Monday, September 22, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- El Señor de los Cielos 2 ends tonight! Last week of En Otra Piel, and Gran Estreno de Señora Acero -- Week of Sept. 22, 2014

Tonight, Monday, September 22, is the shoot 'em up final episode of El Señor de los Cielos 2.  What an extraordinary job Hombre de Misterio has done as a solo recapper for this one (with a little help from his friends)!  Want to know who will make it through to a third season?  You'll find out in just a few hours.

Then on Tuesday night, settle in for the first episode of the new entry in the NarcoHour on Telemundo -- Señora Acero.  Is anyone planning to watch this one?  Does anyone want to recap it?

As En Otra Piel enters its final full week, it shows no sign of hastening its stately pace.  Count on the usual top-notch recaps here.

After its final episode next Monday, September 29, En Otra Piel cedes its time slot to the relentlessly promoted Los Miserables.  Anyone interested?

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On Otra Piel,

Okay, I'm ready for something to happen this week. It kind of has to, huh? :)

I'm not interested in either Señora Acero (narco novela - yuck, ick not my style) or Los Miserables (I've done my time with the book, several movies, the stage musical, and the movie of the stage musical) so I'll catch you all over at the Reinamaniacs or on the next one after En Otra Piel ends. Until then, lets have a fun 6 more episodes!!!

Miguel, you're the only other person I know (in our case cybernetically) who's read Les Miserables! I also saw the stage musical and parts of the movie with Liam Neeson. Haven't really seen the movie of the musical. I may watch the first episode, out of curiosity. I know I won't be watching Señora Acero.

CIELOS – Gran Final (Sort of) Part One

To me, one of the attractions of telenovelas is that they have a start, a middle and an end. Unlike American soap operas, after about 6 months of craziness, they typically have a very welcome resolution. The nice ones have weddings, the drug ones usually have the bad guy FINALLY getting killed. But with El Señor de los Cielos, we've known they were going to have a Season 3. So how could the “Gran Final” be as satisfying as a normal Gran Final? It couldn't.

But we certainly had a lot of things happen. We begin with Vicky saying the only way to get to AC is to get his confidence. Then when he lets his guard down, we'll trap him. AC calls, he says he'll meet with Vicky, but it'll be in a hotel of his choosing, and she has to come alone. She agrees, despite Leo's concerns.

Meanwhile, Rutila wonders to Pompeillo, who is she most like, AC or Ximena? Pompeillo says she reminds him of Don Cleto, smart, but fair.

Leo and Rodrigo figure out that AC will want to take Vicky somewhere in one of his planes. So they check all the airports, and happen to find the exact plane! It's being guarded by some guys in cowboy hats, that must have given it away. Posing as yuppies who want to rent a plane, Leo and Rodrigo take away the guards' attention long enough for a mechanic who works with them to cut the hydraulics line of the plane. They then leave, and no cops are anywhere in sight of the plane (but they're watching).

Vicky meets AC at the hotel. After a few preliminaries, she SLAPS him! I deserved that, he says, but you deserve THIS! He proceeds to kiss her violently, and after some initial attempts to repel him, Vicky melts into AC's arms, and the clothes start coming off. Talk about sleeping with the enemy. Yes, Vicky has purposely done this to gain AC's confidence. In the afterglow, he asks what she wants. Take me to the skies. Sky me, she says. I'll take you to heaven, replies AC.

So off they go to the airport. AC and Vicky get in the big plane, Lilo and Chacorta in a small one. But here come the cops! Dozens of cops and military guys descend on the two planes. We get the usual shootout, and as usual, no cast members are hit. Also, as usual, Chacorta and Lilo get away. Huh? You'd think with all those cops, they would surround Chacorta or cut him off, but there is that season 3 thing........

Inside the big plane, Vicky tells AC, it's all over. AC looks outside, and for just a second, he's surprised. But he's tough. He tells Vicky, you're right it's over. I'm going to jail, and you're going to hell! He then proceeds to strangle Vicky to DEATH. Outside, Leo has a gun pointed on the plane, says come out with your hands up. AC does, but tells her he has a little present for her inside. Leo rushes up the plank, discovers Vicky, runs out, tears in her eyes, points her gun at AC's head and....doesn't shoot. Of course not, she believes in the justice system. So it's off to prison for AC.

CIELOS – Part 2

Three months later. Rutila visits Mónica, who now has a baby boy. She's named him Isidro, after her brother, doesn't know if AC would approve. Ruti wants to talk business. She wants to re-establish the Colombian and Venezuelan routes with Mónica. Ruti is fully in the business now. She also calls Chema, says how'd you like to see me? He says if I did, I'd wring your neck. Okay, she answers, then you DON'T want to see me.

Irma consoles Chacorta, saying we're living a normal life now, you me, Alba, Carlitos and Luzma. But Chacorta feels guilty about AC being in jail. Alba says if you find out where AC is, just let him be. I'd rather know he's alive then have your or him get killed. Sorry, Ma, says Chacorta, if we find him, I have to get him out, even it costs me my life.

Leo visits Ignacio in jail. She tells him she's going back to Colombia. She's leaving him, not because she hates him, but because it hurts so much, what he did. She understands why he did it, because of all their family and friends getting killed, but she believes in the judicial system. That's sure to make him feel better. Not.

Rutila goes to visit AC in jail. Rodrigo tells her, you promise not to reveal his location, right? Because we're just allowing this visit for humanitarian reasons. No, she counters, you're doing it to avoid a scandal. And you like my body, too, that's why you're eyeing me, right? Well, Miss, says Rod, you're pretty, but I'm a professional. Yeah, right.

AC is facing away, alone and quiet in his cell at the end of the corridor. He doesn't want to see Rutila. Ah, maybe he does. She says hi, Daddy, guess what, I'm pregnant. And if you think the father is Chema Venegas, you're right!!! So, I'm gonna tell Chacorta where you are, and if he gets you out, we'll see how you deal with it. By the way, I'm in the business now. AC says if I get out, I'll put you OUT of business!

Rutila's van is stopped by Chema's men. She's hustled out, Chema points a gun at her head, Ruti says you're not going to kill the mother of your BABY, are you?!!!!

To be continued.....(AAAGGGGGHHH)

It's been a pleasure recapping, and thanks for all your comments, additions and clarifications. I don't think I'll watch Season Three, but who knows? I'm also not going to watch Señora Acero (not sure if that's the exact name). But I'll be watching something, and hope to see you all soon.



We again see Mondriana speaking to Gerardo by phone and asking him to meet her within two hours at Casa Serrano.

At the former bachelor apartment Elena opens the door hoping its Gerardo. But it’s Lorena coming to beg her for the name of the substance she gave Emiliana. The doctors can’t find anything. Elena: “They’ll never find it. That snot will continue suffering bit by bit until she dies. Have you seen Mónica or Adriana, whatever she calls herself? She must be devastated.” Lorena: “You did it because of her!” Elena: “I wanted to get her right where she lives, her weak spot.” Lorena notices Elena is drinking. Lorena: “It doesn’t even concern you what you’re doing to your own baby?” Then the light dawns on Lorena. “You aren’t pregnant! You deceived everyone!"

At the bookstore apartment we see Rodrigo being helped in dressing by Gabriel. He’s sprucing up for the meeting with the telenovela producer. Rod tells Gabriel he has no idea how much he wishes he had another son so that Eileen could marry him!

Susana comes to the hospital. After resisting at first, she goes in to see Emiliana. [They’ve got Emi in sort of a golden light looking like a medieval saint.] Emi talks about joining her mother in heaven, absolutely killing Marta and Cami who are in the background. Emi really sticks it to Susana, although she doesn’t realize it, by telling her how much she’s always liked her. And she hopes Susi will find a boyfriend soon. She doesn’t expect to ever have one.

Back to the mother of the year and her offspring. Elena starts to whine and well up with tears. She says she’s destroyed. Gerardo left her. He preferred that cat to her. Elena: “Gerardo is everything to me.” Lorena appears to have had quick corrective eye surgery. She says: “You’d do anything for him? Say, invent a pregnancy to keep him?” Elena: “So what? If I lied about a pregnancy, would you stop loving me?”

Rodrigo is suffering from a bad case of nerves and fusses about his outdated suit. Eileen arrives, bubbly as always and says he looks like Robert Redford when he was at his best!

Gerardo opens the door to Casa Serrano and the grand piano begins to play. He moves forward slowly, seeing Mondriana. He has a stupefied face. Gerardo: “What are you playing at? Why are you playing my wife’s music? Why did you ask to meet me?” Mondriana: “Haven’t you realized who I really am?” She starts playing parts of classical pieces, saying where and when she played them (while the spooky choir sings woo-woo music in the background). She tells him she couldn’t finish the last concert that was in her home because of the poison Elena was giving her.

The more dramatic scenes are interrupted by another scene of Jorge and Selma fussing over Mondriana’s whereabouts from the hospital waiting room. Back to the action, please!

Gerardo: “This is crazy! Stop it now!” Mondri: “You never suspected? By my kisses, the way I made love to you, mio caro amore? She reminds him of a dream he told her about in which her body was made of music and he played a beautiful melody, note for note, on her body. Mondri: “Look in my eyes! Tell me you don’t recognize my touch, my words. Gerardo: “But I saw you buried!” Mondri: “You and Elena killed my body but not my soul. Here I am in another skin. I fell in love with you again, even to the point of forgetting everything and thinking I could spend another life with you. But then I realized the terrible truth. That you were an accomplice to my murder.”


Gerardo slumps to the sofa and swears that he never wanted it to happen. Mondri: “But you didn’t do the right thing when you found out.”

In the hospital waiting room, Susana has an attack of remorse about Emiliana, but she remembers what Elena said to her about keeping her mouth shut because she, Susana, would be the likely one blamed because she prepared baths for Emi.

Back to the apartment. Lorena: “How could you think you could continue fooling him, even in the intimacy of the bedroom?” Elena: “I did it so he would marry me. Then I’d fake an accident in which I’d lose the baby. I’d be so devastated and I’d manipulate him into making love to me until it would be true.” She starts staring into the middle distance, telling her mother how intense, how unique hers and Gerardo’s love was. Lorena: “Well, someone else obviously satisfied him more than you because you had to invent a pregnancy to hang onto him!” Lorena goes on to risk her neck by saying that she kept quiet about Elena’s crimes so that her grandchild would not be born in prison. Elena: “What? You thought about turning me in? You’re my mother and you can’t turn your back on me.” Lorena: “Then tell me what you gave Emiliana and I’ll keep quiet!” Elena loses it. She says her mother is garbage, un remedo de ser humano (an imitation or parody of a human being). Lorena gives her a very satisfying slap.

Back to the mansion. Gerardo is still slumped. He says to Mondriana: “You’re right. I’ll never have peace. I never wanted you to die.” Mondri: “But you didn’t do anything to protect me. I loved you with all my heart!” Gerardo: “I love you and was willing to give everything up and go away with you.” Mondriana: “You desired this body, which is different.” Gerardo says that he loved her other body also. He says that he really fell in love with Mónica. He goes on to say that Elena didn’t kill her for money or for resentment. The real reason was that she couldn’t bear it that he was in love with his wife. Gerardo: “I know you’ll never forgive me. I don’t even know if you believe me. But a few hours ago I was going to give myself up to the police. But I changed my mind and I did it for the girls. I got my lawyer to sign things over to them.”

Gerardo finally begins sobbing, telling Mondriana she has no idea how much he regrets what has happened.

Back to the apartment. Elena: “How dare you put a hand on me?” Lorena: “I wish I’d done it sooner.” Elena: “I hate you! I’ve hated you since birth.” Elena starts in with some ugly snarling about her miserable childhood. She rages at Lorena that she should have told her who her father was. She says Lorena condemned her to a miserable childhood when she could have been enjoying Jorge’s fortune and would now be his only heir.

When Lorena tells Elena that she killed Julián and Mónica, Elena goes right ahead and throws in Mónica’s lawyer and Esteban for good measure.

At the hospital Jorge gets a call. His lawyer needs some information for the court hearing. Selma asks why Elena is so insistent on her mother maintaining custody of Emiliana. Jorge says he had his lawyer look into Julián’s will. It left everything to Mónica. But, if Mónica died, the girls would get everything. When Selma asks why this didn’t happen, Jorge responds that the false will showed up negating his brother’s. Jorge thinks that, if the later will were to be proven false, the girls would get everything. He thinks this is why Elena wants control over the girls.


At the mansion Mondriana tells Gerardo that she believes in his remorse. She even believes that he loved her. She doesn’t think he’s a bad man. She saw that side of him when he saved her and Camila from Carlos Ricalde.. She tells him she thinks he’s a man of shadows, but deep down has dignity and nobility. She says: “You’re going to stay here to help me, Gerardo." He says: “I’ll do whatever you want because I owe you and because I love you.” Mondriana: “You have to go back to Elena. You have to make her believe that you love her and that you’re on her side.” Cara de impactado de Gerardo. Gerardo: “I don’t understand. Why do you want me with Elena after all we did to you.” Mondriana: “To save Emiliana. If she believes in you, she’ll tell you the toxin she used.” Gerardo: “It won’t be easy. It would take time. Elena is very hurt.” Mondriana tells him he has to do it and fast! He should use his seductive arts.

At the police station older, grouchy cop approaches Eddie and Diego. He tells them that Fonsi called and said he wanted to denounce a crime but never showed up.

Sorry, boys and girls. We have to endure more of the Lorena and Elena Show. Elena rather proudly says that she gets the people out of the way that she needs to. She ought to get a public service award for getting rid of Judge Figueroa! She also tells her mother that she got Ernesto out of her way! She gets very intense with her mother. “Help me show that Jorge Larrea is my father. Find out where the DNA test is being done so I can make sure the results turn out positive!” Lorena: “I don’t plan to do another thing for you.”

Elena: “Why in hell didn’t you die in that fire? That is the only mistake I don’t forgive myself for, for not having better set that fire.” Lorena: “What? It was you? You caused the fire that you always blamed me for?" Elena: “I woke up every morning wishing you had disappeared. After the fire you felt so guilty you took me to your damned sister. Why didn’t you go to Jorge Larrea?”

Elena insists that Lorena go home and dress herself properly for the court appearance. Lorena says that she can’t force her to go. Elena: “Didn’t you say you wanted the remedy to make Emiliana better?” Lorena: “How can I believe anything you say?” Elena: “You’ll have to risk it. But, if you lose custody, you’ll be preparing for a funeral.” She orders Lorena to go and says she’s coming to make sure she does things right.

At the mansion Mondriana asks Gerardo why he didn’t put a stop to the things Elena was doing. He responds that he couldn’t. She never told him what she was going to do before she did it. And after the fact it was too late. Mondriana tells him that he could have warned her. Gerardo gets close to her and asks her if she would have believed that about her niece. Mondriana admits that she would not have. Mondriana tells him that they can beat Elena at her own game. In the same way they fooled her, he can fool Elena with tenderness, hiding the real intentions.

Back at the apartment, Elena looks to be in the bag. Her cell rings. “What do you want?” she says harshly. Gerardo: “I didn’t give myself up. I was thinking of my child and of you.” Elena: What the hell does that mean?” Gerardo: You and my child are the most important things to me, more than my brother. I think he was planning to double cross me. The only thing I want is a new life. Let’s talk.” He wants to meet her at the mansion and he wants everyone to know that it’s HIS house and that they will be sleeping there.” She won’t back off going to the court hearing, but agrees to meet him later.

Gerardo turns to Mondriana and promises her he’ll get Elena to talk.

En Otra Piel: Thanks, Novelera, for the great recap. Finally, things seem to be moving. Gerardo knows who Mondriana is and Lorena knows everything that her devil spawn did. Let's hope it continues.

Thanks Hombe for your terrific recaps. Not sure after this season if I want another. Have you considered watching El Chivo on Unimas? Looks interesting about Trujillo of the DR. At the very least good costumes.


¡arre! ¡arre! on to season 3

Thanks so much for all the terrific recaps Hombre, hope you change your mind.

It was sort of a let down which a lot of action packed films are, but they were setting the scene for # 3.

So now AC has a new hijo & and nieto on the way.

Pablo Escobar had a plush jail, had it built himself, AC's looks a little bare.

El Chivo
Anon, when is that on, looks interesting.


Hombre, muchísimas gracias for all the wonderful recaps. I watched last night's grand finale. The one thing that puzzled me was why Vicky tells AC it's all over, more or less signing her death warrant. Oh well... I guess there was no need for her in season 3.

I strongly doubt I'll watch season 3, and I probably won't watch Señora Acera either. I'm happy just watching Reina de Corazones, and I think I'll leave it at that.

Cielos 2

thanks so much Hombre,
for all the time and effort you put into recapping this one, your style of summaries were just perfect for this story, and the little details you added really sewed it all together for me.

I guess season 2 was about a girl growing up, Ruti even looked about ten years older last night, but I did love the way she got back at her dad and especially how she was shaking Chema's tree, who so far we know of having no family, which has been his strong point over the Casillas, but now with a child he would be vulnerable, was smart and just how Pompeyo described her?

I guess that we can conclude that Aurelio totally ruined Cabo, who never recovered,
Tijerias parties on,
Ernie's rise to greatness was only a dream,
Inaki is probably chained to a dog house somewhere,
and Helga is working the crowd.

with the governor dead, Ignacio in jail, and Leo going home, who will keep up the fight?

but all in all, for me, "Camelia la Texana", (although completely fiction) was so much better on so many different levels, that it kind of spoiled me on narco novelas.


En Otra Piel

Novelera, thanks very much for the terrific recap of what sounds like an exciting episode, or at least one where things actually happen. I loved your comment "Lorena appears to have had quick corrective eye surgery."

With all the developments that occurred last night, it seemed it should have been the antepenultimate episode (wow, I don't think I've ever written that word before) rather than viewers having to slog through five more. Oh well....

I don't imagine there's any chance that Rod's statement about wishing he had another son who could marry Eileen is significant. They surely won't kill off Cami, but I definitely prefer Eileen to Cami, and I think she's better for Ricardo, too.

En Otra Piel

what a wonderful recap novelera!

Casa Serrano / Caso Cerrado, (soon we hope)

Geraldo is a crook and an accomplice to murder, and has done nothing so far to help Emi, (not sure on what he signed over to the girls but he still has the millions in off shore accounts which I'm sure he is planning to keep) so I'm not really getting why Monica would fall for him all over again, should be more of a pity thing reflecting the generous person she is, but she does have a good reality of his skills as a gigolo in setting him to work on Elena.

let's see, Eddie is working on the poison, and so is Lorena's shady guy, but all eyes are focused on getting Elena to spill, and Geraldo is ignoring that Pachuco must know and Susana is still hiding what she knows. and Diego is off in a holding pattern while Monica dances with Geraldo, and a thankless Adriana is at the beach.

and off to court they go to see if Jorge can win custody of Emi.

so are we looking toward one last desperate act by Elena to bring down the house?


En Otra Piel

Thank you, Novelera, for yet another beautifully written recap. And lucky you! Stuff actually happened!

Juanita, I agree that it could easily have been the penultimate episode. But, alas, it was not. Plenty of time for aggravating dirty tricks before we get Deb's wish:

"Casa Serrano / Caso Cerrado, (soon we hope)"


A good episode; even if it really wasn't a Grand Finale. I was a little disappointed with Vicky's ending; it was so sudden; she deserved more of a "going out party."

I didn't understand why Ruti could find AC, but Chacorta couldn't. That was an interesting twist with her having Chema's baby. I'm not sure if I will take a chance on Season 3.

Thanks you so much Hombre for your stellar recaps. I could never have watched this novela without them. They were just as entertaining as the actual episode. That I will miss!

Señora Acero

the cast list shows Rafael Amaya as Aurelio Casillas.
and Arturo Barba (formerly el Turco)

btw the way I've found having the cast list handy during the first couple of shows sorts things out a bit.


Muchisimas gracias hombre for your amazing recaps. I never thanked you before but you made me enjoy the show much more than watching alone. I'll probably watch season 3 because I like Monica, even AC(yes shame on me), Ruti and Chema. I miss el cabo. Where is he? Anyhoo, thank you and so long. No senora Acero for me I am waiting for Kate del Castillo, mi reina querida, for next narco novela. Kate del Castillo is set to star as the widow of a drug lord in Telemundo’s ‘Dueños del Paraiso (Owners of Paradise).No "Les Miserables" for me I don't think a novela can do justice to Hugo's masterpiece so I'll keep my memories of this book intact, merci beaucoup.


Hombre, thanks for all you're hard work! I enjoyed your recaps everyday. I hope you join us for season 3.

As far as Cabo, maybe he returns next season. I thought it was interested that Tijeras mentioned that Cabo was killed by AC in the second to last episode when in actuality he wasn't.

Count me in for season 3!



Well I am very disappointed in Ruti. She's intelligent and I liked how she was the only woman who could pull one over on Chema. But now she's gone over to the dark side, all because of one, ONE, heartbreak. Dumb.

But she got some idea of who she is from Rodrigo. When he said she was pretty but he'd never be with someone like her, she looked annoyed. Maybe there's hope for her in season 3? But probably not, because that would be a waste of a good character.

As long as Tijeras gets murdered in season 3, I'm in. He lost his charm (too much raping).


Do we start taking bets as to whether Lorena does right by Emi at the court hearing? She might now be able to hand over custody after Elena, in a stupid mistake made by all (tv) briminals, fessed up to all her badness. But the odds are still against it.



Forgot to put in a huge thank you to Hombre for all the recaps! With the non-standard language, it's easy to miss things and you helped me with the bits that I missed. Here's to hoping you get sucked in to season 3 as well. :)



Byway, the Pepe Johnson character was based on the true life of mexican TV Personality Paco Stanley, as he was associated with Amado Carillo and was gunned down by some Narcos as he was sitting in an SUV while he waited on his friend/co-worker to come out of the bathroom.


VRO, just cked Paco Stanley on Wiki. The guy he was waiting for was in on his murder. You may remember his son, Paul Stanley from Soy tu duena, & por que el amor manda.


good novela disappointing ending.
why would the government keep a dead man alive?
why did la colombiana agree to a plan that would result in only.the death of gober ?
what became of el espanol
or el cabo ?
but am emotionally invested now so on to next season



Apparently Chacorta will not be returning for Season 3, citing differences between him and Telemundo. If Telemundo is unable to renew Chacorta's contract, it will be a major blow to Cielos as he was my fave character!


VRO, thanks for the link to the article about Chacorta. The actor who played Chacorta was one of my favorites, so I read the article. On the same page, I noticed small ad for a discussion of the difference between telenovelas and soap operas. Among the participants were Aron Diaz (from Santa Diabla), Eugenio Siller (from Reina de Corazones), and Pafael Amaya (from Cielos). I curious to see what they might say. To my surprise, they all spoke in English, and also to my surprise, Rafael Amaya was in a suit and tie. The discussion wasn't exactly earthshaking, but it was great fun to see the three galans. If anyone is interested, the discussion can be found at


This will be a short one. I really liked tonight’s episode. Hope you all felt the same. The unremitting darkness lifted!

Susi is just about prostrate with remorse watching how Emiliana is suffering. While she’s in the room, Emi goes into convulsions. Diego has come into the room and calls for help. He overhears Susana begging Emiliana’s pardon.

Rodrigo had a great meeting with the telenovela producer. They are quite interested in producing his telenovela. And, they are going to provide him with a lawyer to help him gain back the rights over the stolen screenplay.

Susana tells Diego about changing out the soaps and shampoo bottles in Emiliana’s bathroom and that she brought the others to Elena’s apartment. She saw them put in the garbage.

Jorge and Camila have arrived at the custody hearing. Elena shows up in some outfit that makes her look like a killer bee. Guess she’s stuffed something in her clothes because she comments about her belly having suddenly shot out.

Diego breaks into the apartment with a very cool lock-picking device. The bottles are still there. Whew! Diego runs out with the bottles in a plastic bag. Pachuco sees him leaving the building. Diego gets into the car with Eddie and shows him what he got. Eddie grouses about search warrants. Shut up, Eddie!

The judge calls the court to session. Elena stands up to run some BS about her mother being late because she just had to stop by to see Emi on the way. As she burbles on, Lorena comes up behind her, drunk as a skunk!!! She insists on speaking to the judge and brushes Elena off. She tells him she’s an alcoholic and would not be a good example for the child. Lorena renounces her custody of Emi. Elena freaks out and the judge threatens to have her taken out.

Susi has packed to leave the mansion. [Have you ever noticed that, even if people have lived somewhere 20 years, when they leave in telenovelas, it’s always just the one suitcase?] Susi gives Gerardo a vial of the stuff with hormones in it so he can look it up on the on the internet. She returns the necklace Elena gave her.

Diego comes to tell Mondriana about the lab working on the contents of the bottle as they speak. She embraces him and calls him an angel. When Camila and Jorge come back to the hospital, Mondriana, at Selma’s urging, tells Camila that the stuff harming Emi was found in the place Elena was staying.

Susi comes to the pension to stay. She’s very repentant about the way she treated Jennifer, and it’s all forgive and forget between the three chicas.

Gerardo works with still another lawyer about changing the false will. He also asks the guy to ask for an exhumation of the body of Mónica Serrano.

The doctor announces they’ve isolated the toxic substance and are working on an antidote.

Elena tells her mother that Gerardo loves her and is going to throw the girls out of the house.

We get a funny scene where Eileen says she wants the villana role in Rodrigo’s novela and shows her chops using a very deep voice.

Cami gets a text when she’s with Ricardo. They’ve found the antidote to the poison!

Elena gets a call from Pachuco about Diego likely having been in her apartment, that he came out with a plastic bag, and that he got into a car with an undercover cop. She frantically searches the garbage and finds the bottles missing. Cara de terror de Elena!

El Chivo started tonight. First 22 minutes very interesting so far.
I am with you, I really enjoyed the quirky Camellia La Tejana. What are you watching now?


I only get Telemundo so right now I'm kinda watching all three.


En Otra Piel

thanks so much for the extra recap novelera!

yes, stellar show, so, so sad, but the tide has turned...

Lorena, I was so proud of her I had tears in my eyes, I don't know if she was really drunk or just pretending but she handed Emi's guardianship to Jorge, and far away from Elena, she is so doomed.

Susana, I couldn't believe, she gave Diego the contaminated soaps, gave Geraldo a chemistry lesson on faking a pregnancy, and checked out of hotel hell, I think I could like her.

and Diego, Monica falls into his arms and calls him an angel after he recovered the contaminated soaps and got them to the hospital to be analyzed and an antidote found,
he is an angel.

and Monica comforting Emi, as she opens her eyes, 'mama'?,
yes, I'm here, everything will be alright.


Senora Acero

OMG, I watched the 1st cap, forget it. Guess I've had my fill of blood & guts for while, that is until El Senor 3 & Kate del Castillo's new narco novela.

Anon - I'm going to watch

El Chivo - I'll try & catch up online. Glad it just started. Julio Bracho is one of my favorites & he will be perfect in this.

El chivo
Variopinta I had to go to sleep so watched about 1/2 of the debut last night. I will finish today. Let me know what you think when you catch up.

En Otra Piel-

Thanks so much for the recap, Novelera. I'm so glad that Emi seems to be on the road to recovery. I hated that plot line. I confess that I haven't been watching lately. Why is Gabriel back at the bookstore apt? Did he leave Jennifer in San Francisco?
It was very weird that they had a different actor as Gerardo's lawyer. It was obviously intended to be the same lawyer he has been working with. I recognize the new actor playing the lawyer from several novelas, especially, Victorinos, where he played the father of one of the Victorinos.
Eddie the cop is worried about getting search warrants and the admissibility of evidence on a novela? That's a first. Then they go and say that Elena has to confess before she can be arrested.

¡maldita sea! Chacorta is not returning. If they kill him off that will be sth else different from the real Armado Carrillo story. Vicente (Victor) takes over the cartel, as did the son they killed off.
Telemundo!!!! give Raul Mendez a raise!!!!!

I noticed in Wiki that he wasn't listed for season 3 but thought it an error. Cabo is not in season 3 either.

Lai is in El chivo

Enjoyed the video. Aaron Diaz' mom was Irish-American, dad Mexican. He went to high school in the US.
Rafael Amaya's bio said he went to university in San Diego.


En otra piel

Thanks for your quick recap Novelera. This one was very easy to digest as the tide is turning. Lorena finally did the right thing (I thought she was faking it). Interesting how after their argument Elena basically ordered her to take a drink. Lorena even looked a little worried.

I've been waiting for Monica and her daughters to reconcile. Now that Emi has called her "Mommy", it'll be nice if it happened soon and not during the last episode.

Diego and Andriana have both been angels for Monica Serrano. I'm guessing that Monica and the family will provide a very generous reward to them.

spanish student

En Otra Piel

Jean, yes, Gabriel did leave Jennifer in San Francisco. I think that was the plan all along. I don't remember the details but it seemed there was some sort of intense beginning part, courses she didn't already have before the marine biology. Whatever. He was just supposed to take her up there and get her settled. Maybe she's in a dorm with a single bed.

El Chivo
I'm in for this one. I'll watch a murdering dictator instead of murdering narcos. 1st capitulo very good.

There is a book & movie "En el tiempo de las mariposas" which is very good. The TN starts of similarly. True story.


Did anyone watch it last night? If so, your thoughts, comments, feedback, summary?

I was only able to watch the first segment as I fell asleep shortly after. I did find it interesting that Aurelio Casillas made an appearance. Wonder if he will be a regular or was it just a one time deal?


En Otra Piel

Novelera, many thanks for the encouraging recap. At last, some rays of sunshine.

En Otra Piel

Novelera, thanks so much for the wonderful bonus recap. I finally got to see the episode and absolutely loved it. (It was a glimpse of how good the whole novela could have been.)

Did enjoy Acero last night. Am trying to decide which new one to watch so will watch it a few times to
decide if I will continue watching. Have not been able
to really get into La Malquerida. Will watch Les Mis for awhile for the same reason.

I watched last night but I really don't think Blanca Soto is very good. Murder, rape, miscarriage in the 1st episode. Decided on El Chivo instead.

En Otra Piel,

Thanks for your fine recaps. I find at this point in the story, I'm more interested in what people here are saying about this one, then the actual recap.

Also, I think Los Miserables has fine source material for a TN. Without changing much or extending much, they could probably get a good 100 episodes! The book is pretty much a Telenovela as is. As I mentioned, I'm a little burnt on the story. It is interesting that the lead will be a heroine (rather than a man), but I expect the Javert character will be a man (although it would be interesting to change both sexes). So it will play in the Telenovela tropes pretty easily. I'll probably read some of the recaps, but as I said don't plan on watching it.

Back to En Otra Piel it is nice to see some closures happening and movement to a resolution, but I'm sure there will be a big Elena move before the finale. (Will it involve the de rigeur empty warehouse? It seems Telemundo has an infinite supply of them.) Things seem to be getting wrapped up too easily. So I'm hoping the next couple of episodes are wild ones.

Who do we think will survive at the end? Lorena? Susana? Geraldo? Monica in another body? They have to bring Adriana back for Diego. Surely not Elena...I think most of the protagonists seem safe at this point (but we'll have to see).

Just a note, I usually watch the episode the next morning, so my comments are always a bit late.


So glad you decided on El Chivo. Ha ha, yes change the job description of the murderer. There was a really good movie about the sisters he murdered in 2010. Saw it on the festival circuit. I think it was called Tiempo de
Sangre. Amazing I can understand Lai. I think the acting is spot on.

EN OTRA PIEL, Wed. Pt. 1

Elena realizes she’s totally screwed, and not in the good way. She tells Pachuco to stick around since she needs him and he needs her. He finally agrees. She takes all the phones away and tells her nearly passed out mother to wait for her. Since Lorena can hardly stand, that shouldn’t be a problem.

Vale tells Gabe about Susanna staying at the pension. He gets a call from Marta about Emi’s improving health.

Ger sits in the office and rehashes convos in his mind about the “pregnancy”. Then he pulls out a gun. Uh oh.

At the hospital, Jorge can’t reach Lorena on the phone and worries that they shouldn’t have left her with Elena the Psychopath. Then he slips about Elena maybe being his daughter and Cami hears. Que!? But he doesn’t want to talk about it. She says it must be ultimos capitulos because everything is coming to light, but she understands why he doesn’t want to talk. (She doesn’t actually mention the ultimos capitulos part, but she must be aware). Later in Emi’s room, Mondriana comforts Cami and assures her that everything will be ok. They just have to wait and be patient, as patient as we’ve been to finally get to this point.

Ger stares at the gun on the desk. Elena gets back to the house that has been left all dark and scary. Ger says hi from the dark and scary doorway of the office, and calmly asks how the pregnancy is going.

Gabe gets to the pensions and yells for Susanna. He asks what’s up with her. She did something horrible and had to quit the mansion. She tells him about spying for Elena.

Elena worriedly asks Ger why so dark? What’s in your hands, amor? A surprise? He holds his hands out. Nada, She asks if he still loves her and he lies. Yep! The only thing he wants is a life with her, without ghosts, without the past. He wants to finish off (remater, which can also mean auction, but that doesn’t quite fit with the atmosphere right now) Monica’s piano. Elena smiles.

Marta gets to Rods and greets the girls who are there. They tell her they’re happy for Emi. Then Marta asks why Eileen is there. She hedges and tells her Rod will have to tell her, and they all leave.

Susi has told Gabe the whole story. She did it for the gifts, to fell like someone elegant, etc. She’s sorry and worried about going to jail. He tells her she screwed up but did the right thing in the end, and in time to help Emi. That’s what counts. This makes her happy-ish.

Diego tells Selma that they didn’t find fingerprints on any of the bottles and they can’t go after Elena because of the whole pesky no-warrant thing.

Elena is ready to go on her honeymoon and spend some of her pregnancy on the beach. But why the rush, amor? Are you fleeing something, asks Ger. He wants to move on with their lives, but without secrets. Then he very unsubtely asks if she gave Emi the same stuff she gave Monica. She’s crazy, but she’s not an idiot. She knows it’s a trap and asks if he’s recording this. She starts to leave but he pulls out the gun to stop her, AND tells her about Monica’s soul being in Adriana’s body. And just then , Mondri, hiding in the secret basement room, hits play to start up some piano music. Elena freaks and demands that he stop the music. It stops. She thinks this is all a game. Music starts again. He tells her it’s not a trick; it’s Monica and she’s angry about something. Elena has “no idea” what she could possibly be mad about. He yells at her, Don’t you remember getting me to marry her, etc? But she’s not falling for this. She cries and tells him to lower the gun. He yells more (he does this a lot), and Mondri plays the music again.


EN OTRA PIEL, Wed. pt. 2

Back at the hospital, they all talk about Emi getting better and suddenly realize that Mondri has been missing for a while.

Rod and Marta are both happy for him. She wants to leave to check on Emi at the hospital, but he asks her to stay. She agrees, but only if he promises not to get depressed if the producer doesn’t call. But no worries! Rod gets it now and if this doesn’t work out, he’ll try something else. She cries with happiness that he’s the guy she used to know. He loves her and wants to get back her love and her trust, what they had before. Can we?

Ger’s lawyer drops something off to the non-Eddie cop to request the exhumation of Monica Serrano.

Elena is still putting on the show of her life. But then Gerardo calls her out on the fake pregnancy and pulls out the drug that Susanna gave him. She looks concerned, but keeps lying and playing innocent. He yells more, this time about her killing his brother among other crimes he mentions. He warns her that she’s not going to hurt anyone else. She’s going to jail, he’s going too, and no one else is getting hurt. She begs him to lower the gun, without losing any control. She’s good.

Jorge still worries about Lorena and gets the address of the apartment from Diego. Selma goes with him while Diego waits at the hospital with Cami and Ric.

Marta worries about how much time they’ve lost, but Ric says it’s the present that matters. They’re in each others arms and are about to kiss, when the sound of music interrupts. They separate and Marta steps out of the room for a minute. Rod goes to the door, and finds Eileen there with the music, trying to help the mood. He’s like, hey, I got this, you can go, and he opens a bottle of champagne. He and Marta toast to a new beginning.

Eddie calls Diego, who is still not an actual cop, about the exhumation request.

Ger is still trying to get Elena to confess to something. She won’t. He goes over some of the things she did, and she cries that she didn’t. She didn’t do anything, her conscience is clean. He demands that she tell him, and she says fine, whatever, she’ll say whatever but don’t hurt her or the baby. He gets close to her and she quietly tells him that a forced confession isn’t worth anything, and then she starts loudly screaming that she’ll say whatever but don’t hurt her, por favor. Now Gerardo is pissed. He tells her she took the love of his life. She killed Monica. Everything of this was over her. Now she crazy screams that SHE’S DEAD! No! Elena. No. She’s more alive than ever. Her body is dead but her soul isn’t. She accuses him of being crazy (ha!), and he says maybe. But he knows that Monica is still around, and that gives him the strength to do what he should have done a long time ago. And Elena gets mad that he’d love a woman old enough to be his mother. Did Monica drive him crazy like she did? No. She made him feel better, a thousand times more than YOU, Elena. She lunges towards him but he still has the gun. She yells insults at him. But she can’t do anything more to him, not now, not ever. There’s only one thing he can do since she ruined the confession: get rid of her. He’s going to jail anyway so what’s one more murder.


EN OTRA PIEL, Wed. Pt. 3

But just then Pachuco enters with his own gun and orders Ger to put it down. Mondri paces in the basement wondering what’s going on. Ger puts the gun down on the couch and Elena picks it up. She wants to be left alone with Ger. Pachuco isn’t sure but she crazy-screams at him to leave. She holds the gun on him now. I did everything for you and you want to kill me now? She got a fortune for him, and he cheated on her with Adriana. But he yells, her name is Monica! Learn it! You fell in love with her, and not my aunt, she says. He laughs. You still don’t get it. It was always her, different face, different body, but it was always her, Monica Serrano! The only woman I loved, the only woman I love, and the only woman I’ll ever love, Monica. She screams, no, you only love me! He’s like no. Get it through your head. The only thing I feel for you is repulsion, pity, get it? PITY! And she SHOOTS! Mondri hears this.

He bleeds, falls down, and Elena screams NOOOOOOOOOOO! And Mondri worries but doesn’t run out of the secret room. Elena is screaming for Gerardo, which gets Pachuco running back in. He grabs her and carries her out of the house while she deafens Pachuco with her screaming for Ger.

The girls are talking at the pension with Gabe about Eileen’s “serenade”. She’s patting herself on the back. Gabe thanks her for everything she’s done for them and for Jennifer. The girls leave while Susanna stands behind them looking sad.

Marta and Rod dance and OMIGOD they finally kiss! Marta backs away, but Rod smooth talks her and they kiss more. They lost 20 years but they’ll have more. Rod says the world can fall as long as he has her.

But that’s it for happiness. We’re back at the house where Mondri has finally made it upstairs. Ger tells her about the camera. Mondri cries and tells him he has to live, mi amor. He’s happy because she called him “mi amor”. Can she forgive him? His confession is in the safe of the studio. She tries to get him to stay strong.

Jorge and Selma get to the apartment and see Lorena, and the doorman tells them if it’s not an emergency, he’s calling the cops. Jorge is fine with that. They see Lorena on the floor and get her up. Jorge asks the security guy to call someone, which is probably more help than Gerardo is getting.

He’s content though. He can see her soul. He asks for her forgiveness for everything that he’s done. She forgives him with all her heart. He was telling the truth when he said he loved her. He loved her, he loves her like no one else. But tell me, did you love me? She cries yes, with all my soul. He gets to dies happy, and she sobs over him.

So that’s one more down. Three to go. I vote Pachuco and Elena to jail, because that would be more miserable for them that death, and Lorena to purgatory so Monica can have her body and start fixing that liver. Despite the slow bits, I still liked this show. But it’s nice to see things finally coming together for the good guys.



El chivo


In the opening, can you tell what is being thrown over the cliff?

I saw the movie about the Mirabel sisters that the regime supposedly had murdered. It was "En el tiempo de las mariposas". It was very good, with Salma Hayak & Demian Bichir. I checked the cast list & it had Chacorta in it as Pedrito, although I don't remember his character, been a while since I saw it.

I like to watch the TN w/o captions & then rewatch on the computer with captions, if I have time but this one doesn't have captions online, so I really miss a recap.

En Otra Piel
Thanks so much Kelly for this and all your other great recaps of this novela. I don't think I liked it as much as you but I am glad that at least in últimos capitulos, things are finally happening.

I haven't watched the capitulo yet, I recap Reina on Weds. but I am actually looking forward to it. So Gerardo is dead and Elena still hasn't confessed anything. I wonder what will happen on tonight's episode?

En Otra Piel

Great recap, Kelly. Many thanks. Loved "She says it must be ultimos capitulos because everything is coming to light." Yes, Cami, that's what's supposed to happen in últimas semanas, but this novela has been in últimas semanas for ages, and it has only now realized that something is supposed to happen. Oh well....

I finally stopped watching this novela a couple of weeks ago, so I've been totally dependent on the recaps. Many many thanks once again, Kelly.

En Otra Piel

great job Kelly!

"Camila says it must be ultimos capitulos because everything is coming to light"

I was wondering if Geraldo and Monica set this all up to fake his death and was watching for him to jump up after Elena left but I guess blood running out of your mouth from a chest wound is not a good sign.

did Elena see the camera, nice touch that Geraldo left his confession.

Monica, always the kind, generous, forgiving person, even when taking down the bad guys, I guess she really did love Geraldo.

So Elena is now on the run?


En Otra Piel

Thanks, Kelly, for an excellent recap. I was surprised that they didn't start the episode off with a repeat of Emi calling Monica "Mommy". I was also surprised that Elena never openly stated who betrayed her (Susana) nor did she threaten her. And so far Lorena is still alive.

I was expecting Gerardo's death since his character died in the original. Just glad he was able to give his statement to the police (via his lawyer) about Monica Serrano and also leave his confession for Monica.

Now that Elena confessed all her crimes to her mother, not sure if there's a need for Pachuco except to clarify what happened in Mexico. It'll be interesting to see what happens to him.

spanish student

En Otra Piel

"He gets to dies happy, and she sobs over him....So that’s one more down."

Now that's why I love a Kelly recap. Getting sappy? Snap out of it!

En Otra Piel

Thanks, Kelly. You got lots of good snark in there! Cami saying it was últimos capítulos was so sly and funny.

I was pretty sure Gerardo was going to die. I was expecting him to die more nobly, saving Mondriana or someone else from Elena.

The only thing that bothered me about his scene with Elena was this: Did they ever show him finding out they'd discovered the type of poison and the antidote for Emiliana? I don't think so. If he didn't know, then his failing to go along with Mondriana's plan for him to woo Elena and get the name of the poison was pretty bad writing.

Anyway, maybe I'm sappy, but I completely bought that Gerardo loved Mónica in whatever body she inhabited and she loved him back. The way they developed the plot, Gerardo started out wooing as a gigolo and fell for the wonderful woman he'd been asked to set up.

I have liked this novela. I liked all the actors. I realize it took forever for Elena to be revealed as a monster, but that's not that uncommon in telenovelas.

The scene with Marta and Rodrigo was very enjoyable and well acted by this pair of pros. It's always a treat when they, rarely, show mature people feeling passionate.

I'm expecting some kind of big showdown between Mondriana and Elena.

I'm worried about Emi. Supposing Adriana gets her body back, Emi ends up losing her mother twice.

"Señora Acero"

hmm, there are some interesting similarities with this production to "La Reina del Sur" (both created by Roberto Stopello)

and there are an assortment of interesting characters,

Arap Bethke as 'Muñeco' Cruz looked all the more psychotic (has he been practicing all this time) but alas he was even too much for the other characters who have killed him off already.

Aurelio Casillas is looking really out of place here, like he lost his way from the other set.

Iñaki Goci (my favorite henchman to Arnulfo in "Camelia la Texana") is our new bad guy's henchman (Indio is it, now missing two fingers, did the doctor hand them back to him in a jar) and his seriousness still makes me want to laugh.

Arturo Barba (Turco in "Cielos") as Junio, brother to Vicente (Blanca's new husband)

and Mariana Acero, Junio's wife (and bad girl), played by Rossana San Juan who was Carmen Villalobos' mother in "Mi Corazón Insiste".

and yet to come "Andrés Palacios" (who was Facundo- Camelia's cop boyfriend, in "Camelia la Texana".

and so the story goes,
Vicente marries Sara (Blanca) but is killed at the wedding, Sara is kidnapped, but wait, he was wearing a bullet proof vest and lives, and Sara escapes, to be captured again, losing her unborn baby, is then rescued by Vicente who later gets captured and killed for real in front of Sara who followed.

so Vicente managed to steal $3 million from the bad guys but now he is dead so where is the money?, all eyes are on Sara who says "I dunno".


Deb, thank you for the info on Senora Acero. I sort of like
it so far but don't know much Spanish so understanding
what's going on is difficult. For some reason I really like
novelas but stopped watching soap operas many years

Sorry cannot tell what is going over the cliff. I watch with the Closed captioning in espanol. I have never recapped before. Would love to try, but am working about 13 hours/day right now and going on vacation soon. I also saw the Selma Hayak version of the Mariposaa and it was good. I do believe it was true that he had the girls killed, maybe 3 of 4 sisters' not sure. I believe the novela is taking some poetic licence with the time line of the Trujillo life, marriages, etc.
Thanks for the communication about this novels.

En Otra Piel – Jueves - Parte Uno

We start where we left off with Gerardo dying happy to the sounds of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.

Jorge and Selma sober Lorena up. They ask her to tell them what she knows.

Eddie and Diego arrive at the Serrano house. Mondriana tells them that Elena shot Gerardo and escaped with Pachuco. Mondriana tells Gerardo's body that she hopes he finds peace.

Diego calls Selma and passes on the news. Selma tells Jorge and Lorena.

At the Serrano house Eddie finally meets Mondriana. He wants to ask her questions. Diego persuades Eddie to wait until later.

Diego calls Ric and Cami and passes on the news.

Eddie wants Mondriana to come to station but then he lets her come the next day.

Jorge and Selma ask Lorena to tell them everything about Elena so that they can catch her. She tells them that Elena is a criminal who killed Mónica Serrano, Vicky and many others and almost killed Emiliana.

Pachuco brings Elena to a crummy room. She seems kind out of it. She says that it was really Adriana who killed Gerardo.

Lorena tells Selma that Elena ordered the murder of Esteban. Selma has cara de impactada. Lorena asks for forgiveness. Jorge says that there were too many crimes. If Lorena had spoken sooner, some of his could have been avoided. Selma says that Elena has to pay for her crimes.

Elena is sitting on the bed rocking back and forth like a crazy person.

Mondriana watches the video of Gerardo's confession.

It's 5 days later. Emiliana is learning to walk again. She can go home. The doctor says that were no after effects of the poison. He says that it was like an angel was wathing over her. Emi replies that there was an angel watching over her – her mother.

Eileen casually mentions to Rod that the producer wants to sign the contract on Monday. Rod can't believe it.

Eddie and Diego are in the bar. Elena is still missing. Eddie thinks she left town. Diego is not so sure. He thinks that she wants revenge. Eddie replies that is more difficult – she no longer has any resources.

Gerardo's grave already has a tombstone. Mondriana has brought flowers. She says that Gerardo redeemed himself in the end. She tells him to rest in peace. Mondriana tells Selma that she and Gerardo had a tragic love with a few good times. We see Elena watching in a perfect disguise – no make up.

Eddie tells Diego that Rottweiler confessed and told the police that Pachuco confessed to killing Adriana's brother in Mexico. That will help Diego.

En Otra Piel – Jueves - Parte Dos

Selma and Elena leave the cemetery. Elena is watching.

Emi comes home from the hospital to surprise party and takes a few steps. Group hug. Eileen asks for an, “abrazo de reconciliación,” “reconciliation hug” from Cami.

Elena puts a black rose on Ger's grave. Says that she will avenge his death.

Pachuco is sneaking around grounds of the Serrano house. [What happened to the extra guards that Cami is supposed to have hired?]

Mondriana and Selma arrive at Emi's welcome home party. Mondriana tells Cami to forgive and not to harbor resentment. Cami points out correctly that a lot of suffering could have been avoided if Lorena had talked. Mondriana gives a passionate defense of mothers protecting their children no matter what. But you don't have any children, says Cami.

Pachuco knocks out Gabe, grabs Emi and leaves a note.

Jorge tells Selma that he only loved Mónica in her other body, not the one she is in now so he is not jealous of Mondriana going to Gerardo's grave. Selma says that knowing that Esteban was murdered helps her end that chapter of her life. Jorge says that he will be with her to help her. Eileen is listening to this.

More advice from Mondriana to Cami – don't be so trusting but don't be bitter either. She gives the example of Elena who was eaten up by resentment. Cami says that Mondriana reminds her so much of her mother.

Jorge says that he doesn't care if Elena is his daughter. She will have to pay for her crimes anyway. Selma agrees. Jorge says he likes being around Selma. She replies that she likes being around him and they can get together for coffee when he is town. Jorge tells that he is only taking a short trip to Australia. He will move back to LA to be near something that he cares about. Eileen is listening.

Pachuco has taken Emi to the lake house.

Ric tells Cami that he got a scholarship to Berkeley for his last year. Cami is happy that he can complete his dream. She is very proud of him. Diego arrives at the party. Mondriana says that her daughter is safe now thanks to him. She says that she made a promise to him and Adriana. They will dig up the dije tonight so that he can be back with his Adriana. Diego asks if she wants to spend some happy time with her daughters. Mondriana says truthfully that he is the most incredibly noble guy. Her life is over and she has to accept it. Her phone rings. It's Elena calling to say that Mondriana should come alone to the lake house or she will kill Emi.

Mondriana leaves the party without saying anything, goes to the secret room and gets a syringe and an ampoule.

Diego thinks something is fishy. Lorena arrives at the party and asks to see Emi.

Ric and Cami find Gabriel. Cami runs to the house and tells everyone that Gab is unconscious and Emi is gone.

Elena tells Emi that she poisoned her and that she is just the bait for Mondriana whom she will kill.

It's been a pleasure recapping this novela with Novelera and Kelly.


En Otra Piel,
So we'll get the last stand-off between Elena and Modriana tonight.

I have to say I'm a little disappointed with how they are resolving this show. I like how things are turning out, but I expected a bit more fireworks (so to speak), especially from a show with a soul swapping as the premise. I guess one should just be glad for some happiness the characters are getting.

Thanks to Jean, Novelera, and Kelly for sticking with this one through the tough patches! Your recaps were wonderful and much appreciated.

Got my popcorn ready for the last two capitulos!

Wonderful recap of the antepenultimate [snort] episode!

"We see Elena watching in a perfect disguise – no make up."

Thanks to Novelera, Novelera, Novelera, Jean and Kelly for keeping this one going. I watched the intriguing beginning of the novela but got turned off by the violent subplots in Mexico. Without your terrific recaps, I wouldn't have enjoyed the past couple of weeks nearly as much.

En Otra Piel

thanks so much Jean,
for this, and all of your wonderful recaps!

so Diego concludes Pachuco IS working for Elena, this guy has been plodding along putting the pieces together from the beginning.

5 days later, this was strange, what about Adriana's meeting with Eddie, what about..., what about...,

also strange is how Jorge's crush on Monica was only in the other body, what?, and don't they go on to talk about how Geraldo was able to love her in two different bodies, strange conversation.

Eileen is like cupid, fluttering around with her bow and arrows.

we see that Pachuco is dressed as a security guard, but how convenient that no one notices that he grabbed Emi until Elena can make her call to Monica so she can leave alone, I wonder what the note says.

hmm, who knows about the lake house, Geraldo knows, maybe he'll be there.

and I wonder what Monica has with the syringe, it can't be Elena's mysterious poison or she could have used it earlier to find a cure for Emi, eh?, or maybe it is what Elena used on her to make her heart explode.

and does the good guy ever kill the bad guy?

I was wondering why Pachuco didn't just take off since Elena has no more resources but I guess she gave him a key to a safe deposit box, or something, that has money in it but now he seems worried that it doesn't and she is just trying to get rid of him, not sure if he left or not.


"Señora Acero"

how bad can it be?

Sara gets away from slimy Felipe, but alas her 5 minutes are up and she wasn't able to get any clothes or things from her house as the police have confiscated everything.

Junio (is this short for junior) tells her she is not alone, and later goes to see Felipe (who is "Presidente Municipal de Tijuana, padrino de Salvador, esposo de Josefina Aguilar y cuñado de Sara Aguilar, and boinking Junio's wife Mariana, who is working with Indio) and after a slug fest and double knee to the groin it's a double knock down.

Sara goes to stay at Junio's place, (Mariana thinks she is there to steal her husband) but the police arrive and confiscate everything, the federal police also arrive (under Felipe's orders) and arrest Junio who is put in a cell with a camera feed to his office, (but Mariana manages to grab her hot line to Indio cell phone she has stashed in the piano)

Sara (who has no money) then goes to pick up a junker car at a garage with keys Junio gave her then off to her sisters house, who hates her and blames her for everything, while a rock with a warning is thrown through the front window, so she can't stay there.

somewhere in here Sara visits Junio in jail and Felipe/Mariana hear that he knows where there is some money, so they let him go the next day.

Sara steals a sandwich from a small store so Salvador can eat but he doesn't like that kind, and they spend the night in the car.

but wait, two of Indio's guys show up to grab them, she gets the car going with one guy hanging on, rams another car and kills him, the brother vows revenge.

they head over to a race track where they seem to know a horse there and spend the rest of the night in a stall with horse blankets.

after a call from the now free Junio, they meet and he gives her the address where the money is, (Salvador is dropped off with her mom) and she goes alone, followed by 2 fingers Indio and gang, but inside the apartment she is met by Felipe...


En Otra Piel

Thanks so much, Jean, for all your splendid recaps, including this one.

I've thought for some time that Jorge and Selma were likely to wind up together, but I was still nonetheless surprised at Jorge's saying that he loved Monica Serrano, but only in her other body. Somehow, that strikes me as really crass and not at all in keeping with Jorge.

En Otra Piel

Thanks so much, Jean. I also loved the "no makeup" disguise.

Elena, the queen of denial, has convinced herself that Mondriana killed Gerardo instead of doing it herself.

I'm not happy they went with Emi being snatched up and scared some more. I expected a showdown between Elena and Mondriana but not that they'd go back to the Emi torture again.

I can't tell you how disappointed I was that Pacho didn't get to go straight for Pachuco's throat!

I'm trying to figure out how they're going to fill two episodes with the showdown, though. Or maybe they're going to have the last episode Monday be all about Diego and Adriana and/or Rick graduating from law school, birth of Jen and Gabe's baby, etc.

Jorge and Selma make a great couple. Juanita, it didn't bother me that Jorge said he only loved her in her other body. To me this showed Jorge as the rare 50-something guy who is more drawn to a woman of his own generation than a young one with a perfect body.

En Otra Piel

Thanks Jean. I also laughed at the "no makeup" remark. Fortunately her makeup days will soon be over.

I'm hoping that the writers want Emi at the lake house so that, upon hearing Monica reveal her true identity, she'll somehow muster enough courage and energy to help bring Elena down. Even with limited mobility she's a pretty strong ally for Mondriana. Or, and this is just wishful thinking, but perhaps Pacho can follow Emi's scent and stop Elena before harm is done.

Looks like we'll have to wait until after they fast forward a few years before we see Eileen with her perfect guy. She deserves it.

spanish student

Thank you again, Deb. I really like Sara even though some people think the actress can't act.


At the Lake House Emiliana is very brave. Elena is leaning over her, but Emi tells her that she envied her mother for her talent and she envies Mondriana for her beauty. Elena shrieks at this. Emi goes on to say that it’s apparently not that hard to take a man from Elena. “Is it, nutcase! Especially for someone called Mónica!” After this Emi is gagged.

Mondriana tries to sneak up on the Lake House, but Pachuco grabs her.

Gabriel comes to on the sofa in the mansion. Even though he’s been unconscious for more than a half hour, they don’t take him to the hospital! They find a note saying that Emi will die if they call the police.

Elena asks Pachuco to leave her alone with Mondriana. She points a pistol at her. She reveals more of her narcissism by saying that Adriana is brave to have come and only a superior person can kill someone at her level. Elena goes on to say that Mondriana is going to be dead and that Emiliana will be giving her body to men in a place like that where she worked. Mondriana lunges at her, furious.

Back at the mansion Diego figures it out. He says Elena is behind Emi’s kidnapping and doubtless the one who called Mondriana.

Mondriana begins to talk to Elena, the gun still pointed at her face. She asked why she turned out the way she did. She mentions the day Elena burned the doll.

Camila goes OFF on Lorena. She tells her that, if she hadn’t been such a mess in her youth, her mother wouldn’t have had to take Elena in. Camila tells her that all the bad things happened because Lorena kept quiet.

At the Lake House Elena gets behind Mondriana and says she’s dreamed of this moment since she found out Gerardo was going to bed with her. Mondriana tells her thanks for this time giving her a quick death. “You killed me before, injecting me in the neck, confessing how much you hated me, and threatened my children while I was dying.” Elena starts to look scared. “How did you find that out? There wasn’t anyone else there.”

Mondriana: “Don’t you recognize me, nenuca? That’s what Julián and I called you when you arrived, until you said you didn’t like it any more.” Mondriana tells her to call her by her real name: Mónica Serrano. Elena starts screaming that she killed her. Mondri says she returned to punish her. Elena starts to definitely freak out. Then she bucks up and says that she killed her once and she’ll do it again.

In the other room at the Lake House, Emi is very scared Moni will die. She falls off the chair and Elena turns her head at the sound. Mondri quickly injects her in the neck.

Diego is arguing with Jorge, who wants to wait for a ransom demand. He hears Pacho barking and gets a great idea. He gets the dog on a leash and tells him to find Emi.

At the Lake House Elena asks what Mondriana injected her with. Mondri replies that it was the same venom that she used on Emi. Elena is extremely scared, but she tries to reassure herself by saying that Mónica Serrano was incapable of killing anyone. Mondriana says that Elena herself changed that person. She recites the long list of Elena’s crimes.

Elena passes out. When she wakes up Mondriana waves another syringe in front of her, telling her it’s the antidote. If Elena lets Emiliana go and confesses her crimes, she’ll give her the antidote.


Pacho brings Diego to the Lake House. He crouches down and calls Selma saying he’s sure Emi is inside. He has her make note of Eddie’s phone number and to give him a call.

Elena admits to Mondriana that she killed Mónica Serrano and that she enjoyed it immensely. Pachuco starts to go inside the house when Diego jumps him. Diego proceeds to give Pachuco a very, very satisfying beat down. We hear the sirens, and Diego wisely raises his hands. Eddie rushes over, yelling at the other cops that Diego is one of the good guys.

Mondriana has gone in and hugs Emiliana. Emi says she heard everything. They embrace while Emi calls her “Moni…Mamá…Moni…Mamá.

Elena begs Mondriana for the antidote. SHE doesn’t want to be paralyzed. [Oh, this is rich!] She doesn’t want to die. Mondriana tells her she only gave her a mild sedative. She tells Elena to relax. She won’t die, but she will spend the rest of her life in jail. Elena lunges at Mondri, but Eddie holds her back. As they are escorting her toward the police car Camila runs up, slaps her hard, and starts yelling at her. Elena taunts her some and laughs maniacally as she’s hauled off by the cops.

Emi walks out of the bedroom under her own power, hugs Mondriana. But Mondriana faints dead away.

At the police station, the cops call Elena Señora Suárez. She hears a piano playing in her head.

At the hospital Diego tells Selma what happened isn’t fair. He and Adriana did the right thing. He tells Selma that Elena didn’t do anything to Mondriana. Once she saw her daughter safe, she just passed out. Diego tells her that Mónica has to come to the beach with him so they can dig up the dije and so Adriana can return.

Grumpy cop works on Pachuco. He reminds him that he confessed to murdering Ernesto to an undercover cop. Plus Rottweiler ratted him out. He asks him to tell what Elena ordered him to do so he won’t have to go straight to solitary. Looks like Pachuco is going to cave.

Meanwhile Eddie is interviewing Elena. She hears the piano in her head again, but she seems to think Eddie is playing it to get her to talk.

Camila is trying to get Emi to become excited about Australia. But Emi says she won't leave Mónica. Camila asks why she heard Emi calling Mondriana Mamá. Emiliana at first says Camila won’t believe it. But then she tells her that her mother came back in the body of Adriana Aguilar.

Lucas shows up at the mansion with some accounts and also the DNA results for Jorge. Jorge opens the envelope, but I guess they’re saving that answer for Monday.

Elena’s lawyer is advising her to plead insanity, but she starts screaming that she’s not crazy.

Dr. Rojas comes out to tell Diego and Selma that Mondriana is in a coma.

Señora Acero"... Friday epi 4

(or the Sara and son Salvador road show)

Sara tossed the address to the vacant apartment, picked up by Felipe who beats her there and finds the money, not the $3 million he needs to finance his campaign for Senator but only $200,000, and now he plans to strangle Sara and leave a sign like the cartel did it, but she has a gun, and Indio and friends have every exit blocked, shooting his chauffeur,

he wrangles the gun from Sara and leaves her locked in the apartment,

Sara, remembering things Comandante Acero (her late husband) taught her, burns all of the money so it looks like there is none and says Junio told her about this place where she could stay, but Indio isn't buying it and has grabbed her son Salvador and brought him to the party, so Sara spills keeping the psycho brother (Capi ?) of the guy she killed last night at bay. Indio now is ok with this (knowing eyes watching the money burn in the fireplace) while Capi finds Felipe on the roof, shoots him and recovers his brothers gun that Sara had.

they drag the wounded Felipe off while Sara and Salvador jump in their car and scram, but being stalked by Capi in Felipe's car with the dead driver, bullet hole in his forehead.

Meanwhile (you-are-not-alone) Junio has fainted, found by his wife Mariana in the driveway is taken to the hospital where he later finds out he has multiple sclerosis with 2 months to live.

Indio has Felipe hanging upside down with his shoulder wound while Tiburon beats on him, finally he gives, but lets make a deal, I wanted the money to campaign for Senator, then for Governor and someday President, I can do good things for you, Indio cracks him in the chest with a baseball bat and says welcome to the cartel, you've earned yourself another life.

Sara visits Junio in the hospital and tell him what happened, he says you need to leave town for awhile.

Sara sells her wedding ring that Salvador says cost (was it) 60,000 pesos for only 5,000 pesos, mostly because Salvador says he's hungry, but at the restaurant they see Capi looking for them and scram, but he is smashing their car with another baseball bat, so it's off in a taxi.

at a church they are praying for help and overhear how they can get a ride to Guadalajara, and all is well, but stalker Capi spots them.

Felipe gets ahold of his guys and gets taken home where a doctor awaits, he doesn't want anyone to see him like this, politics and all, gets patched up a bit but is laying low, Mariana I guess is his secretary and taking notes to cancel his appointments, they talk about him being senator, and he has picked his successor as Presidente Municipal de Tijuana, Mariana, hmm, she is warming up to the idea, but he says you have to lose the Acero last name, you have to divorce Junio...


En Otra Piel:
Thanks for the great recap, Novelera. It was weird, though. Mondriana really wanted Elena to confess to murdering her even though there is already enough evidence to send her to prison for life and dragging it out like that put both Mondriana and Emi in danger from Pachuco. It was like she had to have that personal satisfaction [and tell Elena who she really was].

Cami's screaming at and attacking Elena was way over the top. Have a little dignity woman! Even Emi, a kid, had more self control.

I can't see what they are going to do on Monday's capitulo. Even this one dragged, I kept expecting the credits to run but no, it was another commercial. Are they going to have tons of meses y años despues, tons of Diego and Adriana being happy, Diego digging like a dog under every palm tree in LA?

Poor Emi - she is going to lose her mother again. She seems to be the most emotionally stable of everyone, though.

And yes, Eileen had better be shown with a hot guy in the meses/años despues or I am going to hate this novela more than I do already!

Novelera, thanks for yet another terrific recap. You've got a real gift for expressing everything important wonderfully succinctly.

Jean, I too kept wondering what was being left for Monday. I suppose that we'll see more of Elena's craziness and probably her being committed to a manicomio. I'm not sure, though, that that's a sufficiently horrible fate for her. And yes, I agree, we'll probably fill up the hour with scenes of Diego searching for the dijo, plus more scenes of Diego and Adriana together again. Plus the wedding of Camila and Ricardo. Yawn. And, I suppose, Vale and Eddie and perhaps Maite and Anselmo. Yawn. And maybe even Selma and Jorge.

I'm glad I decided to watch Friday's episode, rather than wait until what looks like Monday's Grand Anticlimax. I hope I'm wrong. Given my prediction average, that's a good possibility.

I've been thinking a bit more about my predictions for Monday, and I've realized that they sound very much like the ending of a typical Univision novela (bad guys vanquished, lots of weddings, and the good guys living Happily Ever After). The few novelas I've seen on Telemundo have tended not to follow that pattern. So perhaps there's hope.

Great recap, Deb. I'm starting to get the relationships
straight. Thank you.

En Otra Piel

I actually liked last night's episode. I do agree that they probably didn't need to have two whole nights of finishing things up.

Jean, I agree about Camila. the actress needs to work on her anger scenes. She just overdoes it in a voice that is so annoying one is tempted to mute the TV.

I enjoyed the scenes between Mondriana and Elena. I liked the psychological payback Elena got. Mondriana made her completely buy in to being face to face with her murdered auntie. I was pretty sure Mondriana hadn't really injected her with that Chinese poison, but it was great fun watching Elena squirm and ultimately beg for an antidote.

And I backed up the recording and watched Pachuco get the crap kicked out of him a second time!

En Otra Piel

thanks so much novelera,
another wonderful recap!

I liked how Monica was working Elena over, and how the persistent Diego was there to help, and I loved how Camila whacked Elena and I wanted to see more, let her go Jorge.

I had thought earlier that the perfect punishment for Elena was that piano playing in the background, and so it is.

and Emiliana sure is good at being good, an all around wonderful loving person, and now the family has her trapped at home.

and the doctor could find nothing wrong with Monica, (of course he could find nothing wrong with Emi either) she just slipped into a coma, hmm, perhaps we need a second opinion from dr. shaman.

I'm kind of liking the 3-day gran final.


"Señora Acero"

thanks Anonymous,
looks like it is just you and me.

they are throwing out a lot of stuff that is going over my head so any additions are appreciated.

for some reason I'm getting interested in this, it's Quirky,
and a lot of the narco violence stuff is done in a way that makes me laugh.
(maybe from Miguel Varoni being a director)

slimy Felipe seems to fall into this thing like cocaine PePe from "El Señor de los Cielos" and was just asking for a good beating.

Sara and son Salvador seem to be on the same level and just go together so well, neither has a clue.

(an interesting scene where Indio visits Salvador late at night in the car while Sara is stealing a sandwich and gives him a hand held video game, cops and robbers, which later falls out the window in a quick get-away and is run over)

and nasty sister Berta (Luciana Silveira) I remember from "Rosa Diamante" as her fathers slimy girlfriend.

and who is the most interesting (and possibly the most moral character), 'El Indio' Amaro, he has an outdoor office surrounded by mountains of junk cars, and he conducts his business in his own ethical way, he executed Vicente because he stole from him, and got rid of Muneco because he was a distasteful psycho, but he walked away from Sara who had just cut off two of his fingers because he didn't have a beef with her, and when Sara killed his guy he gave the widow $20,000, and this time with Sara, after she told him the truth about the money he walked away again, and he keeps his word..

(and now with two fingers and a thumb in his one tight black glove, he is walking around giving everyone the peace sign)

and Tiburon (is it) his right hand guy, bungled so many things in "Camelia la Texana" that I just can't take him seriously.

and this Capi guy driving around looking for Sara with this dead guy sitting next to him, ha!

and the music plays on like it's "la Reina del Sur".

some of the cast:
Vicente Acero, comandante de la PGR, married 1st show to Sara, father to Salvador, killed by Indio, (accused of stealing $3 million from Indio)
Junio Acero, younger ?? brother of Vicente, married to Mariana

Sara, mother to Salvador
Josefina, clueless sister, married to Felipe
Carlota, mother
Jose, not sure
Berta, nasty sister

Mariana, married to Junio, secretary to Felipe (has cell phone connection to Indio)

Felipe Murillo (Marco Pérez) - Presidente Municipal de Tijuana, padrino de Salvador, esposo de Josefina Aguilar y cuñado de Sara Aguilar.

Rodriguez, top local cop (works for Indio)
Lopez, top federal cop (works under Felipe)


Carlos Ponce is going to be in a comedy on ABC

Here is the trailer

Deb, you are so nice! The new info helps a lot. I was wondering the same thing as to whether or not we are the only ones watching. I can't wait for the appearance of
that gorgeous actor from Camellia who will be Sara's
love interest. I don't care if the storyline is silly if I like
the characters. Again, muchas gracias.

I am watching but not that invested. I read the recaps every day. Elchivo anyone?

I'm watching El chivo. I much prefer the historical stuff

Jean, I too kept wondering what was being left for Monday. I suppose that we'll see more of Elena's craziness and probably her being committed to a manicomio.... And yes, I agree, we'll probably fill up the hour with scenes of Diego searching for the dijo, plus more scenes of Diego and Adriana together again. Plus the wedding of Camila and Ricardo. Yawn. And, I suppose, Vale and Eddie and perhaps Maite and Anselmo. Yawn. And maybe even Selma and Jorge.

After last week's indication that Monica and Gerardo are 'soul mates,' I'm now leaning toward an ending where they reunite in the afterlife.

After all the things that Gerardo did (and didn't), I have a hard time believing Monica could be so enraptured by him, but what do I know?

Sue in TN

Senora Acero

I love this TN, thanks for doing the recap I could not keep up with who was who.

Soto definitely went to the same acting classes as Marlene Favela -the way both of them point their head up and stand slightly sideways when they want to show indignation.

Carlos Ponce in new show thank you for the clip, but again anothr miscast here, he is suave, handsome, he needs to play a role along those lines. But it's great to see him.


There's a ton still left to sort out! The souls all need to get rearranged, and, um, well that's it really. Fix the souls.

Given Gerardo's wussiness, he doesn't deserve eternity with Monica. He can have Lorena. Then Monica gets her body, Adriana gets her body back, and everyone is happy (except for people who don't deserve happy).

But I'd like to see them do some thing different than the wedding ending. No one is wedding-ready except maybe Rodrigo and Marta, and weddings have been nothing but trouble. Maybe end on a citizenship ceremony for Maite, Vale, Adriana and Diego. Can't wait!


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