Thursday, August 07, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- Reina de Corazones: week of August 4 - Page Two

From Monday's post:
"NovelaMaven and I have decided to do two Reina posts a week while this high level of comments continues. That way, we should avoid having to deal with the dreaded "second page" of comments, which is a pain and baffling for new followers of our blog. We will do the usual post on Monday and second one on Thursday, just before that day's capitulo airs."

So now it's Thursday and here is Page Two for your comments for the rest of the week.

Here is the dropbox link to the recaps for last week:

Reina Week 5

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Thank you!

Let the fun begin!

"Don't you have *another* brother?"


"Don't you have another brother?"

Ha! I agree that was great. There definitely something weird about López 2.0. He's NEVER around when needed. I hope it isn't something as obvious as him working for Victor.

Let's see - right now the situation with Reina and Navier is:
Reina loves Navier
Navier loves and hates Reina.
I'm sure that will change as we go along.

It's tough being Navier-

We all love lists here so here is a list of physical challenges our hero has had to endure so far:

shot on Victor's orders;
beaten by guards in prison;
knocked out when Reina was kidnapped
shot in leg rescuing Reina, followed by fever;
forcibly sedated on orders of Esmeeth;
knocked out, pinned by falling beam and overcome by smoke in fire; and
shot by Fico.

Did I miss any?

Jean, I'll have to think about the List of the Travails of the Dragon. I'm sure there's more to add.

I've been struck by how playful the language has been and how hard it is to capture that playfulness in English.

In the first or second episode, Reina's boss says something like "Some people are born to be "estrellas" (stars) and others to be "estrellado"(broken, crashed, shattered?)

Victor has referred to himself as a "mago" (magician) more than once. (He certainly dresses the part.) But then we get the whole "Reyes Magos" thing (The Magi, the Wise Men) and its hard to capture the resonance in English. (Maybe I'll just refer to them all as "The Wise Guys.")

And it's not just jokes. Reina has talked about "mi piel" (my skin) and how it remembers Navier and instinctively recoils from and rejects Victor. I always ask myself how I would translate that if I were recapping. It sounds so weird in English: "My skin remembers you." Maybe I say something like "I remember your touch."

It's ok. Just ignore me. :D

NM - the double-entendres are interesting. Good of you to point them out. Wise Guys indeed.


Navier tells Reina he is NN. Reina can’t believe it – “What are you saying? You’re Javier. I’m talking about NN. I think I killed NN.” Navier tells Reina his name is not Javier but NN. He is the man who she met eight years ago at a wedding. He is the man who fell madly in love with her and had the best moments by her side. He is the man who she had killed. He is the man who was in prison and who everyone thought was dead. He is NN. Reina is shocked by this revelation. The elevator has reached its destination and opens. A single tear strolls down Reina’s face. Javier asks Reina – “Which room is it?”

Susana and Juanjo wait for Christian in his office. Christian comes into his office and Juanjo leaves him and Susana alone. Susana wants the truth. Did Christian film the video used to blackmail Camila? Did he refuse to help her because of this? Christian has no clue what she is talking about. Susana goes on to ask him how he could have done such a thing. What kind of a person is he? Christian denies filming the video. Then how come she was given his name? He doesn’t know why she was given his name. But there is something he has to tell her. It is a secret that has been killing him for years. He tells her that he was Camila’s lover.

Estefania is at the psychiatrist. She’s on the couch and has her eyes closed. She knows she has abandoned it. Psychiatrist thinks she means him but she doesn’t mean him necessarily – she means her therapy. She knows she has to start it again. She tells her psychiatrist how she’s going through a tough time. She’s going to her stepson’s funeral. Her stepson was so young with his whole life ahead of him when suddenly… Victor shows up and he finishes her sentence. “When suddenly people die” he says. He puts a knife to her throat.

Isidro sends the other security guards to look for other microphones and cameras that are hidden around the mansion. They know where to look. Greta introduces Lazaro to Isidro – he is her dad’s pet. Well ok she thinks he’s the chauffeur. Lazaro introduces himself to Isidro omitting his last name. Isidro excuses himself and leaves. Greta tells Lazaro she needs him day and night. She asks him to move in. The putz overhears.

Victor taunts Estefania with his knife. How would a scar look like on her beautiful face? How about a little cut on the ear? How about cutting the whole ear off like Van Gogh? Of course all Estefania knows how to paint are her eyes. How about he takes an eye out? No, not even he would do that. There are so many options. She tells him there aren’t many options. There are only two – life or death. Hasn’t he heard that death is the same for everyone? Whether you are rich or a beast. It affects her just as it does him. He doesn’t want to imagine that she’s threatening him. She asks what happened to the psychiatrist. He shows her what happened – we see the psychiatrist tied up outside. Victor jokes and says if the psychiatrist suffers any psychological damage he can always go and see a psychiatrist. Estefania has had enough. She asks him what he wants. He wants her to quit yelling and lying to him. He tells her that you shouldn’t be mean to bad people. He wants to know who the bastard was that hit him over the head to take the crown from him. It will be the last thing the bastard will do in his pathetic life.


Reina shows Navier the hotel room. They can’t get inside because she doesn’t have the card key. She says they’ll have to ask for help but he tells her that it won’t be necessary. She sees a maid passing by and is about to call for her but Navier grabs her and plants a kiss on her. The maid passes by. He tells her he kissed her so as not to raise suspicion. Navier opens the door. They go inside. Fico is not inside. Fico is alive. What are we going to do now? Reina asks. Navier wants her to come with him. But she doesn’t want him to touch her. She doesn’t even know who he is. He told her – he is NN. The story he told her is HIS story. It is HIS revenge. Who she thought was NN is an imposter.

Fico hides in the janitor’s closet. He’s injured and pissed. He’s pissed because who he tries to call on the phone won’t answer the damn phone. He’s pissed because everything went wrong. He talks on the phone and leaves a message saying he’s hurt and needs help.

Estefania doesn’t know who hit Victor. Could it have been NN? After all she went to see him after he returned from the dead. She asks Victor what he’s talking about. Victor is getting angry. Well he gets angry so easily. He says that she chooses the crown over everything. Fine then she can keep the crown but he will keep their daughter. She tells him not to do anything to endanger her relationship with Greta. But Victor is serious about this. She relents. She’ll find out who has the crown and get it back. Victor’s phone rings. He tells Estefania they are on the same page now. She tells him to answer his damn phone already! He does and tells the person on the other end that he’s on his way. He tells Estefania that the price may have changed and he may want something more. He cuts open her dress exposing her undies. He tells her that what he may want isn’t necessarily her body. That’s good because he’ll never have her body again. “Are you sure about that?” he asks her. Before he leaves he tells the tied up psychiatrist that while he may have treated many crazy people over the years in his career he hasn’t treated anyone like Estefania.

Susana can’t believe it – her daughter and little girl Camila and Christian lovers? Christian tells Susana that Camila was NOT a little girl. Susana tells him to shut up! She wants him to tell her that it isn’t true. He asks her to please forgive him. He doesn’t know what came over him. It was Camilia’s youth and beauty. He swears he was blinded. Susana reminds him that he was HER godfather! HER godfather! He would spend her birthdays with her. He would bring her presents on Christmas Eve. She was the daughter of his BFF. “Does Victor know?” she asks him. He says no and please don’t tell him. He tells her that she doesn’t know how difficult it was to keep this secret all these years. He knows secrets can kill. She wants to know if there is more and he tells her there isn’t. She has to believe him. He did not film the video. He loved Camila and wanted her for himself. He was crazy about her. Susana can never believe him again. She thinks it is unfair that he’s suddenly become the enemy. She didn’t deserve this and neither did their friendship. Before leaving she tells him that what is worse is that she’ll never be able to see him in the same light as before. She opens the door and tells Juanjo let’s go this place stinks.

Navier and Reina are leaving the hotel. But Reina escapes (Will she ever learn to stay put? She’s always running and getting into trouble) Navier chases after her.


Smith is pissed because she has no clue where Navier and Fico are. Rocky comes into the office with the first report of Andres’ autopsy. An analysis has been done and it will be analyzed to see if any substance could have caused the heart attack. Smith wants info on what’s happening. She asks if there something she doesn’t know. Rocky tells her that Navier went to save Reina from Fico.

Reina hides from Navier in the parking garage. Navier looks for Reina.

Smith attempts to track down Navier and Fico via the chips. Their chip dots are blinking in the same exact spot.

Fico finds Reina. He grabs her. He has a gun in his hand and tells her to keep quiet.

Estefania who hasn’t even attempted to cover up her exposed undies apologizes to the now untied psychiatrist for what happened. She’ll understand if he doesn’t want to continue with her treatment. They’ll continue but in the next session. He has to leave now. (Why would he leave HIS own office?) He leaves. Estefania calls the useless Lopez 2.0 and asks him what hell happened. Victor was there and he could have killed her. Lopez 2.0 didn’t see a thing. “Do you have another brother?” she asks him. Lopez 2.0 is nothing like his deceased brother. Lopez 2.0 has some info that will make her happy – it’s about the red diamond.

Nimoy tells Victor the red diamond is about to arrive in Las Vegas. It will be auctioned. If Victor gets his hands on it then he’ll have two of the four diamonds he must have to beat the curse. Victor says the diamond will be his.

Fico is kidnapping Reina. He threatens to kill her if she screams. Navier has spotted them. He shoots at Fico. Fico is shot in the arm. Fico screams in pain. Reina is able to get loose and she runs towards Navier. Fico shoots and Navier pushes Reina out of the way. Navier and Reina fall to the ground. Fico falls against a car.

Navier has been shot AGAIN (How many times has he been shot now? We may have to take a drink each time he is shot) Fico is in pain. He points his gun and is about to shoot. Navier beats him to it and shoots at him. Fico escapes and drives off in a car as Navier continues to shoot at him. Navier has been shot in the shoulder. Reina screams for help. She asks him to forgive her for escaping (This could have all be avoided had she just stayed put) She was terrified and didn’t know what to do. Was she terrified of Navier? She tells him not to die. She needs to know who he is.

Nimoy hands Victor an envelope with all the info on the red diamond and the auction. Nimoy also hands Victor a horseshoe – it will bring Victor good luck. It gives off hidden signals. Nimoy buried it for seven days in a crosswalk and then seven days in the sun. It has acquired the world’s knowledge. Victor thanks him for the horseshoe. Nimoy has always been close to Victor. Nimoy has been closer to Victor more than Victor’s own dad who never loved Victor. Victor’s dad always underestimated him. Nimoy says that Victor’s dad never knew what Victor was and is capable of doing. Victor says his dad doesn’t even know who he is.


Reina (who decides to stay and chat with Navier instead of calling 911) tells Navier that they’ll find Fico. She tells him he’ll be fine (he will if Reina calls 911). She tells him to relax. A weak Navier tells Reina he is NN. He went to prison after he recovered from the gunshots. He tells Reina the drugs weren’t his – he’s no drug dealer. Reina asks him – “You are the one who I hurt so much?” He says yes. He got out of jail and took another identity. He wanted to live another life but he couldn’t. She was stronger.

Victor knows himself. He’s a magician. He knows how to make what is there disappear. He amazes us with his magic skills by making the horseshoe disappear and then reappear in vase. That’s not Victor’s only secret.

Reina wants to know what the heck is happening. What were all the gunshots about? Who was that guy – Fico? Is it a conspiracy? Navier tells Reina that Fico is an imposter who hates him and who knows who he is. Reina asks – “Why was Fico’s photo on the internet?” He tells her it’s a long story and asks her to not ask anymore questions. She doesn’t have to know anything. He’ll take care of Fico. How? He’s injured. Navier says he might be injured but he’ll always protect her. Not like an angel because Navier is far from being one but he’ll take care of her like a man. Her man. He’ll take care of her because he loves her just as much as he hates her. Reina cries for help.

Estefania and Lopez 2.0 arrive home. Estefania still hasn’t attempted to cover up her exposed undies. The woman is an exhibitionist. Delusional Estefania thinks the red diamond will be hers because it was made for her. She thinks she is immune to the curse because she’s a queen and a goddess. She lost one diamond but she won’t lose two. She tells Lopez 2.0 that she always gets what she wants. Estefania (who has a short term memory and has forgotten all about being trapped in a hole, almost freezing to death, and almost losing her head to a guillotine among other things that have happened to her) tells Lopez 2.0 that she has good luck. She has had it since she was a child. She thinks she is the chosen one and that is why the diamond will be hers. She won’t let anyone take it from her.

Lazaro tells Greta he can’t move in. He has a son and a wife err he has Miriam the mother of his child. Putz overhears. Greta tells Lazaro his son can move in too. She insists because life is short and can end in any moment. “And everything can start” says Lazaro.

Susana returns to her hotel room and goes straight for the booze. Juanjo thinks perhaps some coffee or herbal tea will be better. Susana chugs down a drink. She screams and gets on her knees. The Susana who was fooled and abused and who lived her entire life in a lie. The Susana who has lived her whole life in a circus and an act. The Susana who was a useless wife and a worthless mother. That Susana has died! Juanjo comforts her.


Help has arrived and Navier is being wheeled into an ambulance. Instead of Navier being taken immediately to the hospital the paramedics allow him to stay there a while and chat with Reina. Reina tells him he’ll be fine and recover. He takes off the face mask and tells her not be afraid. He won’t die. She IS afraid. She doesn’t know why she hurt him so much in the past but what she knows is that while she does not remember him her body does. Her heart remembers him. She loves him. She’d die if anything happens to him. She now understands that she didn’t love twice but only once. She loved him as NN and now as Navier. Navier tells her that she didn’t love NN. He gives her his crucifix and tells her that he’ll give it to her like he once gave her his life. Navier is finally wheeled into the ambulance. Reina wants to go with Navier but she isn’t allowed. She asks the paramedics where Navier is being taken but gets no answer. Rocky shows up. Reina asks him what he’s doing there. He was sent to protect her. Reina needs to be with Navier. He’s hurt. She leaves and Rocky follows.

Susana packs her clothes and says goodbye to her old self. “Should I call a doctor? A psychiatrist? A priest?” Juanjo asks her. Susana hands the suitcases to Juanjo and tells him to do what he wants with them. Juanjo will give them to Connie. Susana doesn’t want to be who she was before. She doesn’t understand what happened in her life but she knows she has to have the energy to keep going after her daughter’s death. She has to have the character to not be fooled like she was before. She needs to have the strength to support Greta. She needs to have the bravery she never had because she has to live for the memory of her daughter and for Greta. There is a knock on the door. It’s Christian who needs to speak to Susana.

The putz is at the rehab center and has a proposition for Miriam’s doctor.

Navier is in OR. The bullet is removed. Smith watches through the small window on the door. She calls someone and says she wants Fico dead or alive. No wait she wants Fico alive!

Isidro informs Victor that all the cameras and microphones have been removed. Victor can relax now. Well Victor can’t relax. Victor wants something that can detect recording devices to be installed. This can’t happen at HIS house again. It will be done. Victor tells Isidro about the red diamond he wants to have to accompany the one he already has. He tells Isidro about the auction. He tells Isidro the red diamond is an amazingly beautiful piece because of its color and its purity. It is a 64 carat diamond and is expected to be auctioned at more than 60 million dollars. It will also be shown in New York, Zurich, Geneva, London, and Hong Kong. Victor doesn’t plan on attending the auction. He has something else in mind. Victor was thinking about his return to action. He takes out a mask from his safe and reveals to Isidro that he’s the Black Hawk. Isidro is on the verge of screaming like a Belieber who has just seen Justin Beiber. He can’t believe it. Isidro’s dad was a fan of the Black Hawk. Victor tells Isidro that his dad was an important part of the Black Hawk Gang. He tells Isidro that he can take his place if he wants. Isidro wants that more than anything. There is a knock on the door and Victor hides his mask and says come in. It’s Asuncion. She tells Victor he has a call from Reina. Reina doesn’t sound so good she tells him. Reina tells Victor she can’t pick up Clara. She asks him to send someone else to pick her up. She has to give her testimony because they tried to kill again. “Yeah yeah I know I should be used to this but these things are hard to get used to” says Reina.


Rocky comes into the interrogating room where Reina is. Smith tells Rocky on the phone that she wants Reina’s testimony to see if it coincides with Navier’s. Reina must not know about the CIA. Rocky will take care of it. He asks Reina to take a seat because he has a couple of questions for her. She has questions herself–where is Navier? How is he? Rocky tells her Navier is undergoing surgery. Reina asks If Navier is stable but Rocky doesn’t know. Reina wants to see Navier. She wants to know what is going on. What is all this? They stopped protecting her because she was supposedly out of danger but someone wants to kill her. Who is Fico? She knows he’s not NN. Does Fico have any relation with Andres? Andres is in custody, right? Rocky says Andres is dead. Rocky wants Reina to tell him what happened at the hotel.

Susana tells Juanjo he can leave. The new Susana can handle this on her own. Juanjo offers to hit Christian – he can even hit Christian below the belt. Susana tells Juanjo to take the suitcases away and thanks him for everything. He tells her to call him if she needs anything. He leaves. Christian can’t work. He can’t concentrate. He can’t keep living with this guilt. Susana thinks that’s good – he should feel all the guilt in the world. She thought she was a good mother but she now realizes how little she knew Camila. Eight years had to pass after Camila’s death to find out who Camila was. Susana doesn’t know who he is. She doesn’t know who Camila was. She doesn’t know who she is. She doesn’t even know if he filmed the video. He says he didn’t film the video. She tells him she’ll never forgive him. He’ll never forgive himself. She tells him he’s a bad person with a bad soul. He not only fell in love with his BFF’s wife Reina but also with his BFF’s daughter. She tells him to get lost before she has to hear that he wants to sleep with Greta as well. Christian apologizes once again before leaving.

A wounded Fico is a train car. He is on the phone again and is taken to the voicemail. He’s pissed off and tells him/her that he needs to speak to them. He’s at the place they agreed to meet and he/she better come or else. He wraps a cloth around his wounded leg.

Reina has given her testimony. She wants more info on Navier. She needs to see him and talk to him. She needs to clear her head. She’s confused. Rocky asks Reina not to say anything to anyone about Navier being NN. So they knew too? Yeah they did. “Why does Navier have another name?” she asks Rocky. Because Navier worked for them when he was in prison and if she blabs they’ll kill him. Navier’s life is in Reina’s hands.


Navier awakens. Smith tells him he’s not in heaven. He’ll have to tolerate her a while longer. Navier asks about Reina. Smith says she’s fine. Navier tells Smith they have to protect Reina from Fico. Does she believe him now? Unfortunately, she does. She got the results from Andres’ autopsy and they revealed that he was given a derivative of the same virus that was used to try and kill Reina. It caused Andres to suffer a heart attack a few hours later. Navier says there is no doubt – Fico works for the enemy. Navier pondered about how Fico could have possibly killed Andres and he figured it out. Cue flashback to Fico offering Andres some water and Andres drinking it. Navier says the virus was in the water that Fico offered Andres. Evidently, the heart attack came some time later. “Just like Andres’ father” says Smith. She tells Navier they suspect it is the same mutation of the virus. It causes a heart attack some time later after being ingested. It was most likely in the water. Smith says it is being looked into. Smith tells Navier she regrets that he was right this time. He wants to see Reina. Smith knows he told Reina that he is NN. Was he sure in telling her the truth? It could be the end of him. Navier is sure Reina will keep quiet. Smith asks if she’ll keep quiet out of fear or because she loves him. Whatever the reason Navier knows she’ll keep quiet. Smith has made preparations for Navier to be transferred to another clinic. She has gotten a lot of pressure from the police and FBI. She has to erase this whole incident. She gets a phone call telling her they have located Fico. Navier wants to know more. Smith tells him it’s not necessary. She wants him to stay put. She’ll take care of it. She knows what to do with traitors. She tells him don’t even think of following me. Navier says he can’t. Of course he can after all he always does what he can’t. Navier asks Smith and you like that, don’t you? Smith leaves.

Estefania is at the De Rosas mansion. Victor thought she brought his crown. Well he thought wrong. Victor says Estefania is the kind of woman who never gives up even when she’s been defeated. Estefania says she is that kind of woman. She asks him until when will she tell him that she can’t give him something that she doesn’t have. She doesn’t have the crown and he doesn’t have the diamond. He thinks she is lying. Estefania says he lies too. He says he does sometimes. She asks what about now. He says not know. Estefania says he lies. He says sometimes. She tells him about Andres’ death. He died of a heart attack like his dad. Greta shows up and Estefania leaves with her. Isidro shows up with news. Victor has news too. Isidro tells Victor that NN tried to kill Reina and Navier saved her.

Smith and a whole swat team have arrived at the train car. Smith wants Fico alive. But it turns out Fico isn’t even there. All Smith and the swat team find is a mannequin with a note saying “I learned this from you, Smith.” Smith is pissed.

Reina arrives home and Victor wants to know what happened but Reina doesn’t feel like talking. Victor tells her he knows NN tried to kill her and he knows who saved her. If he knows everything then why make her repeat it. She can’t take it anymore. She says she is paying a high price for having lived the wrong way. She is paying for every mistake she made. She must have been real bad for someone to be pursuing her like this. She says she’ll pay for everything she did to NN until she dies. Victor says or until he gets caught or someone kills him.

Lazaro returns home to find Miriam there with Roman. Miriam tells Lazaro she has been released. They are family again.


Navier tells Rocky he can’t believe they didn’t assume Fico would remove his chip. He says Reina is in more danger then ever. Rocky gets a call from Fico. Fico tells Rocky that if he’s with Navier he’ll call again and to let Navier answer. Rocky tells Navier that it was Fico and he wants to speak to him. Navier knows Fico hung up so his call can’t be traced. Navier asks for the phone. Rocky says no. But Navier takes it from him when Fico calls again. He tells Fico that he’ll wish Smith finds and kills him before he does because if he finds him first he’ll kill him slowly.

Reina sneaks out of the house (she’ll never learn, will she?) and Victor catches her. He tells security to let her leave.

Fico tells Navier he won’t get out of this one. Fico knows who Navier is and what he’s looking for. He swears Victor will know the truth before he kills him and Reina. And then maybe he won’t even have to kill them himself. Navier tells Fico that he’ll capture him if it’s the last thing he does. Fico says he has to hang up he has 10 seconds before the call can be traced. Navier calls him a coward. Fico tells him he’ll be waiting for him. Navier says he’ll show up when Fico least expects it.

Juanjo is worried about Susana. She is still on her feet despite everything. He thinks she’s courageous. She tells him she’s always been a coward. It is the reason why everything that happened to her happened. She didn’t know how to get close to her daughter. But she won’t stop and will continue to investigate. He asks her if she has spoken to Victor about this. She says no because some things are better left unsaid. Some secrets cannot be revealed. They are the type of secrets that burn you inside. They are type of secrets that one can only confess in front of the mirror and sometimes you can’t even do that.

Isidro visits Connie and finds her in one of Susana’s elegant dresses. He likes what he sees. It is the new Connie.

Estefania leaves Navier a message – she’s worried about him and is afraid something happened to him. Lopez 2.0 hands her a DVD. It must be a delicate DVD because Lopez 2.0 holds it with a cloth. The DVD contains the plans to where the red diamond is. Estefania tells Lopez 2.0 that 50 million dollars is too much when you can have the diamond for free (Didn’t Victor say it was expected to be worth more than 60 million dollars?) Lopez 2.0 wonders why someone would send her the plans. Estefania says they sent it to her so she can steal it. But why would she steal when she can buy it? Estefania has never stolen anything before and she’d love to know how it feels like. She wants to feel the adrenaline and the danger of knowing that it can all end in a second. Whoever sent her the plans knows her very well. Much more than Lopez 2.0 and even herself.


Reina enters Navier’s room. He thinks it’s insane she came to see him. The murderer is still out there after all. She had to see him and begged Rocky to tell her where he was. She had to make sure he’s fine. She had to know because of everything that has happened. After a past she can’t remember all she has is the present and in the present she loves him. She doesn’t care who he is. She doesn’t know if he is NN or Javier. She doesn’t know if he’s a hero or a criminal. She doesn’t know if he hates her or loves her. Her heart doesn’t ask questions because her love for him doesn’t need answer. She sweetly touches his cheek and takes her hand off just when Victor opens the door and enters. He says good evening. It is just a figure of speech of course because it can either be a good evening or a terrible one.

Sorry everyone for it being so long. There was so much going on and I wanted to get it all. Enjoy! :)


Mauricio -- WOW! Just WOW!

Victor is getting angry. Well he gets angry so easily.

Reina escapes (Will she ever learn to stay put? She’s always running and getting into trouble)

He has to leave now. (Why would he leave HIS own office?)
[Could it be that he pays house calls?]

Reina (who decides to stay and chat with Navier instead of calling 911) tells Navier that they’ll find Fico. She tells him he’ll be fine (he will if Reina calls 911).

Estefania and Lopez 2.0 arrive home. Estefania still hasn’t attempted to cover up her exposed undies. The woman is an exhibitionist.
Delusional, grandiose, but somehow loveable, no? "Good luck" indeed!

So Andrés was killed with the virus!

Victor is the Black Hawk!

Isidro is his Robin!

It justs gets better and better -- as do the recaps. Thanks so much, Mauricio! You are a star!

Oops I just realizes I forgot to add one scene to the recap:

Greta tells Lazaro that she talked to Estefania about the machine Estefania can give her. Greta tells Lazaro that his son's room is ready. Lazaro tells Greta he can't move in. Greta thinks it is because it is one thing to live there and another thing to be able to go out and get a breath of fresh air and forget all about the crippled. Lazaro tells Greta if there were a place in the world he'd love to live in it would be with her - it would be close to her.

Mauricio - thank you for the recap. Great snark and well done.

So, Nimoy is not Victor's father. Check that off the list.

Should be interesting to see v2 Susana, because a new wardrobe is always the first step to remaking your life.

Was Fico shot in the arm and the leg?

Mauricio, thanks so much for the fine recap. You DID get it all.

Okaaaaay. Scratch one telenovela beanie. Mine exploded into bits when Nimoy was explaining the "magic horseshoe" to Victor.

How does Susana know that Christian lusted after Reina? We saw him "flashbacking" (Is that a verb?) about trying to force himself on her. But I don't remember anyone else knowing about it.

The actor playing the Putz is perfectly cast. He's one of the most naturally shifty looking guys I've ever seen. Something about those light eyes under heavy brows and the two-day stubble perfects the look.

I kind of hope Lázaro's whole family moves in with Victor. I'd like to see OBD's head explode at the sight of Miriam.

What an amazing recap, Mauricio! NovelaMaven has already cited some of the many great lines, so I'll simply second your suggestion that we drink each time Navier is shot. Of course, that raises the question of whether we drink TWICE each time he's shot and takes his shirt off. I vote YES!

thanks Mauricio,

I always look forward to your thursday recaps!



I think I recall Christian telling Susana that he lusted after Reina. It was a while ago that he told her. I remember being quite surprised, since at that time I didn't think Christian was anything but an inept but honest cop.


Love your suggestion about Lazaro's entire family moving in with Victor!

Novelera and Juanita,

Not only did Christian confess to lusting after Reina, he admitted he tried to have her killed, just as Susana did.

The double drink idea is a keeper, Juanita!

Thanks Mauricio. Unfortunately, I am back at rolling my eyes a lot at this show. Anyhoo, yes Reina screamed "auxilio" but do not move or call 911, that helps and stop trying to sneak out you always get followed. Will Esmeeth and gang know Vic is disconnected and now what? Besides being there to test our gag reflex what's Christian's purpose? Poor Rocky, always come running after the mayhem. He needs a break.

Roomy - yelling for help but not calling 911 is one of the telenovela rules. I'm always shocked when telenovela characters actually DO use a phone and dial 911.

Romy..... Not Roomy as my autocorrect prefers. Ack.

Thanks, guys, for cluing me in on Christian having told Susana about his lusting after Reina. I had absolutely no memory of that.

Really great Recap, Mauricio! My beanie is missing, Novelera. I think Victor made it disappear with his magic horseshoe!

I thought that Christián had told Susanna about his relationship with Camila but I went back and looked and the only person he talked about it was Greta.

Handy stuff that flu virus - it can kill you quickly or slowly. We STILL don't know who stole Victor's stock of the virus.

When Greta said that she needed Laz to live at the house and serve her 24 hours/day, I said to myself that slavery has been abolished.

The Putz is a busy guy listening to other people's conversations and doing evil little things to get sole access to Greta.

Izzy's reaction to learning that Victor was the Black Falcon was hysterical. "Isidro is on the verge of screaming like a Belieber who has just seen Justin Beiber." So funny.

So now I guess we'll see Stefi and Victor compete for the 2nd red diamond. Stefi is at a big disadvantage in that she doesn't kill people and only sends people who have bad characters into situations where they could end up dead. Victor, on the other hand, will kill anybody, anytime.

hmm, I'm thinking Victor is setting up Stefi to steal the red diamond, and possibly take the fall for it, while he ends up with the diamond.

I'm loving Paola Núñez, she is so cool, and her character Reina being all upset when she was led to believe that she loved two people, when for her there can only be one gran amor.


doris - yes Fico was shot in the arm and the leg.

About Halcon:

The CC's on Telemundo translated "Halcon" to "Hawk" (and that is how I translated it on the recap) but "Halcon" means "Falcon". So Victor would be "The Black Falcon" not "The Black Hawk".

Sorry for the mistake.

I agree about Paola Nuñez, Deb. It would be very easy for her character to be insupportable with all the calamities that have befallen her but Reina is strong and is fighting for her life. Some of that is the writing, obviously, but she makes Reina a very sympathetic character and it doesn't hurt that she is gorgeous!! She always seems to be running away. I don't know she does it in those heels, though!!

When I put " halcon" into Google Translate, it comes up with both hawk and falcon. Halcon seems to be a blended word from both English words.

Given the high level of parody in this telenovela, the black 'halcon' might be a nod to The Maltese Falcon, which is about stole rare jewels?

That's exactly what I was thinking -- that it was an allusion to the Maltese Falcon!

I wouldn't be surprised if there is a Rick's Cafe in this story before it's over.

Have y'all noticed that Stefy lives in a casa blanca?

Thanks for the fabulous recap, Mauricio! I'm about to watch the episode now.

I'll recap tonight's episode some time tomorrow. I'm a little behind on this one since I went back to work this week.

"Have y'all noticed that Stefy lives in a casa blanca?"

Well now that you mention it, Doris...

Hey Sara, don't worry! Get your beauty sleep. The first week back can be a beast! Besides, you're still doing double duty with DQTQTQ.

Hello, long time lurker here finally making a comment. I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoying this novela. Eugenio Siller as action hero-who'd have thunk it! Thank You Mauricio for the detailed recap. It filled in a lot of blanks I have some wild theories. First I think Frank Marino is estephania's brother. Second, after reading countless mysteries, I know the least likely suspect is often the puppet master, so maybe that's what Rocky is. Yeah I know I'm crazy but its fun speculating about this tangled web with all of you.

Thanks for your recap Mauricio, you and the rest of the recappers do an awesome job of getting all the juicy & snarky details, truly appreciate it!

Just caught up this week & after watching I just want to give Reina a big stick to beat off the unwanted advances from Victor & Fico. Can she be anymore clear???

I'm liking Laura Flores playing the hardcore agent. & Loved the scene tonight where she told Javier he looked lindo in his hospital gown, LOL. Somebody already commented on their staccato style conversations, & I concur, it's fun to watch.

Anon 2.06 Yep this tn is fun to speculate over! I do feel that there's more to Rocky than meets the eye, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he's one of the good guys.

Also agree about P.Nunez. Does anybody else get distracted by her always beautifully styled hair? I'm jealous!


jlk - I will pay more attention to those staccato convos between Navier and Esmeeeth. That might be a nod to late 90s Aaron Sorkin TV shows West Wing and Sports Night, where dialogues in General were delivered like that.

Welcome Anonymous 2:06

Please don't hesitate to comment more. That's what makes it fun!

Rocky could be the puppet master or Stefi's brother. I also agree that there is more to Rocky than meets the eye. All the rest of Esmeeth's agents (except Navier, of course) seem to be traitors of some kind - Fico, the guy driving the ambulance, Rocky's ex at Victor's house.

Navier is shot on Thursday and poisoned on Friday - wow! (I assume poisoned rather than just drugged since we saw the gloved hand take the vial out of the same rack of vials in a frig as Victor stores his poison. The maid appeared to be putting liquid from that same vial into the cups.

I think that Frank Marino is too young to be Stefi's brother. The murder of Stefi's parents had to have been around 30 years ago. Greta is 20 and there must have been 10 years or so for Stefi to grow up, etc. before she got pregnant with Victor's baby. If the brother was 6 at the time of the murders, then he could be 36 now. Frank seems mid-late 20's like Navier. BUT telenovela writers can totally ignore things like that.

Here is an entry on the etymology of the word "Falcon" in English from the Online Etymology Dictionary:

falcon (n.) mid-13c., from Old French faucon (12c.), from Late Latin falconem (nominative falco) "falcon," probably from Latin falx (genitive falcis) "curved blade, pruning hook, sickle;" the bird said to be so called for the shape of its talons, legs, or beak, but also possibly from the shape of its spread wings.

The other theory is that falx is of Germanic origin and means "gray bird," which is supported by the antiquity of the word in Germanic but opposed by those who point out that falconry by all evidences was imported from the East, and the Germans got it from the Romans, not the other way around.

I found a Spanish etymology that I can't copy and paste for some reason but it is the same.

Another definition says that in antiquity "falcon" referred to any bird used in falconry. Birds that we call hawks and falcons were both used in falconry.

In English, we distinguish between Hawks and Falcons in the common names of various types of raptors because there is a specific genus: Falco, which includes birds whose common names include Falcon like Peregrine Falcon, Prairie Falcon, Gyrfalcon, etc.


Oy. Continue to talk amongst yourselves folks. The recap may not be up until tonight but it will be up!

Hey guys!

I just finished watching Thurs episode on youtube because (shocker!) it was raining in South Florida AGAIN and my DVR didn't record everything. I feel like I live in Seattle with all the rain we have been getting this summer. Was Victor's alter ego ever mentioned before in the novela? Izzy got so excited that I thought maybe I missed the mention before. So now Victor is a sociopath killer and masked robber plus a magician? And Estfy walking around in her cut dress was a trip! This novela definitely is getting exciting! Off to watch Friday's episode!

Hi Caroline: The Black Falcon Gang has been mentioned a couple of times before as being responsible for daring jewel thefts but we didn't know that Victor was the head of it until Thursday's capitulo.

Okie dokie. I finally watched and I'm about to start the recap. I am so sorry for being so late. Next week I will get it done earlier. I had last minute classroom stuff to do today.


Caroline, now you're just torturing us folks on the West Coast talking about lots of rain. I have brown lawn and NO perennials in the front planters to cheer me up when I come home. The impatiens I love need almost daily watering in the summer.

Thanks, Jean, for all the falcon information. Since so many words in Spanish have English cognates, I have just assumed that the similarity between halcón and falcon came from Latin or some such.

Speaking of halcón, I just remembered that that was the nickname of Jorge Salinas' character in the long-ago novela Mariana de la Noche. That was back when Univisión had decent novelas.

Reina says what she did wasn't so horrible. She's a free woman, right? She had to come see Navier and she didn't ask because she knew Vic would say no. Vic wants to know what Navier was doing there. Navier explains he was following Reina like he was asked. She and Fico went to a hotel. He followed, Reina ran out of the room. Badda Bam Badda Bing. Gunshot. Navier is in the hospital. So Vic owes Navier again for saving Reina. Navier says Fico will come after her again. Vic is perfectly capable of taking care of Reina from now on.

Estefy asks who sent the video and Lopez 2.0 says it was just left in the mailbox. Only one person knows her well enough to do this: Victor De Rosas.

Reina got tired of waiting and comes back in to Navier's room.

Greta and Laz discuss his living arrangements. He argues that he can't stay with her at the manse because he has to support his recently released from rehab mujer. The other nurse (Betina?) interrupts and Greta is rude to her. (The glasses are a great disguise because I honestly didn't recognizer her later.) La asks why she's so rude. Can't she realize that when she hurts herself, she's hurting him too.

Connie and Izzy dine. He likes the new "luke." He busts a move (the same move. The spin her to face the opposite direction move.) He is quite happy to hear that Miriam and Roman are home. That means Connie can spend the evening with him. Cue "Nunca pensé".

Estefy confirms that Lopez 2.0 knows where Navier is. He assures her that he verified it himself (cerciorar). He asks her not to fall into the trap that someone has set for her (meaning, someone WANTS her to try to steal the diamond.) Estefy has already fallen. She wants to steal it.

Vic tells Reina that he told Navier to follow her and keep tabs on her. He apologizes, but he wasn't wrong was he? NN is a bad guy and tried to kill her and Vic can't let that happen. His cell phone rings. He answers it and instead of hanging up when he's done, he sets it to record and leaves the phone in the room when he leaves. Reina starts with "I can't take it any more." Navier motions to the phone as he formally tells her understands. Vic did it all to protect her. Reina walks to the phone and continues. She understands. She is very thankful to her husband who loves her. They continue in the same vein. They may be talking about Vic and Reina, but they both know they mean each other.

Frank Marino has a bullet for Reina. It's going to hit Bolivar where it hurts. He finally gts the phone call he's been waiting for. He tells the mysterious caller everyone is looking for him, but he's not leaving until he's finished what he started.

Reina and Navier continue with googly eyes. She hopes he gets well soon. He's a lucky guy. She also hopes Vic trusts her enough to stop having her watched. Vic comes to get the phone. He thanks Navier again. He and Reina leave.

On the way home Reina mentions she wants to go back to work. But not with OBD. She wants to work with Connie again.

Miriam has decided to check out Laz's patient. She introduces herself to Greta and offers her hand. Greta would shake her hand, but can't get up.

Izzy and Connie are getting hot and heavy when his phone begins to ring. (Why does no one ever turn their phone off in TNs?) Connie tells him to answer since it distracts her. It's Vic. He orders Izzy to kill Connie. Cara de moral conundrum.

Vic listens to the recording.

Esmetth feels responsible for what Marino has become. He has a dark past that has left him empty. Navier doesn't want to end up like him. Esmeeth thinks Navier is better than Marino, but he lacks control. He can't lose control over a woman. Reina is his weakness. Only Esmeeth would dare talk to him like that. Does Esmeeth love (querer) him? Enter Estefania.

Vic creeps into Reina's boudoir. He knows exactly who is keeping her awake and who inspired her talk of divorce: Javier Bolivar. Reina doesn't deny it.

OT: I'm kind of interested in Los Miserables.

Yup. Reina has it bad for Javier. But Javier doesn't feel the same. She's tried to stop feeling this way and bury those feelings. Vic thinks it must be very tempting to have Reina right there so willing to hubba hubba.

Esmeeth excuses herself to check the security in the clinic. Estefy doesn't like her. Navier tells her not to worry. He tells Estefy that someone killed Andres; in fact, Andres and his father both died the same way with the same drug.

Mystery hands remove a vial from a fridge full of vials.

Reina tells Vic that Navier doesn't have a clue and has always behaved correctly around her. Vic doubts that. Vic swears she'll never be with Navier.

Undie clad Izzy (yum) reluctantly takes his gun, but Connie's phone rings. It's Reina. She needs to talk to Connie. They'll talk tomorrow. Izzy tells Connie she's made him a totally different man. He's never felt this way. She's a miracle in his life. His miracle. They have another Nunca pensé momento.

Juanjo goes to see Cristian. Is he the one that extorted the 50 grand from her? She's not going to talk about Chris' icky with Camila, but the extortionist might.

Meanwhile, Putz hands over a wad of cash to someone to pay his debt.

Laz is annoyed with Miriam. Please don't ruin this job for him. Putz comes and introduces himself. Putz says he'll take of Greta. Laz says HE will take care of Greta.

Estefania and Navier have a cat and mouse conversation. Estefy knows there's a fake NN and he wants to kill the real NN. No real plot development. Oh, Estefy only swears (jurar) when she's lying. Navier wants her truth. blah blah.

Esmeeth takes a call. It's Fico. He's spying on her and asks about the coffee. Esmeeth knows he's near. She alerts everyone. Fico wonders what's got her so nervous? That her past might come out? Fico knows her secrets and sins. Esmeeth is no afraid of Fico. Esmeeth tells everyone to close the area. Estefy asks about the brouhaha (my loosey goosey translation of despliegue: military deployment.)

Navier is trying to undo his IV. He's tired of the hospital and the stupid hospital gown. Esmeeth thinks he looks good in it (hee hee.) She's going to get him out of there and they are going to a hidden location. She's responsible for him.

Reina has a nightmare about an asesino. Clarita tries to comfort her.

Susana comments on Vic's always being with his flask (petaca). She wonders what he would do if someone stopped being afraid of him. If anyone would dare betray him. He would kill them. Betrayal is paid in blood. ooooo. (Is that a huge diamond on his petaca?)

Juanjo IDs the stripper in the club. Cristian takes him in for questioning.

Rocky talks to Betina (remember, the bespectacled nurse?) about her progress at the De Rosas mansion. Rocky thinks she should get closer to Vic. Vic likes the ladies. She tries to get closer to Rocky. Is he jealous? She's rejected. (I really hope Rocky is a good guy.)

Laz tells Greta about his bad boy past. He loved the adrenaline rush. Greta falls asleep. (Anyone remember Victoria's confession on TdA? *snort*) He kisses her forehead.

Reina assures Clarita it was just a nightmare. Vic comes in and asks if both his ladies are ready for bed. He tucks in Clarita. She falls asleep freakishly fast. He tells Reina to imagine her life without Clarita. She could end up in the nuthouse or prison. He reminds her that he knows everything about her and it's more than she can imagine.

They sneak Navier onto an ambulance. Esmeeth assumes all is well until the driver points a gun at her.


Esmeeth and Navier activate their power rings and take down Agente Torres. If you still have it recorded, watch it. The honk when Torres' head hits the steering while is hilarious.) Good work Bolivar. Good work Esmeeth.

Greta watches Laz sleep. She thought bubbles about what she would do if she could walk. It involves smooches and straddling. Laz wakes up and asks if she said something. They are clearly emotionally connected.

Esmeeth goes to see Navier who has just bathed. She tells him he needs to rest. He asks what info they got from Agente Torres. Rocky reports that Torres doesn't know where Marino is. He was offered money and he took it. Navier wants to question Torres. Esmeeth tells him to leave it up to "the boys." Rocky is glad to see Navier is better. Navier asks Esmeeth if Fico said anything that may hint at his location. Esmeeth said he did, but she's keeping that info to herself. Navier wonders who will protect Reina. Esmeeth left orders for her not to leave the de Rosas mansion. Betina will take care of it.

Greta is sweet to Clarita. Clarita wonders if she's sick. It's been a while since Greta was nice to her. Reina tells Laz she's happy to see him doing so well. Greta asks if they know each other. Reina says they are old friends practically siblings. Asuncion informs Reina she can't leave. Police orders. (OT: QTH is Reina wearing?)

It seems Fico and Betina have a little hubba hubba going. She wonders why he hates Reina so much. He explains that to destroy Navier, he needs to destroy Reina. He wants Navier to suffer.

Victor puts a weird space age thingy on Estefy's safe door. He makes himself comfy in her room and calls Bolivar. He gets his voice mail. He asks Bolivar to call him back. Estefy is surprised to see him. He wants the crown.

Juanjo and Laz find it odd that Miriam was released so early. The new and improved (and more casual) Susana comes in. Juanjo likes it. Rawr. He tells her that he and Cristian got the stripper. If they go now, they can hear him confess who extorted the money from her. They leave.

Estefy says she doesn't have the crown. Vic has installed an explosive device (dispositiva) in the vault (bóveda). Lines about the password. She has 15 minutes to open the vault and give him the crown.

Greta asks Betina to make her a shake. Laz says he's going and he'll miss her. Sweet little kiss on the forehead.

Estefy tells him to go in and look for the crown. It's not there. She told him! Vic is tired of this game. He texts Greta. She responds. How does Greta text?) He composes a text in which he tells Greta who her real mother is and that Greta would die of shame to know it's Estefania Perez Hidalgo.

Navier comes to the mansion. Asuncion offers to make coffee. Betina takes note. Navier was called by Vic. Vic needs to see him.

In the kitchen Betina adds the contents of a vial to each cup of coffee. Is this the same vial that was taken earlier?

Asuncion serves the coffee. Reina tells Navier that she confessed to Vic that she was madly in love with Navier. They both drink the coffee. Dunh duhn duhnnn!!!!


Bonus Vocab I couldn't fit in
el secuaz: henchman; goon

Sara, your recap is terrific! I loved your comments and very much appreciated your including some Spanish words that I didn't know. (Improving my Spanish is, after all, my excuse for watching the novelas :-) ).

I too wondered how Greta could text (or indeed how she could even reach for the phone to see the message).

And what's with Bettina? Is she working for the Good Guys AND the Bad Guys??

Looks as if Izzy is about to become un traidor, since I think his feelings for Connie are stronger than his loyalty to Victor. At least I hope so! When he reached for the gun, I held my breath. But since Victor is always saying that treachery is paid for in blood, are Izzy's days numbered? Somehow, I don't think so.

I love it, Sara! Recap, snark, vocab -- the whole package! Thanks so much. This was worth the wait!

Just a few faves:

Cara de moral conundrum.

Cara de muerte de la risa!

(Anyone remember Victoria's confession on TdA? *snort*)

ooh ooh — I do! Osvaldo fell asleep!

He tucks in Clarita. She falls asleep freakishly fast.

Haw! No Injectors involved, I hope.

[The password is an simple cipher for “VIctor is a pig”]

“How does Greta text?”

Presumably she doesn’t and Victor is just faking Estefy out.

Rocky talks to Betina (remember, the bespectacled nurse?) about her progress at the De Rosas mansion

cara de confusión — I really thought there were two girls, one Rocky’s ex- and the other the nurse. So they are just one person? I gotta take another look at this episode!

It sure looks like Esmeeth is surrounded by traitors! The agency is due for a good cleaning!

Well maybe I'm wrong. Perhaps Bettina the nurse and the agent who is making moves on both Rocky and Fico are two different people.

Drat. Help!

Yeah they must be different. But have we ever seen Shady Lady Agent before? Because it was written as if Viewerville knew what was up. I didn't recognize Shady Lady Agent and only assumed they were one in the same only after she added the contents of the vial to the coffee.


I'm with you, Juanita! I hope Izzy will be with us for a while!

Thanks so much, Sara, for the great recap. It was definitely worth waiting for.

I think Reina's nightmare related to why she married Victor on the day of the accident. "I don't want to get married. No, No. My daughter no.. You are a killer. You are a killer..." This suggests that Reina agreed to marry Victor to protect her daughter and had find out about some of his recreational activities.

Also, it was suggested that Betina is Rocky's ex. She asks if her getting together with Victor would make him jealous. He replies that he has work to do. He doesn't want to return to the past.

I knew something was up when Navier accepted Asunción's offer of coffee. Since when does tough-guy Navier ever accept anything from anyone?

OK. So Betina the nurse is also Betina the Shady Lady Agent ex to Rocky and Ho to Fico?

Oh and I apologize again for being tardy with the recap. I'll be better next week.

Yes, I just went back and checked. Betina, the nurse with hair up and glasses, is definitely Rocky's ex and Marino's accomplice.

Wow. We make jokes about glasses and hats being *snort* great disguises, but in this case the glasses really were a great disguise. It probably helped that we almost always had long camera angles with the nurse. Few super close ups.

Thanks for going back and looking, Jean!

Thanks, Sara! Terrific recap. I love all the bold vocabulary words!

Yep, Bettina the nurse was mostly shot from a distance and we couldn't recognize her when we saw her and Rocky together, nor when we saw her and Fico together. I get a kick out of how Fico, since being shot up, has lots of fico-sweat on his face. The make-up crew must have a bucket of the fake sweat on hand for his scenes.

More fantastic Victor and Stefi scenes. It's fun to watch those two chew the scenery as they play one-upmanship or one-upwomanship with each other. All the while fighting down residual lust.

Yes, I agree that we got a clue as to why Reina married Victor when she had a nightmare about her daughter being harmed.

Jean, thanks for going back to check. We should have known Sara was right! I'd make a terrible eye witness!

Sorry Sara!

Sara - thank you for the recap, snark, and vocab. And ditto all on NM's comments. She beat me to it.

I'm not going to italicize because it is "un gran dolor en los pompis" on the iPad, so quotation marks alone will have to suffice:

"She's a free woman, right?"
Er, no, Reina, because did you forget that you are married to our resident villain?

"Cara de moral conundrum."
Good thing I wasn't drinking a beverage when I read that!

So Esmeeth has a past!?! Why are we not 'caras impactadas?'

"How does Greta text?"
Even Siri will only do so much for us. SEND must be tapped. NM's theory that Victor was lying about it works much better.

NovelaMaven - oh yes, I remember Vic's confession that kept Osvaldo up all night.....NOT.

I can't wait to get home tomorrow and have a Reina-thon, to get caught up. Must see TV!

Stefi might have figured that Victor was lying about texting Greta since she knows that Greta is paralyzed but maybe she didn't want to take the chance that Greta could, in fact, text.

I have updated the post above to give a link to the compilation of the recaps for Week 5 of Reina.

But you can quit anytime, right? ;)

And thank you!

Thanks Sara!

What's up will all these double agents at CIA?

Betina had me fooled. She seemed sweet but she turned out to be bad. Her glasses had me fooled.

Yes. How could Greta text? Estefania should have more sense to figure out that Victor is bluffing.

Lopez 2.0 is useless. Once again he let Victor sneak up on Estefania.

I doubt Isidro will kill Connie. He's fallen in love with her and would never hurt her.

I think it was the Putz who extorted money from Susana. How else would he have been able to pay off his gambling debt?

I agree that it seems pretty clear that it was the Putz who scammed the $50k out of Susana to pay his gambling debts since he hasn't managed to marry Greta yet. Can we assume that it was he who made the video?

I also agree that Izzy really loves Connie and isn't going to kill her but it's going to be pretty hard to hide that from Victor.

Yes, Jean, I'm 99% sure it was The Putz who made the video in the first place. I remember a scene of him watching it on a laptop and grinning gleefully. From what we know, the video never made it into social media. So the person who would have a copy would be the person who made it in the first place.

Using the easy search facility on my compiled recaps ;-), I found what I thought I remembered. On the July 23 recap, you (Novelera) wrote:

Just as he is professing his great love to Greta, the putz gets a text message: "Either you pay what you owe me, or I'll reveal that you are responsible for Camila's suicide."

So the Putz did make the video but someone else knows about it and presumably has a copy since someone sent a copy to Greta and the Putz looked really nervous when it showed up so it probably wasn't him.

I really appreciate the folks that are keeping up with things. I forget details so quickly and my head exploded from detail overload long ago. I love that you are keeping track of the recaps, Jean. I'm amazed at how much this show packs into each episode.

a couple of pics,


Great, great recaps and comments. Thank you Jean, for miercoles, Mauricio for jueves and Sara for viernes! Each of the recappers has a distinctive, entertaining style, but we get all the facts and then some.

Doris--did you ever get your question answered about Andres having any heirs? Seems to me I remember in an early capitulo that he told Stefie he left his wife and children in Paris to return to Las Vegas. I will check the chapters later to verify.


You are welcome, Anita. We have a great time. I can't wait to see Elna June's contributions. She actually wrote a recap in verse for an Univision novela!!

I also recall Andres mentioning that he had left a wife and children in Paris. Since characters don't usually say things like that for no reason, we should not be surprised to see a wife turn up.

That should have been, "we have a great TEAM." We have a great time, too but that is different.

Yes, Jean, a great team AND a great time!

Just to clarify, if we can get our act together, Elna June and I will alternate Tuesdays, not share each Tuesday (although that sounds kind of fun too!)

Anita, I remember Andrés talking to red-bereted Reina at the Paris café. I remember his mentioning an ex-wife but I can't recall anything about kids. I have decided, however, not to stress out about this kind of thing -- if it's important, it will come up again and might even take the form of a flashback.

The only reason I mentioned the estate of Andrés and who might show up to claim it is that it seems a likely path for the writers to follow. Besides, the Queen of Diamonds is getting a little uppity -- she needs some competition, don't you think?

I love it that the Putz is such a putz and seems to have absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Ditto, the Odious Bitch Delfina.

It's comforting to have these pillars of nastiness, both so distasteful that not even the bad guys can stand them.

I hope that Fico has a short-term contract. He is in a putz-like category, as far as I'm concerned. He's just no fun to watch (unlike Victor and Isidro, both of whom are a hoot, no matter what they are up to).

Here's another in the series.
Week Three

Subtitled: I Have Not Made Any Of This Up

A Dragon never needs a doctor; only gauze, cotton, and disinfectant. A beautiful lady to hover over you is only incidentally useful in case you come down with a telenovela fever.

Always leave your belt attached to the belt loops of your pants if you have removed them for a lady in case there is a jealous husband on the loose (don’t ask how I know).

A Dragon becomes invisible as soon as he steps outside the house of a damsel.

If the belt fits you, make sure it fits someone else, too.

Always wear a baseball cap and dark glasses (even if your curly locks are exposed) to keep from being spotted by the enemy (even if they are your colleagues).

Never leave your roof-climbing shoes at home (see Thu Jul 17).

Exacting vengeance takes precedence over sex with an older seductress.

Making love in a shower with your true love takes precedence over exacting vengeance.

When fighting off two men and you are carrying a full-grown woman in your arms, make sure your legs are not otherwise engaged.

A Dragon is better at protecting damsels than anyone else.

A Dragon can take care of himself.

If the backstories get complicated, there is always electronic wizardry, magic screens, and amnesia to help you get on with the mission. Telenovela viewers don’t care as long as they can watch pretty people and you take your shirt off frequently.

Make use of the fact that your boss’ computer password is Dragon.

A Dragon cannot fall for a lady’s sweet nothings, it complicates the mission (well, maybe a well-deserved once if it’s in a bed and not in a shower).

A Dragon might get in trouble with his boss if in the process of protecting a damsel he is accused of kidnapping.

A Dragon makes the best student, but the boss is still the TEACHER.

A Dragon does not make the best-behaved prisoner.

Thus Endeth The Third Week


Wonderful, Anita -- thanks!

My fave: "If the belt fits you, make sure it fits someone else, too."

I really like Eugenio Siller in this role. He is holding his own against the big old Ham & Cheese on Wry of Soler and Siachoque, and that's not easy to do. Plus I think he and Paola Nuñez are great together -- not to mention the funny tough love thing he has going with Laura Flores's Esmeeth.

In fact Navier and Esmeeth make me think of wise-cracking siblings rather than the mother-son duo we are all assuming them to be. [And since we are all assuming that, what if we are completely off-base? Doesn't it seem too easy?]

It would be very cool if Navier and Esmeeth were not the obvious mother and son but brother and sister. Esmeeth did talk about her shame and abandoning a baby is more like what a mother would do but it all could be misdirection on the writers' part.

I really Eugenio Siller in this role, too. His super-efficient, never eats, never sleeps, speaks in clipped sentences persona is fun. When he accepted and then actually drank from a cup of coffee in Friday's capitulo, I realized how out of character that was especially when he calmly sipped from the cup after Reina told him that he had told Victor that she is in love with him. That was something a normal person might do but not the Dragon!

Anita - I love the "Wisdom of the Dragon"!

Thanks, Jean & Anita, for clearing up that Andres has a wife & child. That part was missed by me in that "Paris/red beret" scene.

Two episodes down and one more to get caught up. Stefy talking so casually to her psychiatrist and then Lopez 2.0 with that slashed dress was just too funny.

Lopez 2.0 just ain't right. There's something awfully suspicious about him. He's never there when Stefy needs him. Lopez 1.0 always was.

Hey Guys!

Can anyone pinch hit for me today and recap the show? I was just called in for 2 possible trials tomorrow and I have to spend all night prepping. If they don't go I can recap Tues, Wed, or Thurs!

I would appreciate it!!!

I can do it for you tonight, Caroline, and if you are able, you can do my slot on Wed.


Anita- Awesome installment of Wisdom of the Dragon! I loved all of them. :)

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