Friday, January 16, 2015
La Malquerida #102, 1/16/2015: El Gran Final!!
Mexico Episode #116
Gloria and I would like to thank
all of you for being such a wonderful, thoughtful group of commenters. A
special thanks to Diana, who stepped up to the plate, took a swing at
recapping, and hit it out of the park week after week. We can’t thank you
enough for becoming our third recapper when we lost our Beloved Madelaine.
Mads- We know you are watching with us, and having a great time seeing how all
these crazy storylines have unfolded and resolved themselves. Thanks for being
this show’s biggest cheerleader. Now, on to the recap! Gloria has masterfully
recapped what Univision decided to show us, and I have filled in the cut
sections (in italics) and a few extras. Enjoy!
Acacia admits to Cris that she accepted Esteban's love. Cris asks what
she means by that? Acacia clarifies that she never had any type of sexual
relationship with him. Cris asks how can she do this to her? I thought you were
innocent in all this. Acacia says she is remorseful but Cris points out it's
too late for that. Just months ago I believed I was the happiest woman in the
world and now realized I lived in a fantasy world. My husband and my daughter.
The two most important people to me for fooling me. What were you thinking? How
could you betray me like this? She slaps Acacia and says she can't image her
husband touching her. I was thinking you were a victim of his when in reality
you were just a slut. Acacia yells at her to stop and listen to her. You have
no right to tell me that. This would never have happened if you hadn't brought
another man into my house.
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La Malquerida #101, 1/15/2015: Dan Gets Felled by the Ho, the Knife, and the Stiletto
Mexico Episodes 114 and 115. Cut scenes in italics.
Episode #114: Broken
Glass and Shattered Dreams
Cris has just fallen to her knees, begging Acacia to forgive
her for not seeing Esteban’s intentions towards her. Acacia tells her that what
happened with Esteban was her fault. She should have put distance between them
from the first moment he made a move on her. Cris refuses to let Acacia think
it was her fault. She knows women who have suffered sexual harassment often
feel that it’s their fault, but it’s not true. She begs Acacia for forgiveness
again and says she should have realized what was happening to her, but she
trusted Esteban too much.
Before Acacia can tell the whole truth, Elena and Juan
Carlos walk in. Acacia quickly excuses herself, as JC hugs Cris and tells her
the obvious—she’s married to a killer! He can’t believe it. Elena wants to know
why he killed a young man he has known since he was a little boy? JC can’t
believe that the motivation could have only been the desire to keep Benavente. Cris
yells out that Este’s motive was to keep Manuel from Acacia. JC doesn’t get it.
Este had become supportive of the marriage.
C: Because he didn’t want Manuel to make her his mujer! Because he wanted her
for himself!
Elena and JC look like they’re going to keel over from the
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Thursday, January 15, 2015
La Malquerida #100, 1/14/2015: Esteban is Unmasked, But There Are Still Truths to Be Revealed
Mexico Episodes 112
and 113. Cut scenes in italics.
Episode #112: Cris
Starts to See the Light
Hector has just told Cris that he thinks Esteban doesn’t see
Acacia as a daughter, but as a woman. Cris is incensed. How dare he insinuate
something like that! He tries to explain that this is based on his observations,
but Cris isn’t having it. This is something terrible he’s insinuating—that her
husband is interested in her daughter?! It’s impossible! Hector apologizes, but
says he couldn’t keep quiet any longer. Cris says these are just his crazy
assumptions. “Esteban has known her since she was a little girl! He loves her
like a daughter!” Hector apologizes again and says this isn’t easy for him. He
thought about it long and hard, and knew it would put their friendship at risk.
Cris agrees, because what he’s saying is monstrous. Hector hopes he’s wrong,
but he wouldn’t be able to deal with his conscience if something really is
going on. “No. You’re wrong/screwed up. This CAN’T be true! Get out of here!”
Poor Hector leaves.
Dan reminds Esteban
that they agreed to be partners and friends, in good times and bad. Este can’t
believe Dan has the gall to contact him for help after what he did to
Alejandra, Cris, and to all of them. Dan doesn’t see how Este can be giving him
lessons on morality, after what HE’S done. “You and I know very well what it’s
like to be driven mad by a young girl. We are more alike than you think.” Este
takes offense at being compared to Dan. He wants to know what Dan wants. Dan
explains he needs enough money to get out of there, since the guy helping him
has disappeared. Este asks where he is, but Dan is wise to his game. He'll have
instructions for him later.
Rubio keeps Este’s secret and throws Norberto off the
Esteban scent. He tells Norb that the likely culprit was Danilo, and the likely
target was German. Norb goes to speak to the police chief.
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Tuesday, January 13, 2015
La Malquerida #99, 1/13/2015
Mexico Episodes 110 and 111
All- Univision is doing their best to make a hash of the final episodes of La Malquerida, but I know Diana will do her best to give us a delicious recap. See her recap in the comments. I'm sure there will be lots to talk about!
Labels: malquerida
La Malquerida, capitulo 98. 01/12/15.
Hector doesn't understand how Ulises is going to allow the love of
his life to marry another. You will regret not trying to do more. I
don't want to be all up in your business but I see myself in you. I
allowed the love of my life to go off with another man and I have
regretted it since. It's better to lose your pride for love then
your love for pride.
tells Esteban that he now has to keep his distance. He says his only
sin has been in loving her. She reminds him that is the biggest of
sins. What we have done is wrong, but I am willing to do anything so
that you go away. He only wants her happiness and says he will leave
her to get on with her wedding.
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Saturday, January 10, 2015
La Malquerida, capitulo 97. 01/09/15.
goes to Ulises office and wants to talk. She needs to clarify that
what happened the other night was a misunderstanding. But he says
he's tired of all the misunderstandings. She begs him to let her
talk but he's not feeling it. He takes her by the hand and tells her
that every time he has her close, it destroys him. And knows the
same happens to her when he's around. I see that your marriage to
Manuel has happened and in the name of the love that we once shared,
I ask that you no longer seek me out. Even love has it's limits and
I have reached mine. He asks her to leave and no longer wants to
know anything about her. She agrees but asks him to forgive her and
tells him Carmen that he and Luisa are in love and want to quickly
formalize their relationship. Carmen thinks they are too young but
believes they will be happy together and congratulates them. But
asks why the rush? He says he wants to experience every moment of
life with Luisa. Carmen wants to celebrate by having a dinner. They
need to celebrate Ulises going away and Arturo and Luisa's formal
relationship. She asks Luisa to invite Rosa.
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Friday, January 09, 2015
La Malquerida #96, 1/8/2015: First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage…On Second Thought…
Mexico Episodes #104 and 105
Cut scenes are in
Episode 104: Guess
What, Ma…I’m Married!
After telling Ulises
off, thinking he’s Esteban, through her shuttered windows, Acacia calls Manuel
and tells him they have to do something to keep them (their families) from
separating them. Outside, heartbroken Ulises is confronted by an armed guard
who tells him he can’t be there without permission. (Dude. Had Uli been the
real killer on the loose, Acacia would have been at the Pearly Gates by now!)
Uli leaves.
The next day, Rubio is
at the front desk at the police station, asking how he can see a prisoner. He
balks at having to present and leave identification, and instead wanders off
taking in the other folks around him. He spots Norberto, looking shady in
shades, also pacing around.
Cris tells German that
Ale is coming to live at the hacienda. He is fine with it. First, because it’s
Cris’ house and she can do what she wants, and second because Ale will be
surrounded by people who love her. Plus the guards are there to keep her safe.
In any case, he’ll soon be moving into his apartment. Cris wants him to at
least wait till they trap Dan, and stay under the protection of the hacienda.
German will think about it. He requests that Cris not give Juliana all the
details about what happened to Ale. Cris gets it, and won’t. They then talk
about the craziness of Acacia and Manuel getting married. German also thinks
it’s foolish and promises Cris he’ll talk to Manuel. Cris doesn’t want her
opposition to ruin her relationship with Acacia, but German says Acacia adores
Cris and that would never happen. Cris wants German to convince Manuel to at
least wait a year.
Norb manages to get
into see Perla and Julianita. He offers them money and demands that they be
discreet and not mention his connection to them or Dan. He’s sure they will
need money either on the inside or when they get out. Perla knows they have the
power in this situation and reminds him of that. He softens his tone. He offers
his protection, since they know Dan doesn’t play. He tells them to think about
it, and leaves. J-nita is hurt. She thought he was there to help them and that
he really cared about her. Perla calls her naïve. He’s like all the clients.
Perla smiles and says, wait till he finds out he’s on video. J-nita freaks out
to learn she’s on video servicing Norb.
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Thursday, January 08, 2015
La Malquerida #95, 1/7/2015: Truth and Consequences
Mexico Episodes #102 and 103
Cut scenes are in
Episode 102: German
Learns the Painful Truth
The police have just arrived at Dan’s with a warrant to
search the place. Dan demands that they leave and the police say the place is
suspected of being a brothel and Dan is suspected of holding various women
prisoner there. Cris and Esteban emerge from the den, where they were just
about to sign the contract. Dan denies, denies, denies, but Ale speaks up and
says it’s all true! Cris is shocked. As Esteban asks for an explanation and everyone
looks towards him, Dan takes the opportunity to grab Ale and hold her hostage
with his knife against her neck. Like a fearless mama bear, Cris marches right
up to him, past the armed police and tries to pull Ale out of Dan’s grasp, but
Efrain grabs her and holds her at gun point! All the police draw their guns,
but Dan threatens to kill if they don’t lower their weapons. The police chief
complies and tells his men to drop their weapons, as Dan and Efrain drag the
women outside. Efrain locks the cops and Esteban inside the house, as Ale and
Cris fuss, and fight, and struggle to get free of the two psychos.
Ulises and Hector come running up to save the day and a six
person struggle begins as the two heroes struggle to free the women and disarm
and incapacitate the two killers. Uli holds Dan as Hector struggles with
Efrain. Dan yells at Efrain to shoot! And he does. Alejandra goes down with a
bullet to the abdomen! They all panic and surround her, even Dan, as Hector
holds Efrain down. Thinking that Ale is dead, Dan quickly scrambles to his
feet, just as the police emerge from a side door of the house with weapons
drawn. They shoot and manage to blow his cane to smithereens, but he manages to
get in his car and drive away before they can stop him. Ale loses consciousness
as Cris wails, Uli and Hector look sad
and horrified, and Este looks disappointed that he didn’t get that contract
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Wednesday, January 07, 2015
La Malquerida, capitulo 94. 01/06/15. Acacia finally realizes Esteban is BSC.
the show started early and I came in with Esteban caressing Acacia's
face then leaving her room as she is breathing heavily.
is telling his parents to forget about him getting with Acacia. She
only sees him as a friend. Norberto thinks he needs to give it more
time. Manuel finds it sad that the only time his parents are united
is when they are in the pursuit of money. No matter how much you
have, you will never be happy. This makes Norberto ponder but
totally flies over Juliana's head.
gets released from the doctor from bed rest. She can resume her life
as long as she doesn't strain herself. Arturo asks Luisa if she knew
that she couldn't tell the sex of the baby yet at this early stage
from the ultrasound photo. Of course silly she replies. The doctor
wanted them to view and enjoy the growing process of their baby.
Arturo doesn't correct the doctor on the fact that he's not the baby
tells Esteban that she wants to end their illicit relationship.
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Monday, January 05, 2015
La Malquerida #93, 1/5/2015
Mexico Episode #99
There was no chopping or combining tonight. Yay! No idea how Uni is going to get us to the two hour final Episode #116 by the 16th, unless they show this tn every day including weekends for the next two weeks. This is not a bad idea, actually...Are you listening, Univision? Anyways, you'll find Diana's marvelous recap in the comments. Discuss away!Labels: malquerida
Friday, January 02, 2015
La Malquerida, capitulo 92.
Recap will be done and up as soon as I can keep power on. Having lots of rain which is icing over. Discuss until then.
Labels: malquerida
La Malquerida #91, 1/1/2015: Acacia Can’t Come Clean; Cris Is Blinded By Love; Hector Bows Out
Mexico Episode #97
After Acacia tells the grandparents and Cris about the
police going to the Association to question Esteban, Cris goes into the home
office to speak to him and finds him writing a check from her/the hacienda’s
checkbook. She takes the check from him, sees it’s a large amount, and asks
what the deal is. He says it’s for his hotel bill (true). And that he needed to
use the hacienda checkbook because his checkbook and credit cards were stolen
(lie). He says he likely lost them in the restaurant where they reconciled, but
he was so caught up with her that he didn’t notice. Cris buys it. Cris asks
about the police and he tells her someone is trying to defame Dan, but glosses
over giving her the details. Cris decides to continue with their 100% honesty
policy and tells Este she called up Hector to meet with him to tell him about
the reconciliation, and to create some distance between her and Hector. Esteban
gives his permission for Cris to continue her friendship with Hector and to
even do her art show with him. Cris thanks him, but she insists that she should
work with someone else on her photo show. Este thanks her for being so
considerate of his feelings. Smooches, happy smiles from Cris, and creepy
behind the back looks from Esteban.
Meanwhile, in the living room, the grandparents don’t
approve of Acacia badmouthing Esteban, if she’s not going to back it up with
some real reasons and evidence. She of course does not do this, since it would
implicate her backstabbing self. Elena asks if Acacia doesn’t want to see her
mother happy? She has no answer for that. Later, Cris and Este tell her the
real reason the police spoke to Este. Acacia clearly doesn’t care. She’s just
looking for any reason to drive a wedge between Este and Cris, and it’s not
working. She leaves in a huff. Cris is worried and perplexed.
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Wednesday, December 31, 2014
La Malquerida, capitulo 90. 12/30/14
Due to some bad weather here in Oklahoma (expecting some snow but right now VERY windy), I have lost bits and pieces of my recording. No worries not too bad. So fill in what I missed.
the old....
goes around the house yelling for Perla. He spots the maid but she
doesn't know. Perla comes running up asking what happened. He
questions her on her whereabouts. She lies and says she was at the
cabins with some clients. He pulls her in for a hug which shocks
her. You are the only one that I can trust replies Danilo. And
tonight, I will coming to your room. I don't even want to see Ale.
So you finally realize that she will not love you as much as I will
says Perla. He agrees.
asks Acacia why she came back from San Jaciento. She hugs her mother
and says she came back because Luisa became ill. Although I would
never have imagined coming back to find you and Esteban are back
together again. I want to talk to you about that says Cris. Acacia
doesn't want to hear it and reminds her that she once told her not to
get involved in her relationship with her husband. Whatever you
decide I will except. I hope you will be happy.
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Monday, December 29, 2014
La Malquerida #89, 12/29/2014: He’s Baaaaaaaaack!!!
Mexico Episode #95
The Old: German
proposes to Lizzy because her daddy caught them doing the do—she rejects him. Este’s
bill at the hotel has come due, he’s maxed out, his business partner pops up
wanting payment and makes threats about calling his lawyer. Cris is missing
Este, and Elena encourages her to reach out. She calls him and they agree to
The New:
Rosa walks into her and Luisa’s room just in time to hear
Acacia ask Luisa if the baby she’s carrying is Manuel’s. Rosa freaks out, grabs
and jerks Luisa’s arm, and is about to slap her into next week, when Acacia
stops her by yelling that Luisa is in danger of losing the baby. Rosa pulls
back from the physical violence, but goes into a verbal lament about the shame
of having a young, unmarried granddaughter. She then asks Luisa to tell her who
is the father of her baby. With the questioning eyes of both Acacia and Rosa on
her, Luisa isn’t able to get any words out. In walks her Principe Azul, Arturo,
who proudly proclaims that HE is the father!
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Saturday, December 27, 2014
La Malquerida, capitulo 88. 12/26/14
Skipping the old....
Cris and her bff, Hector, are talking in the kitchen. She's happy that German's exhibition was a success. Hector is in agreement and asks when she plans on doing hers. She wants to wait and get some things settled first. She mentions Juliana's strange behavior tonight. She returned with Norberto and even acted loving towards him. Hector thinks you should never be with someone that makes you suffer.
Perla cries as she hears about Memo's death. Danilo cruelly grabs her chin and says it appears she loved him. You are the one that wanted me to get close to him says Perla. I told you to keep an eye on him not to fall in love replies Danilo. He signals for Rubio to leave the room. I warned you says Danilo to Perla. Who is your owner he asks. I am he yells. And I forbid you to cry over him. Perla lies and says she only loves him. Ale comes in and finds out that Memo is dead.
Cris tells Hector she hopes Norberto can change and Juliana can be happy.
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Thursday, December 25, 2014
La Malquerida #87, 12/25/14
Mexico Episode #93
Looks like Univision expects we'll all be home watching our telenovelas on Christmas day. Let's discuss what drama unfolded while we were digesting our holiday dinners. If Diana is able to tear herself away from family for a few hours, you'll find her recap in the comments. If not, let's discuss anyway!Labels: malquerida
La Malquerida #86, 12/24/2014: Acacia Can’t Take the Heat, So She’s Fleeing the Kitchen
Mexico Episode #92
Merry Christmas and
Happy Holidays to you all! Enjoy your day off (if you do have it off) and the
Cris has just caught Acacia about to knock on Esteban’s
hotel door. Acacia covers and says she’s there to get on Esteban’s case about
the way he treated Ulises. Cris says she wants to also talk to him about this,
and tells Acacia not to worry, she’ll handle it. She doesn’t want Este to get
angry and rude with her too. Acacia rushes away and Cris knocks on the door.
Este opens the door with a big smile on his face, obviously expecting the
younger model. After Cris enters the room, Acacia skulks back and hovers
outside the door.
Cris tries to reason with a crazy man. He’s still ticked off
that she went against him and let Uli stay, even though she had given the
original order that he be kept off the hacienda. Cris points out the obvious,
that this was when they all thought he was a criminal. She thinks Este’s
reaction was unjust and exaggerated. Even Acacia came to speak to him about it.
Este gets nervous and agitated and looks around. “Acacia came with you?” Cris
lets him know they ran into each other outside his door. Este looks dumbstruck. (Or just plain dumb. You take your pick)
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Tuesday, December 23, 2014
La Malquerida #85, 12/23/14: Este and Juli Just Can't Get Some...Maybe They Should Meet
Mexico Episode #91
Part 1 (Both parts are now up!):
Esteban is trying every trick in the seduction playbook to
get Acacia horizontal in his hotel room. She’s playing hard to get and trying
to find every excuse to not do what they both want to do, and what she knows he
expected when she walked into his hotel room. Finally, to assuage the “guilt”
Acacia is feeling about betraying her mom, Esteban says that he asked Cristina
for a divorce. Acacia is impactada (not sure exactly why, when she’s having an
affair with her stepfather who keeps talking about running away and playing
house with her).
Viewerville knows that the conversation between Cris and
Este about divorce wasn’t so cut and dried, and we immediately get her
interpretation of the conversation when Elena comes to speak to her. Cris is
actually pleased with the conversation they had. She says that Este accepted
that she needs time to fully recuperate from her depression and miscarriage,
that he doesn’t believe the loss of the baby was her fault, and she felt he was
sincere when he said that she has marked his life forever. Elena says that at
Cris’ side, Este’s life changed totally and for the better. Cris thinks she
needs to become strong and independent again, so that she has more to offer
Esteban. Elena looks like she wants to tell Cris that men don’t necessarily
want an independent strong woman. Instead she tells Cris that she’s happy for
the two of them, but urges that they don’t let too much time pass being
separated. “Part of marriage implies being together with your spouse, even if
the other is not well and in crisis.” Elena believes that the two of them
should fight TOGETHER for Cris to fully recuperate. Cris doesn’t agree. She
wants to show Esteban that she’s strong enough to do it on her own, without
having to rely on him. Elena keeps her mouth shut, but gives her daughter a
knowing, big green-eyed worried look.
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La Malquerida, capitulo 84. 12/22/14. Acacia sinks deeper and deeper.
the old....
calls Ulises and says she will tell him everything he wants to know.
She has some proof but doesn't know if it's enough. He asks if she
knows who kidnapped him. Before she can answer any questions, she
quickly hangs up as she hears Danilo unlocking the door. He looks at
her in her agitated state and asks if something is wrong. She says
she wants to go to bed and heads into the bathroom. He is suspicious
and looks at the night table. He finds some candy but doesn't look
tells Esteban enough tonsil hockey and tells him he has to go. He
promises to see her tomorrow. She has a silly looking smile on her
face. Oh young love....with creepy step daddy.
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Friday, December 19, 2014
La Malquerida, capitulo 83. 12/19/14.
the old....
is having breakfast alone when suddenly he spots Cris walking up.
She remembers his advice to concentrate more on her. So she woke up
this morning and finished all her chores so that she can accompany
him to San Jaciento. Smile from Hector.
new girl, Estrella, swears to Ale that she will work hard and not
fail her. Danilo creepily pulls her hair back. Ale asks Estrella to
go to the kitchen with the maid for a bite to eat then lights into
Danilo. He knows he promised but work is work. His associate
already found her. What was he suppose to do? Return her? She begs
him not to do it. He has enough girls working for him already. He
tells her not to worry. He was advised that the little girl is not
quite so innocent. Ale calls him a good for nothing. I will not
allow you to do to her what you did to me. I will get her out of
here even if you kill me for doing it.
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