Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos Tuesday August 19: Alejo takes Lupita to court

Our internet is out, I wrote this on my lap top and sent it to my phone by Bluetooth

I liked.. seeing Tizoc telling Ana Sofia again: "We'll love our baby a ton. My dad raised three kids much happier than yours who grew up in a palace of money."

Because Alejo needs to prove he didn't force Lupita to marry him, he has his stooge lawyers draw up an accusation against her: that she has abandoned the conjugal home.

Emiliano is sulking furiously in his room, won't eat dinner, just plays with the game Alejo gave him. Chuy doesn't understant why Lupita is so worried about Alejo taking Emiliano until she finally admits she married the guy! Chuy would like to pound him, but he's too old. Lupita laments: "He's bought my son. Emiliano isn't the boy he was."

Emi calls his dad: "I never used to get mad at my mom, it feels weird." "According to your mom I am not a good example?" "She doesn't want us to live with you." "People around you want to hurt us. I'm going to treat you like a big boy and show you something you don't want to know." Alejo sends Emi a picture of Lupita and Mike kissing. "Your mother is a bad woman, she is betraying me."

There is no need to recap any of the conversation with Mike and Lupita, it is merely a rehash.

Dinner at the RP mansion is lugubrious with Mati dead. AS harps at Frida: "You'll be a mother of a naco." "I forbid you to say that, mom." Leo and MA say she could have trusted them with her secret. As a nonsequitur, Ana Sofia announces that from this moment forward she'll be doing all the cooking in the house.

Mike tells Frida: "Mati is here with us, watching, circle of life etc. "

PSAs for responsible fathering of children being born out of wedlock due to a lack of precaution: Do the right thing, respect the mother of your child, always be there for your kid. Thank you, Tizoc.

AS is left alone with her dog moaning about her tribulations. "First that fake wedding, now I'll be grandma of a prole." She sees her booze bottles and approaches them... "The only thing to take my sorrow away." Mike runs up and shouts, "Leave that bottle in peace." "I just needed a little something for my scratchy throat." He reminds her how boozed up she was at Mati's wake. "It was just cafe and gingerale." "No, that was GIN." "Everybody treats me like an alcoholic." "Well, weren't you in the hospital in an alcoholic coma?" "Give me that bottle, look at all my problems, I need comfort." "Those are pretexts." "We will be in ruin and it will kill me." "That's why I am working so hard on the juice business." "You can't compare your stupid juice business with our precious CORPORATION. There are levels." "You're worse than ever. You haven't learned anything." He takes the bottles away.

Emi won't look up from his little game when Lupe brings his dinner. He doesn't even want his nightly benediction.

Isela wants to sell some of her Corporationshares to buy her knickknacks (including a helicopter). Saul offers to help sell the shares. "OK, bur don't sell to any of the RPs." He says he will sell to Zahid and Isela his pleased: "I know him, he's gallant, mature, rich..."

Alejo comes to Lupita's house to tell her he'll be picking Emiliano up after school and taking him to court "so he can say who he wants to live with, do you want to come?" He admits it's just for a few days: "I need to prove we live together and that I didn't force you." The stooge lawyers come in with his complaint against her for abandoning the marital domicile. She calls Tomas and he comes and says the papers are in order. Alejo warns her not to tell Mike about any of this or she'll be sorry.

The old rich ladies are laughing with Ise at the cloob when AS shows up. They mock her about the funeral at Chuy's. Ana: "She was a saint, the people wanted to say goodbye, they idolized her." They have invited Zahid to have some sort of reign over their foundation. He is the one Ana Sofia tried to seduce in the hotel room before the trophy wife showed up.

More pointless rehash about the books of numbers.

Emiliano says he wants to live with Alejo. The judge says "Because the parents are married, and have joint custody, the mother cannot oppose this." She yells.

Tizoc and Frida are off in the bus to her ob/gyn checkup. The bus driver is one of those fresa jerks from school, now sporting a stupid goatee and shouting at the customers in barrio-speak. He tells Fri his grandmother died, his aunt got the dough and he's out on the street.

Alejo goes on and on to the judge about how Lupita has a wild temper and abandoned him and how "Emiliano will have a level of life infinitely higher in my house." The judge suggests to Lupita that she live in the house with her husband and son so Emiliano can have peace.

PSA for getting regular checkups with your boyfriend knocks you up. Tizoc says he'll pay the bill, but in fact he doesn't have any money and even his phone is cut off. Frida, who's just been saying "the hormones of pregnancy may make me emotional," looks a little worried. He calls her hysterical for worrying, his band will get famous and their problems will be over. She calls hima troglodyte. He leaves in a huff and she pays.

Minerva warns her mother not to sell shares, they will have less influence in the corporation. The mom says it will just be a few.

Alejo tells Lupita she better move in with him and Emi, or he'll ramp it up with the legal complaints against her. It will just be a few days! "Over my dead body," she says, but he holds all the cards.

Tomorrow: wearing his white terrycloth bathrobe, Alejo will attempt to seduce Lupita. Somebody will knock him down.



Thanks so much for this fab recap despite your internet problems. And welcome back, we have missed you.

I hate what Ahole is doing to Lupe and especially Emi. I wonder if Ahole bought this judge, cause he didn't listen to Tomas or Lupe at all. She made herself look so bad. I can't wait for tonight to see him get knocked down.

I did like the micro bus, too funny that Tato is now a micro bus driver. Let's see how he likes being on the other side of rich. He was such a jerk. I'm glad he's being taken down a peg.

Had to laugh that Zahid (being played by JC's Dad) is the new benefactor of the foundation. I like the flashback AS had from the Chamba. Too funny.

The thing about the helicopter. Last week Isela bought one and gave it to the Foundation. She is trying to up the ante with AS to see how many donations they can give and how much. They think that is their in, too funny.

I did like Frida and Tizoc going to the gyno together. It's sad that they argued though. I am just glad that MA and Leo also have Frida's back and I really thought it was funny when MA and Lupe were playing like patty cake and saying they were going to be uncles and aunts too funny.

I wonder how Saul knows Zahid. I can't wait to find out.

So AS hits the bottle while whining porca miseria! When she was talking about the ginger ale, I laughed. I think that gin she had at the Dona Mati's wake may have been Tanqueray mixed with that coffee. I'm glad MA came in, gave her heck and took those bottles. Some one had to stop her.

My favorite part of all this episode was Tizoc imitating AS with her porca miseria, too funny.

Jane, thanks for your great recap in spite of your technical difficulties.

Most of the episode was just grim.

It was a real pain that Frida had to undergo yet more criticism this time from AS for going to have a "naco" baby to MA and Leonardo for not confiding in them. i wish they would all just get off of her case already

Best part: MA throwing out the alcohol and telling AS he was watching her as he could not carry them all out at once and had to momentarily leave three behind.

I really did not like Emiliano being put on the spot in court and having to choose whom to live with at his young age.

Pictures of both of Minerva's papis are now hanging in her office. One of the few things that made me laugh.

I am ready for a happy ending. This episode made me tired.



Thank you for the recap, Jane.

I'd forgotten that Jaime Camil Sr's character's name is "Said." Jaime Jr's name includes "Said" from his paternal grandfather who was Egyptian, so I suspect that "Said" is part of Jaime Sr's name as well.

I believe it was Carmelita who pointed out what will probably be AS's redemption - when she sees her first grandbaby, all her rancor against the Menchacas will evaporate.

Paula H


Thanks for taking time out to do the recap.

Alejo is getting on my last nerve as well as Lupita. She could have spoken up and told the judge the truth about the clause in the will. And why she really married him. She's too prideful and stubborn. Its sad that she is going to believe him and move in the house too. She's going to find out he's not going to let her go that easy. Anyway, I think Lupita is going to kick him where it really counts and I mean that literally. She's a fighter and will head butt him first then kick him in the jewels. lol...

I hope Emi finds out what kind of character his dad really is. Like a liar and a murder and lets not forget embezzler too.

MA is funny and I was happy to see him walk into Alejo's house and yell out Lupita's name. He will find her and Ajelo on the ground in pain. Remember he shot himself I thought he couldn't do anything any more. Oh well I guess he got healed. Its a miracle!!! lol...

I was very sad about Mati. And felt bad for Frida but happy that both her bro's are on her side. Tizoc is macho and prideful he'll come around sooner or later. His dad and Lupita or Carmelita will talk to him.

Ana Sofia is a big mess and has not learned her lesson. Although she is now cooking. We will see what happens in the end to her. She could be the Juice Queen of the Nopaleda. lol...

How about Don Chuy and Carmalita will they end up together in the end? Will we get to see Nepo's and Güendy's wedding? We shall soon see...

My last thoughts I think Saul and Tomas should team up.

Thanks again for the recap great job.


I have a feeling this recap looks strange but will have to wait to fix it. I pulled a rotten episode for my last one! But have enjoyed this novela.

Any chance Frida gives up the baby for adoption?

Tizoc is a BRAT. She deserves someone else better.

Thanks so much, Jane! i was semi-asleep so i missed a lot of the scenes...
I do agree that Lupita could have controlled her temper at the hearing and said something about why she married Alejo... but Emiliano was there and that is probably why she didn't.

Jarifa, thanks for noticing this... (there are) Pictures of both of Minerva's papis are now hanging in her office.

I agree that Tizoc will come around, he just has to digest the idea that he will be a dad now... Frida needs to be patient with him, she can't expect him to 'mature' overnight... after all, it took her two months to warm up to the idea and decide to keep the baby... i agree that it's great that MA and Leo are there to support her...

I wonder if the 'few' stocks Isela is selling to Said (I would think his name would be spelled Saeed) will come back to bite her... as in now she doesn't have enough stock to be (or vote) on the board or stte.

AS is a lost cause... period. But I would like for her to end up teaming up with Carmelita and them becoming great friends... (nah! Carm deserves better... even Chuy might not be good enough for her)

Saul and Tomas teaming up... i have seen that coming for a while now... they do seem to work well together.

AARGH!! I just discovered they are showing La hija del Mariachi (Mark Tacher is in as lead) and tonight's ep is the turning point [where we will see if they go with the colombian version or the shorter Telemundo version... Last time they showed it, even though it was in Telemundo, they went with the Colombian longer version.]

sorry forgot to say it is in MundoFox.

LHDM is the RCN (Colombia) one 'Que Bonito Amor' was a televisa remake of. it is on MundoFox at 6pm.

Thanks Jane. I'm sorry too that your last one was a stinker of an episode.

I'm more mad at Lupe than at Alejo. Why doesn't she just let Emi live with him without her there?!? Neither will be happy after a couple of days, then they can go back to normal, probably even get divorced.

Tizoc and Frida are back to arguing, maybe they won't become a couple again. Tizoc is dreaming if he thinks he can support them. He's never held a real job.



The problem with letting Emi stay with Ahole without her is a conundrum. In order for Ahole to meet the Grandfather Clause, he has to prove that Lupe and Emi and Ahole are all one big happy family. He promised her before that if complied after a couple days of the Grandfather Clause being in effect he would let her go along with Emi and they'd never hear from him ever aqain. He's already gone back on his word. Now if Lupe doesn't toe the line, Ahole will go back to court and say she abandoned the familia home. He didn't push the issue in this hearing.

What made me mad was that Judge, he never really let Lupe speak and the Judge sent Emi out of the room while he made his decision and the only one talking was Ahole. He was allowed to speak and tell "his side of the story" while she was made to shut up. Even Tomas couldn't get a word in either. I wish she had been able to tell that Judge about how Ahole forced her to marry him to meet the conditions of the Grandfather Clause. I'm hoping Saul hears about this, cause Dona Mati told him all about the circumstances. He would be a reliable witness as he is an officer of the court. I know, I know this is a TN, but still. I want Ahole to go down, his anvil is lonnnnnggg overdue!

Jane thanks for keeping up with our story no matter what the internet does! I am looking forward to this capitulo and grateful to have your preview to help me follow it.

I think Tizoc and Frida are inevitable. Their fighting in similar to Nepo and Gwendy before they admitted their feelings. Neither Tizoc or Frida trust themselves enough yet. My prediction is their bebe will call out their courage.

The thought of Lupita living with Ahole is repugnant. I dream of Mati appearing to Ahole and the sight driving him into one of his mad rages where Emi overhears him screaming "I killed you". Kind of ugly for a comedy, I guess. But it works for me.

I hope Lupe doesn't last more than one episode in that situation.

Thanks again to ALL you recappers. This TN has been my favorite. My next one will be watched from Mexico and I will miss these conversations.

Fishknits, ". . . their bebé will call out their courage." So well said.


Thanks, Jane, for the super recap and the extra effort to get it posted for us.

Not so necessary to see the little scene with Tato and his new anvilicious career. But, we did see enough of him being obnoxious to both Frida and Tizoc that it's good to see him suffer.

Hoping that Isela sells enough shares to Sahid to cut down her shareholder status and somehow benefit the RPs.

The Frida-Tizoc friction was almost inevitable. They can learn to compromise, I hope. Wonder if we'll see the bebe before this ends.

I hope Emi's experience with his wonderful dad fails to meet expectations! Looks like Ahole forgets Lupita's warrior training.

Tizoc and Frieda are still both so young and have a lot of growing up to do which will happen as the pregnancy goes along. Tizoc also has that stiff necked Menchaca pride but he does have a sense of responsibility.

Lupe is a stubborn fool. She is also impulsive which is a bad combo. She should never have married Ahole. she should trust Emilhole enough to let him go live with his Papa and discover for himself what a rat bastard he is but no she is still over protecting him.

I'm thinking that Don Chuy taught his girls to defend themselves and that may be the last pass Ahole ever makes when Lupe get through with him. On the other hand it gives him another weapon to use against her by telling Emilbrat that not only is his mother bad but she hurt his papa.

Poor Chuy one kid has an illegitimate baby, one gets a girl pregnant. I'm surprised he isn't out looking for a chastity belt for dim bulb Perla.

Can't help thinking about the Said character buying Isela shares, being a donor to the Harpy Foundations. Both our social climbers Isela and AS may find that his trophy wife will end up as the president of their cloob.

Decie Girl:

Oh, that would so be a hoot, the trophy wife as the new President of the Happy Foundation! I'm liking that. Then both Isela and AS can mourn all the loss of the money they spent trying to get in! Ha!

Julie and Marta:

Please check your emails. I sent you one.

Does anyone know when the gran final,is on on Sunday?

Thanks in advance,



It starts Sunday night at 8:00pm and goes to 10:30 pm. I checked my cable grid to be sure.

Thanks for the recap, Jane.

Seeing Tato driving the bus was a nice surprise.

One of the reasons Ahole is winning is because he doesn't care if what he does traumatizes Emiliano at all. Lupita is always hesitating and holding back because she's trying not to screw up her kid, but Ahole doesn't have those reservations.

I hope she beats him up in the next episode.


In the previews for tonight's episode, Lupe kicking Alejo's butt was GOOD and I'm looking forward to watching tonight.


Frida and Tizoc will NEVER be a couple. I wouldn't be surprised if she gives the baby up for adoption.

Tizoc does need to GET A JOB and stop being lazy.

Wow, Jane! Thanks for doing everything you could to get us this recap.

I'm glad I missed this episode. Rikki- you are so right that the advantage Alejo has over Lupe is that he doesn't care what damage is done to Emi, but Lupe does. It's her weakness, and it's understandable, but Alejo is going to exploit it for all it's worth.

Alicia- I think the adoption boat has sailed. Mati's letter changed Frida's mind. I don't think her keeping the baby depends on Tizoc's reaction or his status as her boyfriend/husband. In the beginning, I think that was a big factor for her, but now it's not. She has her brothers and the other Menchacas for support now.

Thanks for your recap Jane.

So tried of Alejo winning and tried of Lupe not telling people about his forcing her to do things. Thank goodness this will end soon and hopefully the murderer will go to jail.

Thanks, Jane. Yeah, you got a bum deal on your last episode. But it was fun seeing Tato as a bus driver. Tizoc and Frida were very nice not to mock him without mercy.

The way they did things in court was odd. In PEAM the judge questioned the child privately - not in front of her parents in the courtroom. It's bad enough to be asked to pick one parent over the other, but to state your preference RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM... I can't even.

Marrying someone under duress is comparable to getting into a car with someone you don't trust. I can't believe Lupe ever let Ahole bully her into it. But maybe the guy who married them will remember that she seemed unhappy (even if she wouldn't admit it at the time - that's part of the deal when you are under duress!).

I'm excited about AS's old boyfriend joining the Foundation. That ought to make things interesting! I had a calculus professor with the same name (or pronounced the same). He spelled it "Said."

I can see a rekindling romance with Zahid and AS. That way she won't feel the empty nest as much.

For AS to get together with Zahid, he'd have to dump his hot, young, sober trophy fiancee. (Maybe she's a lousy cook!)

Something deep down tells me that Ahole should have killed AS instead of Dona Mati.

I'm hoping for BIG anvils for Mini and Isela, both are too BUJI.


Just watched last night's episode, Lupe KICKED Ahole's **** and kicked him right in the jewels.

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