Monday, August 25, 2014

Mi Corazón es Tuyo Lunes 8/25/14 #26

Capitulo 26: You Can't Always Get What You Want

No refritos today.
Lascuráin Mansion: In the kitchen, Bruno bursts Manuela's other bubble when he tells her that their boss will be marrying Isabruja. She is incredulous, asking “He's going to marry that bloodsucking bitch? How is that possible?” She is just as displeased with this idea as everyone else and rants about it. Bruno then suggests she pack her suitcase because Isabitch will certainly hand her a pink slip.

In the study, Nicolás has a talk with Fernando about his decision. He seems to have a more modern attitude than his son because he can't understand why Fernando is willing to marry Isabitch when he loves Ana. Fernando tells him that his own feelings don't matter; this is about the baby. A baby that needs a proper family. He's telling him his decision is probably hasty because he should not only consider Ana's feelings, but those of his children. There are seven kids whose lives will be turned upside down. Especially because they don't like Isabitch.

Ana wakes up to a ringing cell phone. She texts back and picks up her shoulder back to leave. A knock on the door and it's Fanny, checking up on her. She tells Fanny she's alright, not to worry about her, but she's a great girl to ask. Fanny says that the younger kids don't yet know about their forthcoming sibling, but they will have to know soon. Ana leaves on her mission as Friend.

Fernando is trying to convince his father that Isabela isn't as bad as he thinks; she's a woman just like any other [Really? Whoever named you the Prince Charming of this tale should have his/her Fairy Godparent License revoked.] The kids just don't know her and they need time to get used to each other. And Dad should give her the benefit of the doubt. [Yeah, Fernando, delude yourself however you have to to get us to comment more about this part of the story.] Nick points out that Isabela has told him she loves Fernando and will do what it takes to make him happy. Therefore now the problem is Ana. Fernando says that life doesn't always give you what you want [Whom is he talking about?] and now it's important that he marry Isabela as soon as possible.

Bruja Central: Isababy bitches and moans about Fanny's accusation. Mamabruja is surprisingly smart telling her spawn that she needs to understand that Fanny's mother only died a year ago. She can't expect these kids to accept a stepmother “just like that.” However, Isabitch says tough noogies, they have no choice in the matter. Yolanda tells her she has to change her attitude because she will be living with seven children. “Seven demons,” she says back and goes on about having to put up with the stupid nanny, the butler, and the cook. Mamabruja tells her that's all part of the package and she will have to adapt. She will have to learn to get along with all of them once she lives in Fernando's mansion.

Isabitch wants to fire Ana, but Yolanda tells her that the best way is to “keep friends close but enemies closer.” I think she said this already so I guess Isabobo doesn't listen.

Ana & Jennifer's House: Ana and Jennifer talk about the latter's medical condition. She's waiting for Pap test results. She's scared of the possibility of cervical cancer. No, Nicolas hasn't been told yet. Jennifer is afraid of passing something on. Ana tells her she will be there for her.

Peter Pan Central: Johnny works out, combs his hair in front of the mirror, and records his web video ad. Every Wednesday night a show for ladies only. He applauds himself. He's more delusional than Fernando at this point.
Just a quick reminder to Johnny of the competition.
Ana & Jennifer's House: Ana and Jennifer have coffee and Ana explains about Fernando's impending eighth child.

Lascuráin Mansion / Cataratas del Iguazú: Nick tries to phone his younger son, who is busy shooting photos of a gorgeous waterfall.
He ignores his cell phone as he reloads the camera and shoots a few more pictures. The phone rings again and he looks at it. Pensively? Hopefully? It's hard to call this one.
Nick, however, is a bit frustrated as he gives up and says “Where would you be, son?”

Lascuráin Mansion: León and Fanny sit on the steps. She doesn't have a problem with getting a new little sib; the problem is who that new sib's mother is. She can't handle the idea of this invasion and says she can't stay. She'd come to live with him. Unknown to both,
Fernando comes out just in time to hear this. León tells her to hold on and think about this. Fanny says he doesn't understand. She can't deal with the idea of Isabruja in the house. Fernando asks her where she expects the baby to be when it's born. She asks if he'd been eavesdropping and he tells her “no,” before nodding to León to leave them alone to talk. The boy obeys and Fernando tells Fanny he wants to talk to her about the baby. He didn't realize she already knew. She said she heard this from Abuelo. She's incensed. Fernando expects her to help him with this and she is incredulous that he would expect her help with a woman who tricked him into knocking her up so she could trap him. He tries to tell her she shouldn't make this assumption but she stops him cold, saying that the minute Isabruja moves in she's out. She walks off, saying it's time the younger kids knew. León offers to help, but Fernando just politely tells him to leave him alone for now.

Ana & Jennifer's House: Jennifer asks Ana about the situation and Ana tells her that it was all a mistake because there is a baby on the way. She would never deprive a child of the family that she never had. She can't leave because she loves Fernando's kids and they need her. Yes, she will do that despite being in the same house with a man she loves who is marrying someone else because of that baby. She can't leave them.

Lascuráin Mansion: In the living room, Fernando tries explaining this to the younger kids. Nando holds Luz on his lap. “I understand how you feel. It's not easy to accept your father marrying again. Accepting that another woman will enter this house,” he starts off.
Luz says – not quite quiet enough for him not to hear – “The witch.” When Fernando asks what she said Alicia comes to the rescue saying that she doesn't understand why he's marrying Isabela. Sebastian asks about Ana. Fernando tells them that Ana is a great woman and he loves her but he's about to tell them what he tried telling her the night before, that they're going to have a baby brother... and Isabela is the mother. Two typical kid questions later he tells them that the baby will be born in a little less than nine months and he's marrying Isabela because the baby needs a family. All the younger kids look like they know this is not the whole story.

Up in Fanny's room, she's pacing while telling León how unfair this is. It's obvious to her that this is entrapment. León asks how she can be sure; maybe Isabela genuinely loves her dad and she just doesn't like the idea of another woman taking her mother's place. She tells him flatly that nobody can take her mother's place. She gets that her dad has the right to marry again. But he doesn't love Isabela because he loves Ana.
That night in the kitchen, Manuela sounds off about Bruno's distance as she takes a cake out of the oven. She finally tells Ana that she's going to the Ladies' Night strip show at the club. She can't wait for that hot action!

Chicago Club: Johnny is giving lighting instructions to the tech guys and the DJ and they do a dry run while the other club staff watch. He's not satisfied with something so he yells “Cut” just as Jennifer's cell phone rings. It's Nick. She hesitates for a second, then answers.
He tells her he's worried about what's going on at home and tells her about Fernando and Isabela. “To that tarantula?” she asks. We also get that Nick shares her opinion. He asks to see her but she begs off. He senses that there's something wrong.
When she ends the call he's curious and she's tense.

Lascuráin Mansion: Ana makes sure that the younger girls have brushed their teeth. Satisfied that they did so she asks Alicia if she used the exfoliant on her face. She says she did but she still has blemishes. Ana explains that the exfoliating cleanser will remove them little by little and reminds her that it she tries to remove them herself she will end up with scars. She leads them to bed and Luz asks about the baby. Isn't this strange?

No, eight is a good number, but she can't think of why. She puts Luz in bed and tucks her in, but Luz gets out of the bed to stop her leaving the room. She gets Ana to promise she will never leave them. She promises and they bear-hug. [Isabruja, we'd love to see you even try this!]

Ana walks out and Fernando has come upstairs. He asks if she's alright and she says, “Yes, Don Fernando” before continuing on to her room. He is at a loss both for words and actions.

Chicago Club: The place is practically empty. Johnny counts ten female patrons vs ten waitresses. To make things worse Doroteo gloats at him about what a failure he is. He owes him big and has to pay. And every day the interest will mount up. As Doroteo exits on yet another insult, Johnny promises himself he'll beat this.

Manuela enters with two friends and they sit at the table across the stage from the bar. Just in time for Johnny's big entrance.
We will spare you the details beyond the fact that Manuela's clearly gone on too long without any satisfaction.

Lascuráin Mansion / Cataratas del Iguazú: As Nick pulls out his cell again to call, we see Diego about to get it on with his model. She has the camera in hand as he comes out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.
The phone begins ringing as he grabs her and pulls her down on the bed.
She picks up the phone and says “It's your father.” “He's been calling all day; I guess I better answer this time,” and finally he does. He tells his dad he's been having adventures and discovering things and Nick can hear him kissing his lady friend. He isn't upset at this. “I guess you're busy,” he says with a smile.
Diego then tells him he's not a slave to his cell phone like so many others [Now that's a heroic statement!] and Nick reminds him that there's no other way to get him. Finally Nick sits down and tells him they haven't seen him since Fanny (Sr's) funeral.
Diego's face suddenly looks serious and he agrees. Nick says they need to see him again soon. At his brother's wedding.

Upstairs, Fernando thinks about his latest words with Fanny (Jr.) He knocks on her door; she and León have to stop making out before he walks in. He's not pleased that León is in the house at that hour and especially in Fanny's room. He tells the boy he can see her in the parlour. He forcefully wishes him a good night. León takes the hint, apologizes, and exits. Once he's out the door Fernando reminds Fanny they have rules. León is welcome in the house but not in her room. She tells him she will not be treated like a child. He reminds her that he is her father and she owes him respect. Ana hears this out in the hall and stops to listen. Fernando tells Fanny she has to set the example for the others and obey the rules.

Ana does not back up as he exits nor does she back down when he looks at her, wondering what she had heard. The look she gives him states her disapproval.

She goes into Fanny's room and asks if she's alright. “No, I'm not,” she tells her. Hugs.

Bruja Central: Isabitch goes on about the “nana naca” she won't deal with. Yolanda tells her that she needs to keep friends close and enemies closer. She again reminds her that she will have to live with all these people so she will have to win them over as Ana had. Isababy clearly doesn't welcome this advice.

Chicago Club: A bouncer barely restrains Manuela and Johnny signals for him to back off. [Bet he never had this happen before.] Johnny flirts with Manuela, who looks like she wants to lock the door, thrown him down, jump his bones, and let the postman ring twice.

Lascuráin Mansion / Cataratas del Iguazú: Diego and Nick reconnect after their call was cut off [We know how that happened]. Diego asks about Fernando's wedding and Nick explains it all. “You're going to be an uncle for the eighth time,” he says.
“Ah, I understand!” says Diego, but demurs when Nick tells him he has to come home for the wedding.
He tries to say he has a lot of professional obligations, but his lady friend tries to distract him with sex. Nick knows better than to pursue this further for the moment and they say goodnight. After Diego ends the call on what seems to be a cheerful note his girlfriend says something about he never talks about his father. He looks like he doesn't want to. This can't mean anything good.

Fernando asks about whether Diego is still bitter but Nick avoids this issue. However he does say that nothing would make him happier than to see the two of them together again.
Fernando doesn't look like he agrees.

The Next Day

Ana's phone rings very early. She drags herself to the bathroom and shortly goes down to the kitchen to find Manuela in a most upbeat mood.
Manuela begins gushing over about Johnny just in time for Bruno's entrance. He is not impressed. He implies it's a fiction, like the story he told his mother. Ana decides not to stick around for this as Bruno tries to get Manuela to talk.
He brings the large knife down the middle of a cucumber [Is his secret that he was the one who did the chop job on Pedro Medina?], straightens his tail coat, and exits. Manuela continues gushing about Johnny as she starts making omelets.

Peter Pan Central: Jenny drinks some morning coffee as Johnny starts talking about Ana. He wants to know what's wrong that she was upset and crying. Jenny doesn't want to tell him anything. He's sure there's trouble in RicoLand and he is now sure he can win her back. Jenny looks very doubtful.

Lascuráin Mansion: The kids are ready for breakfast and Ana is trying to be her standard cheerful self with them.

Which works until Fernando comes down for breakfast and she becomes uncomfortable. The kids notice this, too, and he realizes he's behind the eight ball with everyone.

Bruja Central: Yolanda continues to lecture Isabitch on getting along with the children. You won't win them with cakes and gifts. Isabitch clearly doesn't care; she refers to them as vandals, demons, wild beasts. Yolanda tells her she has to start with the Apple of Discord, or Fanny. And the nanny. Isabitch walks out without another word.

Lascuráin Mansion: Bruno opens the door and guess who crawls in out of her web bearing a gift? Bruja Jr arrives and says how fine he looks in his uniform. He blows this off as it being the same one as usual and tells her that Fernando has already left for the office.
She tells him in that insincere tone that she's not there to see Fernando, but the beautiful Ana.
Bruno says to himself that this amount of courtesy from her means he has to watch out. 

University Campus: Fanny tells her friend Laura how she can't stand Isabela.
She's gong to make her sorry she ever came into their lives. Laura is shocked at Fanny's attitude, which isn't normal for her. Laura asks her why she can't get along with Isabela.
She even suggests that Fanny should feel sorry for her dad.

La Costeña: Outside the building, Fernando is giving instructions as another suited gentleman walks with him and León. León apologizes for the evening before, but Fernando doesn't allow him to continue before the other man walks away.
León fesses up about his talk with Fanny and Fernando appears to appreciate his honesty.

High School Campus: Ximena starts coming on to Nando again. [Earth to Ximena, this guy is far too good for you!]

Lascuráin Mansion: Ana opens the gift, which is a book called Forgive and Forget.

Isabel claims this book helped her a lot. They got off on the wrong foot, so she asks her forgiveness.

Can pigs fly yet?


Thanks for the excellent recap, Urban. I especially enjoyed " Is his secret that he was the one who did the chop job on Pedro Medina?" and the flying pig with "Can pigs fly yet?"

Isabela is up the creek from the beginning because she is so shallow she is incapable of following the very good instructions that Yolanda is giving her.

Nico has a very good assessment of Fernando's situation, too. What about the other seven children?

As seen with Fanny already, under the duress of the situation, Fernando is starting to circle the wagons and just become more rigid as he defends his decision.



Thanks for the recap, Urban!

I love Johnny! He's awesome! Thanks for the photos.

Thanks UA for the great recap and also all the screenshots. *(who IS that in the photo you call "Johnny's competition?"). Did anyone else catch a funny look on Diego's face when Nico mentioned Fanny's funeral? Did her perhaps have feelings for his sister in law?

I am ready for Manuela to dance off into the sunset with Johnny, please, somewhere off camera. Both characters are too cartoonish to serve as comic relief, they are just annoying.

J in Oregon a cookie!!!!!

Awesome UA. Loved the Stones video

"Whoever named you the Prince Charming of this tale should have his/her Fairy Godparent License revoked."

"Can pigs fly yet?" maybe not, but cleared for take off

Fernando - if it don't fit, force it

Yolanda - this ain't your first rodeo

Juan - dirty job, done dirt cheap

Manuela - and he picked me out of the crowd

Bruno - better break out that g-string

Leon - you dating Fanny or the stuffed shirt

Diego - I'm not a baby shower & wedding photographer anymore dad

Isabela - just marking my territory

Ana - why sure, I'll friend you on fb

Fanny - it ends with your head on a pike for all to see


JnO, "Did anyone else catch a funny look on Diego's face when Nico mentioned Fanny's funeral? Did he perhaps have feelings for his sister in law?"

I did and thought the same, and wondered if it had been reciprocated at some point.

I was wondering who would catch that.

I have suspected from Day 1 that there is some issue between Fernando and Diego and I think it has something to do with Estefania. I'm hoping it has nothing to do with how we think she died.


Pigs Fly!! Love IT! Great recap Urban. Had to catch up last night with both Friday and last night's episodes. Sad:(. But love your recap bringing more humor than we got on the show!

Amazing how every single person that has come in contact with the Bruja is on to her except for Fer. He really is clueless when it comes to women...heck maybe people in general. Now everyone has to suffer for his lack of seeing the nose in front of his face.

And yes, J, I picked up that same look from Diego. Guess we're looking at opposites: Fer is all rules and decorum and Diego is the adventurous lothario. Both brothers could have a poolside abs-fest any time though. Thank you.

Though I can do without Johnny. Frankly, if Manuela can steer him away from Ana I'd be forever grateful.

I want to be 20 and date Leon. Just sayin'. Don't care what his secret is.


Isabruja has to be one of the most insecure villanas I've ever seen.

Her objective to marry Fernando is being realized. To demand a fancy engagement party and big wedding is all about rubbing Ana's nose in it and bragging to others. She is a social climber and doesn't deserve any of this.

She actually has less class than her mother at this stage.

UA, the recap was great and the screen shots were excellent. But, what I'm enjoying the most is that you are infusing your summaries with witty, insightful and hilarious humor. This was great fun.

"she's a woman just like any other [Really? Whoever named you the Prince Charming of this tale should have his/her Fairy Godparent License revoked]" was my absolute favorite. "[Earth to Ximena, this guy is far too good for you!]" and "Can pigs fly yet" were others. Agree with J from Oregon that JS's picture (reminding us and Johnny of the competition was great.

Looking forward to Diego's return (man, he looks hawt).."Diego is the adventurous lothario" as daisy noted. I'm also curious as to what his relationship with Estefania.

UA, yes, everyone seems to have a solid clue about Isabitch except Fer. I suspect that even if he did, he would still want to do the "right thing". Sigh.

Isabitch is short sighted and stubborn. Jarifa, you are right in that Yolanda is telling her what she needs to do (to be tolerated if not accepted), yet she seems to want to be accepted as it is her right. She fails to see acceptance by the children would need to be earned.

UA, thank you!


Isabela likely has no experience with children. That may or may not have much to do with her attitude.

In this case, though, she will see the children as competition for Fernando's time outside the office. Who wants to lay odds on the boarding school research happening within the next six episodes?

Of course when Diego gets home -- as he inevitably will this week -- he will see right through her.

Since TN writers love to do history parallels in shows, I'm guessing our suave Diego will suddenly have an eye for Ana. And with the fact he's roped and chained to Isabitch, Fer can't do a darn thing about it. Frankly, though we like him and he's a good dad, I'd like to see this play out as long as Diego isn't painted as a "bad" guy, which it doesn't seem he is if you can pick up off the opening credits. Ana deserves someone to treat her well, well, someone besides Johny. He's just got that slimy, I'm the next best thing to slice bread thing going I don't care for. I'll wait to see if I want to have a seat at the Diego table until he shows up in town...which I'm guessing is soon?

Darts on the Isa board anyone?


Diego is likely to think Fernando is a prize fool for falling for Isabitch. He will need to start worrying about the family fortune very soon, too.

Ana does deserve to be treated well, but Diego will not be the answer unless he falls in love with her for real. At the moment I don't see that. My current guess is that he had a thing for the late Estefania whom he saw as being neglected by workaholic Fernando.

Thanks UA, great picture story. I need to learn how to add screen shots.

I think that Diego and Estefania must have had a relationship, or maybe he and Fernando fell in love with her, and since she chose Fer, Diego left the country to get away. My guess at least. And when Diego comes back, he'll also do the same with Ana, and life will repeat itself.

I'm with you that I wish Manuela and Jonny would leave and not come back.

Ana wasn't even accepted by the children at first, but she showed them she genuinely cared about them and won them over bit by by (starting with the apple of discord Fanny).

I don't think Isabela's disdain of children has anything to do with inexperience with children. I don't think Isabela likes (the) children because they take the attention off of her. If Isabela & Fernando's child takes attention away from Isabela, she will detest that child too.


Thanks for the excellent recap!

I give the bruja's mum credit for telling her she needs to start trying to adapt to the situation and get along with everyone, instead of firing the staff and moving the kids to some type of boarding school.

I think Manuela and Johnny would be fun together. Much more than her and Bruno.

So the brother is coming to town soon! Can't wait for whatever fireworks are in store. Maybe he'll fall for Ana!

Yolanda, nailed it and seems Isabela is at least attempting to use her playbook. If she does, each one in the house will fall.

Ana's presence prompted Luz to speak and the rest is history, so that one may be tough. It looked to me last night like Luz snuggled and smelled Ana's hair as a child would their mother.

Of course Diego and Ana will either hook up or Diego will pursue her. The look on Fernando's face as Nic told him Diego may come for the wedding told all. There's some bad blood there.

Wished Jenny would quit leaking any type of information to Juan about Ana and hope he runs off with Manuela far, far away. If not she may be the next to know Ana is not just any ole nanny.

UA: thanks for the great recap. Loved the screenshots.

I think Fer knows in his heart Isa is not all that. He just won't admit it to himself and certainly not to anyone else.

I also wondered if Diego had a thing for Fan Sr.

I also wondered if Diego is going to wear the three-day beard thingy all through the novela. Because I absolutely HATE that look.


Thank you, Urban, for the excellent recap! I LOVE your references to Pedro Medina and the 'apple of discord.'

Manuela must be a nymphomaniac and/or extremely desperate. I don't think she cares whether she beds Bruno or Johnny.

Diego is super hot, but I don't think Ana will hook up with him. We know she's going to end up with Fer (who is an egocentric, insensitive jerk), and a prior hook up with Diego would cause further discord between the bros.

Tks, great recap

Hope things get more interesting when Diego shows up. In spite of SN & JS, so far this TN is more of the same novela fare.

When Isa gave Ana the book Forgive and Forget, she said that it helped her a lot, and asked Ana for forgiveness, but the way she said all those things, her tone of voice and the look on her face, she meant the exact opposite. That war is not over. I don't see her fooling the children either.

UA thanks for the recap and screen shots.

ITA w/all who think there may have been something between Fanny Sr and Diego not just because of the looks. He said to his dad, "I guess Fer got over Fanny quickly" and that perked my ears up.

While I understand children need to respect their parents, I was disgusted that Fer expected Fanny to help him get her siblings on board w/Isa. Yes Fanny is acting out but Fer should have never tried to put that on her; Isa is your project, Fer. Just like he should not have told Nando his dilemma. Why put your son is this? Talk to your dad.

UA... another amazing recap... i was laughing silently through my lunch reading...

having to put up with the stupid nanny, the butler, and the cook.
(thanks for the idea for theme for my wednesday recap...)

He applauds himself. ( lol you just reminded me of my husband’s habit of ‘liking’ his own facebook comments.)

Cataratas del Iguazú ,,, you just added a Mexico sightseeing location to my bucket list.

(watching Diego’s reactions about Fer’s sudden new wedding only a year after Fanny died… why do I get the thought from that phone conversation that Diego and Fernando at some point were competing for the same girl (late Fanny or someone else)?) … Fernando’s attitude after the Nico/Diego call sort of confirms my ‘gut feeling’.

Love your description of Manuela’s hormonal unbalance issues. (wants to… jump his bones and let the postman ring twice)

And your final touch…. ‘can pigs fly yet?’
Can’t wait for Ana’s response to Isa’s new ‘strategy’ and 'gift'.


I am glad i was not alone thinking there is bad blood between Fer and Diego about some romantic rivalry and that it seemed to be about Fanny Sr.

I like the dartboard idea, DaisynJay… lets put a photo of Isa on it… and if you hit her eyes, mouth and nose, you get extra points.
P.S. i would also go for Leon if i were about 30 yrs younger...

Cathyx… that is my theory too, that Diego and Fer were competing for Fanny Sr and that the cycle will repeat itself with Ana, only this time Diego will have the better shot since he is single and has little ‘baggage’… the plus for Fer is that Ana has fallen for the kids so it won’t be a simple one on one competition anymore…

Karen, i am with you... Fer should not expect Fanny to soften the kids about Isa for him... the news about Isa and getting the kids (including Fanny) to warm up to Isa (if that is at all possible) is HIS job...
I have a feeling if Isa keeps on with her vain attitude and tries to rub on Ana's face that she won Fernando over her (by the overboard engagement celebration) it will only make everyone aware of what she is after... i agree with her mom... subtle progress starting with Ana adn Fanny would do her much better...

Let the games begin (or ... let the pigs fly LOL!)...

i wonder if we will get a scene like the one in Parent trap once Isa loses the baby or it is revealed it is not Fer's...

The minute we get married is the minute i send those vipers to boarding school in Switzerland! It is ME or THEM... get the picture?
THEM!!... T H E M THEM!!! get the picture?

It is in Fernando's best interest Isabela is successful and is already working on Fanny to accept her and shut up. Fernando is working Leon. If Leon remains agreeable to his view of the world Leon gets to hang around. Fernando already has Nando in his corner and while he may not like Isabela he supports what his dad wants, and that is a marriage to her.

Great recap, UA. Your excellent sense of humor and sharp wit certainly shine brightly in this and the photos are a treat. Well done.

So far, I'm not finding much to like or admire in Fernando. His little sexual dalliance with with Isabela was reckless and what's worse, I don't think he was really wanting to participate. It was almost like he'd rather just go along rather than make the effort to simply refuse or at least beg off with some sort of excuse. As much as I despised Rogelio (LQNPA) I can't see him having any problem simply standing up (so to speak) to Isabela's rather lame seduction.

I'm also not very impressed with what I've seen of Diego so far. He seems rather shiftless and selfish, but we'll see.

I must have dozed off at some point, has Bruno's mom s gone home already? Have we learned why it's taken so long for her to visit her son? Do we care?

Poor Manuela needs to get out more.

Right now I'm just not seeing any happiness on the horizon for anyone, especially us.


Thanks, UA. Great recap and great screenshots. You caught some funny expressions in some of them. I also loved the comments about Pedro Medina's secret butcher and pigs flying.

I hope Manuela and Johnny will ride off into the sunset together. Or at least go work off some of their pent-up lust issues together, offscreen.

Can't wait for Diego to arrive and throw another ring into the circus.

BTW, Cataratas del Iguazú is on the border between Argentina and Brazil. Diego really gets around! Must be nice to spend your life ogling and swimming in pretty places and taking the occasional photograph!

Fer needs to take galán lessons from Leon.

thanks for the geography detail, Julia... so i now have to add Argentina to my bucket list.. gladly!
Fer needs to take lessons from Leon... absolutely!! agree 1000%


even if we don't even know what Leon's secret is... he does know how to take care of his girl... and earn her dad's respect/trust... no holds barred...

I am really doubting that Leon's secret is that he has a child, because he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would hide something like that or consider it a secret.

I don't know about Leon. We know very little of him. If I came in and watched Ana with the kids as a nanny, I'd think maybe a little unorthodox but never she works at a gentleman's club nights and weekends. Leon is too good to be real. I like the kid and hope he catches some breaks but somethings fishy.


I agree with you about León:

"...something's fishy."


Something's fishy, you say?

Maybe Leon's secret is that he is a merman!

Or, more likely, the writers decided he should have a kid or a terrible disease or something and hide that fact even though he doesn't seem like the kind of guy to hide it, because drama.

he doesn't seem like the kind of guy to hide it...
well... i tend to disagree...
remember what he told his mother... he was afraid because he never dreamed of a girl like Fanny to even notice him... and he loves her...
how many times we see this in novelas, that the poor one or the one with low self-esteem hides a dark side of their life because they 'know' that when the other one finds out, the dream will be over...

and it usually is over... that is, for a while until the one who learned the secret suddenly and at the worst moment gets some time to digest it and realize it was not so important or critical after all...
In this (holding a secret) Leon and Ana are very much alike... afraid to come out in the open with the loved one for fear of the 'dream' shattering once the truth is out.

Yes, that's true. I guess Leon does have some severe insecurities over his's his Achilles heel.

And with Ana it will probably be the same...Fer will find out her secret at the worst time and in the worst way possible, and will extrapolate it to be worse than it is...he'll probably jump to the conclusion that she is a prostitute, not only a dancer. And it will take him months to calm down and believe that she doesn't even take her clothes off onstage, much less anything else, and to see her acrobatic prowess as a feature and not a bug.

to see her acrobatic prowess as a feature and not a bug.

Julia, are you into software development by chance?
i am... so i can recognize the 'jargon' LOL.

Just discovered where I had seen Manuela before. She was the crazy child psychologist in Por que el amor manda, Beatriz Morayra is the actress


hopefully Fanny won't have the same bug as Ana and whenever whatever Leon's secret is revealed, she will allow him to explain and not just run away angry/upset.

OMG! What is the world coming to?!

The hero is acting stupid while one of the antagonists is actually giving great advice!

Leon's secret:

a. He is a daddy
b. He is illegally in the country
c. He can't dance
d. He only has 1 year to live
e. He is hiding from the Mexican version of the IRS.

About Manuela - I can't see in what parallel universe some one would be attracted to both Bruno and Johnny.

Blast from the past - I've been wanting to mention it and keep forgetting, so better do it now before this novella ends. The good and the bad, the light and the dark, the Yin and the Yang, the mirror that Ana used while she was getting ready for the fateful date with Fernando. How poetic.

Carlos - I agree... shouldn't some one be looking for Bruno's mom? The last we saw her she was in the library with Bruno when he finally told her the truth. Could it be that she is still there?

Martaivette - s/w developer? Cool! Me2. My motto:

Programmers do it with software :-D


Yah, I was wondering too why they brought Bruno's mom in for the two episodes and then never resolved anything. What was the point? The little fake family vignette was kinda fun but it was a dead end.

Remember the kitchen staff in Pasion Prohibida? They were real, interesting people and an integral part of the plot. Bruno and Manuela are pretty expendable to me.
J in Oregon


Great recap Urban. Screen caps, were great and the recap witty as ever.

Two thoughts:
1) We all know that when Fer finds out Ana works at Chicago he'll be all mad and crazy that she works in such a place... but wasn't he all crazy in love with her as Lola? A bit hypocritical, no?
2) I laughed that Fer was telling Leon not to be in Fanny's room with the door closed at that hour. Uh, hello?! Wasn't she living with Leon just a few days ago?!


Thanks, Urban! Just getting started with this one; fun so far.

My favorite part of this epi was when Isabel's Mom kept saying, "And you look TERRIBLE in that color!" She might have mentioned that tight white pants are not, um, slenderizing.

Variopinta, thanks for linking Manuela and crazy Marta from MANDA. It was driving me crazy that I couldn't remember why I knew her...


For all you "Dark Shadows" fans, there is a new novela on YouTube called "Conde Vrolok". It is a Chilean novela which received really high ratings in Chile.

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