Monday, August 04, 2014

Mi Corazón es Tuyo Lunes 8/4/14 #11

Capitulo 11: La Dolce Vita?

Lascuráin Manor: Sebastián and Luz are hip-hopping it on the patio with a little direction from Ana, who collapses in fatigue on the couch. She gets the kids to go inside, then collapses on the couch in the parlor, next to Luz.

Bruno comes down the stairs to remind her that it's time for her to check the kids' homework. The twins are asking for her. He notes her fatigue and she explains it, but begs him to not tell the boss, who won't approve. He tells her he's not going into that wolves' den. He escorts the two kids upstairs. Fanny runs in all excited. Before they can talk the phone rings and Alicia comes running down the stairs with a pair of major-league yabos that don't belong to her.
She is a little miffed at their comments about how she should be looking forward to being sixteen for this.

Upstairs Sebastián continues practicing until he does a spin and knocks over a large vase, which breaks on the hard wood floor. The flowers in it must be faux, as there is no water spilled in the process. He backs off in fear.

Bruno comes back into the parlor and notices the difference in Alicia. He backs off in cartoonish shock before going upstairs. Ana answers the phone.

Sebastián heads into the nursery and hides behind furniture, telling his younger hermanos not to say he's there. They extract a promise in exchange as Sebas puts a file of notebooks on the desk so he can hide behind it.

Bruno finds the broken vase and almost panics. His instincts and long experience with this family serve him and he heads for the nursery, where he eliminates the suspects and declares that Sebastián did it. He asks if he's there, the younger kids deny it.

In the study, Fernando is busy sketching something when Ana enters, telling him that parent-teacher day is on Wednesday at the twins' school and he should go. Wednesday? He has an important meeting at the office. [Now, is that meeting really more important than your kids?] He suggests that Ana go in his place to represent him. She likes that he trusts her to do that, but tells him this isn't the same as him going since he is the boys' father. He hasn't budged on this yet and tells her he has a lot of calls to make [Don't tell us Mexico has 900-Fono-Sexo lines!] and dismisses her. She asks if he is alright, saying she has a free night and asks if he will watch the children. He tells she'll have to ask Bruno because he has an engagement. She assumes it's Isabella, catches herself, and leaves, taking one slightly furtive glance back.

Fernando picks up a fresh pencil and continues sketching Ana's alter-ego. He remembers the night before when he asked her to take off the mask and she got away. Bruno comes in to ask whether he will be needing the chauffeur that evening. Fernando tells him that he will drive tonight. Bruno answers the phone and it's our favorite gold-digger, Isabella. At the sound of her name Fernando indicates he doesn't want to speak with her. It looks like he's done this before. He finally tells her he will deliver the message. When he ends the call Fernando graciously thanks him. He tells him he will be a bit late that evening and Bruno exits just as Nicolas enters.

Nicolas asks him what he's doing and then takes the drawing out of his hands. Fernando tries to tell him it's just a drawing, but Nicolas knows better. Especially between the florist call and the lie to Isabella. Fernando finally takes the sketch back, crumples it, and drops it in the wastebasket. Nicolas is getting more curious about what Fernando might be up to, but Fernando isn't having it. He walks out.

Chicago Club: Ana is on the platform doing her thing from a chair. Not a huge crowd tonight, but an attentive one. Johnny leans against the bar, watching, as some new arrivals enter the room. Ana looks up and sees Fernando at the back of the crowd. She makes a fast exit while the music is still playing. Johnny is not a happy man at the moment, especially because Doroteo isn't either. [Doroteo really needs to be sleeping with the fishes]. He motions for Johnny to follow him. Fernando walks in near the platform with the chorus girls in the boots made for walkin' just as Ana gets back to the dressing room. That was a close call. Jennifer is already in the dressing room and Ana barely finishes telling her that Fernando is in the club when Doroteo barges in.
He demands to know what she was up to and she tells him she felt faint. He freaks out at the idea she might be pregnant and she reassures him she isn't. Johnny enters behind him and tries to tell Ana that Fernando is just outside. He finally says something about someone asking for Lola. Ana distracts Doroteo by saying she'll be back on stage in a few minutes. He walks out, satisfied that his bully-boy stuff worked (or so he thinks). Once he's out, Ana tells Johnny to tell Fernando that Lola has gone back to Tuscany. Jennifer teases that Mr Iceberg is chasing Lola. Once Johnny's out the door on his mission, Jennifer continues to tease Ana about Fernando.

She finally points out the flowers he sent. Ana opens the note attached to them. It's in Italian but she doesn't recognize that. Jennifer is sure that Fernando has fallen for “Lola” big time. As Ana tucks the note into her bra Jennifer reminds her she might like to change before going back out to perform again.

Lascuráin Manor: Outside the house in a youth version of a great Italian film, Fanny and Leon are hanging out in a reflecting pool. She tries to feed him sushi while they talk about the differences between their worlds.

They don't realize that Alicia is spying on them with binoculars, even when she accidentally knocks over a glass. They hear this, but don't see anything. They get back to business as Alicia comes out form behind the huge stone flowerpot to watch.

Chicago Club: Fernando is trying to get Johnny to give him information about Lola. He claims to be her agent and refuses to tell him what he wants to know. Ana and Jennifer see this from the curtain and rush back into the dressing room. Fernando doesn't persist, but instead hands him his business card, telling him to call him if he changes his mind. He then walks out, leaving Johnny to stew. He looks at the business card.

Lascuráin Manor: More of the same with Fanny and Leon, although we find out that his last name is Gonzales. They're both in the water which doesn't go above their ankles. They start finally to kiss while Alicia watches. Fanny pulls away and they splash insufficient water at each other to ruin their clothes.

Chicago Club: Johnny barges into the dressing room to demand to know why Fernando is pursuing Ana. Jennifer said that it was Lola whom he was looking for, but Johnny still doesn't like this. Ana doesn't want to talk about this but he goes on about how Fernando is pursing “the woman I love.” [Note to Johnny: We're not too sure about that one.] Ana tells him Fernando was asking for “Lola, not for me,” and asked whether he left. Johnny said he made him leave. She earns him not to be rude or say other wrong things to him; he's her boss. Is he coming back? Johnny thinks not; this was a slap in the face. Ana almost takes this literally, but realizes it's not the case. Johnny claims to have told Fernando that Lola left for Italy. Jennifer doesn't like his attitude either, but Ana stops this from becoming a full-blown argument. She finally says that nothing has happened between Lola and Fernando, although we see from her face that she wishes this were otherwise. He asks “Are you sure?” She tells him yes. Jennifer says “Not for lack of effort on his part.”

The Next Day

Lascuráin Manor, Kitchen: At the breakfast table, Alicia twists the twins' ears for offending a good friend of hers, who now won't come to her birthday party. [I think] Ana tells the boys to apologise, Alicia yells at them once more, and one of them throws something at her. Ana tries to call them out on their behavior, but Alicia throws back. Nando tries to pull rank as the oldest boy, telling them not to act so immature.

Fanny teases him, he throws something, and it turns into a food fight that ends when Fernando enters and gets hit with a banana. “What is this about, Ana?” he asks. Everything stops dead, even Bruno gulps in anticipation of a conniption from the boss.

However, Fernando surprises them – and us – by smiling and saying “There's never a dull moment at breakfast around here. It's always amusing.” Despite a protest from him, Ana orders the children to apologise to him for their behavior. They do. She makes them promise never to do this again.

Fernando insists they set a place for him at the table, and he asks only for coffee and toast. He does ask who started it; Alicia and the twins fess up. Nando considers it a miracle that Fernando would eat with them. He says he wants to have a better relationship with them. This makes Luz very happy and she gets up to go over to him to sit on his lap. When he asks Sebas about his lacrosse practice he tells him it's great, but we see that he's crossed his fingers behind his back. [How long has this been going on?] Alicia doesn't want to go to school because she feels ugly. Fernando tries to tell her she is a beautiful girl. Bruno makes side comments to Ana about what changes are happening in the house and she is also pleased.

She does follow Fernando out on his way to the car to talk to him about this. It ends with her saying that the kids want him to be home with them more and he agrees. He will have breakfast with the kids every day from now on. This pleases her and she promises that there will be no more food fights. They give each other the thumbs-up and Fernando leaves for work.

La Costeña; Fernando's Office: Isabella spins her web asking him where he was the night before. She's miffed when told it was a business dinner with the company's lawyer. “Why didn't you call me?” is answered by “Because I didn't want to bother you.” She is wondering whether he is planning to hire someone else and why she wasn't able to reach him on his cell phone and he isn't liking the direction of this conversation.

He asks her if she's seen the stock market activity yet, directing her attention to the screens on his wall. Their stock has declined a little. She says she's a little nervous about it, but she is clearly [to us] nervous her own stock plummeting with Fernando.

Lascuráin Manor, Study: Bruno found the drawing in Fernando's wastebasket and he asks Ana if their boss has a lover. Ana scolds him for spying on Fernando and he denies having done that. He just thinks this is a bit strange. They talk about the changes in him since her arrival and he brings up the subject of Isabella. He concludes that the drawing has nothing to do with her. She teases Bruno about the possibility.

La Costeña; Reception: Isabella is sure something is up and she's sure it's the nana naca. She asks Beatriz when Senor Cardona, the lawyer, is expected in. Beatriz replies that he is in Guadalajara and is expected back tomorrow. Isabella is not amused.

University Campus: Nando walks around with an open book and bumps into Ximena, who obviously did this deliberately. He falls down, losing his specs, but picks them up and looks up at her. She asks if she can see him at his place. Si! She asks if six o'clock is okay, and another si. He's grinning like a fool when she briefly flirts with him and walks away. Poor kid.

At an outside table Fanny is sitting with the Diana Bracho clone [I think her name is Laura, but I'm not sure], whom she tells that Leon works for her dad, finally admitting he's a messenger. Mean Girl is shocked, saying that Fanny could have anyone and she settles for a wage-earner [asalariado]. This doesn't seem to bother Fanny, but she is concerned about how her dad will react.

La Costeña: Johnny arrives and scopes out the building. He admits to a little jealousy. He flirts with a passing female, sprays on some scent [Axe, anyone?], and heads for the front door.

In Fernando's office, he admires what he sees and Fernando asks him whether he's given any more thought to what they talked about the night before.

But of course, he has! Fernando picks up the phone and asks if he'd like something. He asks for whiskey, but Fernando tells him it's coffee or water. He declines while making a lame joke and they get down to business. He'll give up Lola's phone number for ten grand [That's about $758 US]. Fernando takes out his checkbook and writes it up.

He hands him a post-it for the phone number. Johnny writes down the number and requests that Fernando not return to the club; Fernando asks in return that Johnny not come back to the office or his house. Done deal, and Johnny departs.

Isabella is still fuming. She is now sure that the nana naca is trying to snag her boss. She turns back to Beatriz and tells her that Fernando is having problems with his nanny. A disaster [hecatombe]. She asks how frequently Ana calls the office. Beatriz tells her that's it's usually two or three times per week. Isabella speculates to herself that Ana would more likely call Fernando's cell phone.

Little does she realize that Fernando is using that very cell phone to call “Lola” at that very moment.

Lascuráin Manor: Ana is descending the stairs when her cell phone rings. She answers “Bueno?” only to hear Fernando's voice asking “Lola?” She defaults to the Italian “Pronto?”

Bruno and Manuela have a difference of opinion during this, loud enough for Ana to be concerned about what Fernando will hear. She gets rid of Bruno by saying she's talking to an Italian gentleman.

She tries to tell Fernando that she's very busy and doesn't have time to talk as she tries to avoid first Bruno and Manuela, then Nicolas.

Johnny's Place: Jennifer comes in to talk to him about helping Ana pay off the repairs on the house. Then Ana herself arrives to tell him off about leaking her cell phone number to Fernando.

He's the only person who had that number who would have given it out. He tries saying that Fernando was very insistent. Jennifer tries teasing her about the call. Ana sees no humor in any of this. She had managed the pretense of being Lola, but was caught unawares. She asks Johnny if he wants her to lose her nanny job and he insists that it's her fault for flirting with this rich guy. She denies having done that and he accuses her of being as interested in Fernando as Isabella is. Jennifer says it's partly her fault because of meeting Nicolas there and provoking the visit from Fernando, but Ana isn't accepting this. She's assigning the blame where it belongs. She asks the ultimate rhetorical question, “How am I supposed to get out of this mess?”

Lascuráin Manor: Nando is obviously suffering from sweaty palms as he waits for Ximena. He prays to not make a mess of this. He sprays himself with scent, something more expensive than anything Johnny would have. Downstairs, Ximena arrives just as Ana returns.

Ana immediately assumes that Ximena is there to see Fanny, but is pleased to hear that it's Nando. She sends Fanny upstairs just as her cell phone rings.
The screen shows Fernando's number. She answers and learns that he wants to see her. She tells him that is impossible and he tells her she doesn't know him; he's very insistent.
She comments on the truth of that in her accent as Nicolas comes in behind her from another room. She quickly mutes the phone before Nicolas teases her about her Italian lover. He goes up the stairs saying “Amore, amore!” in a cheerful mood. Fernando heard this and asks who that was. She says that was her father and she has to go. “Arrivederci.” She ends the call and breaths a shallow sigh of relief, knowing that there is likely to be a next time.

Upstairs in Nando's room, Ximena strides in and looks around. He asks if she likes it and she says something about it not showing excess [as in Nothing succeeds like....]. She then turns around and asks if it's true he's good in math.
Of course he is; it's his major. She needs to have a few things explained. He's happy to do that. And what about literature? Of course, he likes it. Well, she needs a book report. And she hands him the monster of a book: Don Quixote.

It's big enough to be the doorstop for the vault at Fort Knox. The paper is due the day after tomorrow. Twenty chapters. Nando's jaw drops and she shrugs. Like she didn't know what an imposition this is. [Of course she does.]

Ana confirms from Bruno that Ximena is still upstairs. He tries to start a conversation with her when Fernando comes home saying “Buena notte” (but not in Sparafucile's voice). Bruno asks him whether he speaks Italian.
He goes on in Italian with phrases like “Bella Italia” and “La dolce vita,” as he repairs to the study. Bruno asks Ana what's with all this Italian lately. Could it be that the boss has an Italian amante, like Ana's gentleman?

It's a little to close for comfort and she makes her exit upstairs joking about it.

Nando looks through the tome as Ana enters. She asks how things went with Ximena and he tells her he has to re-read this entire book by day after tomorrow. Or rather, that's when the report is due. She knows that procrastination isn't his style so she asks him what's up. He admits that the report isn't his. It's for Ximena. Ana gets it. She knows this kind of female. But now is not the time to deliver that lesson. She exits and her cell phone begins ringing just as she closes the door.

Of course, it's Fernando. She tries to tell him she's very busy. He wants a date whenever it's good for her.
He walks out of the study just in time to see her come down the stairs and breaks into a conversation with Ana about the children. She updates him, then does a big, fake, yawn to indicate she's tired. He wishes her goodnight and goes back to the study.
He calls “Lola” again and she tells him she needs to go to bed. Ana picks up the feather duster and pretends to dust the banister while going up the stairs. He steps out of the study again and sees this.
He asks why she is doing this and she says “Just trying to be efficient” and he wishes her goodnight as he returns to the study.
Once there, Ana comments upon hearing a princess' voice. Is that your wife? He says to “Lola” no, that's it's Ana, the nanny."  “So is she a beautiful princess?” Ana asks in her disguise.
“No, not like you. She is pretty, but not like you.” “Is she efficient?” “Of course! Very much so.” By now Ana is leaning against the piano, which holds some family photos. On her next line she realizes he's coming back out of the study, so she ducks down under the piano just as he is closing the doors.
He goes back to the phone “Lola?” and realizes that she has ended the call. “Buena notte” he says as he closes off the phone and stands there for a minute. He doesn't realize that Ana is staring from under the piano.

Now here's a little ditty that sums up Fernando's relationships with both women.


Urban, loved hearing the Ella Fitzgerald ditty. It fit so well along with the screen caps and a great recap. Yes, Doroteo needs to be sleeping with the fishes! Thanks!

My favorite parts: The phone calls between Ana and Fernando especially the last ones with them both in the house; Fernando sketching Lola; Nicolás yelling "il amore" and " Saluti al ragazzo" (greetings to the boy) when Ana was on the phone earlier; the sound of crickets any time there is an uncomfortable silence; Isabela calling Ana a "maldita nana naca."

This is turning out to be a real fun piece of fluff.


Oh, God! Please, Noooooo! Not a hundred and some episodes of Sebastian's spastic horrible excuse for hip-hop flailing, er, "dancing!" Osorio: get your kid some dancing lessons and THEN give him a dancing role!

UA thanks so much for your recap (and doing double duty tonight). I too enjoyed the song by Ella.

This was such a nice light episode compared to the other tns. Ana and Fernando's phone calls were cute. Isabela will not be happy.

ITA w/Anon@2:15 am. Sebas dancing is not good. Clearly Osorio can't really evaluate talent.

Just when I said that I didn't want to deal with too many kid antics...

It surprises me that an upstairs hallway would have a large fragile object like that vase when there are young children in the house. What is that saying about Fernando being rigid?

Johnny is digging himself in deeper with his greed. I wonder if he tried to cash Isabella's check. Will banks cash a check that has been torn up and taped back together?

UA, this is great! So many tidbits to acknowledge I'd have to copy/paste the whole thing. Hoot. "Don't tell us Mexico has 900-Fono-Sexo lines!"

The cell phone dance choreography between Ana & Fernando (bit players & props)was very well done. New twist on a musical song and dance routine. Didn't want it to end.

Can Fernando be a closet artist and have more in common with Leon than we think and who would of thought both father and son would meet their obsessions at Comic- Con.

Juan - well a pimp gotta pimp

Isabela - well it is and it isn't but should still be worried

Fernando - there always remains a bit of 14 year old boy in all of you

Leon - kinda awkward for such a cute boy

Nando - speed reader

Beatriz - stop telling that bitch anything

Alicia - camouflage and night vision goggles next time

Ana - me, myself & Lola

Fanny - you're safe, he'll just shoot the messenger

Sebastián - herky jerky


UA, wonderful screen shots and recap. Were you up all night (??)

Thank you for giving your all to this (you must have been exhausted after Robo, don't know how you did both so well).

"She says she's a little nervous about it, but she is clearly [to us] nervous her own stock plummeting with Fernando"; "At an outside table Fanny is sitting with the Diana Bracho clone" and "... sprays on some scent [Axe, anyone?" were my favorites.

Like you Jarifa, I'm enjoying the relative lightheartedness of this.

The "secretive" phone calls were fun. I think this was perfectly cast, Silvia in particular is carrying this show. What energy she must have. I envy her!

ofie, “Ana - me, myself & Lola” was fun.



Always good to hear Ella. Great recap UA!

Tofie, yes! I thought the same thing when I saw that drawing. Both dark haired loveboats who have a hankering for illustration? Do I sense a future business partnership here?

The phone dance was adorable. I like that it wasn't over the top slapstick too. And cute that this whole Lola thing is making Fer open up and be almost like a tween again himself. Breakfast was cute (not the food fight--no way no how kiddies. Glad they made that not acceptable.)

I'm wondering if our little Dancing Prince is really quite talented, but they are purposefully playing it for him to be bad right now. And then we'll see him knock our socks off later?

And for our last dance of the day, the Fanny/Leon night out. Like they are doing the slow, getting to know you type spin on things. And smart she's not listening to her "friends".

Please Ana. Think of a really good way to get back at Ximena. I want to see the book report from hell given to her. I'll write it myself if needed. Poor Nando.

Anyone else hoping that the cup of coffee/tea that Isabella was holding would have slipped and spilled all over her?


I think Fernando needs to learn how to be a faithful man and choose one woman, whether it be an executive, a stripper, or a nanny. He plays too many games. HIs immaturity is not attractive in the least. He doesn't spend enough time with his children as it is, instead of going off to strip clubs, he should be home engaging with his children.

Personally, I cannot be too hard on Emilio Osorio. His father cast him. Just for that, I have to give the kid a pass. That's a tough position for a kid to be in.


"ITA w/Anon@2:15 am. Sebas dancing is not good. Clearly Osorio can't really evaluate talent."

Agreed, but perhaps the part called for lousy humorous dancing...

"Mr. Osorio, we need someone that can dance badly"

Mr. O: "Hey, my kid can do that!"

Why is it that the three sisters remind me of the Brady girls? The little one super cute. The middle one insecure and caught in the middle. The eldest trying o find herself in the world as a young adult.

The Titanic sketch of Lola. Is it me or did that sketch look more like Batman than it did like Lola?

Oh Johnny, how I hate you, let me count thy ways. May an escapee from Sharknado swoop down and devour you whole, hoping that it won't get an indigestion.

May Dorothy's house land on top of you and Toto pee on you. May you be forced to watch 12 hours of continuous Steven Segal movies.


Love your recaps, UA!
cute breakfast scene...
Tofie, i too loved 'Ana - me, myself and Lola'
I too think Leon is a bit awkward for now... but he is certainly confident in knowing Fanny is as smitten by him as he is by her.
Anon, I have to agree that Fernando is behaving a bit childish right about now.
Salvador... the brady bunch girls... i agree. Fanny with her growing/identity pains... Cecilia (Jan) always with the personality crisis trying to be like her older sister but not quite ever catching up to her. and Luz (Cindy) oh so cute!!

btw the note on the flowers said stte of : with affection and admiration ... Fernando (not sure if it had his last name too)

con affetto e ammirazione (he might not have spelled this one word exactly the same way.)

"May you be forced to watch 12 hours of continuous Steven Segal movies." Oh, god not that

If Fernando was a nerd like his son, I'd cut him some slack here. He was a happily married man for 20 years or longer and now he's been widowed for only a year. He probably never learned to cut loose.

This is a chemical reaction we're seeing and it's happening with Ana/Lola. He may come to understand this later but I think we're in for many misunderstandings along the way.

Agree with the comment that Leon's art talent will ultimately score points with him. I see him noticing it and giving him a better job. Here's hoping he does that before finding out that Fanny digs this boy.

yes, I agree that Leon's art talent might score him a job in the marketing department, probably with a bit of Fernando's sponsorship... esp when he finishes his studies in graphic arts... he seems to enjoy drawing people and any food company would definitely show people in their ads.

i wonder if Fernando was an only child... he seems to have a bit of trouble with relationships other than with his late wife and very small children...

Fernando has a younger brother who hasn't really joined the story yet. He is very different from him. I am wondering if they had the same mother.

Fernando, about to embark on a mid life crisis, already has the leather jacket and pursuing a stripper so all he now needs is a red sports car.

Tofie, I'm sure Diego has the red sports car! Let's see if Fernando borrows it.

Please continue your lists; they are great! Pithy, punchy, and very to the point.

Diana, to your earlier comment about Robo, each of these has its own challenges. LQLVMR presented the challenge of the hard-boiled style I use for the second half and providing as much dialogue as I felt each episode needed. At least the actors mostly speak very clearly and I don't have to listen to them too many times to get it.

Which is not always the case with MCET or other comedies. The kid slang will probably also get on my nerves after a while.

What I couldn't do this week with MCET was come up with captions for all the screen shots. Going forward I will have to limit myself on the number of screen shots so I have time for captions. After next week when LQLVMR ends I will try again.

BTW, here's a milestone for you: The next novela star birthday I know about is Pablo Montero's on 8/23. He will be 40.

Thank you, Urban, for the witty recap and the excellent screen shots!

I have questions for Nando and Fernando (rhetorical, of course):

1. Nando, how can you not see through Ximena's scheming ruse?!?!

2. Fernando, how can your sketch of Batman holding a microphone make you swoon?

I do like the fact that Fer spends more time with his kids now; however, he still needs to attend the twins' school function.

And I agree with you, Tofie. Semi-randy Fernando already has a crush on a masked pole dancer and a leather jacket; he only needs a red sports car to completely accessorize his mid-life crisis.

I enjoy everyone's comments. They make me laugh more than the TN!

Thank you, UA! Great recap and great photo captures. My favorite line was "He hasn't budged on this yet and tells her he has a lot of calls to make [Don't tell us Mexico has 900-Fono-Sexo lines!]"

Brady Bunch is such a perfect comparison! The girls are exactly like that! I think the boys are, too, but with the indistinguishable twin jointly playing the role of young mischievous Bobby. And responsible oldest boy Nerdando is a lot like Greg. I can't even remember the name of the middle Brady boy, he was so not interesting, and that is exactly how I feel about Sebastian. Filler. Bruno makes a good Alice.

I noticed there were two more maids in the kitchen who have only been background scenery and not characters. It's hard to imagine Ana living in that house and not making friends with ALL the staff. Why is Manuela the only one who doesn't have to wear a uniform? Or is that long skirt and off-the-shoulder blouse her uniform?

So apparently Fernando likes to draw but is not particularly good at it. Maybe Leon can win him over by drawing him a portrait of Lola that doesn't look like Batman?

Hi ladies- i just sent an e-mail requesting help with tonight's recap-work was super busy this morning and I don't think I'll be able to make it home in order to watch and recap-if anyone could help that would be great, things should return to normal for me next week!

I would love to guest recap unless someone else has already jumped on it!

Julia no one has! Can you do it?!

Yes! Assuming my DVR doesn't go on the fritz again, but I think it is good now!

UA: great recap. Love the pic of Ana under the piano.

Jardinera: from yesterday. So glad you liked the lists.


Urban and Jardinera, thank you both for your recaps! I've been away for the weekend, but I did manage to catch up on the show.
Fernando and Lola can't keep up the charade much longer, at one point he will have to realize who she is, right??
I didn't think that Fer's sketch was very accurate, but I think the portrait is not supposed to really look like Ana because then he would know. The actual artist who drew it is very good, adding enough distinct features to make it clear who it is, but holding back on a few - just enough for the ever clueless galan to remain in the dark.

Salvador, are you feeling ok? somehow i don't expect Titanic, Batman, Sharknado and Steven Segal movies all mentioned in the same post. LOL! I just caught Sharknado 2 this weekend... interesting to say the least. I met Ian (lead actor in it) about a year ago at an event.

Thanks UA. Two excellent recaps of two separate not to mention totally opposite TNs from the same night complete with copious carefully selected illustrations. Wow. And for someone who is not particularly fond of comedy you certainly have quite a knack for recapping the genre.


you mentioned the two superfluous maids reminded me of the birthday episode which had a scene where one of those maids kept blowing up the same yellow balloon which just got larger and larger... she didn't seem to know what to do with it.

Nando must have taken an Evelyn Wood course. It looked like he was almost done with Don Quijote when Ana checked on him that evening. Of course he's read it before and he was inspired.

Does anyone else think that the family needs a cute little dog, say a Balzac (heh heh) or Da Vinci?



That maid needs to take background acting lessons from little Luz. She's very good at looking natural! Like last night, she was sitting on Fer's lap at the table and had no real role to play in the scene anymore while the others talked, but she sat there reaching for a glass of juice, getting the syrup and smearing some on her pancake, etc. Looked totally normal and believable.

noticed that too Julia. Looked perfectly normal for Luz to be there and not reacting but interacting

The prop person should have at least given the poor maid multiple balloons to blow up.

Okay, why doesn't Nando the Nerdly figure out he can look up the plot of Don Quixote online instead of re-reading that whole 10-lb book? Really now!
J in Oregon

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