Monday, August 04, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- Reina de Corazones: week of August 4 - Page One

Reina fans - you rock - more than 285 comments last week! As NovelaMaven already mentioned, we have decided to do two Reina posts a week while this level of comments continues. That way, we should avoid having to deal with the dreaded "second page" of comments, which is a pain and baffling for new followers of our blog. We will do the usual post on Monday and second one on Thursday, just before that day's capitulo airs.

So strap on those beanies and let's get back to the silliness, the mystery and mayhem that is Reina. We still have an opening for a recapper on Tuesdays if anyone wants to give that a try. It's fun.

For the truly obsessed, I have compiled the first four weeks of Reina recaps (not including the comments or corrections ) into 4 Word documents, one for each week, and put them in a public folder in Dropbox. It is very time consuming to try and search the recaps in Caray. You should be able to download the documents by following these links:

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

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Thanks Jean!

I can do Tuesday this week (if no one else volunteers) along with my regular Thursday.

Thanks, Mauricio. I already volunteered to do this Tues. Maybe you can do it another Tuesday. Thanks again.

Sounds good. :)

Can't wait until tonight's episode of Reina.

Actually, Elna June and I will be doing Tuesdays starting with 8/12, if that's okay with everyone. I just couldn't commit until I had finished Robo Tuesdays.

So we're good!

Thanks so much for offering, Mauricio. I really appreciate your willingness to help out.

Thanks for those links, Jean!

Can't wait to see what happens in Vegas this week!


Thanks so much for those links! Way to feed our obsession!

Henceforth it shall be the Swiss army Injecto-death 3000.

I am literally squeeing with glee. So much awesomesauce tonight. Let the snark begin!

OMg! So much! I will do my best with the snark..

I bet it writes itself! You are one lucky duck! What a great episode!

I may have to invest in a beanie suit.

We got our dose of good comedy, too, to lighten things up. Yay!

I know! I was so excited!!!

How many crazy situations can the writers put Stefi and Victor in? Pit in the middle of a lawn; tied up by narcos in a warehouse; lingerie store dressing room; freezer full of bodies; guillotine (!). Those two should have their own show-- The Adventures of Stefi Queen of Diamonds.

Stefy and Victor enjoy tormenting each other. They, along with the other characters, KNOW they're in a telenovela, while Javier and Reina don't.

Did we hear Javier say " Esmeeeth" tonight?

I know I heard "Esmeeth"!

Monday Part 1

Reina and Navier are still outside and she is still yelling at him! When she thinks that she knows the worst about him, something new happens! How many more lies are there? He knew that Nicolas Nunez was alive! What other lies is he going to tell?? She hates him (Sister there is a thin line bet love and hate!) She continues to yell at him. Navier looks at her in disbelief-so someone pops up and tells her something and she believe him just like that (HOLD UP AND STOP THE PRESSES!!! Pot meet kettle! Are you serious Navier? That is the story of your life in this novela!! Isn’t that what Estfy did to you!) He forgives me! Forgives her betrayal? Prison? Trying to kill him? Having a baby with another man? Everything? He probably told her that he still loved her. She believes him? Yes she does! Well it’s easier to believe him because she doesn’t love him. She knows that loving someone can be dangerous. With Nikolas she is not in danger like she is with him. Isn’t that why? Stop Reina says. Leave me alone!! Reina walks away.

Susana thanks Juancho for coming. She is upset and wants to know everything. Susana tells him about Camila, the video and the suicide.

Connie arrives home after a dinner date with Izzy. FINALLY a legit date !!!Connie starts talking about Reina and tells Izzy that she wants to get closer to her. She feels bad for her and the fact that someone has been trying to kill her. So feeling bad for her will take away her betrayal, Izzy asks. Maybe it’s time to forgive. Izzy leaves and Lazaro comes out of his room. Lazaro finds out Connie’s new boyfriend is Izzy, Victor’s driver. He knows him, Lazaro exclaims!!!

Navier arrives home and Frank is waiting is there. “ I was waiting for you my friend Boliver!”

Meanwhile back in the warehouse, Victor picks up the slut’s lifeless body and places it into a meat locker (WHAT??? I am afraid to see what else is in there!!} He locks the door with a padlock!

Back in Navier’s apartment, he tells Frank to leave. Nope! He’s his boss now and they need to talk so they can be on the same page. Navier wants to do this tomorrow. Franks wants to do this today. Well Navier isn’t going to agree to anything. Well, Frank threatens, if he doesn’t follow his orders, then he will be out of the investigation and he will get Navier assigned to the lovely Middle East!! His choice!!

Back in Susana’s hotel room, she begins to vomit (wait did she have sex recently-is this the obligatory pregnancy scene?) Maybe it was something she ate, Juancho tells her. Um no she thinks it was the mixture of pills and vodka. Well duh!! Juancho helps her and she says that he is always helping her. Awwww.

ODB is with her mom at the salon (I really don’t like their scenes and I seem to zone out so I never have a lot of detailed recaps for them.) Mom tells her that they are in serious problems because the police are now involved. She tells ODB not to spill to Victor during their sex time! Who knows what ODB could potentially scream out! She is not going to jail because of her.

Reina wakes up and Victor has brought her breakfast in bed. Come home-the person behind her attacks is in jail. Victor heard she felt bad. No she just went to the cemetery because she felt bad after what Victor told her about Nikolas. Victor gets all creepy and tells Reina that he needs her. They have to talk, Reina says. No talking. He needs kissing!

Estfy returns to the warehouse with a bag of tools trying to pick the padlock.

Victor tries to kiss Reina but is stopped by a knock at the door. It’s Izzy. He tells Victor that his information s correct. Reina runs toward the bathroom telling him that she is going to shower. I’ll shower with you, Victor says. Reina slams the door in his face. He leaves with Izzy.

Estfy goes into the freezer which is full of dead bodies!!!!(I would really like a zombie novela one day!) Estfy opens one of the bags and is horrified. Then Victor pops up! WTF is there no traffic in Vegas!! Geez he got there quick!

Lazaro arrives and tells Greta that she isn’t escaping from him today!!


Monday Part 2

Lazaro arrives and tells Greta that she isn’t escaping from him today!!

ODB and her mom are accusing each other of hiring the model assassin. Anyone else getting flashes to Zoolander?

Victor asks Estfy if she ever heard that curiosity killed the cat. This time it will be a female dog!! HA! You have a corpse collection, Estfy asks. I have heard of an art collection and a car collection but a corpse? Estfy tries to leave but Victor stops her. I saw you watching and filming me making love to that slut and killing her. So I put on a show so you know what I’m capable of!!! Victor then feels her up and finds her phone. (I don’t even WANT to know where he found it!!) He is trying to get frisky with her. She can’t feel horny! What makes him horny IS DEATH!! ( he is one sick puppy!)

Frank arrives to Reina’s house. She wants to talk to him. A sniper is on top of the roof across the street. Navier arrives. Seems Reina called both of them-she wanted to talk to both of them. Navier with his super vision sees the sniper and tells them to get down. Frank is shot. Rocky comes to help and Navier runs after the sniper.

Estfy stops Victor’s gross foreplay and Victor calls her boring!! (Don’t think I ever heard an ex stripper/porno star called that before!) Victor then explains that he froze these bodies so no one can tell when they died! Thanks for the tip, Estfy says, she will know it for when she kills someone. Victor than says something about her being his accomplice and she says that the girl deserved to die because she left her sickly grandmother. (Didn’t really get what they were saying there)

Reina yells at Rocky for not helping Navier who ran after the sniper by himself. Aren’t you the police? He is just a driver, yes albeit a stunt driver, but that doesn’t qualify him to go after a sniper!! ( I see why she and Connie were BFFs!) Reina continues to yell. Rocky leaves. Reina hugs Connie-they are going to kill him!

Navier catches up to the sniper who tells him that he is an agent! Meanwhile Frank is with Rocky and pulls out a bag of blood from underneath his shirt! He set up the sniper so Reina will think someone is still trying to kill him. If she thinks he is in danger, she won’t tell others that he is still alive!

Victor wants to leave Estfy in the freezer He wouldn’t dare! (He has a freezer full of BODIES!! Don’t think there is a line that he wouldn’t cross!) All the people in the freezer wronged him in some way and he killed them with his own bare hands. They have a diamond mark on their neck-that mark would look great on her, Queen of Diamonds!! Estfy still delusional tells him that he wouldn’t be able to do it-not with all their history and with a daughter between them! She tries to leave and of course the handle comes out. They are stuck!

Connie wanted to get closer to Reina. Who was that man, she asks Reina. Nicolas Nunez! Did she ever meet him? NO but she remembers how in love she was with him. But she doesn’t know anymore what is real or what are lies. Reina doesn’t either. Rocky arrives. The ambulance is here. And Navier? He is safe. She doesn’t understand-she thought they caught the guy who was trying to kill her. This person wasn’t after her but Nikolas!!

Navier yells at Frank about the sniper. He wants to know what is going on!! What’s the plan?? No he likes to take it one step at a time (I swore that he wanted to talk to Navier about being on the same page the night before…WTF?) Navier doesn’t like to work in the dark. If he wants them to work together, he needs to know everything!!

Lazaro picks up Greta from her bed and says he is getting her out of the room. Her life is worth something!!

Susana wakes up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. She is in her bra. She screams when she sees Juancho shirtless. They have small banter while Susana tries to cover herself. She tells Juancho to make her coffee while she takes a shower. Don’t look at me, she screams!


Monday Part 3

Lazaro tells Greta he is going to take her out on a motorcycle ride.

Navier continues bitching about Frank to Rocky. He is not a team player! He wants to do everything himself!! (I had to do a double take with those lines!! I think Navier needs to look in the mirror after today’s episode)Reina then approaches Navier. How is Nikolas Nunez? He is fine. She feels bad over all this. She needs to change her life. She is going back to her husband and her child. She can never see him again. Ok….adios Reina de Corazones! She cries and Connie comforts her!

Back to the meat locker, the door can only open from the outside. Both Estfy and Victor told Lopez and Izzy to leave them alone and there is no cell phone signal inside of the freezer. This was part of his plan, killing both of them. Yes this was part of his plan, Victor sarcastically answers! Esfty then gives her death soliloquy. She doesn’t want to die this way..yada..yada..yada..She doesn’t want to an agonizing death.blah..blah..blah..She wants to choose how and when she dies. She starts begging Victor to kill her, the way he kills people! Victor opens his death bracelet and….goes to the door and is able to open the door! Estfy is on the floor passed out after 5 minutes of cold?!?!?!?! Maybe if she wore more clothes she wouldn’t have this problem!

Connie doesn’t understand who Navier is. Reina acts like this is the love of her life. That's because he is, Reina proclaims! “I don’t think I’ve ever loved anyone like that before!!” But she lost him. Victor and Nicolas-Nicolas is what was and Victor is what should be. But she doesn’t love either one of them. She loves Navier even though he loves Estfy!

Victor takes Estfy out of the freezer and covers her with a blanket. Why did he save her? Because he wants his crown! Well then he shouldn’t have saved her. She is never going to give him the crown!!

Navier enters Smith’s office. “ You authorized Frank’s plan when we all could have been killed?? Yes I have complete faith in him!!” Excuse me?!?!?! But you have a problem with me! I was doing fine! I have a problem because you are mixing your feelings with your work!! You have to be cold! You are like ice!!

Cut to Victor who has now placed Estfy in a guillotine. (Where does one get a guillotine nowadays? And how much would one cost?) Many queens have been decapitated! Like Marie Antoinette! And Anne Boleyn! So will she talk or does he cut her neck? She is going to lose her head because she won’t talk! She has 24 hours!!

Reina and Connie continue to reconnect. It’s like her life has been cut in 2. What a nightmare! It’s like a movie! They begin to reminisce. Reina asks Connie about her life and if she is in love. She is in love! As Connie is about to reveal her boyfriend’s identity Rocky interrupts! She can see Nikolas now!

Izzy is watching Estfy. He sends a love text to Connie as Estfy is still under the guillotine. He can be a millionaire. Is she talking to him? Yes, if he wasn’t so loyal to Victor. He can do whatever he wants, including having the woman he loves. How does she know that he loves someone? He just sent her a text. He can give her anything he wants. Izzy then daydreams of giving Connie a ring. He is in a ridiculous outfit and she of course is talking a lot! He is not the type that can be bought. He is an idiot! Yes but at least he has his head. Something she won’t have soon!

Navier goes to see Victor. He knows who is sleeping with his wife. He needs money and will give him the name if he pays. It’s Nicolas Nunez !!He got out of prison not too long ago and has been seeing his wife at her old house. Navier needs money-he has too many gambling debts. Victor gives him money but also has an offer for him. What is Navier willing to do? Betray? Take risks? Fight? He will do anything for money!


Monday Part 4

Reina is talking to Frank in the hospital. Frank is scared of Navier. He stopped being his friend a long time ago. And he thinks Navier tried to kill him! Reina defends him. No, everything he has done was for him! She can’t believe that he tried to kill him.Not “her Navier”! Her Navier? What do you mean your Navier?

Navier lies and manipulates. He knows when to bare his teeth. She has seen his dragon tattoo? Dragons devoured the gods! Will do whatever for riches. Why does she think Navier is with Estfy? Reina doesn’t know but she does know that she is in love with him!

Greta is strapped onto Lazaro on the motorcycle (That cannot be safe!) Trust me, he says. You will be fine! With me I’ll show you anything is possible. Lazaro takes off. The Putz starts running after them yelling for them!

Instead of Juancho making coffee, he makes Susana breakfast. She gets a call from the Putz who tells her that Laz took off with Greta. Greta is shown happy screaming, “ I’m alive!!”

Navier shakes Victor’s hand as Susana, the Putz and Juancho arrive. Susana introduces Juancho as her secretary. ( Does she have a job? What would he do for her? ) Juancho and Putz get into a fight and Navier breaks it up.

Laz says sweet stuff to Greta.

Reina tells Frank that she is relieved he is alive but she has made a decision. She doesn’t want to see him or Navier. She is going back to the man who is good to her (but disgusts her) and her child. She then gives him her cross and leaves!


Wonderful recap! Thanks Caroline!

What an episode! Poor Estefania. First the hole then the freezer with corpses and now a guillotine. :(

About the slut - Victor told Estefania that she was his accomplice because she had not done a thing to save the slut. Estefania then said the slut deserved to die because she had abandoned her sick grandfather.

Ficolas needs a diamond mark on his neck. He is a nuisance.

I'm glad Reina and Connie are friends again.

I loved the scenes with Juanjo and Susana.

I also enjoyed the motorcycle scenes with Greta and Lazaro.

I was shocked when Navier turned Ficolas over to Victor. I wasn't expecting that at all.

What great work, Caroline! I loved the "WTF is there no traffic?" line and the quip about where to buy a guillotine.

Juanjo and Susana continue to amused. Well Juanjo period amuses me.

I think Izzy has truly fallen for Connie.

Oh I forgot. QTH Laz? You're a health professional. How could you take Greta out on a motorcycle without a helmet? (or on it period?)

Connie - Thank you for the recap! Great job, great snark.

Yay! We got our comedy tonight!

My LOL moments ---
1) Lazaro’s “STAR MAPS HERE” tee shirt
2) ALL the Susana & Juanjo scenes!
3) Victor offering to shower with Reina
4) Handle to Victor’s meat locker door just …. comes off! (they don’t make freezer doors they way the used to!)
5) Greta strapped to Lazaro’s back; neither was wearing a helmet. (Well,if they wipe out, Laz has more to lose that Greta, at this point in time…)
6) Izzy imagining scenes of great wealth with Connie
7) Stefy telling Izzy she knows he is in love because …. He just sent her (Connie) a text! (really Stefy?)

After Susana barfed up her pills & booze and came running out to throw herself on her bed, QTH was up with her taking off her top before flopping onto the bed??? I laughed so hard I scared the dog and my husband came running. Then when she wakes up later & tells Juanjo he can't look at her like that? Lady, you took that top off in front of him!!!

Victor probably found a Pinterst page, internet tutorial, or youtube video on how to build a guillotine.


Awesome, Caroline!

Sara- Well, we know Laz/Alonso (DQTQTQ) has a history of doing questionable things as a medical professional. :) It was so nice to see Greta smiling.

I'm not surprised Navier is pointing the finger at Fico, it might even be part of some agency plan, but did he ever stop to think that Victor might actually hurt Reina now that he has confirmation that she has a lover?

And what's up with Reina saying Victor has been good to her when he has manhandled her, held a gun to her, and threatened to kill her?!

"Well,if they wipe out, Laz has more to lose that Greta, at this point in time…"

So wrong and so funny.

"And what's up with Reina saying Victor has been good to her when he has manhandled her, held a gun to her, and threatened to kill her?!"

Beanie suit.

Sara - you're killing me. I almost spewed coffee. Beanie suit, indeed!

Great recap, Caroline! Wow, what an episode. I loved all the stuff already mentioned.

I laughed out loud when Navier complained to Smeeeth that Fico wasn't a team player and wouldn't tell him what was going on.

I don't think Smeeeth authorized Navier to sell Fico out to Victor. She was listening to the conversation and threw down her earpiece in what looked like disgust when she heard him say that. Navier might be in trouble with Smeeeth again!

I totally love how all the people that Stefi hires and who end up being killed by Victor are bad people and seem to deserve their deaths. First it was the false QofD's and now the hapless lingerie store employee. The writers are definitely trying to make Stefy less evil than Victor.

Reina keeps saying that she is going back to Victor's place but she doesn't do it.

It's totally pointless to ask how Fico and Navier fighting over Reina helps get evidence against Victor or why Victor isn't looking for the other 3 red diamonds instead of trying to get the crown back from Stefi. I'll just tighten my beanie and go with the flow when it is as entertaining as this.

Caroline, I loved your recap. I was just as disinterested as you in the Carmen-Delfina conversation, but it does clear up the identity of one of the Unknown Persons ordering a hit on Reina. It was OBD. Carmen's part in this was selling some of the jewels that her dead hubby gave her to finance the hit.

Regrettably (for them) they lost their investment. OBD said Carmen *could so* go to jail as she is now her accomplice so it is to both of their advantage to keep quiet.


Thanks, Anita. I have a feeling that the jewels were actually left to Reina, not Carmen but she appropriated them and that is another reason that she is afraid of disclosure.

What a fabulous job, Caroline! Thanks!

So much to delight in, but this wry aside really cracked me up:

"( I see why she and Connie were BFFs!)"

Doris, I'm glad you confirmed the "Esmeeth" sighting (or hearing?). I don't care what anyone calls her -- from now on, she's "Esmeeth" to me!

Sara, "Swiss Knife Injecto-Death 3000"?

I had the same thoughts as the rest of you about how dangerous the bike ride was. But I suppose that was the point: Greta was an adrenaline junkie before her accident; danger makes her feel alive. And Laz showed that the same Greta is still there, even if she is a prisoner of her body. If Lázaro had limited her already limited sensory input by forcing her to wear a helmet, I doubt that she would have had such a joyful experience.

It's okay. It's not real. None of it. (And they say that Juan Soler is a perfectly lovely human being.) :)

thanks so much Caroline, what a wonderful recap!

hmm, so did Frank have one of those blood packs that explode, and look like you are shot, but he actually did get shot in the confusion.

not sure why Navier gave NN's name to Victor, that's going to up the game for all of them.

love the scenes with Greta, she does that all so well, what's next, bungee jumping?


Victor is not just a sick puppy, he's a truly demented psycho. He belongs on Criminal Minds, not in Reina. I don't watch Criminal Minds but I can't stop watching Reina.

I LOL too when the handle fell out of the freezer locker. It was a cool move! Getting frisky in below freezing temperatures is nuts.

The guillotine was a little too much, though. I've become inured to beatings because they are so deliciously covered in chocolate sauce (or so I've heard that it shows up best on screen as blood) and the evidence is always completely gone in one or two episodes. Torture is different.

For us list makers, here's one:

Who Wanted Reina Dead (or How Many Attempts on Her Life Have There Been)

Not More than 8 Years Ago – Susana because she was jealous of Victor’s attraction to Reina. She hired some hit men, but never went through with it.

Ditto Years Ago - Cristian for unrequited love. We do not know if he went as far as to harm her although he wanted to murder her in his mind.

2014-1. – Unknown Person at Reina’s wedding to Victor hired the limo that slammed into her. Smeeth & Co. deny responsibility. (Navier later sees a video that shows snipers on the roof.)

2014.2 – Unknown Persons attempted an assassination when Navier was recently hired as her chofer and they were caught in a crossfire between two black SUVs.(Investigation by regular police petered out when the two vehicles were found and the owners of record harmless citizens.)

2014.3 – Unknown Person hired a thug to chloroform and kidnap Reina. He took her to an abandoned warehouse in order to kill her. Her kidnapper says he had orders to kill her but doesn’t know why. There is a shoot-out and she is saved. (Reina is now sure someone is trying to kill her.) How many Carayers think Stefie was behind this one? The Crown bit was sort of obvious.

2014.4 – Unkown Person enters the bathroom where Navier and Reina are making showering. (It was Delfina who has always been jealous and mama gave her a gun that looked like the one in the shooting. Carmen later blamed her for not accomplishing the job).

2014.5 – Assassin hired by Unknown Person to kill Reina at her runway show using the Bouquet of Death 6000. (In last night's episode we learned it was Delfina again.)

2014.5 – Frank Marino aka Fico set up a sniper on the roof across from Reina's bungalow to (pretend?) shoot at Frank for reasons clearly explained by Caroline in her recap. Navier thinks it was crazy because Reina could have been hit. (Apparently there was no shooting, though, just hidden choco-blood.)

Andres has been arrested for the Bouquet of Death 6000 attempt. Does Andres really want Reina dead? She still had information he needed and never got from Paris and subsequently lost her memory.

Does Stefie really want Reina dead, or at least out of the picture? She wants Nicolás all to herself.

Does Victor maybe want Reina dead at some point? His last trophy?

I'm puzzled though, how did OBD's paid killer get ahold of the Bouquet of Death 6000 (the H1N1 fatal virus combination). Did OBD know about Victor's secret lab?


Jean--You are right about the jewels being Reina's. That would make more sense for the two to want to keep that a secret.

Sorry for the miscount, the last one should have been 2014.6, but it was not directed AT Reina. She was just there, no?

Thanks for the recap. Boy, last night was almost too much, jeez louise. I always thought the actors should have been saying "Esmeeth" all along because it's truer for Spanish speakers, I swaer, lol. Anyhoo, back to loonyville aka Las Vegas, really, where do I begin? They better start "esplaining" their plan to me soon or I'm jumping "esheep"(ok that's one too many, sorry) and just read recaps.Reina is too freaking gullible and has zero confidence in herself. Fico is coocoo for cocoa bird and Navier's plan will backfire unless Gabriel Coronel only signed up for 5 episodes,lol.

I am happy Javier turned in fake Nicolas. I found Ficolas declaration to Reina insincere probably because I found Ficolas acting a bit weak. I liked the actor in Marido en Alquiler , but that novela required more natural acting. I can not wait until Javier realizes that he has a child , he is going to going crazy! He is so passionate about Reina that when he discovers their child; he will probably get emotional.

did anyone notice Smith email on her screen. She has a picture of Javier next to Victor. Their has to have been a relationship between Smith and Victor. I want to know who Javier's father might be.

Thanks guys! I realize that I missed a few things but I was so tired and there was so much!


No one who volunteers their time to do a recap should ever apologize, Caroline!! Your recap was great. There is so much going on in this novela that it is virtually impossible to get it all - that's what we're here for!

My beanie must be slipping - I feel logic coming on.

Victor told Stefi that he keeps the bodies of his victims in the deep freeze so that the police couldn't figure out when they were killed. Maybe so but what is distinctive about Victor's victims (Vic's vics?) is not when they were killed but how - the flu virus. Presumably the police would be able to determine that from the frozen bodies, which would link the victims.

If Fico was planning a fake assassination attempt with the bag of blood, etc., why not have the sniper use blanks? Why take the chance of actually hitting somebody with a bullet? And the shooter needs to go back to sniper school. Lesson one for snipers is not to wear anything that might cause a reflection like the one Navier saw.

I like your list Anita but I believe that there are probably people gunning for Reina that we don't even know about. Remember that we don't know what happened in the 8 years that Reina has forgotten. Why did she decide to marry Victor?

Also in my experience, novela writers are not that great about tying up loose ends. When we get the explanation(s), it/they may not cover all of the attempts on Reina from the very beginning of the novela.
But it's a good start that we can refer back to.

Caroline, thanks so much. Terrific recap!

I'm looking forward to a co-recapping day between NovelaMaven and Elna June. I occasionally dip into Elna June's and NM's recaps on the Univisión areas of Caray just to get some belly laughs and to admire the great writing.

Sara, loved your planned purchase of a beanie suit! Yep, the headgear isn't quite enough for this novela.

And Doris, great line! Victor and Estefanía KNOW they're in a telenovela, while Reina and Navier do not.

I know why Lázaro and Greta weren't wearing helmets. Telemundo used up that whole part of the wardrobe budget for narco sicarios on motorcycles pursuing some guy they've been paid to kill. Those hitmen always play it safe and wear helmets.

Sigh! Victor keeps showing the writers' penchant for clichés. Reina tells him she wants to play this slow and get to know each other. Victor solemnly agrees. Victor continues to try to hit on her every time he's in the same room with her.

Terrific recap, Caroline. I loved your "Then Victor pops up! WTF is there no traffic in Vegas!! Geez he got there quick!" I agree. I wonder whether Victor has a convenient secret passage between his house and the warehouse. Or perhaps Telemundo Airlines (the ones who made possible the 10-minute flights between Florida and Morocco in "El Clon") now have intra-city service as well.

I don't know how I missed it, but I didn't realize about the phony assassination attempt and the bag of "blood" until I read your recap.

Doris, I loved your line about Stefi and Victor knowing they're in a telenovela while the other characters do not. Priceless!

Thanks Caroline for your fabulous recap, was laughing throughout! Enjoying ya'lls comments as well :)

Probably my favorite part was Izzy's fantasy, yep must be true love.

Now on t poo today's crazy episode



Haha I meant "today's crazy episode". Ughh not fun typing on a tablet!


Estefy, the talking head, Victor in black...

Señor Wences, anyone???

Yes, folks, there *was* a shot. They replayed the CIA sniper scene at the beginning of Tue's episode. Be back in a few days with more.

Jean--I probably should have edited the title of my list to Attempts against Reina that we know of since the beginning of this novela. Of course there is an 8 year gap.

Something tells me those 13 dead people are in Victor's freezer. Maybe he put rocks or dolls in their coffins. It seems to be popular these days.

Flash!! (Dag Nabitt). I must modify no. 2014.5 (the real one). I just rewatched Mon's episode. While in the bridal shop, Odious Bi**h Delfina and Carmen actually were accusing each other of hiring the hit woman on Reina on the runway. Carmen said it would have been very very expensive, while OBD said and maybe you sold the jewels (and I heard her say) that my father left, to pay for it yourself. [Jean--they still could have been Reina's.]

I now suspect it wasn't either of them, although they act guilty, the two of them, because----where did they get that very special virus, huh?

" Maybe he put rocks or dolls in their coffins. It seems to be popular these days."
LOL! Freezing those bodies means nobody knows they're dead, either. Power failure would have been a bad thing, but that is redundant after last night.

I have a question. Vic handed Reina off to Rocky last night and I don't even remember Vic and Rocky knowing each other. Admittedly I was watching with a migraine. Can anyone elucidate?

PS: Migraine was from work. Certainly not from Reina.

I'll just leave this right here.

Sara- Well Vic learned that Reina was under police protection at the fashion show. I'm guessing he met Rocky, just like he met Smeeth after the fashion show attempt. Juaever. I don't think these writers are concerned with things like continuity.

I don't think the bodies in the freezer are the 13, since those families know their kids died in "accidents." The freezer bodies would be people who just disappeared.

Do the writers and Vic really think he can get rid of the bodies with a fire? Uhm, I still think it will raise the suspicion of the fire investigator when they find the charred remains of many people in a warehouse. And if the bodies are intact enough, there will be no smoke in the lungs, which will prove they were all dead before the fire.

Really, Vivi? Logical thinking? Go get your beanie right now young lady!

Vivi--In case I wasn't specific enough, I meant the bodies in the freezer *include* the 13 involved in Camila's disgrace. Why would all the folks in the video turn up dead, coinkydink? Not likely. Victor has to be behind it. The only one untouched is the person doing the videotaping. And that person *may* be living in his house.

As to the burned out warehouse. Did I catch Isidro splashing the gasoline around? In my opinion, he didn't do a very good job because he didn't go inside the freezer--which is probably what Victor wanted. Ni modo, the place blew up and there will be remains all over the place unless they indeed became cinders.

Tit for Tat, Esmeeth saves Navier and Navier saves Esmeeth. Talk about an unseverable connection. I love to listen to their staccato pitter pat. I think the two of *them* know they are in a telenovela (flowers to Doris for that one), so it's only Reina who doesn't know she's in a tn.


Martes Parte Una

Lazaro brings Greta home from the motorcycle ride. Everybody is there: Susana, Victor, the Putz, Juanjo and Navier. Putz- let go of her Greta- don't I'll fall. Victor tells Lazaro that he is fired [AGAIN] but Greta says that if he fires Laz, she will never forgive him.

Juanjo takes Navier to the kitchen and tells him that he has found out things about Camila. He tells Navier that Camila's suicide was not because Navier rejected her. She was being blackmailed with a video of a party and all the people who were at the party are now dead. Navier says that is a big relief to be free from the weight of guilt for Camila's death that he has carried all these years. Now Camila's death is another mystery he has to solve. Juanjo asks if Navier is ok – Nav replies that, “hace ocho años que estoy bien.” “It's been eight years since I was ok.”

Navier rides his motorcycle through Las Vegas and ends up at headquarters. He gives Esmeeth the check from Victor and suggests that she give it to a charity. Esmeeth tells Navier that he did a good job. Navier is surprised at her praise. He says that this is the first time he has ever done anything that she thought was good. Esmeeth says no. Most of what he does is good but not to take that as a compliment. Everything he does should be good. Navier says that he supposes that everything Fico does is good – he's the star. He understands that Fico's plan is to get Victor and those behind him to go after him and learn his secrets that way. He thinks that Fico is underestimating Victor. But he is out of it because he is working for Victor. Smith tells him that he did well. She is happy that he is a submissive little lamb (corderito) following orders. She tells to leave and run around meowing like a kitten (gatito). Navier replies that he is not obedient and he is far from being a kitten. He leaves. Smith says to herself that Navier is totally a dragon.

Greta pleads with Victor and Susan not to fire Laz. He has given her the only pleasure she's had since the accident. Victor relents.

Back at the guillotine countdown to death, [nothing like dragging this out – why not give her 10 minutes to decide?] Stefi tries to ingratiate herself with Izzy by helping him do a crossword puzzle. [I have to say that Catherine Siachoque does a great job of acting in a very unusual position.] Victor checks in. He tells Izzy that Navier had told him Nicolás Nuñes is not dead. He points out that Izzy falsely assured him that NN was dead. We can see that Stefi is surprised to hear this but she denies knowing anything about it when Victor asks her if she knew NN was alive.

Reina is in church. Navier comes in makes phone call to Vic reporting where Reina is and that she hasn't met with NN. [So Navier's job for Victor is to follow Reina and report on her activities? Victor doesn't have any goons that she doesn't know to do this?]

Stefi tell Izzy that she is having chest pains.

Navier ducks in the priests' side of a confessional. Reina comes in to confess about what she feels for the man she loves and she doesn't know that he is right there! What irony. She tells false-priest Navier that she feels a pain she can't describe. The man she loves is not who she thought he was. She has sinned by loving a man who isn't her husband. And it's not just any guy – he's the best friend of the guy she did such terrible harm to. She says that she is a bad person and deserves what happens to her. She can't help it. She loves this bad guy even though he is only interested in money, is shacked up with a rich older woman and betrayed his best friend.

Nav can't stand this anymore. He jumps out of the confessional and tells Reina that he may not be the best person but he has never lied about his love for her, he has never faked anything he did with her – everything was real so great is his love for her.


Martes Parte Dos

Victor comes into the church. He doesn't see Reina or Navier because they are hidden by the confessional. He calls Navier on the phone. Reina goes out to him. He tells her that he knows her secret –that she has a lover - but he will forgive her if she swears before God that she will be his. Reina says, ok I swear that I will be yours tonight. Vic says that he believes she will do what she swears and once she is with him, she won't be with anyone else. He kisses her while Navier watches from behind the confessional and suffers. Reina gets in Victor's car.

Stefi continues to fake having heart attack and she has Izzy worried.

Vic kisses Reina in the car but is interrupted by a call from Izzy about Stefi. Victor asks if she is breathing or has a pulse. Izzy is not very good on reporting on Stefi's vital signs. Victor tells Izzy that if Stefi dies, he'll kill him. Vic tells Reina to get out of the car. He tells Rocky who is just hanging around there to take Reina to Carmen's house to get her stuff and then bring her to his place and not let her leave.

Poor Andrés is still being questioned. Esmeeth says that they want a name. He says that he doesn't know anything. Unfortunately, Navier isn't there to read his body language and tell them that he is telling the truth. Andrés spits in Smith's face and swears that he doesn't know anything.

Izzy unties Stefi. She attacks him and gets him in a neck lock with her legs. Stalemate.

Reina goes to Carmen's house. Navier is there of course. Reina tells him that she already knows that he is following her and reporting to Victor for money. She asks if he told Victor that he was the one she is boinking. Honesty has its downside. Navier has to tell her that he didn't tell Victor the truth about Reina and him and in fact, he told Victor that NN was Reina's lover. Reina is, understandably, furious. She says that she hates him. He is garbage, no, he is the bacteria that eats garbage. Navier weakly responds that one day she will understand things. He says that he never asks for anything or much less begs for anything but he is begging her not to go back to her husband and not to sleep with him.

At this moment, Navier's phone rings. Reina tells him to answer it. It might be the master who bought him giving him orders. Navier replies childishly that no one can buy him because they couldn't afford the price. The call is from López 2.0. He can't find Stefi. She doesn't answer her phone. Nav is on it. He tells Reina that there is an emergency. Reina replies that there are a lot of emergencies today. Victor got a call about someone dying.

Vic walks in on the stalemate between Izzy and Stefi on the guillotine table.

Susana tells Juanjo that to the world he will be her secretary helping with her charitable work but really he will be investigating Camila's suicide. JJ replies that he is happy to do that not for the money but to clear the name of his friend NN who was accused of being the cause of Camila's suicide.

Navier has somehow found out that the last place Stefi went was the warehouse with the body freezer. [If López knew this, why didn't he go there himself or why wasn't he protecting Stefi when she was there?] Navier puts on a hood and goes into the warehouse.

Stefi’s neck is back under the guillotine. Vic says this has cost her 1 hour. He tells her that she is about to lose her head for a crown.

Reina is back at Victor’s house. She has an affectionate reunion with Clarita. She thanks Rocky for guarding her and tells him that he can leave. Asunción asks why Reina came back. She is in danger. They are going to kill her.


Martes Parte Tres

Stefi tells Victor that the Black Falcon gang stole the crown from a museum 20 years ago. Victor replies that the BF gang specialized in jewel and art thefts and stole more than 100 million Euros worth of stuff. Stef asks how Victor got the crown – was it him or his dad? Victor does not want to hear anything from Stefi about his dad. He says that it cost him a lot to get the crown and to lose it to her. Since she is going to die anyway, Stefi asks for more details on how Vic got the crown. Vic replies that a magician never reveals his secrets. Stefi says that she has been obsessed with the crown since she became the Queen of Diamonds. Victor replies that obsessions can lead to losing heads.

Navier finds the body storage place. Another hooded guy attacks him and a second, shortly revealed to be Izzy, knocks him out. Bad hooded guy #1 is splashing gasoline around the place. Izzy wants to take off Nav’s hood and find out who he is but they hear a noise or something. Izzy sets the place on fire and leaves. Navier comes to and is surrounded by fire, he takes of his shirt [DRINK] and uses it as a mask against the smoke.

Reina tells Asunción that she can’t run her whole life. Asunción says that she can’t die – she should take her daughter and save herself. Clarita comes back in and has written another dragon story – a sad one this time.

Intercut with scenes of Navier trying to escape from the fire and then the ceiling [just one beam actually] falling on him, Clarita tells Reina the story. A dragon loves a queen but their love is impossible because when he kisses her, he is burned. He is trapped by the fire of love.

Time’s up on the guillotine watch. Victor says that it is too bad that Stefi won’t see her daughter again. The guillotine blade starts to fall… Stefi sees Greta’s face … and says that she will give the crown to Victor.

Greta tells Lazaro that she is happy. She closes her eyes to relive the sensation of the wind on her face, etc. He made her dream a reality.

Esmeeth arrives at the scene of the fire. She goes inside to try and save Navier. Her driver just stays in the car. Esmeeth finds Navier pinned down by a fallen beam. She can’t move it. She is overcome by the smoke.

Vic tell Stefi that she has learned a lesson not to mess in his business. Stefi replies that she didn’t think he was capable of killing her. Vic says that he will kill anyone.

Susanna asks Laz if he knew NN since he and Juanjo were friends. Laz lies and says that he didn’t know NN. The other nurse appears to be listening to this.

Clara tells Reina that in her story the dragon loved the Queen so much that he dies when he is trapped in his own fire. How sad for both of them, says Reina. [Not that it makes the slightest difference but dragons are usually associated with fire. They breathe fire so that it wouldn’t make sense for a dragon to die in a fire but that doesn’t work with our story.]

Esmeeth can't lift the beam that has trapped Navier but she won’t leave him. Fico arrives at the scene. He won't go in to try and save them. There is an explosion.

Greta tells Susana that NN was not Camila’s boyfriend – he was only only a “capricho,” an amusement. Susanna tells Greta that she can’t live without knowing why Greta died. Greta replies that if she knew, she might not be able to live either.

Stefi tells Victor that the crown is at her house in a vault. She wants to go with him to fetch it but Victor insists on getting the combination from her and going alone. Stefi is afraid that he will steal her other diamonds but Victor says that he is a man of honor [!] and wouldn’t do that. Stefi tells him the combination. Victor gets a call from Izzy about the intruder at the body storage facility.

Reina tells Clarita [this kid might need psychological help] that she has the power to make a happy ending for her story so that the dragon lives.


Martes Parte Cuatro

Cut to Esmeeth and Navier unconscious outside the warehouse. Navier wakes up and flashes back to Esmeeth being able to get the beam off him [we know that mothers can do amazing feats of strength to save their children]. Esmeeth is not responding. Navier starts to give her CPR. The other agents find them.

Cut to headquarters. Navier, who was in the fire much longer than Esmeeth and was pinned down by a girder only has a little smudge on his face. Navier yells at Rocky for leaving Reina. Fico comes in and accuses Navier of almost killing Esmeeth. Navier accuses Fico of telling lies to Reina. Fico asks Navier what hurts him more - that he lied or that he sleeps with Reina?

Esmeeth comes in on stretcher. She is happy that Navier didn't die. He tells her that he was at the warehouse because that was the last place that Lópes knew that Stefi had been. He hopes that she will be her old bitchy self soon. She says that she knew he wouldn't die in the fire because he is the dragon. Nav gets his cross back from Fico.

ODB comes in to see Reina. Reina figures out that they aren’t good buddies. She tells Reina that she is Vic's lover. [Is this ammunition for Reina to use against having sex with Vic?]

Vic comes to Stefi's house to get the crown. Navier shows up there. López 2.0 is nervous. He finally tells Navier that Vic is in Stefi’s room. Vic has gotten into the vault. He puts crown in a box and starts to leave. Navier knocks him out.


Jean - thank you for the recap! I haven't had time to read it (we are going out of town in 20 min. and I will have RdC withdrawals.....waaaah!)

Anita - I really don't think the 13 party victims were in that warehouse. Juanjo learned their deaths were ruled accidents, so the authorities had the bodies.

Quick thoughts after watching last night (and before reading the recap, which will happen later today)---

Stefy used her skillz learned from watching GoldenEye to take down Izzy.

The guy who set the fire looked like Izzy but I reeeally do not think it was him. Wasn't he at the branch location, with Stefy & the guillotine?

Poor Navier! Does this poor man ever get a chance to rest? sleep? eat a meal? It's one thing right after another; it's always something! Are we sure he's not Jack Bauer, speaking espanish?


Victor usually doesn't tolerate mistakes made by his employees but Izzy screwed up a lot lately.

In the previous capitulo, Victor told Izzy to keep Connie and Reina from getting together but he didn't.

Last night:

1. he told Victor that NN was dead when he wasn't;

2. he fell for Stefi's heart attack ploy and nearly let her overpower him;

3. he didn't identify who was at the body place; and

4. he didn't succeed in killing Naiver at the body place.

Wonderful recap, Jean! Loved the combination of detail and snark. Perhaps because I like doing crossword puzzles, the scene with Stefi helping Izzy while under the guillotine was my favorite. I laughed so loud my husband (in another room) wanted to know what was so funny. I tried to explain, but he looked at me as if I were totalmente loca.

I too found it strange that Victor would hire Navier to follow Reina around, since she obviously knows him. Oh well...I guess that's less strange than most of the other things Victor does.

I realize that realism is just about unknown in this novela, but I was nonetheless surprised when Reina enters the confessional and starts right in with her litany of guilt and despair rather than "Bless me, father, for I have sinned. It's been 150 years since my last confession." (I'm not Catholic, and everything I know about Catholic practices comes from books and films.)

What's the deal with Rocky? I thought he worked for/with Esmeeth, so why is Victor telling him what to do? And what was he doing there (at the church) anyway?
He seems to pop up everywhere.

I enjoyed your "not that it makes the slightest difference" remark about dragons.

So Greta apparently knows everything about Camila's death but has never said anything to anyone? I have a feeling Lazaro may eventually learn a lot.

I too was struck by how little evidence there was of what Navier went through in the fire, and esp. compared to Esmeeth.

BTW, part 3 of your recap appears twice. It was just as good the second time, but.... :-)

Doris, you're right. It seems the only thing Navier must make time for is body building.

Excellent, Jean!

So many hilarious (intentional?) last night. I could not stop laughing when Navier shunned his mask and his jacket, and instead stripped do to a naked torso so he could use his tshirt as a mask. LOL!

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I THINK that Rocky was identified as a police guard for Reina after the fashion show attempt on her life so Victor knew about him. Rocky does always seems to be hanging around where Reina is.

When Victor called Navier in the Church, he said that the police were outside. I assume that he was referring to Rocky.

Ooops, that should be OBD (Odious B*tch Delfina) in Part 4 of my recap not ODB.

thanks so much Jean,
terrific recap!

hmm, I would think in a fire everything would burn except what was in the freezer.

So Rocky is watching Reina for Smith and Navier is watching Reina for Vic.
and I guess since Rocky is just hanging around, he might as well do what Victor tells him to do.

odd that JJ revealed to Susana that his friend is NN.

hmm, dragon stories, I took it as the dragon was being consumed by a fire of his own making.

cracked me up when Fico arrives at the fire and crawls in the car with the other guy that is also not doing anything, and later Navier seems to have survived the fire but Fico is still nursing his wounded arm, and wearing Navier's cross.

touching scenes between Nicolas and Smith.


Thanks so much, Jean. I loved your recap, especially the part where your desire for logic creeps in from time to time!

I love the fact that everyone in telenovelas always answers their cell phone, no matter what else is going on. Victor is busy trying to get busy with Reina, smooching on her in the car, but he doesn't let Izzy's call go to voice mail.

Yep, only a mother would run into a burning building.

Coronel (Fico) is doing a good job of making us hate him. I think this is his first (quasi) villain role. When he's in the car with the other agent and sees the building on fire with Esmeeth and Navier inside, he's all "Oh, well."

OK, one way we can tell that Fico's REAL mission here is getting even with Navier is that he lies to him and tells him he's already sleeping with Reina.

I also loved the crossword puzzle scene. It just cracked me up. Izzy was totally serious about getting Stefy's help with what he'd brought along to kill some time while waiting for her head to be chopped off (or not).

Yes, I think OBD's revelation that she's having sex with Victor will sour his plan to hazla suyo. He was completely disgusting, practically licking his chops at the prospect of jumping her bones.

Thanks, Novelera. I wasn't sure if Fico was actually saying that he had slept with Reina. He's only been on the scene for like 1 day, right? Reina has said over and over that she is only in love with Navier and she has said at least once that even though Fico is supposed to be her lost love, she doesn't feel anything for him. If Navier believes that Reina slept with Fico, I'm going to be very annoyed at the telenovela convention that has the hero believe in all lies by obviously malintentioned people.

Add me to the list of people who enjoyed the crossword puzzle scene. That was another LOL moment.

Withdrawals have begun. I will rely on our dedicated recappers and caraymates' commentary for my daily fix. Thank you, recappers!

Jean- Sounded to me like Fico told Navier he (Fico) has slept with Reina. This guy has got to go. He is annoying me already.

Jean, there is so much to love about your recap.

There's this line:

"Unfortunately, Navier isn't there to read his body language and tell them that he is telling the truth."

And then there's your concern for Clarita...
"[this kid might need psychological help]"

and all the little details I missed or misunderstood (like the fact that Navier was handing his salary check from Victor to Esmeeth went right over my head!)

And yes, I agree with Novelera -- it's always fun to see your fine, logical mind showing up, here and there with a "Just a darn minute!" moment when things get a little too silly.

The Victor/Estefanía scenes just crack me up. They are dangerous, sexy and funny as hell.

By the way, Jean, Isidro failed Victor early on in the story when he failed to thwart Javier's intrusion on the mansion's grounds and Javier was able to plant cameras all around the house. I think Isidro is just kind of a screw-up, but for some reason, Victor lets him keep his head.

Jean-Thanks for the recap. My cable FROZE last night and then my box shut itself off and rebooted so I didn't get to see the last few minutes. I wish I had gotten to see OBD confess to sleeping with Vic. (I guess I can go watch it on the app....)

She attacks him and gets him in a neck lock with her legs. Stalemate.

This just had me howling for some reason.

Thanks also for clearing up the Rocky/Vic thing. Rocky does seem to pop up everywhere, doesn't he?

If Juanjo is going to be a secretary, can he get a fashion makeover?


Oooops. Forgot.

Interesting variation on the llamas...digo...LLAMADA de la sangre theme.


Llamas - Llamada - Good one!!

Whelp, my beanie just flew off my head and went out the window. Where the beanie suit when I need it...Nia

Yup. It was beanie intensive capitulo. Look for the recap tomorrow morning Eastern time.

I have two questions. The first one is for Jean:

1. Have we had an episode that was NOT beanie-intensive? If so, I must have missed it!
[NM furtively googles 'full body beanies'... must be prepared by next week, must be ready...]

2. This is a question for Sara and Doris: Can you please explain the llamas llamada joke? Feel free to use apples. Thank you.


Is the actor playing Rocky just sleepwalking through this whole tn? Seriously, what's the point of this character? Might as well have an anonymous rent a cop play the role. The actor looks bored out of his skull and hardly has lines. He's not having fun like half these actors, nor taking it seriously like the other half.

Llamas=flames ¿captas?

Vivi in DC - Rocky is phoning it in, too. Probably ticked off cuz he doesn't have a dragon tat. But he had fun in the cars karaoke video !

NM- Llamada de la Sangre ....... from FELS?

Oops, I keep forgetting to share that every time I see the name Rocky Balboa, Sylvester Stallone and that theme music run thru my head.

I think my llamas-llamada joke may have fallen flat.

I was thinking along the lines that usually we get a "llamada" two people see each other and there's an instant connection/bond. With Navier and Clarita he doesn't seem to have that protective attitude that accompanies most llamadas, but Clarita seemed to have psychic/predict the future attitude about her dragon daddy being in danger from "llamas" flames.

It worked in my head.

Rocky is one of those characters of convenience that is used only when needed with not real part of the plot. Maybe the actor knows it and is pithed?

Did I hear right? Was Victor left at the doorstep in a garbage bag?


Miércoles – Parte Una

As we saw from the end of Tuesday's capitulo, Navier knocks Victor out from behind. [Victor was coming out of the vault with the diamonds but as will be made clear later Navier doesn't see the vault]. Victor's phone rings Navier answers. We hear Stefi screaming in the background. The guard (not Izzy) says that he can't stand any more of this. Navier tells him to let Stefi go. Navier finds the crown. López 2.0 finally shows up and Navier tells him to get Vic out of there. He will tell him what to do with him.

Lázaro, Connie and JuanJo are at home. Laz and JJ talk about the attractions of the women they are working for. Connie comes in and asks if she got a call. Nope, say Laz and JJ. Were you expecting one? Connie says no. There's a knock on the door – it's Susana. She needs JJ for a business matter. Susana assumes that Connie is JJ's novio. They set her straight on that.

Stefi is back at home. She wants to relax. Yolanda is trying to tell her something but Stefi doesn't want to listen. She says that she had a horrible day in which she almost lost her head – literally. Yolanda leaves to get Stefi another drink and Nav appears. “I was waiting for you,” he says, “with your crown,” and he puts it on her head.

Reina are Clarita are having a nice mother daughter moment. Greta is wheeled in and makes a nasty comment. Reina calmly asks what she ever did to make Greta treat her this way? Before Greta can answer, OBD runs in and says that Vic was just dumped in front of the house in a bag of garbage.

Stefi asks where Nav got the crown. He asks why she is so nervous. He asks, was this her ransom and now the kidnapper doesn't have it? Does she think she has lost control of the situation because she doesn't know where he got the crown? or is it that she suspects that he is on the point of discovering all her secrets?

Vic is brought into the house. Reina takes charge.

Stefi tells Navier that Victor made an appointment with her concerning Greta, then he drugged her and when she woke up she had been kidnapped. He threatened to kill her if she didn't give him the crown. If Navier has the crown, Victor will come back and kill her. She is afraid and leans in for some manly comfort from Navier.

Victor wakes up in his bed. He asks how he got there. Reina tells him what happened. Vic wants his phone, which Navier took. He demands a phone. He needs to call Izzy. Reina: “we're all worried about you and all you want is a phone? Who hit you?” Vic replies that whoever hit him has dug his own grave. That person will beg him for his life and he won't take pity on him.

Navier tells Stefi that he will protect her but she has to tell him everything she knows about Victor and the crown so he has cards to play in this game. Stefi asks Navier how he got the crown? Navier tells her that he hit Vic but Vic didn't see him. He dumped the unconscious Victor in front of his house. He tells Stefi that Vic is dangerous [like she doesn't know that!]. Victor was capable of having him shot and sent to jail.

Navier asks Stefi if the crown is hers. Are the stones real? She tells him that the stones are the finest diamonds and that the value of the crown is incalculable. The crown belonged to the Queen of Hungary and was stolen from a museum 20 years ago.

Esmeeth is still in the CIA hospital. Apparently, she just has to lie there without even a magazine to pass the time.] She orders Fico to interrogate Andrés about the bodies that Navier found, diamonds and the disappearance of Stefi. Fico clearly indicates that he doesn't want to it. Too bad, says Esmeeth. Fico tells her that he thinks that there is something personal going on with her and diamonds.

Victor is finally alone with a phone. He calls Izzy. He wants to know where Stefi is. Izzy tells him that Victor ordered her released. Victor tells Izzy that he fell into her trap and now she's home with the crown.


Miércoles – Parte Dos

Stefi is taking a bath with Navier in attendance. She tells Navier that her husband to be gave her the crown when they got engaged. Later she found out that it had been stolen. She doesn't know who stole it except that the robbery was committed by the Black Falcon gang. Her husband told her to guard the crown with her life and not tell anyone about it. Navier is the only one she has told. “Victor knows about it,” says Navier. Stefi replies that she doesn't know how Victor found out about it.

She tells Navier that she was so amazed and happy when she was given the crown. She had never received so much as a gold chain from anyone before. She says that her husband was fascinated by diamonds and trafficked in them but she didn't have anything to do with that. She only has the crown and the doll with the diamond eyes. That is the truth, she tells Navier. [Of course, that's only part of the truth. Will master body-language reader Navier detect the lies – maybe it's harder if your subject is in a bubble bath instead of an interrogation room. Stay tuned.]

Victor tells his family that what happened to him was only a robbery and he is fine. Izzy shows up. He is still on the previous assignment. He tells Victor that Nicolás Nuñez is alive. There was an error in the reporting of his death. He shows Vic a picture of NN/Fico.

Poor Andrés is brought in for another interrogation. Navier and Rocky are watching from behind the one-way mirror. Fico comes in and introduces himself. Andres flashed back to sitting in his car in an alley watching another car where Fico, in a ridiculous false beard and knit hat, is given a briefcase of diamonds and then kills the person who brought them to him. Terrified, Andrés starts up his car and drives away. Fico sees him.

You don't have to have Navier's amazing skills in body language to see that Andrés is really nervous. Navier also sees that Marino is nervous. He tells Rocky that something is going on.

Reina is getting ready for bed and throwing the ten thousand pillows on the bed onto the floor. Victor comes in in his dressing gown. It’s show time. Reina asks how Victor is feeling and he says his headache will be a lot better with kisses and nookie. He reminds her of her promise and he is here to have her fulfill it. Reina tells him not to touch her. She plays the OBD card. Does he deny that she keeps his bed warm? Victor doesn’t deny it but he says that OBD does for him what NN does for her and he has forgiven her for that. So that ploy doesn’t work.

Navier tells Rocky that Andrés behaved differently than in his previous interrogations. They have to find out what is going on. Rocky asks him about Stefi’s kidnapping, etc. Navier replies that she told him a story. He doesn’t know if it was a lie. It seemed true. She told him that her dead husband was a trafficker in diamonds. He says that he already knew about the provenance of the crown so that part was true and they did find the doll with the diamond eyes so that was true, too. He tells Rocky that either the story was true or Stefi is as psychopath.

Cut to Stefi boasting to López 2.0 about what a fantastic job she did lying to Navier. She knows that the stakes in the game with Victor have been upped but she can deal with that.

Reina tells Victor that NN is not her lover [conveniently not mentioning her real lover]. She mentions her past history with NN but Victor isn’t interested in the past, only the present where she promised to give herself to him. He is fed up with delays and wants her to be his woman tonight. Reina says that she is fed up, too. She is fed up with trying to avoid him, fed up with trying to make him understand that she doesn’t remember him. Her body rejects him but if it is her wifely duty to submit, she will and she strips to her underwear.


Miércoles – Parte Tres

Navier comes into Andrés’ cell. Andrés recognizes him as Stefi’s lover. Navier says that he also an agent and he wants to help Andrés. Andrés doesn’t believe him. He accuses Navier of sending that killer and diamond trafficker to interrogate him. Navier is surprised.

Victor starts kissing Reina, etc but then pushes her away and says that he isn’t a rapist. He says that one day she will come begging to him but until that day he expects her to play the perfect, selfless wife. The wife he always wanted by his side. If Reina refuses, he will take her daughter and put Reina in a clinic.

Navier asks Andrés what he is talking about. He tells Andrés that he can trust him. Andrés looks out the door window [what about the cameras?]. He tells Navier that he was doing some diamond trafficking to get money and he saw Fico kill a guy. He gets weepy. He wanted to be like his dad and have Stefi, too.

Victor’s conversation with Reina is interrupted when Greta starts calling hysterically for help. She wants Lázaro. Super-efficient Reina gets her breathing under control and calms her down.

Laz tells Connie that it is hard to see a young woman like Greta in this condition. It’s so sad. His nursing course didn’t prepare for things like this. Connie tells him that she wants him to spy on what is going on at Victor’s house for her. Laz gets the call about Greta’s panic attack.

Susanna tell Juanjo that she is going to pay $50 grand for info on who shot the video of Camila. She wants him to go with her. He agrees but insists on driving her car because he is a guy.

Navier tells Rocky that he has investigated and found out that Fico was not assigned to any diamond trafficking cases and was supposed to have been in Libya or Lebanon at the time Andrés saw the killing. He won't tell Smith about this until she is better and no one is to have access to Andrés. Too late - an agent comes in and tells them that Andrés is dead.

JJ and Susana have arrived at a sleazy bar with women pole dancers and available guys, too. This is where she has been instructed to bring the money. In her rich lady clothes complete with a string of pearls and nicely coiffed hair, she does not fit in. In a very funny scene, Susana and JJ sit at a table and Susana orders herbal tea. JJ laughs. He tells her that she doesn't belong in this place where no one has ever ordered herbal tea. Susana takes off her jacket to reveal a low-cut, sleeveless dress, lets her hair down and chugs a couple of tequilas.

Greta tells Laz that she was afraid after what happened to her dad. He gets her to breathe more calmly. She tells him that the only moment she wanted to live was when he took her out on the motorcycle.

A guy comes for Susana. JJ can’t go with her.


Miércoles – Parte Cuatro

Navier wants an autopsy done on Andrés. He is sure that Fico killed him. He is worried about Reina being so close to Victor. What if he is the assassin they are looking for?

JJ is about to attack the giant bouncer when Susana comes out of the back room of the bar and says that she will get a call in an hour saying who filmed the video. JJ is sure that she has been scammed. He wants to try and get the money back but Susana prevents him. She wants him to stay with her until the end of this game.

Reina drops Clara off at school. When she gets back in her car, Fico pops up from the back seat. He tells her that he can’t live without her and she can’t live without him. She reiterates her lack of feelings for him. He declares his love for her while Navier tells a disbelieving Smith that Fico is a traitor. Reina agrees to go somewhere to talk to Fico. Navier tells Smith that she will be sorry that she didn’t believe and he only hopes it isn’t too late.

Stefi comes to see Andrés’ body. She asks Rocky why they are doing an autopsy. Wasn’t it just a heart attack? Rocky replies that an autopsy is normal procedure in these cases. He leaves her alone to say goodbye. Stefi tells the corpse that he never wanted or needed her but she tried to be his friend and associate. He never realized they were on the same side – they both loved his dad. She says that his dad is waiting for him with a glass of whisky, wishes him a good journey, kisses him on lips and leaves.

Next morning – Susana has not gotten any call. She says that JJ was right all along – she has been scammed. Then she gets a text message on her phone saying that Christián is the guy who took the video. She is impactada.

Christián is with Victor. Navier is listening. The maid’s clumsiness causes them to find one of the bugs. Victor says that he will kill the person listening. [Wait until Victor finds out that Navier is all of the people to whom he has been promising retribution: Reina’s lover and NN, the person who got Stefi released, the person who took the crown from him, the person who bugged his house and there are probably others I have forgotten.]

Navier gets a text from Fico – I will make love to your Reina. Fico has taken Reina to some place with a bed. He wants her to go away with him. When she says no and wants to leave, he tries to rape her and she hits him over the head with a vase.

Navier has hacked into Esmeeth’s computer to try and find out Fico’s location from his chip. Reina thinks she killed Fico. She leaves the room and gets in an elevator with a polite English speaker. When the elevator gets to the ground floor, she doesn’t get off. Navier gets on. Reina tells him, “Lo maté a Nicolás Nuñez.” “I killed NN.” Navier replies that she didn’t kill NN because he is NN.


Thanks Jean for the recaps!

What an exicting episode last night!

I did hear right - Victor was left on the doorstep in a garbage bag. LOL

RIP Andres. I'm going to miss him. I knew he was a goner when he revelaed to Navier that Fico was a diamond trafficker and murderer. I loved how Estefania was able to say goodbye to him. It was a touching farewell.

So Christian did make the video. I can't wait until Susana cofronts him.

So is Fico really dead? I doubt it but anything is possible with this novela.


Thanks, Mauricio.

I agree about missing Andres. He was kind of endearing but he was clearly a short timer. What is Miriam going to do when she gets out of rehab?

They didn't show how the two cars were placed in the alley so that Andres was able to see that it was Fico who shot the guy. I could barely recognize him in that silly beard and hat.

I will go on record saying that I am sure that Fico is not dead. The only way he would be dead is if Navier was going to be accused of killing him and have to go to prison but we've already had Navier in prison so I don't think we're going there but as you say, who knows with this novela.

Mauricio- we know that Susana has been told that Christian made the video. We don't know if that is true. It sounds plausible since he is a scumbag and was getting it on with Camila but who knows with this novela.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Sara's point is interesting. There has not been any "call of the blood" between Navier and Clara so far. They haven't been together much, though.

This is the third novela in which I have seen the actor who plays Rocky. He has always been kind of wooden but I think that it works for his character - a mechanism for Navier to tell us stuff.

Here are just a few of the reasons why I love reading Jean's recaps:

Esmeeth is still in the CIA hospital. [Apparently, she just has to lie there without even a magazine to pass the time.]

That is the truth, she tells Navier. [Of course, that's only part of the truth. Will master body-language reader Navier detect the lies – maybe it's harder if your subject is in a bubble bath instead of an interrogation room. Stay tuned.]

[Victor] says his headache will be a lot better with kisses and nookie.

[Wait until Victor finds out that Navier is all of the people to whom he has been promising retribution

Yes, Mauricio, the great Victor de Rosas, dumped unceremoniously on his doorstep in a garbage bag!

Jean, I agree about the actor playing Rocky. His persona was also 'wooden' in Santa Diabla and Más Sabe el Diablo. I like him as Rocky.

Sara, I get it -- you were doing a little free association! Llamas --> llamado de la sangre!

Doris, Oh yes, I remember all those llamados from novelas past.

word nerd note: Llamada means 'call' as in phone call. Llamado (ending in -o) is almost always used in the phrase "llamado de la sangre."

In fact, when I googled "Llamada de la sangre," I was directed to a book called in its original English title "Drawing Blood." They translated into Spanish as "La Llamada de la Sangre."

Of course we do have Drawing the Dragon here, but that would have to be "Dibujando del Dragón"!


wow, terrific recap Jean!

ok, so now Stefi has the crown and Victor has the red diamond.

interesting how this story revolves around Las Vegas, a high stakes poker game perhaps, what is each player holding, and how good are they a reading the others 'tells', and Navier is very good at this.

[I've also noticed that the scenes of Las Vegas, like when they are driving around, show no characters, so they must be filming this in Florida]

I'll miss Andre, I was half expecting him to jump up when Stefi kissed him.

Catherine Siachoque (Stefi) is so good on so many different levels, she is just fascinating to watch.

funny, Victor tells Delfina, Isidro is here, this means you are not, and earlier Victor says he wants to be alone and Reina reminds Delfina, this means you, bumped again, she's not having any luck getting close to Victor, as well as Victor getting close to Reina.

"Reina is getting ready for bed and throwing the ten thousand pillows on the bed onto the floor" Ha.

Ezequiel Montalt (Rocky) plays the saxophone (for real) if this helps with his character, he also did a short piece in "La Reina del Sur", and bit parts in a couple of other Telemundo novelas.

"Dibujando del Dragón" haha NovelaMaven!


Jean - thank you for the recap! Sounds like an exciting episode. I can't believe Andres has been killed off so soon.

NM - Clarita definitely has The Call Of The Dragon. Navier is too busy fighting evildoers to even hear it, much less take any such calls. Bless his heart.

Christian wanted Susana to forget the video, so he either made it or is in cahoots with whoever filmed it. ( The Putz?) They both get real nervous about that video and know the extent of Victor's wrath.


"...interesting how this story revolves around Las Vegas, a high stakes poker game perhaps, what is each player holding, and how good are they a reading the others 'tells', and Navier is very good at this."

Well said, deb. Spot on. And others are only playing the slots. No skill involved, just luck and willingness to play.

Btw, yes, this is filmed in Florida. At the end credits something appears about that.

The death of Andrés opens the door to a whole new set of complications: I bet his heir is a doozy! Maybe she'll be a competing queen.

Clarita's story about the amor imposible between the dragon and the queen was quite wonderful and also unintentionally very funny.

The Dragon (Navier) BURNS the queen every time he kisses her. (This is kind of the whole story in parable form.)

Still, that's some DRAGONBREATH Navier has!

I was half expecting Andrés to jump up when Stefi kissed him.

Ha! I thought the same thing. Loved your whole comment, by the way!


Jean - Miriam will most likely become a nuisance and get in between Greta and Lazaro.

NovelaMaven - Thanks. It is such a shame they didn't actually show Victor in the garbage bag. Now that would be hilarous if they had.

Deb and NovelaMaven - I too half expected for Andres to jump up when Estefania kissed him.

It's so interesting how the writers keep Juan Soler both impossibly evil and yet strangely likeable:

He murders people gleefully right before our eyes, but they are people we don't care about.

"I"m not a rapist" he tells Reina. If he had kept going, he would have lost many of us right there. (a similar situation provoked a firestorm of outrage on Lo que la vida me Robo).

He fires Lazaro, but then yields to Greta's pleas and keeps him on.

And of course he treats the OBD like dirt.

Jean, you outdid yourself with this one. NovelaMaven has already quoted the best bits. I especially liked the one about harder to read body language in a bubble bath.

I also liked the one where Victor shows up in the bedroom with Reina and Jean writes: It's show time.

It's fascinating how nuanced Estefanía's character is. She had many battles with Andrés, but shows up to bid him a fond farewell on the CIA slab. Her feelings for Greta are well acted.

For a minute there I thought they were actually going with Victor's feelings being hurt when Reina told him she didn't remember him, her skin didn't want him and her body rejected him. But, no. He decided to go ahead and try it on anyway, eyes lighting up at the sight of her in her sexy undies. [By the way, ladies, how many of you dress for bed in 1) sexy undies 2) sexy nightie and 3) silk bathrobe?]

NovelaMaven, we love it that Victor treats OBD like dirt, don't we?

NovelaMaven, Andrés has an heir? Did I miss something?

Marvelous Recap, Jean! Thank you! I took a break from lesson plans and beginning of the year tediousness to read it and it was a delight. I particularly liked "maybe it's harder if your subject is in a bubble bath instead of an interrogation room."

I'm perfectly fine with OBD being treated like dirt, but yes, I am loving Victor. Juan Soler has just been delightful.




No, you didn't miss anything. I'm just thinking ahead. Andrés and Estefi shared the Hidalgo fortune -- the casino, the mansion and who knows what else. Rich people tend not to be intestate, right? So the door is open to a new partner/rival for Estefi.

Also, I meant that the fact that Victor treats OBD like dirt is one of the things we love about him. :)

I didn't specifically thank you for filling in on Tuesday. Wow, you are amazing. Two fabulous recaps in a row. (And you're doing En Otra Piel too, right?) Thanks so much!


When Fico is protesting having to do another interrogation of Andres, he says that there seems to be something personal with Esmeeth and diamonds.

Assuming that novela characters don't say these things for no reason, we can speculate that maybe Esmeeth was assigned to break up a ring of diamond thefts, like the Black Falcon gang and got involved with someone in the gang? Victor's father? who we know is a character but we haven't met yet. Yes, I know that if Navier is Victor or Victor Sr's child that would make a blood relationship between Navier her son and Victor's dead daughter, Camila but maybe Camila isn't Victor's daughter! The theft of the crown was the famous 20 years ago, which would make it too recent to have anything to do with Navier who must be at least 26 years old if he was working as a valet parker 8 years ago.

Well it HAS occurred to me that Camila may not have been Victor's daughter. Susana is pretty squirrelly, after all.

It would be fun if the Black Hawk and the Dragon turned out to be brothers.

What's the matter with Smeeth? She sticks up for the obviously dirty Fico and continually tells her son [the one she loves so much when he's unconscious] that he isn't as good as Fico. It's probably too much to hope for that Navier will show Smeeth Fico's taunting text about making love to his queen.

A little OT: I may have to "unlike" the Reina page on Facebook. Telemundo is a little fast and loose with avances. QTH?

novelera-maybe Fico is Esmeeeth's other son?

Since Andres "did" women without even knowing their name, he might have some chiquillos floating around. Or maybe a wife he never got around to divorcing?

In a few minutes, I am posting Page 2 of this week's Reina page as discussed in Monday's post. So start your comments over there when it's up.

Thanks for letting us know!

Yes, thanks Jean for the warning. ;-)

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