big Fanny liked to ride horses and it was her hat…)

Back to Lazc mansion… Granny is in sofa with the middle kids… Ana is giving Bruno some last minute encouragement to open up to his mom… Ana calls the lady of the agency looking for her mom… yes I will be patient… thanks. … ay, mom… where are you?...

At a doctor’s office… Isa is hysterical telling his mom that the pregnancy tests sometimes give false positives… Both brujas breathe a sigh of relief to hear from the doctor that Isa is 4 weeks pregnant… Isa seems to be making some brain calculations for just a moment.

At Malinalco… Nando is the first to get the bad news… Fer has decided to marry Isa as the correct thing to do.

After we get a brief dancing recital by Sebas…then it is the twins turn to the spotlight… Bruno is ready… Bruno thanks Ana for what she did for him. She agrees that his mom deserves to know the truth… Bruno is ready. Luz asks him why he is sad. He says its not sadness. He just has to tell the truth to his mom. Bruno takes his mom away and tells her the truth…

At Johny’s Jenn has another huge sharp pain. Johny gets concerned, blames it on some tacos she ate. Jennifer reminds Johny that he got good money at that gig he danced… She suggests he could do a show for women… She leaves him alone and he basically coaches himself into trying Jennifer’s idea.

After Bruno keeps telling her he is worried he will let her down… and after Nico interrupts a moment with coffee and cookies… Nico gives Bruno some last second encouragement by telling grannie Bruno will find the right words.

In kitchen, Manuela is crying hysterically and Ana learns Manuela confessed to him the lie she told him and that Bruno does not want to see her again.

(Bruno and grannie are both crying) Granny takes the truth fine, she loves her son, not her son’s pocketbook or social status. She is very proud of him, and of the family he is such an important part of.

Fanny’s cel rings when she is eating with him and his mom. She explains that it is Ximena, and what Ximena did to her brother. Fanny goes to the bathroom. Leon is giggling. Margarita is not happy. He asks if she still is miffed at him. Marga feels bad for Fanny because she can see Fanny is very much in love. Leon swears he is too.

Fanny in bathroom is a bit icked and a bit pitiful of the very basic bathroom at Margarita’s.

Meanwhile Marga keeps insisting to Leon to break it up with Fanny. Leon insists that he can’t, he is so happy that Fanny fell for him…’ for me!!’ so please don’t insist on the subject. (boy this must be a VERY SERIOUS secret… maybe you recapers are right, that he has a kid or some other commitment).

Ana and Luz in the girls room… Ana tells Luz that Alicia has the ‘sting’ of big girls (puberty?)… they will talk about it later… Ana tells Luz that she gave her a big lesson today. Not to tell lies… Love you lots. Ana kisses Alicia good nite before leaving.

Downstairs Fanny and Leo are kissing… love you love you… yada yada… (he remembers his mom’s advice) Fanny notices he is thinking about something… Again Leon gets a bit unsure and asks her if they should continue the relationship… (ok, Leon, even I, who am more experienced than Fanny would be questioning why you ask…) Fanny read my mind… she asks Leon why every time they go visit his mom he questions their relationship. If you want to break up with me, no need for excuses. We do it and that’s that. Leon backs up… no, no! its not that. Haven’t you ever doubted whether it will work? Haven’t you wondered why your school friends or your dad or my mom see an abyss between us? Fanny says she does not see it, and if he will pay more attention to them than to her then he is not the man she fell in love with. (you tell him Fanny!) … Leon says she is right. She does not care what others say. She does not mind riding in his bike, eating tacos on the street or sleep in a little room in a boarding house… Because ever since her mom died, him, Leon Gonzalez, has been the only one that has been able to give her back her will to live… (didn’t Fernando tell Nando something similar about Ana?) and she could care less what others say. He has her heart and she believes in him. (he gives her an embrace… I would say that’s the LEAST she deserves, putting on enough ‘drive’ for the two of them).

Johny goes to see Mr Pimp. He brings it up he already lent Johny much money for a ring… Johny has another proposal, the guy doesn’t want to hear it at first but Johny keeps pushing. Johny suggests… a Wednesday night for ‘women’ with him as the entertainment. The thug sort of warms up to the idea. Do you have the other dancers? No, but can find them. The guy won’t spend any money on the idea. Johny will have to foot the bill of the wages of the other guys, until they prove it works.

Fanny tells Ana that there is something Leon does not want to tell her about… she says it might be just her own imagination but she is a bit nervous. Ana cheers her up… don’t worry, just enjoy your love.

Next day… Alicia does not feel like going to school. Alicia does not want her dad or anyone to see her, she has 50000 pimples!! Its more than the craters of the moon!! Luz also is not feeling like going to school. Dad already left for work. Ana goes out to find out for sure if he left already.

Alicia gets up and Luz gets scared of all the pimples on her face… did you get chickenpox, Licha? No!

Ana catches up with Fernando outside, aren’t you going to have breakfast with the kids or not??? Forgive me (he says perdon... almost as a whisper, looking down)… I have to go, have a meeting!.. forgive me…. Forgive me…  Ana questions why he keeps asking her to forgive him and is so anxious… what’s up with you?? Before you left you were behaving weird, you went to Malinanco and now you return and behave worse, saying you are going to a meeting! You won’t even talk to me… (not even when Ana tells him that Alicia needs him because she is in puberty with lots of pimples does he react… he basically brushes it off and repeats he has a meeting… )… Ana finally poses her arms as in ‘ok, then! Go!’ and he goes quietly… but not before one more time asking for forgiveness…
 (sorry, but recapper has to make a break in the recap to yell at some leading man who is having a MAJOR BRAIN MELTING CRISIS....
DUDE!!!! … are you considering your options??? are you trying to picture your life from now on??? what you would LOVE??? what do you foresee your future to be?? Allow me to help you out a bit...
               Option A: you marry IsaSkank... and discover a new dark side of her and her mother every day for the next 10 yrs... you hate how your kids avoid you and especially your wife every day... you get sad thinking all you missed with Ana... and in case Ana sticks around, you hate what you are missing (watching her love your kids but have to stay away from you), you hate your mother in law,   your wife and MIL squeez you almost broke and you are so down in the dumps you don't even care... you hate what all this is doing to your kids... the last thing in the world you want is to have more family portraits if she is in it... you get surgery to ensure there won't be any 9th Lascurain coming from IsaSkank... your dad has moved out... your kids are sadder than before Ana got to your lives... you end up enabling and enjoying the pranks they play on IsaSkank because that is the only time in the day you get to smile and spend with them... you can't find a reason to smile or feel good most days...   bottom line: you dread getting up every morning, you push yourself through living each day and watching your kids transform from angelitos into diablitos...
               Option B: you marry Ana... your life gets more fun, more unexpected, more lively, more loving, more exciting in bed, more sloppy (and you love it), you get one more of your things broken every day (and you love it), you get more Lazc little ones (and you love it), you have a loving wife who cares for you and supports you (and you love it), your kids have just about the best mother other than their own (and you love watching it and seeing them thrive), your life gets more colorful (and you love it), you take your wife out to dinner and actually enjoy teaching her what each utensil is for, what each food is, and you look forward to her 'Sally-esque' enjoyment of her sweets, you find out about Ana's other life and she gives you private shows (and you end up loving it), you have someone to warm you up when its cold (and you love it), you have someone to help you pack (and you love finding little extras in there), you help Ana find her mom and you love her happy face hugging her, your dad loves hanging out with the family, you end up on a family portrait that could be titled '19 kids and counting..' and you smile looking forward to the '20' portrait... and live is GOOD... and life is GOOD... and life is GOOD... )  bottom line: you and your kids (and future ones) live lovingly, laughing, and happily ever after...
Ok... I'm done with my ranting... sorry it as so long, i searched and searched my brain but could not find one good reason for him to pick the option he took ... now on with the recap]
Ana goes back inside. Sebas asks for Lichita… here comes Lichita down the stairs with sweater, sunglasses and hat, with plenty of makeup covering her pimples… She whines asking them to look elsewhere…

At office, Fernando gets a welcome present… BellaSkank hands him the official pregnancy test from doctor… boy she is miffed at him… COME ON FERNANDO!! READ THE SIGNS ON THE CRACKS IN HER MAKEUP!!! TURN AWAY!!!!!

Fernando begins a speech about the baby deserving to grow up in a structured, orderly, happy, normalcy… he has been thinking… and believes the correct thing to do… (OH NO!!! HE DIDN”T… yeah, he did… ) is that we get married.

Previews turn this cold into a pneumonia… there is a misunderstanding where everyone in the Lazc household, including Nico[who seems to be the carrier of the confusion from the office to the house]… believe Fernando is going to marry Ana… and Ana gets all happy and gets a make-over to have dinner with Fer… but a bomb is about to be dropped and it is a MAJOR STINKER!!! (OK, Fernando… make your bed, then …. Ok, I have no words to describe it… this guy is NUTS!!! … and he was talking about his dad and giving advice to Nando?? YIKES!!!)


Great recap, Marta! Loved the ". . . Read the signs on the cracks in her makeup!!!"

Yolanda sure told it like it is when she told Isabela that it didn't matter if Fernando loved her or not and when Isabela asked her if she had married for love, she talked about the big fat wallet and good looks of her husband first and about how love came later. Yolanda is quite the character.

Loved Bruno asking Nico to bring him a cup if hierba buena tea when Nico was taking his role as mayordomo.

Too bad Fernando is going to have to have an acute case of stupidity, before he can recuperate and marry Ana.



Thank you Marta !!! Thanks for clearing up much of what I didn't understand last night.

Way too much of Bruno .. can't stand this character; and I guess because he is a good actor, we'll continue to have way too much of him as he'll get show time commensurate with his acting status. A waste of a good actor.

Thanks for the detail about what Yolanda said, Jarifa!
yes Fernando will have to try the WRONG choice in the fork on the road before he can appreciate (even more so) the right one with Ana.
Nando is right in being worried about what the other kids will say about his decision... them not being happy campers is an understatement, I think.
IsaSkank better prepare for WW III. (Alex and Guille, you could get some ideas from the movie Parent Trap (lizards on her face, sugar water as repellent to attrack every mosquito in the city, putting her mattress with her on it in the middle of a lake while she sleeps...)
and the rest of the ones listed in your book... paint, mouse, etc. I bet she will become fond of 'Nandito' very quick...

Marta, this was fantastic and "Fernando commits the #1 IDIOT MOVE of a man in his middle age crisis EVA!" said it all.

Like Jarifa, I thought "Read the signs on the cracks in her makeup" was clever and "DUDE!!!! … are you considering your options 10 yrs from now??? You are sooooo chosing the wrong fork on the road" was another favorite.

Your detailing and retelling the events was fabulous. The embedded vocabulary was a treat.

So relieved Bruno fessed up! Ofelia seemed like such a lovely person, I'm not surprise she told him she loved him just the way he really is.

Although concerned about what Leon's secret is and dismayed that Fernando wants to do "the right thing", my primary worry is Jen. Will she collapse before she finally goes to the doctor??

Marta, this was excellent. Thank you.


Great work, Marta. I really needed this because of certain technical issues that caused me to miss half the video of it.

I knew that Ofelia wouldn't get upset at the truth. Glad this happened now because this lie would have been completely unsustainable.

Love how you laid out Fernando's options. Only he doesn't need any more children.

Fernando's life is about to become a living hell. I was hoping Nando would help him realize this would be a huge mistake, but that's Nick's job.

I realized in this episode that our irritation with Bruno is that Rene Casados is really cast against type here. His past characters have always been smooth-talking dudes whether they were good or evil. Stuttering is difficult to do in character and it's no laughing matter to a person afflicted with it in real life.

UA, i agree with your point on Rene Casados... whether he played a priest, a good guy, a villain or anyone else, he never had to 'fake' a physical condition like the stuttering here...
Stuttering is difficult to do in character and it's no laughing matter to a person afflicted with it in real life. so true.
the only seasoned actor i have seen do this really well is Don Ignacio Lopez Tarso as 'Melesio' in Esmeralda '96.


This comment has been removed by the author.

the kids will be on a crusade to throw every prank in the book, even the kitchen sink, at IsaSkank to break the engagement. Will Ana try to stop them or enable them? ...


The kids might hold back on serious pranks since Isa is pregnant. The baby is their sibling, after all (at least that's Isa's story). And they might not want to do anything that might hurt the baby. I don't think Ana would be supportive of pranks on a pregnant woman.

Marta, what a great recap! And I love the title--Idiot move indeed.

So on one hand you can sort of see Fer's point why he is hitching himself to the beyotch: he loves his children and wants to do right by this one ( thought betcha we find out it's not his) and he is trying to set an example of doing the right thing. But this is the 21st century, and shot gun weddings aren't called for anymore. He can very well support ISA and the child and be very much involved. Though knowing her character, you wonder if she would use the child as emotional blackmail anyway. Rock meet hard place.

He has to know deep down the woman is a skank, he's heard her bigoted big mouth himself, but I think he's doing some wishful thinking here. He's not too good at dealing with realities as we've seen. I agree, the kids are going to rebel big time. But I don't see Ana aiding and abetting. I just see her trying to be the peacemaker for their father's sake and then doing something stupid like go back to Johny. Giving myself a headache.

Glad the whole Bruno thing is out of the bag. He thanked Nico once for helping him in the past, so I wonder if he either was in trouble, had been jailed or something that resulted in such a long separation from Momma. Still not a Manuela fan.

Despite the antics we saw at the start as the kids lashed out in their grief, have to say Fanny and Nando have their heads on straighter than the adults. As for Leon--ok, here goes. I'm thinking the "Papa" was him crying out and he's either an illegitimate child who's papa took a poweder,which to someone like his mother, would be poison when trying to fit into the society levels, or his father is a crook and in jail. His statement that she loves "HIM" for who he is leaves me to believe there is something dark about his parental set up. My theory for what it is.

Hey, I feel for poor Alicia. She's surrounded by gorgeous women, big sister is borderline model material and here she is with braces and acne. any young girl would feel awful, but that just adds to it. Nicely realistic with a twist of humor for the show.

HATE HATE HATE Johny on my screens. It's almost unbelievable that Ana would ever have seen anything in this twit.


Excellent Marta and loved you running the life story scenarios

Fernando is a selfish coward in the first degree. Proved it when Estefanía died and doing it again.
Leon is a selfish coward in training.

Bruno - annoying, no wonder mom hasn't visited more

Ofelia - you get three squares, clean sheets and daily avocado facials, success in my book

Isabela - should I even keep the apartment or let the bank take it?

Nando - don't know dad, I like being humiliated

Fanny - I'm your puppet

Alicia - just cut off my head

Juan - don't quit your day job, oh, you don't have one

Jenny - don't go encouraging him

Nic - you did a bad job with that son of yours

Fernando - keep your hands off the help

Ana - you forgot who's boss


Tofie, great list especially "Ana- you forgot who's boss".


Awesome recap!

Tonight's episode is going to be heart breaking for poor Ana. She looked amazing in the previews.

I'm sure she will stay on the job for the kids but my first instinct would be to up and leave. How miserable has her job situation now become, during the day and at night.

the previews showed Ana putting on the same dress (late Fanny's) she wore to the dinner at the rest.

Yes, she will have hell in both places.

Agree with the person who said that Fernando will have to experience this hell before he knows he'll have heaven with Ana. If he refused to marry Isabitch that would cut about 75 episodes (or more).

In past decades there have been numerous examples of a protagonist married to a villain until the next-to-last episode. While this serves a plot point it is rather outdated for the 21st century.

Hope Ana at least asks for a raise. Daily humiliation pay.

Fernando knows Ana is going no where because she cares for the kids and won't abandon them.

Please make Juan disappear

It looks like Juan will have to start his version of Solo Para Mujeres which had Jorge Salinas in its original cast.

Check out the other clips whose icon screens appear at the end. Do not enlarge the viewer, though, because they're not high rez.

tofie... 'daily humiliation pay' i like it... but still Ana does not deserve this humiliation. Fernando on the other hand deserves every bit of torture he has coming... he made his bed.. now he has to sleep in it. and when he wakes up every morning he will want to go right back to sleep (his dreams will be much better than his real life). and keeping Ana around just to torture her and let his kids have her seems sooooo wrong in so many ways... totally unfair to her and uncalled for.

I agree Marta, Ana has done nothing wrong. She did what she was hired to do when all others failed. Her crime is wanting to be part of a family that loves her back and to love and be loved by a man that will not exploit her for their own gain.

Fernando and Juan have much in common.

I so wish Ana would have the courage to quit. That would surely get Fernando's attention. But being in novelaland, she will probably just go along with the plan. Still hoping the writers will surprise us on this one.


I loved your rant at Fer, Marta! Thank you for the wonderful recap.

Tofie - Fernando IS a selfish coward. He has already jerked poor Ana around emotionally, and now he doesn't have the nerve or class to explain the I-love-you-but-Isa's-pregnant-so-I've-got-to-marry-her situation with Ana BEFORE proposing to Isabruja? Very poorly done, Fer.

In my perfect novela world, Fer would marry Isabruja and live with their Isababy. Ana would marry the contraceptive-savvy and super-hot brother, Diego, inviting all of Fer's original kids to live with them. Or, scratch that . . . Ana wouldn't marry anyone. She would continue dancing while she worked her way through medical school, specializing in dermatology. Then, she and Alicia, who also becomes a dermatologist, one day share an outrageously successful practice. Somehow, I don't think the tn writers and I think alike . . .
Regarding Bruno, now that his mama knows the truth, do you think he'll see her more often? Like maybe in ten years?

Ecuador bound, i see Alicia getting through medicine school and specializing in dermatology.
But Ana, she needs a more lively, colorful career... maybe she will run a non profit org that helps people who were adopted find their parents and then helps the family remodel their living space... I can even see Fanny helping out with this part, she seems to be good for matching colors, she dresses real well on her own and knows what dresses would look good on Ana ( late Estefania and Ana had nowhere near the same dress size.. these must be magican stretch dresses)...
Nicolas could find Ana a better job, maybe managing some agency (with salary) which would help her pay her debt (unless Nico takes care of that instantly) and then go on with her life...
I see Nando writing his own books, whether original novels or maybe historical documentary type books.
Not sure about the younger ones... Sebas would have his own dance studio... that way only those who dare go in need to withstand his recitals.

I hate having this sense of foreboding, this early, that makes us all begin to contemplate happy endings. Ana will be crushed and not see the sucker punch.

I only saw the previews at the end of the episode. The whole scenario just looks so darned painful for Ana. Fer really should have spoken to her as soon as he got the baby news from Isa. He is totally blind-sighting her, and the way it will be set up to happen (Nico accidentally making Ana think she's the one who's getting proposed to) is the most painful way it could happen. Yikes! I don't know what I'd do. I'd be so mad and so embarrassed at the same time.

Thanks for the recap Marta. I really needed as the cable just vanished after the 7 pm tn.

I guess the big questions are will the wedding really take place or somehow be dragged out? Will Ana return to Johnny? Truly if she does go back to him, I'll be in a bad mood until she really leaves him. I hope Diego chases her instead.

Quite a few people have mentioned they don't think the baby is Fer's because she seems shady (which is true)? Have we seen Isa w/anyone else?

We haven't seen Isabela with anyone, nor mentioned anyone but two times she made calculations. First was a digital count on her fingers and last night a mental one. Admit it is possible I'm reading into these two things because I want it to be so.

Thanks, Marta! I loved the line about reading the cracks in her makeup, too.

Don't like how Fer is being so callous about Ana's feelings and leaving her in the dark. He really should have told her about Isa first...or at least second...or at least before telling anyone he is planning to marry Isabruja. And now he's going to obliviously humiliate Ana on top of throwing her over for a witch? He is being very unFer!

I'm glad the charade for Ofelia didn't go on too long. If anything, she can see that Bruno has a family who love him, even if they aren't his biofamily, and a solid job. That isn't NOTHING.

So what is the Lion King's secret? He said something to his mother like "what's past is past", which makes me think it won't be that he has a child...that would definitely be a present and future thing too, no? Unless the child had died or something. Maybe a criminal record? Or Dad's in prison? I was also thinking maybe he has some serious health issue, like HIV or something, but I don't know how the papa thing would tie into that. Unless daddy was an ogre who disowned him over it or something.

Isa was definitely doing some math there, which to me suggests it's at least a possibility that the timing doesn't line up. We haven't seen her with anyone else, but she hooked up with Fer REALLY FAST after she came to La Costeña, so it's definitely possible she was with someone else just before that.

Isa hasn't been seen with any one else, but every time she hears or says "pregnant" she looks guilty and starts counting on her fingers. It just seems suspicious.

Marta: Thanks for the recap. Loved your spelling out Fer's options.

The doctor making a point about how far along Isa is. Her attitude about it. I'm sure Fer's not the father. Betting it's Lisardo. Has it been four weeks since Fer and Isa did it? How long after she started working did they do it? I probably asked these questions before, but don't remember the answers, if I did.

Daisy: agree that they're treating Alicia's puberty problems realistically.

OT: those watching Hasta. Did I see Luzma from AB last night?


Nanette- Yes. You saw "Luzma".

Remember there was a 'weeks later' note while Nando was in hospital... he was in hospital for weeks, so I bet Isa's baby IS Fernando's... unless she is double-crossing him AFTER they were there...

i ahd to peek into a later episode (yes, i watched 1 ep! adn decided it was a bad idea)... and lets just say i don't want to spoil...

Marta: but if Isa and Fer slept together almost immediately after Isa stared working there, then it could be someone she slept with right before starting work.


I like your revision of the ending of this tn and the characters' outcomes better than mine.

Perhaps the twins could grow up to become popular and successful politicians like the Massachusetts Kennedy brothers, enacting change for the betterment of mankind? And Fer, realizing in a flash of insight he does NOT have to populate the world, could finally get a vasectomy!

My imagination could run wild . . .

I didn't see any avances but I hope that Isabruja doesn't force a "Wedding of My (Mama's) Dreams" with the white dress and everything. This situation doesn't merit such an event.

If Fernando was anything like his namesake is now I'll bet he knows a hell of a lot less about women than the other characters previously played by the great JS. A little while ago I was describing the scene with the ferret loose in his bedroom and realized that he's going against type here as well as Rene Casados.

All I have to say is, Nick, give your son hell for this one!

Fer and Isa did the horizontal hula very soon after she started working there...I'm thinking like a week, at the most. The very next day, Nando was in the accident. He was then hospitalized for a vague "some weeks". If it was only two weeks, and it's only been a couple days since then, it could still be less than four weeks and she could have been with someone else just before.

Of course, it's also possible that she was counting on her fingers to figure out the due date, or how old she and Fer will be when the kid finishes school, or how much raising a child is going to cost, or something like that.

Or nervous habit.

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Isabruja is more than old enough to have a sexual history. Mamabruja talks about her husband having been a Spaniard, which makes me think that Lisardo might be playing a relative of theirs. He might not actually be the sperm donor in this case.

I would like to see Fernando get a vasectomy. If Alejandro Fernandez can do it....

If the baby is Fernando's I don't currently see how this novela could get resolved without Isabruja ending up dead or in prison. Can anyone remember a civilized relationship between a divorced couple that had a child together in any novela? We almost had that in LQLVMR but didn't.

Urban- We had it in Amor Bravio. The galan at the end had joint custody of his daughter with his first wife. Everyone was friends by the end. The heroine was SN.

In Cuando, he had a child with the tight dressed doctor, but he still reunited with Silvia. ( Lord there is a pattern here for Silvia.) But in that case, the good doctor died and Silvia and Juan raised the little one with their brood. Same could happen here I suppose. Little dark, but even the comedies have their moments.


'All I have to say is, Nick, give your son hell for this one!'
i would say everyone starting with Nic should make a line to slap some sense into Fernando... Nic, Bruno, Ana, all kids, Jennifer, and even the gardener and staff at the hacienda.


In Tontas, the heroine had a child with the first husband (she left him during their wedding reception and then faked her death, after discovering his affair with her sister, neither of them knowing then that she was pregnant). After much drama and his attempts to win her back when he found out she was still alive and they had a son, they eventually settled into a amicable friendship and parenting arrangement and she married the other real galán. Meanwhile, the galán had an oopsie baby with a loca woman and I believe she ended up dead, but that didn't happen to the first guy. They divorced and shared custody.

Daisynjay- And they really didn't need to kill her in CME because they had all made peace by that point. That's why I appreciated that AB left everyone alive and happy at the end. People can move on after divorce and/or having a child together!

I think there's more of a chance for co-parenting in a comedy, so Isa has a good chance of living. In Por Ella Soy Eva, the heroine's ex came back into her son's life, and he and the heroine made peace-- but he lived in the States or something.

Julia- And didn't the galan's ex wife (mother of his daughter) also die? She turned out to be loca too.

Oh, that's right! She did! I had forgotten that she reappeared and turned out to be crazy and fell down an elevator shaft! And the heroine's kid's father Patricio had also had a son with another woman (Soledad), whom he knocked up shortly before the ill-fated wedding, and the two of them ended up friends with shared custody also. So that one had plenty of examples where it ended badly and where it turned out fine for everyone.

Thank you Marta, I'm glad they didn't drag out telling Bruno's mother the truth. Now I'm not sure what the point of that whole thing was. But at least we got to see Sebastian's dancing. (hahahaha)

Now what could be Leon's secret? Julia suggested maybe his dad is in jail, that could be something he wants to hide, I just can't imagine that the secret is that they are poor, because that is obvious.

Theory: Isabela's greedy metiche mother, wanting to make things better for her daughter (after the baby is born), tries to poison Ana but Isabela drinks the poison instead. The mother goes crazy at what she's done and Ana and Fernando are left with the seven-and-a-half kids happily ever after.

OR - Diego comes to visit and the bruja decides she wants HIM instead so she tells Fer he can keep the baby and she takes off, running after the brother and meets with an untimely death in the jungle somewhere.

Leon has made a huge point already of being poor, so that can't be it. Unless in addition to the low cash flow, there is also some huge debt he or his mother owes?

I had to laugh a bit when Fanny was pitying the poor-people bathroom. I don't think of myself as poor...I'm pretty solidly middle-class...but that bathroom was twice the size of mine and almost as nice. Uglier colors, but it could have been sooooo much worse. Although I'm with Fanny on disliking scraps of bar soap by the sink.

Forgot about Miriam in AB, but I don't see Isabruja moving to another country.

I have to believe that it's not Fernando's child.

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