Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Mi Corazon es tuyo #17 08/12/2014 Nando takes a nasty spill

Hi friends, I'm still crazy busy at work but I hope to be back to normal next week, until then enjoy the recap.

Two jerks at a restaurant:

Johnny,Ana, Fernando and Isabitch find themselves in the same restaurant, it's an awkward situation, made worse by Isa throwing a tantrum that would make any toddler proud. How bad is this encounter? She loudly states that she's surprised the "help" can afford to eat at such an establishment, she then follows this up my loudly insulting Ana. When Ana tells Fernando that she is happy the situation with Fanny was resolved Isa shouts from her table to "keep it down, we are not in the market"-Ana fumes but says nothing else, although I find myself wishing that she would go over to Isabelas table and beat her to a pulp.

Fernando for his part just sits there and lets Isabela throw her fit-he's a smart man and I can't for the life of me understand why he would allow this scene to continue. Isabela has just verbally attacked the woman that takes care of his children and he sits there and says nothing?!

Isabela apologizes to Fernando, she says she does not mean to be a snob but she just can't help it! Johnny for his part is also behaving like a child who missed nap time, he is clearly not fan of Fernando and makes this known, when Ana stops him from calling Fernando names Johnny becomes livid, things get worse when Ana reminds him that she agreed to go to diner in order for them to finish their discussion, she tells him it is O-V-E-R.

Johnny reacts badly (did we expect anything more from him?) and breaks a plate, he then storms off leaving poor Ana behind to deal with the mess. Fernando is not doing much better with Isabela, she continues with her bad attitude and also storms off, she says before leaving that the night was supposed to be special but the nanny ruined it, she leaves in a taxi and while she's add it continues to bitch about Ana. Run Fernando, run.

Johnny comes out of the restaurant and when Fernando tries to make small take he reacts like a jerk-probably because he IS. Fernando asks where Johnny met Ana and is told "that's none of your businesses!", then Fernando asks where Ana is and Johnny tells him she is still in the restaurant and once he leaves Fernando goes back inside to join Ana. Ha, Johnny and Isa are idiots.

Ximena, you are a bad egg:

Ximena and Nando arrive at the party and Nando is ummm trying to dance? But, let's just say that dancing is not his strong point, hey maybe Ana can give him lessons! The other party goers are typical telenovela mean kids and soon start to mock him, how do they do this? By passing out a picture of Ximena getting her smooch on with Nando and then making fun of her for going out with him. Nando makes the fatal mistake of saying he loves Ximena and that's when she shows her true and oh so very nasty colors. She tells him she has no interest in him and was only using him to get him to do her homework for her, then she rips the picture of them kissing. I hope she gets hit by a bus.

Fanny and Leon totally dig each other:

Fanny is on the phone with Leon asking him how much he misses her on a scale of 1/10, he says a 1.5 and she laughs because she knows that that's not the case. He is happy that she is back home with her family and that he no longer has to sleep on the floor although he really does miss her. Luz comes into the room and Fanny tells him she has to go, they hang up. Luz then wonders out loud what being in love feels like and Fanny tells her, ah is there anything better than young love?

Jenn and her main squeeze

At the Chicago Club Jenn and Nicolas gossip about Fernando, the conversation turns to wether his relationship with Isa is formal and Nick says that they are not at that point yet, then he says "and then there's Ana", what about Ana asks Jenn? Nick thinks she's the perfect woman for his son, she's a breath of fresh air, Jenn is pleased by this.

We now return you to: When Ana met a piece of chocolate cake:

Ana and Fernando, now free of their awful dates st down to share a meal, Ana tells Fernando that Johnny is no longer her boyfriend. He asks why and she tells him that she realized he was not the man for her, he asks her what a perfect man would be like and she rattles off a list of the qualities a perfect man must have: he has to smell good-word! my boyfriend always smells like heaven and this one time he caught me sniffing him, which led to him calling me a weirdo,well let me just say, if you didn't smell so good I wouldn't be smelling you Lamar, it's all your fault! Sorry, back to Ana's list, her dream guy must also be smart, cultured basically everything that Johnny is not.

Ana then spots it:From far it's beauty calls to her, it's yummyness will not be denied! She points it out to Fernando, look, look it's chocolate cake! She tells him she's no thief but when she was a child living in the orphanage anytime there was cake around she would steal it and eat it, which always got her in trouble, but it was well worth it. Fernando calls over the waiter and requests a slice of the cake for Ana, she squeals like she's a teenager in 1998 and the Backstreet boys just walked in the room.

She wants some of that watery stuff, Fer informs her that it's called fudge and she says she wants some, when the cake comes Ana is just beyond herself which causes Fer to reply that he has no idea she loved chocolate so much, she says that there's a lot he does not know about her and when he asks for an example she's about to tell him about her secret life when the cake comes.

Oh man, that cake makes her all sorts of happy, she devours it and it's almost like she's having an orgasmic moment, the other people in the restaurant stare, how good is this cake? Good enough to make her dance, dance! Fernando just stares at her and proclaims that she's "incredible!". The cutest thing happened during this scene, Salinas blushed, he blushed! He is totally adorbs! Once she is done with the cake he takes a napkin and cleans the chocolate from her face, just when things are going to get good the waiter arrives and inturrupts them, Ana is not happy and actually suggests he get a lower tip, when Fernando asks her what she said she says "nothing" but gives the waiter the evil eye.

This is a bad idea Nando:

At the party Nando is looking uber depressed and two guys get him to drink some booze to get over his worries, this is not a good idea as later these morons get into their cars to race, what could possibly go wrong?!

Back at the mansion Ana and Fer arrive and he teases her by saying that there's chocolate ice cream in the fridge, would she like some or will she steal it at midnight? Ana tells him chocolate is no joking matter and just as they are about to share an intimate moment Fernando gets a call. Nando has been in an accident and he is in the hospital, no more details are given and the two rush off.

Chicago Club:

Jenn tells Nick that she does not like the tarantula, who is the tarantula Nick wonders? And she tells him it's Isabela, she also tells him that Isabela tried to give her money in order to keep her away from Nick. Johnny walks into the bar stating how much he hates Fernando, Jenn tries to get his attention to no avail, finally she gets the chance to say "meet Nick, Fernando's dad" that reminds of 10th grade when I was super mad at Galit Finkelstein for taking credit for work I had done, I went off on my rant and then a girl that was in the room left in a  huff, a few minutes later I learned she was Galits sister. Oooops, still I regret nothing!

Jenn and Johnny have a chat, he has a bad attitude and mocks Jenn for dating someone that could be her father, or her grandfather, then he says he won't let Fernando have Ana, and he has a day dream about Ana getting married to Fernando, he starts to scream "nooo,nooo,noo" poor Jenn, in her position I would have gotten the heck out of dodge!

The two tarantulas chat

Mama tarantula tells slutty tarantula that her main job was to go after Fernando for his pesos, Isabela tells her that's what she's trying to do but that nanny keeps getting in her way. "You said you qould kill her if it came to that" and all I can say is dude that escalated quickly. Mama tarantula tells Isabela that she made a grave mistake, she fell in love with Fernando and that was not part of the plan. Isabela says that wont get in the way of her plans, nothing has changed.

The hospital:

Ana and Fer are in the hospital, Nando's airbag never deployed and he was not wearing a seat belt, the pictures show it was a bad accident and he is in intensive care. The next morning Ana leaves to look after the kids and tell them what happened, she does this and all the kids wonder if Nando will be okay, she says he will be fine.

Ximena visists Fanny and explains what happened the previous night, how she used Nando and mocked him in public, she gets the slap she so richly deserves, Fanny tells her she never wants to see her again.

The kids and Ana, say a nice prayer for Nando, although they all got to stay home from school they are too depressed to play.

At the hospital Fer gets a call from Isabela, he explains what has happened and she rushes to the hospital in a totally inappropriate outfit, seriously how wears that to the hospital? Ana, Leti and Fanny walk in on her hugging Fer. Later Jenn arrives and Isa can't believe her eyes, she excuses herself and a second later the doctor comes out and allows them to go in to see Nando but only for five minutes, Ana and Fernando bond and he thanks her for being there for him, he also laments that he has not done a better job of staying close to his kids. This is similar to the conversation he had with Nick in the waiting room, he says he did the opposite of staying close to his kids, and that Estefania asked him to look after them when she died. He said he does not know his kids, he did not understand Nando and he is not a good father. Poor Fer, hopefully Nando will make a full recovery!

That's it for tonight folks!


Eli- This was such a funny recap. I was laughing at your personal stories, and your description of the cake eating scene. I must see it now. :)

Maybe Isa should try acting like a nice, decent human being, and Fer's interest in her might grow.

I had to miss this episode last night and boy, I now have to watch it later. You gave this so much life and snark...have to see for myself.
And Lamar is so lucky to have you!

Poor Nando. Have to figure he'll be ok, and I'm really glad this whole Ximena using him is out in the open. Can't wait to see the Fanny face slap. Wonder though if Ximena will see the error of her ways and fall for Nando anyway. Be an interesting twist.

How do you make a plan like Isa and her mother's. Go to "Rich Widow Guys R Us", pick one and just move on in on him?


Great job, Eli. Better you than me for this episode.

The restaurant scene was absolutely embarrassing. Fernando should have found a way to beg off dining with Isabela once she opened her poisonous mouth. And while I'm as much a chocoholic as Ana I would never have reacted like she did.

Nando's experience, however, was truly painful. His tormentors deserve to rot.

Good for Fanny to bitchslap that Isabela Wannabee. Here's hoping Nando isn't paralyzed from this accident.

I was fully expecting Fer, or maybe one of the other restaurant patrons, to say "I'll have what she's having".

Thanks, Eli! Very entertaining.

Isababy is such an immature brat. I could not believe that fit. Does she think behaving like a mean snobby toddler will attract Fer, or is her nature overriding her strategy? I'm glad he saw what she is like, though. Often the villainess manages to hide it from her target for a long time. Maybe once Nando is on the mend, he will have a chance to think about how horrible she is. She may look expensive, but Isa has no class.

How do you deal with a bullying problem when nearly everyone in the school is actively encouraging it? Those scenes are painful. Xim did seem remorseful, but too little, too late. And she had been starting to be attracted to Nando as the walked into the party, and talked herself out of it because she thought it would be social suicide. Yet being a raging shrew is not?!?! People these days.

Thank you, Eli, for the recap! And thank you everyone who posts. Your comments crack me up. Who knew learning Spanish could be so much fun?

Well, now we know Sebas does not monopolize the bad-dancing skills in the Lascurain family. Hmmm . . . Fer seemed to dance well when he danced with Ana. Perhaps the boys inherited their 'skills' from their mother's side of the family.

If there is any justice in the universe, Ximena will jump from a plane, and her parachute won't deploy.

Fer: After Nando recovers from his horrible accident, please get him some counseling. Poor kid.

I definitely want some of that chocolate cake!

Ana and the chocolate cake in the restaurant was just stupid and over the top. She could have made that scene really funny and sexy, but again, it seems SN's idea of comedy is to overact LOUDLY! Not cute at all, not even remotely funny.

Thank you for the wonderful recap!!

Ximena was awful but I do give her credit for going to Fanny and telling the truth.

Eli, your take on this was witty and clever. I enjoyed your recap far more than the episode.

Thank you for sharing some personal tidbits and like Daisy, feel that Lamar is a fortunate man!

"Two jerks at a restaurant"; " Ana then spots it:From far it's beauty calls to her, it's yummyness will not be denied!" and "she squeals like she's a teenager in 1998 and the Backstreet boys just walked in the room" were among my many favorites.

UA, I totally concur that Nando was bullied beyond belief. I have much sympathy for most but none for bullies. The psychological scars linger, some never heal. This was very hard to watch...

Ximena did seem to be "feeling" Nando early on and it's a shame things went from bad to worse in zero to sixty. I'm sure Ximena is sorry but she contributed to what occurred and is culpable. Glad Fanny told her off in no uncertain terms.

A bit surprised Isa is so transparent. She does not understand subtlety, indeed, she has given Fer many obvious clues to her character, or lack thereof which he is choosing to ignore or overlook. Ridiculous!

Ecuador Bound, "Well, now we know Sebas does not monopolize the bad-dancing skills in the Lascurain family. Hmmm". Exactly!

I had mixed emotions about the cake eating scene. I could relate a bit to Ana's enthusiastic response. I've lost 100 pounds, following a strict diet. I do remember my first taste of dessert (carrot cake) after many months of deprivation. I admit to rolling my eyes in ecstacy and saying "ummm" many times. But I was at home and think my overall reaction wasn't quite as enthsiastic! But, we get it. She enjoyed it and it did look good!

I also hope for Nando's quick and complete recovery!

Eli, thanks again. This was fantastic.


Great Eli. Loved

"behaving like a child who missed nap time"

Knew something bad was coming out of the bullying & Ximena thing, just didn't know what or how.

I thought the restaurant thing was way over the top and the Harry met Sally faux chocolate orgasm, just naw

Nando - perhaps a rebirth instead of makeover

Fernando - If you can keep your head when all around you are losing theirs and acting like silly fools

Ana - just eat with your hands and belch next time

Isabela - and exactly why they are sitting at the kids table

Jennifer - when he was born Miguel Alemán was in the Palacio Nacional

Juan - nothing a little boasting, threats & stalking won't fix

Fanny - defend the fold

Luz - to be honest, it ain't all butterflies & roses

Nic - randy old man

Eli, loved your recap. "Two jerks at a restaurant" was the best.

The best scene was Fernando and Ana and the chocolate cake.

Pure entertainment last night!


Great recap Eli, I wish I got this episode. Ok, yes, the restaurant scene was over the top a bit, but I actually enjoyed it. The part that I enjoyed was watching Jorge Salinas. If I thought that man was gorgeous before, he's beyond gorgeous to me now. He looks so much like a young Gregory Peck it's amazing. And I was totally in love with young Gregory Peck in To Kill a Mocking Bird, mm hmm. But his facial expressions were melting me, honestly. Sigh! Also, Ana was cute when she was dancing with her love of the chocolate. I do that too when it's so good.

I was actually surprised and happy that Ximena told Fanny what happened. I thought that took guts to fess up, and I think she probably felt bad and maybe this will be a turning point for her attitude.


Diana: Kudos for the amazing weight loss! I cannot imagine how difficult that feat was, but I admire you for it!

Tofie: You hit the nail on the head; Ana only needed to smoke after her chocolate orgasm to complete the farcical scene.

Gregory Peck, yes and even sounds like him

thanks Eli! great job!
just wanted to add a little bit to the Fer/Ana convo at the restaurant after the cake (what a scene!! and JS was absolutely adorable there, just staring at her overdose of chocolate)...
he said that he admired the fact that she was so uninhibited, and that she had such a simple view of life... she asked for more of his 'description of her' and this is when the waiter interrupted the moment by bringing in the check. This is why Ana suggested to him to give '10' instead of the usual 15-20% tip he is probably used to, but then when he asked her to repeat, she backed off... lol!! this was because the waiter had interrupted before she could get Fer to tell her more about his impression of her.

Loved the scenes at the hospital when Fer leaned on her totally devastated, then in the room (good thing BellaSkank had just walked away) Fer and Ana got to walk in to see Nando... and the previews of Nando asking Fer to marry Ana (yes, he said that! Fer is totally shocked, as is Ana).

Also at the house, Ana tells Bruno and Manuela, then she tells the other kids and when she goes upstairs to tell Fanny, Ximena is there trying to explain to Fanny what happened. at least she was honest... (she had even told Nando that if it were not for the work he did for her she would have failed (reprobado) the classes and that she hummiliated Nando in front of everyone)... Fanny correctly guessed that this is why he got drunk and then went on the car, and she got so angry at Ximena that she slapped Ximena before Ana could come in the room to stop her from beating the crap out of Ximena, and Ana just took Fanny away before it got worse. Love how Fanny shows face and her anger when it comes to her siblings, even if she could have stopped the humilliation of Nando before it got to this point... but she had her own issues to resolve.

Wonder though if Ximena will see the error of her ways and fall for Nando anyway.
actually, she did tell herself stte in last night's ep before the party got out of control. (before they danced?)
btw, that dance Nando was doing, reminded me of Sebastian's dancing style... sort of reminds me of Patrick Dempsey's movie Can't buy me love where the character watches some african dance show on tv and then goes to a party and uses those steps...


'I was fully expecting Fer, or maybe one of the other restaurant patrons, to say "I'll have what she's having".'... me too! i was thinking of the Harry met Sally movie too watching it..


Adriana Noel here, trying to write a quick comment from work.

Eli, if this is how you write when busy with work, I can't wait to see what you can come up with when you have some time on your hands.
This recap was very hilarious and some of the things you mentioned, I couldn't agree more with.

Urban and everyone else who said this - I thought Ana's reaction was too much and totally inappropriate for that fancy restaurant, but Fer didn't seem embarrassed by it, if anything, he loved it (Eli, I hadn't noticed Salinas blushing, I'm going to have to go back and check that out).

Poor Nando, let's hope this accident won't leave any physical scars, teh kid has enough emotional problems as it is.

Marta, I'm wondering if Ximena will change, too, but I really don't care for her, she is just too unlikable at this point.


Eli, sorry i wanted to post some details before my class resumes (now) but i loved loved your humor all throughout the recap. my favs were already mentioned... so i will just second those...
Yes, it was way over the top from beginning to end at the restaurant, but i came into watching this one for the fun so i am overlooking the over the top aspect of it and enjoying and laughing aloud at home.

Fernando certainly didn't seem to mind Ana's over-the-top enjoyment of the cake. He looked like he wanted to whisk her away and enjoy her uninhibited nature someplace more private, though!

I actually liked Nando's dancing. At least he was trying to have a good time, unlike all those lemmings just standing around trying to be cool. For social/party dancing, I think willingness and enthusiasm are worth 95% of the points. It's just unfortunate for him that he was surrounded by jerks and not fun people who would have joined him. I hope all those idiots get raging cases of something painful and itchy.

Ximena did announce to everyone that she hadn't been doing her own work, so maybe she'll get kicked out of school. Then maybe her parents will go broke and she'll have to work as a hospital janitor. I can dream. Then she can start to work on redeeming herself.

Marta, thanks for adding what Nando said when he woke up. I didn't get it and was wondering what it was that gave everyone a shocked look on their faces.

Fer blushed when Ana rattled off the list of qualities she requires in a man. He tells her he doesn't think there are men like that and she gives him a pointed look and says that there are. It becomes clear even to our oblivious Fernando that she's referring to him and you can just feel the temperature rise.

Eli thanks for this great recap. I also really enjoyed your asides. Hope to see the episode later today.

I hope the transformation of Nando starts soon b/c I can't bear to see him bullied any more. Glad Fanny didn't let Ximena off the hook

Eli, thanks for a great recap. I'm another who saw the Sally and Harry vibe in the chocolate scene. Fernando's reaction was fun as he watched someone being completely uninhibited. Maybe he and Ana should retreat to a private place with a jar of chocolate syrup.

Unrelated question: I've been wondering since this TN began--when Ana goes to dance, her hair is all wild and crinkled. When she returns home, it's smooth and groomed. How does she achieve this transition in the limited time she usually has?

first couple times she returned from working at the club she had the wild hair look and dark eyeshadow but notice now her hair is flat and the make up usually removed and the only tell tell is her boots and heels. I want her metamorphosis complete and hate her working in that club. Especially now post Juan break up.

Eli: loved the recap. Really like your subtitles.

I felt the cake scene was over the top. I blame the director. It's up to him to dial down the performance. It looked to me like when JS said to SN "increible" that it was a spontaneous ad lib.

I was surprised when Ximena stopped Nando doing his wild dance and looked like she was going to maybe show him some steps.

La Paloma: there was a scene a day or two ago where Jen was straightening her hair with a flat iron (actually it looked like a curling iron--but she was smoothing out the curls with it).


its me martaivett
Maybe he and Ana should retreat to a private place with a jar of chocolate syrup... ITA!! YUM!!

and about the hair straightening, the scene where Ana had to run home, or rather to Leon's to pick up the kids from the club, at that moment she got the call Jennifer was using a hair straightener on her hair... and she apparently was almost done... so we assume that happens every night/early morning.

Can you just imagine the dates between these two if Fernando would keep taking Ana to the fancy restaurants and she kept making this kind of show? she would join the 'banned' lists for quite a few places... and Fernando would just brush it off.
Between him enjoying the crab torpedo scene at his house and the scene at the restaurant last night, it shows just how much 'fun' he is missing in his life. The few and far between ROFLOL moments he gets when he is with Ana. No wonder he feels special around her. It was fun to watch him last night going from a bit oblivious to a bit concerned about the 'spectacle' to totally enjoying Ana's 'Sally-style' skid.

Isa is terrible at being a gold-digger. First the tantrum, then she calls later and tries to baby-talk? Chica, Fer already has seven kids. I don't think he's looking for another. He should have turned on his Dad Voice and sent her to time out or something.


Fer probably figured it couldn't get any worse after Isa's and Johnny's behavior, so what's a few moans of pleasure? And Ana was really no worse than the behavior I've seen from a lot of rich people in fancy places...primarily tipsy people talking at WAY too high a volume about inane things.

I want Fernando and Ana together already and cringe at the thought this thing just started.

He should have turned on his Dad Voice and sent her to time out or something. ... Fer probably figured it couldn't get any worse after Isa's and Johnny's behavior, so what's a few moans of pleasure? you just sent me home from work with a smile on my face. thanks!


Eli - Thanks so much for this wonderful recap.
I am a bit late to the game, having just watched the episode but wanted to thank you anywayl

I like how in the midst of the zaniness there are sweet scenes where the characters develop a bit. This distinguishes it from a lot of comic novelas.


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