Saturday, August 02, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 187, Fri., 8/1/14: José Luis STEALS Romina, The Scorpion Switches Letters, and O.M.G -- It was Victor Who Saved Pedro!

Reader Beware:  We descend steeply from the poetic to the prosaic tonight, my friends, from the soaring imagery and singing rhythms of Elna June to the pedestrian plodding of NovelaMaven.   [Just chew some gum and you'll be fine.] 

Lo de ayer:
Poor Blind Nadia emotes.  
How dare Montserrat sell out Victoria to save Alejandro's life?  Carlota hears the kerfuffle, is told to butt out, but still hangs around the corner and listens.  Montserrat loses her cool: what did Nadia expect her to do?  She had no intention of handing over Victoria; she knew they'd have time to figure out how to deal with Pedro and keep their children safe.

[And I have to say that I go with Montse on this.  Didn't Poor Blind Nadia ever watch Law & Order reruns (I mean when she was just Poor Nadia or even earlier, when she was Nadia a secas)?  Because she'd know that the police always lie to the criminals.  They say what they need to say to save a life.]

Victor quietly retrieves a pistol and loads it.

The Odd Couple: Adolfo Outsmarts Dimitrio

Refugio, after spending the day chasing down guitar boy and then lollygagging on the beach, has finally thought to call Dimitrio and tell him about the Very Important and Confidential Letter bearing Ezequiel's Words from the Grave, probably including the identity of Mónica's killer, the Scorpion.   Of course, the actual Scorpion, that is, Adolfo, has also heard about THE LETTER since Dimitrio obligingly put the phone on speaker in his presence.

Dimitrio wants to go to his office and get THE LETTER immediately.  When Adolfo is unable to stop him from leaving, he rams the neck of a beer bottle into the bullet wound in his leg, reopening the injury; and then he screams bloody murder, forcing Dimitrio to come back in and assess the damages.  THE LETTER temporarily forgotten, Dim ends up taking Adolfo to the hospital.

[And you have to admire Adolfo's timing here.  A second or two later, and Dimitrio would have been out of earshot.]  

Hanging out in the Hangar

Pedro and his henchmen are hunkered down around a map (plotting nefarious deeds, no doubt) when an unexpected visitor shows up.  The henchmen immediately point their guns at the new arrival -- Victor Hernández.  No, seriously.  It's Victor the Insipid.  And he has his gun aimed right at Pedro NoNuts.  

Pedro smiles dangerously.  What is Victor doing here?  Pedro has already paid him back for his favor.  He and Nadia are still alive, right?

Victor says he has heard about Pedro's plans to take Victoria from them, and he isn't going to allow it.  Pedro laughs and the henchmen move closer to Victor.  

"How do you think Nadia will react when she finds out you're the one who helped me after I was shot by the Scorpion?"

Guitar Boy Gently Weeps

Eric has come to Esmeralda's dressing room to say goodbye.  He won't tell her what Refugio found out about his past.  He just wants her to remember him as a person who made her smile.  He turns away, tears in his eyes.  Once he is out the door, Esme sobs.

Esmeralda admits to Zulema that Refugio is the love of her life.  It's just that Eric was willing to accept her as she is.  

Victor realizes he is outgunned.  

He lowers his pistol but shoots off his mouth:
"If I helped you," he tells Pedro, "it was because I had no alternative.  But you're not keeping your word.  Leave my family alone!"

"They say," answers Pedro, smirking, "that a dog is man's best friend.  But that's not the case with you.  You betrayed Alejandro by saving my life."

Flashback to the day Pedro Medina was shot:
Victor arrives at Medina's house -- he has sought him out to talk to him about making a deal to keep his family safe -- and finds him gravely wounded.  Pedro says the Scorpion shot him.  If he dies, his hitmen have been instructed to kill Nadia and Victoria.  If Victor saves Pedro, he will also be saving his family.

[This sounds pretty fishy to me; you'd think, if they went after anyone, it would be EZ or Adolfo or María.  But I guess Victor believed it.]

Back to the present:
Pedro justifies himself by explaining that he and Nadia made a deal.  She lent out her womb to grow him a child.  The child belongs to him.  As for Nadia herself, he has grown bored with her.  Victor is welcome to her.  But Victoria is Pedro's.

Victor offers his own life instead.  Pedro chuckles.  He's happy to accept the sacrifice.  But he won't kill him himself.  He wants his best hitman to do it -- the Scorpion.

Adolfo outsmarts Refugio and Dimitrio

The baby-faced killer isn't in the hangar, but at the hospital...
where Doc Marta has made his boo boo all better.  Adolfo asks to borrow Dim's phone so he can text Fina and let her know what is happening.  In fact, he texts Refugio with this message (which, of course, appears to come from Dimitrio):
Please pick up THE LETTER from your office and deliver it to me at my house tomorrow.

Refugio, at home and playing with Ángel before bedtime, reads the text and has no reason to question it.

The Next Day

Almonte Beach House

Poor Blind Nadia, frantic because Victor has been gone all night and no one has been able to reach him, receives a video on her cell phone:

Victor, tied up in a chair, delivers this plaintive -- and yet idiotic -- message:

"Forgive me, Nadia.  It breaks my heart to tell you this, but I couldn't go without saying goodbye to you.  Pedro agreed to end his vengeance with my death.  He won't hurt you again or go near our daughter.  I hope you understand.  I made a grave error and this is the only way I can make it right.

[Oy.  Think, Victor.  Think.  Why would you believe that lying sociopath again?]

"Alejandro, forgive me.  I beg you to take care of my wife and child for me.  I know you'll do it, hermano.

"Nadia, goodbye.  Never forget that I love you."

Nadia collapses in sobs. "no no no no no!"

Dimitrio's House -- Adolfo, Refugio, and THE LETTER

Refugio arrives with THE LETTER.  But it is Adolfo, not Dimitrio, who greets him.  Adolfo offers to take THE LETTER and give it to Dim when he comes home, but Refu decides he'd rather wait and hand it to him personally.  Setting THE LETTER down on a table beside him, he says he hasn't read it himself.  After all, it was addressed to Dimitrio. 

Montserrat calls José Luis and asks him to bring Romina back to her house.  She'll explain the change of plans when he gets there.  He flatly refuses to return the little girl before the agreed-upon date.  

Adolfo Outsmarts the late Ezequiel

Just as Dimitrio gets home, his phone rings.  It's Montserrat with the news about Victor: Pedro has him and he just sent a farewell video to Nadia.  Dimitrio tells her not to worry -- he'll take care of it.

Dim rushes out of the house and Refugio follows him, completely forgetting about the Basurto LETTER.  But Adolfo hasn't forgotten.  He hobbles to the door, makes sure Dim and Refu are gone, and then snatches up THE LETTER and reads it.  "Damned Ezequiel," he mutters.  He has an aha! moment: "ANOTHER LETTER!"  He crumples up the sheet he has just read.

In My Life, I've Lost Them All

As José Luis plays with little Romina, he catalogues the losses in his life:  
Montserrat on the beach telling him she has just married another man. 
Angélica, the moment before she died, asking him to kiss her. 
Montserrat and Alejandro making love.  
Himself telling Montserrat she was free to go with Alejandro.  

Back in the present, he focuses wholly on the darling child who has finally learned to tolerate his presence without crying.

Another Letter

Adolfo takes a fresh sheet of paper, folds it, and puts it in the original envelope.  He puts it back where Refugio left it.

Then he gets a call from Pedro.  He has a new job for Adolfo and he'd better do it without asking questions -- unless he wants Josefina to end up in a gift box like María.

Still Desperate After All These Years

Virginia listens smilingly to guitar boy Eric, and then she makes her play.  It's clear he's flattered, but not interested -- until he spots Esme and Ángel approaching.  Then he grabs Virginia and gives her a big fat kiss.  Esme turns and walks away.

Can Adolfo Outsmart Victor?

[hee hee.  Like we have to ask that.]

The Hobbled Hitman, holding a gun in his right hand and using his left hand to support himself on a crutch, approaches his victim.  Business is business.  But then Victor turns around and the two men stare at one another, each one stunned to see the other:  "It's you, Adolfo?" says Victor, breaking the silence.  "You're the Scorpion?"

No backsies, Montserrat!

"For the first time, I'm going to go back on my word, Montserrat."
José Luis is going to keep Romina and that's that.  She has Alejandro, she has Laurito, but life has taken everything from him.  This time he isn't going to lose his daughter!

He hangs up the phone and turns to the back seat of his car where little Romina sits munching on some toast.  She coos "papa." "Today is the beginning of a new stage in our lives, darling. You and I are going to be together for ever."  "Mama" coos the baby.  José Luis tosses his phone out the window and drives away.

Montserrat tells Alejandro that José Luis won't return her daughter.

Victor wants an answer.  
Is Adolfo the Scorpion?  Adolfo rapidly unties Victor and urges him to escape with him before the real Scorpion shows up and kills him.  Victor doesn't want to go.  If he doesn't die, Nadia and Victoria will be in danger.  And he doesn't believe Adolfo when he says he's not the Scorpion.  How could he show up at precisely this place if Pedro Medina hadn't summoned him? Adolfo changed his mind when he saw who the intended victim was, right?  He wants Adolfo to look him in the eye and tell him the truth:  "Are you the Scorpion"?

"Yes, Victor."

"Then do what Pedro ordered and kill me. Pedro's revenge will end with my death! If you don't kill me, Pedro will force Montserrat to give him Victoria.  KILL ME!"


The Marina is on the Way!

Dimitrio and Refugio have determined Victor's location from the cellphone video and now they are 20 minutes away.  They are leading a convoy of military vehicles.

Adolfo claims "el Alacrán" is just a nickname (un apodo); he isn't going to kill Victor because, well, he isn't a killer.  He's just another one of Pedro's lackeys.  He made a mistake getting involved with him and when he realized it, it was too late.  Sure, Pedro tried to make him into a killer, but he's never been able to shoot anyone.

He has no idea now Mónica died -- he wasn't even in the warehouse when it happened.  Ezequiel was Monica's informant; he's sure he had something to do with it.

Outside, the troops from the Marina are approaching...

If Victor dies, it will be for nothing because Pedro Medina's word is worthless.  It's up to Victor and Adolfo to protect the family.  Victor screams in frustration and throws his chair at the wall.

The Marina gets closer, with Dimitrio leading the charge...

"It's my fault," says Victor.  "I saved Pedro's life."

"And it's my fault for not killing him when I shot him."

"So you have shot someone!"

"That was the only time -- and as you can tell, I don't have the experience to be a killer."

Adolfo approaches Victor and begs him, in the name of everything he has done to protect him and his family, not to reveal his identity or turn him in to the authorities.

The Marina bursts in.  Victor raises his hands in surrender.  Dimitrio stares at his friend: "Adolfo, what are you doing here?"

The faithful Tundra delivers Montse and Ale to JL's house.  The house, alas, is empty.  The only trace of Romina is a single yellow plastic toy left on the floor.  Montserrat is frantic: how will they ever find her?  Ale is sure Dimitrio can help them.

Adolfo Outsmarts the Marina

Pedro Medina and his men are gone.  Dimitrio asks Adolfo again to explain his presence.  Victor says that he called him.  And Adolfo says the call came after Dim and Refu had already left.  Victor was told that the Scorpion would be coming there to kill him.

"Who is the Scorpion?" asks Dimitrio.  Victor says he doesn't know.  He never showed up to obey that bastard's orders.

Full Lunivision Moon

Almonte Beach House

Carlota and Nadia are doing their best, but Montserrat is inconsolable.  Dimitrio doesn't have a moment to savor the triumph of returning Victor to Poor Blind Nadia because Poor Bereft Montserrat greets him with the news that JL has taken Romina.

Padre Anselmo joins Montserrat.  He says Dimitrio will move heaven and earth to find José Luis.  Besides, the padre is sure that JL is going to have a change of heart; he is fundamentally a good man.  It's just that he's very resentful about life right now.  He feels that God has abandoned him and that sooner or later, he ends up losing everything he loves.

Montserrat says she won't have a moment's peace until her daughter is back.

Padre Anselmo recognizes the immensity of a mother's suffering; he hopes this helps Montserrat understand her mother's pain at losing Fabiola. This is the time to forgive her and tell her how much they love her.  As for Romina, the padre is sure she will soon be back in Montserrat's arms.

Adolfo is home free.

Refugio scolds Adolfo for his imprudence at running off alone to help Victor.  Look what happened when he tried to confront María?  Imagine the scene if he had met up with three of Medina's men.  And by the way, where is that envelope?  Refugio hopes it helps identify the Scorpion so they can finally finish off that bastard.

Refu approaches the envelope and then seems to remember something else he has to do.  He leaves Adolfo alone.

Adolfo stares at the photo of Mónica and Dimitrio.

[Cue the Male Chorus of Doom]

He recalls Mónica ordering him to turn around, her shock when she recognized him and called his name, his smooth unhesitating shot to her forehead.  The kill shot.

Josefina arrives at the front door carrying Italian take-out.  She'll set the table for dinner while he washes his hands.

Mexico City

José Luis and Romina check into a hotel room.  Romina cries and cries.  "Mama," she babbles.  "Mama."  

Esmeralda sniffles and snuffles.  

Refugio doesn't understand why she's sad.  "You must be satisfied now," she says.  "You finally got what you wanted."

"You're not dancing at La Escondida anymore?"

That's not it.  She's upset because Eric has left Aguazul -- and they both know it's because Refugio threatened him.  Why won't he tell her what he found out about him?  Refugio will only say that she is much better off far away from a guy like that.

"If you think that will stop me from going ahead with the divorce, you're very much mistaken.  I've already spoken to my lawyer."

Refugio pulls Esmeralda to him.  Why can't she admit she still loves him?  He kisses her.  She kisses him back.  Their theme song plays.  She hears Ángel crying and she breaks off the kiss to get him.  Refugio smiles.

Has Montserrat run out of people willing to listen?

Or has she taken Padre Anselmo's words to heart?  Because now she is lamenting to Graciela that José Luis has taken her daughter.  Graciela reminds her that JL loves Romina and is surely taking good care of her.  Whatever else she can say about him, he's always been a good father, not just to Romina but also to Laurito.

"But what if he never brings her back?  What if I never get to hold my daughter in my arms again?"

Graciela is sure JL is going to have a change of heart -- he'll get in touch or call...

As Graciela is speaking, she gets out of bed and starts to walk toward her daughter.  But her legs give out and she falls to the floor.  Montse helps her back to bed.  Her mother says her legs just felt weak.  She dreads the symptoms of her tumor, Graciela tells her daughter.  She doesn't have the courage to look in a mirror, she looks horrible, she feels old, worn-out (acabada) -- she's not what she once was. 

Montserrat tells her she has always been beautiful; and just because she is ill, it doesn't mean she can't be beautifully groomed and dressed.  Graciela doesn't have the energy to take a few steps, never mind all that goes into primping.*

[Sorry, dear Crackpot Theorists™, but this scene takes some of the wind out of the Graciela is Faking sails.]

Montse will do it for her -- she'll help with her make-up and her hair and her clothes.  Graciela should do it because it will make her -- and her family -- feel good.

¡Rumbo al gran final el viernes 15 agosto!

Will Pedro Medina be the one to track down José Luis and Romina?

Will Adolfo and Refugio have a deadly encounter?


You're still great NM. Thanks for the recap. I don't know why I have never cared about Esme and Refugio. I think they look like siblings. Also, I don't care that she can work a pole. You guys think Victor is boring, but at least he serves a purpose. His job was to sire Victoria and his mere presence annoys Pedro. Eric just gives the "sibling" couple more screen time while he plays that stupid guitar. Cynderella


Ay, Dios, Padre Anselmo! Put a sock in it! How dare you preach at Montse in her vulnerable state to forgive and support her mother? Gaudencia does NOT deserve it - go preach to your comunidad and stay out of this family's business!

And I still think Graciela is faking - she just looks very creepy and insincere to me.

Pedro was right. I never would have guessed it would be vapid Victor who helped him get away. He's just so irrelevant, I never even think of him in the story.

I do believe that JL will take good care of Romina, but from the avances it looks like Alejandro pulls another one of this tn's stupid stunts and goes to Pedro for help in finding the baby. Seriously? Aarrgghhh!!

So it was The Boring Victor who helped Pedro escape xD,i laughed hard when Pedro said that the dogs are the humans best friends..Damn Refugio is so incompetent,you simply dont handle such important evidence through a freaking SMS ,the reason why Adolfo and Pedro manage to outsmart everyone is because some of the people are dumb as a 50m rock! JL has all the right to keep Romina ,if Monse and Ale put their hormones up before their childrens safety then why should they be justified to keep Romina?

If Gaudy is faking it then she must be a very good pretender,Daphne from Por Siempre Mi Amor should have took instructions from Lady Gaudy!

The least Refugio could have done is to call Dimitrio to check if the SMS is true....It seems that he knows nothing about investigation protocols or how scams work. Anything regarding evidence is dealt in person or with phone calls,not Sms's which can be forged.

Good work, NovelaMaven. You covered everything.

I think Dimitrio is still too emotionally invested in his revenge to think about proper protocols. This isn't right; it's been a year or more and he needs to get a grip.

Virginia needs to go back to Europe and get out of Pedro's reach.

I can't fault Monserrat for how she saved Alejandro's life. We know she had no intention of handing Victoria over to Pedro; she knows what a monster this man is. I hope she finds out that her mother knew this creep was alive and kept it from everyone. That would finish Gracie off for good in her eyes.

NovelaMaven what a great recap thia a.m. I loved "insipid Victor". Thanks for a few good laughs.

I can't believe that Víctor would actually believe Pedro's threat against wife/daughter when he just "happened" upon him shot on the floor. It was a surprise that he was the one who helped Pedro. The whole Víctor "just kill me and end the revenge" was just stupid. They made his character way too gullible to be interesting.

Anon 4:12, great advice for Padre Anselmo to "put a sock in it". I could not believe what he was telling Montserrat and then Montserrat goes and talks to that witch Graciela who has never ever changed. Maybe the good padre needs to take a break or spread his message of forgiveness and light somewhere else in Aguazul.

Who will be the next to fall? Can't wait to see! Only ten episodes left.



Good morning NovelaMaven. Have been of the loop for a while. Two unexpected deaths among friends and somehow the mayhem of telenovelas was totally unappealing.

But enjoyed the recap and your wry humor was just what I needed on an overcast Saturday morning.

Lots of wonderful "apodos" in this one...Guitar Boy, Victor the Insipid (made me think of Val the Impaler or whatever) and the Hobbled Hitman.

Another favorite: "He lowers his pistol but shoots off his mouth."

Although this story has become excruciatingly annoying in its stretched out version, have to admit the writers cooked up a surprise in it being Victor who saved Pedro's life. What a tool!

Anyway, thanks NM. Time for me to crawl out of my doldrums and this witty recap certainly helped.

NovelaMaven- This was excellent, no apologies or excuses needed. You are an amazing recapper.

I don't see any difference between what Monse and Victor did-- they both made a deal with Pedro, which would mean more people would be hurt in the long-run, in order to save their loved ones in the short term. And just like Nadia understandably reacted emotionally to learning what Monse promised to Pedro, Ale is going to react the same way to learning Victor helped Pedro escape. And then he will do something even dumber, by the looks of the previews. None of these characters use their brainpower or logic very often.

I had to laugh at the lengths Adolfo and the writers went through to hide his identity from Dim. How much longer until the truth is out, I wonder.

I share your frustration with Padre Anselmo. Novela priests are so naive in their preaching of forgiveness that one would think they know nothing of genuine human evil.

The only priests who had any sense about this were Padre Tedeo of FELS and Padre Guadalupe of AdP (both played by Rene Casados).

Novela Maven, this was wonderful!
I am continually amazed at Adolfo's ability to sidestep jump out of the way of his teetering anvil.

Vapid Victor is right. Why would Victor think Pedro would keep his word after Victor died if Pedro didn't keep it before? Good grief, this guy is dumber than a bag of dryer lint. Personally I think Adolfo should have shot Victor for being stupid AND for saving Pedro, but that's just me. Two shots this time Adolfo.

Gracie's words to Montse about JL being a good father were the nicest thing she's said about anyone in this whole TN. I just about fell off the chair when I heard it. Gracie must really be sick...


I think JL's final flashback was about losing Mauritius, not about losing Monde for the second time. That one was represented by finding her in bed with Ale, while she was married to him (JL). Monse, Angie, Monse again, and Laurito-- that's the loss tape that runs through JL's head, and he's convinced Monse and Ale want to add Romina to that list. I hope Padre and Gracie (!) are right, and he comes to his senses soon. However, I do feel that being away with JL right now makes Romina safer than the sitting ducks in Agua Azul.

Laurito, not Mauritius, stupid tablet!

Love it NM! Our recappers are sure on fire in these final episodes. Wish the actual episodes were.

Victor being the Pedro Helper? Meh. The writers made sure to try and justify why he did it, and I'm sure now we have to watch him be mopey that Pedro lives, he didn't sacrifice himself so they are still in danger, etc. Oh joy.

As for Refugio, by the previews, looks like he's a main plotline again on Monday. Again, oh joy. I'm like Cynderella that I could never get into the storyline with Refugio and Esme, but the writers are really putting them front and center in these last episodes. Something is brewing. And for the love of all, just tell us already what's with Eric. NO more Virginia moments.

Poor Dim, to some extent I feel bad this guy is the only one trying to handle things. But with the police chief taking a powder too, he seems to be Mr. Law Enforcement Extraordinaire. Hopefully his antennae are on full force realizing even more something is rotten with Adolfo. (Speaking of whom, what fun to have to watch another of his cowardly lying tirades. Yeah, I'm done with him, beautiful eyes and all.)

I don't think Gaudy is faking. This is her slow Armageddon I'm guessing. Just as she gets all glammed up again thanks to her daughter, who thanks to Padre feels guilty ( Really Padre??), she'll bite the dust in a blaze of a bad fashion statement. My guess, no spoiler, but I can see us get some major acting moments from Daniela during her demise. She is top billing after all.

And honestly, no wonder Romina cried. I would too if I knew my new home was that god-awful hotel room. Cripes. JL is wrong in what he is doing, but he's bit of a broken man right now. I see a positive resolution here...well, they better anyway. NO harm to children!


Did anyone ever guess that it was Victor who helped Pedro? I was taken aback totally.

This novela just gets more and more unrealistic as each episode progresses. Who knows what the writers have planned next.

Victoria- I would not have guessed Victor, but after we found out it wasn't EZ, Gracie, or Maria (I never thought it was JL), anyone else left would have been equally surprising to me.

Thanks for your marvelous recap, Novela Maven. You have a way with words, and your vivid descriptions definitely enhanced my viewing experience of this rather dull episode.

Like everyone else, I am dumbfounded by the stupidity of Victor confronting Pedro not once but twice all by himself. Doesn't he realize that drug lords usually have armed men with them at all times? Doesn't he remember all the times Pedro beat him to a pulp? He's clearly not thinking.

In the flashback, when he finds Pedro bleeding on the ground, why not just kill him? I would take that risk rather than deal with Pedro when he recovers. So, by helping Pedro, Victor inadvertently created all this nonsense in the most recent episodes.

I wonder how everyone will react when they discover what Victor did.


About what Vapid Victor did,what if Pedros threat was actually real? The only real faullty one here is Adolfo because he didnt had the frijoles to kill him for good..Victor acted too stupid when he went alone to the hideout,why didnt he tell Ale and Monse where Pedro was hiding ? Of course there is also Suarez on the Police Force who is one of Pedros goons and Monse and Ale were too worried for Romina and Dim is too busy "hunting" for The Alacran

NovelaMaven, "pedestrian plodding?" Hardly! This was carefully constructed with wit and wisdom and finished with incomparable insight. As always, a joy to read.

I have to supress an urge here to cut and paste everything so have pared my favorites down to "
Hardly Refugio, after spending the day chasing down guitar boy and then lollygagging on the beach"; "He lowers his pistol but shoots off his mouth"; "Back in the present, he focuses wholly on the darling child who has finally learned to tolerate his presence without crying" and "Esmeralda sniffles and snuffles".

I never considered Victor was the one who helped Pedro. Vivi and UA, I also can't comdemn Monse or Victor for makint their deal with the devil. They did it to save others, those most dear. And that is what makes Pedro's plan so simple yet ingenious. He knows everyone's Achilles heel - their spouse, chidren, etc.

Xint, "Personally I think Adolfo should have shot Victor for being stupid AND for saving Pedro, but that's just me. Two shots this time Adolfo." had me laughing.

And I think Graciela's fall was genuine. I don't believe she is faking (with apologies to all the Crackpot Theorists).

I do agree with Graciela (shockingly) that JL would never hurt his daughter. He loves her although taking her was not the way to prove that, although I'm glad she is out of harm's way.

Adolfo has had some "miracle saves", his luck can't continue indefinitely.

Judy, sincere condolences on the losses you suffered. I'm glad you are back, it's always lighter and brighter when you are here.

Sylvia, so glad to see your post yesterday! Welcome back, it's been far too long.

NovelaMaven, thank you for the excellent recap.


Diana, 2 guys fighting over 1 girl in LQLVMR kind of like Sonny vs Lorenzo fighting over Carly in GH.


I never guessed it was Victor. He should have realized that the beating, the attempt on his life in Argentina, the kidnapping of Victoria, the shanghai-ing of Nadia to Aguazul, and how he treated both of them was the best predictor of future behaviour. However...

Pedro was shot and his body disappeared in episode 166. That would have been the final hour if there hadn't been a prior decision to extend the series by another six weeks. I doubt that the decision to have Victor be the one to help him was made at the same time or if it was the writers didn't share that with the actor. Nothing in Victor's demeanor suggested this.

Not a good move on the writers' part.

He should have taken the chance of killing him, but killing isn't in Victor's nature. By then there was enough evidence against Pedro to have turned him in. He should have just kicked the crap out of him, taken his cell phone, and called Dimitrio.


Novelamaven, thank you for that excellent, detailed recap.

Well, the writers tricked everyone. nobody guessed that Vic was the one who helped Ped. ..even the Crackpot Theorists !!!

Since our family is still dealing with custody issues, it was upsetting to see JL toss his cellphone and drive off with Romina. Awful . Every divorced parents nightmare.


Thanks so much for this fantastic recap and the lightness of your prose. I loved your line about guitar boy too funny.

I think, here I go again, that JL took Romina because Monse went back on her word. She promised he could have Romina the whole weekend and Monse wanted her back right then. JL has trust issues, combined with that flash back, about losing everything he has ever loved, I can see why he did what he did. He really doesn't want to lose Romina and I think he is very afraid that he will. I agree with Vivi, that Romina is much safer with JL than she is with Monse and Ale.

Vapid Victor, now that was a huge surprise. Out of all the people that have been helping Peddy, I never thought that Victor did.

The Padre is just being the Padre here. What he said about JL and how he counseled Monse about Gaudy. I think maybe Padre thinks if Monse is busy helping Guady it will lessen her angst about Romina.

Addled and Peddy what a pair, I must say. What will it take to finally bring these two down?


So good to have you back, and sending you a virtual hug and prayers.


Would that I could plod about in such a pedestrian manner. :)

I still hold to the theory that Gaudencia is a faking it. Nothing in that scene made me change me mind. Montserrat continues to fall for all of Gaudencia's tricks hook, line, and sinker. All I could see in that scene was beautifully dressed and made up Barbie Doll with the Ultimate Con Artist.

No apologies required, btw. If I go down in flames with my theory, so be it. :)

I agree with Urban that once Montserrat finds out how much Gaudencia (such a fitting name)has known about Pedro and how he has been a part of her schemes and transactions, Montserrat just might change her tune.

Anon@4:12, like you, I wanted scream "SHUT UP" to Anselmo. Holy Cow. I can see why Oxnard Huero calls this guy a buttinsky and I agree.

Member, Crackpot Theorists™

Belated welcome back to Cap'n Sharkbait!!! So glad that you are home safely and will join us in the "ultimos capitulos".

Member, Crackpot Theorists™

Fatima, add me to your group. I think Graciela's faking it because inspite of being so "ill" she has not missed a beat in being her usual obnoxious manipulative self.


That would be her nature whether she is faking it or not. She will connive to suck as much life out of Monse as she can while she can.

A legal question, if anyone can answer it: When someone like Pedro falls, what happens to his fortune?

Judy, mi amiga, forgot to also add my condolences. Lots of love, prayers and <<<>>> coming your way. Glad to see you back.

SO agree with Tracy and UA both. The decision to expand the TN past the World Cup has been more and more evident in the plots, but having Vic aid and assist the guy who beat the crap out of him, kidnapped his wife and daughter and wreaked havoc on all his friends is beyond my beanie. No amount of Pedro threatening...tThe man was already SHOT, not as if he wasn't in the perfect position to, as was pointed out, hit the hell out of him more and call either the Navy or police.
Pedro would not do well in prison, and my guess is he would have sang like a bird. But maybe they thought it was better to make Victor look stupid and stretch out the story.

So now my thoughts are how they do in Pedro for good. Since he holds no office, public humiliation seems out, shooting is way too fast, illness seems to be Gaufy's demise. Maybe jail is an option and living at the hands of the prison population? Maybe a Fire? Oh,, a crash--I could go for that symmetry. His first crash caused him one loss ( or should I say two). Next crash...all alone and left to anguish and die slow & painfully. Or someone finds him and ignores his please for aid. For any Game of Thrones fans...think Arya: the Hound begging to be shot as he dies and she turns her back and walks away. Can I write Pedro's ending??

But then they say they have three endings...I get a headache just thinking what we may get fed instead.


UA: I'm not sure on Mexican law. Being he more than likely would be found to have committed numerous crimes and nefarious dealings, even if he's dead, in the US, the FEDS would freeze all assets and investigate where and how the fortune was made. Anything somewhat legit (salaries, insurance policies, etc.) might go to the family after a brief time, but they won't hold their breathe on getting much else.

We have had a local crime boss found out after years here and that's the way things were handled. Family even lost the home since it was found to be bought and built through back-handed funding. Madoff is another example. The wife didn't get much. Even some of her shared holdings with Bernie were confiscated. She had some money of her own, and that's what she lives off of.

Would be curious to know how Mexican legal handles.


Jarifa, you are in, amiga! Anon@4:12 also thinks Gaudencia is faking it, so that brings the count at the table to 12.

Demetrios/CountxAlacran, totally agree with your comments re the sending of the SMS. :)

Urban, I would agree with Daisynjay's comments re handling of the funds.

While I am not fond of many loose ends being tied up in the final two episodes, I'm still shaking my head at the way BM met her end. Even now, I still have that "that's it?!" feeling.

I also think that EZ Basura went out too EZily. I so wanted him to be found out in public so that a list of his crimes and misdemeanors could be read out loud. I STILL do not believe that he loved Carlota. He ran and left her there at Pedro's mercy. You don't do that kind of stuff to the people you claim you love.

Maricruzyou remain our fearless leader at the "Graciela is Faking It" table. :)

Member, Crackpot Theorists™

¡Buenos días, chicos!

We are finally inching towards the finish line and it seems as if we will get one or two POPS in every episode from now until the end. For me, the Victor reveal was both surprising and anticlimactic. Oh well.


I should have known something was wrong when I noticed your absence. I am so very sorry for your loss, but happy you have chosen to grace us with your presence once again. Thank you for being with us and for being you.


I always feel grateful for those late night comments, especially the very first one. Thanks!

I'm not a fan of the Eric character either. And while the Esme/Refugio relationship can be tedious, I find Esmeralda one of the most interesting characters (except for the loooong whiny pregnancy) and the actress one of the best players in the cast.

Anon 4:12,

I tend to give Padre Anselmo a pass. If a priest can't preach forgiveness and reconciliation, who can?


Pedro has been calling Victor Nadia's "mascota" and otherwise referring to him as a dog for years. For someone who invests so much energy in insults, you'd think he would have come up with something more creative -- or at least different -- by now.

Urban, I don't want anything bad to happen to Virginia, but I wish she'd do her stuff somewhere else. She hasn't matured at all in the time she was away, and her self-involvement and obtuseness, while understandable, are fodder for the couch, not the screen.


This sums up Victor in a nutshell:

"They made his character way too gullible to be interesting."

I also thought that the "Kill me and end the revenge" scene was an unfortunate showcase for all the actor's limitations.

And can you believe that Adolfo convinced him that he WAS the Scorpion, but the Scorpion wasn't really the Scorpion? Huh?


I beg to differ about Montse and Victor. Montse was just going along with Pedro VERBALLY to keep Ale alive in that moment. She never had any intention of sacrificing Victoria. The threat to Alejandro wasn't remote or theoretical -- he was dying before her eyes.

In Victor's case, the only one whose life was on the line AT THAT MOMENT was Pedro. The threats to Nadia and Victoria were not immediate (and almost certainly not even real, although Victor had no way of knowing that for sure.) Victor had many choices -- kill Pedro, call Dimitrio, or just walk away and let someone else find him. He made the absolute worst choice of all -- to keep Pedro alive and at liberty.

I agree that Adolfo's narrow escapes from discovery last night were pretty funny.


"Good grief, this guy is dumber than a bag of dryer lint. Personally I think Adolfo should have shot Victor for being stupid AND for saving Pedro, but that's just me. Two shots this time Adolfo."

You're not wrong, dude. [hee hee]

I also agree with you about Graciela. She must really be sick to actually say something positive about anyone.

Maybe I missed something! WHY was Victor in the house with Pedro when Pedro was shot? Was that explained?

Anon at 12:14, Victor had come over to have a "discussion" with Pedro re leaving Victor and his family alone which is why he was in the house.

This explains why the door was open when MDA arrived, but where were Pedro's goons? I have to assume that they helped Victor get Pedro to a hospital.

Member, Crackpot Theorists™


I'm so glad you like the recap. I know I really enjoyed your comments.

"Mr. Law Enforcement Extraordinaire" -- gosh, yes. Dim has come a long way since the days of his misspent youth. (Though I think we have a tendency to assume he knows more than he really does, because otherwise, how can we explain so many missed opportunities? If he really had a gut feeling that Adolfo was the Scorpion, wouldn't he be trying to get Josefina to stay away from him?)

I love the idea that Graciela will "bite the dust in a blaze of a bad fashion statement."

And I don't think the JL-Romina honeymoon is going to last very long. He may be a good daddy, but he is a solitary depressive given to bursts of rage and he has taken this cossetted baby away from her emotionally rich and physically engaging environment. Not good.

Victoria, if anyone guessed Victor, let that person come forward and claim bragging rights!

Tracy H,

Thanks for the kind words. I think that's a great question: How will everyone react to what Victor did? I think I'd like to see PBN get mad, if only to have these two jolted out of their "Mi amor" mode, even briefly.

Somehow, I don't expect Alejandro to be a hothead. But then, I'm almost always wrong about these things. :)


Thank you once again for your gracious and generous words.

"And that is what makes Pedro's plan so simple yet ingenious. He knows everyone's Achilles heel - their spouse, chidren, etc."

Yes. And that is what makes Pedro himself less vulnerable than his victims: he truly cares about no one but himself.

And no need to apologize to the Crackpot Theorists™. We can turn on a dime if we need to. :)

Hi Susanlynn,

Thanks! And yes, the writers DID trick everyone, even Julia R, who I was sure had cracked the code!

Ugh. Every divorced parent's nightmare indeed. The JL apologists can twist themselves up into pretzels trying to rationalize what he did, but at the end of the day, his behavior is selfish and inexcusable. (I still hope Romina turns out to be Alejandro's biological child.)

And speaking of JL apologists...

Hi mads!

We'll have to agree to disagree about JL, but I'm with you on Padre Anselmo and not just for the reasons you cite, though they are good ones.

Losing a parent is always hard, but losing a parent with whom you have been on bad terms is a particular kind of torture. I think Padre Anselmo wants Montserrat to be able to grieve "cleanly" when her mother dies.

My dear Fatima,

You are too kind. And though theories may rise and fall, Crackpot Theorists™ go forward, undaunted. There is always fodder out there if you are looking for it.

I don't think any revelations about Graciela will change Montserrat's decision at this point. In fact, I suspect nothing Gracie says will surprise anyone (except for the occasional 'almost human' comment like her reminder to Montse that JL has always been a good father).


In real life, jail is often not much of a punishment for the Pedros of this world. The only way to keep him from hurting others is to send him on to the great beyond. (Maybe he'll share a room in hell with María and Ezequiel.)

Steve Boudreaux, I have no idea what you're talking about, but I imagine Diana does. :)

NovelaMaven, I very much agree that the good Padre (buttinsky that he is)does want Montserrat to grieve with a clear conscience and "cleanly" as you so nicely put it. She will never be able to put the past behind her. Honestly, it is that ability of Montserrat to forget most of what Gaudencia does that I admire. I feel things way too much for my own good. I would have never gotten this far with Gaudencia. She probably would have killed me off first.

Member, Crackpot Theorists™

Sorry...did not complete my thought and did not review: "She will never be able to put the past behind her if she does not come to some kind of terms with her mother".

Member, Crackpot Theorists™

I agree that JL just reacted to Montse's demand that he return the baby. He doesn't yet know about what happened with Maria and Ale. Since they didn't bother to inform THE CHIEF OF POLICE about the attempted murder of Alejandro, for all he knows it's just another one of Montse's whims or mind-reversals. What they should've done immediately is called him over or gone to see him with Laurito and asked him to take (or help them take) BOTH kids away for safekeeping until Pedro is brought down.

Oh, and I also STILL believe that Graceless is faking it. There's just something about the way she looks at everybody that gives me the willies and makes me think that.


Fatima, I rather like that about Montserrat: a good part of her resilience comes from her ability to forgive and move on. She has forgiven Dimitrio and Alejandro and the rewards in both cases have been enormous. I'm not sure she has forgotten anything, but she doesn't obsess over past hurts.

[This shouldn't be confused with passive tolerance of abuse -- that comes out of weakness and destroys resilience.]

Montserrat tried to tell José Luis what had happened. He told her he wasn't interested and hung up on her. It was JL who cut off the communication, not Montse.

NovelaMaven, I agree. Not obsessing over past hurts is key. I think she has handled that aspect quite nicely. I think it is probably the thing she does best (and being a good mother).

Naima,a couple of days ago, I reserved a spot for you at our "Graciela is Faking It" table. I agree with your observations about Gaudencia today.

Member, Crackpot Theorists™

No one who has ever known someone or who has been tru custody nightmares can condone what JL did, no matter what his reasons for it. So I am with Susanlynn on this one, every parent worst nightmare. Susanlynn, I am going to keep your family in my prayers.

Back from breakfast out with friends and ready to catch up on the comments.

Yesterday, while I was out and about , I passed a roadside sign with a message that JL needs to hear : " Let your hopes not your hurts shape your future." Sometimes, as my risk manager daughter says " " You just have to cut your loses and move on." And to echo a popular tune from "Frozen" (which my grand girls belt out endlessly )...."LET IT GO." This guy just cannot let it go. is soldo overcast here which sways makes me feel lethargic. I was tricked into ganging out the laundry because the sun came out around 1.00, but now it is gray and humid. Bleeccchhh

Judyb..So sorry to hear of the deaths of your friends. Always a sad time. Sending good vibrations westward to you )))))))

I am not condoning what JL did by taking the baby. I'm simply saying he reacted to Montse's demand. And yes, she tried to tell him and he cut her off, but this was AFTER she opened with, "Bring back MY daughter and bring her back right now!" If she had started with, "you won't believe what just happened," maybe he would have still taken her for her safety, but I don't think he would protect Romina and not Laurito. Catching flies with honey, and all that.

Fatima: thanks, it's fun here at the CTT (Crackpot Theorists' Table) :-)


And now Monserrat can't even call him. I am actually wondering if he's even interested in being there for Pedro's downfall. He might just be interested in getting Romina and to hell with Aguazul.

And as the daughter of a toxic mother, I would have advised Monse to put her mother in a facility and forget about her. Have her lawyer pay the bills. A woman like this should not be near young children and does not deserve to cause misery to other adults.

This soap was best when they revolved it around the protagonists vs. the antagonists; now it's all gangster crap and no more storytelling, meaning pointless violence and idiotic behavior by the authorities out to pursue them.

BTW, when Pedro sent the head to Fofo, was it wearing the blonde wig?

Novela Maven, thank you for the stupendous and hilarious recap that provided so many great laughs to me today. I like your "Adolfo outsmarts..." running them. Some of my favorite Mavenisms were: Hanging out in the Hangar, "He lowers his pistol but shoots off his mouth", In My Life I've Lost Them All, and Still Desperate...

I've got to say our Hobbled Hitman (snort!) sure was busy in this episode. Like some of you, I'm not sure how long Adolfo will be able to keep up that level of energy.

Diana, Fatima and others, I'm so glad I could rejoin the patio for ultimas semanas. I'm happy to see so many of my pals watching this through to the end. I give full credit to the exemplary and entertaining recaps.

JudyB, you mention 2 deaths among friends...are you referring to Maia and ex?

Novella Maven, Thanks for the informative and entertaining recap. I waited up for it and fell fast asleep after that. In my humble opinion, one thing that comes to mind and how I will remember this telenovela is.....Be prudent and "not stupid", Dont Make Deals with the Devil!!!!! He a liar, and wants to destroy destroy destroy. "Pedro es el mismito demonio."

Great recap!!

So Victor made the deal early on with Pedro but that doesn't explain how Victor knew where to find Pedro! He could have easily slipped that info to the Marina anonymously.

Must admit Victor is a complete moron and I half wanted Adolfo to shoot him. His family might be more safe without his idiotic ideas putting them in jeopardy.

Shocked that the Padre said nice things about JL. Even more so Gracie. I think this is the most nice things said abt JL in one episode.

One last thing,am I the only one that thinks Maria may still be alive? She was still alive when Pedro's goons carried her away. And I was thinking maybe Pedro pulled the same crap on Adolfo that EZ did to Pedro. Though I guess if it was her head that's harder to fake. I can't help but think she's going to pop up like a zombie.

Hope you had a blast in Jamaica!

As for the child custody thing, you and Susanlynn have expressed the issue very well.

Naima, that's a good point. JL WAS reacting to Montse's demand that he bring Romina back right away.

Oxnard, I could do with a little less of the gangster crap too. I still think there's some good storytelling going on, though.


I was really hoping you'd still be around this weekend, enjoying the pleasure of flushing you TP and rolling up your EZ-come EZ-go chair to a table on the Patio. So glad you got a few giggles. [While individual scenes or even whole episodes can be quite affecting, if I took this show seriously...well...I guess I wouldn't be able to watch it.]

Now where the heck is EJ?

Novella Lover,

I like it! "Don't make deals with the devil!" You are so right. In one way or another, almost everyone made a deal with a devil (though not necessarily THE devil) and lived to regret it.

I'm so glad you enjoyed the recap.

Maria popping up as a zombie? Oh please please please be wrong!

Like Carvivlie and others I am also wondering if Maria is really dead. In this show seeing is believing, and we didn't actually see Maria's head, did we?

NM, cute avatar. I am firmly planted in my EZ-come EZ-go chair and enjoying all the antics out on the Patio.

I'm glad you like my little friend, Sylvia. He's a gnome I saw at the Mitchell Park Horticultural Domes in Milwaukee. I knew right away he'd be a good fit for the Patio.

So it sounds like you and Carvivlie have struck up an alliance with the Crackpot Theorists™. Will you need a separate "Maria is alive!" table or will you be sharing with the "Graciela is faking her illness" gang? (I believe Maricruz is in charge of that, so perhaps we should wait for her input.)

Actually, even though we didn't look into the box, Adolfo did. I was thinking he had become a bit of a mortuary expert and wasn't likely to be fooled. Still...

Also I will take seat with gracie is faking based on the timing. When Carlota told her she had to move, I think the thought terrified her and she figured a way to manipulate her children in hopes of gaining their love and invitation to stay with them. The writers also had Dim tell the doctor he wanted a second opinion. The writers did do that for no reason. I took it as it is matter of time before Dim gets his second opinion, but since he has been delegated the go-to problem solver, there has been no time. I think he is probably going to outshine Admiral Lauro, and his papa would be so proud. All he wanted for Dim was not to be shiftless.

the problem with the extension was/is that there's nowhere left for the story to go, Alex and Montse are together, most secrets have been uncovered, and it looks like all we have left is violence followed by more violence followed by ads for Ruffles. I'm not looking forward to the next two weeks of this novela, at all.

Novella Lover...not sure I understand your question. The two unexpected deaths were among personal friends.

And thanks everyone for the kind wishes and hugs. This is such a great place to come...whether to laugh, or rant or mope.

And welcome back Cap'n Sharkbait!

NovelaMaven, thanks, the Vic helping Peddy is wack ashell, The writers are grasping at straws.

Novella lover, you have your place at the "Graciela Is Faking It" table! Total count: 13

Member, Crackpot Theorists™

Novela Maven, This recap was hearty laugh-out-loud good! Snark doesn't have to rhyme. Each of the recappers has special gems to impart. Victor shooting off his mouth not his gun is one such among so much merriment you wrote into these dastardly last episodes.

I was more swayed than usual about Gracelessiela faking but that was a fairly convincing fall. My fear is that Montse will get her all dolled up and she will begin channeling Ana Sofia from over at Pobres/Ricos. She will write bad checks, start acting really hoity again. Maybe the one line about JL being a good father will be all we can expect from her. I do agree that Padre A was trying to distract Montse and keep her from having needless regrets if Graci does "go on ahead"

Sylvia, so nice to see you are back on these pages! Welcome home again.

Judy I am glad you can come here for solace and laughter, doesn't it keep us all sane and warm.

NovelaMaven, great recap, lots of great snarky lines.
Loved, "We see Victor tied up in a chair and we hear this plaintive -- and yet idiotic -- message...Oy. Think, Victor. Think. Why would you believe that lying sociopath again?""
The use of the word, "kerfuffle".
And Adolfo, "He has an aha! moment: "Another letter!"

Daisynjay-had to laugh at your karmageddon for Gaudy, "Just as she gets all glammed up again thanks to her daughter, who thanks to Padre feels guilty ( Really Padre??), she'll bite the dust in a blaze of a bad fashion statement".
I'm laughing now. Monse is going to do her make up and get her dressed up again, what, back with tablecloths draped around her neck!! Too much!!

Yeah, you guys are right, Gracie is NOT faking. I was wrong...It really seemed like it with all that smirking she was doing...

Judy, glad you're back, so sorry for your loss!

I am having a hard time believing Maria is really dead. Where's Carlos when you need him?

I believe that Gracie is really sick. A tiger does not change it's stripes. She was a dreadful human being when she was healthy, and she has not had a sudden personality change now that she is ill.

I know the show is not big on medical realism (Alejandro's miraculous coma recovery), but one thing that makes me doubt Graciela's diagnosis is that we never see her taking medicine or talking about any sort of treatment plan. (I can't remember whether she refused chemo / surgery and is waiting to die). When Angelica was ill, she fainted, seemed very weak with labored breathing, and had to go to the hospital more than a few times.

In any case, wouldn't Graciela have to take something to ward off the effects of a brain tumor? Palliative care or something? That's what seems suspicious to me - she's still lucid, still eating, and still being a nuisance to others. She's just got too much energy for such a dire diagnosis.

Maybe her health will take a nose-dive in the last episodes, though.

Tracy H:

"I know the show is not big on medical realism"

You have a gift for understatement :)

Actually, Gracie DID refuse palliative treatment, specifically surgery and chemo.


" it looks like all we have left is violence followed by more violence followed by ads for Ruffles."

That's a bit harsh. Have you forgotten about the Tundra? She'd be very hurt if she heard what you were saying.


Thanks so much for your nice words!

I think the truth of Gracie's health is just one of those games the writers are playing with us to keep our interest. You can work up a convincing argument on either side. Last night the scales seemed to be tipping to the "Gracie is NOT faking" side. Maybe so. Or maybe someone had a thumb on the scales.


"A tiger does not change it's stripes. [Gracie] was a dreadful human being when she was healthy, and she has not had a sudden personality change now that she is ill."

Yup. I've said that too (so has Carlos), though I think you have said it best.

Great recap NovelaMaven. Many thanks!

UA, You mentioned hoping that Montse would find out that her mamita knew that Pedro was alive. She mentioned it to her already—she told her that it was Pedro that gave Fabi the gun. I thought maybe it was poor continuity work on the writers part that Montse didn’t react or respond to that news.

Jarifa ITA about Victor not being believable. Really? He thinks that madman is going to leave his daughter and wife alone if he kills him? As Adolfo says Pedro’s word is worth nothing. And there is nothing to say about how idiotic Victor was to believe that Pedro was going to have Nadia and Victoria killed once he died. Why would anyone have any loyalty or reason to kill them once the great and terrible Pedro was dead? Also, IF Victor was going to die anyway, why didn’t he just pull the trigger (aim for the head please this time) and kill Pedro and then let his henchmen do him in? I know: two more weeks. And how did Victor know where Pedro was? Enough. Sorry for my rant.

Fatima I will sit staunchly with you and Jarifa and of course Maricruz at the Guady is faking table. I thought she timed her fall perfectly and perfectly in keeping with her goals—enough about your stupid kid! Let’s put the focus back on me! However, I really think I’m earning my spot by having a nagging feeling that we have not seen the last of BM. I know, Addled saw her head, but WE didn’t. Is that just me and Carvivlie?


Rebecca, I please remind me. Have I already set your place at the table? You know (ha!) that I don't want to "inflate" the numbers at the "Graciela Is Faking It Table"!!

Let me know before I announce the latest count. :))

I think you and Carvivlie have a good point about BM popping up again. I think there was one other person, but I would have to go back to yesterday's and today's posts to be sure.

Member, Crackpot Theorists™

Fatima, I'm not sure if I've been counted or not, and you may be thinking of me already re Maria. I said it yesterday or the day before. I am definitely a certified crackpot!


Thanks so much for your great recap Novela Maven. And as others have noted, this was anything but pedestrian.

Though I understand Padre's comments about forgiveness, it seems the brunt of those comments fall on Montse. Since Dim is basically the honest, thinking authority figure in town, he's too busy to deal w/his evil mother. In most tns the burden usually falls on women to not just forgive but allow the toxic person back in their life like nothing has happened. Those who have been verbal abused have to have boundaries with abusers but tn forgiveness overlooks this important point.

Add me to the list of those who wouldn't think that Victor would have been the helper. But he's so vapid, you can believe how he'd fall for whatever Pedro says; he's just tragically stupid.

While I don't condone JL taking Romina, she is safer w/him than Montse and Ale. I just don't understand why they don't listen to Daisynjay and leave town. And I don't mean on that ridiculous weekend of romance where their other family members are sitting ducks.

Oh, Karen, this was so well said, amiga! " In most tns the burden usually falls on women to not just forgive but allow the toxic person back in their life like nothing has happened. Those who have been verbal abused have to have boundaries with abusers but tn forgiveness overlooks this important point."...and this is why Padre Anselmo's comments FRIED me.

Rebecca, ok, your place at the "Graciela is Faking It" table has been set!! Total now is: 13

Now, I had really better get to bed.

Member, Crackpot Theorists™


My apologies when I read about two deaths I thought you were speaking about the novella. I am sorry to hear it it was your two friends. My sincere and deep condolences, I am sorry for the loss of your two friends. My heart feels for you.

Graciella goes all out in her con. She psych's herself out to the limit to become credible. She nails it!! she had me fooled with all her crying to Fabiola that she really loved her and then she ripped her off and allowed her to go to jail. She continued her web of lies by twisting everything to get people to feel sorry for her. How can anyone forget that?? She is so convincing that most people will say "whoa, she almost fell, she must not be faking it." This is my firm opinion and I hope nobody takes offense. We are just discussing. If I am wrong I will be the first to say how terribly wrong I was.

Btw, how is it known that it was Marias head in box?? Not sure if I missed Adolf saying that and I missed it.

Fatima, i know you're sleepy but you said I was 13 on Geacie is faking table. So Rebecca should be 14.

Pleasant dreams! lQLVMR not!!!

Good morning, folks!


Thanks for stopping by last night. Great comment. I had forgotten that Graciela told Montserrat that it was Pedro who gave Fabiola the gun. This whole "Who knew about Pedro and when did they know it?" thing has gotten out of control. I'm glad we have a few people like you with excellent memories to keep it all straight.

Fatima, I'm glad you're keeping the Crackpot Theorists™ in order. We crackpots need a place to hang our beanies on the Patio.

Karen, I'm always happy to hear you enjoyed a recap of mine.

As an old school feminist and as someone who has had professional dealings with women's mental health issues, I couldn't agree more with your comments about abused women.

I suppose I'm not watching as a critical thinker -- I'm just wallowing in the story. Thanks for the reality check!

Novella Lover:

"Btw, how is it known that it was Marias head in box?? Not sure if I missed Adolf saying that and I missed it."

I don't know either. I've been thinking the same thing. I didn't hear anyone say that. And it was a BIG honkin' box.

I am still on the "Gracie is faking it " table and i agree with Novella Lover,Graciela is a conner ,she was known for being a manipulative,secretive and hypocritical wrech and now she is fooling them again,just like many many times before.One of the main reasons why toxic mothers are such a big threat is because they are able to pretend to fool other people so the victims would be forced to feel compassion.

Novella Lover, thank you for keeping me straight! I knew I was getting a little woozy last night and lost track of my tally.

So, current number at the "Graciela is Faking It Table" is: 14

Member, Crackpot Theorists™

Faking it would be Gracie's ultimate con. Definitely in character, even if she has to deglam.


Morning everyone, Rebecca that part where Grrr tells Monse about Pedro went over my head too. You are so right! The normal reaction woikd have been something like "que que PEDRO??? Que estas diciendo" in tn true tn drama." There were a few times as it was revealed that Pedro was alive where they were told "no puede ser mi amor, Pedro esta muerto." Didn't even Victor utter thise words to Nadia? Dern, everyone in Agua Azul lies so sincerely, must be the water. Laurito, everyone. I hope Lil Romy's first sentence isn't a lie

UA, "deglam" what a great word!


Forgot to mention, that if the previews arent misleading it looks like Alejandro will now take his shot at making his own deal with a devil. No Alejandro (sollazos) no lo hagas (dont do it, mi amor!)

deglam Tan rico, Urban! I like it. :)

Member, Crackpot Theorists™

Novella lover...HA...I like the nickname Grrr. How perfect considering Gracie's signature growl. Wonderful !!!

Karen...Your comment about forgiving was very interesting and thought provoking. I learn a lot from the recappers and commenters at Caraycaray.

"And there is nothing to say about how idiotic Victor was to believe that Pedro was going to have Nadia and Victoria killed once he died. Why would anyone have any loyalty or reason to kill them once the great and terrible Pedro was dead?"
This is a great point, especially when you consider that Pedro treats all his henchmen/helpers like dirt. Pedro constantly calls them "fools", "stupid", "imbeciles", etc. Why would they have any love or loyalty to him? If Victor had any brains he'd have realized that Pedro's henchmen would be more concerned about who gets the top spot in the narco network than killing Pedro's ex-wife and child.


I'm oh so late for the discussion
but I did get up Saturday morning and read the recap first thing,
I just couldn't comment at that time. Thanks NM for your great recap and your use of the word kerfuffle. WOW! I had heard that word before but not for years, it had me running for a dictionary.

Almost no one cares about Esmeralda and Erick but I do. Looks like Rufugio isn't going to loose her. We never found out what Eric did but as things look now, Virginia has her sights on him. BTW, the song that Eric sang
Friday was a song from his sister's group Jeans called Como Duele. It was a Jeans hit.

Before I forget---Xlntperuvian, prayers and best wishes for your husbands fight with cancer.

Daisy---I agree that Gaudy/Daniela will go out with some major acting.

Vivi---I agree with you too. A priest should be preaching forgiveness.

Eli Perez---All we have left is violence and ads for Ruffles. LOL
In another novela we were all drinking Baily's. In this one it's
pass the Ruffles please.

Good question Rebecca---How did Victor know where Pedro was?

And last. Fatima---I am currently
sitting at the Gracie is Faking it Table but I am starting to have doubts. Her fall Friday night looked very convincing. Is her brain tumor causing her to loose her sense of balance?
the gringo

I was 100% sure Gracie was faking it after her doc told Dim what she needs is the love of her children. But now I'm 50//50.

After the Padre was still alive after 7 years (that storyline still makes no sense to me. Logically he should be dead. I mean EZ does nothing against Pedro for 7 yrs and keeps Padre alive knowing all he knows. Come On!!) everyone not seen completely dead is possibly alive. I just think Maria has one more surprise.

And can we talk security again?! She and Pedro just walked up to his place. Also how did Pedro know Montserrat would show up, or in time? Or that Ale would throw himself outside? Pedro logically should have been waiting in the house. Way too many "coincidences" for me in that scene.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Hey Gringo,

Thanks for the info about Eric's song!

And if you don't have to reach for your dictionary at least once, then it's not a genuine NovelaMaven recap, right? :D


"I was 100% sure Gracie was faking it after her doc told Dim what she needs is the love of her children. But now I'm 50//50."

Exactly! Except I'm inclining towards the "She's not faking it" side of the scale at the moment.

And of course you are so right about all the nuttiness of Pedro's appearance at the hacienda. I guess the cinematographers just love those hacienda steps -- and who can blame them?

We can expect less and less logic as we approach the end. But if they resurrect the chickens, it may be too much, even for me. And that's saying a lot.

I can't remember..was a box of chicken heads sent to anyone ?...a box of chicken nuggets ????

Thanks for this super recap, NovelaMaven. You once more managed to perfectly capture the bizarre ambiance and mood of a strange episode and your demeanor is again pitch perfect.

Belated thanks to Elna June for your clever poetic presentation of Thursday's episode in which, as your title so aptly noted, we bade a fond farewell to our much misunderstood and under-appreciated (both by the Patio crowd as well as Alejandro and the writers) María.

As for Victor, Pedro pretty much outed him as his rescuer by telling María in the preceding episode that it was the person she would least expect... hmmm... now who might that be? As for no one guessing, it was pretty much a no win proposition, if wrong, you look like a fool... if right, then you were clearly guilty of revealing a spoiler.

Even in retrospect it made absolutely no sense unless you take into account what a bumbling inept fool Victor has been throughout this entire TN. And as for his latest brilliant decision, I think that Rebecca summed it up best:

"Why would anyone have any loyalty or reason to kill them once the great and terrible Pedro was dead?"

Indeed. And as xintperuvean points out:

"...Pedro's henchmen would be more concerned about who gets the top spot in the narco network..."

...and it's highly unlikely that he set up an endowment to fund any postmortem vengeance.


"...if they resurrect the chickens, it may be too much, even for me."

Now that sounds a lot like a cleverly disguised spoiler.




"I can't remember..was a box of chicken heads sent to anyone ?...a box of chicken nuggets ????"

Now that you mention it, I believe there was a mysterious box of nuggets delivered to the Café, but Macario ate them before anyone could 'deconstruct' them.


How nice to see you back on the Patio! Thanks so much for the kind words. By the way, have you noticed that Cap'n Sylvia is around too?

In your absence, I have moved away from the "Graciela is faking" table and returned, beanie in hand, to the "Carlos is always right" bench. Sigh.

Now about Victor the Stupid --

If he knew that Pedro was hanging out at the hangar, then he has been in contact with him all along. So does that mean he has been feeding him information about his friends?

Did Victor tell Pedro that Alejandro and Montserrat would be going to the hacienda? Did he set up his best friend?

Maricruz, Fatima, et al at the Graciela is faking it table, please tell me what you see as the endpoint for Gracie's ruse of suffering from a glioblastoma multiforme. This is a progressively crippling malady that is uniformly deadly within a very short time. Not only the possibility of blindness or paralysis, but seizures are inevitable and in fact often the first manifestation. And say a year goes by and Gabriela is still alive and making everyone around her miserable... what then? If she is faking a fatal illness, then she (and her suborned physician) chose unwisely. A far better choice would have been leukemia or maybe a lymphoma... both somewhat less predictable and easier to fake.


I'm late to the party too, but thanks for the recap!

I'm with Carvivlie. I'm still not sure about Gracie. If she's faking it she's doing a good job. If she bribed the doc, she does have the money to do so. It's just a matter of whether or not he took the bait. So I'm not sure if Padre A. is in the right about telling Montse to forgive Gracie.

I'm still baffled by the fact that Vic possibly helped Pedro. I thought it would've been Gracie. It is true that Vic is the last person anyone would expect as Pedro pointed out, but I think someone else is helping him too.

I wonder who's going to find JL. It would be nice if Dim gets the credit for that one.

I'm a little worried about the confrontation between Adolfito and Refugio in tomorrow's episode. We shall see what happens.


I doubt that Victor had been helping Pedro all along. What is more likely is that Pedro used that time to allow for a false sense of security. Time means nothing to him except as a means to an end. He left them alone all this time in the knowledge that the element of shock would work in his favor when his plans were fully formed.

As to Gracie, it hasn't been a year since her diagnosis. She stayed holed up in her room right after Fabiola's suicide and a year has passed since then. Her "diagnosis" is recent.


"As to Gracie, it hasn't been a year since her diagnosis... Her "diagnosis" is recent."

I presume this is directed at my last comment. I seem to be having a problem making myself clear here lately. I said:

"...say a year goes by and Gabriela is still alive..."


"A year has gone by and Graciela is still alive."

My question meant... what could be her plan once her expiration date is reached and she is still with us?


Right, and if Gracie is faking, how'd she fake the CT scan and how'd she fake out the doctor?


I'd like to request a seat at the "Graciela is faking it" table. She's certainly not beyond paying off corrupt doctors to proffer fake diagnoses and fake test results. Who knows what she was up to during the year she stayed holed up in her room. Maybe she left through a window and conspired with Pedro to wreak havoc on Agua Azul.

Everyone is speculating about Gracie right now---I have a question of a different nature. JL
said that he is not going to give Romina back to St. Montse. Ok, what then? He's the Police Chief,
is he going to take baby Romina and skip town? He has a house and roots in Aguazul, would he just hop on a plane and fly to the states? If he stays in Aguazul, he could be brought up on kidnapping charges right?

The letter from EZ---I know that Refugio means well but how dumb can a police officer military or other get? I mean it was for Dimi
and marked confidential. Ok so you open it but decide not to read it then you lay it down on the table and rush out the door leaving the letter all alone with
Adolfo. It's no wonder that this guy didn't make Captain. I know that it's still to early for an ending so I think that I will just sit back with a bag of Ruffles and some dip, enjoy life and wait to see what happens.


None of what anyone is doing makes much sense.

The writers have lost their way. The secondary character Pedro is the main character now, with Adolfo right behind.

The action reminds me of the old Agatha Christie novel "Ten Little Indians", where people get invited to an island and the get killed off one by one.

All that we have waiting for us is who will get killed next.


Oxnard- I don't think Sergio Sendel ever signs on to be a secondary character. He is the MAIN villain. If anything, it was surprising how much of a backseat he took at the beginning of this tn. Most of us wondered why they were wasting SS in this role. Now he gets to chew up the scenery, just as he was hired to do.

Frankly, I don't find any of the main characters very interesting. Monse and Ale are dull, dull, dull. The only couple I am interesting in seeing how they evolve and if they end up together are Dim and Fina, and the Dim-Fina-Adolfo triangle is way more interesting than the insipid and stupid Ale-Monse-JL triangle. I am also interested in seeing how Gracie ends up.

Before I reply to Carlos, I need to get my counts straight.

NovelaMaven, a few paragraphs above, you said you were sitting on the fence, but in your reply to Carlos you said you had moved away from the "Graciela Is Faking It" table. So, that would bring the count to 13.

gringo is sitting on the fence, but still at the table. Count remains at 13

Pepe (a newcomer!!! welcome!) would like a seat at the table, so the count goes back up to 14.

Member, Crackpot Theorists™

Does anyone know why we ended up with the ridiculous 7-year coma/gap? Was it because the writers had already commited MDA to a 7-year jail sentence and couldn't change that plotline?

Vivi, when I began watching the story was a love triangle.

Now the main characters like Ale are secondary and cartoonish.

In the final episodes, we are watching a mob movie, where all we can expect is one more killing after another.

Pedro is a great villain, but he is not supposed to be the straw that stirs the drink.

It's very disappointing to this huero.

Carlos,let me start by saying that I am fully understanding of the implications of a diagnosis of glioblastoma multiforme.

With that said, I believe that Gaudencia is one of the smartest con artists ever. She is the Master Manipulator. She is the Master Cylinder. Precedent has already been set in "Cuando Me Enamoro" when the witch mother (played by Rocio Banquells, sp?) paid off a doctor to convince her family that she had a brain tumor. Said doctor doctored up another patient's scan and put that witch of a mother's name on it. The family bought it hook, line, and sinker.

Given that there seems to be a hint of inherent laziness upon the part of the writers, I propose that:

Gaudencia is EXPONTENTIALLY smarter than that chica in CME. Do I know what Gaudencia's plan is or her end game? No, I do not, but when I READ her face and I READ her actions nothing rings true. Nothing.

It means nothing that she chose not to accept any treatment, but even then, if she were really dying, there would still be some type of doctor visit. Gaudencia is a die hard narcissist. If she were really dying, I believe that as a narcissist, she would do EVERYTHING in her power to live. So, why isn't she doing it?

Furthermore, Gaudencia has an airhead for a daughter; someone she has manipulated and controlled since forever. Unlike Dimitrio (at this stage of the game), Montserrat is not immune to Gaudencia's shenanigans. Dimitrio has his force shields up and with good reason.

If I go down in flames with my Crackpot Theory, that's OK. At least, I have thought out my line of reasoning. The kicker, of course, it that I am reasoning out all of the plausible possibilities. I could be giving the writers more credit than they deserve.

Could I possibly change my mind? Of course, but someone is going to have to show me the money before I do.

The answer lies in the eyes. It is always in the eyes.

Member, Crackpot Theorists™ and loving every minute of the fun!

Oxnard Huero- I understand. I have been disappointed in this love triangle from nearly day one, however. :) But it's hard to sustain a love triangle story for over 180 capitulos though.

Wow, and thanks for this recap NM! I would've given up on this novela long ago, if it weren't for the amazing group of talent we have recapping, entertaining, educating and engaging us.

Maria, as the song goes - she had it coming. But, I'm suspiciously expecting her to show up again. It took so long to get rid of her and it was all too quick and easy.

Fatima you seem to say everything I'm thinking, saving me some typing ; } I hope there's room left at the table for a Gaudy non-believer. Padre was out of line to say Montse forgiveness depends on her 'taking care' of Gaudy.

Marea Primavera


Marea, there is always room at this Crackpot Table?

Shall I make it officially 15?

Member, Crackpot Theorists™


Marea Primavera

When this way too long novela is over, I'm going to go back and watch Amor Real again for the umpteenth time to see this story in its greatest form!!!

Victoria...I think that I will do the same. I love that novela.

I keep repeating myself but nothing beats a Carla Estrada novela. By far Caray, Caray bloggers recommended her top three novelas--Alborada, Amor Real, and Pasion almost 2:1 over any other novela on the Caray, Caray discussion "Recommended Novelas" posted a few weeks ago.

Hello all! So happy to see that some of you thought I was making some sense earlier. Now I'd like to join with Fatima and make my case for the Gracie is faking it. Overall, it's her demeanor-- nothing has changed, she is nasty and rotten and downright awful as long as her golden haired child is not watching. Second was the scene with Nadia, where I'm still convinced she was trying to figure out how to act blind. The other night, as I said, she timed her fall so that Montse would stop talking about her daughter and turn her attention to her mother. I'm with Fatima-- Gaudy's face says it all.

I feel sure she paid off the doc-- Dim seems to have forgotten the second opinion (much like "Peddy's corpse" DNA test). Of COURSE she doesn't want treatment! She's NOT sick! She has all kinds of options when it comes to her miraculous recovery-- the doc was wrong, shoulda had a second opinion, it's a miracle? Puh-LEEZE! Or, given the circumstances POR FAVOR! I may go down in shame but I'm parking my butt at the Gracie's faking table for the duration!

Now as to why, I assume it's to try to win back her children's love. She's already rich, so she doesn't need that. I think those who've labeled her as a narcissist have it right. She has to make sure everyone believes as maybe she does that she is a great mother. She has to triumph over Rosie. She has to regain the outward standing that her ego demands. Personally I hope we get a doozy of an anvil and I hope (and believe) that this is not it. Hmmmm, maybe Maria (zombie or no) will come help deliver it?
Have I gone over the edge? Have I been watching too many TNs?
Ready for this one to end-- not sure I'll be watching the next one. I've started watching Mi Corazon es Tuyo (sorry I haven't commented yet, haven't really had time to read the recaps yet but I will!) and the lightness of it is a welcome respite from LQLVMR.

15 it is!

Rebecca, if we go down, we won't go down in shame. My wonderful father always used to tell me that when I was defending my position, as long as I had carefully thought it out and felt that I had good reason for my position, even if my position turned out to be incorrect, it would be fine because I had used logic and purposeful thinking to defend my position.

I could then figure out the holes in my argument and learn from the mistakes in my thinking. Mind you, he told me this when I was but a wee child!! Somehow, he made making mistakes a fun game. :))

I like your line of thinking, Rebecca!!

Member, Crackpot Theorists™

Victoria, I hope you catch this one:

The reason for the 7-year time jump is all about the 7-year issue regarding people being Legally Dead.

With a few exceptions, in most countries that is the period of time a person has to be missing without a clue to be officially declared Legally Dead. This is why MDA did his time in a civilian prison rather than a Navy brig because he would have gotten a shorter sentence. The legal status of Monserrat's and Alejandro's marriage was thus set up for maximum potential legal confusion. Certainly anyone who cares about her would by the end of those seven years recommend that she move on with her life.

This also allows for Nadia's child to be old enough to be aware of danger. She's a child with loving parents who is suddenly kidnapped by a monster and put in serious danger.

There also had to be time for Dimitrio to grow up and develop a serious sense of responsibility, for Monserrat to find independence from Gracie (which makes the current situation so much more egregious), and for Josefina to find herself.

And Adolfo to lose himself.

Fatima, one thing about narcissistic control freaks like Gracie is that control is never about an end result: It's all a process. Anything they criticize will never reach a constantly-moving standard and nothing is ever enough for them. She may as well be a vampire sucking her own children's blood at the same rate their bodies can replenish it.

If she has any awareness of her own mortality (faking this illness or not) she would want her children to feel massive guilt after her death. Guilt that might even kill them. She infantilized Dimitrio for years so she wouldn't lose him to another woman while she tried to sell Monse to the highest bidder. Three times. The first guy (Sebastian) failed to maintain ties with Monse, so she met JL. The second man (Alejandro) got wise to her and cut off the gravy train and the third one (JL, now MDA) heard all the other stuff and learned from it. You'd think she'd have given up, but no.

Alejandro's declaration that he will hire a nurse for her should force this issue once and for all.

In tn time, how much time has gone by from the time Ale said he would hire a nurse for eGregious? Surely he would've had time to do so, or at least have Montse or Rosario do it. Even Josefina could help him with that ... just get it done!

Thanks for the clarification regarding the 7-year time gap. Over the past two years, I've watched three dozen novelas (most via YouTube). I don't think any of the novelas I've seen so far have been so lacking in a coherent script with adequate follow through. I commend the actors that have had to deal with this ridiculous extension.

I think it was you who mentioned that LQNPA was extended or altered. Was this due to the illness of JS or because the novela gathered high ratings? I liked LQNPA tremendously because JS played a character completely unexpected from the norm. His role was not portrayed to the point of stupidity. Yes, his character was flawed, but, yet, his personality grew throughout the novela.


Her hee haaa thats is a good one!!!! Nope dont remember the chicken heads being ent to nobody . Cant wait to see Padre and chickens after all this time. Pedro has surely been holding them hostage all this time to protect the guilty.


Great recap. You got everything! Awesome detail and wit. Thanks for all your hard work. It is very much appreciated.

WOW! I was not expecting Vic to be the one. I was very surprised. I do admit that I didn't like the reasons for him helping Peddy, but I do understand his desperation for wanting to protect his family. Peddy has been a pain in the a** for Vic since day one, and Vic made the mistake of making a deal with the devil (Peddy), thinking that he could protect PBN and Victoria.

I am really looking forward to Peddy's downfall, but I can't wait for everyone to discover that Fofito is el alacran. Everyone will be SHOCKED!

Just when MDA was starting to act normal again, he goes and kidnaps Romina. I know he is trying to protect his daughter, but he should not have done that. It is a crime, but like someone commented earlier, he has trust issues.

I am still with the theory that Gracie is faking it. She's a fake, fake, faker!

I love this novella, but I am tired and sometimes extensions suck!

Off to bed...hasta pronto!

Cap'n Sharkbait,
Welcome back! Happy to read your comments again.

Condolences on your recent loss, and glad to have you back.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Victoria, definitely due to JS's illness and probably also due to ratings.

The writers of that series had to do a sudden rewrite when JS ended up in the hospital. Several things about that story changed and not for the better, although we certainly have seen far worse (and LQLVMR isn't that). The alternative would have been to recast the role and while they had someone in mind who could have done the job well, JS had put his brand on that role and the ratings would have suffered.

LQNPA was the third version of an original by Delia Fiallo. It went from a novela de epoca to a modern-dress story in the process. It also went from 60 hours to 97 to 167 along the way. I have yet to see the earlier versions, but all three have different endings and this was because the character of the husband changed in each version.

I have seen far worse inconsistency than what is happening in LQLVMR and some of it at Telemundo as well. As said elsewhere I'm glad this didn't become a full-blown narco story because those I refuse to watch.

Gotta run but will catch up with you later. If I don't get a chance to tell you personally, please know that I read and appreciate every comment, LONG, SHORT, and IN-BETWEEN.

Have fun!

Urban, excellent points as always re Gaudencia.

Member, Crackpot Theorists™

Victoria, you mention that you have not seen a TN that is so "lacking in a coherent script".

I take it that you didn't see "Corazon Indomable"? Words cannot describe what happened to that TN. You should take a gander at the wonderful recaps and comments for that "show".

I think our dear gringo was the only one left standing supporting that show, but he had his valid and legitimate reasons.

Member, Crackpot Theorists™

Anon @ 12:31AM, I think it's only been a couple of days. It is an ongoing frustration for me when the passage of time is unclear. During previous series I've tried to do it by moon phases only to discover that most of these programs use only one moon still.

Sometimes I think that is done deliberately to confuse the audience.

If the writers are skillful enough to write what was once a great show, they could do a good extension as well,it doesnt matter if it was because of the World Cup,extension means putting more effort in things because the ratings showed that the audience loved the show.Its just that the writers use the extensions to mess up the shows people love instead of adding to it and that is exactly what is happening with Robo at the moment.

Dear NovelaMaven,

I'm always the last one to the party since I try to keep my TN/Caray Caray habit at bay for the weekend, but thanks a million for the stunning recap. I thought it was one of your best--funny, smart, and informative. I loved it all, but I think my favorite observation was this:

Refugio, after spending the day chasing down guitar boy and then lollygagging on the beach, has finally thought to call Dimitrio and tell him about the Very Important and Confidential Letter bearing Ezequiel's Words from the Grave, probably including the identity of Mónica's killer, the Scorpion.

I liked the beach scene, but, honestly, that Refugio would just leave this important letter lying around was really stretching my powers to suspend disbelief.

Thanks again, NovelaMaven. You are always amazing and share your talents so generously.

Julia R.

Basta...Enough of this....I need to see Fernando Colunga shirtless riding a horse along the surf...I am going to revisit Alborada.

Refugio acted very idiotic regarding the Letter of Doom and Gloom ,he should not have opened the letter in the first place and then he makes the mistake by believing the SMS Adolfo sent through Dimitrios phone,goes to the house and forgets it there ugh! Information regarding evidence cannot possibly be shared by an Instant Message,it is unsafe ,the only proffesional way to deliver evidence is in person and for extra security ,a phone call would be appropriate to check the validity of the request.Its how scams are prevented like on FB when someone hacks into their account and says that they are held at gunpoint and request money,the best way to check validity is to make a phone call to the supposed user of the account.

Oh yeah and check some of the wonderful shots we have for today,i couldnt resist making them:)

Tigre "Sin Huevos" Medina:

Basura Claus :

Gracielas true form :

An Eastern Special :

All were made by me with an app called " ,enjoy:)

JudyB: so sorry to hear of your loss. Sending you healing thoughts.

I blame EZ's assistant for the letter fiasco. She should have put that letter into Dim's hands, period. I work in the administrative support field, and I would never give a letter I was instructed to deliver to one person to someone else. Unless at gunpoint--and then I'd have to think about it.

I want to thank all the recappers for the solid work you all did last week. I don't believe I acknowledged any of you when making my comments. Very remiss of me. I appreciate all you do, especially since there are always situations that turn up in ultimas capitulos where I need to be forewarned by reading the recaps before watching.


Great point, Nanette.

Stupid move by Refugio. And that admin should have come back at a later time. I can understand her mistake better than his, though.

Fatima---YOU'RE AWESOME!!!
Rebecca---You have some great points too.

SO----If Gaudy had several of us fooled with a fake fall and there really isn't a tumor putting pressure on her brain, it all turns out to be a rouse to gain back the love of her children and to take her place over Rosie as top mama---then, how will she go out? A terrible car accident maybe
No fire, they're not going to burn down that beautiful mansion.
A confrontation with Peddy---what?


I hope Gracie dies by finally using actions to support her words. She says she loves her children so let her choose to die in defense of them.

UA: I actually agree about Ref. I can also see the assistant thinking it would be safe to give it to him. It still burns me that she did it, though.

I'm one who believes that Gracie isn't faking it. However, I do believe she faked the little collapse. It was just too coincidental that she did that while Mons was going on about Romina. Gracie wants it to be all about her.

Yeah,i began noticing that in Aguazul that the law enforcements really do not know their stuff ,atleast after Robledo and Monica passed away,Pedros goons are much more intelligent.Its funny how no one notices Pedros van and they somt even write the registry number.It also appears that Cameras in Aguazul are virtually non-existant,the story with Bruno Gamboa wouldnt even be happening if the building had cameras in the first place,neither did they have any in the Marine Headquarters so Dim was able to went into Jls room unnoticed ...Also no progress on the Robledo case,i would assume the cameras would have shown something atleast a picture of Adolfo in the black van,oh wait cameras are just a myth in Aguazul and dont even exist!

Novela Maven:

Thank you so much for this wonderful recap. I am so late to the fiesta. I was out all weekend and just now have time to comment.

I loved the recap. Some of my favs:

'Refugio, after spending the day chasing down guitar boy and then lollygagging on the beach, has finally thought to call Dimitrio and tell him about the Very Important and Confidential Letter bearing Ezequiel's Words from the Grave, probably including the identity of Mónica's killer, the Scorpion.'

OMG, Maven, you put an entire recap into one sentence. Wonderful, wonderful.

'The baby-faced killer isn't in the hangar, but at the hospital...
where Doc Marta has made his boo boo all better."

I could just see Adolfo, THE BABY FACED KILLER. That is it. he will always be the Baby Faced Killer to me.

'Victor, tied up in a chair, delivers this plaintive -- and yet idiotic -- message:'

Maven, you have such a way with words. Plaintive--and yet idiotic! That is Victor to the life. Dumb but mildly appealing. I cannot help but remember the great flower cart incident. Romantic but utterly stupid.

More favorites -
The Hobbled Hitman

and what a way to foreshadow the probable wrap-up of JL's story. (And no, dear friends, that is only speculation, not spoiler). It sure sounds like they are going to redeem JL after all.

Finally, I will comment on my biggest beanie moment of the capitulo: "Graciela should do it because it will make her -- and her family -- feel good."

Huh? Say what? ¿Que que?

But, dear Maven, as much as I resprct the medical opinions of those more learned than myself, I.e. Carlos and your fine self, I am such a staunch Crackpot Theorist that I stubbornly refuse to believe that Graciela is really sick. I say she is faking by putting brown eyeshadow under her eyes.

That's my story and I am sticking to it.

Big smile!

Elna June


Dear Dear Fatime:

I assume my name is on a placecard at the Crackpot Theorists Table. As one of the Founding Members I do not want my place relinquished to any Johnny-Come-Lately newbie Crackpot Theorist.

I have been making up Crackpot Theorist backstory for characters since I discovered telenovelas.


Victoria, you mention that you have not seen a TN that is so "lacking in a coherent script".

I take it that you didn't see "Corazon Indomable"? Words cannot describe what happened to that TN. You should take a gander at the wonderful recaps and comments for that "show".

"I think our dear gringo was the only one left standing supporting that show, but he had his valid and legitimate reasons."

I am glad to hear that gringo was a CI stalwart. However, CI was Cervantes compared to the worst telenovela I have even seen (and recapped) El Talisman.

Noting in my book holds a candle to El Tal in terms of hideous writing complimented by dreadful performances.



JudyB, kind friend:

Please accept my sincerest condolences on your loss. I am sending you love and prayers.

Con abrazos,

Elna June


If i have stayed committed to watching this horribly adapted novela it is solely for Sebastian Rulli aswell as other excellent actors but it sure does seem like SR is a secondary character i mean he shows up for like 2 minutes in an episode its a pity what the writers have done to what was once a beautiful interesting story

Having a few technical problems. Tonight's report on the happenings in Aguazul may be a little late.

Novela Maven--thank you for continuing your excellent coverage as this TN slogs through the final chapters. We need to lock all our characters together in one room and keep them there for the duration. When only one or two emerge alive, we can breathe a sigh of relief. Or am I being too harsh?

Hey guys, I'm back from the wars now. Thanks so much to everyone who commented since last evening, including:

TF, Pepe, Gringo, Marea Primavera, AuntyAnn, Julia Rold, Nanette, Elna June, La Paloma, Assorted Anonymi, and Beloved Crackpot Theorists™

(Forgive me if I missed your name. I promise you that I did read and appreciate your comment.)

I continue to find this a very engaging novela, warts and all. Like EJ, I consider El Talismán the benchmark for bad telenovelas. (From what I saw of CI and PEAM, they were pretty good contenders as well.) ROBO is one that has had a number of brilliant moments, as well as a lot of very good moments, so I'm willing to cut it some slack. (Doesn't stop me from snarking on it though) :D

UA, Your recaps always worth waiting up for.

I want to quit this novela for the same reasons everyone complains about. But I just can't, like the oldie but goodie"I dont like you, but I love you." we are up 140 comments. Perhaps theres others that feel like me. Getting my snacks ready for tonight! Gonna have a party

Sorry I forgot how terrible CI and CDL. And both those were lacking a great stud like SR to look at, and I don't think Daniel Areas (?) has developed his acting skills yet.

Victoria, hi, can you tell me what Novella CDL stsnds for. I know about CI, but I wish I knew what all the other abbreviations stand for what tn. Thank you

Hi Novela Lover:

Sorry I don't like abbreviations or Acronyms, so I don't know why I used one, except to say I was typing from my phone which is a hassle. Half the time I have to guess at the novelas when bloggers use abbreviations for them since I've only seen about three dozen or so in the past two years.

CDL for me stands for Corona de Lagrimas, which I think was worse than Corazon Indomable.

In fact, I will skip La Malquerida because I don't think I can put up with another Victoria Ruffo novela, and this takes into account that I didn't see Triunfo del Amor!

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