Saturday, September 06, 2014

La Maquerida #10, 9/5/14: Fake Courtships, Fantasy Lovers, and Really Real Marriages

Gloria has a busy weekend, so I am filling in for her today.

El Refrito:
Luisa tells her Abuela Rosa that she’s going to school to become a chef, and Cristina is paying for it, as long as Luisa gets good grades. Granny blows a gasket, yells about the shame of asking la Patrona for a handout, and forbids it!

Cris is feeling fine and frisky and tells bare-chested Esteban that she wants to make love until dawn. He’s up for that, leans in for a kiss, comes up for air, and sees step-daughter Acacia standing in front of him instead of his wife!

Lo Nuevo:
After a few beats, and looking like he’s seen a ghost, Este is seeing Cris again, but the mood has totally been killed. He begs off, saying he’s tired. Cris takes him to the bed and gives his very tense back a massage.

Luisa explains to Granny that it’s not that she’s ashamed of where she comes from, she just wants to improve herself. She has that right! Granny agrees—but only if she works for it; not having people give it to her. Luisa explains that she will work and pay Cris back once she starts her career. Luisa wishes her parents hadn’t died, because she knows THEY would have supported her. Grandma has heard enough. She slaps Luisa and stalks out of the bedroom!

Luisa is a FAR better child than I am, because instead of being ticked off, she finds Grandma in the kitchen, crying over her tea, and apologizes for what she said. Grandma says she misses her daughter, who was intelligent like Luisa and gave her lots of headaches, but also brought her much joy. She explains that her fear is that Luisa is going to school for all the wrong reasons—those reasons being Manuel “Manolo” Palacios, aka El Joven Palacios. Luisa admits he is one of the reasons, but she’s mainly doing it for herself. Grandma finally agrees to give Luisa her blessing, and the two hug it out. Luisa begs her not to cry. Grandma says her tears are all she has left, because she knows Luisa will eventually leave her (way to lay on the guilt trip, Granny). Luisa assures her that even if she leaves, she will never stop caring for her or loving her.

Acacia is visiting Alejandra in her new pad. They discuss the Ulises-Manolo situation. Acacia feels torn because she loves Manolo, but she’s IN LOVE with Ulises. Alejandra is sorry that Ulises turned out to be a lying, violent bastard, like ALL men. Acacia doesn’t want to talk about it anymore, so Ale asks about how things are going with her stepdad. Acacia happily reports that things are going well. Ale is glad because she feels that Este is good peeps. Acacia feels she needs to make the effort to get along with Este, because he’s the perfect man for her mother…and an ideal father.

Acacia comes home and runs into Rubio. He whines about Ulises beating him up, and sucks up to Acacia. Acacia decides to make peace with him and start afresh, since he is Este’s right hand man and has such great responsibility in the ranch she will run someday. If Este trusts him, so does she!

Ale is alone in her bedroom about to strip, when she hears a loud noise in the other room. German has stormed into his art studio, stripped off his shirt, and is about to put on his painting t-shirt when Ale comes out into the room. Her eyes linger a beat longer than is prudent over German’s toned torso as she greets him. German explains that he had such a busy day with the farm work and the association that he had no time to paint earlier. He promises to paint quietly. She says she’s not feeling sleepy and offers to make them both coffee. Then she apologizes for getting ticked off at him earlier that day about his decision to continue working with that jerk, Ulises. (What argument, you ask? See the link below for some of the Ale-German scenes cut from this episode.) German accepts her apology. He’s just happy she got mad at him, because that means she cares even a little about him. She stares deep into his eyes, a bit breathlessly, and says “Yes. Your…friendship…is important to me.” Uh huh.

Alejandra and German scenes from this episode:
A & G, Mexico Capitulo 12:
A & G, Mexico Capitulo 13:

The next morning, Rubio slimes into the kitchen and comes on to Luisa, AGAIN. He asks her to the movies. She basically tells him, when pigs fly. He says Manolo will never look at her, and he (Rubio) is her only option. She informs him she’ll be getting an education and leaving him in the dust. He’s not pleased to hear this news.

Danilo and Perla move into their new house (of ill repute). He’s now sporting a three piece suit and a cane. I guess this is his new, respectable look. They decide where his office will be, and where they’ll accommodate the clients. Danilo pulls out a photo of Turquesa/Ana/Ale and caresses it. Perla is pithed that he’s mooning over the chick that nearly ruined them and left him lame (cojo). Danilo swears he’s just got her picture so that he can circulate it, find her, and then KILL her! Yikes!

Juliana harps on Manolo about bringing charges against Ulises, and keeping his distance from that uppity (igualada) muchachita, Luisa, who dared show up trying to visit him. He rolls his eyes and says they are just friends. He only has eyes for Acacia. Juliana says he needs to milk his injuries for all they’re worth to win Acacia over. Oh, and he needs to make clear to Luisa that he would NEVER date a servant!

Later, Juliana burst into Alejandra’s room looking for her missing sheets (in a cut scene, German says he took them to his studio but didn’t have time to explain further). Seems none of Juliana’s menfolk told her Alejandra was staying there. She sees Alejandra. She sees the sheets. She assumes Alejandra and German are lovers. She tears into Alejandra and promises to kick her to the curb. She then goes out to the fields to complain to Norberto about it, and nearly spills the beans that German has an art studio and is still painting. She can only complain that she thinks something is going on between Ale and German. She wants Norberto to run Ale off the ranch, AND fire her. Norberto doesn’t see the problem. Plus, didn’t she say that Ale has an inheritance?... They need that money, ASAP!

Over in La Benavente, Acacia returns from a ride all excited about all she’s been learning about the ranch. She greets Cris, and they speak about how Acacia’s dad never wanted Cris to do any ranch work. She had Acacia soon after they married, and she dedicated herself to being a mom and housewife full time. But then after he died, she learned how to do everything herself. However, now she lets Esteban do all the accounts. Acacia is incensed! She thinks Cris should look over all the books. Este walks up and says he agrees, but Acacia keeps pushing, making it seem like she’s certain Este is ripping her mom off and cooking the books. Cris tells Acacia that she’s hurting her by saying these things, and Acacia apologizes. Este gets so upset that he rides off on his horse in an angry snit. Cris panics, and Acacia jumps on her horse and rides after him.

Este finally jumps off his horse, who runs off, by the river. He pounds the earth with his fist in anger, leaving it bloody. Acacia rides up and goes to him. She takes his hand and leads him to the river to wash the blood off. As she holds his hand, she apologizes for what she said. He says he’ll gladly submit to an audit of the accounts. Acacia says her main concern is that he’s angry with her. She asks his forgiveness and gives him a hug. They separate slightly and look into each other’s eyes, way too long and way too close…

Acacia is mumbling something about making sure they get along for her mother’s sake, but it looks like they both just really want to kiss each other. They jump apart when Rubio rides up, yelling for Este and holding the reins of Este’s horse. He tells Este about some trouble on the ranch that needs attending right away, but he’s already seen plenty to get his dirty mind going.

Ale goes to the Association office in a panic about losing her new home and her new job. She tells German what happened with Juliana. He tells her he won’t let anything bad happen to her and hugs her. German wants to know why she’s in such a panic about this, and has gentle hold of her arms, when Norberto walks in. He raises an eyebrow at the scene, then proceeds to give the kids permission to be novios, without letting them get a word in to clarify that there is nothing going on. He makes it clear that he approves, as long as there is no hanky panky in the office or at the hacienda. German gladly plays along and puts his arm around Ale, which Norberto swiftly removes.

Danilo counts his stacks of money and meets with Rubio’s no-good young cousin. He wants to know who the top dogs in town are. Cuz informs him that would be the guys in charge of the Association, and the top of the top is Esteban Dominguez. Since Rubio is his capataz, he can get all the dirt and info they need on the top dogs. Danilo gives Cuz a stack of bills and his marching orders.

Acacia and Este return to the house. Acacia apologizes and hugs her mom. Este tells Cris he loves her, hugs her, and hangs on tight, like she’s a life line.

At home with his mom and brother, Ulises reports to them that he had a good meeting with some investors, but still needs to do a presentation. If he gets their investment, he’ll have less to raise. Mom and Bro inform him that they went ahead and mortgaged the house to give him the money. Ulises is not happy about this. Dad left it to their mother, and he doesn’t want to risk it. She says the house belongs to all three of them, and two of them decided this was best. Ulises finally relents and decides to celebrate with them. Over lunch later, the boys tell their mom that she’s still young and beautiful and they really want her to find a boyfriend. She wants Ulises to go back and fight for Acacia.

Acacia visits Manolo in his room to return the saddle. He can’t believe she’s rejecting his gift. They’re friends! Acacia says she would accept it, if it were given as a friend gift, but it wasn’t. He refuses to take it back, and says what’s important is that the two of them now have clarity that they are just friends. They shake on it and hug—amigos.

Esteban is shirtless and taking out his sexual frustrations on bailing hay. The all-seeing Rubio tells Este what he thinks is really bugging Este—he’s falling in love with Acacia! Them’s fighting words! Este tells Rubio to shut his mouth, grabs him up by his shirt collar, pushes him to the ground, and declares that he loves his wife!

Juliana has coffee with Cris and spews her stupid classists b.s. about Luisa, whom she thinks is a gold-digger (interesada). Cris sets her straight. Luisa is good and intelligent, and she’ll be starting chef school. Julianna makes fun of Cris for taking on yet another charity case. Cris corrects her that this isn’t charity. Luisa will pay her back, and she will be an amazing chef. She already makes great desserts…like the flan she made the other day and brought to your house for Manolo. Manolo walks in right on cue and asks about the missing flan. Juliana sips her coffee conspicuously, and then makes up an excuse about the flan falling to the ground (more like she binge ate it in the kitchen, is what I’m guessing). Manolo says he’ll just asks Luisa to make him another.

Our new fake couple, Ale and German, nervously say goodbye to Norberto. Ale demands to know why German didn’t set Norberto straight. Now, his mom will think she lied about there being nothing going on between them. German is just glad that he can get his dad off his back and get him to stop thinking he’s gay! Cara de shocked de Alejandra. “You’re gay?” Before German can clarify, Rubio’s cousin comes into the office. His lascivious glances up and down her body are enough to send Alejandra to the other room. Meaning she doesn’t hear the name of his boss who is making the inquiries—Danilo Vargas! He leaves Danilo’s card with German to schedule the appointment, and exits with another slimy glance Alejandra’s way. German notices, and obviously doesn’t like it.

Este is still bailing hay, shirtless. He seems calmer, but is obviously still perturbed by what Rubio said. He calls Rubio over. Rubio has a favor to ask. He wants to be the one driving Luisa to and from school each day. He doesn’t want her meeting and throwing him over for some rich, educated guy. Este, who must want to keep Rubio happy and his mouth shut, gives his approval. But he doesn’t want him messing with Luisa. If after a time Luisa has still decided against him, then Rubio has to give up and leave her alone. Yeah, right. Rubio smiles with an evil glint in his eye.

At Hacienda Palacios, the Palacios family, minus German, are sitting with Cris and Acacia. Norberto brings up Manolo needing to bring charges against Ulises. Manolo demures, playing it like he doesn’t want to hurt Acacia further. Acacia and Cris are in agreement with Manolo, and think bringing charges against Ulises would be too much. He and Acacia are through and won’t be in contact any more. Norberto won’t change his mind.

Alejandra and German continue their conversation. “Are you really gay?” “Are you serious? Do I seem gay to you?” German explains that his dad assumed that because he paints, and he’s not a womanizer like Manuel, he must be gay. He asks Ale to play along and pretend they’re novios. She agrees. They head off to hide his paintings, wash and return his mom’s bedding, and to buy Ale new bedding. The bedding will be German’s gift to her, since he owes her one.

That night, Cris and Acacia return home, just as Este is returning from the fields.  He seems to get annoyed that Acacia was visiting with Manolo, and heads quickly into the house.

Over in our other hacienda of family discord, Juliana and Norberto are having it out about their money troubles. He says it was bad business. She is sure he was gambling again. She yells that she should have never come back to him and married him after she left him the first time! He throws back at her that she came back and married him because she got pregnant by someone else! Oh, snap! (Would that be German’s bio-daddy?) He walks out.

Back to the hacienda of obscene desires…Este is in the office, trying to catch his breath, and remembering Rubio’s words about him falling in love with Acacia. In walks Acacia! She points out some file/log book she left on the desk (I’m guessing the accounts). Este comes close to Acacia and says he can’t take it anymore. He has to tell her something. Dun, dun, dun!!

While we wait on pins and needles wondering if Esteban is about to tell his stepdaughter that he is lusting in his heart (and loins) for her, the writers send us to another nail biting situation. Danilo is hanging out in the town square, appraising and taking picture of potential sex slaves he sees walking through the square. Meanwhile, Ale and German, loaded with shopping bags and bedding, giggle happily as they walk through the square. He teasingly calls her novia and invites her to a coffee or ice-cream. She hits him with the pillow, and they run off out of the square, just as Danilo turns to where they were just standing. He missed seeing them. Whew!

Back to our other sticky situation. Esteban, standing way too close to Acacia, continues. He tells her how much he loves her mother, and asks for her permission to marry Cris in the Church. Acacia looks a bit disappointed—like this wasn’t the declaration she was expecting. She takes her hand from his and wonders why now, after so many years? Este points out that it was what Cris originally wanted, but…Acacia says she knows it didn’t happen because of her. She storms out of the office.

We come back from commercial, and Esteban is right in the middle of a fantasy about Acacia coming on to him. In his fantasy, he tells her he could never be with his stepdaughter, and that he loves Cris. Fantasy Acacia is a real femme fatale and wants to have her way with Este! They are just about to kiss, when Este is woken from his fantasy by a very real Cris looking for Este and Acacia to have dinner. Este is all hot and bothered by his fantasy, and convinces Cris that they should have dinner in their bedroom, just the two of them, and maybe skip the dinner part. They lock lips passionately.

Luisa is happy to hear the news from Acacia that Este wants to marry Cris in the Church. She doesn’t get why Acacia is bent out of shape, since Cris and Este have been civilly married for years now. This Church marriage is just a little too permanent for Acacia’s liking. She doesn’t think her father would like it. Luisa disagrees, and thinks he would want Cris to be happy. Plus, the only reason they didn’t marry in the Church long ago was because Acacia disapproved of Esteban. Acacia is all out of excuses. Rosa comes in to inform Acacia that she’s on her own for dinner, since Este and Cris are doing it, uhm…dining in their bedroom. Acacia’s annoyance level goes up a few more notches. She decides to have dinner with Luisa and Rosa.

The next morning, Rubio tells Luisa that he’ll be her driver to and from school. She’s not happy about it. He doesn’t think the patron and patrona would be happy with her causing a fuss, when they’re paying for her education and providing her with a driver. Luisa accepts the deal with the devil.

Acacia runs into Este (who seems in a really good mood) in the hallway. He wants to know why she’s against the Church wedding. She has no real excuses, so she gives her approval and her blessing. But after the wedding, she’s moving back to the capital so that they can start their lives as a married couple. Cara impactada de Esteban.

Avances: Manolo comes clean to Acacia about not getting beat up by Ulises, and boy is she ever pithed off!!


Well done, Vivi!
hacienda of family discord vs. hacienda of obscene desires - LOL

At this point I think Acacia has no clue that she's not jealous because of her dad, but because she wants step dad all to herself. Maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle, but these long glances are very revealing for those with eyes to see.
It has been made clear that Acacia is not experienced, she's barely 18, so mistaking actual lust for step dad jealousy is not out of the ordinary. And Esteban is about 100 steps ahead of her, what with the dreams and daydreams and fantasies and hay bailing.
This is getting so twisted... I love it!!!

Ale and German are very root worthy, that is one secondary story that is kind of stealing the spot light from the triangle.
I still don't like Luisa, even if I truly can't stand that awful grandmother of hers.

Haha, I'm listening to a song that looks like it was written for our Esteban!!!!!

Adriana- It IS getting twisted, what with all these fantasies and daydreams Esteban is already having! I'm surprised Rubio didn't use cruder terms to describe what Este is feeling-- falling in love is not what I thought he'd say about what Este is feeling for Acacia. I don't think I'm convinced that it's love, and not just plain old lust.

I agree that Acacia is pretty clueless about what she's feeling for Este, while he now clearly knows how he feels.

I don't dislike Luisa, and I credit the writers with that. The writers could have made her over the top jealous and bitter about Ale and Acacia, and super obsessed with Manolo. She is a little bit of these things, but nothing out of proportion or out of the ordinary. And instead of stewing, she's decided to move forward (if not on) and get an education and a better life for herself.

Ulises's mother is very attractive and sweet, but currently there are no good/single older gentleman in the cast of characters who could be her boyfriend.

Well, well, well. Juliana was pregnant by someone else when she married Norberto, and he knew. Why would he accept that? Now we know why Norberto seems to care so little for German. I bet German's daddy was a servant. Wouldn't that be ironic considering Juliana's snobbery.

LOL! Adriana, that's actually one of my favorite songs that they play on the Latin radio stations all the time. Yes, very appropriate for Esteban.

Vivi, fantastic title.

The recap was stellar and there were far too many wonderful lines to quote them all but "Her eyes linger a beat longer than is prudent over German’s toned torso"; "Rubio slimes into the kitchen"; "Danilo and Perla move into their new house (of ill repute)"; "makes up an excuse about the flan falling to the ground (more like she binge ate it in the kitchen, is what I’m guessing)" and "hacienda of obscene desires" were excellent.

I love the music in this - it's beautiful and I am happy the opening credits let us see the actors names and characters which really has helped me get familiar with them.

The pivotal scene for me was “Este tells Cris he loves her, hugs her, and hangs on tight, like she’s a life line”. Esteban did not deliberately try and fall in love or lust with Acacia, but he did. The attraction is undeniable and unmistakable. Acacia is experiencing an uneasy stirring (I don't theink she has totally grasped the situation) but is wise enough to know she should leave the hacienda. Este, on the positive side, seems determined to override his feelings by not acting on them and further, by asking Cris to marry him in the church.

Shocker was German is not Norberto's son. That explains his contempt toward him, although he is a nasty piece of work through and through anyway.

I think Luisa has the heart and soul of a typical teenager. Can be sweet yet bratty, loving but petulant. I suspect it has been difficult for her, being friends with Acacia and falling in love with someone "above her station" (Rosa's perception). I like she wants to go to school but am very disappointed Este is allowing Rubio to drive her. How long is he going to let this little worm control him?

Cringed at Danilo trawling for his next victimes. Ale may have escaped notice this time but...Now that Dailo's henchie is seeking Este, we can't hope she will not be undetected forever.

Vivi, I agree with you and Adriana that this twisted but am enjoying every single second.

I will view the links you and Adriana provided a bit later.

Thanks so much Vivi!


Niecie: From yesterday, "I’m scared of, disgusted by, and amused by Danilo all at the same time. The actor must be doing something right, or I need help".

Well said! I am giving all the credit to Alberto Estrella who is simply amazing. And frankly, all too believable! Every time I see him here, I ask myself if this is the same dashing Mario from Pasion. I have to tell you, this character frightens me. Truly.

There have been so many terrible villains lately, but he is standing out simply because he exemplifies and embodies true evil. All credit to Alberto.


Diana- Thanks, amiga. I'm glad that you enjoyed the recap, and are enjoying the show too.

I really can't believe that Este thinks it's ok for Rubio to have so much access to Luisa. She already said no. How many more times does she need to say it for Rubio and Este to get it? Este already knows that self-control isn't Rubio's strength (especially when he has some drinks in him). Does he really think his little warning for Rubio to keep his hands off her is enough?


Vivi - Great recap. I second all of Diana’s favorites. Thanks for the deleted Ale-German scenes.

Esteban is trying to cement his marriage/feelings with Cris and that’s laudable. But he's also blocking Acacia from getting back with a good guy like Ulises and giving that wolf El Rubio free access to Luisa. Especially because Esteban is 40ish, while Acacia and Luisa are 18(?), it’s lame what he’s doing with their lives. Also lame that he lets underling El Rubio talk to him any ole kind of way – no respect. As they say, what a poco hombre.

Luisa can be mopey, but I like her. She was the voice of reason with Acacia last night. I wonder if she'll be the first to notice that Acacia is attracted to her stepdad. I’m also wondering if Luisa is destined for a new hairdo, something less mousey.

This TN should've been called "Twisted." I think Norberto, in his twisted way, does care for German. That's why, clueless homophobe that he is, Norberto fought against German’s art and instead wants him to run the family's ranch stuff. I do see he’s more demanding with German than he is with Manuelo, but I think he sees Manuelo as a good-for-nothing who will have to marry $$$ to make it and that German is capable.

Another twisted, Danilo was looking at that photo of Alejandra with something other than hate (affection? pride of ownership? lust?). On the plus side, this could mean he’s not planning to kill her. On the other side, yuck!

Niecie- Oh yeah. The way Danilo was caressing that picture of Ale shows that he likely won't kill her like he says, but will instead try to make her his again. I'm not sure if that's much better. Blech!

Niecie- I agree that Norberto does seem to have more respect for German than he does for Manolo, although Manolo gets his love and affection, while German gets orders and admonishments. He seems to trusts German with the hacienda and the Association. Of course, that was also his way of making German "man up" instead of being a sissy artist.

Hello, Novela Fans,

I've seen a couple of episodes, but am not really watching this offering. Glad you are having fun with it. Congrats to Vivi for getting back into the recapping business with her precise and humorous writing skills.

Stopped by to get your opinions on La Fuerza del Destino which is now showing in the afternoon during the week. I was not at all interested in watching this when it first aired, but I've glanced at it occasionally, and it
doesn't look too bad. There are some excellent older actors in it.
Was it considered horrible?

Thanks for your guidance.


Thanks so very much for this stellar recap. I too have my favorite lines that have already been quoted, especially the sliming Danilo one. I loved the way you gave this recap a light and humorous touch. I loved the title too.

Oh, I think Acacia is having feelings for Esteban and she knows it, deep down. Why does she keep running into his arms and why is she so scared about this wedding, being permanent, hmmmm..

I was worried when German and Ale were by that café, I wasn worried that Danilo would see them. It's good he didn't. Danilo is so creepy and I don't believe that he'll kill Ale either. He just wants her to be his again.

I too don't like Rubio driving Luisa around. He's oily and slimy and very untrustworthy.

I did love your line bout Juliana binge eating that flan!

It was a surprise to me too that German isn't Norberto's but then again German is nothing at all like him. He's very hard working. And Juliana actually protect him, surprising!

I am just glad that Esteban isn't acting on his fantasies. I have hope that he really does love Cris and eventually he will put all this in perpective so to speak.

I'm really glad that Rosa finally came around. I was hoping she would.

Juliana is an idiot. I really hope one day Luisa is a famous chef and throws that in Juliana's face, especially if Luisa becomes rich! Juliana will have to eat crow. I'd like to see that!

Floridia- Thanks for dropping in!

LFDD is a great tn, and an original story. It won for best original story and a few other tn awards that year. Our only complaint about it was that the heroine was so stiff with the galan. We had great fun with that one. But the acting was excellent all around. Marcelo Cordoba was hot, hot, hot. David Zapeda was wonderfully gentle with the boy who played his son. We had great fun making fun of his scenes when he was alone remembering the heroine. And the original story was full of surprises. Oh, and biggest plus, it's really short. Just 101 caps. I think Uni is showing it in 2 hour blocks right now, so I don't think it's too long before it wraps up.

Mads- Thanks so much. I would love for Luisa to become a rich and famous chef someday and see Juliana's reaction. I have a feeling her downfall will come way before that though. I'm now curious about the back story of German's conception. Who was the guy?

Thanks Vivi. I hate the story line but I like the show. I only watch for Ale and German. Unlike a few optimists among us, I have no doubt Este lets Rubio get away with all this nonsense is because he knows Rubio is on to him. He could have fired Rubio for insubordination and tell Cris the reason. You can not blackmail someone who has nothing to hide. The church wedding is to convince himself that he is not falling for his stepdaughter. If Rubio rapes Luisa or sell her to Danilo then Este is deader to me than he is already.

Romy- For sure Este is letting Rubio have power over him because he knows Rubio is correct about his feelings for Acacia, and he feels guilty. And Rubio knows perfectly well that he holds this power!

Thanks, Vivi for the brief, informative critique of LFDD; I think I'll record it and watch in the evenings for the remaining episodes.

Continue to have fun with your sideline.

Great recap. I stand by my previous statement....Este is a creep. Acacia may be a legal adult, but she is still very much a little girl in so many ways. I feel bad for the Mother. My curiosity is keeping me tuned in, but my moral compass is telling me to move on. Maybe I will discontinue watching the show, but continue to read wonderful and detailed recaps such as this one.

Thanks, Vivi. I always love your recaps..clear and precise.

I am getting tired of Este's knitted brow as he struggles with those fantasies about his stepdaughter. JUST STOP MISTER. I cringe to think of him making love to Chris while he fantasizes about Acacia....ew.

Lots of goodlooking hombres in this show, but we also a big helping of creeps..Rubio, Damnilo, Norberto, Juliana.

I suppose Norb married Juliana because she had money.

I like German and TurqALeAna together. I hope that he can protect her from DamDan, but I am worried about them both. Damnilo is despicable and ruthless.

Thanks Vivi for this wonderful recap and for filling in.

I am really liking this novela so far. I don't like any cut scenes of Ale y German. I really enjoy these characters and want more.

Esteban lusting after Acacia is not that wierd to me. He's not her dad and he never raised her. But he is married to her it's wrong. Hopefully he will ignore his developing feelings and stay away.

Again Vivi thank you. I truly appreciate you.

I will be leaving on a girls trip from September 28 to October 5. Want to fill in?

I was hoping to be able to watch a head and leave the recap for Mads to post but since they are cutting it, it might leave you all confused. The place I'm going has no reception so I can't watch then write up.


Kat- I feel so bad for Cris too. She really is a wonderful woman. She made the mistake of letting Acacia have her way and emotionally blackmail her for too long. But no parent is perfect and she is a good mother and a warm-hearted person. I love how she is helping Alejandra and Luisa, and isn't a snob like Juliana. It will break her heart when she realizes what Este is feeling for Acacia. I am really curious how the writers will preserve the mother daughter relationship by the end. I care far more for Cris and Acacia than I do for Este, so it's their relationship that I most care about.

Susanlynn- I also assume that the deal between Juliana and Norberto was that he would marry her, accept her child as his, and help her avoid the shame of being an unwed mother; and she would hand over control of whatever money (and land) she brought into the marriage to him, as well as give him the respectability of marrying into a "good" family. The interesting part is that she had been with him before she went off and got pregnant by someone else. She said she had left him. Who did she leave him for, and/or why? Could it be that Norberto actually killed German's dad to get the competition out of the way? I wouldn't put it past him.

I also worry that German's life is now in danger since he is clearly in love with Ale. I have a feeling Danilo won't like seeing Ale with any man, unless it's him or one of the clients he's selected for her.

Gloria- No problem, amiga. I enjoyed doing it. As for the week you'll be away, I may have a work trip to SC that might overlap part of that time. I'll check and e-mail you.

Vivi, "I care far more for Cris and Acacia than I do for Este, so it's their relationship that I most care about".

Yes...absolutely true.

The mother/daughter bond is one of the most precious in our lives. No matter how strong, is it possible to forgive such a betrayal should that occur?

I am fervently hoping Ulisses is persistent and pursues Acacia. I like him and his family seem devoted and solid. He is a good man and they seemed happy together before the misunderstandings due to Manuel's lies. Well, that sounds like the kiss of death, doesn't it? :(


Would the writers kill off sweet Chris to put Este who seems to be the leading man together with Acacia ? I hope not because even with Chris gone, It would feel icky for Acacia to end up with her stepfather. I hope that Ul is a good guy and ends up with Acacia . We will see.

Susanlynn- I don't think these writers are going to give us a clean, tidy ending to this triangle, and they better not even think of killing off Cris. But I really don't know how they are going to resolve this situation.

Diana- Seeing Ulises with his family shows that he really is a good guy. And Acacia does really care for him. Unfortunately for him, there are a lot of people who want to keep him separated from Acacia and will do whatever it takes.

VIVI---Thanks a bunch. So the two hacienda's have new names. Discord
and Obscene Desires. LOL Great names.
Diana picked out all of your great lines so there's no need for me to repeat them.

Someone said that they don't like Luisa---well I do, she's a nice lady and she is trying to move up
in a class conscious society. I say, go for it girl. You're as good as anyone else. Show em what you can do. I can't stand nose in the air Juliana or nose in the air Lorenza over in La Gata. These rich people that look down on everyone else make me sick. I can't wait for Acacia to find out the truth about Manuel's beat down
and that her/Julian's I saw everything lie is uncovered.

Romy---NOOOOOOOO!! No rape of Luisa. No more rapes period.

Why are the ranch foremen always scumbags? Here we got Rubio and then in CI there was that terrible guy with a whip. Can't a ranch foreman be a decent normal guy?

Susanlynn---On your bad guy list you forgot the handsome young guy that beat up Manuel.

Susanlynn---I like your name od DamDan for Danilo, that's a keeper.

Now that DamDan has seen Alejandra
she's in danger. Not only did he see her, he knows who she is with. If he tries to grab her, she should kick that bad knee of his.

If DamDan shows any love interest
towards Alejandra, that would make Perla/Sabine Moussier madder
than a stirred up hornet. If there
ever was a confrontation between Alejandra and Perla, Ale would loose. Sabine is one tough cookie.
She has played the bad, mean girl every time I have seen her.

Floridia---I liked La Fuerza del
Destino. It is not on my very top favorites list but it is quite enjoyable. Give it a try, I'm sure that you will like it.

I like Alejandra and German together. They're a good pair. I hope that the writers don't take her out.
the gringo



Thanks for your advice re LFDD.

Even though I am not seriously watching LM, I doubt that they will kill off the character of VR.
That was already done to her far too early in the TN in En Nombre del Amor.

All the Best to All!

Gringo- Thanks for dropping in! Danilo hasn't seen Ale yet, but he was close, and it can't be long now since she'll eventually see the business card his young henchman left at the Association, or he'll even drop in to have that meeting with Esteban. In any case, his moving to town and trying to connect with people in Ale's circle is NOT good news for her. I have a feeling right now will probably be her happiest time for quite a while, because her life will be hell again once DamDan has found her.

Vivi and Diana:

So true about Cris and Acacia's relationship. I don't want it to be destroyed either. I hope that their relationship survives what ever is to come. This is a very twisted TN, but I'm counting on the writers to untwist it, so to speak. One can hope, si? I am the eternal optimist ; )

I don't know about anybody else, but I DO NOT like the "Dam" appellation being used for Danilo. It is an insult to our DamFab!! :-)

LOL! Noted Anon 3:52. He will not get the Dam moniker. We'll just call him maldito.

AWESOME recap, Vivi!

I’m watching Reina de Corazones over on the other channel, and it’s so lovely to watch a show that isn’t cut. What a difference! Also, the captions actually match what’s going on on the screen at the time.

Are the rest of you getting delayed captions too?

Hey, thanks Maggie! I'm watching Reina de Corazones too. Unfortunately, BOTH of these shows are being cut. They've started majorly cutting Reina with 2 epis combined into one. They're only cutting this one a little so far (1 and a quarter episodes), but it's still annoying.

Really? They're cutting Reina? I honestly did not notice! Now I'm bummed - we must be missing stuff. But they let the scenes end properly, seems like. And I love the photography and of course Eugenio Siller and the protagonista..

Maggie- You should join us for our Reina discussions:

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