Monday, September 01, 2014

Mi Corazón es Tuyo Lunes 9/1/14 #31

Capitulo 31: I Got It Bad and That Ain't Good

Lascuráin Mansion: In the library, Ana and Fernando had it out over her attitude at the engagement party. She reasonably asked him how he could expect her to feel after raising her hopes only to dash them and throw her in the garbage because he's marrying Zerobela. [Not to mention having to watch him propose to her. What Edith Wharton would have made of this...] This caught his attention and he started to apologize, but she stopped him. She continued to address him with formality. She had begun to cry but wiped away the tears, saying that work is work and other things are another matter. She said she is staying because she loves his children. “They need me and I need the work so you won't have any more problems with me.” She started to leave but he pulled her back and tried to explain his feelings. She wasn't interested. “We have to accept that you are marrying Isabela and having a baby with her. That's that.”

She wanted no further discussion or comment about his feelings because that would only make things much worse. She stated she will do her job and change her attitude for everyone's good. She bolted out of the library before she could shed another tear or he could say another word.

She hadn't made it to the stairs before Diego returned from his morning run. He called out to her but she didn't want to deal with him.
Fernando left the library only to end up confronting his brother in the foyer. When Diego asked what had happened, he indicated he wanted no interference. There is obviously something long-term between them including (but not limited to) a failure to communicate. Diego had spent a lot of time away from the family and Fernando wanted to know why. They communicate like devils and it's not right. “What the hell have I done to you? What provoked you?”

In the kitchen, Ana was making a call to a doctor's office, noting it in her appointment book.
Bruno and Manuela were having differences and Manuela asked for her help. She tells him that the neighbor offered Manuela a job, which Manuela didn't want her to say. Apparently there was a communication failure here too because Manuela had already fessed up to Bruno about that lie.

Bruja Central: Isabruja tried to get Yolanda to talk about what to do about Ana. She was not pleased when Yolanda called her on her jealousy because Ana is attractive and has some special vibe about her that attracts Fernando. To Isabitch Ana is a nacaurrona, or an uneducable dunce [As in someone who will not learn to toe the line, we bet]. She put her plate aside, accusing Yolanda of killing her appetite. Yolanda then wondered if there was a way they could manipulate Fernando into dismissing Ana.

Lascuráin Mansion: Meanwhile back at the mansion Isabestia is about to invade, Ana tried to mediate between Bruno and Manuela about the employment lie. He then accused Manuela of coming on to the sushi chef. Ana told him that Manuela has hot blood and why doesn't he give her a second chance? He tried to beg off, yawning repeatedly and gulping down strong coffee. At Ana's prompting he admitted he hadn't slept well lately. She speculated that his nighttime excursions have to do with his secret and tried to get him to fess up. He wouldn't do so in front of Manuela and tried to lie his way out of it. This offended Manuela, but she took the high road, telling him that the three of them have to be more united than ever with what's going on with the bloodsucker that's moving in. Ana agreed, noting that Isabestia would try to fire all three of them. Bruno refused to allow her to mess up a job he's had for so long. She finally persuaded Bruno to forgive Manuela, although it either shamed or embarrassed him.

La Costeña: Fernando and Beatriz talked about his long-distance conference call to Japan, which would have to take place at 6PM because of the time difference. Zerobela walked in just as Beatriz was leaving with an “Holá, mi amor” which he didn't answer in kind. He got straight to business matters, asking about some foreign market information.
She ignored this, asking if he was OK for the wedding to happen in three weeks.
His facial expression first said “No, way, José.”
Then the beginnings of panic.

Lascuráin Mansion: Diego was editing photos on his laptop when he heard Ana reviewing her day's tasks as she walked from the kitchen to the stairs. He grabbed his camera and came after her with it, snapping photos. She was not pleased and did not accept his excuse that she was very photogenic. She told him she hadn't given him permission to take her picture and tried to make it difficult for him. He said they should go where the light was better and she told him she'd rather he'd go to the devil.
He kept saying she should be a model or in show business as she tried to escape him by going upstairs. He followed her, refusing to give up either on his photos or blandishments.

Finally she decided to just let him take pictures for the moment, even trying to ruin one with crossed eyes. This only made him bolder, saying that “it's better without clothes”, which almost earned him a justifiable braining on the noggin. He then asked her if she would dine with him. “Without the camera?” she asked.

La Costeña: “Three weeks?” Fernando asked in disbelief. To Isababy's childish answer he asked “Isn't that a little soon?”
You're lucky this series is a comedy.
The truth is I'm dying to be your wife, Fernando” she said. [Someone should really take her up on that.]

She said something about not wanting her pregnancy to show and he agreed. As to the party, etc., won't that take time?
She said no problem, then asked about the honeymoon. [Under the heading of All Things Not Considered, he should have anticipated this one.] She started coming on to him, talking about Bora Bora... or Paris. He was not crazy about the idea because of all the work they both have.
She talked about two weeks when he's possibly willing to concede a weekend. She managed to pin him down to a wedding date of three weeks away, which he reluctantly consented to. She gushed her thanks and kissed him repeatedly when he looked more like he needed a vomitorium. Or at least an antacid.

Lascuráin Mansion: Ana tried to explain to Diego she has other commitments, this one all evening, but he just wouldn't stop.
Even shooting photos of her as she walked away from him. Finally he pinned her down – reluctantly on both parts for different reasons – to a coffee date. She reminded him she needs to request permission from her boss [Which one? Oh, yes; we know.] and he's OK with that.
She finally sashayed away from him. [Now, Ana, was that really a good idea?]

Street: Sebastian encountered the older kids he saw dancing before. One of them started up the 80s box and they all began getting jiggy with the tune (“Chica loca”?).
The tall kid in the camouflage jacket who appears to be the leader advised him about feeling the music. He was about to exchange cell phone numbers with the tall kid when Alicia and the twins arrived. She told him to hurry up. He reluctantly left, giving a high sign. The tall kid then grinned at Alicia, who looked back at him. [Except for those absurd star tattoos he'd be kind of cute.]

Doctor's Office: Jennifer was nervous in the doctor's office when she arrived to get her test results. She was told she has cervical and uterine cancer.

Lascuráin Mansion: Nicolás was doing his tai chi on the lawn as Diego took photos.
He explained he does the tai chi for stress management; Diego pointed out that he's retired so what does he have to stress about? Nicolás started telling him it was about Jenny and that he didn't know what was up with her.

Doctor's Office: Jennifer asked the doctor when she was going to die. The doctor told her that cancer isn't an automatic death sentence.
He gave her the business card of an oncologist who could give her more detailed information while determining the correct course of treatment as soon as possible. She assumed she would never be able to have children but the doctor told her they can't know that yet. He tried to get her to be more optimistic.

Lake: León and Fanny stood by a rowboat and he told her they'd be going for a different kind of date. They got into the boat and each took an oar and rowed.
They ended up in a park where he put out a blanket and a bachelor's idea of a picnic. [Gotta give him 50 points for effort.]
Finally they took a walk near a church and she talked about learning to appreciate simple things. They stopped again (maybe the same spot) and spoke of their love.
[Which can only mean there is trouble on the horizon.]

Lascuráin Mansion: Ana and Alicia returned from the dermatologist appointment.
Alicia exchanged greetings with her Tio Diego and started to go upstairs when she stopped to listen to Diego talking to Ana about their “date.” She excused herself to accompany Alicia, who stared back at Diego.

Ana & Jennifer's House: Jennifer thought about the consultation. Her cell rang. It was Nicolás, but she didn't want to talk to him. She told him so tersely and hung up. He was confused.

Lascuráin Mansion: Manuela was cooking as she thought about the ladies' night evening and gushed Johnny's name.
Bruno heard this and did not like it one little bit. But he said nothing for the moment.

Upstairs in the younger girls' room Alicia asked Ana if she was going on a date with her uncle. Ana told her she had negotiated a dinner date down to coffee [Isabruja would see this as evidence of sheer stupidity]. Alicia commented that her uncle is handsome in an effort to get more of a reaction from Ana, but she didn't take the bait. Saved by the cell phone.

Jenny told her right out she has cancer. Ana told her she will be right there. Alicia was confused.
In the kitchen, Bruno took the bait of Manuela's and demanded to know who Johnny was.
Manuela was a little evasive. Bruno finally walked out of the kitchen, running into Ana near the piano.
He went up the stairs grumbling about women.

Ana went into the kitchen to ask Manuela what happened. Manuela gushed about Johnny, telling Ana how great it must be to have such a brother. Ana wasn't thrilled with this latest development but asked her to help the twins with their homework. “It's not English, is it?” “I don't know,” Ana said as she headed for the door.

La Costeña: Isabidness entered her office and was surprised to see Yolanda sitting in a guest chair. After the disaster at the engagement party she was definitely not happy about it. Yolanda then told her she would soon stop working because she would be married and having a baby. Isabidness wasn't too pleased at the reminder, but then realized she would need to get a replacement for herself at the office. She knew exactly the person who would fit the bill so she could go on her honeymoon.
Where are we going?” asked Yolanda. At Isabitch's reaction she said “Oy, I'm joking, you nut!” She then asked about the wedding date so she could pack her bags and Isabestia realized her mother meant to move into the mansion. “Why should we keep the apartment when there's a mansion?

Isabruja was not pleased at this.

Lascuráin Mansion: Nicolás explained to Diego that Jennifer was living with a friend because of what happened to her place. He was worried because she was crying on the phone and didn't want to talk to him. Diego suggested they look for her and they headed toward the door.

La Costeña: Yolanda then told Isabimbo she needed her credit card but didn't want to tell her what for.

Zerobela told her she would need Fernando's permission, but Yolanda made up something she would believe so she reluctantly relinquished it to her before leaving her alone in the office.
Yolanda immediately sat at the computer and we pray she isn't addicted to eBay.

Fanny and León arrived in reception and Beatriz handed him a file to bring to someone else. Fanny told Beatriz she needed to see her dad and was told he was on a conference call. She said not to worry; she'd wait.
Isabitch came waltzing in and said hello to Fanny. Beatriz told her that Fernando was on the call to Japan, so she said she'd wait. She sharpened her claws at the sight of Fanny.

Oh, did your dad tell you? We're being married in three weeks.” She flaunted the ring.
Fanny was appalled.

Ana & Jennifer's House: Ana tried to make Jennifer feel better. Jennifer feared being told she would have to have a hysterectomy. Ana tried to explain it could be a very different treatment.
Of course Nicolás wasn't told and Ana didn't press the issue.

El Barrio: Diego and Nicolás arrived on the red motorcycle and Nicolás pointed out Johnny's place. At Diego's questions he told him that he met Jennifer in a club, the Chicago, where she is a waitress.
I know nothing!
Diego said he knows nothing, AKA he'd keep quiet about this. Nicolás explained that Fernando might not like this and think that Jennifer was after his money.
In fact, Isabusybody had tried to buy her off.

La Costeña: Apparently Beatriz must have said Fernando was free because Fanny took the opportunity to say she would see him first. She headed into the office.
And we thought the Brothers Grimm had the last word on wicked stepmothers.
Isabruja made fun of her and said to herself “Things are going to change when I'm your father's wife, you snot-nosed insolent brat.”
Beatriz was not intentionally eavesdropping but looked like she heard every word. That wasn't lost on Isabitch.

Fanny confronted Fernando about the wedding, telling him that Isabruja told her and shoved the ring in her face. When was he going to tell her, the others in the house?
She finally told him that just as water and oil don't mix she can't deal with Isabruja. She then put the papers on the desk for him to sign so she could take a hiatus from school. [If she's 19 why does she need his permission?] He told her they had to come to an agreement before he signed. She had to be doing something during this time. She let him know she had no intention of being Isabruja's slave in the house. She intended to leave. He calmly told her to lower her voice and change her attitude. He then changed the subject to vocational seminars and other things that would help Fanny decide what to do with her professional life.
He then signed the papers. As she reached for them he said he wanted her to tell him as soon as possible what she was going to do.
“As you say, Señor Lascuráin,” she said as she grabbed the file. She turned to leave in a huff but he stopped her with an “I love you” before she got to the exit. She looked at though she was sorry for being angry with him.

At the same time Isabitch returned to her office in a worse huff, slamming her file on the desk. She expressed her frustration at Yolanda, referring to Fanny as stupid.
Yolanda changed the subject by getting her to look at bridal gowns on a website. Isabitch objected to the one on the screen, saying she wanted something more elegant, more expensive, and more low-cut [escotado]. Yolanda told her she will look fat, she doesn't trust her taste, and they argued about Yolanda's buttinsky tendencies.  [If she makes it to the late stages of pregnancy Isabitch is going to be a real piece of work.]

Lascuráin Mansion: In the younger boys' room Sebastian practiced his herky-jerky moves in front of his twin bros who were less than impressed.
You're your dad's Mini-Me.
Nando – proving that he is indeed his father's son – entered to tell him to lower his music, if it can even be called that. “I'm trying to read. There are other people in this house, Sebastian,” he told him.
Does she look like the portrait of Fanny Sr?
Sebastian obeyed and Nando exited the room to see Brianna looking for him. He told her they had to talk. Poor girl is sufficiently young not to realize that this sentence never means anything good.

Isabela's Mini-Me
Right on cue Ximena arrived exactly at that moment, waltzing past Bruno and going right upstairs.
Nando and Brianna went into the kids' playroom so he could tell her he had a novia. Ximena. Brianna was beyond upset. She told him she was dying of love for him and moved in to kiss him... just as Ximena entered.
It looked like Nando is about to grow up rather quickly.

Downstairs in the parlour a basket had just been delivered, addressed to Nicolás.
Manuela placed it on the table. It looked like one of those Tillamook ones in Christmas catalogs for people with no imagination.
Just as Diego was about to ask Nicolás something about this, Nando and the girls ran down the stairs and right out the front door.
Nicolás read the attached note and learned that the package was from Yolanda. Diego began teasing him and Nicolás did an armlock on him.

Ana & Jennifer's House / La Costeña: Fernando thought about his confrontation with Ana and looked like he was going to become depressed.
Instead he picked up his cell and began making a call.

Ana and Jennifer talked about the HPV and how it was sexually transmitted. Jennifer doesn't want to admit this to anyone, but Ana reminded her that this was from some past relationship. Her cell rang and she saw it was Fernando. She took the call in the adjoining room.
He asked her how things were in the house and she admitted she was not there; she was with a friend. He was not pleased, starting out with “We all have problems, but we don't stop working. You need to be responsible.” Isametiche heard the tail end of this just as she was entering his office. Ana apologized and Fernando said she was to get back to the house immediately. She conceded and he ended the call. “A friend,” he said (he thought) to himself.
Fernando, you don't see through her yet?
Isabitch gloated “Problems with the nanny?”

No, not really. Do you have the documents?”

Yes,” and she handed over the file. He immediately began reviewing the contents. She stared at him with an expression that could only be described as probing contempt.

Ana tried to tell Jennifer that this was nothing to be ashamed of. Jenny was concerned about what El Supreme Commandante said to Ana because she didn't want her losing her job. Ana told her she would take her to the doctor, but Jennifer said that Johnny promised to do that.
Ana promised to be there for her no matter what. She excused herself for the moment. Jennifer started crying but not because of that. Ana left.

Street: Bruno was on the street, unshaven, with a cart full of rags. He was wearing a plaid bathrobe and looked homeless.
A woman in black, covered in a veil approached him and came to a full stop. He asked if he could sell her something.
Yes, Isabela, you've got the part!
She removed the veil and we see Isabruja's face under the Disney headpiece for Maleificent. She growled at him. “Ay, Brunito, how low you have fallen!” she said. “The majordomo, a ragpicker!” She started laughing. He started yelling at her to go away and waving his arms.
In a flash we realize he had fallen asleep in an armchair and was having a daymare. He tried to calm down, saying “Think bad and it will happen.” Curiously, he didn't stutter.

Lascuráin Mansion: Fanny returned in her car. Ana was outside and Fanny told her of her encounter with Isabruja.
That said it all.


If Bruno is not interested in Manuela, he shouldn't care who she is interested in. If he is, then just act like it and move on. Stop playing stupid games, you're too old! Besides, I thought he had already told her he was interested but wanted to take it slow and not during working hours, so why did they go back to these stupid shenanigans? Pfft ... ALWAYS ff>> when these two are on screen.

Urban, I sure enjoyed your wonderful recap, screen shots and comments. There were just too many good zingers to mention them all. Thanks!

I laughed at Yolanda in Isabela's office asking for and gerring the new credit card; Yolanda planning to move imto the mansion; Yolanda sending Nico,the basket; and Bruno's "daymare."

Diego seemed more of a pain today than being charming to me anyway.

I am ready for the wedding or at least the prep to bet going.


Holy Cow, Urban!! So many wonderful screen shots. I loved it!!!

You said: " “The truth is I'm dying to be your wife, Fernando” she said. [Someone should really take her up on that.]

Best line evuh!!



I think Diego looks a wee bit too scruffy. If he washed his hair and shaved, I think he would look like quite the yummy dude.


UA, what a wild roller coaster of a recap! Enjoyed it to the hilt.

Current and continuing peeve: Isabruja acting all lovey-dovey with Don Fernando, when he has made it clear he is not marrying her for love. Her constant "Mi amor, mi amor" just makes me want to twist her little head off.

But anyway. I am more interested in Jenny, Diego and even the break-dancing kid these days. The whole Fernando-Isabel thing is just too much of a downer.

J in Oregon


Thanks for leading us through this evening's look at the painful lives of the familia Lascurain and their dependents. The screen shots were great.

I'm starting to warm up to Yolanda. She may not be the upper crust lady Isabruja fancies herself to be, but she has more style and verve.

Fantastic recap! I loved your wish that someone would take Isabully up on her dying wish, er, whatever. Hey, Isa, if we promise to miss you, will you go away?

She is just so RIDICULOUS. It could not be more blatantly clear that Fer can't stand her and is only marrying her out of an overdeveloped and warped sense of obligation, and yet she creeps all over him oozing mi amors and sitting on his lap (!) and pretending they're so in luuuuuurve. She's only making herself look even more idiotic. Glad Betty overheard that witchy remark. Maybe she'll warn Fer. No, probably not. The people who should tattle in telenovelas never do.

I don't trust Diego at all, in fact I think he is probably Bad News, and yet I still love him. He's so upbeat. I also like how he's gradually getting the inside scoop on everyone's issues. Maybe he can serve as the All-Seeing Eye and Voice of Reason.

Can't they find any extras with at least marginally mediocre hip-hop skills? Sebas continues to also be terrible at hip-hop and a waste of screen time.

Loved the place where Fancy and the Lion King went boating and picnicking. Kind of a lame attempt at a picnic menu, but I guess they're young and can live on love :). For now, anyway. I don't understand why she needs Fer's permission to leave school.

Poor Briana. But on the bright side, Ximeana is upset. I wonder how Nando's doing at school these days. Did the bullying stop? Having two ladies fighting over him might do wonders for his stock price.

Looking forward to Fer getting the credit card bill.

The only real problem I see with Ana having a fun rebound fling with Diego is that we know she'll end up with Fer, and that could make for some awkward future Christmas dinners. Although I suppose Diego could just stay away again. I'm not sure if Fer would see such a relationship as tit for tat since he seems to have no idea why Diego was mad at him in the first place.

Mystery: Diego arrived late at night on a motorcycle. Where did he get the motorcycle? Can you rent one at the Hertz counter at the airport? Does he keep a motorcycle handily garaged somewhere in town for when he drops by? Did he buy it upon arrival? Does he secretly have his own home and vehicle fleet in el Estado de Mexico, yet opted to stay in the mansion so as to find out all the good gossip and be a metiche?

Thank you, UA, for the fantastic recap . . . AND the shout out to Edith Wharton!! Uh oh. If the tn writers are modeling these love relationships on an E. W. novel, things won't end well, especially for Ana and Jenny.

After Nico told Diego about his concern for Jenny, they hopped on Diego's motorcycle and drove to her home. Why didn't they go inside to check on Jenny? Or did they, and I missed it?

I LOVE the way Yo-mama Bruja bought Nico's gift basket with Fer's tarjeta de credito!

Julia, Diego owns that cycle; he arrived on it in the first place. I doubt he had it when he was out of the country, but I guess such things can be put in storage for the duration of such a trip.

I am also looking forward to the credit card bill, which is likely to arrive after the Wedding From Hell.

Beatriz is certainly in a position to know her boss well and to see that this marriage isn't for love. However, she isn't the type to interfere because she knows it could interfere with her employment. Not a comfortable place because she's now in Isabitch's line of fire.

In view of Rene Casado's position at Televisa I doubt that Isabitch will be able to do what I've seen other female villains do which is to fire the entire household staff and replace them with people who will be specifically loyal to her. But I'm sure she's going to try. Here is a guess: She will fire Ana and hire a Nanny From Hell whom the kids will really drive off. This will get on Fernando's last nerve when he finally notices and he will get Ana back.

UA. Fabulous and a lot of work. Thanks

"Yolanda's buttinsky tendencies"

I love Yolanda, she is clever, straight to the point and not a shrinking violet. Isabela should be glad to have her.

Diego - sincere playa?

Ana - leave the butt wagging at the club

Manuela - "Well, I'm hot blooded, check it and see I got a fever of a hundred and three"

Jenny - please tell Nic

Alicia - not graffiti neck

Leon - I'm warning you, better not be real bad

Betty - walking the line

Bruno - we're all replaceable

Isabela - and a big heart shaped bed

Fernando - Betty, what's the time difference for a conference call from hell?

Ximena - what you worried about, she's 15


UA, I am totally savoring your spicy recaps. Loved this. Screen shots were excellent.

"There is obviously something long-term between them including (but not limited to) a failure to communicate" and "The truth is I'm dying to be your wife, Fernando” she said. [Someone should really take her up on that.]" were my favorites. Not surprised my friend Fatima liked that too!

"And we thought the Brothers Grimm had the last word on wicked stepmothers" had me smiling away.

I am sorry for Briana, but we knew this was coming. I don't see Nando and Ximena long term. He and Briana seem much more compatible.

Felt so sorry for Ana...I really hope she beats the cancer. Why doesn't she get some more moral support by telling Nico? If she really loved him, I doubt she would be keeping something like this from him.

Isa in the devil outfit had me smiling. I hope she had fun - it was a cute scene.

Terrific job UA.


Thanks UA, I got to watch in real time last night but without ccs so the detail was really helpful. I love the screen shot comment, "you're lucky this series is a comedy" when Isa told Fer about the wedding in 3 weeks.

Anyway, I think Diego's scruffiness is in order to show what a total opposite he is from Fernando. I hope that Ana goes on a date with him, she needs a man to adore her. I think they will end up being good friends.

Jen will have a difficult time getting Jonny to go with her to her appointment. He's a little tied up lately.

Someone please have sex with Manuela right now to put us all out of our misery.

I can't wait for the credit card bill to come up too. Fer is going to have a fit. But he better get used to it.

So who will be this new character to replace Isa at work?


Boy did I enjoy this recap this morning Urban. I'm with Fatima, the comment on "[Someone should really take her up on that.]" had me almost choking on the coffee.

Isabitch's comments on Fanny doesn't bode well for the kids, but that may be her ultimate undoing. Fer may be clueless when it comes to women, and he needs a slap up the head to just tell her he doesn't love her, period! But I would guess if she even tries to mess with his kids, that won't go over well. Same with Ana...ironic that Isabitch may push them closer together in messing with Fanny or any of the kids.

I'm on the fence with Yolanda only because she still seems to be going along with Isa's crazy plans. And now she wants to move into the mansion. Really? Maybe it's me, but really not looking forward to that. But I"m sure it's to play up the Nico/Jenny/Yolando triangle. Wow, that hurts just to type that. Jen's scenes were well-done last night.

I'm not altogether disliking Diego. He's a charmer, or tries to be, but it does seem he genuinely cares about people under that "I don't give a damn" demeanor and dress. I do agree on the facial hair. Some dark-haired men need to keep the three day growth to a one or two day. Otherwise just looks sloppy. And the wet look - not a fan.

So if Johny is supposed to take Jen to the doctor, I'm guessing they'll realize he's missing soon? Darn. No offense, dude, but off my screen is where I prefer you.

The whole character of Manuela is just lost on me. I think Bruno, dear Rene, would actually be interesting if there wasn't the lame "romance" plot with her attached to him.



Hahaha, before my cat got spayed, she acted exactly like Manuela! If you touched her (the cat) backside, she would immediately stick it way high and present it to you.


Another gem of a recap!!

Isabruja gets worse everyday. I can't believe this wedding is going to happen so soon but I guess for story telling purposes it must. I can't imagine getting a divorce from her will be easy.. but I'm getting ahead of the story.

I like Diego. He's fun and seems to be level headed. I don't see any real interest from him in Ana but just a way to nicely pass the time.

The whole Bruno/Manuela story line is boring and I ff through.

OMG Anita!! You absolutely made my day with that comparison to Manuela!

MEOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW indeed. We might be seeing a few of our dear ladies showing show claws too soon.


UA, loved loved all the funny injections here and there...
Fer and Diego's convo at the beginning. I believe Fer knows EXACTLY what Diego's resentment toward him is... it is about Fanny Sr... she was Diego's girl, or at least it seems Fernando knew Diego was interested in her and Fer and her fell in love...
Fer keeps saying Diego's resentment and bad blood has lasted over 22 years (remember Fanny is 19) and that it should be time he put it past them... but Fer rants in Diego's nose that Diego has not been able to turn the page...

Bruno/Manuela/Ana... the issue is Ana was the one to suggest to Manuela to tell Bruno that she was going to quit and take a job with te neighbor... and they let Bruno know yesterday that it was Ana who had suggested that lie to Manuela...
tofie: hot blooded is right!

Yolanda/Isabruja... Yolanda wants to move in to the Lasc mansion since it is such a big house compared to their apartment and whe will be closed to her 'Nic-urri'... she does not want to stay alone in that apartment.

I have a feeling that tatoo subject will come back... at the convo with the hip hop group and the leader, the twins asked if they could get tatoos but Sebas told them that the one that the guy had was not the temporary/washable one (like the sticker ones little kids get that wash off)... i have a feeling sometime the twins and/or Sebas will get tatoos and Fer won't be a happy camper.

tofie, loved your line for Fer this time... a huge businessman does not know the time difference with the country where the guys he wants to do business with live? Japan is either 11 hours or 13 hours difference... he better get one of those watches that have smaller dials with the time in other places around the world...

and i agree with Tofie and Paloma... Yolanda will be a pain to Nico and Jennys... but at least she is showing to be way smarter than IsaBruja... and a bit more fun and less caricaturesque to watch her moves.

She gushed her thanks and kissed him repeatedly when he looked more like he needed a vomitorium. Or at least an antacid. and Jorge S can do that facial expression so well.

Somehow i can easily see IsBruja in an episode of Bridezillas where she makes everyone's life a living hell in the days prior to the wedding... and God help everyone during her last trimester of pregnancy, as you said... yikes!!

Betty can use that card on a day IsaBruja tries to get her in trouble, or for a day IsaBruja least expects it. If she considers Fernando a good boss, she should not stay quiet for long...
We haven't learned just how powerful he is in the 'Costena' corporation, have we? We know he hired IsaBruja, but is he her boss? or do they just work together?
and the smoking habit... that will also come when IsaBruja least expects ... esp if she gets really ansi and starts smoking in secret during her pregnancy. YIkes!

and as far as Ana in the middle of the love triangle with Diego and Fernando, I have no problem with it as long as she and Diego don't go all the way... it would not be good for the kids to be stuck in the middle of that. However, like others have said, I like Diego's character and the fact that he is not making conclusions but waiting patiently to learn what is going on from the first person sources instead of trying to fill in the blanks himself.

And yes, why shouldn't Ana give Diego a chance? after all he is single, available and without so many self-esteem issues as Fer.

Isn't there a legal minimum age for tattoos in Mexico? We have that here.

I would be so on Fernando's side if he has to face any of his kids getting tattoos.

LOVE the comparison of Manuela to a cat in heat!

Bruno seems more clueless about women than his boss is.

And is Johnny still tied up?

Remember some of the characters in the Lasc houshold think Johnny is Ana's brother (Bruno and Manuela do believe that)... and maybe Luz and other kids... but Fernando knows Johnny is Ana's ex or at least that Johnny has the hots for Ana and is not her brother.

UA, when you said Fer should see through IsaBruja, i rememberd the movie Death becomes her with Merryl Streep and Goldie Hawn with holes in their stomachs.. loL!

Fernando pulled rank on Ana again, calling ostensibly for business but really intended to keep her emotionally hooked and him a quick ego stroke. Hope that interpersonal relationship cripple gets a big eyeful of Diego sniffing around Ana. This is Diego's shot to stick it to Fernando but he just might fall for her too. Yolanda gave her props for having the "it" factor.

Diego is ok but he is a playboy so don't want Ana to fall for him. She not a bed hopper like Isabela or god help us Manuela.

I don't see Ana falling for Diego... he might fall for her, but i have a feeling she would be honest with him, perhaps not about her feelings for Fer (although he will figure that out himself, i am sure) but about her feelings for Diego being more 'brotherly' and less 'romantic'.

I think if the tattoo is going to come into play, it will be that this boy with a neck tattoo likes Alicia, and that she'll probably like him back.

I noticed a look on Leon face when Fanny told him she loved him so much and hpoed he will never hurt her.

I don't understand why Ana is trying to keep up this lie that Johnny is her brother. The only person she's really trying to keep her Chicago life a secret from is Fer, and he already knows that Johnny was her boyfriend and is a slimy club troll. What's the point in Manuela and Bruno having wrong information? Is there any good reason for this, or do the writers like to throw in extra lies and misunderstandings for no reason?

Re: Nico and Diego trying to visit Jen, I think Nico only had Johnny's address, because Jen had been staying there before. But weren't she and Ana back at their own place? So Nico didn't find her at Johnny's.

Thanks for explaining the Nico and Diego trip to Jen's, Julia. You're right about Ana and Jen talking in their own place. I hadn't noticed the location change from Johnny's.

Urban - I'm curious; did Edith Wharton inspire your weekend discussion about 'to the manor born?' Thinking along those lines, we definitely have two classes in this tn, and people can move between them fairly easily. For instance, (1) Yolanda doesn't appear refined or well-educated, but she married above her station into wealth. (2) Isabruja, though born into wealth and well-educated, lives from paycheck to paycheck and must marry well to support her lifestyle. I suppose she could slide down the social scale if she doesn't marry someone wealthy and if she has to declare bankruptcy. (3) Nico strikes me as a successful, self-made man, not particularly well-educated, who remains humble enough to date a waitress. (4) Fer and Diego appear very comfortable among the wealthy, but they, like their dad, don't mind dating someone beneath their social social station. (5) And, though born into the 'manor,' Fer's kids don't mind associating with those outside their class (Leon and street dancers). Apparently, establishing intimate relationships with persons of the lower class - in this tn, at least - do not necessarily lead to becoming a social pariah.

Fer and Diego appear very comfortable among the wealthy, but they, like their dad, don't mind dating someone beneath their social social station.
I think here is one of the places where there seems to be a clear distinction between Fernando and Diego, probably due mostly to their level of 'experience' with women and with the 'world outside their circles/home/workplace'.
Diego does not mind interacting with anyone, regardless of their social status or education level. (this is very common of people who have travelled much and have seen first hand how life is in other countries / areas of the world). Fernando interacts casually with Ana and with Betty(his sec) and is cordial to Jennys... What i mean is I doubt Fernando would have ever stepped into the 'Chicago' unless he was trying to get Jennys out of Nico's life. Fernando had to 'warm up' to the idea of Fanny dating the 'mensajerito', he could not help but have a double take on the 'long term picture' and even required some reassurance from Leon that he would keep improving education and job level in order to keep dating Fanny. Ana has changed Fernando in his 'restrictive methods'. He is no longer the 'black or white' type of judgmental guy.
Fernando still feels it his duty to maintain a protective plastic bubble around his children and he needs to 'approve' anyone who gets near them... He wants to prevent them from getting hurt, but at the same time he is preventing them from getting the 'street' experience he lacked.

Osorio: Get your kid some dancing lessons, any kind of dancing lessons - STAT!! Or stop showing his stiff, jerky non-rhythm-having attempts. Ya basta!

same deal with Fer's kids... i doubt they were that 'easy' to interact with kids of lower social circles than themselves until Ana got there. Granted, the little ones (twins and Luz) don't even get the full meaning of social class prejudices but the older kids were really mean to Ana when she started working there, not only for her 'nanny' job but they 'looked down' at her.

When the "cool street hip-hop dancer" extras you hire have to be limited to moves like a very basic beginner-aerobics step-tap to make your kid look like he fits in and has skillz, you should realize that his dancing is not something the audience will want to watch.

LOL julia!

Actually, the whole issue of social classes is a personal interest of mine.

In theory we don't have social classes in the US because we don't have titles of nobility. In practice, however, we do have them; it's all about old money and older lineage and where you went to school. I don't think that moving between the social classes is necessarily easy because it depends on:

-- looks and education (for women)
-- education and money (for men)

Note that the word "education" also includes self-presentation and etiquette.

"Maleducado" is often used in TNs to describe people who have no manners or polish. Thanks to modern media these things are relatively easy to learn. What isn't always easy is maintaining them.

For this series, let's look at the characters:

Yolanda is clearly out of the working class. Maybe she was beautiful when she was young and maybe she married a self-made man. We can't say much else because she's a widow for some time.

Nicolas is most likely a self-made man who worked his arse off to support his two sons and send them to good colleges. He's rich and retired, so he can do what he wants. Jennifer may be a waitress but she's young enough to be his daughter and a man his age can't usually get someone like that without a fat bank account.

Isabela is insecure of her place among the "upper crust" and will do whatever she thinks it takes to secure it. Even if that means telling people that Yolanda was her nanny. That one will come back to bite her on the tuchas within a few episodes.

Fernando avoids the whole issue (perhaps unintentionally and consequentially) by being a workaholic. He is, however, concerned about his children's future place in the world.

Diego avoids the issue by having a creative profession where talent is what matters.

I predict that with social media being what it is it will be harder to move up in social class in the future because of what will be known about you. Too many people post too much stuff they shouldn't.

But that's another discussion for another day.

Marta - I had forgotten that Isabruja and Fer tried to 'rescue' Nico from Jenny's influence. Fer's relaxed his pretentious standards somewhat, which shows a positive change. I hope Isabruja doesn't cause him to regress.


Fernando has regressed and snapped back like elastic. He is one generation from Nic a street vendor. That code he lives by, his own, mimiced from the landed class unless his mother was titled

I can't wait for Isa to snobbily treat the wrong person like dirt and pay for it in spades. Maybe some important client or beloved relative of the Lascurains who she takes for a servant and treats with the disdain she thinks is the classy, proper, upper class way to speak to the poors?

Although I'm not sure what it would take for Fernando to admit she's a troll. She was incredibly rude to Leon right in front of him, not to mention how she acted to Ana and Johnny at the restaurant, and Fer just lets this go. Can't he see what a liability she is as a representative of the company?

Urban, loved your recap.

Am I the only one who is getting bored and annoyed with Manuela and Bruno? Guys, give us a break!!

Also, either teach Sebastian some rhythmic moves or chuck it!! Also boring!!

Ana, Fer, Isabela and Yolanda are great.



Thank you, UA. Mentions of Edith Wharton and All Things Considered in one recap make for interesting reading to support the wonderful screen caps.

Love the exchange about social class. These issues are so often explicit in telenovelas, right at the heart of the story most of the time.

As for Diego, he might be a terrible boyfriend (might be???) but he is bringing some humanity to the story. I like the way that Nico can confide in him and get his help and his general down-to-earth presence (though he was indeed to the manor born). We need someone a bit less judgemental to counteract Fernando's inclinations toward order, snobbery and correctness.

I think most of us are annoyed with Manuela and Bruno (except Carlos, who of course loves Manuela). They are too old to be acting so junior high. They could be interesting characters, but they've been one note, one screechy note, so far. Maybe they should work in more of the household staff and give them a plot line or two. How about those two maids who are always in the background? Or there's the chofer who is practically invisible. And there must be a gardener. I would think Ana would become friends with all these people.

UA just what the doctor ordered, thanks.
Mama local has boundary issues. Her daughter barely said yes and she is moving in already? Running up credit card debts. Serves DonFer right. In a way he is a snob. The baby aside, he wanted Ana is private but quickly. Jumped at the chance to do the "right thing " by Isa.what amazes me is he never once questioned if the baby was his. Afterall he barely knew her then.
As for Manuela, one word, "apple clder vineger"
works wonders on menopausale lust.


The truly irritating thing about Isabully, to me, is that she could probably get everything she wants legitimately, without trickery or scheming and without being a snotty witch. She's well educated, apparently smart, pretty, socially oriented...she could be a nice person and people, including wealthy suitors, would probably flock to her. Yet she's mean and nasty. She seemed bitter that she hadn't previously snagged a sugar daddy while everyone else seemed to be getting married, yet she didn't seem to consider that her personality might be a factor.

Alternately, she could become wealthy on her own through her fancy business skills, yet she insists on marrying, even if it means marrying a guy with a large family she can't stand. Why is her identity so tied up in getting a rich husband?

I don't think there will be much time before she quits to become Mrs Stay-at-Home-Rich-Bitch. Don't remember if I already said this but I think Lisardo will be her replacement.

I also don't think that Fernando jumped at the chance to marry Isabela. I think he wishes he could run away from her. This is all about that poor baby who may not even be his.

If that is the case, there will be a situation that will bring it to light.

Oh, yes; I was going to mention that, too. I think Lisardo will be Isa's replacement. Certainly she would not replace herself with a woman! Too close to Fer at work all day! If Lisardo is the replacement, I wonder what his relationship with Isa is like. How long until she's having an affair, if she hasn't been already?

Julia, a one-time best friend was obsessed with the idea of getting married. Because marriage meant that she was loved, something she may have felt shaky about due to a toxic family.

This might be part of what has driven Isabela. She might be also think of a rich, handsome man as a "trophy husband." She also seems to want to escape Yolanda and that might be about more than social class.

I'm wondering about the way Isa greeted Diego when she met him. What was behind that inappropriately flirty hand rub? Back up plan in case Fer didn't work out? She's been trying to get a husband so long that the flirty gestures are automatic? Just trying to make sure he notices her alluring womanliness?

I have probably said it already but I despise flirty gestures no matter who is doing them. They always look manipulative or desperate. In this case they are both.

Thanks UA. Excellent recap, delightful humor, and beautiful and abundant illustrations. Sorry I'm late but I wanted to acknowledge you incredible work and express my deep appreciation for this remarkable effort.

Ana said that Manuela can't help her passion because of the Jarocha in her blood (at least that's what I heard and what the CCs said). Are women from Vera Cruz especially hot blooded? I wonder what our own Jarocha thinks about this.


Yes, I enjoy every moment with Manuela on the screen. I think that she has a refreshing honesty about who she is what she wants.


Menopausal? Not quite, but certainly a rapidly ticking biological clock.

Surely there are no tattoos in the kidlets' future... or will we see a couple of tastefully done Hello Kitty or Power Ranger tats before this is done?


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