Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Lo Que La Vida Me Robó, # 195, 8-13-2014: Pedro Goes For Broke!
And Kidnaps Victoria, Laurito, Romina, and Also Amelia For Good Measure. Lots Of Other Awful Things Happen, Too!
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My swan song final full recap, folks. Enjoy! |
Warehouse o' All Nefarious Activity
Montserrat has been chained into a fancy-looking water torture box by Pedro and his goons. The box is filling up slowly and steadily. She calls for help. The water will soon be over her golden head.
Half of Agua Azul (Dominga, Macario, Josefina, Esmeralda, Rosario, Padre Anselmo, Carlotta. Nadia, Romina) has gathered together to worry collectively about the fate of Montse. The only person not present is Graciela, who is in her bedroom alone in her anguish, having just confessed to Padre Anselmo that she has been lying to everyone about her illness. Carlotta asks Padre A. if Gracie needs anything, and he responds with one of the best lines of the night:
"Yes," says Padre A. "She needs the presence of God in her heart."
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Very much on board with Padre Anselmo's diagnosis of what ails Graciela |
Victor enters to join the vigil, bringing along the kids from school, who, per usual, wonder what's up and why they're coming come early but are told nothing and sent off to get a snack and change from their uniforms.
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Jeez, this looks bad--and I don't just mean the screen shot quality! |
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Another sweet moment for those savvy Crackpot Theorists! |
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Drowning pretty |
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Before you die, swear to me one more time you didn't sleep with José-Luis when he was capataz at the hacienda |
Alejandro rushes over to try to lift Montse out of the tank as José-Luis breaks something at the bottom and the water starts gushing out. Are they too late?
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Nice Pietà homage from the director of photography |
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And a much better one from El Greco |
Back at Beach House Almonte
In disbelief, Victor asks, 'You're going to kill me?"
He falls--or would except he's tied to the column. Better to say he kind of slumps over.
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Guess they're trying hard to add some gravitas to this crazy episode. Is it just me seeing all the Passion imagery today? |
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Another amazing El Greco |
"It's that bastard Medina."
"What did Pedro do?"
Alejandro promises Montserrat that he and José-Luis won't stop looking for the children until they find them.
He answers and reassures her that Montse is fine, but not to start feeling good about that or anything since there is now something new to be even more worried about: Pedro used Montserrat to kidnap all the children!
Dimitrio, Montserrat, and Alejandro also come in. Anguished Victor apologizes again for not protecting the children, but Montserrat reassures him they understand.
But Dimitrio says what he doesn't understand is how Pedro got into the house.
Victor reveals the truth: "Graciela got up from her wheelchair and opened the door."
Montserrat begins to protest that this can't be right, but Victor stops her.
Victor tells them, "That woman isn't sick. She's tricked us all. Graciela shot me so that no one would know that she is the accomplice of that monster Pedro."
Shocked and horrified looks all around.
End of Capitulo
Avances: Dimitrio dumps Graciela out of her wheelchair. Everyone is furious with her. The desperate search for the children continues.
Labels: robo
I can't complete my last full recap for this TN without saying goodbye and offering a million thanks to you all for reading and commenting with such intelligence and dedication over the last, gulp...TEN MONTHS! I confess I probably would have never signed up for this one initially had I known it would last this long, but I'm so glad I did. My Spanish has improved a lot watching this TN every night for countless weeks, so a word of encouragement to those of you studying Spanish and who want to improve rapidly to give recapping a try. It works!
I want to thank each and every member of this re-capping team, too. As a rookie, it was daunting to find myself included among them but great to have their inspiration, guidance, and support:
Urban Anthropologist: Your amazingly detailed, stylishly written, beautifully illustrated recaps always set the bar high at the beginning of the week. Your dedication and thoroughness are admirable and your insights into this TN and the world of TNs in general are impressive and have been wonderfully informative and helpful. Thank you.
Gloria: Your snappy, funny, intelligent and well-paced recaps are always such a pleasure to read. You capture the essence of each capitulo perfectly and give us great details and a sharp, smart wonderfully engaging point of view. One recent amazing example: Ale says no one and nothing will ever separate them. (Obviously stud man Ale has never seen a novela. You just jinxed yourself man). Thank you.
NovelaMaven: Your recaps are extraordinary, and I know I can speak for everyone here and proclaim the tremendous admiration we all have for your work. You educate, enlighten, and, entertain us mightily week after week after week. I am in awe of your incredible talent as a writer and the generosity of your person. Thank you.
Eli: Your hysterical and smart recaps made every other Wednesday night my favorite night of the TN since not only did I get a night off, but I got to read your fantastic work. So, so funny and smart. Your recap of the episode where Alejandro discovered that his capataz was really José-Luis is probably my all-time favorite of the TN. Thank you.
Elna June: Your wise, wonderful, and witty presence is a gift to us all at Caray. Your range as a writer is amazing, and you have the enviable ability of being able to be both hysterically funny and very moving. You got some of the most challenging episodes and handled them with much grace, as you are a master of tone. Thank you.
Elvira: I'm not sure if you are still with us and reading, but I wanted to say thank for the amazing episodes you did with our team. Your work was always hysterical and your terrific screen shots and captions first inspired me to add this element to my own recaps. Thank you.
Mads: Our fabulous and fearless leader! Not only did you write amazing, informative, and funny recaps every week and give us great things to listen to with your trademark ear worms, but you also provided invaluable guidance and leadership behind the scenes, keeping us on the team aware of schedules and supporting and encouraging us in our own work. You were the heart of our team, and we were so lucky to have you! Thank you.
To All Commenters: The fact that you read and commented on the recaps quickly evolved into the only reason I wanted to keep writing them. You are so smart, intelligent, generous, and thoughtful. I have tremendous affection for you all. Thank you so much.
Everyone: This will be my last recap at Caray, Caray! for a while since I'm leaving to work in Central America soon for most of next year. I'll try to check in from time to time while I'm away, and I hope to recap again one day.
Best to all,
Julia R.
I can't believe the writers have allowed Pedro to go this far. And though Daisynjay called this, I'm beyond vexed that he has all the children. Couldn't we just have him terrorize adults. Do will really need to see him emotionally damage children?
I'm delighted Victor survived and ecstatic that he lived to tell the horribleness that is Gracie! The preview of Dim dumping her from the wheelchair is truly must see tv.
How big is the Dead Pool Hit List on this TN ?
The deadpool list for this tn is quite long. Mads and Vivi will probably be more accurate than I but from what I remember its:
Bruno (killed by Dim accidentally, henchie of Benjamin)
Gaspar, Maria's dad (killed by her uncle)
Juventino, Maria's uncle (killed by Loreto, a Pedro henchie)
Loreto (killed by Jose Luis and saving Ale)
Maria's pimp (killed by Adolfo)
Worker (killed by EZ)
Maria (killed by Pedro/poison)
EZ (his killer escapes me now)
Captain Robledo (killed by Adolfo)
Al's lawyer (killed by Sandro)
Sandro (killed by Maria)
Monica (killed by Adolfo)
Refugio (killed by Adolfo)
Fabiola (I feel Gracie killed her)
I know I've forgotten some and I included Montse's poor dad, who was killed via verbicide from Ale.
Padre Anselmo gave the wrong response to Rosario's question if Graciela needed something. He should have answered with Graciela's favorite line: "Le hace falta Jesús." (She needs Jesus.)
Pedro should have thumped her on the head instead of hitting her in the face; then the circle would have been completed. One thing for Graciela, Pedro's hit to her face sure didn't silence her. She was as feisty as ever. Maybe Dimitrio will take the wind out of her sails when he finds out the truth about her.
Karen- EZ was killed by Ale, and don't forget the Lt. that Refugio killed.
God Speed!
Also, Alejandro joining the hunt just so the galan isn’t left twiddling his thumbs.
The episode was an emotional bloodbath but you gave us a cultural feast, complete with the Shakespeare quote and El Greco paintings! Great captions for the screencaps as well.
So lovely for all the family, friends and frenemies to gather together to face Pedro’s nefarious schemes. Prayers in place of potluck this time around.
Pedro was on the road to his country retreat, but he surely would have enjoyed the consternation and confusion resulting from his kidnapping spree.
Gracie—-oops! Her plans seem to be unraveling a bit. It was supremely satisfying for Victor to survive and reveal her complicity with Pedro. And even more satisfying to see the preview with Dimi dumping her onto the floor.
Thanks for all your recaps and we’ll miss your work here. Good wishes for your new location.
I especially enjoyed your graceful descriptions with the knife of snark sliding home at the last moment.
Thank you for this very marvelous recap and for all the hard work you did on this 10 month long TN. You have been a trooper and then some, and I too wish you luck in Central America and will miss you. I too hope you recap again.
I also loved your screen shots for this one, but especially the one with Ale asking Monse before she died to tell him one more time about Jose Luis, too funny. I think you are Carlos are the Queen and King of the hilarious captions underneath the screenshot, for those I thank you too!
DaisynJay really called it about the kids, I was hoping this wouldn't happen. I loved little Laurito telling the little girls he would protect them, how very sweet. I'm also mad that Peddy's men knifed poor Kevin, que the hell? Why????
Why for the love of Pete, why didn't Amelia and Ginny leave town? I wish they had gone far, far away, but then again, at least now the children have someone good to take care of them.
I just knew that Peddy had put Monse in a warehouse with that water tank, but it was very brightly lit this time. Last time when Monica was there and Fofito killed her it was very dimly lit.
That country house has got to be close to Ale's Hacienda and the Arrichega's old place. I wonder if Peddy did his drug operations from there. Just a guess, not a spoiler. I hope the three guys, Ale, Dimi and JL figure it out quick.
I loved Victor ratting out Guady and I can't wait until Dimi, Monse and Ale confront her. May her comuppance be really good. She needs a huge anvil. The nerve of her praying for Victor's death.
Thank you again Julia for this very fantastic recap !
Also, so many damas who contribute to this blog to my chagrin got completely taken by Graciela's lies, always giving her countless chances for redemption.
The writers were hitting us over the head with the fact that Graciela was the female image of Pedro. She went about her business in a different but just as lethal manner as Pedro.
Before you die, swear to me one more time you didn't sleep with José-Luis when he was capataz at the hacienda
I'll have to disagree with those who think that Gracie loves her children. It was, still is, and forever will be all about Gracie. Montse and Dimitrio are just there to keep her in a lifestyle she's become accustomed to. At one point after Carlota, Rosario and Fina came back to the house and discovered all the mayhem Gracie asked someone to call Dimitrio to come and help them. It seemed like she had already written Montse off. If she really cared, wouldn't she have asked about Montse and wanted Dimitrio to keep looking for his sister? Gracie's anvil cannot come too fast or hard enough.
Graciela is sick and is also not sick,she is sick in the head! Maybe the doctors werent bribed ,it was just a wrong diagnosis,its not a tumour,its Narcissim! Gracie thinks she bribed them but all he did was just setting up a wrong diagnosis! i cant believe she prayed that Victor should die and that remark to Macario was disgusting
Too bad Victor did not die,he is such a boring character to me but atleast we were spared from what woukd be an yet another funeral..
Is Pedro an alien for being able to outsmart everyone or are they just too stupid? This is not even stupidity anymore,it is Holy Stupidity.Such stupidity that can send you straight to Hell!
Loved, "Alejandro does a good job checking for vital signs" perfect screen shot! Actually looked a little like he was choking him, but we forgive Ale cause he's such a cutie.
And "another sweet moment for those savvy crackpot theorists!"
Now I get it (way after you guys) that Pedro helped her fool everyone, he probably paid that doctor to lie.
OH, and you get the prize, "before you die, swear to me one more time you didn't sleep with José-Luis when he was capataz at the hacienda".
I couldn't stop giggling!
You're comparison to El Greco's Pieta-priceless. I have noted many of the scenes look like someone's Pieta! No you were not alone in seeing the Passion imagery!
Loved the way you inserted your own passion dialogue! "He has risen!"
Mr. eMarie was watching (a little) last night and he said, "Oh, the writers are probably just having a good time."
Someone commented yesterday that it was disturbing that the writers think it adds excitement to have scared children in the scene.
Yeah, that seems strange to me, too.
I often ponder on the nature of the writers. It tells me they are fairly young as adults go, and probably have no kids or no time with their kids and families. 17 hour days, long work weeks, locked in a room...really bad benefits.
This is hidden aggression.
Televisa, give these guys a little vacation already!!
Now, let me just say, I haven't had the best week on having things come out well work or life wise...but dang, why was this the one thing I guessed right. Thoroughly disgusted last night at how this story will end and the use of the children. I want to line the writers up and give them on of those Dominga head slaps up the back of their sorry heads. There was a lot of other ways to end this...Shame on them!
For GaudyGirl, may she rot in the worst of hells. There should be no quick shot to the heart for her....oh wait, she doesn't have one. Padre got it right, every time her sorry puss was on I was yelling at my TV "shut the hell up!" Cats were not pleased.
I am not feeling positive about Amelia, who really should have left town long ago, but at least the children have her there. As for the previews, I plan to watch Dim dumping his mother out of the wheel chair over and over again through the weekend. Perfect! The look on his face of " Man, she did it again" while everyone else acted shocked gave me hope he'll give Mumsy some "justice" of his own.
I did a lot of remote switching last night when the kids were on, not sure how much I can take tonight. All I can say is I don't have warm and fuzzy feelings about all our characters...I'm sure the body count will go up again. Seems like that's how this TN rolls.
I completely agree that the Padre should have said "le hace falta Jesus" right back at Graciela. While I am secular to the core her hypocrisy about this throughout this series burns my rear.
"Real father"? Whom does Pedro think he's kidding? I don't for one second think he is delusional about who Victoria's father is. If this weren't so close to the finale we'd have to worry about what Pedro plans to do to this little girl. In the short term I can only think that the idea that she is his child would be to cover up any risk of revelation about why she couldn't be. In the long term I don't see anything but evil intent.
CountAlacran, the characters only seem stupid to us because we have seen all of Pedro's nefarious activities against all of them. We therefore know things they don't.
Also, Victor had to survive if only to be able to tell the others that Gracie faked her paralysis.
As for Graciela she had to know that Monserrat would have never actually surrendered Victoria to Pedro. She rewrites history and projects her own feelings and actions on others. A true narcissist and just as much a sociopath as Pedro.
"The water will soon be over her golden head"; "Victor broods and wrings his hands at his constant current state of inaction", "
Jeez, this looks bad--and I don't just mean the screen shot quality!" were sensational.
As others have already quoted, "Before you die, swear to me one more time you didn't sleep with José-Luis when he was capataz at the hacienda" was great. "She fires.He falls--or would except he's tied to the column" and "Lamentation abounds" were other favorites. Stunning.
My heart ached for the children but am relieved Amelia is there for them. She looked shell shocked and her plight seems grim indeed.
There is no honor among thieves and murderers. Graciela made a grave error in trusting Pedro and like Adolfo, her failure to shoot and kill will likely be her undoing.
The aftermath of the shooting with everyone crying and wailing was almost unbearable. It was raw and far too real.
My concern is the children. Not only Victoria, Laurito and Romina but now Dimitrio and Montse as well. While the little ones will have their loving parents to help them cope as well as the resiliance of youth on their side, the wounds Graciela has inflicted on her adult children may never heal.
Every single one of the 20 comments have been amazing. Thanks to Karen ("I know I've forgotten some and I included Montse's poor dad, who was killed via verbicide from Ale") for compiling the list of those who have passed and for others who contributed additional names. On that subject, I am fervently hoping JL will survive and be alive at the end of this! I want he and Romina to have their life and time together. Of course, I have been wrong about every single thing thus far so...
LaPaloma "The episode was an emotional bloodbath but you gave us a cultural feast"... how beautifully stated. I am keeping you, your husband and family in my prayers.
Daisy, I am sorry that this has not been a good week for you. Sending comforting hugs your way.
Julia, I hope you have a wonderful time in Central America. We will miss you and look forward to your return. Your voice and spirit have added so much here.
If that were me, I'd be calling them.
There was a comment yesterday about Caller ID. Unless these are not available in Mexico I suspect that Pedro probably is using a pre-paid phone that can't be traced. Anyone else should have Anonymous Call Rejection on their cell phones at this point (again, unless that isn't available there). Still, not answering the phone would only have delayed the inevitable.
BTW, Julia, one of my favorite lines is Montserrat is wondering if the nightmare will ever end and on cue (to prove that it hasn't ended yet) Graciela comes in.
There have been frequent comments through this series about how petite AB is. I guess that this made her damsel-in-distress sequence inevitable and we can probably expect that again in a future series.
Side note: I'm not thrilled at either of the new entries about to enter our TN screens. Cannot abide Ruffo and her fighting over the same guy with a daughter (I think that's the plot) sounds like a way for me to spend a painful hour. The other one with Pedro, MEH, but I might try a couple episodes. If that doesn't pan out, guess I won't be talking to many of you much for awhile. Only those joining in the MCET blog. Going to miss this group. It's been amazing!!
Wonder if Macario is going to ask for a blood test or a DNA test from the doctor? Julia, my favorite line today was "Before you die, swear to me one more time you didn't sleep with José-Luis when he was capataz at the hacienda". That was laugh out loud funny! Can't wait until tonight to see Graciela get dumped out of her wheelchair.
I was watching Sergio Sendel closely when he was kidnapping the children. I, too, worry about the effect that it could have on the kids, but the two older ones are old enough that they know what they are doing, are (hopefully) prepared for it by their parents and (hopefully) as soon as the scene is over, they can have fun with Bad Pedro. My concern was with the baby. I noticed that when Sendel was holding "Romina", he seemed to hold her very gently and I felt he was toned down while she was in his arms, except at the very last part of the scene. That made me feel better about all of that and I thought it was actually kind of precious when viewed in that light. He may be a cheating jerk of a (now ex) husband, but I would like to think he is a good dad and knows how to handle little ones.
Julia, bless you in your travels. Enjoy Central America!
Thanks again for your hard work!
So many have commented on the great lines and captions—has anyone already mentioned the one of Rosario and Carlotta “very much on board with Padre Anselmo’s diagnosis of what ails Graciela”? Very funny!
I love the scenes of Gracie praying—maybe she’s just praying to the wrong guy? I’m sure if she looked to the guy with pointy red horns and a tail he’d be delighted to help one of his most accomplished disciples!
As to the children, it was only too clear that this is where the writers were going. It’s really too bad that they couldn’t break with tradition on that one.
Does Pedro know that it wasn’t Ale that caused his unfortunate “condition?” I wonder if it would have any effect on him in that final scene to find out it was Don B that made him a soprano?
Anita I was thinking the same thing about Macario. I would LOVE for Macario to find out that Kevin is NOT his son but to keep that to himself and accept him as his son anyway. Doubtful, but one can dream....
Everything about this recap was exquisite. ....beautifully written, all inclusive; you left out nothing, clever humor, fabulous screen shots .. in addition to perceptiveness and the added El Greco art. Thank you so much for all of your work. You appear young and vibrant in your photo and ready for a future full of exciting challenges. Wishing you best of fortune in Central America. Hope you get to Antigua, Guatemala. I studied at a language school there on 3 occasions. Santo Domingo Hotel and former monastery damaged by earthquake very beautiful to visit.
Little Baby Romina is adorable!
It would be interesting to be behind the scenes to see how they work with the children.
The dumbest remark ever was the question, "How did Pedro enter the house?" Really!! I guess they needed to say that G. let him in, but with this monster, he could have found all kinds of ways to get inside - blast the lock for one as they do in many thrillers.
Montse must have been wearing a completely drip dry outfit - no need to change to prevent pneumonia, and still just the same hint of cleavage showing - everything perfect after the near drowning.
And just after Rosario said there was no hope for Victor, he blurts out his important message clear as a bell - not a bit of stammering.
I was very happy for PBN that he survived. That would have been completely over the top -- not that everything else hasn't already been that way.
Thanks to all for your insightful
and very amusing comments. On to the countdown!
Karen, HA! So true – “…I included Montse's poor dad, who was killed via verbicide from Ale.”
Rebecca, you propose an interesting and yet welcoming twist – “Anita I was thinking the same thing about Macario. I would LOVE for Macario to find out that Kevin is NOT his son but to keep that to himself and accept him as his son anyway. Doubtful, but one can dream…”
Floridia, you said, “The dumbest remark ever was the question, "How did Pedro enter the house?" Really!! I guess they needed to say that G. let him in, but with this monster, he could have found all kinds of ways to get inside - blast the lock for one as they do in many thrillers.” That’s so true about Pedro being able to get in the house many different ways. I guess they thought the house was really safe and well guarded. Little did they know that there was already an enemy inside the house.
What I don’t understand is why Amelia was still hanging around town with Virginia after what Pedro had already done to her. She should have gotten on the first flight out the country as soon as she was physically able. The only good thing about her being around is now she can be there to help comfort the children during this ordeal.
I can’t wait to see tonight’s episode. I can’t wait to see them confront the disgraceful Gracie. I have a commitment tonight so I hope I get home in time to not miss anything.
Thank you to all of the recappers for your brilliant, witty, wonderful work!!!
All I can say is Thank God Victor survived! And that he can tell everyone how awful Gracie is. The "oh so proud of myself" look she wore as she looked at Victor, knowing she was ruining the lives of Nadia and Victoria. And banking on Pedro killing Victor to keep her secret. She was so disgusting in this episode.
I wish Victor had told the group at the hospital that she tried to kill him to keep her secret. Maybe that will come out tonight.
Pedro, Pedro, death is way too good for him. I think prison would actually be good for him. I can think of the torture the other inmates will do to his ball-less self!
I agree with you that it would be very interesting to peak behind the scenes with the children. Little Victoria really got into her part as as Pedro was abducting them, Laurito seemed bemused by the whole thing, and poor little Romina appeared to be bewildered by it all. I doubt that any children were harmed, however.
Pedro and Gracie have gone so far over the top that it's become impossible to take either seriously at this point, but they are certainly fun to watch.
Also deceased or presumed dead:
Rosario's Novio
Fabiola's maid
the pilot of the downed plane
Padre Anselmo's innocent chickens
I'm only sorry I watched the episode instead of going straight to your recap. I can imagine this dialogue repeated all over the Patio:
A: Did you see Wednesday's show?
B: No, I saw the JULIA ROLD.
That you're a gifted writer is a given. It's your eye for images that transforms these recaps into works of art themselves. Here's El Greco, there's Shakespeare, ("All my pretty ones? Did you say all? O hell-kite! All?" asks Macario." MacArio? You're killing me!)
And all of it wrapped up in an aw shucks modestly ruefully hysterically funny style.
Thanks so much, Julia, for gracing this time with your art and your sweet self. And I wish you great things in they year to come.
I'm so sorry your husband is having health problems. Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and wishing you the best.
Larger than the hit list from Por Siempre Mi Amor.
Gracie would be placed next to Charles Logan of 24 for most evil and sadistic villain.
One of the only aspects of some of the trials these poor child actors have gone through in this TN has been the shots and articles I've seen with the actors and the kids on set, Sergio, Ferdinando and Sebastian being particularly close and having fun with the kids. Both SS and SR are fathers (not sure on FV)and I think appreciate what these kids are being asked to do and try to make it as make believe as possible by being funny and playing with them on set.
Still would like to smack the writers though.
Since there isn't much else to do, Padre Anselmo turns to begin giving some holy lip to Macario
Pedro's men beat Victor up and tie him to a conveniently placed decorative column
Drowning pretty
I’m going to break out the popcorn tonight to watch Dim throw momma from the wheelchair. But I am worried about JL and Amelia.
On the kid actors in peril: A cousin was a successful actor in the Washington, D.C., area when she was about Laurito and Victoria’s age. One night I went to a drama at the Arena Stage and was surprised to see her in the role of the daughter of a troubled, mentally disturbed man. She was a delicate beauty (still is but she eventually left acting for the IT world) and the father looked like an ill-kept brute. The audience was supposed to have fear and trepidation for her. I told her later how moved and afraid I was for her character and couldn't imagine how she dealt with such strong emotions night after night. Her response? No big deal. The director had broken down the scenes for her (with the focus being on what she was supposed to elicit from the audience, so it was more like hitting a mark) and the actor playing her psycho father was a nice man.
Romina is such a sweetheart with JL’s big brown eyes. Everytime she said “momma,” I imagined her real mom standing right in front of her waiting to hold her when the scene ended.
Nadia: I know the woman is blind, but she's been staying at that house for how long and doesn't know her way around a single room? PBN is right!
when Nadia and Victor were in the bedroom together, they heard the shot that was presumably Pedro outside with the guards. I know she was "knocked out" but Nadia couldn't hear the shot fired in living room?
the multiple scenes of all the women "wailing" i'll call it was too much for me. not because it was sad, but because all those different tones at the same time was like a dog whistle to a dog. and I was the dog! could've done without all that!
so, Pedro's on the loose, the men-folk are busy rescuing Montse, and the somewhat capable women leave the kids with the Dumb, Blind, and Lame (Victor, Nadia, and Gaudy)? they might as well have left them at the school!
what happened to Montse's clod-hoppers she decided to hobble in to go talk to a maniac? she had them on when she was first in the tank of doom, but at the end she was barefoot!
please don't take this as an approval of violence against women, but just an observation of different kinds of women (whatever that means!) Nadia (who was beat semi-regularly by Pedro) was knocked out for how long after he punched her? but that old dog Gaudy (who was never beat by her husband) took a lickin and kept on tickin! that evil woman didn't even skip a beat!
can't wait for tonight! no spoiler, but to me, the previews looked like Amelia gets pushed off a cliff. someone wearing blue anyway...
What a swan song! Thank you for the fabulous recap! It was a delight all the way through, unlike the capitulo which was, frankly, sickening.
And thank you for the thoughtful and complimentary 'shout outs' to your fellow recappers—what a lovely way to say goodbye.
In particular, I thank you for your kind words about me—I am touched and deeply gratified to have been complimented by you. You are a damn fine writer yourself, you know, and it has been a real pleasure being on the team with you, as well as reading your recaps. Your sly wit and always smart asides have given me smiles, chuckles and belly laughs throughout the show. May you travel safely and bless and be blessed by your work in Guatemala.
My favorite of your quips last night is the caption to the Kinda Drowned Montse screenshot.
"[Image] Before you die, swear to me one more time you didn't sleep with José-Luis when he was capataz at the hacienda. "
That line was so funny, so classic, so wry, so knowing. You dared say it because your audience knew that Montserrat would not die two days before the finish of the series. (Boyer would surely have THAT clause in her Univision contract!) But you did say it and when I read the caption I laughed until I cried.
I also LOVED your intimation that we were seeing "Pieta" knock-offs as staged by the show's Director of Photography. Honestly, cher Julia, that was both insightful and funny, AND as subversive as the show itself.
Thank you Julia.
Elna June
You hit it out of the park on every level--black humor (the capataz caption that everybody loved) culture (El Greco, Shakespeare, la Pieta) and then the truly beautiful way you acknowledged each recapper's special gifts.
Yes, this was an incredible team. But the graceful way you saluted each one of them makes you, m'dear, extra special. (And that's sayin' something, because this is a recapping team of Heavy Hitters).
I haven't got any leverage, but if I did, I would INSIST that you check in with us regularly while in Central America.
Think of me as your madrina. Or your crazy midwestern aunt. And WRITE. You are dear to us and we want to know you're okay.
Now about Graciela: Sometimes the ends DONT justify the means. Ok she had a good intension saving her daughter but to exchange her with a little girl that was awful.
Besides she knows very well that Pedro hates Alejandro. How could she believe Pedro after she refused him to lend him money from Benjamin heritance to help him with his revenge?
Very interesting comment re your cousin, the little actress.
I thought of a stupid simple ending last night where JL does not die -- altho I have thought all along he would in trying to save either Montse or Romina.
JL marries Virginia. She's desperate. They have grandchildren for Amelia and siblings for Romina.
This would make Amelia happy. She deserves a break, and perhaps a refined gent would come along later for her....that's presuming we want everyone to end up in the traditional couples mode.
Of course there would be Dim and Fina with many children, Esme with Erik and all his money running a performing arts studio.
Ale and Montse will have more children.
Nadia will regain her sight and have more children with Victor.
Carlotta needs someone, and it wouldn't hurt to find a man for Rosario. In DA, they found a nice man for Gaviota's mother.
I'm sure Dominga will be happy even though her husband leaves much to be desired.
I'm not interested in the types of punishment for any of the villains. I care only about the rewards and happy endings for the good guys.
Seriously, they should never have chosen that little girl to play Romina. I get her being upset during the scene when Pedro kidnaps them, but she’s cried or called for her mama in every freakin’ scene she’s been in. Obviously, this child is not cut out for the "acting thing”. I think it was cruel to use her.
Gracie: Black-hearted, black-souled bitch! (I know I should censor myself, but too angry). What she said to Macario was unconscionable. What she did to Victor. Words fail. This woman needs the worst possible anvil in the history of all of novelaland.
What a dark, depressing episode.
After a cooling off period, I will read everyone else’s comments. Just had to get that off my chest.
Oh and after Robo ends,have a suprise for this wonderful community ! I cannot wait for it to unfold,just a few days:)
"I'm not interested in the types of punishment for any of the villains. I care only about the rewards and happy endings for the good guys."
yup, me too.
Erik's father is available for Amelia. Storied money people, and they both lost a child.
Diana and NovelaMaven, thanks for your kind wishes. I'll pass them along to my hubby.
I am so glad I'll actually be home this evening so that I can watch the wheelchair dump! They should all then immediately kick her out of the house, with just the clothes on her back.
I would hope that none of the other good guys are going to die before this thing is over, but I'm doubtful.
Here's a clip of Ana Paula (Victoria) playing around with one of the actors in Mentir Para Vivir as he coaches her through how she would do a scene where she was fighting someone off. They are clearly having fun:
I knew that I was in for a treat when I saw your picture of the fat
lady singing opera. Well the curtain is about to fall and you said that this is your last recap.
Others have mentioned your great lines and I can't write them all but --- The water will soon be over her golden head---Another sweet moment for those savvy Crackpot Theorists---Alejandro joining the hunt so the galan isn't left twiddling his thumbs---
Before you die, swear to me one more time that you didn't sleep with Jose Luis when he was capataz at the hacienda and He has risen! No it's just that Graciela's aim was as bad as Adolfo's were just a few of your winners today. I ask, how can we laugh at someone being shot but Julia you made us do it.
I thank you for all of your time and effort that you sacrificed for us novela lovers. Julia do I need to say that you will be missed? Happy trails to you.
the gringo
Thank you so much for the wonderful work you have done for the recaps! This one was simply brilliant! Good luck with your endeavors in Central America!
Thanks, Vivi in DC for posting that adorable clip of Ana Pau rehearsing a scene for MPV. She is a cutie, and I'm sure that she and the other child actors are probably fine when they film all these horrendous scenes in which the children are in danger. I just wish the writers wouldn't go down that path.
Thanks again to all the excellent recappers! I've enjoyed your work immensely!
Good luck and stay safe on your Central American adventure.
reading your recap I went from Saint Montse to dumbass Montse and dumbass Montse stayed with me all day long---it was your fault!
Yelling and crying in novelas? Yes
and we sure got a lot of it last night. Yikes!
Count Alacran---Stupidity? That's what everyone was saying about Corazon Indomable---I say who cares when you have Ana Brenda and
Angelique Boyer?
Rebecca---I burst out laughing when you said that Gracie was just praying to the wrong guy.
Floridia---You're in good form today, as good as ever---Montse wearing a drip dry outfit with the same hint of cleavage showing-
perfect after near drowning and Victor blurts out his important message clear as a bell just after Rosario said there was no hope for Victor. Floridia, you still got it, you're a riot.
Obsessed---So funny. Maybe you didn't mean to be but you were---
Gaudy took a lickin' and kept right on tickin'.
Julia Rold---I forgot to say that you wrote such nice words about the Robo recap team, you said it so much better than I could. They are so talented and so appreciated
Carlos---Are you going to be watching your favorite pussy cat galore Marjorie de Sousa in Hasta el Fin?
the gringo
The fact that Pedro is so smart annoys me. Or maybe it's the protagonists that are stupid. Either one.
I figured that the place where Montse was had significance. Out of our 3 leading men Dimi was the only smart one.
The fact that Gracie helped Pedro although not exactly surprising it's still sick. Did she really think he wouldn't take Laurito and Romina as well. The fact that she just casually says she fulfilling Montse' promise to Pedro about giving him Victoria doesn't seem like she was doing it FOR Montse to protect her. She's doing it for her own benefit.
I'm thinking Mac asked the doc to do a DNA test on him and Kevin. I can almost bet that it'll come back negative and that Kevin is not his son. If that's the case I still hope it'll teach Mac a lesson.
You'd think she'd know better, but she doesn't recognize that she is a monster herself.
She also doesn't know the depth of Pedro's hatred for Alejandro. Not that it would matter because she considers Alejandro expendable anyway.
The last time I saw Marjorie de Sousa (Kendra in AV) she was being devoured by wolves (the four-legged variety). I'm not sure how much I'll like her as a good girl but I'll certainly be watching her return. I just hope that she retains some of that feistiness and seductive charm that she displayed in abundance in AV.
"I'm thinking Mac asked the doc to do a DNA test on him and Kevin. I can almost bet that it'll come back negative and that Kevin is not his son.
I think you are right, and it will of course give Macario an opportunity to grow up a bit and accept his own previous advice to Alejandro regarding Romina (although the circumstances are significantly different). However, I don't like the fact that it gives weight to Macario's assertion that Kevin's mom was something of a loose woman... she's no longer around to explain or defend herself.
Interesting that the Dr. said that Kevin needed a transfusion (if I'm remembering correctly), and this wasn't followed up as a way to demonstrate that Macario could not be Kevin's dad.
Maybe all the time Graciela has spent pretending to be wasting away has dulled her thinking. ITA she should've known Pedro would double-cross her.
I saw all three Godfather movies and I don't recall any of the Coreleones as being honorable role models.
You're right. The doctor did say Kevin will need a transfusion. However, there wasn't any indication as to where the transfusion would come from. I just watched that part again. Who knows why Kevin's mother thought Mac could be the father of her child. She must've been fooling around.
I don't think I really mentioned this before but when Romina fell ill I thought it would come out that she is really Ale's daughter. But I guess she probably would've had to have a different illness where she needs specific tests like if it was a genetic illness. Although as you basically said Alejandro accepted her as his own so she has two fathers.
Glad you had a good laugh. Always great to hear from a loyal fan of Cristina Corona de Ariaga.
I only got to watch the first 20 minutes or so, and hope to watch the rest later, but your description of the mayhem was a vivid read and I do feel like I watched it all. Thank you for being part of this recapping team and best of luck to you in your future adventures.
OK, I'm off to read the comments. More later...
"Spitting image" is a variant of "spit and image" where the word "spit" means "the perfect likeness."
[You know I can't help myself, right?]
TF, I disagree with you. I understand Graciela in some point. Let me express my thinking. Graciela did what she did coz she thought that in this way she' ll save Montse. This time she had no personal gain (money e.t.c.). Maybe she considered that Pedro wouldn't harm Victoria. Dont forget when Pedro kidnapped Victoria once again he asked Amelia to take care of her as they are family. BUT as I wrote before in this case the end does not justify the means. Montse would never accept to separete Nadia from her daughter to save herself. On top of that Graciela is stupid for trusting Pedro. Episodes ago she refused her help and he poisoned Fabiola against her to kill her. How could you believe someone after all this?
Thank you
I agree that Montse would never agree to give up Victoria to Pedro. At the same time though like I said I wouldn't have thought she would've underestimated Pedro. She thought he would help her by being the one to silence Victor so he wouldn't tell anyone that she is not really sick. It's almost as if she didn't have confidence in Dim, Ale, and JL. They were the ones doing the work to find Montse.
All recappers were excellent; some could be making a living at writing.
Gracia a todas!
A tremendous thank you for reading and enjoying the recap and also for your good wishes for my travels and work. You are all the best! If I could only live my life permanently in the warm atmosphere and amidst the praise of Caray, Caray! I think I'd have the highest self-esteem of anyone in this city.
Until I leave, I'm even going to give Hasta El Fin Del Mundo a shot, so I'll probably even see you again next week!
Thanks again!
Julia R.
We keep saying that again and again .Sometimes she acts and express herself in horrible manners (not like everyone expects and wants to). She assume doing good but she cannot realise the harm she cause to the people she says she loves. She decides for others lives comparing her poor childhood. That's bad!
"Before you die, swear to me one more time you didn't sleep with José-Luis when he was capataz at the hacienda."
My other favorite was Victor rising from the dead all because "Graciela's aim was as bad as Adolfo's." LOL! I hope you have a great time in Central America and that you'll come back someday and recap another one for us!
As for last night, as others have noted, it was pure MAYHEM! The guys running from one place to another looking for Montse, poor Kevin being wounded with a knife, Gaudy shooting Vic, Pedro kidnapping kids and punching women left and right. Yikes! And although it was stupid of Rosy, Tia and Fina to have left the kids alone with "Dumb, Blind, and Lame (Victor, Nadia, and Gaudy)"--good one obsessed--I think that if they had been home, they would have fought hard and been injured or killed trying to protect the kids. I didn't like seeing little Romina crying either. The other kids understand its not real, but when Pedro was yelling at PBN as she held the kids, you could see her looking up at him frightened and crying. I just wanted to reach into the tv and hold her.
Will be on the edge of my seat tonight to see Gaudy get her anvil and hopefully Pedro too, with no more deaths on the side of the good guys.
First of all thank you for deciding to be a recapper. I have thoroughly enjoyed all of your recaps these past months. And this recap was a real gem. You were able to breath light into this very dark episode.
As a member of the Crackpot Theorist, I raised my hands in the air as a sign of victory when Vapid Vic told the gang that Gaudy was a FAKER! YES! I can't wait to see Gaudy try to explain her way out of this one. NEXT!
I felt really bad that Kevin got stabbed. Dominga has grown to love him as her own son and you just know that she is suffering. I hope he pulls through. I wonder what Mac asked the doctor for? A DNA test perhaps?
I was glad to see that Amelia will be watching the kids, but I do fear for her. Amelia means nothing to Peddy, and I wouldn't doubt that he would think twice about killing her.
Can't wait for Dimi to force Gaudy out of her chair.
Thanks again Julia R!
Back to work...hasta pronto!
Completing my thought: I think it still is possible that Pedro offered Gracie some compensation for her work. And she probably would accept it. Even though she probably has a good amount left from what she took from Fabiola, she would probably want even more. She's definitely greedy.
More to come likely tomorrow.
However I was denied. I missed the last scene where Victor outed Graciela. Luckily I won't have to wait too long to see it re-air tonight.
Julia, gotta say your photo captions are the best ever. Like everyone else I laughed out loud at the "Before you die..." crack. That is pure brilliance.
it's a possibility, we don't know yet for sure. Graciela is so hungry for money. She cant stop wanting more and more and more. Even if she had all the money on earth...
Grrrrrr shooting Vic was unbelievable . I could barely stand to see him hanging from that column, and then having to watch Nadia screaming and groping his supposedly lifeless body..but not so much. .
I had to turn the channel when the scene of Ped terrorizing a blind woman and the children. The two older kids seemed to understand it was all acting and got into the scenery gnawing ,but that poor little girl playing Romina seemed very frightened. I could not stand to watch her cry.
Then, the awful scene of the keening women's chorus. Yikes and gack.
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